Winter Solstice gift for @rymyanna!
For @rymyanna, hope you like it <3
Five Times Lan Wangji Made a Move
(+ the time where he confesses his feelings)
1. Literal
“So, tried making any moves yet, Wangji?” Minshan said, raising an eyebrow. “You know, as in a move to get closer to the guy you like. He's the friendliest motherfucker in the class, he'll be happy you want to be friends."
“I have,” Wangji said, and Huaisang gasped as he sat down on the bench with them. Minshan’s mouth dropped open. 
Wangji gave them both dirty looks.
“I didn’t imagine you’d be so fucking forward,” Minshan replied, almost rendered speechless.
“What’d you do?” Huaisang asked excitedly. “Oh, I should’ve gone to Wei-xiong first!”
“I moved seats. I’m sitting in his row now.”
“...how the fuck does that constitute making a move.”
“I think he took it too literally,” Huaisang said, distressed. “He’s not really going to notice you if you sat in his row, Wangji. Especially on the other side of the class.”
“But I did make a move. I moved seats. Is it not part of the process?”
Huaisang patted his arm. “Wangji, I am so glad you think it is part of the process, but it is not making a move in the slightest. He has to notice it, honey.”
Minshan rolled his eyes. “Little hopeless if he thinks moving seats to his row without him noticing counts as a move.”
“Well- I see. Thank you for the information,” Wangji half-mumbled, slightly peeved. “And neither of you are help. I will seek Wen Qing and ask for her help instead.”
“Hey,” they both protested at the same time.
“You did not bother to tell me, someone who has been uninterested in romance his whole life, how to make a move. Romantically. I am finding better friends who will help me in romance.” 
“Betrayal,” Minshan said. “After all we’ve done for you?”
“Yes,” Wangji said, and Huaisang fake cried behind his fan as he giggled away. 
2. Ice cream
“Hey, Nie-xiong! From the convenience store?” Wuxian asked as he swooped over to Huaisang’s table.”
“Yep. Got some ice cream! You want one, Wei-xiong?” Huaisang held the wrapped package forward. “Hope you like Magnum.”
“Wait, that whole thing for me?”
Huaisang nodded as he placed it in Wuxian’s hands. “It’s all yours!”
Wuxian beamed. “Thanks, Nie-xiong! I’ll cherish it as I consume every bite and swallow every drop of this ice and cream with-” he looked at the package “-almonds and white chocolate. Oh, this is good.”
“Don’t thank me,” Huaisang shrugged and pointed to the quietly eating boy beside him. “Wangji bought it.”
“Oh! Well, thanks then, Wangji-xiong~” Wei Wuxian singsonged happily, turning to him.”
“Hm,” Wangji replied, punctuated with a small nod.
Wuxian’s smile grew. “Heheh, I’ll go now to savor this dessert! Thanks again, Ji-xiong! Bye, honey,” he blew a kiss at Huaisang, who blew him a kiss back.
“Well, good luck,” Huaisang snorted as Wuxian disappeared through the doorway. Wangji sighed. “You’re gonna need to try a little harder than that, I think.”
3. Doritos
“Ooh, Doritos!” Wuxian paused in front of the two on the bench. “I never thought Lan family people ate this stuff, Wangji-xiong. Can I have some?”
Wangji hummed in response and handed the package over to him. “Yes. Take the whole package.”
“The whole thing. The entire bag. Do you want it, or do you not?” Wangji said, hand still offering the package of delicious junk food. 
Wuxian furrowed his eyebrows. “Well- I just wanted a few to nibble on, you really want to give me-?”
“Seriously? You know, I just want a small amount-”
“Take it, Wei Wuxian.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Just take it if you want it,” Wangji emphasized, firm, and Wuxian finally, though reluctantly, took the bag away from him.
“If you’re sure...” 
“Very sure.”
Wuxian smiled. “Well, if you insist, thanks!” 
Wangji frowned as he walked away, both aware and unaware of the fact that Wuxian definitely thought it was weird but brushed it off. “Not enough.”
Su She sighed from beside him, having been left as an awkward and slightly annoyed spectator the whole time. “No, probably not.”
4. Didn’t Even Try 
xianxian! > lan 🐇
: LMAO lan zhan i accidentally surprised su she again, mb
wangji: Haha.
: he thought i went home lol so he was surprised to see me
wangji: Oh
wangji: You didn’t go back today?
