#blog management and the new episode kept me busy
yumedoca · 5 months
Heres a ransdom thought experiment
Yoy are now rumiko takashi writing UY , what is a story beat youd chamge or just a story youd like to read as you have control of the characters
Hai there, hope you're doing great!!
Yay, I love questions like these!! Thank you for the ask anon and here we go ;)
Ryunosuke. Just mostly Ryunosuke, haha. I've never actually found her dad's joke of preventing Ryu from getting what she wants funny and it was more irksome than anything, and it sucked cuz Ryunosuke's great! But what's worse is that she never gets a proper resolution about her feminine wants (even though that was the main point of her character in the first place) and it was just dropped and ignored in the end, so it never felt like her character got a true resolution. I feel like a good way to write Ryu would be to keep the relationship with her dad the same for the most of her story. And then in her last few chapters have them talk out and be in proper understanding for once. Shigeru Chiba, Mr. Fujinami's remake voice actor (and Megane in the old anime), states his view on his character in his character comments:
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(Also Shout-out to Shigeru Chiba, he's awesome. He's just so great lol, literally the guy ever.)
And the idea of Ryu's dad raising Ryunosuke to be male because he doesn't want her to leave him is a great idea!! I'd make it like that's the true reason why he does it and somehow they're pushed into a corner where he's forced to admit it to Ryu. He has shown to genuinely care at least a little about her (I'm pretty sure he protected her from the boys of class 2-4 that time she lost her chest wrap) despite how he usually acts. So have them reconcile, have Ryunosuke say she'll stay with her dad if he accepts her for who she is and have him accept her feminity as a result and allow her to act and dress the way she wants. Boom! Problem solved, both sides win and Ryu's dad is made more likeable while Ryunosuke's story has a proper conclusion.
RyuNagi. It's still about Ryunosuke, I know lmao. Anyway, I've discussed how I feel about the ship and other stuff about it here (read it if you haven't so what I say about them would make more sense). It's a bit all over the place discussing various stuff about them but I'll just copy-paste the bit where I talk about how it could be done better..
It had so much potential. Nagisa had to be introduced much earlier and they should've had more chapters together. Maybe, they could've made Nagisa and Ryunosuke discuss and bond over their stupid upbringing, maybe Nagisa could feel bad for Ryu, after hearing how much she wants to be a proper woman and how much her dad stopped her from enjoying herself and maybe help her enjoy things that her dad didn't allow her to (Christmas, Chocolates, etc.) and Ryunosuke fully falls for him because of his kindness... Then their romance would've felt even more natural.
I think the RyuNagi growth would take place before Ryunosuke's reconciling with her dad in case you want a timeline and by that time Ryu would properly be into Nagisa so the romance between them still stays, even after her being effeminate.
Introduce Inaba a bit earlier and give him another storyline with Shinobu. I feel like we still don't know much about Inaba and his dynamic with Shinobu entirely and that's like my only issue about Inaba and InaShino really, so have a storyline after they started dating where we can see how they bounce off each other and truly show that they're perfect couple, idk I just want more cute stuff for them, maybe Shinobu stands up for Inaba when the other bunnies bully him, maybe we get to know more about Inaba's interests and hobbies and maybe we can have the gag stuff be silly interactions between them and maybe Ataru (and Lum) spying on them or something idk.
Give great characters who don't have much spotlight what they need. Oyuki is a good example of this since she appears the least among Lum's alien friends. I saw someone online state that Kurama should've been brought back later on, instead of just disappearing, and could've attempted to mate with Tobimaro or Shingo; and I totally agree with it.. For the former, it could worked as an Asuka plotline and could've been a great arc and for the latter, it could be chaotic since Shingo doesn't know how to respect women. These two are the main examples but there may be others..
And that's all that comes to mind now. These are like the major, main ones and there might be others but they're probably incredibly minor or I just forgor about them..
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polarisbibliotheque · 7 months
About the time a guy was being creepy to me on a professional setting and my gut feeling told me "GET OUT NOW"
Ok, so hi! This post has to do with a reblog recently here in my blog, on one of my fics regarding Dante and Vergil with an s/o suffering from being hit on without their consent. I write Devil May Cry fanfiction and that was my way of coping with a CREEP being, well, a creep.
Who would've known, fanfic is therapeutical
My answer got so big, I decided to make a separate post about it - and I'm talking like this because, if this gets out the DMC sphere and other people read it, they'll understand the fandom talk a little bit. This is not just for the fandom, but everyone out there.
Including men. All of us are prone to being targets of creeps - even if I'll be telling about my experience as a woman, take this advice to your heart NO MATTER your gender.
When this episode happened in my life, I was 27 y/o, I think...? I got pushed into such a stupid corner by this guy who kept messaging me with "work related" stuff... And my family wasn't validating my "this is weird" feeling.
So... What happened?
(TW: I mention the words "rape" and "sexual abuse" but none of that has happened. It was a red flag and I want to talk about avoiding it like the plague and how people might dismiss your gut feeling when something is wrong. I write with brutal honesty, curse words and don't censor anything, because I'm here to tell people how it is not curating content to go viral on clean ~family friendly~ social media. This is honest advice I'd give someone else, so it's just a heads up. I'm a little jaded with all the censoring of "forbidden words" when you have to discuss serious subjects like this nowadays hahahaha)
First context, I'm a Lawyer. Hi. I know it doesn't sound like it Second context, I'm from Latin America. Hi again!
Well, in my country, we have to vote every couple of years for the National Lawyer Association President and Vice-President (for my USA people, it's like the BAR association for Lawyers - meaning only lawyers who have passed the BAR and are, indeed, full-fledged to the association and with a lawyer permit can vote). I hate it, but it is what it is, I have to vote every time for one of those posh speaking clowns or else.
This much older guy stopped me at the entrance to the voting building to do some political propaganda of one of the candidates. Expected. They weren't the ones I was gonna vote 'cause their agenda didn't fit what I wanted for the Association - nevertheless, I smiled and was polite. Guy wouldn't shut up, but that's a lawyer thing. Kept being polite, dismissed him kindly and went inside to vote.
As I came back, guy is there and stops me. I had called my mom to give me a ride home - by that time, I had been broke and without a job for 2 years up until that point, trying to get back into the ~lawyer business~ and recover from a very bad burnout, so paying a ride back home was a big no. I had my phone on my hand and kept chatting because, you know, networking. You never know.
Now, mind you. I'm about to celebrate my 30th birthday this year, but people seriously think I'm underage wherever I go. I have to literally show them my credentials and ID so they can believe a single word I say. This guy, must've been around his 50s or something - and I look like a teen or, at best, 20 years old. I graduated when I was 22, so that's the most he could've imagined I was.
As we're talking, dude is flexing his career so hard I start to do the same. He says he has known the President and influential people in politics (back then, far-right government, so red flag already waving in the horizon), he has an office both here and in New York and Miami, he has worked with the FBI (we're in Latin America, the USA stuff is a flex for far-right people). I say I have worked as the Labor Lawyer in a huge worldwide known multinational company, coordinated with people in the USA and UK, had around 100 cases to manage monthly and keep the company in order when the directors were not around.
Guy is impressed and asks for my contact on LinkedIn. I'm down for it, I'm looking for a job and he could be one hell of a way to get back on business. Dude mentions he's in digital law and, heck, I wanted so bad to get into digital law! It was like he was put in my way by the angels to help me get back on my feet!
He asks for my resumé and my cellphone number, so he can have me in his office to have a cup of coffee. I am soaring by now. "That's it!!" I think "That's my ticket back to being a lawyer, to having my own money, to breaking the cycle of unemployment and having my career back!" - so I do it! I give him my number!
hello, workaholic aunt here speaking, my career was everything to me, I'd do everything for it
After I got back home, told my mom everything, and everyone was so happy. That's when he started sending me messages - asking for my address so he could send me some lawyer magazines and such... Even though he had asked when we were talking before and I changed the subject. I didn't give him of course, but instead sent him my resumé.
So, next day he asks me about that coffee and I said we can make it happen... Even if he got my name wrong. I have a pretty exotic name in whatever country I go, so it's a common mistake, known to happen, no one can pronounce my name right if I don't teach them how to, so yeah. I'm willing to gloss over that.
I'm assuming he read my resumé, saw how smart, capable and hardworking I am, and wants to talk business. Wants to offer me a job. I'm super ready. I'm taking my business clothes out of the closet, I'm cleaning my high heel black boots, I'm checking my references and vocabulary so I don't screw up. Guy sends a message saying he wants to take me out for lunch.
Red flag. My instincts flare up and I'm just staring at the screen. I start reviewing everything. I mean... Business lunches are ok, right? I had lunches with my manager and director plenty of times back in the day and it never got weird. So... Why was I feeling weird now...?
Guy says we can go out for lunch and then back at his office so he can show me around. I was like "hmmm... ok? shouldn't be weird. this is normal." but nevertheless I went to check with my mom and my sister.
Both said it was fine. I was feeling weird because it's a guy and me and I shouldn't be feeling uneasy - it's my social anxiety/workplace trauma talking. It's the opportunity of a lifetime. I shouldn't screw up.
I keep talking to him. I ask where we should meet up for this lunch and he tells me to give him my address, so he could pick me up and we can go to "a nice place to have lunch" (his words, not mine).
Red flags are dancing around my head. I keep thinking "have I lead him on something????" and going mad. What was I wearing? Only work clothes, that's all - suit pants, black high heel boots, dark silk shirt and only a nude lipstick so my lips wouldn't get chapped. My shirt didn't even show cleavage.
It's ridiculous how I feel this is a thing I should add 'cause heaven forbid the cleavage
What about what I've said? Did I accidentally flirt?? 'Cause that's been known to happen - I'm a clueless ace who can't for the life of me notice when people are flirting or not or notice when people think I'm flirting with them. And usually when they are not flirting or being attractive, that's when the magic happens for me! So... What gives?! Did I do something wrong, that sent the wrong message?
I mean, I was nice, yes. But you're supposed to be nice to people. I'm not gonna be rude just because most guys can't keep it in their pants.
I go over the messages. I didn't do anything strictly not business like. I'm very good at that. I have only worked responding to men as bosses in my life, had four male bosses before him, all different ages, marital status, star signs, backgrounds, lives. The best colleagues and co-workers I used to spend hours having coffee and laughing with were men. So I know how to keep professional and not mixing things up. It wasn't a slip up from my side.
Well, then there's always the chance I was going crazy and overreacting, soooo... I go over to my mom and sister. They think it's weird, yes, but they do think that's exactly what's going on: I'm overreacting and my social anxiety/workplace trauma is blocking me from pursuing this opportunity that can help my career - and make me have a salary again so I can help at home.
Ok. I though up and go back to talking to him. I tell him fine but I'll go to the place myself, so he can tell me where he's thinking about having lunch. Guy tells me nothing and keeps insisting I give him my address and he will give me a ride so we can "get to know each other better".
My GODS I've never felt so uncomfortable. Not even when I had to stay ONLY with my boss working until 1 am, only the two of us in the company building, every light out except the one in the room we were in, him being around 15 years older than me and very confident, with the two of us having one of the best work chemistry I had in my LIFE.
He could've done ANYTHING to me, but we only talked strictly work. We were tired, he waited for my mom to pick me up at 1 am outside so nothing bad would happen to me, both of us under an umbrella, he apologized to my mom for having me stay at work so late and then went back home to his wife and kid. I NEVER, at ANY moment felt unsafe around him. He was my mentor, he was my boss, he was a good colleague and even somewhat of a friend.
So why on EARTH was I feeling SO UNCOMFORTABLE with this guy I had only met ONCE face to face in my life?
I start to voice my concerns. My mom and my sister think I'm only saying that because I don't want to go back to work. That I want to throw my career away because I can't control my anxiety and my feelings. We fight a couple of times and a couple of days. My mom tells my aunt about it. My aunt goes full FBI and does a background check on this dude.
That's when she told my mom some things weren't adding up. His LinkedIn profile was a little too weird and he had no ties whatsoever with the elected President of the Lawyer Association - was he really someone in their team for propaganda? Nevertheless, he did have an office and did work with digital law, both here and in the USA. I shouldn't let this opportunity slip.
I got so mad. SO MAD. To the point my sister decided to ask her boyfriend for his opinion on all of it and he was like "hey... your sister is kinda right. guy wouldn't offer to take ME to a nice restaurant to have lunch and go to his office later for a coffee, would he...? I mean, this never happened to me" - and sis' boyfriend is on the business meetings and negotiations/selling part of the spectrum. He knows what he's talking about.
So now I finally have a man validating my concerns.
I take the decision to shut the whole thing down. I go "very well, I will NOT meet him, I will NOT maintain contact with him, he's treating me like a whore he picked up on the street". At this point, I am FUCKING FUMING. But still, my sister and mom gave him the benefit of the doubt and made me feel like I was doing something wrong.
So I decided to marinate him for a while.
I should note that all his messages were sent close or around midnight, not at working hours. And I only answered at working hours. Since I was taking a while to respond, my dude just goes like, and I kid you not, "ooooh she's not answering, she's ignoring me, I don't like that *sad emoji*" LIKE A FUCKING 13 YEAR OLD (no offense, 13 y/o peoples, but this dude is a FULL GROWN ASS MAN).
I am offended, I am flabbergasted and I wish I could suplex him to oblivion.
I show my mom the message. She just stares at me in awe. She FINALLY is like "yeah, ok, this isn't very professional". ALL THIS TIME, I never really told her what I was thinking and what was really worrying me. And then I break her the news that, what I'm really afraid of, is that this guy is going to rape me in his car. Or he's going to drive me somewhere I can't fight or scream and then he'll rape me. Whatever the scenario, it ended up with me being raped and I was scared. SO. FUCKING. SCARED.
My mom goes into Sphinx mode - that's when she doesn't answer and doesn't even look at me and just ~thinks~. It's a brutal reality she doesn't like and I don't like it either, I mean, it's my safety we're talking about here.
I shut down the guy completely. I tell him there's a family emergency and I couldn't continue to give him any attention nor I could go out for that lunch and I couldn't talk anymore. He SUDDENLY goes cold and "I am sorry if any of my messages seemed inconvenient. Do answer when you have the time so we can make an appointment." And that's it. No more messages. He's done in my book.
My mom tells my aunt. Aunt goes Sherlock Holmes mode this time and, lo and behold, they find an website of this guy's office. My mom is shocked at how 90's internet it looks for a guy who works with digital law. She then recognizes the address of the office but the doesn't remember of any office building in that street - so she Googles it.
His "office" is actually a residential building - meaning, it was his home address. She shows it to me and I want to cry - out of rage, shame, fear, sadness. I go like "yeah, this is the place he wanted me to go, to his home. What was he going to do to me there, huh?" - and I think the answer is pretty obvious.
Later, speaking to my sister, she's like "I dunno why you're so mad" and I'm like "WELL MISS I just got PICKED UP LIKE A WHORE outside of an OFFICIAL EVENT for the NATIONAL LAWYER ASSOCIATION while I was DRESSED UP PROFESSIONALLY and looking for PROFESSIONAL opportunities and I COULD HAVE BEEN RAPED. I think I have all the right in the FUCKING WORLD to be FUMING."
That's when we diverged some more. She just said like "hey that's how the world works: women are treated like whores - you weren't the first one to have this happen to you and you won't be the last. What are you gonna do about it? Get over it."
Oh. Boy. I looked at my sister's eyes. I saw her just staring at me weirdly. A storm was approaching. The skies darkened. Bury the Light started playing in the background. Vergil's doppelgänger was standing behind me like an angel of death. (All DMC references for my non-DMC peoples)
"Well. I wanna have power. So much fucking power in this world that no one ever even thinks about treating me like that again. So much power they will fear standing in front of me and saying those words - they will look into my eyes and shut up. So much power I will never be afraid to walk on my own again and I will never have to doubt my feelings when I'm feeling unsafe because some lowlife pitiful little shit decided I should be a whore to satisfy him. I want to have power so I will never be this helpless again."
Cue in my sister just sitting there with butter in the slice of bread in her hand, staring at me like "wtf man... do you need a hug...?" and me doing a dramatic exit back to my room to, well... Write the fanfic in question.
(For my DMC creatures: I never even thought of Vergil when I said all of this, I just noted that thought later in my diary and reading it a couple of days later I was like "omg I have become my worst enemy, fuck you Verge" because I kid you not, I used to hate this man with all the fibers of my being - hence where my longfic Nemesis came from. I realized I lived long enough to become my worst enemy - and maybe I hated him because Vergil made me look at the part of myself I didn't like and didn't want to admit existed *I'm laughing while writing this, I do find it weirdly amusing*)
DMC things aside, this WHOLE episode made me feel so frustrated. I never had anyone to validate me, only people doubting me or asking me if I lead him on, or what was I wearing, or if I smiled too much, if I was being too nice, if I said something inappropriate, and so on. I had to get it all off my chest and I thought maybe, juuuust maybe, Dante and Vergil would've been more supportive regarding that.
Because, you know, they know trauma and they are protective as fuck. They can have all the red flags and mental issues in this world, but I don't think they would EVER dismiss their partner - especially a woman - feeling unsafe and fearing being abused or raped. In order to trust, you have to give the person and opportunity and room to open up to you without judgements - and I do think they aren't very judgy people.
I mean, they are demons, for fuck's sake. They can't judge anything especially Vergil
Also, I don't blame my mom nor my sister (even if I got really mad at her). In the end, both of them wanted what was best for me, they thought it was an opportunity and wanted me to get my career back. Truth is, no woman knows how to act when this happens. And they didn't know how to act as well. They didn't want to think of the worst: just like I was doubting myself and my own feelings, they were doubting theirs as well. We ALL had to be validated by a man to admit something was wrong and we weren't hysterical.
Ok, ok, storytime over. But I felt like sharing this because people, you are ALWAYS valid in your concerns - and there's no clothing, no smile, no attitude, no NOTHING that JUSTIFIES abuse. If you're abused or feeling like someone wants to take advantage of you, especially sexually, YOUR FEELINGS AND FEARS ARE VALID. Don't shrug it off or water it down just because people are saying you're overreacting - if I had listened to everyone around me instead of my gut feeling that something was REALLY wrong, only the gods know what would've happened. But I'll tell ya, it probably wouldn't have been good for me.
At best, I'd be mad this guy would want to pick me up like a whore and I'd have to turn him down and take a ride home. At worst, he would've raped me - in his car, at the "restaurant", at his "office". We don't know, but I didn't want to "give luck to bad luck" as we say where I live.
I didn't have support, so I wrote a story to feel supported by the fictional characters I look up to - I wished SO bad I was dating someone, especially a man, who'd tell me he'd go through hell and back to keep me safe and wouldn't allow anyone to hurt me and validate my feelings. Someone who would make me feel safe and I wouldn't have to only rely on myself.
cue in V saying he too wanted to be loved and protected, I tell you, all this time I thought I hated Vergil when I had only found my nemesis in a mirror
So, don't ever doubt yourselves. Don't ever doubt your gut feelings. We might want validation and someone to keep us safe, but sometimes we don't have that and have to rely on our survival mode. It sucks, but there's a reason why that thing is called "survival": it keeps you alive. It keeps you going.
And no one, NO ONE has the right to say you're overreacting, you're being hysterical, you're reading too much into it, you're just trying to find the easy way out, you just don't want an opportunity because you're lazy, you're crazy and deranged, etc, etc.
If your gut is flapping red flags all around, then overreact. Be hysterical. Read too much into it, find the easy way out, be lazy, be crazy and deranged. Be the villain. Be the bad person. You're not perfect. You're not a princess. Be comfortable with people telling you you're bad - but never NEVER let go of your gut feeling when your safety is on the line.
That fucking thing WILL save your life. Being too nice, though, might not. Listen to yourself, be TRUE to yourself, and, again, don't be afraid to be bad.
Someday you might just find your half-demon man who will support you, protect you and treat you as an equal powerhouse, but until that day, keep on conquering your self-esteem and unwavering will.
I'm just saying all of this now because:
1 - I was too scared to talk about this for a looong time afraid the guy in question would find this, know it's me and my safety would be on the line again
2 - Just now I'm getting comfortable with the concept of being "seen as the villain" and being "seen as bad". My whole life I have been dancing around this because people always said I had a "difficult" personality. I watched Cruella recently and it hit home so hard. We do have things to learn from villainous characters and maybe this is just who I am. People are going to see me as bad so, who cares. Even if I'm not, it would do me good getting used to that idea - I can be more assertive to my boundaries and not allow any of this to happen again. So, there you go. It's an exercise everyone should do. Are you comfortable defending your ideas, your boundaries and your integrity even if people are mad you're not being a pushover/perfectly polite?
It's something I think all of us should think about ;)
thanks for coming to my TED Talk :')
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Not My Yacht" *Chapter 1?*
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So this is interesting:
So "Not My Yacht" was my very first fic. Like, I'm talking VERY VERY first.
So when I started asking around about ideas for a new series, a few of my lovelies went through my one shots and this story and "Doodling" got some good votes.
So, I decided to include the one shot and just added to it for a POTENTIAL new series. We'll see how this chapter goes over.
Also I'll be including Rita Calhoun in this for the FIRST time ever, so I may need assistance from @storiesofsvu to get her voice right. I did my best here. I'll be honest I've never really watched her, just that one where that guy blackmailed her or something.
Also Also, if it wasn't obvious enough this is obviously the beginning of the SVU episode "Her Negations".
I don't want to give anything away because I haven't even really thought that far, but I'm 95% sure this is going to turn in a William Lewis situation fic. So...pretty dark. I'm just warning you NOW.
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And yes, the results are in. There is a part 2!
You breathed in the salty air of the sea of the sunny South Hampton shore; It was a beautiful day for a yacht party.
You walked along the pier as you got closer to your boss’s boat: The Crime Wave. Her husband’s idea of a funny name she claimed as she had invited people from the office to this soiree. You were lucky to even get an invite, just being the assistant to the owner of the law firm. “Who else is going to help me dodge boring conversations with men who just wanted a "free ride” on the bosses boat?“ She had teased you; or at least you hoped she was kidding.
You really wanted to just relax and mingle among the elite lawyers of NYC, seeing as you wanted to be one of them someday.
