#sadly the mantas never came
nights-legacy · 1 year
Meeting My Hero - Bakugou x Reader Pt. 1
Masterlist ~ MHA Masterlist ~ #2
Authors note: Here it is the next series you guys helped me pick out!!!!
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1,334 words
Pro Hero AU
Warning: mugging, vague intention of assault, language
+ You are a quirkless person living in a world life full of people with powers. You live pay check to pay check working at a stingy ramen shop. On the at to work one day, you come across a villain fight. Dynamight is the hero on scene, and you can't help but admire the man. You seem to have a moment with the hero, but don't think into it. Not until later that night when you meet the hero face to face.
I tapped my foot impatiently, willing the train to go faster. I was already running behind and then the train was running late. I pushed my way through the people when the train stopped. I ran through the station and down to the street at a speed that would rival Deku and Ingenium.
"Please don't fire me. Please don't fire me." I repeated the manta as I ran down the street. I turned a corner and skidded to a stop at the crowd. I finally noticed the sound of a fight. "A villain attack?"
"No, just a wannabe that came out at the wrong time." Someone next to me spoke up. I turned to see a teenage girl.
"Who is fighting?"
"Dynamight!" She squealed in excitement. My eyes darted back to the fight. We weren't standing too far away from the fight zone. I could see the two duking it out. Dynamight was my favorite hero by far but I never got to see him in person.
"You fucker!" Dynamight yelled after getting hit particularly hard. I watched as he gave one final explosive blow and it was over. I cheered with the crowd. I watched as he handed the perp over to the cops. Press were quickly all up on him.
"He's so dreamy!" The girl next to me squealed.
"Yeah, he is." I looked him up and down, admiring his exquisite beauty. I got to his face as he pulled down his mask. There was a black line where his mask had been. It made his red eyes pop and I would love to be able to see them up close. I may have a small crush on the Pro. 
He answered a few questions before he looked around. He was always so vigilant. I froze when his eyes suddenly met mine. His face moved from stern to stunned. His whole stance seemed to loosen as his arms dropped. To me, it was like the world faded away. That was until my phone broke the trance.
"Shit!" I pulled it out. It was my boss calling. "Hello?"
"Where are you!" I pulled the phone away from my ear, flinching. I looked back to see Dynamight still looking at me.
"I'm sorry there was a villain attack..." I kept explaining while taking reluctant steps back. I wanted to stay but couldn't afford to lose my job. I signed sadly before turning slowly to leave. I thought I saw him move my way in my peripheral but figured it was someone in the crowd. I took off running down the street.
* Time Skip to Late that Night *
I locked up the shop, rattling the doors to make sure before turning to go. I walked through the quiet streets towards the train station. I shivered as a cold breeze hit me. I pulled my jacket closer to me.
"Damn. Where did the nice warm weather go?" I sped up a little, hoping to get there faster. I passed by the scene from earlier to see it already cleaned up. "They work fast."
I was just about to the station when my path was blocked by two men. I stuttered to a stop, an anxious feeling setting in my stomach. I took a few steps back but ran into someone else. Before I could even comprehend what was going on, I was being drug into the alley.
"Hey!" I screamed. I was thrown to the ground while my bag was ripped from my grasp. I gasped in pain as some gravel dug into my skin. I quickly turned to look at at the men. They were going through my bag.
"Nothing. There is nothing here!" One guy yelled before throwing the bag to the side. 
"They must have something on them." Another smirked. Cold panic shot through me and I began to back up. They grabbed me, yanking me to my feet. They dug through my pockets and pulled at my clothes, ignoring my yells of protest.
"Stop it! Let me go!" I hit at them. One must have gotten tired of my fighting because they hit me across the face.
"Nothing again!" I got thrown to the ground again. I was winded, gasping. I tried to back away as best I could. They began to advance on me.
"I wouldn't take another step if I were you..." They froze. I looked to the opening of the alley to see a large silhouette. I could see the headpiece and immediately I knew it was Dynamight. He let off a few explosions as a warning and they took off.
"Fuck." I yelped as I tried to get up. A gentle pair of hands were wrapped around my arm and waist. I looked up to see Dynamight helping me up. "Thank you."
"Of course. Are you alright?" I could have swooned at the soft voice he spoke to me with. I nodded.
"I'm a little bruised and beaten." I went to move away but my knees gave out. He caught me before I fell and pulled me into his chest.
"Do I need to take you to the hospital?" He asked. I could see him squint in the low light of the alley, looking me over. I wonder if he recognized me.
"No. I'm not that bad. Just shaken up a bit." He didn't reply verbally but nodded. He made sure I could stand on my own before going over and picking up the contents of my bag. He slung it over his shoulder and came back over.
"Come on. I'll make sure you get home safe." He started walking us out of the alley.
"But shouldn't you be getting back to..." I didn't want to take him away from his hero duties.
"I'm off the clock." He said simply. He looked at me expectantly as we exited the alley.
"Oh, train station. I live on the East side." He nodded.
We did get alot of looks on the train. The number a hero on the train instead of personal transport. He had sat me down and stood in front of me. The movement of the train seemed to not effect him at all. It was like he was unmoving tree. I secretly admired him from my seat. Taking in his beauty up close.
"Wicks Ave, right?" He spoke up. I nodded. He held out his hand and pulled me up with his other hand on my bicep. I told him directions to my shitty apartment. I could see the look of disdain for the place in his eyes.
"Well this is me." I stopped at my apartment door. He handed me my bag. I dug out the keys and unlocked the door. I hung my bag on my hook by the door bere turning back to him. "Thank you for saving me... for bringing me home..."
"It's no problem. It's my job."
"I don't think it's in the job description to escort the victem home." I leant against the door frame. He smiled while scratching the back of his neck.
"Yeah. But like I said, my shift had just ended." I smiled before a yawn forced its way out.
"Oh, shit, sorry." I turned away.
"I should let you get some rest. If you start to feel worse, go to the hospital or a clinic. Ya hear me?" An authoritative tone took over his voice.
"Yes, Sir." I nodded. "Goodnight, Dynamight."
"Wait!" I stopped closing the door and looked at him intrigued. "Umm. What's your name?"
"L/N Y/N." I answered without a second thought.
"Goodnight L/N." I returned and bit my lip as he walked away. I repeated the way he said my name in my mind as I closed the door.
"I just met Pro Hero Dynamight." I said all giddy. I would have done a happy dance if my body wasn't aching. I took a hot shower before dressing any wounds I found. That night I went to bed thinking about the handsome blonde pro.
Tag List: @lilparcheesie @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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occasionalsango · 7 months
I've had this account for awhile but haven't done anything with it so I'm just gonna start. Anyways, some friends and I have been recreating Inkopolis in Minecraft. This is what's been done so far.
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Inkopolis Plaza. This is the center of the city and also the part that I personally put the most time into. There's a nether portal in the train station for travel, oh yeah this is survival. The Calamari Inkantation easter egg is also there, activated by a skulk sensor. The doors to the lobby are also functional.
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Inkopolis Square. We really tried to line up the plaza and square so that you can see the tower, but there just isn't a good spot on a 90 degree angle that wouldn't be blocked by the train line. You can JUST about see the tower, though. Despite being part of some Server Shenanigans, the square has been kinda neglected in terms of detail. I also had very little to do with the design process, just building it. Although, I am personally working on it to bring it closer to how it is in Splatoon 3.
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Urchin Underpass. This is one of my favorite builds in the city. We really tried to recreate the are around Urchin as best we could. I also got to put an entire 3 minute rendition of Splattack! on noteblocks underneath.
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Blackbelly Skatepark. It is not quite finished, there's some more detail I'd like to add, as well as filling in some scenery. It will not be particularly accurate due to space restrictions, but we're alright with that.
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Flounder Heights. This is the Splatoon 1 version (The Splatoon 3 version released like a week after the map itself was complete). While none of us are very good at interiors, I plan to make it a functional complex, at some point. Also the "ghost" is represented by an armor stand with a skeleton skull.
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Arowana Mall. The pallet for this thing was a big debate, there's not really a block that properly represents the walls or the roofing, but I think is came out decently. It also functions as our actual shopping area, since we have an economy.
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Walleye Warehouse. This one was pretty fun to build. It serves as an actual warehouse for blocks. There are minecarts that move around to mimic the conveyor belts.
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Hammerhead Bridge. While the stage itself is the Splatoon 1 version, it is covered like in Splatoon 3 (I have a moral opposition to the remake). This took so long.
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The Reef. I had no part in this one, outside of some minor touch ups. It looks nice, and is pretty accurate. I am, however, working on making the overhead train rail.
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Shellendorf Institute. This took forever and two beacons. I love how it turned out, but I’ll probably never have enough copper to build anything substantial again… We also turned it into a server museum, holding several artifacts and rare items including a blue axolotl and a tall fern item.
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Manta Maria. I designed the hull of the ship for this one, not the stage itself, though. It's a little smaller than it should be, but is close enough to still be recognizable.
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Wahoo World. Another one I didn't do much with. The roller coaster works (sadly doesn't go inverted) and several other rides and attractions are scattered around. If there is a good way to make something spin or extend diagonally I would love to know, it feels very soulless without the movement.
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Bluefin Depot. It's the Splatoon 3 version. This is probably my favorite build in the city. It's also the only one where I designed the stage completely by myself. I did get help with the surrounding. It's probably the most accurate stage overall, since it's far enough away that space wasn't a concern.
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Spawning Grounds. I mostly did redstone for this one (plus the heli) since it is a fully* functional recreation of Salmon Run, using zombie pigman and gold nuggets.
New stuff/ stuff that wasn't in my reddit post:
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A better look at the alleys in both hub areas (Yes that is a spike instead of Spyke)
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The Plane. This is based on the plane that flies over in Splatoon 1 (I used the Boundary Break video for better reference)
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Moray Towers. This is unfinished, the surrounding buildings, highway, and some terraforming needs to be done.
Stuff that is in the works/planned:
1.Mako Mart
2.Piranha Pit
3.Port Mackerel
4.Sturgeon Shipyard
5.Anchovy Games
6.Kelp Dome
7.Goby Arena
8.Saltspray Rig
9.Tutorial Stages
10.Octo Valley (MAYBE)
11. Octo Canyon (IDK MIGHT HAPPEN)
12.NILS Statue
13.Skipper Pavilion (if there's space)
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Wainting for the mantas ^^
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janshu · 3 years
In The Shallows...Part One.
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Summary: @hanji-is-life more merman!Bakugo and so I shall provide! I was hoping to get this out much earlier, back in may because MerMay but better late than never I suppose! You, a marine biologist, take a scuba dive to see the local fauna off coast and you find more than you ever could've bargained for...
Word Count: 1.5.
Warnings: None but minor curses, mentions of the ocean, an illusion of drowning. Viewer discretion is advised at least.
How did you manage this?
You hadn't walked on the beach, much less roll around in the coarse substance. So how did it manage to get into your pockets? This was a new jacket so how?
A short walk from the parking garage to the pier was all it was, no beach travel involved yet it had wormed its way into your pockets, in between your toes and nearly everywhere else. 
Your team chuckles at your discomfort finding your squirming the funniest thing on the planet as they loaded up the sizable vessel for the day on the water. For the past several weeks you had been cooped up in a lab studying the samples others brought to you but now you were given the green light to head out into the field yourself. Your goal for the day was to gather samples, check on the status of the coral nursery, and a checklist of other menial tasks. A full plate all things considered, much better than getting a migraine staring through a microscope at sea water until you either give up or get sent home. 
Waves battered against the hull of the boat while you and your fellow colleagues suit up in scuba gear. The goal wasn't to go to the bottom of the ocean, far from it, fifteen meters was the maximum for today so simple snorkeling hear wouldn't cut it. You didn't get your diving certifications to be stuck in a lab. The salt spray refreshing against your skin for the few seconds it was vulnerable while you changed from your outfit into the designated wetsuit. Not the full suit that covered your body from head-to-toe, just a body one to keep your core warm when your swimsuit didn't offer much protection.
The boat came to a stop right around where the GPS locator dinged where the nursery site was and the captain gave everyone a thumbs up as you and your fellows attached their fins, tanks, SPG's and all the other necessary equipment. One-by-one each of them held their regulators to their mouths and fell back into the blue ocean below until it was your own, to which you received a wink instead while everything turned upside down.
Ten, twenty, thirty, a hundred. Regardless of how many dives you've had you'll never get over the beauty of the reefs. Each time serving something new, change was ever present in your line of work. Never seeing the same specimens twice to witnessing a rare species and everything in between. The sunshine overhead casting glittering ripples on the sandy floor, catching your eye on the schools of fish that swam by as their scales gleamed in different patterns. This was the closest feeling you had ever come to your childhood dream of becoming a mermaid. When you wished on your birthday candles and shooting stars to holding your breath underneath tub water in hopes gills would magically appear. That's what started this career. Maybe it was a long forgotten portion of your evolved brain from life's time in the ocean but you felt at home, a familiar sense of belonging that you didn't have on dry land. This was where you were meant to be but sadly your wishes had never come true and you were cursed to remain a land-dwelling mammal.
The beeping in your ears ripped you from your fantastical daydreams to remind you of the harsh reality. This is as close as you were going to get but that wasn't so bad, it was better having a little than nothing at all. Looking at the gauge meter it showed that you have roughly an hour left of oxygen which meant you had been in the water for an hour already. How time flies when you're having fun, absorbed in your daydreams, and checking on coral and taking samples.
"Hey, could we switch our tanks out without getting oxygen narcosis or are we screwed in that department?" Your voice came over the radio built in the full face masks everyone in the diving team used no doubt scaring those who were lost in thought as you just were. 
"Y/N...do you really want to stay out here longer? Shitting Christ, you should be glad you're out here in the first place!" The captain's voice responded from the safety of the boat. "Now get your asses back up here n' we'll head on ba-...what was that?"
"What was what?" 
A chorus of responses chimed in immediately after, some crackling from the distance they were from the source and others sounding as if they were a foot away.
"Nothing, never mind, must've been a Manta Ray. Forget about it. Just get your shit and come back, I'm gettin' hungry and its close to lunchtime so hurry up." The static cut off as he put down the radio and looked out into the churning ocean. The massive shadow he had just seen passing by the boat putting him on alert, he didn't want to witness any reef shark's feeding frenzy.
"We can come back tomorrow, Y/N. Nothing's stopping us from that, right?" Another voice, one of your favorite colleagues suggested. That was right, you were there and your boss hadn't explicitly said that this was a one time thing. Another visit would do some good to see if the biometrics have changed in a span of twenty-four hours.
