#ryusei and koyuki?
childrenofthesun77 · 7 months
Considering that tokyo is getting kind of wrecked right now I'm sure it can be arranged for mahiru and the other teenage eves to get a break after the final fight, but right now it's the 30th of august in the manga and doesn't that mean that summer break is over soon?😅
Imagine going through about three months of constant serious drama and fights, trying to save people from dying and attempting to end a conflict that has been brewing for centuries...and then you have to go back to school.
And mahiru's school is still destroyed so what school will he go to now? Will he become a student at misono's school? Then misono would finally have a friend there and with mahiru now knowing about his family ties to C3 I don't see why he shouldn't go there.
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cloloveflower2 · 11 months
Mahiru: Come in guys.
Ryusei: men it sure feels like forever since we last came at your house.
Koyuki: ya you've been very busy lately mahiru-chan.
Mahiru: hahaha well you know me....I'll go get some water...*goes in the kitchen*
Mikuni: * jump in through the window* hey mahiru make me some pasta....
Mikuni: this is a bad time I'll come back later *jump out the window*
Koyuki: someone broke through the window
Mahiru: what happened why are you screaming!
Koyuki: someone broke in asking for pasta..
Mahiru:..I don't know who that was..
Ryusei: but he call you by name
Mahiru: umm..that's..my...stalker
Ryusei and koyuki: WHA!??
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pengiechuu · 11 days
Servamp fanmade popularity poll results
Here are the results for the popularity poll I made last week!
18th place
Hugh - 1 vote
Marry - 1 vote
Yully - 1 vote
Sagami - 1 vote
Eisuke - 1 vote
Mitsuki - 1 vote
Hattori - 1 vote
Koyuki - 1 vote
Yoshimasa - 1 vote
Shirayuki - 1 vote
Yamane - 1 vote
Shifumi - 1 vote
Mikado - 1 vote
Hokaze - 1 vote
Mikage - 1 vote
17th place
Lilac - 2 votes
Crantz - 2 votes
Tiramisu - 2 votes
Junnichiro - 2 votes
Ryusei - 2 votes
Ophelia - 2 votes
16th place
Tetsu - 3 votes
Higan - 3 votes
Gilberto - 3 votes
Rayscent - 3 votes
Bad B - 3 votes
Good B - 3 votes
Cappuccino - 3 votes
Shuuhei - 3 votes
Yumikage - 3 votes
Tooru - 3 votes
Miyako - 3 votes
15th place
Guildenstern - 4 votes
Iori - 4 votes
Johannes - 4 votes
14th place
Misono - 5 votes
Belkia - 5 votes
Shamrock - 5 votes
Sensei - 5 votes
Akira - 5 votes
13th place
Touma - 6 votes
12th place
Ildio - 7 votes
11th place
Freya - 8 votes
Lily - 8 votes
Niccolo - 8 votes
Sakuya - 8 votes
Otogiri - 8 votes
10th place
Inner Kuro - 9 votes
Tsurugi - 9 votes
9th place
Izuna - 10 votes
Yotarou - 10 votes
8th place
Licht - 12 votes
7th place
Gear - 14 votes
6th place
Tsubaki - 15 votes
5th place
Mahiru - 17 votes
Hyde - 17 votes
4th place
Kuro - 22 votes
3rd place
Kiriko - 61 votes
2nd place
Jeje - 113 votes
1st place
Mikuni - 331 votes
Thank you to everyone who participated, it was fun to see who everyone picked!!!!
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kon-konk · 1 year
Out of curiosity, are vampires easy to notice and most humans are kinda oblivious, or are they actually kinda hard to figure out and C3 is just very good at their jobs?
Like, was Mahiru, Ryusei, and Koyuki just ignoring (either intentionally because “we’re friends, so what if he’s a bit off” or unintentionally) weird things about Sakuya over the time they knew him, or are the ways to properly identify (not the usual myth and legend, but the tried and true “this is a vampire” stuff) a vampire more on the side of niche knowledge, kept more in the magicians’ circles and C3?
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una-hive5 · 2 years
Have this funny comic idea (wont make it because ton of homeworks calling me) where Sakuya, Koyuki, Ryusei & Mahiru on their way to go home together until they bump into a group of female students gathering in circle. When they decided to walk to the other side, a familiar voice call Sakuya's name which he swear to god it's not the person he thinks they are.
