rosaline-ayguldin · 22 days
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dougielombax · 1 year
I hope to see more universities engaging in conferences and projects like this for other threatened languages like Syriac.
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baldwinivmybeloved · 3 months
𓇼 ִֶָ 𓂃Charper Eleven⊹ ִֶָ 𖥸 Xica x Baldwin IV
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Days at the castle in Jerusalem went on as usual, but for Xica, everything had changed. With the knowledge of her father's journal weighing on her mind, every action, every word, every glance became a piece in a complex and dangerous game.
The sun rose on the horizon, spilling its light over the castle's towers and walls. Xica, now recovered from her illness, was in the kitchen, busy with her usual tasks. Her mind, however, wandered into darker and deeper thoughts.
Genova, a maid like her, approached with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. Genova was known for her sharp tongue and her tendency to cause trouble.
"Xica, have you heard the latest?" she said, casually leaning on the kitchen table.
Xica looked at Genova with distrust. "No, what happened now?"
Genova leaned in, lowering her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Reynald de Chatilleau has been desperately looking for something. Apparently, some jewels have gone missing from his possession. They say he's furious and suspects everyone."
Xica's heart raced. She knew well what jewels Genova was talking about, but she couldn't show any reaction. "That sounds serious," she said calmly. "I hope he finds them soon."
Genova smiled, but it was a smile devoid of warmth. "Yes, of course. It would be a shame if someone was involved in something so… dangerous."
As Genova walked away, Xica felt a chill. She knew Genova was not to be trusted and was probably looking for some advantage by insinuating that she knew more than she appeared. She decided she needed to be even more cautious.
Later, while Xica was working in the gardens, her mind kept turning over Genova's words. It was then that she saw Baldwin IV, accompanied by several nobles. The young king, with his mask revealing only his eyes, seemed absorbed in conversation, but when his eyes met Xica's, a slight smile appeared on his face.
Baldwin excused himself from his companions and approached her. "Xica, I'm glad to see you recovered," he said with genuine concern in his voice.
Xica curtsied. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I feel much better."
Baldwin observed the flowers Xica was arranging. "These flowers are so delicate, yet so strong at the same time. They remind me of someone," he said, smiling at her under the mask.
Xica felt a blush rise to her cheeks. "Thank you, Your Majesty. That is a very kind compliment."
The king looked around, making sure no one was near. "Xica, if you ever need anything, you can tell me."
Xica nodded, grateful for his kindness but also aware of the danger of revealing too much. "Your Majesty…"
As the day progressed, an unexpected visitor arrived at the castle. Mullah, Salahaddin's chief advisor, had been sent with a message of peace. Although conflicts between the kingdoms were constant, the peace agreement held, and Mullah came to reaffirm it.
Mullah was a man of imposing presence, with a gaze that seemed to see beyond the superficial. From the moment he set eyes on Xica, he was captivated by her beauty. He tried to approach her several times during his stay, always with soft words and kind gestures, but Xica courteously rejected him, aware of her position and the risks of such attentions.
On one of those occasions, Mullah approached Xica while she was working in the main hall. "Miss, your beauty is comparable to the stars on a clear night," he said, smiling.
Xica barely looked up from her work. "Thank you, sir, but I am busy with my duties."
Mullah was not discouraged. "Such a beautiful flower should not be hidden within these walls. You deserve more than this place."
Xica turned to him, her expression serene but firm. "My duties are here, and here is where I belong. I would appreciate it if you did not insist."
The advisor nodded, but his eyes showed that he would not give up so easily.
That night, after a day full of tensions and furtive glances, Xica retired to her small room. She took her father's journal and opened it again, seeking answers and comfort. Among the pages, she found more details about the hidden jewels, which belonged to her French grandmother. Alongside these treasures were several poems written by Emile, full of love and rebellion, and references to noble titles that rightfully belonged to Xica, including a document declaring her as 'Lady,' the title for a count's daughter. She laughed at this, thinking her name was really Lady Xica Par Bertrand, and if she revealed this, she could even mock the fool Reynald de Chatilleau without respect.
One of the poems spoke of Baldwin III, the prince with whom Emile had shared his revolutionary thoughts. Xica was surprised to read about the deep connection that had existed between her father and the prince of that time. These titles and connections could greatly benefit her, but they could also put her in danger if revealed at the wrong time.
She closed the journal carefully, aware that she possessed a key to her future, but also a dangerous burden. She needed to be clever and strategic, using this information wisely and prudently.
The moon had reached its zenith when Xavier, the young orphan who had accompanied Xica and Luisa from France, ventured into the stables. He liked the tranquility of that place at night and often found solace among the horses, away from inquisitive glances and daytime tensions.
