#rvb art rec
gravesidepickup · 7 days
This is a fandom blog I created separate from my main so I could spew as much insane shit that I want without my friends staring on in horror at me 🫶
I'm 27 and I use whatever pronouns you want to give me tbh. Doesn't matter to me.
Maybe I'll post my fanfic acc eventually we'll see where the day goes
The tag for the shit I'm spewing ;
#graves rambles
Now with more art posting
#grave posts art
I do queue stuff so if I look like I'm active, surprise! I might not be.
Current fandoms and interests
RVB (Grimmons has my heart and soul)
Send me your fic recs for any of the above and my life is yours
Or feel free to talk to me about any of the above too
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sharkface-daydreams · 3 years
Mobile Tag List: General
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General RVB Tags:
AU suggestions/ideas/what-ifs: #fun rvb thinks
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Fics (both tumblr-posted and links to other sites): #rvb fic rec
Pride stuff: #rvb pride
Videos (fan-made and clips) #rvb vids
Playlists: #rvb playlists
RvB-themed things: #rvb peripherals
Holiday-themed RvB stuff: #holiday stuff
rvb meta (but not The Meta) #rvb Meta but not the Meta
answered asks: #we just got a letter
RVB Stuff I made:
The Yellow Church/Yurch AU #yurch au: the self-indulgence special
OCs (mostly Yurch AU Freelancers) #oc stuff
My Art #my art stuff
My sketches and terrible doodles #my terrible little doodles
RVB Fantasy AU Bits #RVBFantasyAU
Links to my RVB fics: #my fic links
#writing stuff memes, advice, prompts and other posts related to waiting
#drawing stuff same as writing stuff but for drawing and art related stuff ^^
#safety (Recalls, current events information, informative/PSA style posts for IRL stuff) - subset #internet safety (for specifically how to keep yourself safe online)
#reminder (Posts for raising awareness, like antisemitic tropes to avoid, cultural sensitivity points, etc)
#for sad days (wholesome posts to cheer you up!)
#yo ho yo ho a pirate’s life for me (Piracy is a moral obligation these days. Always back up your media onto physical drives like USB drives or external hard drives!! Cloud and services can and will wipe out your media.)
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creatrixanimi · 7 years
ok, so it's RvB rec day!!!!! This is my first rec day since I had no idea that it existed before so hopefully I do this right!
All of Riathedreamer’s fics! 
Ria is seriously my favorive fic author of all time. She mainly writes Grimmons and all of her fics are amazingly in character and are completely plausable in canon. I couldnt choose a favorite fic because they are all good. She is also the queen of Grimmons angst tho so beware while reading her fics becuase there is  A LOT of grimmons whump and angst. Aome of her fics WILL make you cry... a lot. Anyway, Ria is amazing and super nice and she also has a tumblr you you can find her here @riathedreamer​. I really cant explain ecnough how good Ria is. Just go. Check out her stuff. Shes amazing.
Incremental Annihillation by  Septdeneuf 
This fic, like most of the others on this list, is pretty angsty and filled with Grimmons. This fic is an AU where the purge was successfully activated but was stopped before everyone was killed. The victims of the Purge end up being resurected, but at a price! I dont want to spoil it too much though so Im just going to say that if you like angst and charcters making difficult situations this is the fic for you! There is on NSFW chapter but if you dont like smut (like me) you can easily skip it. The fic updates every sunday and I believe that it is almost completed! 
All of Yin’s fics
Man all of Yin’s fics are amazing. My current favorites are Pillow Talk which is a series of Grimmons one-shots , both fuffy and angsty, Specials which is a superhero au, and Above Ground which is my absolute favorite fic of theirs. Above groud is a sci-fi? AU where the planet is separated by those who are privileged enough to live above ground, and the underground Slums where the lower classes are forced to live. This fic mostly follows Grif, who live in the slums, and Simmons, who lives aabove ground and their intereactions as the tensions between the Slums and Above Ground rise. This fic has themes of genocide, class differences, etc. and if you dont really like Grimmons, just about every other character in RvB makes an appearance and ships like Tucknington are definitely focused on as well. This fic is super long though (about 477,000 words) so it is a commitment, but a very rewarding one if you chose to read it!!