You saw your boss, Rita Calhoun waving you down as you reached the dock space.
"Ah! There you are, for a minute I thought I’d have to mix my own drinks!” She laughed with a wink. You laugh nervously, unable to discern if she was kidding.
“Calm down sweetie, I’m a big girl. Besides, I like to make them myself, strong,” she laughed again, patting your shoulder. Crap had your face looked that panicked? Keep it cool!
“Go ahead, enjoy yourself. I’ll be here, making sure none of those damn punks tries to sneak on here for free booze,” she scoffed, nodding to a group of highly dressed teens playing chicken on the shoreline.
You nodded with a half laugh, stepping onto the yacht. It was a decent size, a second level deck and a very spacious main level. Not a lot of people had arrived yet, so you decided to pick a spot on the yachts back bench area before all the seating was taken. You began removing your over clothes revealing your swimming wear when you hear Rita greet someone else.
“Ah, Barba. You know we have flare guns on board,”
You turn to see the ADA of New York, Rafael Barba. He’s dressed in a windbreaker and what could be either a dark red or salmon polo. You realize Mrs. Calhoun is referring to the almost neon yellow color of the windbreaker, and you can’t help but giggle. It must have been way too loud because they both turn to you which caused you to immediately shut up and go back to undressing and laying out your towel, but ever so slightly still honed in on the conversation.
“You can never be too careful Rita, who knows how many enemies I’ve made in this town; someone might throw me over,” he smirked.
“And anyone here could make it look like a very convincing accident….even my aspiring protege over there,” Rita nods over to you, knowing full well what you were doing.
Barba turned and looked at you, your body frozen in mid towel thrust. You didn’t know whether to throw it over yourself or just run off the boat right there.
“I know it’s an awful jacket dear, you don’t have to keep staring at him.” She called over to you. God why did she have to be so….her.
“Jesus Rita give the girl a break, or did you invite her just to torture her on unbillable hours?” Barba scoffed with a half smile, walking over to you.
“Is it really worth the minimum wage to put up with her?” He asked.
“Mmm…it’s more for the experience, honestly.” You replied surprisingly smoothly.
“Oh….well I mean I could give you the experience without–” He started but was interrupted by your boss’s loud exclaiming.
“Yeah I’ll BET you’d give her experience Barba! Stop hitting on my intern and mingle with the adults.”
If you could dig a hole straight through the boat into the ocean you would do it right then and there.
“…..Without THAT.” He rolled his eyes, lightly flipping her the bird behind his back. You see her respond with a laugh then turns her attention back to the guests boarding.
“She’s probably been drinking since she got on the boat, yeah?” He asked you.
“I…I don’t know I just got here….” You managed to squeak out as your towel strayed from your hands. Barba grabbed it and helped you reposition it on the bench.
“Kinda windy for a yacht party, but Rita will take any chance to celebrate anything remotely resembling a boost to her ego. Am I right?” He chuckled, before sitting down on your towel.
“Just to keep it from blowing away, do you mind?” He asked, gesturing for you to join him. You nodded a boisterous “NO”, plopping next to him on the bench.
“I’m Rafael Barba,” he extended his hand to you, which you took and shook gently, praying to God he didn’t notice you were literally shaking. You had probably had the biggest crush on him since you started working with Mrs. Calhoun, he was constantly in her office challenging her with warrants and favors.
“Oh yeah I know,” you blurted out, mentally facepalming immediately.
“I see….” He raised an eyebrow. “And you are….?”
You were about to answer when his phone went off. He answered it putting one finger up and mouthing the words “one second.”
“Barba. Yeah….what? Seriously, Olivia? On a Sunday?!” He groaned into his phone with an exaggerated eye roll. He raised his hand and ran it over his face begrudgingly as he talked.
“Yeah….alright, fine. Yeah I’ll be there, give me an hour. I’m in the Hamptons. Because it’s my day off, Liv! Do you think I lock myself in my office over the weekends like a vampire in a coffin? Yeah…I’m sorry, I just…” He glanced at you.
“I was enjoying my Sunday.” He gave you a small sad smile.
“Yeah. Ok. See you soon.” He hung up the phone with an exasperated sigh.
“I’m sorry, I gotta go back to the city. Don’t let Rita push you around too much, okay?” He chuckled, rubbing the top of your head like a puppy. You felt your face scrunch up in annoyance, seriously? He thought of you as a kid?!
He obviously noticed, and quickly held out his hand again very sternly.
“Sorry, future counselor.” He said in an overly serious tone, and you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling. Again. Like an idiot.
Relieved he had fixed his faux paux, he gave you one last beautiful Barba grin as he jogged over to Rita and told her something before nodding to you once again, then walked off the boat and disappearing down the pier.
Your boss sauntered over to you, a shit eating grin across her face.
“Well Cinderella, you sure kept that cool.” She gestured for your phone beside you.
“Be sure to tell him your name this time,” she winked, handing it back to you. You glanced down at it as she walked away; she had added a number to your contacts.
“BHole Barba.” You laughed out loud. Nice. Maybe she wasn’t such a horrible boss after all….
By Monday you still hadn’t had the balls to text Rafael Barba. You had just stared at the number in your phone, imagining all the possibilities contacting him would lead to. You may have gotten so far as planning your summer wedding in the Hamptons, but nobody needed to know that.
But you had chickened out and left it alone, and now you were sitting at your desk typing up a memo for Rita when you saw him come waltzing through the door.
“Ah, Cinderella!” He smiled at you.
“Hey…” Your mind went blank, you couldn’t think of words. Wait, had he already given you a nickname?
“Cinderella?” You blinked in confusion.
“Well I never caught your name-- But I guess I shouldn’t even push it, you’ve clearly moved on and I must seem like a creep,” His train of thought proceeded out loud as he realized you hadn’t taken his number and here he was still flirting with you. Rita had given it to you, he had seen her type it in your phone. Obviously you weren’t interested, why was he pushing this?
“What? NO!” You said a little louder than you intended, actually a lot louder than you intended. You slapped your hand over your mouth after your little outburst, but to you relief he was still smiling.
“Oh? Well I suppose that’s good…” He was obviously fishing for your excuse as to why you had waited until he popped back in your face to talk to him.
“No, I um--” You racked your brain for an excuse that wasn’t “I was busy planning our lives together”.
“I….couldn’t think of something interesting to say,” You finally admitted with a pitiful sigh. You were not a good liar, and under pressure, forget about it.
Again, he still smiled-- but this time he laughed along with it.
“I mean, ‘Hello’ is always an option,” He chuckled. “Or...your name?”
“Oh!” Idiot. You hadn’t even given him your name, how was he supposed to fall madly in love with you without a name?
“Y/N,” You stuck your hand out awkwardly, Was this a ‘shake hands’ moment? Hadn’t you already met before? You stared at your hand as you moved it slightly back and forth, arguing with yourself whether or not this was necessary. Luckily, Rafael settled the argument by taking your hand and shaking it firmly.
His hands were so soft, his long fingers enveloped yours in them. You lost yourself in the moment, and before you knew it he was making an uncomfortable cough, snapping you back to reality. You dropped his hand and snapped yours back into your body like a zip cord, your face in a horrified stare.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry, that was so weird. I’m weird. I’m--”
“Well I don’t know what you were so worried about Cinderella, you’re clearly a chatterbox,” He gave you a tongued smile, referring to the word vomit you just couldn’t help spill all over him.
“Oh yeah, I’m a total word machine,” You laughed nervously. A word machine? What the fuck was that?
“...Word machine. Right,” He nodded in amusement. “Well word machine, would you mind shooting some words to my phone, or do you just enjoy this face to face thing?”
“With that face? Definitely the latter. But you can have my number anyway,” You typed a quick message and sent it to his number. Damn that was smooth! How did you do that?
Rafael made an impressed face with your line, but when he opened his phone his brows furrowed.
“Hit?” He gave you a curious look as he read the text out loud.
“Fuck it was supposed to be ‘hi’-- stupid autocorrect,” You muttered angrily. Yeah, that was more like you.
“Oh yes, the dreaded autocorrect,” He nodded while saving your number. “Turning fucks into ducks since 2011,”
“Oh I didn’t have a phone in 7th grade but I’ll take your word for it,” You laughed, but stopped when his face twisted into a mix of horror and discomfort when he realized how young you actually were.
Dammit. Why...why would you do this?
“....Right, is Rita in?” He quickly shoved his phone back in his pocket and headed into Rita’s office before you could answer.
“...Idiot!” You yelled at yourself as your hands went over your face and your face planted into your desk.
Well, that was nice while it lasted. All 2.5 seconds of it.
“Well Barba, about time,” Rita smirked as Rafael abruptly burst into her office trying to get away from you. “Done flirting with the intern are we?”
“Shut up,” He rolled his eyes, though his face was a deep shade of red.
“Oh no, what happened? Did your dentures fall out in front of her?” She smirked.
“I’m younger than you!!” He scoffed.
“Yeah but I’m not the one trying to boff a 25 year old,” She smirked harder, making Rafael angrier.
“Can I just get the warrant I came here for, Rita?” He huffed.
“Oooh, struck a nerve there, did I?” Rita chuckled as she grabbed some papers from her desk and started to hand them to him. “Barba, for the record I’m really not judging you. If I were 20 years younger, I’d hit it too,”
“Excuse me?”
“I had a lot of ‘cats’ in college,” She winked.
“Wow,” Rafael held up his hands. “Rita, we really don’t need to be that personal.”
“Fine, but all I’m saying is if you like the girl, don’t let a stupid thing like age deter you. Don’t tell her I said this, but she’s actually very competent and organized. I would almost prefer her not to graduate, unless she'd come work for me. She’s going to be a hell of a lawyer,” She gestured outside to your desk.
Rafael looked at the ground as he mulled over what she was saying, a small smile crawled across his lips as she complimented your potential.
“I’ll take that under advisement, Mrs. Calhoun,” He nodded as he walked towards the door with the papers in his hand, a huge smile across his face now.
He walked out to find you cursing at yourself and whimpering in embarrassment at your desk. When you heard the door shut you snapped to attention and stared at him, shocked he hadn't sprinted out of the office like Usain Bolt. Even more shocking was that Cheshire cat grin now upon his face.
“I-I’m sorry, I totally meant I was--” You tried doing math trying to make yourself reasonably older.
“It’s fine,” He chuckled as he put a hand over your counting fingers. You blushed at the touch of his skin on yours again, but quickly shoved your hands under the desk nervously as you tried not to look him square in the eye. His eyes were so gorgeous you were positive staring straight into them would actually get you pregnant.
“So does Rita ever unchain you from this desk?” He smirked as he was now very aware and very amused at how nervous he made you. He may be old, but clearly he’s still got it.
“Oh yeah, if I ask very nicely she let’s me--” You tried to think of something witty, but it wasn’t coming with him staring at you with those eyes. “....Yes,” You wanted to put your hands over your face but you didn’t want it to be a ‘thing’.
“Well, maybe if you’re an extra good girl she’ll let you off your leash early tonight,” He winked.
“....Am I a dog or a toddler in that situation?” You were genuinely asking, but Rafael clearly realized how insulting that must have seemed.
“Oh no no no, I just, shit,” He tried to backtrack but if he was being totally honest, you made him nervous. Maybe he didn’t have ‘it’ as much as he thought.
You noticed he was the one blushing now, oh my god were you making him nervous? QUICK, BE SMOOTH. BE SMOOTHER THAN YOU’VE EVER BEEN IN YOUR LIFE.
“Are you asking me out, counselor?” You did your best “sultry “voice with a bat of your eyes. Were you batting them too much? What was too much? Oh god you’ve done it for too long now. STOP BATTING.
“...I don’t know, guess you’ll have to wait for me to text you, future counselor,” He was impressed by the line, and decided to bow out before either of you made idiots of yourselves again. He gave you a wink and sauntered out of the office.
Great. Now he’ll probably make you wait two days for a--
Your phone went off in your desk. You pulled it out to see a text message:
BHOLE BARBA: Dinner? Tonight?
You really needed to change his contact name. But that wasn’t the point right now. He just asked you out. Rafael Barba just asked you out. You stared at in your hands, unsure of what to do. Then you realized you couldn’t do this again, you couldn’t just sit there and imagine things, this required an immediate response.
You nervously typed a reply and hit SEND:
Sire ;)
“DAMMIT!!!” You cursed your autocorrect. You instantly sent another text.
Before you could lecture yourself again, your phone beeped again:
Play? What did that--
BHOLE: Okay** ;)
You typed the word ‘okay’ into your text reply bubble, ‘play’ came up in the autocorrect word list.
He was joking with you. He was flirting with you. RAFAEL BARBA WAS FLIRTING WITH YOU.
This work day could not end fast enough.
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incarnateirony · 3 years
Gotta admit, I'm a bit anti Jarpad. Just because he comes off as entitled. BUT given how he and his wife have their hands in the fans pockets EVERY SINGLE DAY, I'd have thought he was far more minted going forward than Jensen. Neither have anything to worry about.
Corollary of that is Jarpad seems to know how to spend, his wife dresses in 10 grand of clothes daily and he wears 200k of watch on his wrist. Investment watches are usually kept pristine, not worn daily. His wife wears a 1.5m engagement ring. They frequently put pictures of the house on her blog and it's stuffed full of expensive crap. I'd feel claustrophobic living there, seriously.
Please correct my points, cos I'm really interested!
1. Lol-jackles (who is a bit of an arsehole IMHO) said JP would be getting the same for Walker as for SPN and extra (cut of profits as exec), so that's around $200,000 dollars per episode. The ensemble cast of Walker looks really expensive so that surprised me. Do you think that's true?
2. He shoves his overpriced vitamins #Mantrafamily down his fans throat and they are EXPENSIVE. He's an investor, though he's changed his story on his position several times. How much do you get from them?
3. He apparently owns a lot of property, including student housing in Austin.
4. He is owner or part owner of San Jac and Stereophonic in Austin.
5. His wife shills products daily on her blog
FYI, I HATE the "family" tag. The family is the fans not the stars. My test, I know my family's phone number and they wouldn't get an injunction if I went to anyone of their houses. Apply that test to J2?
Fans are PRODUCT to actors and definitely to Jarpad "I care so much I want you to feel better so buy my yellow vitamin wee"
I mean I never said Jared would end up homeless in a box. You can be blackballed and have money in the bank, these two statements have nothing to do with each other.
I haven't checked the Walker payrole. That statement could be true, but I'd say to take it with a grain of salt until you see a receipt about his paygrade. For example, on SPN last I knew he was making about 125K per episode (Jensen was 175K, Misha was just over 100K).
Jensen's value was higher due to a mix of... well, quality, quality of his representation, and the fact he had a few other skills in his pocket on access like directing.
Jared being a producer on Walker likely is worth a paygrade boost, and he headlines the show, truly. It's a matter of how his agent negotiated his worth.
On the other hand, it would be INCREDIBLY stupid for CBS/CW to accept a pitch that high on Jared on a show that hadn't been tested for its success. If Walker was still running its 0.3X in appropriate follow-up to SPN on the same TV season, sure. I guess. But with its fairly stable 0.15 for the last bazillion episodes that is rounding it up or down to 0.1 or 0.2 depending on its thousandths, that is baaaad. The first season should have been more conservative on its paygrades, but CW isn't known for the wisest business decisions and may have highly overestimated its potential appeal, in which case--LOL.
There is some wiggle room on potential budget because at a base, Walker is not a very expensive show to shoot, as it can just drop a camera in real world locations and roll from there. Very little CGI and the like. Again, I'd have to review what the show budget is to see what's going on.
Now to clear up some other things:
Jared does not actually own Stereotype. His friend owns Stereotype. He supported them early on with a small investment but his respective share is not enough to be a decision maker or an "owner" any more than anybody else that owns some stock in a company does. San Jac he is one of the owners of. One of. He holds far larger investment in it with several friends, so he is one of a few co-owners.
Things Jared owns:
Several empty lots
His fancy ass house everybody knows about worth about 5 million (Gen's been given power of attorney)
The "student housing" is:
a 4 bed, 2.5 bath home also for families, that can be arranged like a multifamily unit if needed. If you saw it from the street, you'd go "awww, that's a cute house." (some dude nobody knows has power of attorney--he owns a building company, not gonna be more specific)
a 3 bed, 2 bath home (power of attorney guy has this too)
A funky little duplex with 4 bedrooms per unit, best I can tell. (power of attorney guy has this too)
A singlefamily 3 bed home (different power of attorney guy)
One random suite in a business building with like 200 suites granted to him by a family member
The three with matching "power of attorney" is basically the three rentable ones so Jared himself doesn't have to be your landlord. In total there's 15 bedrooms between three properties (one truly multifamily, one arrangeable-as). These properties aren't located anywhere near each other. There's another 3 bedroom home in there that may be rentable. And some office space that got passed to him and basic cross searching in the past brought up a billion bankruptcy filings so I'm pretty sure it was "quick, Jared, take this".
jared doesn't own some giant mega campus complex. Jared owns a few homes that in theory could be rented out to students. This isn't unusual nor is this something the Ackles don't have too. Jared is the equivalent of that dude you find that owns a couple of houses and rents them out, but he goes through a property management agency by proxy of a building company that does the renovations that puts it in there for him, on 3/4 homes. He's not a landlord titan. He's a guy with a fraction of side income by the time it gets to him on a few properties.
So let's get that set straight before anybody makes it sound like Jared floats the student housing business in some lucrative scooby doo real estate scheme.
Yes, Jared is a co-founder of Mantra. Which is honestly... god, don't get me started on why Jared Padalecki should not be simultaneously broadcasting for mental health and then packing nootropics down people's throats. (x for general nootropics) (x for phenibut in particular, which might explain his outburst on SM)
(That's just the one that jumps out as most problematic but the cocktails involved could really just not go over well with the wrong person, some of these things are like mixing OTC ritalin and SSRIs)
At the end of the day, regardless of the ethicality of mantra, I mean, sure, it's a business decision. It makes money. At the end of the day, though, this is not a career move.
Again, nobody ever said Jared's gonna end up living homeless in a box eating beans out of a can. The discussion is whether or not he has arranged himself a viable career forward in media.
Renting out a couple homes by proxy isn't gonna land him roles.
Selling miracle water that turns people into paranoid messes (but with great memory!!) isn't gonna land him roles.
Owning a bar isn't going to land him roles.
None of this actually adds any content to the discussion of Jared Padalecki's professional media career, which his stans keep trying to enter to the conversation to offset discussion of Ackles' business acumen in the acting field.
These are nonstarters in the conversation, at the end of the day. I just wanted to set straight some general details about them.
Jared has a future with an INCOME, but that doesn't mean he's arranged a future in MEDIA. And leave it from Jarpad stans to try to fuck up that conversation.
News flash: Rich White Man Bought Stuff To Make Money. More at 11.
The inability to see how this isn't the same as like. Owning a production company. And owning a record label. And owning a publisher (mostly for vinyls but other potential). And having establishment across multiple distributors and production hubs (WB, Amazon) as a path forward in media is B A F F L I N G.
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headinthe-fridge · 4 years
My Grandfather’s Lawyer (pt.6)
⁂ – Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader –  ⁂
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warning: nsfw, swearing
Summary: Your grandfather, Washijo Tanji, disowned your mother when she was pregnant with you and her hatred towards him was passed on to you. Now, your estranged grandfather wants you to leave your life in Tokyo and come live with him in his estate in the Miyagi Prefecture.
You took a day off and a 6-hour trip, intending to give him a piece of your mind before disappearing from their lives forever. You didn’t expect to see an ailing and fragile old man. Your day trip stretched into weeks and soon, you patched things up with your estranged family and warmed up to everyone -except to one: Ushijima Wakatoshi -your grandfather’s lawyer.
He thinks you have ulterior motives in reuniting with your grandfather.
You weren’t suppose to care what he thinks of you. His opinion didn’t matter.
But it did.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
AN: As promised, here’s part 6! This was a double udpate so if you haven’t read part 5, link is above this! :))
“Well, here’s something you should be afraid of.”
It’s been two weeks since your episode with Ushijima at the hospital garden. Because of your conversation with him, the moment you slipped back inside your grandfather’s ward, you immediately told him that you would stay, for a time. 
Of course, your grandfather was ecstatic and his happiness made you momentarily forget you major irritation for Ushijima Wakatoshi -who, in your opinion is the greatest villain of all villains in the ‘The Story of My Life.’ 
How dare he? How dare he use emotional blackmail against me? You fumed.
Your cousins were elated and excited to have you as well, except for Hoshina. Not news, you were kinda expecting that. Your first problem was clothes. You didn’t bring any when you boarded the train that day but the twins were quick to help you with that. So you spent three days running around the mall, going on a shopping spree -you tried to avoid ridiculously expensive branded clothing but the twins just kept on deviating towards it.
You mentioned your financial concerns to Kuroo but he shrugged it off, saying you had 22 years worth of money to splurged -care of your grandfather. That didn’t help much with your guilt but nothing you can really do about it.
Next was your job back in Tokyo. You gave Kiyoko the heads up that you won’t be returning home, indefinitely, and the cafe manager, despite his disappointment, had no other choice but to find a replacement -which he found in Hinata Shoyou, a friend’s friend.
So far, your stay was pleasant and you were steadily building your relationship between your cousins (save Hoshina) and your grandfather. Hoshina was complicated, there were many time when you thought she was going to approach you, in a peaceful manner, but then proceeds to glare and scowl at your at the last second. It bummed you, honestly. You never had a sister (and so did she) so you wanted to reallyyyy bond with her. But, she was as stubborn and hard-headed as you are. 
You asked the twins one time where their parents are and they said Kuroo’s parents are on a business trip in Singapore, their father (your uncle, second eldest) is in Sendai, managing his own business -a publication- their parents were divorced and they rarely see their mother who has her own family in Southern part of Japan. Hoshina’s are in Tokyo, securing a deal for the family business.
While your grandfather remains the company president, Hoshina’s father is the CEO and her mother the COO. Despite being the youngest son, it seems her father was the most reliable when it came to business.
So all in all, these two weeks sped by unceremoniously. Your aunts and uncles were quite excited to meet you as well. And you were relieved that Hoshina’s attitude wasn’t from her parents. 