"Alright, okay, we'll come back later for a differential test."
The group had a collective sigh of relief. You were notorious for loving the ocean to such a degree you'd do anything to stay in a while longer, they were all content with leaving now and coming back later if it meant they wouldn't see your sad pouting all the way back to the van. Picking up their equipment and vials everyone began swimming back to the boat now most of them making small talk and discussing their plans for the weekend while you were once again lost in your thoughts.
Something impossibly dark darted through your vision. Blocking out the beautiful view of the turquoise water and colorful life like an angry, ominous storm cloud. A blanket of blindness shrouding all light for a moment but it felt like an eternity as dread sunk in the pit of your stomach, anchoring you to the spot. The warm water now felt cold, goosebumps running up your bare arms and thighs like pinpricks. The heart that had been so calm in the home of your ribcage now pushing adrenaline through your bloodstream, adjusting to a state you weren't acting on. Fear. That wasn't a Manta Ray or a comically large Stingray that was something else entirely. A predator that crashed against the fragile cage of safety, security and believing you were untouchable in shallow depths.
You were reminded of the psychologically scarring and irrational fear of one's ankles being grabbed particularly in the ocean by a shark, the part of your lizard brain firing signals all across your synapses to detach the leg. If only. A fair trade, being left alone at the price of a limb but unfortunately humans couldn't detach or regrow whatever they lost.
That fear was horrifically evoked when something far more firm than a limp leaf of seaweed wrapped around your ankle. Slimey, cold as death and tipped with five sharp points. Reminiscent of a hand, a very large hand. Expanding across your bare skin like a calloused cuff that threatened to break the skin, sink into the meat and tear your foot off entirely. However, that didn't seem to be happening. No cloud of your own blood instead the safety of the boat got further and further away, turning into a speck barely seen in the shallow water.
"Wait, wait no! What the fuck?! Let go! What the hell?" When your brain managed to get over its fear and shock of the situation your fight-or-flight instincts kicked into high gear and your body began to thrash around against the hold. If it was a shark hitting it in the snout and eyes was imperative to get it to release but what if it wasn't? What else could possibly have your leg in its grip with a goal of pulling you away from the boat?
A flurry of indistinguishable voices and noises came over the radio. From yelps, screams and to curses but the thudding in your ears and the furious splashes drowned them all out, everything became topsy turvy, what was the bottom of the ocean and what was the surface became an abstract concept. The primal urge to escape was ripped away when the respirator giving you oxygen was unceremoniously and harshly ripped from your mouth, the hand that had done it orange and black. The water was salty, like you had dumped an entire container of table salt into your mouth and you washed it down with a sip of water. It was invasive, slipping down your throat into your lungs as they tried to gulp air instead. The more you inhaled the harder it was to move. Your limbs becoming as heavy as cement bricks. Unconsciousness began to consume everything, your body down to your mind. The eerie sensation of falling was the last thing before everything faded to black...
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Reunited a S15 fic
I just wrote this as kind of coping after the events of Season 15 I just went what if she never came back and Jay as an old man went back to the oceans edge to talk to her.
Words: 722
Jay slowly moved to the waters edge, hair long gone white due to age face lined with years of pure life, he pushed his glasses up staring out at the wide open ocean. The only sounds were the splashing of waves
Over the years he had returned to the spot he remembered her leaving from. She had never came back, he counted each day... each month and year since she had dissapeared into the deep blue water. Inching close he slid off his sandals setting them to the side, stepping into the water, he sighed as the waves lapped over his aged feet.
"Hello Nya, I haven't got much time, but I wanted to see you one last time. Its been a couple years but my health took a sudden down turn and I was not sure I would be able to even make it this time," he rasped his voice no longer full of the youth he once held, he clutched the staff he had once taken from Wu to strike Wojira the day he had lost his Yang, his old Sensei had died decades ago.
"Theres a new Master of Water you know? Kais Granddaughter shot him mischeviously with a decent size ball of water," he chuckled "Surprised us a great deal."
He sighed, wishing just once he may be able to see his beloved of years past, if just for one last glimpse,
"I know I will not ever return beloved after this visit. With my age I will soon be bedridden and gone soon after that. So unfortunately in this life, this is goodbye," a tear slipped from eyes still their vibrant electric blue from decades earlier
As a final farewell, he sent a tiny jolt into the water, it was all of what remained of his abilities. Looking out one last time he turned to walk back up, not notice the water suddenly stirred he finally turned back when a laughter entered his ears.
Nya hovered there looking the same as she did all those years ago, she cocked her head
"Jay?" Her voice questioned as if she did not recognize him,
He did not blame her, happy she granted him his last wish, he smiles sadly tears brimming,
"Hello my sweetheart, been a long while"
Her eyes widened in surprise, how long had she been in the ocean? She did not think she had been gone for so long, she studied his face wrinkled his eyes the only youthful feature left after so many years even his hair once curled now looked course and flat.
"59 years love." He finally answered as if reading her mind
How had she lost track of time so easily? Jay gave her one of his old bright smiles,
"Do not fret, I will be gone soon enough both from here and the world." He drew in a deep raspy breath that made her concerned he waved it off "my body is not like yours it has aged."
Nya nodded still silent as if still trying to comprehend who stood in front of her,
"Well I won't further bug you. I just appreciate getting to see you again just before I head to the departed realm" He turned once again to leave
"Stay," she said simply he stopped turning back"Become one with sea like me."
He cocked his head confused how could he do so
"I can turn you into animal of seas." She explained "It has been...lonely."
He smiled softly, he had nothing to gain from staying on the land. He wanted nothing more to join her, he smiled softly
"It has been very lonely without you darling, my body is old and I am ready to join you"
The former master of lighting dug the staff into the sands, he sent his location with a simple message so his family did not question his disappearance settling the device and his glasses on the sands he wouldn't need them, before he looked ahead to the sea and tread further into the waves Nya making herself solid enough to help guide him slowly into the deeper water a tornado surrounded the two,
He felt himself slowly change as they walked further he carefully touched her cheek and when the tornado died down, a huge manta ray floated around her diving underneath before leaping above and over her spraying the Spirit of the Seas with water making the her laugh happily feeling more alive then she had in years
The Yin and Yang reunited immediately dived deep twisting around and through a pod of whales before swimming through a reef, playing with one another like they did so long ago.
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vivi-the-sky-kid · 3 years
Sowing the Seeds (of Love), Chapter 2
Aka the Resh/OC Fix-It Fic Nobody Asked for but I'm Inflicting on All of You Anyways as Punishment for Kai's Your Hubris
The King has always been a mysterious figure in the annals of the Sky Kingdom's history, generating both awe and fear within the hearts of the sky spirits. Few can claim to have met them in person; certainly not Tav, a researcher of light creatures for the Vault of Knowledge. But when they discover their research may be used to harm the very creatures they know and love, Tav knows they cannot allow this to happen.
Somehow, they must change the King's mind. If that means throwing butterflies at their royal face, then so be it.
Warnings: Will be added to each chapter when necessary, but there's not gonna be anything graphic in this (do send me an ask if you think there's something I should warn about tho)
Rating: T (just to be on the safe side)
Pairing(s): Resh/OC
Tag(s): Enemies to Lovers, Fake Dating, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies
Additional Tag(s): Resh and Alef are twins, Resh and Tav are both nonbinary, Resh uses he/they, Tav uses she/they, Resh is demiromantic and pansexual, Tav is biromantic and demisexual, no beta we die like moths in eden
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Chapter 2
Word Count: 3,464
Warning(s): Some swearing
How had this happened again? Tav's mind was still reeling the next day, even as she sat amongst a flock of birds near one of the rookeries of the Bird's Nest. Normally, their chirps would soothe them, even as they reminded them of a different life. Unfortunately, the events of yesterday kept playing through their mind like a broken memory cube.
Now the King's Will—they refused to use his name—was coming to Daylight Prairie, and all Tav's courage had run out. In the time it had taken to travel to Prairie, her false bravado had melted away like snow in the bright sun. Panicked thoughts now ran through their mind, and not even the cheerful chirps of birds, or the soft squeaks of butterflies, or the whimsical whoops of mantas, could help. Most of them were because of the Will, if she was honest with herself.
Their gray gaze had been so cold. So... empty. Like any warmth and life had faded away long ago. Like they could no longer care about anything.
And now they had to convince him to care about light creatures?
It was impossible. There was a better chance of becoming King herself and killing the project that way.
A chirp from the bird perched on their knee caught their attention. She reached up and tugged on one of the flat locks sticking out of her hair, mouth tightening.
Yes, it was impossible. But they had to try.
Kumibir hummed as ey left the solar altar, the morning's prayer putting a spring in eir step. With the Megabird's blessing, the Prairie was sure to flourish with light and life. Now ey just needed to get to work tending to the prairie lilies...
“...from Eden, you say? How fascinating!”
A conversation nearby caught eir attention, and ey slowed.
“Isn't it? From what Omifiti told me, the spirit that arrived went into Elder Ayin's temple right away! I wonder what business they could have.”
A spirit from Eden? Could it be...?
Kumibir smiled to emself, taking hold of eir chin. Then ey turned away from the boat that would take em to the Butterfly Fields, and instead made for the next boat bearing a shipment to the temple for processing. The lilies could wait a little longer. Ey had a spirit to catch.
Feeding time at the Bird's Nest was a sight to behold. As the caretakers spread seed across the grass and stone, flurries of white would descend from the sky to feast. A cacophony of chirps filled the air as the countless birds flocked to their meal. It was a welcome distraction from the thoughts racing through Tav's head.
Unfortunately, it didn't last long.
“Are you Tav, from the Vault?”
They turned to look at the speaker. A messenger fresh off their boat, by the looks of it. She nodded. “That's me. Do you need something?”
“A spirit from Eden is asking after you at the temple. If you would please come with me...”
From Eden?
Tav swallowed the lump in their throat. With the help of the messenger's proffered hand, she got to her feet. Together, they went to the nearby empty boat, and set off for the temple. The ride was quiet. They would have preferred the agony of small talk with a stranger. At least it would have distracted her from the feeling of going to her own execution.
Tav disembarked a short distance from the pond outside the temple, and the messenger got off to load nearby pots. They took a deep breath and moved toward a very tall spirit standing on the bridge arching over the pond. With the warrior's garb and spear slung across their back—two things nearly unheard of in the peaceful realm of Daylight Prairie—it was clear they were the spirit from Eden.
The King's Will had arrived.
As if sensing their eyes upon him, the Will turned. She gaped at them, thankful her mask hid her look of surprise. An elegantly patterned cape draped from beneath the stone pizaine resting on their shoulders. Long, silky hair drifted in the wind from beneath the diamond-shaped crest of his mask. She had to admit, it was all rather striking, except for one thing...
Tav shuddered slightly when they saw the Will's stony gray skin—as chilling as his gaze.
Then they froze as another spirit peeked out from behind him. An impish grin broke out across eir face when ey caught sight of her.
“Oh, and look who it is!”
Kumibir walked up to Tav, wrapping them in a tight hug. She hugged em back, a little numbly, and tried to ignore the piercing look the Will was shooting her. Thankfully, Kumibir soon released them, though ey kept an arm slung about Tav as they walked back to the Will.
“We were just talking about you!”
“Y-You were?” she said, beads of sweat forming on her back.
“You know, when you said you were expecting someone from Eden, I didn't think you meant your partner! You should have told me. I would have gone to stay with one of my own so you two could have some space.” Kumibir grinned and added, in a conspiratorial whisper, “I can see why you like them. So polite! And so tall! They're just your type!”
Tav blinked. Then blinked again. And then a third time for good measure.
“My wha—?”
“You really are so generous, Kumibir,” the Will cut in smoothly, wrapping an arm around Tav's shoulders and pulling them against his side. His other hand curled by the side of their face, gloved fingers brushing against their mask.
With a squeeze of her shoulders, they continued, “We've been wanting to spend more time together, but sadly, Tav's work has kept them so busy I could rarely see their darling face.”
“Oh, I know how that is. Sometimes the others' work keeps them away for almost the entire day,” Kumibir said, nodding solemnly. Then ey glanced at the sky and squeaked in surprise. “Speaking of work, I have some prairie lilies to tend to. Have fun, you two!”
Ey waved and ran off to the boat Tav came in on. Tav themself remained frozen, trying very, very hard to wrap their head around what just happened. It wasn't until the Will was pulling her around the walls of the temple and out of sight of the boat that she regained her senses. They wriggled out of his grasp and folded their arms in front of them.
“What was that?”
The King's Will scoffed. “You tell me, little researcher. You're the one who told that spirit we were partners.”
“I never did that! I just told Kumibir that you were coming so ey wouldn't be surprised. It's not my fault ey jumped to conclusions.” They turned away, eyes squinting in confusion. “Also what did ey mean, my type...?”
“And why would you not tell them my purpose for being here? I doubt one of your position would be very familiar with a soldier.”
Tav glanced back to him balefully, but they could not deny it. Although the midnight blue and electrum threads of the Will's cape would fit right in amongst the Vault's denizens, soldiers were a less likely story. The Golden Land's lack of light creatures near its dunes meant she was even less likely to go near it. The odds of them and the Will chancing to meet were slim enough to be unbelievable.
But they couldn't tell Kumibir the truth. It would break eir heart.
Ey couldn't know about the Dark Matter Bioweapon project.
Taking a deep breath, Tav said, “The people here love light creatures. If they found out you were here because of a plan to turn them into weapons, it would ruin any chance of cooperation to get you to not want to do that. So I told them you were just here to confirm my research. That's all.”
The King's Will studied them, arms crossed in front of him. Then their demeanor changed, and a shiver ran down Tav's spine.
That wasn't good.
“Very well. In the spirit of cooperation, I will not speak of my reason for being here. But” —and he held up one finger— “you have to pretend I am your partner for the duration of my stay.”
“What?!” Tav said, clapping a hand over their mouth at their volume. She scowled and lowered both her hand and her voice to add, “Why?!”
“Despite what you may think, I too would prefer my identity remain a secret. They don't need to know of my connection to the King. As far as these spirits are concerned, I am Resh, a high-ranking member of the Sky Kingdom's army, and nothing more.”
“Why do you care if these spirits know about your connection to the King?”
They turned away. “I have my reasons.”
“And those are...?”
“None of your concern. Now, do we have a deal?”
She stared at them incredulously, then threw her hands in the air and marched off, much to their surprise.
