yumedoca · 5 months
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Here's a cute detail in the change made in the new episode for the eye-catch! Ryunosuke and Nagisa's pose here is a redraw of this official Rumiko Takahashi art:
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wilbertgg · 1 year
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The twin pseudo legendaries of South Kalos, and the last non-legendaries of the leak. However I want to do some crossgens before i start the collage, one came to me in a dream one night... || The Ryunagi Line || The Takyomi Line || Make sure to check these links out before you go! Please...?
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captain-azoren · 3 years
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Here is what I imagine Tokuga would look like if he was fully and properly spirit forged by the dragon eel spirit (Ryunagi). This is an edit I've wanted to do for a long time.
How would he achieve this form...?
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ld1homepage · 7 years
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[THE STAGE Lucky Dog 1st Luck]
Date: March 24 (sat) - 30 (fri)
Place: Tokyo six-row meeting hall
Screenplay: Kitamura Taisei (喜多村太綱) Director: Chung Mitsunoshi (鄭光誠) @gacchan0417
Cast: Giancarlo: Shohei Domoto (堂本翔平) @shohei_domoto Bernardo Ortolani: Masahiro Sugie (杉江優篤) @sugimasa34 Luchino Gregoretti: Keisuke Yamauchi (山内圭輔) @_keeesuke Giulio di Bondone: Terumi (輝海) @terumi0213GFA Ivan Fiore: Shinsuke Sato (佐藤慎亮) @0505_s
Bakshi Christensen: Ryosuke Maniwa (馬庭良介) @ryo_mani David Owen: Yoshimura Kazuki (吉村和紘) @kaz_yoshimura Honus O'Sullivan: Yusuo Fujisawa (藤澤雄生) @noxyuki Others: Kaori Ryunagi (加来亮凪) @kaku6125, Keita Hashimoto (橋本恵太) @hin5756, Yagami Ryosetsu (矢上竜誠) @19_yagami_umi, Izumi Morishi (有泉森) @morishiiiin, Hiroki Shimizu (清水弘樹) @s_hiroki213
[THE STAGE Lucky Dog 1 first luck] Talk & high touch event 2018/3/16 (Fri) 20:00~21:00 Tokyo metropolitan animate Ikebukuro main store stage cast: Shohei Domoto, Masahiro Sugie, Keisuke Yamauchi, Terumi, Shinsuke Sato, Ryosuke Maniwa
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yumedoca · 5 months
Heres a ransdom thought experiment
Yoy are now rumiko takashi writing UY , what is a story beat youd chamge or just a story youd like to read as you have control of the characters
Hai there, hope you're doing great!!
Yay, I love questions like these!! Thank you for the ask anon and here we go ;)
Ryunosuke. Just mostly Ryunosuke, haha. I've never actually found her dad's joke of preventing Ryu from getting what she wants funny and it was more irksome than anything, and it sucked cuz Ryunosuke's great! But what's worse is that she never gets a proper resolution about her feminine wants (even though that was the main point of her character in the first place) and it was just dropped and ignored in the end, so it never felt like her character got a true resolution. I feel like a good way to write Ryu would be to keep the relationship with her dad the same for the most of her story. And then in her last few chapters have them talk out and be in proper understanding for once. Shigeru Chiba, Mr. Fujinami's remake voice actor (and Megane in the old anime), states his view on his character in his character comments:
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(Also Shout-out to Shigeru Chiba, he's awesome. He's just so great lol, literally the guy ever.)
And the idea of Ryu's dad raising Ryunosuke to be male because he doesn't want her to leave him is a great idea!! I'd make it like that's the true reason why he does it and somehow they're pushed into a corner where he's forced to admit it to Ryu. He has shown to genuinely care at least a little about her (I'm pretty sure he protected her from the boys of class 2-4 that time she lost her chest wrap) despite how he usually acts. So have them reconcile, have Ryunosuke say she'll stay with her dad if he accepts her for who she is and have him accept her feminity as a result and allow her to act and dress the way she wants. Boom! Problem solved, both sides win and Ryu's dad is made more likeable while Ryunosuke's story has a proper conclusion.
RyuNagi. It's still about Ryunosuke, I know lmao. Anyway, I've discussed how I feel about the ship and other stuff about it here (read it if you haven't so what I say about them would make more sense). It's a bit all over the place discussing various stuff about them but I'll just copy-paste the bit where I talk about how it could be done better..
