#s4 clarified hair
yurious-george · 9 months
LMK is pretty wishy-washy on whether the Monkie Kids are descendants or reincarnations of the JTTW pilgrims, often flip-flopping between the terms. The actual answer? It's a mix, but they haven't clarified. Here's a quick-and-dirty guide based on show canon:
Pigsy and Mei: Descendants. Mei's heritage as a direct descendant of Ao Lie is a central part of her character. Pigsy's link to Zhu Bajie isn't explicit, but Pigsy's family (recipes "passed down through generations") is a central part of Sweet N' Sour, and Zhu Bajie's status as a cook allows easy extrapolation. They may be reincarnations as well, accounting for their deja vu in The Samadhi Fire.
Tang: Reincarnation. Buddhist monks, famously, do not have sex. There is no mention of Tang's family but the Golden Cicada - heralding the unlocking of Tang's powers - appears in season 3, clarifying that Tang, like Sanzang, is the next reincarnation of Golden Cicada.
Sandy: Unknown. His family is never shown nor is there proof of reincarnation. He may even be the original Sha Wujing, owing to his flashback in To Catch a Leaf. It stands to reason that a river demon would live as long as the river does, but this doesn't explain the (inconsistent) difference in hair color, Wukong treating him like a stranger, or Mo.
MK: Neither. We can be reasonably confident SWK didn't hook up with anyone. Speaking of, SWK is still alive, so MK is not a reincarnation. Oddly, MK seems to be associated with the underworld (a sticker depicting him as the skull in a skull-and-crossbones in Pig Pong Panic, his eyes glowing blue in Minor Scale) and possibly born or even constructed out of a stone (The monkey statue & stone cracking in S4). Just what are you, MK...?
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sennqu · 2 years
ok i am ready to be spicy. so i made this post the other day (or yesterday what is time) without tags: (with some slight word changes)
"oh, I get it now. I think I understand a big reason why the "Mike is in love with Will but just doesn't want to admit it because he has internalized homophobia" is such a popular fandom opinion. Because then Mike's behavior becomes "obviously" romantic since this take assumes that he's aware of his behavior.
The take that he's "simply oblivious, simply doesn't know his feelings are actually romantic in nature", which -- in my opinion -- is much more heavily supported by the text, is... actually kind of scary to consider from a "wanting the ship to be canon" perspective. Because it's pretty much close to saying that his feelings are actually just platonic after all because that's what Mike thinks they are."
So, I have been thinking very hard on this for a while because I do think that this is why there is a sort of...friction? anxiety? in the general vibes of the fandom with regards to how byler can even work out in S5 after the events of S4.
In my opinion, I think that the second take -- Mike is oblivious -- actually lends itself well to the prospect of official, no ways around it endgame byler better than the first one does.
Because imagine it: Mike doesn't have to suffer through thinking he's wrong or he's a mistake or that he's not conforming to society's standards before coming to terms with his feelings. He just has to realize he's in love with his best friend, and that his best friend is in love with him. Mike is going to be the out, loud, and proud person of this relationship. He just has to figure his shit out.
First, what do we know about Mike so far and what can we take away from it? and why is it not "internalized homophobia"?
The biggest evidence for me against the "internalized homophobia" take is in S1 when Will was being called names by Troy and friend. Mike physically retaliated. He didn't look ashamed; he looked angry. Because they were insulting his missing best friend right in front of him. He was not internalizing these slurs. What he was doing was defending Will, who was the target of this hate. He prioritized defending Will, who wasn't even there, over cowing to displays of homophobia.
What about that "It's not my fault you don't like girls" line? Surely that means he's repressed and internalizing some shit? Yeah, and maybe he was just talking faster than his mind could think? Mike ends up clarifying this line and gives away the actual thing that's holding him back: heteronormative thinking. He talks about getting girlfriends as part of growing up as a young man. He says this like a neutral piece of information.
Let's talk about Mike's fears. So far, all of Mike’s insecurities are about being needed, being useful. It's not conforming to society. It's not fitting the mold. If he feared that then he'd have done what Lucas did and joined a popular group. But what did he do? He leaned into his DnD hobby and even started dressing differently, growing his hair out too. S4 Mike is not afraid to be an outcast.
What he does fear most is people leaving him behind. That's what he says about/to El, and that's practically what he says to Will as his excuse for being weird at the airport. The knock-off outfit, the flowers. That wasn't him trying to be straight so he wouldn't be outed as gay or in love with his best friend or whatever. That was his attempt at saving his relationship because he does love El and he doesn't want to lose her too. But they are incompatible. He doesn't realize he doesn't love her romantically but he does love her. That's why he's struggling. Because he can't differentiate between the two.
Lastly, he says to Will: "I feel like I lost you". Which means he felt like he already lost Will. Loving someone and losing them is something Mike never wants to happen again because it already happened once, twice, three times before with Will. Once when Will vanished, the second time when Will got possessed, and the third time when Will moved away. Mike's issue isn't about loving Will and fearing he's gay; it's about losing Will again.
The bolded part is the one I want to highlight because it's the most important piece of the puzzle imo. I am willing to bet that not wanting to lose Will again is going to be a huge part of Mike’s arc in S5 and is going to lead to him finally realizing his feelings. I honestly don't think Will's confession is going to figure into things at all until Mike's realized his feelings. Because the audience has to see Mike fall in love with Will before he figures out Will loves him back. The audience should not be made to think that Mike only falls in love with Will because Will's in love with him.
