#s8 radio part 4
bookgeekgrrl · 25 days
My media this week (25-31 Aug 2024)
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the truly unhinged chaos finale we needed
😊 Murder By The Book (Nero Wolfe #19) (Rex Stout, author; Michael Prichard, narrator)
😊 Where There's A Will (Nero Wolfe #8) (Rex Stout)
😊 Sink or Swim (RELIC #2) (Maz Maddox, author; Kirt Graves, narrator) - immediately adored what a grumpy asshole Baha was (we did get his cameo in the prev book and he was hilarious there too) - fun action adventure, not quite as madcap feel as the first but still extremely entertaining
💖💖 +278K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
the kiss that lingers (greenbergsays) - 9-1-1: Buddie, 10K - cute, cute, cute. More fics should focus on kisses on Buck's birthmark!
god was a dog-man (spqr) - TW: Sterek, 12K - reread, still love this fic that made an ingenious and valiant effort to basically write fix-it for the movie
Just Another Page of Kinky Doodles - Inspired Art (kurozawa46) - MCU: Stucky, art - some really great art inspired by a really great series
Ordinary Life (astolat, Speranza) - SGA: McShep, 20K - I think this might be the first SGA fic I've read? At any rate, banger fic (as you'd expect from these authors) and you really need zero canon knowledge
What's with today, today? (Cecily_v, liminalmemories) - 9-1-1: BuckTommy, 4K - cute and fluffy au (literally fluffy since it's about stuffie day at the library)
Taskmaster - s16, e7-10
Adventuring Academy - "Shinji and Batman (with Ify Nwadiwe)" (s5, e3)
Dirty Laundry - s4, e2
Monét's Slumber Party - s1, e4
Adventuring Academy - "The Mythological Meets the Logistical (with Matthew Mercer)" (s4, e4)
D20: Never Stop Blowing Up - "Superbomb" (s22, e10)
D20: Adventuring Party - "An Evil Guided Meditation" (s17, e10)
Handsome - Ginger Feimster (Fortune's Mom) asks about coming out
D20: A Starstruck Odyssey - "Welcome to the Spacin' Life, Buddy" (s12, e1)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Our Tail Was Not Between Our Legs" (s8, e1)
Re: Dracula - August 25: Another Bad Night
You're Dead to Me - Benedetta Carlini
Pop Culture Happy Hour - When Celebrities Portray Themselves
⭐ Switched on Pop - Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars bring back the duet
Today, Explained - Hackers probably stole your Social Security number
Vibe Check - Two Ladies and A Mutha featuring Elise Hu
It's Been a Minute - The rise of the Pumpkin Spice Latte
99% Invisible - Not Built For This #2: The Ripple Effect
Imaginary Worlds - 10th Anniversary Special Part 1
99% Invisible - Not Built For This #3: The Price is Wrong
Pop Culture Happy Hour - The Crow
Imaginary Worlds - Becky Chambers Goes Wayfaring
Consider This - Wrongfully imprisoned for decades, Ben Spencer is exonerated
Re: Dracula - August 30: Millions of Kisses
Dear Prudence - I Found My Happily Married Mom’s Profile on a BDSM Dating Site. Help!
Dear Prudence - Prudie Plus: My Partner’s Parents Are Homophobic and Racist. Help!
Handsome - Pretty Little Episode #2
99% Invisible - Not Built For This #4: Unbuilding the Terrace
Today, Explained - Equal-opportunity murderball
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Afraid And What's Making Us Happy
You're Dead to Me - Palaeolithic Cave Art
The Struts
Wig Wam
Take a Chance - a Metal Tribute to ABBA [Amberian Dawn] {2022}
The Struts
lofi hip hop radio 📚 - beats to relax/study to [Lofi Girl]
The Crow (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) {1994}
Machines Of Loving Grace
Jimmy Buffett
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
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(icon by @lightofsanday)
Full name: Donna Marie Pinciotti-Forman
Nicknames: Ms. Nude Argentina (by herself), Hot Donna (on WFPP Radio Station) D, Big Red, Godzilla, Big Bone Magoo, Carnation Instant Bitch, Double Dillhole, Young Lady, Baby, (by Eric), Sexy schoolgirl (by Fez), Granny, Granny Panties (by Hyde), Big D, Big Red, Jugs a Poppin (by Kelso), Lumberjack (by Jackie), The Neighbor Girl (by Red), Mom (by Leia), Aunt Donna (by Kristie, Betsy, Jay), Mrs.Forman (Jay, Nate, Gwen, Nikki, Ozzie)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Birth Place: Watchung, New Jersey
Birthday: February 13, 1960 (age 63)
Age: 16 (t7s season 1-3), 16-17 (t7s season 4), 17-18 (t7s season 5), 18 (t7s season 6), 18-19 (t7s season 7), 19 (t7s season 8), 35 (t9s season 1-part of s3), 36 (rest of t9s s3-mid s5), 37 (rest of t9s s5-mid s6), 38 (rest of t9s s6-early s8), 39 (rest of t9s season 8)
Occupation: Author/News Reporter
Family: Eric Forman (husband), Leia Forman (daughter), Mia Forman (daughter), Bob Pinciotti (father), Midge Pinciotti (mother), Valerie Pinciotti (older sister), Tina Pinciotti (younger sister), Clara (maternal aunt), Jenny (aunt), Red Forman (father-in-law), Kitty Forman (mother-in-law), Laurie Forman (sister-in-law), Steven Hyde (foster brother-in-law), Kristie Forman (niece), Betsy Kelso (honorary niece), Mr. Bonkers (pet cat)†, Mitch Pinciotti (nephew), Ridge Pinciotti (nephew), Jay Kelso (son in law), Reggie Hyde (son in law/godson), Kat Hyde (goddaughter)
Romances: Eric Forman (boyfriend; That 90s Pilot-Promise Ring, ex-boyfriend; It's a Wonderful Life-Love, Wisconsin Style, boyfriend; Going to California- ), Casey Kelso (ex-boyfriend; Donna Dates A Kelso-Love, Wisconsin Style), Steven Hyde (former crusher; early s1-First Date)
Friends: Jackie Burkhart (best friend), Steven Hyde (close friend), Fez (good friend), Michael Kelso (friend), Brooke Rockwell, Rhonda Tate
Enemies: Laurie Forman (frenemy)
First Appearance: That 70s Pilot, That 90s Pilot
Last Appearance: The Holy Union of the Burnout and the Devil, TBD
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zrtranscripts · 3 years
Radio Abel, Season Eight
Part 4 of 5
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Hello ci-ti-zens! Welcome back to Radio New Hope.
ZOE CRICK: This is a very special edition of our show, listeners.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: That's right, Zoe! [laughs] It's our first broadcast since Fort Canton became the seat of the UK government. We’re only a few feet away from the office of the prime minister, Amelia Spens. [sighs] Prime Minister Amelia Spens. [laughs] How did this happen again?
ZOE CRICK: There's never any one factor that determines who rises to power, Phil.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Uh, for the benefit of any listeners not up to date with current affairs, uh, can we list the -
ZOE CRICK: An understandable predicament, given the post-apocalyptic demise of the 24-hour news cycle.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: - can we list the factors that led to Amelia's appointment?
ZOE CRICK: Opportunism...
ZOE CRICK: I'm thinking.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I thought you said there was never any one factor.
ZOE CRICK: You know, I think Amelia's a special case. Most world leaders aspire to the job, for better or worse, but Amelia only ever wants what's best for Amelia, whether that's nabbing the last reservation for an exclusive spa treatment -
PHIL CHEESEMAN: - or seizing control of a country.
ZOE CRICK: Exactly.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: [sighs] Listeners, I realize that the phrase “seizing control” had some negative connotations, and I'd just like to explain what I meant when I said that's what the prime minister did to the UK. There was a power vacuum and no one else was up to the task, so Amelia stepped in.
ZOE CRICK: I'd also like to clarify what I said. Amelia does only want what's best for Amelia, but right now, that's what's best for the country, too.
ZOE CRICK: Amelia wants to live in a UK with hot running water, a plentiful supply of luxury goods, and no V-types. If she's the best person to make that happen, then her being in power is a good thing for all of us.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: And on that note, here's a song that always puts me in an optimistic mood.
ZOE CRICK: Radio New Hope is still fully independent and completely unbiased.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I wouldn't call your veto of progressive art rock unbiased.
ZOE CRICK: Phil, many of our listeners are out scavenging for supplies and running away from zombies. We don't need to make their lives any harder. My point is that our proximity to the prime minister has no bearing on our editorial stance.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Oh, definitely. The fact that Amelia's just down the hall and controls the penal system doesn't affect what we say in the slightest. I hardly ever think about how easy it would be for her to kick me out of Fort Canton and leave me to the V-types.
ZOE CRICK: The only person who'll do that is me the next time you try to put on some King Crimson when I'm not looking. Amelia said a strong government has nothing to fear from a free press.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Might have been a test.
ZOE CRICK: She knows if we suddenly started spouting propaganda, our listeners would get suspicious. As long as she lets us carry on as normal, she looks confident, like she's got nothing to hide.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Which she hasn't. Probably.
ZOE CRICK: Do you really think that's necessary, Phil?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: It's journalistic ethics, Zoe. We've got to disclose it.
ZOE CRICK: [sighs] Go on, then.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Listeners, one of Amelia's first acts as prime minister was to give us a new studio.
ZOE CRICK: It's hardly new.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: It's a lot nicer than what we were in before. Less sticky.
ZOE CRICK: To explain, listeners, Amelia is building a scale replica of the House of Commons at Fort Canton. Just like the original, it's furnished with green leather seats. Although most of the leftover building materials went to settlements more in need of refurbishment than Fort Canton, no one else wanted the green leather, so we've got it. All of it. Everything in this room is green.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: It's... a very relaxing color?
ZOE CRICK: In moderation. [sighs] I feel like I'm broadcasting from the depths of the swamp.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: The important thing is that our new upholstery wasn't payment.
ZOE CRICK: Are you satisfied?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I think so. We can't be too careful about this. Transparency's critical.
ZOE CRICK: Oh, perhaps, but it's hardly the most exciting way to fill the airwaves. Here's some music to lighten the mood.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: We hope that's made it clear, listeners. Radio New Hope has no official affiliation with the prime minister, so you can stop filling ROFFLEnet with requests for new laws. We can't help you with them.
ZOE CRICK: And in many cases, we wouldn't want to.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah. To whoever wrote to us under the username Undying_Love, no, I don't think human/zombie marriage is going to be legally recognized anytime soon.
ZOE CRICK: I also think it's also safe to say that if and when the DVLA is back up and running, zombies probably won't be eligible for driving licenses.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: To be fair, we have received some reasonable requests, uh, it's just that we can't do anything about them. We're just broadcasters.
ZOE CRICK: That's right. While it's wonderful that so many of you are politically engaged, you need to direct your efforts towards the right people. If there's something you want discussed in parliament, contact the leader of your settlement.
ZOE CRICK: I'm glad that's cleared up. I must say, it's a relief not to be talking about politics for once.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Not that politics isn't important, listeners, it's just that Zoe and I haven't really had a break from it since Amelia became prime minister.
ZOE CRICK: If we're not bumping into settlement leaders in the canteen, we're tripping over King Jamie's retinue when he drops in for his weekly conference with Amelia.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: We can't even get a cup of tea without getting caught up in an argument about V-type policy.
ZOE CRICK: Oh, it's exhausting.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: So allow Radio New Hope to be your refuge from current affairs.
ZOE CRICK: Here's a song with absolutely no political message at all.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Since we're not talking about politics, let's catch up. Uh, Zoe, what have you been doing recently?
ZOE CRICK: Well, last night I went to see Amelia to -
PHIL CHEESEMAN: No need to go into too much detail.
ZOE CRICK: - borrow a David Attenborough DVD.
ZOE CRICK: She says they keep her children entertained, but I'm not sure they fully appreciate the lion cubs of the Serengeti. Anyway, I never even got to ask her for it because she was too busy arguing with the representative from the Psychoanalysts Enclave. The UK Alliance hasn't really figured out taxes yet, but Amelia's interpreting the concept loosely. In exchange for services, she wants control of all the dirt the Enclave acquired prior to the apocalypse.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Purely to keep it confidential?
ZOE CRICK: Of course.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Oh, that's sort of like... It's politics, really, isn't it?
ZOE CRICK: All right then, Phil, what non-political activities have you been engaging in?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I've been researching Alan Parsons.
ZOE CRICK: Don't you know everything about him already?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I'm putting together a biography. It's important that the history of significant cultural figures isn't lost. To make sure my information’s correct, I’ve been cross-referencing my sources with the fan community on ROFFLEnet. It's just that there aren't that many Alan Parsons fans -
ZOE CRICK: Who’d have thought?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: - because many of them died in the apocalypse.
ZOE CRICK: I'm sorry.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: The point is that because there are only a few people left with expertise in classic progressive rock, everyone else on the message board figured out who I am and that I work near Amelia.
ZOE CRICK: So you can't even escape politics on the Alan Parsons forum?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Exactly. I've been bombarded with questions for her, things she hasn't addressed in her own broadcasts. I printed them out, actually. [paper rustles] Here, you can take a look.
ZOE CRICK: You know, some of these aren't bad. I wonder if Amelia would come on the show and answer them.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I always secretly wanted to host Question Time.
ZOE CRICK: Listeners, I'm very happy to announce that the prime minister Amelia Spens has agreed to appear on Radio New Hope and answer some of your questions.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I won't ask how you convinced her.
ZOE CRICK: I didn't have to. She said it would be good for her image.
ZOE CRICK: Yes. She says the population sees her as intelligent, refined, and sophisticated, but that those qualities make her hard to relate to. According to her, appearing on Radio New Hope will increase her appeal to people who don't care about personal grooming and who haven't read a book since the apocalypse.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Is that what she thinks of our listeners?
ZOE CRICK: To be fair, reading materials and cosmetics are in short supply.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yes, and people's priorities have changed. Some of us are more concerned with staying alive than getting our well-manicured hands on the last remaining issues of the Times Literary Supplement.
