brainboxschool · 3 months
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🌍✨ Join us in commemorating the International Day for Mine Awareness! On this day, we unite to raise awareness about the devastating impact of landmines and the urgent need for their eradication worldwide. Together, let's advocate for a future where communities can thrive without the fear of hidden dangers beneath their feet.
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thecityboy · 1 year
A Rant: No Turn on Red (NoTOR) State Pre-Emption
TLDR: The State of Indiana has continuously targeted Indianapolis with state pre-emption policies, especially around transportation. No Turn on Red Policies are good when implemented correctly. This policy will have adverse impacts on living breathing humans as well as society as a whole. Hopefully this will push Indy to implement for significant solutions to solving the pedestrian crash crisis in the city.
Indiana Got Me Big Mad
Today, I had a two-hour period of intense frustration and anger over the usual song and dance that happens here in Indianapolis. To my dismay, I discovered that a state senator had surreptitiously inserted an amendment into Indiana House Bill 1050. The main body of the bill has various legislative changes to policies around cars (defining "alternative fuel", changing vehicle tax policies, etc.). The offending Senate Amendment #5, displayed in big, bold letters:
"A CONSOLIDATED CITY MAY NOT ADOPT AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING THE INSTALLATION OF A SIGNPROHIBITNG A TURN DESCRIBED IN [reference to subsection defined earlier in the amendment that says drivers can turn right on a steady red]."
There are a few interesting things of note here:
The policy applies only to "Consolidated Cities". Indianapolis is (I believe) the only consolidated city in the state. This rule would not apply to any other jurisdiction.
This was a response by the senator to the Indianapolis City-County Council's proposal to post signs restricting right turn on red in Downtown Indy, specifically on roads that are designed to move cars quickly. This is a bare-bones pedestrian safety solution, and because the roads cross through downtown and near a major university campus (IUPUI), it's one of the few places in this city that has people walking around.
The State Senator that submitted this amendment is named Aaron Freeman, the representative from Indiana Senate District 32. This district comprises of the southeast corner of Indianapolis (arguably the most rural quadrant of the city) and parts of suburban Greenwood and unincorporated lands south of the city. It is one of, if not the most conservative part of Indianapolis, and (this is just my speculation) provides legitimacy for the State Legislature to impose conservative state pre-emption on a mostly Democrat-represented city. Is this a punishment for the city because of how they vote? Who can say.
Aaron has become something of a transportation villain here in Indy. Before his crusade to preserve the sanctity of the ability to turn right on red (only in Indianapolis), he has also consistently fought against one of IndyGo's proposed Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line - the Blue Line. He has done this every legislative session since at least 2019. His main gripe? The Blue Line would have dedicated lanes, removing one or two lanes from the currently SEVEN lane-wide East Washington Street. Dedicated lanes are integral for BRT to operate effectively; transit is not rapid if it's sitting in traffic (generally). But dedicated lanes are Communism; they control the means of production of those lanes for the masses and removes them from the enjoyment of F-150-driving, red blooded, meat-eating, gun-toting traditional families. And for that reason, Aaron cannot allow this injustice to happen quietly. Thankfully for the urbanites of Indy, every strategy Aaron has tried so far has failed to be passed into law. Hopefully it stays that way.
This is not the first case of the State of Indiana pre-empting Indianapolis in a way that relates to transportation, safety, and the built environment. The state passed a ban on funding light rail projects in 2014. A couple sessions ago, they tried to take away zoning control from the City of Indianapolis and give the power to townships; for some reason the township governments still exist in Indiana even though their land is incorporated by a city. It's very dumb way to operate local government, and this was a very dumb proposal, which is why it wasn't adopted. The state has also pre-empted the city from creating its own gun laws, local minimum wage, rent control, paid sick leave requirements, and plastic bag fees.
There are more examples of the atrocious pre-emption Indiana has done, but I want to move onto why this made me so mad; what is No Turn on Red and why is it important?
