#sorry i was two days late in answering
yumedoca · 5 months
Heres a ransdom thought experiment
Yoy are now rumiko takashi writing UY , what is a story beat youd chamge or just a story youd like to read as you have control of the characters
Hai there, hope you're doing great!!
Yay, I love questions like these!! Thank you for the ask anon and here we go ;)
Ryunosuke. Just mostly Ryunosuke, haha. I've never actually found her dad's joke of preventing Ryu from getting what she wants funny and it was more irksome than anything, and it sucked cuz Ryunosuke's great! But what's worse is that she never gets a proper resolution about her feminine wants (even though that was the main point of her character in the first place) and it was just dropped and ignored in the end, so it never felt like her character got a true resolution. I feel like a good way to write Ryu would be to keep the relationship with her dad the same for the most of her story. And then in her last few chapters have them talk out and be in proper understanding for once. Shigeru Chiba, Mr. Fujinami's remake voice actor (and Megane in the old anime), states his view on his character in his character comments:
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(Also Shout-out to Shigeru Chiba, he's awesome. He's just so great lol, literally the guy ever.)
And the idea of Ryu's dad raising Ryunosuke to be male because he doesn't want her to leave him is a great idea!! I'd make it like that's the true reason why he does it and somehow they're pushed into a corner where he's forced to admit it to Ryu. He has shown to genuinely care at least a little about her (I'm pretty sure he protected her from the boys of class 2-4 that time she lost her chest wrap) despite how he usually acts. So have them reconcile, have Ryunosuke say she'll stay with her dad if he accepts her for who she is and have him accept her feminity as a result and allow her to act and dress the way she wants. Boom! Problem solved, both sides win and Ryu's dad is made more likeable while Ryunosuke's story has a proper conclusion.
RyuNagi. It's still about Ryunosuke, I know lmao. Anyway, I've discussed how I feel about the ship and other stuff about it here (read it if you haven't so what I say about them would make more sense). It's a bit all over the place discussing various stuff about them but I'll just copy-paste the bit where I talk about how it could be done better..
It had so much potential. Nagisa had to be introduced much earlier and they should've had more chapters together. Maybe, they could've made Nagisa and Ryunosuke discuss and bond over their stupid upbringing, maybe Nagisa could feel bad for Ryu, after hearing how much she wants to be a proper woman and how much her dad stopped her from enjoying herself and maybe help her enjoy things that her dad didn't allow her to (Christmas, Chocolates, etc.) and Ryunosuke fully falls for him because of his kindness... Then their romance would've felt even more natural.
I think the RyuNagi growth would take place before Ryunosuke's reconciling with her dad in case you want a timeline and by that time Ryu would properly be into Nagisa so the romance between them still stays, even after her being effeminate.
Introduce Inaba a bit earlier and give him another storyline with Shinobu. I feel like we still don't know much about Inaba and his dynamic with Shinobu entirely and that's like my only issue about Inaba and InaShino really, so have a storyline after they started dating where we can see how they bounce off each other and truly show that they're perfect couple, idk I just want more cute stuff for them, maybe Shinobu stands up for Inaba when the other bunnies bully him, maybe we get to know more about Inaba's interests and hobbies and maybe we can have the gag stuff be silly interactions between them and maybe Ataru (and Lum) spying on them or something idk.
Give great characters who don't have much spotlight what they need. Oyuki is a good example of this since she appears the least among Lum's alien friends. I saw someone online state that Kurama should've been brought back later on, instead of just disappearing, and could've attempted to mate with Tobimaro or Shingo; and I totally agree with it.. For the former, it could worked as an Asuka plotline and could've been a great arc and for the latter, it could be chaotic since Shingo doesn't know how to respect women. These two are the main examples but there may be others..
And that's all that comes to mind now. These are like the major, main ones and there might be others but they're probably incredibly minor or I just forgor about them..
