#ryan wrecker
How the Bad Batch got white-washed: a script
(Don't know if this is how it actually happened, but it's my personal theory that came out after some wiiiild discussions on Discord. I don't believe this actually happened, but I do think liberties were taken to secure audience members and ratings. Enjoy, my little crumpets!)
CW: Everything. Just...at this point, in between fics and art filled with violence and Naughty Times and Doug's irrational ramblings about Toaster Strudel and SEC football, you should probably leave if you're under 18.
(Be Star Wars animation studio, probably Florida, who knows)
Studio Executive: Yo, animator, we got a problem here.
Animator: Yes?
Studio Executive: These clones, the new guys in this new show, 'The Bad Batch'…they all look alike. All bronzed, good looking guys with dark hair and thick shoulders. 
Animator: Yes, that’s, um, kind of what clones are, sir? They are genetic duplicates of an indigenous actor from New Zealand. 
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Studio Executive: That’s the problem.
Animator: Say what?
Studio Executive: Who is watching this damn show? Who is paying for Disney + subscriptions? Who is our main money-making audience here?
Animator: Um, I guess…families? And, uh, lonely single adults?
Studio Executive: EXACTLY. And you know what is declining, besides civility in an ever-crumbling society? 
Animator: What?
Studio Executive: THE BIRTH RATE.
Animator: Uh, actually--
Animator: Well, that seems aggressively eugenics-oriented, with a tinge of classism.
Studio Executive: WHATEVER I MAKE THE BIG BUCKS SHUT YOUR ART SCHOOL MOUTH. Now, redesign those new clones!
Animator: To…what?
Studio Executive: First of all, the tech guy! What’s his name?
Animator: ….Tech. 
Studio Executive: WELL THAT SHIT’S EASY TO MARKET. Anywho, get rid of the tan and the muscles and the thick dark hair. No nerd looks like that, come on. Make him a skinny white guy with receding hair, slap some hipster glasses on him too. Actually, you know what? Meander your ass over to the accounting department on the second floor and draw a few of the weirdos conducting audits in there. Base the tech guy off of them, not a buff, golden, Maori man.
Animator: But the guys in accounting look NOTHING like Temuera Morrison! This is just wrong!
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(pictured above: Not the average CPA in the USA. That rhymed)
Studio Executive: Bro, get real. Are these lonely single ladies and the exhausted moms watching this show with their kids going to run into Mr. Morrison while working their office job? You think Boba Fett’s tanned self sits at the corner cubicle and tries to hit on them when they go to the copier? What are you smoking?! And on that note, make that tech character sassy, smart, and nurturing! Make him the perfect guy!
Animator: Why? I am so confused.
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("Wanna come look at some Excel spreadsheets with me, baby?")
Studio Executive: Because we want all the 30-something ladies watching this show to get so hot and bothered over Tech that they decide they need to have this clown’s babies, like, now! And they’ll run over to the accounting office, drunkenly hook up with one of the auditors in a broom closet after Thirsty Thursday, and boom! Another consumer born, 9 months later!
Animator: This is sounding astonishingly like eugenics.
Studio Executive: WHATEVER. Same goes for the other clones! Make that tall bald one look like the aggressively outgoing construction worker that’s laying cement outside of the accounting office! The one that always wolf-whistles and screams ‘Jesteś piękna! Beautiful like model!’ at every woman! The one that all the ladies in the office watch and go ‘Oh, yes, take that shirt off, it’s a hot day today, daddy’. Watching that fun guy on this show means those ladies with THROW THEMSELVES at guys like this! And bam! MORE CONSUMERS FOR DISNEY BORN. 
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(Wrecker has raw contractor energy. ::lays pipe::)
Animator: I am not enjoying this conversation’s direction.
Studio Executive: CAN IT AND TAKE IT UP WITH HR. Now the leader, I know we’re going with Rambo, and I’m okay with it, but give him a little extra smolder and snatch that waist a bit. I want to go for a ‘hot waiter at Cooper’s Hawk that slips you his number after you tip him 40%’, vibe. 30-something ladies love Cooper’s Hawk, there’s been market research, do it. 
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(He'll judge your love of pinot grigio, but not how you pay him, wink wink)
Animator: No.
Studio Executive: SHUT UP AND DO YOUR JOB. Now, the last two…bald, calm guy that always seems tired but is still constantly there for you? Basically, every exhausted Millennial man right now? Make him extra pale because he hasn’t left his condo since 2020 and his only social outlet is playing STEAM games with his other lonely friends. Perfect. Job well done. 
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(He uses his scomp to play 'Dave the Diver'. You know he does)
Animator: Yeah, his name is Echo and he– 
Studio Executive: Good, make him like I said, and trust me, ladies will see men like him and want to fix them, and then promptly ride said men like it’s Derby Day. More consumers born, we will have a bumper crop of tickets purchased at Disneyworld and Galaxy's Edge within the next couple of years. Excellent. 
Animator: Sir, you are a sick, sick man. 
Studio Executive: Speaking of which, the last guy. Just make him Clint Eastwood. 
Animator:…Clint Eastwood. Isn’t he old as hell?
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(Oh, Daddy Warcrimes, you and your toothpick are the Internet's Everything)
Studio Executive: Yeah, but, daddy issues abound amongst many of our consumer audience. And this is a show about daddy issues. And hopefully, by watching this, we will turn more people in daddies and KEEP OUR CONSUMER NUMBERS UP ON DISNEY +! 
Wait, where are you going?!
Animator: I’m resigning and joining the Peace Corps, I can’t do this anymore.
31 notes · View notes
silverwings22 · 5 months
Caught in the Crosshairs: Chapter 71: Hush Little Baby- Ashley Ryan
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Series warnings: Smut, mind control, canon typical violence, childhood trauma, language, chronic illness Chapter warnings: major injury, medical procedures, canon divergence, tears because this is three years of watching and writing this fic and it's over. Final chapter.
Previous chapter:
“Take care of the troopers.” Miria gave her new friend dryax a pat on the nose and pointed it in the direction she spotted Imperial soldiers moving. It roared and took off, buying her time to get back to her squad and taking out a few more enemies they could save plasma on. She found them crouching against a fallen log, Hunter administering a medpack to Wrecker while Crosshair looked through a set of binocs. 
“Did you really think wrestling that creature was a good idea?” Crosshair muttered, trying to see through the shake in his hand. 
“At the time, yes.” Wrecker grumbled. 
Miria hopped over the log and landed next to her husband, all of the clones reaching for their weapons until they realized it was her.. “He’s sorry about that, by the way.” 
“You talked to it?” Crosshair looked at her, letting her bring his trembling hand back down and hold it between hers. 
“Yes. Remember when I told you I was a little unbalanced in the Force? I think I’ve fixed it.” She looked up at the base in the distance.
“It’s five klicks away, and we’ll still need to find a way in.” Hunter sighed, helping Wrecker to his feet. 
Miria glanced back at Wrecker, her jaw tightening under her helmet. He was hurt, she could see his bloody injury through the rent in his armor. The dryax’s strength was no joke. “Wrecker…”
“I’m fine, Miri. Don’t look at me like that.” He waved her concerned voice off, and started trudging after Hunter. Miria and Crosshair exchanged looks, but followed quietly. 
“They captured Rampart.” She said softly. 
“Good. They can keep him.” Crosshair muttered. “They know we’re here, and that we’re coming for Omega. He can’t tell them anything they don’t already know.”
“He was… extraordinary unpleasant.” She agreed. 
“Your kindness is wasted on that bastard.” He sighed. “... you know how dangerous this facility is.”
“I was trapped here too, love.” She nodded. She could feel his thoughts racing, and she had to settle her own and hope he didn’t decide he needed to do something stupid. He was guilt-ridden, had been since she’d gotten him back, and she’d have to keep an eye on him when they ended up in danger. Because they definitely would.
The five klicks between them and the base they both were dreading going back into went faster than any approach she could remember, and they all stopped to check the area. Wrecker was flagging behind, and Miria winced slightly as Crosshair looked him over. “He’s going to need another medpack.”
“That was our last one.” Hunter sighed. 
“I’m fine.” Wrecker argued. 