“Where are you going?”
“To the butterfly fields. It's time for your first lesson on light creatures, darling,” Tav replied, jerking their thumb towards a nearby boat.
The boat to the edge of Prairie had arrived before any further stilted conversation could occur, and the two had spent the ride in relative silence. That had been a mercy. Now, however, she wanted to scream in frustration. The butterflies were acting strange and uncooperative today. They were fine with Tav themself; it was the King's Will they had a problem with. They flew away squeaking as soon as he approached. Even those she could coax to her hand fled as soon as she beckoned the Will forward.
So things were going just fine.
In the end, as the sun began to set and the butterflies flew off to the nearby sphere they slept within, they had decided to call it a day.
Of course, that didn't mean their bickering had ended. Even when they passed other spirits, the two kept it quiet, making it seem more like two partners sharing private thoughts than opponents exchanging barbed words.
“For a creature claimed to be 'loving' and 'kind,' these butterflies were rather standoffish today.”
“Maybe they sense you're a terrible person who wants to use them as weapons. They're perceptive like that.”
“And yet they cannot perceive the bitter heart inside you, my dear.”
“They can't perceive what isn't there, darling.”
“Ah, of course. How could I have been so blind? You don't have a heart.”
So caught up in their verbal battle was Tav that they didn't realize they had boarded the same boat as the Will until the two were standing outside the elder's temple.
“Good night, my dear. I look forward to tomorrow's efforts,” the King's Will said, pressing a masked kiss to the back of her hand.
Tav narrowed their eyes, but nodded and managed to hold back a shudder as their hand was released. “Until tomorrow, darling.”
The Will nodded back and entered the temple, leaving them to sigh heavily and wait for another boat.
“So... how did it go?” Ayin asked, a hint of nervousness in their voice.
“Oh, horribly. The butterflies refused to go near me. But that Tav... I must admit, they're a stubborn one. Either they're planning to assassinate me, or they really believe they'll be able to change my mind over this matter. This may be the most entertaining thing I've done in... I can't remember how long. I'll have to thank Alef when I return. After punishing him for enabling this nonsense in the first place, of course,” Resh responded casually, lifting the stone pizaine from their shoulders to lounge more comfortably across the bed provided. For a moment, they thought his skin seemed a little less gray, but it was likely just a trick of the light, nothing more.
“I see.” Ayin turned to leave, but lingered in the doorway long enough to say, “Rest well, Resh. You have a busy day tomorrow.”
Resh grunted in acknowledgment, and the room fell dark.
The smell of fresh bread greeted Tav's nose the next morning, as well as Kumibir singing a cheerful song praising the sun. It was a welcome start to a day that would doubtless be a strain on her patience. They'd try again with the butterflies, and hope that somehow Resh would be... more cooperative.
Perhaps a vain hope, but she'd hold fast to it.
Tav managed to answer Kumibir's excited questions (“Where did the two of you meet?” “They're so tall! Is that why you like them?” “Do they have a sibling?”) with vague replies that technically weren't lies (“Oh, we met because of my work.” “What? Why would that be a factor?” “Oh, they might. We haven't talked about our families yet.”). Eventually, Kumibir left to attend the morning's prayer to the sun, and Tav was free... for now. As they sat there, idly munching on a slice of bread and listening to the soft whoops of mantas in the distance, irritation rose once more. The sooner they got this over with, the sooner they could escape this miniature hell.
With that thought, she stuffed the rest of the slice into her mouth and left, slinging a light staff across her back. At the very least, it might help in coaxing a butterfly within reach of Resh.
Resh waited at the dock for Tav, arms folded before him. Ayin had suggested being a bit more agreeable when they awoke, and despite their better judgment, they had agreed. Unfortunately, it was hard to be agreeable when the person in question was late.
...All right, maybe not late, but later than he liked. Too many locals had gawked at them while they waited, muffling their voices with their hands. Too many had giggled in his direction, and all had avoided eye contact when he turned to glare at the offenders. The same nonsense had happened many years ago, when they had first grown into an adult under the watchful care of the Elders. He could still remember some of those that commented on how handsome they had become.
They were all dead by now.
“Good, you're here.”
Thankfully, a familiar voice drew him from that unfortunate reverie. Tav was now approaching... with some kind of staff across her back for some reason. Resh huffed and placed their hands on their hips.
“You're late.”
She shrugged. “I was eating breakfast. You know, since it's morning? What, too good to eat breakfast like the rest of us? Or are you too used to the fancier fare of Eden?”
Ah, yes, such fancy fare as standing near a blazing fire long enough to push back the ache deep within. Too long, and a different pain began. But they didn't need to know that. They were just some too-bold researcher.
“Something like that,” he said curtly.
They continued to stare at him, eyes narrowed, before shrugging again and gesturing to the boat. “Well, whatever. Come on. The butterflies should be waking up now.”
Just as they had said, the butterflies were starting to pour out of the sphere and head towards their typical spots for the day as the two of them stepped off the boat. It was a beautiful sight, although she doubted Resh appreciated it. Still, it meant they could start for the day.
Like before, the butterflies came willingly to them, as long as they stayed away from the King's Will. At one point, six were perched on her hands, which she then promptly, and smugly, showed them. Their response was to turn away with a grunt. Tav snickered and lifted their hands, releasing the butterflies to return to fluttering about the flowers of the field.
“Here. Let's try this,” they said, drawing the light staff from their back. She held it out, and soon enough, a butterfly perched delicately at the diamond-shaped tip. Then they slowly moved their end towards him, holding it out for Resh to take.
Instead of grabbing it, however, they stared at it. Tav's arm began to ache as the seconds dragged on. When Resh showed no sign of accepting it, they snapped and said, “Would you take the staff already?”
“And just why should I do that? For all I know, you're planning to attack me as soon as I try.”
“It's a light staff. The only thing it can do is bruise that thick skull of yours. Now take it.”
He glared at them, but begrudgingly took hold just below their hand. With her hand on the staff, the butterfly remained even as they grasped it. When they removed their hand, however, and left only his, it squeaked, quivered, and flew off. Tav watched in bewilderment as it returned to its flock.
“...Well, then. I can't say I've seen that happen before.”
“And here I thought you were the expert on light creatures, my dear.”
“And I thought you were someone who could be reasoned with, darling. Looks like we were both wrong, hm?”
She turned away to study the butterflies, wondering just what exactly was driving them away. They were normally such friendly creatures, often taking a break from basking in the sun's rays and pollinating the prairie lilies to loop around nearby spirits. To have them avoid a person like this...
Something must be very, very wrong.
That niggling discomfort over the coldness of Resh's skin and eyes rose up once more, and Tav avoided his gaze as they called for a lunch break.
As she chewed on a piece of crab meat, Tav considered the issue with the butterflies. Like any other light creature, they were drawn to flame and light. It was their bread and butter, so to speak. As spirits had an inner flame granted by Megabird when they were born, a light creature could simply be near them and feed on the warmth given off. It wasn't much compared to the innate light of another creature, but it was enough that spirits were often accepted as members of the flock, so to speak.
Was something wrong with Resh's inner flame?
It would explain the unusual color of their skin, and the butterflies' behavior. Then again, was such a thing even possible?
Their inner researcher burned to figure out more, but Tav beat it back down. There wasn't time to travel to the Vault, let alone search its archives, and Resh was too irritating and evasive to hope for an actual answer. It was bad enough they had to put up with his dour attitude. Trying to pry information from them would be a nightmare.
Tav swallowed and stood up, stretching with a soft groan. The hill they had chosen to take lunch on was near the butterfly sphere, with a small cave underneath that where Resh was currently skulking. And... talking to someone?
Someone actually wanted to talk to them?
They knelt and leaned closer to the edge of the hill, straining their ears to catch a snippet or two of the conversation.
“...so lucky to have a partner like you. With someone like you around, I'm sure they'll have much less trouble getting things off high shelves.”
The spirit chuckled, and Tav had the sudden urge to throw something. Or scream. Either worked.
“I shall, of course, do my best to assist them with any high shelves they may encounter,” Resh replied. She could practically feel the smirk on their face.
The spirit laughed again, and Tav crouched a bit lower as they left the cave, the puff of the two buns atop their head bouncing slightly with each step. More footsteps sounded, and soon Resh was also leaving the cave. Unlike the spirit, however, they stopped and turned to look up at her.
“Do you need help getting down from there? I've heard you have difficulty with heights,” he said, eyes crinkled in amusement.
Tav glared back. She stood up and walked down the side of the hill, then past Resh, making sure to whack their shoulder with the light staff as they went.
“Come on. The butterflies don't have all day.”
Butterflies are curious light creatures. While birds and jellyfish are content to keep to themselves when it comes to spirits, butterflies (and mantas) possess a kind of empathic sensitivity that, more often than not, draws them towards spirits. Whether it was a sad spirit in need of comfort or a spirit blazing bright with joy, they would soon find themselves with a squeaking companion looping about their body before flying off into the distance. The only spirits they tended to avoid were those with a great deal of aggression.
They avoided both Tav and Resh this time.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
5 notes · View notes
tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Pyke the Bloodharbor Ripper build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
You look familiar... You. You were on my blog, looking at my builds.
Well here’s yet another League build, and yet another edgelord champion. I don’t know if it’s a problem with me or a problem with League but I seem to be drawn to characters with edgy personas... at least lore-wise. In game I spam Sona and Yuumi like an eGirl thot.
And Kayn. And Warwick. Alright I might just be an edgelord.
Regardless Pyke is always a character I’ve enjoyed more for his lore than his actual gameplay. Back in my DOTA days I used to main Bounty Hunter (and I might branch out to DOTA builds someday; who knows?) and while Pyke captures that gameplay to some extent he’s never really been my cup of tea. Gondar was considerably more light-hearted than Pyke and focused a lot more on information gathering than the raw killing that Pyke does. Even so I think Pyke was a great addition to the lore of Bilgewater with the rest of the region seemingly existing only as an excuse to put pirates into League of Legends. (Ironically enough I actually think the other character that displays Bilgewater’s lore the best is Tahm Kench, and considering that most people see him as a meme that’s really saying something.)
But regardless: you’re here for the build, not to read me ramble about why I made it. I can definitely say that if you genuinely want to play Pyke you’re certainly one for the roleplay, though try not to be overly edgy.
Harpooner - Armed with an iconic Bone Skewer it’ll find its way stabbed into the stomachs or thrown into the backs of many victims.
Until it all sinks... - Pyke swims in the shadows before surfacing to pounce his prey. He did also swim in the water once.
Did I “support” right? - While we won’t have any healing Pyke has plenty of utility in his own right.
Officially Pyke is some sort of drowned revenant, and while I know there is a Revenant race in the Gothic Heroes UA it’s rather unbalanced and unfortunately doesn’t really work for what we’re trying to do here. The Gothic Heroes Revenant has a goal, but Pyke’s mind is warped so he thinks his goal is never done. While the health regen is in character for Pyke’s Gift of the Drowned Ones the other features don’t really help us or retain the aquatic theme of Pyke.
With that in mind I had a few ideas: Water Genasi was my first idea to have a character infused with the strength of the sea but unfortunately it’s focused far too much on magic as well as Constitution, both of which Pyke doesn’t have. My next thought was for a Kalashtar to have the spirit of the drowned one infused into you, but they’re tied deeply into their dream lore and less-so into the two-minds aspect.
But then I realized there’s a race that gets infused with parts from the ocean, and even starts out human just like Pyke! This is going to sound mad but you’re going to want a Simic Hybrid from Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica. While in-lore they receive their gifts from the deep from science we can reflavor it as gifts from the ocean itself. Anyways Simic Hybrids see their Constitution increase by 2 and a stat of their choice increase by 1: choose Dexterity for a better chance fighting the beasts below before your line is cut. You also get Darkvision up to 60 feet and Animal Enhancements. Since Animal Enhancement is tied to level I’ll be addressing it in the build instead of in the race section because this is getting long enough as is. And for your language of choice I’d opt for Elvish, mainly because it’s unlikely you’ll meet any Vedalken this side of the sea.
15; DEXTERITY - Fighting the monsters of Bilgewater in their own territory takes a great degree of nimbleness to avoid getting your line cut.
14; CHARISMA - All sea captains fear the Bloodharbor Ripper, and Charisma is a requirement to multiclass.
13; INTELLIGENCE - You need to be smart to hunt any prey, be it a monstrous fish or... more dangerous game...
12; CONSTITUTION - While not in-character for Pyke to be tanky we sadly can’t convert our health into damage in this build.
10; WISDOM - Even if you have to do it to survive jumping into monster-infested waters is not the best lifestyle choice.
8; STRENGTH - While perhaps in-character to drop Wisdom instead we simply don’t need Strength in this build.
There are several backgrounds for a man lost at sea but Pirate is the best for one who came back with a vengeance. You get the Athletics and Perception skills to scout out your prey and wrestle with it in deep tide, as well as proficiency with Water Vehicles and Navigator’s Tools to command your own ship someday. But the main feature we’re here for is Bad Reputation so everyone knows that you’re the Bloodharbor Ripper. If you’re in a civilized settlement people will be afraid of being put on your list, and will let you get away with minor crimes. Murder isn’t a minor crime though, so pull someone into an alley if they do end up showing up on your list.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Starting off as a Rogue for the extra proficiencies: take Intimidation, Stealth, Investigation, and Acrobatics as your skills of choice. You also get Expertise in two of those skills and you’re going to want Investigation to find your quarry and Stealth to sneak up on them.
But of course the main reason for the expertise in Stealth is so we can Sneak Attack. Once per turn you can do an extra d6 damage with an attack if an enemy is within 5 feet of your ADC or if you have Advantage on the attack by jumping out of water. You must be using a finesse weapon such as your Bone Skewer, which for now would likely just be a Short Sword since you haven’t received your gifts from the deep yet.
But your time in Bilgewater did allow you to learn Thieves’ Cant, a mix of words and phrases that are actually a code among criminals. They may be speaking about the latest big catch but you know what they’re really talking about is cutting your line.
But while you were under the undertow you did receive some Animal Enhancement. As a Simic Hybrid you can choose between three Enhancement options at level 1: Manta Glide lets you fall slowly and glide as you do so, Nimble Climber gives you a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, but Underwater Adaptation is the obvious choice for the drowned man. You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed and can breath underwater. You drowned once but it won’t happen again.