Your train of thoughts came to a halt when your phone rang. You placed down the glass of water on the countertop to reach for it in your pocket. Your cousins were all busy -of what, you didn’t know, but they all had lives before you came so accepted that fact that you’re gonna be alone for the rest of the day, while your grandfather is having his rest -you just came back from his room. As for Ushijima -well, you don’t give a damn about his whereabout. You haven’t spoken to him since the hospital incident.
“Kiyoko?” You asked upon answering but a different voice spoke over the speaker.
“y/n-chaaan, are you not coming back?” Cried the person at the other end of the line.
A soft chuckle escaped your lips. “Hey, Tooru-chan, I miss you too.”
Oikawa Toruu was your senior in high school. He was the one who got you interested in the medical field so you always looked up to him as your mentor. He is currently completing his residency at a hospital in Tokyo.
“I was about to comeback home but my grandfather got sick. I decided to stay to take care of him.”
“Please tell grandfather-chan to get well soon. Iwa-chan misses you too.”
You smiled fondly at the mention of his boyfriend. These two are quite inseparable. You talked for a while, catching up and hearing stories from back in Tokyo. You felt homesick all of a sudden, you missed your friends.
“Yeah, I’ll see you soon. Call me anytime!”
“Byebye, y/n-chan. Love yah!”
“Love you too, Tooru-chan.” You replied affectionately and ended the call. You were about to reach for the glass of water again when someone spoke.
“So, Tooru-chan, I gather, is someone special to you?” 
You whipped your head around, facing the lawyer with a scowl. The man had a deep frown on his face, shooting daggers at you -well, what’s new with that?
“So the real reason why you wanted to go back to Tokyo immediately was because someone was waiting for you?”
“A respectable lawyer wouldn’t eavesdrop on personal phone calls.”
“I heard you mention your grandfather’s condition so I got curious.”
“And why would it make you curious?”
He clicked his tongue. “Well, let’s just say I was beyond surprised when you decided to stay when the last time we talked, you were vehement on going back to Tokyo. I can’t help but wonder what your grandfather promised you to make you stay. More so, he put me into work after the two of you talked privately.”
“Promised? What do you mean? And so what if he made you work, don’t you work for him?” You asked though you already have a hunch on what the lawyer meant.
It made your blood boil to say the least.
“I’m his lawyer and I am the first to know everything that he wants to do with his properties and wealth and to whom he will bequeath them.” He said nonchalantly but you knew there’s an underlying meaning. “I always remind him to work on his last will and testament but he always put it off. Then all of a sudden, right after he talked to you, he called for me to arrange the documents.”
“Look, I don’t know why you’re telling me this but I do know that the nature of your work doesn’t involve betraying your client’s confidentiality.”
“I’m certainly aware of that but that is if the client wants it to be confidential. In the case of you grandfather, he hides nothing from his family, and with you as his grandchild I know that one of these days, he will talk to you about it -that is if he hasn’t told you yet.” He explained then smirked. “Or am I right that in one way or another, you influenced him in his decisions?”
Your jaw clenched at what Ushijima was insinuating. “You keep talking in circles. If you want to say something, spit it out! Get straight to the fucking point.” You spat but it didn’t affect the man a tiny bit.
He scoffed before advancing towards you. “Why are you so angry? We’re just talking, why be so defensive?” He took another step but you held your ground. “Guilty? Tell me, is that your condition with your grandfather, to give you almost everything and in return, you will stay here?”
Anger welled up within you, churning your insides, red filled your vision and the next thing you knew, your palm collided with Ushijima’s cheek with full force. A loud slap reverberated around the hall while your palm felt numb.
You didn’t give a damn, not even when Ushijima’s eyes burned in fury as he cupped the reddening cheek.
“So after knowing that you’re a Washijo heir you think you have the right to do that?”
If looks could kill, you would be laying dead by now
But you can’t lose to him. You don’t want to lose to Ushijima Wakatoshi. “You think you can scare me? Think again. I’m not sorry I slapped you and I’ll do it again -wholeheartedly if I must, the next time you accuse me of something that never crossed my mind!”
“You’re really brave, huh.” He dropped his hand and took a step even close, staring you down. “Well, here’s something you should be afraid of.”
In one swift, his hands caught your head and whatever you wanted to say got stuck in your throat when Ushijima sealed your mouth with his in a searing kiss.
Part 7
Taglist: @thegrumpyhag​ @sushij1ma​ @valoryess​ @yakus-yakult​ @ly-nia​ @ushi-please​ @plutoglass @kokofirebangbomb​ @strawberryy-milkk @melanieacademy​ @defunkitatedmess​ @lunarknox​ @wtoshii​ @kyomihann​ @multishippers-trash-blog​ 
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The Romancing of Ruby Rose - Act 1 Preview
Full disclosure, this isn’t a completed version of what I want it to be.  I’m just having trouble progressing the story forward, and figured putting it out there to see what the response is may help (so, if you want more, pls let me know :D)
(I also kinda wanted to show proof of concept for this fic somewhere on my blog since, other than me saying as much, it practically hasn’t existed in a shared format before now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I just want something substantial to publicly back the claim of its existence)
anyways, a while ago now @misstrashchan sent me a couple of Bright Eyes asks.  Because I’m a disorganized chaos heap in a trench coat, I no longer have the original asks (but I did screenshot them in a post here).  This fic will roughly combine those asks into a single narrative where Oscar, Penny, and Ruby clumsily figure out that they’re in love with each other.  Eventually.
It will be three chapters.  One from each character’s POV.  The first one, previewed below, is Oscar’s, and will cover his crush on Ruby (and his currently unrecognized crush on Penny).
*the fic takes place vaguely in V7, so no new episode spoilers really.
I fell in love with her the moment I saw her silver eyes.
A shiver runs up Oscar’s spine.  He stares at the last line of the story, as if the intensity of his gaze will make it change to something else entirely.  His stomach twists uncomfortably into knots.  Oscar can imagine, far too easily, what it feels like to fall in love with a silver-eyed person.  The way one’s heart skips a beat.  The rush of heady emotions.
He’d chosen to read this book of fairytales to forget about his problems for an hour or two (and maybe find a deeper understanding of Ozpin along the way, since it was Oz who collected the stories for the book once upon a time).  Not to be reminded of his woes.
Oscar sighs.  He closes the book with a light thump, tosses it to the side, lies on his back, and stares at the ceiling.  When they were first getting settled, Jaune had given him the choice of top or bottom bunk in their Atlas dorm room.  Oscar chose the top.  It gave him a little more privacy, distance, from his teammates.  Oscar likes Jaune, Nora, and Ren, they’ve become his friends, but they can be a bit much at times too.
There are times, like now, where Oscar enjoys being able to think without being asked what he’s thinking about.  He’s not quite sure how that conversation would go, and he’s not eager to find out.  There are far more important things they need to focus on than something as insignificant as a puppyish crush.  He never even considered romance an option before leaving his aunt’s farm.  He shouldn’t now.
Because, because it doesn’t matter how he feels about Ruby.  Not in the slightest.  Ruby doesn’t feel the same way about him.  He doesn’t make her heart race.  She doesn’t smile softly, tenderly at him.  Not like she does at…
Oscar rolls over and groans into his pillow.  It would be much easier to endure if it were literally anyone else who managed to gain Ruby’s affection.  Literally.  Anyone.  Else.  ANYONE.
Other than Penny Polendina.
Oscar hadn’t known her before, at Beacon, like everyone else had.  After talking to them, he found out Jaune, Nora, and Ren hadn’t known Penny too well either back then.  She’d been closer to Team RWBY, and especially Ruby.  Oscar had wondered, after witnessing how Penny and Ruby just looked at each other, if there’d been something more between them back at Beacon.  He’d asked.  His three teammates looked between themselves and admitted they didn’t actually know.
Although JNPR and RWBY were close in their academy days, some things still didn’t leave their respective teams, Jaune explained.  It wasn’t until after the Fall that they’d learned that Ruby had known Penny’s true nature for quite some time before the tragedy in the arena, for instance.  They kept their own secrets too.  Ren and Nora had revealed their past to Jaune, and their late teammate, Pyrrha, but not to RWBY.
(Pyrrha Nikos, for the record, remains an entirely separate topic Oscar isn’t sure how to think about.  He knows none of his friends consider his her replacement on Team JNPR.  Even though his name technically has a ‘P’ in it and Ironwood was more than willing to register him as the new fourth member of JNPR in Atlas’s databases, they’d instead insisted on calling themselves ORNJ.  It causes some confusion since Jaune is still the team leader, but, for them, it works.  Both to represent who they are now and keep the memory of who they were then in tact.)
Back to the point, if there were anyone (outside of Ruby), to choose to have a crush on, Oscar completely understands why Penny would be that choice.  She’s like no one else he’s ever met, and not just because of the robot thing.  Okay, yeah, the fact she can fly is pretty cool.  But, more than that, she’s sweet.  She’s one of the most kind-hearted souls he’s ever met.  
Most importantly, Penny doesn’t see Oscar as just the boy who’d tagged along with her actual friends because their old headmaster had taken up residence in his head.  She sees him as a potential new friend in his own right.  She’s gone out of her way to make him feel welcome in Atlas.  She didn’t really have to do that.  Especially not when she’s so busy herself being Protector of an entire city.
It makes it impossible to dislike her.  And really, it’s flat out unfair to dislike someone just because the person you happen to have a crush on has a crush on them anyway.
A part of Oscar wishes he did dislike Penny.  That part of him is convinced that, if he were just to channel all his heartbreak over not being the one to catch Ruby’s eye into negative emotions for her, it would be easier to cope.  Every other part of him knows it wouldn’t be.  Not truly.  Not in any way that counts.
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purplekiwis · 4 years
“From the Dining Table” - Chapter I
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Hello everyone, I’ve been enjoying reading your fics a lot, especially now with the whole quarentine thing, they never fail to bring me joy. I thought it would be fun to start writing some myself and that’s why I created this blog. I haven’t written a fic in over 10 years ( I promise I’m not that old, I was just a very imaginative child.) Anyway, I wrote this one based of a dream I had and then I realized it reminded me a lot of Harry’s song, so I just kept on going with the theme. This is a pretty long one, it’s going to be 3 Chapters. Today I’m gonna post the first one, I hope you (whoever you are that’s reading this) enjoy it and I would be super happy to get any feedback from you.❤️
You can read Chapter II here You can read Chapter III here Word Count: 8k Warnings: Angst, Cursing, Sexual References
Summary: Friends to Lovers; Y/N is a graphic designer working at a small studio in London. She lives a pretty ordinary life, considering she also happens to be friends with an internationally known musician. Which is fine... Until she finds herself having to face the feelings she developed for her friend, who's the last person she expected to fall in love with.
Chapter I - The House Party
Today was just another typical Saturday for you. You had just got out of the shower and dressed in your “sleeping clothes” - an old t-Shirt and a pair of incredibly worn out leggings, and cooked something quick for dinner, since all the plans you had for the evening, and for the rest of the weekend were to lay around the house watching movies from your watch-list and trying to keep up with the episodes of your favorite series you had missed out during the week.              
However, as you were browsing through your computer, trying to figure out what Riverdale episode you hadn’t watched yet, your phone vibrated on the bedside table. You let your head fall in your hands with a weary expression, fearing that it might be one of your clients asking for changes in the work you had just delivered 2 hours ago.     You tried your hardest to ignore it, for you had already decided that you were going to save the rest of the afternoon for taking care of yourself... which was a great accomplishment since you gradually and accidentally had become a bit of a workaholic.  
It wasn’t something you were proud of... but you were a proper adult now and that’s just how adultwood is. Suddenly all your friends were busy with their families (can’t relate), their partners (no, can’t relate either) and their jobs (yes, you had one of those now) and you didn’t have much else to keep you entertained, so at least you tried to do something productive with your time.            
Okay, maybe it was possible that you were focusing on work to try not to think about how lonely you actually felt... Especially when you found yourself rubbing your own aching back after spending the whole afternoon sitting at your desk immersed in your work. Secretly wishing somebody else was there with you besides the faces painted in the unfinished artworks laying around your flat... that were yet to be amazing pieces of art one day, according to you.
The only problem was that you couldn’t manage to get yourself to actually finish them, or even to work on them for a couple of hours. Why? You didn’t really know.  
All you knew was that there was no motivaton within you to focus on the things you had once really enjoyed doing. Maybe you were too tired to have a hobby, maybe you were already over those artworks, perhaps you didn’t even like painting anymore...          
The only thing that you knew for sure of was that you had became exactly who you said you would never: A young adult working for a small company with barely any social life, let alone a stable relationship, sharing a tiny apartment with her cat and the ghosts of her past dreams and aspirations.      So I guess by now it’s safe to say that you were definitely focusing on your work to forget about how boring your life had become in the last few months...      Even thought you really didn’t want to look at your phone, your curiosity got a hold of you and you checked it… Only to find a text from your friend Harry. Seeing his name on your phone made your heart skip a beat, as you rolled around in bed so that you could take a better look at it. It had been a while since you spoke to Harry... mostly because he had been busy, and you had been trying to avoid bothering him. Knowing damn well he would probably much rather spend his free time doing something better with his free time, since he was always busy as a bee, jumping between countries and cities whilst working on several projects simultaneously.      
You considered Harry a close friend of yours... even if you didn’t talk all the time and even ghosted each other for months on occasion, until one of you broke the silence with a text or a phone call. This time, it was Harry that texted you first...      
HS: What are you up to?            
You: I was just about to watch Riverdale...          
H.S:  What is that?   
You couldn’t help but to let out a little smile. Sometimes he could still surprise you with how alienated he could be from mundane stuff. You didn’t hold it against him, you knew he had a preference for oldies when it came to the movies and music he actually payed attention to.          
You decided not to bug him about it, since you were far more interested in figuring out why he was randomly texting you at 9PM on a Saturday.          
You : It’s just a gross teen show. What about you?          
H.S: Aren’t you a bit too old for teen shows? I’m home. Been here for a couple of days, actually.
You felt a little hurt knowing that he had been home for a while and was only letting you know now, since you were usually one of the first people he wanted to see after spending long periods of time away, even if it was just to come watch the telly and catch up over bags of take-away food. You shook off the uneasy feeling. After all it wasn’t like he owed you his free time... For all you knew, he could’ve been catching up with his other friends or even have someone far more entertaining over his house.  
You : Aren’t you a bit too young to be such a grandpa?
H.S : Good news is that grandpa might actually have better plans for your night.            
You felt your cheeks warm as a fuzzy feeling started in your stomach. You noticed you had been smiling at your phone whilst thinking of what his plans could be, and when you finally got back to reality your cat was blankely staring at you, making you feel aware of how stupid you must have been looking. “What? You know it’s not like that!” You exclaimed to your cat, getting a little embarassed by your own mushy thoughts.            
Before you could answer his text he sent you another one.        
H.S: Would you like to accompany me to this thing i have?        You sat straight in your bed, but almost immidiately got up to check yourself in the mirror. Yikes, you thought. There’s no way i’m going anywhere with a face like this... In the deepest, darkest part of your brain, you added: Especially not with him.             You: What thing?
H.S: It’s just a boring house party. Please come!!! I need someone to talk to.   
You: If you want to convince me, maybe you should consider rethinking your use of adjectives. I’m sure you do... just like all the other parties, right? 🙄         
H.S: Sorry, I meant AMAZING party!!! 😊  Also, it’s not my fault everyone likes to talk to me.     You : It is. You’re too nice to them.                     
H.S: That’s why i need you to scare them away with your moody face! Are you coming? I already asked Claire to save you seat in the car.          
You looked at yourself in the mirror, kinda wishing you had known earlier because you really looked and felt too tired (and ugly, might you add) to get out of the house. Especially to go to a party where you probably knew like, 3 people in real life besides Harry. Besides, you already knew that you would feel a bit out of place there...   Because no matter how hard Harry and his friends tried to make you feel included, there was always this feeling you felt... Like everyone else was judging every single thing you did. The clothes you were wearing, the way you acted with your friends, how much booze you drinked, how many crab cakes you ate, and even how much you talked, or didn’t talk... Going to these parties had undoubtedly showed you how cold and indifferent people could be about other people’s complete existence as soon as they realized they didn’t come from the entertainment industry...           Harry had tried to explain to you that they didn’t flat out dislike you... It was just that they liked to test the waters before jumping into a friendship with someone from outside the industry, since most of them had already been through bad experiences when it came to that topic.
Y/N had never really ate that one up, but she decided it wasn’t worth the fuss of sharing her opinion out loud. She still remebered the first event she attended to with Harry, and how he and his friends had tried to give her advise on what she should and shouldn’t do... Something she hadn’t taken very well at the time, because it wasn’t like she didn’t know how to behave herself at a party just for being considered an “outsider”. She had been to lots of parties. Smaller ones, yes. With cheaper beverage options and far unhealthier selections of finger foods she could nibble guiltlessly on, but they were still parties nonetheless...          
Luckily for you, people were starting to get used to your occasional presence at their informal house events, and you managed to get along with the majority of Harry’s mates as well, what made you feel a little more confortable... However you still always got a bit nervous before going, especially when you hadn’t seen everyone in a while, which was the case that time around...
You : I feel like i could fall asleep at any given moment, so i think i’ll have to pass this one out 😔 but maybe tomorrow we could do something?      
He took a while to reply, making you wonder if he got upset at you for not wanting to go, or if he was already asking another one of his friends if they would like to go in your place... You didn’t know what option you liked the best.    Eventually, you got tired of holding your phone so you put it down, a little too harshly, what made your cat tremble with the noise. “Sorry Tilly.” You whispered, as your pet got up and curled up in your lap, while you petted her gently behind her ears. “Maybe it’s better this way… right?” You asked, mostly to yourself.         
Suddently you heard your phone ringing. Harry was calling you. You got up in a jump and grabbed the phone, what led to an unpleasant scratch from Tilly in your thigh. Before picking up, you stared at the screen for a few seconds, just so he didn’t think you were impatiently waiting for his reply. Yes, you were petty like that sometimes.              
“Hello loser!” The raspyness of his voice caught you by surprise, making you shiver. You’d almost forgot how good it sounded.      
“No one uses that word anymore.”      
“Who cares?” “Good point. Hm, listen… I hope you’re not mad at me for not going...”       “What? You really thought I was gonna give up on you that easily?”     “Oh, stop it! I’m not going! Besides, even if I wanted to go, what would I wear? I literally have like ze-” You stopped your rambling, realizing he was singing something to you over the phone, you didn’t recognize it at first, but then you realized where it was from.     
“You're a mean one Mr. Grinch.               You really are a heeeel…               You're as cuddly as a cactus!       You're as charming as an eel! Mr. Griiiinch… You're a bad banana with a… Greasy black peeeeel!”      
It was a song from the last movie you had seen together when he had came home for the holidays. How The Grinch Stole Christmas. He was singing it to mock you by your choice of words, that reminded him of a particular scene of the movie. The way he was messing up the song with his gibberish made you laugh. Eventually both your laughs and his singing faded, leaving you with a huge smile on your face. “You’re an idiot, you know that?” You asked.           
“Well, thank you. Now... As a way of thanking me for my… astonishing performace, you must come party with us.”        
“You’ve got some nerve coming at me with that crap after you’ve abandoned me for... how long was it again? two months?”
“Hey... I’m trying to redeem myself here!”             “Good! As you should.”            
“Is that a yes? Please...? You’re not going to say no to me, are you?”   
“It’s a maybe... a highy dependant on me finding something to wear type of maybe. First of all, is it like…fancy?”      
“Hmm, not really… I think!? You never really know with these parties.”              
“Trust me, I’m aware.” There was a brief silent pause on Harry’s side of the phone, as you as you rummaged through your clothes. “What are you going to wear anyway?”  
“Don’t know yet. Probably like, some pants… boots… and a shirt?”         Harry’s vague description didn't help whatsoever, but you were far too busy trying to disenchant a decent outfit to make light of his words. “Okay!” There was a lot of shuffling from your side, making his eyebrows furrow on the other side the line, despite your lack of knowledge. “I think I may have just found my nice pants, but I don’t know if I have a nice blouse that goes with them... or one that is fitted for the occasion. Why am I so boring with my clothes? I need to invest in a better wardrobe asap…” “You can always come by mine and borrow a shirt… Ya know, If you don’t want to stand out too much.”
“Not standing out by wearing your clothes? Now that’s funny!”               “I’m sure you’ll find something wearable...”      
“Are you serious? You would let me borrow your clothes?”        
“Sure. If you want to.”  
“I don’t know… I’m scared I’ll rip them or something.”                       
“I mean, I like my clothes... but it’s not like I would kill you or myself if something bad happened to them.” “You’re so humble and reasonable Mr. Styles… How did you stay like that?” You could hear him briefelly laugh at your provocation. “I’m serious! besides, I secretly always want to know how my clothes fit on different people.”
“I’m not trying to spoil it for you but probably not that good... Mostly because I’m female shaped so they won’t fit me properly… Also, I’m not sure if you’re aware but you have this gift-”     “Oh, shut up! You can pull anything off.” He cut you off before you could either compliment him or put yourself down. “As long as you love it.” “We’ll see about that.” You challenged, noticeably way less hopeful than he was. “I’ll see you in… an hour and half? Is that a good time?”             
“Do you want me to ask someone to pick you up?”               “I’m good, thank you...” You answered, wasting little time mulling over your friend’s proposal. “But I would happily accept a parking spot in your garage…” You added suggestively, knowing he wouldn’t say no. “Sure! Anything for you.”           “Thank you!”   “You’re very welcome.”               “Okay, well... I better go and get ready now or I’m going to show up late.”   “Alright, I need to go get ready as well. See you soon. Drive safe!”           “Always do.” It took you a bit more than na hour to get ready, what meant you were already running a little late, since Harry’s house was more than half an hour drive away.  
You were wearing one of your favorite “going out” pants, they were black, high-waisted, carrot fitted and overwhelmingly confortable. You went for other one of your favorite pieces - a yellow silk blouse, just in case you ended up not fitting properly in any of Harry’s shirts.
You paired your outfit with oval style ankle boots you’d just recently acquired. I already know I’m going to regret this decision, you thought whilst putting them on.            