: nope, i go back tmrw!
wangji: Really?
wangji: A shame.
wangji: If I’d known you were going back home tomorrow, I would have stayed tonight.
: what?
wangji: What?
: why me specifically? am i that fun to be around that you want me to 
wangji: Hm.
wangji: I suppose so.
: oh. 
: well okay
Wuxian is pretending to not have a crisis as he half-yells at his siblings. “What the fuck does that mean?”
“It probably fucking means he likes you,” Jiang Cheng says, squinting at the messages. “God, that feels so out of nowhere. Extremely suspicious.” 
“Well, the signs are there,” Yanli adds. “It certainly doesn’t look normal.”
“Ask him upfront,” Jiang Cheng proposes, and Wuxian flails around, panicked.
“Ask him upfront???”
“Yeah, it’ll be faster, and if he doesn’t well, problem solved, right? He just really likes your company.”
“And if he does like me??”
“Well, take action, I guess.”
“What do you think of him, a-Xian?” Yanli prods.
“Well, he’s pretty and nice, I wouldn’t say no, I guess...”
“What happened to that crush on Nie Mingjue?”
“Chances are a little too low with that. Besides, even if he does like me, I don’t really think I’d date him just because.” 
“Okay, okay, we’ll find out first and deal with it later,” Jiang Cheng pulls his arm. “If you won’t do it, I will.” 
Yanli giggles as Jiang Cheng grabs Wuxian’s phone and types out a message for all of them to see, her older younger brother practically trembling as he hits send.
: lmao its like u like me
wangji: What?
: idk the stuff u said sounded like u have a crush on me or smtg
wangji: Oh. 
wangji: Does saying that mean I like you?
: Well not really
: That’s why I asked
wangji: Asked what?
: Ask if you like me or not
wangji: Hm?
wangji: What’s the difference whether I say yes or no?
: just answer the q
wangji: I’m trying to come up with a correct answer
: oh god there is no correct or wrong answer just say yes or no
wangji: Well
: well???
wangji: For the time being, no
wangji: Not sure about in the future though
: oh. okay
: could it happen in the future?
wangji: Don’t know
wangji: Could happen, or perhaps not
wangji: I suppose as Huaisang says, “We’ll see”
: oh
: well okay
wangji: 👍
“HE IS TOTALLY INTO YOU,” Jiang Cheng yells back, shaking his brother back and forth.
“Congratulations, a-Xian,” Yanli giggles from beside them. “And good luck.”
“Oh my god, jiejie, I need to run a few things by you two, I think I’ve just had an epiphany,” Wuxian flaps his hands. “I don’t think he’s been subtle about this at all.” 
“What the fuck does that mean, Wei Ying,” Jiang Cheng demands, and as Wuxian spills about signs he’s missed and possibly even more he’s forgotten or completely didn’t catch, Yanli holds herself back from giggling herself into oblivion, simply from pure exasperation.
Is this really the one move that works on him? She’s sure Lan Wangji didn’t even do that on purpose. 
5. Chocolate
“Wei Ying,” Lan Zhan says, moving to sit across him. “I have something for you.”
“Oh?” Wei Ying perks up, smiling.
“Hm. Yes, it’s for you.” Lan Zhan fumbles his hand in his pocket.
Wei Ying leans forward. “What is it?” 
“Here,” Lan Zhan pulls out a chocolate bar and shows it to him. “This is for you.”
“Chocolate...” Wei Ying grins. “I- thanks. I like it.”
“Hn.” is the other boy’s response. “Glad you do. I will... go now.”
“Yeah, uh... thanks again!” Wei Ying waves.
Lan Zhan leaves the room, Wei Ying cradling the bar in his hands.
“There’s no way I’m actually into him, right?” he mumbles to himself. “But that was really, really nice.” 
(Outside, Lan Zhan is giving the finger to his two best friends who have been watching through the room window and silently screaming the whole time.)
Wangji > Wei Ying
Wei Ying: hey lan zhan
: Yes?
Wei Ying: that song you played before
Wei Ying: what’s the name
: What do you think is an appropriate name for it?
Wei Ying: wait you havent named it??
: No, I have.
: I’d just like your opinion for it.
Wei Ying: dunno
Wei Ying: Lan Wangji’s Love Song Full of Love for Someone
: someone?
Wei Ying: well yeah, don’t tell me you wrote a whole love song for nobody
Wei Ying: that was tearjerking
Wei Ying: emotionally shattering
: Hm.
