kiralena · 1 year
Muriel definitely saw Aziraphale and Crowley kissing, they were already standing in front of the window.
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I'm a Misty Defender ok? I'm always going to pay more attention to her than of anyone else.
She is so right? She has been taking care of everything.
Sure she has never been appointed as leader, but she is definitely a huge pillar in the community of the cabin. I already said that in a previous post of mine but she is the one that did the most to ensure everyone's survival and cover up during the murder bit. I understand the others being shocked by knowing that she killed somebody, but the constantly miss the part that says about her doing all this shit to protect them.
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yourlocalpileofcrows · 11 months
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crisis-froggo · 2 years
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atamascolily · 9 months
Prior to meeting Shang, the Vapewiz had carved out a pretty good equilibrium for himself, indulging his sadism in ways that still allowed him to feel like a good (or at least, not actively harmful) person. But gradually, he's had to start confronting the fact that even this measure of indulgence has undesirable consequences. Sha Wu Sheng – a man who at one point attempted to redeem himself – was emotionally broken and then killed. Lin's old master died in the process. Mie Tian Hai very nearly destroyed the world, and who knows what else could happen if Lin keeps chasing bigger fish. We're reaching a point where, if things keep up as they've been going, the Vape Wizard will become undeniably villainous. And I'm not sure he's comfortable with that. Or I might just be projecting. There are two ways to interpret the Enigmatic Gale, and while they both have their charms, they're also both mutually exclusive to one another. On the one hand, if there's a gooey moral center hiding within that sharp and glittery exterior of his, it means that we're up for some interesting pathos in the future. However, this also comes at an unbearable cost in that it likely require that Lin stop being the Enigmatic Gale someday. And we can't have that! The Enigmatic Gale is the heart of adventure, an endless fount of easy yuks at the expense of megalomaniacs with sword fetishes. But on the other hand, if the show keeps operating at its current level of sharpness – and I wouldn't want it to not be this smart – it can't keep letting Lin off the hook forever. He's an incorrigibly selfish asshole, but he's just such a fun asshole, so I love him even though I know that he would never love someone else as he is now. Lin Xue Ya is likely the embodiment of Gen Urobuchi's dark side, his power to sympathize with sadists and the pleasure that he gains from digging into the depths of the human heart. Unfortunately for this side of himself, it coexists with a strong moral center (represented by Shang Bu Huan) and equally strong sympathy for those victimized by history. The conflict between these two tendencies manifests throughout all of the Butcher's work. Despite their alliance of convenience – and my desire for a more permanent one – either Shang's or Lin's side will be forced to give way in their battle on the terrain of this show's soul. Oh well, I'll just try to enjoy the action while it lasts. I anticipate that it'll at least throw me through a few good loops before the journey is over. --Gabriella Ekens reviewing Thunderbolt Fantasy S2x6-7 for Anime News Network.
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noodlearg · 2 years
i literally had a dream last night that they gave us a different angle from the kiss in s2x6 and the next morning i watch the q+ interview and it’s a confirmed forehead kiss
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zebraschaf · 3 months
Post S2x6. Hopeful.
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angel-and-the-serpent · 5 months
I rewatched S2x6
Here are my thoughtsies
After the words 'i'm the only first-class/order archangel here’ why does it close up on crowley’s face?  - check whether baraquiel, samael, jophiel or raphael were first order Items in gabriel’s box - two play pamphlets, and a letter from 1915 Matchbox quote - “, "Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out.". Job 41:19.” Aziraphales halo use in the Great War - When did Crowley fall? The look aziraphale gives after Crowley mentions Alpha Centauri to bureaucracy.
