#salem witc
the-girl-is-no-one · 2 years
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Carlisle Cullen x Scarlette Cowen (OC) {Peter Facinelli x Emma Watson}
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motherland · 4 years
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Perfect timing, Scylla. #Motherland
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artandwitchcraft · 4 years
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𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖘 𝖇𝖞 𝖕𝖊𝖉𝖗𝖔𝖌𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖍
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marjanefan · 3 years
Bewitched, bothered, bewildered- thoughts on‘The trial of Elizabeth Gadge’
’The trial of Elizabeth Gadge’ remains one of the most underrated and under discussed episodes of ‘Inside No.9’. However Reece Shearsmith has said on several occasions that this is one of his favourite episodes and there is much in the episode to enjoy and discuss
The episode concerns the trial of Elizabeth Gadge (Ruth Sheen- more of whom later) for witchcraft in the village of Little Happens at some point of the mid seventeenth century. The trial is overseen by local magistrate Sir Andrew Pike (brilliantly played by David Warner) who has summoned witch finders Mr Warren (Reece Shearsmith) and Mr Clarke (Steve Pemberton)
Please be aware this essay contains spoilers for the episode
NB spoilers for episode below
Before discussing the episode It is worth first looking at why the Seventeenth century was the peak period of witch trials in England, as it was in Europe (and North America later). The reason for this has been argued to be due to the religious and socio-political upheavals of the Reformation, counter reformation and resulting wars of religion and the beginnings of what we understand as the ‘nation state’ of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It is worth noting witch trials in England became more common after James I came to power. James I as James VI of Scotland had a fascination with supposed witchcraft, setting up a royal commission into witchcraft, personally overseeing the torture of suspected witches and writing the Daemonologie in 1599 (As an aside-there is an interesting link here to another Inside No.9 episode ‘The Understudy’ which references ‘Macbeth’. Shakespeare included the characters of the three witches and references to witchcraft to specifically appeal to James I). It does not take a psychologist to read that James I’s fascination with /fear of witches may have stemmed from his issues with his mother Mary Queen of Scots because of her Catholic faith and her portrayal as a dangerous woman due to her alleged involvement in the murder of James’ father and the threat that she might one day try and reclaim her throne from James. There has been an argument that one of the factors in the amount of witch trials and number of women convicted in Scotland and England during the period was a result of anxiety around female power after the reigns of Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots (and indeed Catherine de Medici in France). Almost 90 % of those executed for witchcraft in England were women- higher than any other European country. Of course it is no coincidence that witch trial numbers were at their highest during the period of the English Civil war and Commonwealth with their social traumas and religious disruptions. As someone with a keen interest in the history of witchcraft Reece Shearsmith would be aware of all of this and it shows in the care and attention to detail in the script. Shearsmith noted that it was predominantly women’s life that were on the line in a recent Guardian article about the inspirations for the episode where he also noted that the inclusion of Snowflake the mouse in the episode was also inspired by reading accounts of these trials.
This may be why seventeenth century witch trials (and witch anxiety) have proved a fruitful source for art during periods of trauma and political repression in the twentieth century. There are the example of Arthur Miller’s ‘The Crucible’ which uses the Salem witch trials to explore McCartyism and Carl Theodore Dreyer’s ‘Day of Wrath’ which uses the backdrop of seventeenth century witch trials to explore the Nazi occupation of Denmark and oppression of women. The motives and attitudes of those who accuse and punish suspected witches are put on trial as much the accused. This tradition continues with recent films such as the extraordinary 2017 Zambian film ‘I am not a witch’ which explores the ways women and girls around the world still have to deal with accusations of witchcraft and the resulting violence and oppression (as an aside the film also uses humour and surrealism to tackle this topic).
Two particular films have undoubtably had an influence on ‘The Trial of Elizabeth Gadge’. The first is the 1968 Hammer film ‘Witchfinder general’ starring Vincent Price as the real-life witch hunter Matthew Hopkins. It is revealed Mr Warren’s first name is Matthew, which must be a reference to the film. Like Hopkins, Mr Warren enjoys his work as a witch finder both because it brings him great power over others along with financial gain. Indeed the whole episode pays tribute to the folk horror genre of late 60s early 70s British cinema which both Pemberton and Shearsmith have spoken of as a major influence on their work over their careers. Another film which also has an influence is the 1922 Danish film ‘Haxan’ which Reece Shearsmith has narrated live on more than one occasion. He discussed the film and it’s influence on the episode in a 2018 Guardian article (linked below). One interesting feature of this film is that it uses humour to explore the ridiculous nature of belief in witchcraft. Shearsmith picked up and comments on this.
Elizabeth Gadge fits the narrative we have had passed down about who the majority of victims of witch trials are. She is an elderly woman who has become ‘surplus’ in her society and an inconvenience to her family , particularly her son in law Thomas Nutter (Jim Howick). She has had to resort to selling herself to Richard Two Shoes (Paul Kaye) in order to pay the rent her son in law insists on charging her. In spite of all this she conducts herself with great dignity during her trial and manages to stand up to Mr Warren making a joke about his beard resembling a woman’s private parts much to the amusement of the court room. Her pleas to both her daughter and Richard Good Shoes to try and save her are genuinely affecting. Ruth Sheen delivers a terrific performance. Reece Shearsmith related in the recent Guardian article she was specifically chosen for the part, and that her performance makes the audience care about her fate.
While the tone of the courtroom scene are played as comic, the scene of Mr Warren’s interrogation are harrowing and illustrate that accusations of witchcraft, however ridiculous they are to us today, led to horrific violence against of thousands of innocent people (these scenes remind me personally of the scenes of the torture of Herlof's Marte in ‘Day of Wrath and of the elderly woman in ‘Haxan- a scene Reece Shearsmith commented on in the Guardian article).
