#safety razor
16woodsequ · 9 months
Sunday Steve - Day Nine
Things that would be new or unfamiliar to Steve in the 21st century, either due to the time period he grew up in, or his social-economic status and other such factors.
Day Nine: Shaving
Shaving was very important culturally in the 1930s and 40s. "A connection was drawn between shaving and employment: earning a living was a man's duty to himself and his family." (Link)
Razors: The electric razor was invented in 1921 and began to be marketed around the 1930s but Steve would likely never have owned one. He could have heard of it though. (Link) 
I can't find if the army used electric razors on new recruits in the army. However, I have found that if Steve got his hair cut in the field, he may have experienced a similar, mechanical method.
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This is part of a 1945 barber kit. As you can see, the blade is similar to some electric razors, but they are moved manually with the handles of the clipper. Straight razors and scissors were also used. Clippers were used for the hair.
Soldiers in the army and most men in the 30s and 40s were clean shaven (if they did have facial hair it was a neatly trimmed moustache), and we'll get into how they shaved next.
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WW2 Barber using clippers to cut another soldier's hair.
Steve likely would have shaved with a safety razor, also know as the Double Edge (DE) razor. (If you’ve ever seen razor blades, that is the blade used in a safety razor.) Blades could be bought separately and attached to the razor head which was then attach to the handle. Blades could be sharpened with a leather strap called a strop.
Animated Gillette Advert about Proper Razor Use, 1940s (8 mins)
This video is a really good way to see how shaving was typically done. The face is washed, shaving cream is applied to the face with a bristle brush then the shave commences.
Safety razors work like this:
Safety razors are often 3 parts (not including the blade). On a traditional safety razor, there's the handle, the razor bed, and the head of the razor (the head closes off the top of the blade and screws in to the handle). On a butterfly safety razor, the head and razor bed form one piece, and do not detach from the handle. Instead, you twist a part of the handle (usually the base) to open the head of the razor, at which point you can insert the blade into the razor bed. (Link)
These are the two types of safety razors we saw in the video. Butterfly razors were introduced in 1934.
Safety razors are held at a 30 degree angle from the face and it is important to let gravity do the work. You do not need to push or add pressure because safety razors are heavier. If you do these two things you won't cut yourself.
Safety razors are 'safe' because the guard on top of the blade ensures only a small sharp edge is available. This prevents deeper cuts.
How To Shave with a Safety Razor (4 mins)
This video shows how the safety razor works, as well as shaving cream.
As we saw in the first video, razor blades had to be bought to replace dull blades. However blades could be sharpened using a leather strop. Stropping went out of style as Gillette introduced disposable blades but clearly in the 1940 video it was still very much done.
I suspect Steve would have sharpened his razor blades as much as possible because in 1930 ten new blades cost 1 dollar (Link).
Some men also shaved with straight razors, but safety razors were easier to use so men didn't have to go to the barber shop for a shave. 
Two blade cartridge razors were introduced in the 70s. Three and five blade razors cartridges weren’t invented until the 90s and 2006 respectively. (Link) Razors with pivoting heads were also introduced in the 70s. (Link)
"Until the 1960s, razor blades were made of carbon steel. These were extremely prone to rusting and forced users to change blades frequently" (Link).
People who use safety razors today claim they provide a closer shave and are less irritating to the skin. Steve would probably be of the same opinion coming into the future and encountering razor cartridges. It would also take him some adjustment to learn the correct pressure and angle needed for cartridge razors.
It would not surprise me if Steve decided to use safety razors in the 21st century.
Shaving cream: Shaving cream in an pressurized can was not a thing until after WW2. Instead, Steve would have used either round bars of shaving soap (know as pucks) to create a lather in a cup, or shaving cream from a tube. 
Soldiers were issued a shaving kit and expected to remain clean shaven. Most kits included a razor, shaving soap or powder, comb, toothpaste or powder, mirror, toothbrush, and soap. Soldiers had an allowance of one blade a week and were expected to be clean shaven if possible. (Link)
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Shaving kit accessories, including soap. See alt description for item details.
Here you can see soldiers were supplied with soap, a shaving brush and a shave stick. Shave sticks worked like soap pucks, the stick could be rubbed with the shaving brush to make a lather or the stick could be rubbed against a wet face, the brush then used to spread the lather. (Link)
Soap could be lathered into shaving cream as well. All a soldier would need would be a mess cup or helmet to hold water for shaving.
Another option was brushless shaving cream. This is shaving cream that came in a tube rather than in a puck that needed to be agitated into a lather.