Why Do You Try So Hard? by Lieutenant_Kader
This fic is a Grimmons fic (surprise surprise) that follows Grif, Simmons, and a little bit of Tucker through basic training through Blood Gulch. This fic really goes into Grif’s experience on the doomed colony and shows what he went through the days following the massacre. In is an angsty fic and is written as if it is a collection of memories opposed to a sequential story. It really is one of the best doomed colony fics at the moment so if you are interested in that part of Grif’s history you should totally check it out!
Green is Definitely a Shade of Red by Prim_the_Amazing
thi fic is the only really silly one on the list. It is also the only one that is not about Grif and/or Simmons. This fic is a super cute fic about Locus essentially being adopted by Red Team against his will. It is super adorable and it really makes me want Locus to come back soon. Also, this fic 100% includes Donut painting Locus’s nails a sparkly green color too, so that might convince you to give this fic a try. you can also find @primtheamazing​ on tumblr as well.
@mercuryblacksleg Miles is amazing. His Red Team art absolutely makes my heart melt, especially his sarge. I die everytime I see his team bonding art. Some of my favorites have to be:  
Red Team Dragons: this is just so cute! I actually teared up the first time i saw it because of how tiny and adorable the Sarge dragon is and the little blep!!!! THE BLEP! Its just so freaking cute...
Egg Timer Caboose: man this one is also adorable. Caboose is so precious and I absolutely love the background!!!! Everything about this pic is adorable!
Game Night!: Listen, I love bonding moments between Red and Blue Team. This piece is just so happy. I love the idea that red and blue team occasionally get together to have some fun (annoy each other)
@captainkonot Im sure everyone and their mother has seen their art but I just love it so freaking much. Their style really remings me of classic strip comics and they have such great compositions. Also theirs Grimmons stuff is adorable. Here are some of my favorites:
Lil’ Grimmons family and BIG Tucker family: Ok, so this piece is just so cute. I cant even explain how adorable it is.Happy families just make my heart melt so this pic has just turned me into a puddle. 
Grimmons Frustrations: Man, I died laughing the first time i saw this because its so true lmao. Also Simmon’s little “you cant catch me gay thoughts” absolutely murdered me.
Contact Piano Sheet Music by Ariel’s_Lament
This is a lovely arrangement of Trocadero’s Contact for any of you pianists out there (or people who just like to learn how to play songs)! You do need to make an account to download any sheetmusic from this site, but it’s free and really easy!
Ok, so I think I'm gonna stop there. I have so much more that I want to include but this has gotten WAY too long. There are so many wonderful fanworks in this fandom and I'm just so amazed by how welcoming and lovely everyone has been!!!! I love you all!
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bitsby · 5 years
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So rather than sleeping, I decided to do this random comic based on dialogue from @not-madder-red’s fic Something of an Accident.
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agent-murica · 5 years
RvB Rec Day: August
Yooo, yooo, this is like the most I’ve done without forgetting to do them/giving up on them. A lot of art this go around, especially because I’m notorious for not reading fanfics anymore, ha. Well without further ado:
Fic Rec:
Quantity Over Quality by Prim_the_Amazing: Ok, so I’m absolutely aware that I’ve rec’ed this fic before, but I’m doing it again and none of you can stop me. Because holy shit, the most recent chapter is so good. This fic is very slow burn in terms of plot advancement, but every chapter is so good that it keeps your attention tightly, and brings you into a false sense of awareness because when the plot hits you, it hurts you like a freight train. So as to not spoil anything, that’s all I’ll say, so go read this fic now!
The Witch Who Came To Visit by @cinaed : You guys have probably figured by now that I’m in love with this series by now, considering I keep reccing every new update, but get used to it because this series hasn’t failed me yet in keeping me invested. I absolutely loved this installment, because of how it manages to get the Director into the plot (gotta love them loopholes am I right?). So definitely check this out!
Where He Dared Stand or Where He Dared Walk by @riathedreamer : I love Grif and Locus friendship. You all know this, my neighbors probably know this, and sure as hell I’m gonna make this known. I got so excited to see this that I dove straight in, and it did not disappoint. For the first segment with Locus, I was following along, nodding my head getting into it, but when he dropped the bombshell that it did at the end of the first segment I straight up gasped aloud. Read this, please read this, it’s so good with just one chapter out, that is the power of Ria’s writing my guys.
Art Rec:
@luvgalaxu : Ok, stop what you’re doing right now and look at these absolute beautifully rendered and painted pictures of Sharkface. Look at the details, look at them! Also like, y’all, it’s shark week, so it’s pretty much obligatory that you show these pics some love.