NoTOR is the Bare Minimum
Not Turn on Red (NoTOR) is a traffic control method that restricts drivers from turning right at red lights. A lot of drivers may find this annoying, but it is an important, easy, and affordable way to reduce pedestrians being hit by cars turning right on red. According to a five-year study examining crashes in Downtown Indy, over half of pedestrian-related crashes were the result of vehicles not yielding to pedestrians at signalized intersections. source. Anecdotally, pedestrian crashes across Indy have continued to rise year-over-year for the past five years. It is truly a crisis.
There is a provision in the amendment that says a driver must stop at a steady red light for 120 seconds before turning right on red. Theoretically, this means drivers should be completely stopped for a period of time that would allow them to see someone crossing on their right. This is also an ignorant safeguard. You might as well tell people not to speed on the highway. Very few people follow this (even the Federal Highway Administration say so) and it is rarely enforced.
The reason so many pedestrians are struck by vehicles turning right on red is a combination of factors:
The design of the intersection. Larger curb radii can allow for cars to take turns faster; lack of crosswalk markings doesn't remind drivers to check for pedestrians; having stop bars too close to where pedestrians cross reduces the amount of time a driver has to look right while crossing.
Driver behavior. On top of a general increase in distracted driving, there is a documented increase in reckless driving from the pandemic, however pedestrian deaths had been increasing even before this. In addition to this recent development, FHWA outlined how drivers really behave when turning right on red: "Motorists are so intent on looking for traffic approaching on their left that they may not be alert to pedestrians on their right. In addition motorists usually pull up into the crosswalk to wait for a gap in traffic, blocking pedestrian crossing movements. In some instances, motorists simply do not come to a full stop."
Vehicles have become larger, placing drivers higher. This obstructs their view, especially of people that may be below their sight lines (like children and people in wheelchairs). It also extends their vehicle's hoods and their bodies, which can inadvertently hit pedestrians, especially on tight urban streets.
Lack of Enforcement. I will be the first to admit that traffic enforcement can be tricky; traffic stops can lead to tragedy very quickly. That being said, the response should not be just not enforcing traffic laws. Two options stand out in my mind: better training for officers around traffic stops and remote enforcement. In a 2021 survey of police analyzed by the Rand Corporation, 42% of responding officers said their department has never provided traffic stop training, and only 6% strongly agree that they have received adequate training for traffic stops involving noncompliant drivers. Remote enforcement is not without its flaws, and requires a deeper dive in another post. In short; red light cameras work as a safety improvement. They reduce more fatal crashes between both vehicles and pedestrians. They can also cause an increase rear-ending by more aggressive drivers and other less life-threatening crashes. But if we have to pick one method over another, we should pick the one where less people are killed or gravely injured. There are issues with equitable placement of cameras, as well as the matter of ticketing drivers for using a roadway in the manner it was designed, rather than what a sign says. If the design of a street network is oriented to the fast movement of vehicles instead of pedestrian safety, drivers are more likely to drive over the posted speed limit and turn right on red without stopping, because that's how the road was designed to be used. Red light cameras have been legislatively prohibited in seven states, and are de facto prohibited in Indiana. Have those entities repealed or prohibited them out of some sort of duty to the low-income drivers that could be adversely affected by remote enforcement? No, it's mostly because drivers complain about having to obey traffic laws to the letter and look at it as a cash grab for cities to generate income (which, honestly, could be partially true). However, repealing red light cameras has been shown to increase traffic deaths, and the selfishness and entitlement of drivers is entirely to blame for that.
