#s: zero time dilemma
bucketofcrows · 2 years
okay so i played through the first two Zero Escape games and i have mixed feelings about them. but then i start playing the third game and it’s like. how did they drop the ball on character designs so hard. the designs in the first two were pretty good but how did they end up with the most generic looking cast of characters for the third game
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blues-valentine · 1 year
Re-watching S&B again and Alina was given zero exploration as a character because they were so busy rushing through the plot and everything about her felt extremely hollow which is truly such a shame because the show has not given Alina the level of nuance and intelligence she has as a character in the books.
The thing about Alina choosing to lead and accept Nikolai’s proposal at the end of Season 2 without any sort of question is not only that it was so uncharacteristic of her but it removes the nuance of those choices. Alina’s ending on R&R has more weight when you know how Alina viewed life in court, how she knew that people were using her as a pawn for their agenda and she was the only one not making choices for herself. Nikolai wanted her as a queen to strength his claim to the throne and unify the second army. The Darkling wanted her power. The Apparant wanted her to be a Saint. A lot of her circle of friends extended some level of expectations towards her as well.
At the end of the season, Alina feels like a fanfic version, very watered down and like they tried too hard to make her so “female heroin” but forgot the aspect of her that was conflicted, not the nuanced Alina from the books. They didn’t give her the time to show that she was in fact someone that was aware of how those choices would impact her life and her desire to be seem as more than just someone that fulfills a role or duty. It removes the depth of contemplating those choices because being a savior, a queen, a saint, was something thrown on her and while she loved her power it was also difficult for her. Alina’s dilemma over her situation deserved exploration instead of his hollowed version. They could’ve at least make it more nuanced, make a point that Alina was choosing this for Ravka, because she thought it was her responsibility to the people, not for herself.
There’s are actual book quotes from Alina (*BOOK SPOILERS):
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ー Siege and Storm (Chapter 21).
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ー Ruin and Rising (Chapter 8).
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ー Siege and Storm (Chapter 21).
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ー Siege and Storm (Chapter 23).
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ー Ruin and Rising (Chapter 7).
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ー Ruin and Rising (Chapter 16).
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ー Ruin and Rising (Chapter 10).
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ー Ruin and Rising (Chapter 18).
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ー Ruin and Rising (Chapter 18).
Alina knew she would have to marry Nikolai if she wanted to achieve some level of peace for Ravka but she also viewed it as a way to amend for the things she thought were her fault. It was never a dream for her. It was a constant source of anxiety. Alina was a tormented girl that wanted peace and she was aware her visibility would never allow her that. And, an important thing the show skipped is that Alina was suicidal and she constantly contemplated death as the only alternative for her pain mostly because of her powers and their effect on her.
Yeah, I know the show is changing things up but denying Alina the exploration of her own thoughts and why being the sun summoner, a queen or a saint was an added pressured to her existence that goes beyond Darkling or the fold is basically ignoring her as a character. Ignoring Alina’s Santakhood was erasing a core element of her persona. Ignoring Alina’s distaste for the royal court was also refusing to give Alina some depth. Alina had layers. She was seduced by power just as much as she was disgusted by it. She was seduced by a glamorous life just as much as she knew it was all pretenses. And at the end, choosing to step away from that was her choice. Faking her death, creating her own matyrhood was her own choice, marrying Mal and leaving the palace was her own choice. Alina’s ending is supposed to be bittersweet but it was her own desire, not someone else's. She wasn’t made to chose this for a sense of responsibility or duty. Alina not having her powers was the only way she could’ve archived the peace she desperately longed for.
I do like the idea of this version exploring her in a position of power and how would that be for her but it’s the fact they just turned her into whatever that was at the end, the typical “I get to be a queen in pretty dresses and Nikolai is flirting with me” version that goes so far from who Alina is. Her not being able to express her fears over being a queen or such an influencial figure made her arc feel empty. It feels like they just forced her into a figure of “empowerment” because this fandom has convinced themselves that Alina wanting to live a peaceful and domestic life — after not being able to chose her own destiny for the whole trilogy, somehow regresses feminism.
I really hope Season 3 (if it happens) turns this around and committs to give Alina her depth and the exploration she deserves because I do not stand for this girlbossification of Alina. Luckily, I still have the books. If Alina is going to have powers in this show version, let it be her own powers and not someone else's because Alina being an extension of Darkling with his dark powers was one of her biggest fears. They aren’t even allowing her agency on her own.
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forallnumbersosc · 4 months
HEYYY!!!! I've been wanting to ask you a question about Donut since he had the Factor of Four and all. Does he act or look different from the other contestants?? Like does he have some things on his appearence or have habits that the algebralian also have???
Sorry If this question isn't really the type of thing you answer, Im just really curious about what you think abt this!!!!!!
OOOH anonymous I am SO glad you asked that because I finally get an excuse to introduce the wild world ooooof...
Algebralien Mathematical Operations!!
[this is another long one, so if you're just looking for Donut's dilemma, it'll be at the bottom of this ramble!]
So it is a bit of common knowledge that algebraliens, namely numerical-based ones have the ability to be added, subtracted, and all other manners of mathematical operations!
For simplicity's sake, I will leave variable and geometrical subspecies of algebraliens for a different discussion, since their ability to combine is pretty nuanced...
But essentially, the process of factorization (such as what happened to Donut) and other operations boil down to the reactionary ability for algebraliens forms to combine with anything that resembles a number and is within a threshold of a similar size to them, while also in the presence of anything that resembles a mathematical operator.
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Biologically, the most we know about the process is that it boils down to the malleability of algebralien physical forms, where the 'bralien(s) subject to the operation reduce to a liquid-esque form and combine with whatever they are paired with.
It's a process that is completely innate to us, and will always occur when the right conditions are met, regardless of whether or not the algebralien(s) present are intending to let it happen or not!
Something unique about this process comes with anything that utilizes the number zero and mathematically results in a zero, such as dividing zero by a number, multiplying any number by zero, etc. will cause the non-zero algebralien to become trapped deeply within the zero. They are essentially immobilized, and it takes them quite a while for them to escape on their own, and it may even be impossible without assistance!
Because of this property, algebraliens with a value of zero often are given the role of those who keep peace and justice in algebralien societies... It doesn't happen often that an algebralien causes enough issues to warrant being sealed away within a zero, but I did record an interview on a relatively recent case where a rambunctious algebralien was dead set on causing pretty serious harm and was dealt with by being sealed in a zero...
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In Donut's case, his situation was pretty unique... since he vaguely resembled a zero, it was just enough to complete the equation and combine him with Four, but it led to some... strange side effects...
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I can't go back in time to investigate further, and we aren't at the point where we feel safe to test any other factorizations with number-shaped objects, but I have a theory that Four's liquid form caused some sort of bond with Donut's body, (specifically the cardiovascular, nervous, and limbic systems) and changed both his appearance and his attitude a bit, as well as giving him a few abilities typical of Algebraliens such as gravity manipulation and spatial distortion...
When I interviewed Donut about his experience, he says his memory is a bit fuzzy, but he remembers feeling strangely mischevious and VERY confident... Perhaps Four's personality blended a little with his own alongside the abilities he acquired...
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alto-tenure · 3 months
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[id: two edits of Phi (Zero Escape)'s official 2d art with her hair recolored red. the first is of her design in Zero Time Dilemma, and the second is her design in Virtue's Last Reward. both are cropped to show just the upper body. /end id]
I have no doubt this has been done before, but I needed the visual during my playthrough, and forgot I never shared it.
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motifenjoyer · 4 months
akane kurashiki is (not) allocishet: an analysis
[pt: akane kurashiki is (not) allocishet: an analysis. end pt].
okay so we’ve been meaning to write this for a while but havent bc we’ve been focusing on other projects. slight disclaimer if u dont agree w this hc thats fine, just dont be a dick just bc it interferes w ur own interpretation . we all have our own ways of reading the text so. Yeah!! lets get started
so i just wanna say akane is a character i resonate with in a lot of ways, and a lot of what im going to say comes from my and others’ experiences. ur identities and experiences r def gonna affect how u view a piece of work right? 
so when i played through the series in 2023, i initially viewed akane as everyone else did: she’s in love with junpei, and even hced her as bi like most of the fandom. but the more i studied the source material, the more i felt thats not rlly the case?? esp after ztd, like im sorry but i cannot buy the idea that both junpei or akane wanna marry each other. junpei is for another day but in terms of akane i wanna talk abt the idea that she may be aromantic. 
immersing myself in the fandom, a lot of ppl’s first impressions of akane’s june persona is that she was initially gonna be this ditzy girl next door who only serves as a love interest for junpei. ofc that ended up not being the case, but i see ppl say that they only rlly cared for akane after finding out she’s zero. which imo is such a missed opportunity for analysis.
as june, akane interacts with the world through tropes. the first thing she does when we’re introduced to her is fall on junpei. and overall is seen as this nervous girl who wouldn’t harm anyone. she flirts w junpei throughout the game, yadda yadda yadda. when it comes to her identity as zero, she desperately wants a perfect ending where she can be with junpei. its guesswork as to which aspects are true of akane, but i personally see these traits as smth she thinks “kanny” would do. 
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[id: screenshot from 999’s script, black text on a white background that reads:
“Junpei: Well, I dunno. Anything. I mean, you're hiding it. How would I know?
June: You mean, like...the number of men I've dated?
Junpei's heart stumbled over itself.
June: Do you want to know?
He had to admit, he was a little curious.
June: Don't worry.
She smiled at him.
June: Only 18...
June: ...Times 0.
June: Yeah... I guess I just haven't met Mr. Right yet…”
“Number of men” is highlighted in green. End id].
of course, bc of her tumultuous childhood and how she didn’t have many friends, she never rlly had experience w dating. but not much suggests she would beyond her own words.
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[id: screenshot from 999’s script, black text on a white background that reads:
“Kanny: You...meant a lot to me...when we were kids...
Kanny: I've liked you...for a long time, Junpei... A really...long...time..”
“Liked” is highlighted in green. End id]. 
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[id: screenshot from 999’s script, black text on a white background that reads:
My voice shook as I answered.
It was hot in the room. It felt like my heart was on fire.
6 minutes or not, my heart burned with my feelings for him.
“burned” is highlighted in green. End id]. 
but actions speak louder than words, and she doesn’t go far beyond flirting and declarations of love. in ztd, she doesn’t even make these advances even when she’s trying to lighten the mood or make things right with junpei. the only time being when she speaks with carlos in the pantry. 
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[id: a log of dialogue from zero time dilemma which reads: 
akane: if it was because of me somehow… then this time i need to rush to his aid. that’s what i’ve decided anyway.
carlos: you really like junpei, don’t you?
akane: wh-what in the world are you saying, carlos?! 
carlos: i’m out of my depth when it comes to romance.
end id].
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[id: a log of dialogue from zero time dilemma which reads: 
carlos: did you bake heart-shaped cookies full of love for your darling junpei?
akane: oh carlos… would you please stop teasing me… 
june is meant to be seen as the ideal japanese woman, and since performance/identity is a huge part of her character, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that she’s performing heterosexuality/amatonormativity, by extension femininity (but that’s an analysis for another day). 
akane is also slotted into the role of a mother figure for kyle just as sigma with the role of father. i can’t help but think of the scene in little shop of horrors (1986), audrey sings abt a stable and “ideal” middle class life. i remember watching it thinking it was odd, given that im aro and am not interested in settling down or emulating cishet middle class values. but my friend, who is poor just like audrey and akane, told me that it’s a common occurrence for poor ppl to think this way. to want a sense of stability even if it’s stereotypical. i feel like this applies to akane as well. i also hc her with bpd, and instability is a common symptom for us, so it makes sense for her to see junpei as a beacon of such, of normalcy. he’s rlly the only normal part of her childhood. she wants him to fix her lol . 
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[id: screenshot from virtue’s last reward which reads: 
“i pleaded with her to leave, but she quietly shook her head. there was someone very special to her, she told me. he had saved her life once, and she felt her death would help to repay that favor.” end id].
and while we do see oldkane/vlrkane reminisce abt her life w junpei thru kyle, the passcode being jumpydolls, i feel like thats less abt love and more abt the fact that shes lonely, which a lot of ppl mistake that like. love can fix that.. when it rlly cant. not to mention what i said earlier
akane and junpei rarely make physical contact beyond junpei holding her in his arms and hugging. you can of course be a couple and not be that physically affectionate, but junpei is the only one initiating this. also like?? not even an “i love you” when you haven’t seen each other in nine years???????
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[id: cg from nine hours nine persons nine doors. junpei holds akane’s shoulder with a worried expression. Akane has her eyes closed. End id].
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[id: screenshot of zero time dilemma. junpei hugs akane near the basketball court in the lounge. akane wears a wedding ring on her right hand. end id].