However, that night, as he approached the stables, he heard whispering voices. He hid behind a wooden pillar and peeked cautiously. There, in the dim light, he saw Genova and Reynald de Chatilleau talking in secret.
"Are you sure no one saw us?" Reynald asked, his voice low and anxious.
Genova gave him a seductive look, gently stroking his arm. "Relax, no one suspects a thing. Besides, I have my ways of keeping people quiet."
Reynald seemed uneasy but didn't resist when Genova moved closer, pressing her body against his. "I need those jewels, Genova. If you find them, we'll be untouchable."
Genova smiled coquettishly and started kissing him, her movements calculated and full of intention. Xavier watched with growing discomfort and decided to leave before being discovered. His heart pounded as he silently retreated, knowing he had witnessed something that could change everything.
The next morning, the castle began to wake up with its usual activity. Xica, still with thoughts of her father's journal weighing on her mind, headed to her daily tasks. As she crossed the main hall, Mullah appeared beside her again, a determined look in his eyes.
"Miss Xica," Mullah began, his tone soft but insistent, "have you thought about my proposal?"
Xica looked at him cautiously. "Mr. Mullah, I've already told you I'm not interested."
Mullah leaned in a bit closer, his voice a seductive whisper. "Xica, you don't understand. I'm offering you a life full of luxury and comfort. In my land, you could be a lady of high standing, respected and adored. Everything you desire could be yours if you come with me, even with your beauty you would be invincible."
Xica took a deep breath, feeling a mix of irritation and fear. "My place is here, Mr. Mullah. I appreciate your offer, but my life is in Jerusalem."
Mullah frowned, clearly frustrated by her rejection. "You are an extraordinary woman, Xica. Do not waste your life as a mere servant."
Xica stood firm, though her heart was pounding. "A servant's life may be humble, but it is a dignified life. Please respect my decision."
Mullah nodded slowly, but his eyes showed that he was not ready to give up easily. "Very well, Xica. But remember, my offer still stands. If you ever change your mind, I'll be waiting."
With that, Mullah withdrew, leaving Xica with a feeling of relief but also unease. She knew his advances wouldn't cease easily and she had to stay alert.
Later, as Xica continued with her tasks, she met with Tobiah and Godfrey in one of the castle's more secluded corridors. They decided to meet secretly to discuss what Xavier had seen the night before.
"I have something important to tell you," Xavier began, whispering urgently. "Last night, I saw Genova and Reynald de Chatilleau in the stables. They were talking about the jewels, and Genova… well, let's say she used her charms to keep Reynald calm."
Tobiah frowned. "I knew that woman was not to be trusted. But this confirms our suspicions. Reynald is desperate for those jewels."
Godfrey nodded. "We must be careful. We cannot let them discover our secret."
Xica remained silent, absorbing the information. She knew the danger was closer than she had thought. With Genova working as a spy and Reynald becoming increasingly impatient, they needed a plan to protect themselves.
They decided to keep a stricter watch on Genova and Reynald, ensuring they couldn't get too close to their secrets. Xica knew she had to act cautiously and use her wits to stay safe and protect her own.
As the day wore on, Xica found herself in the gardens again, a place that had always been a refuge for her. While arranging the flowers, she saw Baldwin IV approaching, accompanied by his bodyguard. His mask covered his face, leaving only his eyes visible, those eyes that always seemed to see beyond the surface.
"Xica," Baldwin greeted with a smile she could perceive in his eyes, though his mouth was hidden.
Xica curtsied. "Your Majesty."
aldwin sat on a nearby bench, watching her work. "I've been thinking about our last conversation. I know you have a lot on your mind and I want you to know you can trust me."
Xica felt a lump in her throat. "Thank you, Your Majesty. Your words mean a lot to me."
Baldwin looked at her intently. "Xica, you don't have to bear these burdens alone. I'm here to help you."
Xica nodded, feeling warmth in her chest from the young king's kindness and understanding. But she also knew there were things she had to keep to herself, secrets that could change everything if revealed.
Finally, the conversation took a different turn. Baldwin looked at her curiously, his eyes showing genuine interest. "Xica, what would you do if you discovered something that could change your life forever?"
Xica looked up, surprised by the question. "I'm not sure, Your Majesty. I suppose it would depend on how big the change is. Why do you ask?"
Baldwin leaned back on the bench, thoughtful. "Sometimes I wonder if the people around me really know me. If they knew what was behind this mask, would they see me the same way? Sometimes, I wish I had the freedom to be just Baldwin, not the king."
Xica nodded, understanding the weight of his words. "I suppose we all have secrets, Your Majesty. Things we don't share for fear of being judged or rejected."
