confusedreety · 5 years
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BEHOLD late halloween pieces, ocs as characters that inspired their designs and/or personalities
grimma (skullkid - loz majora’s mask)
nat (2b - nier: automata)
rundola (dr. mordin solus - mass effect)
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icescreamaree · 4 years
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//shrug emoji//
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lockawayknight · 3 years
ooh tagged by @yellowfingcr in a cool quiz!! this one was super interesting ty ty ;0;
what ethereal vibe do you give off?
🐇creighton’s result: angel
(all eyes are always fixed on you every time you enter a room. no matter what colour your wings are, you embody that colourful aura and everyone is drawn to you. you may not be one for too many words, but your eyes convey many feelings with just one look. be a little obsessed with yourself, I promise you it's ok)
🐉magerold’s result: woodland fairy
(so heartbreakingly selfless, it's enchanting to everyone around you, especially strangers. you are loved, adored, by everyone who gets to know you well and gets to call you their friend. sprinkle a little pixie dust on your loaf of bread and have a heavenly day you lovely creature)
⚔️ornifex’s result: shapeshifter
(you adapt to situations and people rather quickly, and you pull it off so effortlessly, how sexy of you. still a little closed off, much to your many admirers' dismay. you could probably carry around a tiny blade strapped to your thigh and nobody would question it. in fact I think the drooling and gawking might increase by 30% at least)
🥀navlaan’s result: 300 year old vampire
(you've lived through the 80s- you're pretty sure you've seen it all. wandering around the world aimlessly, you're kinda tired of everyone gawking at your otherworldly, dark beauty every time you round a corner, so you tend to leave humans alone. and yet you feel the need to use your wisdom and guide those who are lost in the world. you're pretty chill but also will bust a tear at the mere sight of a sunrise or sunset)
tagging!!: @grimoirerat (grim & rundola) & @meowzerswowzers (ren & kani)!!
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Cutting it pretty close to the extended deadline on @neoart-exchanges due to work eviscerating me, but here’s a Rundola for @confusedreety lookin a little spooky and since I could glean from his tag that he’s somewhat associated with medicine, how could I not draw him as the reanimator?
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grobleen · 6 years
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@confusedreety Rundola, up late with cold coffee.
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confusedreety · 6 years
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what am i even doing at this point
resident evil 4 but with my neos. loved this game but it has some campy writing lmao.
nat gets to be leon and escort mission grimma as ashely constantly, rundola is unfortunately luis/sera, zeka gets to be every villain
(in case my writings not very legible
#1 : “help!! natalie, help! aaaaahh help! natalie!” “yeah, this may as well just happen at this point”
#2 : “hey nat, i conveniently forgot the cure! im gonna go back and get it, then immediately and anti-climatically die!” “what the fuck rundola....”
#3 : “ive sent my right hand to dispose of you!” “your right hand comes off?” ) [original: x ]
(tagging @gelertassassin )
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confusedreety · 6 years
48 & 52-55 for grimma and zeka!! (rundola too if u want :,3c)
my two most awful gremlins!! ty!
48: How would your character type? 
lmao if you can imagine it, he’d type like a mixture of scottish twitter posts and key-smashing and XD emoticons.
“akshdskajdJKHDA omfg cheers m8 yer a real laff xD”
52: How would your character act in gym class? 
he tries so hard but is so bad ajhdksd A for Effort, grimma. trips and falls in track and field, sent to the nurses office after getting sniped in dodge ball, misses every single swing in baseball, nearly snaps a leg cross-country skiing.
53: What clubs would your character join? 