“No you’re not. Change of plans.” Crosshair straightened up. “You two fall back and comm Rex for assistance. I’ll go in on my own.”
“Not happening.” Hunter snapped immediately. “We don’t operate like that.”
“Open your eyes. Clone Force 99 died with Tech. We’re not that squad anymore. Wrecker’s in no condition to do this. I know this base, I know what we’re up against. If we all go in, not all of us are coming out!” Crosshair’s voice was sharp, right fist clenched into a fist at his side. “It has to be-”
“Stop.” Miria, just a pace behind Crosshair, took her helmet off. “Look at me, Crosshair.”
The sniper turned around, prepared to argue with her beskar but not her lavender eyes. “Miria…”
“If you call Plan 99, then I will take it. I will go in, and you will stay here and comm for help if Hunter and Wrecker have to drag you to a safe perimeter. Unless you can look me in the eyes and tell me you’re okay with me sacrificing myself, don’t you dare ask me to be okay with you doing it.” Her breath was a little too fast, eyes glassy at the thought of Plan 99. Just saying the words made her feel sick. “I didn’t survive a war, Order 66, and this hell just to end up a widow.”
“Omega needs them. Mayrin needs you… and I deserve this, Miria.” He tried not to look at her face, but she just stepped closer so he had nowhere to look but at her. 
“If you do, so do I. I’m the leader, every failure was mine. And I didn’t catch Tech on Eriadu. Now answer the question, darling. Am I calling Plan 99 in your place?” 
He pulled his helmet off, and his eyes were misty despite the stoic hold of his jaw. “You know I can’t do that.”
“Then don’t ever ask me to watch you do it again.” She put her hand on his chest plate. “If we go down, we go down together. We don’t leave our own behind.”
Hunter nodded, almost wanting to clap at how well Miria could handle Crosshair. She always had been able to see right through him, and anticipate what he needed to hear. 
Before Crosshair could say anything else, or even try to apologize, the base hangar door they were facing exploded outward. He and Miria shoved their helmets back on, and Miria started laughing darkly. “It’s the Zillo from that shuttle crash! It’s escaped!”
Crosshair stared at the giant creature that he was almost entirely sure had been killed on Coruscant during the war. “... Echo’s handiwork, or Omegas?”
“Omega.” Wrecker, Hunter, and Miria all said at once.
The giant reddish, angry creature was decimating units of Imperials, and Hunter nudged Miria. “She gave us an entrance.” 
“Yes she did.” Miria nodded. “That’s our girl.” 
The group moved in for the hangar, moving slowly with their blasters out. Miria froze, an icy feeling moving up her back. “Guys. Something’s off… like Teth.”
“Get low.” Hunter muttered. “If we haven’t been spotted, we might need you hidden. We’ll keep moving in.”
Miria nodded, carefully moving behind cover and approaching along the wall of the hanger instead of the center as the clones did. She felt her skin prickling, but settled into the curve of a broken shuttle chassis the Zillo had destroyed. Once they were inside, they’d signal her and she’d come in after. 
To her horror, a pair of legs walked past her hiding space. She had to stifle a noise as she recognized them. 
On her stomach, bleeding into the sand. The inside of her helmet smelled like blood as he walked away, her screaming daughter in his arms. Her little pink stuffie was on the ground, Mayrin’s chubby hands reaching back for her. 
Mayrin. Mayrin. Omega. He’s got my girls. 
She swallowed hard and talked herself through a mental kata. No, she couldn’t fall apart, but she had to pay attention. She had to complete the mission and find the girls. She knew the risks. So did the guys, and they’d agreed to do this together.
In silent horror, she watched more of the assassins stepping out. Their armor were all subtly different, making recognizing the one who’d stolen her daughter and Omega easy. And they were brutally effective. One with an electrostaff had Wrecker pinned, Hunter knocked out with an explosive and trapped under debris. Her stomach clenched, fingers moving towards her lightsaber. There were too many, could she even hope to-
Stay put, Miria. Crosshair’s voice through their bond ordered. They’re not going to kill us. Not right away, anyway. You can’t get captured too. You’re our only chance.
Crosshair was on the ground, and her stomach dropped when the one she recognized, the one who took Mayrin, pinned his wrist with a foot and held out a hand to another assassin with yellow electroblades. The sword, an dishonored version of a lightsaber, was placed into the same hand that had put a knife between Miria’s ribs. “You should be more careful with your shooting hand.” He said, deadpan, and lifted the blade.
Miria shoved her hand into her helmet and shoved her hand over her mouth to stifle a shriek as Crosshair screamed. Her right wrist burned in agony, a ring of red and inflamed skin popping up almost instantly as some of the injury was shared through the Force Bond. She sucked air through her nose as the three clones, now all unconscious, were thrown onto hover gurneys and the assassins walked out. 
She took a slow breath, putting herself back together. Crosshair was right. She was the only shot now, so she very carefully crept into the base. There were holes in the walls, ripped open by the Zillo beast’s furious escape, so she took a leap and slithered into the air vents. She had to move carefully, peeking through each exit vent in search of the girls. She could get them onto a shuttle, Omega was a good pilot who could get them to Pabu, and go back for the men. She’d never leave them behind. They didn’t leave their own behind. That was the one rule, the one that mattered more than life itself-
The humming of a wet lab, not dissimilar to the one she’d found Mayrin in, caught her attention. A moment after, she heard a familiar wail. A cry any mother knew, their own baby’s inconsolable sobbing. She scuttled to a vent, peering down in search of her daughter. 
A white-coated lab technician was holding down a struggling infant, trying to get a blood draw from her little foot while the baby screamed. The woman was too rough, talking sharply to the tiny victim. “Stop all this squirming, X99-01.”
Hearing her baby referred to as a number sent Miria’s blood boiling, and she held out her hand. The technician coughed, setting the syringe down and trying to clear her throat. As soon as the needle was out of her hand and she’d stepped back from Mayrin, Miria snatched her by the neck with the force into the wall as hard as she could. The woman crumpled, unconscious, and Miria drew her saber to cut the vent cover off. She dropped into the room, putting her saber back on her hip and taking her helmet off to scoop up her daughter. “Shh, shh. You’re alright, May. Mama’s here.” She breathed, letting the baby see her face. “Shh.” 
Mayrin’s sniffling stopped and she reached for Miria’s cheeks, the Jedi bringing her up to her shoulder to cradle her. Once she stopped crying, Miria reached for her helmet. “Let’s get out of here, starshine. I can find Omega, and we’ll-”
Mayrin yanked a handful of Miria’s hair before she could put it on and made an indignant noise. Miria frowned, turning her head to a closed door between this lab and an adjacent one. She glanced at her baby and frowned. Through the Force, she felt the tiny insistence that she open that door. “Are you sure, May? We’re already in quite a bit of trouble here…”
Mayrin yanked her hair again, and she sighed. “Alright, starshine. But we need to hurry. I’ve got to find your father and uncles.” She tucked the baby into the sling she’d been wearing on her back since she’d lost her on Pabu and picked up her helmet with one hand, lightsaber out in the other, and cut a hole in the locked door.
It was creepy in here, dimly lit, and she held up her saber to see. Inside was a single bacta tank, with more screens and readouts than she’d ever seen. Miria took a few steps closer and pushed her saber closer, to get a look at the man inside’s face.
Sharp, angular features marred with a few deep scars were quiet inside. He was missing an arm at the mid-forearm, and one leg below the knee. His narrow chest was also studded with deep scarring, and it was clear he had been in the tank a while just to be as stable as the readouts showed. Miria leaned in a little closer, looking back up to examine his face. His hair was a little reddish, as far as she could tell inside the bacta, but he looked eerily familiar. He was built so much like Crosshair, taller and slimmer than most clones. Just like…
“Tech.” She whispered with a sudden realization. 
Tech was alive. Minus two limbs, but alive. Hemlock had lied.
