dan-asd · 1 year
Free advertisement for Sagan4!!!
Sagan4 is an collaborative spec evo project, and i think the oldest project of its kind! Here is the draft for an species i am making for the project, the Buoy wavegrass!
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Buoy Wavegrass Creator: Dan_ASD Ancestor: Drinking Cloudgrass Size: 4 meters wide bubble Habitat: Ladym tropical ocean, Mnid tropical ocean, Jujubee tropical ocean, Fly tropical coast, Hydro tropical coast, Jlindy tropical coast, Javen tropical coast, Ofan tropical coast Support: Cell Wall (Cellulose), Flotation Sac (Hydrogen) Diet: Photosynthesis, Oceanic Planktivore (<60 cm), Respiration: Passive (stomata) Thermoregulation: Ectotherm Reproduction: Sexual (Spores), Asexual (Macroscopic Binary Fission) The buoy wavegrass is an neotenic descendant of the drinking cloudgrass, and has adapted to an neustonic lifestyle. It's bubble has doubled in size, at 4 meters of diameter at peak adult size. The sponge tissue has evolved to fill all of the bubble interior again, as it no longer needs to float in the sky. The buoy wavegrass has evolved an new tissue type under its outer dermis, many filaments of cells with thick cell walls that form an structure similar to an cactus' skeleton. This Wavegrass Wood allows the bubble and its interior spongy tissue to maintain its shape even after being punctured. It provides protection to the buoy wavegrass' soft insides that would be easy food for most aquatic creatures. Their diet is varied, and they have adapted their tendrils into many different forms for all of their different food sources. -Fronds Their top-most tendrils are still used as leaves, adapted to the strong winds that the seas have, they have become highly frilled to avoid catching the wind and ripping off or tumbling the buoy wavegrass over. Cloudbubbles can only breathe air, so the Buoy Wavegrass have adapted their fronds to have an higher concentration of stomata, due to half of their bodies being submerged in water. -Underwater tendrils Their bottom tendrils that were used for drinking and filtering water have adapted into two morphologies- Flypaper tendrils and Fine tendrils. -Flypaper skirt The flypaper tendrils surround the fine tendrils, they are flat and broad, with many mucous glands. When an small creature touches these, the flypaper tendrils will quickly pull and curl around the creature. The tendril will ooze acidic mucus and digest the prey within a few days. -Fine tendrils The fine tendrils are adapted to absorbing water and filtering plankton, they come in hundreds and have a length of roughly 4-5 meters. As with with the flypaper tendrils, they have evolved the ability to quickly retract towards the body, but in this case they haven't evolved to predate, but to avoid predation. Animals often will try to nibble on the fine tendrils to get an quick meal, which may be beneficial to the buoy wavegrass if they bump into the flypaper tendrils. Buoy wavegrass individuals reproduce sexually by dumping hundreds of millions of spores into the water, which will develop as an sort of phytoplankton in the water, until they mature and float into the water surface. In these early stages, many will be predated on by other buoy wavegrasses and drinking cloudgrasses. They also are capable of binary fission and around their adult stage, will start producing an small colony of 6-12 members, which are attached like the parasitic floats. These colonies attract symbiotic animals that get protection from the tendrils and protect the buoy wavegrasses from parasites and predators.
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disgustedorite · 2 years
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latest Sagan 4 species, that I have drawn
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kisiel-do-internetu · 1 month
do you know about the aliens on sagan 4
Never heard before, I rlly like the premise, I never seen an spec bio projet made by this many authors before. It seems a bit chaotic with all that artstyles, but it's maybe a positive, since the created world is so diverse.
link to site.
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Imagine if there were a Wikipedia article about sauceback anatomy
Honestly, I've never heard of them before but I did some looking around and I love stuff like this. I mostly just watch Artifexian, but I wanna do a worldbuilding project like this one day
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pikku-peruna · 1 year
Have you heard about Sagan 4?
No I haven't, but I just googled it now and this is amazing!!!
I didn't think there was really a community around this nerdy stuff! I just really loved @jayrockin 's and @garbgob 's work!
I actually have a main project I've been working on for 3 year now called Cerifikn-Nation. And it used to be a Closed Species but now it's just a Closed Art-RolePlay-Game. (ie: Make as many characters as you want, but you gotta earn ARPG items to bring them into the "canon" world) It's super DnD and GuildWars2 inspired, and one day I wanna make it into a game like GuildWars2!
Paragliders are just a nagging thought I HAD to put onto paper and didn't expect anyone to be interested, but this Sagan 4 thing is super cool and I'm gonna read more about it later!! Thank you Anon for telling me about this wicked cool project :D
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ihasafandom · 1 year
Ah I think my last ask was eaten for having a link, yeah it's still around but they lost the original domain so it's sagan4 dot org now
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kaisumisu · 4 years
Have you heard of Sagan 4, the free Spore-inspired worldbuilding project where anyone can submit a species?
i havent, so i checked it out, i read through the wiki and some of the forum posts and it seems interesting? i dont feel much pull for joining but it does make me happy to see other people having fun with stuff like this.
its always strange coming across things on the internet that have existed for years without ever having heard of them prior, especially when the community around them is small (or so i assume from my quick search)
i found quite a neat video to boot.
i have to say this ask came at a strangely convenient time, considering i was just planning on starting to build my own alien planet for some of my own characters.
despite not necessarily caring to contribute, i have to thank you for making my evening a tad more interesting than usual.
also, from looking through the sagan 4 tag, it seems an anon has been sending asks about sagan 4 before, are you perhaps the same one?
