#sailor ven
aphinthestars · 3 months
Bro I'm so sick rn I wish Miguel was real so he could come and cuddle me and give me my medicine and make sure my water bottle is full so I don't have to stand up and press my head against his chest and rub my back and chest with vaporub while telling me everything is gonna be fine and help me blow my nose on a tissue since it's all sniffly on one side, about to cry rn from how bad I feel I just need head and neck scratches
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sir-cookieton · 5 months
Okay but imagine KHUX baby Ven saying ‘fuck’
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new mogstation glam awakening something in me
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prettywitchiusaka · 5 months
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A few things I picked up while on the road, last week.
You didn't think I wouldn't pick up a copy of What If...? Venom #3 just because I was away in Regina last week, did you?
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girlafraidboyafraid · 2 months
Push, little dove.
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||Logan Howlett x GN!Reader||
"Everything'll be okay."
You were sleeping soundly when all of a sudden your fiancée woke you up in a rush.
"It's time." Logan said, with a semi grimace on his face. You shot up in surprise.
"Already?!" You said.
He nodded.
"Bags already packed, cars all set, we're good to go." He pecked your cheek as you rushed to get somewhat ready. You were all set and decided to go check on the love of your life.
"All set, my love?" You looked at him worriedly. He cradled his stomach.
"They're feisty." He smiled and then winced in pain. You rushed to his side.
"I think this means it's time to go." He nodded in agreement and you both walked--or waddled--over to the car.
Once you arrived to maternity ward, you were quickly redirected to an open room.
"All set, bubby?" You stroked his arm lovingly.
He sighed and nodded. "I goddamn hope so." You playfully swatted him.
"You're not gonna be using that kind of language around our little howletts, are you?"
He rolled his eyes and then leaned in for a kiss.
It filled your ears like no other sound. Logan's death grip on your hand only got tighter. You tried to keep a soothing tone, but it was kind of difficult when your hand was being simultaneously broken and stabbed by his claws.
"Everything'll be okay." You winced out. He didn't seem to notice through all the pain.
Only two out of the four howletts had been born, whilst the other two were being a little more...tricky.
You tuned out Logan's sailor mouth whilst the nurse hurriedly rushed out of the room with Tim. You looked on nervously, hoping nothing bad was happening.
You were soon distracted once more when the Doctor exclaimed, "It's a girl!"
You looked at Logan, smiling. "Guess we can name her Anna Marie." He attempted a smile and then quickly shouted in pain once more.
The final baby was making its way into the world. The doctor picked it up and proclaimed, "Why is it lowkey nonbinary?"
You looked at Logan confused.
He shrugged. "At least it's out of me."
"What should we name them?" You asked. He thought for a moment.
"Eiden Ven Howlett." His eyes sparkled as he said the name.
Suddenly, the nurse rushed in.
"Are you Y/N?" You turned quickly and stood up.
"What's wrong?" You said, remembering her rushing out with little Timmy.
"He's..." She glanced at Logan.
"Well, spit it out already!" He said, anger taking over.
She nodded. "He's not breathing. Doctors are doing everything they can but..."
Your face dropped at the words. Logan tried getting up but you turned and him pushed onto the bed as gently as you could.
"I'll handle it, little dove." He looked at you, eyes full of tears.
You walked out of the hospital room, where Logan Jr., Anna Marie, and Eiden slept soundly.
While Tim's slumber was eternal.
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frociaggina97 · 3 days
no se que le ven las chicas a victorias secret a mi se me hace re ordinario todo tipo re grasa desde esos body splash de veinteañera reventada hasta las tangas de 100mil pesos deja mejor le compro en conjunto de sailor moon a una feriante
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Listen on Ulysses > Ven < Icarus
I adore this one actually. It's just Ven with two morally grey mad scientists on leashes OR in the current situation it's Ulysses with two people who want to raise the dead on leashes (which the angst. The drama. The toxic thruple of it all.)
Plus I think Ulysses and Icarus should be friends. I wish desperately that they were friends, can you imagine the conversations they would have?
"I killed Hayley and kidnapped Athena and have tried to murder my brother many times. I'm letting a very powerful bring die because it's only ever brought me trouble and I don't care to save them."
"I tortured a recently dead god and made Aax from his still decaying corpse and I used lost sailors in horrible expirements."
