#sakura haruno stans
becasart · 30 days
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She's beautiful, ethereal, stunning, dazzling, magnificent, jaw dropping... She's everything 😩💕💕💕
*EDITTTTTTTT: oh goshhh, it was bothering me how BLURRY the image turned out the first time I posted this. I never make comics and am unsure of resolution stuff when it comes to posting online, so sorry about that. Hope this is better!
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kumeramen · 1 year
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leportraitducadavre · 11 months
You know there’s a weird connection between the fandom’s perceived idea of “good writing” and their personal feelings about specific characters. “I like this character, therefore, they’re well written” and viceversa, “I dislike this character, therefore, they’re badly written” –I’ve seen this in many fandoms and with different characters, but there’s no fandom where this is more noticeable than in the “anti Sakura” portion of the audience.
Before we start, let me be clear on something: I don’t personally like Sakura, I don’t consider myself a fan of hers (or her stans, which are just as annoying as Hinata’s), nor I believe she’s the “heroine” of a story that has no room for a character with such status (I’ve said this before, Naruto is the hero and Sasuke is the antagonist -there’s no necessity nor space for anyone else as Sakura is merely the female character with most panel time, yet she doesn’t move the plot forward and she isn’t relevant to the development of other key characters, as most of them completely ignore her existence).
“Likeability” isn’t a determining factor when it comes to labelling a character “well” or “badly” written, such notion relies on subjective factors which makes it impossible to objectively determine the overall value of a character inside a story.
The most important factor to label a character “goodly written” has more to do with how well they represent their theological narrative. For instance, Danzo -who I genuinely despise, is amazingly written, as he spot on tackles the subject of extreme-nationalistic world view, while Itachi -on the other hand, is sort-of all over the place as he subscribes to Danzo’s ideology and defends it with the same actions, yet Kishimoto desperately wanted to keep him inside the “good guys” group, which ultimately failed and took down anything Itachi might have had going for him (besides other inconsistencies as he’s presented as a genius who made nothing but mistake after mistake). There’s a reason why the antagonists are often the ones with the best characterizations, as they aren’t tied to been “morally correct” or “likeable” in order to reflect their thematic plot, which is why the better characters in Naruto happen to be Uchiha (Sasuke, Obito, Madara).
Sakura has no weight inside the plot, as she is mostly used for support of either Naruto and (to a lesser extent) Sasuke, she stands narratively in the same spectrum as most “good” characters of the show, so she’s thematically not much more relevant than the rest of K-11; yet she’s given more depth than many other characters, as she’s a layered character of whom we see both her strengths and flaws, something we can’t say for other characters, such as Hinata.
In the Hyüga princess™’s case, her personality is mostly one dimensional as she is a thematic piece used to deepen Neji’s character. In case you haven’t noticed, she was constructed in opposition to him: She needs to be shy in order for Naruto to take pity on her when Neji insults her (as Neji is mostly arrogant and outspoken), she’s comically bad because Neji is a prodigy, she’s “a freak” (said by Naruto himself) because Neji isn't, she’s a slave owner because Neji is her slave, and so on –the only thing she has that wasn’t built in order to oppose her cousin was her infatuation with Naruto, something she makes a priority.
Everything we “know” about Hinata was mostly fandom-made, Hinata is shy and soft spoken, why is she considered “nice”? We never saw her worrying about anyone but Naruto: She was glad Kiba lost his match and offered Naruto the ointment to treat his wounds, she diminished her cousin’s trauma and endorsed the oppressive system of her clan, we never see her visiting Kiba after he returned from his mission to bring Sasuke back to Konoha (something we see Ino and Sakura do with their respective teammates, and while Hinata was recovering from Neji’s attack, she had enough strength to train and go see the Chünin Exams final stage, at no point is mentioned she was bed-ridden, as Sasuke had enough time to recover from Gaara’s attack before escaping the village), she thought about Naruto’s warm hand seconds after her cousin died and she was the only character not shown to be glad about Shikamaru being alive as we saw her pouting and thinking about how much she wanted to be beside Naruto. Furthermore, is there any scene in which she appears where she’s not thinking or talking about Naruto or where he is not the main focus?
How come a character designed to be nothing more than support (for Neji and Naruto, as her infatuation with him was built in order to have some oppositional force to the idea of “nobody likes him”, as Naruto has an unrequited love for Sakura during the whole duration of the manga) is “better written” than Sakura, who despite herself being also support she has far more thematically ground to move around (Kishimoto explores through her different themes, even if they aren’t relevant to the plot itself, such as romantical obsession, low self-esteem and the decisions/characteristics that are driven by it, female friendship, and few others).