The Federal Highway Administration has a very helpful page on how to effectively implement NoTOR. Restricting right turns on red is implemented through installing signage, sometimes in combination with a Leading Pedestrian Interval (LPI), which gives pedestrians a few-second head start to enter the crosswalk before vehicles are given a green light. This is a measure that reduces pedestrians being hit by vehicles that impatiently want to turn right on green. Siting NoTORs appropriately is important. FHWA explicitly says that they should be present in areas with high pedestrian activity (however it does not define what that threshold is, leaving the interpretation open to state and local DOTs). In the case of the Downtown Indianapolis proposal, these signs would have implemented NoTOR on arterial roadways with high traffic volumes in the most pedestrian active region in the city (if not the state). It is more than appropriate to implement this policy. Anecdotally, I have seen NoTOR work. I recently visited Philadelphia and spent pretty much all of my time in Center City, where NoTOR is implemented at almost every intersection. As a pedestrian, it made me feel far safer than I ever did walking around in Downtown Indy.
The Human Cost of NoTOR Prohibition
The prohibition of NoTOR has a devastating impact on human life, as evidenced by the research indicating an increase in serious injury and death when NoTOR is not restricted. But the human toll extends far beyond physical harm. Those who are seriously injured face an array of financial burdens, including medical debt, lost income, and potential job loss. The emotional trauma of a traffic accident can be just as damaging, leaving lasting effects on mental health and quality of life.
The human cost doesn't stop there; being seriously injured can mean being saddled with medical debt, missed work from recovery, losing a job because of recovery or inability to do the work required, loss of income, and permanent changes in health and quality of life. This is on top of the mental trauma of being seriously injured or losing a loved one to a traffic accident.
There were over 3,400 pedestrian deaths in the United States in 2022. In 2021, over 60,000 pedestrians were injured by drivers. Each one of these individuals had a life, a family, and a community that cared about them. Their sudden and violent deaths or injuries leave a permanent scar on the lives of those who knew and loved them. And yet, all of this suffering is caused by a refusal to inconvenience drivers for a few minutes. The State of Indiana and Aaron Freeman seem to place little value on the safety and well-being of pedestrians, prioritizing the convenience of drivers over the lives and health of their fellow citizens. The cost of this callous disregard for human life is simply too high to bear.
At least according to the State of Indiana and Aaron Freeman.
How to Get Around the NoTOR Ban
There are ways that the City of Indianapolis can get around the NoTOR Ban, and it is primarily through intersection and street design improvements.
There are soft infrastructure changes like setting back where cars stop with signs and paint, painting more visible crosswalks, painting street murals, and implementing Leading Pedestrian Intervals signal timing.
There are also hard infrastructure changes like reducing curb radii so drivers have to significantly slow down before turning right. Reducing roadway lanes or lane widths and implementing streetscape improvements like street trees have also been shown to subconsciously cause drives to drive slower because it increases their awareness of other vehicles and obstacles around them.
Zooming out to a network-level view, considerations should be given to more unique approaches to improving pedestrian safety. Implementing mid-block crossings can provide a safer crossing for pedestrians because it reduces the potential points of conflict; drivers won't be pre-occupied with looking left while turning right and pedestrians don't have to look over their shoulders when crossing. All they have to worry about is oncoming traffic. There should also be consideration given to completely eliminating private vehicle traffic entirely from certain portions of downtown.
Although the pre-emption legislation may be exasperating and expected to prolong the unsafe conditions in Indianapolis' busiest pedestrian zones, there is a possibility that it could prompt much-needed infrastructure improvements to enhance pedestrian safety. Over the last three decades, Indianapolis has made significant strides from its former downtown one-way traffic nightmare. However, there is still much more progress to be made in creating a more livable city, and this legislative decision might serve as a motivating force to achieve this goal.
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michaelcautillo · 2 years
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CicLAvia Meets The Hollywoods ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #amoeba #amoebahollywood #amoebamusic #architecture #bikela #california #cycling #dining #dtla #getoutside #hollywood #hollywoodblvd #ilovela #instagood #la #losangeles #openstreets #roadbike #safestreets #schwinn #southla #streetsforpeople #sundayfunday #tcrtuesday #walkoffame #weho #westhollywood (at West Hollywood, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChiNYpwPxsW1t9VEMwnE-1yBZHAFPMriqjr0oY0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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SafeStreets Home Security Jacksonville
Secure Your Peace of Mind with SafeStreets Home Security in Jacksonville
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In today's world, ensuring the safety and security of your home and loved ones is paramount. With the increasing prevalence of security home security and burglaries, investing in a robust home security system is no longer a luxury but a necessity. SafeStreets Home Security in Jacksonville stands as a beacon of trust and reliability, offering top-of-the-line ADT-monitored security solutions tailored to your specific needs.