: It is for someone.
: Who do you want it to be for?
Wei Ying: well itll be for whoever is intended
Wei Ying: i’m no mind reader
Wei Ying: tell meee
: do you want that intended person to be you?
Wei Ying: just tell me the name
Wei Ying: maybe itll line up with what i’m thinking
: and what are your thoughts?
Wei Ying: well i won’t tell you until you show me
Wei Ying: im waiting :> don’t keep me in the dark here
: screenshot_12.png 
Wei Ying: wait that’s only half of the name!!
Wei Ying: wang who!! wangji and who
: Hm
: I’ll tell you tomorrow.
Wei Ying: tomorrow?
Wei Ying: why not now?
: It’s late, Wei Ying.
: Go to sleep.
Wei Ying: what makes you think i can sleep if you dont tell me
Wei Ying: i wont even be able to do any assignments im just gonna be thinking abt this
: Fine.
: Alright.
: Wei Ying, I like you
: Maybe even love you
Wei Ying: for real?
Wei Ying: you’re not lying?
: I am not.
: screenshot_13.png
: Wangxian
: Xian, for you.
Wei Ying: oh
Wei Ying: good to know
Wei Ying: mostly cause
Wei Ying: well thanks
Wei Ying: i like you too
: Hm. 
: I see
Wei Ying: sooo
Wei Ying: i guess we like each other
: We do.
Wei Ying: wanna date or smth?
: Wait.
: I would prefer to do this in person.
: Go to sleep, now. I've told you the name already.
Wei Ying: okay okay
Wei Ying: goodnight
: Good night.
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velvet-games · 4 months
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reading A Trace of Notoriety by rymyanna on ao3 (great fic btw highly recommend) and there's a scene where alastor learns how to charge a phone just to plug in angel's while he's asleep
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ygobigbang · 4 months
Announcing the completion of YGO Mini Bang 2024~!
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We have just finished the postings for this year's YGO bang, so thank you very much to everyone from the mod team! You have all been so great, and we couldn't have done this without you!
With this completed, we will now start working on a bigger, better bang, so make sure to follow us for updates.
Below is a completed list of all YGO Mini Bang 2024 works. Please enjoy from the bottom of our hearts!
S0/Duel Monsters
Before//After by - IAmAllYetNotAtAll ↳ART by rymyanna - tumblr
A Day With A Girlfriend by millenniumwriter ↳ART by SaintArtemis - twitter
Checkered by mysticalflute - tumblr ↳ART by miran - tumblr | twitter
Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200 by dxmichelle - tumblr ↳ART by dreamydelite - twitter
Dungeons and Discord by yugirl - tumblr ↳ART by Raptor - tumblr
Freefall by lysimachias - tumblr ↳ART by Otter - tumblr
Let's Make A Deal by RosalindHawkins - tumblr ↳ART by Leech - tumblr
Love, and Other Things by Beni_O2 ↳ART by Elly - tumblr
Marmalade Skies by Soryenn ↳ART by rymyanna - tumblr
Should I Know You? by SerenaJones ↳ART by Artnijna - tumblr
Stop and Smell the Flowers by cynassa ↳ART by Kero - twitter
A Welcome Sight by ArienElensar - tumblr ↳ART by cait - tumblr ↳ART by Schatten-Light - twitter
Again by PaulaAna - tumblr ↳ART by Meda Princess - tumblr
Friendship is Stored in the Frosting by TheEvilAuthoress ↳ART by Mint - tumblr
A mirror image by Dazy_izuzai - tumblr ↳ART by Meda Princess - tumblr
Colors Changing Hue by LuckyLadybug ↳ART by Alphabet - tumblr
Dew of Life by Firebull ↳ART by Kira - tumblr
if you want to be loved, say it out loud by Tenka - tumblr ↳ART by oudkee - tumblr | twitter
All The Pieces by Michio_Mokota ↳ART by Kero - twitter
And Yet All in the Sunset Shall Listen by IVMysteryNumbers - tumblr | twitter ↳ART by Sky - tumblr | twitter
The Moon Man, Reporting From Earth Hours 17 to 19 by Scattered_Irises - tumblr ↳ART by Mint - tumblr
Do AIs Dream of Baby Dragons? by seiyuna - tumblr | twitter ↳ART by kuppatan - tumblr
The Inaugural Solo Debut by merryfortune - tumblr ↳ART by Sky - tumblr | twitter
my eyes locked on you/after holding my breath by Wayfinder_Rinku ↳ART by Sabella - tumblr
Selfish Unto Death by CrimsonfireSilvermelody ↳ART by Sabella - tumblr
Planless Plan by Gohan - tumblr ↳ART by Ryuu - tumblr
Curse of Rose by seventhdoctor - tumblr ↳ART by Porch - tumblr
Fusion Tag by rainbowkuriboh - tumblr ↳ART by Mint - tumblr ↳ART by Raptor - tubmlr
YGO Mini Bang 2024 Ao3 Collection Here
Our biggest and warmest thank you to the writers, artists, and betas of this mod team's first event!