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[id: screenshot from zero time dilemma. junpei holds a ring in his right hand. white text on the bottom reads, “well, remember back in elementary school your dream was to wear a ring?” end id].
this is actually a common experience for aros who dont realize aromanticism is even an option. i remember when i was a kid, i’d have daydreams of getting married and dating ppl but when the opportunity actually came, i was uncomfortable and rejected it. 
i feel like junpei’s proposal and akane’s acceptance were reckless of both of them, and probably not even signs of true feelings. junpei’s arc is abt regaining agency, and akane’s is abt control (hashtag cinematic parallels), so it makes sense this would happen. both wish they could return to their childhoods, hence their emotionally immature attitudes + tendency to reminisce abt the past (junpei is counterphobic to this though and eventually gets over it in vlr’s timeline, though akane continues to act this way going forward). poor decision making is a sign of trauma after all. 
i mentioned how akane (and junpei but again. Another story for another day) subverts gendered expectations w her personality. aro ppl (as well as lesbians if u wanna go for a lesbian akane reading) tend to feel disconnected from their agab bc yk we arent straight and like a cishet woman liking a man is a sign of womanhood according to Society............ so like what if ur a girl who likes girls? or doesnt like anyone??? what does that make u??? (again, this could either be a trans reading or a lesbian reading)
anyway my point is. i think its more interesting to read akane’s interest in junpei as her wanting stability and a normal life, esp given that she is traumatized and was once poor. i feel like fluffy junepei fanworks make their dynamic very one-note and lack what makes their dynamic intriguing. but hey!! thats just my opinion as an aro person and how i prefer to interpret it 
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joyfullyacat · 2 years
Sneaking Affections
hehehoho, based on @cacaocheri 's latest work here (i realized i dont think i actually wrote a kissing scene yet so thats wat inspired this- just a lil over 1k words) CW: none?? p sure- sneaking kisses and the like, fluffy!!
You like to think of yourself as patient. After all, you signed up to work with children all day in an establishment made to entertain and service others. So you dealt with a number of things in the day-to-day work week.
Yet you found that patience being tested, not by bratty kids or by badgering parents but by your very own coworker you happened to enjoy just a bit more than platonically.
He knew it too. Shared it even!
Sun, the daycare attendant, was an absolute charmer. A shining delight much like his namesake with a warmth to him that made your heart flutter, especially watching how he handled toddlers of all needs yet he had one glaring flaw.
He had zero idea how to handle affections. Physical or verbal, he’d often try to weasel out of them or redirect them to you if not outright avoid you entirely.
You had tried your best to be careful, respectful about the boundaries he was seemingly setting up. Just grazes of the hand here or there along his hands, et cetera.
Moon, his “brother” that shared the same body with Sun, was similar yet somehow he was all the more impish and teasing about it, downplaying your feelings entirely into seeming nothing more than some infatuation. Your closing hours with him often were bittersweet.
Which at first stung - but now it has only inspired a fire within you to get what you wanted out of him. Out of them as a whole.
A kiss. They had begun to dodge your hugs at this point! So you were upping the ante. They wouldn't give you a straight answer?
You'd pry it from them instead.
Now would be the perfect time to do it, the last child had been picked up, you had been on your best behavior the last few days - sparing the animatronic from hugs and touches and so on… Which, thinking about it, may have made them suspicious of you but you’d see if your plan would backfire or not.
It’s just you and him and your cleaning supplies, you had thought all day on what you’d say to him to get his attention and get him in range without necessarily inviting him over.
“Hey, Sun?” You begin, looking up from your hunched position to the animatronic and smile when he looks down at you from where he stands, seemingly none the wiser to your antics.
He’s sweetly lit up by the blaring lights of the daycare. It makes him shine, almost appearing ethereal as his rays practically glow in the surroundings.
With a spin of his rays, his smile brightens, “What do you need, Daydream?” 
The nickname never fails to make you giddy inside and the warmth in your cheeks only serves as motivation. “I was just wondering… Oh-” You stand, reaching a hand towards him some, “You got something on your face…”
Your words spur quite the reaction, his rays doing an endearing flex outwards in his surprise before he’s all but putting his face right into yours, his own hands coming up towards his head, minding the rays while he touches around.
“Where is it - oh tell me, please? Did I miss a sticker? Could you get it? Please, oh tell me it isn’t marker-” His voice box cuts out with a sharp note as you lean in and it seems you’re caught in your ruse as he shoots back upright.
Now it was undeniable, despite his flirtings and jests - with Moon’s teases and prods. They were avoiding you. Getting close to you.
It’s left you stunned and wide-eyed, practically short circuiting, leaned forward with your lips pressed into a thin line now as you stare just past Sun instead of at him.
Meanwhile, Sun was having quite the internal dilemma.
“Shouldn’t have done that, Sunny… They look ready to cry.” An echoing snicker puts the pin in the teasing words, “I wonder how long it’ll take for them to learn you don’t like sharing. Can’t hold them from me for much longer, can you?”
If you weren’t actively in front of him right this second, Sun would be having quite the one-sided verbal argument with the other AI in his head presently. He could definitely share! He teaches kids how to after all and oh-...
Sun wasn’t sure how he felt about the look you suddenly shot at him, utterly determined to do something with a fire in your eyes that has him stunlocked where he stands.
“Oh, you’ve done it now! Their claws are bared, look at them. I’m trembling in my bells!” Moon outright cackles now, absolutely ready to see how this would turn out.
On your end, you’ve had enough. 
Grabbing him at his forearms, he hardly has the time to react to you pulling him down more to your level. He is a hapless mess to your whims, barely getting out a “Daydream wha-” before your face is smooshed against his in the best way you can offer for a kiss while on your tippy toes with closed eyes.
He goes stiff as stone, the once pliable animatronic is now no more than a nifty marble statue and you can feel his inner mechanical workings go into overdrive. A distinct vibration that holds an all-too-audible hum in the air around you.
Maybe you should have asked - eased him into this and just as you’re pulling away to apologize, your hands peeling away with a lingering touch, Sun moves.
A hand carefully cradles your jaw, his thumb just at your chin to coax you into staying in place while his other hand settles respectfully on your waist and he’s pushing your head back with his own.
In another moment, the hand at your waist is digging into the skin and carefully guiding you backwards.
The kiss remains unbroken, your eyes flutter open just to see his half-lidded gaze peer back down towards you.
You’re up against the wall now and it’s a real good thing you chose the closing hours of the daycare to initiate this scheme as you have just enough room to pull your head away. 
The look of unabashed adoration has you floored and for a moment you’re left floundering, that confidence in you finally burnt up and all that was left was quivering ashes. “Sun I-”
Sun, still holding your face tenderly, hushes you simply as his other hand abandons its hold on your waist and raises up. 
You don’t realize where you’ve been placed.
You think he’s going to tuck hair behind your ear or, heaven forbid, hold your face in two hands but instead you’re met with a practically deafening click of the light switch and the startling darkness washing over you and the animatronic.
In the blink of an eye and the hold along your chin tightening momentarily, red eyes look at you, forming crescents of clear amusement. 
His silvery voice is clear in your startled silence, “My turn…” 
You ended up getting not one, but two kisses this closing shift at the pizzaplex.
You’d have to scheme for more in the future, evidently.
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Really out of nowhere but I rewatched some of fma03 eps and im gonna rant
I'm just so done with smiling politely saying that fma03 and fmab are both great sorry i cant anymore. Just no
So if you in love with fmab im warning you it probably won't be a good read for you, so feel free to ignore this, block me or idk read this and give it a thought
0. I really dont understand the glorification of manga over anime adaptations. Like people who are making the adaptation are not artists and creators themselves? What makes mangaka better than others and absolutely indisputable, seriously?
1. 'Oh no long introduction and fillers' that actually allowed for Hughes' character development before his death. Seriously if i mention his death among my homies I'll get lots of faces clearly going through some ptsd level flashbacks, it was that impactful. I still need to take a breather when im rewatching before diving into that ep.
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2. Nina. Yet again got more time to grow on us and thus aquired higher trauma inducing levels.
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3. Ishval massacre and aftermath are WAY MORE VISIBLE in fma03. First of all Ishvalans are depicted as human beings, and not some background, and we get lots more on their sufferings, raids on camps, racism towards them, etc etc etc
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4. Scar. Oh boi how do i even go about this. So without raging much about that beefy obviously wrong dude who got 'sense' bitten into him and started working with the oppressing gov in fmab, we have a wronged and tormented survivor of a genocide, who was justified in his vengeance and rage, was depicted as an attractive person of color despite his antagonistic role and was seriously almost cheered on in his actions by the narrartive. His interactions with his people and his moral dilemmas made his character possibly the deepest and most thought out one in the series.
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5. The Rockbell doctors being killed by their own government. That's a waaaaay more interesting and damning detail on our government affiliated protagonists than just dumping their murder on a delirious patient.
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6. Homunculi had their own will and desires and a way more developed story arc that had a huge impact on protagonists' morals. Being created by the humans who were desperate to bring back their loved ones and both parties are getting tormented by it?? Characters strongly driven by their own goals and staggered by their relations to their creators vs some indifferent goons in fmab. Just compare Sloths and their impact on the stories and protags.
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7. Final conflict being a fight with god and his intricate plans in fmab, versus final battle vs a selfish pretty much usual person who had thrown everyone under the bus in pursuit of immortality. Adds so much more desperation flavor. Suddenly your hero journey doesn't end in epic battle for the sake of the mankind, as you would like it to be. It's just to oppose one awful person with too much power and zero care about anyone else. That's raw and that's way more plausible and relatable in our mundane lives.
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8. Overall darker tone and themes of the fma03.
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9. MUSIC. I dont remember a single track from fmab, but i went really out of my way in my teenage years to find internet access and pirate fma soundtrack and cry listening to it
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10. ART. Sorry but don't tell me fmabs flat colors are anything to 03's soft tones and lighting
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So yeah sorry, but I'll take the dark and gritty tragedy over just another shounen with doubtful messages each and every time
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flowersforthemachines · 6 months
Team S: Suspicion [A Dead End]
It's the 5th day of the @royaltrioweek, and I can finally share the work that's very near and dear to my heart - a crossover/fusion between the Royal Trio and the C-team from the game Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma!
Rating: M
Tags: Major Character Death, Additional warnings in Author’s note, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Alternate Universe - No Personas (Persona Series), Horror elements, Depictions of Violence, Blood, Time-travel
Locked in a Pantry after Akira's sudden disappearance during the death game, Akechi and Sumire have to solve a puzzle to find a way out, and discover the truth behind what happened.
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lightphieric · 8 months
Which is your fav game and fav/s pairings (platonic/romantic/familial)
Ooh so, I love all the games in the series but my favorite game is, controversially, Zero Time Dilemma. This is probably somewhat just me being contrarian to the parts of the fandom that annoy me, but really, genuinely... I just really like it. It makes me smile and I don't really feel the need to justify my tastes beyond that? I just... think it's neat, that's all!
My absolute favorite ships are Dio/Kyle, Seven/Lotus, Carlos/Eric, Eric/Mira, C-Team OT3, Sigma/Diana... those are the ones at the top, at least, but when you get down to it, I have at least one thing that I ship for almost every character! I've said it before and I'll say it again: love is stored in the Zero Escape.
As for platonic dynamics, my top favorite characters are Kyle and Eric, and I love to see them interacting with any other character who can be a positive presence in their lives - my favorite Kyle dynamics are with Luna and Phi (both of which kind of overlap with family dynamics lol), and I want Eric to be BFFs with Diana and Akane so bad. I also have a real soft spot for a Phi and Junpei friendship - I know they barely interact in canon but the interactions I've seen with them in fan works are always perfect. I love the Q-Team and D-Team family dynamics, Light and Clover are wonderful of course, Quark and Tenmyouji too...
I could keep going honestly. There is very, very little in this series that I actively dislike and a whole lot that I love very much. Thank you anon for giving me a blank check to gush about all my faves.
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randoimago · 1 year
could i request cuddling headcanons for sigma, diana, junpei and akane (zero time dilemma)?
Cuddling Headcanons
Fandom: Zero Escape
Character(s): Sigma Klin, Diana, Junpei, Akane
Type of Request: Headcanons
Warning: A tad suggestive for Sigma's part. Nothing explicitly said, but if you read between the lines, you'll know.
Note(s): I love these four very much, I'm happy to write this!!
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She raises an eyebrow at you whenever you want to cuddle. She's not against it, but it just depends on what she's doing at the time since she can be pretty busy.
Akane likes to keep busy and so she's happy to let you cuddle next to her, but she usually has a book or journal in her hands to write on. You can convince her to put it away and just hold you, but she usually has something to do if you fall asleep on her.
If she is just holding you while cuddling then she likes to talk about different things. Might have fun bringing up different conspiracy theories or logic puzzles just to talk them out. If you end up with a headache thinking about any of it then she giggles and apologizes with a smile.
Diana gives a bright smile anytime you want to cuddle with her. She knows that there is a time and place, but if she's able then she's glad to curl up next to you instead.
She likes to hold your hand while you cuddle and talk about your day. She just likes cuddling and talking with you softly about all kinds of different things.
She's fine if you both end up falling asleep cuddling. It's not often she's so relaxed that she can just sleep, but she doesn't complain. There's a few time when she panics a tad when she wakes up because she did have plans and lost track of time cuddling you. She's not upset at you, but can't help but feel guilty.
He lazily throws an arm around you just to hold you close. If you wrap your arms around him to cuddle more, he rolls his eyes playfully and teases you.