NOTE: If you’re playing outside of an aquatic campaign Nimble Climber would be your next best bet to remaining in character. You can also opt to just play a Variant Human instead of a Simic Hybrid if you don’t mind the lack of swimming speed however, since Simic Hybrid was mainly picked for the aquatic implications.
Second level Rogues get Cunning Action, allowing you to use your quick wit to Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a bonus action. A Bilgewater Harpooner needs to be quick on their feat and always trust their crew. But when that trust is lost...
As you’re lost to The Drowned Ones you receive their blessing to become a Warlock. The Drowned Ones could be seen as The Undying in many senses, as they keep you from death to serve them.
WHY NOT LURKER IN THE DEEP? - Lurker in the deep focuses a lot more on using the strength of those below more directly. Pike meanwhile merely serves them as an assassin. Not only that but Lurker in the Deep has far more of a focus on tentacles than knives, which is more of Illaoi’s thing.
Undying Warlocks are considered Among the Dead. They get the Spare the Dying cantrip and have Advantage against diseases, and undead enemies may not attack you as they see you as one of their own. If an undead attacks you they have to make a Wisdom save against your Warlock spell DC or choose a new target, losing the attack if there is no one else to hit. If you succeed on the save or you hit them they’re immune to this effect for 24 hours, so perhaps don’t pick fights with Sion.
But along with Spare the Dying you also get access to more Spellcasting. You learn 2 cantrips from the Warlock spell list: Lighting Lure will let you throw your Bone Skewer out at an enemy within 15 feet. They must make a Strength saving throw or be pulled 10 feet towards you, taking a d8 of Lightning damage if they’re pulled into melee range. Eldritch Blast lets you throw your Bone Skewer further down range - make a ranged spell attack against a target you can see and on a hit they take a d10 force damage.
You also learn 2 first level spells from the Warlock list: False Life comes from The Undying patron list and lets you “regenerate” some health in the darkness. You gain a d4 + 4 temporary hitpoints when you cast this spell. That temp HP lasts for an hour or until it’s cut off of you.
Illusory Script meanwhile is the perfect spell to write your list. You can cast this spell while writing with lead-based ink worth at least 10 gold to imbue the words with powerful illusion magic for 10 days. Creatures you designate can read the message normally but any other creature won’t be able to read it, or will see a completely different message as long as it’s written in a language you know. If the spell is dispelled the message is dispelled, so no one will know that your list is truly unending... unless they have truesight, as they’ll be able to read it under the light of a pink ward.
2nd level Warlocks get Eldritch Invocations and the only one we really need is Grasp of Hadar. Every time you hit an enemy with your Eldritch Blast you can pull them 10 feet closer, so you can drag ‘em under and get your hands dirty. You other choice of invocation really doesn’t matter: Armor of Shadows can be a good boost to your AC but I personally like Mask of Many Faces to hide behind your facemask before finding your prey.
You also get another spell and Hex will let you mark your prey as a gift to the Drowned Ones. Whenever you hit a target that’s Hexed you do an extra d6 Necrotic damage, and the target has disadvantage on a type of ability check of your choosing. I’d personally choose Strength so that they can’t swim up when you pull them down to drown.
3rd level Rogues get access to their Roguish Archetype and the Soul Knife subclass from the Psionics UA will make sure you always have a Bone Skewer. The Soul Knife gets a Psionic Enhancement: you can either have a 30 foot Telepathy, some extra health and Toughness equal to your Intelligence modifier plus your Rogue level, or 5 feet of extra Walking Speed. These all have their uses but while it’s perhaps not in-flavor Toughness is probably your most consistently useful enhancement.
WHY NOT REVIVED? - Revived focuses far more on the manipulation of death, and has a heavier skill focus than the Soul Knife. But put in simple terms Soul Knife has nearly all the abilities I’d want from Pyke without having to multiclass too much. Undying Warlock is already more than enough undeath for Pyke, and it also helps give him some Deep One patrons.
I should also mention I made this build before the latest Psionics Options Revisited UA. This build uses old features so discuss with your DM if you want to use the newer version.
But of course the main reason to go for the Soul Knife is your Psychic Blade. You can create a bone skewer in your hand, or two bone skewers if you’re feeling particularly vicious. You can’t hold anything in the hand you hold the blade but you can choose to dispel them without using an action.
The blade has the finesse and light properties so you can dual wield them and use your Dexterity as your attack modifier. It deals 1d6 psychic damage on a hit and you can throw it 30 feet normally or 60 feet with disadvantage. Regardless of if you throw your knife or stab with it you can proc your Sneak Attack, which now deals 2d6 damage. If you throw the blade as part of an attack it vanishes immediately after it hits or misses, and the blade(s) disappear the instant it leaves your hand or if you’re incapacitated.
You also get another Animal Enhancement as a Simic Hybrid so you may as well get more AC from the Carapace enhancement, which increases your AC by 1 as long as you’re not wearing Heavy Armor. The only other enhancement I’d maybe suggest is Nimble Climber, which you could’ve taken at level 1. But simply put more AC is more useful, and was limited to us for a reason. You can consider the extra AC as the salt soaked into your skin, and your lust for vengeance allowing you to shrug off attacks.
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(Artwork by FMM CAT)
4th level Rogues get an Ability Score Improvement: increase your Dexterity for deadlier strikes with your Bone Skewer.
At 5th level Rogues get Uncanny Dodge, letting them reduce the damage of an attack by half as a reaction. Is a female bounty hunter shooting you? Dive in the ghostly waters and set yourself up for the kill, especially since your Sneak Attack is also increased to 3d6 at this level.
6th level Rogues get Expertise in two more skills: I’d choose Intimidation and Athletics. A frightened target won’t be able to lie to you, and Athletics Expertise will compensate for your low Strength score.
7th level Rogues get Evasion: if you’re targeted with a Dexterity-based skill shot you can dash out of the way and take no damage on a successful saving throw, or only half damage if you fail. Pyke is far more evasive than the average support, and can get up and personal to do 4d6 with Sneak Attack.
8th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement and we’ll max out our Dexterity for even deadlier strikes with your Bone Skewer.
At 9th level you get the Terrifying Blade Soul Knife feature. When you damage a creature with your Psychic Blade you can force them to make a Wisdom saving throw based on your Intelligence modifier. If they fail the creature is frightened of you until the start of your next turn, but on a successful save they become immune to this feature for 24 hours. Traitors run from their past, or face them head on. Regardless you’ll kill them all, especially with a 5d6 Sneak Attack.
10th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement, and you may have noticed our uneven Intelligence score? The Observant Feat will let us see when traitors talk about their coin. You can increase one of your mental stats by 1 (we’ll improve Intelligence) and you can read a creature’s lips to understand what they’re saying as long as you share a language. Your passive Perception and Investigation also increase by 5, so you can be aware of any backstabbers trying to slip away.
11th level Rogues get Reliable Talent, meaning that any roll below a 10 in a skill you’re proficient in is treated as a 10. This means that your lowest possible roll with the skills your proficient in is:
25 on Stealth
22 on Intimidation or Investigation
20 on Acrobatics
19 on Athletics
15 on Perception
Your Sneak Attack also increases to 6d6.
12th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement and we’ll want more Intelligence to know how to truly terrify our foes.
13th level Soul Knife Rogues can dive into spectral waters with Psychic Veil. As an action you become invisible for 10 minutes. This invisibility ends if you make an attack or if you force a creature to make a saving throw. You can become invisible a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Your Sneak Attack also increases to 7d6 now, and just so you know attacking out of Invisibility counts as a Sneak Attack.
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(Pyke concept art by Riot Games)
14th level Rogues borrow some techniques from the monk in the jungle and get a 10 foot radius Blindsense to chase your prey.
15th level Rogues get Slippery Mind for proficiency in Wisdom saving throws. It’s not much but considering that you have a +0 to Wisdom it certainly helps. Your Sneak Attack also increases to 8d6 now.
16th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement and more Intelligence will lead to more Ghostwater Dives and better Terrifying Blades.
17th level Soul Knife Rogues can Rend Mind for a powerful Phantom Undertow. If you have a Psychic Blade manifested you can force a creature you can see within 30 feet of you to make an Intelligence saving throw. The target takes 12d6 psychic damage and is stunned until the start of your next turn on a failed save, but only takes half as much on a successful save and isn’t stunned. If you are hidden from the target it has disadvantage on the save, and one of your Psychic Blades vanishes after using this feature.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Pro tip: attacks against Stunned enemies automatically have Advantage so you can use your 9d6 Sneak Attack damage.
Our final level is the 18th level in Rogue for Elusive so that no attack can have Advantage against you. "Death keeps spitting me right back out."
I smell panic - Soul Knife on its own is a very powerful subclass. Having an unlimited supply of weapons that are viable at both melee and range, the ability to turn invisible, and tons of crowd control with both fears and stuns makes for an incredible damage dealer who can provide a lot of utility to the party.
Big Beast - It wasn’t my intention when making this build but for a Rogue you’re remarkably tanky. You have an above-average constitution and Psionic Enhancement buffing your health to a respectable level, and the Carapace Animal Enhancement turns what would be a +5 to AC (from your Dexterity) to a +6. This means that you have 17 AC with Leather Armor, 18 with Studded, and a 19 AC with Armor of Shadows! As a Rogue, meaning you have Uncanny Dodge and Evasion to further increase your survivability! Not to mention you have two Warlock slots to cast False Life is the fight starts to go south.
Crews share the wealth - Expertise in Intimidation and Investigation are helpful, and having Spare the Dying means that your Cleric can focus on stronger cantrips instead. But having 10 minutes of invisibility is insanely helpful for infiltration.
Every kill makes the voices louder - The two levels in Warlock are done almost entirely for flavor, and while we do get some useful features it does still mean you lose out on Stroke of Luck. If you have a DM who likes roleplay you can take the Magic Initiate feat for Wizards to get Lightning Lure along with potentially Ray of Frost to simulate a long-ranged “pull” and be a Warlock without actually being a Warlock. But the honest truth is that Soul Knife on its own is strong enough and the ability to pull people closer to you is largely redundant.
My list just got longer - Soul Knife uses their Bonus Action a lot more than other Rogues, meaning that you can’t use your Cunning Action to hide as often. Yes you can make two knives at a time but this still means that you’ll have to spend another bonus action to “reload” after throwing two hooks. And if both your hands are full you can’t hold your list!
Swim or Sink - Unfortunately you don’t get to max out your Intelligence modifier, which is needed for a lot of your class features. However the far bigger issue is your saving throws: proficiency in Wisdom saves help but your Charisma and Constitution are stuck at +2 and your Strength is forever at a pitiful -1. While you can compensate for strength checks with Expertise in Athletics your saving throws are less than desirable.
But problems only come for those without a plan. Make your list, check it twice, find out who’s naughty or nice before gutting them. Make sure your crew’s got your back and that they aren’t going to cut your line too. You’ve died before, but it doesn’t hurt not to do it again.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
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Battle of Stars
Melizabeth Week Day 7: AU
Author’s note: This is a Star Wars AU - for self-indulgent reasons - with almost no semblance of the original plot, and the author flexed all her nerd muscles while writing this. Forgive me!
The Manta class troop transporter tilted sideways as the pilot battled against the harsh winds of Ruusan’s upper hemispheres, and Elizabeth swallowed a wave of nausea from the sudden jolt. Her hands found their way to the lightsaber at her side all on their own, and the cool metal calmed her stained nerves. Fear was an unnecessary emotion for a Jedi to harbor, especially for a newly appointed Jedi Knight. Elizabeth had earned this title through hard years of training and field missions on the most outlandish terrains the galaxy had to offer, always under the guiding hand of her master, Hendrickson.
If her master could see her frightened face, he would surely remind her of the pure light of the Force that protected every Jedi and led them through even the most difficult times.
The Force is with you, Padawan, even when your fear prevents you from seeing it, was his favorite mantra, and he had made sure Elizabeth could recite his teachings in every situation, no matter how precarious. Including the smoldering battlefields of Ruusan.
But despite the calm stream of the Force inside of her, Elizabeth tensed when a projectile exploded a mere armlength away from the outer shell of the transporter as the shields absorbed the bulk of the damage. The ship tumbled sideways like a confused Aiwa, and Elizabeth dug her fingers into the leather handle above her head. In the cockpit, separated from the troop compartment by an open bulkhead, an alarm howled, a warning that the shields had dropped under twenty percent. Another hit and they were done for.
And despite the cacophony of nearby explosions and the constant up and down of the troop compartment, Jedi Master Diane stood unmoving between the Republic soldiers, as firm as a rock in the raging seas of Glee Anselm.
The older Jedi offered Elizabeth a reassuring smile. “There is little to worry about,” she said, “the Sith don’t have the resources to hold a crossfire like this up for long. Their troops will need to spare their blaster fire if they want to stand any chance during the ground assault.”
As if on command, the sound of laser artillery penetrating the sky and the handful of republican transporters faded to be replaced by the buzzing of engines as their unit continued their descent without further troubles.
“I wish I had your confidence, Master,” Elizabeth said.
“It is all a matter of experience,” Diane said. “The more battles you fight, the better you will learn to understand the nuances of warfare and what aspects you should focus on to gain the upper hand. Didn’t Master Hendrickson teach you these things?”
“He did, and we assisted our troops in a few skirmishes along the Tingel Arm. But Master Hendrickson values the role as peacekeeper more than that of a general. Whenever possible, he dragged me to some distant planet to study the local fauna and help those in need.”
At the time, Elizabeth had found these trips into the Outer Rim boring and unfitting for a Jedi, after all, the war with the Sith threatened to destroy stability all throughout the galaxy. And as soon as Elizabeth had traded the Padawan plait for the title of Jedi Knight, she had volunteered to join the constant stream of supply units headed for Ruusan, one of the most heated and most crucial battlefields, to support her fellow Jedi in the fight against the Dark Side. But the grueling minutes before the fight, during which she could do nothing other than trust in the pilot’s ability to land his vessel safely, almost made her miss the peaceful fields of Dantooine.
Diane nodded thoughtfully. “Your master is a wise man. With priorities that are sadly becoming more and more rare among the ranks of the Jedi. Even the council grants Master Ludociel more freedom to carry out his feud with the Sith than necessary.”
“But aren’t the Sith and especially the Emperor an evil that must be destroyed to bring peace to the galaxy?” Elizabeth asked. The Jedi temple was filled with nightmarish stories about the Sith and their dark arts, and she had been warned of the tempting yet destructive nature of the Dark Side since her days as a Youngling.
“Some Jedi would say that, yes. But fighting for the sake of fighting is meaningless – I would rather avoid the path that leads to more conflict.”