Miria glanced over her shoulder at Mayrin. “Good work, starshine. Let’s see what else they have in here.” She went tearing the lab apart, ripping everything out of every drawer and cabinet, until she found two sealed prosthetics sitting in sterile casings stacked in the back next to a black uniform eerily similar to the one the assassins wore. She quickly checked the diagnostics, finding multiple notes about CT-9902. “So that’s what you were planning. Turn Tech into one of those hollow killers and let them train my daughter.” She turned around and started typing at the bacta tank until it started draining. Her too-long missing friend settled on the bottom and she leaned over as the door opened. “Tech? Ner vod, can you hear me?”
He grimaced as he came back awake, mumbling to himself. “... Plan 99. There’s no time… sever the connection hinge…” She could almost hear Echo muttering the same way when they found him in Skako Minor.
“Tech.” She reached into the tank, catching his face gently. “Open your eyes.”
The clone shivered, skin wet with bacta and cooling rapidly, and opened his eyes slowly. “G-general?” 
She smiled, eyes a little watery, and took his good hand. “Oh, I’m so mad at you. Let’s get you out of here.”
He nodded, letting her help him upright and get the prosthetics on. “Did you… commission these for me?”
“If you want to be technical, I stole them.” She adjusted them for him carefully. “How’s that? Can you move?”
He nodded. “General… why do you have an infant?”
“This is your niece. My daughter, will Crosshair, who we did find. We’re in an Imperial base, and we’re getting out. I can’t give you a full brief, because Crosshair, Hunter, and Wrecker have been captured. Put his uniform on, and here’s some boots.” 
He nodded, squinting. “Do you know where my goggles are?” 
“Broken, in the Archium on Pabu. We’ll get them fixed, I promise.” She helped him to his feet once he was dressed. “Now, we’re going to need to climb through the vents. Think you can make it?”
He nodded again, rubbing his face and frowning as he traced the depth of the scars. “...How long have I been here?”
Miria looked at her daughter, doing mental math. “Ten months?” 
“.... shit.”
“Yes. Now here, let me boost you. Go left and I’ll direct you from behind.” 
She gave him a leg up and he followed instructions, Miria following behind with Mayrin on her back and carefully guiding him to the broken entry she’d used in the hangar. As they came back out, she spotted a white-armored trooper and a familiar head of auburn hair. She flipped her blaster up. “Doctor Karr.”
Emerie turned around, hands up. “Master Halcyon-”
“Easy, Miri.” The trooper said, lifting a hand. 
Miria paused. “Echo?”
“Yeah. Had to change clothes on the descent.”
She sighed, holstering the blaster and walking over. Omega was standing with four other children, one of which was a toddler, and started to grin until she saw who was walking behind the Jedi. “T-tech?!”
“Hello, Omega.” He oof-ed when she tackled into him. “It is good to see you as well…” 
“I thought you were dead.” She whispered, overcome.
“Based on the injuries I believe I have, I think I might have briefly been.” He patted her hair gently with his new metal hand, then glanced at Echo. “We seem to lose an extraordinary amount of limbs on this squad.”
“You have no idea.” Miria placed Mayrin in Tech’s arms. “You need to go. I have to go back for the others. We’ll meet you.”
Echo handed Emerie a set of coordinates. “This is where you need to take them. We’ll catch up.”
Omega looked between Miria and Emerie, then stepped back with her and Echo. Emerie frowned. “Omega?”
“I have to do this.”
Emerie nodded and handed her a datapad. “This will give you access to the whole facility.”
The other kids threw their arms around Omega tightly, as if they’d planned it, and she hugged them and sent them on their way. Miria patted Tech’s arm. “I’ll see you soon, vod. Look after my little one.”
“Of course, General.” He followed Emerie into the shuttle they’d indicated, and she ran off with Omega and Echo.
Omega bolstered her resolve with a grin. “Let’s complete the mission.” Miria was so proud of her, of who she’d become and who she would grow into.
 They made their way straight for the detention block Omega had busted them out of, clones crowded at the bars of their cells with wide eyes when they saw them.
“What’s going on?” One asked. 
“We’re busting out.” Omega plopped the datapad into a dock and unlocked every cell door. Miria turned around, watching weak kneed but determined looking soldiers step out and come around. Along with Rampart, who she was less than thrilled to see but still willing to honor her deal to get him out safely. Nala Se as well, and she quickly went to check on Omega. Miria had to appreciate the Kaminoan woman, who’d both saved Omega by warning her and made sure Miria found Mayrin.
Echo turned around, passing out guns left and right. “I know you’ve all been through hell, but we’re going to need help. Will anyone fight with us?”
One bearded clone took a deep breath. “I will. I’ve got one more fight left in me.”
“Me too.” Another responded. 
Echo grinned and looked at Miria, who held up her lightsaber. “I want my riduur back, and I want Hemlock’s head on a platter. The only way the girls will ever be safe is if he’s dead.”
“Sounds good to me.” He looked at the datapad. “The pneumatic tube system runs through here. It’s the method Omega took through the walls. Omega, can you get us eyes in there?”
Omega nodded, Miria nodding to her and handing her a comm. “Don’t engage until we give the signal, okay? You’re as reckless as I am.”
“I take after my sister.” Omega smiled, slipping into the wall. 
Miria tapped her foot, rubbing the hilt of her lightsaber and taking slow breaths to maintain her clear head. She had to stay calm, keep her balance, and fight. She had to face the fear of the clone assassins. 
This time she was not going to be caught off guard. 
“Miri, Echo, I’ve found Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair. There’s guards, but I think I can get them loose if you give me a decent distraction.”
Miria smiled darkly. “You’ve got it, dear.” She looked at Echo, and the gathered clones who would join them. “Ready, gentlemen?” She cooed, pulling out her lightsaber and twirling it. She saw some of the clones light up and throw salutes at her. 
“Yes, General.”
She led the way to the training room, where Hemlock had tormented Crosshair and countless clones before him. Where he would have tormented Tech, if Miria hadn’t found him. She’d had enough of this place and that man, and cut the door off its hinges. “Give them hell, boys.”
The room was dark and had moving obstacles, which were immediately put to use against her and her band of rescued clones. The assassins hunted them in the chaos, while Omega worked hurriedly above to get Wrecker free first. 
When Miria heard the crackle of an electroblade, she turned and put her own saber through his chest. “You’re not the one I’m looking for.” She muttered, dropping him and taking off up the side of the platform with the Force. Echo had the other clones, and Echo always pulled through. He’d never let her down. He never would.
When she made it up to the level where her team was restrained, Hemlock had already put his hands on Omega, cuffing her wrist to his. “I’ve got you.”
“You forgot I’ve got them.” Omega smirked, and Wrecker ripped one hand loose and cannon-balled his way out of the torture seat. Miria grinned, immensely proud, and moved to cut Hunter out when a blaster shot narrowly missed her head. She spun, facing the assassin who’d taken her baby as Hemlock ripped the control patch off his arm and ordered him to cover his own escape.
“He left you for dead.” Miria said dangerously.
“I left you for dead on that beach.” He responded, still deadpan and uninflected. 
“And I should have killed you on Teth. I won’t make the same mistake twice..” She lunged, deflecting shots as he took them. Wrecker got Hunter and Crosshair free, the sniper barely on his feet and Hunter picking up the electrostaff that another assassin had dropped in the shuffle. 
“You should have stayed down.
“You should have kept your hand off my husband.” She went low, sliding to her knees and coming up behind him. She thrust her blade backwards as Hunter aimed for the chest, and the two of them skewered him in two directions. Just behind them, Wrecker put the other one’s head through a wall before he had to sit down and clutch his chest.
“He went that way, with Omega.” Miria pointed.
“I’ll go, make for the shuttle.” Hunter wheezed, picking up a pistol.
“Like hell you will.” Crosshair muttered. 
Miria nodded. “Together. Echo, get Wrecker and the others to the shuttle.” 
“Yes, General.” 
The three parents walked out onto the rain, the clones missing their helmets and Miria swapping her saber for a blaster. 
Hemlock was cornered and he knew it, holding a blaster to Omega’s head. “No closer! Stop right there!” It was the first time she’d ever heard panic in his voice. He was usually so disgustingly calm and wickedly composed. He was scared. 
“We all know you won’t hurt her.” Miria called out. “You need her, Hemlock. Like you needed me, and my daughter. And failed to keep us, so just hand Omega over.”
“The Emperor would kill me for failure.”