But how will Mike realize exactly the difference between his love for Will and his love for El if he's this goddamn oblivious? How will the process even start? El has to break up with him. No other way around it. El has to tell him straight up that she does not believe he is in love with her. Only then can Mike be free to even think about what romantic love actually means to him. I imagine this is where he and Nancy will actually get to talk about something substantial again, when he asks her what being in love means. and that will further get the ball rolling. And I believe however his arc plays out, we will get to see Mike and Will definitively end up together.
Because Mike loves Will so much. He isn't quite aware of what this love is yet but he has it in abundance. That is why he was the only one apart from Joyce who pushed for finding Will initially; that is why he is always the first to apologize when he and Will fight; that is why the best thing he's ever done was ask Will to be his friend; that is why he lashed out at Will at the roller rink; that is why he was so over the moon about Will's painting and Will's words in the van that he ironically didn't even see Will crying; that is why he only said his monologue after Will practically told him to.
Will is and continues to be Mike's most important person. Once Mike realizes he's in love with Will and the feeling is mutual? Homophobia can go suck a tail pipe because how dare this concept make the love of his life feel like a mistake? Mike is going to kiss Will as soon he realizes because he is not going to let anyone make him wait a minute longer before kissing the boy of his dreams.
sneaky edit: the underlined parts are links to other analyses i've done before regarding Mike's behavior. Analyses over the airport/roller rink scene, him being oblivious, his love for El, etc!
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dlwritings · 2 years
Hair Salon | Steve Harrington
masterlist found here
pairing - Steve Harrington x reader (no gender specified) | Steve x Nancy word count - 2,253 warnings - my attempt at angst A/N - I found this song on TikTok (Hair Salon by Megan Moroney) and kept wanting to write a story around it, so here it is | THERE ARE NO S4 SPOILERS HERE
summary - You return to your hometown after years of being away, only to find that the boy you loved had found someone else. You never thought you’d find yourself heartbroken in a hair salon.
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It had been a few years since you were last in Hawkins. You left for college and didn’t even come back over the summers. Now, you were 22 and finally ventured back home. Something was calling you back. Maybe it was that stupid curse. Not that you believed in that.
The first thing you did when you got back was book a hair appointment. Your favorite stylist, Bernadette, had a 10AM appointment available, so you went in to get your blonde color touched up. Bernadette was the perfect stylist. She knew her shit about hair and all the tea in town. She always joked that she’d make you pay for the color and throw in the drama for free. And now that you had been out of town for so long, you had a lot to catch up on.
“Hey, sweetheart!” Bernadette said when you walked in. You smiled and gave her a hug, accepting her kiss on the cheek that left a bit of lipstick in its wake. She popped her gum and led you to her chair, throwing the cape over your shoulders. Almost instantly, she dove into the stories of the town. “Tammy, you know Tammy?” she said.
“Tammy Thompson?” you clarified. She nodded, eyes wide and a grin on her face.
“Pregnant,” she said.
“No!” you said back, your expression matching hers.
“Mhm,” she said, as she mixed your color. “Said she met the daddy on the road.” You raised your eyebrows in question, and Bernadette laughed. “You know, that tour she’s doing.”
You snorted. “Tour. What, one of the Muppets knock her up?” Bernadette laughed, not noticing the way your smile faltered a bit at your own words. You had to admit it was a good joke, even if you weren’t the one who originally told it.
She went on to tell you about the high school football team winning the state championship and how rumors were going around that Mr. Wheeler was sleeping with some college intern at the company he worked for. You were fully invested in her story until you heard someone a few chairs away from yours say a name.
Steve Harrington.
Bernadette noticed the way your head whipped in the direction (she had to stop foiling your hair because of it) and hummed in acknowledgement. “Steve Harrington,” she said. “He proposed to Nancy Wheeler.”
“Oh,” you said, your voice soft.
“Mhm,” she hummed. “Guess he saved up big time for a ring. Beautiful ring, too. They make such a cute couple.”
Obviously, Bernadette didn’t know your history with Steve. She wasn’t trying to be hurtful or anything, so you just smiled and nodded, hoping she wasn’t noticing the tears in your eyes.
She rambled on after that, talking about how Eddie Munson was selling weed to the preacher’s kids, but you weren’t really listening. Your brain had floated off into memories you had been trying for four years to push away.
Steve didn’t know what was coming. How could he? Your relationship had been nothing but smooth sailing for years. But now, Steve was a full year out of high school and you were about to leave for college. He was obviously sad you were leaving, but more than that he was immensely proud of you. His smarty-pants was off to some ivy league and still cared enough to keep him around. You weren’t planning to fall for some pre-law douchebag. You wanted him, Family Video vest and all.
But he didn’t know what was going through your head.
The two of you were sitting at a picnic table at a park near your house eating ice cream you bought at a shop down the street. He was talking about something that happened with a customer at Family Video, but you weren’t really listening, and after a while, he could tell. You were absentmindedly stirring your now-melted ice cream, humming responses that didn’t really answer what he was saying.
“Hey,” he said, squeezing your hand. You jumped and looked up at him. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” He smiled and you tried to do the same, but he could see it didn’t meet your eyes. “What’s wrong?” he asked. You let go of your spoon and moved your hands away from his and to your lap, taking a shaky breath and forcing yourself to look at him. He deserved to at least see your eyes when you said this.