Or conversely
"I drank Rae's eye in a potion."
"Oh? What did it do?"
I'm desprate for them to talk they'd be either the best or worst thing for each other. The parallels between their charecters drive me insane.
So like if they were both dating Ven, I'm just saying I would eat up that fanfic.
Plus Ven and Ulysses and Icarus gossiping together? Immaculate. Perfect.
Ulysses and Ven would vibe while Icarus info dumped about potions. Icarus would nap in the room while Ulysses and Ven hang out. Icarus would hype them both up whenever they make a new fasion choice.
Anyway the vibes of this one are immaculate.
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zamstarr · 3 months
Y'all i love making ocs, just did 3 more today 💪💪💪
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This is Mathias, he's introverted and his best friends are ritz and max (another oc), stella has a crush on him but he finds her weird. He also kinda dislikes vel and ven, but that's just bc they were trouble in prison and he's a policeman so makes sense.
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These two are siblings
Sailor is a rockstar, ambivert, her best friends are midori and stella (my main oc). She has a gf, another oc called Rosie. She gets along with Velvet, and once had a colab with v&v, trying to combine each other's style in a song, which went rlly well!!
That's enough yappin ty for ur time🤓🤓
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1vidapoeticando · 11 months
Ela sabe fazer um dia bonito. A dor deixou ela mais forte. A fé mostrou a ela novos caminhos.
Apesar das tempestades, o coração dela foi mostrando que amar é a obra prima preciosa da sua vida. Hoje ela só vai se tiver afim de ir. Só fica onde a sua liberdade é preservada. O medo não é uma palavra que define os seus caminhos.
Menina-mulher de coragem. Nunca desiste de nada. Seus olhos enxergam longe. Uma frase para ela: mar calmo nunca fez bom marinheiro.
Edgard Abbehusen
Ella sabe cómo hacer un hermoso día. El dolor la hizo más fuerte. Faith le mostró nuevos caminos.
A pesar de las tormentas, su corazón le mostraba que el amor es la preciosa obra maestra de su vida. Hoy solo va si le apetece. Solo permanece donde se preserva tu libertad. Miedo no es una palabra que defina tus caminos.
Niña-mujer de coraje. Nunca se da por vencido ante nada. Tus ojos ven lejos. Una frase para ella: los mares en calma nunca hicieron a un buen marinero.
Edgard Abbehusen
She knows how to make a beautiful day. The pain made her stronger. Faith showed her new paths.
Despite the storms, her heart was showing her that love is the precious masterpiece of her life. Today she only goes if she feels like going. It only stays where your freedom is preserved. Fear is not a word that defines your paths.
Girl-woman of courage. He never gives up on anything. Your eyes see far. A phrase for her: calm seas never made a good sailor.
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Edgard Abbehusen
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nocturnal-impala · 4 months
¡hola impala nocturno porfa si no fuera mucha molestia podra explicarme este fragmento en su blog acerca de tutu " ¿Cómo sería la versión de la historia Tutu? Sé que es popular en el anime que las "personas reencarnadas" se vean exactamente iguales a sus personajes anteriores (como en Sailor Moon, etc.). Pero Ahiru se convierte en Tutu, no es un personaje renacido. " a que se refiere , siento si es mucha molestia es que soy un poco lenta para entender jajajaja
I'll try: Like in Sailor Moon, Princess Serenity is reborn as Tsukino Usagi, they look identical. Mamoru and the rest of the sailor scouts are also reborn to be exact copies of their previous selves. In PT Drosselmeyer gives the pendant for Ahiru to become Princess Tutu, but it is only the role she takes on. Usagi also becomes Sailor Moon, but under this heroine role she is still "just an ordinary girl". Ahiru is not the same as the Princess Tutu in the story book. After Tutu vanished as a speck of light, Mytho and the Raven leaped out of the book into the real world. Drosselmeyer continued the story by making Ahiru a new Princess Tutu. She basically took up the role: Just like in ballet, any ballerina can play the same role (like Cinderella) and each of them has their own version of the character they play. Or in live actions, the cast members change but the roles don't.
I hope this answers your question!