“Killing you is the least I can do.” Miria assured him. 
Hunter sank down to one knee and Crosshair lined up a shot with his left hand, the sniper spotting something shiny in Omega’s sleeve. “Miri, keep his eyes on you. Cross, aim for the cuffs.”
“It’s too close. I can’t risk Omega.” Crosshair breathed.
“She knows what to do. And I know you can do it.” Hunter had absolute faith in his brother, and so did Miria. Crosshair just had to believe in himself. 
Miria held her saber up again, keeping Hemlock’s focus firmly on her. “You’re afraid of him. And Vader, have you met him yet? Do you want to know the real, terrible truth? I’m worse than either of them, if I need to be. I raised Darth Vader.”
Hemlock shuddered, and that was the opening Omega needed to yank a metal instrument from her sleeve and stab him in the leg. He doubled over and she threw her arms up, giving Crosshair his shot. He pulled the trigger, and hit the cuffs. They came open, and Omega hit the deck. Miria and Hunter opened fire, slamming shot after shot into Hemlocks chest and throat, until he toppled over the edge of the bridge and vanished into the rain. 
The blaster fire petered out, and Miria crouched next to Crosshair as Omega came running as fast as she could. When she got close enough to see clearly, she froze. Rain and tears streamed down her face as she looked at them, eyes fixing on Crosshair’s missing hand. 
Before Crosshair could blink, she had thrown her arms around his neck and was sobbing into the hug. His eyes widened, then softened and closed as he leaned in, and Omega looped another arm around Hunter to pull him into her embrace too. Miria was dragged in by a little brown hand smacking into her helmet wetly, and put her head against Crosshair’s shoulder. 
It didn’t matter that it was pouring, or that lightning was flaring all around them and lighting up the miserable base. What mattered was Omega was safe, in their arms, and their family was together again.
Crosshair lifted his head slowly and looked at Miria, who had her hand on his vambrace that lead to the missing hand. “Mayrin? Did you find her too?”
Miria nodded, taking off her helmet so he could see her smile. The rain even felt kind of nice, cleansing after the fog of the fight. “I put her on a transport with the other children they were holding… and Tech.”
Hunter and Crosshair did a double take. “Tech?”
Her grin brightened. “What was that you were saying about the squad being dead, my darling? Because I think I’ve disproven that.”
“He’s alive?” Crosshair whispered. 
“He should beat us to Pabu. I went ahead and sent him home.” Miria put her head down on the water-slick expanse of her husband’s shoulder. “After all, we don’t leave our own behind.” 
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It felt utterly bizarre to step back onto Pabu after the stark horror of Tantiss. Miria led the way out, turning back to watch Crosshair turn his face up towards the sun, like he’d never really appreciated it before now. Maybe he hadn’t, still swallowed up in his own guilt. Now he was softer-eyed, a small smile playing across his lips. She stepped to the side and let Hunter and Echo help Wrecker down the ramp, holding out a hand to her husband. “How do you feel, darling?” She smiled when his left hand slipped into hers. 
“Better than I have in a long time.” He admitted. “It’s good to be home… to have a home.”
She nodded, bringing him down to stand beside her. They looked around, spotting the three clone cadets Hunter had rescued offering ice cones to the children Omega had set free of Tantiss. Tech was standing nearby, squinting as Phee handed him his broken goggles from the Archium. Crosshair swallowed hard, looking at his twin until Miria gently squeezed his fingers. “Go on, love.” She whispered.
Crosshair slowly pulled his hand away from hers and started towards the genius. His strides started slow and measured, but the longer he walked the more speed he built up until he was all out running. Tech turned just in time to catch him, arms wrapping tight around his twin and pressing his forehead against Crosshair’s. “You’re alive.” Crosshair whispered.
“I am.” Tech smiled. “And the General found you. I knew she would.” 
“You’re still an asshole for that Plan 99 banthashit.” Crosshair’s voice cracked.
“I could say the same thing to you.” Miria caught up, smiling at Phee when the pirate raised an eyebrow. “He tried to tell me he was going to infiltrate Tantiss by himself.”
“Where is your hand?!” Tech blinked, finally getting a visual on Crosshair’s right wrist.
“You’re missing one too.” Crosshair huffed. “So is Echo.”
“I am also missing a leg, but I fell off a rail car from a great height. What did you do?”
“The bastard who kidnapped our daughter and stabbed me in the ribs.” Miria patted Crosshair’s back.
“It is fortunate you found me, then. I can make a prosthetic.” Tech nodded. “And upgrade my own.” 
“That can wait. Where’s my kid?” Crosshair frowned.
“I gave her to Lady Annalise. I did not realize she was on Pabu, General.”
Miria turned around, spotting her parents standing near the edge of the Archium looking for her in the crowd of newly freed clones. Mayrin was on her grandmother’s hip, and Miria reached into her pocket and pulled out Rosie. “We should probably take this back to her.” 
Tech glanced at the doll, then at Crosshair. “You made another doll?”
“I knew you knew.” Crosshair chuckled faintly. “Yeah, I did.” 
Tech’s smile a genuine, if a little squinty still. “All this time I believed you were severe and unyielding, but you seem to have changed despite my conviction you could not.”
Miria smiled. “There is no force more destructive to a strong man than a daughter.” 
Tech nodded. Crosshair left his arm slung over his twins shoulder. “C’mon, I’ll introduce you to her properly.” 
They walked off to see her parents, and Miria looked over at Phee. “He seem like himself?” 
Phee nodded. “Clueless as ever… but I did finally kiss him. I think he gets the picture now.” She headed over to stand with Tech again, reluctant to let him out of her sight now.
Miria smiled. “Oh good…” She looked around again, eyes wide. Civilians were giving aid to the clone refugees, Pabu’s people capable of the same endless kindness Miria admired so much in Omega. Crosshair had Mayrin in his arms, ignoring his missing hand in favor of introducing his daughter to Tech. The genius was smiling, brightening when Phee wrapped her fingers into his again.  Wrecker was sitting down to rest, Shep and Lyana checking on him while AZI inspected his chest. Hunter and Omega were up under the large tree, the darling girl with her head on his arm as they talked. Echo and Emerie were talking, and she could feel the acceptance building between them. 
The war would go on outside Pabu. The Empire would rage a little longer, and eventually she knew she’d be called back into the fight. It was almost inevitable, when the Empire was led by a Sith and so few Jedi remained to stand against him. But for now… there was a little peace.
She turned and walked over to Crosshair and her parents, giving Mayrin her stuffie once Annalise had freed her from a tight hug. “I thought you were going back to Naboo, Mother.”
“We decided to stay.” Jet shook his head. “We knew you’d come back here, once you found the girls.” 
“No doubt we’d find them?” Crosshair raised an eyebrow. 
“Never.” Annalise patted his arm. 
Miria smiled and gently tugged Crosshair’s chest plate until he came down to her level, kissing him firmly. “Ni kartayli gar darasuum, my darling.”
“Darasuum, cyare.”
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Ten years later
“Where do you think you’re going?”
 The little girl froze mid-footstep, halfway down the steps from Upper Pabu to Lower, with a bindle full of snacks and a stolen blaster in her hands. She turned slowly, silver ponytail bouncing, until her lavender eyes were reflected in the flashlight held in her direction. “... how’d you hear me?”
“You’re not as quiet as you think, May.” Crosshair raised an eyebrow, facing his daughter with his flashlight in his prosthetic hand and the other one on his hip. Ten years on Pabu had changed him some, though he was still the smartass he’d always been. He’d grown a scruffy beard and let his hair grow back, and was far more comfortable in civilian clothes than he thought he’d be when he retired. “Besides, your mom just knows stuff.”
“I do.” 
Mayrin squeaked and turned around, finding her mother two steps below her with her arms crossed. Miria’s hair had grown longer and the beginnings of gray were starting to creep into her temples, but Crosshair still thought she looked just as perfect as she had the day she’d met him on a Coruscanti hangar bay and asked him his name instead of CT number. 
“Auntie Mega snuck out! She’s going to the Rebellion!” Mayrin frowned. “I want to go too.”
“You’re a kid, Mayrin.” Crosshair shook his head. “Now give me back my blaster.”