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Examples of brushless shaving cream tubes, the most frequent brands recovered on the battlefield. This site also has pictures of recovered toothbrushes and other toiletries.
Apparently brushless shaving cream had many unofficial uses:
It was perfect for sun- and windburn, nurses shampooed their hair with it, it soothed fleabites and softened chapped hands and cracked fingers. And there at Anzio the soldiers discovered that if they massaged their feet with it once a day, it went a long way toward preventing the dreaded trench foot. It’s a shame somebody didn’t shave with it once in a while. (Link)
Shaving brushes were made out of animal hair. Horse hair, badger or boar were the most common, synthetic bristles was also possible.
Shaving gel was not invented until the 1970s (Link) 
As for aftershave, from what I understand soldiers could receive toiletries from family or buy it at commissary. Listerine could be used as aftershave. There are also stories of soldiers using the mouthwash/aftershave Aqua Velva as alcohol. Aqua Velva had a contract with the government during the war so it may have been issued to soldiers instead of bought by them, I don't know for sure what the process was.
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silvereyedowl · 11 months
#WhoSpy 2
Happy Halloween! Have a photo roundup:
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"Flip the switch, see what happens..." October 7, 2023
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"Do NOT be caught reading classified UNIT documents, trust me 😤" October 9, 2023
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"Help! It's #WhoSpy here, reporting for duty 🫡 The Doctor Who bosses have caught on to my behind-the-scenes antics so look out for me on a few other places for the next couple... 👀" October 12, 2023
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"What could this be used for?"
"That looks deadly…" October 15, 2023
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"Who could need these?" October 16, 2023
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"BOO! 👹" October 17, 2023
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"These tests have been happening awfully recently..." October 18, 2023
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"Suited for action 🫡" October 20, 2023
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"Rose has been planning for quite a while!" October 22, 2013
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"It will chime four times... 🔔"
"And... action! #WhoSpy is back, bringing you more behind-the-scenes exclusives from the 60th anniversary specials." October 24, 2023
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These promo pics give context for the October 15th images.
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nice-bright-colors · 1 year
Today might just be the day.
Wake up, get up, and start the process of hacking this beard off my face. The 6 week mark is usually when my mustache starts growing into my mouth. Not to mention I haven’t been using any coconut oil on it, so it’s very dry and brittle. Plus my beard has always been rather coarse to start with.
This could take a while, and probably a few razor blades.
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! ...wait: for reals!!!??? (Dad joke explanation: that kind of lawnmower is a "reel mower" ...why is it a Dad joke? Because you laugh when the punchline becomes aparent.)
1909 Leslie Lawn Mower Razor Blade Sharpener -- helical razor strop (somebody thought this was a good idea!)
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....................................................this reminds me of something *starts humming "Barber of Seville" by Rossini*
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omg shaving with a safety razor is so easy??? Like why tf have I been struggling with disposable plastic crap all these years?
I was afraid to try it because I was worried about cutting myself, but like once the blade was securely in the razor I don't think I could've drawn blood even if I wanted to.
I haven't tried it anywhere by my face yet, but I feel like worst-case scenario for my legs & pits would be if it just *doesn't work*, which would just be if I can't maneuver to get it at the proper angle.
So like, pros of a safety razor:
Shave in the direction of hair growth -- super helpful for around my mouth (I can't tell to how many times I've nicked my lips with plastic multi-blade razors trying to go against the hair growth. That's actually why I finally bought this thing), might turn out to be a draw-back for other parts but it's worth it for this alone.
Environmentally friendly -- no plastic, and the only part you ever have to dispose of is the tiny little blades (idk, some brands may have plastic parts, but even if they do, it wouldn't be a part that you throw away). The one I got is even packaged completely in paper and the blades are technically recyclable (although a lot of recycling programs won't accept them because, y'know, blades).
Easy to clean -- my multi-blade razors always get gummed up super fast with hair and shaving cream (or soap or lotion) and there's so little space between them that even the full pressure of my bathtub faucet often can't loosen it. Not a problem with the safety razor: if you get a bit of stubborn build-up around the blade you can loosen it just a bit so that there's more space for it to rinse out, and then tighten it was back down.
Adjustable -- idk if this is something all safety razors and have, but mine you can reverse a piece when you insert the blade to control the curvature (and maybe exposed length?) of the blade. I used the one it said was for sensitive skin, which may have contributed to to the fact that I couldn't have cut myself even if I wanted to.