DRAMA lmao more specifically, he’d probably join improv. from what i witnessed of my highschool improv team, he seems like he’d thrive lol
54: What is the saddest thing about your character’s life? 
oh god the poor boy just wants to be accepted and have friends, he wants to BE somebody and to feel he matters. he leaves home with those goals in mind. the saddest thing is that he never gets these things–his friends always leave (either because of him or of their own volition), he’s perpetually an outcast and despite his best efforts he somehow always messes his chances up. he never gets to be somebody, never gets to be a hero, and is ultimately just another casualty. no happy ending. and to boot, his mother will never know why her son didn’t come home :c
55: Would your character do the Ice Bucket Challenge? 
oh absolutely, he’d do it even if it wasn’t a thing lol
48: How would your character type? 
the thought of zeka using a computer and having internet access scares me lol her typing style would probably be pretty inconsistent, switching between like ajhdjakshd casual chat/keysmashing typing and formal correct grammar and shit in the same sentence. pretty reflective of her personality lol
52: How would your character act in gym class?
no mercy!! its kill or be killed in this gym class. rules are only suggestions. she’s probably the one who sniped grimma and sent him the nurse during dodge ball (and thought it was hilarious).
53: What clubs would your character join? 
probably science club (alchemy club if magic is a thing?), cause she’s into that kinda stuff. she might also join student council or something since she likes having power.
54: What is the saddest thing about your character’s life? 
maybe the saddest thing about zeka’s life is her immortality curse? she’s immortal but she’s cursed to be a rotting corpse more or less (think barbossa and his crew in the first potc), so she’s not technically…alive? and she’s not a heartless psychopath, she’s fully capable of forming relationships and loving friends and partners. but since she’s immortal she’ll have to watch them die. there’s no way for her to stop this cycle of losing loved ones, except to close herself off from forming relationships/bonds altogether.
55: Would your character do the Ice Bucket Challenge? 
she a petty binch, she’d not do it just cause it’s a charity.
now for rundola too!
48: How would your character type? 
like Your Dad Using Facebook basically lol also lots of ellipses. i dont feel like rundola would be very computer savvy or type much outside of work related stuff.
52: How would your character act in gym class? 
he doesnt wanna be there! please don’t pass him the ball! Rundola would rather have extra homework than be forced to participate in gym class. if he gets hit in dodge ball he just lays where he falls and doesnt get up in. if the teachers wanna make him do gym they got a lot of work ahead of them lol
53: What clubs would your character join? 
maybe book club? i think he’d like science club too, since he likes science experiments. is pre-med club a thing?
54: What is the saddest thing about your character’s life? 
oh poor rundola. i think the saddest thing about his life is that he doesnt really…wanna live it? he struggles with depression and apathy for a long time, and feeling guilty about living while his squad mates died. he’s not actively suicidal per se, and like, he loves his work, he loves nat, he loves his friends but?? he kinda feels like doesnt want to be alive?
55: Would your character do the Ice Bucket Challenge?
totally would.
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confusedreety · 6 years
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i feel god in this denny’s tonight
it was only a joke how did it end up like this asdsfjhkj this took 3 nights but i drew a legit background for once (big ass file, click or w/e for better res)
i haven’t been to a denny’s since i ate myself into a food coma on my 22nd birthday
(also tagging @gelertassassin for that grimma content)
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confusedreety · 6 years
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i made myself a modern!au for my children where i dont TORTURE THEM INCESSANTLY (which as it turns out is just marcey’s regular universe)
university student, majoring in English, may or may not live under a bridge? Likes to read and write horror (and embarrassing poetry). Takes an unnecessary amount of Philosophy courses even though he hates it cause alfred is a sexy sexy TA. Nat and Rundola found him on the side of the road one night, and took him home like a gross lil lost puppy and patched him up. Now he won’t stop showing up unannounced and eating all the cereal out of the pantry. Nat maintains helping him was the worst mistake of her life, cause he’s so annoying. Rundola tolerates him like a weird tired uncle would, and asks for him to at least leave him the shreddies. Marcey thinks he’s tons of fun though.