“How come she gets to go?” Mayrin huffed as he eased the weapon out of her grasp. “She’s a good pilot but I’m a better shot than she is!”
“Because she’s twenty-three, and you are ten.” Miria put her hands on her daughter’s shoulders. “It’s her decision as an adult. You, however, are still our responsibility until you’re grown. When you are, you can make your choice about where you go. And if you choose to fight, we’ll support you.”
Crosshair chuckled. “Hell, we’ll go with you.” 
Mayrin frowned, looking up at both of them as Miria guided her back up the stairs. “You will?”
Crosshair nodded. “I think I’ve got one more fight in me. What about you, cyare?” 
Miria nodded with a laugh. “It wouldn’t be our first fight.” 
“You’re a preschool teacher, Mom. What kind of fighting have you done?” Mayrin squinted at her. 
“Your mom was a Jedi, and a general.” Crosshair shook his head and looked up as a ship launched from the lower caves. Hunter must have gotten to say his goodbyes before Omega snuck off… they’d known she was going to go eventually. She talked too much like Echo, about doing more and saving more lives. They’d raised her well, and she’d make them all proud on the battlefield. 
“I was the leader of the best black ops squad in the Clone Wars, with your father and uncles. We never failed a mission… your father was the best sniper in the Republic.” Miria chuckled, glancing up with the same proud expression he had. Omega was, as she’d always hoped, not just as good as them. She was better. 
“Dad’s only got one hand!”
“You wanna hear how I lost it, kid?” Crosshair smirked. 
“You’ve told me fifteen different versions. Last week I was helping Ba’vodu Tech with an engine block and you said ‘watch out, that’s how I lost my hand.’” Mayrin wrinkled her nose. 
“Well, let me tell you the truth. The whole story.” Miria steered her daughter back towards the house. “Before your grandmother notices we’re outside and comes at me with a shoe.”
“Fine. But I wanna know the whole story, from the beginning!” Mayrin said firmly. 
“We’re gonna be up all night. I’ll start a pot of caf.” Crosshair chuckled again. “And tea for you, cyare.” 
Miria smiled. “Alright then. If you want to go back to the very beginning, it started when I was six years old. I was on Illum-”
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yan-snowcave · 5 months
First impression gone wrong
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Transcript of all the speech bubbles can be found below the "Read More"
[Phew, this took 3-4 days of non-stop drawing to finish it, tbh I'm happy with how it came out! Especially since I rarely draw humans so it was a good, fun exercise and now I can work on other stuff for my OC (and Milo's 3 other forms ;3c) & other projects! (Also taking a lil break from drawing to let my hands rest.) And thanks to everyone who drew Makura, I promise I will try and draw your OC's and others too! They all look amazing just give me some time please TwT Also my handwriting isn't the best sorry!]
[Page 1]
Seth: Who's this? Milo...A new boytoy? Or...
[Seth's POV]
Makura: You signed the Contract Milo <3
You're MINE
I will "eat" you~
(I'm sorry but, I have to reveal the truth)
Seth: Maku's a demon!
[Page 2]
Desmond: Seriously? This again? This is the third time this week...
Valli: Seth...
Makura: ...Ash will beat my ass, fuck
Milo: Huh?
Seth: You see in the book Demonolgy (volume 3) it's explained that most demons form contracts with mortals to obtain their soul to devour later on in exchange the mortal gets whatever they want.
It's also very important that the soul is that of a virgin or that they are an innocent or naive person with a pure soul like Milo. Unlike, let's say...Ryan who has a corrupted soul, which explains why he's still alive and kickin. Not to mentione that we never saw Makura without their hood-mask off. Not even during lectures and we know how the teachers are. They dont allow us to wear any hats or hoods, which means that Makura has to have some sort of demonic manipulation powers. Maybe they can even shape and change the universe to whatever they desire. And we dont even need to mentione the students who don't approach them almost out of instinct and we all know thats a clear sign of an Demonic Aura.
[Page 3]
Seth: I have to confess I'm a bit jealous but also very proud of Milo. As a fellow monster lover, even if he stumbled into this relationship on accident. I will give him kudos for getting such a big catch! Getting a demon partner isn't easy.
I tried and failed so many times. Some were already taken and I'm no home wrecker for fellow monster lovers. We have to stick toghether y'know? No one else would understand the struggle of dating someone thats a non-human and even those with open minds often think our partners are crazy or just playing a demon which is rather rude.
But you cant do much about it. Also if you want to start courting them then you have to be very carefull. Demonic courting isnt for the faint of heart and will often force you to get gifts that many people would see as strange or disgusting. Also be carefull if you go further in your relationship, their claws, teeth and salavia can be harmfull to us mortals, not to mentione that lu-
Desmond: Seth!! For gods sake, stop with this NONESENSE! Makura isnt a demon, they have no demonic traits. They are just a cringey furry, wanna be pastel goth! That's KNOWN for their agressive behaviour!
Seth: I'm just giving Milo some much needed advice and warnings!
[Page 4]
Milo: My prince!
Valli: Seth! Desmond!! Stop it right now or I WILL kick your asses!
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mrs-lockley · 1 year
Relationship Jumbo
No one tagged me to do this, I saw this on my dash and wanted to do it because it looked fun 😂 I’ll be using Oscar Isaac and Tenoch Huerta characters. 
Husband: Santiago “Pope” Garcia (this is my gut instinct I’m sorry)
Boyfriend: Mendel from Son of Monarchs or Jake Lockley, equally tied
Home wrecker: MCU Namor (I’m not sorry, Ryan Coogler himself said Namor is the type of man who would hit on other men’s wives)
Ex: Marc Spector (I’m sorry baby)
Baby daddy: 
Best friend: Steven Grant!!!
Tagging (only if you want to!): @talokanda-forever @observers-journal @v4mpires0ap @cutelatinagirl @venting402 @sammyscrnr @namorslutfanfiction @evillkan and anyone else who would like to join!
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the-marshals-wife · 2 years
Imagines Masterlist
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Updated 6/30/2024 | Requests are currently ⋆OPEN⋆ | New! Adding fics on A03 🤍
I write exclusively x Fem!Reader
Most of my writing is fluff and hurt+comfort, both romantic and platonic. Willing to indulge in angst™ if the muse descends
All of my writing is rated General Audiences unless otherwise stated with specific content warnings detailed on each
For R-rated fandoms like John Wick or Joker, I still rate my writing non-explicit because the audience hopefully knows what they're in for based on the source content. I.E. blood and violence may be mentioned, but not graphically described unless otherwise stated
I do not write smut or NSFW content
Star Wars
The Bad Batch
The Bad Batch Having a Token of Their Love For You Would Include (Bad Batch x Reader)
Having A Child With Wrecker Would Include (Wrecker x Reader)
Having A Child With Tech Would Include (Tech x Reader)
Shot Through The Heart (Crosshair x Reader)
Fidelity (Crosshair x Reader)
Keep Me Close (Tech x Reader)
Watch Your Step (Hunter x Reader) [Request]
Good Medicine (Wrecker x Reader) [Request]
The Clone Wars
Having A Child With Hardcase Would Include (Hardcase x Reader) [Request]
Not Alone (Captain Rex x Reader)
Revenant (Baylan Skoll x Reader)
Nothing Else Matters (Melshi x Reader)
Token (Din Djarin/The Mandalorian x Reader)
What Comes After (Poe Dameron x Reader)
Kindred Spirits (F |Star Wars Visions| x Reader [Platonic]) [Request]
Imagine Being Collected By The Mandalorian (x Reader Prompt)
John Wick
Angel Shot (John Wick x Reader)
Pariah (John Wick x Reader)
Safe and Sound (John Wick x Reader) [Request]
Ryan Gosling Characters
Cinnamon Sugar (Colt Seavers x Reader) - The Fall Guy
Refuge (Sierra Six x Reader) - The Gray Man
Broke the Mold (Ken x Reader) - Barbie
Strangers Like Me (Orm Marius x Reader)
New Horizons (Arthur Curry x Reader) [Request]
Scars (Yong-Rogg x Reader)
Sunrise (Yong-Rogg x Reader) [Request]
Better Half (Matt Murdock/Daredevil x Reader) [Request]
Spellbound (Mysterio/Quentin Beck x Reader)
Joker (2019)
Sticks and Stones (Arthur Fleck x Reader) [Pt 1]
Sticks and Stones (Arthur Fleck x Reader) [Pt 2]
Sticks and Stones (Arthur Fleck x Reader) [Pt 3]
Lost and Found (Arthur Fleck x Reader) [Request]
Restless (Raylan Givens x Reader) - Justified
Shelter (Balthazar Blake x Reader) - The Sorcerer's Apprentice
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thecambriaone · 6 months
most wanted?