“Steve,” you said, “I’ve been thinking a lot about-”
“Please, let me say this,” you said. “I’ve been trying so hard to get myself to do this.” He pressed his lips into a tight line and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them and looking at you again.
“Okay,” he whispered. You took another deep breath.
“You know I love you,” you said, “so much. But I, Stanford is so far away, and I can’t be with you without being with you, you know?”
“You think you’d cheat on me?” he asked.
“What?” you said. “No! Not at all. I just, one of the biggest parts of a relationship is time together, at least for me. So if I can’t spend time with you, then, then I’ve lost my favorite part of being in this relationship.” Steve nodded slowly, running a hand through his hair with a sigh.
“You’ve already made up your mind, huh?” he said, forcing out a laugh. You gave him a sad smile and nodded.
“Yeah,” you whispered. “I have.”
“And I don’t get any say?” he said. It was clear he was trying to stay level-headed, even though you knew his tell-tale signs of frustration. “I don’t get to mention how there’s phones and letters and cars and planes? How I have very little tying me to this city, and I could leave whenever I wanted with no regrets? How Henderson, freaking Henderson has a healthy relationship with some girl in Utah?”
“Just because Dustin can be happy with Suzie across the country doesn’t mean I can be happy with the same,” you said. “Everybody’s different. Not to mention Dustin and Suzie don’t value physical touch as much as we do.” You tried to joke, but Steve wasn’t in the mood.
“(Y/N),” he said, running a hand through his hair again. “Can’t I do anything to change your mind?”
You shook your head. “No. Like I said, I’ve made up my mind.” Quickly, you added, “And I’m not saying we’re done for good, you know?” He scoffed, but you continued. “Maybe someday I end up here again, and-”
“And what I’m just supposed to wait for you?” he said.
“No,” you said, getting frustrated now as well. “That would be so selfish of me to say that to you. I’m just saying, sometimes life-” You hesitated. “-works out I guess. Even if we don’t expect it to. We can't predict the future. I’m just saying I’m not leaving you because I don’t love you. I’ll never stop loving you.”
He tried to smile. He really did. You could see it in his eyes.
“And I’ll never stop loving you.”
“Honey?” Bernadette’s voice cut through your memory haze. “You okay?”
“Hm?” you hummed, blinking back some tears and looking at her reflection in the mirror. “Yeah. Yeah, just-” You mustered up a smile. “-I picked a good day to go blonde.”
When you left the hair salon, you sat in your car for a few minutes, hands on the steering wheel, staring blankly into space. Before you knew it, you had started the car and were leaving the salon, headed in the direction of none other than Steve Harrington’s house. You didn’t know what you were expecting when you arrived. Steve to fall in your arms and take you back?
What really happened was Steve’s dad answered the door.
“Well, hey (Y/N)!” he said with a smile. 
“Oh,” you said, your shoulders dropping. “Hi, Mr. Harrington. Is Steve home?”
He laughed. “Steve hasn’t lived here in, what, a year?”
“Right,” you said, nodding your head slowly. “That makes sense. Uh, where does he live now?”
“He and Nancy live in that old trailer park,” he said.
You nodded again. “Thanks.”
“You know,” Mr. Harrington said, just as you turned to go back to your car, “two of them are engaged now.”
“Yeah,” you said, swallowing thickly. “I know.” He silently nodded, and just when you were about to turn back around, he stopped you again.
“I always liked you, (Y/N),” he said. You looked at him, knowing there were tears in your eyes. “For what it’s worth.”
Not much. You’re a douchebag.
“Thanks, Mr. Harrington.”
Why you headed to the trailer park was beyond you. It was a Friday afternoon. Why would Steve be home? And if he was home, why wouldn’t Nancy be with him? Not to mention you didn’t even know what trailer was his.
But when you saw that old red car in front of one of the homes, you knew where to go.
You parked the car next to his and took a few more deep breaths, hands still gripping the wheel, much like you had been at the salon. Your feet moved on their own accord and brought you to the door of his trailer, and before you knew it, you were knocking.
If he doesn’t come in five seconds, I’ll-
You couldn’t even finish the thought before the door opened. The smile that had been on Steve’s face dropped. “(Y/N),” he said. You smiled weakly.
“Hi, Steve,” you whispered. He opened his mouth only to close it again.
After a few awkward seconds, he said, “Do you want to come in?”
You hesitated. “Is Nancy home?” A flicker of an emotion you couldn’t quite read went across his face.
“No,” he said. “No, she’s at work.” You nodded and walked inside, taking in the home he and Nancy had made for themselves. It was cute and cozy, and you could definitely see the touches of Nancy all over the place. It made your heart ache. You had, at one point, thought there would be touches of you all over Steve’s home. But you supposed that was a long time ago.
“I can’t stay long,” you finally said, tearing your eyes away from a framed photo of him and Nancy.
“What are you doing here?” he asked. He didn’t sound angry. If anything, he sounded sad. Hurt. Tired. Scared.
“I-” You hesitated. “I wanted to congratulate you. On the engagement.”
He shook his head. “No you didn’t.” You smiled sadly and hung your head.
“No, I didn’t.”