@ebbreon : I absolutely love their style of drawing! The colors are so nice to look at, the lines so smooth, and the characters and face are so dynamic! My favorite piece at the moment is this one of Sarge and Carolina, the colors are just so soft and pleasant to look at (also, Carolina for Red Team for the win)!
@squashfolded : I said it once before, I’ll say it again, their style of drawing lines is my absolute favorite. Sketchy but controlled in all of the best ways. I also happen to love their style of drawing people, and my favorite right now is this picture of Kimball who looks absolutely gorgeous.
@bloodypoptart : Let me start this off by saying that their style is the most delicious cartoon style I’ve seen in a while and just looking at their art gives me straight up dopamine because it’s so good. Ok, that being said, I absolutely love their facecanon’s for Grif and Simmons, in a way they feel fresh to me, especially their design for Grif. Plus the way they line is so crisp that I fall in love with every art piece, like in this one and this one. So yeah, go check out their art because it is deserving of so much love!
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a-taller-tale · 5 years
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Grif’s questing fingers finally found the object of his desire. He pulled them out and presented them to Carolina with a bit of flourish. “But anyway, these are perfect for our purposes.” Carolina’s bafflement was transitioning into amusement. “Perfect for what? Those bananas are bruised.” “Man, you really never did anything fun your whole life, did you?”
Grif and Carolina friendship from @aryashi’s Banana Bread Bonding.  
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I was feeling artsy so I sketched out from @arirashkae ‘s fic Back to Back.
If you like Tuckington, I highly recommend checking it out. :)
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anneapocalypse · 5 years
RvB Rec Day: June Art Recs!
There’s been a veritable flood of gorgeous Red vs. Blue fan art crossing my dash this month and I’m really excited to share some faves.
Where do I even begin reccing @edenxrose? So much good art posted lately it’s really hard to choose favorites, but here we go!
Carolina doodle
Washlina comfort
@vonlipvig​! Great unique style and such fun facecanons. I’m charmed.
Florida & Wyoming
Grif & Simmons
@octopocalypse has these lovely Flowers for Freelancer portraits, as well as lots of other great art!
Happy Rec Day, pals. ♥️
Previous Rec Days
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RvB Rec Day: February 2018
It’s Femslash February, so let’s go digging for some of the femslash wonders that our fandom has managed to produce. 
For TexCT, aka my gay Freelancer gals we have...
@maggie-wittington wrote The Great American Whistleblower, a modern AU with reporter!CT and some fun angst!
I know I’ve recced this before but my good friend @renaroo​ has written some QUALITY TexCT smut called Your Friend and it’s magnificent. 
Again, I’ve recced this before, but I’m gonna rec @veni-vidi-acdc​‘s amazing Big Bang Art for the TexCT Penumbra AU we worked on together. 
CarolNiner is of course a fantabulous ship which I adore, and there’s some really cute fic for it too. 
@queseraawesome​ has smut for the offering, Head in the Clouds, which is AMAZING, bc Sera’s smut always is. 
Again, @renaroo​ knocks it out of the park in the cute department with You Again, Always You which features Niner ending up on Chorus, and Caboose and Niner as siblings! 
Kimbalina has some freaking fantastic art and fic, so let’s go digging!
@luccicute has apparently de-activated, but their Kimbalina kissing art is FANTASTIC, and fills me with so much joy. 
@gdipalomo has also produced some absolutely gorgeous art, but this Kimbalina piece is one of my all time favorites; it’s just so calm and peaceful and wonderful. 
@eggxalted’s Cosmoverse is an all-time classic, of course, but This Man Looked Exactly Like Natalie Portman When He Was 13 might just be the ship that sold me on Kimbalina; with bonus Caboose and Carolina friendship! 
Some fics just steal your breath away every time you think about them, and But Only When Skilfully Tied by @thought-42 is one of them. An alternate post Chorus piece, a gorgeous long fic that really explores things, and one of the most breathtaking Carolina’s I’ve ever encountered. 
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quetzalcactus · 7 years
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@botanicalmartian this counts as one!
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riathedreamer · 3 years
Me who just got into the fandom a week ago: 🗿🗿🗿
But hey, even if the fandom dies, atleast rvb will go down as one of the most iconic web series made to date!
The thing is, I sorta wish RvB could go out with a bang. Years ago, I feared a cancellation, but now I'd prefer it. This just feels like RvB is being kept on life-support for no other reason than to keep it comatose while its weird unfamiliar heirs mess around with their place.