The episode also suggests another reason, not often explored in scholarly literature, for witch trials. Namely entertainment and some sort of attention and distraction from the boredom and drudgery of life in these times. Sir Andrew Pike expresses delight that the trial has brought attention to Little Happens and that the neighbouring town of Much Happens will be envious. He also is pleased the trial could be ‘bigger than Pendle’ (a reference to the infamous Pendle witch trial of 1612). Sir Andrew takes an unhealthy pleasure in proceedings, lapping up the attention and the power he has been given over the life of an elderly woman. He even suggests extending proceedings by trying to accuse Elizabeth Gadge’s daughter. He goes from sentencing Elizabeth to death to advertising tickets for her burning without missing a beat. George Waterhouse, Richard Two-Shoes and Thomas Nutter are all shown to be selfish (and abusive) with their own reasons for wanting Elizabeth out of the way.
Reece Shearsmith obviously enjoyed portraying Mr Warren and he manages to show him as ridicious and vain while being incredibly dangerous and cruel that makes him a truly chilling character. His performance here is one of the most underrated in the series.
One question that I want to explore is why does Elizabeth Gadge kill Mr Clarke after he saves her. Steve Pemberton gives a tremendous performance as Mr Clarke, subtly conveying both his growing distain and concern about the system he is part of and at Mr Warren's behaviour (Reece Shearsmith gave particular praise for Steve's performance on the soundlcoud commentary of the episode and at the BFI screening with Steve returning this praise for Reeces performance as Mr Warren). Mr Clarke may come to realise that the work he is involved leads to the torture and killing of innocent people and how dangerous Mr Warren is. But he himself has benefitted from this system. as he notes. Rather than properly confront and address this system, he chooses to leave it in place and kill his colleague (who presumably was also a good friend at one point as his final words to Mr Warren reveal). He behaves in a highly self -righteous manner about it, asserting he has rid the world of a great evil. He also ensures he gets paid for the trial (I accept he gives Mr Warren’s fee to Elizabeth Gadge). It could be said he portrays himself as a ‘male saviour’ to Elizabeth, underestimating her agency. In his own way, Mr Clarke enjoys the power he has over Elizabeth’s life and sees her as someone who things are done to (even if it is apparently saving her life) just as much as Mr Warren and Sir Andrew. No wonder Elizabeth enjoys dispatching him.
But not only does Elizabeth Gadge avenge herself on Mr Warren and Mr Clarke, she also avenges herself on the village that put her on trial. Her final act before departing is to use the flames from Mr Warren’s pyre to set fire to the gathered crowd and the village. For me the end of this episode could almost said to be an act of vengeance not just on behalf of all the many accused characters (usually female) who usually end up killed in these stories but on behalf of all those killed in the witch trials of this period. This witch was not for burning.
Finally I just want to praise Yves Barre for his wonderful costumes for this episodes. He manages to convey the class system within Little Happens (with Sir Andrew and George Waterhouse being better dressed than most of the village) and his gorgeous costumes for Mr Warren and Mr Clarke convey how well they have done out of being witch hunters financially (their clothes are obviously well made with expensive materials and trimmings) while conveying their ideological commitment (their clothes are black and austere).
As has been noted 'The trial of Elizabeth Gadge' suffered from being the episode that directly followed onn from 'The 12 days of Christine'. However as I have hopefully shown it is an episode which continues in a fine tradition of exploring the witch trials of the seventeenth century and which brings something new and thought provoking to this tradition
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abigail williams: i think this woman is a witc--
the entire town of salem:
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yourdeepestfathoms · 5 years
The Blood Inside of Ewe
TW: Abuse
  “I’ll thrash the devil out of you!”
Realizing that her attempt to sway John into believing that she and the other girls were doing good by accusing people wasn’t working, Mary catapults herself over the table to get away from him and his whip. She clambers over the top, scattering plates and cups and any food left there, before tipping over in a very ungraceful landing. After hitting the ground, she scrambled up again, but John was already upon her.
   “I sa-!!”
Before she can get the words out, the whip connects with her back with a horrible CRACK.
Mary doesn’t scream, but she does whine sharply at the burning sensation blazing through her shoulder blades. She scampers around below John, as she had easily been sent to her knees by the blow. She’s fidgeting and fumbling, trying to speak up without sounding pained, as that would make her seem even weaker.
   “Mr. Proctor, I-”
Another lash streaks across her lower back and Mary grits her teeth through the pain. Her fingernails claw and catch into the floorboards, but she would have much preferred splinters uprooting her nails than this beating.
   “Worthless girl! When will you learn to obey me?!” John roared overhead before cracking the whip against his servant’s waist.
Mary’s arms give in and she toppled over onto her side. She squirmed helplessly, pushing her heels against the ground in an attempt to get away, mouth agape as she watched John raise his arm yet again.
This time, Mary does scream.
She does scream because the whip lashes right across her stomach and the fresh pain makes her see black spots. Her head threw itself backwards, knocking her skull against the floorboards, but it’s not enough to lessen the searing sensation burning itself through her midsection. For a moment, she can only choke and cry out, but then the incomprehensible wail turns into words.
John’s arm freezes right as he went to deliver yet another whipping. His head snaps up and he meets Elizabeth’s wide eyes, who had just been watching the beating go down. He sees his wife’s grip tighten on the weird little poppet Mary had given to her.
   “I am accused?” Elizabeth asked fearfully.
Mary doesn’t answer- she doesn’t even really hear her mistress. She had curled herself around her stomach, pressing a hand to the slice made in her dress and dreading the sticky warmth blooming between her fingers.
Then, there’s a tight grasp on the back of her collar and she’s yanked up like a kitten by its scruff. John prods her in the back with the handle of his whip and Mary puts the pieces together to realize what it was exactly that Elizabeth had said.
   “You were...” She swallowed thickly, “somewhat mentioned...”
John nor Elizabeth say a word, and Mary realizes she’ll have to continue speaking.
   “But-but I told the court I never seen no sign of witchcraft and they dismissed it!” She went on.
   “Who accused me?” Elizabeth asked.
