#safe & sound au
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weeee more fantasy au doodles
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matchstique · 1 year
💜Spoiler warning for Cass’s apocalypse series💜
CW: implied death
Me not crying over a fictional character [LIES]
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Hitting me like a freight train.
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delicatebarness · 24 days
safe & sound | prologue
Summary: Bucky is given his new assignment.
Warning: Mob AU. Age Gap (Bucky - late 40s/Reader - early 20s). Dad's Best Friend. Mentions of Violence/Blood/Bones. Mentions of weapons.
Word Count: 423
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A/N: I wanted to just get on with it and make a start. As always feedback is appreciated and highly encouraged :) thank you!!
Tags: Let me know if you want to be tagged.
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In the city's heart, shadows danced in the alleyways and whispers carried weight, the weight of the Rogers dynasty. Steve Rogers, a man of authority, led his empire with a determination that brooked no dissent. His wife, Natasha Romanoff-Rogers stood by his side, an equal in every sense, and her presence was as chilling as a winter evening. 
Their legacy was filled with secrets, built upon the bones and blood of those who dared to oppose them—bounded by a fierce love that went beyond the chaos they masterminded. 
Then, there were the twins. Their children, you and Peter, bore the weight of your parents' legacy on your shoulders.
Peter was the elder twin, a reflection of your father’s determination. From a young age, your parents groomed him to inherit the family business. He was schooled in the art of manipulation and intimidation. 
You were the younger twin and the polar opposite of your brother. Where Peter had embraced the darkness of the family name, you sought out the light. Your innocence remained untarnished as you wandered through life with wonder and hope. 
Together, you were the heirs to the Rogers legacy, a legacy steeped in blood and betrayal.
Your paths diverged further as you grew older. Peter had immersed himself in your family’s business, an ambition driving him to climb the ranks of the underworld. One day, take over your father’s mantle.
On the other hand, you yearned for something more, something that went beyond the confines of your family’s gilded cage. 
As the Rogers legacy thrived, a whisper of a testament to the power, love, and loyalty lurked within. You and Peter stood at the edge of your destinies as a shadow of your father’s past loomed ever larger, threatening to consume the Rogers whole. 
It was in the wake of this ominous threat that your father, the patriarch of your family, made a decision that altered the course of your life forever. Concerned for your safety, he turned to his oldest friend, a man who was forged from the same steel as himself: Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. Known throughout the underground as “The Winter Soldier” but to you and Peter, he was “Uncle Bucky.” 
“Will you protect her, Buck?” Your father’s voice was grave as he asked for his friend's support, his eyes reflected a weight of the world that had settled upon his shoulders. 
Bucky’s gaze met his with a solemn node. “You don’t even have to ask, Steve.” And with their agreement, a new chapter in your life began.
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jimmyspades · 3 months
let’s stay like this forever let’s just keep pretending
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edgamz · 3 months
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realizing i haven't posted stuff here in a while AAAUGH :(
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laismoura-art · 9 months
the fully evil Lin Kuei extorting old ladies left me with a bad taste in my mouth, so have some silly Lin Kuei to help us cope!
Kuai: how long does it take before you start hallucinating from sleep deprivation?
Tomas: I think it's--
Bi-Han: 72 hours.
Kuai: How do you know--?
Bi-Han: There's a clown behind you and it's not Hanzo.
Hanzo, cracking knuckles: I would glad help you fall asleep if you like, sir!
Made with my Bitter-Brothers-in-Law AU in mind!
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thelunarsystemwrites · 3 months
Nightmare the caregiver headcanons!
(Just me ranting abt undertale au agere, featuring the bad sanses! This is gonna be a new AU-)
Nightmare: Caregiver. Very calm and sorta stoic, occasionally tired of the nonsense but has a good habit of keeping his cool. He may seem uninterested, but knows where all of his boys are, at all time. It's almost scary-
Killer: Middle. He's on the younger side of a middle, being 9 - 10 when regressed. He likes annoying Nightmare, and being playful. Calls nightmare "Pops" or "Dad"! He likes gaming a lot when regressed, which can be anything he can be chaotic in. (Mostly minecraft, but sometimes older games like COD.) He also occasionally slips younger, around 6? And when he's that young, he follow Nightmare just about everywhere, VERY talkative little.
