godteri-takk · 3 months
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Sacrosanct the sable my beloved <<<3 HE'S SO CUTE AND FUN AND INTRESTING AAARGHGHGH!! character from the Tapas comic Golden Hour by @kailysander!! cursed fucked up jester monster thing here to cause chaous and fun!!
please click images for better quality! Image description in ALT text
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Ultimate Word Tournament!
sacrosanct (English) [ˈsæk.ɹoʊˌsæŋkt] 1. (especially of a principle, place, or routine) regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with. 2. sacred, very holy.
awesome (English) [ˈɔ səm] 1. extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear. 2. extremely good; excellent.
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clovenart · 1 year
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We haven’t had internet for a few weeks, so it’s SKYRIM, BABY. Meet my Dunmer, Ethys Astralos. This is my first vampire since installing Sacrosanct, and that mod is funnn, y’all. I’m still trying to figure out how to nibble Mercer without pissing off the rest of my buddies in the Thieves Guild :\
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Confession: I play a lot of Vampire characters, and use a lot of mods. I use Sacrosanct, which allows you to kill NPC's through a bite attack, depending on how blood starved you are. I also play with Lucien Flavius, a well fleshed out follower mod. I think one of my most memorable events in game, and a big moral dilemma for the character was I drained Lucien in a time where my character was desperately blood starved and on the brink of death. Granted my character was an evil assassin type, but I regretted drinking dry the young man who was up and coming in Tamriel with the stars in his eyes.
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ao3wasntenough · 5 months
Decepticon seekers battle banter just turns into taking digs at autobot jets like “you know Windblade at least we don’t teach the jetling to jump off cliffs” “Yeah well you chased him to that cliff”
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oexkaru · 5 months
Bust of Madigan, he belongs to sacrosanct on TH :D Finally going back to the freebies, still about 4 left to go!
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kailysander · 2 years
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poetrybecomesher · 1 year
Crumble and collapse
for we are supernovas.
Turn off the lights and gasp into
the myriad of colours created on this,
the ancestral plane.
Leave your shame by the door
for this, my love, is a sacred space.
Sacrosanct are we,
forged in the fires of passion.
Aphrodite by her many names looks upon us
with fondness, my sweet.
As I find her salvation in your touch.
Blessed are we, by the tears of those
star-crossed lovers that came before.
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monster--mama · 2 years
Flesh Wound
     A lone man, gorgeous and red-eyed, glares coldly at her through the bars of one cell as she approaches it in long strides. His cell is locked, but she finds the key on a table in the hall and opens the door. The man's gaze as she approaches is so intense that she falters even though she can literally smell his well-concealed fear. He takes advantage of her hesitation and spits at her, decorating the left side of her face with a glob of spit that is more blood than saliva and making her cringe. This is not an acceptable context, Ravenna believes, for her to be getting spit on, and she pulls a red handkerchief out of her pocket to wipe it away in disgust.
"Eugh - not one for first impressions, are you?" she grumbles irately to him.
"When I get out of here, I'll kill you all myself," he growls out at her, and Ravenna feels certain that he means every syllable, but she isn't his enemy and she tells him so.
"There is just me, and I'm not here to hurt you-"
"Then what are you here for? To use your witchcraft to force answers out of me? I've already told your men I know nothing," he interrupts her.
"Could we just skip ahead to the part where I let you out?” She asks, showing the key in her hand and ignoring his hostility. It is only then that it seems to dawn on the prisoner that she isn't one of his perpetrators.
"Wh- yes - why?" He asks, trying not to make it obvious that he's going through all five stages of grief right now, "Who are you, if you're not with the Thalmor?"
"Just someone, does it matter?" Ravenna replies with a shrug as she unlocks one of his wrists.
"Tell me your name at least," he asks quieter as he calms down and she moves to his other side and unlocks his other wrist.
