#sailor matsu
just-osomatsu · 2 years
You drew it? how? What art program? (/sailor moon anon)
No I made a contract with the devil to pull it out of an alternate universe where Sailor Moon and Osomatsu-san are reversed franchises.
To answer your question genuinely;
Be depressed
Be a weeb
Scroll through sailor moon redraw tweets at 3am
Be a depressed weeb
Think "man I wanna do that, but like, cursed"
Don't do it because you're a lazy and depressed. And also a weeb.
Wait like 6 months or so till the trend starts dying out then pull up your phone
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Wait another half year 'cause you kinda forgot about it woops
Manage to find the old doodle and paste it into Clip Studio Paint
Cue whatever lineart™ bgm y'all use
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Throw some paint on your ¥100k 24" tablet
Regret your life choices
Watch some anime
Remember that you just ruined your tablet worth 2 months of rent by throwing acrylic paint on it
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Watch some more anime while stuffing your mouth full with mochi hoping you'll choke and die
Clean up whatever that paint disaster was
Duplicate layer, slap that noise filter + blur, idr what blending mode I used (screen? overlay?), move the copy layer 2 pixel vertically and horizontally
Throw it on social media and go back to watch tv, anime is life, anime is love
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inkophile · 1 year
Three Chinese Extra-Fine Fountain Pens
My exploration of inexpensive Chinese fountain pens is moving along nicely and has proven that there are good choices if you can live with the time it may take to receive your new companion. I found a good selection on eBay and quite a few at Etsy. Amazon has U.S. inventory of some models though others are only available through Chinese retailers. My pens have come from all three sources with a…
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boatsease · 9 days
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this is a sailor mini, the first model of pocket fountain pen designed and sold in japan. the extremely unusual folded clip and the style of (tiny!!) inlaid nib date this to the mini's original 1963- mid-1964 run, which kicked off two decades of pocket pen dominance in japan
of equal historical import: it's my favorite color :)
a note abt the last owner's choice of ink:
ime, ~90% of vintage pens have decades-old dried ink inside, usually blue or black. whoever the last owner of this pen was, they actually bothered to match the body with a green ink cartridge. i was really delighted by this, bc as soon as i won this at auction i also started planning to use green ink. i meant to go with something earthier (likely sailor tokiwa-matsu), but now i think it would be cute to use an emerald in homage to the last owner
the cartridge still in the pen is theirs; i've done some work on the body, but haven't cleaned the ink out of the internals yet. when i do, i'm going to try and date the cartridge*, and see if the plastic aged well enough to let me clean it, refill it, and use it myself
*almost certainly going to fail but i'll have fun trying
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ktchewy · 4 months
how do u decide what ink colors to get? i keep getting colors i really really like that speak to me but now i have a bunch of really similar colors 😵‍💫
It really is hard to stop yourself from gravitating toward colours you like haha, if those are your favourites and they spark joy for you, there's nothing wrong with that either!
I think what helps me is swatching my inks into a notebook/journal so I can get the full picture of what I currently have as opposed to just looking at my bottles. I also like to create a palette when I fill my pens, so sometimes I'll look for different colours to "fill the gap" when I'm ink shopping. Having the swatches in my journal helps when I go to physical stores as well.
A few of my inks look similar to each other too but I notice differences in behaviour and/or appearances when I use them (e.g. J Herbin Vert Empire vs Sailor Tokiwa-matsu, Kyo no Oto Yamabuki-iro vs Sailor Moroccan Mint Tea) so it's ok to have inks of the same colours!
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vernelore · 2 years
Calendar of Falling Stars and Holidays of Destiny Islands
The calendar has 10 months. The year is 295 days. Months are known as “matsu”.
(Matsu is a combination of the word “month” in Japanese [gatsu] and Hawaiian [mahina])
The calendar is based around the “Falling Stars”. The stars are a zodiac based around a story.
When the world formed, plants covered the land. Before people or animals came, the world was quiet. The sun did not like to come to the world because it was so quiet. But one night, the stars grew curious of this world, so 10 friends, bound by starlight, came to see the world.
When they came, they saw it needed something more.
They made creatures similar to themselves.
First came Lobo. He was the bravest and most competitive of his friends, so he rushed to be there first. He made creatures that hunt with their friends, the wolves that run in the brush.
Second came Pagong. He moved calm, following the waves of light in a gentle way. When he found the ocean, he loved to sit on the beach, in the waves. He made creatures to ride the waves, turtles who gently swim.
Third came Lumba. Full of excitement and joy, she curiously explored the world, playing happily. She made creatures to play constantly, the curious dolphins of the sea.
