#sagittarius m x sagittarius f
grammical · 2 years
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Sagittarius male x Sagittarius female!
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sagstelliums · 5 months
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(Left to right) what makes you rare/unique
Pile 1
I see that what makes you rare/unique is your creativity and your intelligence, I see that the way you can have peace in solitude and you don’t feel the need to always be around people makes you unique. I see that the way you talk or your perspective makes you rare/unique, I see that you can have a talented voice or you draw people in with your voice or with what you say. What makes you rare/unique is how caring you are and how you like to help people even if they don’t need it, the way you take care of your body or your stamina/strength makes you unique. What makes you rare/unique is you inner strength and the way you face your fears, you don’t allow other to bully you or make you feel uncomfortable. What makes you rare/unique is your sense of humor or your optimism, you may have dark humor or make fun of your struggles/trauma. Signs- Sagittarius/cancer, initial- R, O, W, V, Q C
Pile 2
I see that what makes you rare/unique is your innocence, purity, and divinity. I see that your spiritual gifts or connection with the divine makes you rare/unique, I see that you may like to people watch or observe others. I see that you may like to read or you know a lot of things, you could be good at storytelling and you know a lot of people’s secrets which makes you rare/unique. I see that you are good at building others up and seeing the potential in things or people which makes you rare/unique, I see that you may lie sometimes or tell fake stories to entertain or trick people. Signs- Leo/libra. Initials- X, L, Y
Pile 3
I see that what makes you rare/unique is your healing energy and the way you strive to be better or become your best self, I see that you like to stand out and you don’t like authority which makes you rare/unique. I see that you’re good at transmuting energy and you have a lot of compassion/humility which makes you unique/rare, I see that you’re good at giving compliments and seeing things in others that they don’t see in themselves. You’re good at being kind to others and understanding which makes you unique. Signs- Taurus/Virgo. Initials- X, B, M, S
Pile 4
I see that what makes you rare/unique is that you don’t need a lot of money or resources to be happy, I see that you can pray for the things you need or God/the divine always provides the things you need. I see that your divinity/Godliness makes you rare/unique, the way you carry yourself and your compassion makes you unique. I see that what makes you rare/unique sis the way you can move on and forgive, I see that you don’t let your past or experiences define who you are or change you. What makes you rare/unique is the way you sacrifice yourself or they way you care so much about others that you compromise yourself, what makes you rare/unique is your blind faith and the way you go all in when it comes to things you want. Signs- Aries, Aquarius, Taurus, Gemini. Initials- V, F, N, E
Personal readings always available
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clanslist · 1 year
Warrior Cats Name Generator in 2023
A - Aster
B - Blank
C - Cone
D - Dreary
E - Ebony
F - Flint
G - Gull
H - Hay
I - Ice
J - Jackdaw
K - Kite
L - Little
M - Moose
N - Newt
O - Olive
P - Pasture
Q - Quill
R - Rising
S - Soot
T - Trail
U - Ucinia
V - Veil
W - Whittle
X - Xylosma
Y - Yelling
Z - Zap
Aries - dapple
Taurus - stomp
Gemini - eye
Cancer - feather
Leo - scream
Virgo - patch
Libra - heart
Scorpio - thorn
Sagittarius - fur
Capricorn - muzzle
Aquarius - storm
Pisces - whisker
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starhoppin · 10 months
pick a picture; your next love offer
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pile 1 -> pile 2 -> pile 3
disclaimer; this is a general reading! these messages may not fit everyone. please take what resonates and leave the rest.
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「 pile one」
two of cups (cb: king of swords, ace of cups), three of cups (cb: the chariot, the magician), the empress (cb: three of swords, the world)
this love offer will come from someone you feel a strong connection with. this person may come across as stoic and intellectual, but there will be a lot of love between you two. perhaps this is someone you meet while in a group setting or you begin as friends before it develops into something romantic. this connection might actually be something you manifested; however, it may take a while for this connection to materialize in the physical world. you'll meet them after you've healed from past connection/relationship and have fully worked through that cycle. you'll be at your best when you two meet.
[potential physical description] they may be around your age, with brown eyes, and are muscular. they may also be on the taller side.
