#discreet little
thelunarsystemwrites · 7 months
Nightmare the caregiver headcanons!
(Just me ranting abt undertale au agere, featuring the bad sanses! This is gonna be a new AU-)
Nightmare: Caregiver. Very calm and sorta stoic, occasionally tired of the nonsense but has a good habit of keeping his cool. He may seem uninterested, but knows where all of his boys are, at all time. It's almost scary-
Killer: Middle. He's on the younger side of a middle, being 9 - 10 when regressed. He likes annoying Nightmare, and being playful. Calls nightmare "Pops" or "Dad"! He likes gaming a lot when regressed, which can be anything he can be chaotic in. (Mostly minecraft, but sometimes older games like COD.) He also occasionally slips younger, around 6? And when he's that young, he follow Nightmare just about everywhere, VERY talkative little.
Horror: Little. He's a toddler essentially, 3 - 4. And a very spacing out, unaware one at that. Nightmare absolutely has to keep an eye on him at all times, due to the fact that he will try to chew on anything and everything. To combat this, Nightmare shape shifts one of his tendrils into a harness, keeping Horror secure. Also, he goes completely non-verbal while regressed!
Murder/Dust: Little, very tiny. We're talking he goes 0 - 1, maybe 2. He's an Involuntary regressor, as he believes he doesn't really deserve it. When he's regressed, he's very clingy, and wants to be carried at all times, since he misses Papy's hugs and carrying him. Speaking of Paps! He often helps encourages Dust to ask for things he needs, like a binky, or bottle, blanket, so on!
Cross: Flip. He's not really the regressing type, so he's more of an age dreamer/partial regressor! When regressed, he's pretty quiet, likes to read, or bake (with supervision) he really can't tell his regressed age, which nightmare will reassure him that, it's okay! And, really Cross prefers being a babysitter, mostly to watch Killer. He's better with older kids!
And with that... i feel like I should be writing a story about this, huh.
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You can’t just ask your closeted Bi friend stuff like that, John 🤨
(Image description in alt.)
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oposssumsaucee · 2 months
Iris: Peri you've been acting strange what exactly did you get up to while you were on your last cargo haul?
Perihelion: I do not understand what you are referring to. My behavior has not changed.
Iris: oh yeah? Then why did you tell dad that the comm call we just had with that corporate was "just like one of those "oh shit" moments from the media"?
Iris: AND that the time Martyn's shirt ripped but only on the chest that it was "just like episode 24 of World Hoppers"??
Iris: AND when Tarik said he didn't like Farland you told him media wasn't SUPPOSE to be realistic and that wanting it to be realistic made him "an individual open to suggestion"
Perihelion making a private feed channel with just Iris: Do NOT show Seth anything I am about to show you..
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varpusvaras · 9 months
Cal, going around waving his lightsaber publicly and giving his name to every single person he ever meets:
Boba, gripping Cal's shoulders: Babe. Listen to me. Listen to me. Stop. Do you know how many bounty hunters and other people that have been sent after you I've had to kill? Too many. Granted I didn't like any of them but it's still too many. I have a job I need to do. We need to pay the bills. You need to stop-
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tequiilasunriise · 1 year
Okay yall lemme cook‼️‼️‼️
I really, really like the parallels of ‘she fainted and now I’ll fan her’ here with White Raven:
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Annabel caught Lenore when she almost fell and tried to remain in this untouched and happy facade while still subtly trying to fan Lenore because Annabel believed her to be upset and needed some air.
Lenore caught Annabel when girlypop straight up fainted and more obviously fans her in an attempt to care for Annabel, her face full of open concern for the fallen woman, there’s even a whole panel that draws attention to the fan specifically.
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Why does this even matter, you ask me? Because I love the stark contrasts between Lenore and Annabel, even down to the most minute details they’re opposites.