Honest question: It’s her sad background reason enough to like Hinata? Do you truly need a “compelling” backstory in order to claim a character is “better written” than others? Sakura was bullied because she was shy, Hinata -being the Hyüga heir, wasn’t shown to suffer the same fate at the hands of her classmates. Think about it this way, while Sakura was being bullied and had to be helped by Ino, Hinata was being trained by her father and witnessing Hiashi torture her uncle while Neji cried, helpless! –and just a few years later, she used that exact knowledge to insult him! So she’s not really that nice after all!
What is it with the obsession of both fandoms with the idea of “potential” and how, apparently, they were “robbed of it” (what “potential”? When did Hinata even hint at improving her fighting techniques? She was defeated every single time! When did Sakura, who canonically has a smaller chakra pool than both Sasuke and Naruto, have the possibility of surpass literally Ashura and Indra’s reincarnations? Them having more panel time will mean absolutely nothing as we’ll see them doing the exact same thing we already see them do only twice as much. “Potential” is about exploring a latent ability of them, Hinata has none and Sakura’s chakra flux control was properly exploited!).
There’s more to say about this, but I’m honestly tired at this point…
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mixelation · 10 months
actually my favorite litmus test for misogyny in fandom is: can you handle a young teen girl? can you handle reading or writing a girl at her most Cringe? at her most Girl? after she's grown out of being a mildly gender-neutral child but before she develops into a sex object? can you see a girl character being a girl and not have a complete break down over how she's useless and ruining womanhood for everyone?
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bimgtt · 4 months
SP never destroyed anything
so what they wanna proof that blushing sasuke loved sakura but in real sasuke blushing at that time means it's embarrassment nothing romantic, sp didn't do shit
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what has changed it is till the same bloody
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They did good by showing sakura isn't insensitive jerk to a injured person and giving him space but in manga she is a insensitive prick
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when is sasuke blushing, it was shadow of his hair sasuke was actually smiling in anime, plus anime was in 2000s, that's why quality down, so they focus on important things, blushing was like something impossible to add at that for some reason
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instead they add a hug so it's not even that important cz sakura forcefully squeezing sasuke's hand
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funny angry expression cz he had a vision of his massacre self and angry and now wanna throw at someone bc of curse mark, it's same
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what's their agenda with this, it proves nothing negative for sasuke
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what's difference, both same expression of gratefulness for a comrade mixture with sad and frustration along with pain of curse mark
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again what they wanna proof sasuke even not looking at sakura but drawn from different angle than manga that's why it's misunderstood sasuke is looking to none but towards empty point,
what it proves that sasuke love her, delusion looool
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same expression in one sasuke looks more exhausted and nihilist and indifferent robotic face other one more angry,
doesn't proof anything positive for sakra stan to cherry picks
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again when opening your mouth is surprised expression with no reaction dialogue, both have same expression with manga had open mouth, sakra stan cheery picks well
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sugarcoating like sakra stan, sasuke's face is surprised in the anime too but you have to see very closely to understand that not from far away cz it was drawn in a very small way
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studio can't cz the way draw sasuke was different then manga that's why they can't add blushing, it would be inconsistent,
also blushing doesn't mean she likes her but he was flustered for some reason, we know what is the reason but you can't sugarcoat panel without indicating concretely why sasuke felt flustered for sakura or something else or being centre of attention when he said about his goal
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lol in manga sasuke even not laughing just looking at her with guilt face not love but in anime he is laughing like he is part of team 7 now,
funny this where guilt tripping of sasuke by team 7 started
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at least anime tried to make it like consistent memory while manga proved it imagination of sarada with sasuke having both hand and fat
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what does it even proof when it was stated sasuke had no contract with her for decade in your fanfic novel mentioned it so why does it matter if it was present or not cz people will read gaiden not only watch anime
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this one is bad
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instead they add sakura's badass fight not damsel in distress
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in manga sasuke looked like depressed as hell but in anime they made him jolly, should be happy for your stan, sasuke didn't , he did cz sarada did
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when novel became canon,
they are same as anime canon fillers,
so be grateful, they even adapted these fanfic which only for shippers
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lol at least anime showed the canon sasuke not fanfic sasuke,
sasuke who didn't even care when his wife transported now jealous and didn't even hug her when she wanted lol??
anime did better to maintain consistency of sasuke, sasuke never gets jealous, didn't even care when she stabbed by madara never sent a letter in a decade now suddenly jealous
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it was filler they can't add everything
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like it' even a problem!!
