the-dust-jacket · 2 years
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Congratulations to the 2023 Printz Award winner and honorees! 
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Happy Birthday Isla Fisher!
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liviavanrouge · 7 months
Vlad x Livia daughter
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Layena Sakurai Vanrouge
Nickname[s]: Yaya(By Vlad), Yena(By Silver, Lilia), Mini Beastie(By Malleus and Maleficia), Baby Rose(By Vlad), Mini Hunter(By Leona and Falena), Lala(By others)
Birthday: February 20th
Species: Night Fae
Age: 3-10
Great Grandparent(s): Lumion, Scone, Spencer, Mandrake, Tarza, Mary, Honey
Grandparent(s): Thea, Lilia, Rosalie, Ambert
Great Uncle(s): Cobra, Wolfsbane, Duke, Benjamin, Lilac, Jalor, Larkson, Jun, Henry
Great Aunt(s): River, Springlily, Dew, Harla, Duchess, Sierra, Vinaya
Uncle(s): Dylan/Andro, Felix, Crimson, Cap, Juniper, Ralph, Golden, Silver, Shadow, Kuro, Copper, Jasper, Wolf, Circuit, Iguana, Crowley, Dusk, Diaval, Tanwen, Ryoko, Zurden, Murdock, Darson, Owl, Anab, Joax, Kina
Aunts: Silk, Lavender, Maria, Arianna, Ozzie, Izzie, Tiki, Turtle, Lily, Natalie, Sacha, Moon, Tukla/Tuk, Helen, Ella, Meena, Jubilee, Willowbrook, Kona
Cousin(s): Toroune, Rio, Maron, Marianna, Asher, Alan, Fidget, Vidya, Alan, Jabarri, Noalin, Barklin, Snake, unnamed cousins
Godmother: Minako( @queen-of-twisted)
Personality: Layena is an open and hyperactive child who enjoys time with her family. She tends to be clingy with certain people, especially her godmother, grandfather and Malleus. As she grows up she does become more independent, being a princess when out in public then being herself when in private. She's affectionate and not afraid to show off how smart she can really be when someone doubts her intelligence. She doesn't tolerate disrespect towards her family and pulls her mother and grandfathers signature glare on whoever is speaking nonsense.
-Layena like her mother has special tastes and is picky about most food
-She picks up feint emotion sensing from her mother
-Lilia states that Layena tends to be forgetful despite being so smart
-Layena enjoys vacations in in the Afterglow Savanna or the Rose Kingdom
"I didn't have the best life growing up, my mother passed when I was three and my father vanished on the battlefield. I stopped feeling most emotions until Livia came to me, followed by our baby. Layena Sakurai Vanrouge. I won't let her experience the same pain I did, I'll always be around for her when she needs me, I won't leave her side even when she's all grown up. I want to see her smile and hear her call my name. No matter what, I'll do what I can to protect my baby....my sweet Layana" -Vlad
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sophia-sol · 9 months
books read in 2023
WHAT, how is it already the next year, I'm not ready to be done with my 2023 reading list! This year I read 73 books, which is my lowest total since 2016. I got so distracted by just thinking about Heaven Official's Blessing constantly that I did hardly any reading of anything else for the last several months of the year!
If you want to ask me anything about any of the books I read, please feel free! I'm always happy to talk books!!
Italics indicate a reread. Each book is rated from one to five stars according to my personal reaction to it, rather than my judgement of its objective worth.
***** A Room of One's Own, by Virginia Woolf - nf
*** Wild Rain, by Beverly Jenkins
**** The Desert is Fertile, by Hélder Câmara, translated by Dinah Livingstone - nf
***** When the Angels Left the Old Country, by Sacha Lamb
*** Self-Made Boys: A Great Gatsby Remix, by Anna-Marie McLemore
*** Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle, by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski - nf
**** Gender Queer: A Memoir, by Maia Kobabe - nf
**** Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your TIme, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating, by Christy Harrison - nf
***** How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them, by Jason Stanley - nf
*** The Twelve Points of Caleb Canto, by Sam Starbuck
*** Spellcast, by Barbara Ashford
**** Defekt, by Nino Cipri 
***** Point of Hopes, by Melissa Scott and Lisa Barnett
*** Rabbit Chase, by Elizabeth LaPensée
*** Shelterbelts, by Jonathan Dyck
*** A Restless Truth, by Freya Marske
**** Woman, Watching: Louise de Kiriline Lawrence and the Songbirds of Pimisi Bay, by Merilyn Simonds - nf
*** Volume 1 of Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 1: Legend of the Golden Witch, by Ryukishi07, art by Natsumi Kei