You had also decided to change into a matching set of lingerie just because you never know what can happen, right? and also partially because you knew you’d be changing at Harry’s, and god forbid he actually saw anything but if he did, at least it wouldn’t be your granny underwear. You put on a neutral makeup look, throwing a couple of lipsticks into your purse, just so you could decide which one to wear depending on the color of the shirt.             Finally, you put on a bit of perfume and grabbed your jacket, taking a final look in the mirror, staring at yourself from different angles. “I guess that’s about as good as it’s gonna get.” You mumbled to your reflection.           
Before leaving the house, you kissed and petted your cat goodbye, however she didn’t respond to your affection since she was already asleep on top of the clothes you had just carelessly thrown on top of the bed.      
You got in your car and drove off, thirty four minutes later you were turning into Harry’s street and stopping the car in front of the condominium’s gate.You took your phone out of your purse and rang him, he picked up almost immediately.
“You’re here?” “Yeah, I’m already at the gate.”               “Okay, let me open it for you and I’ll be down in a second.”         “Okay, thank you.” The call dropped and the large metal gate started to move, you slowly drove your way into the condo, trying to remember where the entrance to his garage was.          
You didn’t have to think too hard, because a few seconds later one of the garage doors started to open and you could see a pair of impecable black leather boots that merged with the bottom of burgundy flares. Yup, no need for more searching, You thought.          
You stopped the car, waiting for the gate to fully open for what seemed like an eternity, but it gave you time to fully appreciate the man that was slowly revealing himself in front of you.
You could start to see his top half now, he was wearing a simple white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, uncovering his tattooed arms. The top buttons were undone, exposing the cross necklace he always wore, he was also wearing another necklace you hadn’t seen before, his hands were hidden in his pockets, but you already knew that they would be adorned with multiple rings of all shapes and sizes. What a show off, was the tought that came to mind once his whole outfit was revealed, but you had to admit that you wouldn’t have him any other way...   
Finally his head showed up, and he was wearing a big smile on his face.
“Hey you! Better hurry up before this thing closes on you.” You were so lost in his smile that you accidentally let your car die, but you were quick to start it again and as he walked aside you pulled into the garage.           
When you finished parking, you got out of the car, being immediately greeted by Harry’s arms that wrapped you in a tight hug. You couldn’t help but to close your eyes to fully enjoy the moment. He smelled like his characteristic cologne, but since your head was pressed against his shoulder, you could also smell the fabric softner on his shirt and his deodorant.  
“You smell nice.” You mumbled under your breath.   “So do you.” He replied swiftly, resting his chin on the top of your head.          He walked you to the elevator and you went up to his apartment. After many minutes of catching up in the living room he led you to his bedroom, where his closet was. “It’s a bit messy in here, I’ve been meaning to organize it, but I haven’t really had the time.” The boy said before opening its door.
You tried not to look mesmerized by the amount of clothing in front of you, because you knew that one of the things Harry hated the most was when people perceived him as shallow or vain. Luckily, most people could tell straight away that his love for fashion had a greater meaning for him than to just look nice... And even when they didn’t, it only took them about seconds of conversation with him to realize how much of a ducky and kind person he truly was. Also, fairly recently he had been getting a lot of praise for his bold fashion choices, what led to a bit of over enthusiasm from his main stylists’s part and himself when it came to investing in it.  
“I promise I actually wear most of these...” He justified himself, noticing the enthralled expression you genuinely believed you were managing to disguise.
“Oh, don’t mind me!” You giggled. “I’m just slightly overwhelmed by the number of choices before me.”         “Well, take all the time you need.” Harry smiled, sitting over the edge of his bed and unlocking his phone to check the time. It was already past midnight.  As you finally gained courage to start going through his clothes, he let his back fall on the bedspread with a sigh and stared at the ceiling, and that’s when you decided you couldn’t possibly not try to mess with him a little bit. “Stupid… Ugly… Out of date…” (Reference (01:20-01:24)              
“Hey! Stop it, will you?!” He sat up again, supporting his upper body with his elbows that rested firmly on his lap. “Have you found my dress yet?” 
You peeked through the open closet to with a curious expression on your face. “No… Where is it?” you asked, disappearing behind the door and enthusiastically searching his closet for the item, suddently grabbing something that kinda looked like a dress, yet kinda looked like a curtain.           “Is this it?” You asked, stepping out of the closet, holding the hanger in front of you.               
“It’s not a dress, it’s a kilt... Sicko!”  (Reference (01:13-01:18)          
“Really? You had that one coming for a long time didn’t you?” You disdainfully smiled, shaking your head in disapproval. You could tell from his little smirk that he was proud of successfully tricking you into his joke. “Yeah, I was hoping you would find it and ask about it, but you didn’t so I had to find a way to deliver the line anyway.”            
“Okay, but for real why do you have a wedding dress in your closet?” You turned the hanger to see the strange garment from the front.            
“Cause I’m cool like that.”        
“You know what? It’s actually not as ugly as it seemed at first sight...”    
“Well, I would hope so ‘cause it was bloody expensive.” At the sound of his words you were quick to carefully hang it back in it’s place, gently rubbing the fabric to avoid any crinkles.
You kept looking through his clothes and ended up finding a almost sheer shirt that you liked. It was rusty orange with a psychadelic flower pattern that looked quite unique. Taking advantage of the fact that Harry was laying down and distracted on his phone and freed yourself of your blouse in a swift motion, trying on his shirt on as fast as you could. It fitted you quite nicely to your surprise.               “So, have you found anything you like yet?” Your friend asked, with his eyes still stuck on his phone.
“Actually yes, but I could use your help… How would you style this?”  He sat up again and focused his attention on you. “How come you end up finding the one shirt I don’t actually remember owning?” 
He admired you from the bed, letting is head fall to the side a bit, you could feel his eyes stuck on your figure, what made you feel a bit unconfortable and insecure about your body. His expression changed as he got up and walked towards you, making a little circle around you and finally stopping right in front of you. “May I?” He asked, reaching for the shirt.        
“Yeah, go ahead.” You lifted your arms slightly so they wouldn’t get on his way. Carefully, he started adjusting the shirt, slipping it inside your pants and gently pulling it out, until it fell down in a natural way.      
You could feel the warmth of his hands on your skin through the fabric, what caused your breathing to get a little heavy and out of your throat came a peculiar husky sound. Luckily, he was so focused on what he was doing that he didn’t even acknowledged it.    
Feeling a bit flustered due to his proximity, you decided to break the silence.     “You look so different now that you cut your hair…”      
“Well, isn’t that kind of the point of changing your hair? Why are you complaining? Do you not find me cute anymore?”  “Who lied to you and told you I ever thought you were cute?” Harry looked up at you with disdainful expression once his green eyes met yours. You could feel your cheeks getting warmer by the second. “Well you’re wrong because I am, in fact, very attractive.” He looked down again and undid one of the buttons of the shirt, what left a bit of the black lace of your bra showing. “What are you doing?” You asked in a startled tone. “Just trust me.”               “Umm… Fine, I guess.” You shrugged as he stepped back to admire his work. His focused expression broke into a proud smile as he moved to the side, uncovering the mirror just so you could see yourself. You looked hot, there’s no other way to put it. The color of the shirt complimented your skin tone beautifully, as well as the golden necklace that fell over your chest in a sensual way, capturing attention to your stripped neckline. “You look cuter than me, I can't have that... Come on, we’re switching. Take it off, now.”  Your handsome friend complained in a frisky tone, grabbing at the hem of his shirt as if he was about to pull it off. “I could never…” You challenged, feeling quite shy after his compliment. “Well, apparently you can.” “You look amazing though...” You complimented back. “Love the pants.” “Really? I think they make my ass look weird sometimes.” The boy confessed, turning around so you could check his bottoms. “I think your ass’s great.” You kind of regretted the conviction you uttered that sentence with. “I mean… in those pants.”
Harry sighed playfully. “I was enjoying the compliment, why did you have to ruin it?” 
“Fine, you can take the compliment then.” You granted easily. “Shouldn’t we get going? I’m sure it’s pretty late already…” “Ready?”           “Yes, let me just…” You ran to your purse, picking one of the lipsticks you had brought with you, applying it in front of the mirror while the charming man shoved his essential belongings into the pockets of his matching blazer and put it on, completing the look.       You noticed he was observing you with curiosity as you tinted your lips in a dark shade of brick orange. “Let’s go missy.” The boy rushed as you locked eyes with him through the mirror.   **
Even though you offered to drive to Claire’s house, he insisted on taking his car because he hadn’t driven in a while and wanted to before he got “rusty”.  As he was driving, you inquired him about who was hosting the party you were going to, since all he’d told you was that you were meeting your friends at Clare’s house and from there you would share a car, so that the whole group would get there together.          
To your surprise, when faced with your question he got quiet and you noticed his expression changing, he briefely took his eyes off the road to look at you and you could practically see the guilt in this face. “What is it?” You asked, wondering what he could be acting so weird about.  
“Hum yeah, about that…” He began to stammer, keeping his eyes stuck to the road.          
“Just tell me it’s not what I think it is.”    “Before you say anything, I know you’ll probably want to kill me right now…”   “Harry!”         “I knew you wouldn’t have come if I told you... It’s going to be fun, I promise! She’s not as bad as you think she is.”         “No Harry!” You fretted. “You know what? Just stop the car, I want to go home.”         
“Well, I’m afraid that’s not going to happen.”  
“I’m not kidding Harry.”               “I’m not dropping you off in the middle of the fucking freeway.”              
“Yes you are!” “No, I’m not.”   He kept driving and you let your body slip through the seat, crossing your arms in silence, resenting him for almost five minutes while he tried to convince you of how Alexa was way nicer than you thought and that she wasn’t really a bitch, it was just that her sense of humor could be a little off-putting sometimes. The way he was defending her made you feel even angrier, even though you weren’t really listening.               
In your head all you could think about was all the times you had the unpleasant surprise of bumping into Alexa. She was such a bitch! Always finding a way to put you down and make you feel embarassed. She even came up with a stupid nickname for you at Harry’s birthday party that she always made sure to use, even though she must’ve known you hated it.       “Just so you know, when we get to Claire’s I’m getting a cab and going home.” 
“Fine.” He jerked his shoulders dismissively. “If you want to miss out on a great time with our friends, it’s up to you.”             “When she’s there it’s never really a good time for me so I guess I’m good.”       “Come on…” Harry huffed, shifting his gaze off to road for a moment to check on his muddled friend. “Everyone was so excited to see you...”             You were mad that he lied to you, but you were madder that you had gotten all dressed up and now you weren’t going. You also missed your mutual friends and hanging out with them. You kept weighting the pros and the cons throughout the rest of the drive, and when you got to Claire’s house, after a little convincing from the group, you decided you were not going to let the fact that it was Alexa’s party ruin the night for you.        
You were still mad at Harry though. And having to go on another car trip with him, feeling his body pressing up against yours whenever there was a turnabout, wasn’t making it easy for you to keep your cool.              
As you finally got to Alexa’s house you could tell the house was packed by the number of cars parked outside, making you feel relieved you had a driver, because if you had to find a place to park it would’ve been a nightmare.        
There was a group of people lining up, and as you got closer you noticed two men by the door checking for the guests names on a list. You started to get worried that your friends might have omitted to Alexa that you were going, since you were almost certain that your presence wouldn’t please her any better than it did to you. You eyed their faces, looking for any sign of concern, however they seemed calm.
As you walked the line, you started to get more and more nervous, ending up momentarily swallowing your pride and pulling at Harry’s sleeve, in hopes of getting his attention without the rest of the group noticing. “Does Alexa know I’m coming to her party?” You asked as quietly as you could.    
“Of course she does! I told her myself.”
“What did she say?”    
He didn’t get to answer your question because he was approached by the doorkeeper, that asked him for his name. Harry politely greeted him before answering his question and being such a gentleman, he provided the names of the other members of the group.
The doorkeeper checked the names on the list and to your surprise your name was actually there. He allowed the group to get inside. All of you murmuring a brief “thank you” as you walked past the big guy.              
The door led to a giant lounge style living room, that seemed to be where the focus of the party was. To your right, there were three big windows, each with it’s own balcony, where small groups of people gathered to enjoy a smoke and the beautiful view of the city. In the middle of the room there was an open dance space, demarked by an enormous persian carpet, that was still pretty empty despite the fact the DJ was already playing.        
Behind the dance area there were two long tables, practically stuffed with different types of alcoholic beverages. It had to be one of the most diverse open bars you had ever seen at a house party.          From the ceiling fell party ribbons and lights, and the walls were adorned with baloons and paper decorations. You tried to decipher the color of the objects around you, but it was almost impossible due to the color changing lights that provided an hallucinogenic athmosphere to the space.
You looked around, trying to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. As your eyes scanned the place, they found couple of familiar faces, but they froze at a well-known face in the kitchen.        
There was Alexa… She was sitting over the counter, scrolling on her phone. Her glossy lips rested on the edge of the paper cup she was holding. The light from the screen illuminated her face, making her glittery eyeshadow pop behind the thick lashes that she was wearing. She was dressed in a two-toned metallic mini dress and knee-high platform boots. You could tell from her expression that she was distressed about something. Her stillness gave you the opportunity to study her face. Her features were quite angelical, something you had never noticed before.
The sound of something scattering on the kitchen floor woke her up from her daydream as she turned around to curse at whoever opened the kitchen cabinet. Yup, there’s the bitch, You mused to yourself.            
She jumped off the counter and walked out of the kitchen, making her way around the groups of people that were chattering by the door. She walked around the living room, trying to greet the people she hadn’t seen yet.
Your eyes briefly met hers before she approached your friends. They went for a group hug, in which you didn’t participate. Instead, you awkwardly stared at them while they hugged and chatted. Harry looked back at you, encouraging you to join them with an eye motion, you let out a sigh and moved closer to the group, what caught Alexa’s attention. “Hi Nutmeg! I haven’t seen you in a hot minute…” She greeted you by kissing the air next to your cheek, before looking you up and down. “I see you’ve upgraded your closet... It was about time.” The beautiful girl remarked, focusing her attention on the shirt you were wearing.        
You found yourself side-eyeing Harry, trying your hardest to ignore her taunting words. “I swear I’ve seen that somewhere... what brand is it?” Her question startled you. Prompting your head to tilt towards Harry, realizing he had mirrored the gesture to stare at you. You stood there staring at each other, both of you wishing you could read his mind. “Is there something I’m missing?” Alexa questioned, suspicious of your odd behaviour.          
“No, not at all!” Harry was quick to intervene. “I’m gonna go for a drink, anyone wants to join me?” He suggested, clearly attempting to brush off the topic.        
“I’ll go get the drinks.” You volunteered, taking the chance to escape and ditch Alexa’s question.
“Will you get me some jack and coke?” The girl requested, handing you her freshly empty cup. “Thanks.” She added when you grabbed it from her hand. It was probably the only time you actually felt pleased to fix Alexa a drink. “Harry, what do you want?” You called his attention back to you, upon realizing he was already engaged into conversation with someone you didn’t know.            
“Double Tequila, please.” You raised your brows at his choice of beverage. Already knowing that when he started the night with Tequila he would, most likely, end up drunk out of his mind. But you didn’t bother to try to coarce him into switching to something else. “Do you need an extra hand?” He offered out of politeness.        
“It’s fine, I’m sure I can handle it.” You spat as you left, not wanting to interrupt his conversation again.   
As the night went on, people started to gather mainly around the dance space, that was proving itself to be a little too small for the large amount of people using it. You were having a good time, but you were definitely not enjoying the feeling of getting rubbed all over by everyone around you. Harry, on the other hand, didn’t seem bothered whatsoever. And as you predicted, he was already pretty out of it, prancing around the place and carelessly engaging into conversation with everyone who approached him, including people you knew he shit talked behind their back... The fake little bitch...       
You tried not to care, but you couldn’t keep yourself from constantly checking on him to see what he was up to. You weren’t the only one who couldn’t keep your eyes away from him.. What wasn’t unnusual, since he was such a natural attention-grabber. Howbeit, there were several girls and boys that were practically drooling at the sight of him. That wasn’t new either, but it didn’t make it any less annoying...        
When the boy finally made his way back to the group, he tried to convince you to dance with him by grabbing your hand and making you spin for him. You graciously brushed him off. Mostly out of shyness, persuading him into asking your friend John instead. He agreed on the spot... And once he finally managed to get his friend to bend at his will, they got everyone laughing and cheering, encouraging them to keep up with the tango dance moves. But it wasn’t long until the two boys had enough of the attention, laughing it off and joining the group again.          
Then a figure rose above the crowd. It was Alexa, who has just stood up on a table holding a microphone in her hand that she was slowly tapping on, attempting to grab everyone’s attention. “Hello, hello, hello my magnificent friends. How is everyone feeling tonight?” She asked, earning a loud cheer from the crowd, that she encouraged by clapping silently before speaking again. “Alright, alright... can y’all can shut the fuck up now? …I just wanted to say that I hope everyone is getting drunk and having a great time. You know me, I gotta be real with you… There are some people here I’d much rather had stayed home, but you know what? You don’t really bother me.” The girl shrugged haughtily. “With that said, I’d like to propose a toast to every single one of you motherfuckers that came to my party. Cheers, bitches!” She yelled the last two words, emptying her cup in a single swig while the crowd cheered and downed their own cups along with the host.
The fact that Alexa let you in had given you the impression that maybe Harry was right about her, but her speech left a bad taste in your mouth and made you wonder if you were one of the people she was talking about, you were almost certain you were. “What did you say earlier about her being a nice person?” You ironically asked Harry, that was standing right beside you.        
Your eyes were still stuck on her as you wondered if she would manage to get down from the table without falling. You secretly hoped she wouldn’t.            
He failed to answer your question, so you turned to him. Only to realize that he wasn’t there anymore. Your eyes quickly danced around the room, searching for your missing friend, and unfortunatly it wasn’t long until they found him...  
Your whole body went cold, feeling your heart sink in your chest. Your vision felt blurry, and there was a complicated knot forming at the tip of your stomach. There he was. Barely six feet away from you. With his back flush against a wall and his lips pressed harshly on somebody else’s. His hands gently caressed up the other boy’s back, that had his hands firmly clutched onto your friend’s hair and the back of his neck.            
You felt like your whole world was crashing down in front of you.            
Whilst everyone around you was enjoying themselves, all you wanted to do was collapse to your knees and scream your confusing pain away, but you couldn’t. There was nothing you could do and it just fucking hurt.            
You’d always known it would eventually happen... But nothing could ever prepare you for the feeling of watching the person you love fondling somebody else.    
In the middle of your agony, you noticed a pair of hazel eyes staring right at you from distance, breaking your attention from the heartbreaking scene. “Yo... What the fuck?!” You couldn’t hear her words, but you could read them clearly through the motion of her lips. She looked completely baffled by the state of you.
You stepped back, attempting your best to muffle into the crowd, but it was too late... You were certain she’d saw the devastated look on your face, and the glistening tear that rolled down your cheek afterwards.
You turned your back on the scene and pushed through the crowd, hidding your face as you stumbled upon almost everyone on your way to the bathroom. You locked yourself inside and leaned against the door, finally letting it all out as you sobbed uncontrollably and allowed for your body to slide down the surface, until your knees met the cold marble floor.    
A unexpected loud banging on the door startled you. “It’s occupied.” Y/N shouted, in the most composed voice she could fabricate.  
“It’s Alexa... open the door.” The girl shouted back impatiently.    
“Fuck off Alexa!” You could feel your blood boil and your hands trembling at the mere sound of her voice. “Just leave me alone, will you?”
There was silence for a moment, before she banged on the door harder. You tried to ignore it because considering your state, at the slighest provocation you’d probably lose it and punch her in the face. “Don’t be a fucking bitch, I’m here to help.” Alexa shouted again, but it was pointless. “Okay, fine. I guess I’ll have to ask someone to kick the door down...”
“Don’t you fucking dare.”          
“It’s my house. What are you going to do about it?” She challenged, knowing you couldn’t fight her on that. “You have three seconds… one...two…” You flang the door open before she could finish her countdown, causing her to tremble ever so slightly. “Quite the charm, aren’t you?” She sighed satirically, making her way inside the bathroom while fixing her dress. You noticed she was holding a bottle of Bacardi rum, that she promptly opened and handed to you. You stood there perplexedly looking at her, trying to figure out what her intentions were. “Are you going to take it or not?” At that, you abruptly grabbed the bottle from her hand and took it to your lips, taking a big chug and giving it back with a disgusted expression caused by the intense alcohol sting. Alexa took the bottle to her lips as well, but unlike you, her face didn’t even flinch. “What did you come here for?” The sharpness of your tone led her into giving you a dirty look “What do you think? That I came in here to make fun of you?”            
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you did.”     “Just thought you could use a friend...” She explained, jumping on her bum to sit on the countertop. “And luckily for you, so do I.”  
“Judging by the number of people outside, I’m sure you have plenty of friends.”  
She let out a silent wheeze at your guess. “Everything isn’t always what it seems, Nutmeg… I have people that keep me company, but when it comes down to the real shit, I have no one I can count with really…”        
“I’m finding that quite hard to believe if I’m honest…”               “I know you are. So is everyone else. They all assume my life is just perfect. After all, I have everything, don’t I? I don’t blame them... I know I can be cruel and bitter sometimes, but I’m not the cold-hearted, super confident bitch everyone thinks that I am.”   “Why are you telling me all that?”          
“I don’t know… Maybe ‘cause I’m drunk and lonely and you’re one of the few people here that I actually like…” You couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. “You’re messing with me, right?”  She, on the other hand, seemed rather confused by your apprehensiveness. “I appreciate people like you... Who manage to stay true to themselves despite hanging out with these people. It’s so easy to lose yourself in this environment... But I don’t think you did, and I can appreciate that.”  
“I’m just lucky to have good friends... If they were different, I don’t know if I’d stayed so nice and humble.”      
As the silence settled, you took the chance to sit down on the edge of her expensive looking bathtub. “So… changing the subject. You and Harry, what’s the deal?”  
“What do you mean?” You pretended you didn’t know what she was implying, hoping she would let go of the topic.