Fourth came Usa. Staying close to her friends, she cautiously waited to come out and explore. She made creatures that stay close to one another, the cautious deer.
Fifth came Kabag. He worked hard, following his own set of rules that helped him move forward. He made creatures that work by their own rules, the bats who hunt in the dark.
Sixth came Tagak. He was always careful. He saw the balance in the world and worked to preserve it. He made creatures that stand over all, observing the world and its balances, the thin-legged cranes.
Seventh came Poka. She did not like to be seen, hiding in the shadows. But with those she knew, she was playful and fun. She made creatures that like to play with their friends, the elusive seal.
Eighth came Balyena.He always searched. He searched for knowledge, new things, and adventures. He made creatures that dive deep into the depths, the far-traveling whales.
Ninth came Palkon. He was patient, not caring to come later than the others. But he felt a deep dedication to his friends and to his task at hands. He made creatures that work patiently, the dedicated falcons.
Tenth came Pating. Shameless and always, ready for a challenge, she charged in last. She made creatures that are ready for a challenge no matter what, the shameless sharks.
When they finished their individual tasks, before they left, decided to leave one more gift in the hopes that people would one day live on this land. As their bonds of starlight kept them tied together forever, they made something that could tie people together forever. A bond that can’t be broken. Working together, they created a star-shaped fruit that two people could share to bond themselves together.
Then they left, satisfied with their work.
And left a second gift by accident.
When they landed and left, their stardust fell across the sea, taking the shape of shells that sailors would one day tie together in star-shaped charms called “wayfinders” to represent the bond of the Paopu fruit.
The month of Lobotsu has 30 days
1st-7th- New Year.
1st- People celebrate the birth of the new year with round white cakes that are similar to a full moon. They are treated like birthday cakes for the new year. They also create paper lanterns with blessings for the new year written on the lantern.
2nd- People eat flat bread shaped like the full moon as well as lots of baked fish at a large family meal at dinner.
3rd- The whole day people wear clothes covered in stars. Children travel from house-to-house after dark, receiving star-shaped candy and cookies.
4th- At sundown, a play is performed on the beach of the main island. The play tells the story of the Falling Stars.
5th- After dark, there are dances on the beach. This day is considered a lucky day, and many people choose this day to give someone a paopu fruit.
6th- This day is known as the “Union of Stars”. It has become tradition to get married on this day. There are usually ten to twenty weddings every year on this day.
7th- This day is known as “Lobo’s Day”. People put up wolf-based decorations. Children dress up as wolves while some adults dress as rabbits and hide themselves around town. The children try to find all the rabbits. If they are successful, they win treats. This is also a night to eat lots of meat.
The month of Pagongtsu has 29 days
Start of Harvest- It does not start on one particular day. It is marked by the first blooms of the paopu trees. This is a day of cleaning. Not only are houses cleaned, but food storage is cleaned in order to make room for the new crops to be grown during the harvest.
The month of Lumbatsu has 30 days
8th- Children’s Day- This is a day off from school. Children are given presents and they spend the day playing games with friends and family. In the spirit of Lumba, the children either dress like dolphins or wear dolphin-themed clothing. Many of the items they receive as gifts might be dolphin-themed.
The month of Usatsu has 29 days
27th-29th- Festival of Thanks
27th- This day is used for preparation of the full celebration, but it is considered part of the celebration as the full community gathers together to prepare the meals and decorate the town in deer-themed decorations. This celebration is to mark the end of the main harvest season.
28th- This is a massive feast with family. Meals are usually made up of one seafood-based soup, a protein that is usually venison, some sort of banana or coconut themed dessert. This meal reminds people of their family that they should be thankful for.
29th- This is a day of sharing. As more food is always prepared than the family can eat, they invite friends and neighbors over in order to share the leftovers with them. This meal reminds people of their family and the other people around them they should be thankful for.
The month of Kabagtsu has 29 days
1st- Start of Winter- The beginning of winter is also known as the Festival of Kites. People fill the sky with bat-shaped kites that are a reference to Kabag.
The month of Tagaktsu has 29 days
15th- Time of Tagak- This is the first day of a 15 day period that is to restore balance and as a reminder to respect animals and nature and to not take more than you need. During this time, fishing and hunting is not allowed.
The month of Pokatsu has 29 days
1st- Start of Spring- This is the day of the Seal Dance. To celebrate Spring coming out of hiding, people say is the day Poka finally came out of hiding. People gather on the beach around noon, all dressed in silver clothes. They dance in the shallow water. After they eat shellfish for their lunch.