ZOE CRICK: A fair point. Listeners, to find out what our prime minister's priorities are, send your questions to us over ROFFLEnet.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Zoe, since this is our first prime ministerial interview, do you think we should have picked a more appropriate song than that?
ZOE CRICK: It's too late now.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: People of the UK, we'd like to introduce a very special guest to Radio New Hope. Please welcome our prime minister, Amelia Spens.
AMELIA SPENS: Hello, Phil and Zoe. I must say, I'm glad this is a radio broadcast. This studio looks frightful.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: [sighs] Now hang on. It's decorated with offcuts you gave us.
AMELIA SPENS: Oh, is this where they ended up? I thought we were going to burn them.
ZOE CRICK: We're off to a good start, listeners. Let's have some serious music before we get into the questions.
ZOE CRICK: Our first question is from Concerned of Dorchester. “Prime Minister, when democracy is reinstated, will zombies get the vote?”
AMELIA SPENS: “When democracy is reinstated.” [laughs] Phil and Zoe, I hope these aren't all going to be comedy questions.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I think just focus on the zombie part for now.
AMELIA SPENS: I think we can all agree that one of the few silver linings of the apocalypse is the way outdated prejudices and social orders have been rejected.
ZOE CRICK: Just to be clear, you're not ruling out zombies having the vote?
AMELIA SPENS: Not until I know who they'd vote for. V-types are very intelligent in large groups.
ZOE CRICK: This next question is from Sir Augustus Headley Coombs. “Prime Minister, do your duties as a mother hinder your ability to run the country?”
AMELIA SPENS: Quite honestly, if anything, they help -
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I'm sorry, Prime Minister, you don't have to answer that. I apologize on behalf of Radio New Hope to you and to all other mothers listening for airing a question that implies that motherhood might compromise a woman's abilities to do her job.
ZOE CRICK: Quite. We all know that if Amelia's abilities are compromised, it's by her refusal to do anything that might damage her manicure.
AMELIA SPENS: Are you still annoyed about that, Zoe?
ZOE CRICK: Now isn't the time.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: There's really no need to acknowledge this question, Prime Minister. Let's move on.
AMELIA SPENS: It's a reasonable question, and the answer is that dealing with a clutch of screaming children with no control over their emotions is the best training a prime minister could have.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I've got a question from, uh... this person's username is just a string of cat emojis. They say, “Prime Minister, doctors and scientists are increasingly aware of the therapeutic benefits of caring for animals. Simply stroking a cat has been proven to lower blood pressure. Why, even when there's so much evidence that animals make it easier to cope with mental health difficulties, are kitten pens still not compulsory in all settlements?”
AMELIA SPENS: Zoe, did you write this? I told you, if you ever need a way to relieve stress, just come to my quarters and I’ll -
PHIL CHEESEMAN: So that's a no on the kitten pens for now, listeners. Here's a nice loud song to block out the sound of your own imagination.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: This question comes from BV, but I'm not sure we should ask it. Zoe, take a look.
[paper rustles]
ZOE CRICK: Hmm, I see what you mean. But if this is a true public forum, nothing should be off limits. Besides, I think the time for editorial qualms would have been before you printed out the entire message board.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Perhaps it wasn't the best use of our paper allowance.
AMELIA SPENS: Oh, just ask it. I've scheduled a hot stone massage after this and if I have to cancel, running out of paper will be the least of your problems.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Um... “Prime Minister, how does it feel to be the most attractive world leader of all time?”
AMELIA SPENS: It's a meaningless accolade.
ZOE CRICK: Of course. We shouldn't judge politicians on their appearance.
AMELIA SPENS: No, I mean there's no competition.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Oh, the next question's also from BV. Uh, this one's a bit more sensible, though. It's about health policy. “Prime Minister, I am the CEO of a corporation with an extensive pharmaceutical arm. I'd be happy to discuss supplies for ministry hospitals. Perhaps over a bottle of Cheval Blanc 1947 Saint-Emilion, and some caviar.”
ZOE CRICK: Wait, pharmaceutical corporation? BV? Is this Valmont? Prime Minister, I don't think this is a genuine request.
AMELIA SPENS: I'm terribly sorry, BV, but a meeting won't be possible right now. I have to be very careful about the relationship between business and government. You understand. More importantly, red wine and caviar is a dreadful pairing. Let me know when you've got some Dom Perignon and then we'll talk.
AMELIA SPENS: Zoe, I know that was a dreadful song, but could you at least -
AMELIA SPENS: - but you could at least stay awake for the duration. The rest of us had to.
ZOE CRICK: I was awake. I just like to close my eyes sometimes, or the green gets too much. Anyway, what's the next question, Phil?
[paper rustles]
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Ah, I don't think we need to ask that one.
AMELIA SPENS: Nothing is off limits. Please go ahead.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Um, Outraged of Essex asks, “Prime Minister, does your involvement with Zoe Crick create a conflict of interest regarding your appearance on this program?”
AMELIA SPENS: I don't know, Outraged, do your hobbies create a conflict of interest with your job?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I've got a question from [clears throat] Nice Try, But If You Think I'm Writing My Name In That Box, You've Got Another Thing Coming.
ZOE CRICK: I didn't know ROFFLEnet usernames could be that long.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: “Prime Minister, is it true that you're demanding the Psychoanalysts Enclave give you all their information? Would the details go public? Asking for a friend.”
AMELIA SPENS: Firstly, the UK Alliance doesn't demand anything, it's a negotiation. As for the information, it sounds like its secrecy is valuable to you. Interesting. Write to my office and we'll talk.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Happy and Glorious asks, “Will the king attend the State Opening of Parliament?”
AMELIA SPENS: The State Opening of Parliament took place in the House of Lords, not the House of Commons. Since we haven't built a House of Lords, it just wouldn't be right to reenact such a historically significant ceremony. A shame, as I'm sure King Jamie's speech about self-sacrifice and duty would have been a hoot.
ZOE CRICK: Couldn't you adapt the ceremony for post-apocalyptic times?
AMELIA SPENS: What do you mean?
ZOE CRICK: Before Z-Day, the State Opening of Parliament consisted of several commemorative rituals. For example, the Palace of Westminster cellars would be searched for explosives in remembrance of the Gunpowder Plot.
AMELIA SPENS: And you're suggesting we open Parliament with zombie-themed rituals, is that it? [laughs] Amused as I am by the thought of King Jamie being chased through Fort Canton by a horde of V-types, there are several recent events that it would be best the population stop associating with the office of minister.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: You mean all that stuff with Sigrid?
AMELIA SPENS: It's easier for people to forget if they're not being constantly reminded, Phil.
ZOE CRICK: Lance Corporal Kapoor asks, “Is there any truth to the rumor that defense resources are being spent retrieving high heels from the last remaining Christian Louboutin shop in Mayfair?”
AMELIA SPENS: Yes. Politics is all about image, and I need to look stylish yet powerful to intimidate our enemies.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: But aren't zombies our biggest enemies? Do they notice shoes?
AMELIA SPENS: There's a lot we don't know yet about zombies.
ZOE CRICK: On that note, here's a song that'll make us all feel powerful.
AMELIA SPENS: Are we nearly finished? All this green is giving me a headache.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Almost. The Truth Is Out There asks, “Is the UK Alliance withholding information about UFOs?”
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Unidentified flying -
AMELIA SPENS: I know what they are, Phil. Listener, was the zombie apocalypse not enough? Haven't you had your fill of government conspiracies? Don't you think if - actually, no, I'm not going to dignify this stupid question with an answer. That's it, I'm afraid, Phil and Zoe. It's time for my massage.
[chair legs scrape across floor]
ZOE CRICK: Wait, there's one more.
ZOE CRICK: Where is Janine De Luca?
AMELIA SPENS: Oh, Janine. I'm amazed anyone noticed she was gone. Don't worry, listeners. Colonel De Luca is on a secret mission and it's all under control. She and her appallingly drab outfits will be back at Abel in no time. And with that, I'm off.
[door opens]
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I think it's probably time for some music.
ZOE CRICK: I think that went... about as well as could be expected.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah, considering it was our first prime ministerial interview, we didn't read the questions before going live, and we're broadcasting from what looks like the inside of a spinach tin.
ZOE CRICK: [laughs] I thought you liked the decor.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: [sighs] Just didn't want to complain. Fort Canton's been a stressful place to work since Amelia became prime minister, but I try to remember that we're all on the same team. Everyone wants to get rid of the V-types and we need to work together, focus on the big things, and not sweat the small stuff.
ZOE CRICK: Hmm. Like how our studio looks like Kermit the Frog's fever dream?
[magazine pages rustle]
ZOE CRICK: Phil? Phil, we're live.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Oh, sorry. Uh... [clears throat] Hello, ci-ti-zens! Welcome back to Radio New Hope, where your entertainment is our priority.
ZOE CRICK: Except when we're reading... [magazine rustles] Vogue? Phil, don't take this the wrong way, but I never thought of you as being particularly interested in fashion.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I never was, Zoe, before the apocalypse. But one of our runners picked this up from a dentist's waiting room during a meds run and I was curious. So fascinating, really, that there used to be this whole industry dedicated to the way we looked.
ZOE CRICK: The people in these pictures had no idea what was coming.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: If they had, maybe they'd have worn more practical shoes.
ZOE CRICK: Yes. [laughs] Good luck running from a zom in those. They're quite fun, actually.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah, they're pretty good, but I prefer these.
ZOE CRICK: Wow! [laughs] Those are quite something. You couldn't wear them to work, though.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Not unless you were this next musical artiste!
ZOE CRICK: Welcome back, listeners. Today we're reading Vogue, which is like gazing through a portal into another dimension.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: A dimension where people thought it was sensible to make dresses out of tin foil and feathers.
ZOE CRICK: Mm, I'm not sure sense had anything to do with it. These clothes are about fantasy. They're works of art.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Well, those ones are, but look at this other fashion mag I picked up. [magazine page rustles] This article is called “Summer Must-haves.” It's telling me I must spend 700 pounds on these trousers. And it's next to an advert for some magic cream to make me look young. Now remember, before the apocalypse, a lot of people worried about not wearing the right clothes or that it was a bad thing to look their age.
ZOE CRICK: Hmm, that's a good point. Nowadays, if you see someone older, you know they've probably got some wisdom to share. Always handy in the post-apocalypse.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Exactly! Just yesterday, a teenager asked me where the toilets are.
ZOE CRICK: Hmm, impressive! [laughs] Here's a song by someone even older and wiser than Phil.
ZOE CRICK: You know, Phil, how we look hasn't become totally irrelevant since the apocalypse.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Well... yeah. Uh, it's-it's important to look basically alive so that no one mistakes you for a zombie and tries to knock your head off with a baseball bat.
ZOE CRICK: True, but I was thinking more about the way we express ourselves. For example, isn't that a Dream Theater T-shirt you're wearing?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yes. You know, it does cheer me up to wear a T-shirt featuring a band I like, even if they are all dead.
ZOE CRICK: And I'm wearing socks with cats on them. Every now and again, someone will stop me in the corridor and compliment me because they like cats, too. Then we'll have a conversation about cats and the whole day gets a little brighter.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: They are pretty nice socks.
ZOE CRICK: Thank you, Phil. [giggles] Since we're on the topic, why don't you put on a song for our listeners and I tell you about the morning I spent in the kitten pen?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Uh, do I get a choice?
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flowercrownjay · 4 years
ranking my top 5 lloyd episodes because i am thinking about him (there’s no cut on mobile but it’s there in spirit <3)
5. Big Trouble, Little Ninjago
S8 is just soo good for so many reasons and I’m probably kind of biased since it’s a Lloyd-centric season but this episode + the three before it are some of the series’ best work in my opinion, it’s just so much DARKER than the rest of it. Also this ep is angsty, I just love the ending and I think it’s a nice way to end off the season.
4. Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
I would have ranked this one higher because it shaped my childhood but early seasons Lloyd didn’t have that much going in terms of characterization. Still, so many points for the ending/final battle, absolutely iconic.
3. Endings
March of the Oni wasn’t the best season and this definitely was not the best episode, but nevertheless it was still a good episode for Lloyd. I really liked how he kind of got to speak to the FSM and take that chance to move on (whether he did or not is debatable). I haven’t seen this one in a while but it was good.
2. Radio-Free Ninjago
Back on my s8-10 bullshit~ anyway this episode just had a Katniss Everdeen vibe and I love that for him
1. True Potential
Oh my god I could watch this episode on repeat for hours on end because of how fucking dark it is. And violent. And just overall heartbreaking. Garm is such a huge part of Lloyd’s life and even in the seasons he isn’t there, he’s still kind of there. Just thinking about the ~trauma~ that must have been for Lloyd.
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xfanfics · 4 years
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Destiel Fic Rec List Part 5
Last Updated in October 2014. Posted in May 2020 for posterity.  Listed in no particular order - the total rec list will have ~250 fics. Header graphic used with permission.
This part of the list contains: 32 fics.
Other Destiel Rec Lists: [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7].
Casturbatus Interruptus by gaugbrojotr E | 6k | Canon!verse, Hot, , PWP
post-9.01, in a slight AU wherein Cas comes to live with the Winchesters at the Bunker. Written before 9.03. Crossposting from Tumblr. Written for a prompt from hightopsandsharpies: "Okay, so Cas is a virgin, and has no idea what pleasure is and Dean decides to show him and Cas gets all cuddly and needy afterwards. Dean walks in on Cas masturbating. He’s doing it all wrong, but when you’re a bazillion-year-old virgin, that’s to be expected. Dean decides to lend him a hand in a totally platonic, non-romantic way. Things get a little out of control.
 that awkward moment when... by highermagic E | 7k | Hot, wing!Kink
All in all, with a full tank of gas and his radio turned up loud, Dean was in a pretty damn good mood. All that vanished into shock and concern when the sky lit up like daylight, as though someone had decided that black was so passé for nighttime.
 This Temporary Flesh and Bone by misachan E | 5k | Canon!verse, h/c, wing!kink
Castiel doesn't serve Dean, fine, Dean has no problem with that - he just wants to know why Castiel's showing up in his dreams again.
What a fabulous little Fic. Very emotional. S4 cas is my FAVORITE.