[potential zodiac signs] they may have quite a bit of water sign energy; particularly cancer and pisces. they may also have significant aquarius or sagittarius placements in their chart.
[initials - yours or theirs] J, L, A, P F, M
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「 pile two」
ace of swords rv (cb: queen of cups, strength rv), justice (cb: six of cups, the magician), queen of swords (cb: eight of cups, page of swords)
your next love offer seems to be someone that you've had a past connection with. you may currently be separated from this person or decided to take a break. they view you as a very kind and nurturing individual; however, you may have broken it off due to various issues in your relationship. it looks like one of you wishes to reconcile. perhaps, this offer was manifested by one (or both) of you. as of now, they view you as someone with your boundaries up - you may have been the one who walked away from this connection. nonetheless, they're curious about you and they think about you a lot.
[potential physical description] i'm seeing that they're either super tall or short - nothing really in between. they have either blond or brown hair. their eyes are a feature of theirs that stand out in some way. they may also be a foreigner.
[potential zodiac signs] i'm seeing quite a bit of air energy, specifically libra and aquarius. they may also have significant scorpio or sagittarius placements in their chart.
[initials - yours or theirs] N, U, X, C, D, H
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「 pile three」
queen of cups (cb: knight of cups, the lovers), the star (cb: nine of swords, four of cups), judgement rv (cb: king of pentacles rv, seven of swords rv)
this person thinks highly of you - i heard "the epitome of beauty and grace." however, this person is coming across as a knight, so either they come across as really flirty or you may be dealing with a younger person. still, there is a strong and loving connection between you two. there is hope and potential with this connection, but past fears may cause you to reject their offer. in particular, you may be afraid of the past repeating itself when it comes to your love life. you're being asked to remain optimistic and hope for the best in terms of this connection. don't let past fears stop you from enjoying good things in the present.
[potential physical description] i got second confirmation that this person may be younger than you. they might also have short hair, as well as facial hair. this person could be a foreigner. there's an emphasis on their eyes; this feature may stand out to you. they may also wear glasses.
[potential zodiac signs] they may have significant air and water placements in their chart, specifically libra, aquarius, cancer, and/or scorpio.
[initials - yours or theirs] U, E, Q, P, T, I, W side note: when i was shuffling for initials, the song you and i by 1D popped into my head. this may resonate with you/your connection.
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tarot deck used in this reading: cirque du tarot
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hummingbird-of-light · 2 months
Writing Challenge
(I sure hope this doesn't exist already? If so, I'm sorry 🙈)
1. Genre (Based on your Zodiac Sign)
Aries – Action
Taurus – Fantasy
Gemini – Horror
Cancer – Angst
Leo – Hurt/Comfort
Virgo – Romance
Libra – Drama
Scorpio – Mystery
Sagittarius – Sci-Fi
Capricorn – Suspense
Aquarius – Tragedy
Pisces – Slice of Life
2. Famous Trope (Based on your Chinese Zodiac Sign)
Rat – Fluff
Ox – Enemies to Lovers
Tiger – Whump
Rabbit – Friends to Lovers
Dragon – Sick Fic
Snake – Mutual Pining
Horse – 5 + 1
Goat – Alternate Universe
Monkey – Crack Fic
Rooster – Fix It Fic
Dog – Gender Swap
Pig – Soulmate
3. Word Count (Based on the first letter of your name (either real name or user name))
A, F, K, P, U, Z – 100 - 1,000 words
B, G, L, Q, V – 1,001 - 2,000 words
C, H, M, R, W – 2,001 - 3,000 words
D, I, N, S, X – 3,001 - 4,000 words
E, J, O, T, Y – 4,001 - 5,000 words
4. Words to include (Based on your favorite color)
Blue – time, pleasure, sound
Green – bird, flower(s), heart
Red – soul, angel, cloud(s)
Orange – sun, health, whisper
Yellow – day, coolness, blood
Purple – sign, fear, flame(s)
Pink – night, scent, rain
White – pain, water, love
Black – dream, trace, weapon
Other – hope, warmth, star(s)
5. Item that needs to play a role (Based on your day of birth)
1st - 5th – coin
6th - 10th – needle
11th - 20th – tissue
21st - 31st – ring
6. Number of characters to be included, not necessarily all main characters (Based on your element)
Water – 1 - 2 characters
Air – 2 - 4 characters
Earth — 4 - 6 characters
Fire – 6 - 8 characters
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daphnaea · 6 months
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zodiac couples: virgo sun I house | capricorn moon V house | leo rising | leo venus XII house (f) + libra sun IX house | aquarius moon I house | capricorn rising | sagittarius venus X house (m) for @starzlightzzz
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evvasblog · 5 months
Hi, I’ve started following you recently and I love your moodboards!!