Nat’s what happens when your doctor never quite outgrows their middle school goth phase. She’s a surgeon at the university hospital, where she practices medicine and (much to everyone’s horror) teaches med students. Originally worked in private practice, but eventually took the university position after taking a break to help rundola. Her and Rundola eventually end up together. Friends with marcey, and is always jazzed to hear about her fish adventures.
ex-military doctor who went into general practice. he probably drinks too much coffee. He had to take early retirement after ptsd symptoms and depression made it very difficult for him to continue in the modern medical field; now he does part-time consulting and starts doing much better. his house may or may not be a little haunted. insomniac. just sighs when he finds grimma eating his cereal in the dark at 2am. doesn’t let nat’s dog sleep on the bed cause artie stares at him and it creeps him out.
(tagging @gelertassassin for that grimma content)
some silly writing and junk under the cut
(inspired by the frozen fruit i was eating. not edited, just word vomit. maybe will finish??)
“Thanks for the bowl of half-frozen fruit.”
Grimma gingerly chewed at the partly soggy chunk of mango at the end of his fork. While he was grateful for the food, and the cold fruit helped to ease the throbbing in his jaw, he couldn’t keep the sarcasm from leaking into his words. The gesture felt half-hearted. And, to be honest, mangoes were really in the bottom tier of frozen fruit. He felt for sure that his host had deliberately picked much of the other fruit out of the bag—the presence of a single strawberry clearly evidenced the existence of non-mango fruits--leaving the orange-yellow chunks for an unfortunate guest.
“Whatever. Don’t mention it,” Grimma’s host waved her hand in dismissal.  He tried to remember her name; the Doc had introduced her before he’d gone out, he was sure…Natasha? Grimma observed the pale purple Lupe, with her blonde curls and sharp eyes, trying to match face to name. Yes, it was definitely Natasha. Had to be. He nodded to himself in affirmation and chewed another mango chunk. ‘Natasha’ soon returned to tapping away at her laptop computer at the far dining table. From his makeshift bed on the living room sofa, Grimma could barely make out the titles of the heavy books piled beside her. This did not, however, mean he could understand them. Impakttrauma und Schenkel...Schenkelhalsfrakturen? Yeah. Exactly. Whatever that means, she was clearly into it. You do you, girl.
Grimma sighed and finished off his fruit, and tried to organize his scattered memories into a coherent timeline. The haze form last night and the painkillers had lifted from his brain, letting him think clearly again. He remembered The Cleric, the bridge, the road...Doc and Natasha. A car, begging them not to bring him to a hospital, that there was no one they could call for him. What a stroke of luck, Grimma thought, that he’d been picked up by a doctor. He wondered if he’d be dead if it’d been anyone else. His wounds were all patched up, stitches, bandages and all. His bones, he’d learned that morning, had been set. Yes, if anyone else had listened to his idiotic pleas he’d probably be dead. Why they had, however, was beyond him. He hadn’t even been questioned yet. Grimma felt suspicious, suddenly. Were they going to harvest his organs or something? Is that why they’d done all this? Oh my god. Please let my kidneys still be in my body. I need my kidneys.
The sound of the front door opening interrupted Grimma from his internal panicking. He heard bags being set on the floor, and the jingle of keys being hung, and bags picked back up. The Doc must be home. In the dining room, Natasha left her work and met the Doc in the foyer. Grimma couldn’t make out their indistinct converstation. A moment later, though, the two were back in the room with him. Grimma eyed them cautiously now.
“Grimma, how are you feeling?” The Doc, a dark haired camouflage Krawk, smiled tiredly, “I hope Natalie didn’t treat you too badly.”
Natalie? Shit. Well, thank god I didn’t call her Natasha instead. Grimma thought, and glanced awkwardly at Natalie.
“Uh, I’m…fine.”
“Wonderful,” the Doc nodded and turned to Natalie, and spoke in a low voice, “can you change his bandages while I prepare the solution…?”
“It may not work, Rundola,” Natalie’s brows knit together, “are you sure?”