Horror: Little. He's a toddler essentially, 3 - 4. And a very spacing out, unaware one at that. Nightmare absolutely has to keep an eye on him at all times, due to the fact that he will try to chew on anything and everything. To combat this, Nightmare shape shifts one of his tendrils into a harness, keeping Horror secure. Also, he goes completely non-verbal while regressed!
Murder/Dust: Little, very tiny. We're talking he goes 0 - 1, maybe 2. He's an Involuntary regressor, as he believes he doesn't really deserve it. When he's regressed, he's very clingy, and wants to be carried at all times, since he misses Papy's hugs and carrying him. Speaking of Paps! He often helps encourages Dust to ask for things he needs, like a binky, or bottle, blanket, so on!
Cross: Flip. He's not really the regressing type, so he's more of an age dreamer/partial regressor! When regressed, he's pretty quiet, likes to read, or bake (with supervision) he really can't tell his regressed age, which nightmare will reassure him that, it's okay! And, really Cross prefers being a babysitter, mostly to watch Killer. He's better with older kids!
And with that... i feel like I should be writing a story about this, huh.
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nimue-hidden-lake · 6 months
Is there a hobby you and you f/o share? What type are you about your hobby? Sure, it is great to share something you and your f/o can be equally passionate about but we all have our own ways to bond over hobbies!
Are you two sharing all sorts of trivia with one another or constantly giving each other advice? If it's a collection, maybe you two contribute to another's collection or give hints here and there where to get the items best! If it is an activity, maybe you practice it together whenever you get the chance. Perhaps you two love creating together!
Or are you the rivalry type maybe? A healthy rivalry is never a bad thing after all! You two just edge each other on to improve by making it a competition! Who has more rare items in their collection? Who writes more words? Who runs more laps? Who wins more in a videogame or finishes it quicker? All competitions help you two to push you over your limits and improve at something you have fun with!
It is an activity you can enjoy together at least and bond over in your unique way! May it be common or niche! The most important thing is that you and you f/o have fun!
Proship/Comship do not interact please!
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cvpitvno · 11 months
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→ pairing : seonghwa x reader
→ themes/au : hogwarts au, dark themes
→ series warnings : angst, smut, dark themes, death, murder, violence, unhealthy family dynamics, takes place before lightning era and hogwart’s legacy (subject to change / additions)
→ update schedule : weekly, monday
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chapter one : the serpents hold (1.2k)
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applepato · 2 months
An epilogue.
WOOOOO I FINISHED IT!!!! hope everyone who read this series enjoyed it, because i certainly enjoyed writing it!
and if you have any questions about other character who didn't appear in the fics, feel free to ask!! there's a lot i've considered but probably won't write about (grian, scar, gem, etc...)
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fantasy laughingstock mawwiage but make it potc3 Flavor-
#theyre supposed to be holding hands but i couldnt draw it for the life of me so#half assed it is!!!!#or.... no assed it is!!!#in my mind this is a job gone Phenomenally wrong. like horribly wrong#the group is outnumbered and cornered and-#its fine in the end tho#and howdy & barnaby are left standing there like 'so we didnt die. looks like we're husbands now! lets go find some neat rings'#in the meantime wally and julie braid them rings out of grass & flowers#actually wait omg#imagining there's a spell that can freeze the flower rings so that they wont break/decompose#all of barnaby's normal metal rings and then there's one made of plants... of Life... OUUUGHHHHHHHH#< thats the sound of me dying so dramatically. im talking nimona-as-ambrosius level of dramatic death#scribble salad#laughingstock#wh fantasy au#wait omggggg#im imagining once theyre all safe and it sinks in that the Are Indeed Safe#everyone is like 'omg!!! we made it!!! hugging each other! wait wheres barnaby and howdy - ohhhhh theyre making out off to the side cool'#theyre just. laying in the grass smoochin the hell outta each other#yeah theyre both bleeding and bruised but who isnt!#and then they stay right there and take a nap <3#and wake up w/ the rest of the neighborhood piled on/around them <3#GODDDDDDDD FUCK FUCK FUCK IM SO NORMAL ABOUT THEM IM SO NORMAL IM-#SO NOT NORMAL ABOUT THEM AGH RAGH ASDHASJFCBALFNLD#sorry sorry. the insanity is kicking in#alsoooooo imagining them having that epic potc3 mid-battle kiss after barbosa - sorry - Sally pronounces them married
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vanillaxoshi · 5 days
Since you saw Zhi being a medium in the human realm.