Apologies for adding to what I can only assume to be a massive pile, could you do a zodiac couples moodboard for taurus (f) x sag (m)?
thank you <3
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rich conversations
Sagittarius brings spontaneity in Taurus' life
Taurus provides Sagittarius with stability and a sense of belonging
travelling together (Taurus makes plans, Sag brings enthusiasm)
fighting over what movie to watch
being completely sincere with each other
'Oh whoa-o-oh, I got a love that keeps me waitin' '
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astroyongie · 2 years
Hi! Can I request Minghao sfw
A To Z Analysis: SFW
A = Affection 
They aren't the most affectuous person ever. Minghao isn't the type of person hat will feel the need to give attention or be the one giving
B = Best friend 
As a best friend, he is the type you can call to go out, to have fun, to hen you are bored and need to do some activities. You can call on him and he will be there
C = Cuddles 
Not the most cuddle either, if he can avoid it he will.
D = Domestic 
He won't want to settle down but he will due to his family. But if he could choose it himself he would prefer to adventure himself in life, rather than settling down
E = Ending 
The breakup would be harsh. Minghao would either cheat on them, or simply be straightforward with his intentions
F = Fiance(e)
Like I said, he isn't the type that wants to get committed, so he would need a lot of time before he asks for marriage and again, only through family influence
G = Gentle 
Physically he can be a little brute and not the most gentle person, but emotionally he can be pretty chill especially if he is on a good mood
H = Hugs 
Just like the cuddles, he isn't a person that likes a lot of physical contact so he if can avoid it, he will
I = I love you 
Wouldn't say it first. If he does it's because he wouldn't mean it, he would need to have a lot of trust before saying the big word
J = Jealousy 
Quite jealous, but doesn't show it. If he gets jealous he usually tries to make his partner taste their own medicine
K = Kisses 
His kisses are intense and hot, quite experienced and new. He always adds something new to the kiss
L = Little ones
Isn't against having children, but I wonder how much effort he would put into raising them
M = Morning 
Mornings are chill, usually he sings, he is in good mood and he gets himself ready for the day
N = Night 
Nights with him are easy and simple, usually involves some physical activity or doing something together before sleeping
O = Open 
Minghao isn't a open person, he doesn't open himself, not even to his partner and you will need to get him drunk or under a mood to make him open up
P = Patience 
They are easily angered and he loses patience easily depending on the person around him
Q = Quizzes 
Surprisingly he does remember quite a few things about his partner, random details and dates
R = Remember 
His favorite memory of you guys is when you were on your first park date
S = Security 
He can be quite possessive and protective of you when you guys go out, always has a arm around your shoulder
T = Try 
He doesn't put much effort unless he knows other people will be around and that he has to make good figure
U = Ugly 
Has the bad habit to put his needs before his partners
V = Vanity 
Like any idol he is vanitious, and even more when he has to go out in public
W = Whole 
He wouldn't feel incomplete without his partner, Sagittarius mars makes him way too free
X = Xtra 
Minghao is more a friend dude than a partner dude
Y = Yuck 
He wouldn't like if his partner is too sensitive, the type to get easily touched by anything that he does or say
Z = Zzz
He moves a lot during his sleep
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hitzyy · 1 month
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Libra Sun (m) x Aquarius Sun (f)
Taurus Moon x Sagittarius Moon
Scorpio Mercury x Aquarius Mercury
Scorpio Venus x Sagittarius Venus
Cancer Mars x Leo Mars
Scorpio Rising x Virgo Rising
Requested by Anon
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shaniatarot · 1 year
April prediction for all signs
Aries- I see that you’re moving on from something or you’re going through a transformation, I see that you’ll feel more comfortable/confident in yourself and more creative. I see you may take a trip next month or get some news that will require traveling, i see someone from ur past reaching out to you or someone watching ur social media. Initials- Z, U, D, I, W, M, B
Taurus- I see you guys unhappy about a situation that used to give u emotional fulfillment, u could be arguing/fighting with someone u used to care a lot for. I see u being defensive next month. Initials- Q, D, B, F, E, Z