Baldwin looked at her intensely. "And you, Xica? Is there something you wish to change, something you wish to be or do?"
Xica hesitated for a moment before answering. "There are many things I wish to change, but I also know some things are out of my control. I can only try to live with integrity and do the best I can with what I have."
Baldwin smiled, nodding approvingly. "You are wiser than you think, Xica. And braver too. Don't forget that."
Xica felt a mix of gratitude and sadness. "Your words are a comfort."
Baldwin leaned forward, his voice a whisper. "Remember, Xica, I will always be here for you. No matter what happens, you are not alone."
With that promise, Xica felt a renewed hope. She knew the road ahead would be difficult, but with Baldwin's support, she believed she could face any challenge.
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
Insane person again lmao- just saw you replied to my ask lmfaoooo- I'd share the voice notes if I wasn't weird about my voice but just know, my boyfriend said it was cute that I was this excited about a story, and I can also tell you that I was in fact giggling and going crazy in my voice notes as I was reading my favourite parts from chapter six, he knows of my obsession with Baldwin but he has no clue how crazy chapter six made me feel about Salahaddin until I sent him voice notes reading parts of chapter six to him- He said your writing is as amazing as I told him it was! Not so sure he'll join tumblr though lmaooo ₍₍ ◝( ゚∀ ゚ )◟ ⁾⁾
aww cute (yall better work hard so that one day u guys can support me)
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strangerindunya403 · 1 year
Our parents fled war. They fled oppression and torture. Here you are indulged in sin that would make your mother and father cry. Is this what they risked their lives for? From the blood soaked sands of Badr, where the sahabah fought valiantly to the scent of burning timber at the banks of Gibraltar, where the Berber lion Tariq ibn Ziyad burned the ships to eradicate retreat as an option. Behind you is the sea. Before you is the enemy. So where will you flee? As he said to his army. From the liberation of Jerusalem by the Kurdish general Salahaddin Al Ayyub to the collapse of the walls of Constantinople which led the Turkish Sultan Mohammed Al Fateh to break the reign of Byzantium in the glorious city. All these men from different backgrounds fought under one banner the banner of Al-Islam. All these lives, all this sacrifice just for you to forsake your religion, for your desires. One day your desires will turn against you. Repent and return for the grave is dark, lonely and full of regrets.
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hilyehazan07 · 11 months
Bir Şii Gazetecinin tespitleri.
“Biz arlanmaz, utanmaz bir toplumuz. Ve tarihi gerçekler asla unutulmamalı!
1) Şam, İran ve Irak’ı kim fethetti?
Ömer bin el-Hattab, Sünni.
2) Pakistan, Hindistan ve iki nehir ardındaki ülkeyi kim fethetti? Muhammed bin Kasım, Sünni.
3) Kim Kuzey Afrika’yı fethetti?
Kuteybe bin Müslim, Sünni.
4) Endülüs’ü kim fethetti?
Tarık bin Ziyad ve Musa bin Nasr, Sünni.
5) İstanbul’u kim fethetti?
Fatih Sultan Mehmet, Sünni.
6) Sicilya’yı kim fethetti? Esed bin Furat, Sünni.
7) Kim Endülüs medeniyetini kurdu ve ilim yuvası yaptı? Emevi Halifeleri, Sünni.
8) Hıttin’de Müslüman lider kim idi?
Salahaddin Eyyubi, Sünni.
9) Ayn Calut’ta Müslümanlar’a kim liderlik etti ve Moğollar’ı hezimete uğrattı?
Seyfeddin Kutuz ve Rukneddin Baybars, Sünni.
10) Kim İspanya’yı bozguna uğrattı Fas’ta?
Abdulkerim al-Hattâbi, Sünni.
11) Kim İtalya’yı hesap vermeye zorladı Libya’da?
Ömer el-Muhtar, Sünni.
12) Ve yakında kim Rusları perişan etti Çeçenistan’da? Şeyh Şamil, Dudayev, Şamil Basayev ve Hattab, Sünni.
13) Kim Rusya’yı (SSCB) Afganistan’da hezimete uğrattı? Afganistanlı Sünniler.
14) Kim yine Afganistan’da NATO’nun yüzünü toprağa sürttü? Sünnîler
15) Kim Amerika’nın Irak’tan çekilmesini sağladı?
Lakin biz Şiî olarak çocuklarımıza ne bıraktık?
1) Kim Hz.Hüseyin’e ihanet etti ve Kerbela’da yalnız bıraktı? el-Muhtar es-Sekafî, Şii.
2) Abbasi Halifesi Râdî Billah’a kim ihanet etti?
Buveyhiyyûn, Şii.