 Only Fools Rush In by baka_sensei E | 18k | Canon!verse, soulbond
Dean does something and in angelic tradition that means he's become Castiel's fiancé. Dean doesn't know if he wants to get married, but he doesn't want to let Castiel down either. Cas lets his feelings run away with him, Gabe is a total dick, Sam is concerned, and Dean has to make a choice.
 Learning Curve by blualbino T | 1k | Fluff, Canon!verse
Cas has nice lips. They’re soft looking. Plush even. Dean can do this.
 Dinner At Katz's by nanoochka E | 2k | Hot, canon!verse
Dean might have to teach Cas how to have a When Harry Met Sally-esque orgasm, but he certainly doesn’t have to fake it.
 Free With His Hands by watermaline E | 2k | canon!verse, handprint!kink
The first time it happens, Dean chalks it up to…well, he doesn’t chalk it up to anything, he’s too busy coming his brains out in his jeans with Castiel’s hand on his shoulder.
 Desecrate that Sanctuary by brokentoy E | 3k | Hot, Alt!Canon Verse
Dean develops a fascination with Cas' bones.
 What Once Was Sacred by saltandbyrne E | 55k |  Hot,  AU, Cop Dean, DJ Cas
Los Angeles detective Dean Winchester works tirelessly to atone for the sins of his father one case at a time. When his best friend Charlie drags him to visit Sam at his new job, Dean stumbles onto a bizarre string of deaths that brings him uncomfortably close to his past.Dean can't stop thinking about Castiel, an enigmatic DJ who plays the sexiest music Dean's ever heard. A chance encounter at Castiel's house reveals that Castiel is an incubus, and Dean must face the lies and the reality of his childhood as a hunter. Dean comes to see that he and Castiel have more in common than he thought, and that guilt can be the hardest thing to cast aside.
Freefall by LastKnownWriter E | 128k | Hot, Fluff,  AU, Teacher Dean, Firefighter Cas
AU. The most exciting kindergarten teacher Dean Winchester's life ever gets is when he plays mechanic in his uncle Bobby's shop on the weekends. That is until a birthday party goes tequila-nova and he trips into a one-night stand with an incredibly hot firefighter named Castiel. Dean's life gets a lot more exciting after that.
 The Best Years of Our Lives, My Ass ❤ by ireallyhatecornnuts E | 110k | Hot,  Fluff,  HS AU but not really,
AU after Season 8, episode 6, "Southern Comfort." Dean goes to sleep in a motel room in Texarkana, and he wakes up 17 years old, in his childhood bedroom in Lawrence, Kansas, 1996. He has no idea how he got there, why his parents are still alive, why his brother is an adorable freshman with no memory of his adult life, and why the only ally he has in this place is the angel he left behind in Purgatory – somehow also 17 years old. They have to get out, that's the important thing. Only, falling in love with his angel wasn't a part of the plan....
It's like a HS AU... but better! I love how Dean is given a second chance at growing up, and Cas gets to engage with his humanity is painfully familiar ways. Some homophobia from non-central characters.    
 deus ex nihilo by Valyria E | 7k | AU, dubcon, god cas
Lost on an uncharted island, Dean Winchester is captured by the local villagers and offered up as a sacrifice to their winged god. Castiel takes one look at Dean and decides he wants him for a mate.
 Twist and Shout ❤ by gabriel E | 97k | Angst,  AU, Main Character Death
What begins as a transforming love between Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak in the summer of 1965 quickly derails into something far more tumultuous when Dean is drafted in the Vietnam War. Though the two both voice their relationship is one where saying goodbye is never a real truth, their story becomes fraught with the tragedy of circumstance. In an era where homosexuality was especially vulnerable, Twist and Shout is the story of the love transcending time, returning over and over in its many forms, as faithful as the sea.
Do I really need to say anything? Twist and Shout is one of my favorites simply because it made me bawl. Didn't love the characterization, but I still liked it overall.
Carry On ❤ by TamrynEradani E | 148k | Hot,  AU, Sub!dean, Dom!Cas
 When Sam gets into Stanford, Dean needs a bigger paycheck than Bobby's garage can give him. Luckily, he knows a guy.
Forget 50 Shades of Grey, they should make this fic into a movie! Even if you are not a fan of Sub!Dean, give this fic a shot, because it is nearly perfect.    
Glasses by Samanthapin E | 9k | Fluff, High School AU, punk!cas, nerd!dean
Teasing turns flirting turns dating turns grossly soppy boyfriends
 beer and bacon happy hour by outpastthemoat G | 2k | canon!verse, s8
The problem is that Dean’s been having good ideas all night. “No one insults the trenchcoat,” Dean says, and drives his fist into the other dude’s face. Dean figures he was bound to run out of good ideas eventually.
 Hard Road ❤ by aleishapotter E | 54k | Canon!verse
Dean discovers a few truths about himself when he and Cas are forced to go undercover on a hunt to the very last place Dean ever thought he'd find himself: a gay resort called "Last Hope" that is geared towards helping troubled homosexual couples repair their relationships. This fic is hilarious and hot--my favorite things.  
 Dean Smith Verse by TamrynEradani E | 17k | Hot,  BDSM, AU, Sub!Dean
Dean Smith is a man of routine. Castiel takes him apart.
Bratishka: Little Brother by Valyria E | 33k | Cop AU, Cop Dean, Lawyer Cas
Dean thinks he knows pretty much everything there is to know about his best friend Castiel Novak - he's a smart, gorgeous DA who probably lets Dean get away with more than he should to see the bad guy locked up - but it turns out Cas is hiding some dark family secrets.
 the way to a man's heart by mkhunterz M | 15k | Fluff,  Canon!verse
Dean teaches Cas to cook, and other things as well.
 Branded by garrisonbabe E | 12k | | canon!verse, soul bond, marking/claiming
Michael mocked Castiel, telling him he'd never get Dean the way he truly wanted. No matter the mark on Dean's soul, he'd never get him the way the archangel could take him. Dean finds a ritual that fixes that and a few other issues.
 Our Bodies, Posessed by Light by obstinatrix E | 39k | canon!verse, sastiel bromance, Fluff
Purged of all his souls, Castiel is a changed being, stronger than an angel and too powerful for Jimmy's body to contain. Happily, there's an archangel's vessel on hand, and he could use fixing, too. Dean isn't too happy about the idea of his brother acting as a vessel for Castiel, and Sam can guess why, but it isn't until Castiel gets inside his head and they learn to share the vessel -- and their thoughts -- that Sam realises Cas is as in love with Dean as Dean is with him. It's unfortunate that there's nothing much to be done about it now, but Castiel will get another vessel soon. The Winchesters will make damn sure of that. In the meantime, it's up to the three of them to establish their own strange accord, and Dean realises more fully than ever that it's Castiel, and not his vessel, that he loves.
 So Glad We Made It  ❤by scaramouche M | 16k | Fluff,  AU
At twelve years old, Dean makes a friend, who becomes his best friend, who will eventually become the love of his life.    
Oh, the best friends who grow up together AU. I have a soft spot for fics like these-- comes with pining, awkward misunderstandings, and a good basis for a realistic relationship.
 Shut Up (Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is) ❤ by kototyph E | 23k | Fluff,  college au
Dean's done some pretty stupid things, but getting drunk-hitched in Vegas to a colleague he barely knows might just take the cake. His surprise husband, Castiel, is a little weird but likable despite that, and Dean figures they’ll go back to Boston, get a quiet annulment, and go their separate ways. Six weeks later, he’s still married to one of the strangest, most genuine and definitely most dangerously lov-- likable guys he's ever known. Dean doesn't know why or really even how it’s happening, but it’s getting harder and harder to remember that he has divorce papers to file.
FLUFF EVERYWHERE! This is definitely a feel-good fic and I love reading it when I'm sad. Or just you know, whenever.
 But the Fire is So Delightful by kototyph E | 5k | Hot, hate then love, College AU
Apparently, it’s been snowing all day. [Dean is a Douchebag Fratboy with a Cherry Ass, Castiel is Angry and Aroused]
 Stitches by askance T | 23k |  Fluff, h/c, blindness, Canon!verse
Castiel survived Leviathan--but only barely. Vessel mauled and eyes destroyed, Cas is barely clinging to what's left of his grace when Dean finds him naked and alone on the reservoir's edge; in a panic, Dean brings him home to the cabin where he and Sam have been holed up off the grid. What follows is the slow process of the angel's recovery and the unexpected changes that come with his being blind, and in the three months this takes, their little family slowly begins to patch itself back together in forgiveness, love, and darkness.
 When Charlie Met Cas by riseofthefallenone E | 25k | Fluff,  canon!verse
Charlie is back in all her glory. The Winchesters have showed up on her doorstep and she’s making the best of it the only way she knows how. By being the little sister Dean never wanted and shipping the shit out of Destiel.
The Life After the Morning After by saltyfeathers T | 17k
Dean and Cas get uber drunk on their last day of University. They end up married. Neither of them seem to mind.
The Girlfriend Experience ❤ by Rageprufrock E | 15k | Hot,  Canon!Verse, First time
While it's not like Dean hasn't had a couple of truly regrettable hit-and-runs in his sexual history, this is probably the saddest fucking thing that has ever happened to him.
Classic Casturbation fic. Complete with steamy sexytimes, hilarious dialogue, and fed up and clueless Dean. Perfect.    
Hands, From Which All Things Are Built by MajorEnglishEsquire T | 14k | Canon!Verse, s8
Castiel travels with the angel tablet and without the Winchesters. One day, Dean gets a text from some anonymous number. (They speak in the language of need.)
Cowboys and Real Estate Angels by almaasi E | 36k | AU
Castiel crosses paths with the ever-charming Dean Winchester at a rodeo show in Texas, of all places. Dean's singing days are long bygone, but his crowd-pleasing skills haven't waned one iota. Unexpectedly, Castiel finds himself in Dean's bedroom; they take and they give, and discover that sometimes strangers can find love like this, too. (And if a man's faith can't be put in God, it needs to go somewhere...)
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anxious-acushla · 5 years
Ummm can I just ask you all of the “questions every fic writer secretly want to be asked”? Is that allowed? And can I ask them about, like, all your fics? If not, could I please get 4, 7, 8, 10. Um and also 2, 3, 5, 6 and 9? And 1. Thanks love you bye
I see what you did there...
Hi, I love you. Here goes!
1. Of the fics you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
EVER? Or for Gendrya? THIS IS SO HARD FOR ME!!! Exhale and CFDD are so wildly different that I feel like it’s unfair to make me choose. I’ve said this before but if I *have* to pick one, I’ll say CFDD just because it feels like it has a smaller fanbase but its readers are just out of this world when it comes to feedback and support. 
2. Which scene was your favorite to write in [title of fic]?
Favorite scene to write in Exhale? The honey scene...too intimate/awkward...perfectly Gendrya. The first time they have sex at Dragonstone. Then, my absolute favorite scene, was the chapter where Arya learns Gendry is a lord and there’s all the wrestling in the mud AND the intense conversation between Sansa and Arya. That’s honestly the chapter I’m proudest of. It captured everything I was trying to do with Exhale...even if it pissed a few people off *shrugs*
3. Which part of [title] was hardest to write?
Hardest part of Exhale to write? I kind of answered this but the scene where I had Bran and Gendry have a conversation...Bran is very hard for me to write. Honestly, a lot of Exhale just flowed for me. I was so upset over the finale and the support/feedback/reviews were unreal so those two factors made writing it fairly easy...though I’m sure if you look back at my tumblr posts you can find some where I say otherwise...
4. If you could change anything in [title], what would it be?
Ooooh! Ummm...I honestly don’t know? I’m super strict when it comes to storyboarding everything before I start posting a story so if changes need to be made, they’re made before I begin posting. 
5. Did you make an outline for [title]? Did you stick to it?
^^Didn’t even see this as the next question. See above. I am SUCH a stickler for storyboarding. I detail scenes to ridiculous amounts - dialogue included.
6. Which scenes did you cut, and which were added in [title]?
Answered here!
7. Who was your favorite character to write in [title]?
Gendry? Arya? They both were a lot of fun to explore. Arya’s reaction to trauma was very cathartic for me. With Gendry, I’d like to think I let him be the best book!Gendry he could be under the circumstances. 
8. Which came first, the title or the fic?
The fic. I suck at titles. SUCK AT THEM. Ultimately it was honestly inspired by Sabrina Carpenter’s song “Exhale”. I heard it on the radio and it had the vibes I was trying to convey with Arya...basically this idea that she just needs the world to slow the fuck down for once. 
9. Which idea came to you first in [title]?
After watching the finale it was unbelievable (literally) for me to think that Arya didn’t seek Gendry out after what happened in King’s Landing. I just refused to believe any of that. No. Nope. No way. So the whole premise started as “How is Gendry going to help Arya heal after King’s Landing?” and it kind of went from there.
10. What are some facts readers may not know about [title]?
Dragonstone is based on coastal South Carolina. The title is inspired by a song (almost always the case with my fics), as noted above. Honestly it was just a story for me to channel my frustration from the disaster that was S8 so the fact that other people enjoyed it so much was just a huge lovely cherry on top ♥♥
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anitapreston4-blog · 5 years
How To Convert APE Audio Files?
