#sam walks out of the building and over hears some of it
supernaturalistthings · 5 months
Acts of Service
Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Summary: Dean Winchester has been loving you for years in his own way and with a little help you finally realize it.
Warnings: soft core smut +18
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You watch from across the bar as Dean sips his whisky from a short glass. You're on your third tequila pineapple and he looks as amazing as ever. His jaw is sharp and he has some slight stubble from not shaving for a few days. You, Sam, and Dean had just finished a tulpa case in Pennsylvania and had decided to celebrate with a few drinks at a local dive. You had worked with the boys for a few years now and it had become a tradition to celebrate after a win.
Meanwhile on your side of the bar you were starting to feel the bass of the music vibrating through you in a different way, the drinks were going down too easily, and the urge to dance was coursing through your being. You had sipped your thoughts away to your heart's content.
You had one too many to drink and you were starting to feel it. If you didn't watch yourself you were going to wake up in somebody's front lawn very shortly.
The feeling of warmth on your waist breaks you from your thoughts and you look up to see an unknown, attractive, dark haired, blue eyed man, with one of his hands on your waist.
“Sorry i didn't mean to startle you…” he says and then continues “Can i buy you a drink?” raising his to make sure you can understand what he's saying over the loudly playing music. It's not that he wasn't attractive, hell he was very attractive. But he wasn't Dean Winchester. He didn't have stubble, or piercing green eyes, or a gruff sultry voice that could make a girl melt. So you raise your full glass as an answer and in hopes to send him on his way but he doesn't budge. He leans in once again to make sure you can hear him and says
“Well, how about a dance?” He pulls back to see your answer but you look across the bar. Dean's eyes are locked on you and the dark haired man before you. If you didn't know better there was a twinge of jealousy behind his eyes. His jaw is locked and his hold on his glass is strong. You think back to all the times you had to watch him shamelessly flirt with local girls and even go home with them and something in you screams that this is your turn. Your eyes snap back to the man in front of you and you say
You down your drink and leave the glass behind. He puts his hand on your lower back and leads you to the part of the bar where everyone's dancing. You wrap your arms around his neck and start swaying your hips to the beat of the music. He's a pretty good dancer, but that drink you just downed starts to catch up with you and all of a sudden you feel hot, really hot. Your vision is slightly blurred and you can't tell if you're about to throw up or pass out.
You lean up to his ear and say that you'll be right back and start stumbling your way towards some fresh air. The walk to the exit feels like it takes a literal year but you finally get there and fling the door open. Little did you know there was a pair of eyes on you watching you your whole way out.
The familiar sensation of warmth on your waist once again breaks you from your thoughts as you've steadied yourself against the wall of the building. You look up expecting to see the newly met set of blue eyes but instead you're met with bright green ones. It's Dean. The confusion must've been written on your face so he clears it up for you.
“We’re going home” He wraps one hand around your waist and throws your arm over his shoulder so he can walk you side by side to his car. He opens your door and sets you in the passenger seat and buckles you in. He walks over to his side, gets in, and the next thing you hear is the engine roar to life. It hits you that you're leaving the bar without saying goodbye to the handsome stranger, or paying your tab, that you werent ready to leave.
“Wait, let's go back… i'll get the next round if we go back right now” You slur out. This makes Dean laugh deeply and he looks over briefly to take in your disheveled state. You never get like this so it's always hilarious to him when you do, and unbeknownst to you it amazes him how you can still look so beautiful.
“I don't think even the most careless bartender would give you another drink right now. You're cut off” He replies still laughing.
This makes you pout and you turn away from him and look out the window dramatically.
“Oh cmon sweetheart… you'll thank me in the morning trust me…” he breaks the silence
“The one time I find someone to take home…” you mumble out with an emphasis on “I”. He snaps his head over and looks you up and down. His grip on the steering wheel is turning his knuckles white. He lets out an unnoticed frustrated sigh and says
“You didn't really want him… did you?”
This causes you to slowly look over at him and he's already looking at you while momentarily darting his eyes back to the road. He wants an answer. But you don't give it to him, ashamed of how and what you really feel. You just bury your head back into the side of the door without saying anything until the motel comes into view. You're exhausted all of a sudden. You hear his door open and he opens yours which causes you to almost fall out of the car. He catches you and laughs and sits you back up straight. He unbuckles you and says
“Okay enough of this” and with that he scoops you up princess style and carries you to your motel room door. You're secretly thankful, as you are embarrassed that you're this drunk, you would've never made the walk. It feels like you're getting more inebriated by the minute. He puts the arm that was carrying your legs down gently and holds you there.
“I'm going to search your pockets for the key okay…” he warns you before gently diving his hands into your pockets until he grasps the key. He opens the door, swings it open, and then picks you up once again to carry you to the bed. He lays you down gently on top on the sheets and the next thing you know your eyes are closed and you have the deepest sleep of your life.
You wake up and the first thing you see is a glass of water on the side table. You reach for it and drink it like you haven't had anything to drink in days. You're pretty sure it was the best thing you've felt in a while, and this only reassures the notion that you are extremely hungover. You don't remember anything from last night other than dancing with some mystery man for a little bit while a pair of familiar green eyes watched you from across the bar. That's it. You lift the sheets that were comfily tucked around you off and see clothes laid out and tylenol behind the glass of water. You must've set yourself up for the morning once you got in. You're a genius is what you're thinking. You couldn't have been that embarrassingly drunk, that crosses your mind and soothes your conscience. You're thankful for the sliver of soberness in you last night and throw on the fresh clothes, brush your teeth and go to head over to Sam and Dean's room. You knock and Sam opens the door. The smell of greasy breakfast food hits you and warms your soul. It's exactly what you need right now.
“Tell me you got something for me” you ask while looking hopefully at Sam.
Sam laughs and says “Yeah Dean went earlier, he got your usual”
You look over at Dean who keeps his eyes on his food and say thank you. You take a seat at the small motel room table and start diving in. You look up and Dean is looking at you and smiling softly.
“What?” you say cluelessly
“Nothing” he replies, dropping his smile and focusing back on his food and you do the same.
“So how was last night? Was it epic” Sam says with a curious smile, eyeing the both of you.
“Not really, I was sober enough to set my clothes out and get under the covers so I'd say it was kind of a bust” You say laughing as you take another bite of your breakfast. Everything gets quiet for a second and you wonder what you said to cause such an awkward vibe.
“I'm going to shower” says Dean and he gets up without even looking at either of you, walks to the bathroom and shuts the door behind him. You hear the shower start and that's when Sam leans in and looks at you seriously. You pause mid bite and look at him confused.
“What?” you say setting your plastic fork down
“You know Dean got you home last night right?” he says directly
“I figured…” you reply, “so?” you continue.
“So… Dean set your clothes out…” it's starting to hit you, he continues “He drove to get you tylenol because we only had the strong stuff…” It hits you, “He set out a glass of water… he tucked you in, he woke up early and got your favorite breakfast. Hell he even paid your tab” Sam says looking towards the bathroom.
It felt like the world stopped spinning, in that moment cars stopped driving, birds stopped chirping. Everything was still. The realization was flowing through every molecule of your being and you were absolutely frozen, other than your jaw dropping you couldn't move. Dean Winchester cares about you. He cares about you as more than a friend, he sees more. It keeps repeating in your head until hopefully it sinks in. He sees more.
How could you have not seen this before? Maybe it's because he knew the real you, he knew more about you than anyone else, and how could anyone love or care about you once they do? That question can no longer plague you because He sees more.
All you can say is, “Thank you Sam”
He replies with a nod and takes his breakfast and says that he'll be in your room. The door shuts behind him and you're left alone awaiting Dean to step out of that bathroom. You’re carefully forming your thoughts making sure what you say is exactly what you feel. It's going to be perfect. You hear the bathroom door creak open and you quickly stand and turn to face a half naked dean who's only wearing jeans and drying his hair with a towel. He pauses when he sees you're the only person in the room. You feel like you might explode.
“Where’s Sa-”
“I care about you… alot” you interject. The silence is deafening. So much for your deep thoughtful speech. You can't take the silence and break it by continuing “and I know you care about me too…”
He's absolutely frozen, cornered. It was now or never.
“How did you-”
“I can just tell” you cut him off. You smile proudly, only now realizing you have the ability to make the Dean Winchester speechless. You're scared you might’ve overstepped, might've been too enthusiastic when he starts laughing and smiling. Maybe Sam was wrong? But that all changes when he says “i don't just care about you… im in love with you…”
It was your turn to be frozen. “You don't have to be yet… but I want you to know that I've been in love with you for a while now. I love your laugh, your smile, hell I even love what you get for breakfast.” Your eyes are wide in disbelief, he walks forward until he's close enough to where he can reach out and brush some hair out of your face and then continues. “I'm painfully in love with you. With everything about you” He’s desperately scanning your face for any sign of reciprocation, any sign of hope. He gets his sign when your mouth curves into a bright smile beaming at him, and before he can even realize it he has one of his own shining back at you.
You don't know who leaned in first, but the next thing either of you know is that your lips are moving against each others. You're running your fingers through his still damp and already messy hair. His hands are at your waist and holding you there like fine art. You were to him, something timeless, thought provoking, head turning, beautiful. This kiss was the start of Dean Winchester's future and he knew it. It tasted sweet and he savored every movement of your lips with his own, grateful for anything you give him.
His hands were electrifying you with every soft touch. You were melting in his arms and you can't get enough of him. You were pressed flush against his bare chest and you can't help but run your hands over his broad shoulders while continuing to kiss him deeply. You can't help but still be in a bit of disbelief. You could kiss him for hours, and by the way he's kissing you, he could too.
He pulls back and says “I don't want to rush things…”
“I was thinking the same thing…” You say, but yet again you have no idea who leans in first but your lips collide once again. His hands are on the sides of your face and yours are resting on his stomach. The room is filled with the sounds of your kiss and occasional involuntary moans, this feels better than either of you had imagined and you can't help it.
“When did he say he'd be back?” Dean mumbles into the kiss referring to Sam.
“He didn't” You mumble back barely breaking the kiss to do so.
You both simultaneously pull back and look at eachother wide eyed and it's like a lightbulb goes off over both your heads, but you can still see the worry plaguing his eyes so you say. “It'll be perfect no matter what because it's us… You and me.” You lace your fingers with his and at that he smiles and pulls you to him and towards his bed. He picks you up and lays you on the bed with him on top of you and it makes you both laugh into the kiss. When suddenly a pang of worry hits you. The last thing you want is for Sam to walk in on what's about to happen. As if on cue you hear the door shut and both of your heads snap to a frozen and panicked Sam. Dean begrudgingly and with a groan stands up and off of you and you immediately sits up. You're utterly embarrassed but Dean is just annoyed.