**** The Perilous Gard, by Elizabeth Marie Pope
*** Spear, by Nicola Griffith.
**** How Long ‘til Black Future Month?, by N. K. Jemisin
*** Hello, Melancholic!, by Ohsawa Yayoi
**** The Monsters We Defy, by Leslye Penelope
**** The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm, translated and edited by Jack Zipes
*** The Stand-In, by Lily Chu
*** A Half-Built Garden, by Ruthanna Emrys
**** Volume 2 of Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 1: Legend of the Golden Witch, by Ryukishi07, art by Natsumi Kei
**** A Garter as a Lesser Gift, by Aster Glenn Gray
**** Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher
**** Magical Boy, Volume 1, by The Kao
**** Trans Wizard Harriet Porber and the Bad Boy Parasaurolophus, by Chuck Tingle
*** Welcome to St Hell, by Lewis Hancox - nf
***** The Iron Children, by Rebecca Fraimow
**** A Pocket Guide to Pigeon Watching: Getting to Know the World’s Most Misunderstood Bird, by Rosemary Mosco – nf
*** Volume 3 of Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 1: Legend of the Golden Witch, by Ryukishi07, art by Natsumi Kei
*** Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
**** We Ride Upon Sticks, by Quan Barry
**** Surviving Romance, Season 1, by Lee Yone
**** The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, Volume 1, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
**** Volume 4 of Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 1: Legend of the Golden Witch, by Ryukishi07, art by Natsumi Kei
**** Some Desperate Glory, by Emily Tesh
**** Enemies to Lovers, by Aster Glenn Gray
**** The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, Volume 2, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
***** To Shape A Dragon’s Breath, by Moniquill Blackgoose
**** Volume 1 of Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 2: Turn of the Golden Witch, by Ryukishi07, art by Suzuki Jirou
**** Under Fortunate Stars, by Ren Hutchings
**** Honeytrap, by Aster Glenn Gray
***** Heaven Official’s Blessing, Volume 1, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
*** Bloodmarked, by Tracy Deonn
**** The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, Volume 3, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
**** Volume 2 of Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 2: Turn of the Golden Witch, by Ryukishi07, art by Suzuki Jirou
**** The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, Volume 4, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
***** The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, Volume 5, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
** The Spare Man, by Mary Robinette Kowal
***** The Sleeping Soldier, by Aster Glenn Gray
**** The Skin We’re In: A Year of Black Resistance and Power, by Desmond Cole – nf
**** Thornhedge, by T. Kingfisher
*** The Lies of the Ajungo, by Moses Ose Utomi
***** Heaven Official's Blessing, volume 1, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
***** Heaven Official's Blessing, volume 2, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
***** Heaven Official's Blessing, volume 3, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
***** Heaven Official’s Blessing, volume 4, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
**** Volume 3 of Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 2: Turn of the Golden Witch, by Ryukishi07, art by Suzuki Jirou
**** Volume 4 of Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 2: Turn of the Golden Witch, by Ryukishi07, art by Suzuki Jirou
***** Heaven Official’s Blessing, volume 5, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
***** Heaven Official’s Blessing, volume 6, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
*** The Other World’s Books Depend on the Bean Counter, volume 1, by Kazuki Irodori ; original story, Yatsuki Wak
**** Volume 5 of Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 2: Turn of the Golden Witch, by Ryukishi07, art by Suzuki Jirou
***** Heaven Official’s Blessing, volume 7, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
***** Heaven Official’s Blessing, volume 8, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
**** The Other World’s Books Depend on the Bean Counter, volume 2, by Kazuki Irodori ; original story, Yatsuki Wak
**** Volume 1 of Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 3: Banquet of the Golden Witch, by Ryukishi07, art by Natsumi Kei
***** Heaven Official's Blessing, volume 2, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
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denimbex1986 · 7 months
NEWLY single Florence Pugh is said to have caught the eye of Normal People star Paul Mescal.
The pair made a beeline for each other following the Baftas ceremony at London’s Royal ­Festival Hall...
Florence, 28, was seen party- ­hopping after the main do, heading to the NoMad Hotel for the Universal after-show bash.
She then flitted two miles away to the Chiltern Firehouse, where Paul was enjoying some of the hospitality laid on by Netflix.