we'd love to see:
finn, obi-wan kenobi, qui-gon jinn, ezra bridger, sabine wren, captain rex, hunter, bo-katan kryze, din djarin, wrecker, tech, echo, crosshair, baylan skoll, boba fett, fennec shand, cassian andor, bix caleen, rose tico, lando calrissian, jyn erso, nightsister merrin, bodhi rook, chirrut imwe, garazeb 'zeb' orrelios, amilyn holdo, bail organa, breha organa, the hero of tython/jedi knight, ashara zavros, doc, theron shan, satele shan, lord scourge, lana beniko, talos drellik (star wars) sam wilson, steve rogers, thor odinson, bruce banner, carol danvers, scott lang, miles morales, jessica drew, cindy moon, mj watson, ned leeds, harry osborn, lorna dane, pietro maximoff, erik lehnsherr, charles xavier (marvel) percy de rolo, vax'ildan, grog strongjaw, scanlan shorthalt, yasha nydoorin, beauregard lionette, fjord, caduceus clay, veth brenatto, kingsley tealeaf (critical role) dame aylin, alfira, lae'zel, wyll ravengard, halsin, jaheira, minsc (baldur's gate) captain john price, kyle 'gaz' garrick (call of duty) cullen rutherford, alistair theirin, josephine montilyet, cassandra pentaghast, the inquisitor, the warden, hawke, varric tethras (dragon age) sir malcolm murray, sembene, alexander sweet/dracula, dorian gray, brona croft/lily frankenstein (penny dreadful) edward cullen, esme cullen, carlisle cullen, leah clearwater, seth clearwater (twilight)
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armand, nicolas de lenfant, gabrielle de lioncourt, daniel molloy, jesse reeves, merrick mayfair, mona mayfair, tarquin blackwood, julien mayfair, jojo mayfair, ciprien grieve (the vampire chronicles/lives of the mayfair witches) lucerys velaryon, jacaerys velaryon, harwin strong, laenor valeryon, baela targaryen, aemond targaryen, helaena targaryen, missandei, grey worm, jorah mormont, sansa stark, ned stark, catelyn stark, bran stark, robb stark, davos seaworth, gendry (game of thrones/house of the dragon) betty cooper, archie andrews, jughead jones, dilton doiley, sabrina spellman (archie comic/riverdale/sabrina) josie saltzman, lizzie saltzman, milton greasley, landon kirby, rebekah mikaelson, marcel gerard, stefan salvatore, bonnie bennett, enzo st john, nadia petrova, jenna sommers, davina claire, freya mikaelson (the vampire diaries universe) rose tyler, donna noble, the fifteenth doctor, martha jones, amy pond, rory williams, bill potts, yasmin khan, ryan sinclair, graham o’brien, dan lewis (doctor who)
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
Okay okay, you're the first person I've seen actually bring up that it may have been one of the boys that left the lipstick mark, that was my IMMEDIATE thought, I think cause she also says something along the lines of 'one of these boys really surprised me' or something and the one that's coupled with Ivy is next to her looking happy (for me it was Ryan but I assume that might just be because he's coupled with Ivy) I was starting to think maybe I was just crazy for thinking that because I didn't see anyone else bring up the possibility
RIGHT?!?! I think from our past experience with FB were all ready to jump on Amelia being a home wrecker but tbh I dont even have a home for her to wreck. the "show" literally just started and for her to come in and steal MC's guy straight out the gate looks NUTS. Literally none of the girls would trust her anymore and the guys would look at her funny for betraying her sister like that. ESPECIALLY if u've been like me and making out with ur LI at every turn. Amelia clearly doesnt like Ivy so in my mind she's going to pick Ryan.
ALSO if everyone's theory about Zeph + Amelia being involved is true theyre going to want to build up to that moment and the big reveal. if Amelia really kissed Lewie (my LI) I feel like MC would obviously be bothered and say something along the lines of AGAIN??? and to me that isnt a big enough reveal for this secret. So I feel like maybe she dared one of the boys to kiss Lewie, Ryan or whoever did it and they decided to "prank the girls" by coming back with the lipstick stain on his cheek.
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boston-babies · 11 months
The fact that Chris thinks he has the right to punch the guy who wants to take mama out for a nice dinner…after what he did. Mama didn’t go attacking your other lady like that. Let her be happy
Oh trust me, mama would handle that little home wrecker if she had the chance😂-Ryan
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fairiemoa · 2 years
requests are: open !
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☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ☆ hello, welcome to my blog! my name is addilyn, but you can call me addi or eden as well! i am 16 years old. i use she/her pronouns primarily but i am comfortable with/will not be offended if they/them prounouns are used! listed below is a masterlist ! i hope you enjoy ! no credit needed for anything ☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ☆
masterlist: coming soon
more info on me:
i can do sign language !
i am currently studying spanish !
my birthday is 7/11 (yes, i get free slurpees) !
my ult group is txt and my bias is ot5 with taegyu as bias wreckers (not shipping!) i will be seeing them on tour ! i’m very excited :)
i play guitar !
i am an enfp through and through ;)
my favorite hollywood actor is ryan reynolds LMAO
the anime i’m watching now: one piece (wish my luck pls it’s so so so long 😭)
my favorite pop artist is beabadoobee
my favorite kdrama actor is nam joo hyuk
i like spiderman heheh
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have a good day ! i hope you enjoy your visit ⭐️
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loveofbots · 2 years
Content warning!!
This is about last stand of the wreckers and it includes SPOILERS. I also really wished someone had warned me about how bad it gets. Honest to god I’m putting this under a cut because it deserves a trigger warning.
Warnings: violence, mentions of that one Saving Private Ryan scene, I shouldn’t have read the series at midnight.
The only reason idw hasn’t perished for being too gory is because they are robots not humans, Springer gets HIS FACE PUNCHED OFF and that scene where it’s finally explained by Ironfist via flashback what Impactor did- how jaded everyone but Springer was to his actions.
No one helped Springer, they watched as he desperately tried to save the Povans. I wanna hold that boy close now oh my god.
And oh my lord the TWO SIDEDNESS. Especially Rotormaster’s panels about being an excellent flier! And he just admits he was lying??? AND THEN GETS SHOT IN THE FACE??
Fun thing is: I connect with transformers more than I do with humans. Call it my autism or something but I would much rather live in a world where gender doesn’t exist and I’m a big tall robot. That being said, I think this hit me way harder than it should’ve.
Impactor in the beginning showing his weakness too. It’s not super obvious but you can tell he DOES NOT want to go back to g-9. He is traumatized and despite his literal war crimes I would give him a cup of chocolate milk. He needs to be comforted so bad. All of them do.
TW: death and Saving Private Ryan
There were only 4 deaths. Only 4 wrecker deaths and each one felt like my heart was being crushed. It was disgusting, vile, brutal just for the hell of it. I saw my favourite characters at their lowest. It was awful. The last time I felt like this I was watching the saving private Ryan D-Day scene. It didn’t make me cry but it gave me nightmares for three days. I really hope that sins of the wreckers is gentler.
The comic is a masterpiece and I commend the people who wrote it. The details and the writing made me feel for ironfist, pyro, and verity. Characters I did not know prior to reading the comic. I seriously felt like I was there with them and that’s probably the reason I was so affected by all the tragedy. I personally got to understand springer and Impactor a little better, and know why Fort Max goes into a fit in mtmte. I can’t be mad or upset about it because it was good- but I really think more fans should put warnings on the comics before you read them. I read some of the brutal DC comics and was not this affected by them. Probably something to do with attachment to the characters.