Oh, wow. Rundola? I’m bad with names—wait, WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN? Grimma felt his chest seize with panic. Natalie and Rundola murmured amongst themselves, but Grimma couldn’t focus enough to make out their words. He jolted upright as Rundola left the room, which he immediately regretted, as pain shot through his back and ribs.
Natalie blinked in surprise, and fixed him with a bewildered and scornful look. His outburst had brought Rundola back into the room as well. The Krawk, in contrast, looked at him with genuine concern.
“What? Grimma, we don’t want your kidneys,” Rundola reassured Grimma. He came and knelt beside the sofa, worry on his face. “We talked about this this morning…do you not remember?” he asked carefully.
marcey thinks all her friends’ romantic interests are weird
nat: i dont have a type
marcey: depressed old men
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grimma: this is alfred, i love him
alfred: //says that Weird Shit//
marcey: //looks into the camera like shes on the office//
whenever i think of this au that kim mitchell song thats like lets go for a soda where nobody drowns and nobody diiiiiesss plays in my head
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confusedreety · 6 years
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found a vector of the p5 dialogue boxes, and this happened
man if i had the patience a short visual novel thing would be cool but alas
based on x
stock image x
( @gelertassassin )
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confusedreety · 6 years
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@gelertassassin hhmmrmgmmg ive been wanting to do a ballet au pic for ages and i finally did it!!
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confusedreety · 6 years
yes hello enjoy this nasty lil snippet
also, tagging @gelertassassin
One breath, two breath...
The hunt isn’t going as planned.
Three breath...four...
Rundola clenches his fists, nails digging into his palms, and tries to keep breathing. But it’s difficult. His ribs protest with each inhalation, and the putrid air burns his lungs. He prays they haven’t been punctured.
Heavy footsteps echo down the cavernous tunnel, each step sounding closer than the last. The mildewy wall feels cold against Rundola’s back.
A monstrous shadow looms from around the corner. The grotesque head of the beast follows, jack-knife teeth glistening in the sickly light. It’s eyes turn on him, and breathing no longer matters.
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confusedreety · 6 years
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nat has a droolik named mozart, and she loves her ugly child. unfortunately in bb-verse art gets a lil lost, but somehow finds his way home (while sporting a few new additions). he’s surprisingly tame for a beasty-fied critter.
rundola’s not a fan
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confusedreety · 6 years
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@gelertassassin @neojammy
i accidentally slept till 2pm today so im physically incapable of going to bed at a decent hour tonight and u know that UK Bake-Off thing? yeah
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confusedreety · 6 years
2, 3, 37, and 46 for grimma!! 74 and 75 for rundola!! 42 for marcey!! :3
yooo tysm for the asks~~~~
2. What is their voice like? 
oooh this is kinda hard, im not too good with coming up with voices lol. i CAN tell you that he has a scottish accent and sounds young-ish/boyish though. energetic, with plenty of inflection? OH, actually i’ve had this sitting around as a potential voice-claim for grimma for a while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfUa4IVRZFI&index=63&list=FLgkMIPB1TT_9k4V-pb80QGA
3. What is their biggest motivator?
I’d have to say grimma’s biggest motivator is the need to prove himself and feel like he belongs somewhere. growing up he often felt he was weak and not particularly useful, like a burden and perpetual outsider; he left home on something like a journey of self-discovery, determined to become stronger (not necessarily physically, but like character-wise, make something of himself maybe) and figure out who he is and his place in the world. He wants to belong and to matter.
37. When was the last time they cried?
Depressingly, grimma ends up crying alot, either from frustration/anger or sorrow. lots of things go wrong in his story, often tragically. he’s far from home, he keeps messing up, theres beast and horrors everywhere, alfred’s canon quest-line happens, grimma’s turning and in pain :c (so really its more of a question of when was the last time grimma wasn’t crying lmao)
46.Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?
ohhh, sadly not. he would really like to trust alfred like this, but yharnams so mcfrucky grimma can’t bring himself to trust like that. of course, this doesn’t mean grimma doesn’t trust alfred to come to his rescue or help him if he were in trouble, but its a hunter-eat-hunter world out there y’know?