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lol sasuke's jealousy wasn't there when he was contract less with her for decade
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they removed the creepy part of sakura
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if he can count on her then why didn't he let her beat shin uchiha and sending letter to her, i mean he can count on her so sending letter wouldn't hurt his mission after all he can count on her
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they want anime fillers to be treated as arc when SP had tight schedule at that time for boruto
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he is having smiling face
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the man who doesn't even care to send a letter once for a decade or mentioning his wife name before leaving with boruto
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mdr-reikas · 7 months
I love headcanons, but to be frank it's just so sad to watch Sakura fans trying to make headcanons to make her more interesting.
This was partially prompted by a post I saw recently. OP often references their headcanon that Sakura's parents are abusive, and I can't even be annoyed because it's just miserable. They're doing everything in their power to make Sakura more interesting, and they're still failing.
At this point, I feel sorry that they like Sakura, it must really suck being a Sakura fan.
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uchiha-saradas · 30 days
just saw a pink tesla with a license plate that says “sakura” an ABSOLUTE slay
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neeneee · 1 year
Things I feel like team 7 would tweet.
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noweakergirl · 8 months
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dare I say... superior trope
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milessluvr · 1 year
parings?!; sakura x reader x hinata
warnings ig?; poly relationship wlwlw poc! S/o overworked s/o female pronouns/female reader.
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When the two girls saw their s/o overworking their self to the max they acted on it immediately.
Sakura would most likely hide you’re books laptop anything that would distract you.
Spa day is a must and a need, for the 3 of you since hinata is the princess of her clan they can go in for free.
Dates nights on the rooftop looking at stars.
Y’all are definitely playing video games hinata gets a scared when y’all play horror games.
Watching movies? Heck yeah romantic movies are sakuras favorite.
Sakura and hinata does your nails one hand purple the other hand pink.
They’re going to help you out with your studies.
Hinata braids your hair hands down.
teacher yelling at you calling you? No worries sakura and hinata will take care of that.
Their going to argue with anyone that pushes you to study faster or harder.
Jeez these girls love you very much.
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omg Ty for the 31 notes <3😭
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punkeropercyjackson · 29 days
Tyzula and Sasusaku are highkey the same ship and it's making me gonna insane-/pos
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aprito · 1 year
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thanks anon i have actually never drawn cisswaps before!! i tried to change like as little as possible so their insufferable personalities would still be getting in the way of their visuals and consequently romantic attention
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she's looking out for her future grandson in law (nobody tell him)
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shiningstars-world · 5 months
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Look at this disgusting person. A disgusting naruhina shipper! Wishing me die over a 2D characters...
She accused me of being misogynist and homophobic while she dissed sns and call me B word insult which is a misogynist insult
Like I don't have anything to say...she said she's bisexual but what lgbt person will be homophobic??
She was like: i won't answering you anymore hope you have a bad day b!ch...🫤
She was the one who acted like a bitch but call me that 🤣🫤
Also i never said naruhina weren't married i just said they're forced and look at how she gets angry by that simple fact😂
Oh i forgot she called me schizophrenic just bc I said they're forced 😭😂
Well I'm going to cross tagging this post. I don't say all the nh shippers are like this but well most of them are this toxic like this person🤷
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leportraitducadavre · 6 months
I feel like some of you take “character’s development” as a synonym for “a character modifying a specific behavior the fandom has a problem with” and when some of these cases end up not changing such things about themselves you guys consider it detracts them from their overall narrative value; sure there’re traits considered toxic that many want for their favorite character to “overcome”, but it mostly rests on the desire of the fandom to place a specific character within an acceptable moral standard. many times this “toxic behavior” isn’t paramount to the character’s stance inside their universe or plot as this characteristic isn’t even a problem surrounding the character’s relationships or goals, so it’s not something that needs to be modified for them to achieve their objectives or establish meaningful bonds; in short, there’s no narrative need to alter it. Furthermore, not everyone needs nor is set to change, and the fact that some characters simply don’t do it just adds to their verisimilitude.
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blootoon · 1 year
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whiteboard dump
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Only 2 Of You Can Enter Heaven 😇✅ || Naruto AU || Gacha Club Meme from OnPlayz
im gonna fr you guys... i dont think sasuke is seeing those pearly gates
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