“Really?” Says Dean
“I wasn't expecting that, I mean I was hoping things went well but… wow” says Sam while setting the remnants of his food on the table. Dean finds a shirt in his bag and throws it on along with his shoes and grabs your hand and starts leading you towards the door. “We’ll hit the road in 2 hours until then … stay here” Dean says to Sam and he rolls his eyes. Dean shuts the door behind you both and starts walking you towards your room with a grin like he's won the lotto, and in his head he has. You laugh and he says
“What? Checkout isn’t for another two hours, might as well make the most of it…” He leans over and places a quick kiss to your temple. Your eyes flutter closed for a second. You've never felt this type of contentment before. You realize you never said i love you back earlier and you immediately look to the side of his face and say
“I love you too by the way” He immediately looks over and smiles wider than you've ever seen him smile before. In the moment he feels the contentment the same as you. His life just got a hell of a lot better and he knew it.
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rboooks · 1 year
DC x DP Fic idea: The Bakery is a Front!...right?
Danny Fenton starts his own business in Gotham. He knows that moving to Gotham is dangerous in a way, but it is the only other place with enough natural ectoplasm that can sustain him.
He wanted to move away from Amity Park to start on a clean slate. His parents now knew the truth, and to show their support, they were turning their research into a more sociological base instead of biological- I.E. ripped ghosts apart. Jaz got accepted into her dream college- Oxbridge. She moved overseas and is doing well in her advanced physiological courses. They told their parents of Dani, who promptly adopted her and signed her up for a traveling club under the condition she returned home for school.
The ghosts stopped challenging him after he explained Amity was his haunt and that it was bad manners to spar inside a haunt. He is open game in the ghost zone, but Danny got to choose when to go in there- his obsession requires him to defend something, so defending weaker ghosts in the Zone was a good option.
Danny always wanted to be an astronaut, but his teenage vigilante lifestyle ruined his chances- it isn't even his grades. It's a fact Danny's heart is so slow due to his ghost side it is mistaken as a heart condition. No space program would ever send him up with that. Danny decided that he would instead go with his second joy- baking. He opened Phantom Bakes in his second week in Gotham using funds from his Ghost King vault.
He served everyone and asked no questions. He was mostly sure half of his customers were gang members, but he didn't start anything and didn't allow any fights in his bakery. He became a sort of haven for everyone. He even began preparing packs for people experiencing homelessness, and bought the building next door to put some heating systems for anyone to sleep In during the winter.
Despite his obsession with protection, his human side made it possible for him to ignore it. He decided that his teenage years were spent too much giving in to his obsession and that in his twenties, he would retire. He did nothing while the various Bats threw themselves into battle, he turned a blind eye to petty crimes and basically tried not to bring any attention to himself.
He managed about six months until he accidentally walked through a cloud of fear gas while texting Sam and Tucker. His friends were tying the knot- the fact they all were best friends and exes was only slightly strange- and he was so focused on helping them plan the wedding as their Best Man he didn't hear the gasps, and horrified yells until he ran into Scarecrow.
He apologized for not looking where he was going and got a needle shoved unto his arm as a response. Danny's reflex to that was to punch the man a foot away from him.
The Bats quickly locked up the villain, and Danny decided he needed to be gone as fast as possible. He tried to return to his everyday life, but the next day, some of Scarecrow's goons showed up at his bakery asking him for work....so he hired them and taught them to make pastries. Then those goons brought over some friends who needed work but were recovering addicts and couldn't find employment.
He added coffee to his menu and threw them into that. Then some street kids asked if he would buy some stuff from them. Danny told them that he wasn't interested in car parts, but he was interested in furniture for the building next door. He had kids bringing in broken bookshelves, bed frames, and much more, paying them far more than the shady garages would.
Then some shady groups of men kept coming to his bakery asking for money for protection but Danny can protect himself just fine and proved it every single time a group made trouble.
He started having the streey kids make deliveries hoping to get them out of life of crime.
He made natural ectoplasm which, after much testing and research done by his parents, proved to clean out dangerous substances from the body. He made unique pastries that could help overcome addiction and heal withdraw.
He saw the light slowly return to the eyes of a drug-ridden community, and it brought him so much joy he barely charged for them.
Unknown to Danny, he has set himself as a up and coming villain. Rumors of his Fear Gas immunity attracted the attention of the Joker- who was found with all limbs broken, beaten black and blue after the clown tried to take a swing at Danny's employees. The baker had taken his broken body back to Arkharm, dragging the bleeding man through the streets uncaring of the line of red he left or the various people recording him in awed fear.
The rest of Gotham waited to see his true colors as he carefully built a front and gathered people. Some want to take him out as soon as possible.
Red Hood, most of all, after he heard that Danny had kids run special deliveries to know addicts. The only reason he hadn't blown his brains out was because Danny hadn't set himself up in crime alley.
The Bats had even talked him into joining an undercover mission to learn more about Danny. They didn't know what drugs he was moving or if he had a hand in other crimes, and needed more information that Oracle was unable to find.
She couldn't pull anything on Danny, driving her insane. (Techus erased Danny from the internet as a prank once and forgot to undo it.)
That led to Jason and Tim entering Phantom Bakes, acting like street kids who ran away from a homophobic father looking for a job.
Danny had them decorate cupcakes within the hour, letting them know he didn't expect them to crunch out masterpieces. They knew it would be a while to see Danny's real business so they bite thier tongues and got to work.
Tim just hopes they finish this mission before Jason snaps and shoots their main suspect....or before Danny romances the entire of Gotham because, goddammit, he has as much game as Brucie pretends to have. It's getting frustrating to see so many people throwing themselves at him, only for Danny to pretend not to notice. His good looks, charming personality, and carefully manipulated cover, drag good people into his schemes. He didn't want another Harley Quinn.
(He will ignore that his heart skips a beat whenever Danny gets too close. Thank you very much. It's just a crush; people get those all the time.)
(Part 2) (Part 3)
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samandcolbyownme · 8 months
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Summary: Anon request - "Could you pleaseeeee make a Colby Brock smut based off of the new picture that he posted on Instagram"
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, flirting, friends to lovers, slight insecurity talk, unprotected sex, slight choking, hair pulling, fingering, oral (f rec), biting, scratching, filth
Word count: 3.1k | not edited
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"I'm coming, I'm coming." You say to yourself as you rush to your constantly dinging phone. You pick it up, smiling as you see a few texts from your friend, Colby.
What are you doing?
Come over
I need help with something
It's me, Colby.
Colby Brock.
Did you forget about me?
You laugh as you text him back, Sorry, who is this Colby person you're referring to?
You roll your eyes at his response, Not funny. I seriously need your help with something.
You sigh, plopping down onto your couch, what do you need help with?
Your eyes read over his text a few times, Just come over and I'll tell you.
That could mean anything. That's how you got roped into going on that creepy investigation with him and Sam.
You purse your lips, fine, I don't have anything better to do tonight anyway.
You get up, getting your stuff around as you hear your phone go off again. You walk over picking it up, Bring your fancy camera please.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
As you pull up to Sam and Colby's house, you lean your head back. You didn't know what Colby was bringing you in to.
You were kinda nervous because as said, it could be anything and when it comes to not only Colby, but Sam, too, you could never guess.
You get out, walking up to the door. You knock and twist the knob, pushing the door open, "Hello? I'm here."
"I'm upstairs." Colby yells from far away.
"Okay." You yell back as you close the door. You look around and it's quiet.
No sign of Sam, must be just Colby.
"Where ya at?" You yell as you make your way up the stairs.
"My room." He answers loudly. You make your way up to his room and round the corner, slightly caught off guard by a shirtless Colby, "What- ah. Whatcha doin' Colbs?"
He turns towards you and laughs, "I'm trying to take a new picture for Instagram and I can't get it the way I want it."
"Oh so that's why you told me to bring my fancy camera." You let out a sigh, "I thought we were going to some abandoned building."
"No, that's tomorrow." He laughs as your face drops, "I'm kidding, y/n."
"Don't do that." You point to him as you lift the camera strap from across your shoulder, lifting it over your head to set it down on the bed, "So.. do you want me to set up the tripod or.."
You look up at him and he shakes his head, "Can you take them for me?"
You're kind of surprised, "Um, yeah. Yeah I can."
"Your pictures always turn out great." Colby walks over, bringing his phone up, "This is what I have, but I need your professional opinion."
You laugh slightly as you take his phone, swiping through the pictures.
The truth is, you liked Colby - correction.
You were in love with Colby, so no matter what he showed you, you knew you were going to like it anyway.
"Colby." You look up at him, "These are good." You hand him his phone back, "Really good."
He smiles as he takes his phone, "Yeah, but-"
"Get against the wall." You cut him off as you laugh.
He looks at you confused, "What?" He laughs slightly as he looks at the wall you're pointing at, "Go, stand there."
You bring your camera up, taking off the lenses cap before turning it on. You click through the settings, pointing it up at him to make sure it looks right.
"Hey, wait. I'm not ready." He says shyly with a laugh.
"I'm just getting the settings right, Colbs. Relax." You look up at him and smile before looking back down at your camera.
"Okay. I'm ready." You look up, "Are you?"
He moves around slightly, "Yeah, I think so. What do you want me to do?"
"You know what to do." You move over in front of him, bending down a little bit, "Remember when you took me to that place and I about fell through the floor."
Colby laughs and you snap some pictures, "Yeah. I do remember that. Sorry for laughing."
"No it's okay." You smile, "Look to your left."
Colby looks to his right and you laugh, "Your other left, Colby." He laughs and shakes his head, "Fuck. Okay. Sorry."
"No, you're doing great." You bite your lip as you focus. You stand up, "This might be a little weird, but tuck your thumb into the bands of your pants and boxers."
He gives you a weird look, but he obliges, "Oh..Kay.." he slips his thumb into the bands and you move back, "Now drop your other hand."
You snap a few pictures and think about what will make him laugh, "Think of something funny."
He instantly starts laughing and looks down, shaking his head.
"Got it." You whisper to yourself, "What did you think about?" You bring your camera down as you stand up and Colby laughs again, "You almost falling through the floor."
"You're a jerk." You laugh, "But that's why we're friends."