“I’m not stupid. I saw the way you looked when he was all over that guy… I confess I had no idea that you were into him. I thought you liked girls, I could almost swear he had told me that.” Her words made your stomach twist, and Alexa didn’t miss your distressed expression. “Sorry... I’m not very good with words. I didn’t mean to make it worse.” The girl added, trying to make up for her cold stance. “Here...” She handed you back the bottle, and you agreeably to a swig from it. “Does he know?”
“I don’t think so...”   “I don’t mean to be unpleasant but I think he thinks you’re a lesbian.”   “Yeah, I know…  he’s not completely wrong, I guess.”     “So, you’re bi?”               “I don’t really know what I am.”               “Oh, it’s okay. You don’t have to be anything, you can just be… yourself!” You locked eyes with her, briefely smiling at her motivational words “How long have you fancied him for?”
“I don’t know...” You stared down at your own feet. “Thinking back, I guess I always kind of have... but it’s complicated. So I just hoped it would go away with time... Besides, you’ve seen the people he gets with. They’re all gorgeous, and I... I mean, I don’t really meet the standards, do I?”         “And how’s that working out for you?” You went quiet, since you didn’t really have a good answer to give. “Okay, here’s what I think you should do. First of all, you gotta stop with the self loathing. It’s depressing and outdated. You’re just as valid as everyone else.”
“It’s not self loathing. You don’t understand… What if he pushes me away? I really care for our friendship and I don’t want to throw it all away because of a stupid crush.”     “A stupid crush? Didn’t you just say you’ve always liked him? How long have you known eachother for? Three years?”   “Well… Two and half, but it’s not like I’ve been waiting for him… I’ve had my fair share of relationships and so did he, I never did anything to change that. Why would I start now?”       “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you’re at a party, locked inside a bathroom, crying over him, while he’s out there screwing somebody else.”           “God, you’re certainly are awful with words aren’t you?”             “I take pride in my honesty.” She stated. “Look, all I can say is that I think this whole “crush” situation is, obviously, far more than a crush... And you know I’m right so don’t even bother to deny it. Therefore, I think it’s long overdue that you do something about how you feel, otherwise you’re just gonna be stuck wondering on the what ifs forever, watching him live his life while you’re unable to move on with your yours, and you deserve better than that. Anyone deserves better than that.”       “It’s just… scary.”   “Isn’t everything worth trying always somewhat scary at first?”   You ended up spending the rest of the night with Alexa. Sitting inside her large empty bathtub, sharing your shittiest life experiences and drowning your sorrows with the bottle of rum. She told you about her crazy ex-boyfriend, and how he had been making her life a living hell since their break up. Showing up uninvited at her work, her parties, and practically everywhere she went, despite her telling him time and time again to stop and leave her alone. You advised her the best you could, but as you expected, she was pretty stubborn and acted as if she had everything under control, even though she clearly did not. The night had taken a unexpected turn for you, however, at least there was something positive you could also take from it, that being the friendship that was beggining to fluorish between you and Alexa. 
You were so deep in conversation that you completely lost track of time, so much that you finally felt tired and decided to check you phone for the time, it was already 6AM.
You had seven missed calls and fifteen text messages from your friends asking where you were, if you were okay and if you were still leaving with them. You realized they had probably already left, so you just apologized for leaving early and informed them that you were fine. When you and Alexa got out of the bathroom, there were still a couple of people hanging around, but as expected, the vast majority had already left.         
The light coming from the windows hurt your tired eyes and your bottom half was hurting from spending so many hours sitting inside a bathtub. By that time, all you wanted to do was go home, take a shower and take a nap to make up for the all nighter you pulled, but then you remembered…      
“I left my car at Harry’s house.”              
I hope you’re enjoying it so far! Chapter II is hereeee!
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sunshineandbnha · 4 years
Thanks For the Save - Kirishima x reader
Word count: 2,129
Warnings: nearly dying
A/n: I have not finished the Sports Festival arc yet, I just saw something on one episode, had the idea and thought "Hmm, it's his birthday soon!" I may go back and edit this later after watching more. I wish I could have written something that was about his birthday, but this is what I got for ya'll. Also it's also been a month since I got a tumblr account and started this blog. So it's my blog's 1 month anniversary along with Kirishima’s birthday.
"Sports festival?" You turned around to the girl who had mentioned it.
"The Sports Festival. Where the entire school showcases their abilities in games for everyone to see. One of the biggest events. It's also a great opportunity to be noticed by agencies," she added with a twinkle in her eye.
"I know what it is, who doesn't? But already?"
"Yep!" She bounced on her toes, causing her short brown hair to sway. Definitely one of the most peppy girls in the class.
Your breathing quickened at the news. This was it. This was your chance. You couldn’t afford to mess up. Of course. Your grades would suffer from training. But you never even wanted to end up in the business course in the first place.
"What do you mean?" You had fought the urge to stand up when you heard it.
The person in front of you stayed as calm as ever behind his wooden desk. "You failed the entrance exam. But, we believe you're better suited for the business course."
"The b-business course?" Your eyebrows knitted together in frustration. Your heart had a temper tantrum, only restrained by your ribcage.
"Your parents recommended it and are already beginning to fill out the paperwork. What do you say? We would be happy to have you."
Your hands clenched on your knees. Of course your parents wanted you to join the business course. They thought you weren't cut out for being a hero. That didn't stop you from taking the entrance exam, but clearly that didn't work.
Your mind raced. What were you going to do? What could you do? You didn't want this and it would be torture to go to the same building as the hero cou- wait! The Sports Festival! If you were in the school you could participate in the Sports Festival and get another shot! They would see they were wrong and that you did have talent. Plus you would have extra time to train, in secret of course.
The day had come. There were crowds of people spilling into the U.A. grounds, a strange sight as a student. The place almost seemed completely transformed, now feeling like a festival ground rather than a school. You were happy that in the past the security check weren't as strict.
"You know what? Sign me up."
There was another reason it felt different. When you were there as a spectator, it all felt lighthearted, a break, and your heart raced in anticipation for the games. It was racing now too, but in a mix of adrenaline and anxiety. You weren't sure if you liked it. What was once a fun place suddenly felt nerve racking.
What if you couldn’t do it? What if you blew your chance? What if you never became a hero?
You took a deep breath. You had to do this. You shook your arms in attempt to loosen them and relax.
It was time. The obstacle course had been chosen and everyone stood at the gate. Waiting for all three lights on the red gate to turn off.
You took another deep breath.
What if you couldn’t do this? What if you weren't cut out for being a hero?
No, you were! After all that training and hard work. You had to. You had this.
Instant chaos insued. Everyone pushed and shoved to make it through the gate. One person's elbow jabbed you in the face, causing you to temporarily forget about everything aside from the pain. You held your nose and snarl.
Why was it so narrow? You'd think-
That’s when it hit you. They were already getting the weaker students out of the way. You began to use your abilities and leaped over someone when a sudden burst of cold struck your skin. It caused you to flinch, and thus make a mistake that almost cost you your momentum. You focused all your attention on getting out, and only learned someone had frozen the ground from the blinding reflection on the road ahead and resounding complaints.
It was a constant struggle to even continue moving, feeling like you were giving your all to even keep up, but you managed to keep moving forward.
When it finally seemed to be letting up, the ground began rumbling. The vibrations tickled your feet. You began to slow down, looking around frantically to figure out what was causing it. For a second you were afraid that the ground was going to open up. You looked ahead and saw what it really was. It might actually be worse.
It was the faux villains, the robots from the examine that had haunted your dreams and invaded your thoughts. Your heart rate quickened. Your lungs took in more air. No. No. No. Not again. You couldn’t fail again. You weren't going to fail again.
The other students also froze at the giant robots towering over you. Rolling closer. Well, everyone except the half and half kid. He was already past the first layer of smaller bots and facing the ones the size of buildings. He waved his hand out. Instantly, ice climbed up the robot at a tremendous rate. Glittering ice spears covered it. A rush of white mist covered the whole area.
A thought suddenly struck you. The robot was frozen. And there was a mist, meaning maybe the smaller ones wouldn't be able to detect you. You could easily just run through. Before the chance left or the mist cleared, you began running.
The cold air enveloped you and nipped at your skin. It stung your lungs as you kept breathing it in. You didn't know if you ever ran that fast before. Through the mist, you spotted something solid coming towards you. Then a red light above it. You slid and dodged the robots arm just in time. Now to run right past or through the frozen robot.
You heard some kids yelling behind you.
"I wouldn't do it if I were you," you subconsciously heard. It was the boy who had frozen it. He was a lot farther ahead of you now.
Now you were paying attention.
"I froze them when they were unbalanced," he finished calling out.
Your heart dropped into your stomach. A look up confirmed the robot beginning to tip over in your direction. It was too late to turn back and you froze.
The very same robots present during your failure were tumbling on top of you to end your life. It felt like a nightmare you would've had. You hoped it was a nightmare otherwise your life might be cut short.
If you were in a movie, everyone would have screamed at you to run and called you stupid. You were screaming at yourself and calling yourself stupid. But your legs stayed motionless. It was happening to fast and slow at the same time. The green metal quickly approached you, but you still couldn-
Suddenly you were tossed aside.
Something touched you, you flew through the air, then you tumbled onto the ground.
A crash resounded and you instinctively curled up on yourself and covered your head. You held your breath when a cloud of dirt washed over you. Once your heart slowed down a fraction and you could think again, it suddenly occurred to you that someone had thrown you and saved you. It nearly gave you a heart attack, between the panic of suddenly being in the air and the shock of falling coursing through you. But otherwise, you would be dead.
Your eyes widened. "Oh no." That person was with you, where the you would have gotten crushed. They would be under the robot.
You got up and stumbled to the wreckage. Were they alive? Could you dig them out? Was it too late? This was all your fault, if you hadn't been in the way...
However, before you could even think of a way you could use your quirk to get him or her out, there was a crashing sound. You looked up to the source, just in time to see someone break out the top.
"Like I'd die!" A boy with spiky red hair yelled as be broke free. It may have been your imagination, but his skin appeared rock-like.
You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw him. You suddenly remembered a flash of red in your vision just before you were thrown, and his voice matched the warning you received just before.
He looked at the path ahead angrily. His mouth was moving, but you couldn’t hear what he was saying. You strained to hear what he was saying and managed to catch the end.
"She could have been killed if I weren't there!"
At that moment he looked to you. You suddenly felt put on the spot and tensed up. What should you do? Wave? Smile? Would that be weird? Your heart speed up as you panicked. His gaze softened when he looked at you. What was he thinking? Oh, you should probably thank him. Should you do that now? Would it be a good time or would that be weird?
Before you could decided. There was another crashing sound and a metal person popped out. This distracted him again and they both started running on top of the wreckage.
Oh, that's right! The race! You needed to get going. You couldn’t afford to lose! You couldn’t let almost dying be for nothing.
You seemingly scrambled to start running and felt like an out of control rock rolling down a hill.
You bit your lip as you looked in his direction. You would have to thank him later.
You spotted him later. You were walking around and your eyes scanned the people around you, but one caught your eye. You did a doubletake. Red spiky hair. It was him.
"Hey!" You called out before even thinking about it.
He turned to look at you and you suddenly felt put on the spot again. You stopped a few feet in front of him. ... What were you going to say again? Argh! Oh, right!
"I- uh, thank you," you blurted out before you could mess up. "Thank you for saving me, y'know, when the robot kinda fell." Curse your awkwardness of speaking to strangers your age!
His inquisitive expression changed to one of joy with a large toothy grin, showcasing his sharp teeth. "No problem. It was the manly thing to do. I'm really happy you're alright."
"Yeah, me too. Thank you." You already said that. "So, um..." Say something! What were you doing? "You're in the hero course?"
"Awesome. That must be cool."
"It sure is. What course are you in?"
"Business course."
"Oh! Lots of smart business stuff I wouldn't understand?"
"Probably not. Though some of it is just logic. Though... I didn't want... to be there," you slowly admitted.
"Really?" He tilted his head. "Then why are you taking it?"
"Oh, my parents wanted me to do it. Thought I'd be more successful as that than a hero." You said it like it was all a joke. Like everything was fine. Maybe it was the fact that no one else asked about it, but you dropped the act and stared down. "I only agreed because I knew if I was technically in U.A., then I could participate in the Sports Festival. I could get another chance to be noticed and put into the hero course. I trained really hard for it too."
His gaze softened as he stared at you, absorbing every word.
"I... really thought the Sports Festival would be my second chance," you continued.
He stayed silent for a second. Then he put his hand on your shoulder. It caught your attention and you looked up at him. "Maybe you could train with me sometime," he suggested.
"Really!?" You took a step back. "You'd be okay with that? I don't wanna bother you." You brought your arm close to your chest. Why would someone in 1A want to be around someone like you?
"It wouldn't be a problem at all. I love to meet new people, especially if they have the same passions as me." He used his thumb to point to himself with the other hand on his hip. "So are you in?"
A smile grew, illuminating your face. Your whole body seemed to lighten from an invisible load. "Yes! I would love that! Thank you."
"No problem. By the way, I'm Kirishima. Kirishima Eijirou," he introduced himself as you walked off together.
You did the same and soon began falling into a conversation that felt so natural. The exchange was easy, seamless, and you laughed. The first real laugh you had in a long time.
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wintaejk · 4 years
Jungkook’s FIC REC | OS 2
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I had too many links on the other post. Here is the second part of my Jungkook’s fic rec but with others themes.
Again, all those fictions belong to the amazing authors who wrote them, not me. I want to thank them once more. 
(f) = fluff
(a) = angst
(m) = mature
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magical au
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— Trick or Treat: Howling for You (F) (M) — by @fortunexkookie​
The way your Little Red Riding Hood costume lured over a fuckboy in a half-assed werewolf costume was a little cliche, but god damn was he beautiful. He promised he had plenty of big things to show you, and you took him up on the offer, not realizing that you might’ve bitten off more than you could chew.
werewolf au | established relationship | +14k
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— rottenfolk (M) — by @junqkook​
a look was as hazardous as chemicals, a kiss as perilous as poison; his eyes and lips felt akin to a cure, but he was purely venom.
faerie au | royalty au | +13k
Commentary - If there’s only one one-shot I could recommend you to read of all tumblr, it would probably be this one. For me, it is rare to acheive such a level of mastery in fantasy fictions. Writing is already complicated, but when you have to place the readers in an unknown universe, it is even harder.                         However, the real brilliance of this story is the end. Because the end is supposed to satiate the reader in a way or another, it is supposed to offer what all the reader craved: a sort of closure. But here we all are, waiting for a sequel, because this story will make you want a next episode. And that is the brilliance, because you will surely never forget a story with that kind of power.                         So those are some of the reasons why this fiction is for me a mix of art, smartness and excellence ; and also why you would be missing something huge by not reading it.
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— overdrive (M) — by @junqkook​
you thought meeting jungkook was just a coincidence, but the universe didn’t deal in coincidences.
vampire au | soulmate au | enemies to lovers | +13k
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— Crescent Bound - Jungkook (F) (M) — by @parkhabits​
A pact bound by the moon. A secret kept only amongst themselves. Each of them experiencing their own cycles of heat.
werewolf au | friends to lovers | +12k
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— Room 109 (M) — by @lavishedinjimin​
Having Jungkook as your apartment buddy was a lot to get used to. But with one early day, your heat comes up much stronger than usual, and you were desperate for an alpha’s touch.
werewolf au | roommate au | alpha!jungkook | +6k
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— after dark (M) — by @seokoloqy​
Jungkook has served the royal family for generations, seen them live and die countless times. When it comes to you, he can’t watch you wither away too, but your lust for one another makes it harder and harder to stay apart.
vampire au | royalty au | knight!jungkook | +8k
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— Life’s Blood (F) (A) (M) — by @littlenoona​
You produce blood cells at an increased rate when blood is lost, effectively, you cannot bleed out. This ability has served you well so far, even gaining you a rare friend, and you’ve made it your source of income, but it also has its downsides, one of which you’ve managed to avoid successfully, until now.
vampire au | +13k
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— you come in waves (A) (M) — by @angelguk​
if jeongguk had a choice, he would destroy the sun. it’s not like he needed it for warmth due to his werewolf abilities making him a scorching radiator. it would also help his heart. because you look delectable in that stupid bikini.
werewolf au | friends to lovers au | 4k
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— tell me your secrets (i’m all ears) (F) — by @jinpire​
You’re not afraid of Jeon Jeongguk. Even if he’s probably some kind of bear or giant cat shifter, and just a hint of his irritation had your instincts vibrating beneath your skin like a live wire. Your thumb brushed over the plastic dome of mini-Levi’s head, taking comfort in the cartoon scowl and dead eyes, the tiny grey sticks of his 3DM gear. Small could be pretty fucking powerful too.
shifter au | college au | bunny!kook | +6k
drabbles: nooks and naps - foxie moxie (don’t pull my tail) - look before you leap  - fluffles and kerfuffles
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— Pomegranate Seeds (M) — by @taetaebaepsae​
Jungkook thinks he’s found the perfect new roommate, but little doesn’t he know you’re just aching to corrupt him.
demon au | roommate au | virgin!jungkook | +4k
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other themes
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— Every Kind of Way (F) (M) — by @taehyungforreal​
{Three little vignettes, three completely different experiences, same perfectly wonderful boyfriend JK.}
strangers to lovers  | established relationship  | +14k
Commentary - I remember when this fiction was posted. I read the teaser a few days before, and I was waiting for it. I remember the exact date of the release of this story, and let me tell you it never happens to me. But this is how much I liked this story. This masterpiece.                         This fiction is 95% made of smut. This is a warning if you don’t like that. However, what I like about Ashley’s works is that smut is not only smut (okay, sometimes it’s just pure filth but whatever). It’s not the first time I’ve read a piece of work of her and that I’ve been so thankful of reading her. Because the stories she writes are realistic. Sex is not always perfect. Sex is not always like in porn. Sex can be embarrassing. And this is why I love what Ashley writes, because she always have that realistic point of view on life. And sometimes it’s also nice to not turn everything into porn.                          What is very likeable - I said likeable? I meant loveable, sorry - about that story is also the three different stages of the relation of Jk and reader. This is also something I like about her writings. Life evolves, relationships evolve, and so does sex. So in this story, you will experience three different Jungkook. And it’s three reasons why you should read this fiction, three reasons why you will probably love it.                          One thing is sure, this chef-d’oeuvre will leave you wondering if your eyes have been burnt by the smuttiness or blessed by all the talent of this writer.
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— tattooed two (ft. kth) (F) (M) — by @httpjeon​
your boyfriend’s best friend joins you for a night you’ll never forget.
tattoo artist au | established relationship  | poly au  | +8k
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— Inkling (A) (M) — by @gguksgalaxy​
Jungkook is your brother’s boyfriend’s co-worker, they own a tattoo and piercing parlour. In other words, he’s tall, gorgeous, has his passion literally etched into his skin, looks incredibly good in a man-bun, and is semi-unattainable for you. Why? Well…you’re not entirely sure but him ditching right after a very heated make-out session sure isn’t a good sign. His extremely poor mood the next week sure isn’t either, but the only way to fix it is to face the beast head-on. Right?
tattoo artist au  | +17k
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— Freak-quency (M) — by @taehyungforreal​
His eyes sparkle and he fights back a smile when he asks you why. “Is it because I didn’t give you something else to swallow like I said I would,” he questions, halfway through a much less subtle adjustment of his growing erection. Yoongi was right, he wants to be in trouble.
rockstar au  | established relationship  | +8k
— Boots (M) —
3000+ words of Ashley kinking on Jungkook’s boot. That’s it.
rockstar au  | established relationship  | part of Freak-quency  | +3k
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— Heartbreaker with a Heart of Gold (A) (M) — by @filmflowersbangtan​
It was around this time almost three years ago when Jungkook moved to LA after his band got signed to a famous record label. He told you that he’d keep in contact with you. That he’d visit as much as he could. That he loved you. But about a month after leaving, he stopped texting and calling as much. And then a mere week after the band’s first EP dropped, Burning Rabbit was a sensation.
rocksatr au | ex lovers  | +3k
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— Brother’s best friend (M) — by @lavishedinjimin​
In which Y/n owns a smut blog dedicated to her crush and brother’s best friend, jungkook. it was all fun and games until he finds out about it and acts it out with you.
brother’s best friend!jungkook  | +5k
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— Sugarplum Elegy (F) (A) (M) — by @bymoonchild​
You know no bounds nor depth with Jungkook. While your fuck buddy loves sleeping in your bed and doing laundry for you with his favourite fabric softener, you are in love with a mysterious honeyed, velvety voice on Soundcloud. All’s fine, until you find out that the voice that metaphors your heart to a sweet sugarplum melody actually belongs to the boy who has been taking up a special spot in your bed and in your heart, strumming at your heartstrings all this while.
friends with benefits  | college au  | idiots to lovers | +17k
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— The Kids Aren’t Alright (F) (A) (M) — by @sketchguk​
Sneaking around with Jeongguk during your Christian retreat is complicated when you’re both dedicated to your jobs as co-youth group counselors at your father’s ministry.
friends with benefits  | pastor’s kid!reader  | +10k
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— Gym (F) (M) — by @hobiwonder​
Jungkook has a crush on you and has been watching you work out at his gym. One day you finally confront his obvious crush.
business woman!reader  | fratboy!jungkook  | older reader | +8k
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— Gravity Check (M) — by @gimmesumsuga​
The one where Jungkook is your oh-so-handsome climbing instructor.
climbing instructors!jungkook  | strangers to lovers  | 14k
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— The Monogamy Monologues (F) (M) — by @kpopfanfictrash​
The year? Some point after college. The occasion? Namjoon is getting married and the Rich Man’s Crochet Club has convened once again. Somewhere between the drinks and the laughter, everyone has the same realization: Jungkook has never been in a serious relationship. In the name of all that is holy (Overwatch and booze), the club’s mission is revived. Now though, their goal is much more perilous. Now, they aim to find Jeon Jungkook a girlfriend. (Part of The Rich Man’s Crochet Club series)
fuckboy!jungkook  | wedding planner!reader  | strangers to lovers  | +42k
— The Virgin Volume (F) (A) (M) —
This fic exists in the RMCC universe. It takes place before RMCC and is the story of how Jungkook lost his virginity. To quote Seokjin/Namjoon: “What Jungkook doesn’t know won’t hurt him and – let’s be honest – his story is hilarious. One pump,” Seokjin laughs, sounding like a hyena. “One pump and he’s done.” // Ducking his head, Namjoon tries not to smile. “It was a rookie mistake,” he protests, defending their friend. “Jungkook was overexcited and couldn’t control himself. He got better.”
college au  | friends to lovers  | prequel to TMM  | +6k
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— everlasting (A — by @kimvvantae​
being able to love the same person forever is a blessing given from the heavens. to you, however, eternity has become a curse.
reincarnation au  | 18k
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— Performances (M) — by @littlenoona​
The same handsome guy has been appearing at your performances and you become more and more interested in who he is - now you’re dancing only for him, despite a hall full of people.
strangers to lovers  | professional dancer!reader  | +6k
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— Matching Hearts (F) (A) — by @gukwluv​
a drunk call to your ex boyfriend leads to a night of fun adventures that make you wonder why you even split in the first place.
exes au | +3k
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— locker room talk (M) — by @minnpd​
You end up having a rather heated talk with Jeon Jungkook in the locker room when he announces he has been chosen for the audition you both participated to.
dancer au | enemies to lovers | fuckboy!jungkook | +5k
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— not quite lovers (M) — by @junqkook​
hiring jeon jungkook as your personal assistant happens to have more than one perk.
workplace au | friends with benefits | ceo!reader | +15k
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— By Its Cover (M) — by @gimmesumsuga​
The one where Jungkook makes a very bad first impression.
workplace au | enemies to lovers | 21k
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— Mind in the Gutter (F) (M) — by @kpopfanfictrash​
Starting over is never fun. Especially not when you decide to take the phrase fully to heart; new job, new city, new coworkers and new relationships. When you are dragged to a happy hour by your new co-worker, Taehyung, you end up sitting beside a (very) cute, (very) shy IT worker named Jungkook. Several drinks later, he mentions he is in a professional bowling league with his friends and you rather enthusiastically invite yourself along. As time passes and you begin to grow closer, you still find it impossible to read Jungkook. Working in the same company and seeing each other so often, it is only so long before one of you snaps. But who?
workplace au | bowling au | strangers to friends to lovers | +18k
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doof-doofblog · 3 years
"Hello, Sis!"
