#sally Townsend
I love how Sally Townsend and Robert Townsend were living with Simcoe and they were both spies.
Robert was Culper Jr and was one of the best, if not the best, spy of the Culper Ring.
Sally instead heard Simcoe and André talking about West Point and understood something was off. So she might have told her brother who passed the info.
I want a tv series about her. She deserves it.
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seadcgs-a · 10 months
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like this for a starter from sarah "sally" townsend ! sister to robert townsend & spy in her own right.
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Turn Week Day 4: History Nerdery
I'm a bit late to this year's Turn Week, but here are my thoughts on today's prompt:
Funnily for me, my interest in this particular historical context started with the series, and, coming from a related background, I quickly started to develop quite an interest in the events that were dramatised in the series.
My favourite pet peeve and Turn-related thing to nerd on about is doubtlessly the misrepresentation of John Graves Simcoe (feel free to ask me anything, I'm down to the level where I know the name of some of his pets, his schoolboy misdeeds, and his hobbies...) as a central villain; however, the more you read, the more I picked up on some of the other, non-Simcoe-related details, too:
The Hessians aren't very convincing, given they don't even speak German properly.
Sally being made into the name of an imaginary pet dog, rather than the sister of Robert Townsend (the one who historically may or may not have been in love with John Graves Simcoe), annoyed me to no end.
In general, the entire Townsend family dynamic was a lot more interesting than the narrative that Robert was effectively a reclusive loner with an overbearing father.
The 'romance' between Colonel Cooke and Philomena Cheer is half based on the alleged affair between General Howe and Elizabeth Loring, and half on General Clinton's, very happy, it has to be said, relationship with Mary Baddeley, whom he did indeed bring back to England, and who remained his partner until his death.
Speaking of Cooke, I'm pretty sure his character was modelled on the way Britsh officers (excluding Sir John Copeland, maybe) were represented in the 1925 Broadway musical Dearest Enemy.
John André's terrible braid is based on a case of mistaken identity; indeed, a similar braid appears in a portrait of a British officer labelled as John André, yet, as the British flag in the background suggests, this portrait was created post-1801. Furthermore, the regimentals do not match 'the' John André's service record.
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townsenddecades · 17 days
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The Famine of 1315 - 1317: Casualties
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Helen Townsend (7 years old)
Duncan Townsend (1 year old)
Joan Townsend (2 months old)
Saved: Malcolm Townend
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William Watmore (22 years old)
Edith Watmore (23 years old)
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Arthur Dudley (5 years old)
Alicent Dudley (1 month old)
Nigel de Bellefaye (12 years old)
Pablo Martinez, Sally Martinez, Mathew Ellesmere, Letitica Arnett, Irene Barnett, Tom Branson, Beatrice Branson, Sister Rosemary Walker, Bernise Merchant, Jeanne Merchant, Maxwell Fisher, Dereck Atkinson, Dorian Barzen, Heathcliff Baker, Celeste Somerset, Pauline Somerset, Susanne Wozny, Shameka Wozny
Saved: Freddie Branson, Sister Adriane Everett, Benjamin Somerset
Number of Main & Side Household losses: 6/20, 1 saved
Percentage: 30% (25% if saved sim taken out of calculation)
Number of Noble Household losses:  3/17
Percentage: 17,6 %
Number of NPC losses: 24, 3 saved
Percentage: Would be statistically interesting, but I didn’t feel like counting.
Prev: 1317, Day 4, Part 3/3 <--> Next: 1318, Day 1
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mumble-muse · 8 months
a list of (maybe?) all the queer characters that appear in midsomer murders.
cw for homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, abuse, death, violence, slurs and sexual content.
spoilers for all series.
Series 1-5
Where possible I've avoided using specific labels but used descriptions given within the episodes by the characters themselves or others.
I've included brief descriptions of their role in the episode and other details. These are not intended as full summaries.
I've used the wiki to check details so hopefully it's fairly accurate.
Season 1: Tom Barnaby & Gavin Troy
Gerald Hadleigh, E01S01 Written in Blood. Sexually abused as a child, he kills his father and runs away. He is revealed during the episode to cross-dress and is described by other characters as a transvestite. He attends a gay bar in Causton. Other characters, including Troy, express confusion and/or disgust at his cross-dressing and his dresses. He is killed by another character for implying he and her brother were lovers and her disgust at seeing him in a dress. Barnaby is largely neutral about Gerald, but does assume he must have seen a psychologist regarding his cross-dressing.