A jolt went through the transporter that made Elizabeth’s teeth smack against one another, and a second later, the bulkheads opened to allow Rusaan’s sandstorms to enter.
Elizabeth squinted but jumped into the open as the first hail shower of blaster bolts rained onto the transporter to leave smoldering marks on its shell. I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me, Elizabeth recited the ancient saying of the Guardians of the Whills, and activated her lightsaber. The blue bolt of pure light sent the blaster fire back to its marksmen; one Sith trooper went limp behind the makeshift trench he had used as cover.
Diane was leading her troops forward, green lightsaber in hand, and soon their unit advanced through the enemy lines and towards the goal of their mission: the ancient temple embedded into the mountain range ahead. Before the war had come to Rusaan, the stone structures had represented a shrine to the local population sited amidst a prospering forest, but the Sith had since burned down the trees and had turned the temple into one of their strongholds – where the forces of the Republic planned to secure crucial data about the enemy’s plans and tactics. Elizabeth had garnered this information from the official report handed out during the mission briefing, but the burned earth in the mountains’ shadow still turned her stomach upside-down. Master Hendrickson would have shed a silent tear had he been tortured with this view.
Elizabeth silenced the cries of injustice in her heart and filled her mind with a feeling of peace the way she had been taught. Guided by the Force, she pathed her way through the enemy defenses and the dunes of sulfur-heavy sand, swung her lightsaber in a perfect display of Soresu, the third form of lightsaber combat, and never halted until she reached the entrance of the temple, a gaping chasm filled with the stench of the Dark Side.
When she failed to detect enemy presences in the immediate area, Elizabeth turned to meet Diane’s eyes across the battle field. The Jedi Master briefly paused her chain of heavy-hitting attacks, and called out to Elizabeth over the buzz of laser artillery that announced the arrival of enemy reinforcement.
“Take a few of my men and advance into the temple. We will join you shortly.”
Elizabeth waited for three heavily armed republican soldiers to catch up and offered them a nod, before they climbed the final steps and entered the shadows. Inside, the howling of the storm faded to distant background stereo, like interference on a flawed comm channel.
A chill befell Elizabeth in her light Jedi tunic, but she fought the unease with a few calming breaths. Water dripped from the detailed reliefs on the wall, hinting at an underground spring located deep within the mountain that collected Russan’s sparse rainwater. The tiny streams reflected the glow from Elizabeth’s lightsaber and the small search lights attached to the soldiers’ helmets, but apart from that, the hallway with its high ceiling was cast in shadows. Somewhere in the dark, a stream of water gurgled along. Always in expectation of an ambush, their squad crept forward.
“No heat signals up ahead,” one of the soldiers informed after performing a scan via his HUD. With the anonymous helmet, Elizabeth had difficulties identifying the soldier, but she believed the voice to belong to a man named Howzer, one of Master Diane’s top commandos. “Thanks to the storm, the comm’s already dead. The sand could’ve messed with the scanners too.”  
“Stay on guard,” Elizabeth said and followed her own advice by dropping into a defensive pose as she placed step by step forward.
The Sith were well known for their traps designed to take out unexperienced Jedi. One of her training partners during her temple days, a kid named Mael, had run into such a trap on one of his first field missions, and he was declared missing by his master ever since. In all likelihood, the Sith had long disposed of his corpse. Or they had taken him to their outpost on Korriban to use him in their experiments. Separate mind and body, mutate the flesh of their victims, or turn them into weak-willed puppets to add to their army; Elizabeth had read reports on these and crueler methods of torture when her master hadn’t been around to see.
She shook the thought off and concentrated on her environment. The Force might offer you glimpses into the future, but you can only use this advantage if you remain in the present, as Master Hendrickson liked to say.
Her crono confirmed only a few minutes had passed, but the walk through the dark felt like hours before Elizabeth and her squad came across a durasteel gate too technological advanced to fit into the old hallways and high-rising pillars around.
Howzer ordered his men to take cover with clipped gestures before he tapped the control panel embedded into the stone next to the gate. The bulkhead protested with a shrill squeal as the opening mechanism pulled the durasteel aside to reveal the chamber beyond. A multitude of screens enlightened the room to give the impression of a control center, but before Elizabeth fully realized the situation, a shadow rushed past her, followed by one and then a second outcry.
Elizabeth spun and skidded on the polished floor tiles as she caught a glimpse at their attacker. Two of her men had slumped lifeless to the ground, and above them towered a male human with a cold grin on his face. The red of his lightsaber painted bloody hues onto the walls. He was no doubt a Sith, his poisoned aura like a nexus of evil appalled Elizabeth to the core.
She had never faced a Sith before, and all her passionate preaches about fighting and destroying the scoundrels of the galaxy vanished, washed away by the cold imprint this man left in the current of the Force around her.
The blaster bolts hurrying past her head tore Elizabeth out of her paralysis as Howzer targeted the Sith with mechanical precision. The Sith’s face remained unflinching, and he deflected the shots with arrogant ease until the play bored him and he reached out with his unarmed right hand. Elizabeth could almost see the Force as it twisted between his clawed fingers. Howzer gargled but still managed to pull the trigger while the air was ripped out of his lungs by the hands of the Dark Side. His efforts amused the Sith more than anything, and he sidestepped the laser bolt without a change in expression.
Elizabeth finally regained her sense of self and jumped into the fray with a parade of swings aimed at the Sith’s head. His green eyes widened for less then a second before he raised his weapon to deflect. A mix of red and blue danced across his boyish features.
“Send for reinforcements, I’ll hold him off,” Elizabeth yelled, and Howzer, who had dropped to his knees as soon as the Sith’s attention no longer rested on him, obeyed and staggered towards the exit.
Elizabeth and the Sith parted, and his lips twister into a malicious grin. “How bold of you, Jedi, to think you can hold out until your unit arrives.” In his mouth, the word Jedi sounded like an insult rather than a title to command respect.
Instead of an answer, Elizabeth dove into the stream of the Force and allowed its wise hands to guide her next moves. She charged and turned her forward momentum into a chain of short swings with varied angles but minimal countermovement. Despite his smaller statute, he parried her attacks with enough physical strength to sent a quiver down her arm muscles every time their blades clashed. He retreated with quick steps that always allowed him to meet her with the advantage of a strong stance. Elizabeth’s best chance of victory was to pin him down and prevent him from dealing out hits himself. A small hope at best.
While she had trained all variants of combat her teachers at the temple and later Hendrickson had to offer, Elizabeth had never battled an opponent as versed with their lightsaber as this Sith. Each movement was a perfectly calculated effort, each shift in stance a display of uncounted practice sessions. More than one with the Force, he became one with his lightsaber the longer the duel proceeded. Elizabeth had seen Jedi Masters enter a fighting trance that reduced their reaction time to a fraction of a heartbeat, and the speed of this Sith rivalled the best of them.
If he had intended to end the fight, he could have done so numerous times over. But for some reason, Elizabeth’s efforts seemed to entertain him.
He allowed her to push him back with an endless loop of the same hits in slight variation, amused by her inability to alter from the patterns she had learned at the beginning of her training; his dark aura had disabled Elizabeth’s ability to strategize, and those fight patterns ingrained into her muscles were the only tactic she could rely on.
But apart from a physical and speed benefit, her opponent had another advantage to use in his favor: knowledge about the terrain. And as Elizabeth dared to hope she might corner him between the wall and her blade, he dropped low, struck for her legs, and stood behind her in one single motion. Elizabeth evaded the hit but tripped on the slippery tiles. She expected to stumble into the wall, but the ground beneath her suddenly vanished and she fell into the canal hugging the wall that had been obscured by shadows. The water didn’t run deep, and Elizabeth’s joints protested as she absorbed the impact with a roll.
Soaked and on wobbly legs, Elizabeth met the eyes of her opponent standing several meters above with a relaxed posture that screamed victory.
“Don’t try it if you want to make it out alive,” the Sith said, and Elizabeth gritted her teeth. With the aid of the Force, she could have catapulted herself back to ground level, but he had a point, he would cut her down if she tried.
“You fought valiantly, Jedi,” he continued, “but I’m afraid your efforts were in vain. Thanks to our little dance, my troops have gained enough time to destroy any information you and your pathetic ensemble of light bringers could have used against us.”
“You never intended to uphold this base.”
The Sith grinned. “No, my master generously surrenders these empty halls to the Republic. There are far more interesting targets worth pursuing. I look forward to face you on another day on a different battlefield, Jedi. For the time being, I must take my leave. My master is not a man of patience.”
Disheartened, Elizabeth lowered her lightsaber. The entire operation had been a failure from the start; the Sith had anticipated the advancements of the Republican army. But if Elizabeth stroked her opponent’s ego, perhaps she could gain at least some information of value.
“Your master must be a great figure in the war if he polished your skills with a lightsaber to these impressive degrees.”
The twitch of amusement in the corners of his eyes showed he had seen through her charade. But he stooped to an answer regardless. “You might have heard of him as the one who stands above the Ten Commandments, the elite of the Sith Empire. I merely carry out his plans. So long, Jedi.”
He saluted mockingly and disappeared out of view. Elizabeth remained in the canal while the water brushed past her boots, too shocked to speak or move. The man she had fought was no ordinary Sith, no distant servant of the Dark Side without prowess or knowledge of the enemy’s plans. The man with the blond hair and the excellent footwork was Meliodas, apprentice of the Emperor himself.
By the time Master Diane and her men arrived, Elizabeth had regained her composure and confirmed the failure of the mission and the destruction of valuable data. But her thoughts kept circling around Meliodas and the ease with which he had defeated her; he thought so little of her he had revealed his identity for the sole purpose of his amusement.
And while the soldiers searched the control center for minute clues the Sith might have overlooked in the haste of their departure, Elizabeth swore to herself to train harder and learn the fighting trance technique.
The next time she would face Meliodas, she would best him. To bring the galaxy one step closer to peace. So that the light of the Jedi might withstand and cast away the darkness of the Sith Empire.
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aworldoforange · 5 years
Aquaman Movie Review
Saw Aquaman last night and sadly it wasn’t very good. The visuals were stunning and impressive at times like when they were in the surprisingly neon city of Atlantis, a cool visual when Aquaman dove to the bottom of the ocean through a horde of monsters with a red flare, the brightness of when they were in Italy. However scenes like when they were in the desert (some weird shots that made it semi-obvious they were using a green screen) and the final third act fight (a CGI overload like in every DC movie nowadays) where you couldn’t even identify what was actually happening till it was over. The ending came very abruptly as well, too abruptly and too neatly for my liking. Came across as very cliche and eye-rolling.
As for the characters, everyone was just alright, I didn’t really have a favorite. If I had to pick a favorite I guess it would have to be Aquaman. Jason Momoa is a decent actor but arguably the strongest one in the movie. He comes across as a don’t-give-a-shit tough guy in the beginning which works and slowly progresses into a I-kinda-wanna-be-king-now guy which honestly only makes for basic character development. Mera’s only character trait seems to be serving her royal duty and suddenly becoming Aquaman’s love interest. They set it up with little moments throughout the movie but I never bought them as a couple. Their chemistry as friends is convincing but that’s all really. The one moment where Mera seems to get a little more character is when she is exploring the surface world in Italy and she sells this wonder and joy very well. It makes her feel more human and less like just a character in a movie. The only character worth mentioning is Black Manta, who has to be one of the most hateable villains in a superhero movie ever. In the beginning of the movie, he is on a mission to find and kill Aquaman with his dad. And then his dad dies after Manta stupidly tries to kill Aquaman and gets his dad trapped in the flooding submarine because of his own actions. His dad’s death makes him mad and want to kill Aquaman even more and gets this admittedly cool laser suit that can give Aquaman some nasty burns. The actor who portrays Black Manta did such a fantastic job in making his character completely unlikeable. He isn’t sympathetic in the slightest. But I find that cool because Marvel does a great job in having complex and sometimes sympathetic villains where DC is just straight to the point and their villain is bad just because they’re the bad guy. And that honestly helps DC be more distinct from Marvel.
One last thing I have to mention. They fucking used a Pitbull song sampling Toto’s Africa and my ears still hurt from hearing it. Who thought this was a good idea?? Throwing it right in the middle of the movie??? My poor ears weren’t ready. At least Marvel has never pulled shit like that.
I also saw the octopus playing the bongos dramatically and I’d be lying if I didn’t say that was as cool and surreal as everyone else has said it was.
Grade: C (You’re not missing out on much if you skip this movie. Unless you’re a huge DC or Aquaman fan, it’s nothing you haven’t seen before).
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jcmorrigan · 8 years
So if you're still taking questions, which if you're not then just ignore me, what were your plans for the Little Mermaid arc? And what world, was going to come after it?
The Mane Six strike a deal with Ursula to become sea ponies so they can go underwater and chase down the Evil Manta, who damaged the Starlight. They called Tony Stark and he said he’d send a drone to that world with repair materials for the ship, but it might take a few days. 
When underwater, the ponies run into Gabriella (from the animated series - a lot of characters from extended canon turn up here), who guides them to Atlantica. There, they see Sebastian taking auditions from various characters (Ariel, her sisters and friends) for a musical revue. The ponies try out.
Meanwhile, Ursula forms an evil alliance of herself, Evil Manta (who is her father), Morgana, Flotsam, Jetsam, Undertow, Cloak, Dagger, Marina Del Rey, Benjamin, Lobster Mobster, and Shrimp. The latter four have to be broken out of jail by Morgana.
 Little Evil sees the jailbreak and swimming off to see what all the hullabaloo is about, since he recognizes his sister Morgana in it. When the villain entourage arrives at Ursula’s grotto, everyone gets acquainted. Ursula is less than thrilled to know she’s working with Lobster Mobster, but the tone of the room completely changes when Ursula and Morgana ask how their little brother has been and Little Evil is, well, Little Evil, calling his dad “Popsie” and not being evil at all. Evil Manta is sheepish and tries to defend his parenting tactics, as he loves his son whether he’s evil or not. Ursula gives Evil Manta some shit about his previous schemes, that now it will require a little more than complimenting people to spread prejudice. She also brings up the boot.
The villains’ overall plan is to spread prejudice throughout all the Seven Seas by having Evil Manta go between the various nations and spread tidings of war, namely telling each nation that all the others are out to get it. Nations include Atlantica, Olympia, Valhalla, the Chasm (“Charmed”), Ablow Kadablow (“Giggles”), Sharkania, and I think there were some more in there that I’m forgetting. The goal is to get them all to go to war against each other and destroy each other, particularly Atlantica so Triton will leave the throne clear for Ursula to take over.