Junpei does like to cuddle, but he's got to be cool and edgy so you're get lots of jokes and teasing from him. You might have to tell him to shut up, which causes more chuckles but he does stay quiet as he holds you.
Honestly, he grows very soft as he holds you. He can't help but just stare at you, getting lost in thought. It's a tad scary with how quiet he gets, but he can't help it. This is a moment of peace that he really needs and treasures.
His brain freezes for a second when you request cuddles before you get a big grin and he opens his arms wide for you. A big fan of physical contact of all forms.
Probably the type to hold you close to his chest, letting you cuddle on top of him as he massages your back or smells you a little, wanting to take in your scent.
Sigma actually tries to keep his perverted comments to himself, but it's rather hard since you're on top of him. If you say anything, then he teases you with, "Cuddling time is sacred and shall not be spoiled." But he's happy to oblige to any other suggestions that might be made.
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momentomori24 · 10 months
Finally starting Zero Time Dilemma! No idea what's in store aside from the fact that this is s prequel sequel (so between Vlr and 999 kinda but after the events of Vlr maybe) and that we get some of our main cast members (and Sigma!) showing up as well as new ones (like Diana who I assume will be important). Hope this ends up being a good one to end the series with some better graphics.
Also if our protag isn't either Junpei, Sigma, June or anyone we know I'm gonna be disappointed, but as long as they're fun I'll forgive it.
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6-and-7 · 10 months
Time Ram Fanart Masterpost
Attack of the Hartnell
1964: Year of the Dragon (Jan)
Drashigs or Dishrags?
Jolly Good Bottom
The Jewell Inside
A Good Man Fucks Us Up
Sleep Nae Mare
Freshwater Troughtons of Mars
Sensorites and Sensibility
Mission to Department S
Cinema Veritas
Whodunnit??? (Feb)
T. Baker
Maximum Power of Three
Armegeddon Comes to Milton Jeavons (Jan)
No Pex Please, We're British
The 'Tache Pirates
Terror of the Crablikes
The Abominable Doctor Five
Army of Companions (Feb)
A Nugget of Purest Green
Saturday Super Stor
The Sea Turloughs
Two Flat Ladies (Oct)
C. Baker
Excellence in Silver
The Tartan Dilemma (Mar)
Mummy and a Nice Tux on the Orient Express
The Arousing
River Song and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamboat (Nov)
Invasion of the Randoms
The Krrrrotons
Removal of the Daleks
The Professor, Ace, and the Chase Through Space
Maggie and the Maggots
Zero (Pr)Escher (Oct)
Don't Shoot, I'm Half-Human on my Mother's Side
Norwegian Wood
The McGann of Mandragora
Terry and Judoon
The Dominatrices
Torchwood and the Sad Omen
Pyramids of Martha
The Bells of Allons-y!
Dude, Where's My Yeti?
Dirty Box from Space
Nightmare of Fraxoie
The Doctor's Nuclear Family
Death Hat 2000
The Jollity Patrol (Dec)
Shakespeare's Shih Tzu (Mar)
Christmas on Androzani
The Naughty Cactus Wants a Shape
The Girls in the Fireplace
The Co-Pilot (Sep)
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tsukiyadori · 2 months
Reading (+Watching+Listening) Log 2024.06 - June
Previous: Reading Log 2024.05 - May
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Pouty pout. (A tier.)
Reading languages: German, English, French, Japanese, not listing which was what. (There’s also been some feeble attempts at Chinese, but that was more on music.)
Titles are as I’ve read them either first or most and thus remember it for that title mostly
Not going to bother putting in the original titles of translated reads unless there is something worthy of note to it
Cursive titles have been completed
If it says a volume number, it may mean it has been finished or is still in progress
Some notes’ content may be subject to repetition here and there, as I also copied some older notes from casual conversations over and didn’t go through any rounds of cutting things down.
I kinda feel out from reading stuff on the apps daily
and keeping up online serialized chapter releases has been a mess, too...
Maybe I need to do statistics on the JNC slices of the monthly readings, I definitely keep busy chasing deadlines and then not manage to read it all anyway.
No An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride has been read this month, but due to cascading little incidents at a certain place Chastille has kind of become my alter ego and… I have not much to argue against it…
In terms of single franchise, this month's probably mostly dominated by Spice and Wolf/Wolf and Parchment.
Also decided to add a bit of a music section, considering how much time I was busy chasing lyrics and trying to read those (This will get some overlap with the months prior.)
There's been one single anime entry this time, and it's just a KyoAni ad...
I also kind of fell of from the Comikey and Manga Up readings....
Something else of a major time sucker activity started this month, which is the ominous ((classified)), but that'll probably take until the end of the year to unclassify.
ショート版【京都アニメーション ×「紫式部ゆかりのまち宇治」PR動画】「うじには物語がある」
Light Novels/Web Novels/Novels:
Brunhild v3p2 Chillin’ in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers v1p1-5(ch2 finished) Fushi no Kami v1 Goodbye, Overtime! This Reincarnated Villainess Is Living for Her New Big Brother (Light Novel) v1 How to Survive as a Villain Novel ch236 Spice & Wolf v23-24 The Apothecary Witch Turned Divorce Agent v1p1-v2p8 The Disowned Queen’s Consulting Detective Agency v1 Wolf and Parchment v6-v8 ((classified))
8th Loop for the Win! With Seven Lives’ Worth of XP and the Third Princess’s Appraisal Skill, My Behemoth and I Are Unstoppable! (Manga) ch11 A Livid Lady's Guide to Getting Even: How I Crushed My Homeland with My Mighty Grimoires (Manga) v2ch7-12 All you want, whenever you want Ano Natsu ga Houwa suru. ch18 Anti Alpha Buta no Liver wa Kanetsushiro v2ch6-11, ch36.3-4 Cooking With Wild Game (Manga) v9ch44-48 Dahlia lässt den Kopf nicht hängen v1 Daijuukou to Unicornis no Otome ch16.1 Dead Mount Death Play v7 Domestic na Kanojo v12-13 Duchess in the Attic (Manga) ch1, v2ch7-12, ch13-14 Goodbye, Overtime! This Reincarnated Villainess Is Living for Her New Big Brother (Manga) v1 Harebare Biyori ch24 I'm a Noble on the Brink of Ruin, So I Might as Well Try Mastering Magic (Manga) v1ch6 Isekai de Ane ni Namae wo Ubawaremashita ch19.1, ch20.1 Kakan no Oukoku no Hanagirai Hime ch13.4-14(finale) Knitter's High ch28.1-3 Küsse & Schüsse v1-2 Mr. Mallow Blue ch30 My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer (Manga) ch1, ch6, ch11, v4ch16-20 Only I Know that This World Is a Game ch1, ch6, ch11, v4ch16-19 Rebuild World (Manga) ch1, ch5, v8ch35-39 Sakura, Saku v4 Shuumatsu Touring ch38.4 The 6th Loop: I'm Finally Free of Auto Mode in this Otome Game ch11.1-2 The Eternal Fool's Words of Wisdom: A Pawsitively Fantastic Adventure (Manga) v1ch1-6 The Frontier Lord Begins with Zero Subjects (Manga) ch1, v4ch16-20 The Magic in this Other World is Too Far Behind! (Manga) v1-v10ch50 The Unwanted Undead Adventurer (Manga) v11ch49-53 Unnamed Memory ch37.2 Watashi wo Tabetai, Hitodenashi Watatabe3
The Silent Concubine ch33-122 Silent Lover (Silent Concubine alt. Counting) ch142-192(S2ch1-50) Taberare Usa ch106-109 To be or not be ch102
Just a selection of those that left the most impression, had me check out its lyrics and/or popped up high in the replay count.
雨霖铃 (Bells Ringing in the Rain) by 喵☆酱 (Miao Jiang)
笼中雀 (Caged Bird) by 喵☆酱 (Miao Jiang)
鴻音 (Resonant Sounds) by Sa Dingding
浮光 (Floating Lights) by Zhou Shen (周深), Jannik and some endless amounts of cover versions
The Blue Whisper OST - 鮫人之歌 (電視劇《與君初相識》片尾曲) by Zhou Shen
The Blue Whisper OST -魚躍而上 (電視劇《與君初相識》自由主題曲) by Sa Dingding/Mao Buyi
Solo Leveling OST - aikari
How to Survive as a Villain Novel ch236 - After dragging it for weeks on end I finally finished reading the last chapter… that I had read before though gap jumping anyway. It's been a while where I simultaneously had an urge to read on asap while also not wanting to finish it at all. Anyway, some when next month or after that official Singapore English edition is coming, very curious how that translation will look like without any so many annotations.
Wolf and Parchment v6-v8: Volume 6 seems them with their newfound 'official relationship' that bubbles in and out and is perfectly tailored to them, especially Myuri. Hyland's being a complete fangirl of it is a nice touch, otherwise the whole case was interesting mystery and likely that cat is the same as from S&W is it? Some more real life history modelled things also got added, but the twist with the bears is interesting. The author speaks of three pillars he has to juggle, that of the overarching world lore, the characters and the plot of the current volume, while S&W he had pulled the former into a backseat. That also very much explains, why I had so many starting troubles with this one. The World Lore takes a good 4 vols to build up to have their first payoffs to feed back into the plot, and frankly the two characters only got more interesting from v5 onwards. Too bad I paused this for years after v4, which I remember to be more of a slog than not. Interestingly, that was also the volume the author had struggled a lot with, apparently. Volume 7: This volume starts with a really really cool passage from the conversation between Col and Clark:
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Now, doesn't that kinda sound familiar. Espcially that last line nails it rather well.
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This is kind of awesome. Not your usual bog-standard love bla bla is what changes the world, but this something that can't be named, this siblings like family, but that doesn't hit it, it's also not lovers, and whatever it is called, in the end one can only default to it as the umbrella term, but it is NOT what you'd usually think about it. The series definitely places a lot of importance to this something and this volume is so far the epitome with realizations sinking in just how important it is to them and then it culminates in the epilogue with Col being like, he's not planning to marry her, but he wants her by her side regardless. And he wants to make sure of it. In a form of equal side by sides, so if he's the Twilight Cardinal now, there he goes and makes it so, that she's going to be celebrated as a saint by his side. And it's all so cleverly weaved into the plot at hand about the wanting to be heroes, the inability to do so, but still wanting to dream about it in stories, and also the pieces fall into place for S&W's timeline as well. And it's not like it's denying your usual idea of relationship and under that world – after all, Holo and Lawrence are right there in their own series holding a spotlight and Col got his faith out of their love rather than anything else. Volume 8 however… seems a bit on the nose starting with the red string on the cover and the plot line in this volume unfortunately is a bit… well, the world is interesting, Canaan is a bundle of charm to bustle everything up and the wrap up to have the new continent plot line in is neatly resolved, but the sheer amount of folly in there…. Myuri, what are you doing? After everything last volume, you go and be all worried? Why the hell are you? Col at least even points out at just how OOC it all is for her.
Spice & Wolf v23-24: Speaking of those two's series, their antics… actually do start to get a little bit old. I dunno, maybe it's because it was getting slightly repetitive? like v24 is definitely a good plot, but the plotline twist is essentially the same as that previous short story about the regional lord that doesn't want to fell the forest, but is stuck between and rock and a hard place. Otherwise… Now that W&P has given a glimpse of how cool the overarching world lore can be S&W is starting to feel just a little pale in comparison. But as a companion it's really nice, how it picks up the pebbled behind Col and Myuri. It's just you really notice that by now Spring Log has a clear side story character to it. Also, I've had these weird impressions for a while now, but Eve and that Umbrella girl kinda smell a bit GL-ish and I do wonder if there's gonna be some plot around the desert after all. (Even if W&P v8 tries hard to deny it.)
The Apothecary Witch Turned Divorce Agent v1p1-v2p8: This has been pretty funny, and her groaning about failures in basically Anti-Cheese-Work, but also, she can't begrudge the happy ends for the couples where a thing I could feel so much, there is one obvious question to, how come people haven't come to her yet in hopes of the opposite, like they all seem to seriously want the break-up rather than her shaking things up to actually fix it.
((classified)) v1 first third: Well, not much that I can say as of yet, beyond: This MC gives me quite a few aroace vibes going by some thoughts and comments here and there, and I am going to be very curious how this is gonna play out. I expect it's going to be more of a late bloomer thing and the whole series is to be very very slow burn in that regard, with many other things on the forefront. But let's see.
Domestic na Kanojo v12-13: The whatever it is continues, and it seems to have reaches some lulls, which are mostly bolstered up by pouts from Miss little sister. Otherwise, Mr. Wannabe English guy remains punch worthy. What do you mean you'd not make her cry, as opposed to Natsuo? You merely tried to rape her, sure, you'd never make her cry. =V Miss twin tails also is like… sad to see. Where did your self dignity go?
Duchess in the Attic (Manga) ch1, v2ch7-12, ch13-14: We have another badass strong female MC, my ears are all perked! I mean, just look at this glare of dignity!
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Now the LN just has to come. (Spoiler: it got licensed right the month after early July by the time I am writing this up.)