And it’s not to shit on the current fandom. It’s just – Wow, I guess I count as an old fan now. That’s weird. Wasn’t always like that. But here is the story, kiddos. Years ago, there were new fanfics every day. New art. There were fandom events! Weekly rec days! Angst and fluff wars! We even had an event where creators chose their team – Red, Blue or Purple – and there was a two week-long contest about which team could make the most content to fill out a bingo. And when a season aired … The Sundays! Oh, the Sundays! An RvB episode didn’t just take twelve minutes! It took hours! Because afterwards, you’d rush to the discord groups and discuss! You’d check the tag! The excitement! The hype! The art and fics that were made midseason from fan theories about what was going to happen.
Some of us are still here. Other are big names carved into the stones to never be forgotten. Their art, fic, post remain. We remember them.
But I can feel a migration happening. Slowly, I may leave too. We have been told this is not for us now, and while I’m here and others are here, still, I do not believe it will last.
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(Belated) RvB Rec Day August (2nd)
This is. So late.
BUT I did have it ready to go and I’m ready rec some stuff, okay?!
So here goes!
Snowflakes that Stay on My Nose and Eyelashes  and Silver-White Winters by @anneapocalypse. Rated T. Two lovely fics featuring Ohio and Sherry, hot chocolate, movies, and kisses. They’re adorable and amazing.
Shake by @riathedreamer. Rated M. Oh ho, whattya know, more Grimmons! Taking place right after the “Freckles, shake!” incident, but an AU where Grif ends up with the Feds and Donut ends up with the New Republic. Wonderful story, the characters are written so well, and I highly recommend!
take me out to the black by @secretlystephaniebrown and I believe @sroloc--elbisivni (correct me if I’m wrong!). Rated T. A Firefly AU I really enjoyed. It made me want to watch it again! There’s also a sequel, since i’ve found serenity, which I have yet to read but am 1000% certain is also amazing.
Lastly, I want to rec some art by the artist @creatrixanimi. Here are a few, but please go stare at them all!!
“Now we’re about to take over some ancient alien temples for a desert arts fest”
These two are adorable yet terrifying
A very bright pic of Grif taking Simmons on a motorcycle ride!
Again sorry this is a day late! Internet has been sketchy/nonexistent.
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cockbiteproductions · 4 years
don't think it was specifically mavin, in fact i'm sure it wasn't, but there was this one fic i remember where geoff and jack foster and adopt the other hunters? i dunno i was REALLY into fics where they got turned into children as well, like the lads would be three or four and then the gents would be relative ages.
i feel like near the end they started getting... biblical on us? like michael was mayhaps the archangel michael from the bible.
i remember this author VERY distinctly. they would always have a self insert OC that was like secretly controlling things/the plot/driving force of the fic.
one of their oneshots that stuck with me (i think i need to add it to my brain worm/fic rec sheet) is On Your Sleeve, an au where “your feelings are LITERALLY on your sleeve” and you fall into a coma if you get too depressed.
i am also pretty sure To Be Free was by them
and homeless gavin au A Second Chance At Hope
Fang Online was like a sword art online au with also rwby and rvb characters thrown in?
there was this one kinda fucked up ray fic where he wakes up in a facility because he’s got weird evil powers? i cant find it again
and then this one fic where idk like. roanoke island au? it was horror thing. people were disappearing in a mist.
everything by coletreed lives rent free in my mind. DOES ANYONE ELSE KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT? every few months im like..... man homehunters sure did happen
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coaxionunlimited · 5 years
Ten Fics, Ten Black Main Characters, Ten Different Fandoms, Ten Different Genres
Fandom is hardly the cutting edge of progressive literature and has its own many and varied problems with racism. But characters of color, fans of color, and fans of characters of color exist and always have existed, and inch by inch, year by year, we get better at working with them. Fandom may not be paving the road, but it is walking it, and that’s something worth celebrating.
In this post, I showcase ten different fics about ten different black characters. I challenge you to pick an ethnicity (that isn’t white) and rec ten fics about ten different characters of that ethnicity and tag it #recs of color challenge. Bonus points if the fandoms aren’t related, double bonus points if some or all of those characters are female, and negative points if any of the fics are actually about a white person.
Unreliable Narrator by Owlinaminor - TAZ, Gen, Character Study, Lucretia is canonically black.
Superhero Adoption Agency by brushstrokesApocalyptic: Into the Spiderverse, Gen, Family Fluff, Miles & Jefferson are both canonically black.