   “I’m bound by law, ma’am, I cannot say.” Mary said. She winces at the tightening of John’s fingers around her collar. The way Elizabeth tossed the poppet she had made for her up onto the mantle like it was worthless didn’t make her feel any better, either.
   “Go to bed, Mary.” John growled.
Despite her desperate need to be independent, Mary obeys and doesn’t argue. She skitters away to the staircase, leaving the couple to discuss between themselves.
   “The noose is up.” Elizabeth muttered grimly.
   “There will be no noose.” John assured her, making her scoff and shake her head.
   “Abigail wants me dead, John.” Elizabeth said, “You know-”
She was cut off by a loud thump.
Turning, both John and Elizabeth saw their servant half sprawled on the staircase after she must have fallen. She wasn’t moving to get up, though, which annoyed John. Little rat must have been trying to listen in on their conversation so she could report to her lord and savior, Abigail, with more insight.
When John stepped forward with his whip, Elizabeth tenderly touched his shoulder to stop him and went to go check on the girl instead.
   “Mary,” Elizabeth crouched down beside the girl’s body, hearing tiny whimpers emit from her. “Mary.” She pressed on one of her shoulders to try and rouse her, “Get up. You cannot lay here.”
Mary doesn’t respond or listen. She’s awake, however, Elizabeth knows she is from the noises she’s making and how her fingers twitch ever so slightly. They’re clutching tightly at a large red patch steadily growing on Mary’s dress.
   “Let me whip her and we be done with this.” John growled, clearly impatient
   “She’s bleeding.”
That certainly caught him off guard.
Elizabeth grabs Mary’s shoulders and rolls her over onto her back, further revealing the stain, which is definitely getting bigger. Carefully, she parts the frayed fabric of Mary’s dress and finds the source of all the blood- an angry red trench that’s nearly carved all the way across the girl’s stomach.
   “John, she’s bleeding!” Elizabeth said, this time with much more urgency.
   “She always bleeds when she gets whipped.” John said dismissively.
   “You have never whipped her on the stomach, John!” Elizabeth turns her gaze back to Mary, who has her eyes opened, but they’re foggy and unfocused. She gently pats the girl’s flushed cheek to rouse her. “Mary? Mary, can you hear me?”
Mary isn’t really meeting her gaze, rather staring fearfully over her shoulder. She’s staring at John and his whip, Elizabeth realizes.
   “You are scaring her, John.”
   “I am standing here!”
Elizabeth sighed and shook her head, reverting her attention back to her injured servant. Mary is writhing, now, curling up her arms and legs while whining in pain. She only froze because Elizabeth cups one of her cheeks and her touch had to be the most gentle thing in the whole world.
   “We need to take her to Rebecca.” Elizabeth decided.
   “No we do not.” John clipped, “She brought this upon herself.”
   “She’s still bleeding, John! She’s bleeding a lot!” Elizabeth said, “I will bring her, just help me get her outside.”
   “Elizabeth, this is absurd.”
Realizing that her husband was going to be no help, Elizabeth gathered all her strength and carefully lifted Mary into her arms. She found that it was a lot easier than she expected, as Mary was already very small for her age, but light, too.
That probably wasn’t a good thing.
   “Woman, are you listening to me?!” John barked, stepping in the doorway. His nose curled at the blood getting on his wife’s dress.
   “John,” Elizabeth said firmly, narrowing her eyes. She finds herself holding Mary closer without even really realizing it. “I am taking her to Rebecca. We are not losing our servant because of your ignorance. Now get out of my way or go get me the horse.”
John grinds his teeth and then stormed out of the house. Elizabeth smiled ever so slightly when she realized he had gone to get one of their horses.
After getting up onto the saddle, Elizabeth gets John to hand Mary to her. The man is disgusted by the servant blood smeared on him when he does so, but his wife’s gratitude made him lighten up a little.
With Mary awkwardly positioned on the front of the saddle, leaning against Elizabeth’s chest, the horse takes off down the path to Salem.
Even with the thunderous hoofbeats against the dirt road, Elizabeth knows Mary is nodding off. She has to occasionally shake the girl to wake her up, always sparking a tiny whine of discomfort.
   “It hurts,” Mary croaked, digging the back of her skull against Elizabeth’s shoulder.
   “I know, dear, I know,” Elizabeth said, keeping her eyes forward. “We’ll be in town soon. Just stay awake.”
   “I’m sorry.”
   “There is nothing for you to apologize about, little one.”
   “Did you like the poppet?”
That makes Elizabeth look down. Mary’s eyes are big and glassy. The girl is clearly delirious from blood loss.
   “Yes, I did.”
   “Really?” Mary’s voice softened, “You threw it up onto the mantle...above the hearth...I don’t think you liked it.”
Elizabeth’s grip tightens on the reins. Sure, she thought the gift was a little strange, but maybe it was rude of her to set it aside so carelessly. Before she could answer, however, Salem came up in the distance and she urged the horse forward faster.
Mary had fallen silent by the time they reached the Nurse house. Elizabeth gets off the horse first, then reaches up to help Mary down. The attempt to carefully get the girl off of the saddle was clumsy and when Mary’s feet hit the ground, she screeches. Thanks to the not-very-light landing, a fresh spurt of blood gushes free. Mary’s body crumpled to the dirt.
Elizabeth stares in horror when the wound starts to ooze again. She debates on whether she should pick Mary up and carry her to the stoop, but decided against it, instead opting to go pound on the door herself.
   “Rebecca!!” Elizabeth shouted, not caring about who else she may wake up with her yelling, “Rebecca, wake up! Come out here!!”
There’s a wail from behind and Elizabeth knocks and speaks louder. Out of the corner of her eye, she notices candles flicker to life in nearby houses and a few doors creep open as people try to figure out what the commotion was.
Finally, the door flung open and there stands Rebecca Nurse, clad in her nightgown. Frances is close behind her and both of their eyes are wide with alarm.