Sakura, Saku v4: It feels a bit like it tried to do a Kieta Hatsukoi and I will say it did it well enough. It also has a wholesome message and all, but somehow, I dunno. It's not bad, it plays the surprise out well, too, and it's in character of the cast, but it just seems a bit. Not having a charm of its own about it. I dunno. The whole series is down to earth 'normal' sorts of, but compared to the previous, it had more individualistic 'character' or so about it. Not sure how to phrase it.
The Silent Concubine ch33-122: Erm. Ok. What. Was. That. I maintain the beginning as written up last month is still so, and it's rather nice to have this uke fate doomed Shen Yu have his own agency and even using the help of the emperor who got smitten with him, while he is now quite the rationalist to know first come gains. Ok. he was described as bewitchingly beautiful, so people arguing over him isn't maybe that out of place. The whole background story about his lineage and the extra finger knuckle was either lacking in exposition to begin with or the translation has missed out something? It kinda came half out of nowhere. That Shen Yu seems fed up enough to go for suicide knowing how anyone else is just this more powerful than him, him still being poisoned, and his mother is gone anyway, also makes sense. But like, you make him the descendant of a line of former royals that doomed themselves for inbreeding and incest which would even give a reason for his disability also seem, but then, oh, it's psychological and oh, not only does he survive his suicide attempt, but his chronic poisoning is gone, and suddenly he's also not mute anymore. And it kind of completely topples the power dynamic over. And then goes that Chu clan and, uh, Mister new Emperor just goes to be his bodyguard somewhere hidden who knows where. Man's got some priorities, despite knowing the instable the state of things are. And then, right, he's gonna be the only one he marries. How to solve this? Oh, hey look, that ancient clever Chu clan has developed a concoction of a birthing potion (that only works on the clan). And then it still works when it's not both of them of the clan, well, way how he has to remain the uke. And then there's his blood relative of a few corners who wants to woo him, too. (Tho more for form's sake.) Erm. Okay. I guess. Something Omega in Ancient China. And then suddenly there is a side dish romance that seems to have completely bubbled in the background only to come and be all like oh well, they knew themselves from childhood and. Whatever. It just feels rather contrived a lot of times in the second half.
Silent Lover (Silent Concubine) S2 alt. Counting ch142-192(S2ch1-50): So, morbid curiosity brought me to season 2, and it's a sequel with the next generation, the son of the Main couple of S1 and the adopted son of the side dish couple. I have to say, I am almost amazed at how completely brazenly it goes and rehashes S1's plot line. With not much sense at places. So there's another arranged marriage, but like his adopted father is the right hand of the emperor and they are on good terms, his other father (who kind of never showed up, is he dead?) used to be a good friend of that emperor's spouse that is his birthing parent. That and that he is a brilliant scholar of his own with status and family pedigree should give him the means to stand his ground. Doesn't seem to matter. Well, maybe he is just timid. But somehow despite the series even having the galls to joke about how the MC's parent's tale is a cautionary tale and them knowing that their son is a bundle of a folly, nobody ever shows him the ropes properly. So he's just being all abusive again. There is another rival for the MC who is all super mean and anything, but just winds up dead along the way. Instead of poisoning, MC winds up suddenly having an oh so very dangerous blood illness on top of his weak disposition. Oh hey, turns out he's actually of the lineage of the previous emperor. Oh, also, he's been super in love with his abusive arranged marriage partner until there was too much abuse for him to call it quits. Also gets tortured and his hand crushed and disabled. Gets wooed by the prince of a foreign land. Oh, and there's a murder attempt to the emperor, how come S1's MC suddenly has vanished completely after showing up just a bit to be all pouty and everything? And isn't the prince the Chu clan bloodline descendant and crown prince, like probably that birthing potion would work on him, too, but of course as a clone of his emperor father he's gotta be the seme character yet again.
Well, as I got so little read this month some music babbling 雨霖铃 (Bells Ringing in the Rain) by 喵☆酱 (Miao Jiang): It started with that little chapter title from How to Survive as a Villain that is quoting a line of a poem by Liu Yong (984-1053 AD). 今宵酒醒何处? "Where will I be, when I wake from my drunken stupor at dawn?" That poem has by now grown on me. Technically, apparently the inspiration was the author having to have to leave his lover, but the text itself is on a more abstract level of simply a separation to foreign lands. Googling that led me to the first result that is a youtube song with a dance and a cover of it, that is from the soundtrack of a game named 逆水寒 (nisuihan, "cold against the current"), which for whatever reason is called "Justice Online" in English. (How'd you get from one name to the other??) Not that I noticed that at first, both song videos are incredibly traditional styled and the dance by Tang Shiyi is definitely quite pretty. (And I mean, the video is from the CHINA NATIONAL OPERA AND DANCE THEATER??) It took me a deal of digging until I even found the singer's name, which had me go ????, because, it basically means Meow ☆ Sauce. That so far was still in April, but the song rather stuck and then there was also this other song from the artist and yet another song to that same game I came to kinda like.
鴻音 (Resonant Sounds) by Sa Dingding - that popped out in the playlist of the channel, and there's another dance by Tang Shiyi also to a song of the Nishuihan game. No poem, but it kinda sounds epic. And the dance video is also something. (The match cuts in particular left an impression.)
笼中雀 (Caged Bird) by 喵☆酱 (Miao Jiang) - No poem again, but the mood reminds me of Bells ringing in the rain. They lyrics of this and Resonant Sounds do sound a bit cheese, while Bells could arguably be about any sort of seperation. By here this had reached May and I was getting into that whole soundtrack of that game, which by all means has a good few of nice tracks. And while I was at that, I found this.
浮光 (Floating Lights) by Zhou Shen (周深), Jannik the original intrumental version and some endless amounts of cover versions both vocal and intrumental and dance videos - Apparantely the nishuihan game has some sorta feature where you get to replay some tunes or something? And this song was one of it? Or I don't know. In any case in some playlist the instrumental song by Jannik sat on top as the first track and it immediately struck a chord. The name is suspiciously Western tho (going by the discography they're probably even German??), but googling that you get a Chinese Baidu Baike Wiki page, which then talks about the vocal version by Zhou Shen, which struck even a bigger chord. That had me look up the lyrics and since Zhou Shen is a rather famous artist, it has some lyrics translation videos. Except.
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So nostalgia and doubts are kinda the same thing, aha.
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Or how about we just leave the word out completely?
This is what the dictionary has to say about the word btw.:
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This sounds like a sort of saudade x nostalgia x hiraeth x natsukashii with touches and yet it's own thing, as baike explains it as "the unwillingness/reluctance to leave something or to let it go" as its first meaning and the second being "cherished memories (怀念) directed towards passed days" (which kinda sounds more natsukashii than nostalgia). And that is incredily interesting, but I am bewildered how this turned into 'doubts' of all things? By now it was end of May and now plans to study Chinese are plainly up on the table again. I just don't yet now how to best go about it.
For the time being… The Blue Whisper OST - 鮫人之歌 (電視劇《與君初相識》片尾曲) by Zhou Shen The Blue Whisper OST -魚躍而上 (電視劇《與君初相識》自由主題曲) by Sa Dingding/Mao Buyi June was loop the above and starting to go through a whole bunch of Chinese music (well mostly nishuihan and Zhou Shen) and this one's lyrics caught me again. Like 魚躍而上 starts with something like "Every pair of eyes is fish". Me: ????? Maybe I need to watch that The Blue Whisper drama to get it, but then it also looks incredibly cheese everything and… Also, do you know the agony of you kinda liked a song just by its song and then it just turns out to be all cheese lyrics once you look them up?? It kinda felt like a curse. =V
一梦惊鸿 by 黄诗扶 (Huang Shifu): There was also this one, which popped through the recommendations box and picked my eyes through a really nice dance video:
Solo Leveling OST - aikari: I'm not exactly sure why peculiarly this one picked my ears, haven't even watched the anime, but it was strangely loop-able.
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itsgerges · 1 year
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Best Greetings
Planet Diameter Equation Shows The Matter Origin
Paper hypothesis
The matter and light are two forms for the same energy, and we see each form based on the relative motion- means
With different velocity =300000 km/s we see light beam
With different velocity =Zero we see Matter (Particle)
The hypothesis explanation
1- Preface (The Problem)
2- Planet Diameter Equation (The Equation Geometrical Features)
3- Space Nature Analysis
4- The Gravitational Waves Source
5- The Solar System Creation 
6- Light Coherence
7- Planet Creation Process
8- The Planets Velocities Total Analysis
9- Planet Velocity Analysis
10- The sun rays creation process
11- The Relative Motion Effect On The Matter Dimensions
12- The planets motions use different rates of time
13- The phenomena are explained by the hypothesis
Einstein defined the relative motion and explained It can change the motion trajectory- we remember- Einstein was standing in a window of a train moves by a regular velocity – and Einstein had left a rock to drop from the train window on the ground- Einstein have seen the rock motion trajectory as (a straight line) but the people on the platform have seen the rock motion trajectory as a parabola-Einstein told the rock motion trajectory is changed by the observer relative motion (v1/v2) where the train velocity is 100 km/h (as example) and the platform velocity is Zero (no motion)–this difference in velocities caused the trajectory to be different from a straight line to a parabola.
Planet Diameter Equation Proves Two Facts
(1st Fact) - Planet diameter is defined based on a geometrical rule, for that the planets diameters are defined based on a mathematical equation
(2nd Fact) -Planet diameter is defined based on this planet motion features- means- the motion was found before the planet creation- and the planet data is created depending on these motion features
The geometrical idea is understandable - where- It's necessary to have a harmony between Planet creation data and its motion features- because the inconsistency will hurt the planet and can cause to break it.
Planet diameter equation provides a new vision for the matter creation- it tells – the energy was in motion and the planet (matter) is created from this moving energy, for that the planet creation data depends on these energy motion features and after the creation the created planet moves by a motion (similar to or related to) this same motion of the energy - Shortly, the motion was found before the planet creation and planet creation data depends on this motion features (we study the planet diameter equation in point no.3)
The previous analysis shows the dilemma let's summarize it in following …
If the relative motion changes the motion trajectory (As we have seen for the straight line and parabola trajectories)- And if the planet creation data depends on this planet motion features- then we have to ask, Should the matter dimensions (Planet creation data) be changed with the observer relative motion?
The meaning is clear –
It tells, the matter dimensions (planet creation data) should be related to the observer relative motion, and each time the observer changes his relative motion and that causes to change the motion trajectory that should necessitate to change the matter dimensions (planet creation data) because the planet creation data depends on its motion features- and also the geometrical concept supports this same conclusion – because – the consistency between the planet creation data with its motion features is a necessary requirement for the planet safe motion.
The concluded question is
Should the matter dimensions (Planet creation data) be changed with the observer relative motion?
Moreover we need to know (What's The Matter Definition?)
Planet diameter equation helps to answer these questions, let's refer to it in following  
First/ The Equation Definition
Plane diameter equation tells the planets diameters are created based on a mathematical equation- means- Planet diameter isn't created by random process, initial conditions nor historical unknown factors- but on A Geometrical Rule- for that a mathematical equation defines the planets diameters.
Plane diameter equation shows an important fact tells Planet diameter is created resulting for a geometrical effect and by a geometrical rule- here we remember the double production experiment where an electron and a positron are created from Gamma ray, in this experiment, the produced particles masses and charges are defined before the creation- I provide an example shows that the data was defined before the creation- this is the rule told by the planet diameter equation, it tells the diameter value is defined before creation – because this diameter value is defined by a geometrical rule. 
The airplane industry helps this explanation, the airplane manufacturer needs exact equations to define this airplane length, width, weight and all data- otherwise this airplane can' fly safely- similar to that- the planet creation data (diameter, mass and all data) need to be defined based on exact equations otherwise the planet can't move safely.  
I try to show, The matter creation facts are different from the imaginary ideas told by the big bang theory and all random creation theories- where they imagined primary explosions after which planets are created by random process (with any data) and during the history the planets creation data is effected by historical events and that made the planet creation data to be found by random and no geometrical rule is found behind.
This idea is wrong totally- The planet diameter equation tells the planet diameter is created based on a geometrical rule and the diameter is not changed through the history- and even- the planet changes its motion data to create consistency with its motion features but the planet protects its diameter from any change or effect- for that- the diameter still depend on the same geometrical rule by which it's created.
Let's see the planet diameter equation in following…
Planet Diameter Equation tells ((v1/v2)=(s/r)=I)
(v= planet velocity, r= planet diameter, I= planet orbital inclination, and s= planet rotation periods number in its orbital period- the factors v2,s,r and I are belonged to one planet and v1 is belonged to another planet)
The equation works from the Earth to Pluto only (the discussion explains the reason)
The planet (v1) is defined by minimum error test- 
Earth Equation uses Neptune velocity
Mars Equation uses Pluto velocity
Jupiter Equation uses the Earth moon velocity
Saturn Equation uses Mars velocity
Uranus Equation uses Neptune velocity (As Earth)
Neptune Equation uses Saturn velocity
Pluto Equation uses the Earth moon velocity (As Jupiter)
The Equation Concept
The equation tells, planet diameter is created as a function in its rotation period and the rotation period is a function in its velocity and the velocity is a function in its orbital distance – but why??