Ease MP3 WAV Converteris a easy to make use of and highly effective audio converter. This software program not only converts APE to MP3, but also performs batch audio conversion between varied audio codecs like AAC, AC3, AIFF, ALAC, FLAC, M4R, OGG, MP3, and more. If you happen to go to its Settings menu, then you will also have the ability to Schedule Duties (do nothing or exit program), Restrict variety of used processors used through the conversion, set the trail of output file folder, range notification settings, and many others. In the right upper nook of the window, click the "Downloads" button. Then click on the filename of this system. Some of the advanced settings in Change include deleting the supply audio file after a conversion, robotically normalizing audio, enhancing tags, and downloading CD album details from the web. Convert APE (Monkey's Audio) recordsdata to MP3 and convert APE to FLAC, APE to WAV, APE to WavPack, APE to M4A, APE to AIFF, ape to mp3 converter download android to AAC, APE to WMA, APE to OGG, APE to AC3, APE to AMR, APE to MP2 and APE to AU. There is no doubt that MP3 is king on the subject of all things audio on LAPTOP or Mac. In case your music or audio is not in MP3 format then you want a easy technique to convert it which is what All2MP3 does. Select the files which are needed to merge, than click "Merge" button and it merges several recordsdata into one to save lots of your time. You will note the following display. As to APE data related to Cue, if there is not a Cue file, it could't choose the music when taking part in the file. Open the Cue file with Notepad program, you'll be able to see that it information -ape-to-mp3 the singers of full album in APE data, album establish, APE file title, monitor quantity, every monitor title, artist, begin time and finish time. Thus it is so important for you when you want to burn CD with the APE file, or to separate single APE file into particular person songs. MP3 is the format for digital audio that uses a lossy compression algorithm, which is design to reduce the amount of information required to represent the audio recording and nonetheless sound like a trustworthy copy of the unique uncompressed audio. An MP3 file could be constructed at increased or lower bit rates, with higher or lower resulting high quality. If the standard of converted OGG information shouldn't be good, it is in all probability because of unhealthy converter software, not the format itself. Additionally, if in case you have entry to lossless copy of that file, it's better to convert from that to OGG rather than converting from MP3. The software program is converting APE information into MP3 format. A friend emailed me a demo of 4 tracks from his band. They are APE recordsdata. I have tried changing them into wav or even at this point I'd accept Mp3's if I've to. The problem is all of the programs I've tried do not work. Monket Audio, EAC, Media Participant are the 3 I can remember using. Its actually a program you obtain onto your laptop. Its called youtube-dl. And before i'm going any further. It does NOT have a GUI. Its all completed by command prompt. But dont get scared, you will be tremendous so long as you observe my instructions. Now, im gonna assume your operating home windows 64bit. Maintain that in thoughts.
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Watch as Monkey's Audio converts yourape recordsdata towav recordsdata. Faasoft FLAC to MP3 converter allow you to convert FLAC to MP3 in batch mode in order to efficiently play FLAC recordsdata anyplace with out dropping a top quality of the audio file. Assist: Windows, and Mac 5. Zamzar Skilled Tip: You will have to make use of Zamzar to rework your APE file as this format is not usually obtainable in most fashionable functions. Copying metadata (tags) from APE and CUE information to the generated MP3 recordsdata.
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For now, all installation is completed. Let's use it to convert APE to MP3. Click the MASSIVE SPHERICAL button at the right bottom aspect to complete the APE to FLAC conversion with excessive audio high quality and quick velocity. With this free on-line mp3 cutter you possibly can reduce a portion from any audio file, or convert a video to MP3 format, and save the end result as a MP3 music file or ringtone for you cell phone equivalent to Samsung Galaxy S8, Apple iPhone 8S Plus. It enables to chop an audio with an correct beginning time and ending time in milliseconds.
Consists of APE cutter with preview that may reduce APE audio information with millisecond precision. Burn and save ISO recordsdata, copy your CDs DVDs. Save your favorite audio CDs to mp3 with the internal grabber (CDDB request to get information about the album). The net audio converter permits you to convert APE to MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, AC3, FLAC, OGG and RA, etc. You are allowed to adjust the audio birate, channel and pattern fee for the output MP3 audio to get one of the best music listening to enjoyment. 5.Audio recorder :Allows you to record any audio source, equivalent to Web radio streams, on to a digital audio file, equivalent to the favored MP3 format.
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We did not find results for: Convert APE To MP3 (On-line. Try the methods under or type a brand new query above. Free APE To MP3 Converter is a dedicated free APE to MP3 Converter software program program for Windows. It is specifically designed to transform APE information to MP3. In it, it's also doable to carry out batch audio conversion to rework a lot of APE audio recordsdata to MP3 format simultaneously. A-PDF All to MP3 Converter is an easy, lightning-fast and highly effective audio conversion and MP3 Rip instrument that lets you to batch convert Audio (wav, flac, ogg, wma, ape, tta) to prime quality MP3 audio codecs. Audio Converter is extraordinarily fast because of full-scale computation squeezing essentially essentially the most out of your CPU - however many cores it has. You'll be able to configure this behavior in Preferences. Set Bit (BitRate, Pattern Fee, MP3 Bit) for MP3 files. Lastly, if you want to take more management over the audio as you exchange it, then opt for the free audio editor Audacity (for Windows, macOS, and Linux). In addition to a full suite of modifying instruments, it gives you the option to convert your recordsdata between numerous well-liked codecs. To do so, open the track in question, ape to mp3 converter download android hit the File menu, and head to the Export choice. to add your required OGG Vorbis files, then click Open to proceed.
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bookgeekgrrl · 11 days
My media this week (8-14 Sep 2024)
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A Pocket Full of Rye (Miss Marple #6) (Agatha Christie, author; Richard E. Grant, narrator)
Three Doors To Death (Nero Wolfe #16) (Rex Stout)
4:50 From Paddington (Miss Marple #7) (Agatha Christie, author; Emilia Fox, narrator)
be kind, rewind (sparkagrace) - 47K, '90s historical AU shrunkyclunks, reread - a really enjoyable fic with one of my fave becca barnes characterizations
The Golden Spiders (Nero Wolfe #22) (Rex Stout)
I Understood that Reference (RedBlazer) - stucky bookclub pick. Shrunkyclunks with librarian!bucky. pretty entertaining with a lot of very funny lines. tho bc it was written in 2015 there's some jkr positivity that seems super jarring now (not enough to spoil it) also apparently I had already read this? when i went to leave kudos I'd already been here! definitely a 'i have no memory of this place' moment
💖💖 +28K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Belonging (gryvon) - Suits: mike/harvey, 5K - reread of this short, super hot fic with a really good sounding scene
Monét's Slumber Party - s1, e5
Handsome Podcast - Amanda Kloots asks about throwback songs
Handsome Podcast - Tom Hanks asks about road trips
Handsome Podcast - Pretty Little Episode #4
D20: A Starstruck Odyssey - "Every Day is Our Wurst Day" (s12, e4)
D20: Adventuring Party - "The Chaos, the Chaos of this Episode" (s8, e4)
D20: A Starstruck Odyssey - "All In a Hot Exit" (s12, e5)
D20: Adventuring Party - "To Me, This Is A Perfect Battle" (s8, e5)
D20: Quangle in Queal Quife
Re: Dracula - September 8: A Presage of Horror
Re: Dracula - September 9: Health and Strength Give Love Rein
⭐ What Next: TBD - The Misguided Buzz About Mosquitoes
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Wave Organ
The Sporkful - The Pashman Family Takes Your Calls 2024
Pop Culture Happy Hour - The Perfect Couple
Code Switch - Ask Code Switch: Is this a racist question?
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - Outtakes: Secret menus are popping up in what business?
How To! - How To Survive a Disaster
How To! - Quick Fix: Building Trust in an Emergency
Re: Dracula - September 10: Make Yourself Strong
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Wood Island Lighthouse
It's Been a Minute - The SMACKDOWN: Gucci Mane vs. Angela Davis vs. Sun Ra
99% Invisible - Medellin, Revisited
Re: Dracula - September 11: Grim Purpose in All I Do
⭐ The Atlas Obscura Podcast - The Day the Tractors Stood Still
Handsome - Paul Giamatti asks about scary movies
Shedunnit - Book Club Fact File: Gaudy Night by Dorothy L Sayers
Films To Be Buried With - Joshua Jackson
Vibe Check - Put the NyQuil Down
Shedunnit - Book Club Conversation: Gaudy Night by Dorothy L Sayers
Re: Dracula - September 12: The Pain of the Fear of Sleep
Imaginary Worlds - 10th Anniversary Special Part 2
⭐ Throughline - The Conspiracy Files
Consider This- Anne Lamott has some ideas on getting older in the United States
Pop Culture Happy Hour - Speak No Evil And What's Making Us Happy
Re: Dracula - September 13: All the Powers of the Devils
Endless Thread - A Reasonable Expectation of Privacy
Smart Podcast, Trashy Books - 632. Being Fine with Friends, with Jolenta Greenberg and Kristen Meinzer
Dear Prudence - Prudie Plus: Jenée’s Q&A with Lizzie O’Leary
Today, Explained - We can't trust photos anymore
You're Dead to Me - History of Broadway
⭐ Hit Parade - What’s 1984 Got to Do with It Edition
'80s Soft Pop
The Clash
'60s Sunshine Pop
The Aquabats! Radio • Party
Machines Of Loving Grace Radio • Workout
'80s One-Hit Wonders
Jimmy Buffett Radio • 1970s
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loneleeandsad · 4 years
Curso de Conserto de Celular - Versão 3.0
Curso Revolucionário que já mudou a vida de milhares de pessoas no Brasil a ter seu negócio próprio 100% lucrativo com conserto e manutenção de celulares em poucos dias.
E com grande diferencial no mercado com Reparo em Placas de Smartphone e Iphone <<
Se você deseja ganhar dinheiro realizando Manutenções em Celulares, veja este vídeo com muita ATENÇÃO!
Compre o Curso de Conserto de Celular até dia 08 de Maio de 2020 ganhe de Brinde um Curso de Tablet e 14,5GB de Arquivos com Programas, Manuais de Serviços e Roms para Celular.
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Conserto de Aparelhos Samsung
Motorola, LG, Nokia e Sony
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Certificado do Curso
Ao concluir o Curso de Conserto de Celular você vai receber o certificado com CNPJ
 Módulo 1 - Introdução
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Liberação dos Módulos do Curso
Brindes do Curso
Como Baixar Apostila
Introdução a Apostila
Ferramentas para o conserto
Eletrônica Aplicada a Celular
Componentes da Placa de Celular
Primeiros passos para o conserto
Ativação da Bateria
Desmontagem e Montagem do Celular
Tipos de Defeitos
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Troca de Botão
Diferença de vidro, touch, display e frontal
Aula Nova Desoxidação
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Estoque Principal
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Termo de Limpeza e Desoxidação
Como Baixar Documentação
Whatsapp e Telefone de Fornecedores
Diagrama em Blocos e Troubleshooting
Manual de Serviço e Troubleshooting
Fim do módulo 1
Módulo 2 - Consertos
Introdução Módulo 2
Conserto Moto G2 XT1069
Troca Frontal Sony Z3
Conserto conector chip Moto g1 XT1033
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Conserto Moto X2 – Troca da Frontal
Conserto Samsung GT355M – Não Liga
Conserto LG G2 D805 – Trocal Frontal
Conserto LG E455 WiFi e Bluetooth não funciona
Conserto Iphone 5g vários defeitos
Conserto Botão Power Iphone 5
Conserto Iphone 5c não carrega
Conserto Conector de Carga Moto G2
Conserto troca da frontal Iphone 6
Conserto Slot de Chip Moto E
Conserto Resolda Conector Carga Sony T2 Ultra
Conserto Conector de Carga Samsung Granduos
Conserto Trocal Frontal Samsung J5
Conserto Moto G3 não liga
Fim do Módulo 2
Módulo 3 - Consertos
Introdução Módulo 3
Como desmontar e montar Iphone 5s
Como desmontar e montar iphone 6
Diferença de Replica para Original
Samsung GranDuos 7102 com problema na antena sem consert
Conserto Galaxy Win Não Liga
Conserto LG E615 Fazendo Trilha Para Slot do Chip
Conserto Samsung GranDuos Não detecta fone de ouvido
Nokia Lumia 530 não carrega
Sony xperia E2124 Desoxidação
Troca do Dock de Carga Iphone 5
Troca Touch e Tampa traseira Xperia Z3
Deixando Iphone 5 Novo
Eletrônica Aplicada a Placa de Celular
Fazer Backup e Restaurar Android
Como Baixar Rom
Hard Reset Samsung
Instalação Rom Firmware Samsung
Jig USB Samsung
HardReset LG
Instalação Rom Firmware LG
HardReset Motorola
Desbloquear BootLoader Motorola
Instalação da Rom Motorola
Software não tem garantia
Como Apagar Conteúdo e Icloud Iphone 5s
Como Baixar 14.5 GB de Software, Manuais e Roms
Fim do Módulo 3
Módulo 4 - Eletrônica Aplicada a Placa de Celular
Introdução Módulo 4
As 3 Grandezas elétricas
Diferença de Potencial
Queda de Tensão
Resistores Parte 1
Resistores Parte 2
Capacitores Parte 1
Capacitores Parte 2
Analise Diagrama em Blocos
Trouble Shooting
Indutores Parte 1
Indutores Parte 2
Analise de Circuito
Circuito Integrado
Cristal 19.2 Mhz
Como identificar CIs na placa de celular
Identificação Pontos Positivo e Negativo
Como Ligar Aparelho na Fonte de Bancada
Fim do Módulo 4
Módulo 5 - Consertos e Troca de Vidro
Introdução Troca de Vidro
Separadora Yaxun 945
Maquina Tira Polarizer
Maquina 4×1 Tira Bolha, Vacuo, Laminadora e Separadora
Laminadora de OcaManual
Líquidos e Ferramentas
Estoque de Vidros
Como Trocar o Vidro J5
Como Trocar o Vidro LG K10
Como Trocar o Vidro J7
Introdução Cícero Cawboy
Máquinas para troca de Vidro Cícero Cawboy
Como Trocar o Vidro Moto G2
Pontos alternativos conector da carga moto g
Pontos alternativos para jumper chave power moto g
Moto g4 adaptando slot de chip
LG E405 não toca
Como Retirar Frontal Samsung A5 sem quebrar
s3 mine, i8190 nao carrega
Moto G2 Problema WiFi
Lumia 520 troca slot do chip
LG X Cam desligo no carregador
Fim do Módulo 5
Módulo 6 - Software
Sobre o Modulo de Software
Que equipamentos utilizar
BackUp de Arquivos
Software Flash LG
Baixar Rom e drive celular
Desbloqueio google Moto E2
Hard Reset Aparelhos Samsung
Hard Reset Aparelhos LG
Hard Reset aparelhos Motorola
Hard Reset e Desbloqueio LG K8
Reinstalação de Rom Aparelhos Motorola
Reinstalação de Rom Aparelhos Samsung
Reinstalação de Rom LG
Reinstalar Rom com LG Bridge
Software Flash Samsung
Software Flash Sony
Desbloqueio de Conta Google Samsung J7, J7 Neo, A7, A8, S8, S9, Android 7.0 7.1 2018
Fim do Módulo 6
Módulo 7 - Iphone
Backlight introdução
Backlight introdução diagrama Apple
Programa ZXW
Aula Pratica BackLight Parte 1
Aula Pratica BackLight Parte 2
Auto Falante Auricular, PA de Audio e Codec
Principios funcionamento smartphone
Técnica Medição 4 pontas
Sistema de Varredura Apple
Teste de Circuito Integrado
Analise Circuito Carga Iphone 6
Detector de Curto
Reparo botão home IPHONE 8 Plus
Troca Display IPHONE X
Setor de Radio Frequência
Botões Iphone 6
Motor Vibracall Iphone 6
Setor das Câmeras IPhone 6
Módulo 8 - Novas Aulas Consertos
Novas Ferramentas
Disgnostico Iphone 5s com USB Meter
Jumper e Troca FPC Iphone 6
Como fazer Reflow em Placa
Como fazer Rebaling em Placa
Replace Troca de Componente
Analise CI de Carga Iphone
Reparo CI de Carga Iphone
Moto G4 Não Liga Problema Botão e Conector de Carga
Recuperação de Pad Iphone 5s
Gravador de eeprom display
Como usar Escala 200m
J7 Problema Sensor Hall
LG K4 Com Tela Branca
LG K10 Tela Preta
Moto G2 em Curto
Reballing CI WiFi Motorola
Moto z mostra carregando mais não carrega
Fornecedores do Cicero Cawboy
Módulo 9 - Novas Aulas de Software
Conta Google Asus Zenfone 3 Max
Conta Google Lenovo Vibe K6
Conta Google Moto G4 Plus
Remover CQA Test
Conta Google Moto G5s
Conta Google Moto G7
Conta Google Moto One
Módulo 10 - Consertos Reais dos Alunos
Troca de Tela e Carcaça J7 PRIME
Troca de Bateria J5 Prime
Fazendo a mudança na farmware do J320m para correção no Odim
Desoxidação MOTO E 4 PLUS
Conserto placa positivo troca de CI
Como Testar Slot de Chip
Como testar conector de carga
Abertura do J7 Display Original Ressolda no CI de Sinal da Operadora
Troca de Vidro LG k10 na cola Oca
Módulo 11 - Suporte Parte 1
Neste módulo você vai receber 10 horas de aulas do suporte ao vivo que foi feito durante 1 ano com perguntas e respostas sobre
consertos e defeitos em aparelhos celulares e tablets
 Módulo 12 - Suporte Parte 2
Como receber o certificado do curso
Dúvidas e Respostas Sobre Certificado
Suporte Fórum AndreCisp
Suporte pelo Canal ao Vivo toda semana
Grupo dos alunos telegram
Módulo 13 - Brinde Curso de Tablets
Conserto Tablet Multilaser m7s não liga
Conserto Tablet Philco não liga
Conserto Tablet Diney TecToy não carrega
Conserto tablet philco não carrega
Conserto Tablet Multilaser troca toch e conector
Conserto Tablet Lenoxx não liga
Baixar Apostila de Tablet
Módulo 14 - Brinde Curso Gestão de Assistência Técnica
Ponto Comercial
Erros para evitar prejuizo
Como Divulgar meu serviço
Aumentando o Lucro da Assistência
Níveis da Assistência Técnica
O Segredo do Sucesso
Não espere mais e adquira o Curso de Conserto de Celular e alcance o Sucesso Profissional
0 notes
androidmaniaco · 5 years
Gadgets curiosos para regalar en el Día del Padre, las mejores ofertas
Gadgets curiosos para regalar en el Día del Padre, las mejores ofertas
El próximo 19 de Marzo se celebra el Día de San José, también el Día del Padre. En un día tan señalado son muchas las ideas para escoger el mejor regalo, y hoy en Androidsis os presentamos las mejores ofertas de gadgets curiosos con tal de sorprenderlo.