   “Elizabeth, what ails you?” Rebecca asked.
   “My servant,” Elizabeth sidestepped so the two could see Mary’s shivering, curled up form. “She’s bleeding. Badly. I didn’t know who else to turn to.”
   “What is the meaning of this?!”
Reverend Parris has woken up, armed with a bright torch, alongside Reverend Hale. Abigail is also with them, already eyeing Mary’s body.
   “My servant is hurt!” Elizabeth snapped.
Parris’ eyes widen and he swivels around, aiming his torch towards Mary. He takes a wry step back when he sees the blood coming from her stomach.
   “Witchcraft?” He immediately said, making Abigail and Hale’s heads pop up in intrigue. “Who sent their spirit out to harm her?”
   “Nobody!” Elizabeth said, exasperated with all the witch nonsense. “John-” She sighed heavily, “John got mad at Mary for going out to the council when he said not to and whipped her. She kept moving and he got her across the belly. She never been lashed there before.”
   “You whip your servant?” Hale finally spoke up. He stole another glance at Mary and there was definitely worry in his eyes.
   “Well- Yes.” Elizabeth said, “I mean, I don’t. I certainly do not partake in such a thing, but- Doesn’t Reverend Parris whip his slave?”
Parris shot a glare at Elizabeth for throwing him under the bus.
   “And I never said that was any better,” Hale said, “But at least Tituba is an adult. Your servant here is but a child!”
Mary wails, halting a possible oncoming argument.
   “Bring her inside,” Rebecca said urgently, “Frances, clear the table. Quickly now.”
Carefully, Elizabeth hoists Mary up into her arms and carries her into the house. Upon Rebecca’s command, she sets the girl on her back on the dining room table. Instead of bothering to try and remove the dress, Rebecca just takes a pair of scissors and cuts down the middle. Half-conscious Mary is anything but happy about being almost completely nude in front of all of these people, and it must have shown on her face because Elizabeth sets a tender (but cold) hand on her now-bare shoulder.
   “She’s helping you, Mary.” Elizabeth told her.
Mary looks up at her mistress with big, foggy eyes. Despite her vision being muddled and blacked with spots, Elizabeth still seems as angelic as ever, and her presence is comforting.
Candles lit up around the house, thanks to Frances. He hands Rebecca a bottle of clear liquid labeled only by a crude sketch of a cross on it and then another bottle that smelled faintly of alcohol when opened. Rebecca flushes out every inch of the wound on Mary’s stomach with the clear liquid, then drenches the whole length with the second liquid. The reddish-brown fluid streamed down Mary’s bare abdomen, groin, thighs, along with the bubbling of the blood that gets washed out by whatever was in the first bottle. Elizabeth was about to look away when Mary whimpered.
   “Shh, shh, little one,” Rebecca murmured softly, but didn't touch. She kept her hands in the air like a surgeon and, indeed, Elizabeth saw that she was holding a needle and stitching. “Mister Hale,” She eyed the man hovering in the open doorway of the house, along with a few others, “Come here, will you please?”
The minister glances at Parris, then Abigail, and finally stepped inside.
   “What can I do?”
   “Grab a candle and angle the glow on her belly. I need more light.”
Hale nodded and then retrieved a candle, doing as he was told.
   “Frances, hold her wound shut for me. And Elizabeth, keep the child calm. Distract her if she starts to get worked up.”
The close candle was necessary, but the light of the other fires was growing, too, flickering helpful warm yellows and oranges over Mary’s pale face and down her exposed body as Hale and Elizabeth situated themselves in a comfortable position. Unlike Frances and Rebecca, this was clearly a first time for both of them.
Rebecca bent over Mary and started the stitches. Mary gasped and jerked out of her daze, looking to the source of the pain and finding the old woman.
   “It's okay, Mary, it's okay,” Elizabeth said softly. Rebecca is hovering over her servant, waiting, letting Mary get her bearings and settle. “You’re getting stitches, dear.”
Mary stared up at Elizabeth for a moment, then looked at everyone else, clearly a little embarrassed. Her head drops down against the table.
   “Okay,” She breathed. Elizabeth could see a light sheen of sweat developing along her nose, cheeks, and forehead. Her servant’s eyes fluttered closed.
   “Child, stay awake.” Rebecca ordered, noticing somehow, even though she was supposed to be stitching.
   “She’s just resting.” Elizabeth said, a little defensive, but when she earned a hard look from Rebecca, she opted to obey the professional and lightly shake Mary’s shoulder. Mary shuddered too much, jarring Rebecca’s meticulous work and making the woman lean back to mutter obscenities, something Elizabeth thought she would never hear.
   “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Mary sobbed, sensing the frustration around her. “Don’t hurt me. Please don’t hurt me... I’m sorry...!”
At the “don’t hurt me” Hale makes a face. He glanced at the wound and then at Elizabeth, replaying the woman’s explanation of John whipping the girl.
   “Nobody is going to hurt you, Mary.” Elizabeth said to her servant. “You’re safe.”
   “Calm her, Elizabeth.” Rebecca ordered, readying the needle again.
   “You are not in trouble, dear,” Elizabeth said, softening her voice to a more velvety tone. She lifts a hand and strokes strands of sweaty hair out of Mary’s face. “Just stay calm. Don’t move.”
After looking around, she notices a quilt folded on a chair. Mary whines in panic when her mistress darts from her side, but calms when she returns rather quickly.
   “Here,” Elizabeth whispered, pushing the quilt up against Mary’s chest. She couldn't explain the urgent need to cover her servant up- perhaps to keep her modesty intact, to get her warm and stable. She did know, however, that Mary was quite the clinger and tended to grab onto things for stability. And by the way the girl gripped tightly onto the quilt, Elizabeth assumed it was helping.
Mary’s eyes shone with gratitude as she held the quilt closer. One hand lets go, however, and grabbed onto Elizabeth’s apron, instead. Hale chuckles softly from his position.