She arrived at the event at around 1.30am and then spent the rest of the night rubbing shoulders with heart-throb Paul, also 28, as well as stars including Rosamund Pike, Sacha Baron Cohen and Lily James...
At Netflix’s bash, Paul was seen hanging out with Andrew Scott, his co-star in film All of us Strangers.
The pair hugged for the cameras and were in great spirits, despite Paul losing out in the Best Supporting Actor category to Robert Downey Jr for his role in Oppenheimer...'
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Abdul, Paula Accardi, Gimena Aniston, Jennifer Apatow, Judd Baddiel, David Baron Cohen, Sacha Bass, Lance Bayer, Vanessa Beckham, Sara Benson, Ashley Bialik, Mayim Bieber, Justin Biel, Jessica Black, Jack Bloom, Orlando Braun, Scott Brie, Alison Brolin, Josh Cain, Dean Carr, Jimmy Chastain, Jessica Chenoweth, Kristen Cohen, Andy Collins, Lily Condor, Lana Cooper, Bradley Cox, Courtney Crystal, Billie Curtis, Jamie Lee David, Cazzie Davis, Viola Debose, Ariana Del Rey, Lana Deschanel, Zooey Deutch, Zoey Dewan, Jenna Diddy Combs, Sean Dobrev, Nina Douglas, Michael Dr. Phil Eric, Andre Fanning, Dakota Ferrell, Will Fisher, Isla Foster, Chelsea Fry, Stephen Gad, Josh Gadot, Gal Gage, Lukas Garner, Jennifer Garner, Julia Garrix, Martin Gellar, Sarah Michelle Gelman, Brett Gilmour, David Gomez, Sarah Goodblum, Jason Groban, Josh Groff, Jonathan Haddish, Tiffany Hamil, Mark Hamm, Jon Handler, Selena Hargitay, Mariska Hewitt, Jennifer Love Hudgens, Vanessa Hyland, Sarah Imbruglia, Natalia Jackson, Paris Jenner, Kris Jenner, Taylor Judge Judy Kailing, Mindy Kardashian ,Amy Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, Kourtney Kemsley, Dorit King, Joey Kiyoko, Hayley Kloss, Karlie Kunis, Mila Lautner, Nicole Leggero, Natasha Levine, Adam Levy, Eugene Levy, Shawn Lohan, Lindsay Lohan, Lindsay Longoria, Eva Lucas, Matt LuPone, Patti Madonna Mamet, Zosia Marguiles, Julianna McGregor, Ewan Mendel, Howie Messing, Debra Meyers, Seth Mia, Pia Michele, Lea Miguel Milano, Alyssa Mirren, Helen Moore, Mandy Morrone, Camila Munn, Olivia Norris, Chuck O'Donnel, Rosie Oberman, Tracy-Ann Ora, Rita Osbourne, Kelly Osbourne, Sharon Oyelowo, David Pascal, Amy Paulson, Sarah Peck, Josh Peele, Jordan Peltz, Kim Perry, Katy Phillipps, Busy Plaza, Aubrey Pompeo, Ellen Portman, Natalie Prisloo, Behati Richie, Sofia Riley, Rachel Rock, Chris Rock, Chris Rose, Ruby Rosenthal, Phil Roth, Ellie Rowling, JK Saldaña, Zoe Sandler, Adam Savage, Ben Schnapp, Noah Schreiber, Liev Schumer, Kylie Schwartz, Lorraine Schwarzenegger, Patrick Schwimmer, David Segel, Jason\ Seinfeld, Jerry Seinfeld, Jessica Shannon, Molly Shields, Brooke Short, Martin Silverman, Brooklyn Snyder, Zach Sommerhalder, Ian Spears, Lynn Jamie Spektor, Regina Stiller, Ben Sting Stone, Sharon Sudeikis, Jason Theroux, Justin Thorne, Bella Timberlake, Justin Tisdale, Ashley Waititi, Taika Walsh, Kate Washington, Kerry Whiterspoon, Reese Wilde, Olivia Williams, Tyler James Wu, Constance Yatra, Sebastian Zimmer, Constance Zinchenko Zoe, Rachel Zuckerman, Jeremy
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ignitedfms · 2 months
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Hello Anon!