The month of Balyenatsu has 30 days
30th- Night of Balyena/Halloween- Children dress in costumes and spend this night searching for treasures, which are usually treats and books, hidden around town. Children are given riddles to follow in their search. Adults wait around, trying to startle kids while dressed as deep sea creatures. This is symbolic of Balyena and other whales diving into the darkness of the water.
The month of Palkontsu has 30 days
30th- Start of Summer- The day after school lets out, the people gather for a celebration of summer. In the day, there is a sports competition. People compete in races, swimming contests, rowing contests, and the children play blitzball. As the sun sets, people dress in falcon-themed outfits. They dance and sing until dark.
The month of Patingtsu has 30 days
25th-30th- Christmas
25th- On Christmas Day, people are “adopted” into families. Anyone who does not have relatives is taken in by another family. (This is based on the Hawaiian tradition of “hanai”) For the duration of the holiday, they will stay with the family and will be treated as another member of the family. Once everyone has a place to stay, a large lunch of bread, taro root, banana-based desserts, fish, and venison. After lunch, people go out and play blitzball and cricket. At the end of the day, everyone opens their presents. Some are from their family, and some are from Santa Claus. The family gifts usually contain at least one pair of new clothing, and the father usually gifts the children a practical gift. The story of Santa is different on the islands; in the stories they tell, he rides a shooting star to the islands and can magically appear in homes with magical stardust.
26th- Everyone celebrates together in their own unique ways. It is tradition to wear the new clothing they received the day before.
27th- This day is a quiet day. Everyone stays inside with their family and their “adopted” family. They play games together for some of the times. Most of the time is spent telling stories about family and the past.
28th- Children travel around the town, knocking on doors and singing Christmas songs to the people inside. At sundown, everyone gathers at the beach for a choir presentation.
29th- People open up their houses as sort of a street market. People sell food, homemade trinkets, homemade clothing, and other homemade items.
30th- This day, the last day of the year, is a celebration of Pating. People who were “adopted” go their separate ways after a lunch of sushi. At the end of the day, people write out challenges they endured from the year that is ending, and challenges to the new year. They burn those in a bonfire to end out the year.
Many of these holidays and traditions are inspired by Japanese, Hawaiian, Māori, Tahitian, Samoan, Fijian, and Tongan celebrations and traditions. The names of the zodiac are taken from the Filipino language. The idea of the zodiac is a combination of inspirations from the Chinese zodiac and the other zodiac that I don’t know the name of.
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4th-make-quail · 2 years
Ink swatches brought to you by my new fucking beautiful writing bureau, which arrived yesterday! I took the opportunity to put up new curtains as well, I'm very happy with how it all looks :D
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I've not even filled all the little compartments yet, it's so exciting! And then there's lots of room in the drawers as well, so I've got wax melts and incense hanging out in the second one down and plenty of room for other stuff as well!
Here's also a group photo of all the greens I swatched yesterday, they look so nice ahhh!
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Diamine Black Ivy, deAtramentis Document Green Grey, Robert Oster Schwarze Rose, Noodlers Sequoia Green, Sailor Shikiori Tokiwa-Matsu, Ferris Wheel Press Peter Moss, Robert Oster Moss and Ferris Wheel Press Sunlit Jade
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lord-myk · 2 years
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In 2014, I attempted a thing called the Hundred Days Draw in which I'd use a thing called the Random Drawing Idea Generator 3.0 to draw a random thing every day, for a hundred days. Spoiler: I failed, and not for the last time. Here's the other six: 8. Sailor Moon being themselves (there is a character in my multiverse named Matsu Her-O who fights Sailor Moon, it's a whole bad fan-fiction thing, he's back and drawn a lot better here) 9. Atomic Robo Being Batman 10. The First Character in your Liked posts is now in a video game (which happened to be Charleston Charge who is caught in Pac-Man, it would seem) 11. Yourself as a child 12. Your avatar cyberpunk 13. Your worst original character as a vampire slayer (which at the time was a guy named Thomas Iavi whose power was that he had super-powers by rest stops. If I did this now, it'd be Sean.) Then I stopped the project, for whatever reason.                                