“Don’t bullshit me, (Y/N),” he said. “You can’t bullshit me. I haven’t seen you in four years, and now you just feel like you can waltz back here without warning? That’s not fair.”
“I know,” you said. “I’m sorry.”
“If you’re really sorry, you’ll tell me why you’re here,” he said, “or you’ll leave.”
“Jesus, Steve,” you said with a dramatic sigh, running a hand through your hair. “I don’t know. I guess I just, I wanted to see you. I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to say I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry,” he said bluntly. “I moved on. I’m happy.”
“I know you are,” you said.
“So what you’re doing right now isn’t fair,” he said. “You can’t just walk in here and try to ruin my happiness.”
“I’m not!” you said.
“Then tell me why you’re really here!”
“God, I guess I just wanted to say that I still love you!” you shouted. “Is that a crime?”
“Yes!” he shouted. “Yeah, it is! Because I am with a woman I love, so you can’t come in here and tell me that shit!”
“Because maybe there’s a part of me that still loves you too!”
You were both quiet, the only sounds being your heavy breaths in the room. “Steve, I-”
“I love Nancy,” he said, cutting you off. “I love her so much. But, you know I’m always going to love you. At least a little.”
You sighed. “But I guess a little isn’t enough, is it?”
He shook his head. “No. It’s not.” He paused. “First loves don’t always work out, (Y/N).”
“Yeah,” you said, tears in your eyes. “I know.”
“You gotta move on,” he said, his voice gentler now. You hated how patronizing it sounded, but you knew he didn’t mean it that way. “I have. You, you can too.”
“I know,” you said again. “I know.”
You were both quiet, and you knew you needed to leave. There was nothing more to say. Nothing more to be done. Steve was happy, and who were you to get in the way of that? You turned to the door, but Steve stopped you for a moment. “What are you doing in town anyway?” he asked.
You shrugged. “Something was calling me back, I guess.”
He nodded. “What are you gonna do now?”
You laughed dryly. “It’s still always happy hour at the bar downtown, right?”
He chuckled as well. “Yeah. Of course.”
“Then I think I’ll be there,” you said. “Can’t let Bernadette’s work go to waste.” Steve smiled, his eyes flickering over your newly styled hair, and walked you the few steps to the door.
“You know,” he said before you walked out, “I always liked your natural hair color.”
You swallowed back the lump in your throat and nodded. “I know.”
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evilwickedme · 11 months
hello i am a fellow spuffy enjoyer and summerfrost fan. if you’re still on the prowl for fics I highly recommend
Cursed - by sunalso (R - Buffy and Dru are mysteriously switching bodies S2)
So Mote It Be - by Ultrawoman (PG - Buffy and Spike get turned into little kids S4 for the Will Be Done spell, & yes tiny spike still has bleached hair and a mini children’s duster )
A Pirates Life for Me - by Addie Logan (NC17 - Buffy and Spike get magically trapped in a pirate-themed romance novel)
Spikes Demon vs. Pants - by ChryshCn (R - Sunnydale vampires are hit with something that forces their demon to the front and the human parts to the back, and Spikes demon is a lovable idiot basically)
I wasn’t sure what vibe you were going for so I went with these bc they are my fun re-reads and hopefully you like them too
Ahhh thank you!!! Could you just clarify if these are on ao3 or elysian fields or elsewhere? I usually read on ao3 and I'd have to dig up my password for elysian fields, which I suspect is where these are bc of the old school ratings. If they're elsewhere I probably don't have an account there
The vibe I'm looking for is stuff similar to summerfrost frankly! Long fics that you can't put down with strong vibes, perhaps character studies, not crack or anything like that - but that's in general the kind of fic I like, no matter the fandom lmao
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ardentpoop · 3 months
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simply had to review the whole series via tier list 🤓
S: recommended to everyone I know - especially if you trust my taste in stories - because it impacted me profoundly at a tender young age, it was shockingly effective by this show's standards, and it somehow managed to stand the test of time. season 2 alone. 👑
A: the other cream of the crop seasons in terms of emotional impact and setting. seasons 1 (if you want to smile) and 4 (if you want to rip all your hair out).
B: mixed-bag seasons that are a notch above the C-tier seasons in that the viewing experience feels atypically cohesive, as in the case of season 6 - and if not, as in the case of season 3: the good episodes are good enough to make it memorable overall.
C: seasons that introduced or leaned too heavily on some of this show's worst story elements (Chuck, meta comedy, creation myth fanfiction, angel politics, time travel, goofy-ass monsters like the leviathans) but that contained enough substance to be otherwise engaging (samndean facing their destinies as opposing vessels to Lucifer and Michael, Sam's Cage trauma, samndean's conflict over Amelia and Benny, the Trials arc, the Gadreel arc, Jack's introduction and his early bond with Sam). seasons 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 13. obviously if I were to give the series as a whole a rating decoupled from my intense emotional attachment to it I'd give it a C.
D: what I consider the dumpster fire seasons. unwatchable if you aren't already fucking insane about this show, and even then they verge on excruciating. unfocused, bogged down by bewilderingly not-good writing by the likes of my faves Eugenie Ross-Leming and Brad Buckner, balls-to-the-wall ridiculous sometimes. seasons 10, 12, 14, and 15. 13 would be here too if it didn't feature the strongest start of any season of this show since s4. I also feel the need to clarify that 10 would be in the C tier had the writers done anything remotely interesting with Dean's short-lived demon arc or his MOC arc - both loaded with potential but pathetically anticlimactic and redundant onscreen. 12 is buoyed by a select few standout episodes but the British MOL arc is so unforgivably awful that I can't rank it higher overall. 14 is my absolute least favorite season of this entire show because it shoves Sam into a back corner for arcs that are painfully relevant to his character... like, notably worse than the rest of the series does.