Tuesday 6th April 2021
Hello again everyone! Wow! Feels like it's been a while since I last posted, I had a very busy week last week and again this week being back at work! I'm sure you must all be happy regarding the lockdown easing ever so slowly! I've come to the realisation that now I'm back to the day job, my posts will have to be done in the evenings, so I apologise if some of them seem late from now on. I'm planning on possibly doing another blog post tomorrow and then a double on Thursday in an attempt to catch up! I know the majority of you have already seen last week's episodes, it seems I have a lot of catching up to do!
We know that things are supposed to be kicking off this week (commencing 12th April) due to the return of Nancy Carter and the possible outcome of Kush's trial? I do have a fear Kush may be killed off and become another victim of Gray's but I am hoping that that doesn't happen! But before we can even begin to get excited about it, I need to post about the episodes that you guys have seen, but unfortunately I haven't.
So without further ado, I'm going to begin chatting about Isaac. It seems that Sheree seems to have overstepped the mark regarding both Lola and Patrick. I mean of course she is acting as the concerned Mum and Wife, but she needs to realise that there are some things she can't interfere with. Patrick has been offered the opportunity to go on blood thinners as an experiment for stroke victims - (at least that's the jist I got from it anyway!) - but Sheree is standing her ground claiming she doesn't want her husband to take part in it, purely because she fears for his health. Again, I can understand her concern but she can't stop Patrick from doing something he may want to do, considering he's already suffered two strokes whilst on the Square, he'll want to do his part in helping other victims.
But also where Lola is concerned, Sheree is still interfering in her son's relationship, for a brief moment it looked as if she had scared poor Lola off! Finally Isaac has sat his Mum down and told her straight to stop interfering with everybody's lives, even claiming that some times she can come across as controlling, even though her concern comes from a good place. For the first time in a long time, Isaac is feeling ready to enter another relationship, and he informs her Mum that with Lola, it feels right, he's slowly falling for her and there could be chance that she is feeling the same and the relationship could become serious?!
As Isaac instruct his Mum to kind of back off, Lola appears to have escaped to the Vic. Oh and once again Peter seems it's necessary to poke his nose into business that has nothing to do with him! Urgh, I really don't know about any one else, but for me personally - Peter is one of the worst characters the soap has right now, not in the sense of villainy, but just as a whole - his attitude towards his family, thinking he's the big I AM, urgh I don't like him, I really don't! Something has to change with this Peter I think, what about you guys?! Do you agree or do you think I'm being a little bit harsh? Either way he insults Lola and manages to persuade her to tell him what's on her mind. Believing he's a trusted friend, Lola confides in Peter, informing him about Isaac's diagnosis - something I fear she will possibly live to regret. But after her meeting with Peter, she eventually meets up with Isaac in the club and he informs her to not let his Mother scare her off, Isaac has full control over his illness right now and there would be no way for Lola to trigger any kind of breakdown. Let's hope things remain this way, right? But something is telling me that with all this positivity and reassuring that Isaac is fine and he has everything under control, something is telling me that eventually Isaac will have some form of breakdown and hopefully EastEnders will be able to have an opportunity to portray what having schizophrenia is really like!
Oooooo and what is this?! A possible new love interest for Bernie?! It's about bloody time!!! So, I'm sure the majority of you know that the Taylor family have taken in a new dog named Banjo after finding him on the streets and assuming he was a stray. Unfortunately, since the dog has been in their possession, some flyers advertising the lost dog have been spreading around the Square. Mitch was the first one to notice them, but not wanting to break his young daughter's heart, after their new family member has brought her so much happiness, he disposed of the flyer and never said a word about it to his family.
Now after this young girl seems to catch her eye on the Square, denying to Bailey that she's does not have a crush on her, she claims that she was just interested in the girl's flyer's. As Bailey goads her to ask for one, Bernadette comes to realise what the girl is advertising. (Also just zooming through the end credits of the episode now, there happen to be two female names of who this young lady could be - "Clara" or "Molly" - It'll be interesting if she was to show up again!) Taking the flyer back home, Bernie sadly informs her Mum and Mitch that a girl is out there looking for her dog, who they happen to have living with them, and his name isn't Banjo, it's Ziggy!
At first it seems the Taylor's are in a bit of a denial, it's understandable that they've grown to love the dog, but when Karen calls him by the name "Ziggy", the dog automatically responds. Bernie claims that they have to do the right thing and return the dog to it's rightful owner, however Mitch is looking deeply suspicious as Karen realises that he knew about the flyer's a couple of weeks ago and never said anything. He claims he didn't want to break Bailey's heart after all the loss she's had in recent months. It's then that Karen happens to agree with Mitch and states that the dog will be staying with them. They instruct Bernie to call the girl up and give her false story about the dog. Poor Bernadette isn't one for lying, so it's quite funny and yet sweet when she attempts to make up a story about the dog being lashed into a van to the unknown female. But it seems the girl can see right through Bernie and claims that she saw the way she was looking at her in the Square and offers to buy her a drink. Even though Bernie is already hiding the fact that she has her dog, could this be the start of new relationship for her?!
Ooh yea, so Ruby and Lily are still at loggerheads with each other! After devastatingly realising that Lily has cut her deceased Mum's wedding dress to pieces, Ruby is demanding that Lily leaves the house. Even though Lily isn't Ruby's biggest fan right now, it's clear that she had no idea that the dress belonged to her Mum, but it turns out she might've known that it was a special piece of clothing as Ruby states the dress was kept in a box at the back of her cupboard.
As Martin sends his daughter upstairs to get changed out of Ruby's clothes, he begins to think of some kind of punishment for his daughter, informing his wife that Lily is simply just missing her Mum. However it seems that Ruby's day goes from bad to worse, after discovering the state of her Mother's ripped dress, she informs her husband that she got a call from the clinic. It turns out the Ruby could most likely have endometriosis and that their fears about not having any more children is more likely. Devastatingly, endometriosis is severe and it could mean that she may not be able to have any more children in the future, sadly the one she lost might've been her only chance of being a Mum.
Understandably devastated for his wife, Martin realises he needs to do something to cheer her up. As Lily recovers from changing out of Ruby's clothes, Martin informs Ruby that Lily's punishment is to give her no access to any electronics for a week, and in an attempt to make things up to Ruby, Lily "apparently" has offered to give up her birthday money if it means there could be a way to salvage the ruined wedding dress. Ruby is visibly touched by the kind gesture, claiming that she didn't mean what she said about wanting her to move out, she claims that being her Stepmother - she'll always have a place to stay with them. Lily just simply smiles.
As Martin informs his wife of bubble bath waiting for her upstairs, Ruby thanks her Stepdaughter once again and leaves the room. As Martin follows, giving her the thumbs-up, it seems as if they think Lily will be okay and there'll be no more issues, but from the look on Lily's face, she really doesn't seem happy. Something was telling me that maybe she was being forced to apologise to Ruby? She clearly didn't mean her apology, is she still going to make Ruby's life a living nightmare?!
Oh Jean!!! Poor Jean!! I know I mentioned it in the last post, but I'm going to mention it again, I cannot applaud Gillian Wright enough for her performance as Jean! Jean clearly isn't coping with having her daughter back inside again while she's suffering a terminal illness, all she wants really is to be back with her daughter. As everyone gathers and sees the commotion, Sharon comes to realise that the only reason Jean is acting this way and holding herself up in the vehicle is because she wants to be with her daughter.
In an attempt to get Jean out of the van, Sharon pleads to the police to let her talk to her softly. As she approaches the fragile woman in the vehicle, she explains that even though she understands how Jean is feeling, the actions she's currently doing won't help her in any way. Even though Jean wants to be arrested in an attempt to be with her daughter, Sharon informs her that if she was to get arrested and put in prison, there is no guaranteed chance that she'd end up in the same prison as Stacey, in hindsight the only thing she'd get out of it is probably a criminal record and a hefty fine.
Realising her mistake and that possibly her actions may not get her close to her daughter, Jean agrees to switch off the engine and leave the vehicle. Now the next scene between Sharon and Jean I found funny but really touching also, I don't know why but I've loved the friendship that they've begun to build with these two characters. Two women I never thought would have each other's backs, but it seems that they are both struggling with things in their personal life, and I just LOVED how they both fell about laughing about the outcome of things, Sharon realising she's a single Mother with no money and how Jean has almost corrupted her new gym business. I found the scene really heart-warming as both the women agreed that sometimes shouting out to life itself is sometimes the only thing they have left?
I just loved it, it was as if they have a mutual understanding of each other and they found some common ground. Jean opened up to Sharon and Sharon opened up to Jean, even informing her about discovering a long lost brother that she's still unsure of whether to contact or not. But as Jean claims that having family around you is one of the most important things, Sharon seems to see it as another man in her life who she doesn't really need and decides to bin the phone number.
However, later as Sharon unfortunately misses her date with Kheerat and ends up drinking alone, Jean excitedly approaches her new found friend, even though she appears excited she also seems a little nervous and jittery. Admitting she might've overstepped the mark, she repeats the fact that Sharon needs her family around her and considering she hasn't got that many members of her family left ..... ?! Sharon questions what Jean has done and it's only when they get out onto the Square they see a car pulling up and stepping out of it, appears Zack! Jean only contacted her brother! But the interesting thing that gets me, Zack greets Sharon by calling her "Sis!" - last time he saw her, he had no idea who she was, just another person who attended his Dad's funeral, does this mean that Jean informed about Sharon's true identity?!
Either way, I'm super excited to see what happens next, I'll be sure to follow up this post with another one tomorrow. I once again apologise for this being super late, I'm going to try my very best to catch up, regardless at being back to the day job! Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening. Please feel free to leave me any messages or comments about EastEnders and I'll happily reply! Love you all xXx
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anniecohens · 4 years
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(romee strijd, cis female) - have you seen annie cohen? annie is in her senior year. the dance major is 22 years old & is a sagittarius. people say she is disarming, playful, compulsive, and volatile. rumors say they’re a member of kincaid society. i heard from the gossip blog that she dropped out of this past summer semester last minute to check into a psychiatric unit.
it’s me, tessa, back again with an older muse of mine! she holds a big ol’ chunk of my heart, so we’re testing the waters and seeing how she does at yates. ~big fish, big pond~ i’m going to try and keep this bio brief(ish) and then just run with things, so bear with me, we’re throwing everything to the wind with maybe, potentially very little information :D fun! if we end up chatting about our muses i’ll be able to tell you more, this is just what’s coming to me.
name: annie luelle cohen nicknames: a, lu age, birth date: about to turn 22, december 1, 1998 hometown: napa valley, california major, university: dance, yates university sexuality: pansexual
annie is the only daughter to jameson cohen, single father and vintner. they live on their winery in napa valley, a large expanse of land with neighbors such as domain chandon and beringer vineyards.
annie’s parents had her young—at the ages of 21 and 22—which resulted in her mother leaving shortly after her birth. she doesn’t know much about her, save for her name (emmeline), how she looks in a few old photographs, and the shit talk comments her paternal grandmother mutters under her breath about how she must be galivanting off in italy or greece to this day.
growing up with her father had its difficulties, seeing as he was plenty busy running the business and estate. still, he did his best to prioritize her upbringing and devote a lot of time to her. and when it got to the point where it just wasn’t possible to juggle everything, he hired an au pair (fr). madeleine, 24 and from france. she quickly became something of an older sister figure, even teaching annie almost perfect french over the years.
seeing as she was still pretty lonely in that big ol’ house, madeleine suggested that james enroll annie in dance classes at a very young age. this would end up being a cornerstone of the girl’s life, from your standard baby’s ballet class (well, pre-ballet) to advanced pointe technique.
insert montage of this bright blonde kindergartener girl running around a stage, dad and maddie in the front row, to twelve year-old annie in the role of clara in the nutcracker, to a young adult seventeen year-old annie as juliet in romeo and juliet.
she was definitely ‘the dance girl’ throughout middle and high school, taking four sick days in a row every winter to perform in the annual nutcracker production. carrying her dance bag around so that she could go straight to rehearsal after school. always saying, sorry, i can’t, i have dance.
truly, though, she adored it and still does, which is why she’s pursuing it as a career (as well as taking some business courses here and there in the case that she has to manage the winery at some point).
tw: mental disorder / bipolar: around her sophomore year of high school, annie started experiencing rapidly changing moods and confusing emotions. for a small while everyone deduced it to “hormones,” but after what was revealed to be a manic episode, she was diagnosed with bipolar I and put on medication by her new psychiatrist.
however, she kept the situation on the DL, only her father and maddie being aware.
enter university. annie graduated, got accepted into yates due to stellar grades and her impressive pursuit of the arts, and was off to the east coast.
however exciting, the downside was that she started slacking on taking her medication. not often or for long periods of time, but still. everything seemed to be going along seamlessly, though, so she didn’t take it as seriously as she should’ve.
that is, until this past summer. she’d registered for classes throughout the summer semester, but a week long episode that resulted in spotty memory and regrettable decisions prompted her to drop the classes just before they started and check herself into a psychiatric unit a few towns over.
now she’s back for the fall semester and her senior year, giving the cover story that she decided last-minute to take the summer off and visit home after all.
tiktoks for a bit of a vibe: one, two, three
and my personal acc tag for her: here
+ sweetheart, playful, outgoing, a bit of a flirt - in that fun, lighthearted kind of way
- compulsive, stubborn, withdrawn when upset
emotional, which really can be here or there, depending on the situation
looks like a hiiii girl, often acts like a bruh girl
“sorry i told you about my trauma, do you still think i’m hot?”
“noo, don’t take care of me, it’s rotten work aha”
romantically calls you dude, platonically calls you babe
but also
stay away from people who make you feel like you’re hard to love
you are such a soft and messy thing, nobody knows how to take care of you
???? you know ????
the kind of person that doesn’t act out for attention, but doesn’t at all mind attention, either
she’ll get up and dance on the table with you, she’ll approach someone and tell them they’ve got pretty eyes, she’ll repeatedly raise her hand in class, she doesn’t mind being looked at
loves horror films/shows, but especially the type that are driven by story or are psychological (think the conjuring franchise, hill house, midsommar). one of her favorite things about watching or reading anything is talking to someone about it afterwards and going in-depth.
 is either wearing sweats and a basic crop top type deal or knee high boots and a short skirt, there’s no in-between
honestly awful at WCs, so i started a tag on my personal acc and am slowly starting to reblog with random ideas
maybe a kind of darker counterpart to her brighter personality. sort of like unexpected friends?
guy friends she fucks around with (not literally!) like fun idiots
girl friends she takes out on friend dates and calls beautiful 24/7
down to just plot the basics (oh, they’d recognize each other from x! they’re in the same society! maybe she probably, most likely would have a  small crush on them! etc.) and then just go with chemistry from there.
believe me when i say i’m down for almost anything, though, do your worst (best?)
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9w1ft · 5 years
feels a little early to be writing a year-in review but i find myself in a quiet moment so i thought i’d tap a few things out
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in 2019, in all facets of my life, i faced a challenge of some sort and i surprised myself as i held my ground more often than ran away, which felt new. what *also* felt new was this sense of ease i began having professionally, when it came to conceptualizing and making decisions. sorta feels like a lot of things are crystallizing.
in terms of life on here, i didn’t have TSL for the majority of the year (anybody out there remember TSL?!) so i busied myself with crafting fun memories on my own. there were spans of weeks where i’d just get on a tear and run into one new thing after the other and it was all really just fantastic. i gave myself permission to indulge in the most decadent of things and to follow the most mercurial of assumptions to places i thought closed off.
i’m pretty sure i’ve smiled and laughed more over this year than i ever have in my entire life. no joke.
here are some kaylorverse moments that brought me joy in 2019:
it’s nice to have a friend
2018 was my first year being a kaylor and i just sort of was moreover on the contributor or commenter side of things so 2019 was interesting in that when taylor really leaned into the gay imagery leading up to album release, i started getting newer people sending me stuff! and asking me my takes on things! and like, my words suddenly had weight for some reason? it felt weird but i truly enjoyed getting to talk with so many different people and hear their ideas and laugh and such. that was markedly different from last year. from within this, 79-swift reached out to me with the eye theory, the most beautiful and rare of observations by a singularly lovely individual that i have dedicated my life to protecting and promoting. and i feel like i’ve gotten to know many people i knew through 2018 more deeply and have come to accept the role i play, lean in to it, and formulate my own truth of the matter, and that sort of heightened perspective on it has been a blessing and i’m so thankful for this strange sense of camaraderie that has formed with many of you? thank you??? and my conviction, and my wishes, for the girls to find happiness have only strengthened this year... im committed to seeing this through whether people like it or not!! harumph!
block ‘em
i also started proactively curating my experience.. that’s right! i began blocking trolls with reckless abandon, and i turned anons off! 😂 and damn it’s so much more worthwhile of a time on here when you set aside people that only want to ruin your day.
i got over my fear of eyeballs!!
😂 no seriously, body horror and in particular eyes out of context was actually sort of a thing that previously creeped me out BUT LOOK AT ME NOW. i’m gonna do my best not to rehash the eye theory, please read the post and recall the number of times i filipped out 😂 each and every one is precious to me
geeking out with bert and ernie gifs with kaylorfossil and making empsmd-blog drop her debit card need a mention.
the ME! music playlist.
i fell in love with so many songs and like, running into eye motifs in so many of the songs, lyrically and visually, was the most hilarious thing. but really just a lot of the songs really tapped at my soul with an ice pick and i even went to go see The Japanese House live in Osaka which was transcendental and i’m just so thankful for having taylor introduce Good At Falling to me because it was a *necessary* album.
i made and collected stuff
i made and amassed many artifacts that one day i can look back on and remember what a wild ride it has been. some favorites are my procuring of the pixel art heart ring from the ME! mv (a nod to my tsl days..), as well as the evil eye ring.. i didn’t physically make this but the eye theory made the taydar podcast and there’s nothing i enjoy more in this world than making someone giggle and i just love that the episode exists. making that kaylor straw was 👌 working on a mock-up of the golden locket has been very satisfying. i started incorporating fun kaylor winks into my artwork as well which was fun, and i also commissioned a collage from the very talented and lovely valheria and i couldn’t have asked for anything better 🥰
wildin in the TS7 tag was the best.
i made this observation that there’s this type of cocoon that looks like a cobra, which transforms into a butterfly over a period of 13 days, and like, the post got so many notes and i just had a lot of swiftie eyeballs all of a sudden on my blog which led to some hilarity. but honestly i just love geeking out over theories and it’s fun to get to do that as fans of taylor at large. things felt warm and effervescent.
my newspaper subscription
i subscribe to the TTB Times and let me just say the submissions and anons this year were overwhelmingly a delight to read through every day. also like, we did get cued in to stuff before album release and i am just thankful that there are people out there both who want to give us that and people who work to help them give us that. thank you ttb for moderating your blog (my newspaper of choice) however it is that you do and to everyone that contributed to her blog.
the whole lead up to the ME! video release
so glorious... but particular the hour before. i was rushing to pick up my kid from school and suddenly i kept getting messages from people that taylor was covering her face and framing her eyes, and i was like oh please yeah sure BUT THEN when the snake in the video had a blank eye like i don’t think you guys understand i had to wait at a bus stop and exchange pleasantries with the other moms but it was a *five alarm fire* in my mind
cause shade never made anybody less gay
stealing away to listen to YNTCD for the first time and hearing Taylor Alison Swift use the word gay in a released song for the first time was a transcendental moment
karlie’s hand in the YNTCD mv.