3) Irak’ı Moğollar’a satan kim? İbnü’l-Alkami, Şii.
4) Kim Hülagü’nün pis işlerini örtbas ederdi?
Nasır al-Tusi, Şii.
5) Kim Moğollar’a Şam işgalinde yardım etti? Şiiler.
6) Kim Fransızlar’a yardım etti Müslümanlara karşı?
Fatimiyyun Şiileri.
7) Selçuklu Sultanı’na kim ihanet etti?
Tuğrul al-Basasiri, Şii
8) Kudüs’ü işgalde Haçlılar’a kim yardım etti?
Ahmet bin Ata’, Şii.
9) Kim Salahaddin Eyyubi’nin ölümünü organize etti? Kenzü’d-Devle, Şii.
10) Hülagü’yü Şam’da kim ağırladı?
Kemaleddin bin Bedr al-Tiflis, Şii.
11) Suriye’de kanlı rejimle kim birlik oldu ve Rusya’ya destek verdi? Ali Hamaney, Şii.
Görülüyor ki, Şiilerin kalemleri, kılıçları ve dilleri hep Sünni Müslümanlara karşı olmuştur. Ve her ne kadar biz Kâfirlere karşıyız deseler de kalpleri Kâfirlerle beraberdir."
Siyaset Bilimci ve Gazeteci Mehmet Dağıstanlı
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yalnzardc · 3 months
[16. el-Melik es-Salih İsmail]
Onun ardından kardeşi el-Melik es-Salih Ismail b. el-Melik en-Nasır [Muhammed b.] Kalavun'un emirliği başladı
Yedi yüz kırk altı yılında öldü. Emirlik müddeti üç yıl bir aydı
[17. el-Melik el-Kâmil Şa'bân]
Ondan sonra kardeşi el-Melik el-Kâmil Şa'bân b. el-Melik en-Nasır'ın emirliği başladı.
emirler ondan razı olmayıp onu azletmek üzere anlaştılar, yakalanıp hapse atıldı. Bu hadise yedi yüz kırk yedi yılında oldu.
Emirliği bir yıl sürdü.
[18. el-Melik el-Muzaffer Hacci]
Daha sonra kardeşi el-Melik el-Muzaffer Hacci b. el-Melik en-Nasır'ın emirliği başladı.
Emirler bir araya gelip sultana karşı harekete geçtiler. Aralarında savaş vuku buldu. Sultan savaş meydanında öldürüldü. Hadisenin tarihi yedi yüz kırk sekizdir. Emirlik müddeti bir yıl üç aydır.
[19. el-Melik en-Nâsır Hasan]
Akabinde kardeşi el-Melik en-Nasır Hasan b. Muhammed b. Kala- vun'un emirliği başladı.
Emîrler onu hal' etmek üzere anlaştılar. Onu azledip Kerek'e gönderdiler. Bu hadise yedi yüz elli iki yılında oldu.
İlk emirliği Emirliği dört yıl sürdü.
Kardeşi el-Melik es-Salih'in ölümünün akabinde el-Melik en-Nasır Hasan b. Muhammed b. Kalavun yeniden başa geçti.
Hasan emirlikren yedi yüz altmış iki yılında azledildi.
İkinci emirlik müddeti altı yıl yedi aydan birkaç gün eksik idi.
[20. el-Melik es-Salih]
Ondan sonra kardeşi el-Melik es-Salih Salih [Salahaddin) b. Muhammed b. Kalavun'un emirliği başladı.
O, yedi yüz elli beş yılında vefat etti. Emirliği üç yıl üç ay sürmüştür.
[21. el-Melik el-Mansûr Muhammed]
el-Melik en-Nâsır Hasan'ın 2 emîrliğinden sonra kardeşi el-Melik el-Mansûr Muhammed b. el-Muzaffer Hacci b. Muhammed'in emirliği başladı.
Çok geçmeden emirler sultana karşı ittifak yaptılar. Onu yakalayıp hapse koydular. Bu hadise yedi yüz altmış dört yılında gerçekleşti.
Emirliği iki yıl üç ay sürdü.
[22. el-Melik el-Eşref Şa'bân]
Ondan sonra amcasının oğlu el-Melik el-Eşref Şa'ban b. Hüseyin b. el-Melik en-Nasır Muhammed b. Kalavun'un emirliği başladı.
Anlatıldığına göre yedi yüz yetmiş sekiz yılında öldürüldü. Saltanat süresi on dört yıl iki aydır.
[23. el-Melik el-Mansûr Ali]
Ondan sonra oğlu el-Melik el-Mansûr Ali b. el-Eşref Şa'ban'ın emirliği başladı. Başa geldiğinde sekiz yaşındaydı. Yedi yüz seksen üç yılında öldü. Emirlik müddeti beş yıldır.