Still, I love it as much as I hate it. It really opened my eyes to how bad it gets in the war- as much as I want it to be the funni g1 stuff. IDW is great but I honestly think you should be over 16 to read that- I’m lucky I only read MTMTE when I was little.
Also this: I love prowl he’s my asshole. He makes calls for better or for worse and unfortunately he’s the guy you complain about when his call goes wrong. Still- I wanna kick his Praxian ass for not showing any empathy. Ultra Magnus is doing better than him (even tho I feel like he was kinda ooc)
Anyways that’s my two cents on Last Stand. It’s really bad but it’s done really well.
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My redneck neighbor Doug's interpretations on various 'Bad Batch' characters
So, it turns out my neighbor Doug, who lives next to me, is a MASSIVE Star Wars nerd. Hooray! Found this out earlier during a snow storm. He was thrilled when he found out my kids and I watch this show together, and had some...brilliant...insights on how he interprets the show. I'll be dropping some of the wildest descriptions here from time to time.
This was months ago, but damn it, it was so wild how this chubby Cajun Boomer described the show. I'm going to drop some of his best gems that he's texted me since January:
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Crosshair: "So that there's Daddy Warcrimes. All you need to know is he lives on beer and Slim Jims, has more guns then Jesus got faith, and that he does your mom on the weekends, and then you thank him for his service."
Hunter: "Aw man, we got Rambo up in this place. Daddy Rambo. He looks like he's got some hot wife with a huge butt who makes amazing biscuits, but he only showers on the weekends for reasons he won't tell you."
Wrecker: "I know, I KNOW, he's got some cool Star Wars name, but in my head, he's Julio. He looks like a Julio, ya know? Every Julio's been the nicest guy with a truck and a million friends. I swear. I bet he's a contractor and lays pipe like you wouldn't believe." ::winks::
Tech: "Hm, yeah, I know him. That's Ryan-from-Accounting, somebody's hipster dad. You know, everyone knows a Ryan who works in accounting, he's quiet, only drinks IPAs, and has a bitch wife named Laura who drives a Kia and is always yelling at him. Poor man. I hope Julio saves him from his bitch wife Laura."*
Echo: "Eh, Toaster Strudel. Homeboy looks like his daddy had an affair with a convection oven on shore leave and forgot to pay child support."
Omega: "Little Orphan Blondie. I hope she gets real parents or something besides those freaky alien things running the mall on the ocean."**
Admiral Rampart: "I hate this smarmy jack-ass already. He looks like my asshole nephew who got some fancy degree but can't keep a job in corporate because he's such a little ass, he talks down to the janitors and always leaves at 2 pm 'to beat traffic'. He's MBA-Rob."
*=I can't emphasize the vitriol Doug had in his voice when describing 'bitch wife named Laura'. I am so deeply concerned for Ryan-from-Accounting, wherever he is.
**= 'The mall on the ocean' describing Tipoca City sent me. That is how I refer to it now.
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Micheleamidalajedi's fanfiction and moodboard masterlist! 💫
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Bruce Banner
Natasha Romanoff
Kate bishop
Bucky Barnes
Luke Cage
Carol Danvers
Peter Parker
Jessica Jones
Sam Wilson
Pepper Potts
Clint Barton
Tony Stark
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Emily Prentiss
Spencer Reid
Jennifer Jareau
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Matthew Simmons
Tara Lewis
Luke Alvez
Kate Callahan
Aaron Hotchner
Ashley Seaver
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Cedric Diggory
Luna Lovegood
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Remus Lupin
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Sirius Black
Katie Bell
Neville Longbottom
Minerva Mcgonagall
Blaise Zabini
Nymphodora Tonks
Rubeus Hagrid
Pansy Parkinson
Draco Malfoy
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Jill Valentine
Leon Kennedy
Helena Harper
Carlos Oliveira
Claire Redfield
Jake Muller
Sherry Birkin
Chris Redfield
Piers Nivan
Sheva Alomar
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Nick Stokes
Sara Sidle
Greg Sanders
Catherine Willows
Warrick Brown
Mia Dickerson
Gil Grissom
Riley Adams
Raymond Langston
Julie Finlay
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Tifa Lockhart
Hope Esthiem
Oerba Dia Vanille
Cloud Strife
Aerith Gainsborough
Snow Villers
Lighting Farron
Vincent Valentine
Oerba Yun Fang
Zack Fair
Yuffie Kirasagi
Prompto Argentum
Serah Farron
Squall Leonhart
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Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Ororo Munroe
Charles Xavier
Raven Darkholme
Warren Worthington
Kitty Pryde
Kurt Wagner
Logan Howlett
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Alexx Woods
Ryan Wolfe
Natalia Boa Vista
Horatio Caine
Marisol Delko
Jesse Cardoza
Calleigh Duquesne
Walter Simmons
Eric Delko
Kyle Harmon
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Mordin Solus
Liara T'soni
Garrus Vakarian
Thane Krios
Tali'zorah nar rayya
Urdnot Wrex
Suvi Anwar
Liam Kostas
Kasumi Goto
Jaal ama darav
Pelessaria B'sayle
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Leia Organa
Padme Amidala
Din Djarin
Ashoka Tano
Poe Dameron
Rey Skywalker
Galen Marek
Jyn Erso
Obi wan kenobi
Bo katan kryze
Luke Skywalker
Cara Dune
Cere Junda
Aayla Secura
Shaak Ti
Mission Vao
Cal Kestis
Barriss Offee
Qui gon jin
Don Billingsley
Celine Naville
Santiago Garcia
Kimberly Corman
Bam Margera
Alex Law
Monica Long Dutton
Wally West
Kara AX400
Robert Lewis
Wendy Christensen
Frank Mccullen
Beverly Marsh
Connor RK900
Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan
Christopher Robin
Mike Hanlon
Haruhi Fujioka
Ben Miller
Peter Pevensie
Mason "Mace" Brown
Susan Pevensie
Will Miller
Judy Alvarez
Gavin "Spinner" Mason
Callie Adams Foster
Tori Spring
Jane Vaughn
Murphy Macmanus
Panam Palmer
Ryan Dunn
Harland Mckenna
Artemis Crock
Adam Banks
Emma Nelson
Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce
Lucy Pevensie
Connor Kent
Peyton Sawyer
Edmund Pevensie
Connie Monreau
Kung Jin
Carol Peletier
Guy Germaine
Brooke Davis
Johnny Knoxville
Emily Fields
Ben Hanscom
Jacqui Briggs
Charlie Conway
Beth Greene
Luis Mendoza
Amelia Sheperd
Elliott Alderson
Heather Mason
John Wick
Takashi Takeda
Beth Dutton
Cassie Cage
Kazuma Kiryu
Megan Morse
Chris Pontius
Ellie Nash
Legolas Greenleaf
Mariana Foster
Dick Grayson
Lara Croft
Frankie Morales
Mark Renton
Julia Salinger
Rip Wheeler
Pixie O'brien
Foxy Cleopatra
Austin Powers
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davidmariottecomics · 2 years
Too Many Conventions!
Turns out, I'm a liar. If you read last week's blog, I ended it with a whole little plan for the next couple of weeks, completely having forgotten that I'm about to enter the most convention heavy stretch I have all year! This is my last "free" weekend until April pretty much! 
A week from today, 2/25, I'll be at the Arizona Comic Book Arts Festival! If you're anywhere near the Phoenix area and want to see me to buy comics or bring your own to get them signed, this is the place to do it! I'll be bringing a pretty chunk of my stock, including stuff from Sonic, Godzilla, and pretty much what's left of my Transformers/Hasbro stock! Maybe this one, maybe in a couple more events like this, I'm going to be running out of Transformers vs. Terminator and Wreckers, so get 'em now while you can! Becca will be there too and you can get us both to sign our little mini-comic, Jimmy Squarefoot! We'll also be bringing copies of a zine we made explaining the issues with AI! And Becca will have a bunch of other stuff at their own table! 