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writingwife-83 · 2 years
''let's kiss just to see what it's like'' + "it's always been you" and sherlolly???? please and thank u :)))))
Thanks for the prompt (from this list and I am still willing to take a couple more) and I hope you like it! 😉 is there such a thing as too many post s4 feelings realization scenes? I think not. 🥰 and be sure to let me know if you have an ao3 name because I’ll gift the fic to you on there as well!
“Well that was…interesting,” Molly commented with an accompanying snort, setting the teacups by the sink.
“Irene Adler never has been one for delicacy,” Sherlock replied, letting out a weary sigh.
Molly happened to be there helping with a case when Sherlock’s old friend decided to stop by unannounced. They were both taken aback when she invited herself to stay for tea, and particularly so when the conversation took a turn towards the end of her visit. Molly still wasn’t sure what to make of it…
“Not even once? I find that difficult to believe,” Irene said, her piercing eyes trailing back and forth between them. “Well, if the two of you really haven’t given it a go, perhaps it’s because you couldn’t handle it, Mr Holmes.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Sherlock bit back, suddenly defensive.
Irene licked her lips after another sip of tea, smirking. “With that sort of chemistry, the word explosive comes to mind. In only the best way, of course. But it might be too much for your little heart to take.” She punctuated that statement with a little wink at Molly, which set her cheeks ablaze.
“She was just teasing, don’t let her get to you,” Molly said while continuing to help clean up. Then she laughed, nudging Sherlock playfully. “Besides, I think she was exaggerating a bit, don’t you? Explosive indeed! You and I have been friends for long enough to know better than that.”
Yes, there was a time she’d believed otherwise, but six months after the events of sherrinford she was now convinced that their connection was best left where it was. They worked well like this. They were both comfortable like this. They were friends.
“Let’s kiss just to see what it’s like.”
Molly heard her own words as if someone else had spoken them, then hurried to clarify as Sherlock’s eyes went wide.
“I mean, we both know she’s wrong and just trying to make us squirm. Might be nice to prove it though, right?
“I…suppose,” he replied quietly.
“Why not? We’re both adults and we’re not silly enough to get caught up in-“
Molly’s breath hitched and her words halted as her backside contacted the edge of the kitchen counter, only registering the fact that Sherlock was firmly cradling her jaw just before his lips descended upon hers.
He wasted no time in tilting her head, perfectly slanting his mouth against hers and coaxing her lips apart to deepen the kiss. It was at this point that Molly was unable to prevent a rather embarrassing little noise from bubbling up in her throat. But her embarrassment was short lived, because the growl that slid off Sherlock’s tongue was most definitely louder. Molly’s hands instinctively slipped up and around his waist, and as she gripped fistfuls of his dress shirt she vaguely wondered if he cared that she was crumpling it, seeing as it easily cost as much as her entire outfit. But he most certainly didn’t care, because his only response was to shift and tilt her head to the other side, then move his hands from her jawline to wrap around her back, more desperately trying to hold her against him. Unfortunately, doing so upset one of the teacups, and the clatter jolted them both, resulting in their lips finally separating.
Nose to nose, staring at each other and both gasping for air, Molly was suddenly furious at herself.
“I shouldn’t have suggested that,” Molly panted.
“Because.” She paused, not trusting her voice, even at a whisper. “It’s always been you…always.”
A little crease formed between his brows as he pulled back just a hair, as if to see all of her more clearly.
Molly shrugged, adding, “I’d come so far over the years, and particularly the past few months. I’d done a good job of making myself forget some of the things I used to feel and what I used to want with you, but now I’ve gone and mucked it all up.”
“We did.”
“We mucked it up,” Sherlock repeated, his lips toying with a smile. “You were the one who suggested it but I was the one who kissed you. Bit unfair for you to take all the credit.”
It was her turn to frown. “Sherlock, you don’t have to-“
“Yes, and that’s the point. I didn’t have to kiss you and I don’t have to keep holding you like this either. But I am. Because I want to.” At the sight of her lips blooming into a smile, Sherlock moved in closer again. “I also very much want to keep kissing you.”
“She might have got the bit about explosive chemistry right, but I suppose this means Irene was wrong about one thing- your little heart can handle it,” Molly teased, draping her arms around his neck.
“Ohh, I don’t think it can,” Sherlock murmured. “I’d say it’s already lost.”
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atmilliways · 5 months
What if when you die, your ghost stays at whatever elevation you died at? You can't go up or down, and you can technically visit other places but sometimes you might end up in basements or subway systems and sometimes you might casually stroll past the fifth floor of an office building.
If you die in the Upside Down, your ghost can change elevation... but you're upside down like that final frame in Ouija: Origin.
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(To clarify... your ghost wouldn't be evil, just gravity defying. And your hair wouldn't fall down like in the picture, it's more like in s4 when the older kids look up through the gate looking at the younger kids looking also up at them.)