La gran variedad de ofertas disponibles en Amazon permite que podamos adquirir no solamente una, también incluso varias de ellas. En este caso la idea es saber que le hace falta en este momento y encontrar el producto, ya sea una funda, un powerbank o hasta una grabadora por el Día del Padre.
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Selección de fundas universales curiosas al mejor precio
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Silver HT - Funda...
Funda con función soporte
Ganchos de sujeción de tpu para que no se dañe tu tablet
Cierre de seguridad anti apertura
El teclado se conecta a la tablet mediante cable microusb compatible con android 4.0 o posterior y windows os
16,99 €
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EasyAcc Funda Universal...
Compatible con la mayoría de las tabletas de 10'' ---- Proporciona el 360º protección para BEISTA Tablet 10 Pulgadas/...
Rotación de 360 grados ---- Con el bolso giratorio de 360 grados usted puede elegir diversos ángulos.
Bandas de goma para la fijación ---- 4 bandas de goma elástica puede asegurar su tableta firmemente y con seguridad.
Función horizontal del soporte ---- Cada ángulo ajustable es apoyado por un hueco para garantizar una función estable...
13,99 €
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DURAGADGET Funda/Teclado...
Podrá ajustar su tablet sin ningún problema gracias a las pestañas en los laterales
¡ADVERTENCIA! Es un teclado ESPAÑOL ¡La mejor calidad-precio del mercado!
Posee un lápiz stylus para que pueda utilizar cómodamente su tablet
Podrá crear una estructura para poder ver más cómodamente su pantalla, además consta de un cierre magnético
22,89 €
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USA GEAR 9" (22,86 cm)...
PROTECCIÓN DE PANTALLA INTEGRADA: Permite el uso activo de la tableta con un protector de pantalla táctil capacitivo...
CONSTRUIDO CON NEOPRENO FLEXARMOR: Un material reforzado y resistente a los impactos que ayuda a absorber los golpes de...
INCLUYE LA CORREA DE HOMBRO AJUSTABLE: La correa de transporte extraíble tiene una longitud personalizable y se...
MONTAJE EN EL AUTOMÓVIL: La correa incluida se puede usar para colgar y mostrar su tableta detrás de un asiento de...
14,99 €
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Funda con Teclado para...
DISEÑO UNIVERSAL PARA 7 - 8" inch: diseñada para tablets de 7-8”. Enganches de silicona, sujetan con seguridad las 4...
FUNDA DE CUERO 2 EN 1 FOLIO CON TECLADO DESMONTABLE: multiusos, funda compacta tipo folio con teclado o carcasa...
IDEAL PARA ESCRIBIR EN EL TRABAJO, LA FACULTAD, DE VIAJE O EN CASA: diseñada para sujetar tu tableta con manos libres,...
39,95 €
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Powerbanks curiosos al mejor precio
Quedarnos en la calle sin batería en el teléfono ya no es una excusa si tienes a mano un Powerbank, muchos de ellos ofrecen desde una a varias cargas, todo dependiendo de los mAh que llegue a tener. Muchos teléfonos con el tiempo van perdiendo autonomía y es aconsejable si usas a menudo el terminal tener a mano uno con plena carga para no quedarnos colgados.
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X-DRAGON Solar Power Bank...
Tiempos de carga: 20000mAh de alta capacidad, cargue un iPhone 8 6+ veces, iphone X 5+ veces, galaxy s8 4+ veces o un...
Cuatro paneles solares premium: a diferencia del panel solar tradicional de baja eficiencia, se actualiza con 4 paneles,...
Tecnolog¨ªas de recarga dual: Recargadas por la luz solar o la toma de corriente de la pared o el cargador del...
Salida dual: los puertos USB dobles de 2.4 A est¨n bien protegidos con tapas de goma para mantenerlos alejados del...
29,99 €
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Power Bank 25000mAh...
【ALTA CAPACIDAD】: Ofrece la posibilidad de cargar un iPhone X - 7 veces / iPhone 8 - 8 veces / Samsung S8 - 5.5...
【DOBLE SALIDA USB】: La batería externa puede cargar dos dispositivos simultáneamente, puerto USB 2.1A para iPad /...
【VELOCIDAD RÁPIDA】: Esta batería externa cuenta con una salida de 2.1 A, cargando su dispositivo a un ritmo...
【MATERIAL MÁS SEGURO Y LINTERNA INCORPORADA】: Utilizamos materiales de alta calidad para garantizar la durabilidad...
17,99 €
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BINKE Batería Externa...
【Gran capacidad de 26800 mAh】Tamaño: 14.5x7.2x1.6 cm, 26800mAh Portable Power Bank podría cargar una celda normal...
【Compatibilidad universal】El Power Bank es adecuado para una amplia gama de dispositivos electrónicos con un...
【Diseño único Powerbank】 2 salidas USB, combinadas con 5 V / 2.1 A y 5 V / 1A, puede cargar dos dispositivos al...
【Seguridad y fiabilidad】Los dispositivos de seguridad incorporados protegen su dispositivo de los peligros de...
19,81 €
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Pearl Power Bank Hyper...
2 espejos (normal y 3x ampliado) con batería del polímero del litio 3000 mAh
Brillante LED de luz de anillo de vanidad alrededor de espejo para permitir el maquillaje en la oscuridad
Puerto USB que carga iPhone, iPad, Android o cualquier dispositivo USB
Indicador del nivel de la batería del LED de 4 etapas
34,00 €
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elzle Cargador Solar...
【2019 Versión de actualización 26800mAh / 99.16Wh banco de energía solar】 La capacidad más grande del mercado...
【Dos métodos de carga y tecnología de carga rápida】 Elzle Solar se puede cargar con un adaptador de 5V / 2A (con...
【Sistema de seguridad múltiple e IPX6 a prueba de agua】 Este banco de baterías solares proporciona protección IC...
【18 LED (4 modos: Normal / Suave / Estroboscópico / SOS)】 Este cargador de batería solar tiene una lámpara LED y...
39,99 €
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Power bank inalámbrico...
[cargador inalámbrico Qi] Banco de energía especialmente diseñado y optimizado para entusiastas del aire libre....
[robusto y duradero] El BLAVOR Solar Power Bank tiene certificación IPX4, a prueba de salpicaduras, a prueba de polvo...
[Conectividad flexible] Nuestro banco de energía móvil está equipado con una salida USB de 5V / 2.1A, una entrada...
[Panel solar] Aproveche la energía gratuita, limpia e ilimitada que proporciona la naturaleza. El panel solar está...
29,99 €
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Pendrives bastantes curiosos al mejor precio
Con ellos mucha información no se ha perdido, con distintos tamaños y capaces de transferir datos a una velocidad bastante rápida. Los pendrives son una cosa básica al igual que las baterías externas para los teléfonos, por lo tanto puede ser un regalo muy útil si se trabaja con ordenadores, tablets y otros dispositivos, incluidos los smartphones.
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maxineer Memoria USB 64GB...
【Memoria USB 4 EN 1:】 - La Memoria USB 4 EN 1 multifuncional se adapta a todos sus dispositivos: el conector...
【COPIA DE SEGURIDAD DE FOTO o CONTACTO con UN CLIC】 Cada vez que conecte la Memoria USB, use la aplicación gratuita...
【PERFECTO PARA PROTEGER LA PRIVACIDAD INDIVIDUAL】 - Hecho de materiales metálicos, software de aplicación estable,...
【ESPACIO RÁPIDO Y LIBRE CON ESTÓGRAFOS EXTERNOS DE 64GB】 -La Memoria USB ofrece una manera fácil y rápida de...
22,98 €
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Memoria USB 2.0 de 64 GB...
Compatibilidad - Pendrive ser compatible con Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Vista, XP, 2000, ME, NT Linux y Mac OS,...
Confianza - Nos centramos en la calidad y ofrecemos seguridad. Las memoria USB utilizan el mejor chip de capacidad real,...
Creativo - La diversión y linda forma hace que sea fácilmente distinguible de cada pen drive de todos los...
Idealismo - El lápiz USB es muy bonito como regalo para papá, niño, familia, amigos durante el Día del Padre, el...
19,99 €
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Garrulax Memoria USB,...
Mini diseño encantador de la forma linda realista e impresionado, con un llavero con cuentas, fácil de llevar como...
Haga de material de goma, lo suficientemente duro como para proteger la tarjeta de memoria, la antivibración, la...
USB 2.0 habilitado: velocidad de transferencia de datos: velocidad de escritura 8MB / S; velocidad de lectura 16MB / S....
Adecuado en todos los puertos USB 2.0 que es estándar en las computadoras Windows 98 / 98SE, Me / 2000 / XP, VISTA, 7;...
9,99 €
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LEIZHAN Memoria USB 2.0...
Memoria USB 32GB 2.0,alta velocidad de lectura y escritura,bajo consumo de energía.
Diseño conveniente,conéctelo fácilmente al llavero, al maletín, al bolso, a la mochila, etc.Perfecto regalo para el...
Sistemas operativos compatibles:Windows 7/8/10/98 / SE / ME / 2000 / XP / Vista, Linux 2.4 / Mac OS 9.2 o superior.
Solo enchufar y jugar, no es necesario instalar software. Portátil y ligero, se adhiere fácilmente al llavero o al...
10,99 €
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32G Flash Drive -...
Lleno de personalidad y adecuado para los amantes de la musica.
Almacenar en estado solido, a prueba de golpes y prueba electromagnetica.
Puede almacenar rapidamente las imagenes, canciones, videos y otros archivos.
Tambien puede hacer un buen regalo para sus amigos.
4,02 €
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16GB Pen Drive Metal...
Compatibilidad - Pendrive ser compatible con Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Vista, XP, 2000, ME, NT Linux y Mac OS,...
Confianza - Nos centramos en la calidad y ofrecemos seguridad. Las memoria USB utilizan el mejor chip de capacidad real,...
Creativo - La diversión y linda forma hace que sea fácilmente distinguible de cada pen drive de todos los...
Idealismo - El lápiz USB es muy bonito como regalo para papá, niño, familia, amigos durante el Día del Padre, el...