Gemini- I see that next month you’ll feel the need to go out more/travel or spend more Time with your friends, make sure that you are balancing your time out and still have time to relax/rest. Initials- D, O, L, P, N, G, W
Cancer- I see that next month things will be balancing out for u/getting some good karma, I see you are feeling less stagnant in a situation/having more financial freedom. An improve in money/career will be important next month, you’ll be getting more attention/compliments. Initials- J, H, P
Leo- I see that you’ll be working hard on something you’re very passionate about, it’ll be important to stay grounded and confident. You may get some news about ur career/ a job and protecting ur energy will be important. Initials- D, K, T
Pisces- I see things changing after a difficult time, cycles are closing out or you’re getting really close. I see you feeling bored while waiting for something or bored after completing something. Initials- T, R, A, V, Y, W
Virgo- I see next month you’ll be getting over a tough situation and celebrating more, I see you spending more time with friends or just having fun. I see more stability and more peace. Initials-E, A, C, X, B, G
Libra- I see you guys patiently waiting for something as you heal/get over a heartbreak, you’re putting in more work towards ur career/manifestations. I see you may get a new idea or ur creativity is increasing, initials- Y, S, U, Z, D
Scorpio- I see ur finances will be important next month, I see a windfall of money or someone being generous to you. Make sure that there’s no strings attached to these offers but I see a lot of people or opportunities coming to U next month. Initials- Z, O, J
Sagittarius- I see that next month will be important for you to listen to ur intuition and be more logical, think before u speak/act. I see that being patient will be important, next month u may be planning something or traveling. Someone may reach out next month if not they’re preparing to. Initials- P, C, Q, K, F, D, N
Capricorn- I see you’ll be close to completing something next month, you’ll be feeling defensive about something that’s taking long to come in. You’ll be focusing on your manifestations & staying optimistic, I see u may find out something next month. I see a new beginning that will require hard work, you’ll be focused on planning/building something. Initials- P, A, W, U, C, B, L, E
Aquarius/Gemini/Pisces - I see that you’re feeling stuck to something that’s toxic and you’re having a hard time moving on, I see that some of you are waiting for a chance to make a move others of u are procrastinating. Next month there will be opportunity for u to get out of a sticky situation and it’ll be up to whether u want change or not, listen to ur intuition and balance yourself out. Duality will be important next month. Initials- B, M, Z, U
Please watch my pick a card reading on YouTube, personal readings always available
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sagstelliums · 27 days
Who’s watching you on social media? (Pac) *follower request
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Pile 1
I see that an Aries or Sagittarius/leo is watching your social media, they’re watching your social media because you moved on from them or you’re not talking to them. They’re keeping tabs on you and trying to figure out who’s around you, they feel like they don’t have any control over you or the connection. Signs- Leo/cancer. Initials- T, I, M
Pile 2
I see that an a Aquarius or Libra/gemini is watching your social media, they’re watching your social media because they know you’re moving on from them and they’re not talking to you at the moment. For some of you they’re watching your social media to criticize you, they’re watching your social media because you seem focused on your goals/success. Signs- Aries/sagittarius. Initials- X, U, F
Pile 3
(Angel number 8/88) I see that a Virgo or Capricorn/taurus is watching your social media, they’re watching your social media because they’re noticing how hard you’re working on something. They’re trying to figure up what you’re up to or they want to see how things turn out, they’re watching your social media because you moved on from them and they’re to compare their success to yours. Signs- Virgo/gemini. Initials- D, E, H, X
Personal readings always available
Pngs by @snailspng @liltingaway @tinystarpixels. Divider by @thecutestgrotto
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clanslist · 3 months
Warrior Cats Name Generator in 2024 (Daylight Warrior Edition!)