Annabel is trying to be more discreet in her affections for Lenore, her pretty smile and chipper words a diversion from the way she holds onto Lenore’s arm to steady her, bright eyes a complete distraction from the way her fan is flapping away. Her carefree attitude makes it seem like she could easily play off these attempts to care fer Lenore, like she could flippantly brush it off as ‘nothing big’ and that she ‘doesn’t really care this is just a throwaway whatever action’ (but we all know the calculative Annabel Lee doesn’t just do whatever fer just anyone).
On the complete opposite side of the spectrum, Lenore cares about Annabel. She cares a whole lot, actually, and she’s extremely open about it. From angrily calling Annabel a dratted liar fer claiming what they had to be fake to very clearly worrying about Annabel as she fans her. The delicate care, the way Lenore does not hesitate to grab that fan and start gently fanning Annabel, how she doesn’t try to set up a facade that gives her an ‘out’ if questioned why she’s doing all these things for Annabel. Lenore gives no shit about mindgames and appearances dude!!! Yeah she cares about Annabel, so what??? Lenore is just SOOOO acts of service as a love language, each time she reaches out is open declaration of, “love you love you love you”.
That kinda contrast kills me, man!!! Bright moon x dim sun, the sun does care but she needs to show it in a way where people don’t think she’s that invested you know you know she’s Just A Friend™️, meanwhile the moon says, “fuck it we ballllllll” and snitches her bleeding heart across her entire sleeve right before diving in with affections on full display.
That being said, I also really like how Annabel’s fanning is the last kindness she gave Lenore right before she left and Lenore ‘died’ and by sharp contrast Lenore’s fanning is one of the first kindness she gave Annabel when she came back from the ‘dead’ all resurrected like a funky butch lesbian Jesus.
Kindness as a last resort, as a final parting gift when the time’s up, vs kindness as an instinct, as a greeting call, as your first move.
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just-a-witchy-guy · 1 year
Really Simple Ways to Cleanse without Smoke (Cause I Don't Like Smoke)
Very short disclaimer, these are things that I do/have tried that work for me! They will not work for everyone, but I just wanted to share some ways to cleanse without smoke since not everyone can burn incense or a bundle of herbs. This is also going to talk a lot about cleaning because I personally correspond the cleanliness of my spaces with how I'm doing mentally or spiritually!
Sound. This can be anything from playing music that you like while cleaning to banging pots and pans together and yelling at bad vibes to get the fuck outta your house. I like using bells because of their history of being associated with cleansing and also they sound pretty
Opening your windows and letting the air in! Air is an awesome element and brings a bit of freshness to your home. Also, air is apart of nature, meaning by letting it in you are bonding with a bit of the nature around you
Putting an object in moonlight/sunlight. I like to think as the rays of light washing over an object like water
AIR FRESHENERS. I fucking. Love these things. Slap one in whenever you start cleaning, and when you stop take a moment to stand in the middle of your room and appreciate the new smell in the air
Lighting scented candles. This one isn't exactly smoke free, but I find it harder to smell smoke when the scent is in the air
Salt. I use salt for everything, but in cleansing you sprinkle it over what you would like cleansed, then dispose of the salt (Responsibly. Please do not pour it on the ground outside) when you believe it's all good, because the salt has absorbed all the negativity up like a sponge
Just cleaning normally. Whether it be changing sheets on your bed or vacuuming, you are getting rid of old energies and starting anew in a positive way
This is the part where I don't have much experience, but energy! I've only done energy cleansing a few times, but it is a fairly simple form of cleansing yourself and it worked well for me
Showers or baths. You're getting clean! You can imagine all of the previous day's unwanted energies getting scrubbed off as well as dirt
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bidisastersanji · 11 months
In this episode of I can’t do anything without thinking of ZoSan please go listen to “Lay all your love on me” by ABBA and imagine it from Sanji’s perspective I swear. Maybe someday it can be a fic featuring:
Sanji struggling with his feelings of jealousy when women keep accosting and flirting with Zoro
He thinks he’s jealous because he wants the women to be flirting with him but as time passes he realizes he’s being possessive of the stupid marimo and his head is so far up his own ass he doesn’t clock that Zoro has never shown interest in a woman ever
What drives him even more nuts is that this means he feels some resentment towards WOMEN and that’s a big no no these feelings are wrong and bad and should be buried because he’s a gentleman and women can do no wrong and he would never think bad thoughts about a woman his only vice is smoking after all
But now it isn’t true - and he comes to turn with these new feelings- feelings of attraction towards a man, which he hasn’t had before, and it’s just completely overturning his self perception- so he’s bisexual apparently???