He looks upset or guilty
 we’ve missed a conversation or 3
Who is the dark council? - will we see the other princes? I “might” need you?- Metatron to Muriel I've made my position clear
“I NEED HELP” Is mouthed by Aziraphale among other things “ THEY ASKED ME BACK TO HELL” - WHEN? “I think i-” no cut to crowley here, which was weird- when metatron comes to take az to heaven after THE BIG DAMN KISS “Angel of you expertise to run things” - WHAT EXPERTISE Metatrons  relieved  sigh THE CROW ROAD
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garethamm · 1 year
Can you make us a gif of Crowley, s1 saying "you are so clever, how can someone so clever be so stupid" paired with s2x6 "You idiot. We could have been us"
Sorry, I'm not a David Tennant fan or Crowley stan and I'm not interested in these dialogues. Maybe you could ask other people who love Crowley and they might be happy to help.
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sapphirebluejewel · 3 years
Ricky the dick this episode
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possibility221 · 5 years
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Inktober 2019, Oct. 7 prompt:  enchanted
Elementary Season 2, episode 6
Joan opens the gift of Sherlock’s cold cases.
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aquariusshadow · 3 years
Live!Blogging HSMTMTS s2x6
okay fiiiiiiiiinally ive been waiting all day to watch this.
so from what i've seen...i'm tentatively predicting that my new main ships will be portwell and ricky/therapy
lesssss goooooo
not if you liked them back kourt *wink wink* then its hard for you to see if they like you
oh north high again
i keep forgetting about this storyline
'village idiot'
idk why that made me laugh im sorry
omg imagine a legit group chat with seb and ej tho
someone write a chatfic about this please
portwell sitting next to eachother hehehe
'friendship' *gina looks at ricky* oh boy
"im waiting for a sign" *camera pans to the exit sign*
so everyone that predicted the rose getting a song yall deserve your money's worth
ricky you fought for her to get in the show yet you cant let nini focus on her song for the show
i need to back this up
ive never done this before actually backing up an episode during a liveblog
"i can't believe you're finally back in the show yet you're spending saturday without me"
she needs to focus
you need to focus
so miss jenn and ricky's dad are finally going on a date
big red and nini convooooooo yesss
i do like kourt and howie's banter
ricky: hey G
gina: *ignores*
ej: *smooth* may i have this exercise
see ricky you cant expect gina to always be there when you treat her the way you have been
poor carlos
hah remember what i said at the beginning of this? thats all i gotta say hehe with kourt and howie
did ricky
spam her literal paragraphs of text
when she has told him she needs to focus
and ricky's freaking out over nini not liking hawaiian pizza
this is the type of clinginess that really does turn me off
especially back in highschool
ricky honey you really need some help
man poor ashlynn
ashlynn is going to kill it as belle because she's gonna be sooooooo genuine whereas im sure lily's gonna come off as very superficial in the part
look at ej's concerned expression when gina's struggling in the exercise
the one thing i do like about miss jenn's date so far is i think this is a nice way of getting to know both of the characters more
awwwww the date went well
i mean that was kinda funny ngl
oooooooooooo thats a great answer ej
"i'd ask him if he'd ever love anyone after belle"
but...did gaston ever truly love belle tho
ricky :(
he really doesnt like change does he
im glad the show is trying to address this
awwwww the gina and ashlynn heart to heart
i do love their friendship
omg she confessed her feelings for ricky
she actually did it
this entire time
he knew
and he still
this entireeeeeee tiiiiiiiime
the only excuse he has is that somehow he got it in his mind that he either thought gina moved on from him or ricky interpreted gina's confession as a friendship thing
but still
good lord ricky you need to calm it with the clingy
even nini isnt feelin it
meanwhile lily is still spying
interesting i thought kourt was a gryffindor--although i can see her being a gryffindor/hufflepuff combo hehe
but ravenclaw works too!!!
yessssss ashlynn sing your heart out
and this is why she's going to be an amazing belle
i hate seeing gina in this much pain
yea kourt you be honest!!!
i love herrrrrr
howie drumrolled before her confession
thats really cute
i love straightforward stuff like this
the harry potter geekiness <3
i really hope ricky's dad realizes somethings off now since he and miss jenn ended things because of ricky
aight nini lets hear the rose song
so........basically everything i said and thought about rini as a relationship
nini's song confirms it
confirm what a lot of people have been saying about rini
also this song is amazing <3
olivia's soprano range <3
yea rip rini next episode
Alright, so. I ship Ricky with Therapy (Rickerapy) and Gina with Happiness (Hapina). That’s my final stance for a while. I’m very curious on where they take Portwell. If Rina’s gonna happen then...I’m honestly not sure how I feel about it? Like I still enjoy the idea of Rina, and it’ll be a lot better than Rini (I think) but...no guy is worth that much pain and heartache Gina’s dealing with. 