I'm pretty sure you noticed this.
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Sadly enough, thanks to her lineage of her family history. She was born with this. :'((
I made this but the lightning Principle is the only one finished- working on the next soon ( Here )
Ngl, i thought that the elements would just be some split personality based on what was described of the other doc
So knowing that this is basically ES but chinese and genderbend is pretty dope
(i dont memorize their SD names so i might call them differently for now)
Loving the elements/principles(well, hali) being this caring to zhi, and zhi being the same to them acquiring their second form but damn, guilt hits hard for hali and what had happened to zhi and her sensory issues
Zhi also being a 9/10 year old gaining trauma(basically og boi)
Pray good things come their way
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delicatebarness · 18 days
safe & sound | chapter one
Summary: An attack on the estate causes the security to tighten and means the worst of the Rogers comes home.
Warning: Mob AU. Age Gap (Bucky - late 40s/Reader - early 20s). Dad's Best Friend. Mentions of Violence/Blood/Bones. Mentions of weapons. For Peter being 3 and a half minutes older, he is an immature man-child.
Word Count: 1322
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A/N: I wrote this and the last chapter of I Think He Knows in the same night and I am such a wreck. Oops, I dropped this.
Tags: @wintrsoldrluvr | @mostlymarvelgirl | @abaker74 | @scott-loki-barnes
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It started as a seemingly ordinary day, the morning sun casting long shadows across your family’s estate as you went through your daily routine. Your newly assigned bodyguard, Sergeant James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, always stood at a discreet distance away, scanning the surroundings with his practiced vigilance. 
You adjust your bag on your shoulder, giving Bucky a small smile. You always felt a strange sense of comfort knowing Bucky was near. He was more to you than just your protector; he’s your father’s best friend since childhood and second-in-command. You’ve known and trusted him for your entire life.
The estate’s iron gates creak open as you walk towards the car waiting to take you into town. Bucky’s posture remained relaxed, but you noticed the slight tightening of his jaw. He’s always alert.
The Rogers Estate; is strategically located offering privacy and security. Situated in a sprawling countryside upscale neighborhood. Surrounded by acres of lush greenery and perfect landscaping. Shielded by towering walls and guarded gates, the head of the Rogers family believed security was paramount. Installing state-of-the-art surveillance throughout the entire grounds. There was not a single blind spot, he saw everything. 
Yet, no fortress is impervious, and danger always finds its way in.
Suddenly, a screech of tires shatters the silence of the estate. A black van swerves into the driveway, and masked men with guns begin to pour out. The peaceful morning instantly turned into chaos as the men began shouting orders and brandishing their weapons. 
“Get down!” Bucky barked at you, pushing you behind a marble column. 
Drawing his weapon, Bucky fired with deadly precision. Your heart pounded in your chest as you crouched low, bullets ricocheting off stone and metal. You weren’t entirely native to your parent's work, you’ve always known they had enemies, but this was the first time you felt their malevolence so close. 
Bucky moved like a predator, every shot he took neutralized a threat. He was outnumbered, but his determination and training kept him in control of the situation. As you peek out, your fear mixed with awe at his focus.
Your breath catches in your throat as you notice one of the attackers rushing towards you. Bucky’s gaze met yours for a brief moment before he was able to react. In what felt like the speed of light, he tackled the man to the ground, disarming him and delivering a punch so brutal it left the man unconscious.
In the distance, you notice the familiar SUVs arrive, the estate’s backup security. The shoot-out ended as quickly as it began, leaving an eerily silence in its wake. 
Bucky reached out to help you to your feet, his pull gently. “Are you hurt?” he asked with urgency as he examined your face. 
“No, I’m okay,” you reply, your voice trembling. “Thanks to you.” you offered him a small reassuring smile, and he returned it as he reached out, rubbing your cheek with his thumb for only a moment. 
Your father, Steve, arrived moments later, his face contoured into a controlled fury. Rushing over, he embraced you tightly before turning to Bucky.
“Who were they?” he demanded, his eyes turned a deeper shade of blue with his anger.
“They looked like Rumlow’s,” Bucky replied, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. “It seemed like a random hit. But,” his voice trailed as he took another glance at you. “We need to tighten security all the same, they knew when to strike.” 
