#ryan stiles fanart
veleci · 1 year
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I love to draw genuine connection
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snowgall · 1 year
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kojironanjo on twitter:
babe wake up . a new draw your ship prompt just dropped
[image of side-by-side mugshots of Barbie and Ken from the new Barbie movie trailer. Barbie looks stunned and upset. Ken looks delighted and ridiculous.]
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lillijackofclubs · 2 years
Ryan Stiles 🥰
Been obsessed with Whose Line, so of course I had to (he's my favorite. Him as Lewis- UGH)
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useramor · 2 years
I’ve seen a lot of people on social media say that the way buddie is being treated in s6 so far is how sterek was treated in s3 of teen wolf. Which was they were purposely and deliberately separated for pettiness by the writers and an insistence to make people stop shipping sterek. I didn’t watch teen wolf but is this an accurate accusation to make of how alarming it is that buddie haven’t had a meaningful conversation after the premiere in s6 yet every other pair of characters has.
(incoming long post oops)
you saw a sterek buddie comparison being made and u thought of ME? kisses u
anyway, i had never actually considered this but perhaps from a very basic overview of the season with no knowledge of sterek, that's what this looks like. yes, it's frustrating they haven't had meaningful conversation and that it seems like they're being kept apart, but the very key difference is that 911 has not made any interviews having oliver and ryan cuddling with each other to promote the show, or hyping up awards where buddie was nominated for best ship, or tweeting about buddie constantly because that's where a lot of their viewers come from.
i didn't want teen wolf s3 live, but i did watch from end of s4, and even in season 5 and 6, when tyler hoeclin (derek hale) had left the show, they were still queerbaiting and keeping the ship relevant (x x).
(also, sterek were kept separate for much of the second half of s3, not so much 3a)
so, yes, in one sense it could feel like they're treating buddie the way they treated sterek by keeping them apart. but buddie is not even CLOSE to being queerbaited the way sterek was. also, buck and eddie didn't have as many big moments in s5a as they did in s5b. i think we need to all look at s5 as an example of how well 911 does dissonance and separation so that when everything falls back into place together, it's that much more rewarding. like, seeing eddie and buck working together at a fire for the first time in an entire season in may day was so. fucking. good. 911 has a tendency to pull characters apart only to bring them back together (and we as a fandom have a tendency to get antsy about that because we forget).
is it annoying? yes. do i think it's what happened with sterek? no. especially when sterek didn't have nearly as many canon roots as buddie does (sure, it's implied that stiles was derek's anchor, but eddie point blank said buck is christopher's legal guardian).
another thing with teen wolf is that sterek got HUGE very quickly, and when the show realized that they kind of cut sterek off cold turkey (most of the sterek fandom is based around head canons anyway). buddie has been building and building steadily since s2, and the fandom has only grown with the show and the seasons. if the writers hated buddie and didn't want people shipping it, they wouldn't have given us the tsunami arc, 'wanna go for the title?', the well scene, the shooting, the will, eddie's breakdown, co-parenting, the couch convo, etc. sterek was s1-2 heavy because when they realized the fandom was getting genuinely big, they said 'oh fuck this' and went heavy on the stalia and the stydia and gave derek a love interest that wasn't batshit insane.
honestly, watching a show with hopes that a non canon lgbt ship is going to get together can sometimes be incredibly frustrating, disheartening, and it can seriously ruin the show for you because you feel kind of cheated out of representation that's so glaringly obvious how could they not see it! and i get you. i am you. but at the same time, if you're losing hope and it's making you sad that every week they seem to distance themselves, maybe you should stop watching with the hopes that they get together, and start watching to make fun little headcanons and write little spec fics. the best part of fandom, in my opinion, isn't just the getting to see your ship kiss on screen part. there's fics and edits and fanart and gifs and so many ways to engage with the content aside from just viewing it. it's truly so wonderful.
personally, i do think buddie will get together and i don't see similarities to sterek. sure, they're both popular non-canon mlm ships, but i have a lot more faith in buddie than i EVER had in sterek. we'll be good :)
anyway tl;dr, i don't think this is the same thing as sterek because, despite the distance, nothing else is being treated the same. 911 is just doing what 911 does best—making us sit and wait because we know the reward will be so worth it in the long run.
sorry for sort of rambling and i hope this answered ur question anon!!
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becktirium · 5 years
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Been rewatching old Whose Line Is It Anyway? clips. I adore these goofy gents.
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victorluvsalice · 7 years
11 Questions Meme
Always post the rules.
Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you.

Write 11 questions of your own.

Tag 11 people (or however many you want)
Tagged by @dont-offend-the-bees (w00t)
1. tv show character you like the best, and the one you relate to the most? (can be the same character, no judgement!)
Um -- this is difficult to answer since the only TV show I’m watching regularly right now is Whose Line Is It Anyway? Oh, and MST3K, but that feels more like a weekly movie. XD I can safely say Colin Mochrie is my favorite performer on Whose Line? -- the man is a marvel, especially when paired with Ryan Stiles. As for relating. . .all those audience members and guest stars who have no idea what they’re getting into when asked to perform with the gang. XD I’d probably freeze up too if I had go up there!