Is this concept anything? I would love to read something where Eddie comes back as a ghost but has to deal with everything being flipped. It's weird and mind-bending, but it does lead to some nice spiderman-style kissing with Steve.
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second-string-loser · 2 years
I was losing my marbles when I read that Timberly had suggested Matt get a buzz cut for the time skip look; like, he treats the character/actor like crap (in writing, let's clarify that) and then has the gal to even suggest something like that. Hairstyles and coloring are way less of a commitment than an entire ass buzzcut smh. Like, Bruh! I cackled because yeah, imagine Matt's face when he heard that...
when tim suggested WHAT NOW???? sorry i don’t keep up with what that man says because it inevitably makes me angry and i have no use being angry at a stranger for just doing his job, but WHY IN THE WORLD. would he think a buzz cut was the way to go there oh my lord,,, thankfully shaggy hair stayed and matt has for the most part kept it around so i’m thinking it’s gonna be his s4 look as well
send me ej asks!
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ariesbilly · 1 year
While we're talking about Steve; I need the Duffer bros to clarify why and how Dustin knows that Steve is hairy ALL OVER his body because it's heavily implied in s4. What were they were doing alone together that allowed Dustin to see enough of Steve's body to know he's covered in hair and for Dustin to suggest he should shave his body. Why does he know women prefer Steve being hairy coming up. It bothers me that they brought it up as a joke and never explained.
Everything happening with Dustin in season 4 has made me so uncomfortable lmfao what is going on
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gayspock · 2 years
ok miniseries liveblog . night 1
okay so for the record. what i know about battlestar galactica going into it: it's a remake of a series from the 70s; to my understanding, it's a slightly "darker" tone in comparison to other sci-fi shows of its time; ive heard vague, mixed things about later seasons of the show but i heard vague rumblings about farscape s4 & pk wars so idk what to think fo that; and that's listerally about it
i genuinely dont know anything plot-wise im going to just go into this completely blind starting with miniseries
OKAY. we're opening with a blonde girlie sucking tongue. how does this bode for the rest of the show? well we'll see. also i cant tell if all blonde girlies look the same or if she looks like skyler white.
well now whos this smart looking gent with the circular specs. does he have issues in the head-
i know shes the one in the right here. sorry. but whats the point of balding, divorcing men if you cant take the mick out of them. theyre like bruises to poke at.
also referring to how i knew jack shit going in: i dont know why, but in my head this was going to be a bit crunchier despite knowing its from '03. kind of sad. i wanted some ugly shit BUT in fairness those cylons were pretty funny looking, too
oh its red dress woman again
also im fascinated - hey.... sorry red dress woman reappeared again , not in a red dress but instead in that sheer little number? okay.... all is forgiven... like. maybe it wasnt even her fault.. maybe shes allowed to kill babies like its just a #woman moment ... can women fucking do anything these days like please
oh now shes eating face . busy schedule with this woman
also my interest is piqued btw i should say that. im always a fan of artifical lifeforms BU
CAN YOU BE POLITE TO THE LITTLE MECHANIC GUY WHOS JUST SO EAGER AND HERE TOHELP. i will also say theres so many people here. do i have to remember allthese people. and i reemmber 0 names. smile.
like this. is this the other woman from earlier-
are they
OKAY I LIKED HER AND I LIKED HIM SO I SHANT COMPLAIN BUT MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS ME. i liked polite mechanic guy whats his name. and like i said the girlie is cute too. i love women.
oh fuck back to red dress lass and fucking GAIUS i remember his name because hes got long hair, he's shorter and his name is fucking GAIUS . can you not take the piss out of blondie's religion. she literally kills babies she can kill you too i dont doubt.
i hate gaius' voice. fucking gaius
sorry i dont know why im this strongly against gaius i just feel violent today. i dont mean it. maybe gaius is nice. maybe i will be affectionate towards gaius. but i kind of want to kick him around like a football.
theres also this polite young man i see with the curly hair and the sensible yet charming little suits
oh hey starbucks
oh so it's "lee" is it. with the dead brother. ii dont care. starbuck and lee it doesnt even make sense.
hi lee.
and lee hates him. oh i love it when there's family strife. girls. FIGHT.
back to gaius and blondie
"you knew i was different" blondie maybe he just thought you had the tism . its charming. that autistic rizz.
ibtw towards gaius to clarify , i wasnt HOSTILE-HOSTILE towards gaius before just thinking about teething with him but now hes kind of whimpering and it slike so im giggling MORE thnan i was as im kicking him about does that make sense. i want to play silly golf with him
mister in charge. adama. do i call him that now. hes got his specs back on. hi-
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number 6 is that going to be her name now.
i feel cheeky calling her blondie
also other girlie from earlier... boomer is her name... i like her too. smile.
also i like this woman. uhm i, sorry i didnt get her name... the government official. theres lots of girlies for me to smile about
hi lee, again... can you be friendly to the photographer.
acrually nevermind its that guy. fucks sake. HE HATES WOMEN. FUCK THE PHOTOGRAPHER. LEE GET HIS ASS.
okay thank god. lady is in charge. GOOD.
also are you kidding me is gaius about to get pulled by the lottery by boomer and bloke because thats so funny. especially with the kids. imagine being 10 years old and abandoning your parent for fucking gaius to be on board
ALSO BOOMER'S LITTLE BOYTOY... I LIKED HIM... youre scaringhim. hurting his feelings. booooo
also LAURA. government girlie is laura... now president laura of the world. girlboss
a woman can survive any blast. shes fine. i know she is
although then again... if your fucking callsign is apollo i dont know what the hell you expect
okay end of part 1
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hellyeahomeland · 1 year
Homeland World Cup: best episode? (First Match). Best episode of S8 (Prisoners of War) against best episode of S7 (Paean to the People). Make your choice. (And does it clarify the reasons for choosing this option over the other option?)