I'd personally love to see: Andrew Koji, Lee Je-Hoon, Brian Tyree Henry, Gina Torres, Ma Dong-Seok, Vinny Chhibber, Sandra Oh, Angela Basset, Lily Gladstone, or Sacha Dhawan.
admin Niek.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A look behind the scenes at Bernie Madoff’s massive Ponzi scheme, how it was perpetrated on the public and the trail of destruction it left in its wake, both for the victims and Madoff’s family. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Bernie Madoff: Robert De Niro Ruth Madoff: Michelle Pfeiffer Frank Dipascali: Hank Azaria Stephanie Madoff: Kristen Connolly Catherine Hooper: Lily Rabe Mark Madoff: Alessandro Nivola Eleanor Squillari: Kathrine Narducci Andrew Madoff: Nathan Darrow Martin London: Steve Coulter Dan Horwitz: Michael A. Goorjian Ostrow: Geoffrey Cantor Michael Schwartz: Jason Babinsky Waitress: Marta Milans Agent Ted Cacioppi: Kelly AuCoin SEC Investigator: Amanda Warren Peter Madoff: Michael Kostroff Reporter: Portland Helmich Upscale Gala Guest: Doris McCarthy David Sheehan: Hamilton Clancy News Reporter: Tommy Bayiokos Reed: Gary Wilmes Club Codette: Cece King Trader: Kelly Aaron Party Guest: Amelia Brain Pinks: Marion McCorry Nicole De Bello: Sophie von Haselberg Driver: Karen Goeller Emily Madoff: Sydney Gayle Photographer / Paparazzi: Vincent Chan Caterer: Adam Butterfield Mike: Razor Rizzotti FBI Agent Kane Partner: Derrick Simmons Visitor: James Brickhouse Kenneth Langone: Ray Iannicelli Florida Fisherman: Guy Sparks Carl Shapiro: Ben Hammer Pool Kid: Ethan Coskay Picard Reporter: Victor Joel Ortiz Federal Agent: Chris LaPanta Daughter: Nicole Scimeca Young Mom: Anthoula Katsimatides Irving Picard: David Little Pierre: Jean Brassard Robert Jaffe: Mark Axelowitz Audrey: Reagan Grella Girl in Pool: Giulia Cicciari Party Guest: Wayne J. Miller Tom FitzMaurice: Neil Brooks Cunningham Palm Beach Party Guest: Lori Burch Bartender: Christine J. Carlson Inmate Gonzales: Sammy Peralta 17th floor Office worker: Ralph Bracco Young Daniel: Eli Golden Ike Sorkin: Mark LaMura Pool Party Guest (uncredited): Robert Levey II BLM Employee: Geoffrey Dawe Film Crew: Producer: Joseph E. Iberti Screenplay: Sam Levinson Executive Producer: Barry Levinson Screenplay: Samuel Baum Screenplay: John Burnham Schwartz Book: Diana Henriques Co-Producer: Amy Herman Original Music Composer: Evgueni Galperine Casting: Ellen Chenoweth Director of Photography: Eigil Bryld Editor: Ron Patane Costume Design: Rita Ryack Art Direction: Ryan Palmer Executive Producer: Robert De Niro Executive Producer: Jane Rosenthal Set Decoration: Heather Loeffler Executive Producer: Berry Welsh Co-Executive Producer: Jason Sosnoff Original Music Composer: Sacha Galperine Production Design: Laurence Bennett Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Skip Lievsay Movie Reviews:
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verumfm · 5 months
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━◈ WANTED CONNECTIONS ... a new one has been added to the page!
there are tales of how verumfm is searching for the demon pretending to be a professor, which is demonic in nature. the records show that they are about 35+ years old and their photographs look like andrew koji, dian sastrowardoyo, janelle monae, lily gladstone, sinqua walls, gong yoo, nicola coughlan, sukru ozyildiz, aishwarya rai, arjun rampal, alex meraz, arifin putra, ario bayu, deepika padukone, elodie yung, may calamawy, alexander skarsgard, yoghurt nattasha, oliver jackson cohen, sacha dhawan, ilhan sen, lewis tan, liu wen, sanada hiroyuki, fan bingbing, fc ultimately utp. help us find them, but make sure that you speak to the admins at @verumfm on tumblr beforehand. this is their story so far: when the demons came on new year’s eve, a professor got lost in the woods and never came back. dead. but the verum term must go on, and being short-staffed during a prison of a mudslide is difficult. so they find a replacement, in a person that most in town swore up and down they’ve never met before. no one knows where the new professor came from, if they’ve simply been a reticent creature who avoided social interactions or if someone new snuck into the town a little prior to the mudslide. but the truth is this: no one has ever seen them because they never existed before the new year. this muse is a demon who took a humanoid form and walked into verum one day, inquiring about the open professor position. they proved themselves more than capable, and beggars can’t be choosers. of course, verum academy does not know the truth about them, but barely any background check was conducted in the first place. what this muse’s motivation is to play pretend at teaching is entirely utp! those interested in this position should make sure to read the posts here, particularly the “woodland (search) party” scenario in the event post. as this wc is for a demon, this is only open to members of the roleplay.