"Hang on," she stops him as the lock clicks and the shackles suspending him are suddenly open. He isn't prepared for the force of his own weight - coudn't be, really, with how awkwardly he had been situated, but a very small arm grips his waist before he hits the ground. Ravenna makes a show of acting like holding him off the ground is a huge struggle, but her improved strength as a vampire makes it quite easy. After she helps him right himself she finally answers his question. "My name is Ravenna Rosewood. And you are?" "Kaidan. My name is Kaidan." "It's good to meet you," she says, holding out her hand as if for him to shake, but as he carefully accepts the invitation Ravenna instead turns and guides him over to the stool in the opposite corner of his cell. "I'm not going to force you to do anything, but I strongly recommend you let me tend those injuries before you go anywhere," she says matter-of-factly. "A healer, are you? That's a special gift," he praises as he compliantly takes a seat so she may work on him. "Just one of my many talents," she responds as she checks to see that none of his injuries have become infected, "Why were they keeping you here?" Kaidan scoffs at her. "They invited me to high tea, what do you think?" He glances back to meet her eyes as she begins the process of knitting his flesh back together and she arches one brow at him. "I dunno," he answers properly this time, "Some Justicars ambushed me outside of Falkreath." "Any idea why?" Ravenna asks as she digs her thumbs into the knots on his shoulders - she's sealed all his wounds by now. Kaidan hisses in discomfort (mostly), but doesn't stop her as he answers. "I don't know, they just kept asking me something about the Blades, and the sword I had." "What happened to the sword?" She inquires further as she finally takes her hands away from him and moves around to speak to him face-to-face. "One of the Thalmor got his hands on it. And I know I've got no right to ask, but I could use your help in getting it back," He tells her cautiously. Her brow furrows. "Is it that important?" She asks him. "This isn't me being sentimental," he insists, "They kept asking about it. If it's important to them, they shouldn't have it." "Very well,” Ravenna replies, “Where is he?”
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Ultimate Word Tournament!
flabbergasted (English) [ˈflabərˌɡastəd] overcome with surprise and bewilderment; astounded.
sacrosanct (English) [ˈsæk.ɹoʊˌsæŋkt] 1. (especially of a principle, place, or routine) regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with. 2. sacred, very holy.
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wordsforyourwip · 2 years
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sumarex · 3 months
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ao3wasntenough · 5 months
Chatter again. Onto Art, I don’t mind dm if your comfortable with that or discord nattering.
So with mini!Bot Sam design, his crest piece is similar to Optimus and Rodimus etc which really fits him.
For Jetling Sam is intriguing! My gosh I agree it can be so hard incorporating Alt modes into the design.
If let’s say he some sort of attack helicopter you could give him split wings like a dragonfly like affect. I love wings lol but I’m bias and trying to keep in mind wings can also be a pain to draw at times.
He could also have wings that fold down on his back and perhaps look like a cape.
With helm designs on fliers, I notice visors are quite common and funky little cat ears like numbs. Looking at the aerial kiddos their frame differ a tad between them and they have that jet structure on their backs. Old designs lol.
I think a slicked back perhaps inspired by a pilot helmet could work. I’ll stay away from doing similar finials to Mini!bot Sam. Perhaps more compact ones.
Hopefully I’m being helpful lol
He watched dune before he transformed and was inspired lol
- pretty
- something extremely organically earthly
- some odd delicacy
- invokes the bottom of the food chain
- kinda clashes with the ugly duckling though we can say we’re being deeper by being something a even a duck eats so in a way it’s the ugly part of duck in nature, something only to sustain the larger animals (Sam feeling like he’s just a cog)
- what would the evolution from phase 1 frame to phase 2 frame? Or would we subtract that idea and rework it into Sam overall learning to embrace himself as he is?
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nabuplata · 7 months
—Hola, tan costoso el precio de todo lo que es y lo que existe, siento frío y me duele, nacimos para sufrir pero allá, afuera todo es calma, el ruido de los autos es incordio ante el frenesí de letras que la mente abarca, si confías en mi respira, todo es calma pues no se obliga, solo es, tú confía, enfócate y respira.
N. P.
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musicandoldmovies · 8 months
Play Dead - Sacrosanct
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