Planet diameter should be created as a function in its orbital distance for the planet safe motion otherwise the planet can be broken by its motion as a result for the inconsistency between the planet diameter and its orbital distance
- BUT- the designer couldn't create Planet diameter and its orbital distance in one function only- Because if the planet changes its orbit its diameter will be broken also- for that- the designer created a function between Planet diameter and its orbital distance but this function contains more variables (planet rotation period, velocity and orbital period)
Based on this function- in case the planet changes its orbit around the sun, its diameter wouldn't be broken but the planet would change its velocity, its rotation period, its orbital period and even its orbital inclination but the diameter will be saved.  
Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus (with orbital distance 84 million km) and Mars had migrated to its current orbit (with orbital distance 227.9million km) In Mars migration Mars had collided with Venus and then with the Earth and Mars is the planet caused to create the Earth moon-
When Mars had changed its original orbit and migrated to its current one– Mars had changed its velocity, rotation period, orbital period and orbital inclination- but Mars diameter is saved and isn't changed- but because Mars diameter is created in its original orbit Mars data analysis shows frequently this original orbit data and proves Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus
Please note- Mars diameter is changed really by 4% this change is done almost as a result for the collisions with Venus and the Earth, this fact is proved in point no.15) 
Second/ Matter Definition Based on Planet Diameter Equation
Planet diameter equation provides a new vision for the matter creation and motion- let's compare between it and the classical vision
Planet Creation Classical Vision
The Planet Is A Solid Body Created Independently From The Space And Other Planets.
Planet creation data is defined by random process, initial conditions and historical unknown factors – the matter is motionless by nature and it needs the mass gravity force to cause its motion – also the matter creation is done historically (Means The Creation Requirements Are Required With The Creation But Not After The Creation) 
Planet motion depends on its mass and any consistency between the planet data and its motion is produced by pure coincidence
The classical vision doesn’t know (how is the matter created?) nor (what's the original energy from which the matter is created?)
Planet Creation New Vision
The matter is created depends on its motion for that reason the matter dimensions (Planet creation data) is defined by geometrical rules and controlled by mathematical equations. 
This creates the consistency between Planet creation data and its motion features
The matter is movable by nature because it's carried by the energy from which the matter is created- no mass gravity is required for the matter motion.
The matter creation is NOT historical process, the creation requirements are required every day
The motion is transported among the planets because of (the space mechanical features and the matter creation new vision)
The transportation of motion causes to accumulate the energy – means- the planets motions cause to accumulate the energy in the solar system.
Planet diameter equation tells a new answer for the question (How Is The Matter Created?)  It tells
The space is similar to the sea of water and the matter is similar to a whirlpool on the sea page –means- the matter and the space are created from the same one energy- and the matter is created depending on the motion features –
For example- we have a whirlpool its diameter is 5 meters, how is this diameter created? it's created depending on the sea water motion velocity, direction, pressure and the motion other features- means- the whirlpool dimensions are defined based on the water motion features- now if the motion features are changed that will change the whirlpool dimensions and design-    
This is a new vision for the planet creation process- it tells – the motion is found before the planet creation (the energy motion), and the planet is created depending on these motion features- also- the planet is carried by the energy and moves with it – by that the planet (matter) is movable by nature and doesn’t need any mass gravity to move– this vision is different completely from the classical one because (first– the creation is done based on geometrical rules and the creation data are defined before the creation) – and – (second – the created matter is carried by the energy and moves with it)- this is similar to the whirlpool idea perfectly- where the whirlpool is carried by the sea water and moves by it even if it has a different velocity from the sea waves motion but still the whirlpool moves by the sea water motion- this is a new vision for the matter creation and motion
Another example– some creature has a strong muscle, the people imagined this muscle as a rock- but the muscle depends on the blood motion through the creature body and if the blood motion is changed the muscle dimensions and design will be changed – the example tells the matter dimensions are defined depends on the motion features
Planet Diameter Creation Depends On The Motion Transportation Among The Planets
Let's imagine a river of water moves through a desert- the river passing through the desert different places define these places data –for example- some place has many trees the river water will irrigate these trees – another place has many holes the river water would cause to fill these holes with water – I try to show that- the river moving water has effect on each place the river passes through
Similar to that- suppose we have 9 whirlpools are near one another- If a strong water wave passes through these 9 whirlpools – the wave will effect on these 9 whirlpools dimensions and designs- this explanation tries to show how the planet diameter equation works because the equation depends on a transported motion among the planets- This transported motion causes to define the energy motion direction and this energy defines each planet creation data (specially its diameter).  
Can The Motion Be Transported Among The Planets?
This process needs two factors (first "The Space Mechanical Features") and (second "the Matter Creation New Vision")
Space Nature Analysis Is Written In Details In Point No. (3) 
But here I provide a summarized idea-
The space is similar to the sea of water and the planet motion through the space is similar to a fish swimming through the sea- and – as the fish swimming energy creates water waves in the sea, the planet motion energy creates waves in the space- these waves are similar to the water waves- It can move far from its source and can be reflected- By that, we realize the waves in the space can transport the motion energy among the planets and through the space
But –
Can the motion energy transportation cause the motion transportation among the planets?
Of course it can if the planet is (A Whirlpool On The Sea Page)- but it's impossible to transport the motion among the planets if the planet is (A rigid body created independently from the space and the other planets) – shortly – the planet classical vision prevents the motion transportation among the planets even if the space has mechanical features – but the new vision of the matter creation enables the motion to be transported among the planets based on the space mechanical features.
Let's ask (where's Planet motion energy?)
Any moving body produces energy (1/2 mv^2) but (where's Planet motion energy?)
The planet can't store its motion energy inside its own body because it would raise its temperature and no planet temperature is raised by its motion- so where's Planet motion energy?
The logical answer tells (Planet Motion Energy Must Be Stored In The Space) 
The space is similar to the sea of water and the planet motion through the space is similar to a fish swimming through the sea – and – as the fish swimming energy creates waves in the sea– the planet motion energy creates waves in the space- these waves are very similar to the water waves – they move freely far from their source and can be reflected (typically as the water waves)
Based on this vision- the planets move and produce motions energies in the space- and this energy is stored in the space in waves form- then the planets motions energies waves are unified together into one unified wave-  
As a result – while the planets revolve around the sun by each planet velocity- there's also one unified wave revolves around the sun its velocity equal the planets velocities total
For more details
The planets revolve around the sun in the same one direction for that the planets motions energies waves move in one direction toward Pluto (Perpendicular on the revolution direction)- the motions energies waves are unified into one unified wave in Pluto orbit and then the unified wave is reflected from Pluto to Venus�� in fact– The planets motions energies unified wave is reflected in the solar system three times –let's refer to them in following
(First Reflection) The unified wave is reflected from Pluto to Venus –means- the wave is moved from Pluto to Neptune, then to Uranus and then to Saturn – BUT
(Second Reflection) – at Saturn- the unified wave is reflected one more time- the reflection is done inside Saturn body as If Saturn body is similar to 2 mirrors and between them the unified wave of energy is reflected – after – the energy left Saturn moving in its original direction toward Venus-
(Third Reflection) – The unified wave reaches to Venus and then Venus reflects it toward Mars and the unified energy wave is stored in the Earth moon orbit between Venus and Mars. 
The planets motions energies are unified into one wave – and this unified wave revolves around the sun through the Earth moon orbit. (For this reason I have to add the moon velocity in all calculations define the planets velocities total) 
The refection of energy has effect on the planets data – what’s used as (A) before reflection will be used as (1/A) after the reflection- and what's used as (a period of time) before reflection is used as (a distance) after the reflection (and the vice versa) 
What's The Source of The Gravitational Waves?
It's clear, The space waves I have described here are similar to the discovered gravitational waves.
 I claim, the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies and they are NOT produced by any gravitational field –also- I claim there's NO proof for the supposed gravitational field (or the sun gravitational field) – let's explain that in details in following
No planet moves by the sun gravity but the planet moves by its creation energy- means-  the planet creation and motion should be done by the same one force (energy) because if two forces have effects on the same one planet, this planet will be broken
No proof for the sun massive gravity- for example- the sun rotation period (at equator 25.4 days) but (at the pole 34.4 days) this data disproves the sun massive gravity idea
Planet diameter equation proves the planet creation data is created based on its motion features- means – the motion is found before the planet creation.
The planets data is reflected on one another proves the reflection of energy is done for (energy related to the planets motion) and not for (energy related to the gravitational field) means- the reflection of the waves proves these waves are produced by the planets motions
The mass gravity force is a fact but Newton definition is wrong – let's explain that
The mass gravity is a bond between 2 masses –
The Earth and the moon are connected together with the mass gravity - They are similar to a lorry and its trailer – If a force causes the Earth to move this same force will cause the moon to move – the two planets move together- this is the effect of the mass gravity force but the mass gravity can't cause any motion!
Suppose the moon moves by the Earth mass gravity
The moon moves and produces motion energy- now– from what source this motion energy will be paid? From the Earth mass itself!
That tells- If the Earth causes the moon to move that will cause to decrease the Earth mass itself to pay the moon motion energy – it's wrong definition for the mass gravity
The mass gravity creates a bond between two masses- The Earth and the moon are connected by the mass gravity – and - If outer reason causes the Earth to move, the moon will move with it and the outer reason will pay the motion energy for the Earth and the moon. 
PROVES For The Planets Reflected Data
We remember, the refection of energy causes changes in the planets data– what’s used as (A) before reflection will be used as (1/A) after the reflection- and what's used as (a period of time) before reflection is used as (a distance) after the reflection (and the vice versa) 
Proof No. (1)
Sin (3.4 deg) =(1/17.2) where (3.4 degrees = Venus Orbital Inclination) and
(17.2 degrees = Pluto Orbital Inclination)
We see clearly, Pluto orbital inclination is reflected to Venus orbital inclination.
(more analysis for the two orbital inclinations are found in the paper discussion)
Proof No. (2)
The inner planets order is
(Mercury – Mars- Venus – The Earth)
The order tells greater diameter (and mass) necessitates Longer orbital distance
(I prove Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus Point no.15)
The outer planets order is
(Jupiter– Saturn – Uranus– Neptune - Pluto)
The order tells greater diameter necessitates Shorter orbital distance
The order is reflected clearly
Proof No. (3)
Venus orbital circumference 680 million km
And Mars orbital period 687 days (error 1%) -And
Venus orbital period (224.7 days)
Mars orbital distance (227.9 million km) (error 1%)
The data is reflected (what's time for one planet used as a distance for the other)
Proof No. (4)
The planets velocities proves the reflection also because (v1v2= constant=322) –
322 = 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity) x 6.8 km/s (Uranus velocity)
322 = 35 km/s  (Venus velocity) x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2                         (error 2%)
322 = 29.8 km/s (the Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocities) x 2   
322 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity)                           (error 2%)
322 = (17.9 km/s)^2 (Ceres velocity)
The constant (322) proves the velocities are reflected on one another
Proof No. (5)
Each planet orbit is defined based on an angle, these angles are reflected also – let's prove that 
(I suppose –There's a right triangle by the three points The Sun, Mercury and Venus)
Venus angle is (61 degrees) because Venus orbital distance (108.2 mkm) x cos (61) = Venus Mercury distance (50.3 mkm) -
Here we can replace Venus with any other planet in the same triangle to define this planet angle based on similar calculation – as a result
Earth angle is (51 degrees) because Earth orbital distance (149.6 mkm) x cos (51) = Earth Mercury distance (91.7 mkm)
Mars angle is (41.7 degrees) because Mars orbital distance (227.9mkm) x cos (41.7)= Mars Mercury distance (170 mkm)
Jupiter angle is (22.2 degrees) because Jupiter orbital distance (778.6 mkm) x cos (22.2)= Jupiter Mercury distance (721 mkm)
Similar to that – Saturn angle is 16.5, Uranus angle is 11.6 deg, Neptune angle is 9.2 deg and Pluto angle is 8 deg- these angles follow the same system – for example
Pluto angle is (8 degrees) because Pluto orbital distance (5906 mkm) x cos (8)= Pluto Mercury distance (5848 mkm)
NOTICE No. (1)
The right angle and its triangle is (a hypothesis) – we Can prove it because
(v1/v2) = (θ1/ θ2)
means – these angles are rated with their planets velocities – for example
(Neptune velocity 5.4/ Pluto velocity 4.7) = (9.2 deg /8 deg)
Shortly -the angles which are defined based on the sun perpendicularity on Mercury orbit – all of them- are the correct angles by which the planets orbits are defined – that because the planets velocities are rated with these angles and Kepler stated (Planet orbit defines its velocity) by that the planets orbits are defined based on these angles and that causes the angles rates to be equal with the velocities rates
That tells indeed the sun position is perpendicular on the (inner planets orbits) – in fact – the sun is perpendicular on the Earth moon orbit- and this perpendicularity has effect on all inner planets because of the small distances among them. 
NOTICE No. (2)
The planets angles are REFLECTED based on one another – that tells – the planets velocities also are reflected based on one another –
Let's prove that in following
940 = 2 x Venus angle (61 deg) x Pluto angle (8 deg)
940 = 2 x Earth angle (51 deg) x Neptune angle (9.2 deg)
940 = Jupiter angle (22.2 deg) x Mars angle (41.7  deg)
Mercury is not used because of the right angle -
The Conclusion
The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies And Not By Any Gravitational Field
Please note, the waves in the sea of water are produced by the creatures motions energies total – the winds can't create the sea waves but can define its direction- but- the sea waves energy is produced by the energy of millions of the moving creatures in the sea.  