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leanstooneside · 7 months
Empty bags cannot stand upright (SURREY)
◊ Dakota Fanning's guaranteed fist
◊ Maksim Chmerkovskiy's guaranteed fist
◊ Portia De Rossi's guaranteed fist
◊ Parker Posey's guaranteed fist
◊ Whoopi Goldberg's guaranteed fist
◊ Rita Ora's guaranteed fist
◊ Sacha Baron Cohen's guaranteed fist
◊ Denis Leary's guaranteed fist
◊ Tinsley Mortimer's guaranteed fist
◊ Chad Kroeger's guaranteed fist
◊ Lily Aldridge's guaranteed fist
◊ Jerry Seinfeld's guaranteed fist
◊ Robin Wright Penn's guaranteed fist
◊ Drew Barrymore's guaranteed fist
◊ Nick Lachey's guaranteed fist
◊ Rumer Willis's guaranteed fist
◊ Vinny Guadagnino's guaranteed fist
◊ Chris Colfer's guaranteed fist
◊ Nicki Minaj's guaranteed fist
◊ Lily Collins's guaranteed fist
◊ George Stephanopoulos's guaranteed fist
◊ Alicia Keys's guaranteed fist
◊ Haylie Duff's guaranteed fist
◊ Lisa Snowdon's guaranteed fist
◊ Lorde's guaranteed fist
◊ Joe Jonas's guaranteed fist
◊ Tina Fey's guaranteed fist
◊ Alex Pettyfer's guaranteed fist
◊ Scott Porter's guaranteed fist
◊ Rebecca Gayheart's guaranteed fist
◊ Amy Winehouse's guaranteed fist
◊ Desiree Hartsock's guaranteed fist
◊ Farrah Abraham's guaranteed fist
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aifolksongs101 · 1 year
If there were a Corpse Bride live action film.
1.Victor Van Dort:
- Eddie Redmayne: With his ability to portray vulnerability and charm, Redmayne would be an excellent choice to play the timid and nervous groom-to-be, Victor.
2. Emily (The Corpse Bride):
- Emma Stone: Known for her versatility and ability to bring depth to her characters, Stone could capture both the haunting beauty and tragic nature of Emily.
3. Victoria Everglot:
- Lily James: James has proven her talent in period dramas and could embody Victoria's grace, elegance, and determination as she navigates her complicated love triangle.
4. Lord Barkis Bittern:
- Tom Hiddleston: Hiddleston's ability to portray complex villains with charisma makes him an ideal candidate for the conniving and manipulative Lord Barkis.
5. Nell Van Dort:
- Helena Bonham Carter: Given her previous collaboration with director Tim Burton and her talent for playing eccentric characters, Bonham Carter could bring humor and quirkiness to Victor's overbearing mother.
6. William Van Dort:
- Colin Firth: Firth's refined acting style would suit the role of Victor's stern and traditional father, adding depth to the character's internal conflict.
7. Pastor Galswells:
- Hugh Grant: Grant's comedic timing and charm would make him a great fit for the bumbling yet well-meaning Pastor Galswells.
8. Elder Gutknecht:
- Ian McKellen: With his commanding presence and gravitas, McKellen could bring the enigmatic and wise Elder Gutknecht to life.
9. Maggot:
- Andy Serkis: Known for his motion-capture performances, Serkis could lend his talent to bring the creepy yet endearing character of Maggot to the screen.
10. General Bonesapart:
- Mark Strong: Strong's ability to portray authoritative and intense characters would make him a suitable choice for the stern and militaristic General Bonesapart.
11. Mrs. Plum:
- Meryl Streep: Streep's versatility and ability to embody a wide range of characters would make her an excellent choice for the eccentric and mysterious Mrs. Plum.
12. Paul the Head Waiter:
- Sacha Baron Cohen: Cohen's comedic prowess and ability to bring eccentric characters to life would make him a perfect fit for the flamboyant and hilarious Paul.