12,56 €
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Altavoces curiosos a un gran precio
Equipa tu dispositivo móvil con un altavoz para escuchar tus canciones preferidas o también tus vídeos. Ideales para sacarle el máximo rendimiento si lo que quieres es ver alguna película concreta, videoclips musicales o escuchar cualquier emisora de radio de cualquier parte del mundo.
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Bewinner PTH-800 Altavoz...
El altavoz Bluetooth con forma de teléfono móvil de TV, con creatividad ilimitada, convierte al teléfono móvil en un...
Sonido de alta definición: calidad de sonido de alta fidelidad, diseño de compensación de bajos, mirar películas /...
Adecuado para smartphones de menos de 6 pulgadas.
Disfruta de la música de una manera diferente, haciendo la vida llena de diversión.
20,79 €
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iShiné Altavoz Sin Hilos...
1. módulo Wireless Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR Integrado.
2. Sonido de audio bluetooth, Perfecta calidad del Sonido y efecto de los Bajos.
3. distancia de transmisión 10 M. soporte para Teléfonos Móviles y otros Dispositivos con Bluetooth.
4. Función manos libres Bluetooth, fácil de Responder AL teléfono. Control de música Bluetooth.
0,99 €
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Onforu Altavoz Portatil...
【Sonido Estéreo Nítido de Alta Calidad】: Equipado con dos potentes audios de 10w, le ofrecen sonidos claros,...
【20 Horas de Producción Larga】: Con batería recargable incorporada, carga completa durante 3-4 horas para 12-20...
【Bluetooth 5.0】 Bluetooth Versión 5.0 garantiza una conexión instantánea y estable. Admite dispositivos como...
【IPX5 Impermeable】 Según el estándar IPX5, este altavoz está protegido contra la lluvia y las salpicaduras de...
39,99 €
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Altavoz de bambú Liso...
Caja de música hecha a mano con bambú natural
Producto étnico, robusto y ligero
100% vegetal, natural y sostenible
Sonido envolvente, sin consumo eléctrico
19,90 €
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Altavoz Bluetooth: sonido de alta definición, único, innovador, diseño sobresaliente, Bluetooth 4.0, compatible con...
Altavoz Bluetooth inalámbrico utilizando dual-speaker de alta fidelidad estéreo de diseño, con un radiador, caja de...
El altavoz Bluetooth es Snap para sincronizar y sencillo de operar. se puede emparejar su smartphone u otros...
Mejor calidad de sonido, la reproducción de más largo y reproducción Life- alimentado por 4000 mAh batería de litio...
33,90 €
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Soportes de móvil curiosos con precios bajos
El soporte de los teléfonos móviles ha sido un gran invento, ya sea para usarlo en el coche o bien incluso en casa. La funcionalidad pasa por no tenerlos siempre en la mano y poder hacer otra cosa, entre ellas las tareas de casa. Muchos de ellos tienen una gran medida y no son relativamente cortos de extensión.
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Soporte para teléfono...
Perfectamente cómodo: 90 cm de longitud del cuello de cisne; Ahora puede sentarse o usar de manera conveniente el...
Handyhalter, soporte perezoso: el clip en el soporte está unido a cualquier escritorio, cabecero de cama, silla, panel...
Manija giratoria ajustable para ayudarlo a arreglar cualquier otro tamaño de objeto. Como mesa, cama y silla, etc.
Almohadilla de espuma Clip antideslizante: no dañará su teléfono y dañará el asiento de oficina, etc. almohadillas...
11,99 €
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UGREEN Soporte Metálico...
PARA TABLETS Y MÓVILES DE 4 a 12.9 PULGADAS: Este brazo tablet admite todas las tablets, Nintendo Switch y smartphones...
BRAZO METAL Y CABEZAL 360º: Diseñado con brazos de aluminios y estables ensamblados con tres tornillos que ofrecen...
SISTEMA DE BRAZO REFORZADO: La abrazadera metálica de gran resistencia está hecha de metal especialmente para soportar...
AGARRE VERSÁTIL PARA TU MESA: La pinza de fijación para la mesa es versátil para que colocarlo en vertical,...
23,99 €
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Recorte Hang estilo...
Neck Estilo: Hang de recorte de diseño aporta una manera divertida, mantener a su teléfono, ver vídeos, manos libres...
: giratorio de 360 grados de rotación de diseño, los perezosos biegbare cuello soporte para teléfono es fácil de...
Material: de 360 grados de rotación Mobile soporte son de aleación de aluminio de alta calidad y material de ABS, es...
Seguro en la aplicación: con almohadillas de goma con sus dispositivos en el interior del titular de la arañazos...
6,81 €
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Tryone Flexible Soporte...
【Nota:】 Si estás utilizando un estuche de teléfono grande o una batería externa, el dispositivo no será...
【Requisito de tamaño del teléfono:】 El ancho máximo debe ser de aproximadamente 3 pulgadas (76 mm). El espesor...
【Longitud:】 Longitud total de 27.5 pulgadas (70 cm) con brazo flexible de 21.5 pulgadas (55 cm)
【Abrazadera de tornillo:】 Se ajusta a dispositivos de 3 pulgadas (75 mm) de grosor
12,99 €
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Tryone Soporte Tablet...
【Instrucciones:】 Ten en cuenta que este producto es adecuado solo para ver o leer las cosas de tu interés. Se...
【Consejos de uso:】 1. Cuando lo utilices con una tablet pesada, sugerimos posicionar el cuello de cisne en forma de...
【Base de abrazadera reforzada:】 Base reforzada y engrosada. No se romperá fácilmente. Se ajusta a dispositivos de...
【Brazo rígido flexible:】 Hecho en aleación de aluminio, material rígido, resistente y flexible
18,99 €
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Baseus Soporte Magnético...
Textura innovadora de metal --- El soporte de montaje magnético Baseus, está hecho de aleación de aluminio de alta...
Fuerte adsorción magnética --- Este soporte para automóvil se ha actualizado de un imán normal a un imán de...
Sin efecto en la señal --- Se forma un campo magnético cerrado dentro del hierro de neodimio, que se combina con una...
Rotación estéreo de 360 ° --- El soporte magnético para automóvil tiene una altura más alta que la normal, y...
14,99 €
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Cargador de móvil curiosos con un gran precio
La carga de nuestro teléfono depende siempre de nuestro cargador de teléfono, muchas veces está ocupado, pero en este caso son muchos los fabricantes quiénes ofrecen ya uno con varios puertos USBs con un gran rendimiento. Son muchos los que poco a poco llegan incluso a elegir uno secundario por si el original suele estar por casa.
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Sabrent 60 vatios (12...
La tecnología de puerto inteligente maximiza la compatibilidad con Android, Apple y otros dispositivos, permitiendo una...
Cargue sus dispositivos a toda velocidad con 60 vatios y una salida total de 12A. Perfecto para viajes internacionales-...
Carga 10 dispositivos simultáneamente. Protección contra sobrecargas Carga de forma segura.
Carga 4 tabletas y 6 teléfonos inteligentes, simultáneamente.
29,99 €
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RAVPOWER Cargador USB 60W...
Cosa Que Debería Tener En La Oficina: Muy Usuario En La Oficina O En El Dormitorio. Puede usarlo con sus amigos y...
Tecnología Exclusiva iSmart: Todos los 6 puertos USB están equipados con la tecnología iSmart, que detecta y adapta...
Diseño Único: Linterna LED le mantiene indicando si el cargador está conectado correctamente. Círculo de silicona...
Múltiples Sistemas De Seguridad: Protecciones contra sobrecarga, sobrecalentamiento y corto circuito. Cumple con las...
19,99 €
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IWAVION Cargador...
Cargador rápido Pared de 30 vatios con puertos QC3.0: la tecnología de carga USB más rápida, de 0 a 80% en 35...
Diseño de carga multipuerto: este cargador de pared inteligente Con 4 puertos, puede cargar hasta 4 dispositivos...
Seguro y duradero: el adaptador de pared USB está hecho de material ignífugo y el sistema de seguridad incorporado...
Compatibilidad amplia: el cargador USB QC 3.0 del teléfono móvil es compatible con dispositivos compatibles con carga...
12,99 €
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AUKEY Quick Charge 3.0...
Quick Charge 3.0 - Carga dispositivos compatibles hasta 4 veces más rápido que la carga convencional
Adaptativamente carga todos los dispositivos alimentados por USB de 5V, incluyendo dispositivos Android y Apple hasta...
Doble puerto USB de Quick Charge 3.0, diseñado para la portabilidad, permanece cargado donde quiera que vayaDoble...
Protecciones integradas protegen sus dispositivos contra corrientes excesivas, sobrecalentamiento y sobrecarga
18,99 €
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TTMOW Cargador USB de...
【Con la pantalla LCD】Corriente y voltaje detectado en tiempo real.
【Potencia Increíble (5V/3A)】Corriente y voltaje detectado en tiempo real. Cuenta con 3 puertos USB para cargar 3...
【Tecnología iSmart】Tecnología de carga iSmart maximiza la compatibilidad con Android, Apple y otros dispositivos y...
【Más Seguro】Cumple con las normas de CE, FCC y ROHS, y las multi-protecciones contra sobrecarga y cortocircuito...
12,99 €
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La gran selección de gadgets curiosos y que son sin duda muy valiosos para sacarle el máximo partido a cada dispositivo, ya sea una tablet o un teléfono. Las tabletas también pueden usar cargadores concretos con una potencia justa para estar siempre cargados.
El Día del Padre es una fecha bastante señalada, recuerda que es el 19 de Marzo y son muchos en España los que le compran un regalo de tecnología a sus padres, ya que le pueden sacar una gran utilidad y hacer uso a diario de ellos.
Androidsis https://ift.tt/2Tyuo7L
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twdmusicboxmystery · 7 years
I keep seeing lots of people say that EK is everywhere in twd promotion right now. And I kind of lost? What’s has she been in except the season 8 talking dead?
Hi Hon! Yeah she’s had a TON of exposure lately. I asked my wonderful friend, @boltthrutheheart to put together a list for me. She’s who I go to for such things because she always keeps awesome records. Here’s the list of things that Emily has done/been in lately and some links to them. She didn’t include the S8 TTD, since we already know about that. And keep in mind these are only from mid-September to present. Not the entire summer. This is a lot! 
@4everblublog on Instagram and 4everblu.com by Tina Turnbow
October 30, 2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ba4XaLbD-Ol/?hl=en&taken-by=4everblublog
October 28, 2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BazQj1cjEMk/?hl=en&taken-by=4everblublog
People Online Article about Emily October 27, 2017
Comicbook.com Article about Mermaid Song October 27, 2017
Billboard Live Performance October 26, 2017
Billboard Article October 26, 2017
Buzzfeed AM to DM Interview October 26, 2017
Video can be found by scrolling down on this page https://www.buzzfeed.com/amtodm
Fuse.tv Interview October 19, 2017
Schon Magazine October 15, 2017
Emily Kinney Build Series NYC October 12, 2017
Emily Kinney on Iheartnow October 12, 2017
Emily Kinney Backstage Live October 11, 2017
Inside of Emily Kinney with Michael Rosenbaum October 10, 2017
Article about Emily “Emily Kinney Enjoys and Outstanding October”
People Magazine Ones to Watch 2017: Rising Stars You Need to Know
October 4, 2017 (Both Online and In Print)
Attended People Magazine’s Ones to Watch Part on October 4, 2017
Vulkan Magazine October 2017
Flaunt Magazine October 1, 2017
Emmy Magazine Issue #7 “Faces of Fall” September 13, 2017
Emily Kinney in Rogue Magazine Fall 2017 Issue
Photo Shoot for 1883 Magazine (To be published)
Photo Shoot with Tina Turnbow for La Perla (To be published)
Thanks so much, @boltthrutheheart! You’re the best! 😘💖😍
Hope that helps, Nonny. Xoxo! 💖
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shopperspk · 6 years
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On Sale in Pakistan: https://www.shopperspk.com/product/samsung-galaxy-s8-64gb-dual-sim-midnight-black-g950fd/
Samsung Galaxy S8 64GB Dual Sim Midnight Black (G950FD)
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xfanfics · 4 years
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Destiel Fic Rec List Part 6
Last Updated in October 2014. Posted in May 2020 for posterity.  Listed in no particular order - the total rec list will have ~250 fics. Header graphic used with permission.
This part of the list contains: 38 fics.
Other Destiel Rec Lists: [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7].
Hunting for Faith ❤ by riseofthefallenone E | 270k | AU, reverse!verse, priest cas, angel dean
It starts a few days earlier. Castiel first notices it in the middle of the night when the dreams of fire and screams have kept him awake. He’s kneeling before the altar, praying, when the glass in the windows start to shake, the very air vibrating around him. Castiel is on his feet and reaching for the gun tucked into the back of his pants as the shutters over the windows start to rattle.
Angel!dean will always have a special place in my heart, and as always, I love riseofthefallenone's characterization and writing. Complete with lovely art by pappcave.    
Sporty High School AU by triedunture E | 18k | Hot,  Fluff,  High School AU
Cas is on the high school swim team and Dean Winchester is the super-attractive, too-cool-for-him lacrosse player. They're both practicing late one cold autumn night, and Dean succumbs to exhaustion. It's up to Cas to help him.
Real Slick Dean by trilliath E | 28k | Hot,  AU, a/b/o, fuck or die
There's a new alpha enhancer drug "Rutter" on the streets that gets used at "exclusive parties" for the worst purposes. Detective Castiel Novak and his partner Balthazar work hard to put a stop to it and other sex crimes in their work as Special Victim's top detectives. Ellen Harvelle's Roadhouse is both a bar and a refuge for unmated Omegas. The Roadhouse gives Omegas the opportunity have their heats in peace and, if they so desire, even sell an 'exclusive supply of high-grade slick for the unmated Alpha on the go!'. Castiel is just such an Alpha, career oriented and having no time for casual sex or potential mates. He's a regular customer who only buys donor D347's slick. He's also a family friend and advocate who helps Omegas in need get connected with Ellen. It's all fine until one night after a difficult bust he brings Ellen a new Omega about to have her first heat. What Alpha Castiel doesn't realize is that he's been over-dosed with Rutter during the fight and is about to go into a rut so bad he may die. And if that weren't enough to kill him, the embarrassment he's about to feel will, because he's about to meet donor D347 face to face and neither of them are prepared for what's going to happen.
friendzone by kaiifayce M | 7k
“A date?! Like, with a real, breathing human being?” Dean sputters as wipes his mouth with his sleeve. Cas frowns, eyebrows knitting and his head cocking to the side slightly in his typical manner. “No, Dean, with one of the dissection frogs in the Biology lab,” he deadpans.