The Atlantican squadron figures this out. Triton takes a small delegation - Attina, Urchin, and a couple of the sea ponies - with him to one of the affected nations for a peace talk. He cautions Ariel to please, please, PLEASE stay out of this one and remain at home where it’s safe. She of course doesn’t listen and takes her own faction, which would have had Pinkie Pie, at least one other pony, and probably Gabriella and Arista, to another nation. As you can probably guess, this was my big chance to give all Ariel’s sisters actual screen time. Like they DIDN’T really get in Ariel’s Beginning. I was also going to play things up between the sisters, Urchin, Gabriella, Pearl, and Little Evil for ships to see if anything stuck. I currently don’t know what the most likely candidates were for those ships. I do know the one big endgame ship I wanted to play for was Marina/Lobster Mobster. Which I’m slightly trash for. Anyway, a delegation of the Atlantica contingent plus the remaining ponies (Twilight is in this group) remains home at Atlantica just in time for a big invasion - this one I KNOW was by the blowfish of Ablow Kadablow - forcing them to try diplomatic tactics early.
I think Triton’s faction went to Valhalla. That or Sharkania. A few interesting things go on in that faction. Attina informs Urchin that one of the biggest reasons Triton took such a shine to him is because of an older brother the sisters had who apparently died. As you can guess, this is Myde, who would later become Demyx, and he didn’t die; he ran away from home. Anyway, Triton sees Urchin as a chance to get the bonding he lost when Myde disappeared. Marina and Lobster Mobster are dispatched to take care of Triton during this bit, and they use the youth spell from “Red” to turn Triton into a baby, which they then kidnap. This results in shenanigans of the two of them acting as the worst parents ever (in a reference to “Double Bubble,” where LM gets a soft spot for two royal baby hostages). That leaves the other members of his faction to try and rescue him.
In Ariel’s faction, she and Pinkie Pie bond the most.
In the stay-at-home faction, Twilight tries a drastic move to seal away the Evil Manta with magic when next he comes around. Under some circumstance or another, the Manta DOES come to Atlantica to try and attack it, and Twilight attempts to seal him in the volcano all by herself. She fails and the Manta breaks free. This activates the clause in Ursula’s contract where Twilight doesn’t get to keep her sea pony form if she tries and fails to subdue the Manta, and she turns back into a human. She quickly hides before anyone can see her, using magic to conjure up air to breathe. Everyone thinks she died or disappeared somehow in the conflict against the Manta, except for whatever other pony stayed in this faction, who just gets super worried.
I didn’t know what was going to happen to resolve the Triton conflict or what happened with Ariel’s faction at all. That was going to be me making it up as I went along. I only knew I had to hit up all the nations and send delegates from each to Atlantica due to the peace talks. Twilight’s storyline was the one I fleshed out most. Now a human, Twilight makes her way back to Ursula’s grotto on foot on the seabed, remembering that the sea witch offered her hospitality if something like this ever happened. On the way, she passes through Shark Canyon (“Trident True”) and uses the glowing shells to form a light rainbow that she uses to Iris-Message Mozenrath. She catches him in the middle of a quest that would become a later interlude focused on him; all the conversations would be replayed from his POV at that time. Basically, once again, while the Mane Six have a year plus’ worth of adventures, only three or so days pass for him. Anyway, he briefly mentions that he and Hecate are out on a mission against someone named “Nasira.” Mozenrath and Twilight exchange some pleasantries and build the ship, but then Twilight has to be on her way. The next place she ends up is the ship of Archimedes (“Metal Fish”). Archimedes, being the only merperson besides Ariel to sympathize with humans, offers Twilight guidance and escorts her to Ursula’s grotto. Now, Evan brought up to me when I was piecing this whole thing together that Archimedes was almost certainly dead by the time TLM1 happens, or else Ariel would have brought the Dinglehopper to him instead of Scuttle. While I don’t normally kill characters in EoH, this was a perfect opportunity to give the Manta some street cred. Twilight and Archimedes arrive at Ursula’s grotto to find the Manta chillin’ with the villains there, and Twilight realizes she’s been taken for a ride. Evil Manta kills Archimedes; Little Evil sees this and is horrified. Ursula then turns Twilight into a sea worm for her garden.
Meanwhile, delegates from all the various nations gather in Atlantica and get over their differences. Pinkie Pie and Ariel figure out that the way to end Evil Manta’s reign of terror is with a song. They set up a plan of attack. When the Manta next arrives in Atlantica, wanting to know why the hell war hasn’t broken out over the entire Seven Seas, he’s met by a choir of merfolk and fish singing “No One Together” by Kansas, which you saw in the revue rehearsal scene. This is enough to chase him back to the volcano and seal it over with magic without using the Elements of Harmony at all!
Back in the grotto, Little Evil feels bad for what happened to Twilight, and he takes a potion from Ursula’s cabinet and uses it to restore Twilight’s sea pony form. They race to Atlantica as fast as they can. On the way, Little Evil talks about how much he loves his dad, and Twilight begins to wonder if sealing the Evil Manta away is the right thing after all. But by the time they get to Atlantica, it’s too late. The Manta is already back inside the volcano, and Little Evil is devastated. It comes out around this time that Ariel was the one who sicced the Brain Sponge on the Manta in “A Little Evil,” which Little Evil canonically never saw happen. Feeling betrayed by everyone he considered friend, Little Evil flees. Twilight chases him to comfort him. He tells her that while everyone is probably expecting him to go evil over this, he doesn’t really want to. He just needs to take some time to himself to think everything over. Twilight lets him go, and he begins soul-searching across the seas.
Triton and Ursula have a face-off, but Triton ultimately lets her go free and unpunished due to lingering feelings he has for her. He believes deep down that she can change, which is sadly his mistake.
The musical revue might go on, or it might just get replaced by everyone singing the Manta away and we call that a performance.
A definite scrapped subplot involved having Daniel (“Island of Fear”) mutate into a crab person because of Vile’s experiment hitting him latently, and him going underwater to join the main crew of heroes. Ultimately, I decided to keep Daniel human and on land; he would become more relevant on the return trip during the Kingdom Hearts run.
When the Mane Six get back to shore, they find that Tony Stark didn’t send a drone to fix the ship after all. He came in person on a ship of his own. He just got done repairing the Starlight, and the Mane Six decide to let him tag along on the next adventure. When they take off, it’s with Tony Stark in tow.
The last scene of the storylet catches up with a now-human Myde playing in a troop of street musicians in a square in Ashmark. He is approached by two strange women, who turn out to be Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy) and Midna (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess). The two of them tell him he’s who they’ve been looking for. He’s afraid they’re Atlanticans who came to drag him back home - he left and stole potions from Ursula to become human because he wanted to evade that kind of responsibility, and Ursula forever resents him for being able to steal from her and get away with it alive - but he soon realizes they’re there for an entirely different reason, one that would be revealed in a later interlude.
This catches up the Mane Six’s timeline with that of the Overtakers.
The next world would have been from the young adult book series “Maximum Ride.”
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allspark · 4 years
Gliding into the Allspark studio today from the darkest depths is sinister steel specter, Kraken (Seawing)!  Will he detect anything living or moving in your Transformers collection, or will he use his powerful notice for good and finally help you clean those dusty shelves?  (Seriously, it’s time)  Tune in after the break to find out!
Sadly, I never even saw the Seacons during the original G1 run.  My first exposure to the designs was during the Beast Wars II toy series of the late 90’s.  Being a fan of both G1 and Beast Wars, I couldn’t help but be enamored with the figures, though my budget at the time only allowed for a late in the game grab of a set with no combiner parts off BBTS that I think was the result of a find in a flooded warehouse (more on that in another review).  I wanted to get a complete set, and never imagined that one day Hasbro would release them in the original toy colors, especially after I missed the Timelines Seacons set released by FunPub (I STILL need that set).
To my further surprise, TakaraTomy (and Hasbro) went all in on the Seacon love and gave us the currently being released Generations Selects set, remolded from several Terrorcon molds and the Moonracer mold.  In spite of many things being on lockdown due to COVID-19 at the moment, the Generations Select Seacons have finally made it to the United States and have begun to trickle out in groups of 2 through the mail.  Today we will look at Kraken/Seawing, a remold of the Terrorcon Cutthroat.
Before we really get started, let’s talk about colors.  One of the first things Western fans will note is that the colors on the Generations selects figures do not match the G1 toys exactly.  There is a good reason for that, and one I had totally forgotten until I was reminded by fellow Allspark staffer SOS.
You see, my only exposure to the G1 Seacons came as an adult, out of a wonderful discovery that, being a speaker of Spanish, I would get to enjoy all of the Japanese G1 shows in a dub language I understood.  It has been a long time since I watched Super God Masterforce en español, and I had forgotten about the colors used in the cartoon, which Takara has matched in the Generations Selects line.  So, there you have it, the reason for the colors not matching the toys.
  Beast Mode
Rays are some of my favorite cartilaginous fish.  They are some of the most graceful creatures in the ocean.  That means Kraken/Seawing has always been a favorite mold of mine, ever since I discovered the Beast Wars II God Neptune set.  I love how this character manages to take the ray to a freakishly evil look with the simple addition of some very demonic looking legs.
There is a decent amount of new parts on this figure, but we will cover that in the robot mode.  What I will say is that this figure looks great “flying” on a stand, and creepy while standing on its legs.  Add the weapons and blade and you get a scary looking “fighter mode”.  I seriously may have to get an extra of this guy to go in the area of my collection for “shark-like alt modes that look like spaceships”.
There is only one minor criticism I have for this mode.  The leg shells that form the outer part of the beast body do not seem to want to stay connected very well.  This issue sadly affects almost every other mode of the figure, especially arm mode.
Robot Mode
Robot mode has a nice amount of new parts to bring about the classic G1 robot mode.  New parts include:
  Robot head
Chest piece (which forms the center part of the beast mode head)
Forearms (which form the sides of the beast mode head)
Articulation from this mode:
  Knee swivels
Thigh swivels
Ball-jointed hips
Waist swivel
Ball-jointed shoulders
Bicep swivels
Elbow swivels
Ball-jointed head (with only rotational movement)
While my old point of contention on heads for the Generations line remains the same, the rest of the points of articulation make for a nicely dynamic figure.  Kraken holds his balance well for a number of poses, though I will admit I did not try to get too creative with this figure due to the lack of ankle rocker joints.
Kraken’s bladed weapon looks brutal! I really wish that one of my favorite Marvel Legends effects creators, Can of Beams, made the awesome slashing blood effect seen in the pics below in green or black, so it would look more like it was liquid coming from inside a robot.  Maybe I will have to reach out to them on that, and maybe you should create an account and buy their effects.  Also, this is a non-paid, completely personal endorsement by me (Onyx Minor), as I just love the quality of the Can of Beams work.
At any rate, while the colors don’t match up to what the US audience is familiar with, I think Takara/Hasbro did a great job getting as close as they could to the original scheme.  The knees have some yellow on them to approximate where the eyes were on the G1 mold, and it serves to break up the sea of black and teal.  The crotch/waist is also teal, which separates the black hips and hints to the beast mode jaw’s location on the original Seawing.
Robot mode is usually the mode that seals the deal for me on a figure, and I think Takara did a wonderful job taking a bird creature, turning it into a manta ray looking demonic robot, and not losing any functionality from the base mold.  Robot mode is the most solid of all 4 modes, and it’s just a fun looking robot that gives off a “beast mode Seeker” look that I cannot find many faults with as I continue to fiddle with it right now, distracting me from writing this review.
Arm/Leg Mode
Leg mode is the more solid of the two appendage modes, but that is not saying much.  The leg shells just don’t peg together as well as I would like.  The worst part of both modes is how the shell does not stay together as you inset the foot or hand.  It’s very annoying to have to reset the parts once you finally get everything pegged in place.
Something else I am also not partial to is this mold being used as an arm in place of leg mode. This is sad, considering that is the official Piranacon placement for Skalor.  Arm mode is pretty flimsy and does not hold the 6th member weapon mode very well at all.  Sadly, it looks way better as an arm than it should, and someone has to play the part.
Weapon Mode
Kraken’s weapon mode is quite menacing.  This is the only other mode where I feel like the shell stays together well, especially since the gun barrel attachments go into the peg hole with much less required force than the hands or feet.  I really like how the robot mode chest looks like a scope of sorts, perhaps like an auto-targeting system.  I also love how the wings, swept up in this mode, look like a hand to hand combat attachment for when using the blaster is just not feasible as an enemy closes in.  It also seems brutally fitting for a sea monster that gets ghoulishly gleeful while destroying things, as he would probably use every means necessary to kill his enemies on the battlefield.
Overall Thoughts
I give Kraken 7,600/10,000 gallons of seawater!  Typical articulation nitpicks aside, in spite of the weaknesses in this mold, I still really love it!  Kraken is a nicely “faithful” re-interpretation of the Generation One figure and character.  He poses well in both modes.  While he makes a decent leg, his iconic arm mode is less satisfying due to the parts disconnecting when adding hands or feet, and it does not hold up the 6th member well as a weapon.   Still, he looks menacing in both robot and beast mode, comes with an arsenal of weapons like most of his teammates, and his weapon mode is one of my favorites of the entire team.  As with the others, Kraken is a fun figure that is probably a little out of the budget for smaller fans, but collectors will love him in spite of the few negatives, just like I do.
And I am still pining for a Beast Wars II repaint of this set.  (Pretty please, TakaraTomy).
Blood/liquid Slash Effects via Can of Beams
Transformers Universe
    Generations Selects GS-TT02 Kraken/Seawing Gallery and Review! Gliding into the Allspark studio today from the darkest depths is sinister steel specter, Kraken (Seawing)!  Will he detect anything living or moving in your Transformers collection, or will he use his powerful notice for good and finally help you clean those dusty shelves?  
0 notes
rhapsody-crossing · 6 years
S2: RSI Tournament - A Memoir (Part 8)
Part 1 HERE Part 7 HERE
25. Semi-Finals
a) Maws vs Sukalu
Experienced-and-dominating old team Maws against budding-yet-promising new team Sukalu would be an interesting sight to watch. Sukalu had beaten Maws in a match before, were they able to re-enact that miracle?