It is important to note that these casting choices are purely speculative and based on the actors' previous performances, suitability for the roles, and their potential chemistry with other cast members. The actual casting decisions for a live-action "Corpse Bride" movie would depend on various factors, including directorial vision, availability, and auditions.
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liviavanrouge · 9 months
Main Oc
Livia Garcia Vanrouge Age: 16 Gender: Female
Voice actor: Kana Hawazawa Introduction Quote: "Be careful, don't get too close unless you wanna get pricked by my thorns."
Star sign: Libra Birthday: September 29th Homeland: Valley of Thorns
Dorm: Diasomnia School year: Freshman Occupation: Student Club: Horse back riding club Best subject: Animal Language
Fun facts- Dominant hand: Left Favorite food: Lemon tarts, Fruit Least favorite food: Lilia's cooking Dislikes: Creeps Hobbies: Fashion designing Talents: Horse racing
Ancestor: Queen Virda, Lumion Grandfather: Scone Vanrouge, Spencer, Mandrake, Tarza Grandmother: Mary Vanrouge, Honey Mother: Thea Vanrouge Father: Lilia Vanrouge Stepfather: Ambert Uncle(s): Cobra, Wolfsbane, Duke, Benjamin, Lilac Vanrouge, Jalor, Larkson Vanrouge, Jun Vanrouge Auntie(s): River, Springlily, Dew Vanrouge, Harla Vanrouge Auntie in law: Duchess, Sierra, Vinaya Uncle in law: Henry
Half older brother(s): Dylan/Andro, Felix Half twin sister: Ella Half Brother(s): Crimson, Cap, Juniper Half Sister(s): Arianna, Ozzie, Izzie, Tiki, Turtle, Lily Vanrouge, Natalie
Foster older brother(s): Ralph, Golden, Silver, Shadow, Kuro Younger sister(s): Meena Vanrouge, Jubilee Vanrouge, Willowbrook Vanrouge Adopted older sister(s): Silk, Lavender, Maria Adopted younger sister(s): Sacha, Moon, Tukla/Tuk, Helen Younger brother(s): Copper Vanrouge, Jasper Vanrouge, Wolf Vanrouge, Circuit Vanrouge, Iguana Vanrouge, Crowley Vanrouge, Dusk Vanrouge, Owl Vanrouge Adopted younger brother: Diaval, Tanwen, Ryoko, Zurden, Murdock, Darson
Cousin(s): Toroune, Rio, Maron, Marianna, Asher, Alan, Fidget, Vidya, Alan, Jabarri, Noalin, Barklin, Snake, unnamed cousins
Personality: Livia is naturally cheerful and enjoys being around family members and friends. Others state that people are naturally drawn to her due to her cheerfulness and compassionate behavior. She's very naive and childish, leading to some accidents(Getting caught in the human stampede from chapter 2 after Ziro tells her about a candy stand), but she is resilient and smart when she's not scared silly or having been tricked from trusting someone too much. She does have s scary side despite acting like a toddler and has been commented on by others that she's perfected Lilia's signature glare. She loves her family dearly and is protective of them, especially of Silver who is her favorite sibling out of them all, preferring to take the fall rather than them.
She can be a bit loud mouthed and accidentally sassy, having gotten it from Malleus while she was growing up. When she's upset, she has a sharp tongue and will do what it takes to get back at the person who thought it was okay to turn her positive emotions into negative ones. Even as Ogre she remains the same but plays no games when it comes to throwing down with the overblot boys. She's determined and soft-hearted when it comes to her goals, believing that one can reach if if they do their best.
Appearance: Livia stands at 5'6 which is 167 cms in height. Her hair color is midnight black with purple underneath, fading into a light blue, along with a streak of the same color at the front of her hair, but she ended up cutting her hair to waist length hating how long it was, and since she tended to stumble over her own hair a few times(which made Lilia laugh). Livia's eyes are a pale blue which is a sign of rebirth. Her jaguar ears are a bright yellow the same with her tail, but her ears are slightly smaller due to her only being half jaguar.
Livia, during the Diasomnia Arc, gets a pair of horns that curls around her ears. Her wings turn from black to a slightly lighter grayish black color, and now she always has her wings out at all times since her curse no longer affected her. Her eyes change from blue to gold, but is able to change colors depending on her emotions.