The Sentinel Crossover 'Verse by melonbutterfly E | 13k | Hot,  AU, Sentinel/Guide Bonding
Wherein Castiel is a Guide and Dean is a Sentinel.
Dean Doesn't Listen to Eurythmics by Scaramouche E | 2k | Canon!Verse, First Time
Dean and Castiel share a bed. It starts out platonic, and then becomes something else.
Stitches by askance T | 23k | post s7, h/c, Fluff,
Castiel survived Leviathan--but only barely. Vessel mauled and eyes destroyed, Cas is barely clinging to what's left of his grace when Dean finds him naked and alone on the reservoir's edge; in a panic, Dean brings him home to the cabin where he and Sam have been holed up off the grid. What follows is the slow process of the angel's recovery and the unexpected changes that come with his being blind, and in the three months this takes, their little family slowly begins to patch itself back together in forgiveness, love, and darkness.
The Feline Perspective of a Guilty Conscience by almaasi E | 51k | Fluff,  Canon!verse, post s8, cat dean
A few days ago, the angels were cast out of Heaven. Castiel believes it’s all his fault, and now he’s almost out of power, too. But that’s unimportant - Sam is dying, and Dean needs Cas to fix him before it’s too late. Cas’ selfless last efforts to save Sam backfire in the most unexpected way: Dean transforms into a cat. It seems like he’ll be stuck like that, and all Castiel can do is blame himself. The days pass without any clues on how to fix their predicament, and when Sam starts getting sick again, with Dean out for the count, Castiel realises that he’s the only one who can save Sam.
Foxfire Blossom ❤ by almaasi E | 283k | AU, infidelity,Hot,  Angst,  Fluff,
On a narrow lane, right at the edge of San Francisco city, there is a boutique flower shop with a single employee named Dean. The place is Dean’s world; it’s tiny, filled with bright colour and sensational beauty, and it’s the only sanctuary he ever finds amidst the commotion of his new life. Then, there’s Castiel. From the first time he steps into the shop, Castiel can’t help but become deeply enchanted by what’s inside. However, it’s not just the flowers that keep him coming back - with each visit he makes, he grows fonder of the bespectacled florist, learning Dean’s hands and his laughter as Dean shows him how to romance a woman. There is nothing either of them can do to keep from falling in love, despite Castiel’s path already being paved, cemented, and thoroughly set in stone: he is supposed to marry Daphne. It becomes clear that they all have their vices, addictions. Castiel has kept things from Dean... and maybe Dean has a few secrets, too. What with all the lying, cheating, and dauntless emotional vulnerability, they may as well be living in a soap opera.
First reaction: this fic is long. Make sure to space out your reading of it or you will die. I have a soft spot for cuddly/affectionate/softie!dean, and Almaasi delivers perfectly as usual. The infidelity gave me pause, as Cas is cheating on a significant other for a long period of time. I didn't like the ending very much because it seemed out of nowhere/random, but overall, I really liked it.    
This is All Life Really Means ❤  by gedry E | 90k | Fluff,  Angel/Demon AU, sam/gabriel, wing!kink, h/c
The highly arranged marriage between the angels and the demon providences requires some adjusting on the parts of their highly trained security details. Needless to say the members of said details are less than happy about their new arrangements.
Ugh how I love this fic. Gedry is my go to for long fluff, and this fic is perfect for it. Includes hate-to-love, schmoop, and *whispers* tail!kink.
Going Forward ❤ by gedry E | ? | Hot,  Fluff,  Angel AU, wing!kink, h/c
For cloudyjenn who wanted Dean with wings and Cas showing how to use them. Cas agrees to represent the angels as part of a social experiment to help them share a greater understand with the human population. He’s not prepared for who he has to live with for the next thirty days.
I LOVE gedry's AUs. This is filled with lovely wing!kink and pining. Mmmm yes.   
Play It All Night Long ❤ by janie_tangerine E | 43k  | AU
The rom-com-ish one where Dean hosts a late night radio show, Castiel is a regular listener of his who starts calling one day and ends up calling more often than not and Dean finds himself liking it. This, until one day Castiel calls for not exactly petty reasons (just before Dean’s brother Sam is visiting with his girlfriend for spring break) and things get very, very crowdy at his place. He also doesn’t know it’s just the beginning of it. Also features Gabriel, Chuck, Andy, the Roadhouse crew and a huge amount of music quoted. Especially Bob Dylan.
The one where Cas falls for Dean before they ever meet. Sweet.    
Lovingly Crafted and Tenderly Packaged ❤ by janie-tangerine E | 17k  | AU, artist!Cas
wherein Castiel owns a self-run t-shirts printing business for which he also makes custom orders, Dean orders Castiel's shirts online after Sam gets him a customized one and their romance is based on nonexistent boundaries. And where Balthazar owns the sex shop in front of Castiel's store and won't mind his own business.
Such an inventive AU. Meddling!Balthazar who runs a sex-shop and all.    
Inevitable Homoeroticism in Spanish Romantic Heroes by prosopopeya E | 41k | Teacher AU
Dean is a grad student studying for his MA in Spanish literature, and he’s pretty content with his sexuality as it is -- that is, fairly undefined and also secret. His attraction to Castiel, a professor to the undergrads, doesn't seem like a big deal until it becomes a very big deal, and Dean scrambles to keep his head above water.
Start Quoting Shakespere and We're Done by pyrebi T | 15k | Fluff,  AU, Sam/Gabriel
In which Dean has the hots for a librarian named Cas, Cas may or may not have the hots for a mechanic named Dean, and Gabriel joins Sam in the peanut gallery in the hopes that he might just get to do a horizontal tango of his own.
Summer Vacations Suck ❤ by ratherbehere E | 4k | Hot,  Highschool AU, underage, BDSM, sub!dean, pwp, kink
Summer vacations suck, and Cas seems bent on making it awkward for Dean.
This is one of my go to pwp reads. It's just hot okay.    
Have Love, Will Travel by squeemonster E | 94k | AU, writer cas, stripper dean, agoraphobia
Castiel Novak is a reclusive writer with a childhood so tragic it's left him terrified to leave his home—until his overbearing brother, Gabriel, drags him out for a night on the town full of booze and strip clubs, and he encounters Dean Winchester, a mesmerizing and mysterious stripper with secrets of his own. Both men find themselves inexplicably drawn to each other, and soon Dean's private dances for Castiel become much more, as both men confess their troubles and find solace in each other's company. But neither can seem to find the courage to take their relationship further than the intimacy of the club's VIP Room—and just when Dean's own brother gives him the excuse he needs to finally admit his feelings, Dean discovers something that brings it all crumbling down. Will they find a way past their demons and their trust issues, and back to each other?
The Story of You and Me by the_digglerv E | 51k | Fluff,  Post s8, Amnesia
Dean wakes up in bed next to a very human Castiel, and a journal in his own handwriting that tells him it’s two years in the future. The house looks a lot like Bobby’s, and Sam lives there too… He just can’t remember how they got from angels falling in the sky – to comfortable domesticity. While there is much in the journal Dean doesn’t remember, there is much of their story he’s always known. And as he settles into the routine of his new life and relationship with Castiel, it quickly becomes something he doesn’t know how to live without.
Dean Winchester, Straight Shooter ❤ by triedunture E | 15k | Hot,  Pornstar AU
Dean Winchester, star of StraightShooter.com, is a gay-for-pay porn star with a huge following. Cas Novak signs on to do a scene with him, even though he dislikes "straight" porn stars on principle. But Dean is more complicated than he first appears, and after inadvertently learning his secrets, Cas finds himself falling for him.
Ugh yes pornstar!AUs. This one is especially...good.    
Peanut Butter-Pumpkin Wedding Cake by sparseparsley E | 30k | Hot,  AU
Dean is a waiter in a strip club to put his kid brother through school. Castiel is dragged to the club as a part of his sister Anna's bachelorette party. Dean and Cas hit it off, but Dean thinks Cas is the one marrying Anna.
Easy Now, With My Heart ❤ by mcpadalackles E | 49k | Hot,  Teacher AU, Writer Cas
Dean Winchester is a kindergarten teacher. Castiel Milton is a writer slash works-in-a-coffee-shop. He also happens to be the extremely hot one-night stand that Dean never intended to see again other than in his own fantasies (he’s classy like that). But suddenly Cas is everywhere and Dean is convinced that Fate is out to get him. And maybe they do this thing backwards, but that doesn’t have to mean they can’t make it in the end, right?
I love how Dean and Cas decide to take it slow after they've already had sex. Lots of UST.    
Don't Walk On By by Virtualpersonal & Brimstonegoldv E | 60k | Pretty Woman AU, Wing!kink, escort dean,
Dean works several jobs in order to pay for medical care for Sam who has been severely injured. The day he meets Castiel, Dean's luck changes, though it is debatable whether it is for the better or for the worse. Castiel is an angel who has been cut-off from heaven to live with Man for a hundred years. Trying to right a wrong, he accidentally hires Dean as his rent-a-boy and learns a thing or two about being human.
What Falls For Love by bravest E | 51k | AU, reverse!verse
An angel of the lord going by the human name of Dean is told to make contact with his current charge, Castiel, on Heaven's list of prophets-to-be. Castiel is swept up in a war waged by angels and demons, and both the angel playing human and the human playing prophet learn things are never as simple as they seem.
the inexhaustible silence of houses by Askance T | 31k | Angst,  Horror
Almost two years after the world doesn't end, Castiel falls from grace—and loses his voice in the process. It is the impetus for confession and change; before long, he is settling into a loving relationship with Dean, the Winchesters are tired, and hunting for a place to land has taken precedence to hunting anything else. Dean and Castiel fall in love with the strange little house on the end of Swallowtail Drive, and for a little while life is as it should be—sweet, affectionate, and beginning afresh. But more and more Castiel sees and hears things in the house that beg the question of whether or not a place itself can be alive. The walls and rooms seem to shift and grow and breathe, and one night, Dean comes home from a hunt changed in a way that Castiel cannot explain. In the months that follow, their domestic bliss takes turns for the dark and sour, and the confusion of their circumstances will ultimately test everything Castiel knows about the man he loves, and everything he believes to be true.
Roots by AnythingToasted E | 38k | Angst,  Fluff,
After the apocalypse, Dean, Sam and Castiel settle into a gentler life, and Dean starts to make peace with the things that plagued him before 2009. Tentatively, carefully, he starts getting better. But something lives in the woods, in the house; something calls to him in his dreams that crosses the lines between waking and sleep. Whilst trying to reconcile himself with himself, Dean finds himself wondering if the things he’s managed to build are really slipping away, or if the whole thing is just in his head.
Get Inside My Soul by angelivenantium M | 84k | Angst,  Fluff,  Highschool AU, Hipster Cas
There’s something about Castiel that just makes Dean want him. Well, not even want; he needs to have him. He’s not sure if it’s the weird, often oversized sweaters or his thin wrists or that black, messy hair that make him tick, but he’s pretty sure the main thing is his eyes, that, unfortunately, never look at him twice. And Dean is freaking popular, everybody looks at him twice. Dean transferred to this school three years ago and is now a senior, and he’s been secretly ogling Castiel ever since. This distant yearning might have worked in the past years, but now it was just four months until he would graduate and leave this school forever, so he had woken up this morning and decided that fuck it, he wasn’t some 12-yearold girl; if he wanted something he would make sure he got it, even if that something was a rude hipster kid who didn't even notice his existence. End of story.
Let Your Grace Guide You by angel_kink E | 24k | post s5, wing!kink
After Castiel heals Dean at Stull, the hunter finds himself with unexpected abilities. He becomes determined to use his newfound powers, with Castiel’s guidance, to rescue Sam from the cage. In order to ensure that their venture to Hell is successful, they are forced to team up with Crowley, who has his own agenda regarding what’s locked up in the pits of Hell. During the course of their alliance, secrets come out, feelings bubble to the surface, and Dean finds himself once again facing an impossibly dangerous situation in an effort to save his brother.
Player 2 is Ready by AlreadyPainfullyGone E | 25k | Hot,  Highschool AU, Underage, BDSM
AU in which Dean and Cas meet in an online, multiplayer game. Both of them are hiding who they really are - Castiel, ashamed of being so small and yet still a dominant, and Dean, who always gets taken for a top, but who is actually submissive. Little do they know, they live in the same town, they're just at different schools.
Come Carpe Diem, Baby by a_carnal_mink E | 9k | canon!verse, wing!kink, Hot,  
"I am the only being in all Creation who has cradled your soul in my hands. I know you. I know you are complete. Because I know you completely.
300 Things ❤ by cautionzombies E | 76k | College AU
Dean's life at twenty-four makes him feel like he's forty—he works two jobs to help pay bills for his house and put his genius little brother through private school, and has spent six years (on and off, let's be honest) working on his mechanical engineering degree at KU. With so much of his life devoted to his family, Dean has little time in his schedule for class and no time for social interaction. Then, while getting his classes together for the fall, he finds himself in a do-or-die situation: He must take his last literature class now, his spring already filled with those left for his major...except that none of the English classes will fit his schedule. This is how Dean grovels and begs Dr. Castiel Milton to make a special arrangement for him, and Dr. Milton does.
YES. I love their relationship dynamic in this, and it's actually quite relatable and personal for me. Sam is fab.    
The Prank that Filled the Spank Bank ❤ by BookkBaby E | 41k | Hot,  AU, First Time
It starts with a prank war and a chance meeting at the auto shop Dean works at. (Based off of Almaasi's prompt: Castiel records audio pornography. Not professionally, or anything - he writes it and then reads it out, and uploads it free to the world. It’s not Dean’s usual type of porn - at all - but there’s something about Castiel’s gravelly, yet somehow smooth and beautiful voice that keeps him hooked.)