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teastarfall · 5 months
Hear me out-
This image but with Six and the hunter
(Ya don't have to draw it, just so you know)
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lol ik you said i didn’t have to redraw it but it kept making me giggle,,, i had to,,
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spacebubblehomebase · 4 months
What app and what pencil do you use :3?
(I send u big hugs and hav a nice day :D♡)
Hehe. (Hugs back. I like hugs. XD) I believe someone else had a similar question before! I made this art then too to demonstrate how I use, Ibis Paint. The free beginner friendly drawing app! (No I'm not sponsored-) And as for the "pens", I usually go for the default brushes. As in the first basic ones you find on the app! ^v^ I've been promoting this idea for years and I'll never get tired of saying it! While fancier equipment IS nice, skills can ultimately outclass tools any day! =D In fact, sometimes limiting yourself can hone your creativity as it forces you to work with what you have and invent new ways of experimenting with materials that are often overlooked! That's how I learned. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ -Bubbly💙
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little-pup-pip · 15 days
Happy birthday!!!!
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Thank you!! This picture is so cute!!
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derpinette · 7 months
whenever a guy approaches me i start wishing i had a giant forehead tattoo that reads "I AM NOT & WILL NEVER EVER BE INTERESTED LEAVE ME ALONE PERMANENTLY" so i could flash it at them
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skydreamplayzz · 7 months
*staring at your art for no reason*
Hi! Hope I'm not bothering you! What ya doing?
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Not bothering at all, I'm just at home <:
I'm playing some games, and I'm learning for a exam on monday. ^^" I wanna draw but I can't concetrate when I get dizzy like every 5 minutes- It's annoying. And you ? (if ya wanna respond)
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oldmaniel · 1 year
Any speculations/wishlist regarding old maniel being psychosexually tortured by Armand in s2 or s3?
Mine are eric better start taking on yoga n hoping he gets at least a few smooches
this is a place for sexual fantasies, for me
So, in an ideal world. We would see Daniel rail Louis from behind, while Armand instructs and watches from his cuck chair. Full on Eric's ass out.
Or, imagining if Armand is evil enough to get Daniel hooked on vampire blood/getting fed on again. Then, a kind of "choose your own torture" scenario would be lovely. "Either do X and get my blood, or do Y and get fed on, or be an insolent bitch and suffer while watching me do it to someone else."
But, alas, this won't happen.
So what I would wish for in terms of psychosexual torture, beyond the sexiness, the roleplay, and feeding scene we have already seen, would be a sort of natural escalation.
Armand now seems to be head of house/daddy dom rn, and of course Daniel will be an asshole of a brat, at least at first. So, to control his boy, Armand might give him glimpses.
Maybe glimpses of himself as a younger man, vulnerable and submissive to Armand.
Giving Daniel sadistic visions of some kind when Daniel is being rude (multiple ideas arise).
Kissing/Making out with Louis in front of Daniel's Salad, or feeding on a third, while looking at Daniel, getting into his head, talking to him.
Making Daniel feel trapped like a lab rat; maybe by watching him sleep, controlling his dreams, forbidding him from leaving the penthouse, maybe even trapping him in a room.
(Look, I am not a writer, so it is hard to come up with specifics, and I don't necessary expect any of this to happen.)
The thing I do really hope to happen is:
it is implied that Louis had sex with Daniel when the first interview happened, and that Louis would still be down
some sort of strong implication of Armands romantic feelings towards Daniel by way of paralleling a flashback with present day Dubai
my dream would come true if they would argue because Daniel is mouthing off as usual without regard for his safety and he pushes Armands button so that he gets thrown around and pinned against a wall and threatened really sexily while there is tension and they could kiss or Armand could kill Daniel but he won't you know the typical cliché looking at his lips thing... ("I should kill you." "Then why don't you?") you know what I mean
Let me say this much: If Eric doesn't get properly smooched by season 3, I will be VERY disappionted.