Lo intentaré: como en Sailor Moon, la princesa Serenity renace como Tsukino Usagi, se ven idénticas. Mamoru y el resto de los marineros exploradores también renacen para ser copias exactas de sus seres anteriores. En PT, Drosselmeyer le da el colgante a Ahiru para que se convierta en la Princesa Tutu, pero es sólo el papel que ella asume. Usagi también se convierte en Sailor Moon, pero bajo este papel de heroína sigue siendo "simplemente una chica normal". Ahiru no es la misma que la princesa Tutu del libro de cuentos. Después de que Tutu desapareciera como un punto de luz, Mytho y el Cuervo saltaron del libro al mundo real. Drosselmeyer continuó la historia convirtiendo a Ahiru en una nueva princesa Tutu. Básicamente asumió el papel: al igual que en el ballet, cualquier bailarina puede desempeñar el mismo papel (como Cenicienta) y cada una tiene su propia versión del personaje que interpreta. O en acciones en vivo, los miembros del elenco cambian pero los roles no.
¡Espero que esto responda tu pregunta!
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fisherrprince · 1 year
idk how it would happen but I imagine ven meeting his younger selves and they’re both so different. But the same. But different
he meets the one stuck in the desert with no memories and immediately almost gets his head cut off, just because — for ease of reading, he’ll refer to himself as Ven and the younger one as Ventus and the youngest one… Little Ven. Look, he never said he was that creative, and they like their name — because he startled him. He doesn’t remember the badlands that well, but he does remember how jumpy it made him. That’s still… there.
anyways he almost gets his head cut off because Ventus hears someone’s big metal shoes behind him and whips around, keyblade in hand, and Ven backs out of the way with his hands up and an eep! and puts a lid on the instinct to summon his own keyblade. Ventus’ face gives away his emotions pretty much instantly, which it doesn’t do so much anymore, but it goes fear-anger-confusion-VERYconfusion-fearagain-curiosity-confusion-bigshowyhuffyface. Like a kitten making itself look bigger. Ven tries to make himself look smaller, or at least non threatening. Or at least not like an evil future version of himself come to end his bloodline here and now. Would you believe he had that irrational fear every once in a while he’d make some kind of dumb mistake and go ah, I hope this doesn’t have universal consequences i feel the repercussions of via someone smarter than me coming to tell me off! which, I mean it’s not The Most irrational. Time travel exists. He’s doing… it(???). Ventus seems to settle somewhere between genuine curiosity and cornered kitten.
“Who are you?”
Wow his voice is higher! It dropped pretty late. Mostly while he was training here, so he never really had the embarrassed-by-voice-cracking thing Aqua told him about with Terra, he was worried about other things. And his hair is so much scruffier, and his skin is dry-looking, he doesn’t remember taking care of himself very well out here. There’s nothing here, really. Has Ventus eaten? Today? Should he have brought the conchas from the kitchen. Is that an open cut on his arm? That’s blood. That’s bad. Ven’s been forgetting to speak and just looking at his younger self which is not helping his nerves, he doesn’t think. “Uh… you? Older you! We’re in a dream, sort of, I think.”
probably not the right thing to say, even though ven’s not sure what WOULD be the right thing to say. That was about the most succinct he could make it. Ventus’ eyes narrow, and he drops the curiosity, and Ven knows what just happened, he thinks this is a test now. It’s absurd enough to not be real, and it must be illusion magic. Ventus spins his keyblade behind him and lowers his stance (still kinda sloppy, the Master was always— Xehanort was always on him about it even though apparently holding a keyblade backwards was fine). “Bullcrap,” he spits.
“Language!” Ven scolds, feeling the spirit of Aqua fill him. Ventus is too nervous to say anything more than “crap” though, which is kind of cute but weird to think about now that he’s still nervous around adults but swears like a sailor around, like, Roxas.
“Either leave me alone or fight!”
“I don’t wanna—“ And then Ventus jabs at him, his patience for the test spent. The faster he passes, the faster he can go sit down and the less of a chance he gets hurt. Ven dodge rolls out of the way once, twice, threefourtimes, getting ten pounds of dust down his shirt. He never liked this feeling. Dust stuck to his skin. Ventus gets more and more frustrated with every miss, starting to make angry growls when he does, and snaps out a strike raid, which misses, and it misses on the way back, but Ven is busy righting himself from where it missed and Ventus gets a heavy slash in right on his knuckles, which stings.