You hated calling him a friend. You wanted more, but you didn't want to risk the friendship because your friendship with Colby was like no other.
"Exactly." He walks over, sitting down on the bed. He grabs the back of your sweatshirt and pulls you back to sit next to him, "Let's see 'em"
You swallow, trying to compose yourself becaus what he just did turned you on.
"Okay." You shift around, clicking through your camera. He leans over and nods at each one, "See, these are better already."
"So. The weird pose I had you do.." You click through, finding that picture, "Take a look."
You hand him your camera and he presses his lips together as he nods "Yep. That's the one." He looks over at you, "That's.. wow."
He smiles and you shrug, "I'm good at my job, what can I say?" You smile and lean in, "I can get these right to my phone so you can look through and send yourself the ones you want."
You pull your phone out of your back pocket and start to load them up, "You know, you have a really beautiful smile."
He tries not to smile so he bites his cheek, "Really?"
You nod, "Really."
You can see his cheeks turning red and he bats the air, "Oh stop it. Making me blush."
You laugh and hold out your phone to him, "Here. Just hit select and then yeah. You know what to do from there." You stand up, "I'm going to go get a drink."
He nods and lays back as he scrolls through.
You leave the room, making your way downstairs and into the kitchen. You lean against the counter for a second because everything about Colby is racing through your mind right now.
You're just friends, you tell yourself over and over again, but a part of you feels like you should be more.
You've come to the painful standstill of just waiting until he makes a move or gives you any hints about him liking you back.
But, sometimes he's just so hard to read because your brain is going frantic with trying to depict whether or not that was a signal.
You take a slow, deep breath before grabbing a drink and heading back towards the stairs. You walk up, making your way to Colby's room.
"Did you pick a picture yet?" You say before taking a sip and he mumbles a quiet, "No."
You tilt your head, studying how his mood changed in the little time you were gone, "Hey." You walk over to him, "What's wrong?"
He shakes his head, pushing your phone away from him, "I just.."
You knew where he was going, but you decided to try and let him talk first.
"Colby." You lay your hand on his arm, "You can talk to me."
"I'm just nervous to post.." he sits up, turning to face you, "Something in me is just finding little things to knit pick at, not post. You know?"
You nod, "I know what you mean, but what I do know is.." you smile, trying not to laugh, "The hoes are going to loooove this."
"Did.. you just.." he laughs, "Did you just quotes a TikTok sound to me?"
You nod your head a few times, "I sure did, but it's true. You could post a candid picture of yourself, when you're mid blink and body wonky because you're walking and the people that absolutely adore you are still going to find it adorable."
He runs his bottom lip between his teeth as he stares at the floor, "You know.." he sighs, lifting his head to look at the wall, "You're right."
"I know I'm right." You smirk slightly, "You want to know how I'm right?"
He looks at you, leaning back to hold his weight up on his arms, "How?" He tilts his head and you lean in, "Because you're-" you poking his chest with every word, "Colby. Fucking. Brock."
His eyes move to your hand before looking up at you.
"Everyone loves you, Colbs." You lower your voice, "Including me."
He swallows, "You love me?"
"As a friend. Yes. In a more than friend's way, also yes." Your heart was racing.
It felt like it was going to rip a hole in your chest.
"It's about time you tell me." He pulls you over, connecting your lips to his. Your hand moves to the side of his neck, moving closer to him.
He pulls you over, causing you to straddle him as he lays back, lips still on his.
"Mm. Wait." He pushes you back slightly, "Let me post that picture." He smirks and grabs his phone and you smile.
You bite your lip trying not to laugh. Colby moves his phone out of the way and furrows his brows, "What's so funny?"
You laugh slightly, "Nothing.. I was just thinking about, you know, stirring the pot."
He smirks, "How so?"
You sigh, "after you post it, I thought about commenting something like hey, I took that picture."
Colby stares at you for a few seconds, a smile growing wider by the second, "Okay."
"Okay? What?" You look at him as he starts laughing, "What did you do?"
Your eyes move to your phone lighting up with an Instagram notification, "Oh no. Colby." You laugh as you reach over, grabbing your phone to see.
[yourusername]: colbybrock tagged you in a post.
Your mouth drops and you look at him. He smirks and shrugs, "Said you wanted to stir the pot, right?" He grabs your phone, that's about to blow up any second, and tosses it to the side, "Ignore that for right now."
You look back down at him and you nod, "Distract me."
"That I can do." He pulls you back down, connecting your lips to his. His hands slide down your body, gripping your waist before he rolls you over.
His body, now hovering over yours as your legs wrap around his waist.
He moves his head to kiss down your neck, his other hand moving your shirt out of the way. He moves down, your legs falling to the bed as he kisses down your stomach.
He looks up at you and you nod at him. He slips his fingers into the band of your sweats, pulling them down your legs and discarding them to the floor.
You bite your lip as you watch him kiss up your leg, moving to your inner thigh.You let out a gasp as his lips attach to your skin, leaving a bruise to where only you'll be able to find it.
His hands slide up, hooking into your panties as he tugs on them. He leans up, watching as you lift your hips for him to pull them off.
He drops them down on the bed, moving up to kiss up your opposite thigh, sucking a matching bruise into your skin.
You tilt your head back, letting out a moan, "Colby." A louder moan is ripped from your lips as you feel his tongue slip upward between your folds.
He moves to your clit, circling a few times before attaching his lips to suck.
Your eyes roll back, hand moving to the back of his head to tangle your fingers into his hair. You arch your back, feeling his tongue slip down to push into you.
"C-Colby." You whine, looking down at him as your face scrunches up. He tilts his head up, locking eyes with yours as he brings a hand up, sliding two fingers into you.
Your jaw goes slack, arching your back slowly as he curls his fingers up, "You feel so wet." His voice is low, cut by his lips attaching to your clit.
You let out a loud moan, tangling your fingers in his hair as his fingers move in and out of you at a slow and teasing pace.
He lifts his head, looking up at you as you whine, "D-don't stop."
His lips go back to your clit, speeding up the pace of his fingers a little bit, driving you more crazy, "Y-yes." You buck your hips slowly, moaning as Colby brings you close to the edge of orgasm, "F-fuck. Fuck."
You squeeze his fingers, closing your thighs slightly as you cum. A string of moans continuously leaves your mouth as he guides you through your high, pulling his fingers out to get up so he can take the rest of his clothes off.
You take off your top, watching as he crawls up the bed, keeping his eyes on yours as he positions himself between your knees.
"I love you." Colby whispers as he brushes hair from your face.
You smile, "You do?"
He nods, "Yes. I just thought you wanted to be friends, so I didn't say anything."
You laugh slightly, "I promise you, that wasn't the case at all." You lift your head up to kiss him. He slides a hand down, pushing your thigh up as he slips the head of his cock in.
You gasp against his lips, sliding your hand around to tangle your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck.
You sling your leg over his waist, pushing him into you, "Please."
He rests his forehead against yours, a groan leaving his lips as he pushes all the way into you. You moan, laying your arm over his neck. He lays his hand on your cheek as he slowly pulls out, thrusting back in.
"F-fuck." He kisses your face, "You feel so good." He kisses down your neck, sucking marks into your shoulder.
You moan, eyes rolling back at the pleasure between your legs and the bruises forming on your skin.
He lifts his head and you kiss back his jaw, down to his neck. You bite down on his neck, earning a deep throaty moan from him as you suck a hicky into his neck.
You tilt your head back, moaning out as he thrusts all the way in and stops. You look up at him, “You’re mine.. and only mine.”
“Always have been, babe.” He smirks, continuing to thrust again, “We just didn’t know it.”
He slides his hand up to your neck, gently closing it as he rests his head against yours, “I’m so close.”
You nod once, “Mhm.” You whimper as he tightens his hand on your neck, “M-me too.”
He kisses your forehead as he slides his hand down to interlock his fingers with yours. He pins your hand by your head, moaning as his thrusts grow sloppy.
You clench his cock, rolling your hips as your chest presses against his, “Fuck, fuck.” You lay your head back, moaning loudly as you cum around him.
Colby is quick to follow, pulling out to cum onto your waist.
He presses a kiss to your lips, “Hang tight.” He gets up and goes to grab a towel, “Okay.” He wipes your waist off and helps you sit up.
You smile up at him, “About time right?”
“About time for what?” He tilts his head and tries not to crack a smile, “I can’t.” He laughs and leans down, his hands on either side of you, “I know what you mean.”
He presses a few kisses to your lips and smirks, “Should we check and see how much damage stirring the pot did?”
You bite your lip, “Oh yeah.” You move back up his bed, getting under the covers as he grabs both phones.
He hands you yours before climbing into bed behind you. You cuddle back into his chest and take a deep breath, “Ready?”
He nods, “No, but I’m curious.” He chuckles as you click on to Instagram, smiling as Colby’s post is the first one that pops up.
Your eyes go wide, “over thirteen thousand comments. Holy fuck.” You heart it and you can tell he smiles, “I had to heart it. I mean, I’m tagging in it, right?”
He chuckles and nods, “Would be rude if you didn’t.”
You click onto the comments and you immediately laugh when you see Sam’s comment.
samgolbach bros tryna break the internet
User1 petition for Colby to be a Calvin Klein ad
User2 dont you dare touch that delete button
zachjustice My mom wants your number
User3 im suing if you delete
User4 thank you
solhardymusic It’s working
User6 he’s so pretty I want to cry
You bite down on your lip as you move to tap the comment bar. You giggle slightly as you hit send.
Yourusername whoever took this is lucky
Colby shakes his head as he laughs and brings his phone over in front of your face, “Well see about that.”
Since you’re lying on his other arm, you see what he’s typing in reply to your comment.
colbybrock my good luck charm
You shake your head, setting your phone down before you turn to face him, “Aren’t you sweet.”
“When I want to be.” He drops his phone and pulls you onto him, “Ready to go again?”
You smile and nod your head, “Again.” You lean down to kiss him, “And again.” You smile against his lips, “And again.”
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Thanks for reading! Let me know how you liked it, and yes.. those are actual comments from Colby’s actual Instagram post.