F*cking Tsubaki.
The gals, and Sakuya's friends are confused whose this handsome young man that look like in their twenty. Mahiru is wondering if Sakuya is related to the young man because he knew Sakuya is an orphan. Before Sakuya can answer, the young man introduces himself as Sakuya's guardian.
And then boom. Both servamp in disguise flood with questions "is it true?" "How come you never introduced to us" "are you rich?" And then I forgot what happened. Last thing I remember the panel end with Sakuya pisses face glaring at Tsubaki and Tsu being Tsu.
The scene skipped to both in a car. Tsubaki ask if Sakuya is mad which he didn't replied. Sakuya, annoyed, ask why he came out of the blue. When he can just teleport to the hotel. Tsubaki reply playfully "I just want to experience what it feels to be a parent"
"You're not a good guardian, let alone a parents"
Tsubaki: hnng, based on my research, it's seems like a father need to have tasteless humor.
Belkia in the background: ehe~? you already have it, Tsubakyun☆
Tsubaki: ...
Belkia: ...
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
So the servamp role swap au, Ay?
thanks @bluelovestoship for letting me spit ball this nonsense to you, love you 💙
Exhausted 20 something older brother of 8 siblings Ash and feral as all fuck servamp of obsession Shiro/mahi
Shiro looks mid twenties, has serious gifted kid burnout. Picture a 20s radio host mixed with a prohibition bootlegger and that’s basically his aesthetic. Shiro keeps his spear in the form of an umbrella, for that sexy gentleman vibe.
It’s also another dragon mahi, bc I literally have no chill
Shiro wears nothing but suits and Ash has never worn anything over 30$
Ash works like 2 jobs and is in college. Give him a break. Lives alone in a flat, visits his siblings often.
the others vamp siblings are between 2 and 20.
I will take my twin headcanon to the grave (Fight me on this) so Ash and Tsubaki are twins. They have a good relationship, Tsu mainly takes care of the younger siblings.
Tsubaki x Sakuya bc it’s my keyboard and I can do whatever I want.
Servamp of lies Sakuya
Chaos servamps and their perpetually exhausted and concerned eves vs the C3
Subclass background boyfriends! Ryusei and koyuki being so done with Shiro’s obvious pining for his eve
That’s all I have right now. With update you if I have more brain worms.
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rkoradiopictures · 3 years
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faizakay · 4 years
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ca-3 · 5 years
Have you ever been asked about your thoughts on Koyuki x Ryusei from Servamp? You know Mahiru’s friends? When Ryusei got attacked by Belkia Koyuki didn’t leave his side once. You’ve also got the dynamic of short x tall as well as sports kid x softer boy. Sometimes I wonder if they’re secretly dating and we don’t find out till the very end of the manga.
I don’t think I have before..??? but yeah of course I remember them!!!
Although I’ve never really thought about shipping them before, maybe jokingly once? I kinda just see them as only friends at the moment. They would be pretty cute tho!  ❤ Who doesn’t love the soft tall and angry small dynamic as well~? 
I’m actually a bit sad the two of them aren’t included more in the story considering they are Mahiru’s actual childhood friends! So they’ve been a big part of Mahiru’s life up until now of course… But I’m sure they’re bonding a whole lot more now since they haven’t been able to see him in awhile. Who knows anon, maybe you’re on to something!!  😂 I wouldn’t be upset at all if they were secretly dating the whole time lmao 
On Ryusei’s wiki it literally says  “He is often seen with Koyuki.” a.k.a it’s illegal to separate them FFFFFFFf
Forgot all the other Servamp ships. Koyuki x Ryusei is end game  😂 😂 😂
I think the last chapter they were physically in was chapter… 40?? and then in Mahiru’s psychological mind trip in chapter 67… Strike also included them in one of Sakuya’s birthday doodles a little while ago, so they definitely haven’t forgotten them!! I think I would probably be more into them if we actually saw them more often but alas–
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I get why they are not in the story that much though, because yeah Mahiru didn’t want them to get involved with all the dangerous vampire stuff and wanted them to stay safe… Ryusei literally almost died and Koyuki is too faint of heart for all that “scary” stuff, so I understand Mahiru’s thinking. 