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper?
Rundola’s pretty slow to anger (he is, however, fairly easy to annoy lol), and you’d have to purposefully do alot to get him make him Pissed Off at you. like, purposefully hurting people (directly or indirectly) and injustice/corruption kinda things. When rundola does lose his temper, which isnt often, its a pretty cold anger, and he will absolutely tear you a new one.
75.How patient are they?
Rundola’s a very patient person :o he tolerates waiting and difficulties pretty easily. He doesn’t mind if something takes a while to produce results. hes actually pretty good at handling kids as a result of being so patient, trying to give a troublesome toddler a vaccination or something won’t frustrate him much. however, rundola does have an apathetic streak and it can be difficult to tell whether rundolas being patient or apathetic sometimes.
42. Do they have any bad habits?
i gave marcey alot of my bad habits lmao she has a bad habit of biting/picking her lips till they bleed when shes anxious or concentrating hard. shes a CHRONIC PROCRASTINATOR, and is always sleeping in and never on time lol. she tries hard to get things done on time and keep on top of things though! shes trying her best!
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confusedreety · 6 years
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aaaaagg did these all in one night im in pain; grimma, nat, and rundola as theyd appear if they were bloodborne npcs sjhdsjfh descriptions under the readmore
Afflicted Hunter, Grimma: Functionally similar to the afflicted beggar, but stronger. Can be encountered in the Forbidden Woods, underneath a bridge. If interacted with he will ask the player character if they are enjoying the hunt and cackle menacingly. He is non-aggressive until attacked, and has two phases, turning into a beast in the second. After the player has defeated Rom and initiated the blood moon phase, Grimma will offer the player a quest if they did not previously attack him: he will ask that the player find Alfred and deliver a letter to him, telling the player that he hopes it is not too late (can only complete if the player had not completed Alfred’s quest line). If the player initiates Grimma’s quest after having received Natalie’s, Grimma will grimly joke that the player is likely to become her next test subject. After the player delivers the letter to Alfred, Grimma can be found in a side alley in Old Yharnam but will no longer be interact-able. He will talk to himself, seemingly lamenting his descent into beasthood, then break out in hysterics. The player can either leave him be or kill him.
Righteous Knight, Natalie: Natalie can be encountered early on, and can be found in an enclave beside the Odeon Chapel. If interacted with she is initially unwilling to converse, telling the player to go away. This changes after the player defeats the Vicar Amelia, and she can then be found inside the Grand Cathedral. At this point Natalie will comment on the players ability to defeat Amelia and request their help, telling them to go to the Healing Church and speak with Rundola (however, if the player has completed Grimma’s quest she will not trust them and will not offer the quest). Once there, the player will discover that Natalie and Rundola are trying to find a cure for the beast plague, but are short on “supplies”; they will ask the player to bring them various items. At this point she will become a summon-able ally until the completion of her quest (if Grimma’s quest is completed during Natalie’s quest line she will cease being summon-able). She is particularly effective against beasts.
Skeptical Church Doctor, Rundola: Rundola can only be encountered after the player has received the quest from Natalie, and from then on can be found in a side workshop near the Healing Church. He is skeptical of the player’s capabilities, but is reassured by Natalie that she is confident they will be able to gather the items they need, citing the player’s defeat of Amelia. Rundola will then describe his and Natalie’s endeavour and insist the plague is curable, if only they could uncover its pathology. The player will receive an item similar to Iosefka’s Blood Vial each time they bring Rundola a requested item. For the final item, however, Rundola will request the player bring him a body part from a scourge beast and reward them with a unique blood gem. Despite being associated with the Healing Church, Rundola will express disdain for the institution. He wears hunter’s gauntlets and hunters garb is visible underneath his church robes, hinting at his previous career as a hunter.
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