Homeland World Cup: best episode? (Match 2). Best episode of S6 (R Is for Romeo) against best episode of S5 (Our Man in Damascus). Make your choice. (And does it clarify the reasons for choosing this option over the other option?)
Homeland World Cup: best episode? (Match 3).Best episode of S3 (Big Man in Tehran) against best episode of S4 (13 Hours in Islamabad). Make your choice. (And does it clarify the reasons for choosing this option over the other option?)
So... my bracket is a bit different than yours because my best episodes are different (I used a random list generator to seed the episodes, putting them in actual ranked order would be sort of silly lol).
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Match #1, "Q&A" vs. "Marine One" is the most interesting because these are arguably the best episodes this show ever did. "Marine One" will always be my favorite ever episode of this show, but I think "Q&A" will be the show's legacy. If this wasn't my bracket, "Q&A" would win but it is mine so there.
Match #2, I think "Super Powers" is the best episode of season 5 for Claire's performance. I mostly agree "13 Hours in Islamabad" is the best of season 4, but is it actually "There's Something Else Going On"? "13 Hours" is the payoff but the build-up is pretty damn good and nothing in season four is topping the tarmac scene. "13 Hours" doesn't really make me feel anything while "Super Powers" has this iconic moment in television. Winner "Super Powers."
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(god bless tumblr for upping their gif size limit so this could exist)
Match #3 also highly interesting. "The Star" is miles better than "Big Man in Tehran" although Claire's brunette hair and bun-ness.... phew. But the bun exists in "The Star" and the episode landed the three-years-long saga that was The Carrie and Brody Misadventures. That said "Prisoners of War" landed the eight-years-long Saga of Carrie and Saul. Advantage "Prisoners of War."
Match #4 is a forfeiture because no episode in season 6 is as good as season 7 so there ya go. But also is "Paean to the People" better than "Species Jump"? We could have that conversation.
Match #5 aka BATTLE OF SARA'S SOUL. "Marine One" remains that girl. We had hat. Hat >>>>>>>
Match #6 feels a little rote as well. Nothing is beating "Prisoners of War" in my heart except "Marine One."
Match #7 ... see above.
(you didn't choose a fourth match from the first two seasons so I was just a lil chaotic and chose two episodes that are often said to be the best of that season)
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Match #1 "Prisoners of War" beats "Paean" pretty easily because one of them has Yevgeny and Carrie in Moscow listening to jazz and one of them ... doesn't. There's only so much that Claire's line reading of "Congratulations" can do, ya know?
Match #2 "Our Man in Damascus" remains that girl. Allison Carr did what she had to do and Carrie sprinting through a Berlin train station is forever and ever all-time.
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Match #3 I'm gonna be a lil' chaotic again and say "Big Man in Tehran" JUST FOR FUN. Is "13 Hours" more genuinely thrilling? Yeah. But it's sort of like watching a Bruce Willis action movie (in goodbad ways) and as much as I love Quinn yelling "FUCK" into the darkness and screaming at Saul, is it making me feel anything the way that Saul screaming at Carrie "you really fucked it up this time!" or Carrie pleading with Brody across the courtyard or just speaking fluent French or being the originator of HAIR IN A BUN does??? I don't think so. Everyone in "Big Man" shows up with completely different hair than the previous episode and you can't top that.
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Match #4 sometimes I forget that "The Weekend" is as good as it is because I have to maintain the part of my personality that worships "Marine One." But.... y'all... "The Weekend" was doing some things. My controversial opinion is "New Car Smell" is not as good as we remember, sorry. "The Choice" was doing more, but still not as much as "The Weekend."
Match #5 "Prisoners of War" wins over "Our Man in Damascus" because
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Match #6 I'm going with "The Weekend" again because in the lore of Carrie and Brody, which is what both episodes are operating on, there is "The Weekend" ... and then "Q&A" ... and then everything else.
Match #7 is actually quite tricky because both episodes really do make me feel something. I watched both episodes repeatedly after I first saw them. Both episodes will stay with me forever. But I have to go with my gut and say "The Weekend." "Prisoners of War" is indeed spectacular, magical, almost awe-inspiring in how effectively it landed this big ol' plane. But "The Weekend"? That shit was on another level. It said, you know everything you're expecting about this Carrie and Brody cat-and-mouse game? You know everything you're thinking this story will be about? It's not that. "Prisoners" was so wonderful because it took everything we (I) wanted and made it somehow real and believable and true. But "The Weekend" is extraordinary because it took everything you thought you wanted and then gave you something so much better that it seemed silly to have ever wanted the other thing.
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jeanly01 · 9 months
A recent tribunal has seen the registration of a Sydney cosmetic medicine nurse suspended, Ms Rosalie Piper, was found guilty of professional misconduct and due to her negligent actions has had her registration cancelled for three months and ordered to pay costs.