@4lpabet | @arien-elensar | @artnijna | @caitlin-makes-stuff | @ciescen |
@cynassa | @darkmagicians | @distortedwhite | @dreamymochapie | @dxmichelle
@iamallyetnotatall | @ivmysterynumbers | @kaiseryuki | @kira-hayashi | @kuppatan
@kuriboo | @leechysmile | @meda-princess | @merryfortune | @mystical-flute
@neoasari | @nini-the-mirror | @oudkee | @raptorbooty12 | @rymyanna
@sabellabella | @seventhdoctor | @skiel-infinity | @texasdreamer01 | @the-kings-of-games
@winkle-pickers | @worstofyam6 | @yugirl | CrimsonfireSilvermelody (Ao3) | Firebull (Ao3) | LuckyLadybug (Ao3) | RosalindHawkins (Ao3) | RheaLightning (Ao3) | saint_artemis_ (X) | Schatten-Light (X) | seiyuna (Ao3) | SerenaJones (Ao3) | Soryenn (Ao3) | Temple of Bo
We hope to see you again in the future!
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mxtxfmk · 8 months
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explain your choice! convince your followers why they should make the same choice! (picture credit @rymyanna)
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rymyanna · 4 months
Day 3 of @radioroseweek !! A little sketch to go with the chapter, just two besties telling each other really morbid jokes and chilling.
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iamallyetnotatall · 4 months
New one-shot for the @ygobigbang 2024 Mini Bang!!! Basically an excuse to get this brainworm out of the ol' noggin and get a super lovely art out of it from the fantastic @rymyanna!
Every moment of a lifetime strung together in an intricate and messy web of memories makes the whole of a person.
But there's one memory that haunts Ryou Bakura above all others.
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baek-z · 2 years
Happy holiday exchange to @rymyanna! I really wish I finished this earlier, and I am very sorry for that… Maybe this little piece will bring you some happiness as we start New Year! I had a great time writing, even if I have never written a whole fic in English before so thank you for giving me that opportunity. All in all, a little bit late but I hope that every single one of your wishes comes true in the future!
The first idea was explaining to Mobei-jun what Christmas was but it sort of took a different turn.
An abundance of snow was nothing unusual in the Northern Desert, and it was not the first time it snowed in the human realm nor on An Ding Peak. Mobei-jun was sure of that, as he himself witnessed such weather more than once since he’d made Shang Qinghua’s acquaintance… Therefore, it made little sense for said peak lord to be as excited about previous night’s snowfall as he was. What was even more unusual, were quiet words about regretting for the first time in his life that he couldn’t take part in something that he referred to as “Christmas”. That quiet wish was murmured in the early hours of the morning with a serene expression filled and gaze filled with unusual longing as Shang Qinghua gazed towards the white-covered ground outside… Before Mobei-jun could ask him about that, the man startled, realising the demon also awoke. The human pointedly acted as if he never opened his mouth in the first place, so his husband was unable to learn more.
At times it was frustrating, that the man still acted as if he couldn’t ask Mobei-jun for things, as if they weren’t together, as if it wasn’t given that the demon would at least try to make his wishes come true — whatever they were. Had he not shown Shang Qinghua with an endless supply of pulled noodles and indulgence in place of old-forgotten violence?
Mobei-jun knew that, if Shang Qinghua decided something, he wouldn’t change his mind easily. That, however, didn’t mean all his options were lost… asking seemed to be way below his status but so had been many things he’d done for his husband. That only left a question of whose help he ought to seek.