Ven recoils, and Ventus sees the real actual blood on his knuckles and the teeth of Wayward Wind and his eyes blow wide. Almost immediately, he drops his keyblade and backs away, hugging his arms to his chest and turtling in his jacket. “Oh— sorry! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry! I messed up.”
“it’s okay! It’s okay, it’s fine,” Ven reassures him, really really wanting to stop hearing himself over-apologize. He quickly, telegraphing his moves because he knows how bad this could look, summons his keyblade and casts a quick Cure. The wound vanishes, even though it’s gonna leave a bruise anyways. Ven shows his arm. “See? Totally fine.”
Ventus doesn’t move towards him, but un-turtles slightly. His eyes linger on Ven’s hand — fine. Like he said — to the space his, their keyblade was just summoned, the one he’s holding his version of. To his face, which is pretty similar, though Ventus hasn’t looked at himself in a mirror in a while. To his outstretched arm, and the thin scars over it, and his own scrawny arm, dried blood still shiny over a thin but deep cut.
Ven follows his gaze. “Can I see that?” he asks, gently.
Ventus slowly, very deliberately shuffles his way over and gives up his arm to be looked at. Ven takes it — Ventus almost flinches when he touches him, totally real and corporeal and warm and stuff — and once again casts Cure, this time a Curaga just to cover anything he might not be showing him. Ven used to do that, before he knew what he was doing but after he was too floaty to know what he was doing at all, he’d just not tell anyone he was uncomfortable. It felt shaky and bad to verbalize, and it took Terra specifically a long time to teach him that no was a good word and I made a mistake was not the end of the world. Ven’s not gonna be able to teach the younger version of himself that whole thing in a few hours. But y’know — at least he can be nice.
Ventus studies the spot on his arm that he cured. It’s going to scar because he didn’t get to it on time, but he knew that, and Ventus figures that out, his stare moving to the same scar on Ven’s forearm. And the rest of them. Some the same, some came later. He is not, pointedly, removing his arm from Ven’s hands.
Ventus’ voice is tentative and scratchy. “Why’re you here?”
“Um,” Ven says, elegantly. “I’m not sure.”
”That’s dumb,” Ventus huffs.
“Sorry. Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Ven says, gesturing for his other hand. Ventus hesitates — fear-worry-want, his face is like an open book — and gives it to him, finally desummoning his keyblade. “Do you not know Cure yet?”
Ventus scowls again. “Shouldn’t you remember? No.”
Ven shakes his head. “I don’t remember when we learned it. I thought it was before this.”
“I don’t remember anything before this.” Ventus, despite curling forwards into the touch he’s being given, somehow scowls even deeper.
Ven kneels. “And I don’t remember being so angry,” he says, softly. “We don’t get much better at the memory thing in the future.”
“Oh.” Ventus keeps standing. “Do—“ he bites his lip.
“Do what?”
“Do we… do we get better at — you’re … I’m… mad. I don’t like— You don’t look— Do we— nevermind, sorry. It’s nothing.”
“We get happier,” Ven says, something inside him crumbling. “We do, we get friends, even.”
Ventus’ eyes widen, not looking at him. “Here?”
“No, not here. It… it’s a long story. But I promise it gets better.” Ven doesn’t like looking at this. He spent so long not thinking about it — on purpose, not thinking about it, ever since he woke up in the Land of Departure “thinking about it” was more of a phrase that meant shaky, scattered flashes of memory and sharp copper smells and waking up with his heart in his throat and his muscles trying to scatter out of existence or hearing a metal fixture drop to the floor with a loud clang! and suddenly he couldn’t hear anything except ringing and it was all, an abstract cocktail of not good that he never untangled and avoided like the plague — that… making it real, seeing himself just exist in a terrible place while nothing happens to him like those flashes of memory, it makes it real. And it breaks something inside him, something really small but gummed up because before this he had a layer of detachment from the whole thing, and he almost wants to cry. Ven knows now that he didn’t deserve this and it was stupid and horrible and he should have just had friends who loved him this whole time because it’s possible and he’s a likeable person and he has good to give and love to receive. But Ventus doesn’t know that yet, and he sure won’t believe it until it happens. He remembers not believing it. He remembers thinking it wouldn’t ever get better, and how much better it feels now that it has, and — oh, okay he is crying cool. Ventus looks at him like he’s grown a second head, all confusion and worry and tentative digging inside himself to see what he should do.