Love you all! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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slutforfinnickodair · 5 months
HI BBG😻😻 I was wondering if you could write something for Sam Monroe like maybe he has a prince albert piercing?! I’m going feral rn. Okay love yaa
At the piercer
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Pairing: Older!F!Reader x Sam Monroe
plot: Sam is in a little need of some money and after one of his friends bets him a lot of it in change for that piercing, he goes to visit one of his friends.
warnings: oral (male receiving), piercings, talk of smoking and use of drugs, age gap — sam is like 21 reader is more like 29, cheating
a/n: holy cow. WHOEVER REQUESTED THIS PLEASE MESSAGE ME😭🙏 By the way guys my inbox is open so please give me some requests😻
word count: 1.4k
“Yo, dude.” Josh nudged Sam by his shoulders. Sam gave him a look from the side before taking off his headphones that were blasting Metallica a moment ago.
“What do you want?” His hoarse voice made Josh want to laugh but he stood his ground.
“Want to bet five hundred bucks?” Josh said while leaning against the fence of their house.
Sam sighed before thinking of it. Five hundred bucks would be good for at least three pounds of weed. Maybe he could get some cigarettes along with it or even pills.
“What’s the deal?” Sam stood up from the grass, making Josh smirk before he turned his head to look at Thomas.
“He won’t do it man let it go.” Tommy shook his head while Josh kicked his leg making Thomas buckle his knees.
“You got a thing for that Y/N don’t you?” Josh asked while Sam narrowed his eyes at the blonde. Who was he to question if he liked her or not? She was already married for two years now so he had no chance over a man who looked like he was coming out from a Vogue magazine’s frontpage. Plus, he was way younger.
“Just say what you want, Jonathan.” Sam crossed his arms on his chest.
“How about you go to her salon and ask for a piercing?” Josh chuckled while looking down at his own groin.
The raven haired boy instantly shook his head.
“Come on Sam, it's gonna be fun. Don’t be such a pimp. Isn’t this what you want after all? Some weed and pills. You know five hundred dollars isn’t a small amount of money” Josh teased.
“I’m not doing it anyways.” Sam said. “Either if I get the money or not.”
“Are you shy? That she will see how small your dick actually is?” Thomas laughed while Josh kicked him again.
Sam tilted his head backwards. A piercing? Down there? Sure for five hundred it wasn’t really a big deal but he wasn’t even sure Y/N could do something like that.
“Fine, I'll do it.” Sam suddenly said while Josh smirked and patted Thomas on his back while turning around and walking back into their house.
Sam walked into your shop, hearing the bell echo through the building as he stepped inside and closed the door behind himself.
“Oh, Hi Sam.” You said as you spotted him across the reception. He was wearing flared jeans with one of those metal rock bands on it that you casually knew the name of but didn’t listen to any of their songs.
“Hi.” He said while walking over to you.
“What brings you in today?” You asked while pulling out your notepad to add a new customer for today. You only had five today and it was already two in the afternoon so it was quite a slow day.
Now this was the part where Sam lost all of his confidence just looking at you all over again.
You had your hair pinned up so it didn’t fall into your sight. You were wearing a blouse with nothing underneath so he saw your nipple piercings poking through the fabric.
He felt his mouth watering up at the sight as you leant against the counter, writing his name in in your diary.
“Well..umm.” He started but then stopped again as you looked up at him. “I..”
You tilted your head smiling slightly as you saw a little red creeping up to his face.
“I’m guessing you want it somewhere private.” You said while he let out a chuckle, scratching the back of his neck.
“Nipple piercings?” You guessed while looking up at him.
You tried to think of anything that could weird out a twenty one year old boy, then the question suddenly left your mouth.
“A cockring?” You asked while Sam breathed out and nodded his head slowly.
“Okay.” You got up from behind the counter and walked towards the mattress where you did all of your job.
“Lay down.” You said while sitting down on the barstool next to him.
Sam laid down as you said and stared at the ceiling while you got some of the stuff that was needed. You put on some gloves, searching for a needle and the disinfectant with a cotton swab nearby.
“Are you nervous?” You asked to make a brief conversation.
“A little.” He admitted while readjusting his position.
“Don’t worry it will be fine.” You said while turning around. “Though you would need to pull your jeans and underwear down.” You said while waiting for him to do so.
“Oh right.” He murmured while quickly fidgeting with his belt.
Your thoughts suddenly drifted away. You’ve been doing piercings for Sam since he turned seventeen. Of course you thought he looked fine but he was way too young for you. You were already twenty five when you met.
Your husband wouldn’t give a shit if you just went and slept around, because he did the same. Not that you did care, you needed the money and that was it.
Sam was different, you only thought of him as a one night stand and even that was a huge mistake to think of. He probably had many women drooling around him; he didn't need one who was married.
“Okay so.” You started while looking at his pretty face. “You know I would like you to get a little bit aroused before we start this so the needle can easily pierce your skin.” You dared not to look down at his member. Sam paid attention to this as he stared right into your gorgeous eyes, waiting for you to finally touch him even if it meant his head would be swelling for a good two weeks.
“I’ll leave you alone to do this.” You said while getting up from the barstool that you were seated on. Sam wanted to call out for you but he rather closed his mouth and watched as you walked behind the counter again, looking up at the clock before diving your head into one of your notebooks where you rearranged some appointments that were off for today. You were basically just scribbling down whatever came to your mind.
By the time you walked back to where Sam was, you saw exactly how he was currently rubbing himself, trying to get ready. All you saw was that the poor boy tried to do his best but he was still limp. You pulled at your lips as a wicked thought ran up into your head.
Jacking him off wouldn’t be cheating would it be?
You didn’t care though, you walked over to him and sat back on the barstool. When he noticed you he quickly pulled away his hands, staring at you.
“Seems like you don’t have anyone to think about.” You said while he gulped down his spit. Gosh how could you be so hot and confident at the same time?
“Trust me, I do.” He murmured while looking down at your cleavage.
“Okay pretty boy well how about I help you out a little bit?” You suggested while pulling out something like lube from one of your drawers.
“You would?” He asked surprised.
Oh god, she’s going to stroke my dick.
“Well if I need to..” You pressed some of that lube on your fingertips looking down at him.
Sam kept looking at you, praying not to cum in a minute under your hands. You probably had no time for him anyways.
You looked him into the eyes once before taking his tip between your fingertips, rubbing the lube right on the skin.
This was the first time Sam held his moans back, trying to gain composure as you kept flicking the head with your hands. If you kept going like this you would be having to see him cumming all over your hand.
“Fuck.” He muttered under his breath as you went faster. You even forgot this wasn’t supposed to be a blowjob until the very moment you got thick ropes of white coming down your hands.
A soft gasp left your lips but even then you kept going. Sam twitched underneath your hand, groaning once you sped up again.
“You gonna cum again for me baby?” You purred while now your hand was caressing his entire length.
“Yes..” He gasped while you kept smirking.
Let’s just say Sam Monroe turned out to visit your salon more after that encounter. Plus, he always made sure your husband would see the leftover marks that your setting powder couldn’t cover.
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wandascosmic · 2 months
your boyfriend, he's upset (4)
wanda maximoff x fem!reader
part four of 'you belong with me' series
summary: basically a wanda series inspired by jim and pam from the office
word count: 2596
tags: slight homophobia, best friends to lovers, reader's so in love, wanda's as oblivious as it gets, to reader's feelings and her own, reader messing with sam even more, wanda joins in on the pranks, we hate vision in this one
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7
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“Hey,” Sam whispers to you as you’re reading over your files by the copy machine. “So, listen, I was thinking that it might be a good idea if you and I formed an alliance, you know, ‘cause of the downsizing.” 
You nod slightly, still keeping your eyes on your papers but acknowledging the fact that you’re listening to him. There was a rumor going around that Tony was possibly being forced by corporate to remove a couple of his staff, and because Sam was Tony’s biggest suckup, naturally he was worried about being laid off. You and Wanda had talked about it earlier, and you both weren’t too worried, since you knew you would remain friends. Plus, the only good part about your job in your opinion was seeing Wanda every day, so that would probably be the driving force that would make you miss this place at all.  
“Would you like to form an alliance with me?” he asks lowly, like the two of you were on some sort of top-secret mission. 
You meet his gaze, narrowing your eyes and looking over your shoulder as if to ensure no one was eavesdropping on your conversation. “Absolutely, I do,” you respond under your breath, imitating his spy-like tone of voice. 
“Good, good,” Sam answers, crossing his arms and scowling around at the members of the office. “Okay, now we need to figure out who’s vulnerable, and who’s protected,” he points a finger to emphasize his point. 
Sam continues to speak about his plan for the two of you, but you don’t hear him over the excitement bubbling up in your chest as he presents to you a way you can finally get back at him for all the times he’s annoyed you. Your mind runs through a million different ideas of how to prank him, and you try not to smile to give it away, doing your best to maintain a serious expression.  
“Just one other thing, and this is important,” Sam states, and you snap out of your thoughts to play your role once more. 
You lean closer to hear him clearly. 
“This alliance is completely secret, ok? You cannot tell anyone about this.” 
You nod, holding out your hand for him to shake. He takes it with a firm grip. 
*** “An alliance?” Wanda asks with a laugh.  
“Oh, yeah,” you shrug, leaning over her desk, acting nonchalant but giving her a look to indicate that it’s a joke to you too. 
“What does that even mean?”
You break out into a smile. “I don’t know, I think it has something to do with ‘Survivor’, but I’m honestly not sure,” you joke. 
Wanda chuckles at your jest. 
“It’ll definitely involve spying on people, and we may build a fort in accounting,” you finish amusingly as she grins. 
“Y/N!” Sam interrupts from across the room, your head snapping up to turn towards him by the fake tree in the middle of the office. 
He narrows his gaze at you and Wanda suspiciously. “Can I talk to you for a second about…the paper products?” he lies, beckoning you over with a gesture of his hand. 
“Good luck,” Wanda whispers to you. 
You wink at her before walking over to meet Sam in the kitchen. 
Wanda watches your retreating from with a smile and an amused shake of her head. 
Slamming the door closed, Sam wastes no time in confronting you. “Did you tell Wanda about the alliance?” he accuses, pointing a finger at your chest. 
“What? No-” you respond as if his accusation is completely ludicrous.
“Just now!” Sam shouts at you. 
“Oh,” your eyes widen in fake realization. “Oh, no, no, no, Sam, no. I’m using her,” you clarify. “For the alliance.” 
Sam looks at you skeptically. 
“Who knows the most information about this office? Wanda!” you explain. 
“Right, that’s good, keep doing it,” Sam says, watching Wanda work at her desk in suspicion through the kitchen window. 
“Well, I’m trying to,” you answer. “Do you see what I’m doing?” 
“Mhm,” Sam continues to analyze all of Wanda’s actions. 