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 4.9
Air Force Day (Indonesia)
All Over Again Day
A-ma Festival (a.k.a. Matsu; Pagan Macau) [Fishers, Sailors]
Anniversary of the German Invasion of Denmark (Denmark)
Appomattox Day
Araw ng Kagitingan (Day of Valor; Philippines)
Astronauts' Day
Baghdad Liberation Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Bataan Day (Araw ng Kagitingan a.k.a. Day of Valour; Philippines)
CSS Naked Day
Day of the Finnish Language (Finland)
Day of National Unity (Georgia)
Dry Milk Day
Easter Rising Anniversary Day (Ireland)
Free Cone Day
Hive Day (French Republic)
International Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) Day
International Songwriters Day
International Twitter Men’s Day
Jenkins' Ear Day
Jumbo Day
Liberation Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Listening Day
Maha Thingyan (Water Festival; Myanmar)
Maia Asteroid Day
Martyr’s Day (Tunisia)
Mikael Agricola (Finland)
Name Yourself Day
National Bodhi Day
National Cherish An Antique Day
National Chicken Little Awareness Day
National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day
National Health Day (Kiribati)
National Library Workers Day
National Mature Women’s Day
National Nuclear Technology Day (Iran)
National Unicorn Day
Observational of Nazi Occupation (Denmark)
Play True Day
Polling Day (Samoa)
Riot Grrl Day (Boston, Massachusetts)
Royal Thai Air Force Day (Thailand)
Seersucker Day
Sourdough Sam Day (San Francisco 49ers)
Special Forces Day
3-D Movie Day
Vimy Ridge Day (Canada)
Winston Churchill Day
World IoT Day
World Konkani Day (Goa)
Youth Homelessness Matters Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Beans and Rice Day
National Chinese Almond Cookie Day
National Gin & Tonic Day
National Pancit Day
National Pimento Cheese Day
2nd Tuesday in April
Be Kind to Lawyers Day [2nd Tuesday]
Identity Management Day [2nd Tuesday]
Independence & Related Days
Dita e Kushtetutes (Constitution Day; Kosovo)
Georgia (a.k.a. Independence Restoration Day; from USSR, 1991)
Mëcklewmburg-Wladir (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Hindu New Year (Indonesia)
Ougadi (Mauritius)
Telugu New Year (Puducherry, Tamil Nadu; India)
Ugadi (a.k.a. Yugadi or Samvatsarādi (Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Goa; India)
Festivals Beginning April 9, 2024
Brussels International Fantasy, Fantastic, Thriller and Science Fiction Film Festival (Brussels, Belgium) [thru 4.21]
Edinburgh Science Festival (Edinburgh, Scotland) [thru 4.24]
Food Northwest (Portland, Oregon) [thru 4.10]
Ice Cream Technology Conference (Clearwater, Florida) [thru 4.10]
Yogurt & Cultured Innovation Conference (Clearwater, Florida) [thru 4.10]
Feast Days
Amazon Goddess Day (Everyday Wicca)
Cereal Festival begins (Ancient Rome)
Charles Baudelaire (Writerism)
Charles E. Burchfield (Artology)
Cook Couscous Day (Pastafarian)
Day of the Amazon (Pagan)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Anglicanism, Lutheranism)
Dotto, Abbot of Orkney (Christian; Saint)
Eudoxus (Positivist; Saint)
Eupsychius (Christian; Saint)
Feast of A-Ma (Ancient Portuguese Goddess of Fisherman)
Feast of Jalal (Glory; Baha’i)
Feast of the Second Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law (Thelema)
Gaucherius (a.k.a. Gautier; Christian; Saint)
Hocktide (Ancient Saxons)
Hugh of Rouen (Christian; Saint)
Madrun (Celtic Book of Days)
Materiana (Christian; Saint)
Mary of Egypt (a.k.a. Mary of Cleophas; Christian; Saint)
Remembrance for Haakon Sigurdsson (Asatru/Norse/The Troth)
Tommy Georgiarides Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Uramar (Christian; Saint)
Verruca Day (Goblins Again; Shamanism)
Victor Vasarely (Artology)
Waltrude (Christian; Saint)
The Woodsman (Muppetism)
Yasurai Matsuri (Festival to Prevent Ill Health; Japan; Shinto)
Islamic Moveable Calendar Holidays
Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan; Islam; 30 Ramadan) (a.k.a. …
Eid al Fitr Holiday (Jordan, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, West Bank and Gaza, Yemen)
End of Ramadan Holiday (Egypt)
Ide el Fitr (Comoros)
id el Fitri (Nigeria)
Korité (Mali)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Nēmontēmi, Day 5 (of 5) [Aztec unlucky or fasting days, taking place between 4.5-4.18]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [15 of 37]
All the President’s Men (Film; 1976)
Au Clair de la Lune, recorded by inventor Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville (Song; 1860) [1st known recording of human voice]
Batman: Strange Days (WB Animated Film; 2014)
The Big Clock (Film; 1948)
Bodies, Rest & Motion (Film; 1993)
The Bored Cuckoo (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1948)
Date Night (Film; 2010)
The Day Lincoln Was Shot, by Jim Bishop (Book; 1955)