[24. el-Melik es-Salih Hacci b. el-Eşref]
Ardından kardeşi el-Melik es-Salih Hacci b. el-Eşref Şaban b. Hüseyin'in emirliğı başladı.
Yedi yüz seksen dört yılında emirlikten azledildi.
Emîrlığı bır buçuk yıl on beş gun surdü.
Böylece Çerkeslerden olmayan Memlükler devri sona ermiş oldu.
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hannahleah · 2 years
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By Moises Saman, Salahaddin district of Aleppo, Syria, 2013
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sa7abnews · 2 months
US-led coalition forces deployed at K-1 base in Kirkuk
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/06/us-led-coalition-forces-deployed-at-k-1-base-in-kirkuk/
US-led coalition forces deployed at K-1 base in Kirkuk
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 An armed force from the US-led international coalition against ISIS has been deployed at the K-1 military base in Kirkuk, a well-informed Kurdish source disclosed to The New Arab.
This marks the first such deployment since 2020 when the US withdrew its forces from the base situated 16 kilometres from the centre of Kirkuk.
Speaking to TNA on condition of anonymity, the source said, “The force, comprising about 40 soldiers and 10 to 15 US-made armoured Hummer vehicles, was sent from Erbil and deployed at the K-1 military base.”
TNA reached out to the global coalition for comment, but they did not respond by the time this report was published.
While the exact purpose of the deployment remains unclear, the source suggested that it is likely a protective measure against increasing ISIS activities in the disputed province between the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Erbil.
Another source, also speaking on condition of secrecy, noted that ISIS has recently resumed its insurgency in and around the Diyala province.
The K-1 base hosted coalition forces since 2017 as a launching pad for operations against ISIS in the nearby mountainous areas. The regions south of Kirkuk and north of the neighbouring provinces of Diyala, Salahaddin, and Nineveh continue to be hotbeds of ISIS activity.
The disputed territory between the federal Iraqi government and the autonomous Kurdish region has created security gaps that benefit ISIS militants. The coalition’s presence has occasionally served as a mediating force between the two competing authorities.
Recently, the Iraqi government and the KRG agreed to establish joint operations rooms to protect these gap areas jointly. Sources have informed local Kurdish media that coalition forces will participate in these joint operations rooms.
Another potential purpose of the deployment could be to preserve political stability in the province amid efforts to elect a new governor for Kirkuk. Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani has set a deadline of 11 August for the Arab, Kurdish, and Turkmen communities to reach a compromise to elect a new governor and head of Kirkuk’s Provincial Council following months of political disputes over power-sharing.
A well-informed source from Kirkuk told TNA that there are currently no agreements among the three main stakeholders on distributing the posts. The source added that the situation in Kirkuk is dire, with an administrative vacuum as no one can sign formal documents after the acting governor, Rakan Saed al-Juburi, was sworn in as a member of the KPC.
Additionally, Iraq recently signed a memorandum of understanding with British Petroleum (BP) to enhance the development of oil fields in Kirkuk, aiming to boost investment and production in the region. The agreement, overseen by Prime Minister al-Sudani and signed on 1 August 2024, involves rehabilitating and developing major oil fields, including Baba, Avana, Bay Hassan, Jambur, and Khabaz. 
The coalition force’s tasks might also include protecting BP operations in the province.
In late March 2020, the US-led coalition withdrew from the K-1 base following a rocket attack in December 2019 that killed an American contractor, leading to a series of tit-for-tat attacks between the US and Iran-backed Iraqi militia groups. These attacks culminated in the US-directed killing of top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani and senior Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis on 3 January 2020.