“Do… um. Do you want a hug?” Ventus asks nervously.
Ven nods. Ventus’ arms curl around Ven’s back, all thin shaky noodles and no muscles and fewer scars and not used to doing this. Not too hard — he doesn’t want to weird him out — Ven hugs back as best he can. He learned how to give pretty stellar hugs from his friends. He hopes Ventus can feel it.
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tenbirdsinatrenchcoat · 2 months
is there a specific process you have for creating dnd characters, or do you just let the characters happen how they happen ?? :0
bit of both tbh. usually characters start with a Concept or Idea, and they kinda form themselves around this sort of base without much input from me.
example: caspian came to be around when i played return of the obra dinn with my friends. kept thinking about doomed sailors and lo n behold, theres a guy in my brain. he formed mostly separate from the campaign i played him in, but the dm did give me some things like one of his patrons being a black dragon and the whole slavery bit.
example 2: everett came to be from the idea of "guy who gets his consciousness put in a robot, possibly against his will", which i proceeded to flesh out over the course of several weeks to months. did a LOT of talking w my dm for him and my dm provided a lot of stuff i could use, like the terminal disease that killed him.
example 3: sallygale came to be from a dream, actually, but the base was "wild west angels and demons" and the dream simply gave me her name as well as a basic plot and a few other characters that exist in her universe. her appearance came from a lot of playing around with the symmetry tool in CSP, and the vibes followed suit.
example 4: ven came to be from the general idea of "guy who wakes up in a river with no memories", which i had attempted once before with a bad toxic dm, which. didnt work out. worked with my dm a TON since ven needed some sort of basis in the world (which i decided was cloning) and she was super cool and helped me out with a lot of ideas. initially expected him to be a cocky guy with a tendency to start trouble, but he ended up being just the sweetest happy-go-lucky guy with a tendency to simply End Up in trouble.
this is too many examples. i need to stop.
but yeah usually my Guys™ (gender neutral) start out with some sort of base concept that gets built upon and fleshed out, and then at some point they stop becoming my creations and start becoming their own little beings who sit in my head and give me brainrot.
they do pay rent, though. the rent is me torturing them.
the concept always comes before the stats/species/class/character sheet/etc, as i cant really get connected to a guy i make off a pre-made sheet.
ty for asking and sorry for the text wall, i just REALLY love talking about my ocs. fr tho i appreciate that Someone is interested, makes me giggle and kick my feet. thank you :)
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ironchef13 · 11 months
Characters that I think should star in a Spiderverse Fanfiction
Ok so in previous chapters I wrote about characters that Miles Morales would meet, team up with, or fight as Spider-man. Mostly Bailey Briggs aka Spider-Boy and the Gwen clones from the Spider-Gwen: Shadow Clone saga. And in some Spiderverse stories he is seen fighting the Tinkerer (Phin Mason) from the Spider-man: Miles Morales video game. However, there are many more characters in the Marvel comics that may not be as well-known, but I think should be featured in a Spiderverse fanfiction. Maybe Miles can team up with them, maybe he can fight them, the possibilities are up to you the fanfic writers. So here is a list of Marvel characters that I think should star in a Spiderverse fanfiction and why. Hope you enjoy.
1.) Ellie Ellison aka Necroko from the "Extreme Venomverse" Comics Ellie Ellison is a shy high school student who had bonded with a Venom symbiote and became a Sailor Moon-themed superhero known as Necroko. When I first discovered her, I never thought someone could look both scary and Adorable at the same time. For more information about Necroko you may check out the link below.
2.) Itsy Bitsy from the "Spider-man/Deadpool" comics Itsy Bitsy is an unnamed woman that willingly let herself become mutated with the combined abilities of Spider-man and Deadpool. Now in the original comics Itsy Bitsy almost gaslighted Spider-man into killing her which caused Deadpool to intervene and stop him. But in a Spiderverse fanfic I was thinking maybe instead Itsy Bitsy would be kidnapped, forcibly mutated, and have her mind erased. Which would then lead Miles to discover her and team up with her while trying to help discover who she used to be. As for her personality I was thinking she would be like DC Harley Quinn, Crazy but funny. For more details about Itsy Bitsy you may check out the link below
3.) Billie Morales from the Miles Morales: Spider-man comics Billie Morales is basically Miles Morales baby sister that was born when Miles is in High school. It would be interesting and fun to see how Miles tries to handle school, Spider-man and being a big brother. Plus, I'm sure the rest of the Spider-Gang would absolutely adore her, and Mayday would love to have a new playmate. See the link at the bottom for more details.