But I have a very very small belief they might become relevant again soon? 
It’s probably too much of a tangent considering how the story is going right now, but I think since Sakuya has finally come back into the main story and is technically on Team Servamp now…that Koyuki and Ryusei might show up again soon too? I want to believe Strike was hinting at a reunion with the panels of all the characters calling out other characters names CAUSE THEY INCLUDED MAHIRU, KOYUKI AND RYUSEI SAYING “SAKUYA” AND I’M STILL EMOTIONAL!!!
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 It’s just a little happy thought I have that Mahiru and Sakuya might have a small chance to catch up a bit and you know Mahiru would definitely be like: “You have to see Koyuki and Ryusei and apologize too!!!”  at some point. 
It would sure be really amusing to see Mahiru and Sakuya tell the two of them what’s been really going on this whole time and why they have both been either missing or super busy all the time. 
I just… want a little scene where Koyuki and Ryusei see Sakuya’s face again and then the rest of their memories come back to them and they’ll all be happy and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa!!!
But a girl can only dream right now. =v=) 
Thanks for asking anon! ✨💌
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aziuuu · 6 years
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They're so cute! ♥
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britishraptor · 6 years
Mahiru’s Bad Day
So...uh...I basically wrote a crack fic. But like, took it seriously? Crack taken seriously. Yes.
Fandom: Servamp
Characters: Ryusei, Koyuki, Mahiru, Kuro. Two sublcass OC’s I guess.
Summary: Mahiru has a bad day at school.
Warnings: slight OOC for Mahiru (cause he’s tired as hell), Memes.
Ever laughed so hard writing a fic you had to take a break so you could calm down enough to write a fic? Me.
Ryusei yawned, stretching his arms above his head as far as they could go. “Man, that lesson was the pits.” Grumbling under breath, he grabbed his booked and haphazardly shoved them into his background, before giving the room a cursory glance. Koyuki was packing up next to him, a mild smile and light tune bubbling from his lips as the other boy stood.
 “I swear, I don’t think I listening to half of that lesson!” Ryusei complained to his best friend.”It was so boring!”
 “I thought it was a little interesting,” Koyuki insisted hesitantly.
 “Interesting?! This is history! Those two words are like, the complete opposite of each other!” Ryusei replied dramatically, using a healthy dose of mock rage and arm waving for emphasis. Koyuki laughed lightly at his friend’s antics, before turning, eyes sweeping the room as the shorter student continued his complaints.
 “Do you think Mahiru will let me borrow his notes? He would, right? Mahiru is too nice for his own good, I swear.” Ryusei said suddenly.
 “Maybe that means you shouldn’t rely on his so much, then,” Koyuki teased. Ryusei pouted in response.
 “Where is Mahiru, anyway? Usually he meets up with us right away.”
 “Um…there. I think.” Koyuki pointed to an ominous figure sitting at a desk. Miasma seemed to saturate the air and nearby students seemed to subtly edge away. Brown ruffled hair was the only indication that the student had, at one point, been one Mahiru Shirota, as his face was thoroughly pressed up against the top of the desk.
 “Is he dead??!!!” Ryusei yelped. “Mahiru, Mahiru, stay with us! You can’t die! If you do, who’ll organise this year’s cultural festival?! Mahiru-sama!”
 The figure shifted sightly and a muffled string of words escaped where his face continued to press into the desk. The two took a step closer, ears straining.
 “What was that?” aske Koyuki politely.
 “I said,” Mahiru snapped, peeling himself from his desk, eyebrows twitching in rage. “Don’t call me that! And I’m not just a convenient excuse to slack off, ya know! Pull some weight!”
 “He’s alive!” Ryusei cheered. Koyuki however, frowned.
 “Mahiru,” he asked. “Are you okay?” Mahiru turned to look at his timid friend. Heavy bags hung beneath both eyes, and the twinkle of enthusiasm that normally dwelled there seemed dull. His skin was pale, and everything about him screamed ‘tired’! “You look a little unwell.” he tried.
 Mahiru’s left eye twitched.
 “I’m fine,” he sighed. “I’ve just had a lot on my plate lately.” He added.
 “You shouldn’t overexert yourself-” Koyuki began, before being interrupted by Ryusei.