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rileys-battlecats · 1 year
popping in to say, im gonna be pretty gone for the next few days lol, im picking up the new zelda tomorrow and that's going to consume my brain i can already tell
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
happy wincest wednesday! a stanford era q for u: continuity error or not, it was established that sam and dean hadnt spoken for two years rather than four. what do you think happened to make this so? Do you think it has anything to do with why Dean said in the finale that he was afraid Sam would tell him to get lost or get dead?
heyyyyy bud happy wincest wednesday (a week later, cough -- oh my god what is this everyone tag on the post creator? what? okay I'll try to move past it-- )
yeah I think they're related.
I prefer not to take the 'two years' thing as a continuity error. There's no real need to? In general, it's fun to try to take what the characters say as fact and just roll with them, because often that creates a pretty interesting story on its own. Now, Sam's actual amount of time at Stanford doesn't make a ton of sense on its own, w/r/t when his birthday is, that it was only November 2005 when everything starts -- but whatever. The two years/four years thing is still rad.
We're never told that Dean didn't talk to Sam for four years -- that means that at some points in Sam's freshman & sophomore years, they were still talking. And then we're told that Dean hasn't "bothered" him in two -- and that also means that Dean knows it's two years, more or less specifically, which means that Dean's been aware of that time passing whether or not Sam has. It's not like he just showed up like 'oh hey haven't talked to little bro in a while' -- he knows it's two years, and he knows that Sam will be hostile to his showing up, and then with the extra finale context he's scared that Sam will just slam the door in his face. [that sound you hear is my high pitched wailing.] No wonder he doesn't call and breaks in, to make sure Sam won't get the opportunity for at least that initial refusal.
Maybe this is unsatisfying but I don't actually have a strong hc for what happened to create that divide. I do like to headcanon (...or maybe this is actual canon) that Sam started dating Jess right around that two year mark, and therefore his spare time was taken up with girlfriend. And then from there, it is very easy to imagine Dean calling on the road somewhere in South Carolina, trying to stay awake by bothering his little brother, but in the three hour time difference Sam's on a date with this killer blonde and he silences his phone so as not to interrupt. And then maybe Dean's in Maine and he calls Sam because he's bored on a stakeout and Sam's watching a movie with his new maybe-he-can-call-her-his-girlfriend, and he misses that call, too. And then maybe the next time they do talk, Dean's kinda snippy-bitchy because, damn, you avoiding my calls?, and Sam's kinda snippy-bitchy back because, no, but he does have a real life, Dean, he isn't just waiting around for random VH1 Behind the Music trivia. And so maybe the next time Dean thinks to call, nursing his stitches in a motel room somewhere in Texas, he decides not to. Don't want to bother big time college boy, does he. And then maybe Sam hasn't heard from Dean in a while, and he actually makes the initial call, but that time Dean's with John and sees the name come up on the screen and doesn't want to start a fight, and Sam hears it go to voicemail and thinks, fine.
Just that. Drifting apart, because that's what happens. You think someone's going to be there your whole life and then they're not. And then it's easy to think, well, maybe they're not interested. And then maybe you get mad, and then you get sad, and then you have this weird simmering unresolved something. And then two years pass.
Can I just say: oof. In some ways I find that to be way more sad than other versions -- like a big fight they had, or some intense interaction (I know a lot of people like to imagine first time Stanford sex in there), or whatever. But in this way -- this fairly realistic way -- it's not the big violent knife cut that leaves a clean edge and bleeds and maybe you can stitch it up; it's instead like... idk, erosion, or accidentally grating off a big layer of skin. Hard to patch up easy. Lots of little painful edges that can't get fixed all in one go. Fantastic fic fodder, that way. :)
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torchickentacos · 5 months
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to 10 of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! 💖💖💖 (no pressure<3)
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
done with the second worst part of cleaning, i have vacuumed
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wejustvibing · 1 year
Speaking of Lewis' growth, in retrospect 2008 was the most significant year of his life. Many people have addressed the dress incident but few remember that he didn't want to extend public support to the blm movement by kneeling. Not trying to make excuses but he was visibly struggling with his identity, struggles that were a product of his upbringing and environment. The more he struggled, the more his resentment simmered, finally reaching a boiling point in 2018. What I am proud of was his immediate willingness to learn from his mistakes and free himself from the shackles of awful colorblind rhetoric and toxic masculinity. After 2018, he seems to have attained a certain degree of freedom and comfort within himself, he is happier and more confident.