4.) New Agent Venom Variant In the Marvel Universe many people have taken up the mantle (and symbiote) of "Agent Venom" People like Flash Thompson, Eddie Brock, Anne Weying, Eugene Thompson, Even Peter Parker. But I have an idea for a new OC Agent venom and that person is Addy Brock. Now Addy Brock was a character in the "Edge of Spider-Geddon" comics. She was a student with Peni Parker and the pilot of the VEN#m suit. Unfortunately, she was killed when the VEN#M suit went rouge and consumed her along with Peni's Aunt May. I guess this was considered one of Peni's "Canon Events". It would be interesting to see how Peni would react to meeting a new Variant of her deceased friend with a perfect bond with her symbiote, since I'm going to assume Peni would have some form of PTSD with any kinds of symbiotes.
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5.) Gwenpool from the Gwenpool comics because why not?
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6.) The Guardians of the Galaxy
This one is mostly because hey, Space Adventure so why not you know?
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that's all I have for now. Hope you find these ideas inspiring. In the Immortal words of Stan Lee
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biikiii · 2 years
Queria hacer este fanart ya que no vi muchos de atenea ya se que esta fea pero prometo ¡hacerlo mas bonito! Si llego a hacer otro, espero les guste si es que lo ven use de referencia sailor moon y deben de darle amor esta feo y chiquito
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alonlyfangirl · 2 years
The Legend of the Wraith
summary: The tale of the legendary Wraith that so many know, and who so many pray to for a safe journey
a/n: I am so happy to finally have participated in a Grishaverse Big Bang event! so shoutout to @grishaversebigbang for making this possible! (also I know I am posting late I am a very busy person I'm sorry). Anyway, I love the concept my group came up with, and I hope you enjoy it too and check out their amazing pieces!
Materialki: @it-takes-acquired-minds (art)
Etherialki: @ven-brekker (story)
ao3 link
full story under here
No matter what, everyone had something to believe in. The Fjerdans had Djel, the Kerch had Ghezen, and the Ravkans had their saints. but amongst sailors there was a living legend, whose name was far more important than any deity. The Wraith. 
For some the Wraith was frightening. A sure sign of death, a sure sign of knowing that all their sins had caught up with them. But for others the wraith was a hope for freedom and safety. 
When someone went missing at sea, they told the legend of the wraith to spread hope for a safe return. 
“Come here and listen,” the mother would say to a distraught child, crying for their lost sibling. “You don't need to worry, the wraith is out there, and she will bring your sister back, safe and sound.”
And then they would tell the legend of the Wraith. It always went something like this.
It was not the first time a sailor had heard the name The Wraith, but no one had heard it said like this before. It wasn't the way people would speak about some insignificant captain that had tried herself against some small slaver and won. No this time it sounded like someone bit, someone worthy of attention. 
In the beginning the wraith wasn't much to speak about. Sure she had a nice ship and a good crew, but anyone with enough money could get themselves that. It was said that the wraiths had plans of becoming a legend, even from the start, but it still took some time for her to get the attention she deserved. 
Just because few knew the true power the wraith held in the beginning, didn't mean that she was a bad sailor or captain. Quite the opposite. 
Of course, she had started small. Some say her goal had always been to hunt slavers, to free the people taken from everything they knew. It was known that more and more ships were being taken down on the true sea. Particularly slave ships. But it was nothing to worry about. Not until that day. 
It was a clear day out on the sea. The water was still and not a cloud in sight. It was peaceful. maybe too peaceful. At least while knowing that the particular ship that was being looked at held dozens of people, kidnapped to be sold as slaves. Most of them children. 
Most of the people on board had given up hope. They knew it was over as soon as they were thrown in the cell. Others kept hope out longer, still praying to whatever saint or god they believed in. Little did they know, they would get their miracle soon enough. 