“What could possibly wear out the great Mahiru-sama? You’re like, inexhaustible, a forever moving steam train of practicality!”
Mahiru stared at them, almost through them, actually, like he was looking beyond into the void itself.  
“Cats,” Mahiru said finally. “Cats and foxes and hedgehogs and stupid angels and mad scientists, and then my budget was  blown out the water because Kuro let the heater run all night, and now the athletics club needs new equipment so I have to do up a proposal for that, and the student council put me in charge of the bake sale, and I’m still behind the massive amount of schoolwork because THE SCHOOL BLEW UP and oh god its spring next week and I need to start cleaning, with the added stress of the fact that the whole apartment is just. Black cat fur everywhere, no one warned me about that and god-”
 “Woah, woah, woah, slow down. Your cat knows how to run the heater?”
 “MORE importantly,” Koyuki interjected, giving Ryusei a glare. “You sound ike you’re running yourself ragged, Mahiru. You’ve got to take care of yourself too. You’re our friend, remember? Don’t run yourself into the ground, and don’t forget,” he smiled encouragingly. “If you can’t ask your friends for help, what’s the point?”
 Mahiru stared at him for a moment before relaxing, and letting out a small, genuine smile. “Thanks, Koyuki. I needed that. But still,” he grumbled, pushing himself from behind his desk roughly. “If just one more thing goes wrong today, I,” he said venomously. “Will have a meltdown.”
  For the second time in a year, an explosion rocked the school. Ryusei let out a startled scream as plaster rained down from above, and his pen rolled off his desk.
 “What the hell?” he gasped. Never one to ignore his curiosity, he sprinted for the classroom door, ignoring the panicked call of his teacher, and flung it open. At the end of the hall, there was a hole in the wall. A big hole at that. And in that hole stood two people Ryusei could confidently say he had never met in his life.
One man was tall and spindly, wrapped in a thick gray cloak, with long greasy purple hair and glaring red eyes. The other was dressed in the standard denim jeans and green hoodie, with blonde hair and, again, red eyes. The first sneered at the faces of shocked students, while the other looked bored. Fangs flashed as one hissed and the other yawned.
 “Greetings!” the greasy haired one called. “Puny mortal high school students! Tremble before our might as your new vampire overlords!”
 “Oi, oi,” the blonde one scolded softly. “We’re stopping for a snack and to spread a little chaos. None of this ‘overlord’ crap. We can’t stay long anyway. Don’t want that brat’s friends to show up, after all.”
 “Ah, yes, the brat!” the other purred, eyes scanning the room. “The slavemaster of sleepiness, sloth’s servant’s master, the eve himself of the most unholy of sins-”
 “Would you shut up?!” the other snarled, hitting the other over the head. The dramatic act interrupted, the cloaked man whimpered.
 “What the hell,” whispered Ryusei. “What the actual hell. Did they say vampires? Are those teeth real?”
 “Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” The familiar voice had Ryusei whipping around in seconds. There stood Mahiru Shirota, tired eyes and white plaster lightly dusting his hair.
 “I,” he growled. “was in the middle of a math test. That I spent ALL NIGHT studying for.”
 “Mahiru,” Ryusei squeaked. That…was a very scary look on Mahiru’s face. Mahiru could lose his temper sometimes, but this was a whole ‘nother level. Oh yeah, someone was definitely going to die.
 “Um,” lost for words, Ryusei searched or a way to lighten the tension (it’s what he did best, after all). “I don’t suppose vampire hunting is one of your endless skills at all? Cause otherwise,” he joked, glancing back at the leering vampires. “I think you might want to sit this one out. Unless of course you’re planning on scolding them to death,” he added, laughing nervously.
 Mahiru was trembling. “One day. Just one day!” he muttered hysterically, slowly shuffling forward. A small meow drew both sets of eyes as Mahiru’s small black cat, appeared from nowhere, winding itself around the other students legs. And maybe Ryusei was going mad, because there was no other reason as to why there were vampires in the school and how that cat looked so concerned despite being, well, a cat.
 Mahiru suddenly smiled. Watching him go from enraged to smiling was quite literally the scariest thing Ryusei had ever seen. Including the vampires behind him and that car accident he’d supposedly been in.
 “You just stay right here, Kuro,” Mahiru chirped. “I’ll take care of it, don’t worry. This wont be hard. And I’ll just ask Lily to clean up after me, okay?”