Cost-effective -- I started to say cheap, but I decided that could be misleading, since you can get the disposable ones at the dollar store and I paid like to $25 for my safety razor (and that was on sale). But that includes 5 blades, each of which will probably last me as long as 2 of the plastic ones. And I can get 100 more blades for under $20 (or 5 more for $3), and that's if I get them from the razor manufacturer's website;there's a good chance there's cheaper ones elsewhere. So in the long run, I'll be spending less (assuming it works for everything). There are some expensive safety razors out there but hell there are expensive multi-blade ones also.
You need to be careful when handling and disposing of blades (honestly not a big deal at all for me)
Not widely available in physical stores (but we all live online anyway right?)
So yeah, if you've ever thought about trying a safety razor but were too scared, do it! (What I've got is a Rockwell 2C, if you're wondering, but this isn't a plug for any specific brand, just for safety razors in general).
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zerofuckingwaste · 1 year
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I just found out that a local store has a refill bar for shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and other products! I was already in need of replacements, so I went ahead and got the refillable bottles for these three items, glass and stainless steel. This is a great alternative to bars which 1) my guests confuse as soap, and 2) my cats confuse as food.
I also picked up a safety razor- I've never used one before, but they're a fantastic alternative to the modern multi blade razor, and this one happened to be decently priced! More info on these to come :)
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vicevex · 1 year
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Gillette tech k1 razor with ball-end handle
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drgeppo · 2 years
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My gf got me a safety razor for our anniversary and it's the best gift in recent memory 🥹❤️
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wegianwarrior · 5 months
The other new arrival: a Christy razor
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pb-dot · 11 months
Peebs' Adventures in Self-Care: Safety Razors
I have a somewhat strained relationship with hair. Not body hair as much, which is good for me because I'm hirsute as fuck and the stuff is both all over the place and quite thick. No, my beef with the stuff on my head. Like many men, my grandfather before me was hit particularly early and particularly hard, I have a bit of an early male pattern baldness thing going on. It's not a look I particularly like, even when considering the societal Bad Vibes when it comes to balding. So, I chose to do what many fellas in my position chose to do, which is to say, shave the whole mess off and dodge the MPB entirely by leaning in.
There is, however, a problem. The hair I have which is not balding, that is to say roughly 75% of my scalp, is thick as fuck. I've always had thick hair, so I noticed the balding mostly as it thinning out on top at first. Now, however, I wish it'd all wilt a little bit because getting the sides and back shaved down and maybe more importantly kept down is a nightmare without end.
Put frankly, I have found very few shaving solutions that make the workload manageable. Buzzcutting it all down works ok, but leaves a very conspicuous "this spot balds" area on account of not getting the hair all the way down. For a while, I used a specialized scalp trimmer, but it started making sounds that told me it didn't like outputting the RPM needed to cut through the keratin jungle on the regular. Cassette razors I just plain don't like because they're expensive and not that convenient, come loaded with excess plastic waste, and get gummed up with my hair in a real hurry. So, as such I was left with two options, with a third option being giving up, which I tried but also found not great for the ol' depression.
Option one: A straight razor. The undernourished goth kid in me likes this option, but it feels entirely too risky given my dyspraxia issues and disappointing motor control in general, so that's out for now. Option two, however, was giving a safety razor a go, which is what I did.
The results? I would call them mixed at this point. I've only used it a couple of times, and I hope I get better at it because I did not escape the experience without a few nicks. On the bright side, the nicks were painful right away and thus easier to identify and learn from than the cassette razor "samurai movie invisible cut"-style nicks. The results were ok, there were a couple of spots I couldn't quite get cleared up, but I'm assuming that'll improve with some practice.
Also, holy shit I hate shaving the back of my head. It's the most impenetrable hair jungle on my entire head and I can't fucking see it. "Helping me shave the back of my head" goes straight to the top of my list of reasons to get a partner and/or open-minded roommate. Alternatively, maybe I should look into controlled fires or micro-scale industrial logging.
More on this as it develops unless the ol' depression takes over, I suppose.
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karisocreates · 1 year
10 Simple Ways to Cut Down on Plastic Waste in Your Daily Routine
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Learn 10 easy ways to reduce plastic waste in your daily routine and contribute to a more sustainable future. From reusable bags to homemade cleaning products, discover simple changes you can make to cut down on plastic waste. Use of plastic carrier bags; Photo by Julia M Cameron on Pexels.com Plastic waste is a global problem that impacts our environment and wildlife. While it may seem…
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manmanual-au · 1 year
Looking for a game-changing upgrade to your daily grooming routine? Discover the ultimate shaving experience by switching to a safety razor! Join Man Manual, the leading men's lifestyle channel, as we delve into the world of safety razors and unveil the incredible benefits they offer. Say goodbye to expensive cartridges and subpar shaves, and say hello to a smoother, more enjoyable grooming journey.