There, while locked in the dark of the inside of the boat, they heard something. While they could not see the sky, they knew this day was calmer than most, and therefore sounds like they should not be heard. Still, it could just be one of the men on the ship having a little too much to drink and stumbling around. That was not exactly an un-normal accordance. Still, some of the children began to feel a bit of hope. 
But this was no man with too much to drink, this was a man hit in the head with a knife. No drunken accident, but a very deliberate murder. Because someone was here to save them. First the one man, then another and another. 
Above the deck, it was the wraith who had thrown the knives and killed the men. On this still day she had managed to sneak aboard the ship, and then attack. And she wasn't the only one. Now that she had their attention for a bit, the rest of her crew came on her ship to help. 
When her people were aboard the ship she only had two more things to do: release the captured, and pay the captain a visit. 
As soon as she saw one of her men was aboard the slaver ship and helping her with taking them down she made her way beneath deck.
When she opened the hatch that led her below, the prisoners were scared. Sure they knew something was happening, some of them even had hope for a rescue. But others were weary. How could they know if this person truly came here to help them. Maybe it was just another slaver looking for some good girls to be sold. 
But they needn't worry, because the wraith had come, and she had come to help them. 
She quickly made her way towards the cages, working to get them open and set the girls free. 
“Quick, go, go, you’re free,” she said. “Are there any more hidden prisoners?” she asked.
“I don’t know, but I don’t think so,” someone replied.
“Okay, I will look around just to be sure, and then I’ll come back up to deck to make sure the captain gets what he deserves.”
The captured would stay below deck for some moments more, wondering what to do. They were free, yes, but that didn’t mean that they were safe.
They didn’t know what was happening up there, and some of them didn’t want to know. However, some did want to know. And so they went up on deck, seeing sunlight for the first time in weeks.
But the sun was not the only thing that greeted the freed prisoners when looking at the deck. They were also met with the sight of the captain, tied to a chair with his mouth bound in the middle of the deck. 
Most of the prisoners had never seen the captain, but just by looking at the man tied to the chair, they knew it was him. No other man on the ship looked like him, clean and rich. Rich on the lives of other people that he sold. And by the looks of it, he had sold a lot. And here he was, tied and gagged on his own ship.
None of his crew dared to move or even try to help. Maybe they were scared to move, scared of the wraith, or maybe, just maybe, they knew he was getting what he deserved. They knew how many children and women he had taken. They knew how he treated them. and deep down they knew he deserved even worse than this. That this was just the way mortals dealt with it. No one dared think about what he might face in death. It didn't matter when they believed in it, no one could believe he would die and that would be it. 
And maybe that's why they needed the wraith. Sure she couldn't guarantee that he got exactly what he deserved, but she could do what gods and saints could not. She could kill him right where he was, on his own ship, surrounded by his own prisoners. And she could make sure they all knew. Everyone on deck knew that he was going to get what he deserved. 
Even the ones that choose to stay under deck for safety, knew that the captain would not fare well after this. 
When the wraith stepped on deck, she made her way towards the captain. Everyone could see the pure fear on his face. No one knew exactly what she was going to do. No one had expected her here in the first place, so they could not even begin to expect what she was going to do to the captain. 
When she had finally made her way towards him, she leaned down to press one of ehr blades to his throat. 
“Do you know how much I have suffered because of men like you?” she had asked. The man made no noise, nor did it seem like he was planning on making any. That was until she pressed her blade harder against his throat and he whimpered. “Answer me,” she said sternly. 
There was something about the way she spoke. It was not inherently threatening, but when she spoke the way she did, you knew that you were in danger. 
“I honestly do not,” he replied. “I am sorry if I have somehow caused you pain, I truly didn't mean any harm. Did I take one of your loved ones? Your sister perhaps?” he tried getting himself out of the situation, tried to get her to show mercy. But it was not worth trying mercy when it came to the wraith. 
She was snot completely ruthless, but she would not give mercy to anyone who did not deserve it. 
“You have not hurt me. you have not taken my sister, or any other loved one,” she said calmly. it was so calm it was weary. “But I was taken, by someone just like you. and I have suffered from it. you said it yourself, you have no idea how much.”
And just like that it was over for him. With her last word she sunk one of her knives into his stomach. “This will never make up for what I have suffered through. It will never come close to healing me or any of the people in a similar situation. But it can stop people like you from continuing doing it to others. And that will have to do for now,” she whispered in his ear as she sunk the knife deeper and deeper, watching the color drain slowly from his face until he was just a pale sack of tied up meat. 