“But listen,” you get his attention, turning him back around to face you. “I’m gonna have to talk to her a lot, all right?” Sam nods. “And there may be chatting, and giggling, alright? And you gotta just pretend to ignore it, got that? Wipe it away.” 
“Done,” Sam says. 
“All right,” you acknowledge, patting him on the back and leaving the kitchen to head to your desk. 
“You’re not gonna believe this,” you tell Sam in the parking lot between the cars, pacing back and forth with your arms crossed and a scowl on your face.  
“What?” he asks with worry. 
“Bruce and Nat,” you pause, stepping closer to him. “They’re forming an alliance,” you admit. 
“What? How do you know?” he asks disbelievingly. 
“I saw them talking at lunch,” you lie. In reality, they were talking about their favorite sandwich shop in New York and they let you join in on the fun. You actually managed to learn a lot more about the history of ham and cheese. “And if Bruce is in HR, and Nat is in accounting, think about it.” 
“Oh, they are forming an alliance!” he grunts angrily, kicking the tires of a red car in front of the two of you. 
“Okay, listen,” you tell him. “We need to assume that everyone in this office is forming an alliance, and is therefore trying to get us kicked off.” 
“God, damn it! Why us?” he asks up at the sky. 
You hold his shoulder as he makes eye contact with you. “Because we’re strong, Sam. Because we’re strong.”  
“Hey, Y/N? Can I talk to you for a second?” Wanda asks, her arms crossed as she comes up to your desk, seeming as if something was weighing her down. 
“Sure, what’s up?” you ask, swiveling around in your chair to face her. 
“Um, I don’t know, I’m just going a little crazy,” she explains. “‘Cause I keep overhearing all of these conversations between Tony and corporate.” 
Sam’s ears perk up as he hears Wanda’s confession from his desk next to yours. 
“And they’re all about like, staff issues,” she continues.
You smirk as you see Sam’s brows furrow out of the corner of your eye as he pretends to keep reading his magazine.  
“Oh, no,” you respond, leaning your elbow on your chair’s armrest and putting your chin in your hand. 
“Yeah,” she agrees. “And he’s making me take notes on all these meetings, and I’m like, “These people are my friends,”” she says with worry. 
“Right,” you acknowledge. 
“But he’s all like, “This is confidential, you can’t tell anybody,”” she imitates. “But I don’t know, I just feel like I need to tell somebody, you know?”
“Yeah, of course,” you assure her. 
“Anyways, just promise me you’re not gonna say anything?” she asks you nervously and pulling her sleeves over the back of her hands. 
“I will not tell anybody,” you promise. “This is between you and me.” 
“Okay,” she says with relief and blows out a puff of air. You get out your chair and follow her back to her desk. 
“I didn’t know you were an actress, Maximoff, that was perfect,” you whisper to her, stopping at reception, and drumming your fingers on the table.
“All in a day’s work, L/N,” she repeats your phrase back to you with a cheeky grin as she sits back down.
You shake your head in amusement. That was all her idea too. Leaning on your elbow and putting your head in your palm, you admire her quietly as she starts typing on her computer, giving you small smiles every now and then. You sigh softly, she’s so amazing.
“Okay, here’s the deal,” you let Sam know in the kitchen, locking the door and peeking through the window to make sure no one’s listening. “Wanda says that one of the alliances is meeting in the warehouse during Jennifer’s birthday party later today.” 
“Oh my god, we have to be there!” Sam responds. 
“I know! But it’s gonna be a little tough because there’s no good place to hide down there,” you explain. 
“No, no, yes there is behind the shelves- oh my God,” Sam’s eyes widen. 
“What is it?” you ask with curiosity. 
“I know exactly what to do.” 
“This is not what I had in mind, Sam,” you say as he steps into the large cardboard box in the middle of the warehouse. 
“Shut up, this is gonna be perfect, Y/N. It’s got a central location, and it’s the perfect cover. I can see and hear everything,” he answers. 
“Okay, good,” you respond, as he sits down in the box. “Wait, this isn’t gonna work, the lids open,” you let him know. 
“So tape it down,” he answers obviously. 
“I can’t do that,” you squat down at his level. “You won’t be able to breathe.” 
He rolls his eyes. “Look, I can breathe just fine, okay, but if it makes you feel better, I’ll poke holes in the box.” 
“Thank you, okay,” you nod, standing up and closing the lid. 
“God, you’re so needy, Y/N,” he says. 
“Yeah, thank you, Sam,” you say sarcastically. “So, do you want me to stay here, and you know, stand next to the box?” 
“No,” he retorts, opening up the lid from the inside. “You need to go upstairs to the party, so people don’t notice that we’re both gone.”
“Right. That’s good.” 
You poke a couple of holes in the box as well as two peepholes before taping the lid shut.  
Letting Sam know that you’re finished, he tells you to leave to go to the party. “All right, let me know if you hear anything,” you tell him, walking backwards slowly, and trying your best to hold in your laughter. 
Once you’re at the bottom of the staircase you turn to rush upstairs to let Wanda know about what your shared scheme has led to. 
“He’s in a box?” Wanda asks disbelievingly as she looks up at you from her chair. 
“Wanda, he’s in a box!” you laugh, eating a bite of Jennifer’s birthday cake and leaning further over her desk.  “He’s downstairs, in a box, on the floor near the shelves.” 
Wanda laughs. 
“I’m serious! Go down there, check it out, and work your magic,” you say as you point your fork at her with a mischievous grin. 
Wanda bites her lip in mischief, nudging her head towards the stairs for the two of you to go mess with Sam even more. 
Wanda steps down the stairs loudly to make sure Sam can hear her arrival, while you trudge behind her as quietly as possible ready to watch the scene unfold before you.
Stopping at the last few steps, you point towards the box Sam is in, and Wanda walks towards it, pulling out her phone. 
“Hey, where are you?” she says as if she’s on an important call. “Yeah, we were supposed to meet here.” 
You bite your fist to hold in your laughter. 
“What?” Wanda says with fake shock. “Oh my gosh,” Wanda says as she covers her mouth to hold in her laughter. “That ties in perfectly with something that Tony was telling me earlier!” The two of you look at each other with enormous grins as you both notice Sam trying to tear open the box from the inside with his pocket knife. “Yeah, I just don’t know what people, in like, accounting are gonna do,” she says as if she’s stressed. “It said specifically that-” 
Sam falls over in his box and the two of you nearly burst out in hysterics. 
With Sam letting out a groan of pain, Wanda shuts her phone and runs towards you with a huge smile on her face and grabs your hand absentmindedly, the two of you unable to control your laughter as you both make your way back upstairs. 
“Wanda!” you say excitedly as you run around her receptionist's desk to stand behind her chair. “I have something that totally tops the box.” 
“Oh, tell me, tell me,” she says eagerly looking up at you. 
“Okay,” you start with a big smile on your face. “I have just convinced Sam that he needs to go to Stamford, and spy on our other branch.” 
Wanda muffles her laughter with her hand. 
“No, no, no!” you continue. “But before he does so, I told him that he should dye his hair to go undercover.” 
“Oh my god,” Wanda says, putting her head in her hand as she tries to stop her overwhelming urge to fall to the floor in hysterics. 
The two of you break out into a fit of laughter together, and in the heat of the moment, you wrap one of your arms around her shoulder and place your palm there and hold her hand with the other. 
“If we can get him to drive to Connecticut, and put peroxide in his hair,” you continue through your laughter, the two of you unable to stop your giggles. 
“What the hell is this?” 
Your heart drops as you hear the sound of Wanda’s fiance. Stopping your laughter immediately, you take a big step away from Wanda and turn your head, making direct eye contact with Vision. 
“What are you trying to cop a feel or something, L/N?” he asks in anger. 
“No, no, no-” you try to explain. 
Vision’s anger overcomes him further and he starts to stalk towards you in rage. You take a couple steps back in fear away from him. 
“Vis! Hey, hey, stop!” Wanda interrupts, putting herself between the two of you and placing the palm of her hand on Vision’s chest.
Wanda looks at you wide-eyed as Vision continues to glare daggers at you. 
“God, I don’t even know how to explain this,” you say awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck. Whether that was in fear or nervousness you didn’t know, but this was definitely not an ideal situation. “Um,” you clear your throat. “Sam asked me to be in an alliance,” you state, almost laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. “And, um, we were, we’ve just been messing with him, you know, because of the whole alliance thing.” 
“Yeah, it’s just office pranks,” Wanda explains to her fiance, rubbing his arm to calm him down. 
“Exactly, it’s just office pranks,” you agree. 
“An alliance, what the hell is he talking about?” Vision asks Sam who stands by the fake tree. 
You look at Sam, silently apologizing and urging to explain the situation. 
 “I have absolutely no idea,” Sam replies, ignoring the situation before him and plopping down at his desk to make his sales calls. 
Your mouth parts slightly in shock. 
Vision looks at you angrily. “C’mon,” he tells Wanda, shoving her in the direction of the door while never breaking eye contact with you. Wanda tries to give you an apologetic look as she walks out but you don’t manage to meet her gaze as her fiance continues to intimidate you. 
Once Wanda’s outside, Vision stalks even closer to you, and at this point you’re nearly completely back to back with the wall. “You know she’s not gay, right?” he tells you venomously. 
Gulping, you nod. 
He narrows his eyes at you in anger, before finally deciding to walk out and follow his fiance. 
Standing awkwardly at Wanda’s empty receptionist’s desk, you walk quietly towards the ledge and lean onto your elbows, and sigh softly into your hands.
part 5
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ronearoundblindly · 8 months
A Casual Kiss
Bucky Barnes x reader, one of my Valentine's Fics of 2024
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It's just adorable fluff, really. No warnings. Divider by @cafekitsune WC 547
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A lot has happened to Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes over his long life. He used to be a ladies’ man and a traditional sort of soldier. He used to have all his natural limbs. He used to take maybe a touch too much pride in his appearance. A lot has also changed.
Wars change people. Injuries change people. People simply change over time.
And Bucky Barnes has been around a long, long time.
You knew all this from the beginning, of course, because his whole tragic history had already been slashed across newspapers and television by the time you started work in the same building.
He started out cold, then he became reserved, and then he was cautious. You didn’t even know he knew your name until the day he—very formally and awkwardly—asked you out, and the relationship developed…predictably.
That’s the best word for it. Predictable.
There were a few dates before he hugged you goodnight. The next time, he kissed your cheek. The next, you got a chaste peck on the lips. So on and so forth.
Measured increments of intimacy.
It was predictable and still wonderful.