The solar system is created from one energy- in details- the solar planets and their distances are created from energy of one light beam its velocity 1.16 million km/sec.
The energy is consumed in the space and time creation- the energy consumption caused to decrease the velocity and the rest energy is found in a light beam its velocity 300000 km/s (the known speed of light) 
The space and time creation is defined by the following equation (1.16/0.3) x 2π = 24.3
The equation tells, the space is created in curved lines (2π) and the time is created based on the solar day (24 hours) (later it will be explained)
The energy of a light beam its velocity 1.16 million km/s is used to create the solar system general design, the energy is consumed and the rest energy becomes a light beam its velocity 300000 km/s
(Please note – that means- this is one light beam its velocity before the space and time creation was 1.16 million km and after the creation be 300000 km/s)
The velocity 1.16 million km per second is proved in details in point (appendix no.1)
Here we can imagine
The sea design is created by the original light beam energy its velocity 1.16 million km per second – but the rest energy is similar to one wave moves through this sea where this wave velocity is 300000 km/s. 
There's a coherence of light done between the light beam 1.16 million km /s and the light beam 300000 km/s – this coherence of light is perfectly similar to Young experiment coherence – the coherence produced the interference (bright fringes and dark fingers)
We should realize that the (Interference) is one wave moves by one velocity 300000 km/s-
The coherence of light has many positive results
First/ the production of the darks fringes which will be used as the planets orbital distances
Second / the production of the bright fringes which will be used as the planets
Shortly- the bright fringes order is typical to the planets order- for details- we see Jupiter (the greatest planet) in the middle as (the greatest fringe be in the interference middle)
Also the fringe width is decreased gradually on both sides – similar to the planets order on both sides of Jupiter.
(Notice- Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus and Mars had migrated to its current orbit behind the Earth- when we restore Mars to its original orbit- we would see the planets order be perfectly similar to the bright fingers order in Young interference) (Mars migration is proved in point no.15)
Third/ it's important to notice, the produced interference from Young experiment created No Planet– the bright fringes don't refer to any planet.
Means- the interference production is a process found by coherence of light and produced one wave moves by one velocity 300000 km/s and this wave is distinguish into bright and dark fringes- NO planet is created by the coherence of light of its interference.
The notice is that – the bright fringes order is typical to the planets order –
I want to say- the planets creation is done by another process found after the coherence of light – by that – the coherence of light caused to produce No planet  
The coherence of light is important process because it creates the bright fringe and dark fringes – where the dark fringes will be used as distances and the bright fringes will be used as planets that creates the distinguish between them (That supports the idea tells, the planets matters and their distances are created from the same energy)
The light coherence produces one wave its velocity 300000 km/s and this wave is seen in Young interference which is consisted of (bight fringes and dark fringes)- this wave contains all the available energy in the solar system- and its velocity is 300000 km/s relative to the original light beam velocity (1.16 million km per second) 
Now – let's ask – How Is A Planet Created?
The Solar System needs To Create A Stationary Point (Its velocity Zero) relative to the moving wave (its velocity is 300000 km/s)
This is the basic information in the solar system design-
The solar system needs to create a stationary point relative to the wave motion- by that – two velocities will be found which are (v1= the moving wave velocity 300000 km/s) and (v2= Zero= the stationary point velocity) – these two velocities produce a relative motion with velocity 300000 km/s – this relative motion has a great importance we should explain later.
Now – let's try to create the stationary point in the solar system motion
The stationary point creation is a complex process- it's similar to create a stationary point on the sea water while the water is moving continuously- for that reason the solar system uses many procedures to create this stationary point.
The first procedure
The wave its velocity 300000 km/s revolves around a point in space (any point in space), the revolution motion creates 2 equal velocities on both sides of the revolution- the two velocities are equal in value and opposite in direction- their total be equal Zero-means- the revolution motion causes to create a stationary point in the center of the revolution. 
The second procedure
The previous idea is correct theoretically- but –the velocity 300000 km/s is a huge one and to decrease it to Zero velocity this is a complex process – for that- the wave (300000 km/s) created small waves with low velocities- these are the planets- (The planet is a small wave moves by low velocity relative to the unified wave its velocity 300000 km/s) 
Why Are These Small Waves Required?
Because the velocity 300000 km/s is decreased to Zero by using these small waves and their low velocities- the low velocities are used as steps to decrease the unified wave velocity (300000 km/s) to be (Zero)- this process decreases the velocity gradually from 300000 km/s to Zero depending on these small waves velocities (the planets velocities)   
Shortly – the solar system has one complete system of velocities, Starting from Zero and reaching to 300000 km/s where the planets velocities are the steps between the two velocities – this idea will be proved later- also- the stationary point importance will be explained later
The stationary point real velocity is 1 km/s (Not Zero)
Planet Definition 
The planet is a small wave created from the unified wave its velocity 300000 km/s where the small wave (the planet) velocity is a low velocity.
That provides the planet definition (the planet is a small wave moves by low velocity) where the planet is found to decrease the velocity 300000 km/s to be (Zero) (stationary point).
This is the planet definition – and – this definition is proved by the planets data where
All planet data is created depending on the velocities rate (v1/v2)
Planet orbital distance is created depending on the velocities rate (v1/v2)^2
Planet orbital period is created depending on the velocities rate (v1/v2)^3
As example
Planet diameter is defined depending on the rate (v1/v2) as proved by the planet diameter equation- the planet data creation system proves that- the planet velocity is the first data defined in the planet creation- basically- the planet is created for its velocity- means- the planet velocity is the planet first job and the planet is created for it
Shortly – the planet is created with low velocity to cause the decreasing of the unified velocity 300000 km/s to Zero (means- to create a stationary point in the solar system).
Notice no. (1)
The planet is created as a wave because there's a vertical motion in the solar system-means While the unified wave moves by its velocity 300000 km/s (horizontally), a perpendicular motion (90 degrees) is effective on it vertically-by that-2 perpendicular  motions are found in the solar system – the unified wave motion (horizontally) and the perpendicular motion on it- and these 2 motions create a wave which become a planet – then this created planet will create another perpendicularity on the unified wave (its velocity 300000 km/s) and this perpendicularity creates another wave (another planet) by this method the planets are created depending on one another.
This explanation is provided because many right angles are discovered between the planets which will be proved in the paper discussion.  
Notice no. (2)
I claim the planet is created in wave form and also I claim the planet motion energy creates waves in the space- can we distinguish between these 2 waves?
Generally I prefer to refer to the planet as (A Whirlpool And Vortex On The Sea)
And the distinguish between the two waves are known because
The particle is known as (double nature) – means- it's considered as a particle and as a wave
The gravitational waves are known–the waves is space are typical to the gravitational waves 
by that no confusion is produced by the idea tells the planet is a wave and the planet motion energy creates a wave in the space –
Now we realize how (each bright fringe) is changed to a planet- that because each bright fringe velocity is decreased and become a low velocity- where the low velocities are found  to decrease the unified wave velocity from 300000 nkm/s to Zero -  that means-  the low velocities are created because of the stationary point (which will be the sun later)- that explains Kepler statement (planet orbit defines its velocity) because the planets velocities are found basically to create the stationary point which will be the sun- by  that-  the low velocities creation caused each b right fringe to be a planet and for that the planets order and distribution is similar typically to the bright fringes distribution.
Also we realize, the velocity decreasing is NOT done by the light coherence but by the stationary point creation process by which the solar system produces the different velocity 300000 km/s.
I want to say, the coherence of light is done perfectly as Young Experiment system and no  different velocity is found in the produced interference, on the contrary the interference (bright fringes and dark fringes) is produced as one wave moves by one velocity 300000 km/s–
BUT- the creation of the stationary point (which will be the sun later), this process caused to decrease the velocities of each bright fringe and that caused to make each bright fringe as a planet and that makes the planets distribution to be similar typically the bright fringes distribution.
Light coherence is a complex process needs more analysis -for example- light coherence must cause a reflection of energy because the reflection is proved in the solar system strongly-  
Shortly, the superposition between Young experiment interference and the solar planets distribution needs more analysis to  compare the light geometry with its effect  on  the matter data and motion.   
Here we need to see the  picture as clear as possible  
The main idea tells (there are 2 motions are done continuously) which are
(First motion)  One unified wave revolves around the sun with velocity 300000 km/s
(Second motion) The planets revolution around the sun
This is the basic description for the solar system  motion
I reach to this description by  my hypothesis about the solar system  creation and the unified wave moves by a velocity 300000  km/s
This same description we can reach by the planet motion energy analysis (without any hypothesis)- let's prove that in following…
Planet Motion Energy Analysis 
where's Planet motion energy?
Any moving body produces energy (1/2 mv^2)- so- (where's Planet motion energy?)
The planet can't store its motion energy inside its own body because it would raise its temperature and no planet temperature is raised by its motion- so where's Planet motion energy?
We have  answered this question in (space nature analysis point no.3)
And we know that, (Planet Motion Energy Is Stored In The Space) 
The space is similar to the sea of water and the planet motion through the space is similar to a fish swimming through the sea – and – as the fish swimming energy creates waves in the sea– the planet motion energy creates waves in the space- these waves are very similar to the water waves – they move freely far from their source and can be reflected (typically as the water waves)
Based on this vision- the planets move and produce motions energies in the space- and this energy is stored in the space in waves form- then the planets motions energies waves Are Unified Together Into One Unified Wave-  
This is the same picture,
The planets revolve around the sun and there's one unified wave also revolves around the sun with the planets- this one unified wave move by a velocity = the planets velocities total- the pictures are typical-
Only there's one difference which is-
(In The 1st Description) The Unified Wave Moves By A Velocity Be 300000 km/s \
(In The 2nd Description) The Unified Wave Moves By A Velocity= The  Planets Velocities total – and now we have to ask
What's The Relationship Between The Planets Velocities Total With The Speed Of  Light 300000 km/s?
We need to analyze the planet velocity to  answer this question– let's do  it  in  following...  
I have supposed the solar system is created by a coherence of light between 2 light beams, one of them its velocity 1.16  million km/s and the other velocity is 300000 km/s – for that reason- the planet velocity is  defined between these two values – let's explain that in following
(i) Planet Velocity Definition
My fifth equation tells (v1v2= constant =322) – the data proves this fact
Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves during 6.8 hours a distance           = 1160000 km 
Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves during 47.4 hours a distance                      = 1160000 km 
Mars (24.1 km/s) moves during 13.1 hours a distance              = 1160000 km 
Jupiter (13.1 km/s) moves during 24.1 hours a distance                     = 1160000 km 
(error 2%)
Earth (29.8 km/s) moves during 2 x 5.4 hours a distance                    = 1160000 km 
Neptune (5.4 km/s) moves during 2 x 29.8 hours a distance     = 1160000 km 
Venus (35 km/s) moves during 2 x 4.7 hours a distance           = 1160000 km 
Pluto (4.7 km/s) moves during 2 x 35 hours a distance             = 1160000 km 
(error 2%)
Saturn (9.7 km/s) moves during 33.2 hours a distance = 1160000 km 
(between 33.2 and Venus velocity 35 km/s the error 5%) 
322 = 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity)   x 6.8 km/s (Uranus velocity)
322 = 35 km/s  (Venus velocity)        x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2        (error 2%)
322 = 29.8 km/s (the Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocities) x 2   
322 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity)        x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity)          (error 2%)
322 = (17.9 km/s)^2 (Ceres velocity)
The previous data  tells the planets velocities are defined based on two features
(1st Feature)
The planets velocities are complementary with one another – where- each planet velocity is connected with another planet velocity- that tells – the planets velocities are defined for pair and not for a single planet.
(Please note, the inner planets orbital inclination is defined based on  the rule (v1/v2),  for example Mercury orbital inclination 7 deg = Mercury velocity 47.4/ Uranus velocity 6.8- this fact is proved by planet diameter equation geometrical features point no.6)     
(2nd Feature)
Planet velocity is  defined as a function in the light velocity (1.16  million km/s)
Where the constant 322 is used  because 322 hours  =1160000 seconds -  means- the light moves in  one  second  a distance 1160000 km  but we see it as a period of time (1160000 seconds= 322 hours)- that explains why the constant is  322
The data proves planet velocity is defined as a function tin the light velocity 1.16  million km/s  (more deep analysis is found in the paper discussions)
The 9 planets velocities total is 176 km/s– I add the Earth moon velocity= the Earth velocity 29.8  km/s (because they revolve around the sun together) 
(I add the moon velocity because the total motion energy is stored in the moon orbit)
176 km/s  +29.8 km/s =  205.8 km/s
This velocity is defined depending on the speed of light (300000 km/s) 
300000 km =7.1 x (205.8)^2
The equation tells the fact clearly
7.1 is Lorentz Length Contraction Effect (for a velocity 0.99 speed of  light)  - means
The motion with velocity (99% speed of light) will cause length contraction with rate 7.1
Shortly - the solar system has a different velocity =300000 km/s, this motion is done for one second, passes 300000 km- and because of Lorentz length contraction effect this distance be (42253 km = 300000 km/7.1)- by that the solar system  moves 42253 km in comparison with 300000 km because of Lorentz length contraction effect.     