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For clearer, smoother skin.
Shaving for the rest of us.
Introducing your most most comfortable shave ever. Say goodbye to razor burn, bumps and irritation. Rockwell’s patented system promises a close, comfortable shave, for any skin or stubble type.
Try risk-free for 60 days
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zaneaonc287 · 2 years
The 5 Best Straight Razor Kits in 2022 - Straight Razor Kit Canada
You likewise get a convenient illuminated countdown when your cut is on its last 9 minutes of power. Bevel's heavy safety razor makes it very easy to make the change without shredding your neck. "It has oiled skin guards that assist safeguard the skin," Reyes explains. Female's razors are developed for people shaving legs, armpits, and also pubic locations.
It might be one of the earliest pet grooming tools on the market however with the present emphasis on mindfulness and plastic-free pet grooming, the modest safety and security razor couldn't be much more "now" if it attempted.
And Harry's smooth orange Truman handle-- it looks like it's made from lovely, traditional Bakelite-- is gorgeous.
The broad, efficiently contoured take care of is incredibly comfortable in the hand, and its five platinum-coated blades as well as rotating head hug the lines of your face, finishing even extreme stubble.
Here we are concentrating on cartridge-based razor systems having in between 3 and 6 blades.
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Merkur's specialized safety razor is a perfect option if you're brand-new to shaving and also worried about slipping up-- its short manage lends itself towards very easy ability to move, aiding you keeping errors to a bare minimum as you go. Delivering on both style as well as material, only its slightly higher cost factor avoided it from topping our checklist. We 'd go as much to say it was a cut above virtually whatever else, if it had not been for the reality that given the smooth cut it provided, "cut" would be the least appropriate word possible.
Just How Much Should You Invest In Your Razor?
However according to Today I Found Out, they're extra carefully packed together in a razor head-- the much better for cutting through crude face hair and getting as close a cut as feasible. The smaller, squared head aids people be exact concerning which parts of their facial hair they're slashing off. While there are a lot of body hair shavers and also also various other designated below-the-waist electric razors for men, the Manscaped Lawn Mower is the gold standard. It features soft however sharp, rust-proof ceramic blades with proprietary, advanced SkinSafe Modern technology to ensure a smooth, also shave or cut without triggering bumps, irritation, and also ingrown hairs. The Rolls-Royce of electric razors for males needs to be the Braun Collection cc Electric Aluminum foil Electric shaver. Braun is an industry leader in top quality electrical razors, as well as their Collection 9 is furnished old style razor with all the bells and whistles.
Nk Expensive Security
However we're talking an issue of secs to obtain those additional strokes accomplished, as well as not everyone will certainly discover five blades to be quicker if the extra time required to wash those blades is factored in. Another unfavorable originated from an individual that had actually formerly enjoyed the now-discontinued Mach3 Sensitive, which utilized a thinner blade with a various finishing. " The shave felt rather harsh and not specifically close," said that individual.
The Xtreme 5 Pivot Round ™ Razor moves up & down as well as side to side, reacting flawlessly to your unique shapes for Xtreme distance & comfort ™. It has 5 ceramic layered blade edges for a close & comfy cut. The appeal of this electric razor-trimmer hybrid is that you can utilize it for literally any type of look on anywhere you want to shave. It gives a close, tidy cut on both your face and body, however also features size guards if you want to keep some length.
Angle By Morrama Razor
However it clogs quickly, and the substitute heads price twice as long as the Mach3's. Master barber Angelo Ruscetta chooses this budget-friendly shavette rather than the Dovo just above. Ruscetta likes how the razor secure its blades tighter than any kind of other shavette he's pursued a firmer hold. It's hefty with thoroughly considered information that guarantee it'll last a very long time, he included. Bulldog's no-frills grooming products have won it a legion of fans considering that the brand name was established in 2005. This good-looking bamboo deal with number includes 5 solidified steel blades, all covered in recyclable product packaging that reflects the brand's committment to sustainability.
The Classic Edge Shaving Store
By appointment only, 23 College Ave, Port Rowan, ON N0E 1M0, Canada
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unpretty · 2 months
my razor finally became unusable because the threading that connects the head to the handle wore out, so while i was shopping for a new one i decided to check how much i originally paid for it out of curiosity
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