Bucky isn’t good with ‘easy-breezy’ anything, you see. He’s intense and considerate. He plans ahead and for all contingencies, and so you’re taken aback by this random passing in of your department leaving the conference room and Buck’s team coming in.
There’s plenty of people around. Normally, that means a kind smile, perhaps being asked to step aside for a moment so he can say hello and check on your day, maybe check on your plans for dinner, but today? Today is different.
He’s smiling alright, smiling wider and brighter than you’ve ever seen him on the job. His shoulders are relaxed and loose. He’s strutting right for you, and suddenly, like a choreographed dance move, he twists, kissed your forehead, and twists again, still walking but backwards now.
Bucky winks at you as his metal hand finishes a soft graze down your arm.
Butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“Love you, doll,” he whispers though at least half the room can probably hear.
It’s not as if no one knows at work. You’ve dated for months, and for that whole stretch, Bucky’s been a perfect gentleman, just very…not casual. This is new.
So why not make it even stranger?
Your boyfriend snaps his flesh fingers like he just remembered something, nearly skipping the couple of feet to your side.
“Hey, so, I know we were doing movie night, but Sam’s taking some folks out to the corner bar. His treat.”
You can’t help but snort.
“Oh? And let me guess. You—who is unable to get drunk—would like to make him pay for the multiple bottles of top-shelf liquor you can consume.”
Bucky waggles an eyebrow, and you’re stunned.
“Know me so well,” he coos, leaning in to plant one more solid smooch on your lips.
Your lipstick stains his mouth until Bucky’s tongue wipes it away.
“I’ll pick you up at your office.”
You’ve hardly controlled the flutter in your gut but now have a grin fighting to break free. All you can do is nod, heading for the exit, thinking:
People always change over time…and sometimes, change is for the better.
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A/N: Yeah, so, absolutely no one requested this and I don't care because HE DESERVES THE KISSES.
James Mace and a kiss without motive ⬅️ ➡️ Jake Jensen and a kiss to distract
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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miserable-sarah · 1 year
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The Red Dust 18+
pairing: Sam x Reader Warnings: NSFW, 18+, MDNI, choking, (f) Masturbation, unprotected sex (Be better), oral (F), rough sam, praising. (If I missed any lmk I will update it.) Summary: You and Sam go on a hunt, things go sideways and you need a release of some sort but you can't figure it out.
"I've seen this place before." Sam whispers barely audiable.
"What?" You whisper to him, you both slowly enter a building not sure if the witch is still inside.
"I've seen this building." He says to you, you look at him confused. Maybe in all the research he's been doing. After clearing the place and making sure no one was there you turned on the light to get a better look around the place.
"This is some dark magic." You mumble looking at all the jars filled with dead things, it makes your skin crawl. Sam nods and agrees with you.
"Come on, we need to find out where she's going next." Sam shuffles through books and papers on her desk, you continue looking around the room. Maybe there's a clue somewhere. You can't find anything. She covered her tracks well. You see a book case and one of the books is shiny and new, not like the rest. It's a deep red color, you walk over to it and pull it.
"Y/n! No!" You hear Sam yell. Before you can turn around the whole room is covered in a deep red dust. Your heart starts pounding, you start coughing. "Hold your breath!" Sam says covering your mouth, you run out of the building with him.
"What is that?" You continue to cough.
"Red dust." Sam coughs with you.
"No shit." You roll your eyes.
"No, I mean that's what they call it. Red Dust."
"Are we going to die?" The dust is literally blood red, it just reminds you of death.
"I-I" Sam stutters shaking his head. "I don't know, I need to call someone who knows more."
"Man, I always wanted a cool death. Not death from dust!"
"We're not going to die." Sam holds your shoulders "How are you feeling?"
"Um" You think about it "Fine." You shrug.
"See, we probably didn't inhale enough, we're going to be fine." Sam pulls out his phone to make a call. You go sit in the car because you just need to relax. Thinking you're going to die is scary and somehow exhausting. Soon Sam comes in and sits in the drivers seat.
"We're going to go to the motel, just hang out until they find out more about the dust." He starts the car and drives off.
"Okay." You mumble. You bite your lip to try to keep you calm, it's not really working. The drive back to the motel isn't long but for some reason it feels like it's taking forever. Your hands start to feel clammy and shaky. You're not sure what's happening. You start to feel a deep ache in your stomach, and you're getting hot by the second. You roll down your window trying to get some air.
"How are you feeling."
"Fine, I don't know." You shake your head. "I think I just need a shower."
"Ugh! Damnit!" Sam's voice changes, it's so low. "Missed my turn." He says his knuckles are turning white on the steering wheel.
"A-are you okay?" You can feel your lip quiver and butterflies in your stomach.
"Yes. Fine." He doesn't even look at you, he's like a different person. The rest of the car ride was quiet, you accidentally let out a few whimpers because your body feels like it's on fire and everything is so sensitive at this moment. Every time Sam heard you he would breathe loudly and tighten his grip. He finally turns into the motel parking lot, you practically run into the bathroom. You quickly get undressed and get into the shower.
The water cools your skin, but you're still so hot inside. Your core is aching, you need some kind of release like asap. You hate that you have to do this but it feels like you're going to melt from the inside if you don't. You run your hand down your body to your core. Your breathing is already hitched, you bite your lip trying to keep yourself from moaning. What is happening to you? You enter two fingers inside you slowly. You let a sigh of relief, your fingers pump inside you. You let your head hit the shower wall, you open your legs more. You place one on the side of the tub you try to get deeper but you can't.
You take your fingers out and let out a frustrated groan. You feel like you're going to cry, you're in so much pain and you need something, you need someone to take care of you. You finish your shower and wrap a towel around you.
"Okay tell me." You hear Sam say. You open the door a little to listen to the conversation. "Don't fuck with me!" He yells, his voice is still so low and sounds like he's in pain too.
"I'm not!" You hear Dean on the other line. "You guys need to, uh you know."
"Dean. You're lying."
"Sam, he's not." You hear another voice. “You need to uh, well get intimate.”
"How am I supposed to explain this to her?"
"Figure it out Sammy, you're a lucky boy." Dean says hanging up the phone. Sam stands up and sees you standing there.
"Did you hear-?"
"Yes." You nod your head still just wrapped in a towel. Sam looks you up and down and licks his lips.
"So you know what we have to do?"
"Yes." You try to hide the excitement.
"Y/n." He stands back from you not moving an inch "I'm going to be really rough."
"I can take it." You say shyly.
"I don't want to hurt you." His face is dead serious, his eyes are completely black. He is overtaken with lust just like you. Your core is throbbing. You want him so bad. You swallow hard then drop your towel never breaking eye contact with him. He never breaks eye contact either but gives you a smile, a smile that makes you shake. He walks towards you, your mouth gets dry and you feel yourself getting wetter, your body heating up more than it already was. Somehow that's possible.
Sam picks you up and throws you on the bed you let out a squeal not expecting him to do that, he gives you no time to catch up with actions. He's kissing you roughly, then kissing your neck then back to your lips, his hands massage your breasts. his fingers pull and twist your nipples. You arch your back needing more.
Sam stands up taking his shirt off, he pulls you by your ankles so you're down lower on the bed, he gets on his knees. Again he's moving so fast your brain can't keep up. Sam's fingers find their way inside you. You let out a moan and a sigh of relief. His fingers are perfect way better than your own. He pumps them in you back and forth, he curls his fingers every time he's knuckle deep. His tongue licks and sucks on your clit roughly but not too rough. It feels amazing.
"Oh my god" You moan out loud, your grinding on him without even realizing, everything is so sensitive from the red dust. "Fuck." Your breathing is hitched, your panting. You feel absolutely amazing.
"Already?" Sam chuckles darkly at you. You don't care though all you want to do is cum all over him. He moves his face away and with his other hand he rubs your clit fast, you clench yourself around his fingers. You whimper, and you squeal. Finally you see stars your eyes roll in the back of your head, and your whole body tenses up and squirms. Sam doesn't let go of you though and he doesn't stop. You scream and he doesn't care, you try hard to move away but he's so much stronger than you. All this makes it even better, you cum again already.
He finally lets you go. He stands up and removes his pants along with his boxers. Your mouth drops, Sam is huge. Your core is throbbing just at the sight you can't wait for him to fuck you. You move up on the bed, he's on his knees at the bottom, he pulls you by your legs so you're in the right position. He places one of your legs on his shoulders. His hands go right on either side of your head, you're panting again. Your heart is racing just thinking of how he is going to feel. He slowly enters just his tip, the stretch makes you moan and throw your head back. He feels even better than you thought.
"Look at me." You do as he says and look into his eyes, his eyes are still so dark, he doesn't even seem like Sam anymore. The red dust definitely has taken over him. You wonder if you look the same. He pushes the rest of him inside you, he grins at the face you make. He knows he has you feeling great. He lets out a groan when he bottoms out. He sighs in relief he was waiting for that you can tell.
Sam doesn't give you any adjustment time, his thrusts are hard and quick, his one hand moves to your head, he grabs a fist full of your hair and puts your head back making your arch your back. He smirks at you like he was testing a theory and he was right about it. He lets go over your hair and moves to your neck. Your eyes widened as he pushes harder and harder against your neck. He's so deep inside you, your legs are shaking. Sam doesn't stop though, instead of his regular thrusts he does small ones so he can stay buried inside you. You try to make noise but his hand is completely stopping from doing that. You give him a worried look but he just smirks. He moves his hand letting you breathe. He lifts your other leg on his shoulder going even deeper. You hiss at the feeling.
He stays like that for a while just slowly fucking you, you start to get annoyed, you want more. More of him. "Sam, please."
"Please?" He says still smirking, He knows exactly what he's doing.
"Harder. Go harder." You say looking into his eyes, they aren't as dark as they used to be. He nods his head and flips you over. He pulls you up so your back is against his chest. He lines himself up with you and he lets you drop on to him. You scream out in pleasure, he was filling you up in a different way. You try to move up and down but Sam holds you in place, he leans you back and little and brings his hand down to your clit.
"Fuck" You say breathless, he begins rubbing and thrusting into you. Your head rests on his shoulder so he can look at you. Sam bits and kisses your ear and your neck. You hold in your moans but can't help the few squeals and whimpers that escape your lips. Sam whispers dirty things in your ear, you can't take all the pleasure it's too much. "I can't" You say but it's barely audible.