Ella Enchanted (Film; 2004)
Family Plot (Film; 1976)
Far Beyond Driven, by Pantera (Album; 1994)
Field and Scream (MGM Cartoon; 1955)
Fosse/Verdon (TV Mini-Series; 2019)
The Girl Next Door (Film; 2004)
Go (Film; 1999)
Happiness Is A Warm Puppy, by Charles M. Schulz (Cartoon Book; 1963)
How Do You Live?, by Genzaburo Yoshino (Novel; 1937)
Nashville Skyline, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1969)
Never Been Kissed (Film; 1999)
Nights in the Garden of Spain, by Manuel de Falla (Orchestral Work; 1916)
Parks and Recreation (TV Series; 2009)
Patriotic Pooches (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1943)
Reckoning, by R.E.M. (Album; 1984)
The Sandlot (Film; 1993)
Scarface (Film; 1932)
Single & Single, by John le Carré (Novel; 1999)
Time (West End Musical; 1986)
Voltaire in Love, by Nancy Mitford (Novel; 1958)
Today’s Name Days
Casilda, Waltraud (Austria)
Bozhan, Bozhana, Violeta, Vurban, Vurbana, Yasen, Yasna, Yavor, Zdravka, Zdravko (Bulgaria)
Celestina, Demetrije, Marija, Zdenko (Croatia)
Dušan (Czech Republic)
Otto, Procopius (Denmark)
Iiris, Kaira, Kaire, Kairi (Estonia)
Eeli, Eelis, Elia, Elias, Eliel, Eljas (Finland)
Gautier (France)
Casilda, Hugo, Waltraud (Germany)
Iosif, Sifis, Vaia, Vaios (Greece)
Erhard (Hungary)
Demetrio (Italy)
Valērija, Valtrauta, Varpa, Zubite (Latvia)
Aurimas, Dalia, Kleopas, Rasa (Lithuania)
Rannveig, Rønnaug (Norway)
Dobrosława, Dymitr, Maja, Marceli, Matron (Poland)
Eupsihie (Romania)
Milena (Slovakia)
Casilda, Demetrio (Spain)
Ottilia, Otto (Sweden)
Cortney, Courtney, Kortney, Kourtney (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 100 of 2024; 266 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 15 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 1 (Guy-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 1 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 30 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 10 Cyan; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 27 March 2024
Moon: 1%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 16 Archimedes (4th Month) [Pytheas]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 22 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 20 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Nīsān (a.k.a. Abib) [נִיסָן‎] (Hebrew Calendar) [Month 1 of 12]
桃月 [Táoyuè] (Chinese Lunisolar Calendar) [Month 3 of 12] (Peach Month) [Earthly Branch: Dragon Month] (Sānyuè; Third Month)
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brookston · 6 months
Holidays 4.9
Air Force Day (Indonesia)
All Over Again Day
A-ma Festival (a.k.a. Matsu; Pagan Macau) [Fishers, Sailors]
Anniversary of the German Invasion of Denmark (Denmark)
Appomattox Day
Araw ng Kagitingan (Day of Valor; Philippines)
Astronauts' Day
Baghdad Liberation Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Bataan Day (Araw ng Kagitingan a.k.a. Day of Valour; Philippines)
CSS Naked Day
Day of the Finnish Language (Finland)
Day of National Unity (Georgia)
Dry Milk Day
Easter Rising Anniversary Day (Ireland)
Free Cone Day
Hive Day (French Republic)
International Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) Day
International Songwriters Day
International Twitter Men’s Day
Jenkins' Ear Day
Jumbo Day
Liberation Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Listening Day
Maha Thingyan (Water Festival; Myanmar)
Maia Asteroid Day
Martyr’s Day (Tunisia)
Mikael Agricola (Finland)
Name Yourself Day
National Bodhi Day
National Cherish An Antique Day
National Chicken Little Awareness Day
National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day
National Health Day (Kiribati)
National Library Workers Day
National Mature Women’s Day
National Nuclear Technology Day (Iran)
National Unicorn Day
Observational of Nazi Occupation (Denmark)
Play True Day
Polling Day (Samoa)
Riot Grrl Day (Boston, Massachusetts)
Royal Thai Air Force Day (Thailand)
Seersucker Day
Sourdough Sam Day (San Francisco 49ers)
Special Forces Day
3-D Movie Day
Vimy Ridge Day (Canada)
Winston Churchill Day
World IoT Day
World Konkani Day (Goa)
Youth Homelessness Matters Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Beans and Rice Day
National Chinese Almond Cookie Day
National Gin & Tonic Day
National Pancit Day
National Pimento Cheese Day
2nd Tuesday in April
Be Kind to Lawyers Day [2nd Tuesday]
Identity Management Day [2nd Tuesday]
Independence & Related Days
Dita e Kushtetutes (Constitution Day; Kosovo)
Georgia (a.k.a. Independence Restoration Day; from USSR, 1991)
Mëcklewmburg-Wladir (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Hindu New Year (Indonesia)
Ougadi (Mauritius)
Telugu New Year (Puducherry, Tamil Nadu; India)
Ugadi (a.k.a. Yugadi or Samvatsarādi (Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Goa; India)