Your father nods, his expression hardening the more the gears in his head turn. “I’ll speak to Stark,” he stated firmly, referring to Tony Stark, a longtime ally of the Rogers family and exceptional in mechanics and technology. 
As your father began making calls to arrange meetings, you stood by reaming close to Bucky. His eyes, usually sharp and focused, softened as he looked down at you. He placed a hand on the small of your back, ushering you towards the safety of the house. 
Inside, the atmosphere was tense but yet, controlled. Bucky remained close by your side, guiding you to a secluded area of the house, away from the commotion your father brought back in with him behind you. 
Before you can fully process the events that happened moments ago, the door bursts open with a thud, and Natasha, your mother, storms in. Her eyes were wide with fear and desperation, a look you had never seen your mother sport.
“Are you alright?” she demanded your answer, trembling with emotion as she rushed toward you. Her hands reach out to cup your cheeks, moving your head and twisting your body to assess any signs of injury. Her controlled demeanor which she usually wears, shattered.
You met her gaze, she searched for reassurance in your eyes. “I’m okay, Mom,” you tried to reassure her, your voice threatening to discredit you. “Uncle Buck kept me safe,” you shot her a small smile. 
Grasping you into an embrace, she turned to Bucky, “Thank you,” she whispered, sincerity laced in her tone. 
Bucky nods, “I won’t let anything happen to her,” he vows to one of your parents, for the second time. 
As the days passed, you found yourself seeking peace again in the tranquil embrace of the garden. The vibrant blooms and gentle rustle of leaves provided a calm sanctuary for your mind. 
You were suddenly startled by the sound of approaching footsteps. Glancing up, you saw Peter, your twin brother, emerging from the shadows. His presence casts a shadow over the serenity of the garden. 
His gaze was cold and calculating, “What are you doing here?” his voice dripped with contempt as he approached. 
He was, ever the hostile older, by 3 and a half minutes, brother and you could only assume that his mood had only worsened since your parents cut his business trip short. Despite sharing the same bloodline, your paths diverged sharply. 
“Reading,” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady as you gestured to the book you were holding.
Peter scoffed. “Of course,” he muttered, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed the garden. “Always so sensitive, one little scare and you seek refuge in pretty flowers.” 
Your grip on your book tightened, and the sting of his words cut deep, “Just leave me alone.”
A cruel smile tugged at the corners of Peter’s lip, his eyes gleamed with malice. “Make me,” he taunted, snatching the book out of your hands. You watched with frustration as his actions were fuelled by his desire to provoke and intimidate. 
“Give it back, Pete,” you demanded, rising to your feet.
Peter laughed, a harsh, mocking sound that echoed through the garden. “What’s the matter, little sister?” he continued his taunts, flipping through the pages. “Can’t handle a little fun?”
Your fists clenched, the urge to lash out nearly overwhelming. But, the years of conditioning yourself to keep emotions in check and not be like him, held you back. “Just give it back,” you repeated, your voice almost breaking.
His grin only widened, he thrived in your discomfort. “Or what?” he challenged, “What are you going to do about it?”
Before you could respond, a voice cut through the tension, sending both you and Peter snapping your heads around in surprise. 
“What’s going on here?” Bucky stood at the edge of the garden, his expression was a mix of concern and disapproval as his gaze flickered between you and Peter. “Peter, your dad wants a word with you,” 
Hesitating for a moment, Peter narrowed his eyes in defiance. But, he ultimately tossed the book aside with a dismissive flick of the wrist, indifference spread across his features. As he disappeared toward the house, you let out a shaky breath. The tension drained from your shoulders as you kneed down, reaching for your book.
In your haze, you never noticed that Bucky had also knelt. For a moment, his hand grazed over yours and your gazes met.
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dreamyzworldlove · 4 months
safe and sound doodles from yesterday
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from left to right: nico post qq, nico and will during a sponsor party, will in a capitol party outfit, and will in his chariot outfit during his first games <3
read the series here!
if you like my art, please reblog <3
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*puts on "Safe And Sound" by Taylor Swift for Lucifer*
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Lucifer: *crying like a baby after listening to this song — not sleeping but is feeling sleepy*
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jeansvoid · 2 years
A very rough version of half of the animatic. It’s as far as I have rn. It’s very scribbly but oh well. Hope to have the whole thing by the end of the week. Then I can start cleaning it up and making proper keys and assets.
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