Tim Young & Avery Phillips , E02S01 The Hollow Man. They run a second hand bookshop and are partners. Avery expresses concern to another character that Tim is cheating and/or will lose interest as he did not identify as gay his entire life. Later, Tim is revealed to have been having an affair with a woman. She threatens to reveal the affair, but Tim confesses to Avery before she can. We see Avery crying in his arms as Tim tells him that he only loves him.
Simone Hollingsworth and Sarah Lawton, E03S01 Faithful Unto Death. Troy immediately calls them dykes cause of course he does. Sarah has a little chat with Barnaby about the joy of being the only gays in the village. Barnaby is very chill and accepting. Simone and Sarah fake a kidnapping to help Simone escape her (supposedly) abusive husband, kill a bunch of people and steal some money. Simone betrays Sarah after Sarah has gone to prison for her.
Season 2: Tom Barnaby & Gavin Troy
Ian Eastham and Charles, E01S02 Death's Shadow. Ian is discovered in bed with Charles (a youngish minor character) by our detectives. Ian says he is not gay and is disgusted by his own impulses. He is paying Charles to sleep with him.
Season 3: Tom Barnaby & Gavin Troy
Arthur Prewitt, E02S03 Blue Herrings. A resident of the residential nursing home. Almost immediately described as a "poofter" by Troy. Barnaby reminds Troy that it was illegal to be gay when Arthur was young. Troy laughs cause he's an arsehole. Arthur is a very particular and tidy person. He confesses to tidying another resident's room, accidentally scaring her and causing her death out of shock.
Frank Mannion, E03S03 Judgement Day. A TV presenter and judge for the village competition. Is mostly just flirty and bitchy. Honestly kind of delightful. Unfortunately gets a lot of snide homophobia from other characters.
Alan Bradford, E04S03 Beyond the Grave. He's briefly suspected of taking vengeance on a woman for not being into him but, in a hilarious analogy, he describes himself as "If sexuality were the Civil War, I'd be a Cavalier not a Roundhead". He then says he's never been attracted to the opposite sex. Luckily Troy makes no comment.
Season 4: Tom Barnaby & Gavin Troy
Season 5: Tom Barnaby & Gavin Troy
Melissa Townsend and Sally Rickworth E01S05 Tainted Fruit. Melissa is killed early on and Sally is suspected briefly after their previous affair was revealed. Their relationship is a secret and historical and really they're frenemies. Also Melissa is played by Lucy Punch and therefore incredible.
Honourable mentions:
Dennis Rainbird from the pilot episode, The Killings at Badger's Drift. Assigned suspiciously queer at Gavin Troy but there isn't much here to say either way.
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Horse Opera*
aka Turn but make it Wild West (with bonus genderqueer!Robert Townsend)
This is just a wee scribble, which is why it's going here and not on AO3 (because I can't be arsed with the necessary trappings). Hope y'all enjoy anyway!
*The can't be arsed with trappings extends to coming up with a title, so now you get a free German fun fact with your Sunday snippet: Pferdeoper (literally: horse opera) is a humorous slang term for a western. The more you know!
~~~ Wild West shenanigans below the cut ~~~
“Should we really be frequenting saloons right now?”
Ben hissed the words like the people on their tail might actually hear them. It was kind of cute.
“We do this one.”
Caleb made sure Darling was hitched securely to the post outside Rivington’s and went to make his way up the porch steps, Ben scrambling after him. Stepping through the double doors into the dim, smoke-infused room, he caught sight of Townsend looking up from behind the bar at their entrance. With his best roguish grin, Caleb doffed his hat and swept into a theatrical bow. If eyebrows could kill, the sardonic one he got in response would’ve dropped him at twenty paces.
His grin widened.
“C’mon," he motioned to Ben and dropped into a chair at the nearest available table. Ben followed suit, glancing around warily. Caleb stretched out contentedly, soaking in the low hum of conversation. He'd know if there was anything to worry about; Townsend ran a tight ship.
Townsend had by then come out from behind the bar and was approaching them with a bottle of whiskey and a pair of glasses.
“Well, well. If it isn’t my most unregenerate scapegrace.”
Ben, halfway to rising out of his seat and removing his hat, faltered in both. Perhaps realising the absurdity of what he was doing, he hovered awkwardly for a moment, then decided to compromise and drop his hat onto the table and himself back into his chair. Feeling lenient toward him on account of just how far out of his depth the poor bastard was, Caleb magnanimously abstained from commenting.
“Always knew I was your favourite,” he said instead winningly to Townsend, who glanced up from pouring the liquor.
“I don’t believe that’s what I said.”