Festivals Beginning April 9, 2024
Brussels International Fantasy, Fantastic, Thriller and Science Fiction Film Festival (Brussels, Belgium) [thru 4.21]
Edinburgh Science Festival (Edinburgh, Scotland) [thru 4.24]
Food Northwest (Portland, Oregon) [thru 4.10]
Ice Cream Technology Conference (Clearwater, Florida) [thru 4.10]
Yogurt & Cultured Innovation Conference (Clearwater, Florida) [thru 4.10]
Feast Days
Amazon Goddess Day (Everyday Wicca)
Cereal Festival begins (Ancient Rome)
Charles Baudelaire (Writerism)
Charles E. Burchfield (Artology)
Cook Couscous Day (Pastafarian)
Day of the Amazon (Pagan)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Anglicanism, Lutheranism)
Dotto, Abbot of Orkney (Christian; Saint)
Eudoxus (Positivist; Saint)
Eupsychius (Christian; Saint)
Feast of A-Ma (Ancient Portuguese Goddess of Fisherman)
Feast of Jalal (Glory; Baha’i)
Feast of the Second Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law (Thelema)
Gaucherius (a.k.a. Gautier; Christian; Saint)
Hocktide (Ancient Saxons)
Hugh of Rouen (Christian; Saint)
Madrun (Celtic Book of Days)
Materiana (Christian; Saint)
Mary of Egypt (a.k.a. Mary of Cleophas; Christian; Saint)
Remembrance for Haakon Sigurdsson (Asatru/Norse/The Troth)
Tommy Georgiarides Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Uramar (Christian; Saint)
Verruca Day (Goblins Again; Shamanism)
Victor Vasarely (Artology)
Waltrude (Christian; Saint)
The Woodsman (Muppetism)
Yasurai Matsuri (Festival to Prevent Ill Health; Japan; Shinto)
Islamic Moveable Calendar Holidays
Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan; Islam; 30 Ramadan) (a.k.a. …
Eid al Fitr Holiday (Jordan, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, West Bank and Gaza, Yemen)
End of Ramadan Holiday (Egypt)
Ide el Fitr (Comoros)
id el Fitri (Nigeria)
Korité (Mali)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Nēmontēmi, Day 5 (of 5) [Aztec unlucky or fasting days, taking place between 4.5-4.18]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [15 of 37]
All the President’s Men (Film; 1976)
Au Clair de la Lune, recorded by inventor Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville (Song; 1860) [1st known recording of human voice]
Batman: Strange Days (WB Animated Film; 2014)
The Big Clock (Film; 1948)
Bodies, Rest & Motion (Film; 1993)
The Bored Cuckoo (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1948)
Date Night (Film; 2010)
The Day Lincoln Was Shot, by Jim Bishop (Book; 1955)
Ella Enchanted (Film; 2004)
Family Plot (Film; 1976)
Far Beyond Driven, by Pantera (Album; 1994)
Field and Scream (MGM Cartoon; 1955)
Fosse/Verdon (TV Mini-Series; 2019)
The Girl Next Door (Film; 2004)
Go (Film; 1999)
Happiness Is A Warm Puppy, by Charles M. Schulz (Cartoon Book; 1963)
How Do You Live?, by Genzaburo Yoshino (Novel; 1937)
Nashville Skyline, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1969)
Never Been Kissed (Film; 1999)
Nights in the Garden of Spain, by Manuel de Falla (Orchestral Work; 1916)
Parks and Recreation (TV Series; 2009)
Patriotic Pooches (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1943)
Reckoning, by R.E.M. (Album; 1984)
The Sandlot (Film; 1993)
Scarface (Film; 1932)
Single & Single, by John le Carré (Novel; 1999)
Time (West End Musical; 1986)
Voltaire in Love, by Nancy Mitford (Novel; 1958)
Today’s Name Days
Casilda, Waltraud (Austria)
Bozhan, Bozhana, Violeta, Vurban, Vurbana, Yasen, Yasna, Yavor, Zdravka, Zdravko (Bulgaria)
Celestina, Demetrije, Marija, Zdenko (Croatia)
Dušan (Czech Republic)
Otto, Procopius (Denmark)
Iiris, Kaira, Kaire, Kairi (Estonia)
Eeli, Eelis, Elia, Elias, Eliel, Eljas (Finland)
Gautier (France)
Casilda, Hugo, Waltraud (Germany)
Iosif, Sifis, Vaia, Vaios (Greece)
Erhard (Hungary)
Demetrio (Italy)
Valērija, Valtrauta, Varpa, Zubite (Latvia)
Aurimas, Dalia, Kleopas, Rasa (Lithuania)
Rannveig, Rønnaug (Norway)
Dobrosława, Dymitr, Maja, Marceli, Matron (Poland)
Eupsihie (Romania)
Milena (Slovakia)
Casilda, Demetrio (Spain)
Ottilia, Otto (Sweden)
Cortney, Courtney, Kortney, Kourtney (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 100 of 2024; 266 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 15 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 1 (Guy-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 1 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 30 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 10 Cyan; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 27 March 2024
Moon: 1%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 16 Archimedes (4th Month) [Pytheas]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 22 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 20 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Nīsān (a.k.a. Abib) [נִיסָן‎] (Hebrew Calendar) [Month 1 of 12]