"Yes you can baby." Sam whispers "Just one more time." He kisses your cheek. You close your eyes tight, your body shakes, your head is fuzzy. "That's a good girl." He prasies. "Look at you, cumming for me. Such a good girl." You open your mouth but you can't make a sound. You cum, hard. Sam helps you through it making it last longer. When you're done he places you on the bed nicely.
"Can you get on top?" You nod your head, he lays down on the bed and you get on top of him, your legs are still shaking so bad he has to help you. You slowly sink yourself down on him. You go to move but again Sam holds you in place, he puts his knees up and pushes you down on his chest. "I always knew you'd be submissive." He whispers in your ear before pounding you. He's thought of this before? I mean you have to so many times but you never knew Sam did.
"You feel so good, you fit me perfectly." he grunts. He's close, his thrusts are sloppy and his body is tense. He holds your body down, his arms are wrapped around your back holding you where you are.
"Sam." You moan breathlessly. Sam grunts and tightens his grip. His thrusts are getting harder and faster.
"Say my name." He says
"Sam" You moan
"Sam!" You moan loudly as you feel him fill you up his moans and groans fill the air, you let out a few yourself. Sam lays there for a few seconds without saying a word. He moves you off of him and you whimper at the empty feeling. Sam gets up without saying a word and he goes into the bathroom to clean up. A few minutes later he comes out with a wet cloth and helps you clean up. he gives you one of his clean shirts and a pair of your pajama shorts.
"Thank you" You smile at him.
"Of course." He smiles at you, he gets back into bed only wearing boxers. You're not sure what to do, it's not like you're a couple or anything. "Oh did you want me to sleep on the couch?" He asks getting up.
"No!" You say too fast. "Uh, no you don't have to. You can sleep with me." you bite your lip he smiles at you and wraps his arm around you pulling you closer to him.
~ The next day you look up more information about the red dust while Sam sleeps. Sam definitely has seen that room before because it's the room shown in every picture when you look up the witch. You also found out that red dust only subsides if you get intimate with a person you love. That one surprised you.
"Good morning" Sam says making you jump. You slam the computer shut like you were doing something wrong.
"Hey you're awake" You say trying to act like nothing happened. "How are you feeling? Are you still-?"
"Am I still under the spell?" He laughs "No, definitely not."
"Oh" You blush. "Good." You smile at him.
"And I'm guessing you're not" He asks
"No, I'm not."
"Good to know." He smirks at you. You can feel your heart racing and creeping on your face.
"We found a cure!" Dean busts in the room.
"Dean what the hell!" Sam says shaking his head. Dean looks at the two of you and stands there awkwardly.
"Oh." He chuckles "Awkward."
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lowkeyrobin · 5 months
summary ; you're mully's friend and tag along to explore a haunted mental asylum
warnings : language, ghost talking bullshit
disclaimers ; I only referred to him as juicy bc idrk if he's cool w us calling him his real name and I'm not trying to be parasocial 💪
word count ; 2.2k
y/f/I = your first initial
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Juicy enjoyed spending time with his boys, a lot. They were the best of friends, after all. But he also really enjoyed spending time with both them and you.
You've known Mr. Mully since you were young. You didn’t know the rest of his friends super well, but you took a liking to Juicy. You and Juicy weren't tight or anything, but you were friends nonetheless.
Tonight, you were exploring a haunted asylum with The Boys and Sam and Colby. You tagged along, wanting to experience some paranormal shit because why not. You’d binge-watched all of The Boys’ previous videos at haunted places and wanted to get a slice for yourself.
The group of you plus the camera people sit on the floor around one of the REM pods, with Sam acting as the communication between worlds. The blonde had sound-proof headphones on, connected to the spirit box in his hand, and a bandana wrapped around his eyes for proof that he couldn't see nor hear anything you guys were saying to the ghosts.
You sat next to Juicy in the corner, being the only person, other than Mully, you really knew out of these people. You intently listen as the guys hold a full conversation with whatever spirit/s were in the room for a solid hour or so, watching as they all freak out after receiving creepy replies or ones referencing their names.
You and Juicy would often share looks or glances, usually scared, confused, or curious.
After that, you split up into two teams to complete challenges around the building. You were with Colby, Mully, and Eddie, while Sam hosted the opposite group with Josh, Juicy, and Narrator.
"We're team Demon"
"We're gonna catch a big demon"
"Yeah, we got big D"
"We're team C(y/f/i)EM." Eddie nods, "C-(y/f/i)-E-M"
"Stop stalling"
The four of you head over to the men's infirmary, Eddie, with the camera around his neck. Last time The Boys were here, they went down the dark, scary, main hallway with only the flash of their phone cameras. You go all the way down the hall, and all the way back, your only source of light being the camera flashing for a split second.
You and Dos, as the three were heading back, were moving around as the camera flashed to mock a spirit. The boys were laughing about it, still scared a spirit would jump out and attack them. Once they got back and looked over the pictures, they didn't find anything and considered it a mission complete. You, however, wanted to go down by yourself as you'd been hearing whispers almost the whole time you'd been in this area.
You couldn't tell if it was you hallucinating from exhaustion or if you were actually hearing things, but you wanted to see what it was as curiosity always got the best of you. You graciously take the camera from Eddie and line yourself up at the start of the hallway, the boys turning off their flashlights for you.
"Dude, you're acting like a horror movie character" Colby comments with a chuckle, "This is the dumbest shit ever"
"Says you," you whisper, making your first few steps down the hallway.
You can whispering belonging to Eddie behind you, but also some other, unintelligible whispering sounds that definitely didn't belong to one of the guys, nor was it even behind you. It sounded like it was more in front of you if anything.
You squint in the dark, then take a picture, using the flash to illuminate your way forward. You look into the doors on each side of you after progression another couple steps, unable to see, though. You're just trying to find where all that whispering was coming from. It was like someone was moving through the rooms to lead you down the hallway.
You continue, taking pictures every handful of steps so as not to walk into something and know where you were.
"You okay?" Mully calls, your silence giving him a weird feeling in his stomach.
"Yeah" You reply quietly, taking another few steps forward. "I hear whispering. Like, it's not stopping. I wanna find it" You mumble.
"I swear to God, if you go missing, we are not liable!" Eddie exclaims, "Why the fuck are you investigating?"
"I'm curious!"
"Curiosity always kills the cat, but okay" Mully chuckles.
You make your way to the end of the hall, whispering as loud as it possibly could be, like it was directly in your ears. You feel a shiver trail down your spine, and a wave of cold, like the feeling after just opening the freezer, hit you out of nowhere.
"Holy shit!" You exclaim, quickly stepping back while taking a photo, "Uh-uh, nope! Pussying out now, bye-bye!"
"What happened?"
"Are you okay?"
"Dude, what happened?"
You quickly run back down the hallway, not bothering to use the camera flash as they turned their flashlights back on after hearing you yelp and your footsteps running back to them. You quickly hand the camera back, the uneasy cold feeling not having left you at all.
"Holy shit, what the fuck?" You speak, catching your breath as you lean against the door, looking down the hallway. "Dude, I got to like, the end of the hallway and the whispering I was talking about, it was like, in my ears. Then I felt like that kind of cold feeling like when you open a freezer up, like how it just hits you and sometimes gives you goosebumps instantly. I swear I felt like an actual force on my shoulders, I can't even make this shit up"
"Bro, what the hell?"
"You're kidding"
"No way"
"Dude, I can not be more serious right now." You nervously smile, shaking your head. "That's one of the freakiest things I've ever experienced. Like, I'm genuinley scared now, I've never been this fucking, like, paranoid over something like this"
"Nah, I'm getting the fuck outta here" Eddie shakes his head, reaching for the door as you move out of the way for him. Mully quickly follows in agreement, as both of them wanted to go home the most out of all of you.
Dos follows them as they shout for you and Colby, trying to jog away and go find the others in the main building.
You and the leather wearing brunette walk side by side in silence, following the trio in front of you fairly closely. You stand in a circle, waiting for a text back from Juicy as to where they were, not wanting to walk around the whole building in search of them. He quickly makes his way down to you guys, deciding to lead you all back up to where they were located.
Mully and Eddie strike up a conversation while Colby listens, standing next to you, who's staring down at his feet and the grass. You were mostly trying to make sense of what you felt in the men's infirmary, feeling confused and shocked, as that's the most paranormal action you'd ever felt for yourself. Juicy arrives, picking up on your nervousness in silence, yet decides to not point it out while he talks to Eddie, Mully and Colby before you all walk up a million flights of stairs.
Juicy, unknowing to you, was staring at you again. He'd been doing it all night. You were the only person oblivious to it, however. Eddie and Mully quickly catch onto his attracted gazes towards you, though staying silent as they'd definitely be joking about it soon enough to the others. They were talking about it with Colby once you were far enough away, trying to get more people to help with the job of wingman-ing. The brunette quickly notices he's staring and that the others have caught on, and quickly joins in on the conversation, wanting to try and hide the fact he was doing it again.
From sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the floor earlier, back to even at lunch outings earlier this week, he’s been doing it for a while. He’s a little surprised you haven't noticed, or at least brought it up.
He was so clearly head over heels it wasn't even funny anymore. He was downright in love.
You look back up and then behind you, looking around just to take in your surroundings again. You listen to their conversation, rocking on your heels. Juicy's mind races a million miles a minute, mind cluttered by you, the conversation at hand, and the video being recorded tonight.
On the walk up to Sam's group, or Group Demon, you're the first to walk up the stairs, leading the other boys towards them. You were good at following directions, leaving Juicy to talk to his friends behind you. Juicy and Mully walk up side by side behind Dos and Eddie, a light conversation between them before Mully shakes it up.
"What's with you and Y/n? You got a crush on them or something?"
Juicy, flustered and a bit embarrassed, quickly shakes his head no. "No, no, not at all. What? Why? They’re your friend"
Mully rolls his eyes and Eddie quickly shouts back. "Yes you do! Stop lying to yourself!"
Mully nods, “They’re your friend to, y’know”
You clearly had no idea what any of them were talking about, still leading them onwards.
"Shut up!" Juicy whisper-shouts.
After finding Sam, Josh, and Narrator, you walk into the church and sit down on the wooden benches. Eddie stands at the podium, a large cross behind him. You sit next to Juicy on the right side of the room with the other members of The Boys. Colby and Sam sit together on the left side of the room.
Eddie recites a prayer in Spanish before speaking. "Tonight we party"
The room explodes into boyish cheers and laughter, all of you standing up. Eddie laughs before speaking again.
He shouts, "Sit down!"