Ms Piper was an employee at Dr Haertsch’s Epping clinic working one day per week as a nurse injector, primarily using cosmetic injectable medicines supplied by the doctor. The seven medications she administered contained botulinum toxins and hyaluronic acid, used in tissue augmentation. All were restricted substances under Schedule 4 of the Poisons List.
She was apprehended on the grounds of overstepping the bounds by injecting patients with the aforementioned restricted substances such as Botox without adequate supervision. Furthermore, Ms Piper was convicted of supplying and administering the drugs to clients at a day spa in Collaroy.
In acting without the adequate supervision of a medical practitioner and without authorised prescriptions, Ms Piper breached a 2005 protocol governing the use of S4 drugs for cosmetic procedures by nurses.
She was found to have supplied and administered the medications obtained by Dr Haertsch to 29 patients at his practice, and on more than 230 occasions involving 97 patients at the day spa, between mid 2009 and late 2011.
This case is a first in the industry and draws serious attention to the need for potential patients considering cosmetic procedures to carefully examine the administrators of these clinics, to clarify authenticity and ensure their safety.
All cosmetic injectables are S4 drugs, this means they can only be supplied by a doctor. Following an appropriate consultation, injections should be performed by a nurse, who is appropriately licensed and trained and under a supervised environment with a qualified doctor available at the clinic.
Know what you are being injected with, assure the provider is correctly administering only FDA approved products purchased within Australia. If they refuse to provide information, don’t hesitate to look for another cosmetic practice.
Insure you fully disclose any and all medical conditions you may have and list any medications that you are taking. This includes vitamins and over-the-counter drugs.
Hair dressing salons, beauty salons and private homes are not medical environments and may be unsanitary, cosmetic injections should only be administered under appropriate settings using sterile instruments.
The cheapest price does not mean the best results or the safest treatment.
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effievescant · 6 years
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Betty Hair by Simpliciaty Clayified
☄️Clayified retexture
☄️ Custom Thumbnail
☄️ 18 EA colors
☄️ Requires MESH by @simpliciaty-cc
☄️Do not re-upload
☄️Recolors are allowed
☄️Do not claim my creations as your own
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kbetacygni · 2 years
Are you saying that you'd fuck Terry Silver?🤔🤔🤔
trying to figure out how to answer this ask without making it sound like i'm someone who wants to fuck terry silver... hardest thing ive had to do all year
the point. the point is. i have a thing for men who are like. a little crazy-violent-dark. and the bit where he's like. laughing maniacally while beating up stingray. kinda fits in that vein. but no. terrence middle name silver is not someone i would want to fuck.
(real talk i have a thing for CHARACTERS who are mean-crazy on the outside but innately good and meaningful on the inside. while terrence middle name silver is mean-crazy on the outside he is also mean-crazy on the inside. so in that way our paths diverge)
i'm saying too much aren't i.
(bless you honestly i might be coming off aggressive bc of the amount of periods im using but rest assured im blushing laughing grinning my ass off writing this)
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I had a really nice nap a while ago because in my dream I was cuddling Armin in a comfy and beautiful bedroom 🥺
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sunfoxfic · 2 years
Kuro Neko and Desperada 2.0
This has been going around in the fandom for a little bit, and I wanted to put my perspective out there just because I think a bit of speculation mixed with pre-analysis of shit that hasn't happened yet will be fun.
So, one of the more common theories for who Catwalker is is that he's Adrien himself, given the Cat Miraculous by Ladybug because Chat Noir gave up his Miraculous or otherwise had it taken away. He isn't Catwalker. Honestly? I don't think this is out of the bounds of what we know. Adrien is known to speak small amounts of Japanese (from his Instagram, which we know was made with S4 in mind), and we know from Rena Furtive that Miraculous holders are pretty well able to change their suits at will, or by necessity.
I don't necessarily like this theory. Not because I think it's bad, or unlikely, or that it wouldn't be a good episode. It would basically be Desperada 2.0, where Adrien has to prove himself a good holder to Ladybug, only this time we know he'd be fit for the Miraculous. That alone makes this theory enticing to me.
And I'm not just saying this because I'm clowning for Catwalker to be Louis.
I don't know if I like the implications of "Ladybug gives Adrien Chat Noir's Miraculous" in terms of Adrien arc.
I can basically see Adrien interpreting that one of two ways:
1) Oh my gosh, Ladybug gave me a Miraculous again! She still has faith in me, and she doesn't see me and Chat Noir as totally unalike and incompatible (like Kagami did)!
2) Oh my gosh, Ladybug likes Adrien so much more than she likes Chat Noir. She doesn't care enough about Chat Noir to see him for me, and she likes the image of me that my father constructed more than she likes the image of me that I constructed.
And I'd like to clarify that neither of these routes are bad in terms of conflict or narrative -- they could both serve Adrien's arc really well, depending on when and how they resolve the Ladynoir conflict. But I love Ladrien, and it makes me very, very sad to see the only episode this season with any Ladrien to be so potentially angsty and sad. I don't want the Ladynoir conflict to also become the Ladrien conflict, especially when comparing to Glaciator 2, where the Marichat in that episode was largely fluffy and happy.
It's difficult, because while I like the theory, it just. Makes me sad thinking about it :((. Which is why I'm currently really hanging onto the fact that in Stormy Weather, the 2D image we see of Louis is stylized with green hair. (Insert clown emoji here.)
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