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‏‎لە ٤ی ئازاری ساڵی ١١٩٣ سوڵتانی کورد سەلاحەدین ئەیوبی لە دیمەشق کۆچی دوایی کرد. کەسایەتی و بەزەیی و مرۆڤایەتی و کارەکتەری نموونەی بۆ هەمووان داناوە. کورد کەسێکی گەورەی هێنایە مێژوو. ئەم کەسە سوڵتان سەلاحەدین ئەیوبییە ئێمە ڕێزی لێدەگرین. Di 4ê Adara 1193an de Siltanê Kurd Selahaddîn Eyûbî li Şamê wefat kir. Kesayetî, dilovanî, mirovahî û karakterê wî ji her kesî re bûye mînak. Kurdan kesayetek mezin anîne dîrokê. Ev kes Sultan Selahedînê Eyûbî ye Em rûmeta wê dikin. در 4 مارس 1193 سلطان کرد صلاح الدین ایوبی در دمشق درگذشت. شخصیت، شفقت، انسانیت و منش او الگوی همه است. کردها شخصیت بزرگی را به تاریخ آوردند. این شخص سلطان صلاح الدین ایوبی است ما آن را گرامی می داریم. 4 Mart 1193Kürt Sultan Selahaddin Eyyubi, Şamda hayatını kaybetti. Kişiliği, merhameti, insaniyeti ve karakteri herkese örnek oldu. Kürtler tarihe büyük bir insan kazandırdı. Bu kişi, Sultan Selahaddin Eyyubidir Saygıyla anıyoruz. في 4 مارس 1193 ، توفي السلطان الكردي صلاح الدين الأيوبي في دمشق. شخصيته وحنانه وإنسانيته وشخصيته قدوة للجميع. الأكراد أتوا بشخص عظيم إلى التاريخ. هذا الشخص هو سلطان صلاح الدين أيوبي نحن نحترمه. On March 4, 1193, the Kurdish Sultan Selahaddin Eyyubi died in Damascus. His personality, compassion, humanity and character set an example for everyone. The Kurds brought a great human being to history. This person is Sultan Salahaddin Eyyubi We honor it. Ji kerema xwe rûpela me bişopînin û bi hevalên xwe re bidin nasîn ✌️✌️ @Diroka_korda 📆 لطفا صفحه ما را فالو کنید و به دوستان خود معرفی کنید✌✌ @Diroka_korda 📆 Lütfen sayfamızı takip edin Ve arkadaşlarınla ​​tanıştır ✌✌✌ @Diroka_korda #diroka_korda #Wêne #wênefîlm #cıwanhaco #kurdistan #qamişlo #kobane #ypg #ypj  #bakur #azadi #ahmedkaya #rojbaş #amed #mehebad #adnandilbrin #aysa_șan #kurd #kurdo #kobani #afri‌n #sine #evarbaş #şakiro #wênefilm #demirtaş #hdp #saverojava @kawaurmiye_ @hozan__diyar @hunersam @seydaperincek.official  @denizdeman_  @hozanaydinofficial @azadbedran @mala.dengbejan @kordmusic @mehmetyildirim.official @komaserhat @kemaleamed21 @Mohammadkhani_official @sahiya_dengbeja @serhatcarnewa @tishk_tv  @tirej_urmiye_official  @kurdshop.official @candakurdan @civina_wejeya_kurdi @keskesor_muz‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/CpXgJw0M-QN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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goransulaimani · 2 years
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بە ئامادەبوونی سەرۆکی حکومەتی هەرێم، ئاهەنگی دەرچوونی قوتابیانی زانکۆی سەڵاحەددین لە هەولێر بەم شێوەیە بەڕێوەچوو دواتر داوای پاراستنی ژینگە لە هاوڵاتیان دەكات ! The Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG) held the graduation ceremony of students of Salahaddin University in Erbil ! أقام رئيس وزراء إقليم كردستان العراق حفل تخرج طلاب جامعة صلاح الدين في أربيل هیج ! #kurd #kurdistan #krg #كورد #كوردستان https://www.instagram.com/p/CjKpVBfsEoI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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justmuslimahstuff · 3 years
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beyond-crusading · 5 years
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Saladin drawing I found on Getty images. No idea where it comes from honestly.
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baldwinivmybeloved · 2 months
— Charper Twenty Four #♡‌ Xica x Baldwin IV
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The rising sun cast a golden glow over the desert, creating a scene of both austerity and magnificence. On the vast horizon, two figures stood out against the sand: Baldwin IV and Salahaddin. Both leaders met in a kind of truce, hoping to resolve the uncertainty surrounding Xica's disappearance.
Baldwin, though weakened by leprosy and exhaustion, maintained his regal posture. In front of him, Salahaddin, with his penetrating gaze and imposing bearing, radiated a dangerous serenity.
“Salahaddin,” Baldwin began, his voice firm, “I have come seeking answers. My wife, Queen Xica, has been kidnapped, and there are rumors pointing to your men.”
Salahaddin observed him intently before responding. “King Baldwin, I assure you my men are not involved in this. However, I will investigate within my kingdom to ensure no faction has acted without my knowledge. The peace between us must not be marred by such acts.”
Baldwin nodded, but worry still marked his face. “I appreciate your willingness, Salahaddin. But every moment that passes, Xica could be in greater danger.”
Salahaddin paused before continuing. “I understand your anguish, Baldwin. I promise I will do everything possible to assist in this search.”
As Baldwin withdrew, his body trembled with the burden of stress and illness. Tiberias quickly approached, supporting him.