Why Choose SafeStreets Home Security?
1. Unparalleled Experience and Expertise
SafeStreets Home Security isn't just another run-of-the-mill security provider. As one of ADT's oldest, largest, and most experienced Authorized Dealers, we bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. With years of industry experience under our belt, we understand the intricacies of home security like no other. When you choose SafeStreets, you're opting for a company that knows the ins and outs of protecting what matters most - your home and family.
2. Professional Installation
We understand that the installation process can often be a hassle. That's why we strive to make it as seamless and convenient as possible for our customers. Our team of trained professionals provides you with a precise, one-hour window for installation, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily routine. With SafeStreets, you can rest assured that your security system will be installed with precision and care, giving you peace of mind from day one.
3. Comprehensive Product Offerings
At SafeStreets Home Security Jacksonville, we believe in offering more than just basic security solutions. Our product offerings are designed to meet the diverse needs of homeowners, providing comprehensive protection against a range of threats. From custom home security systems and home automation solutions to security cameras, carbon monoxide detectors, and smoke detectors, we have everything you need to fortify your home against potential dangers.
Keywords and Their Significance
1. Home Security
In an age where threats to home security are ever-present, having a robust security system in place is non-negotiable. SafeStreets Home Security Jacksonville offers state-of-the-art home security solutions designed to safeguard your home and loved ones against intruders and unauthorized access.
2. Home Security Installation
The installation process is crucial in ensuring the effectiveness of your security system. SafeStreets takes the hassle out of installation with professional services that are prompt, efficient, and tailored to your specific requirements. Our goal is to make the installation process as smooth and hassle-free as possible, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of your security system without delay.
3. Security Systems
Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all security solutions. SafeStreets offers a diverse range of security systems, including customizable options that can be tailored to suit your unique needs and preferences. Whether you're looking for basic security features or advanced smart home integration, we have the perfect solution for you.
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4. Security Alarm Monitoring
Effective security goes beyond just installing cameras and sensors - it requires constant vigilance and monitoring. SafeStreets provides round-the-clock security alarm monitoring services, ensuring that your home is always protected, even when you're away. With our advanced monitoring systems in place, you can rest easy knowing that help is always just a phone call away in the event of an emergency.
In an uncertain world, one thing you can always count on is the reliability and expertise of SafeStreets Home Security in Jacksonville. With our unmatched experience, professional installation services, and comprehensive home security installation product offerings, we're committed to providing you with the peace of mind you deserve. Don't leave your home's security to chance - choose SafeStreets and protect what matters most. Contact us today to learn more about our ADT-monitored security solutions and take the first step towards a safer, more secure home.