Where 42253 km = (205.8 km)^2 – (But why is the velocity squared?) 
The Squared Velocity Reason
42253 km = (205.8 km)^2
The reason is written in 5 points here- but more deep analysis is provided in (Space nature Analysis Point  No.3) and  (the different rates of time Point No.11)
The unified wave velocity (205.8 km/s) relative to the stationary point creates a rate of time- means (1 sec. of the unified wave clock =205.8 sec of the stationary point clock)
The unified wave is reflected in the solar system- that causes to reflect the players- by  that (1 sec of  the stationary point clock= 205.8 sec of the unified wave clock)
The unified wave (205.8km/s) moves in (205.8 seconds) a distance = 42253 km
205.8 sec of the unified wave = one second of the stationary point- means – there's a motion for a distance 42253 km is  passed in one second relative to the unified wave clock.
By Lorentz contraction effect this distance (42253 km) be (300000 km)
Lorentz contraction effect with rate (7.1) caused the distance 300000 km to be 42253 km – but it's difficult to explain how (42253  km) can be (300000 km)- only I can say the energy is reflected in the solar system and that causes to reflect the effects.       
The sun rays creation idea is summarized in  5 items
(1st item) The Sun Rays Creation Process
The sun rays is produced by the planets motions energies total- means- the sun is NOT  doing nuclear fusion to produce its rays –instead- the planets motions energies total is used as the energy source to produce the sun rays-
Shortly- the sun rays is created depending on the different velocity 300000 km/s,  means,  the stationary point will be the sun because the rays is produced based on the different  velocity 300000  km/s. 
Notice no.(1)
The sun rays energy is the only available energy in the solar system– all other sources of  energy are used to produce the different velocity between the unified wave velocity (300000 km/s)  and  the stationary  point (zero)- by that-  the sun rays energy is the only available energy. 
The sun is a phenomenon created by the planets motions energies total- and the sun life and death depend on a cycle- means- after the sun death another sun will be born for the solar system because the sun is a phenomenon and its life depends on a cycle (more details are written in the sun rays creation discussion point no.11)   
Notice no.(2)
It's a new vision for the solar system- because it tells the solar system is one machine- and- there's one energy behind the solar system and the planets matters and distances depend on this one energy- by that- the solar system is similar to a river of water (or a sea of water)- and the river should have an outlet- for that the solar system should produce energy- the sun rays is the produced energy by the solar system motion.    
Let's suppose the sun is not found- and we know the planet motion energy is stored in the space- what would happen for this stored energy in the space? Can the energy be stored in the space forever? It's not logical and also it can cause great risk of explosion for the whole solar system by this storing energy which has no outlet-
The logical idea is the sun rays creation by that the energy will be provided by a useful method and peaceful effect where no risk is found by the sun rays creation- this analysis shows the sun rays creation necessity for the soar system safety and continuity    
Notice no. (3)
(a new article) This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsnHYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"&HYPERLINK "https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83"ei=83
this is a new article – it tells the gravitational waves which are discovered in the space can move by high velocity motion and can produce a light beam – this is a very important article because it tells the light beam can be produced by the motion energy and not by the sun nuclear fusion- it refers to a complete different machine to produce the light beam and that can be proof for my theory tells (the sun rays is created by the motion energy and not by the nuclear fusion)  
Note – I refuse to name the waves as (gravitational waves) – this is wrong idea – the discovered waves in the space are NOT produced by any gravitational field – on the contrary- they are produced by the planets motions energies- I accept all data in this article except this one only – the waves are produced by the planets motions energies and not by the gravitational field if it's found at all.
(2nd item) The Creature Creation
All creatures and matters on the Earth and on all other planets are created from the sun rays energy- specifically- all living creatures are created by the sun rays energy.
(3rd item) The Creature Realization Analysis
All creatures have eyes and brains see the universe based on the following rule
With different velocity 300000 km/s they see light beam
With different velocity Zero km/s they see matter
Means- the matter and light are the same energy but seen in two different forms based on the relative motion (This Causes To See The Bright Fringes As Planets)
The creature realization has effect on the matter vision- where- the matter is NOT fact – it's artificial produced by the different velocities –
The creatures realization enables it to see each different velocity (Zero) as matter and each different velocity (300000 km/s) as a light beam – by that- the matter vision is created by the creature realization effect on the energy motion- but the creature realization depends on the Earth motion velocity and the sun rays.
More deep analysis is provided in the next point (No. 11)- but here we discuss the velocities which cause the vision and not the realization which depend on these velocities.
The Earth and all planets move by speed of light (300000 km/s) relative to the sun.
Here we don't consider the Earth velocity (29.8 km/s) but we consider the unified wave velocity (300000 km/s) – because- the Earth velocity 29.8 km/s is created based on a rate of time by that the value (29.8 km/s) depends on a rate of time and the two factors together reach to the velocity (300000 km/s) by which the unified wave moves- we have seen an example for that in our analysis for the equation (300000 km =7.1 x (205.8)^2)    
Means- the rate of time is produced with the velocity creation and for that the velocity can't be seen independent from its rate of time – means – any planet moves by speed of light (300000 km/s) and this planet velocity is created based on its rate of time to enable the deceasing process to create the stationary point.
For that– we see the Earth and all planets as matters and we see the sun as light beam- and this situation will not change when we visit any other solar planet because it's one unified motion for all planets – more details are provided in (The planets motions use different rates of time Point no. 12)
Shortly- The Earth (and all planets) velocity is 300000 km/s relative to the sun- this is the main fact and this is the proof of the hypothesis- but how this velocity can effect on the creature realization? This question is answer in point no. (11)
(4th item) A New Vision For The Planet
The planet is created originally as a small wave with low velocity to enable the stationary point creation process- but- the creature realization gives a new vision for the planet- this vision is created by the creature brain and the matter is artificial- as the mirage vision- by that the planet is seen as rocks and stones-
For example- the planet diameter is created as a period of time (the planet diameter equation proves this fact) but the creature sees the planet diameter as rocks – that gives new vision for the planet-
I want to say- the planet is created before the creature creation and before the sun rays creation but the planet vision is changed by the creature creation and this vision covers the facts- that explains why the planets data analysis is an essential method to discover the solar system facts. 
(5th item) The Planet Data Redefinition
The planet first data is the velocity – the planet originally is created as small wave with low velocity to enable the stationary point creation process- the next data is the planet diameter which is created as a period of time – where the planet orbital period depends on (v1/v2)^3 that causes the planet diameter to depend on this same rate (v1/v2)^3 
That causes the planet diameter Not to change with the observer relative motion (v1/v2)- the next data is the planet mass which is created as a rate between the rates of time
I want to say- the planet is a moving point and its motion is required for specific job (the creation of the stationary point)- but the creature vision for the planet covers the planet motion real roles 
This is similar to the car industry
When the car was consisted only from 4 wheels and one motor and the motion transporter we understood how the car moves but the manufacturer covers all motion tools and put some seats in the car by that we can't realize how this car moves –
Now – let's ask
Why Does The Creature See The Matter?  
The different velocities define the motion trajectory
Also the different velocities define the matter data and design
The matter is created in the creature brain (as the mirage) but this vision depends also on the Earth motion velocity.
Means- the creature realization and vision depends on the Earth velocity – this causes the creatures to see the matters.
If the creature is removed from the solar system- the solar system will be seen as a sea of energy in which some points have concentrated energy (these points would be seen by the creature as matters)
The creature is created from the sun rays energy and the creature realization depends on the Earth motion and the sun light-means- the matter vision is created by the creature brain and realization effect but this realization depends on the Earth velocity and the sun light. 
The velocity 300000 km/s is the creature realization limit velocity- as the creature has limit for seeing and limit for listening – the creature limit for velocity realization is 300000 km/s - means- this is a limit for Creature and not for the Universe-
Spite there's a higher velocity (1.16 million km/s) the creature can't realize it     
What's The Relative Motion Can Change For The Matter Dimensions?
The matter dimensions is defined by the Earth motion and Earth velocity is 300000 km/s relative to the sun- and the matter dimensions is defined depending on this different velocity- means- any change in the matter dimensions can be found only by a velocity equal 300000 km/s (or near to it).
How Is The Matter Created?
The matter is a moving energy, and when it moves by low velocity it isn't seen as a matter but as energy, only when the energy moves by speed of light the light and matter vision be produced based on the different velocity- the different velocity 300000 km/s causes to see a light beam and the different velocity (Zero) causes to see matter- means- the matter and space both are created from the same energy- the cornerstone is the motion velocity- when the velocity be (300000 km/s) that causes the matter creation possibility.
By this vision we understand the consistency and harmony between the matter dimensions and its motion features- because the matter was an energy very similar to this moving energy but the high velocity motion enables this energy to be seen as matter
Let's ask- where the planet diameter equation shows the diameter definition depends on the rate (v1/v2)- Why does the diameter shows a dependency on the rate ((v1/v2)^3)?
The rate (v1/v2) creates a rate of time between the velocities – for example- Mercury velocity =1.6 Earth velocity for that one second of Mercury clock =1.6 seconds of the Earth clock (more details are provided in point no. 12)
There's another effective factor on the solar system design, this is the energy reflection-
As explained in space nature analysis (point no.3), the wave is reflected three times in the solar system- the reflection of the wave causes to fold the rate of time- by that the rates of time is increased greatly because of the reflection of energy
For example Mars velocity (24.1 km/s) = 5.1 Pluto velocity (4.7 km/s), and this rate creates a rate of time (one second of Mars clock = 5.1 seconds of Pluto clock)
BUT –the real rate of time between them is 14178 means (one second of Mars clock = 14178 seconds of Pluto clock)- this is produced by the energy reflection in the solar system –
Here we understand, the velocities rates produce rates of time– and also the orbital periods rates produce rates of time –
The fact is that, huge amount of the planets data is used as rates of time because the rates of time increasing their values gradually from the velocities rates to very great values to produce the velocity 300000 km/s – now the doubling process is done by the unified wave reflection and not by any planet motion.
We know the rate (v1v/v2) is the velocities rate and the rate ((v1v/v2)^3) is the orbital periods rate- and the connection between both is done automatically because of the wave reflection while the relative motion is still connected with the rate (v1v/v2)    
Notice no. (1) –
300000 km = 7.1 x (205.8)^2
7.1 is Lorentz length contraction effect rate for a velocity (99% of speed of light)
205.8 km/s = the 9 planets velocities total + the Earth moon velocity
The equation tells the planets velocities total (205.8 km/s) depend on the speed of light 300000 km/s
But more analysis can produce better vision
7.1 x 205.8 = 1461
1461 days = the Earth cycle (365 +365 +365 +366)
Means - the total distances are passed by all planets (including the moon) in a period 1461 solar day= the motion distance is passed by light (300000 km/s) in one solar day
Simply –
One Solar Day Of The Sun Clock = 1461 Solar Days Of The Earth Clock
This rate connects the solar system motion with light motion
I want to say, not only the planets velocities total refer to the speed of light (300000 km/s) but also the Earth cycle (1461 days) supports the same idea- the difficulty is that- we don't understand the phenomena geometrical effects- for example- we don't know why the Earth cycle is 1461 days or what effect is produced by this cycle at all 
The phenomena geometrical effects are unknown and for that the data is connected but No geometrical meaning can be produced.
Notice no. (2) (Lorentz Transformation)
Lorentz transformation tells, if a particle moves by high velocity this particle length will be contracted, its mass will be increased and its time will be dilated- Why Are These Changes Done?  
Let's review how the matter is created – the vision depends on the relative motion
We understand the solar system is one wave moves by speed of light 300000 km/s- we don't consider any planet velocity (Earth velocity 29.8 km/s) because planet velocity is created with a rate of time – the planets real velocity is 300000 km/s and the sun real velocity is 1 km/s (stationary point- Zero approximately)
The creature sees the universe based on the different velocity- If the different velocity is 300000 km/s the creature sees (Light Beam) and if the different velocities is (Zero) the creature sees (Matter).
The Earth moves by speed of light (300000 km/s) relative to the sun, means, the different velocity (Zero) is produced because there's another 300000 km/s – for example – Earth velocity is 300000 km/s and Jupiter velocity is 300000 km/s for that we see the Earth and Jupiter as (Matters)    
Let's accelerate the particle – what would happen?
The static particle moves by the Earth velocity 300000 km/s, by that no different velocity between the particle and the Earth motion – for that- we see the Earth and the particle as (matters)-
But what about the wave?
The wave is coming from the sun moves by its velocity (stationary point Zero) for that there's different velocity between our motion and the wave motion equal speed of light (300000 km/s) and we see it as a light beam (or a wave)
The particle itself can't be accelerated because its velocity= the Earth velocity, but the used energy for acceleration move by low velocity relative to the particle motion-
They use acceleration energy in waves or electromagnetic force forms– this energy move by low velocity relative to the Earth velocity (and the particle velocity) for that the acceleration causes to accelerate this energy and when its velocity be 300000 km/s that cause to change them into matters added to the particle matter and changes its dimensions.