But there was something strange about this. Some would swear that it was not the wraith who killed the captain, but ghosts. Grown people would swear they saw the ghosts of the ones who had been captured on this ship before.
And they were ruthless. More ruthless than the wraith ever could have been. But it was only fair, they were the spirits of the ones who had died on this ship. sure the wraith had rage, but she still had a life. She had gotten out, she was doing what she could to make this better. But they never got that chance. They were trapped, watching so many suffer the same fate as they did. So when they got their chance for vengeance, they took it.
The legend usually went something like this. Sure there were some variations, and some told other stories of the wraith on other ships then this one. But the one told the most when something like what you heard. 
And when the boy heard this he could stop holding his breath in fear for his sister. because there was hope. There was the wraith, out there, making sure people like his sister didn't need to suffer. 
Of course no one actually knew exactly what happened on any ship the wraith was on, except for the wraith herself. She did not mind the exaggeration, but they did sometimes get a bit too outlandish for her. 
But that was not what mattered. What mattered was that soon, no one would need to suffer her fate, or the fate of the ghosts on the ship. The details were actually true. Every time she killed one of the men doing these horrible things, she started to hear a faint singing, they got progressively louder until suddenly there were spirits flying through the men. 
And she hoped, however little it might be, that it lightened their suffering just a little bit. anything was better than being stuck with the rage and the feeling of injustice. 
But no one would have to feel that anymore. Not as long as she was sailing the seas. 
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diariodeunaspie · 1 year
Algunas características que no entienden de nosotros. Parte uno. Porque sí, hay muchos comportamientos que ni se imaginan.
(No es generalizar y al pie de la letra, somos muy distintos el uno del otro).
Atracción a cierta materia.
Para mí es muy importante un ‘interés’ en especial. He pasado por varias temáticas, de todo tipo. Una vez de pequeña me resultó muy atractivo el hecho de saber acerca del anime sailor moon, tanto que llegué a memorizar diálogos enteros de la serie. Más adelante me interesé por la escritura, la lectura; Harry Potter me lo leí incontables veces, pasaba horas queriendo saber más y más…
De adulta he pasado por muchos temas centrados en arte: danza, crafting, madera, etc. [En otra ocasión mostraré algunos proyectos de algún ‘hobby’]. Actualmente me gusta muchísimo el crochet.
En la escuela me decían ‘nerd’ e incluso ‘la rarita’. No entendían mi fijación a ciertos temas o el entusiasmo con el que respondía a otros. Mis padres, por otro lado, cuando veían que la actividad era positiva (como escribir) me dejaban poder hacerlo por más tiempo, pero cuando se trataban de temas como Sailor Moon, no; me apagaban la televisión, me contaban historias en donde el anime invocaba al demonio, para ellos simplemente perdía el tiempo…
Y para mí… para mi encontrar un tema que me guste, es felicidad, es energía… Es como tener cierto pedazo de oro, que brilla tanto que me llama a mirarlo por muchísimas horas. Tanto que, incluso si es productivo, varios me han ‘recomendado amablemente’ que lo deje o le disminuya a mi entusiasmo, y esto último duele un poco. ¿Por qué quitarle alegría a otra persona?
Resulta irónico porque siempre escucho “la práctica hace al maestro”. De ello comprendo que no saldrá bien a la primera, que no sabrás todo, nunca, pero puedes repetir intentos e investigar más. Un contenido tiene mil y un aristas.
Lamentablemente, me ha tocado experimentar que usualmente cuando ven que estoy inmersa en un tema a nuestro nivel, el nivel divergente, me suelen poner apodos, se ríen de mí (a mis espaldas y los menos educados: en mi cara), viran los ojos, etc. Son muy pocas las personas que han tenido la paciencia de escucharme por horas; son muy pocas quienes que decidido decirme “¿Quieres enseñarme o compartir conmigo cómo lo ves?”.
Tener cierta fijación en un tema no es simplemente una obsesión, no hay derecho a decir que un autista solo se obsesiona, es injusto que algo que nos llena de propósitos sea reducido a “obsesión” cuando en definitiva para nosotros es importante.
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