Leafstar dips her head to you. "Welcome to SkyClan, dear..."
A - Angel
B - Bingo
C - Cocoa
D - Dream
E - Elvis
F - Fluffy
G - Gruff
H - Happy
I - Ichor
J - Jujube
K - Kandy
L - Lulu
M - Merry
N - Nevaeh
O - Ollie
P - Peanut
Q - Quizno
R - Ragdoll
S - Scamp
T - Tingle
U - Unicorn
V - Vax
W - Wookie
X - Xander
Y - Yoyo
Z - Zippy
Aries - burst
Taurus - horn
Gemini - tail
Cancer - drop
Leo - mane
Virgo - fern
Libra - step
Scorpio - fall
Sagittarius - moon
Capricorn - storm
Aquarius - fur
Pisces - pelt
*EDIT: Changed the K- prefix to something better!
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insertbadpunhere · 1 year
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I did a thing. I always wanted to make a cute generator thing, so here. (Is generator the right word here?)
I also made a text version down in the read more section. Just in case you prefer that instead.
(Edit: I forgot to put the zero option in the eye color section. Think of it as a freebie and pick whatever color you want.)
You've been reincarnated, congrats! But before we shove you off to your next life, let's take a sneak peak.
Your death and Rebirth
How you died is based on the first letter of your family name.
A. Struck by Lightening.
B. Old age.
C. Car crash.
D. Eaten alive by a giant snake.
E. Murdered by a clown.
F. Meteor crushed you.
G. You sacrificed yourself for a loved one.
H. You died of an illness.
I. Swallowed by a whale.
J. You fell through a wormhole.
K. Fell off a cliff.
L. You had a stroke at age 76.
M. Food poisoning.
N. You made a deal with the devil.
O. Possessed by a ghost and died.
P. Murdered for your inheritance.
Q. Abducted by aliens and died.
R. Killed by an imposter.
S. You got hit by a truck. Classic.
T. Died in a death match.
U. Died of fright.
V. Plane crash.
W. Died of laughter.
X. Died of dehydration in the desert.
Y. You angered the fae and died as a result.
Z. Drank lava.
The age you remember your past life is the day of your birthday. (Ex: 23rd = age 23)
Your features: the last digit of your device's battery. (PC users get to choose.)
0. Your natural color
1. white
2. pink
3. red
4. orange
5. yellow
6. green
7. blue
8. violet
9. multi-colored (color combination of your choice)
Eye color is the last digit of your birthday.
1. your natural color
2. pink
3. red
4. orange
5. yellow
6. green
7. blue
8. violet
9. some form heterochromia (pick your colors!)
Your life position is the first digit of your device's battery. (PC users get to choose.)
1. commoner
2. middle class
3. knight
4. nobility
5. clergy
6. royalty
7. crowned prince/princess
8. monarch
9. Choose a magical occupation.
Your love life
The number of pets you have decides how many love interests are in your harem. If you want one, that is. (If you don't have any, then generate a number 1 through 6)
The last digit of the current time is the main love interests' position in life.
0. criminal
1. commoner
2. middle class
3. knight
4. nobility
5. clergy
6. royalty
7. crowned prince/princess
8. monarch
9. Choose a magical occupation.
The main love interests' personality is based on your zodiac.
1. Aries, shy and a book nerd
2. Taurus, superstitious and ambitious
3. Gemini, wise and playful
4. Cancer, Tsundere all the way
5. Leo, loyal and carefree
6. Virgo, golden retriever energy
7. Libra, flirty and outgoing
8. Scorpio, intimate and serious
9. Sagittarius, curious and a little clingy
10. Capricorn, caring and helpful
11. Aquarius, honest and oblivious
12. Pisces, stubborn and possibly feral
Main love interest's hair color is a major color in your device's wallpaper. (Or if there is not one major color, default to white or black.)
Main love interest's eye color is your favorite color. If you can't choose one, then use some form of heterochromia.
Is your lover human? Generate a number 1 through 30.