She recorked the bottle and, sliding the glasses toward them, nodded at Ben.
“Who’s the punk?”
Caleb nearly inhaled the whiskey he’d raised to his lips. Never did learn to keep his guard up around her.
“Excuse me?” Ben bristled.
His shoulder only seemed to tense up further under the soothing hand Caleb put on it, so Caleb turned his grip into a gentle introductory shake.
“This here is my good friend Benjamin Tallmadge. And despite his boyish charm, he ain’t that young.” Ignoring both the indignation from beside him and the scepticism from in front, he went on. “Ben, allow me to introduce Mrs. Sally Townsend, the proprietress of this fine establishment.”
Ben’s tone was so polite it could've been an insult.
“A pleasure, I’m sure,” Townsend drawled.
“Where’s Robert?”
Caleb was pure innocence as Townsend levelled her gaze back at him.
“You just missed him.”
“Your husband?”
It was remarkable the range of intent Ben could fit into two words. Product of all that pedigree, probably.
“My better half,” Townsend replied, drier than a Mormon wedding.
“Now, now. That’s a little harsh,” Caleb said. “I happen to like this half just fine.”
“You would.” Instead of dignifying Caleb’s lecherous wink with a response, Townsend changed the topic. “I hear there was some trouble up in Seven Oaks.” She put her hand on her hip. “The two of you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”
“Jesus, word does travel fast around here,” Caleb exclaimed, genuinely impressed.
Townsend, on the other hand, looked anything but.
“I should have known. I suppose your turning up here is not a coincidence.”
Resting his chin in his hand, Caleb made sheep’s eyes at her.
“You know me so well.”
Townsend rolled her eyes and gestured toward the back room.
“Come on, then.”
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pagetreader · 1 year
@retrograderesemblance said:🩸 you pick the ship/dynamic
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The faux dead drop plan had gone terribly wrong when some lowlife had thought Abe had been hiding valuables, attempting to steal from him, and, being twice Abe's size, beat him terribly in the process using a brick, or a rock, or something hard. It'd been too dark for him to tell what the blunt weapon of choice had actually been. Whatever the case, it'd been effective.
Blood gushed profusely from his head wound as he limped upstairs to his rented room, grateful that no one had been around to see him mope in shame. He'd have to devise another potential dead drop for the British soldiers to believe they'd discovered, or conjure a new plan altogether, but he could hardly think with his ribcage aching with every breath. He was certain they were bruised at the very least.
Then there was a knock at the door and before he could respond, Sally entered the room with a stack of clean laundry. Though it was surely futile, given the state of him, Abe turned in his seat at the desk, grabbing a pen to appear as though he'd been working. Despite the fact that she and her brother had recently agreed to aid the Ring, there was no reason to upset her -- or scare her enough to talk her out of it.
"Th -- thank you, Miss Townsend," he stammered, "You can just leave it on the bed there..."
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 1 year
Canon animal AU has Evan/Trapper as a Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Very big, very fluffy, very much bred to hunt bears and the like. Unfortunately for all he is not socialized well, he is territorial and temperamental and he doesn’t trust other animals. Something about being an abused dog that was made into a scape goat will do that to a guy!
Meanwhile, Sally is a straight up bat. Not a vampire bat, nor one of those huge flying foxes, she’s just a little Townsend's Big-Eared Bat. Probably carrying rabies but that’s beside the point. On this note— Sally being a bat would mean that in the animal AU all spirits are bugs of some kind and she’s just straight up eating them or using them to guide her way, but I’m a-okay with that! Haha
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waddddle · 9 months
2024 TBR
It's the last day of December, and I am still stuck in bed with the flu. Twelve days of lying in bed feeling terrible. The only upside of my bed-bound misery is updating my reading spreadsheet. I bought quite a few books in 2023 and haven't had the time to update my spreadsheet. 
Because of this update I realized that i have 33 unread books on my shelf. That is a lot of books. Leaving these books unread on my shelf forever would be a waste of space, so I have set a goal for myself. Read all the unread books on my bookshelf.
There are 52 weeks in a year. If I were to read one book a week, I would reach my reading goal with ease. To motivate me to read these books I am setting one simple rule: no more buying books until the unread books have been read. Basically just a book-buying-ban. 
So here is a full list of all the unread books on my bookshelf.
