sakuhai · 2 years
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🌸 II
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alterin · 2 years
My thoughts about Hyde, Sakura and all these rumors we are interested in
Well, I know my page is not Hyde related, but I wanted to share my thoughts anyway.
Disclaimer: it’s all based on different interviews I read and saw, and on Hyde’s book. I’m not sure if I could provide valid proofs, it’s your choice to agree or disagree.
Let’s start.
Hyde is a person who doesn’t lie. He considers it as a weakness. And that’s probably the reason why he doesn’t debunk rumors about his orientation and family. Hyde reads (or used to read) them and he simply asked people to stop and that’s all. Probably he just doesn’t want to lie. 
Hyde is a conservative person when it comes to family and children. He wanted to have a family like his parents had. He got married because he thought it was right (hello, internal homophobia), had a child and his expectations were not met. Whether he is divorced or not, he said “his family has plans for the future”, so he didn’t confirm rumors. Such an abstract answer, but again, Hyde is not a lier.
About Sakura - I think there definetely was something between them. I wouldn’t say that they dated, most likely there were a lot of misunderstandings. Sakura and Hyde have a lot of similarities and, at the same moment, they are very different. After the drug situation Hyde he locked himself at home and didn't talk to anyone for 2 monthes. Hyde had dreams about him everyday. He said he liked Sakura very much and he believed he would eventually came back. It wasn’t his decision to find a new drummer and for me it seems suspicious (I think Tetsu planned it). Hyde said he still has a wound on his heart. 
My absolutely insane thoughts on Sakuhai history:
1. 1993 - Sakura moves to Osaka, hangs out with Hyde a lot and lives with him. Don’t forget when he said that he was proud/happy to go out with Hyde, because he looked feminine and people thought Sakura was with a beautiful girl (just casual bros behaviour). Hyde was clueless about that and probably dated some girls.
2. Interview when Sakura was on a leash?? Excuse me???
3. The ring as a gift from Sakura? And Hyde literally didn’t take it off???
4. The interview when members were asked who would you marry from the group and both Sakura and Hyde called each other.
5. Entire I’m so happy song. No comments needed.
6. May 23, 2009. Concert in Fukuoka. Sakura and Hyde accidentally met after live. Sakura said he came for someone birthday and decided to show up on concert, but he was late. It reminds me cliche from bl, when person A comes to person’s B house without them knowing, braves himself to go into and then person B suddenly appears and asks “long time no see, what are you doing here?”. Person A says some stupid shit like “my friend from school lives here, came to meet them” and then says goodbye. Ah, misunderstandings again.
Well, basically I think something intimate happened between them, but Hyde decided to act like nothing happened, because he wanted to have a “normal” family after that. Sakura fell first and was happy just to be close and make music together. Then, after _something_, Sakura started to feel left out, did drugs, Hyde realized how wrong he was, after being locked at home he wanted to confess his feelings, but Sakura was restricted to go out in public. Then meeting with Megumi, Hyde believed he loved her, so then he could be normal, but it didn’t work in fact. I don’t think it was staged, I think Hyde truly believed in that. I’m homosexual myself, but I used to date men and even planned a marriage, and only several years after I realized my feelings to the person in school, but it was too late.
Thank you for reading that self-indulgent confession. Would be happy to learn more rumors that fit my perception of them <3
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ciaophantom · 1 year
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bindeds · 7 months
╭ 𝜗𝜚﹔ᵎᵎ acknowledging his aromanticism & asexuality. ALASTOR X FEM READER HEADCANONS ! — i know alastor is aroace BUT i am challenging myself to make a more aroace friendly post about our best man. this post contains SLIGHT nsfw (he doesn’t take part in it physically and is quite unattached!)
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gif creds go to @sakuhai !
mlist. request status.
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since being aroace is a spectrum i’d like to imagine that with the life he led and the horrible things he did in hell, it was just never possible for him to fall for anyone and vice versa
but of course that all fell apart when you came along.
you had to be the one to open up about it first, and you know this from the way everyone was more aware of his sexuality than even he was. of course, if he were to, by some miracle, return your feelings, he would still be aroace considering the definition of those terms are ‘an individual who experiences little to no romantic or sexual attraction,’ but if anything that just meant that the chances of him even feeling anything for you is MUCH slimmer than compared to many others’.
but yes, come to think of it, even if Alastor had been invading your personal space the way he usually does with everyone in the hotel, he didn’t mind when you did the exact same for him, always leaning or touching his shoulders or pulling him along by the hand if you were excited to show him something. It was an odd feeling when he’d come to realize this during your confession.