桃月 [Táoyuè] (Chinese Lunisolar Calendar) [Month 3 of 12] (Peach Month) [Earthly Branch: Dragon Month] (Sānyuè; Third Month)
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just-osomatsu · 2 years
speaking of sailor matsu (I say this like you guys were part of the convo I just had with my lil sib), I never finished the princess tutu matsu
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He's Sailor Matsu, and in the name of L, he’ll punish you! 
Look out Kira, he's gonna get ya’
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inkophile · 5 years
An Autumn Ink Palette Inspired By Van Gogh
An Autumn Ink Palette Inspired By Van Gogh
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My favorite season has returned though where I live, you wouldn’t know it was autumn. One way to compensate for that deficiency is to let my ink and pen selection represent the color variety that the local flora does not. Could my current maximum rotation of five pens do the season justice? After extensive perusing of ink swatches, I was not satisfied with any combination and put aside the…
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matsus-of-yoshiwara · 6 years
Ms.Rikka, as someone who has been through Hell and back, and who's live longer than I, how do you cope with hardships of life? What motivates you to keep moving toward? P.s.Happy Holidays
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Rikka: Even if I can’t take the entire day off, just having an hour to myself where I can lay down, let my hair loose and think about who and what I’m working for always helps me when I’m feeling overworked. I hope my perspective helps, doll. You’re free to ask me anytime if you need to talk about anything.
Rikka Event 16/15 COMPLETE
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mitski-miyawakis · 6 years
my sister (yes really, my sister—not me) would like some anime recs!
she says prefers more recent ones, nothing earlier than the 2000s. she’s already watched:
bungo stray dogs
the wallflower
sailor moon
imawa no kuni no alice
quan zhi fa shi
rakudai kishi no calvary
haibane renmei
sundays without god
disastrous life of saiki
yona of the dawn
divine gate
ling yu
kaze no stigma
mahousukai no yome hoshi matsu hito
yuri on ice
full metal alchemist
ouran high school host club
the devil is a part timer
code geass
welcome to the ballroom
violet evergarden
princess jellyfish
i don’t know anything about anime, but i know i have enough followers to ask for some recs for her so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
her url is @she-dreamed-in-grace so send some her way! :)
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heartfuldodgerart · 2 years
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self-portrait in sailor shikiori tokiwa-matsu ink.  and just a page of it i guess bc this ink slaps
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 4.9
All Over Again Day
A-ma Festival (a.k.a. Matsu; Pagan Macau) [Fishers, Sailors]
Anniversary of the German Invasion of Denmark (Denmark)
Appomattox Day
Astronauts' Day
Baghdad Liberation Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Bataan Day (Araw ng Kagitingan a.k.a. Day of Valour; Philippines)
Constitution Day (Kosovo)
CSS Naked Day
Day of the Finnish Language (Finland)
Day of National Unity (Georgia)
Dita e Kushtetutes (Kosovo Constitution Day)
Dry Milk Day
Free Cone Day
International Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) Day
International Songwriters Day
International Twitter Men’s Day
Jenkins' Ear Day
Jumbo Day
Listening Day
Maha Thingyan (Water Festival; Myanmar)
Martyr’s Day (Tunisia)
Name Yourself Day
National Bodhi Day
National Cherish An Antique Day
National Chicken Little Awareness Day
National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day
National Health Day (Kiribati)
National Mature Women’s Day
National Unicorn Day
Observational of Nazi Occupation (Denmark)
Play True Day
Polling Day (Samoa)
Riot Grrl Day (Boston, Massachusetts)
Sourdough Sam Day (San Francisco 49ers)
3-D Movie Day
Vimy Ridge Day (Canada)
Winston Churchill Day
World IoT Day
World Konkani Day (Goa)
Youth Homelessness Matters Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Beans and Rice Day
National Chinese Almond Cookie Day
National Gin & Tonic Day
2nd Sunday in April
Cleaning For A Reason Week begins [2nd Sunday]
Independence Days
Georgia (a.k.a. Independence Restoration Day; from USSR, 1991)
Mëcklewmburg-Wladir (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Cook Couscous Day (Pastafarian)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Anglicanism, Lutheranism)
Dotto, Abbot of Orkney (Christian; Saint)
Easter [1st Sunday following the Full Moon that occurs on or just after the Spring Equinox] (a.k.a. ... 