   “Keep talking to her, come on,” Rebecca spoke up again. She couldn’t help but smile slightly at how Elizabeth was trying to make sure her servant was comfortable and calm, but she began to worry about Mary drifting off.
   “Right.” Elizabeth nodded. However, she didn’t really know what to ask about. Sensing her loss of words, Hale jumps in to help.
   “How long have you been working for the Proctor’s?” He asked, shooting Elizabeth a small smile. The woman gives him a look of thanks in return.
   “Umm...” Mary looks up at the ceiling, blinking rapidly. “Four...? No, five-? How old am I?”
Rebecca cusses softly again and her hands quickened their pace. Hale and Elizabeth exchange worried looks. Frances doesn’t look up from where he was holding the wound close.
   “You’re seventeen, darling.” Elizabeth said, giving Mary’s shoulder a small shake. The pet name definitely roused Mary, because she blinked harder and her eyes cleared up a little.
   “Three years.” Mary finally answered Hale, who raised his eyebrows.
   “Three years? That’s a long time.” He said.
   “Sort of.” Mary shrugged slightly, “When I first came here, Goody Proctor took me to the tavern she and John have and these two girls, Abigail and Mercy- do you know Abigail and Mercy? Abigail is sort of scary, but I think she just acts like that because she wants people to take her seriously. And Mercy is anything but she name’s sake. She once grabbed a whole fish out of the water with her bare hands! Then she threw it at Susanna- do you know Susanna?”
   “The story, honey,” Elizabeth reminds Mary, who was getting off track. She smiled and chuckled in endearment at the girl’s babbling.
   “Right. Sorry.” Mary blinked a few more times and breathed through the pain for a moment before speaking again, “So Abigail and Mercy come in and I was cleaning some of the tables and they walk up to me and start talking to me like I already knew them. I definitely did not, though, because you would remember someone with a name like ‘Mercy’.”
   “What did they want?” Hale asked.
   “Well, they wanted to just know who I was. I guess they liked me because we still all see each other.” Mary smiled fondly, although a deep guilt eats away at her because of the lies she and her friends are now partaking in.
Suddenly, she gasped as Rebecca pulled the thread through. She let out a sob. Her eyes screwed shut as tears spilled free.
   “Only a little more to go. Keep her awake.” Rebecca directed to Elizabeth.
   “You’re okay, darling.” Elizabeth whispered to her weeping servant, “It’s almost over.”
   “Okay,” Mary breathed. “I'm, uh,” She looked around, “cold.”
   “You're sweating.” Hale replied grimly.
Mary looked at him and then let her head fall back again. She grips tighter to the quilt and Elizabeth’s apron. Her body continued to tremble.
   “I don't wanna talk. Is that okay?” Mary slurred.
   “Yes, that’s okay.” Rebecca answered. She gave Elizabeth a look and she nodded, knowing the conversation part of her job was over now.
For awhile it was just silence broken by the occasional noises- the fire cracking, any remaining people murmuring outside, the wind blowing, Mary’s whimpers and rapid pants. If Mary squirmed, Elizabeth would stroke her hair and shush her gently.
Finally, Rebecca clipped off the end of the stitches. They were expert-level precise.
Before anyone can say anything, however, the old woman is moving again. After cleaning her hands of Mary’s blood in a basin, she retrieves a wet rag and began washing off her patient’s stomach.
Mary stares blankly up at the ceiling, tears still trickling free. Even though a needle is no longer piercing her flesh, the wound’s bone-deep pain still lingers. With it, the memories of why exactly it was there came back to her.
This pain was nothing compared to those who will hang because of her lies.
   “I-I don’t f-feel good.” Mary choked out in a sob. Her gasps built up as she realized how little air she was getting. She threw off the quilt and clutched her chest, clawed her throat like she was trying to open an airways for oxygen. Elizabeth’s hands on her forearms startles her badly.
   “-spinning out right now. Mary, it’s a fit. You’re having another fit. You need to focus, darling. Clear your mind. Drink something.” Then Elizabeth’s head turns away as she looks for something for her servant to drink from.
   “What’s going on?” Hale asked worriedly. He looked at Rebecca, who was equally as concerned. “Is she-”
   “Mister Hale, excuse my rudeness, but if you ask if she’s being attacked by some person’s spirit, I will slap you.” Elizabeth said. “She’s having a fit. She’s been having them for years. Before any of this witch nonsense started up.”
At the mention of the witch hunt, Mary cries out, shaking her head back and forth. Elizabeth turns back to her and carefully sits her up, being mindful of the stitches.
   “Is there water here? She needs to drink something.” Elizabeth said; this time it was her turn to give orders. She noticed Frances retrieve the first cup he saw- a wine glass, but it would do just fine. While he was getting water, Elizabeth returned her attention to the girl propped up in her arms. “Stop thinking. Drink this. Focus on me.”
Mary sniffled and nodded frantically, tears still rolling down her cheeks as she sipped from the glass Elizabeth brought to her lips. Her right throat denies the water, but she forces it down.
   “Good. Stay with me.” Elizabeth spoke so softly. Her touch is tender and caring when she brushes hair from Mary’s sweaty face. “Are you with me?”
She swallowed and nodded.
   “Say it.”
   “I am with you.” Mary’s voice was wet and shaky.
   “What was that?”
   “I am with you.” Mary repeated.
   “Say it again. Keep saying it until I believe it.” Elizabeth challenged warmly and Mary nodded- this process between them seems practiced and routine. Mary kept saying the phrase, taking slow breaths to ease the sting in her chest. It takes a few minutes, but Elizabeth eventually nodded.
   “Good girl.” Elizabeth murmured. Mary looked up at her, almost having forgotten she was there. She smiled lovingly and strokes her hair to soothe her further. She allows her servant to bury her face against her neck.
   “You’re very good with her,” Rebecca finally spoke up.
   “I like to think so.” Elizabeth chuckled lightly, rubbing circles against Mary’s back.