Another Classic. Dean masturbates to Cas's voice, and then when he actually runs into him...well.    
PWP: Pie Without Plot by MajorEnglishEsquire & orange_crushed E | 79k | Post s8, Fluff,
He is in the kitchen with flour on his hands and an apron and there is flour on his forehead and cas leans across the counter and wipes it off with his thumb and dean says "thank you" and cas says "you’re welcome" very seriously and later dean makes apple turnovers and he only ruins them a little and sam realizes it’s not a real hunt like four days into it and he lets dean stay undercover for like a week and a half or longer maybe way longer because he is such a good everything
White Winter Hymnal ❤ by newbluemoon E | 24k | Coffee Shop AU
Christmas AU fic. Writer!Dean walks into a café late at night on Christmas Eve, looking for inspiration for his next novel. Instead he finds librarian!Cas.
I love how evocative this fic is, especially Dean's inner dialogue.    
Waves by wormstaches M | 54k | Angst, College AU, h/c, Hipster Cas
Dean Winchester is the average guy: football, college, kid brother, nice car, girls and beer; his life is black and white, that is until he meets Castiel Collins: pretentious, slutty, sweater-wearing genius, who won't even take the time to look up at him from his obscure novel while he insults him. And then everything is shades of gray and Dean is drowning.
Till Human Voices Wake Us ❤ by saltandbyrne E | 20k | Hot,  AU, tentacles, bottom!dean
In a world of hippogriffs, hydras and flying pygmy elephants, intrepid explorer Dean Winchester was sure he had seen it all. When a monster destroys the only home he's ever known, Dean finds himself falling for his strange rescuer and struggling to face his past.
Tentacle!sex with feelings. My jam, basically.    
Grey ❤ by Valyria E | 65k | Angst,  Hot,  a/b/o
In a world where people don't see in color until they find their true mate, the first thing Dean sees when he pulls himself out of his grave is the blue sky. When Castiel raised him from the Pit, he inadvertently claimed Dean as his mate.
Note: cover art is my work :)
Punch Drunk Love ❤ by highermagic E | 16k | Hot, Highschool AU, Underage
Teenage Human AU. It's a classic boy-likes-straight-boy story. Or possibly boy-likes-not-so-straight-boy story. Castiel can't quite decide. It's a little confusing when your supposedly straight best friend offers to teach you how to kiss.
One of Rowan's more underrated fics. Unbelievably hot.  
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vividracing · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/for-sale-the-ultimate-can-am-x3-turbo-from-vivid-racing/
For Sale - The Ultimate Can-Am X3 Turbo from Vivid Racing
Up for sale is the Vivid Racing Project Can-Am X3 RS Turbo Max.  This is the ultimate trail, dune, and all around fun vehicle with no expense or upgrade spared!  Built to show parts off, it has been barely used.  Pics and Video below.  If interested, shoot an email to [email protected] or call 4809663040 x222.
2018 Can-Am Maverick X3 Turbo X RS Max
Vin – 3JBVNAW41JK001534
Hours – 36
Mileage – 575
Purchase Date January 2018 from Ride Now Peoria
Title In Hand Private Party Sale No AZ Tax
Price – $60,000 obo
Modifications (All parts are hyperlinked to see on our store):
Can-Am OEM Roof Rack $549
Can-Am OEM Front Bumper $349
Can-Am OEM Side Rock Guards $439
Can-Am OEM Pre-Runner Rear Bumper $399
Can-Am OEM Storage Box $209
Can-Am OEM Spare Tire Carrier $449
Agency Power Carbon Fiber Front Doors $1250
Agency Power Carbon Fiber Rear Doors $1200
Agency Power Carbon Fiber Hood $250
Agency Power Carbon Fiber Rear Pillar Covers (Never produced – $300)
Agency Power Carbon Fiber Engine Side Cover $200
Agency Power Carbon Fiber Gas Door Cover (Never produced – $200)
Agency Power Carbon Fiber Fender Cover to Match Gas Door on Drivers Side (Never produced – $200)
Can-Am OEM Side Mirrors $200
UTV Poly Fender Flares Ebay $200
Rock Knocker Rear Mudflaps $150
SuperATV Flip Up Front Window $449
Agency Power Sway Bar Links $175
Agency Power Rear Radius Arms $550
MTS Off-Road Revalved Shocks with Eibach Springs $1800
Agency Power Valvetronic Exhaust $1300
Agency Power Cat Delete Pipe $450
Agency Power Intercooler Upgrade $500
Agency Power Intercooler Scoop $119
Agency Power Upgraded Billet Wastegate $100
VR Tuned ECU Flash with OBDII Cable $185
195 HP for Pump Gas and Stock Injectors $600
225-235 HP Big Injector Tunes (Requires Injectors Installed) $800 
Plug and Play 1050cc Big Injectors (not installed) $420
Includes 172HP Stock File and Cable Works for Diagnostics
SuperATV Upgraded Carrier Bearing $199
Baja Design XL Racer Edition Roof Lights x2 $1420
Baja Designs 10″ S8 Amber Driving Light with X3 Mount $330
Baja Designs XL-80 Driving Lights $829
Baja Designs Blue Rock Lights $300
Baja Designs Dome Lights x2 $130
XTC Plug and Play Turn Signal and Horn Switch System $322
XTC Custom Rocker Switches $50
XTC Front Running Lights with Turn Signal (not installed yet) $142
Can-Am OEM Seat Belt Pads Front and rear $110
Can-Am OEM Black Electronic Device Holder With Integrated Storage $139
Reflex Beyond Extreme Gold Shifter Plate $97
Reflex Beyond Extreme Gold Shift Knob $89
Reflex Beyond Extreme Gold Front Door Handles $99
PRP Seats Front Door Cargo Bags $117
Indecent Motorsports Drift Brake Handle Gold $99
Vivid Racing Custom OEM Steering Wheel with Carbon Fiber $600
Agency Power Carbon Fiber Gauge Bezel $200
Agency Power Adjustable Gauge Pod for 3 Gauges $110
Agency Power Carbon Fiber Front Center Console $395
Agency Power Carbon Fiber Dash Modified with Rugged Radios Dash Mount $650
Agency Power Carbon Fiber Glove Box Cover $250
Can-Am OEM Roof Storage Bag $99
Axia Alloys Fire Extinguisher and Mounts $159
PRP Seats Blue Grab Handles x2 Pair $63
Rugged Radios Dune Rider RRP660 4-Person Helmet Kit System with 25watt Car to Car – $1690
Rugged Radios Can-AM X3 Dash Mount, Adapter Plate, Side Panels
Rugged Radios Helmet Kit Intercom System
Rugged Radios Plus 2 Expansion Kit with Helmet Kits/Cables
Rugged Radios Car to Car Kit w/RM25R Dual Band Mobile Radio
4 Rugged Radios AlphaBass full Headsets – $1300
4 Rugged Radios in helmet headsets
Rugged Radios CB Hand Held
Rugged Radios Programming Cable
Razorback Technology Belt Temperature Gauge $265
Razorback Technology Engine Temperature Gauge $210
AEM Wideband Failsafe Gauge for Boost and AFR $320
Lowrance Elite 5TI GPS with Ram Mount $470
Hifonics TPS-A500.2 AMPLIFIER $199
Hifonics TPS-MR1 Head UNIT with Bluetooth and USB Plug $249
SSV Front Dash Speakers (not installed yet) $299
Wheels, Tires, Brakes
FUEL Off-Road Gripper UTV 32×10-15R x4 $740
Can Install/include brand New Set of 35″ Fuel Tires For Marketing Photos (depends on price)
Fuel Anza Wheels with Bolt-on Ring 15×7 x4 $560
Stock 14″ Wheels with SuperATV Warrior 32″ Tires NEW $1000
WP Pro Front 6piston Big Brake Upgrade Black $2195
SuperATV 4500lb Front Winch and Mount $300
UTV Inc Rear Roll Bar Mount for Whips $40
SuperATV Front and Rear 2.0 Axles $800
Gold Heat Shield Wrap for Cat Delete Pipe
Ceramic Coating Full exhaust System
Alba Racing Clutch Cover Quick Release Pin Kit $80
Spare OEM Belt $184
Custom Powder Coated Wheels, Suspension Parts, Bumpers, Springs, Roof Rack Sides Mag Blue
Custom Graphics by 518 Designs
Can-Am OEM Rear Window Net (never used) $79
OEM Parts Included
Stock Exhaust
Stock Axles
Stock Doors
Stock Plastic Parts Replaced by Carbon
Stock Wastegate
Stock Rear Control Arms
0 notes
zrtranscripts · 8 years
Season Two
(When should I listen to the season two side missions?)
(Which season two missions contain cliffhangers?)
Mission 1: Back Once Again
Mission 2: From The Ashes
Mission 3: Walking On Broken Glass
Mission 4: We Used To Be Friends
Mission 5: Ghosts
Mission 6: Let The Dogs Come Out
Mission 7: Mummy’s Hand
Mission 8: Chicken Payback
Mission 9: All Together Now
Mission 10: Holding Out For A Hero
Mission 11: The Kids Are Alright
Mission 12: Relight My Fire
Mission 13: SOS
Mission 14: You’re Rocking The Boat
Mission 15: Hounds Of Love
Mission 16: Electric Dreams
Mission 17: The Object Is A Hungry Wolf
Mission 18: Dark And Long
Mission 19: Dare
Mission 20: Toxic
Mission 21: Always Take The Weather (click for trigger warning. Spoilers for this mission only.)
Mission 22: No Future
Mission 23: Galvanize
Mission 24: London Calling
Mission 25: Con Te Partiro
Mission 26: S-Express
Mission 27: Banditos
Mission 28: Ghost Town
Mission 29: The Lion Sleeps Tonight
Mission 30: Panic
Mission 31: Hello
Mission 32: Tightrope
Mission 33: Athena
Mission 34: Ready To Go
Mission 35: Dog Days Are Over
Mission 36: One Way Or Another
Mission 37: Sweet Escape
Mission 38: Jailbreak (click for trigger warning. Spoilers for Missions 38-40 only.)
Mission 39: Psycho Killer (click for trigger warning. Spoilers for Missions 38-40 only.)
Mission 40: Little Lies (click for trigger warning. Spoilers for Missions 38-40 only.)
Mission 41: You Know My Name
Mission 42: Road To Nowhere
Mission 43: The Final Countdown
Mission 44: Something Good, 08
Mission 45: Going Underground
Side Missions:
S1: Canada
S2: Headcount
S3: Whack-A-Mole
S4: Times New Roaming
S5: Top 40
S6: Trefoil
S7: War Is The Answer
S8: Interview With A Girl Guide
S9: Zombies, Row!
S10: Zombies, Climb!
S11: Zombies, Stretch!
S12: Search and Rescue
S13: Actual Cannibal Rescue Mission
S14: Circuit Training
S15: Quartermaster
S16: Zombies, Bike!
Halloween Missions:
H1: Living Dead Girl
H2: Horseplay
H3: Wai Chu Xiao Xin
Radio Abel:
Part 1a (if you have NOT completed S2M7)
Part 1b (if you HAVE completed S2M7)
Part 2a (if your base morale is GREATER than 50%)
Part 2b (if your base morale is LESS than 50%)
Part 3a (if your base morale is GREATER than 50%)
Part 3b (if your base morale is LESS than 50%)
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
12 notes · View notes
livioacerbo · 7 years
Vivo V7+ with Snapdragon 450, 24MP selfie camera launched in India
Vivo has just unveiled a new smartphone in India and this time, the company intends to compete with the likes of LG Q6 and Micromax Canvas Infinity. The newly launched Vivo V7+ comes with bare minimum bezels which go along with the trend started by the LG G6 and Samsung Galaxy S8. Apart from the low-bezel display, the latest handset features some decent specifications and a great selfie camera.
Vivo V7+ specifications
Starting with the exteriors, the Vivo V7+ is quite an appealing device with its full metal body and minimum bezel area. As with other low-bezel smartphones, this too doesn’t have any buttons or keys at the front and the fingerprint sensor lies at the back of the device.
The display of the V7+ is a 5.99-inch IPS LCD panel with HD+ (1440 x 720) resolution. The 2.5D screen is also covered with the Gorilla Glass 3. Under the hood, there is the newest Snapdragon 450 chipset mated with 4 GB of RAM and 64GB of onboard storage. You can further expand the storage with a micro SD card.
For starters, the Snapdragon 450 is a brand new SoC from Qualcomm, and it is very much like a trimmed down Snapdragon 625. The octa-core chip is manufactured using the 14 nm FinFET process and features eight Cortex-A53 cores clocked at 1.8 GHz. This is combined with an Adreno 506 GPU. Overall, it’s safe to say that the Snapdragon 450 is just an under-clocked SD 625 with around 10 percent lesser horsepower.
Software-wise, the Vivo V7+ runs Android 7.1 out of the box with the customized Funtouch OS layered on the top.
Now, moving on to the camera department of the Vivo V7+, we find a 16 MP rear shooter and a 24 MP Selfie unit. Both the cameras feature a f/2.0 aperture. Just like other selfie-oriented smartphones from Vivo, this too comes with tons of editing features for the images shot by the front snapper.
Speaking of the connectivity, the Vivo V7+ supports 4G LTE, VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and every other generic option. FM Radio is there too. A 3225mAh battery juices up the phone.
Vivo V7+ pricing and availability
The Vivo V7+ costs Rs. 21,990 in India and as of now only the 4 GB RAM / 64 GB ROM variant will be available. You shall be able to choose between three color variants namely Matte Black, and Champagne Gold. The Vivo V7+ can be pre-ordered from Flipkart starting today until 15th September. As a part of an introductory offer, you will also get a free screen replacement insurance, no cost EMI, exchange offer, and couple tickets from BookMyShow. Needless to say, the Vivo V7+ will be readily available at the extensive offline market of India.
social experiment by Livio Acerbo #greengroundit from http://www.techradar.com/news/vivo-v7-with-snapdragon-450-24mp-selfie-camera-launched-in-india
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