Her dorm uniform is the same as everyone else's residing in Diasomnia. Livia wears purple eyeshadow, done by Lilia, when in the dorm. Her uniform consists of a black all-weather coat with neon green and silver accents, black combat suspenders and belts, jodhpur pants, a small garrison cap, black gloves, and heeled knee-high boots.
The all-weather coat has asymmetrically colored lapels, with one black and one neon green. Both lapels have silver straps and buttons on them. Two silver zippers go down the center of the coat, lined with neon green stripes. The coat reaches below the waist in length, and the sleeves are folded up to reveal a neon green underlining with silver trim. Sebek wears a white collared shirt and black tie underneath his coat.
Over the coat and above the waist is a set of black belts with silver buckles. The lowest belt hangs at an angle, and connects to several silver spools of thread on his left hip. Between the belt and spools is a silver ornament, shaped like a spinning wheel. On the other side of the belt is a holster for a magic pen. The black combat suspenders worn above the belts have silver buttons and a unique cuff around the right arm that resembles a dragon’s wing.
The jodhpur pants are black with neon green stripes going down the outer seams, and the knee-high boots are black with neon green soles. The garrison cap is black with neon green trim, and the sides fold up to resemble curved horns.
Unique magic:
Emotion Weather(Formerly) Description: Livia is able to control the weather with her emotions(Happy means Sunny, Sad and crying causes rain, fury causes a thunderstorm, excitement causes a near drought, etc, etc), it activates if she chants a rhyme responding to her current emotion or current forced emotion ("Hail, Rain, Sunny, Storms respond to my sadness dear rain, bring a rain storm!"). It'll deactivate the moment she goes back to the emotion she's currently genuinely feeling.
Voodoo dolls(Currently) Description: Livias Unique Magic allows her to turn people and objects into voodoo dolls who become controlled by her and won't return to their normal forms unless she frees them so willingly. Her Unique Magic is revealed after she is revived by Meleanor and she returns to help the ramshackle group, Silver, Sebek, Idia and Ortho take on Malleus.
Background: Livia's bio father is Lilia Vanrouge and Thea Vanrouge. She also has several adopted older siblings and many younger siblings adopted and biological. She was initially feared by the people of her home, being labeled as a demon child, but she never let it get to her because she always had her family and friends love/support. After some time she started to be called the Friendly Hybrid/The Draconia's beastie, being seen as a popular lady of her hometown.
She was relieved for her mothers food so she didn't have to eat her fathers, but was pleasantly surprised that NRC's food tasted much better than her mothers.
-Livia is stated to be based off of Maleficents thorns but is also hinted to have a bit if Disney princess in her character
-Her childhood friend/pen pals are Kalim and Azul, being the one who brought them together as childhood friends before Azul meets Jade and Floyd
-According to Rollo, Livia eats lots and lots of fruit rarely ever eating meat revealing that she's mostly vegan
-According to Silver, Livia is bad at cutting her hair so he, Golden or their mother take over that job
-Livia knows kickboxing and is a master at it but she tends to be too childish to remember to use it or she uses taekwondo more due to knowing more moves
-Like Silver, Livia attracts animals of all sizes and species, and they tend to be her source of protection/comfort if others aren't around
-According to Crowley, Livia might be part of Twisted Wonderland due to her thorn control power
-Livia has deadly allergies to Honey Lemon Tea, the reason why is currently unknown
-Livia is by far the only character who gets included in almost all the events, getting many cards but is the hardest to summon
-Other students have commented that she makes Lilia's expressions perfectly and that she could be his kid or sibling
-According to Lilia, he gave Livia her name because he knew others would be envious of how cherished she was by her loved ones
-Livia has Light Fae blood inside of her thanks to her mother, Thea, cause her mothers father was a light Fae
-Livia is the first and only student to get her Unique Magic during an Event(Star Gazer)
-Rook is Livia's mentor, and taught her how to hunt better
-It's been stated by Malleus that Livia tends to overstep her boundaries due to the fact that he doted on her a lot, back at their home, so he invaded her space at times
-Lilia helped Livia trick Sebek Zigvolt cause he barely had any candy, which caused the loudest scream ever to come from poor Sebek
-Due to having Light Fae blood, Livia has emotion sensing powers
@anxious-twisted-vampire @writing-heiress @yukii0nna
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househaunterz-art · 1 year
ARTFIGHT 2023!! (pt 1)
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Beau (@zhyguy on insta)
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Mary-jo (@Camdemsblue on insta)
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Silkweaver (@meltedwasd on insta)
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Val (@strawbeaniie )
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Marnie (@senylen on insta)
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JDFRG (@JDFRG on deviantart)
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Lily (@cementfd on insta)
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Sacha (@soupy_wormsss on insta)
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Andromeda (@sir._.emi on insta)
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Ash (@yandecal on insta)
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sophia-sol · 1 year
My hugo nomination list as it currently stands
Okay I have read the things I have time to read, I have considered what things I haven't yet read but seem worthy regardless, and I have put my nominations into the ballot! Any last-minute addenda you think I should make, let me know before it's too late!