At every party his possessive jealousy gets progressively worse, he begs higher powers that zoro notices him, not the women flirting with him, nor the men that he sometimes sees the marimo walk off with into the night
He yearns, he yearns so much for the swordsman’s love, daydreaming about his touch, his voice- the way he calls him by stupid nicknames- completely distracted as he cooks by himself. He wants it all, he wants it so much it hurts but there’s no way Zoro would want him.
When he looks back on it, it’s truly unfair how easily the swordsman made him fall for him- a little talk and a smile and his insides were turning to mush - it’s embarrassing, really, how he as an adult man fell so easily, like shooting a sitting duck
After Thriller Bark it gets worse- sometimes he feels a sharp flash of fear run up his spine, a faint echo of the abject horror he felt when he found the bloodied swordsman on deaths door, and he, panicked and against all logic, needs to find him and make sure he’s ok, needs to have him near. Zoro looks at him quizzically as his excuses when he does find him get weirder and weirder
Back when he was at the Baratie, he’d had a few little love affairs- and Zeff would always scoff at him when he claimed he had found the one and gush about whatever woman had decided to string him along that week, chastising him about the ease at which he gave his affections away- he’d told him repeatedly that it wasn’t love- that he’d know love when it really hit him
And oh god had it hit him now. Pining from Momoiro island does nothing for his poor little heart and his mind goes crazy over not knowing where his nakama are and what they’re doing and he’s definitely not worried about the marimo possibly being off on some island with a better, stronger, more beautiful man than him
Iva and the candies notice him moping and decide to coach him to get his man
Sanji’s mindset is completely different two years later - he’s determined to get ALL of Zoro’s attention, his love, his devotion, and he’s not afraid of using every weapon the Candies of Kamabakka taught him
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pileofsith · 6 months
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Nameless Part Twelve - Apostate Page 1/10 Flashback time! Barriss Offee complains about the Jedi Order and gains a secret admirer. Text is taken from the TCW episode, 'The Wrong Jedi'. The comic is also available here on AO3.
🡨 Previous Next 🡪
Part I Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Part II Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 Part III Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Part IV Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Part V Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Part VI Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Part VII Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 Part VIII Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Part IX Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Part X Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
Part XI Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Part XII Navigation: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
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witheangel · 2 months
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Mom must not realize this...
Maman ne doit pas s’en rendre compte …
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harbingersecho · 8 months
Lasombra fashion show?
Now how did you know I've been meaning to draw fashion 'shows' for all the clans…?
But! Here's some Lasombra fashion stuff for you!
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+ bonus because I love bullying Lasombra abt their tech issues (:
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thelunarsystemwrites · 7 months
my little gear!
i know this is a little different than my normal content, but I got some new gear today!!
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So this is Ax! I got him at Hobby Lobby for 5.99! He's a 'Palm pal' and super soft! He also rattles because he's filled with like, little rice! :3 (like a beanie baby!)
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Heres my binky, it was part of a three pack at Target for I think 7.99? Uhh it's a baby one, so I can't use it very long at a time. Personally, I never sleep with these, I just chew on them or lightly suckle!
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And my new regression baggie! It was like 2.99 at Walmart!
I had to get this stuff kinda discreetly, but if you're an open regressior? I highly recommend Squishmallows and Palm pals!!
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zeebreezin · 5 months
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Thinking about the day the Dawn Machine turned on again… Vincent never really stood a chance, huh?