It had so much potential. Nagisa had to be introduced much earlier and they should've had more chapters together. Maybe, they could've made Nagisa and Ryunosuke discuss and bond over their stupid upbringing, maybe Nagisa could feel bad for Ryu, after hearing how much she wants to be a proper woman and how much her dad stopped her from enjoying herself and maybe help her enjoy things that her dad didn't allow her to (Christmas, Chocolates, etc.) and Ryunosuke fully falls for him because of his kindness... Then their romance would've felt even more natural.
I think the RyuNagi growth would take place before Ryunosuke's reconciling with her dad in case you want a timeline and by that time Ryu would properly be into Nagisa so the romance between them still stays, even after her being effeminate.
Introduce Inaba a bit earlier and give him another storyline with Shinobu. I feel like we still don't know much about Inaba and his dynamic with Shinobu entirely and that's like my only issue about Inaba and InaShino really, so have a storyline after they started dating where we can see how they bounce off each other and truly show that they're perfect couple, idk I just want more cute stuff for them, maybe Shinobu stands up for Inaba when the other bunnies bully him, maybe we get to know more about Inaba's interests and hobbies and maybe we can have the gag stuff be silly interactions between them and maybe Ataru (and Lum) spying on them or something idk.
Give great characters who don't have much spotlight what they need. Oyuki is a good example of this since she appears the least among Lum's alien friends. I saw someone online state that Kurama should've been brought back later on, instead of just disappearing, and could've attempted to mate with Tobimaro or Shingo; and I totally agree with it.. For the former, it could worked as an Asuka plotline and could've been a great arc and for the latter, it could be chaotic since Shingo doesn't know how to respect women. These two are the main examples but there may be others..
And that's all that comes to mind now. These are like the major, main ones and there might be others but they're probably incredibly minor or I just forgor about them..
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yumedoca · 1 year
You know, having seen the 2022 version of Nagisa in the new promo, I’ve gotta say I’m not a fan of Ryuunosuke x Nagisa. What with Ryuu not really being into it (and debatably not into men in general). Plus it’s another way her dad is controlling her life. I mean, more power to people who like it, but it’s just not for me.
Hai there! Hope you're having a great day!
I've seen a lot of different opinions when it comes to RyuNagi. I've seen people who like it, are meh about it and dislike it. Personally, I do like it but I do also have complicated feelings regarding this ship. I'm the kind of person who looks at the positives and negatives, so I'll list both side out so I can explain it better.
For the positives:
The concept of tomboy X femboy is a very cute one, it bounces off each other very well, especially here considering how both their opinions seem to differ when it comes to their upbringing
How the chapter 'One Night's Battle' gives a good start to their relationship when Ryu shows a bit of affection for Nagisa and how it shows that Nagisa is stronger than Ryu and earlier in the series, Ryunosuke has stated that her type is someone stronger than her!!
Nagisa does see Ryunosuke as fully female, unlike their stupid, delusional fathers.
This analysis here brings up a lot of good points about the ship, so read it.
Now for the negatives (the bits are more detailed since I figured explanations are more necessary for these):
RyuNagi does disservice to Ryu's character. Yeah, Nagisa follows the Takahashi trope of 'late love interest' the same way as Inaba does, but there's a difference in both guys and how they were handled in their romance with their respective girls. For InaShino, Shinobu's main character goal is that she wanted to be with a good man but she only keeps attracting weirdos and perverts. The only way to give her a happy ending is to have her end up with a good man, which in this case is Inaba. I love Inaba, he's sweet, cute, kind of silly and goofy and definitely not a pervert, exactly what Shinobu wants, a man with pure heart. Not only does this give Shinobu a happy end, but it also gives the reader satisfaction to know that Shinobu's story has come to a close since her goal has been achieved. Sadly, the same doesn't apply to Ryu. Ryu's main character goal was clear when she was first introduced, she wants to be a proper woman. But the story doesn't end that way, instead it ends with her being with Nagisa, still under the same 'misgendered' way she's been brought up. Of course, as the chapters progressed after her introduction, we were told that she'll want be with a man who is stronger than her, which ends up being Nagisa. But that wasn't what her character was supposed to be about, she was supposed to kick her dad's ass and win herself a sailor suit, not JUST end up with a dude with a similar upbringing as her. That makes her story feel like it had no proper closure, instead there's just a romance which had nothing to do much to her initial goal at all.