Best Novel Nghi Vo, Siren Queen Tamsyn Muir, Nona the Ninth Everina Maxwell, Ocean's Echo Sacha Lamb, When the Angels Left the Old Country Simon Jimenez, The Spear Cuts Through Water
Best Novella Sarah Tolmie, All the Horses of Iceland Emily Bergslien and Kat Weaver, Uncommon Charm Nghi Vo, Into the Riverlands Carrie Vaughn, Polly and (Not) Charles Conquer the Solar System Miyuki Jane Pinckard, Radcliffe Hall
Best Novelette Iona Datt Sharma, To Embody A Wildfire Starting SB Divya, Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold John Chu, If You Find Yourself Speaking to God, Address God with the Informal You
Best Short Story Kylie Lee Baker Lily, the Immortal MH Cheung, Sestu Hunts the Last Deer in Heaven Nadine Aurora Tabing, Obsolesce Anneke Schwob, Spirochete Rebecca Fraimow, A Farce to Suit the New Girl
Best Series Tamsyn Muir, The Locked Tomb
Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form) Z-O-M-B-I-E-S 3 Turning Red Everything Everywhere All At Once Prehistoric Planet
Best Fan Writer skygiants
Lodestar Award of Best Young Adult Book Frances Hardinge, Unraveller Sacha Lamb, When the Angels Left the Old Country
The Astounding Award for Best New Writer Isabel J Kim Everina Maxwell Sacha Lamb
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unholyfms · 1 year
mw 35+ older fcs?
We would love to see... Sebastian Stan, Oscar Isaac, Sophia Bush, Michael B. Jordan, Pedro Pascal, Steven Yeun, Ben Barnes, Rege Jean-Page, Tom Hiddleston, Margot Robbie, Ana de Armas, Kerem Bürsin, Zoe Saldana, Christina Hendricks, Lily James, Brian Tyree Henry, Priyanka Chopra, Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Evan Rachel Wood, Aditi Rao Hydari, Kerry Washington, Penn Bagley, Adam Brody, Garrett Hedlund, Dan Stevens, Idris Elba, Robert Pattinson, Joseph Lee, Rahul Kohli, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Ali Wong, Sacha Dhawan, Michiel Huisman, Scott Speedman, Danny Pinto!
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pyrrhicvictoryhq · 1 year
most wanted canons?? could i also have some fcs? thanks!
hi anon, of course! we're sorry it took us so long to get to this, admin bells and i have just spent a couple hours deep in the tags trying to find good suggestions ( with some help from our members in the discord ) — we came up with four most wanted capitolites and six most wanted victors, but we would love everyone you want to bring us! if you need any more suggestions, just let us know!
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caesar flickerman — harry shum jr., billy porter, alan cumming, jeff goldblum, stanley tucci, rége-jean page. seneca crane — rami malek, jake johnson, bryan dechart, sacha dhawan, jack quaid. messalla — archie renaux, jonathan daviss, chance perdomo, armani jackson. portia — tessa thompson, tati gabrielle, jessica sula, alexandra shipp, daniela nieves. haymitch abernathy — woody harrelson, adam brody, oscar isaac, milo ventimiglia, nathan dean parsons. blight — ryan corr, jake mcdorman, aaron tveit, brian michael smith, berk atan, john krasinski. beetee latier — shemar moore, paterson joseph, malcolm-jamal warner, andre braugher, malcolm goodwin. wiress — gemma chan, tiya sircar, son yejin, jamie clayton, christine adams, lyndsy fonseca, kate siegel, shiri appleby. seeder — gina torres, tamara taylor, angela bassett, viola davis, taraji p. henson, garcelle beauvais. mags flanagan — dame judi dench, julie walters, lindsay duncan, lily tomlin, helen mirren, jane fonda, holland taylor.
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