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tigressjasper · 5 years
turns out Tumblr is smarter than I thought about blocking links. Sagan 4 wiki where you can read about it if you want: sagan4(.)miraheze(.)org
okie thanks!
Hi update i read it and it’s really cool! the thought of like drawing and writing about a planet sounds very creative.
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jakaltimes · 7 years
To all members of Sagan 4
I'm sorry I'm sorry I wasn't around enough I feel sorrow for the pain felt by my fellow world-crafters I'm sorry I couldn't do more to help but as the twilight dims to pitch black a light flickers I hold that light close may it burst forth into new creations, new life I love you all, my friends and all the new members we find in the future
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sagan-4 · 11 years
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Creator: Yokto
Binucleusdetritivorus is a scavenger that lives far below in the depths right down to the bottom of the lake living on the debris of other organism such as protosammea massa and hexapodia. Larger amounts of binucleusdetritivorus can be found near protohydroia octotherma colonies where they feed off of the protohydroia octherma that drift away. Early in their evolution something went wrong with the cell division process, leading to it have two cell nuclei.
For more information, check out the Sagan 4 Wiki.
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disgustedorite · 2 years
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Some recent Sagan 4 submission artwork. Experimental style(s), including “fake” traditional art (these are 100% digital).
That "eel” is actually supposed to be animated, but Tumblr doesn’t seem to like APNG. It can be viewed properly on the forum though.
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sagan4creatures · 11 years
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The jawscooter replaced its ancestor, the common oceanscooter in Arctic Polar Sea. Like its ancestor, the jawscooter is defended by plates that can discharge electricity. However, its diet has evolved from herbivore to omnivore, because it has developed a jaw and sharp teeth made of cellulose. It can photosynthesize using its green skin filled with many chloroplasts. Its streamline shape helps it swim through the water rather than scoot across the seafloor.
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disgustedorite · 4 months
Sagan 4 is not dead, Sagan 4 is not lost media, and Sagan 4 was never "rebooted".
Sagan 4, with no changes from how it was before 2017 apart from hundreds of new species being added in more recent generations, is right here and people are making new species for it all the time. And yet, these myths have apparently prevailed throughout the speculative evolution community. I'll go over my understanding of where these myths came from, and why they are only myths.
The myth that Sagan 4 is dead
This likely stems from the fears of the Sagan 4 community during The Limbo, a period spanning about 2.5 years from 2017 to late 2019. During this time, Sagan 4 did not have a website and its community was in shambles due to the web host they'd been using shutting down and the only person who knew how to set up a new website leaving the project.
Some have said that Sagan 4 was at least temporarily "dead" during that time, but it's more accurate (and honestly nicer) to say that it was on hiatus while the website situation was being figured out. This was resolved at the beginning of 2020 just in time for the pandemic to give everyone a shitton of free time, allowing it to resume pretty much at full swing.
This myth likely persists in part because we lost sagan4.com. It's currently being held by some company that snaps up brand names to keep them from being taken by randos, and we don't have the money to buy it from them yet. Also, don't visit it because it's being used for ad space and usually redirects to random shady websites for some reason.
The myth that Sagan 4 is lost media
It's literally right here. Sagan 4 was briefly considered lost media during the limbo due to a miscommunication and misplacement of wiki data, which was part of what caused it to take so long for the website situation to be figured out. If it can be said that it was lost media at any point, then today, it is found media.
However, the contents of the original Sagan 4 forum is considered lost media (well, technically, as some threads are intact on the Wayback Machine and Common Crawl, it's officially classified as partially found). The forum contained no canon project content, though it did contain numerous discussions, a whole thread of fanart, and the now-lost losing entries into the sapient contest.
This myth probably persists in part because we lost sagan4.com (see above).
The myth that Sagan 4 was "rebooted"
This myth is perhaps the most understandable of the three, as this was real misleading phrasing used by a handful of Sagan 4 members.
There are two events that are sometimes described as "reboots" when they are not:
The creation of Sagan 4 Beta, a fan project with an early point of divergence that later got made official
The transition into week 27
Sagan 4 Beta is not a reboot because it was always a fan project, at least before it was made official. The original Sagan 4 returned within a few months, but during that time some of Beta's staff members, misinformed about the project's status and their rights over the property (which were none), touted it as an "official reboot". It wasn't, and never was.
The beginning of Week 27, sometimes called a "soft reboot", was not a reboot. I have no idea why Mnidjm called it that; all we did was...make the map not suck anymore by getting a new map artist and adding more climate zones, and make a few changes to the rules (mostly affecting the system for submitting whole genera). We did make some internal changes to stuff like plate tectonics and the space surrounding the solar system, but this wasn't really changing anything so much as filling holes in canon. This also isn't the first time we've even done any of these things including at once (weeks 2, 5, and 20 come to mind), it's really not a big deal.
This myth likely persists because of old threads and lingering use of misleading terminology.
I hope this post clears things up.
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ihasafandom · 1 year
Did you know that Sagan4 is still alive?
I did not, but I have not been following it. That is a large-scale exobiological evolution project, right?
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disgustedorite · 2 years
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A selection of some recent stuff I’ve made for Sagan 4!
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disgustedorite · 4 years
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Oh yeah Sagan 4′s Alpha timeline is back and I’ve been making these shrews for it
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