It had so much potential to be something more. Nagisa had to be introduced much earlier and they should've had more chapters together. Maybe, they could've made Nagisa and Ryunosuke discuss and bond over their stupid upbringing, maybe Nagisa could feel bad for Ryu, after hearing how much she wants to be a proper woman and how much her dad stopped her from enjoying herself and maybe help her enjoy things that her dad didn't allow her to (Christmas, Chocolates, etc.) and Ryunosuke fully falls for him because of his kindness... Then their romance would've felt even more natural. In the canon, it doesn't seem like they have that strong couple dynamic (cuz their final chapter has Ryunosuke just beginning to fall for Nagisa) ? I feel like if we had more screentime after 'One Night's Battle' with them showing their relationship develop, it could've worked better and would have had more dynamic. It's a case of wasted potential, but this potential will later be fulfilled by Ranma and Akane in Ranma 1/2, since they also have a similar tomboy and femboy fiance and fiancee thing going on, but sadly, that doesn't improve RyuNagi more than it should've.
I've never actually thought about RyuNagi being another way her dad controls her life, like you said but I see what you mean, anon. This statement ties in with the character goal thing and the potential thing from the two points above. Personally, I think RT should've made Nagisa stronger than Ryu's dad and after the whole bonding, kindness and feeling bad for Ryu bit I talked about from above, they both kick his ass. Boom, karma.
So yea, that's how I feel. I think most RyuNagi fans like the ship for the concept and the little but still cute bits in canon, since a lot of fan works I've seen rely mostly on that. I remember seeing a RyuNagi fan manga months ago on Pixiv where it was something about RyuNagi celebrating Christmas. I can't read a lick of Japanese, but from the images I could tell they had more romantic progress than the actual canon. The handling of Ryunosuke has to be one of my least favorite things in UY. I'm much more satisfied with the other canonical ships (Mainly AtaLum, ReiRan, InaShino and even TsubaSaku!!) but sadly, RyuNagi doesn't feel entirely fulfilling to me. It's very cute but has wasted potential at the same time. And of course, no shade to anyone who likes this ship, I do too, I just wish it had something more to it.
Sorry for rambling and if I've accidentally called Nagisa a 'she' instead of 'he' then forgive me because it's a stupid habit I have and I can't seem to control it.
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yumedoca · 4 months
Do you have any Ranma 1/2 ships, I just wanna hear and won't judge? ;)
Hai there, hope you're doing great!!
Let's just say, THE Ranma 1/2 ship to me is Rankane. It's the typical Rumic couple situation: both are idiots and hilariously dysfunctional; but they truly love, care and will support each other no matter what, even if it seems like there's no one else by their side. Ships like that fulfill both my love for comedy and romance at the same time and to me, RT writes them with a perfect balance of both, and Rankane is no exception.
I really love how Ranma and Akane start out and how they grow throughout the series. They hated each other at first (for justified reasons) but as they get to know more about how the other, they slowly start to care and eventually fall for the other. They're just silly little idiots X3
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As for any other ships, I'm fine with most of the other popular ships (not involving Ranma and the rest of his suitors, cuz to me Akane's the only one for him), I think Ryokari (Ryoga and Akari, is that even their ship name?? Idk) is probably one I love more than the other ships, though not as much as Rankane, they're just super cute and I couldn't help but root for them while reading the manga, lol.
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yumedoca · 5 months
Also the RyuNagi half very cute too!! I always thought their battle and the aftermath was a good starting point to their relationship (even though they should've had another storyline after that, instead of ending it there)..
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yumedoca · 5 months
Went back to my RyuNagi thoughts post after the new episode and I edited it a bit cuz I feel like my thoughts haven't been entirely accurate to what I actually felt, you can read the edited version now, it's a lot more like how I actually wanted convey my thoughts back then and now lol.
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captain-azoren · 4 years
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This is the Dragon Eel spirit, whom I'm naming Ryunagi for the sake of brevity.
If you've seen Korra and read Turf Wars, you'll know him as the spirit that kind of acted as a representative for the rest of the spirits and also as the spirit that passed through the main villain Tokuga, mutating him.
For my Spirit Forged story, my idea is to have Tokuga forcefully fuse with Ryunagi to make himself whole and have a more complete and powerful form. Still monstrous but no longer an asymmetrical abomination like we see.
HOW Tokuga does this, I'll save for later...
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