   “What made her get like that?” Hale asked.
   “Mary?” Elizabeth looks down at the girl in her arms, but she shakes her head and makes a tiny noise of resistance. “She doesn’t want to talk about it.”
Hale nodded and stepped back. He glanced at the doorway when the sound of distance hoofsteps reached his ears. Slowly, he walked back outside.
   “Rebecca, Frances, I cannot thank you enough.” Elizabeth said to the elderly couple.
   “You’re welcome,” Rebecca said. Then, her eyebrows furrowed, “Where is John, though?”
   “He...” Elizabeth sighed and held Mary closer, “He did not think it was necessary to bring Mary to you. Since she bleeds all the time during whippings, he didn’t think the trip would be worth it. Like I said earlier, however, Mary has never been whipped on the stomach before. I was too worried to let her go to bed like this.”
   “You made the right choice.” Rebecca nodded. However, she didn’t seem happy with John’s view on the girl’s injury. Before she could say anything about that, though, there was yelling from outside.
   “Stop! You’re wrong! She’s not-”
Hale’s voice was drowned out by the clamoring of horses and men. Cheever and Herrick suddenly enter the house. Armed guards hover behind them. Mary starts to shake very badly in Elizabeth’s arms.
   “Rebecca Nurse, you are under arrest.”
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alderandvine · 5 years
Them: Hello! We understand you’re having trouble with a purchase on your kindle app, could you tell us the title of the book please?
Me: Oh uh its the history and mythology of witchcraft 25 books of sorcery, demonology and the supernatural: the wonders of the invisible world, salem witchcraft, lives of the necromancers and witch stories.
Them praying under their breath: .....oh well uh okay i’m going to transfer uhm you to someone who can better handle the issue.
New customer service rep: Alright so i see youre having troubles downloading the mythology and history of witc.... oh uh... just go to the website to download it have a nice night goodbye.
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nerizah · 6 years
A list of the real, historical and mythological witches Sabrina references in her exorcist spell
Sup, just a third year Classics and English student at Uni who got a lil excited when Sabrina started referencing a bunch of witches from literature and antiquity in her exorcist spell.So here are a few small descriptions by myself  as well as just copy pasted from wikipedia (all wikipedias will be hyper linked) about the witches referenced. BTW, this is super unprofessionally done so feel free to @ me, and one up me and do it better. I am by all means not a professional whatever this would be considered, i’m just out here trying to spread the good word. Love you al. Idk if this has been done before. Lilith of aradia Lilith is a figure in Jewish mythology, developed earliest in the Babylonian Talmud. Lilith is often envisioned as a dangerous demon of the night, who is sexually wanton, and who steals babies in the darkness. (wikipedia). Charles G. Leland, a 19th century folklorist who wrote Aradia or The Gospel of Witches conflated Herodias/Erodiade with Lilith. He connected Italian legends of the Italian Erodiade with Aradia. Because of Leland, Aradia is often associated with Lillith.(jesterbear)
Morgan le fay Arthurian (reference to king Arthur) sorceress/fairy/goddess type, practised both good and bad magic (wikipedia)
Black Annis a bogeyman figure in English folklore. She is imagined as a blue-faced hag or witch with iron claws and a taste for human flesh (especially children).[1] She is said to haunt the countryside of Leicestershire, living in a cave in the Dane Hills with a great oak tree at the entrance. (wikipedia)
Anne Boleyn Second wife of King Henry VII, bore him a daughter and had several miscarries while Henry courted other wives. She had multiple affairs and talked about who she would marry after the King had died which lead people to believe she was conspiring against the King, and thus she was beheaded. Others alleged she was a witch and that is why she was beheaded. Really though, King Henry was an unfaithful, boring, son hungry murderer who was looking for ways to marry a new chick. He was trying to find a sliver of an excuse to kill his wives and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Anne Boleyn cursed his bloodline. (wikipedia)
Witch of Endor In the Hebrew Bible, the Witch of Endor is a woman who summons the prophet Samuel's spirit, at the demand of King Saul of the Kingdom of Israel in the 28th chapter of the First Book of Samuel. (wikipedia)
Hecate goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy. She was the only child of the Titanes Perses and Asteria from whom she received her power over heaven, earth, and sea.(theoi)(wikipedia)
Artemis You guys all ready know who she is, twin sister of Apollo, virgin goddess of the hunt, childbirth, and the moon. Vengeful as fuck, straight up released a pack of dogs on a guy (Actaeon) for peeping her bathing. Not too sure how she is a witch, but she is a strong,powerful, complex goddess with domain over many things. (wikipedia)
Luna Roman personification of the moon, and a triple goddess consisting of Hecate (lunar goddess of the underworld) and Diana (lunar goddess of the earth). Her domain rests over instinct, femininity and luck, and she is also known to be able to perform miracles in a blue moon, Again not really a witch, but a powerful, strong, female sorceress character. (wikipedia)
Hildegard of Bingen German Benedictine abbess, writer, composer, philosopher, Christian mystic, visionary, and polymath. Her visions could be considered mystical and witch like. (wikipedia)
Marie laveaeu A Louisiana Creole practitioner of Voodoo, who was renowned in New Orleans. (wikipedia)
Tituba South American, Barbados woman, living in England circa mid 1600′s. The first to be accused of practising witchcraft during the 1692 Salem witch trials, as well as accused two others ( Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne ) in doing so as well. Said to have straight up acted like a witch, having talked about black dogs and cats and wolfs. (wikipedia)
Mary bradbury Mary (née Perkins) Bradbury (baptized September 3, 1615 – December 20, 1700) was tried, convicted and sentenced to hang as a witch in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. However, she managed to evade sentence until the trials had been discredited, and died in 1700, aged 85.(wikipedia)