While humans and demons were surprisingly alike, their customs couldn’t be more different so asking anyone of his or Luo Binghe’s subjects seemed pointless. That left cultivators from Cang Qiong Mountain but amongst them, Shang Qinghua was easily the most eccentric one so, in the end, only one option remained — Shen Qingqiu was the only human who could truly be considered close to Shang Qinghua. They were even able to communicate in some weird language that sounded different to everything Mobei-jun’d ever heard…
Qing Jin Peak lord was well-versed when it came to understanding Shang Qinghua. It wouldn’t be the first (nor probably the last) time that Mobei-jun had to pay him a visit, but it didn’t stop him from feeling awkward. Still, if he wanted to get to the source of his husband's weird behaviour, the demon had no choice but to hurt his pride a little in the process.
“He said ‘Christmas’?” Shen Qingqiu quickly schooled his expression into something impassive, but Mobei-jun knew him for long enough to recognise surprise and a little bit of embarrassment. Well, awkwardness aside, at least he seemed familiar with the name, so the journey wasn’t for nothing.
“Only that he wished to spend Christmas together,” Mobei-jun answered, cold and indifferent as always. A deep sigh coming from the peak lord was an answer on its own.
“Christmas is not…,” Shen Qingqiu stated after a moment of stunned silence. Even in his own home, he appeared to be out of his element, trying but clearly failing to find his way about Shang Qinghua’s wish. “Let’s just say… it’s almost like a festival for couples.”
Shen Qingqiu didn’t seem too interested or excited but Mobei-jun could never understand him all that well so this time he also didn’t know whether that reaction was a good or a bad one… One thing for sure — that festival had to happen, with how nostalgic Shang Qinghua sounded in the morning.
“Given everything, it’s probably best to spend it indoors, but you can still make the atmosphere fitting. You’ll also need something to gift him…”
And thus, over a pot of fragrant tea, a plan has been made and while human courting rituals were still confusing and preposterous, Mobei-jun was one step closer to making that small wish come true.
Big festival was out of the question, both, because it would be too preposterous to explain Christmas to everyone and because it would take longer. On top of that, the less people knew, the less it was possible that they spoil the surprise for Shang Qinghua. Small celebration, however, did not mean that Mobei-jun hadn’t had a lot of things to prepare. The plan Shen Qingqiu helped him put together had three main steps that he had to follow before Shang Qinghua finished his duties for the day. Fortunately, Shen Qingqiu’d promised to keep him busy for as long as he could earlier, so the demon would have just enough to finish all the steps before his husband came home.
Following a plan was always easier than acting without one. Especially, when it came to unknown customs and even more when you had to decorate a place with only a quickly drawn painting as your guide. Mobei-jun had not expected this Christmas thing to be easy to organise but even finding a proper pine tree had taken way more time than he would have liked. It had to be small enough so it could fit inside a house, yet big enough to be able to make an impact.
There had been countless trees covering the slopes of Tian Gong mountains, and yet, the task of finding one that fit all the requirements ended up spending almost all Mobei-jun’s patience. How much easier it was when he only knew how to communicate with Shang Qinghua with his fists! Beating up was natural… carrying a tree into his sitting room was not.
And that had only been the first step! Setting it up was not even the hardest part!
As much as it’d hurt his pride to ask Shen Qingqiu for help, he was glad to find a whole box of night pearls on a low table. Mobei-jun couldn’t help but grimance as he took one pearl out, only to put it back inside. Why on all realms did he have to decorate that ostentatious greenery that has overtaken half of the sitting room?!
He had never heard of a cut pine tree having any significance! Why couldn’t they just enjoy the scenery as everywhere around them were trees covered in a soft layer of white snow?
Shen Qingqiu had been quite adamant that they needed to have one inside and, as he was the one with knowledge about Christmas festival, Mobei-jun didn’t really have a choice other than to heed his words. The decorating part, however…
Squashing down frustration, Mobei-jun decided to leave the pearls as they were and only relied on his powers to frost the endings of evergreen foliage. If Shang Qinghua wanted that tree decorated, he would have to do so himself. The demon would not waste any more time!
Tapping into his powers easily allowed him to transform the interior into something more resembling of his palace in the north where walls were built out of solid ice. This house would only need a little layer of frost here and there, and maybe a few icicles glittering with sunrays or candleflames. It took mere seconds for ice to take over the sitting room. The temperature dropped drastically, but Shang Qinghua was an immortal cultivator… he should survive anyways!