‘nuff said
daisies. daisies everywhere.
taylor said daisy kaylor rights, and she said it everywhere. *everywhere*. cannot, will not, get over how blessed we are.
gay gay gay gay gay.... taylor’s
sorry not sorry that wiz khalifa collab with elohim on her track FYM was ethereal and i still hope it’s a part of the preshow playlist for Lover Fest
clue hunting in klossy videos and karlie ads
call me a corporate shill all you want like, there’s always a little something in there and i also enjoy the little flickers of goofy karlie that jump out from time to time. and i know this is not the case for everyone but post eyepocalypse, karlie leaning in, winking that eye of hers time and time again was just pique comedy for me and it always made me chuckle. the brands karlie has repped have been really laying it on thick too and it’s been a joy to see. when taylor does it with her music it’s art, and for me karlie’s media presence is a form of art too 😌
oh kaptain my kaptain
kimby liked a comment of mine on her insta which was a distinct honor and privilege 😌 and really she was dropping clues left and right through spring up until she got her snazzy new job and things calmed down 🥰 of which i am so proud talk about an on brand job! also partially clearing the air about my TSL theory and the lead up to clearing that air was quite fulfilling for me and i am forever grateful for the time we shared. and to this point, the seesters in general (and kurt omg) have been quite active all year and we don’t deserve it but they’ve stuck around and it’s been calming.
album cover art release on the livestream
i love you forever, thank you for everything
when taylor came to visit tokyo this year i was basically reenacting the swamp scene from OOTW trying to get a ticket to the secret event... i listened to ME! on LINE MUSIC for over 2000 plays, i bought multiple CD’s, it was such an ordeal and then to not have a ticket after all but still putting on my thinking cap and managing to figure out where the event was while i was at disney sea and literally running from disney sea to the venue in high heels with The Man playing on my phone was oscar-worthy and actually *being correct* and the moment i knew i was correct and how i knew i was correct was so amazing 😉 and i play by the rules so i didn’t try to get in without a ticket and i didn’t lurk. but just to have figured it out and validated it was such a thrill. seeing her on TV live was amazing as well ///
lost in japan, reprise
oh and, last year for rep tour there was this theory i had which didn’t pan out but it had to do with the clues i thought shawn mendes was dropping through autumn 2018 and anyway that’s a story for another day but as i was bopping around town, looking for lockets, staying in rooms i have no business being in, drinking lots of whisky...just to know that while i was doing *everything but* successfully meeting taylor, she literally phoned shawn and had him record lines for that eye theory remix like, i will never ever, like, guys. guys. 😂 it’s too perfect for words. the world is weird like that sometimes.
and omg Lover the album? i absolutely love lover and i loves that honeymoon period of theorizing and parallel unearthing that we did and i love how slightly creepy-cute it is and i love the whole wabi-sabi thing going on and i absolutely love every song on the album, every one, they all have so much meaning to me... and each one is teeming with little blips and bloops and sound samples and seconds of silence and i love all the brass instruments and so many lush moments... i guess my shortlist (in no particular order) would be the archer, lover, i think he knows, daylight, cruel summer, false god, cornelia street, ME! (yea i really like me 🥰). and to think about everything that went in to the album and the thrill of what it might have been and the vastness of what we don’t know, but like, the weight of that potential?? it’s like this vast pastel and black abyss of drowsy and deep feelings and i love every inch of it. it’s a vibe that reflects so much of what this year has been for me and i’m happy to have existed in this time to have had it with me.
jesus this has gotten too long, and i still have like 24 more things to write out but um, basically, as i’m sure you’ve been able to assume? i wanted to say that despite 2019 being somewhat of a slasher film affair for our fandom, i still had a goddamn great time this year and i hope everyone can find some good memories and relive them as well 🥰
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safflowerseason · 4 years
1/4 hi! i started watching the oc for the first time a few weeks ago (late to the party, obviously, but i was a bit busy being a baby when it first aired) and reading through your posts has been a lot of fun! i’ve been putting off continuing s4 because i don’t want it to be over, so i went back and watched the first few episodes again instead. something that struck me was how marissa is really into pop culture in the first episode (into punk music, ‘on the road’ is her favourite book)
2/4 which never seems to be explored beyond the pilot. just something i noticed! ryan’s character also seems very different in the first few episodes, and not just in a ‘he evolved as a character’ way. through the seasons, he’s sort of stereotyped as the typical brooding bad boy, and he IS, to some extent, but he talks a lot more at the start? and then there’s his whole unprompted talk about social security running out when he meets sandy in ep1, because ‘he read an article about it’.
3/3 (whoops) i don’t know where i’m going with this rant (it really is a rant, sorry! i would really like to hear your thoughts, though), but i guess i’m sort of disappointed. i enjoyed watching a lot, but looking back, i wish they would’ve kept more of their initial personalities, rather than being reduced to stereotypes later in the season(s). i hope this made sense :)
Hi! Thanks so much for writing in! It’s been a while now since the heights of the Marissa Discourse™️ on my blog, but I always love hearing commentary about the show. (I also forgive you for making me feel very, very old, as I was distinctly not a baby when The OC was first airing). 
In general, I think you’re right that there is a pretty discernable tonal shift in the show after the first seven episodes. I love the first seven episodes of the show--if someone could only watch a limited amount of The OC, I would recommend those seven. The characters are specifically drawn, the contrasts between each character is clear and distinct, the plot is tight, and the show’s sense of place is never stronger (the only downside is that Summer and Julie get short shrift, and also the Kirsten/Jimmy sublot is still a thing). For me, this shift essentially coincides with the introduction of Harbor as a primary setting for the teen drama. Marissa goes from being silent angry punk Marissa to Marissa the social butterfly, and I’ve written elsewhere that I don’t think the show ever manages to square the two sides of her personality. There’s a pretty striking difference between Marissa in the pilot and Marissa in the later seasons, and while of course she undergoes a lot of trauma during the show, none of it is ever really explored in a way that might explain these shifts (and of course, I suspect it’s really an issue of the character evolving to suit the needs of the writers as they were figuring out what kind of show The OC would be for the long haul). 
That’s funny you note that Ryan talks more in the earliest episodes of the show...I actually think he doesn’t talk very much?? At least in the pilot (except for his monologue about Social Security and his fight with his mom), compared to later. (Ironically, this is part of what makes the pilot so great in my opinion, all the silent acting Ben McKenzie and Mischa Barton are doing...) Especially in the first half of S1, Ryan spends a lot of time reacting and so he talks a little less than he does later, when he feels more comfortable in his new setting. That’s just my opinion though! And one of my pet peeves in S2 is that the show goes far too meta and starts substituting the character tropes--Seth is funny! Ryan is brooding!--for actual character, which I think relates to your overall point. To be fair, I think a lot of shows fall into this trap over time--the characters become less nuanced as the writers are trying to squeeze more and more plot out of them. At the same time, I would argue that The OC’s ultimate problem was bad plotting, not necessarily character (yes, the two are linked, but if I had to rank them..) The writers never figured out Marissa (and to a lesser extent, Kirsten and Caleb), which is obviously a huge problem, but they had a remarkably clear handle on most of the other characters, at least in the first season. (As I’ve said before, all my OC takes can be reduced down to “The pilot is the best episode, the first season is prestige TV, everyone choked for S2.”)
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myglogic · 5 years
Where You Belong (Yoongi x Reader)
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Pairing: Min Yoongi (Suga) x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Word count: 5,5k
Summary: When fame changes Yoongi his bandmates decide to take action and send him back to Daegu. Yoongi has to deal with his bad relationship with his family and a certain girl from his past and his forgotten feelings for her.
A/N: Hi! Finally, my first BTS fanfic on this blog! I wrote this a looong time ago. I found this again and rewrote it. I hope you like it! I’m always happy about feedback! There might be a second part depending on the resonance!
“Yoongi… what is this?”, Taehyung asked and put the newspaper in front of Yoongi, who was sitting in his studio, working on some music.
“A newspaper?”, Yoongi said and continued looking at his computer.
Namjoon walked into the room and sighs. “Oh, I was just coming here about that too. What’s that, Yoongi?”, Namjoon asked, referring to the newspaper article that was printed boldly on the cover.
BTS’ Suga leaving club drunk with a girl!
“So what?”, Yoongi asked, bored. “Am I not allowed to party?”
Yoongi didn’t understand why they made such a fuss. It’s just a little party and some girl. Nothing more, nothing less.
The other members now entered the room and looked at him, quite disappointed. “That’s not the only problem, Yoongi. There are thousands of other articles on the internet. They talk about how rude you are to fans you randomly see. You don’t even acknowledge them!”, Namjoon said in a serious tone.
“You are drunk every weekend, you don’t even work on music. You just sit around all day, wondering what shit you should do next.”, Jin added.
“They were crowding me and it was really annoying.”, Yoongi said, not understanding why they all stood there as if this was some kind of intervention.
Jimin sighed and started talking. “When was the last time you said, “thank you”? When was the last time you visited your family? I have a feeling that you forgot where you came from and how you came here. Don’t forget that without ARMY, you wouldn’t be here either.”, Jimin said, worried.
“Yes, hyung. The fans are worried sick and so are we.”, Jungkook told him.
Yoongi stood up, really annoyed. “What the fuck is this? Why are you acting like I’m a fucking drug addict?”
Yoongi always had a problem with his temper. And right now they were really testing him. What was the point of all this? He looked at his 6 bandmates and just saw expressions of disappointment, worry, and anger. This was no joke.
“We decided that it’s best if you get out of Seoul for a while.”, Taehyung said and put his hand on his shoulder.
Yoongi swatted his hand away. “Where the fuck should I go then?”
Namjoon smiled at him. He gave him an envelope with airplane tickets. “Have a nice trip to Daegu. Your family awaits you.”
“What the fuck?! I am definitely not going to Daegu! You can’t force me on that plane!”, he shouted and threw the envelope on the ground.
“If you don’t go… then you won’t be able to use your studio AND we changed the code to our house. Good luck trying to come in.”, Jimin smirked, trying to provoke Yoongi.
Taehyung gave Yoongi a sad smile. “I would love to go back to Daegu you know… but I can’t. We are doing this for you. Don’t forget where you belong, Yoongs.”
“You really planned this whole thing right? Let me guess. Our favorite manager knows about this.”, Yoongi rolled his eyes as the others nodded. “Well fine. I don’t care. I’ll see this as a vacation.”
“But you’ll be staying at your parents’ place. Not a luxury hotel. You also have to spend time with them.”, Jin added.
Yoongi’s eyes widened. “Are we filming some shitty Bon Voyage episode or what?”, he sighed. “Fucking shit. I don’t care. Fine. Leave me alone now.”
The others left the room, still sad about Yoongi’s reaction. When did it become like this? They did not really know. Yoongi was so humble and grateful. Sometimes fame really gets ahold of you.
The very next day Yoongi found himself on the airplane. They at least bought him a first-class ticket. How nice of them. Yoongi leaned his head against the plane window. And then first thoughts started creeping in his head.
It’s been nearly two years since he last visited his family. His mom was going to be very angry. And his father? He never really talked about Yoongi’s career. Their relationship was never the best.
He never wanted Yoongi to become an idol. He had a hard time accepting his career change but he had to accept it in the end. But there still was a certain coldness between them. His brother wasn’t in Daegu since he was living abroad for a while. So how was he going to handle the whole family situation? And how the hell should sending him to Daegu help him? It’s not like breathing some Daegu air will bring the old Yoongi back.
Yoongi closed his eyes, trying to get a little sleep. For the first time in a very long time, he didn’t have a busy schedule. Maybe that’s one positive thing about this trip.
Why the hell him though? It’s not like the others don’t drink or party. Okay, maybe Yoongi liked to go to parties a little bit more than the others. But was it that bad?
Before he could keep thinking more, he fell in a deep slumber. A few hours later the flight attendant woke him up.
As he arrived at the airport, he saw no one waiting for him. He was a little bit disappointed. He kind of expected that his mother would come and pick him up. But he wouldn’t do it either if he was his son.
He stood there with his suitcase, wondering where to go. Then his phone vibrated and Yoongi gets a text from Namjoon.
Joon: First mission, find a cab. No one will treat you special there. 😌
Yoongi rolled his eyes and walked outside. Using his scarf to cover his face, he found a taxi and told the driver the address. As time passes by, Yoongi noticed that he was constantly watching out of the window, looking for signs of his neighborhood. He smiled slightly, recognizing a few places from his city.
And suddenly a feeling of homesickness appeared. And he was not talking about Seoul but Daegu. That’s where it all started.
That doesn’t make the situation better but he wasn’t expecting to stay long here. He might as well use the time to rest.
And then there he stood. In front of his house. The house he grew up in. Memories, beautiful memories start appearing in front of his eyes. Yoongi remembered that his mother would hide the spare keys to his house in the flower vase next to the door. The keys were still hidden there, even after all these years. Taking the keys and unlocking the door, he walked inside, expecting no one to be home since his parents should be at their restaurant.
As he walked inside, he noticed new furniture, pictures of his family but not many pictures of him. Just a few from his childhood and one after he won his first award with BTS. The smell was still the same. It was like he never left.
He didn’t move. He just took everything in. Overwhelmed. That described the feeling Yoongi was experiencing the best.
Suddenly he heard a scream and felt something wooden hit his back. “OUCH!”, he shouted in pain.
“LEAVE THIS HOME OR I’LL CALL THE COPS!”, a female voice behind Yoongi said and kept hitting him with a broom.
“I LIVE HERE!”, Yoongi said and tried to turn around. Then he grabbed ahold of the wooden stick. “Who the hell are you?!”, he asked in a very loud and angry tone.
You tried to pry away the broom from his hands. Then you took a look at him. Just to find Min Yoongi, standing right in front of you. “Y-Yoongi?”, you asked cautiously. Was this a dream?
“Yes, Yoongi! What the hell are you doing in my house!”, he said, breathing heavily.
Speechless. That’s what you were at that moment. You didn’t know what to say. Why was he here? He never visited home! But then you remembered his parents mentioning that he would come back. You didn’t know that it was today though!
Yoongi took a good look at you. His eyes widened as he recognized your facial features. “No way… Y/N?”, he asked. You changed. You did look good back then but now you were even prettier than before. “The last time I visited… you weren’t here.”
You gulped. “I did study at another university for a year… but now I’m back. I didn’t see you since… like 2014?”
You and Yoongi were friends back then. When you were little kids, you would always play together. He would always protect you from everyone and he was always by your side. Whenever you needed him, he was there. Your families were close and so were the two of you. Your friendship stayed like that until you graduated.
You decided to study fashion design and Yoongi, who was already active in the underground rapping scene, became an idol. You know the rest of the story.
You sat down on the couch and so did Yoongi. “I live here ever since my family moved and your mother let me stay here. I help her out with some of the chores.”, you said and he nodded.
“Oh, that’s nice of her…”, Yoongi says. “So, your parents just left you here?”, Yoongi asked you.
You nodded. “They did want to take me with them but I wanted to stay in Daegu. Seoul wasn’t really for me…”, you explained to him.
“I get it. Seoul is huge.” Sometimes you could get lost in Seoul. Lost like Yoongi was now.
Yoongi didn’t know what to think. His childhood friend and neighbor lived with his family now. Not only that. He felt so distant towards her. They were so close once. He remembered helping her through her first break-up and then wanting to beat that guy up. But you did not want him to that. You were a person he was ready to throw fists for and now it seemed like you were strangers. Maybe you changed, maybe he did.
“Yoongi… I know you’re supposed to spend time with your family. I heard some things about you in the past. So please don’t fuck this up, okay?”, you said in a serious tone.
He rolls his eyes. “So what? I was literally forced to come here. My family doesn’t really talk to me if you noticed. I will do what they expect me to do. I’ll be a disappointment or something.”, he asked.
“Do you hear yourself right now? What do you plan on doing? Visit all of Daegu’s nightclubs so you can cross them off your list? Looks like all the articles about you are true.”, you said in a disappointed voice. You really didn’t know what you expected after hearing that Yoongi would come back.
“You don’t even know me. So, shut up. We haven’t seen each other for years. Who do you think you are? You can’t judge me.”, he said angrily.
“I am a person who thinks rationally and you are an idiot that used to be my friend.”, you said, disappointed to see him like that. “You know what? Your room is free. Feel free to unpack your stuff. I’ll be outside.”, you said and grabbed your jacket.
“It’s like 10 p.m. Where are you going at this hour?”, he asked with a slight tone of worry in his voice. It was late at night.
But you ignored him and went outside. You were in a similar situation as Yoongi when he was younger. Your parents didn’t want you to study fashion design. They didn’t support you. You thought that Yoongi would understand you the best. But he was in his own little world. To you, he was kind of delusional, thinking that everything revolves around him. He really wasn’t the boy you used to know and maybe he was never going to change.
Yoongi entered his room and looked around. Everything was still the same the way he left it last time. He walked over to his bed and threw himself on it. Nothing has changed. The only thing that did change was Yoongi himself.
You walked outside. It’s winter and there was already snow on the ground. You pulled your jacket closer to your body and walked over to the playground you and Yoongi used to play on all the time.
You sat on one of the benches and suddenly see little Y/N and Yoongi playing and running around in front of you. You smiled. A sad smile. It was a memory that you would always appreciate. A memory that you could never forget. The playground was only a few meters away from the house.
Suddenly you heard a door being closed. You saw Yoongi standing in front of the house, looking down on his phone.
Was he here to search for you?
Then a taxi pulled up and he got in it. You frowned and looked down. Who knew what he was up to. Probably visiting another club. He really had changed.
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The next morning you heard Yoongi and his parents arguing. It was about him going to a club yesterday. He didn’t say hello to his parents but went partying instead. He didn’t even wait for them to come back from work.
You sighed and pulled the blanket over your head. You didn’t want to hear them arguing. You already heard a lot about that when you argued with your parents when they were here.
But you still got out of bed and put on some decent clothes. You took a look at your sketches. Your eyes widen as you see the sketch you made of Yoongi. It was from an award show and he looked really nice. You couldn’t stop yourself and drew him. You usually didn’t draw people. You drew clothes and designed different things. A part of you couldn’t just leave Yoongi in the past. You didn’t know why.
You quickly took the sketch and hid it in your closet. Then you walked out of your room. You still heard them arguing.
“This isn’t my Yoongi! What happened to you?”, Yoongi’s mother said with tears in her eyes.
“I don’t know what your problem is. You know what? I’ll go for a walk!”, he shouted and takes his coat. Then he saw you staring and stopped for a second. “What? Are you going to scold me too?”
You shook your head and also took your coat. “I’ll leave too.”, you said.
Yoongi’s mother took a deep breath. She tried not to show her sadness. “But you didn’t eat anything! Eat something for breakfast, dear.”
“I’m fine.”, you said and smiled at her. You saw Yoongi already walking outside and closing the door after him.
You went after him, only to find him walking to the playground. You followed him and sat down next to him on the bench you sat on last night. The snow was everywhere. Even on the benches. But you didn’t care honestly.
“You know… you don’t have to fight with your mother. She cares about you, you know?”, you said quietly.
“Would you shut up?”, he said and leaned back, closing his eyes.
You sat there in silence. Then you decided to speak up. “Do you remember playing here when we were kids?”
No answer.
“You would always lose all the games.”, you said and smirked, knowing that that would get a reaction out of him.
His eyes opened and he sat straight. “Never! I always won!”, he said. “… not that I care.”
You laughed a little. You also caught him staring at you.
Yoongi always loved your laugh back then. He would do anything just to get a little smile out of you when he was younger. He didn’t hear it for a long time. “You do care.”, you answered him. “Don’t push us away okay?”
You stood up. “I have to leave now. Please don’t worry your mother too much.”
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Yoongi thought a lot about his situation. Maybe he did make a few mistakes in the past. He could always party in Seoul. Maybe this really was a second chance. To make everything better with his family. And with you.
In the next few weeks, Yoongi made an effort to fix his relationships a bit. He helped to make breakfast, he even sometimes helped out in his parents’ restaurant. His father was surprised but appreciated it. Their relationship was still a rather cold one. But it was getting better.
He also visited you every night in your room. You watched movies or just talked. The first night he did that, surprised you a lot.
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You were still awake, working on your next assignment that was due tomorrow. It was 2 a.m. and you were tired. You heard a soft knock on your door.
Yoongi walked in and smiled a little bit. “I can’t sleep.”, he whispered. “And I saw that your lights were still on…”
You looked at him, surprised. “Uh… come in?”, you said, not understanding what was going on.
He came in and sat on your bed. He looked deep in thought as he sat there. He was fidgeting with his hands, looking like he wants to say something but didn’t know how.
“What are you doing?”, he asked you, trying to start a conversation.
“I am doing my assignment for college… why are you here Yoongi?”
“I… I’m sorry. For how I treated you the last week. I feel horrible. I really wasn’t like this. And I want to make things better. I want my best friend back.”, he finally said and looked at you with an apologetic look. You did treat him like shit, to be honest. You wanted him to feel how you felt when he just ignored you but you still could not ignore him completely.
You pressed your lips together. “Do you mean it?”
He nodded. “Yes. I had a lot of time for myself. I asked myself why my bandmembers would send me all the way here. What was my mistake? I took it for granted. My fame, my fans… my family and you.”, he said. “I want to change. No. I want to remember why I’m here.”
You gave him a bright smile. “Apology accepted. Really.”
“You don’t know how relieved I am right now.”, he said. “Can I help you with your assignment?”, he asked.
You shook your head no. “I don’t think that you know about fashion history. But you can give me a sweater from my closet. I’m freezing.”
He nodded and opened your closet. A piece of paper fell on the ground. It’s a sketch of him. His eyes widened. He didn’t say anything though. He knew that you were an amazing artist. But why would you draw him?
“Hey, what are you going?”, you asked him, wondering what he was doing.
Before he could hide the sketch of you, you quickly got up and take it away. “You… you weren’t supposed to see this.”, the tint of pink on your face wasn’t making the situation better.
“You draw really well though…”, he said and smiled. After that, he handed you your sweater and sat down.
You smiled at him. “Thank you.”
Yoongi didn’t want to make you feel more uncomfortable, so he did not ask any questions regarding the sketch. But maybe one day he would. Today was not that day.
After that night everything seemed different between the two of you. You felt some sort of connection to him. He definitely wasn’t asking you about clubs anymore and rather talked to you about your family. He told you that he would support your choice, unlike your family. He knew that you had talent and that you made the right choice.
And that lead to the day where Yoongi finally talked to his father and that talk cleared up a lot of things. Yoongi felt closer to his father after that.
The situation is tense and Yoongi didn’t know how to start this conversation. You put your hand on his shoulder and smiled at him reassuringly. “You can do it.”, you whispered.
He put his hand on top of yours and squeezed it. “Thanks.”, he whispered back.