 The cat looked vaguely horrified, if that was a thing. This cat, Ryusei decided, was very relatable.
 Mahiru began to stalk toward the two vampires, and, like a wave, the student body parted before him. Everyone knew Mahiru Shirota was the most responsible person around; of course they’d let him through. He’d know what to do. No one wanted to acknowledge the maniacal gleam in his eye.
 Soon enough, he stood before the two vampires. “Eh?” the blonde one blinked. “You’re that brat.” He noted.
 “Sorry,” Mahiru said lightly. The two blinked in confusion. “Normally, I’d much rather talk than fight. But,” saying this he pulled off the armband he always wore. “I am having a very bad day and that,” he said coldly. “Was a very important test.”
 A bright flash of blue light blinded the student body for a second. Ryusei quickly opened his eyes to see Mahiru, his best friend Mahiru holding a spear. A spear made of what looked like black electricity, of all things. And more importantly, the vampires? Looked. Terrified.
 Mahiru raised the spear, face blank but eyes dancing crazily, before he swung the swear like a baseball bat. The spear collided with the right vampire, pushing him into his partner with a grunt. Dust and wind exploded, and the two vampires screamed in terror, before they were rocketed backwards through the hole in the wall, launched almost faster than he could blink.
Adding to the surreal experience, some kid next to him laughed manically, and some thoughtful student in the back managed to shout ‘YEET!’ before the crowd began to disperse.
 Mahiru stood there silently for a moment, before tuning back to face the student body. A flash of light and the spear was gone, and a tattoo ringed the student’s wrist instead. Mahiru still looked tired, and somewhat strained. But the stiffness in his shoulders was gone, and no longer did the flames of wrath burn in his eyes. He made his way to Ryusei silently, before picking up his cat.
“That was fun,” he commented to the cat. “I’ll try not to do it again, and Sakaya and Tsubaki are going to be pissed, but it was fun.” The cat meowed. “I know it’s a pain. I can’t imagine trying to explain to Lily what happened. Ah well,” he sighed. “I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.”
 “What did you just say?” Lily asked, bewildered.
 “Mahiru yote two vampires out a window at his school.”
 “Kuro, it wasn’t a window, it was a hole in the wall, which they caused-”
 “You yote them?”
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childrenofthesun77 · 7 months
C3 seems to have covered up all past incidents, including the destruction of mahiru's school and their own headquarters, but the current events must make people aware of the existence of supernatural beings, right?
Imagine ryusei and koyuki finding out that their friend since elementary school hasn't spoken to them in months because he got caught up in a crazy vampire war and has been dealing with matters of life and death.
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cloloveflower2 · 10 months
Chapter 2
Ryusei pov:
As soon as we heard sakuya is back we rushed into the classroom, honestly we had so many questions like why did he suddenly change schools and then come back but most of all why couldn't anyone remember his face. Every time I  try to remember how he looks like my head start to hurt like crazy and there is this ringing sound that feels like it won't go away we you think about it.... so it was easier to just not think about at all....
The second  we walked in and saw his face I was relieved, koyuki looked relieved as well.....That's right this is his face...this is how he looks like....why did we forget....
" hey Jackass where have you been don't just leave and come back so suddenly without saying anything , you could have at least answer your pho- "suddenly a feeling of drowsiness took over me, I looked over at koyuki and he did not look that well but as soon as it came the drowsiness disappeared. Koyuki look at sakuya smiles and begin talking" welcome back sakuya-chan how did your visit at your relatives go, they live near the sea right? How was it did you go swimming?" It felt like he was going to keep going but was interrupted by sakuya's laughter " haha ya it was fun but I was attacked by a giant shark who tried to eat me ahh it was so scary but it's OK cause I faut it off...now how much off that was a lie ha- ouch mahiru that hurts" " shut up" mahiru said looking more annoyed that usually. Honestly this familiar scene was nice, sakuya spouting he usually nonsense and resiving a wack in the head for it by mahiru. Not that he will ever admit out loud but his glad sakuya back from his trip....that's right he just....went to visit some relatives for a while...." hey Ryusei are you just going to stand there class is going to call soon" I was snapped out off my thoughts by mahiru's usually yelling, geez he can be over the top some times     "geez alright no need to yell" I yelled back as I take my seat, lot long after the teacher arrives and starts the lesson and I try to pay attention to what his saying key word try. " hey ryusei hey" i heard a soft whisper next to me " what's up" I whispered back  "you might wanna pay attention if you want your grades to improve or are you content with that sad report card of yours" my seat mate laughed under their breath " oh shut up emma !!!!"