Nehman,Badb,Macha The Morrígan is mainly associated with war and fate, especially with foretelling doom, death or victory in battle. In this role she often appears as a crow, the badb.She incites warriors to battle and can help bring about victory over their enemies.The Morrígan is often described as a trio of individuals, all sisters, called 'the three Morrígna.Membership of the triad varies; sometimes it is given as Badb, Macha and Nemain (wikipedia)
Circe A goddess of sorcery (pharmakeia) who was skilled in the magic of transmutation, illusion, and necromancy. She lived on the mythical island of Aiaia (Aeaea) with her nymph companions. Appears in the Odyssey. (theoi) (wikipedia)
Moll dyer Moll Dyer (died c. 1697?) is the name of a legendary 17th-century resident of Leonardtown, Maryland, who was said to have been accused of witchcraft and chased out of her home by the local townsfolk on a winter night. Her body was found a few days later, partially frozen to a large stone.(wikipedia)
Juventas the virgin/Juno the mother Two sides of the Roman goddess Juno- the virgin and the mother. Roman goddess of love,woman, fertility, childbirth, marriage. Again, not really a witch but still a divine, powerful, female (wikipedia) 
Cybil leek Sybil Leek née Fawcett (22 February 1917 – 26 October 1982) was an English witch, astrologer, occult author and self-proclaimed psychic. She wrote many books on occult and esoteric subjects, getting dubbed as "Britain's most famous witch" by the BBC (wikipedia)
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mceproductions · 6 years
November 2018 Blurbs
11/1/18 In Novembers Gusty Gale...The one baby song that sticks with me is that line from Chicken Soup with Rice... The fact that I know that and can sing falsetto really sets a tone. Rice Lake run today as Scholarships needed answering somehow the fact that i can only qualify for one and yet still can deal with classwork is a mystery. Eli in 2 Weeks and hoping Basketball at the Vikings Stadium at months end. Mom said shed go with on Saturday to St. Paul but in case not contingency is the Queen Movie. Stinks about Nutcracker being lousy Grinch remake for Christmas Movie it is. 11/2/18  Patti and the Bravada im trying to buy. Something tells me thats got to answer itself very soon. Ellen wasn't going to St. Paul either so contingency may now be in place. Work at least had benefits being sorted out. Also Lego Harry Potter man that game was fun, glad for the port, now they just need to port other lego games. 11/3/18 Bravada is now mine thanks to mom. More crucially Queen Movie was luckilly in town, at theater that is now only open weekends. Confusing yes, just hoping this isn't premant closing like Bruce. Movie was near perfect as Rami Malek Crushed It, a term I almost never use. Andrew fried microwave after 18 years. It was overdue but man it stinks that its gone. ReLife Anime...If episode 17 had me tearing up, the other 15 1/2 should be just as interesting. Unlike that other show A Sister Is All You Need, a premsise about slice of life, authors and drinking that wears dull quick. 11/4/18 So begins a short week, mainly due to assurance needed for initial plans. Just wish they could have called me in for one more day, i have assurance but still could have used it. Pete Davidson is really hurting based on this weeks SNL no matter his mindset and well wishes, he's hurting. Packers more so...and Ricks final Walking Dead, what a cop out...So glad I'm done with the show, no matter how interesting teenage Judith looks. One more detail, just when I thought 2018 had used up all its anime...Rapping Zombies on a Show that really should be used by the ZombieLand Sequel coming out next year, they can spit licks. 11/5/18 Remember Remember...An annual watching of V For Vendetta and its poigancy highlights today. Bravada is now officially mine just have to get it al registred and isured without it breaking my bank. Also never trust pictures for all purchases on Ebay, miffed on that count. Very long day tomorrow, even work may be overshadowed by this, could have used this 2 years ago on that fateful night. 11/6/18 The Blue Wave of election day. Unlike 2 years ago when that blowhard of president peeved off the country, this made me glad i was working. Plenty of distractions. But Walker is gone from Wisconsin and the Blue Wave crested at the house. Not the complete washover those wanting Trump gone hoped for but still great. 11/7/18 Those 2 dopes i call younger brothers...Somehow they dont get it. Only thing they do get, is how awesome Red Dead Redemption is and how i wish to high heaven it came out for the Switch. 11/8/18 This time of year when the cold comes out, the stuff you like to do seems impractical. I have a vehicle that I cant use until i get it titled, and a nephew coming in 1 week who may not even see me a bunch. Lone thing giving me some solace, the black Friday Ads popped up today. So many possibilities. 11/9/18 Winter has shown in full force, proof being, those 2 dopes stuck here. Me having to suffer through it until I head to work. Holding off on Grinch until next week, possibly seeing it with Mom and Eli. 11/10/18 RWBY Continues to astound. Salems storied history with Oz, wholly molly. Christmas season always seems to bring out the best when it comes to treats. Lately my favorite seems to be those nougats. Fresh and gooey all in one sweet package. Badgers sure do stink. That guy getting revenge on Pete Davidson especially the Ariana Ringtone that was worth it to see during SNL, Liev Schriber sure is not funny though. 11/11/18 Vets, heroes who give thier daily lives to defend all that we hold dear and sacred. Also fitting its the centiniel of said remeberence. New guy on Cap 2 Tristan, I'm really liking, seems to hold his own quite well. 4 days until Eli comes looking forward to it. 11/12/18 Why does family make the easy things so difficult, once again those 2 dopes. Store had Black Friday stuff being assembled today. Be glad to use debit card tomorrow when i get bulk of my funds back. Last few days have been rough. 11/13/18 GameFlip, an app ive been using to buy mainly Amazon cards is really having it both ways with me. Great to find digital codes for almost nada, but this one guy who i bought a card from on Sunday has been really screwey. Really miffed on that front. Said digital codes allows me to rewatch The Meg during work lunch. 