He took a deep breath and sat down in front of his father. The feeling in the room was tense. None of them started talking. You looked at Yoongi with determination.
“You can do it.”, you whispered. You knew he was scared. His hands were shaking a little. Until now, Yoongi and his father didn’t really talk. His mom was more forgiving but his dad… It was complicated. It shouldn’t be like this.
Yoongi always wanted that his family was proud of him. He realized that he was not someone his parents could be proud of. Especially in the last few years. His dad was not making any amends to talk. Yoongi knew that he had to be the person to start talking first.
“Dad.”, Yoongi finally said. “Let’s talk please…”, he said, quietly.
His father did not talk. He didn’t even look at him.
“Please, dad.”, Yoongi pleaded. “I know I haven’t been the best son. In fact, I have been the worst son you could ever ask for. But here I am now. I am trying to change. Give me a chance.”
He sighed. “Can you really change?”, he finally said. “I don’t know. I honestly didn’t recognize my own son. That attitude you had when you first arrived was not something I was used to. I couldn’t just act like everything was back to normal.”
“Do you hate me? Don’t you like it? That I’m pursuing my dream?”, he asked honestly, his hands shaking.
His father shook his head. “Definitely no. I don’t hate you. For me, it wasn’t possible that you might be successful. I accepted that fact a long time ago. That you are someone who is loved by his millions of fans. I thought that you might not like me since I didn’t show you support.”, he admitted with a shaky voice.  
“Dad, I could never hate you. I just didn’t know how to talk to you about this… but I feel good, now that I know the truth.”
“Please know that I am proud of you and everything you achieved. You proved me wrong and I want the best for you. But son, I don’t want to read articles about you taking girls from clubs home or whatever. Please stay true to yourself. Don’t do the wrong things.”, Yoongi’s father told him.
Yoongi nodded. “I am changing. I am trying to be a better person.”
“I know.”, Yoongi’s dad said and smiled at him. “I see a change. I will try to be a better father to you too.”
“You already are, dad.”, Yoongi said with tears brimming in his eyes.
They hugged it out and for the first time since Yoongi arrived in Daegu, he felt like everything was going to be okay.
Yoongi’s mother broke out in tears and joined the hug. And they pulled you in their circle as well. There was a feeling of relief and calmness. Finally.
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A few weeks passed and you decided to go to the only place in Daegu, where Yoongi was really inspired. Where he wrote all of his old songs. It was his last day in Daegu and he felt weird. There was a certain tension between you. You were a bit sad that he had to go but he was an idol and he had priorities. It still felt strange knowing that he had to leave so soon.
It’s a park that was rather small. Both of you walked around a bit and arrived at a hill. In the park, there was a huge hill you spent a lot of time on as teenagers. Maybe he would be inspired to write a song. Yoongi shoved some of the snow away from a bench and you sat down.
There was a safe distance between the two of you as you sat on the rather small bench. You were aching to feel his touch. To hold his hand. And even to feel his soft lips against your skin. You didn’t even know where these thoughts came from. Maybe, just maybe, you had a crush on him. Again. Back then, there was a time period where you were sure that you liked Min Yoongi. Of course, you had boyfriends before but you still felt drawn to your friend.
It wasn’t the first time you thought about that. Old feelings ignited again inside of you. You thought about him all the time. It felt weird knowing that you might have feelings for him again. But that warm fuzzy feeling was good. You felt comfortable around him. Unlike the day he arrived.
You didn’t know what to do or how to feel around him. It got a bit awkward sometimes but in a good way. It was like he never went to Seoul. You felt like you had your best friend back. But you knew you couldn’t expose your feelings to him. You knew that he had to go back to Seoul. He was an idol and you were just a normal person. He probably didn’t even like you back. You felt kind of sad thinking about this touchy subject. But you were realistic. It would never work out.
Yoongi sighed. “I haven’t been here for ages. Time flies, huh?”, he said. His eyes were closed and leaned against the bench.
You knew you were staring but you didn’t care. His eyes were closed you didn’t miss the chance to stare. To your defense, look at him, he was handsome and an amazing person. Everyone would stare!
“You’re staring.”, Yoongi said, his eyes still closed. He could feel your eyes on him.
“N-no, I’m not!”, you told him, your face reddening.
His eyes opened and he looked straight at you. “Are you sure? Your face is flushed. Is that because I caught you staring?”, Yoongi smirked.
“Shut up, okay?”, you said. You took out your sketching book. “Now stay there, I’ll draw you.”
Yoongi looked at you. You looked beautiful in this moonlight. The moonlight illuminated your features. While concentrating on drawing him, he also started staring. He thought that you looked cute while concentrating. You bit your lip while drawing and suddenly Yoongi couldn’t look away.
“Can you-?”, before you could finish your sentence, you noticed that he was staring. At your lips. “Uh, Yoongi?”
“Huh?”, he came back to his senses. “Oh sorry, I guess I zoned out.”, he said sheepishly and scratched his head.
“Yeah…sure.”, you said and gave him a sweet smile. “Here, have a look at the rough sketch.”, you showed him your sketch. “I will draw this for you and you can hang it in your studio in Seoul. As a reminder that you have a friend in Daegu waiting for you.”
Yoongi suddenly felt hot. Friend. A realization hit him and he knew that he didn’t want to just be friends with you. Another realization was that he had to leave soon. It has been three weeks already. He didn’t know how time passed so quickly.
“I… I don’t want to leave you though.”, he gathered the courage to tell you this. “Why don’t you come with me? To Seoul?”
You smiled at him and took his hand. “Thank you for the offer, but no. I like Daegu.”
Yoongi’s heart started beating at a speed that he didn’t know hearts could do. He liked your touch. “But… I could arrange something for you. Really, why don’t you give it a try?”, he didn’t know why he was trying to convince you so desperately.
No. He knew exactly why he was trying to convince you.
“Yoongi… Really. I’m fine here.”, you looked at him with a confused expression. “Are you okay? You seem a bit… I don’t know… sad?”
He couldn’t lie to himself anymore. He knew that he liked you. “Y/N. Look at me.”
You did. Your gaze was full of warmness, admiration and… something else. He couldn’t figure out what though. “What’s wrong?”, you whispered.
Then you noticed that it started snowing. It wasn’t heavy snow but it became windy very quickly. Yoongi moved closer to you after noticing that you started shivering a little. “I don’t know what I’m doing honestly…”
Your heart started beating out of your chest. You were close to Yoongi but never this close. He was confusing you. “Yoongi…”, you whispered.
He put a hand on your cheek and caressed it. “Y/N… I don’t think that I can stay away anymore.”, he told you and pressed his forehead on yours.
“Then don’t stay away.”, you closed your eyes, waiting for him to make a move.
Yoongi was never in such a situation before becoming an idol. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this. For once he forgot about being Suga of BTS. He was Min Yoongi, a guy from Daegu who just wanted to kiss the girl in front of him. You weren’t a girl from a club. You were Y/N, a girl he never forgot about. A girl he cared about, a lot.
He leaned forward and kissed you. You knew that he was about to kiss you but it still took you by surprise. Your body temperature was even hotter than before and suddenly you didn’t feel any of the cold wind blowing around you. Yoongi grabbed your face with both of his hands and pulled you even closer to him.
The kiss was better than everything you have imagined. You always thought that books and movies exaggerated the first kiss with someone you liked. If kissing someone felt like this, then you were sure that the “fireworks” described in those books were real. The soft feeling of his lips left you quickly.
Quicker than you thought.
“I’m sorry…”, Yoongi was caught in the moment. Reality caught up with him. What was he doing? But then he looked in your eyes.
He didn’t recognize the third thing in your eyes. But now he knows. It’s love. “Don’t apologize.”, you said. But before Yoongi could say anything else, you grabbed his shirt and pulled him back to you and kissed him again.
Yoongi immediately responded to the kiss. Maybe just for tonight, he could enjoy this. Just the two of you and your lips against his.
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You walked home together, Yoongi’s hand in yours. “I could get used to this…”, you said and smiled at him.
Yoongi knew that you shouldn’t get used to his and you knew that as well. Then you let go of this hand. “I know that we can’t be together… But I’m still grateful for the time we got to spend together. I am also happy that I could express my feelings towards you.”, you said with a sad smile.
Yoongi sighed. “I wish it wasn’t like this. There is no one else that I would rather be with.”, he said and sat down at the doorstep of his house.
“Yoongi, please don’t beat yourself up about this. We go our own ways. Maybe one day, we’ll find back to each other.”, you assured him and sat down next to him. “Pinky promise that we will find each other, no matter where we are?”, you held your pinky finger towards him.
He hooked his pinky finger around yours. “Promise. I want you to be the next big fashion designer, alright? And if we are still single after that… we can see what the future holds for us.”
You nodded, tears falling on your face. It was the best for the two of you. You knew that now was not the time to be together. But you were sure that the time would come. “Yes. I like the sound of that.”
Yoongi stood up and held his hand in your direction to help you up. “We still have this night. Let’s make the best out of it.”, he smiled at you and you went inside.
You spent your last night cuddling and talking. Time flew and you didn’t sleep at all. For the first and last time, you spent the whole night like a couple. You acted like last night didn’t happen. You had to. The feeling of losing him was there and it was scary. But this time you had closure. Yoongi knew about your feelings and you knew his feelings.
Your timing was off this time but the right time would come where you could be with him. His departure was painful and you were sure that you hugged him for at least an hour. You even kissed him when no one was looking. But after he left, it felt like a part of you left with him.
He was gone and so was old Yoongi. After arriving in Seoul, he was inspired to produce and write music. The club visits became less and less frequent until he never really felt like partying. There were no scandals and suddenly everything around him was very calm. He knew now that there were people behind him. People who supported him no matter what. His bandmates, his fans, his family and most importantly: you.
He would feel your connection even though you were all the way back in Daegu. The right time would come. But when?
Only time will tell.
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incarnateirony · 5 years
*chef's kiss* Your "honk honk" seems of a different... attitude. I can't help but think you got information, and I wonder if it's the "‘Supernatural’ Boss on Season 15’s ‘Chance to Let Both Boys Be the Star of Their Own Story’" interview on Variety. If it's nothing, that's cool. If it's something else, I'm intrigued. Most of all, /if/ you write something about it, I/we always love hearing your thoughts. 🤡🤡
Hokay so this is going to be difficult to write out, because I do want to clear this up. Given, it took considerably longer than I intended, a few life kidnappings and one really strong IPA later, so if I get rambly, forgive me, I’m kinda buzzed.
That said, arrogant as it may sound, I’ve been told many times that people take me as a sort of seat of common sense and realism in this fandom, and “honk honk” can have many readings, so let me explain where I’m at in regards to the show, our canon, DeanCas and everything in this tangled web.
For those somewhat new to my blog, I didn’t really “ship it” until season 13, episode 5-6; I’d argue myself in reverse that my foundation was shaken by 12.19 in reverse, so put it somewhere in that time frame. Before that, I simply defended the validity and, frankly, sanity of Destiel fandom for seeing what they saw after years of them being gaslit, times confusion spawned from fandom levels that birthed all kinds of weird bitterness.
I kept it at arms length because realistically, on a production level, it just wasn’t a thing until somewhere in the ballpark of S12, which is when I joined fandom, and for a reason I will continue to vague blog about but I think some people have picked up on.
Even still, I have always endorsed being mindful of ones’ own emotions and expectations, and despite my honk honk, that still floats as a background element to everything I am about to say.
The TL;DR is that, quite frankly, any babbling about marketing or production issues aside, since season 14, Andrew Dabb has been seriously fucking my head up. Seriously.
I don’t know how long you’ve been with me, Nonnie; but early S14 I started blogging about the God of Control, Ialdaboath, Abraxas and other shit but also said I had no faith in it since in S11 already the network shut down killing god for fear of pissing off the fundies, and still, making him the villain holds about the same effect even if cruising on technicality. I built entire meta series pondering the pattern and direction of our canon, laying out how it was due to be Chuck, in reflection of Yellow Eyes and the sins of the Father, and then Dabb turned around and smacked my reservation out of my mouth in 14.20.
I spent hiatus blogging on about the next alchemical step being death of the relationship for birth of something new by Art and Lovers arcana; I referenced that old meta project, but spent equal time dismissing the balance of it, too Destiel, too front facing, to not expect it at all. Season 15 turns around smacking us with divorce and marriage shit all around and knocked that reservation out of my mouth too.
I blogged about Belphegor and patterns having a DeanCas breakup by 15.03 within mythology, but not to expect it to be forward facing; and ep 3 was so loud TVG and soap reporters started calling a spade a spade. Dabb knocked that reservation out of my mouth.
Structurally speaking, we continue to tread forward into louder and louder territory, and any time I try to apply any form of reservationist logic to it, Dabb cockslaps me into the dirt so hard I don’t know what to call logic anymore.
The interview may be part of it, for sure, but full honest I’ve been honking since before that.
Now, what “honking” is lacks a specific goalpost. As someone fully at peace with the level of effort our crew has been giving us beyond restrictions, as someone respecting the low key textuality plugged into this season even if it failed to meet “good representation” boundaries as people have identified, or the performative release anyone’s after, I have no specific expectation beyond:
It’s going to get louder. It’s going to get harder, and harder to miss. And they aren’t shy about it anymore.
When it comes to corporate level shenanigans, there’s other things at play; some associated with certain topics I vagueblog about; others less vaguebloggy but related, like the WB losing 5 of its and its sister companies’ CEOs in the last year and complete corporate turnover that led to Pedowitz’s recent promotion to make CW more self-standing without babysitting as much by its parent company (not even minding the CBS-facing Moonves disaster which makes it 6 in CW’s blast radius).
Whether it be the first-female-WB-CEO making a change in how the business is handling its business decisions and marketing decisions, or simple “Forgotten Child Syndrome” that has given Dabberens the right to get away with everything but murder, in all we know of the crew, and all we see, the direction is only one thing: Louder.
And for that, I’ll gladly honk to death right now.
This crew is taking it as far as they can, and I will gladly blast the circus music announcing them in their wake.
We have truly reached a “roll the dice” point, which at no other point in history have we been at a horizon of beyond the curtain. We could still turn up snake eyes. That’s fine. Or we could nat 20. Or it could be a tepid 10. But the fact that the dice are rolling at all – honk honk.
I don’t know what’s real or logic anymore at this point, it’s one big muddy mess. So I may as well enjoy the ride, throw the dice, honk my heart out and see just how far these fuckers manage to sling us. 
But if I could get in a TARDIS and zap back to season 7 fandom and try to tell them what was going on, right here, season 15, the final season, with Dean and Cas, everybody would tell me I was on crack or full of shit, and that’s the kind of perspective this bitter ass fandom desperately needs to wrap their heads around and hands over rather than being lost to waves of irrelevant arguments.
I mean let’s look at S8-9 fandom that weren’t paying attention to the production curve at the time. A large sum convinced themselves it was “going to go canon”. But where, when, how? What was canon? They didn’t know, they just knew they got mad when a corp exec went “dafuq is a Destiel” in sum, because he was rightfully blindsided and everybody went bananas and didn’t come down from it since. If you had asked them then what “going canon” meant, you’d get a million different answers much less explanations why they thought it, some being really bizarre meta about fish or other RANDOM shit that literally makes you go “the FUCK?”.
And that has plagued the DeanCas community ever since, frequently addressed as “moving goalposts”, wherein person just needs XYZ and then it happens so somebody else makes a new thing they want and so on into eternity.
But as of late I’ve noticed a large, and I mean large section of fandom has detected certain patterns in Dabb era and have pretty unilaterally set an idea– for example, fandom has come to realize Korrasami, right down to the handholding, seems to be putting off beacons and pulses in the show time and time again. It’s not the loud rep some want, but a great deal of people are out here, seeing this groundwork laid down. There’s a how and a where and a when and I really can’t think of any other time in the history of this fandom that’s actually been in conversation, and I don’t think fandom has really grokked that as a difference, as well. 
Because it’s, for the first time, actually been handled like a genuine potential. How far that potential goes is up in the air, but it’s no longer punch line subtext or weird “oops I tripped and fell in the gay” shit. It’s not even just lowkey background parallels. It’s entire goddamn story arcs crafted front and center with loud cultural resonances, partial text level breaking dynamics and more, just lacking the affirmative sentiments people want– and suddenly, fandom actually has a formulative idea of what those sentiments might look like in the show.
And that my friends? That’s different.
Honk honk.
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The work life balance: Maternity Leave (Diary Entry/Long Post)
It’s a huge blur looking back from pregnancy to date, with kiddo being 4 months now. I ended up extending mat leave. I’m now (kinda) determined to start blogging about one of the biggest questions asked about medical training - is there work life balance and what is it like? 
Going to start with the topic of maternity leave. (This will be a personal view - so would love see what other parents in healthcare (or any profession) think about it and what their experiences have been)
A huge eye opener for me was actually watching netflix series: Sex Explained and Explained episode on women (which can be seen here for free). The gender pay gap in our generation is explained incredibly well - and boils down to women taking time off to be primary caregivers for children. I recommend watching those episodes as they’re fun, short and simply but smartly explained.
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Image source: https://thenewdaily.com.au/finance/finance-news/2020/01/31/gender-pay-gap-new-low/
Okay. So. Maternity leave is paid parental leave usually given to the primary caregiver. Only one country in the western world that I’m aware of gives significant paternal and maternal leave - Iceland. Everywhere else, only the primary caregiver gets extended parental leave from 3 months up to a year (pay is less if you go beyond 3 months). Most of the time, mom’s are the primary caregivers, whether due to cultural norms or the fact that breastfeeding requires the mom be there most of the time. 
The other parent generally get 1 week to 2 weeks off from the day the kid is delivered. That’s it. Everyone’s reaction to this has been what-in-the-hell. This was devastating for me and my other half - as I needed his support and he would be missing out so much of our baby’s life. 
It also sets us up nicely for the gap to begin, if you watch the netflix series. We both graduate from medical school the same year, but as I take off necessary time from training, he won’t. (Is it stressful being alone with an infant while your other half works full time? Absolutely. It wasn’t as terrifying as I anticipated, it’s doable, but it’s really hard while you and the baby adjust to being alone). 
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Image source: Cleveland clinic - also has great parenting advice.
That said, there are friends of me where the parents alternate taking time off, the mom starts off in the first year of life. The Dads often take the 2nd year off. This applies to also medical couples that we know. (If they both have exams, the mom delays her exams one year, the Dad finishes his, then take time off for her to do hers. This is easier said than done, particularly if there’s 2 small kids involved). 
With approaching mat leave with hospital administration, after I found out we were pregnant I wasn’t sure how workforce/admin would react. So, the first thing I did was contact a work colleague who recently had a baby (we were working together while she was pregnant). I asked her how she approached it. 
Generally, you have to have worked within a health service for a year to be entitled to parental leave - that is to say, they cannot fire you and you’re able to retain your job when you return. 
Many people I know take a minimum of 6 months off (less pay than 3 months) and a year. 
While I was pregnant this seemed a long time. Surely I wouldn’t need that much time? Even workforce (they all have small kids) said that I too, will want those 6 months if not a year. They recommended I chat to the other moms in my program. 
They said the same, they thought they’d only need 3 months off (we’re all eager to finish training as women without kids) but were encouraged to start with 6 months. In the end, post kid - they all felt that returning to work after 6 months was too soon, and ended up taking 9 to 12 months. The more senior doctors also suggested a year off. Even my obstetrician (a mom of 4) kept asking if I ever considered a year off. The idea that you don’t want to miss out time with them. From studying paeds in med school, we know full well that those initial years of development are so vital to setting up a foundation for the rest of their lives. 
What everyone consistently said was that work will always be there. Time with your children at a young age won’t be. 
The flip side to this is that not all women necessarily will want to be away from work that long. I thought I would be in that category. 
Post for another day - but your whole brain gets reprogrammed once you become a parent, particularly, a primary caregiver (whether mom or dad). I’ve had friends who’ve cried when parental leave ended as it’s that hard to be away. When you go through the hell of hourly feeds, sleep deprivation etc, the bond goes deeper, you feel that they need you. And at the end of you, you really need them. This wasn’t something that really sunk in for me until suddenly I was near the end of mat leave, and then I realized I wasn’t ready to go back. 
However, I have other friends who chose to go back sooner in part time capacity. They couldn’t afford to take time off. In this career however, it meant that they went onto full formula feeding. It was too hard to keep up with pumping for an infant needs and resident workload. (On a busy day, we hardly have time to eat or use the toilet, I can’t imagine finding time to get to the pump room, get the pump out and sit there for 10-30 mins). I envy them that they returned to work, and their kids seem by comparison to mine - more gentle and malleable in personality (they tolerate daycare pretty well). I think one mom I know managed to keep up with pumping, but she returned to work when her kid was already on solids. 
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Image source and also good resource on pumping and returning to work.
Now that I am a parent to a young kid, I do prefer the idea of part time and job sharing. Even though that will mean longer training, less pay (greater gender gap) etc. etc. I do wish that our laws and regulations were less punishing on the other parent. They are antiquated to be blunt. We should be allowed paid parental leave for either gender so that parents can alternate looking after small kids full time at home. 
Ultimately, kids want time with their parents above all else. Even babies - you can buy them a toys and they wouldn’t care about them as much as interacting with you.
That said, I don’t judge those who choose either to be full time at work or full time mom’s. Either will have its rewards and both are hard, requiring sacrifice. I completely understand the draw to both. 
I think it’s a tragedy that different facets of society look down on either full time working moms or stay at home mom’s. I think it’s unfair there is a pay gap and working part time will mean blows to your career progression (even though to put it bluntly, you are working less hours). 
Is there a middle path where you are rewarded for both continuing to work while avoiding being away from your kids most of the working week? 
One answer to having a better juggle is perhaps telehealth in the future. The ability to work at home I think is already life changing in some careers and I can’t imagine how much of a shift it would make in medicine. With Covid19, we’re already seeing a huge shift towards, it’ll be interesting to see how this will evolve further. I’m not saying telehealth should replace face to face medicine, but it should be utilized more. 
Going to try to post at least once or twice a week, if only to maintain some sense of sanity with a 4 month old. 
See you in the reblogs if you have any questions or have your experiences to share.
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