Sadly not. They were able to score a victory in CB, but Maws had a disconnect and therefore their victory did not count despite Maws continued to fight. MarioM would later share that CB’s match lowered their battle morale, allowing Maws to quickly pulverised them despite a few hiccups in the internet.
b) West Mountain Tofu vs Harapan
Harapan-- our Finals opponents in IYHO, to think we would face each other again! Only najmuddin and syamin remained from the original team. joshg was a formidable slayer, and DonkeyBen, despite being new, was of course utilised well by the team.
Clam Blitz - Musselforge Fitness
The beginning was a long stalemate, mostly due to members being nervous. Harapan had been a scary opponent in IYHO, after all!
I would say, the stalemate ended when slap decided to play a little more aggressively; he scored both power clams while others were too busy slaying each other. 
All in all, Tofu won CB with both sides killing each other fairly equally.
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Splat Zones - Sturgeon Shipyard 
It was unsure how we lost in SZ. 
The change in tempo after I sub in? The lack of coordination? The jitters from competition and how close the last battle went? The fact that we knew we could have done better but somehow didn’t? My struggle to position and turf SZ? joshg’s distraction at our base? All of the above?
It was unfortunate that the RSI vids are gone at the moment, but it was undeniable that we gained our first loss in the tournament.
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Tower Control - Starfish Mainstage
Even scores made us nervous. Would this end up as a difficult fight like the past? Finals would start immediately after Semi, so we could not afford a long-drawn battle.
The first wipe out on Harapan gave everyone the confidence to battle again, and we regained our tempo as we moved the tower into their base. Lots of bubbles were used, allowing us to regain turf on the map easily despite opponents having 2 NZaps in field.
Ultimately, we secured a victory by KO bonus. 
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Rainmaker - Inkblot Art Academy
RM was when everyone got over their jitters and warmed up; Kuniki was on fire, slap took what was inspired by louhai and started taking enemies by surprise, Furi was slaying left and right as usual, and I started to utilise my Splash Wall a little more.
We often reached far into the enemy’s base, but was unable to make it to the pedestal. Our opponents did not fare any better, for we never let them made it to our high ground.
The match went on an overtime when naj carried the Rainmaker. The tension caused a disarray on our slayers as he slipped through our slayers near their base by using the right path and climbed to our left while the others were distracted by joghg. slap went chasing after naj a little too late; naj avoided his shots by passing the obstacles and started climbing towards our left wall... little did he know, I was perched at the top, ready for him. My mind was calm; someone had to be, when my teammates were getting nervous.
I remembered the first time I faced Harapan, the traumatic moment of seemingly never able to reach for them due to their long range back in IYHO.  
Whatever darkness that Harapan left in my heart ended as I unloaded my Heavy Splatling on naj’s face, effectively ending the overtime and securing Tofu’s win.
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Without even a second to rest, we moved on towards the Finals.
26. Grand Finale: Maws vs West Mountain Tofu
Splat Zones - Internet as Our Worse Enemy
The tension was palpable in our team. After all, Maws had full S rank players and we were just a bunch of misfits. We were aware of Maws’ strength, but had not directly faced them. 
(In fact, Leaf was also against a scrim with them, for we were concern how predictable louhai would be to the opponents.)
During the match on Musselforge Fitness, Tofu was able to take the lead and control the zone. While the zone switched between sides, it was to Tofu’s advantage. Opponent disconnect forced them to rematch, but I could see the sparkle in louhai’s eyes as he turned to Furi and Kuniki; Maws wasn’t as hard as they thought it would be, and Tofu could match their pace!
Sadly, the switch towards Sturgeon Shipyard was a big blow to louhai’s ability to flank. The match was swiftly dominated by Maws. It was twice in a row that Tofu had lost on Sturgeon Shipyard’s Splat Zones.
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Rainmaker - Regrettable Lost Lead
I subbed into the team. Manta Maria was our Rainmaker map, and we were confident, having such high win rates in this. I was also on killing spree for this one, often killing the Rainmaker carrier from behind and scoring 19 kills in the end.
We had a good lead on this match before Furi disconnected halfway in the match, about more than 2 minutes to spare. I was confused on what to do next. I asked others if they would like to fight on considering that we had a lead, or let them win to start a rematch. After much pondering, slap replied that we should not risk it with just three members and let them win instead.
Part of me wanted to fight on, to fight our best, to pulled a Maws and fight with both tooth and nail, then called for a rematch if we lost. Too bad we’re such good sportsman. 
Our noble intention had cost us, for Maws won the next round at The Reef swiftly.
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(Sometime in the beginning or the middle of our matches with Maws, Kuniki made an oath that if we won the Finals, he would be vegetarian for a week.)
Clam Blitz - Turnabout
Morale was low for Tofu when CB was announced to be the next mode; we all knew CB was Maws’ specialty and therefore the chances of winning is lowered. It was as if everyone was ready to lose.
I tried to cheer my team, but I could see that it fell into deaf’s ears. Nameless and Leafy pass us their power a la Son Goku’s Spirit Bomb style, but it done little to cheer them up.
Furi disconnected once, prompting them to restart the match, this time on Starfish Mainstage.
Ironically, turnabout came when Furi disconnected again. 
slap, Kuniki and louhai was dazed on whether to continued, but I noticed Benji had disconnected on the opposing team as well, and urge others to continue, to do their best. This was a 3v3 fight, let’s do our best!
Adrenaline must have surged for the others. By some miracle, louhai would gather enough clams, forming a Power Clam and broke the opponent’s net barrier. Our captain would then freaked out by running around in circles before his senses returned, he collected and tossed in some clams to prolong the opponent’s net barrier downtime, just enough for slap to followed quickly with a Power Clam to the net with Tofu taking the lead! 
Overtime went into effect as the barrier closes and a free Power Clam dropped for our opponents. Silica used Super Jump and rallied others to our base, but Tofu did their best defending with only three. slap especially gave them tons of pressure for being longer range than any of them that it was only until he went down when Silica boldly stepped in and threw the Power Clam! 
The whistle blew, and overtime ended with Silica’s Power Clam swirling just over our net, ready to break but never did.
Miraculously, Tofu beat Maws in CB! (Sadly, we forgot to save the result page, ugh!)
Maws would want a rematch as they had a disconnect. We rejected it as we also had a disconnect on our end, and I added that both teams had fought to the end. However, had there not be a disconnect on our end, I would have also rejected on the grounds of what was stated on the rules. 
There was nothing more bitter, more infuriating than fighting so hard for a win only to be told that they had to rematch especially when the opponents were not adhering the rules. LMoU had tasted that bitterness in TC, Sukalu had tasted the same in CB. 
Out of pettiness, I hoped Maws tasted that bitterness of those teams even though the context was different. Not that it matters now, because the loss in CB must have been a blow on their pride anyways.
(And that, perhaps, taught them a lesson, because subsequent disconnects had them stayed in the base like good kids, allowing the match to end swiftly and a rematch to start quickly.)
Tower Control - Clockwork
Since the beginning, my gut feeling told me to pick my main weapon
After two disconnects and on our third try, I finally relented and switched from Heavy Splatling to Tri Slosher Noveau on Wahoo World. Considering that the majority of Maws member were using mid range and short range weapons, my choice should not matter much. I told slap that we would leave Riderman to him.
slap did that and more, he was the shining star of this match. His range allowed him to touched all, and he was true to his favourite motto (“Kill them all!”) in this map. He was on fire, spinning and splatting like a whirlwind as he took down enemies in both high and low ground and then produced bubbles for distraction. Furi continued playing her role as a fierce assault, taking down many others with her. Kuniki tried, but it was clear that he was getting tired. I was the main tower rider, supporting my teammates with my Tri.
NeoSotong described our roles as Clockwork, and he was right in a sense: Furi and Kuniki would head to the front, I would slow a step behind them while watching out for flankers, and slap moved in and out to take down everyone. Even if we were splatted, we came back in rotations and pushed the tower like clockwork.
The tower went back and forth, though we were able to take quite a solid lead. 
However, TC ended in a tensed overtime when Maws rode the tower and shook off our defensive wave twice, even setting off a coordinated Special attack at our base. The sirens blaring made everyone rushed to the tower with frantic fervor, and even the battle moved like ticking clockwork: 
Riderman took down Kuniki, who was waiting at that round high ground for the tower to reach. Furi splatted Silica and Benji, but was splatted in return. slap splatted JustMe on the tower from the round high ground, hopped tower and was promptly splatted by Riderman who was hiding on the tower. 
In my gaming experience, I was called “lucky” by my friends due to gatcha luck (at times), and often scoring critical hits in Pokemon Competitive Battles when needed, and often unintentionally picking the winning side of Splatfest.
Luck had me drop down carelessly from the high ground when I was hopping along with slap. Had I succeeded in the jump, Riderman would have splatted us (slap and I) both. But no, I dropped, and climbed onto the tower, effectively stopping the tower on its track, just 3 points away from taking the lead.
Gut instinct had me used Tri Slosher Noveau, and I was thankful that I adhered, for my Heavy Splatling would not have reached Riderman, who had hidden so well behind the tower’s pillar.
For the second time in the tournament, I ended the overtime in Tofu’s favour, this time by sloshing Riderman to death. 
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TC’s victory even out our scores with Maws and pushed us to the final mode: 
Turf War - Ink Your Heart Out
Furi had difficulty picking weapons in Turf War in Mako Mart, she considered using Sploosh to both Turf and kill. 
At that, I urged Furi to use Dapple Dualies Nouveau. I told my team to use their best weapons and leave the turfing to me. Besides, Dapples is good enough to turf. slap just had to watch out for Riderman and we would be good to go.
The match started, and it was like Ink Your Heart Out all over again; I weaved in and out of aisles, staying away from crossfires and turfing as much as I could. slap was able to score some splats on most of the short range opponents while turfing quite a bit. Kuniki was visibly tired, but he made wondrous distraction for the opponents and also scored some splats. Furi, on the other hand, wore Leaf’s IYHO mantle by slaying every single opponent, she performed so outstandingly at the final minute that every kills she made was met by a gasp and a cheer from the crowd.
30 seconds left, and I knew we had the match in the bag when a Danger sign popped beside Maws’ colour.
The match ended with Tofu, the past IYHO champions, winning Turf War and subsequently becoming the first champions of RSI.
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(Fito would later tell us that he had asked Maws why did they pick their weapon comp. Maws members would then reveal that they were really unsure what to use for Turf War because they had not pay much attention to that mode before. Fito-- player of all modes-- would then scold them and said no modes are unimportant, Turf War included!
Hearing this, I became secretly grateful of the hell training we were put through for the sake of IYHO.
Moral of the Story, kids, don’t forget Turf War!)
TBC - See Finale 
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greatplanettahoe · 7 years
Japan Log Day 4
Day Four of Japan - Tokyo Skytree
Today was a fantastic day. It was long transit wise, but well worth the hour commute both ways. We started today off a little late, as we usually do, and got on the train headed to the tower. An hour later, we arrived as Oshiage station. We headed up a few flights of escalators, passed under a high pitched ringing area, and into a mall. We passed by stores, one with Rodeo in the name that was so painfully American that I felt ashamed. There was another one called Lowrey Farms ... as if that's not cringe-worthy to read, just think about the kind of clothes that they sell there.
We made it past all the stores and found our way into a food court. It was basically a box, with the shops on the outer ring, seating on the inner ring, and then the middle cut out so you could see the food store below. Which cut out a lot of potential seating. My luck for beating rush hour seems to not work here in Japan, so the food court was very busy. We circled it twice before deciding to go to a shop that sold hamburger steaks with some sort of sauce on it. We also got a bowl of rice, and a soup that was ... interesting. Definitely different than what Lilia and I are used to.
After we were done, we headed up to where we purchase Skytree passes. There was a lot of people, and since we wanted to see Tokyo at night, and that was four plus hours away, we decided to see the aquarium first. The aquarium in the western portion of Skytree town is two floors, and chock full of sea life. There was a giant tank full of nothing but neon tetras (GOALS!) and lots of jellyfish! There were nautilus' and some eels I've never seen in person before. Lilia described them perfectly as "Little Mermaid evil eels". We moved on to see a two story tall GIANT tank with manta rays, a small shark, and loads of large, random fish. It was stunning.
We moved on to the other side and there we saw some fun mixed aquariums. One had huge fish in, with one of the fish looking like a former LSHS teacher that had an unfortunate bulbous forehead. Some of my HS buddies on here may remember Mr. Unkles. (Pst, guys, it was bigger than the one we named at Bridges pets!) Then, we saw the tank behind that. It had so many eels in it, I almost wanted to start singing poor unfortunate souls as they were literally the little eels that stick out of the ground. Now all we needed was an octopus lady locked up somewhere.
Behind us, the lights dimmed and we walked over to the penguin exhibit that had a beautiful light show. We watched the penguins play for a while after the show ended and went on our way. Down the pathway were some seals. As Lilia walked past them to see the penguins more, I stayed behind to get some photos. I witnessed two seals have a small bitch-fest before one jumped off the rock they were both on. I made my way towards Lilia and the first floor of the aquarium.
To say that the aquarium had a lot of goldfish was an understatement. I almost feel like I was visiting Ginny with her love of goldfish. There were so many colors and styles. There was one small tank that had some goldfish with bulbous eyes that reminded me of Ginny's fish McNugget. There were ones that were white with black spots, or more of a red than a gold. Sadly, no koi. I want to see koi! I say and then immediately look up where ti find a public koi pond.
We finished up our visit to the aquarium with the standard gift shop. We both picked up a couple keepsakes and moved on back to the food court as we were both kind of munchy feeling. And there was a crepe place. I got a chocolate banana crepe and a four berry parfet, Lilia got a strawberry parfet and a melon soda float. All was wonderful. From there, we decided to finally hit up the Pokemon Center in Skytree Solamachi.
When the website says it offers 300 stores, I honestly believe it. SO MANY LITTLE STORES! Lilia got sidetracked by a jewelry store, and boy was it worth it. She found two rings that she loved, and I found two necklaces that are both silver, so I can wear them! One needs a longer chain, as right now it's more of a choker than a necklace. Or, rather, if I swallow too hard, it's going to ping off my neck like Hulk flexes and vaporizes his clothes. The other is short, but fits well enough.
Happy, we wandered a little bit, turned a corner and was ASSAULTED by Pokemon. BOOM, the center was right there! We spent a good 30 minutes to an hour inside the store, probably more deer in headlights than we meant to be. There were so many things, that it's hard to recall them all. Of course, the obvious plushies lined the walls, and they had a small Ditto line that was absolutely adorable, although limited. There was cookware??? and stationary. Socks, shirts, mystery balls that offered a stamp, a tissue box cover, candies, glassware, and probably more I can't think of right now.