1 through 20: Human
21: Demon
22: Angel
23: Orc
24: Werewolf
25: Vampire
26: Succubus / Incubus
27: Fairy / Fae
28: Dragon
29: Nehalem
30: Dwarf
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kfanopinions · 2 years
Hendery A to Z (SFW)
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okay so this is going to be more or less my personal opinion with a hint of astrology. hope you enjoy and remember take everything with a grain of salt ^^ also this was harder than i thought it'd be...sorry it took me forever to complete this lol
A = Affection
absolutely loves the affection or more like attention and will definitely pay it forward to his partner
B = Best friend
absolutely wonderful bestie who anyone can have a fun and wonderful time with
C = Cuddles
maybe a little bit of a cuddler from time to time when he needs that extra lovin
D = Domestic
i can see him helping out and making the home area look nice. whether he is efficient at it is another question XP
E = Ending
considering that his juno placement is in sagittarius he probably will have a good chunk of ex's...
F = Fiancé
with hendery's juno placement he can actually end up being engaged/marry someone who is a foreigner to him. however, this placement also has a hard time with long-term relationships...so it might take one hell of a person to tie this archer down ^^
G = Gentle
has his gentle moments of course ^^ look at him and his sis <333 (but i'd say he's more fun loving hehe)
H = Hugs
back hugs where his partners back and booty are pressed against him (this is his libra coming out, but his leo venus may like this too)
I = I love you
takes a while to say these words (if even with his sagittarius juno not doing so well in long-term relationships). his leo in venus would love to hear that his partner loves him but it will definitely have to be after a decent amount of time getting to know each other
J = Jealousy
his leo venus doesn't want to know about who was flirting with his partner at all. it's funny when he does it, but it can make him self-conscious if done to him. if his partner shows that they are jealous of people around him -> leo in venus -> takes this as affirmation-like aka he likes this
K = Kisses
noisy kisses but he'll also look his partner in the eyes before kissing them. tries his best to be satisfactory for them
L = Little ones
i can see him having fun with kids. almost like the funny guy that makes all the kids laugh
M = Morning
definitely has a morning routine that he likes to stick too
N = Night
having a chill night with some good food, drinks, and something to watch/listen too is probably ideal for him
O = Open
absolutely open to trying new things
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
i'd say he gets more annoyed and probably spouts out his frustrations as he walks away or something. i can't see him blowing up a lot but if he does there may be some hurtful words
Q = Quizzes
i see him as a little absent minded but he'll try to remember everything that he possibly can haha
R = Remember
his leo side likes to show off to whoever he is with. he'll talk about who showed interest in him/flirted. this is something to always remember - he's just being his show offy leo self ^^
S = Security
his taurus moon and leo venus make me think he might have jealous moments but overall i don't see him getting super jealous so i don't think he's going to be on high alert
T = Try
will try his best to be there as much as he can whether through a phone call, video call, text, or in person
U = Ugly
might say things without thinking that can be hurtful. it was meant as a joke but it can still hurt
V = Vanity
definitely is a lover of beautiful things and beautiful people as well as making sure he looks presentable
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
he would absolutely feel incomplete but with his sagittarius juno a little time away won't do too much harm xP
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
seeing you laugh and having a good time especially if he's the one making you laugh will bring him an immense amount of joy
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
someone who's a slob i cant see him with someone extremely messy
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
i get the vibe he'd sleep in the weirdest of positions lol like he'd wake up in a pretzel pose
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weebisexual · 7 months
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Sagittarius Sun, Taurus Moon (F) x Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon (M) requested for anonymous
Ultimately, a Gemini man and Sagittarius woman (or any combination of the two signs) can make a great combo when it comes to love and friendship. They will most likely foster a strong connection based on their shared interests and understanding of each other's true natures.
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daphnaea · 2 years
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zodiac couples: libra sun XII house | scorpio moon I house | scorpio rising | libra mercury XII house | libra venus XI house | capricorn mars III house | pisces lilith V house | libra eros XII house | virgo lust XI house (f) + scorpio sun III house | gemini moon X house | leo rising | sagittarius mercury IX house | scorpio venus III house | virgo mars II house | scorpio lilith III house | capricorn eros V house | aquarius lust VI house (m) for @redheavenwater
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