Fortunately, third item on Mobei-jun’s list was way more reasonable compared to the tree and decorations. Food was, after all, a big part of daily life and special celebrations as well. The only stressful moment was when Sheng Qingqiu started muttering something weird. Mobei-jun seriously worried he would be done with humans and their antics for at least a century. In the end, the human settled on way more acceptable dinner choice: pulled noodles. They were Shang Qinghua’s favourite since forever. Mobei-jun knew because his husband rarely asked for things and that one, timid request for food marked the beginning of their lives together, so he had made them many more times after.
Soon enough, the whole house filled with rich aroma. Two filled to the brim bowls were laid on the table, waiting for the moment Shang Qinghua came back home.  
It didn’t take a long time for the An Ding’s peak lord to arrive. As he slid the door to his quarters open, he shouted out, a harshly sounding word in that weird language of his. His widened eyes and open mouth were not a very elegant expression, but Mobei-jun wouldn’t berate him for that. After all, that clear surprise soon turned into delighted squeak, as Shang Qinghua came inside, and it was a reward on its own.
“Did you… how did you…”
“Shen Qingqiu helped,” Mobei-jun answered the unspoken question. His tone flat and almost disinterested. As if he wasn’t holding a thick blanket, blue and silver in colour, ready to cover Shang Qinghua’s shoulders as soon as the man stepped closer.
Mobei-jun had to drop the material to the ground, because within seconds he had his arms full of a certain, teary-eyed cultivator.
“You didn’t have to…”
“You wanted it.”
After all, making Shang Qinghua happy was not all that difficult. And Mobei-jun could maybe, just maybe, understand what humans saw in the whole Christmas ordeal, as they ended up cuddled together, talking, and gazing at the room bathed in soft glow of Night Pearls.
(And yes, in the end the great and powerful demon lord was coerced into helping his husband to decorate a christmas tree.)
The first idea was explaining to Mobei-jun what Christmas was but it sort of took a different turn.
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mdzsbigbang · 1 year
Meet the mod team!
Pronouns: he/him or xe/xem
@loosingmoreletters on tumblr
Role in the Big Bang: Mod, maybe writer
Interesting Facts: I own 2 plants per square meter
Rino (also known as Noah)
Pronouns: they/he
@yuziyuanapologist on tumblr, otherhippo on ao3
Role in the Big Bang: Mod, writer, pinch hitter
Interesting Facts: When it comes to making decisions I would compare myself to Chidi from The Good Place - hence the two names. I respond to both!
Pronouns: they/them
@rymyanna on the socials and ao3
Role in the Big Bang: mod (maybe a participant?)
Interesting Facts: I have tattoos slowly taking over my body
Pronouns: Any
Role in the Bang: mod, maybe participating
Interesting Facts: you can probably convince me to like any ship
Pronouns: she/her
@dottie-wan-kenobi on tumblr, dottie_wan_kenobi on ao3, dottiewankenobi on bluesky
Role in the Big Bang: mod, maybe writing
Interesting Facts: I’ve never finished an actual adaptation of MDZS bc I don’t want the story to end, but I have started all of them but Q!!
Pronouns: [conspicuous blank]
@mock-arts, mockspeed on ao3
Role in the Big Bang: mod, artist
Interesting Facts: I am an enooormous sucker for big bangs. I made 22 art pieces for different big bangs in 2023.
Lee, or Ari
Pronouns: i'll tell you if i ever know lol, just any is fine
URLs: loud_recesses on twit, dog_fish on ao3, @bee-regent on tumblr. also leeetle on dragcave if u wanna reccommend names for my dragons
Role in the Big Bang: mod & artist
Interesting Facts: I can sing the alphabet backwards, i have a million cacti, and i do art professionally hell yea
We're pretty happy with the amount of mods we have at the moment, so we've closed sign ups for now. However, if anything changes in the future we'll put a sign up form link here!
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mdzstwocakes · 2 years
An Arranged Werewolf Marriage fic from @rymyanna
Long Wolf Song
M, 12k, WangXian, No Archive Warnings Apply
Lan Wangji’s brother and pack arranges for him to marry Wei Wuxian, another werewolf from a sect of regular human cultivators. He’s heard a wolf call from a distance, unsure if it’s even real, and began composing inspired by it even before he met Wei Wuxian. They have trouble getting used to their new circumstances.
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ladysunamireads · 7 months
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Wangxian Winter Solstice Reveal Post! 