11/14/18 Final Project for class has me creating a full training seminar. Stinks knowing that I have to do it on too broad a subject issue. Mobility in the workplace, having to do with wheelchairs and other devices. Wow city this is hard. Christmas box has been dug out, begining decorating tomorrow before Eli shows up. Hunters at play this weekend. Also glad store discount expands to food for rest of year. 11/15/18 Dad is 60 feels weird to say that. Well Eli, a little bit intimidated by me, but we have a week to fix it. Got A debt collection thing from WITC On the same day i finaly knocked off tuition. I know i wanted to not have autopay on tuition but this is ridiculously overkill. Likley watching Fantastic Beasts Saturday when we get back from Rice Lake, glad like the Queen movie this is in town. 11/16/18 Nora and Eli, weird combo that sends him into his Grandmas arms. Glad thats occuring while im not at home. At least my and Erics Grandma got to see him, just not sure how much longer that will be a possibility. One week to Black Friday and the trucks for delivery have tripled. The sales will be worth it but the work on the other hand, wish that just came faster. 11/17/18 Stags day, the first day of hunting season a little less crowded around the area. Went with mom and Eli to see Grinch but showing ended up being sold out. Eli for being 4 is just a near ball of energy, even if we never gave him sugar Wish he could calm down, mom somehow seemed chill with it, might have to take her advice on this issue. Cute when he has to be, bullet like mom put it on all other fronts. As for Fantastic Beasts, it seemed overstuffed for its own good a two hour episode like youd see on Netflix or somewhere else. Though Depp did win me over as Grindlewald. 11/18/18 Eli was better today, and we managed to actually get some stuff done. He ended up being major help with placing ornaments on my tree. Work however was a mess, misinformation abound. Thursday outside better not be a bigger mess. Oh wait its the Black Friday sale yeah it will be. 11/19/18 The thanksgiving week is always wacky, Monday somehow is wackiest. Eli went with Mom to meet Rafe while I mainly spent it finishing decorating the room. Green Light Strand isnt working will have to replace it. Cayedn surprsingly got a deer and Eric is really helpful on that front. Work meanwhile was nuts, this time however, with Split Pants. May have to get new ones before Thursday Night. Glad this week a lot of stuff on Itunes and Amazon is on sale. Will likely take big advantage of this. Andy possibly thew wrench in plans, hopeful that i dont have to cancel. 11/20/18 Lone day off this week has me stopping at WITC to finish work i have assigned since i have no class tomorrow. Had to pick up pants as my others split. Will hold off on game or blu ray until thursday night after work. Mom and Skillet cookies glad she makes them but could wonder what else around here might break as stove is going. Our turkey is set for tomorrow as Eric and compay leave before parade on thursday. Hopin to get Eli once more to do craft project, want to surprise mom on that count. 11/21/18 The day before, aka the busiest travel day of the year. Made rudolph feet with Eli, a lot bigger than i pictured him to be. Had to wear split pants as replacements didn't fit. Turkey was good, unexpectedly tried Moms squash that was really tasty for some odd reason. Back outside for carts tomorrow, first time since the summer and i get thrown to the wolves on the big one. Colder than usual i will admit. 11/22/18 Eli seemed sad to leave us, but at least i got him the ornament he made ready before he did. Another thanksgiving the parade in full glory. Lions crappy game, Cowboys decent game, and Wal-Marts annual 6pm sale. Cole really needed to be slapped. He must think im dumber than i look. Best part is always the low price movies and tv shows. Annual pickups of Flash, Arrow and Big Bang Theory. Handmaids Tale DVD counts too this time along with Jumanji and a film i personally wanted to see but heard crap about, Assassins Creed. Not looking forward to the rain tomorrow. 11/23/18 Quieter than usual actual Black Friday. Couple that with Rain that washed away snow, pretty off day all around. 11/24/18 Plans for Basketball with Andy and Carynn are officially scrapped, could remedy that in another surprise way. Something about today that just felt so much more off than usual. Lingered at Library, lingered at Store, even lingered at McDonalds stuff i would not normally do on a day like this. Ralph Breaks the Internet I'll hold off on for now. Really still want to see Grinch. Badgers finally lost the Ax after 15 years, really makes you think. 11/25/18 Finally got Wolfenstien 2 downloaded for Switch, will look forward to play something else besides Zelda for a bit Smash Bros awaits in the wings. Christmas gifts are starting to take abit of idea form. UCF continues to climb, will need upsets by Texas and Northwestern to have a shot at Playoff but without QB is risky. 11/26/18 Mom threw out her back, not sure if it was from picking up Eli but she seemed more out of sorts than usual. Other replacement for Cap 2 joined, liking him so far. Small issue with Chyenne who was on phone for nealry 15 minutes in the middle of the aisle, and nobody said a peep. If it was me, would have been fired. Privelege indeed. Guy at McDonalds may be homeless, was tempted to report him but with all the white calling blacks for doing normal stuff no way id risk it. 11/27/18 This day always seems to be the quietest when it comes to stuff coming out, almost nothing. One movie I wanted to get for Eli when he was here finally showed up. Wrapped up DVD's as gifts for Eric and them. 15% extra coming Thursday. Not sure what itll be used for. 11/28/18 Rare Wednesday I had store duties as well as class. Got extra 15% card for the even 25%. Glad ill be able to use it this time. Unlike what I originally had intended for The 30th. Could use some more snow around here. 11/29/18 25% discount thankfully goes 2 days so held off on that. Visited WITC the Christmas decorations are great as usual. Visited Menards but the so called enchanted forest seemed lacking. At least I was able to get bulbs and another set of blue lights. Sold ticket, hopeful Andy can get in tomorrow and enjoy himself. 11/30/18 Contigency Plan #2: Animated Grinch, OK Cumberbatch was excellent and Pharell ups Anthony Hopkins but the movie was just simply Ok. 25% got used well for Moms clients and Connor and Amber. Andy and Carynn got in and enjoyed themselves. Also got thier save the date and details on the  Weddding. Looks like a fun 4 day trip next May. Last Part of Year begins, lets see if this can finish strong. Never  figured at start that id be blogging this but just goes to so. 334 Days down 31 to Go.
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