Additional notice (i)
Some people tell no real changes are done for the particle own data but they are illusions of measurements (means Lorentz transformation measure illusions)
I refuse this opinion because
The Physics Is The Measurements Science And What's Measured Is The Fact
If no real changes are done we can't understand how the problem of Michelson and Morelly experiment is solved- also- we can't understand why the synchronous events in one frame can't be synchronous in another (as Einstein stated) where no real change is done for any data.
If the particle own data are measured correctly while it moves by my motion velocity and these measurements are suffered from illusions because the particle moves by high velocity motion relative to my motion velocity that means (I'm the universe reference point)
Additional notice (ii)
We notice that- Lorentz length contraction equation can't distinguish between particle length and a distance, both can be contracted by the same one equation- that supports the idea tells (The Matter And The Space Are Created From The Same Energy)– If the space is similar to the sea of water the matter be similar to whirlpool on the sea page- both the matter and space are created from the same one energy
Also the coherence of light shows the bight fringes and dark fringes are controlled by the same rules – that explains why Lorentz equation can't distinguish between the particle length and the distance both are contracted by the same one equation.
The planets motions use of the rates of time is a proved fact, let's summarize in following
All solar planets and the whole solar system are carried on one light beam, this is similar to a house is built on a ship and the ship sails over the sea.
By this vision
The solar planets are similar to carriages on one train- and the light beam motion is this train engine- the light moves carrying all planets with it
The light moves one motion and passes one distance in one period of time- the planets have to move this same motion and pass this same distance in this same period of time-
But –the planets velocities are not equal light velocity for that the planets use rates of time for their motions – in fact – the planet uses rate of time with light motion and uses also a rate of time with the other planets motions
First / Light Motion Rate Of Time
One Second Of Light Clock = One Solar Day Of Planet Clock- this is the basic rate of time between the light and planet motions
Now- we see why the time is created based on the solar day in the equation (1.16/0.3 x2π= 24.3)–because – one second of light motion is compared with one solar day of planet motion 
In fact this description is not so simple because
One second of light clock (light velocity 1.16 million km/s) = 24 hours of planet clock 
One second of light clock (light velocity 300000  km/s)    = 24 hours of planet clock 
That forces the planets to use the rate of time (1=24)
Second / Planet Motion Rate Of Time
The rate of time is defined based on the velocities rate – for example – Mercury velocity =1.16 Earth velocity by that (One second of Mercury clock = 1.6 seconds of the Earth clock) – based on the planets rates of time the planets move equal distances in equal periods of time – this is an important concept because the light passes one distance and all planets have to pass this same distance – that shows the necessity of the rates of time using
Mercury defines the solar group basic rate of time which is
(One Hour Of Mercury Clock = 24 Hours Of Any Planet Clock)
This rate of time creates the harmony between the light and the planets motions
There's another important rate of time which is  
(One Hour Any Planet Clock = 24 Hours Of Saturn Clock)
That means
(One Hour Of Mercury Clock = 24 Solar Days Of Saturn Clock)
The energy reflection inside Saturn caused to square the rate, and by that the group is divided into three categories (Mercury 1 and all planets 24 and Saturn 24^2 (=576))
Third / The Solar System Motion Based on Mercury Clock
During 24 hours of Mercury Clock, Mercury moves 4.095 million km     
But, What's The Total Passed Distances During This Period?
(One Solar day Of Mercury Clock = 24 Solar days Of Any Planet Clock)
The planets motions distances total per solar day =17.75 million km
(Including The Earth Moon Motion Distance)
During 24 solar days the total distance is 426 million km
(One Solar Day Of Mercury Clock = 576 Solar Days Of Saturn Clock)
Saturn motion distance during 576 solar days = 483 million
The total passed distance = 4.095 mkm + 426 mkm + 483 mkm = 913 million km 
This is the total passed distance in one solar day of Mercury clock
Fourth/ The Earth Cycle 1461 days
913 solar days x 1.6 = 1461 solar days  …….. Let's explain this data,
913 million km= The planets passed distances total in solar day (24 h.) of Mercury Clock
The wave is reflected from Venus to Mars (the third reflection) – specifically- the wave is reflected from (Venus and Mercury) to (the Earth and Mars) where the wave energy is stored at end in the Earth moon orbit between Venus and Mars
Based on that
The distance 913 million km is reflected from Mercury to the Earth – the distance 913 million km is reached to the Earth in a period of time form (913 solar days)
Mercury velocity =1.6 Earth velocity – for that
913 solar days of Mercury motion =913 x 1.6 = 1461 solar days of the Earth motion
That explains how the rate (1 =1461) is created
The rate is created in the motion between Mercury and the Earth – where Mercury is connected with the sun motion and the Earth is connected with the planets motion- means- the sun motion depends on Mercury and the planets motions depend on The Earth
But -Why Does The Sun Motion Depend On Mercury Motion? the answer in Mercury day period analysis
Without any rates of time, the planets passed distances total per solar day is 17.75 million km –means- (without the rates of time) the planets pass this distance 913 million km in a period =51.5 solar days –
But cos (51.5 degrees) = (1/1.6) – where Mercury velocity =1.6 Earth velocity
I try to show that, the provided data has more deep geometrical effects on the solar system design and motion- where the direct connection we discovered still cover more deep geometrical effects on the planets motions and the solar system design.
(in fact 1.6 is the most important rate in the solar system)
Fifth / Mercury Day Period Analysis
The 9 planets velocities total is 176 km/s – based on this total Mercury day period is defined! But Why?
We remember,
The unified wave motion creates a rate of time with the stationary point (The Sun)- we notice here this velocity doesn’t contain the Earth moon velocity- it equals only the 9 planets velocities total =176 km/s
We remember the rate of time which is defined by the velocities rate (v1/v2) and the stationary point (1 km/s=Zero approximately)
By that – the rate of time between the wave (176 km/s) and the stationary point (1 km/s) is (one second of the wave clock = 176 seconds of the stationary point clock)   
And we remember the wave is reflected – for that
(one second of the stationary point clock = 176 seconds of the wave clock)   
(one solar day of the stationary point clock = 176 solar days of the wave clock)   
176 solar days = Mercury Day Period
But – why Mercury day period Not be = 176 hours, or 176 minutes or 176 seconds? Why specifically =176 solar days
(One Second Of Light Clock = 24 Hours Of Planet Clock) 
By this way Mercury connects the sun motion with light motion
That explains why the Earth cycle 1461 days is created depending on Mercury Earth interaction because the stationary point (the sun) depends on Mercury
Notice no. (1)
That explains why the sun obliquity =7.25 degrees where 176 = 24 x 7.25
176 days (mercury day period) and
(one second of Mercury clock = 24 seconds of any planet clock) and
(one second of the sun clock = 7.25 seconds of Mercury clock)
That causes
(one second of the Sun clock = 176 seconds of the wave clock)   
Notice no. (2)
The data shows, the machine works sufficiently without using the Earth moon velocity – but the problem is that- the final velocity can't reach to 300000 km/s that caused the machine to wait till the moon be created and by that the moon velocity (29.8 km/s) is added to the total 176 km/s by that the final total 205.8 km/s and by this total the velocity can reach to 300000 km/s
Sixth / The Sun Rays Creation
We know the light beam is created depending on the value (C^2) (squared speed of light) – How Can We Find The Value (C^2) In The Solar System?
Let's suppose the value (C^2) depends on a period of time equal (one second)
By that the value (C^2) be = 90000 million km
Saturn moves in 107470 solar days a distance = 90000 million km
One Solar Day Of Mercury Clock = 576 Solar Days Of Saturn Clock
186.6 Solar Days Of Mercury Clock = 107470 Solar Days Of Saturn Clock
186.6 solar days = 176 solar days x 1.0725 (Lorentz Contraction Rate)
And -we know
one solar day of the sun clock = 176 solar days of the wave clock (Mercury clock)
based on that
107470 days of Saturn = 186.6 days of Mercury = one day of the sun = one second of the light  - By that the distance 90000 million km is passed in one second relative to the light motion
Also we notice 107470 solar days of Saturn = 4477 days of the planets
The planets motions distances total in 4477 solar days = 17.75 mkm x 4477 = 79500 mkm 
Jupiter moves 1.1318 million km per solar day
90000 million km = 4477 days x 1.1318 mkm/ day –
That means-
Saturn moves 90000 million km alone in the period – and all planets motions distances total be 90000 million km in the same period – the produced 180000 mkm
The machine needs the double value (180000 mkm = 2 x 90000 mkm) because the machine depends on 2 seconds and not one second
The reason is that - The planets orbital circumferences total is 100733 million km
The planets orbital periods total is 197393 solar days (1:2)
The light uses the distances and periods of time exchangeable- that makes the machine to depend on 2 seconds
Seventh / Mars Rate Of Time
The third refection of the wave sent the energy to Mars – this caused to create the greatest rate of time between Mercury and Mars where (one second of Mercury clock = 2840 seconds of Mars clock)
Mars moves in 2840 solar days a distance = 5906 million km = Pluto orbital distance
1- Lorentz transformation are explained by the paper hypothesis (discussed before)
2- Einstein hypothesis (the speed of light 300000 km /s) is the highest velocity because it's the creature realization limit (discussed before)
3- The Collapse Of Wave Function –
The wave comes from the sun and moves by the sun velocity (Zero) and when the observer measures it, the wave wins the Earth velocity (300000 km/s) and moves by it that causes the wave to be changed into a particle because it moves by 300000 km/s as any particle is found on the Earth.
Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292
Physics Department-  Physics & Mathematics  Faculty 
Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow   (2010-2013)
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hunterofthehunters · 1 year
okay no vlr spoilers since i've just gotten past the first escape room (and voting segment) but
i genuinely cannot really think of a reason why anyone, under any circumstances, would ever vote betray in a game like this. friends and i spoke abt this last night and i can't get it out of my head.
it's not just "oh that's horrible, how could someone do that". it's "oh that's stupid. why would you ever make that mistake.
lemme elaborate:
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first point. by itself, the usage of the prisoner's dilemma in this game works fine. it was designed to create a difficult choice wherein trust is hard and betrayal maximizes gains while minimizing losses. that's a sensible thing in a void.
but this nonary game isn't in a void. it's not an isolated situation. when you vote, everyone sees it.
meaning, when you vote betray, every person in the game is now aware you are willing to vote betray. this dramatically changes the voting dynamic. now that you've established you are willing to betray others, you're now stuck in a deadlock. your game ends. because why would anyone ever risk voting 'ally' with you? it's safer to vote 'betray'.
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and with how BP works here, you're screwed. you forfeit the ability to gain points from then on. and if you're stupid enough to vote 'ally', you lose most of the points you gained by hitting betray prior. is it still net positive? sure, numerically. in terms of trust? why should anyone take that at face value after the first incident?
secondly. zero iii fucked up a bit in the intro with just one little implication:
the ambidex nonary games are not a zero sum game.
any number of players can exit the 9 door, as long as they have 9 BP.
this means there is no downside to other players gaining BP alongside you. therefore, ally has no effective downside. you don't need to worry about players trying to escape before you, and hell, if everyone hits all-ally at the start? you'll all hit 9 BP by round 3 (3 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 9).
in addition, voting ally doesn't really antagonize anyone or make them feel threatened, either. why would it? both parties benefit. both parties get closer to leaving. it's a sincere win-win.
"but what if... someone betrays me later? they could escape early if-"
math time.
say we start in round 1. as established, all players begin with 3 BP. betraying in this round would be idiotic, because
3+3 = 6
you're still short 3 points. "ah, but you see, i can betray someone in round 2 next, and--" if you think anyone will be stupid enough to ally so you can betray them at this point, you're literally huffing your own farts. i tore this point down already.
so, assuming you did the smart thing and built trust in round 1. 3+2 = 5, and you enter round 2 with 5 points. what next?
if we betray here...
5 + 3 = 8.
oof. owie. so close, but not quite! 1 point short, and it'd take 1 more round minimum to escape. the same as it'd take for you to escape if your stupid ass had just voted ally all 3 times.
and now you have a new problem.
"Oh i voted betray by mistake! We can ally again! mb! :)))"
you dumb asshole. you stupid dick. do you really think people will buy that? even if we assume everyone else is sitting at 7 except for your victim, do you seriously think they'd trust that? no. none of them would. not a one.
this also ignores the idea they could even like your victim. with them sitting at 3 points again, the game is extended another round if they want them to escape. you are intentionally dragging everyone's stay out for that.
i'm not even gonna discuss that zero never specified that players couldn't assault one another. i doubt the bunny would even outline that. they'd prob pull up a chair.
so, your betrayal strat moves to round 3. at which point... why? why bother? the only reason you would is because you'd actively want to leave a player(s) behind. and you'd need everyone else at 9 (assuming they all did the ally strat) to agree. are you confident you're gonna sneak by 8 other players for that?
all of this is just discussing the game itself, not the story around it. i trust uchikoshi enough to imagine he's got a plan for this that'll blast my enby dick right off.
but so far my read on VLR is that we have some fuckin idiots in this game that seem thoroughly convinced they are the smartest people in the room.
just vote ally. i promise you, pretending to be edgy and 'logical' isn't impressing anyone, phi.
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