A Star to Steer Her By by ShadesofMauve: Mass Effect, M/F, Sci-Fi/Romance, Shepard has no canonical race, but Rhi Shepard looks like this.
Nothing Good by BoxOnTheNile: RvB, M/M and Gen, Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi AU/Borderlands crossover, Tucker is canonically black.
For I Know the Songs Sung and Tales Told by the Gossiping Birds by kariye: Star Trek, F/M, Abuse Recovery, Uhura is canonically black.
Advanced Ambulatory Ichthyology by gyzym: Community, M/M, Relationship Negotiation, Troy is canonically black. 
the identity crisis of one nicholas j fury by sevenfoxes: MCU and Captain Marvel, Gen and M/F, Cat Fic, Nick Fury is canonically black.
A Cry Answered by imperfectcircle: Pacific Rim, Gen, Found Family, Stacker Pentecost is canonically black.
Rose Lalonde and Her Untimely Death by oxfordRoulette: Homestuck, F/F, Modern With Magic/Romance, Rose is canonically aracial, Kanaya is canonically alien, but both are depicted as black in the story and accompanying art.
Lovesickness by idiopathicsmile: Les Miserables, M/M, Modern AU/Romantic Comedy, Enjolras is generally depicted as white, but in this fic he’s from the Solomon islands.
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rvb17-remade · 6 years
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agent-murica · 5 years
RvB Rec Day: July
I forgot that it was rec day until I saw a snapchat memory from a year ago of me saying, ‘oh snap it’s rec day!’ which made me go, ‘OH SHIT IT’S REC DAY’ so here we go onto the recs:
Fic Rec’s
The Unlucky Samaritan and Cat’s Paw by @cinaed : So I’ve been hooked on this series for a while, and have had an endless amount of questions on just how exactly Grif came to be a familiar and this supposed mistake of saving Locus’ life. And man have I never been happier to finally find out! The constant time switching in The Unlucky Samaritan filled in the blanks from Locus’ point of view which is so ingenious and absolutely amazing to read. Then in Cat’s Paw Grif and Locus finally meet again after the results of the trial, and holy shit is it so satisfying to read. Not going to get into a lot of details, because you guys should absolutely read it for yourselves!
Easier Said by @snowyfrostshadows : So, as some of you may know, I fucking love Gold Team dynamics, and I’m not gonna go ahead and be so bold as to claim that I’ve been starving for some Gold Team content, but! I’ve been starving for Gold Team- and especially Matthews- content. So imagine my surprise when I wandered across this story on ao3- it was like I found the holy grail and I swear I never opened and read a story so fast in my life. It’s hilarious, it’s well written and so deserving of a read, so you guys gotta check it out!
In Which Grif Has a Thing for Redheads by @riathedreamer : I love Grif rarepair stories, and I especially love the underrated yet so good pairing of Grif and Carolina. So thank the heavens that this absolutely wonderful fic exists because it’s keeping my poor rarepair shipper heart alive in all of the best ways. I’m so intrigued in the dynamics that Ria’s built between the two, and every chapter just leaves me with a nice warm feeling deep inside my heart. Can’t wait to see where else the fic goes because I’m going to avidly read the heck out of it. Definitely worth more than just one read!
Art Rec:
@edenxrose : I want to start this off by saying that I absolutely adore their art style! The way they draw armor is just so good, and I love their style of drawing faces especially so as well. One of my fav pieces that they’ve drawn is this pic of a Meta!Carolina AU. Like, not only is the idea absolutely bitching, but their art is absolutely superb and when I first saw the pic I couldn’t stop looking at all the details and effort put into it. You guys should definitely check out all their art!
@creatrixanimi : Do you know what’s hard to draw? Armor. Do you know who makes the most beautiful and breathtaking pictures with the most detailed armor I‘ve ever seen? Creatrixanimi. No seriously, the amount of details and eye-popping colors that go into their artwork is simply mind-blowing. Just take one look at this pic and tell me I’m wrong- you can’t do it. Honestly, if you haven’t checked out their artwork by now, then I don’t know what you’re doing with your life.
@luvgalaxu : Sara’s been doing a few facecanon trades lately, and I just love this one she did of Theta. The absolute texture of the picture is just so nice and soothing to look at, plus the way that she drew it is as amazing as ever. I could gush on and on about how much I love her art (there’s so much to talk about from the colors to the style of drawing, etc.) so there’s no way I couldn’t rec her again.
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