if i remember correctly he didn't refuse but he was in fact stopped from extending public support, he very much wanted to? he's expressed regret for not resisting harder then. and yeah, he's definitely struggled. it's not at all easy existing and excelling in places where you're the first and only one. you tend to do things to mask your "otherness" just to fit in sometimes. so yeah, i agree. i'm glad he's come into his own, actively working on his own toxic traits. it's been the best thing to witness. i think his success has also helped him greatly in commanding certain situations and driving things in the direction he wants them in. along with personal growth it's also where the freedom and comfort comes from (i think). also merc's willingness to support his initiatives (doesn't matter their intention) has only made it stronger.
and nobody is perfect i mean. that'd be boring as hell. he has his flaws but he strives for perfection and doesn't hesitate in admitting his mistakes and working on himself to be a better person. and that makes him so relatable (to me). makes him human
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basil-is-adorbs · 2 years
thoughts on sunny and basil in suits/wedding dresses
Aaaaaahhhhhh awnedksbdkd!! <- this is my thought about that! Haha but for real they can wear whatever for their wedding and look awesome and adorable and pretty in it! Both in suits? YES! Both in dresses! YES! One wearing dress and another wearing suit? YES! 👏
But if had to choose though, and I only could choose one alternative, I would have Basil in a dress and Sunny in a suit. I imagine Basil wearing dresses more than Sunny would, but they would both look so adorable and handsome omg!! I love them so much!!! 👏🌸💕
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pardonmydelays · 1 year
Hi Kami. How are you doing today?
i actually had a fantastic weekend, because my bestie was here. now i'm trying to get some rest because im going back to work tomorrow so im a little bit sad :( i hope you are doing fine tho! and thank you for asking, sending hugs 🫂
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inkykeiji · 1 year
girl im the same way, I just dont like oral... and I hate when anyone says oh you just never had anyone who was good at it... like no lmao ive had some body-jolting orgasms from getting eaten out but its not my kink you know??? not saying oral is a kink but like it is when you get soaking wet from sucking ur mans dick cause u get off from getting them off. wait does that make sense??? lmao
yeah exactly!!! i’ve said this before on my blog but like for meee personally it’s that i don’t like/enjoy having all the attention on me—i’d rather please than be pleased. i get off more on being used as a toy than being pleasured; having all that attention on me and on my sole pleasure kinda makes me uncomfortable HAHA >.< so i totally get what you mean!!! i also get super wet whenever my man’s cock is in my mouth ehehehe ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) anyway it’s purely a personal preference thing; it just isn’t for me/isn’t my cup of tea!
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aq2003 · 1 year
Ten thinks that he’s like Kilgrave, because he’s so filled with grief and regret he sometimes can’t see himself as anything but a monster.
Kilgrave thinks that he’s like Ten, powerful and admired, because he can’t comprehend how his actions would be perceived otherwise.
Contrasting the two characters could be an interesting thought experiment, but good lord who the hell thinks that there are any similarities beyond surface level stuff?
Even the Time Lord Victorious would never do what Kilgrave does.
i think the number one difference between the two is that ten is like. always motivated by other people whether that be his love for his companions, whatever insanity he has going on w simm!master, or just in general his drive to help others (bc that's the doctor, that's who he is). kilgrave is basically exclusively motivated by vapid selfish desires and what can fulfill him in the current moment. jessica makes him play the hero for one minute and he thinks it's stupid the entire time and the only thing he gets out of it is the thanks he's given from the people he saves. and yea time lord victorious is incomparable to him bc it started bc a driven-slowly-insane-with-isolation ten could not bear to see more people die and the minute he confronts the consequences of his actions it falls apart in front of him
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