Yerba Buena - Nina Lacour
One of Us is back - Karen M. McManus
Paper Towns - John Green
An Abundance of Katherines - John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed - John Green
All I Know Now - Carrie Hope Fletcher
In The Time We Lost - Carrie Hope Fletcher
Pindakaas en Sushi 2 - Roderick Leeuwenhart
Pindakaas en Sushi 3 - Roderick Leeuwenhart
Heartstopper vol. 5 - Alice Oseman
Solitaire - Alice Oseman
Loveless - Alice Oseman
Pride and Prejudice and Pittsburg - Rachel Lippincott
The Love Hypothesis - Ali Hazelwood
The Sky is Everywhere - Jandy Nelson
Als het Leven Pijn Doet - René Diekstra
Hoop - Roland van der Vorst
Grote Kleine Dingen - Liane Moriarty
Wild - Charyl Strayed
The Midnight Library - Matt Haig
Throne of Glass - Sarah J. Maas
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkind Reid
Normal People - Sally Rooney
The Queen and I - Sue Townsend
Bi - Julia Shaw
I am Glad My Mom Died -Janette McCurdy
Howl's Moving Castle - Dianna Wynne Jones
Castle In The Air - Dianna Wynne Jones
Here's To Us - Adam Silvera & Becky Albertelli
More Happy Than Not - Adam Silvera
Five Survive - Holly Jackson
You Will Get Through This Night - Daniel Howell
Legends and Latte's - Travis Baldree
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Charlie’s Angels: Season 6: Book 1: Bonjour Angels: Chapter 2:
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Tiffany, Kris, and Julie were inside the office room at the Townsend Agency, awaiting their next challenging assignment. Bosley walked in, greeting them warmly with a smile.
"Good morning, Angels," he said. "We have a new case that requires your immediate attention. It's in France."
The Angels' faces lit up with excitement, eager to embark on a new adventure in an exotic location. Bosley handed each of them a folder containing the details of their latest mission.
"This is a missing persons case," he explained, leaning against the table. "Four young women who work at a high end winery in France have disappeared. They were last seen leaving work and haven't been seen since."
The Angels each scanned the information in the folders, taking note of the missing women's names, ages, and job titles.
"Any leads on their whereabouts, Bosley?" asked Julie, looking up from the file.
"Not yet," replied Bosley. "But we do know that the winery is located in a small town in the south of France, and the local authorities are hesitant about investigating the case. We have reason to believe that there might be more to this case than meets the eye. That's where you come in."
The Angels nodded in understanding, knowing that their expertise in undercover work and investigation would be critical in solving this case.
“Who’s the client Charlie”? Asked Julie.
The angels looked at each other. They were shocked. “The owner of the winery, Mrs Francine Bernard, is a dear friend angels, I want us to help out and do what we can.” The angels listened intently. “Sally Miller, Elizabeth Lewis, Angela Clark & Rhona Fields all meant a great deal to her angels. Please get over to France & help her out.”
“Those names don’t sound very French to me.” Remarked Tiffany.
“All the girls who have disappeared so far, have been American.” Added Charlie.
"We'll need to go undercover to gather more information," said Tiffany, flipping through the pages in her folder. "I suggest I go as a wealthy socialite. It wouldn’t be too hard for Charlie to pull a few strings and get me a mansion in the French vineyard countryside now would it Charlie?” Joked Tiffany. The Angels laughed.
Charlie was going to have to pull out all the stops for this case.
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cabbxges-and-kings · 2 years
Hate to say it, despite Valentines day not being a thing in turn's timeline (despite the real, non-murdey Simcoe wrote the first Valentines day card/poem to Sally Townsend, though how I remember this is beyond me), Abe probably is going to wander off to Anna's tavern and probably try to get a moment alone with her :/. He might bring a small gift that he can conceal, but I think we all know that Abe's heart resides with Anna at the end of the day than his actual wife, Mary 😭
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
🌟 for your favorite character from tftgs and also sally two shoes
asdfl;kasdjf thank u <3
my favorite tftgs character is jack townsend b/c Kin, so:
Body Terror Song - AJJ
and as for my mans salvatore AKA sally two shoes <3
The Eyes of Tomorrow - Broken Iris
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seadcgs-a · 10 months
❝ robert! abraham is here to see you! ❞ the name leaves her mouth in the way that she's heard both robert and samuel talk about him. she beat her brother to answer the door; wanting to see for herself exactly who this fantastic abraham woodhull really is.
"cheers, thanks." abe offers a sideways grin, as he steps past the girl and into the foyer of the townsend home. "sarah, was it? i've seen you at the tavern, a few times."
❝ sally. but only to family. ❞ sally offers a wink, at that, and lets the door close behind abe. ❝ yes, i work there most days---my brother hates that i do, but i make good tips, so he shouldn't complain. ❞ she offers a shrug, before wiping her hands on the apron attached to her skirt. sally was in the middle of baking, when she answered the door; the house was filled with warm and savoury scents.