“Baldwin, you must rest,” he said with concern. “If you continue like this, you could succumb to leprosy and fatigue. Xica needs you alive for when we find her.”
Baldwin looked at him with a mix of determination and despair. “I cannot rest while she is in danger. I cannot fail her.”
In Jerusalem, Genoveva and Tobiah worked tirelessly to find evidence that would exonerate the Saracens and reveal the true culprits. Genoveva devised a risky plan: to seduce Reynald de Chatillon through letters, hoping that in his arrogance, he would reveal something incriminating.
One night, Reynald, confused and excited by Genoveva’s letters, made a fatal mistake. In his response, he mixed up his missives and sent a letter intended for Inés to Genoveva. In it, he detailed the plan and its true purpose.
When Tobiah received the letter from Genoveva, he read it with incredulous eyes. “We have what we need. This proves everything.”
Quickly, Tobiah called Godfrey, and together they freed Genoveva, taking her directly to Baldwin IV.
“King Baldwin, we have found irrefutable proof of the betrayal,” Tobiah announced, handing over the letter.
As Baldwin read it, a wave of fury and pain washed over him. “Inés!” he shouted, calling for his mother.
Inés entered with an expression of feigned concern, but seeing the fury in her son's eyes, she knew her charade was over.
“What is this, mother?” Baldwin demanded, showing the letter. “How could you betray me like this?”
Inés tried to defend herself. “Son, I only wanted to protect you and our kingdom. I thought this was the best course of action.”
“The best?” Baldwin shouted, his voice filled with anger and disappointment. “Kidnapping my wife and using her as a pawn in your power games? Where is Xica?”
Inés hesitated, but the pressure was too great. “I don’t know exactly. Reynald…”
Reynald was brought before Baldwin, his face pale with fear. “Tell us where Xica is, now,” Baldwin demanded.
Reynald, trembling, confessed. “She is in a slave camp on the outskirts of the city, in the direction of Portugal. We never intended for this to go so far.”
The confession unleashed a storm of emotions in Baldwin. “Prepare yourselves! We leave immediately.”
In the slave camp, Xica was growing weaker by the day. The illness and stress of the kidnapping were severely affecting her. Despite the efforts of the other slaves, her condition worsened.
Sira, the soothsayer, had become her confidante and protector. “You must endure, Xica. Not just for yourself, but for the little ones you carry.”
Xica nodded weakly. “I’m doing everything I can, Sira. But every day is harder.”
Sira gently stroked Xica’s hair. “I am a lady-in-waiting, doing this to survive. But you are a queen. Your strength and dignity inspire all of us. Don’t lose hope.”
Xica tried to smile, though fatigue and pain were evident. “Thank you, Sira. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
The days passed slowly in the camp, and more slaves joined in to protect and care for Xica. The news of her pregnancy had spread, and everyone knew they had to keep her safe.
One night, while they rested, Sira once again whispered words of encouragement to Xica. “Your king will come for you. I know it in my heart. You just have to hold on a little longer.”
Xica closed her eyes, clinging to that hope. She knew Baldwin would not give up, and that certainty was the only thing keeping her going.
Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, Baldwin organized the expedition to rescue Xica. His body was at its limit, but his determination was unwavering.
Tiberias approached him once more. “Baldwin, you must take care of yourself. You won’t be able to rescue Xica if you can’t stand.”
Baldwin nodded, knowing his friend was right. “I know, Tiberias. But I cannot afford to rest while she is in danger.”
Genoveva, free from her imprisonment, joined the conversation. “King Baldwin, we must act quickly. Xica needs our help now more than ever.”
Baldwin looked at his allies, his gaze filled with resolve. “We leave at dawn. And we will not rest until Xica is back home.”
In the camp, Xica woke up startled by a disturbing dream. Her condition was delicate, and each day became more challenging. Sira was by her side, caring for her diligently.
“What’s wrong, my queen?” Sira asked, concerned.
“I had a dream… a bad omen,” Xica murmured. “But I must stay strong. Baldwin will come for us. I know it.”
Sira nodded, taking Xica’s hand. “We must remain steadfast, Xica. Your strength inspires us all.”
The night advanced slowly, and the desert filled with whispers of hope and despair. Xica, surrounded by those who protected her, prepared to face another day with the hope that her beloved Baldwin would rescue her.
The sun rose slowly over the horizon as Baldwin IV and his group of knights departed towards the slave camp where Xica was held captive. Xavier, Godfrey, and Tiberias accompanied the king, each determined to rescue their queen.
The journey was arduous and fraught with tension. Baldwin, despite his physical weakness, led his men with determination. Every step brought him closer to Xica, and his heart beat with renewed hope.