Lilia and I both spent probably too much at the center .... but at least we both got gifts for people that weren't us.
As we left the Pokemon Center, we saw what I've been wanting to see since we got to Japan. Amezaiku. Old Japanese candy crafting. We were lucky and got to see the artisan work. He grabbed a shapeless blob of heated candy, and sculpted it into a frog. It was an absolute delight to watch him work. He was very polite and sweet to talk to, and luckily knew enough English that we could get our point across. We both bought a couple things from the shop and went on our way to the Skytree proper. But no, seriously watch this video, he's amazing; https://www.youtube.com/watch…
We walked past the weird carnival that they were holding on the Skytree deck where kids could be in a hamster ball on water, or a small rowing boat. There was also one where they were on bungie cords and could jump as high as they wanted. Luckily, the crowds had died down, and instead of using the fast lane for tourists only and paid double, the nice lady said that the wait in the normal line was only about 10 minutes and we could do that instead. It didn't feel like 10 minutes, honestly.
We finally got our tickets, and headed up. We got into a beautiful, large elevator that had gold around the top and cherry blossom (sakura) flowers inside. Their "Spring" elevator. Now, the observation deck is called floor 350. That's because it's 350 meters, or 1148 feet, off the ground. Way too high. The elevator also went the speed of the trains, so we rocketed up to the observation deck. Lilia's ears were popping like popcorn, and I got a nice case of vertigo.
We wandered the first deck for a biit and moved down to the slightly lower deck, 345 to check out the store, and avoid the cafe on the other side. Deciding to get some juice from the cafe on 350, we went back and wasted some time there. That's where Lilia got her beautiful shot of the cups on the neat light-up table. We both grabbed some souvenirs from the Skytree Shop on the floor below as it was already getting dark, snagged tickets to go up to floor 450 (you guessed it, 450m off the ground, so 1476 feet) and went on our way.
The elevator ride took 30 seconds, so ... it was fast. The cool thing was that the elevator glowed blue on the way up (One Japanese guy exclaimed "Sugoi!" (Amazing) and immediately got red). The not cool part was that while the first elevator was enclosed and you couldn't see outside, this one was the opposite. I looked to my left, saw that I could see the city as we ascended, and promptly said "oh God no".
After the incredibly smooth ride, we got off. The pathway curved upwards, and we walked up the pathway and stood at the top, watching the city for a while. We eventually made our way to the elevators down and sat on floor 340 to watch the city move underneath us. And also to get past the rush hour that happened while we were up in no man's land. Seriously, Way too high up.
We left Skytree, and wandered through the rest of the shops that we missed on the way up, and left. We got to the platform fine, where while waiting 10 minutes for our train, we saw a couple get off and stare and point at the Keikyu line map. They looked very confused, so we approached them to try and help. Since Google hasn't led us astray yet - only we have by being confused on where to go and being shuffled along with the crowds - we fired up their destination and steered them on the correct path. Hopefully they made it.
A handful of minutes later, we were approached by an elderly Japanese man, who knew just enough English to ask us where we were going and if we knew what train. We showed him the maps, and he saw our destination was an hour away and made a face of "woah, that far?" He wandered off, and came back about a minute later, confirming that yes, that was indeed the train we wanted to take, We thanked him and his generosity, and continued to wait.
The ride home was pretty peaceful, and the train slowly got more packed. Luckily we had gotten on early enough that we were able to get seats. Now, this is one thing I will always really appreciate from the locals. If you're in the middle of the car, but it's your stop, if you politely say excuse me - even in English - they will get out of your way to the best of their ability so you can get off to not miss your stop.
The walk home was nice in the night air. We swung into a drug store where Lilia finally got cotton strips instead of cotton balls because those don't apparently exist in Japan. She helped me find Ibuprofen and the Japanese version of Icy/Hot for my ankle as there were a couple times today where it definitely wasn't doing too hot. We both picked up some candy to try out, and they're both different in texture, or what we expected, but not bad!
We got the rest of our vacation planned out finally, and tomorrow we're hitting up the Aqua Park in Shinagawa for a show called Sakura Aquarium (by Naked ..... hopefully there won't actually be naked people. They actually decorated the Skytree while we were there today, so it should be super pretty!). Should be fun! We found a ramen restaurant near us that we're trying tomorrow as we're going to take tomorrow easy.
We also found a Burger King on the map while looking for ramen restaurant. It's 5 minutes away. Guess what we're getting Friday? :9
0 notes
laureviewer · 8 years
My Year in Pictures: 2016
Having realised I posted so little last year, it’s time to get back into it with a lovely little memory post - my year in pictures, once more!
So in January we had just got back from travelling and had Christmas back in England, so really very little happened as we were very tired and broke and searching for jobs. But we saw our lovely friends who we’d missed loads over the last four months - I will always be grateful for those who stick around for us to come back to. 
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Gacy? Storge?
In February, we did what we do every year - make sure we don’t go out on Valentine’s Day because of the ridiculous prices and busy-ness, and went out for dinner for an anti-Valentine’s instead. 2 for 1 cocktails are fun when one of you has to drive ;) 
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George, Stacey, James and I (AKA Universally Challenged) lost at the pub quiz in the Comrades Club, though we really won as coming dead last means you get FOOD.
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Tash, Beth and I also met up for Beth’s birthday, when we went to Soton for the ultimate student night in Jester’s - that student club where you have to wear old shoes because God knows what crap you’re going to get from the sticky floors in there. 
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In March, I took THE PLUNGE. One I had been wanting to take for years. I got a tattoo!! My little Mantine is on my left thigh, happily swimming around like the manta rays we swim with in Fiji on our round-the-world trip (though he is a little smaller than the ones we met). It was sore but not as bad as I thought… though doing it on your ribs like I thought I wanted originally might be a different story. This is a photo of it on the day: 
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And how could George, Stacey, James and I pass up a Misugo’s and Creams? 
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God knows what we did in April, other than watching Eurovision with Alec… where a face swap meant that a celebrity turned up out of the blue!
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In fact, April (or really March 30th) saw me start my new job with the Haulfryn Group as a Marketing Executive, where I still am today. 
In May, Beth came up to see me, and we took a lovely summery walk around Virginia Water Lake. 
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Then James and I made sure we went to Comicon in London, where we finally got to meet our idols, the Yogscast & Hat Films! They really were lovely, especially their man man Lewis, who made sure to talk to us for ages despite the hours-long queue behind us! 
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In June, Stef and I showed our mutual love/obsession with sushi by having a sushi-making session (though I may have got a bit tipsy and got impatient with all the fiddly rolling!). 
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For those of you who remember (or care) the Queen turned 90 in June, so at work we had a ‘dress like a royal’ day. I won and my fellow Marketer/graphic designer Hannah (AKA Kate Middleton) came second! 
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July marks the second half of the year, and also when my year started to pick up. That always seems to be the case with me - I do so much more exciting things in the second half! Though nothing could top my 4 months travelling, I’m sure. 
James and I took advantage of my company being the owner of holiday parks throughout the UK and took a trip down to Paignton, Devon, to stay in a luxury lodge, relax, and see his lovely cousins who live down there. We even had a hot tub!! 
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We also finally met his cousins’ hairless kitties, who are actually gorgeous and not weird like so many people think about hairless cats. They were so friendly, though it is a bit weird stroking something without any fur! The female with a little bit of fur is named Lumi, and the completely bald male is Kuro (photo credit to Elise Preston for the latter). 
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Those eyes though.
James and I also took advantage of the lovely scenery around us and the hot Summery days to play Pokemon Go, as it had only just come out then! 
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I was also reunited with my uni girls again in Shoredich (2 out of 3 of them) and we had a lovely time, eating delicious street food and catching up (dat oversized bag wow)!
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My nephew also turned 1 on the 16th of July, so my sister had a birthday party for him. 
In August I saw the girls (and Freddy!) again at a Hong Kong Drinking Team gig in London; perfect location for all of us to meet up! 
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I also took time off work to spend time with my little sister Harriet at the beach…
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…had more sushi and plum wine with Stef at Mikado’s…
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…and saw the girls (all of them this time) again in London!)
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Also in August, James and I took a day trip into London to take advantage of Harriet’s Merlin pass! 
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We had crocodile and ostrich burgers at Shaka Zulu (a cocktail, burger and chips for £10 in the middle of London, whaaaat?) and then went onto Maddam Toussards - somewhere I’d never been, but had wanted to ever since seeing loads of them dotted around countries you’d never even think they’d have them on our travelling adventures. 
We met loads of celebrities there too #blessed.
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With that chaotic month over, September didn’t slow down that much, with our friends Rosie and Josh having a leaving party before they jetted off to South America to do some travelling. 
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See my Facebook timeline for an amazing video of Josh’s dancing!
My sisters and I also took my dad out for a late Father’s Day trip into London to again take advantage of Harriet’s Merlin passes - we went to the London Dungeons and the Aquarium! The Dungeons were brilliant, having not been there for ages, - of course my dad pointed out every inaccuracy, and Amelia being pregnant meant she couldn’t go on the little rides they had in there, haha!
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Beth also came down to go to one of James’ gigs…
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…and I was sad to have to move offices in September, as my commute would be slightly longer and I’d miss reading by the beautiful Thames on my lunch breaks. 
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October saw Stef turn 23, and we had a big house party over her’s, which was great fun! Sam debated heavily with her mum, we took some great photos, and I saw Laura again for the first time in nearly 2 years. ^-^ 
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We also went back down to Devon to see James’ cousins again…
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…went to MCM again and met Tomska, another of our Youtube heroes…
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…and finally I went down to Soton to go with the girls to Oceana for Halloween! We had such a good time at predrinks together in our posh little hotel rooms.  
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Sadly, James’ gran passed away at the end of September. However, she very lovingly left her home to James, and so we had spent the whole of October and November doing it up, so that we could finally live together after 7 whole years of being together. It took weeks of painting and sorting and carpets and quite a bit of our savings, but it was totally, completely worth it, just to be finally living together after so long.
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In November, our lovely neighbour, Joe, installed our shower for us and put up the beautiful splashboards that we picked in a stunning slate colour. 
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November marked our 7 year anniversary - can you believe it?! 
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So, at the end of the month we went to the Ice Bar and Winter Wonderland, both of which we’d never been to before, so it was lovely and a completely new experience, going around one of the biggest Christmas markets in the UK. 
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And what anniversary would be complete without sushi…
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Weirdly, PM Theresa May came to our work on Friday to open our new Maidenhead offices, being the constituent for Maidenhead. She had her funky shoes on and looks suitably confused. This may be when one of our managers asked “Is Brexit actually going to happen?” 
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December was SUCH a busy month. Not least because James and I FINALLY MOVED IN TOGETHER!! My cats tried to sabotage our efforts however by camping in my last pile of dirty laundry…
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We moved in on the 2nd of December, and due to our efforts of the previous couple of months, it very quickly felt homely and cosy. We bought 2 sofas from the charity shop, put up the Christmas decorations, and - most importantly - made sure both our computers fit in the living room for optimal gaming time!
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Despite being pretty ill the first week, it was great.
Our good friend Lynne even made us this lovely moving in present!
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After all that excitement, I had a very early birthday party on the 10th of December, seeing all my friends in the local pub, The Squirrels. 
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I also made sure to see the girls from uni one last time this year in London for dinner and drinks.
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In the middle of December, Haulfryn had a Christmas party, which I could take James along to. It was really fun - it was a masquerade mall in Reading, with a three-course meal and wine, as well as acrobats and other acts to keep as all entertained, and a casino for James to try his luck! Having been at Haulfryn for almost a year now, it’s nice to be able to go to a big event like this. 
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For my birthday this year, James really went all out. I had no idea what he had planned - only that we were going to London, and I had to wear my Pokemon dress! So I donned it and off we went.
First he took me to Sticks ‘n’ Sushi in Covent Garden for a late lunch - and as all I seem to eat is sushi you’ll know how incredible that must have been!
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Mmmm big decanter of sake.
Then afterwards we got on the tube to Hammersmith, where the London Philharmonic Orchestra were playing… and what were they playing? Pokemon!
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It was incredible - they played music from all of the games, telling the stories of the games throughout, and showing a lot of the game footage on their screen. It was incredibly nostalgic, amazingly well done, and even if you aren’t a fan of Pokemon, the Philharmonic are obviously incredible, and so the music was flawless. 
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I couldn’t have asked for a better (or geekier) birthday. Thank you James. 
On the 23rd, Hong Kong Drinking Team had been asked to headline the ‘best of the year’ show in the Facebar, and so I went along - and they didn’t disappoint. While most of the acts were heavy, James and his band dressed up as Christmas characters (James: Santa; Jack: Jesus; Dave: sexy Christmas pudding,#; Luke: Bongle the Bear from Rainbow (he thought it was a reindeer in the fancy dress shop); and Charlie: sexy elf). And boy, was Charlie a sexy elf. They did Santa Baby and Charlie was especially camp. My favourite gig of theirs for the whole year!
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Christmas was incredibly special this year, as for the first time James and I didn’t have to balance our days - we were just together. As cheesy as it sounds, it was magical! 
For Christmas Eve, we went to a onesie party up a the Squirrels to see in the big day.
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Christmas Day saw us opening our stockings together, and then going to the Squirrels for Christmas drinks. 
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Afterwards we had a lovely Christmas dinner with the Skinners and a chilled out evening.
On Boxing Day, after seeing my Mum and Amelia, James and I had my dad and Harriet over, as my dad hasn’t had a family Christmas in a few years. It was great - we played Cards Against Humanity (which my dad loved!), I cooked, and James’ parents came over late afternoon.
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The last few days of the year were just as exciting. On the 30th, it was the Squirrels’ landlady’s birthday, and so we had an 80s night up the pub!
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James also met Jess’ South African boyfriend Adrian, and now I’m worried about us staying together… they have a proper bromance going on!
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Seeing in the New Year was just as great, with karaoke, dancing, and lots of booze. 
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And lastly, as I put on a bit of weight travelling and got out of my fitness regime, I took up running this year rather than paying for the gym. It’s amazing how much more you want to exercise when you don’t have to travel as well! I smashed my distance goal for the year, and running has now become part of my lifestyle as well as an easy way to keep healthy. 
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Thank you 2016, it’s been an incredible year. Here’s to the next - the first one of me being a ‘proper’ adult, responsible for a home. Gulp. 
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