“care to dance?” he would say, extending a gentle hand towards you right after your confession. you took it without much thought and slow music began to play seemingly from his mic, but it felt like the music had been hugging the both of you together as you swayed in tandem.
seeing as alastor was touch-repulsed, of course it puzzled you to have his hand so firm on your waist as the other held up your own, but then you realize something, and you asked to confirm it. “Did you like to dance like this when you were still alive?”
“Oh of course dear, I was quite the gentleman in my youth, but you already know that,” you followed his rhythm like you and him were one in the same, and he spun you around before having both your hands meet his own.
“will you give me time, darling?”
and of course, you were happy to give whatever time he needed. Though he didn’t need much because he’s simply never felt this way before. He’d come to terms with it quite early in his life that it’s simply not one of the ‘pleasures’ he’d get to experience in both his lifetime as a living being and as a demon. But he knew this was different. You felt different.
even more different than all the friends he had, and he was very aware of the fact that about 95% of his friends were women, and none of them came close to giving him the feeling you did with that dance and your general being, and alastor has danced with many, many women.
nonetheless, you picked a very difficult man to be with. very difficult indeed. he knew this, and you knew this. so as any normal man would he came back to you with what seemed to be his own terms and conditions.
1 : do not, under any circumstance, expect him to be open to sexual intimacy. he’s only just found out that he is, in fact, capable of experiencing romantic attraction even though it took dying and MANY years of being a heartless cannibal, sadist and murderer for him to find it, all of which contributes to just how overwhelming this is as it is. just thinking about the sexual aspect is something he’d rather not add to the juggle pile. 2 : he will be bad at this, and you’ve no choice but to accept that. he might have seen these types of things play out multiple times throughout both lifetimes, but theory and practice are two very different things, and it just doesn’t come naturally to him. So if you can’t be patient with him, he would completely understand and break it off immediately.
other than that, he will do anything in his power to make you happy. and of course, you agreed to these terms without hesitation and without shaking his hand—heavens, he couldn’t do that to you … unless you wanted him to own your soul.
seeing as you’ve had a long talk about your arrangement with him, he respectfully calls you his partner. you first thought that maybe he would want to start with dates first, but then he looked you in the eye and you remembered every single night he would just leave the hotel for you at 2am in the morning without notice, pick you up and grab the most horrendous food ever. alastor never even complained that you didn’t try freshly killed limbs and you never questioned him back. those were dates enough for you.
you ask him about his preferences anyway, and he says that one of the deciding factors for him was that you wouldn’t even be able to imagine the things he’d do to anyone who tried to have you if you two were in some sort of mutual agreement instead of an official relationship. of course, you had no problem with being his, so off you two went.
nothing much changed besides the much more frequent visits over at yours. but then also, a lot has changed because of the more frequent visits.
he tried normal food once for your sake, didn’t like it, wasn’t used to it, but he liked that he made you smile when he spat it out in the end. and on the contrary, he didn’t ask you to try cannibalism, and appreciated the fact that you’d gotten used to him eating in front of you with all the gore and flies laid out before the both of you.
another thing that changed was his oral hygiene. it was absolutely horrendous, but spending many evenings in your room and seeing you get ready for bed has alastor getting used to the ‘brushing teeth’ scene, so, like the food, he tries it for your sake. it wasn’t so bad, but it fixed basically nothing seeing as he eats nothing but raw meat and demon limbs for all three meals of the day. but, he did it every other day, and there was actually a lighter shade of yellow in his teeth by the end of the month.
he gets you flowers and your favorites every now and then for no reason at all. in his words, “it is absolutely absurd to be celebrating our very special relationship on just one day every year. and you don’t ask for much, so i thought i’d help myself to being the reason i get to see that radiant smile of yours, dove.”
he slept over at your place once. it wasn’t an active decision he’d made, it was just one of those nights when he came to visit and instead of leaving at the usual time, you asked him to stay and he did. you were in bed and talking to him about a book you had just gotten into and he made the mental note of reading it himself when he had the time. he saw how blissful you were in the sheets and took of his coat to settle next to you. the conversation was like any other he’d usually have with you, sprinkled in with sadistic jokes and laughter, but the night was different as he drifted off not long after you had.
if you ever had to get kicked out from your place for whatever reason, alastor would check you into the hazbin hotel, no questions asked despite how much of a bad idea it was. god, just the thought of others finding out made him grind his teeth.