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daringwinsall · 2 years
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@bikejcgram by @easy_repost_app ---------------------------------------- EFFECTIVE TODAY!! 👀🚗⬅️4🦶➡️🚲 #Repost @njbikewalk with @make_repost ・・・ 📣TODAY is the BIG DAY! The new #NJSafePassingLaw FINALLY takes effect on March 1st 🎉🙌 With the strongest safe passing law in the country, #NJ can better protect its walkers 🚶‍♀️, bicyclists 🚲, scooters riders 🛴, and rollers 👨‍🦽 by telling drivers how to pass SAFELY. What does this mean for drivers? The bill requires all drivers to approach and pass people on NJ roads with “due caution” ⚠️: ▶️ If at all possible, the driver 🚗 should change ➡️into a non-adjacent lane before getting closer than four 4️⃣ feet. ▶️ The driver 🚗 should leave a reasonable, safe distance of at least 4️⃣ feet when approaching the protected users 🚴🚶‍♂️👩‍🦽 until they can pass safely. ▶️ If those options are not possible, the driver must reduce their speed to 2️⃣5️⃣ miles per hour and be prepared to stop 🛑 Violating these guidelines will now result in a fine of $500 and two motor vehicle points, if bodily harm is caused. If no injury occurs, the fine is $100. Help us spread the word! 🔊 Talk to your friends, urge them to follow the law and remember everyone they pass is someone’s family member, friend, or neighbor. Stay tuned for more details on the launch of our Safe Passing Law Awareness Campaign during Bike Month 🚲 (May) and how you can get involved! Read the press release here: bit.ly/NJSafePass Learn more about the safe passing law on our website: njbwc.org/team4nj . . . #bikelaw #safestreets #visionzero4nj #bikewalknj https://www.instagram.com/p/CbQQz90rMPh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jodiduby · 4 years
The domestic and the political
There's something deeply paradoxical about the way our lives have suddenly become so starkly domestic against a backdrop of political upheaval and failures of leadership that eclipse any others in recent memory. To follow world events is to feel like we are living in a fictionalized version of a world we can vaguely remember, one where outsized characters continue to one-up yesterday's bombastic stupidity and the bad guys continue gaining ground, which can only mean that things are about to take a turn for the good guys...right? My day-to-day is comically mundane. I cook, I clean, I try to drink enough glasses of water, I notice new spiderwebs. I work from home, I draw and write emails and video-conference. I walk my dog, I chat with my neighbors from my porch while they stand in the street or on the sidewalk. I exhale softly when it is time to look at my bank account and pay bills; somehow, there is enough. Most of the time it feels like a gift, that life is so simple these days, that there are no after-hours networking events. I've finally started a garden. I don't have care-giving responsibilities. My loved ones are healthy. Staying home feels indeterminate but mostly not that hard. I know that I am lucky. And yet: the world outside is not stopping while we wait. COVID-19 is disproportionately ravaging communities of color. Black people continue to at the hands of police officers meting out extrajudicial killings. We live in an urban neighborhood that was gutted by white flight and is now affordable to middle class millennials like ourselves. (So it goes.) We love our neighborhood. We are grateful to be able to afford a home here, and we are trying to be good neighbors.
We have talked about whether or not we should call the police when we witness a drug deal. So far, we have not (called the police).  We grew up in very different versions of white privilege, my partner and I, but both were protected by our skin color from the fear of police violence. We defer to our neighbors, who have been here longer than we have. We listen carefully if there is shouting, in case help is needed. We are far more afraid of bringing unnecessary harm, than of anything we have witnessed in our neighborhood.
We join the call to close streets to cars, to make more space for sidewalk cafes, for dog walking and strollers and jogging, and yet we know that this action is hollow against the reality that Ahmaud Arbery is killed while running in his own neighborhood. Safe streets for whom?
Domestic life feels insignificant against the struggles going on all around us, and yet, it is what we are ultimately fighting for, for every human being, and in the end it's all we have.
The domestic is political.