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pomfry · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Affectionate Insults, Domestic Fluff, Getting Together, First Kiss, Two Idiot Boys Figuring Things Out, Worried friends, Mahiru causes a lot of stress, Poor Ryuusei, Is Mahiru in a gang?, Who knows, Certainly not Ryuusei and Koyuki, Flirting, Lots of Blushing, Misunderstandings, Teenage Dorks
Relationships: Kuro | Sleepy Ash/Shirota Mahiru, Koyuki/Ryuusei (Servamp)
Summary: “What do you want for breakfast?” he calls, getting out of bed and shuffling across the floor. Mahiru has gotten into the habit of keeping out any sunlight out of the house in the mornings, which is useful for when Kuro actually does something instead of turning into a cat and laying down.
“Whatever you want!” Mahiru replies, his voice muffled by the door. “Just hurry. We need to go farther for the new school.”
“Oh yeah,” Kuro yawns, closing his eyes and stretching his arms above his head. “Tsubaki blew the last one up, huh.”
Mahiru opens the door, sticking his head out. “Yes, he did. So now we have a different school, made the exact same way because C3 is meticulous.”
Kuro sighs at him. “Okay, okay. You’ll come out to a good breakfast, I promise.”
Mahiru’s expression turns soft. “I know.“
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kon-konk · 1 year
Any Sakuya headcanons?
I adore Sakuya. I do want to take his phone and send Mahiru a confession so he stops pining so hard though. Simp on main like the rest of us, sir, not from the shadows.
On that subject, I think he's the type to not have a password/lock on his phone, with the mentality of "fuck around and find out." But, like, the only things on his phone that he wouldn't want someone to find are search results for "how to ask out your crush," "how to know if you have a crush on your best friend," and "if you tell your best friend that you faked their memories of you two being childhood friends, will they still like you?" along with a half-written draft of a text to Mahiru that he's rewritten 40 times and still not sent because he doesn't want to come off too strong.
Sends team M links to videos that made him say wtf so they have to suffer, too. On the other hand, he sends Mahiru, Ryusei, and Koyuki links to videos that are super cute but also a little wtf
I've discussed both somewhere before, but I have to agree that he'd be into Vocaloid and rhythm games, and is absolutely cracked at rhythm games without realizing it. I also think he'd be into the creating side of music as well, but would try to hide it because he feels like he's not very good at it.
Actually, I feel like he'd have a good amount of self-esteem issues surrounding how well he does things in general. Despite team M encouraging him, I think he feels like he's just average, even at things he does very well.
I feel like there's been several times where he's locked himself in his room, and the others have thought he was up to something, but it turned out he was just doing maintenance on his knives (and tormenting a certain plushie)
Probably took the longest of the Melancholies to open up to anyone other than Tsubaki. And they probably threw a party the first time he said something about himself without them having to pry it out of him (they didn't even know if he liked the food that was cooked for a few months there)
Absolutely terrified of considering anyone family. He will swear up, down, left, right, and in a circle that the Melancholies are friends/"we're just that close because Tsubaki created all of us". For sure called Higan "uncle" once and absolutely panicked and Higan understands his panic enough to never mention it.
Cried at some point while Tsubaki was gone. Whether it was from missing his totally-not-adoptive-dad or anger at being left like that, he'll never tell.
Pretty good at talking himself out of situations. Probably also pretty good at getting stuck in situations because of other's mouths, too (you want me to believe Berukia doesn't talk himself into all kinds of situations, both with and without company?)
Something about him feels like he'd prefer using a fork over chopsticks. Not because he's not good with chopsticks (he is), he just finds it easier.
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servampfanarts · 7 years
Can you do Sakuya Watanuki being happy and celebrating Christmas with his friends. I just want my boy be happy on a holiday about loved ones.
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23: a big christmas party. Ou.. I forgot that there were times he actually smiled. Thank you TT^TT)~ 
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