❝ robert! you have a handsome man waiting in the foyer for you and you're not going to come and see him? ❞ she yells, moving to go check on a loaf of bread she had baking on the hearth. ❝ he'll just be a minute. ❞
"handsome, eh? so robert's talked about me, then?" abe quips back, moving to hang his hat on one of the hooks by the door and following her, but turning to sit at one of the chairs by the fire.
❝ he doesn't stop talking about you. our father, either. whatever you've done to win them over, it worked. ❞
@pyratezlife here have a thing from sally (&abe) to ur robert
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palmviewfm · 1 month
thank you for helping me narrow the fc ideas down!! can i get some counterpart ideas for camila mendes, please?
you  absolutely  can,  friend  !  i  could  see  elena  gilbert,  katherine  pierce,  caroline  forbes,  rebekah  mikaelson,  hayley  marshall,  brenda  walsh,  kelly  taylor,  holly  golightly,  jo  march,  nancy  drew,  sally  albright,  vivian  ward,  allie  hamilton,  regina  george,  carrie  bradshaw,  blair  waldorf,  kat  stratford,  izzie  stevens,  bella  swan,  cher  horowitz,  allison  argent,  sandy  olson,  betty  rizzo,  beca  mitchell,  chloe  beale,  veronica  mars,  annie  wilson,  joey  potter,  fiona  gallagher,  phoebe  halliwell, taylor townsend, claire  standish,  brooke  davis,  rachel  gatina,  joey  potter,  and dorothy  gale  all  working  as  a  counterpart  !
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pollywiltse · 2 months
I believe this isn't paywalled, since I read it on my phone. (Or it depends on the browser? Firefox Focus, check. Safari with no adblocker, check. Firefox in private browsing mode with ublock origin, sadness.)
Scroll about halfway down to the picture of the little wax figures.
How is André's hat staying on?!
Also, Tallmadge's face is passable, André looks about fifty, and I don't know what's going on with Simcoe but his face is very disturbing. We'll give them Sally and Robert Townsend since I don't think there are good pictures of either of them, though Robert's face looks like a sculpture of Chris Kattan by someone who isn't very good at sculpting. (Now mentally replace Robert Townsend in every scene in Turn with Mango.) Also I don't know what's going on with André's right hand, but typically I think it is the left hand that goes on the neck of the air guitar.
Also please note the visible bulges in Tallmadge's, Simcoe's, and André's breeches. (And possibly Townsend's, but it's harder to tell.....Uh, pun not intended.)
At least André's uniform is the right colors though. And that's probably about the correct height difference between him and Tallmadge.
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Birthdays 6.2
Beer Birthdays
Bob Townsend (195?)
Menno Olivier
Melissa Myers (1973)
Brandon Uhl (1983)
Tyler Smith (1984)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Pete Conrad; astronaut (1930)
Edward Elgar; composer (1857)
Thomas Hardy; English writer (1840)
Marquis de Sade; French writer (1740)
Jewel Staite; actor (1982)
Famous Birthdays
Freddy Adu; soccer player (1989)
Ruth Atkinson; cartoonist (1918)
W. Watts Biggers; animator, writer (1927)
Wayne Brady; actor (1972)
Alessandro di Cagliostro; occultist (1743)
Dana Carvey; comedian (1955)
Henry Clay; politician (1773)
Nikki Cox; actor (1978)
William Guest; pop singer (1941)
Tony Hadley; pop singer (1959)
Charles Haid; actor (1943)
Lasse Hallstrom; film director (1946)
Marvin Hamlisch; songwriter (1944)
Hedda Hopper; gossip (1890)
Stacy Keach; actor (1941)
Sally Kellerman; actor (1937)
Justin Long; actor (1978)
Lydia Lunch; rock singer (1959)
Jerry Mathers; actor (1948)
Milo O'Shea; actor (1926)
Jon Peters; film director, hairdresser (1945)
Kyle Petty; auto racer (1960)
Barbara Pym; writer (1913)
John Randolph; Virginia politician (1773)
Frank Rick; writer, critic (1949)
Nat Mayer Shapiro; artist (1919)
Carol Shields; writer (1935)
Martha Washington; First first lady (1731)
Charlie Watts; rock musician (1941)
Johnny Weissmuller; swimmer, actor (1904)
Cornel West; civil rights activist (1953)
Garo Yepremian; Miami Dolphins K (1944)
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