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Hi everyone, are you all ready to find out who your gift-makers are? :)
First of all I would like to give a special thank you to @wwxadhd & @moonanstars124 for helping out with creating additional gifts, making sure no one was left without a gift! You guys are the best and I couldn’t have done it without you <3
Secondly I’d like to thank everyone for participating in this third edition of the Wangxian Winter Solstice Gift Exchange! It’s been a pleasure really. You bet I’ll be back next year :D
Last but not least, if you still wish to add your gift to the AO3 Collection Archive then please feel free to do so! If you'll add them, shoot me a message afterwards and I will add a link from the gift page on Tumblr to the gift on AO3 as well. You’re now also free to post the gifts you made to your own Tumblrs & etc of course!
Unfortunately I won't be able to host the Lunar New Year exchange again, I'm on vacation at that time ;)
Okay that’s all for my public service announcements!
Warm winter greetings, @leetje​
Click below to find out who made gifts for whom!
List is in alphabetic order :)
@accidental-child-art made a gift for apprenticedmagician- gift here
@apprenticedmagician made a gift for unlarky- gift here
@beetleknee made a gift for kikivmiko- gift here
@bererjs made a gift for journalsofagoddess- gift here
@dreamingdoll9 made a gift for sharpieshepie- gift here
@faerietell made a gift for accidental-child-art- gift here
@gege made a gift for preludianstaves- gift here
@journalsofagoddess made a gift for sweetlittlevampire- gift here
@leahlisabeth made a gift for moonanstars124- gift here
@luckymoonly made a gift for gege- gift here
@mdzs-rabbithole made a gift for neverenoughwangxian- gift here
@moonanstars124 made a gift for bererjs- gift here
@moonanstars124 made a gift for vedrividia- gift here
@neverenoughwangxian made a gift for faerietell- gift here
@preludianstaves made a gift for super-novatuna- gift here
@rinamyeon made a gift for mdzs-rabbithole- gift here
@rosethornewrites made a gift for wwxadhd- gift here
@rymyanna made a gift for sun-dari- gift here
@sharpieshepie made a gift for zeeprince-kun- gift here
@sun-dari made a gift for rosethornewrites- gift here
@super-novatuna made a gift for rymyanna- gift here
@sweetlittlevampire made a gift for dreamingdoll9- gift here
@vedrividia made a gift for rinamyeon- gift here
@wwxadhd made a gift for beetleknee- gift here
@wwxadhd made a gift for luckymoonly- gift here
@zeeprince-kun made a gift for leahlisabeth- gift here
Now go forth and shower your gift-maker with love, they deserve it!
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sketchingtons · 6 years
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My finished piece for the @ygobigbang event, based on the fic “Ghost” by @rymyanna!
Its got grave robbing, ghosts, and sleepovers- oh my! It's a lovely read, check it out here!
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ygobigbang · 4 months
Day 4 Postings for YGO Mini Bang 2024 (June 5th)
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READ IT [GX]: A mirror image by Dazy_izuzai - tumblr ↳ART by Meda Princess - tumblr
READ IT [VRAINS]: The Inaugural Solo Debut by merryfortune - tumblr ↳ART by Sky - tumblr | twitter
READ IT [DM]: Marmalade Skies by Soryenn ↳ART by rymyanna - tumblr
READ IT [DM]: Stop and Smell the Flowers by cynassa ↳ART by Kero - twitter
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Time to stamp the passport of… rymyanna!!​
rymyanna’s work will be available in full in Wish You Were Here: the Yugioh travel zine!!
Pre-Order your Copy of the Zine Here!
Sales end September 30th!
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rymyanna · 3 months
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Final day of @radioroseweek ! Art loosely based on the last chapter of the fic (I just wanted Rosie with an axe)
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fivie · 7 years
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rymyanna replied to your post “VOLTROOOON spoilers and yelling and so many questions:[[MOR] - 6...”
i liked the season for the action and matt but it did feel like they just dropped a lot of the character threads they introduced last season (like keith just left, what's with shiro, is lotor going to fight his dad for the universe or what)
same!!!! like is keith gone from the team for good, thus making everything that happened with him in s3 irrelevant?? and yeah besides the slightly different hairstyle, shiro was just like he’d never been gone I AM SO PUZZLED
I feel like. maybe. maybe. it would have been better if they’d used an episode to address some of this stuff instead of a whole episode of coran getting obsessed with show biz :’)
I hope it doesn’t seem like I didn’t like it because I DID IT’S STILL A GREAT SHOW, I just hope they know what they’re doing and will give us a satisfying conclusion to everything _(:3」∠)_
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