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83degreesmedia · 5 years
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mpalka · 5 years
SafeStreets (NoMa) | P4A 2019\
You can help and vote for this charity and many others here: http://projectforawesome.com/watch?v=Pc3KsZlzHRY
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walkablenashville · 5 years
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Election Day! If you did not early vote, it’s time to get your feet to the polls! #votingfeet #GoVoteNashville Remember to elect and/or re-elect leaders with a passion for #safestreets who will 1) uphold the sidewalk legislation 2) continue to improve & fund the neighborhood traffic calming program more robustly 3) address dangerous crossings through an intentional & accountable effort 4) work to deliver more sidewalks at less cost more quickly 5) advance a transit plan with a bigger emphasis on #sidewalks & #greenways #walkmore #johncooperfornashville https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ncHZYBhOw/?igshid=1xj1d27fcylo8
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biketalkla · 2 years
The founder of Pedal People, Ruthy Woodring, talks trash and bike repair. Chicago Family Biking founder Rebeccah Resman and Streetsblog editor John Greenfield on the killing of a 3 year old on her mother's bike in a street with a bike lane. chi.streetsblog.org/2022/06/09/fema…nway-in-uptown/ www.chicagofamilybiking.org/
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wewantjustice-blog1 · 6 years
An Open Letter to Create Awareness
With all due respect, I, a student and citizen of Bangladesh want to draw your attention. Our country is in major trouble in want of justice, safer roads and transportation. It started in July 29, 2018. 2 school going students were killed by a bus due to reckless driving The students started protesting right on that day near that bus stand. We have lost a lot of people in road accidents before. According to the statistics given by Dhaka tribune, 7397 people were killed due to road accidents in Bangladesh in 2017. Most of them were students. All of this riled up an awareness and also agitation among the students for which the protests and movements spread countrywide in two days. The whole country started protesting by blocking the roads. The school, college and university going students started checking the driving license and fitness papers of all vehicles indiscriminately. Most drivers did not have license and fitness papers of the car. So we made sure that unless someone licensed was there to drive, the car could not leave. Still 3 more students died in road accidents on July 30, 2018. The movement took a much larger form in July 31, 2018. The students blocked the busiest roads and streets of Dhaka and other major cities. As a result, it created a huge ruckus in the country. So the police, on that very day, attacked on the students and baton charged on them. From the next day, the angry students were more in number and the movement started in full flow. The junior students of schools and colleges started protesting in streets, brought out decent processions with different slogans, mainly saying “we want justice”, which is the motto of the whole protest. The students made a nine point demand to the government, which is as follows:
1) The driver should receive capital punishment and provision for such punishment should be incorporated into the existing law. 2) Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan must withdraw his statement and apologize to the students and resign from his posts immediately. 3) Construction of a foot over-bridge or alternative arrangement to ensure safety for students movement at the spot of the accident; construction must start within 7 days. 4) Setting up speed breakers in every accident prone road. 5) The government has to take responsibility for the students who were injured in road accidents. 6) All intra-city buses must stop and pick up students. 7) Students should be allowed to pay discounted fares in every part of the country including Dhaka. 8) Vehicles must not be allowed on the streets without fitness certificates and drivers must not drive without licenses and updated paperwork. 9) No bus can take additional passengers.
The government did verbally confess about accepting the demands of ours and started the construction works of the roads. but, the reckless driving of the bus drivers did not deteriorate by an inch or so. Rather two accidents took place in between the protest days, on friday and saturday, when the students were not on the roads. The victim lies in the hospital bed fighting a critical situation. Yet, more students have died for this movement and due to road accidents. One of the protesters was intentionally run over by a moving pickup truck on July 31, 2018 only because the driver did not want to show his license or get caught for not having it. These reckless and ruthless drivers are not being punished. The students have also caught high government officials without license, which made the government more aggressive towards the innocent protest of the students. Now, the government is sending its private goons of BSL (Bangladesh Students League) and the police. The movements were peaceful and the processions were completely non-violent, yet the students were attacked by the aforementioned people for wanting to do the right thing. Students were injured in some major parts of Dhaka city from August 1, 2018 to August 4, 2018. Along with inflicting injuries , on August 2, 2018 and on August 4, 2018 many girls were sexually assaulted and many of the students were injured by the government people, (THE BSL) and afterwards it was hard that a group of four girls were taken to the areal office of BSL and were sexually harassed while some pointed that they were raped. The question that was asked by the mass was, if girls were raped then who were they? What was their identity? These were left unanswerable and the police traded that the issue about abducting girls and boys to the Jhigatola office was merely a rumor. Some mentioned that some of these girls were raped then killed with hammer blows and thrown into Dhanmondi lake.
*One girl was raped in an area named Shantinagar *A boy's eyes were clawed out *A lot of school girls still remain missing including 3.