2. is there a song you feel compelled to listen to on repeat whenever it comes on at the moment? if so, which one?
Not particularly, though this has happened a lot in the past. The closest so far is the boss theme for the first “Adam” boss fight in Nier: Automata (you know, the “this cannot continue” song).
3. night owl or early bird?
NIGHT OWL. I am very good at staying up later than I should and I hate waking up early.
4. what are you favourite types of fanfic to read? fluff, angst, 5+1, soulmate aus? go nuts!
It can depend on my mood -- I’ll gravitate more toward angst if I’m gloomy myself -- but I actually like more fluffy, slice-of-lifey, domestic stuff, honestly. Or fics where someone gets magic or super-powers and has to learn how to use them. And I’m kind of a sucker for hurt/comfort-style stuff -- I just love a character who’s been whumped getting to cuddle with a loved one. (Not obvious from my own fanfic at all, right?)
5. what’s your fave soundtrack (musical, tv show, movie, video game etc)?
Well, my three main fandoms -- BTTF, Corpse Bride, and the Alice games -- all have great music associated with them. I think I’m going to have to go with Alice: Madness Returns for favorite, though, as it has some of my absolute favorite music on it (”Card Castles In The Sky” is GORGEOUS). I’ve been listening to CB’s soundtrack as “going to sleep” music for a while now, though.
6. last item of clothing you bought for yourself? was it something you wanted or something you needed? or both?
Er -- do shoes count? I needed a good pair of “transitional” shoes since spring this year has consisted of a lot of days where you can wear some lighter pants and such, but it’s too cold for sandals. Took a while, but I finally found a pair that work. (Nautica brand -- the soles have ship rope patterns :D)
7. what do you do on nights when you can’t sleep?
Mostly lie there and make up little Valicey fanfics in my head. If I can’t sleep because of nightmares, though, I’ll turn on a light and read something. Weirdly enough, I tend to gravitate towards my Terminator 2 making-of/script book during these moments. I dunno why.
8. do you have a film or album that makes you feel warm and safe and like you’ve come home after a really long day? which one?
*thinks about this* I’m gonna have to go with Enchanted -- it’s my favorite Disney movie, and it still gives me the warm fuzzies when I watch it. :)
9. do you hate spoilers or lap them up?
Depends on how big the spoiler is, and if I’m going to be consuming the media in question. I can still enjoy a work after being spoiled, but I like to avoid the big plot twists in stuff I’m going to be looking at myself. (Although, honestly, even knowing those without context can make me look forward to something -- I’m spoiled to hell and back about some of the stuff in Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, and I still really want to watch it to see how all these pieces fit together.)
10. do you have something (a movie, book, fanfic, anything really) that makes you feel really inspired? does it motivate you to create, or clean, or just keep on living?
You’ve seen my problem with AUs -- I have TOO MUCH that inspires me. XD A little more seriously, the pairing this blog is named after is my favorite inspiration. If I’m having a sad or frustrating day, I can make myself feel a lot better by looking at old fanarts, or rereading favorite bits from old stories. And, again, look at the AU thing. It’s really nice, having an OTP (and, sometimes an OT4 or more) that makes me this happy.
11. favourite cryptid/monster/eldritch horror?
Am I allowed to say Mantorok from Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem? I love his design, I love that he can exist in multiple timelines, I love that he’s an eldritch horror that may in fact be on humanity’s side. It’s not a sure thing, but just the idea -- it’s a cool flip of the usual “we are trapped in an uncaring universe with uncaring creatures on all sides.” I also love the bosses from Bloodborne, because FUCK they look cool. (Gotta rewatch some of that...)
My questions:
Do you have a favorite genre of music, or do you just listen to whatever you like and that’s that?
Which do you prefer, writing or drawing?
Cake, cookie, or ice cream?
What’s your favorite humor site or webcomic?
What’s your dream career?
Which superpower would you rather have -- the ability to rewind time, or the ability to split off multiple copies of yourself?
What’s your favorite season?
Dance Dance Revolution or Guitar Hero?
Do you chew gum? Do you have a favorite flavor if you do?
Strangest prize you’ve ever seen available in a Dave & Buster’s/Chuck E. Cheese’s/similar establishment?
Have you ever actually handled a VHS tape?
My taggees: @nebbychan, @yarrayora, @kuujo, @poesdaughter, @raventears12
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veleci · 1 year
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What a man
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veleci · 1 year
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I love them!
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veleci · 8 months
Ryan why are you so hot ??
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veleci · 1 year
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I really form an attachment to the most random man I can find
The fanart monopoly will be mine. (Am I the only one drawing him?)
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veleci · 1 year
I watched so many clips and can't get enough of him.
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veleci · 1 year
I will just put that here:
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veleci · 1 year
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Oh Ryan the man that you are
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veleci · 1 year
Another Fanart for the comedian who is just mesmerising to me
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veleci · 8 months
Can't hide my love for Rycol so:
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lillijackofclubs · 2 years
Okay so apparently my overall style seems to be a mix of impressionism and realism XD
But this one's impressionist! Also it's my boy-
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