he wasn’t ashamed of you by any means, but it was more of the fact that he knew no one would be normal about this. alastor, the radio demon has a heart after all. and that heart was you. and you were beating with beauty and blood and gentle patience he absolutely didn’t deserve. so he talked to you, and you understood the situation and agreed to be referred to as his friend.
if alastor ever does anything sexual with you, it would definitely be when he senses through little subtle hints that you’re pent up. he tries to ignore it for a while but he brings it up one day, asking if it would help if you masturbated while he was in the room. you were embarrassed, of course, but seeing as alastor was ace this was already a big step from him, so you accepted.
by this time, alastor would have visited you enough to have seen you naked once or twice, all by accident, but he didn’t have much of a reaction seeing as neither of you made physical contact with each other, you were okay with it and none of it had any sexual intentions behind it.
and so he watched you. he watched you with that devilish smile of his, and when you were sweating and panting and close, he walked towards you and held your chin up to him as you continued to get off towards your climax.
“are you thinking of me, my dear?” he whispered, his voice sounding more muffled as the stereo effect doubled. you were afraid to say yes. afraid that that was a boundary of his you were crossing. but then he says, “if anything gets you going, let it be me, my love.”
and of course, you came.
you asked if he was uncomfortable and he said, “heavens no, darling! i would never back out on my word, especially if it is one i gave to you. nothing is sacred, but every night, our bond whispers to be. so if there is a way help you with your sexual urges without making my skin crawl, then i am more than happy to oblige.”
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ninjiniz · 8 months
Am I the only one who thinks Alastor looks a lot like the 2017 version of Scrooge?
Ok hear me out, it's true that when you put it like that it doesn't sound like it, but they have more in common than you might think.
They have the same body language, the same confidence, the same opportunism, the same taste of risk, more or less the same coat and the same colour scheme. Not to mention the cane, the ✨️tea✨️, and the fact that they're always looking for more fun.
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Gif of Alastor by @sakuhai
An evil version of Scrooge, coupled with the powers of Dr Facilier in The Princess and the Frog and the aesthetic and... appetite of Hannibal Lecter, how can I not like this character?
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De las pocas veces que Hyde abrazó a Sakura >_<
Of the few times Hyde hugged Sakura >_<
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doiha-chan · 7 years
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sakura, hyde, 1995
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ashta-kaaru · 8 years
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Old old stuff
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lunamxdness · 8 years
9, 12, 14, 26, 40, 42, 63, 73, 82
9:What is your favourite Visual kei PV?
I don’t really know if i have a favourite pv, the last one that had an impact on me was Inside Beast by the GazettE (i’m so basic orz).
12. Which visual kei band member would you chose to rob a bank with?
Technically not vkei but Hisashi Imai??? I think he would be a good thief.
14. Which visual kei band member would you chose to teach your language? 
No one in particular but maybe some neo-vkei dude. 
26: Which visual kei band member would you chose to control your tumblr for a day?
HIRO, i want to see what this dork can do :D
40: Pick a song that everyone MUST listen to before they die
au revoir by MALICE MIZER and 20+∞Century Boys by Acid Black Cherry (i believe this one can make anybody happy so...).
42. Pick a song that you would play at your wedding.
Yes by Acid Black Cherry (i’m so bored with my answers, i’m so sorry :D)
63. First Ship:
73: How do you think your life be like right now, if you didnt discover Visual kei
I would feel really bad because i always liked bands and musicians because of others, not because i actually liked it but with vkei it’s different...i feel like i’m on the right place, you know? There’s something about it that makes me feel safe. 
82: Could you recognise your favourite musician, make-up-less, in the street?
Of course, especially because he wears those ugly flipflops most of the time so i’d just need to look at his feet. 
Thank you so much dear ^^
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sakuhai · 2 years
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🌸 I
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hideko-ogawasan · 6 years
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I found this on a Sakuhai fan ficton site that no longer exists.
I loved it.
Credits to its respective author.
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“Ya-chan, ahora eres una princesa”
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doiha-chan · 7 years
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39-81 · 8 years
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声を張り上げて縛られた炎の中 殺せない そのゆがんだ愛 燃えゆく身体は灰になって奪われても 汚れてなかったなら その時は貴方が連れて行って そしてそっと抱いて
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Hyde & Sakura 💕💕 La mejor OTP ❤ me encantan juntos. #Sakuhai #Hyde #Sakura #LArcenCiel #LosAmo
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