There are a bunch of other really great people attending including Elizabeth Brei, Danny Djeljosevic, Mitch Gerads, Steve Rude, John Layman, Henry Barajas, Jay Fotos, Jeff Mariotte, Marcy Rockwell, John Yurcaba, Andrew MacLean, Alexis Zirrit, Meredith McClaren, James Owen, Ryan Cody, Tone Rodriguez, Cecil Castellucci, and so many more! So come on out and see us! 
Then, Becca got into WaifuExpo the following weekend, 3/3-3/5! It's going to be a cool little adult (18+) focused con in the Dallas-Fort Worth area! Becca's going to be in the artist's alley and I'm going to be there as their booth babe. I will NOT be bringing any of my stuff, only Becca is tabling (*tho if you are planning to attend and get ahold of me ahead of time, I might be able to pack a few things to give in person). Becca's working very hard on preparation and will have some exclusive stuff for adults debuting there! 
Similarly, lots of cool guests including some very notable cosplayers and voice actors and other artists! It also seems like it's going to be a very activity heavy con if that's your jam! 
It's also our first time in the DFW area, so if you have recommendations, those would be appreciated! 
Then, if everything goes right with the first two cons and I'm still feeling groovy, I am tentatively planning on going up to TFCon LA on 3/10. Again, this is health and finances permitting after two other back-to-back shows, and I am not coming as anything other than an attendee, but if you catch me at Jack Lawrence's table and want me to sign your Wreckers or Alex Milne's table and want me to sign your TF/Terminator or whatever, I'm happy to do so! 
And finally, I expect to be attending WonderCon 2023, March 24-26! Again, same deal as TFCon--my availability will depend a little bit on not having gotten sick/burned out from the other shows with only one weekend of "downtime" and I'm going mostly as an attendee, rather than tabling individually or with IDW, but this is the one con where I'll be most open for meetings. 
After that, I have to assume that I'll hibernate until the summer! And somewhere around there I'll get back to what I mistakenly proposed last week and do another "Ask Me (Almost) Anything". In the meantime, new posts are going to be coming to the blog, but they'll be a little irregular because they'll be coming in-between shows! 
Thanks for rolling with that change and hope to see you soon! 
What I enjoyed this week: Blank Check (Podcast), Honkai Impact (Video game--I managed to get the new Kiana and Mei back-to-back, so I'm pretty happy!), House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski (Book), Poker Face (TV show), Romantic Killer (Anime), Warioware Inc (Video Game), The Fablemans (Movie--I cried 3 times!), Kaguya-Sama: Love is War-The First Kiss That Never Ends (Movie), Valentine's Day, Snack vs. Chef (TV show), Chainsaw Man (Manga), rearranging my desk (I had to dust the... 150 [estimate] little hunks of plastic on my desk and decided to rearrange them), Becca's first Twitch stream (more on that below)! 
New Releases this week (2/15/2023): Off week for my books
New releases next week (2/22/2023): Also an off week for my books!
Announcements: Wait, this is still a section? With all that other stuff I've already been promoting? Well... Yeah! 
Social Media - I am still primarily on Twitter because that's still where I know the most people and the format I like the best, unfortunately, but you can find me on all my socials here as I continue to try to move away from that site that is less and less functional each day! And, hey, sometimes it still works to reach people like this update on Sonic (it is good and fine and in many languages and countries). 
Aradia Beat - The past few weeks, I've been plugging this cool Magical Girl Anthology Magazine that Becca's part of! This morning, the campaign closed and they had just exceeded their second stretch goal! Thanks anyone here who contributed and if you missed out, well... you missed out! No, but give Aradia Collective a follow and they'll be able to tell ya if there'll be any other ways of getting it in the future! 
More Magical Girls - Our pals Elizabeth Brei & Danny Djeljosevic and a bunch of their friends are getting close to their goal on their Kickstarter for Sweet Little Resistance, which you should check out! And you can tell them you're psyched for it at AZCAF! 
Becca is a busy beean - Somewhere in all this con prep and the many shows we're attending, Becca's also managing regular Patreon updates (and this month, any new sign-ups will have their first pledge go to The Brown Building here in San Diego). They're also open for commissions. And they're now streaming Wednesdays & Saturdays (including tonight, but not when we'll be at shows) on Twitch! I'll usually be there too, moderating the chat and making jokes, playing the soundboard or whatever. You can check out their first stream playing Heartbreak High on their page now! I think the plan is Wednesdays will be games and Saturdays will be art, so come check it out and hang! 
Legislative Tracking - Legislators are doubling down on attempting to pass anti-trans bills. Fortunately, some of them are not managing to move forward. Unfortunately, the bad guys keep trying. Here is a legislative tracker for you to keep an eye on and hopefully if anything is happening locally to you (and on the federal level), you're able to reach out to your reps and can tell them to knock that shit off. 
Pic of the Week: A very dumb little promo I made for all of our upcoming stuff (or... well, a lot of it) to the theme of Ant-Man & the Wasp: Quantumania, in theaters now! (NOTE: Made when Aradia Beat was still funding, it's over now, sorry!)
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oberheaven · 2 years
The Commissioner Connundrum of Not Wanting to have people draw what they know cuz you want to be unique or whatever.
I've gone to Comic Con's more than on my budget really should and I know most of those talent over there know who Gwenpool is. So instead of commissioning her, I ask for my No. 1!
Here are all the current commissions I got from Comic Artists of my actual Favorite Character, 9S from NieR: Automata!
Both of these were from Nick Roche! (Transformers: The Wreckers Saga) My first big name commissions and also my favorites. Have them on my wall. Both NieR and comics like MTMTE and The Wreckers Saga inspired me to wanna be more creative so having art by an artist who worked on em that crosses over those 2 things is an amazing feeling.
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After that, I also got pieces from other talents of the same circle. Both Josh Burham and Andrew Lee Griffith. Both great artists on Transformers comics!
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And to tie it up, some art from Dan Mora (DC's World's Finest) and Ryan Ottley (Image, Invincible, Spider-Man). Some big namers in the industry as a whole and some of my favorites in the medium.
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I love commissioning this lil goober. He's my favorite of all time (I hate him)! The way comic people draw him is always so different and I love that. I hope I can comm some more people in the future and be known as "The 9S/Nier Guy" to them.
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unknown-odds · 2 years
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𖤐 here is the list of fandoms/characters that i’m interested in.
*ITALICS = my favorite characters
── ECT.
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triviareads · 18 days
Can you recommend any contemporary marriage in trouble books?
I've been spoiled by historical romance marriage in trouble books.
Aah one of my favorite tropes! I feel like there are relatively fewer marriage in trouble romances in contemporary compared to historical, which makes sense because a lot of shit readers are willing to accept as far as historical marriages in trouble that they wouldn't in a contemporary romance. And in a modern sense, divorce is just more acceptable and authors have to tread the fine line between writing something that would genuinely cause a marriage to be *troubled* but also something that a reader would find forgivable rather than them going "why can't they just get a divorce?" But yeah, here are my recs:
Give Me More by Sara Cate: This is a throuple romance; Isabel and Hunter don't open their marriage to Drake because their marriage is in trouble, but Hunter does leave Isabel and Drake for two months to work on himself/the homophobia/biphobia he internalized from his dad.
Home Wrecker by Sara Cate: This book actually does start off with Briar and Caleb's marriage in trouble, in part due to fertility issues the two of them are having and the people around them (conservative Christian) pressuring them to have another baby. Dean is a sex worker who temporarily moves him and Caleb and Briar both end up cheating on each other with him, and then he kinda functions as their relationship coach for a hot minute before they all get together. It's MESSY but it works and I think Sara handled it with a lot of sensitivity.
Possession by Adriana Anders: This was a marriage of convenience to begin with, but it kind of goes to shit when Zion is filmed doing kinky stuff with a woman who looks weirdly like his wife Twyla, and she goes to find him at this *super secret* kink camp he goes to every year.
The Wedding Night They Never Had by Jackie Ashenden: Another marriage of convenience; Inara was 16 when she escaped an arranged marriage by asking Prince Cassius to marry her. They've lived separately all along and now 5 years later, he rolls up to divorce her because he's the king now and needs heirs except she's like how about you just get me pregnant instead? IT'S CONVENIANT.
I know Kennedy Ryan's Before I Let Go has a second chance romance and the couple is actually divorced before they get back together.
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