I guess if Ricky ends up working through his fear of change, learns better communication skills, and accepts/confronts his own feelings a lot better and treats Gina like the amazing person she is and makes it up to her then maaaaaaaaaaybe I’ll be on board with Rina in the end.
But yea, I’m definitely vibing more with Portwell rn.
Also, Nini deciding to live for herself. It’s such a good peak for her arc this semester I’m pretty happy.
Finally, while I’m giving Ricky a lot of shit, as I said in my previous live!blog--I still like his character and everything is very consistent with what we’ve seen from season 1. If anything, I’m really excited to see his arc come to a head and what comes after!
(someone plz write a seb and ej friendship chat!fic)
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Dead to Me S2x6
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It's pretty telling that some who talk about wanting a healthy relationship for BOTH Alex and Michael and were like "I get Michael and Maria because that's what he needs right now" but when it comes to Alex having that CHANCE without that healthy relationship involving Michael.... ohhh boy....suddenly that's not a good thing.
I'm not even saying Forlex will be a thing. It probably won't be even if S3 is still on the table. But like... why is it always okay for the gay male character to stay sad and pining? Don't we get enough of that?
Michael's options are (in theory) more diverse than Alex's. Alex now has more than ONE option. That's a good thing.
This is why I hated a certain ship that involved a Fandom favorite M/M pair. One member of that pair got treated with kid gloves by the writers, producers, and by fandom. The other character had to always cede to his boyfriend's wants and needs. Imbalances went unchecked. One member was always reminded by others that the other member was what was best for him. Any awful things that the selfish one said or did were held against the other. My favorite in the pairing got cheated on and they still presented it as if the one who cheated was what was best for him. Another love interest was written in for the length of one season and no matter how perfect that one was, the writing presented it as if my fave was being selfish for trying to move on from the one who gaslighted him and cheated on him. They got back together because the writers just needed to punish that one character a little bit more. That's unfortunately how writers see the "sad gay character" when they're done with the coming out drama. And I imagine that a lot of Michael fans were fans of that other fan favorite. Throughout it all, most of the fandom yelled about the show and how it needed their ship back together.
I'm not saying that all the writing matches to what RNM presents. But a lot of it does. Writers aren't original with their "yes I will have an LGBTQIA character but I will make them as miserable as I can because that's how viewers connect with them. And then once they love this character, viewers should just be grateful I don't kill them off" kind of mentality.
What I am saying is that people should stop and think about why they want Alex alone rather than with Forrest. Typically, it's because its not about Alex and Forrest at all. It's about being okay with Alex pining but not being okay now that it's Michael's turn to pine while he works on himself.
The petitions for the ship over the characters need to slow down. I'd rather have Alex with Forrest and HAPPY than pining for a guy who treated him like crap for most of an entire season. No, I didn't like Miluca but I didnt like it because AT ITS CORE Miluca was a ship formed at the expense of my favorite character (whether Alex was "okay" with any of it or not, you can't argue with the actual dialogue used on the show).
Forlex isn't like that. Forlex is Pro-Alex right now. It may not be in the future. Who knows. But Miluca was presented AT ITS CORE as being specifically Anti-Alex. That shit didn't fly with me. That's why I stopped watching. That's part of why THAT scene was offensive. That scene was anti Alex Manes writing. It was anti LGBTQIA writing. It didn't help Alex (or Michael) grow as people who love each other. The entire thing was an anti Alex Manes message to viewers.
Okay so rant over. TLDR
Stop and wonder about why you think Alex needs to be alone even longer. Odds are that your reason is not about Alex at all.
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saintzoya · 3 years
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The Witcher S2x6: Dear Friend...