Besides the reporters and the camera man of different local channels were harmed and camera's were taken drown of destroyed to remove any proof that could establish the truth. "What scares them so much that they do these?” The students have been injured severely in various places all over the country. Only a few somehow survived the attacks and lived to share the story. We are trying our best to make the stories viral and share it with media, but now the government has put enough effort in shutting the media down against itself. A lot of girls are still trapped inside the government offices and other places. They are going to be raped soon most probably. There is no media coverage being done on this massacre. A dead body of a female student has been found in in Dhanmondi’s lake with obvious signs of sexual assault. News have now spread that the Students League will come out again at dead of night to capture random students from their homes and kill them or rape them.
We now need your help. Please help us get out of this massacre. Please help us stop the mass murdering. We only wanted safer roads, safer environment for the people, especially the youth. from, a Bangladeshi helpless student
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wakeupbmore · 3 years
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Yesterday morning my family lost a ❤️ one to gun violence Kyre you were loved by many and will never be forgotten... 🏎🎮🏍🎧 #safestreets #stop #shooting #eachoneteachone #eachonereachone (at Baltimore, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWz5Wxbg-3m/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cyclistazine · 3 years
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Before you go to bed tonight, we ask folks to use this template as a tool to email and call to put pressure on your Mayors, City Council, and Planning and Transportation Agency Directors to pledge to defund and diverge enforcement funding to equity community investment and resources to COVID19 responses in Black communities. . #BLACKLIVESMATTER, Vision Zero, transit, and police brutality, they all intersect. Cities and their agencies need to be held accountable to what is happening as they enforce systems of white supremacy through practices of redlining, disinvestment, environmental pollution, policing, and profiling in communities of color. . We created and provided this template that is available publicly in our Patreon along with links of studies that link COVID19 and Vision Zero to increased police enforcement in communities of color. . For folks or brands who don't know were to start: . SOLIDARITY REQUIRES ACTION. Start with donating, then move on to calling and writing letters to your mayor, city council, and transportation departments. . DO THE WORK. Start anti-racism training in your organizations and companies. Pledge to loudly oppose and condemn the actions of racism and police brutality. . DO NOT tokenize or ask Black, Indigenous, People of Color to be speaking out on issues of race for you with 'good vibes only' posts or content. This emotional labor should not be their labor. It’s on YOU! . BUILD a support group/coalition with friends/brands to educate, plan, and support each other to work together to hold each other accountable to take solidarity action to support communities who need you standing with them right now. . It's one thing to react, it's another thing to organize, listen, prepare, strategize, and build community consent and support to make a difference. . Listen, practice self preservation, we got a way to go. . Template available in link in profile. . #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforbreonnataylor #justiceforahmaudarbery #justicefortonymcdade #visionzero #safestreetsforwho #organize #advocacy #community #equity #inequality #bikesafety #safestreets #bipocsonbikes #transit #activetransportation #cityplanning #transportationplanner https://www.instagram.com/p/CA4HqqrF1T6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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New day new adventure. Love hiking the streets to reach mysterious unnumbered bus stops #WithNoScheduleOrNothin #IfISoundBitterItsBecauseYesterdayWasSoFresh #TheseBusStopsThough You can't see it, but somewhere in this picture is a bus stop. Good luck finding it. #ThisIsRidiculous #Landscaping #SafeStreets #Walkability #HowNotToStreet #UrbanDesign #TransportationSystem (at South Bend, Indiana)
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atulba · 4 years
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Have a great Aloha Wednesday #New #Fresh #LoveofCommunity #RepresentYou #NewIdeas #MovingForward #Ewa #Mililani #Kunia #Waikele #VilliagePark #Waipahu #BornAndRised #Liveditandunderstandthestruggle #Local #nonpartisan #Willlistentobothsides #unity #strongcommunites #SafeStreets #SafeParks #safeneighborhood #QualityofLife #CommonSense #TeamWork (at Ewa Beach, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEpAHy0Amt-/?igshid=1f7va1l3k4ztc
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