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theficpusher · 4 months
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Knife's Edge by SadaVeniren | T | 1483 He really hoped the cut would stop bleeding. “Dad? What are you doing in our bathroom?” Louis whipped around to see Jess standing in the hallway. She wasn’t rubbing her eyes like she’d just woken up. She was staring at him wide-eyed, and he saw the moment she registered the bleeding cut on his chest because she covered her mouth. He immediately began to panic. aka Sometimes you have to parent, even when you're bleeding from your chest because you were an idiot and hadn't practiced safe kink techniques
superior dna by Anonymous | E | 1611 harry and marcel are identical twins. something strange happens that scientists have never seen before. the twins see their dna as superior and make it their mission to populate the planet with as many offspring as they can. but they need a beta host to get things started.
Make It Worse by Jiksa | E | 1613 He’s looking at Nick with that soft, terrible look in his eyes, the look that tells Nick the two of them are probably something.
little do you know | E | 1623 harry likes to be ignored during sex. nick and louis are happy to indulge him.
Into the Woods by kingsofeverything | E | 2461 Whenever he hikes, Harry keeps an eye out for trees with knots and scars that resemble buttholes. What started as fodder for his silly little Instagram account has become his favorite way to masturbate.
just a little bit wet by rosysonata | nr | 3031 Of course there was always risk, that's part of the reason it felt so good, part of the reason it made him cry, just the idea that someone might catch a glimpse of this thing he does. He's just never actually seen another person while he was there. basically... Louis regularly wets himself in the forest, usually in very colourful and tight clothes. Too bad he keeps running into Harry on his way back to the house
Your hand in my hand, so still and discreet by flamboyo | E | 4513 “It was about how cold he was under me. How still. It was knowing that even if he had died, even if he was already dead, he would still be mine.” Louis thought he knew each one of his boyfriend’s stories, secrets, and kinks. Turns out Harry was keeping a crucial one hidden away.
Never Thought I'd Be Missing the Heat by larry_hiatus | E | 5605 Harry has always hated cigarettes, but when that’s the only piece of Louis that he has left after their breakup, he ends up chain smoking while touching himself to try and get that taste of Louis back.
no one's gonna know by jishler | E | 9116 Harry can’t look away from the ribbon. He can’t process it, can’t hear his own thoughts over the roaring rush of blood in his ears. “Don’t you look pretty?” Harry hears Louis’ voice as if from far away. Or: Harry and Louis go to a party.
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forthegoob · 18 days
I can't stop thinking about how obsessed Luke would be with the sight of your thighs getting thicker when you sit down.
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amarantoestrella · 8 months
Thinking about how they say period sex creates a soul tie and now I’m not saying that it does but I will say that man won’t leave me alone.
Cw: period sex
Benkei is obsessed with you in general but also with fucking you when you’re on your period. It’s an obsession of unhealthy levels. He says it’s because it’s easier to fit himself inside of you, he doesn’t have to use protection, and it’s good for your cramps and you know he just wants to be helpful and make you feel good… but something weird and strange is going on.
Strange as in you’ve realized he tracks your cycle, and always seems to have a free schedule that week. Weird as in, the underwear you wash and hang in the bathroom go missing more often than not and never seem to show up.
Most peculiar is his reaction when you are a few days late and then those few days turn into weeks and he waits, pacing and stalking and wondering if maybe you just don’t want to tell him when you’re on your period anymore. Is it not enjoyable for you? Are you suddenly turned off by it? He can do better, Keizo knows he can.
But that’s not quite it. When you tell him that you’ve taken multiple pregnancy tests and been to the gynecologist he is in shock. How could you be if he’s only ever cum inside when you were on your— oh God.
His heart aches with relief, gone are the worries of possibilities of you leaving him. You’re having his baby now, you’d be with him forever now.
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greeksorceress · 2 years
aemond used to leave a lit candle by lucerys’ chamber doors because he knew lucerys was terrified of the dark. when rhaenyra takes her part of the family to dragonstone, lucerys’ fear gets worse. not only does the darkness catch up with him, but there are also nightmares of eyes and blades and lots of dragon blood waiting for lucerys every single night.
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