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13shadesofanni · 3 years
~ Rachel, Tim and Lucy ~
I can't stop thinking of Lucy’s abduction, Tim's feelings for her at that time and shortly before, and floating like a fog all over this: Rachel. Don't get me wrong, I like Rachel as a role but I absolutely dislike her as Tim's love interest. So, soothing my mind, I rewatched some episodes from round about s2x6 to s2x11 and this is what happened... the train of thoughts is even speeding up the pace.
You remember the missile alert in s2x6?
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Lucy and Tim were on patrol when the alert came in and shortly after, rode back to the precinct. Rachel was already waiting there for Tim and begged him to stay with her in the precinct. But Tim refused, mentioning he had to fulfill his duty and go on patrol with Lucy, to help the citizens etc.
You can say Tim is very decent, dutiful, always giving his best, especially in the line of duty. But when facing the end of the world??? ...You know what, facing the end of the world I'd tell my boss that I'm done, leaving as fast as possible to get to see my loved ones - no matter what it costs!
Before Lucy’s abduction there're some scenes that show: he wasn't to deep into the Rachel thing: yes, at first you'd think "He spent the night with Rachel, so what's the problem?"
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One thing is, he lost his bet with Lucy, ok - done. But he acts so ashamed, so caught red-handed, the glance at Lucy saying: "You???? I especially didn't want YOU to see me like this, here."
And there is another scene with the three of them. Look at Tim's body language here: nooo, he's not standing next to his girlfriend, wishing her a happy birthday. He gives her one brief smile, a short "happy birthday" and stands full height next to Lucy (personal space????), arms nearly touching, but about 1m far away from girlfriend Rachel with crossed arms in her direction. Ok ok, they're at the precinct, kissing etc. was not an option. But wasn't it an option to stand in the middle/right next to both of the girls instead of crawling nearly into Lucy? Unconsciously, Tim and Lucy act like a wall in front of Rachel, two against one...
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On shift again, riding in the shop, Lucy brings the buying a present theme again. She's so proud and happy, nearly bursting of anticipation to get a present, her smile and lavishly voice lightning and filling up the whole shop - because that's her thing: caring for others, creating very personal presents, surprising people she values a lot.
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Tim doesn't seem to be interested to get any present at all. (And yes, you can say men aren't the best gift givers in the world. But for their girl, the one they've fallen for deeply, they'd buy something...at least flowers or a cake or whatever.) ...the glance he gives Lucy in the shop is a longer one, equally full of longing (for Lucy) and didn't know what to do, being her T.O., pushing his real feelings apart, not admitting to himself this isn't about a girl called..... ähm, Rachel!? .... no, it's his heart whispering quietly in Lucy’s direction: "Honey, YOU have no idea what you're doing to me... I'm losing my mind when I'm near you, but I need you to feel alive, to be seen, to feel complete.." and she doesn't even recognize his look at her 🥺
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At that day and the following (till the abduction) Tim wasn't able to hold back, reducing personal space to the lowest...
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All in all, to me it seems like Tim wasn't happy to have "that something with Rachel". Perhaps he thought people expected him to be in a stable relationship, furthermore not being too young anymore. But it didn't hit him, it was physically, and he put a minimum on effort in it. Probably he tried to fool himself.
Because his heart and mind were already secretly overwhelmed and dying for Lucy. Would you've asked him at that time, of course he would've denied everything regarding Lucy. You know, lines to never be crossed while being T.O. and rookie....
But from time to time you experience things in life you don't have a word for, at first. And the best is: you don't have to have a word for it, for only to feel this..
The feeling catches you, you shiver, you can't get your mind straight, your heart is beating, persistently, you feel it pumping the blood through your veins, you inhale.... you exhale, your throat getting dryer and dryer, your cheeks are burning, your eyes soaking up the impressions in front of you, the warmth spreading through your body, you forget your name..., you struggle to speak, you only want - more of this... please don't stop... the.world.is.standing.still.
You're falling in love, right here, right now... 💗
At that point it just wasn't meant to be their time, Y E T. 💫
Tell me what you think 😉
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