Domingo del Angel (Angel Sunday; Spain)
Domingo de Pascuas (Puerto Rico)
National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day
1e Pasen (Suriname)
Pashkës Katolike (Albania)
Påskdagen (Sweden)
Paskar (Iceland)
Resurrection Sunday
Uskrs (Croatia)
Eudoxus (Positivist; Saint)
Eupsychius (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Jalal (Glory; Baha’i)
Feast of the Second Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law (Thelema)
Gaucherius (a.k.a. Gautier; Christian; Saint)
Hocktide: Day of the Amazon (Pagan)
Materiana (Christian; Saint)
Mary of Egypt (Christian; Saint)
Remembrance for Haakon Sigurdsson (Asatru/Norse/The Troth)
Tommy Georgiarides Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Victor Vasarely (Artology)
Waltrude (Christian; Saint)
The Woodsman (Muppetism)
Yasurai Matsuri (Festival to Prevent Ill Health; Japan; Shinto)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Nēmontēmi, Day 5 (of 5) [Aztec unlucky or fasting days, taking place between 4.5-4.18]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [15 of 37]
All the President’s Men (Film; 1976)
Au Clair de la Lune, recorded by inventor Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville (Song; 1860) [1st known recording of human voice]
Bodies, Rest & Motion (Film; 1993)
Date Night (Film; 2010)
The Day Lincoln Was Shot, by Jim Bishop (Book; 1955)
Ella Enchanted (Film; 2004)
Family Plot (Film; 1976)
Far Beyond Driven, by Pantera (Album; 1994)
Fosse/Verdon (TV Mini-Series; 2019)
The Girl Next Door (Film; 2004)
Go (Film; 1999)
Happiness Is A Warm Puppy, by Charles M. Schulz (Cartoon Book; 1963)
Nashville Skyline, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1969)
Never Been Kissed (Film; 1999)
Parks and Recreation (TV Series; 2009)
The Sandlot (Film; 1993)
Scarface (Film; 1932)
Single & Single, by John le Carré (Novel; 1999)
Time (West End Musical; 1986)
Voltaire in Love, by Nancy Mitford (Novel; 1958)
Today’s Name Days
Casilda, Waltraud (Austria)
Bozhan, Bozhana, Violeta, Vurban, Vurbana, Yasen, Yasna, Yavor, Zdravka, Zdravko (Bulgaria)
Celestina, Demetrije, Marija, Zdenko (Croatia)
Dušan (Czech Republic)
Otto, Procopius (Denmark)
Iiris, Kaira, Kaire, Kairi (Estonia)
Eeli, Eelis, Elia, Elias, Eliel, Eljas (Finland)
Gautier (France)
Casilda, Hugo, Waltraud (Germany)
Iosif, Sifis, Vaia, Vaios (Greece)
Erhard (Hungary)
Demetrio (Italy)
Valērija, Valtrauta, Varpa, Zubite (Latvia)
Aurimas, Dalia, Kleopas, Rasa (Lithuania)
Rannveig, Rønnaug (Norway)
Dobrosława, Dymitr, Maja, Marceli, Matron (Poland)
Eupsihie (Romania)
Milena (Slovakia)
Casilda, Demetrio (Spain)
Ottilia, Otto (Sweden)
Cortney, Courtney, Kortney, Kourtney (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 99 of 2024; 266 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 14 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 22 of 28]
Chinese: Second Month 2 (Gui-Mao), Day 19 (Ding-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 18 Nisan 5783
Islamic: 18 Ramadan 1444
J Cal: 8 Aqua; Oneday [8 of 30]
Julian: 27 March 2023
Moon: 87%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 15 Archimedes (4th Month) [Eudoxus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 21 of 90)
Zodiac: Aries (Day 20 of 30)
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