In the camp, Xica and Sira watched the horizon, hoping for any sign of help. The news of their rescue's arrival spread quickly among the slaves, who prepared for the inevitable confrontation.
Finally, the rescue group arrived at the camp. Baldwin, mounted on his horse with the banner of Jerusalem waving above him, burst in forcefully alongside his men.
Xica, seeing her beloved among the knights, felt a rush of emotions. She hurried towards him, tears of relief and joy streaming down her face.
"Baldwin!" she exclaimed, running into his arms.
Baldwin embraced her firmly and lovingly, feeling the weight of worry and relief as he saw her safe and sound. He held her tightly, as if afraid she might disappear again.
"Xica, my love…" Baldwin murmured, unable to contain his emotions.
Xica looked into his eyes, feeling love and gratitude overflow in her heart. "Baldwin, I thought I would never see you again."
Baldwin tenderly caressed her face. "I promised I would come for you. No matter what happened, I will always find you."
Among the rescued slaves, Sira approached Xica with a smile. "We did it, my queen. You are safe now."
Xica hugged Sira gratefully. "Thank you for taking care of me, Sira. I will never forget your bravery and compassion."
Meanwhile, the kidnappers were captured and faced punishment for their actions. Baldwin, in his controlled fury, ensured that justice was served firmly.
Back in Jerusalem, Xica and Baldwin finally had a moment of peace in their chambers. Weariness and relief filled the room as they lay down together.
"Baldwin, there's something I must tell you," Xica began, taking his hands in hers.
Baldwin looked at her with curiosity and love. "Tell me, my love. What is troubling you?"
Xica took a deep breath, preparing for what was to come. "I am pregnant, Baldwin. Not with one, but with two little lives."
Baldwin looked at her with surprise and joy. "Two… twins," he whispered, feeling excitement flood his being.
Xica nodded with a radiant smile. "Yes, Baldwin. Two little miracles that we carry in our hearts."
Baldwin embraced her tenderly, feeling renewed hope and gratitude. "You are incredible, Xica. My queen, my beloved wife, and now the mother of our children."
They kissed with the promise of a future filled with love and family. Through all adversities, they had found the strength to move forward, together.
Baldwin and Xica lay together, enjoying the peace and intimacy after the turbulence they had faced. The news of Xica's pregnancy had filled the room with an air of anticipation and happiness, but also with a shadow of concern.
"Two children… twins," Baldwin murmured, gently caressing Xica's belly where the new lives were growing.
Xica nodded tenderly. "Yes, Baldwin. Two little miracles we will carry together."
Baldwin looked at her with love and concern. "Xica, my love… the leprosy. What if either of our children…"
Xica placed her hand over his. "Baldwin, I know what you're thinking. But we have to trust that God will guide us. Our children will be strong and healthy."
Baldwin hugged her tightly, feeling a mix of joy and fear. "I don't want them to face what I have."
Xica gently stroked his cheek. "We are strong, Baldwin. Together we can overcome any obstacle. And we will care for our children with all our love and strength."
Baldwin looked at her with determination. "Yes, Xica. We will. Together."
They embraced with the certainty that, no matter the challenges they faced, their love and family would be their greatest strength.
In the days that followed, Baldwin and Xica prepared for the future with renewed hope. Every shared moment was filled with love and dedication as they anticipated welcoming their twins.
Through all the trials and tribulations, their love grew stronger, and their determination to build a bright future for their family became even firmer.
And so, amidst the newly found peace and the promise of a new beginning, Baldwin and Xica faced the future with courage and love, knowing that together they could overcome any challenge life presented them.
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qonoot · 5 years
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نهاية موسم العنب
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mnsrykt · 3 years
"Salahaddin büyük adamdı. Büyüklüğü, davasının büyüklüğün den, ufkunun derinliğinden geliyordu. Kudüs onun derin hayali idi. Haçlıların esareti altındaki bir Kudüs'ü hazmedemiyor du. Onunla uzun zaman beraber olan Bahauddin Şeddad diyor ki:
"Onun gözünde Kudüs, dağların çekebileceği ağırlıkta bir dava idi. O, çocuklarını yitirmiş bir ana gibiydi. Atı üstünde bir oraya bir buraya koşardı. İnsanları cihada teşvik eder, caddelere çıkıp yaşlar boşalan gözleriyle 'Ah İslam ah' diyerek bağırırdı. Akka işgal edilince yemek yemedi. Doktorlarının anlattığına göre, Akka'nın işgal edildiğini öğrendiği cuma gününden pazar gününe kadar ağzına yiyecek koymadı. 'Beytülmakdis, kâfirlerin elinde iken nasıl yerim, nasıl uyuyabilirim? diyordu."
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