You all go quiet and sit down.
"Fuck God!" You exclaim.
"Yeah, screw Jesus!" Juicy shouts
"God can suck my balls" Josh comments with a shrug.
"Oh my God, you're swearing in the house of the Lord!" Colby dramatically gasps
Eddie quickly recites another prayer, asking for the forgiveness of your sins. The REM Pod in the bench in front of you begins beeping, signaling some motion.
"Oh fuck no, bye guys!" Eddie quickly speaks, running back to sit next to Juicy.
"Bro, Mully, sit up" Josh laughs, watching you walk up to the podium after agreeing with the others to have a mini main character priest moment. "Sit up, dude. Service is commencing"
Mully groans. "What?"
"Sit up!"
He groans again as he sits up, no longer laying on the front bench. Josh and Narrator both mock his groan, playfully shouting at him as you clear your throat.
"Good morning everyone! It's..." You look to Juicy as he had his phone on him, which you knew.
"It's 4:25 in the morning. Early service today" You chuckle, "Coffee is right over there" You point to the side where a few trashed cans of energy drinks lay on the floor.
"How much do you dare me to drink it?" Juicy asks you.
"You blink for a moment. "You're gonna get AIDS if you even touch it, but be my guest, man"
They laugh, chanting Pope Y/n as it echoes off the walls.
"Today, my friends, we confront Juicyfruitsnacks and his undeniable crush on Y/n" Eddie laughs, looking over at the brunette next to him.
"Yo, what?"
"Oooo his ass got caught!"
"You can't hear it but I'm cackling right now"
Eddie quickly pulls Juicy up to the podium with you, pushing you to the side. He stands at the podium with the younger brunette in front of you/to your side, as you both stand confused.
Eddie nearly raps as he speaks. "Today we are bringing this lovely couple together to wed in holy matrimony. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, bless, preserve and keep you; the Lord mercifully grant you the riches of his grace, that you may please him both in body and soul, and, living together in faith and love, may receive the blessings of eternal life. Amen. Juicy, Y/n, would you like to read your vows?"
The Boys laugh as you and Juicy share a smile and laugh as well.
"Since when were we getting married?" You question
"Since I had to become a wingman" Eddie shrugs as he replies. "So did they. Mostly Mully." He points towards the crowd of boys watching.
"What is happening right now?" You awkwardly laugh.
Juicy laughs as well, "I mean, he isn't lying"
The room is now silent.
"Wait, what?"
"Can I take you out sometime?"
You glance over at Eddie and then the boys, then look back at Juicy.
"Uh, sure"
The others explode into cheers you'd probably be able to hear outside, and the older brunette quickly wraps the both of you in a hug.
"Dude, too much has happened tonight, I got creeped on by a ghost and now I have to mentally prepare myself for a date"
"You love me!"
"Love is a strong word"
"They're already having couple-fights!"
"Eddie, I swear to God"
"No swearing in the house of the Lord!"
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httplilyyy · 1 year
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pairing: sam carpenter x reader
request: 'can i please request reader living with sam and tara at their apartment and one night she finds sam quietly crying in the kitchen all alone late at night (you choose why, because of a nightmare, because of everything that happened, because of those rumours) and after a little resistance from sam she finally allows herself to be comforted and reader just holds her close until the tears stop.... maybe later sam doesn't want to go back to her lonely bed and ends up cuddling with reader on her bed... thank you, love your writing'
summary: sometimes even the strongest people need a break
warnings: nothing but fluff
word count: 1.5k
a/n: not the most proud of this but i am running on four hours of sleep so its the best it can be, so sorry about that
scream masterlist
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Street lights flickered as storm clouds gathered on the horizon, an angry rumble echoing off the buildings. The streets were completely empty, which was out of the ordinary for that time of night, seeing as it was the city that never sleeps.
It was around one in the morning, the sky being pitch black and you had just finished your shift at work. The faint sound of raindrops and the odd crunch of glass underfoot was all that was heard as you made your way home.
The rain started to pick up which made you quicken your pace. Walking up the stairs to the fourth floor and along a hallway, you reached your apartment, one that you shared with Sam and Tara. 
Hurriedly, you grabbed the house keys from your pocket and opened the front door. Letting out a sigh as your back hit the door as it closed, you were finally home. You kicked off your shoes and placed your coat upon the hanger.
The apartment was silent apart from the faint sound of the tv playing in the background. Looking to your right, you saw plates and cups littering the coffee table as well as hearing soft snores coming from the sofa.
You made your way further into the living room and spotted Tara sleeping soundly, occasionally getting a shiver ripple through her body.
A small smile made its way onto your face at the look of Sam’s younger sister, she finally looked content and you hated the fact that you had to break it.
You crouched in front of the sofa, gently moving Tara’s hair out of her eyes as you softly woke her up.
Tara opened her eyes slowly, lazily bringing up a hand to rub her eyes as she tried to shake off her sleepiness.
“Hey,” you whispered, rubbing a hand up and down her arm, “come on sleepyhead, let's get you to bed.”
Still in a sleepy haze, Tara nodded and groggily got up. You followed her to her room, making sure she was alright before walking back to the living room.
You turned the tv off, picking up the plates and cups that were scattered around the room. You threw all the rubbish into the bin and began to do the washing up.
As you were half way through cleaning, you heard sounds of shuffling coming towards you. Moving your head to the side, you watched as Sam padded into the kitchen, her face was blotchy as if she had been crying.
Sam stopped in her tracks when she saw you, her fingers tugging at the sleeves of her- your jumper, suddenly feeling very vulnerable.
Your heart seemed to crack at the sight of her, the person who was always so strong for her sister, for you, seemed to be breaking at the seams. 
You had completely forgotten the cleaning up, Sam taking over your mind as you dried off your hands and pulled her further into the kitchen.
Sam trudged after you, her hand sitting loosely in yours. You wordlessly patted the top of the counter, telling Sam to sit there whilst you rummaged around in the cupboards.
You pulled some hot chocolate powder from the cupboard and put the kettle on to boil, taking two cups and placing them on the side.
As you poured Sam’s hot chocolate, you finally let yourself take in her appearance. It was a mystery to you how she could be so gorgeous even with tear marks on her cheeks. 
Her hair was tied up in a bun, a few strands clinging onto her forehead and neck as her eyes followed you around the kitchen. 
Handing the mug to Sam, she let out an appreciative hum after the first sip, warmth and sweetness flooding her body. 
“You wanna talk about it?” You questioned, your voice just above a whisper as you placed your cup to the side.
“Not really.” Sam replied, her voice cracking as she tightened her grip on the mug. 
You placed a comforting hand on her thigh, feeling as she tensed up under your touch. Sighing to yourself, you gave her a tight lipped smile, knowing she wasn’t in the mood to talk before continuing with the washing up.
As soon as your hand left Sam’s thigh, she missed the warmth that had encompassed her body. 
Sam averted her gaze to the floor, her fingers ghosting the rim of her cup which was now empty. 
She jumped off the counter top and stood behind you, contemplating on what to do for a minute until she turned you around and pulled you into a hug.
Shocked at the sudden movement, you stood there stunned as she hugged you, using all her force to bring you as close as possible. She buried herself into you, hot tears rolling down her cheeks and wetting your shirt.
“I keep having the same dream.” Sam sniffled, her voice raw as it broke towards the end. “And I- I can’t seem to shake it.”
You wrapped your arms around her, one around her waist and the other cradling her head. The two of you swayed together, Sam’s sobs never ceasing. 
“That’s all it is though, Sam.” You said quietly, pulling her off you so you could look in her eyes. “It’s only a dream.”
“I just wish it would all go away.” Sam said, looking between your eyes, her bottom lip quivering.
“I know.” You sighed, your heart heavy as you pulled her back into your embrace. “If I could take away your pain, I would. You know I would.”
Sam sucked in a sharp breath, the feeling of it all finally crashing down on her and she couldn't take it.
“It’s all too much, I just want to be normal.”
“You are, Sam.” You said, a frown forming on your face at her thoughts. “Don’t think like that.”
The warmth of your body and the gentle pressure of your arms created a cocoon of safety that enveloped Sam.
Her heart, which had been racing with fear due to her nightmare just moments before, began to slow down as she breathed in and let the tension in her shoulders melt away, feeling herself surrender to the moment.
“Come on, let’s get you to bed.” You whispered, slowly pulling out of her embrace.
“Can I- can I stay with you tonight?” Sam asked, staring down at her feet.
“Of course.” You smiled, rubbing your hands up and down her arms comfortingly. 
The two of you walked to your room where the sound of raindrops tapped against your window, the occasional flash of lightning illuminating the sky.
You were quick to change out of your work clothes and into something more comfortable, crawling into your bed beside Sam.
Your shoulders brushed together and you opened your arm to her, allowing for her to get closer to you.
Sam smiled, tucking herself under your arm with a little hesitation. Her cheek rested just above your heart, the steady beating calming her down. 
The two of you laid in silence, the sound of raindrops hammering on your window created a sense of tranquillity amidst the storm outside.
The two of you enjoy being in each other’s presence without having to say a word.
You looked down at Sam, unknowingly making your way closer to one another and you could soon feel Sam’s breath against your lips.
You reached your hand down to Sam’s face, gently, you raised your hand to cup her cheek, your thumb softly traced along her cheekbone. 
Sam’s eyes fluttered shut as she leaned into your touch. A small smile adorning her face.
Sam didn’t know what had come over her and with a small but impulsive movement, her lips were on yours.
As Sam’s lips met yours in a soft, gentle kiss, she felt all of her fears and doubts melt away. 
She savoured the sensation of your lips moving against hers, struck by how perfectly they fit together, like two puzzle pieces finally coming together. 
Your body tingled with electricity as she pressed closer to you. A shiver ran down your spine as she hummed into your mouth.
You pulled away softly for a breath of air, and Sam chased your lips with hers, kissing you softly once again. 
“Sam.” You breathed, her forehead pressed against yours. “What are we doing?”
“I- I don’t-”
You let the seconds go by without saying a word and Sam almost wanted to run away. That was until you gave her a soft smile, pulling her into you once more.
“You’re telling Tara.” You mumbled, pressing your lips back on hers.
Sam’s heart was practically pumping out of her chest when you pulled away for the last time. She melted into your hold, her body on top of yours as her arms wrapped around your waist.
You intertwined your fingers, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head causing Sam to sink further into your embrace.
And in that moment, Sam had never felt more safe.
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nomazee · 1 year
pry your way in
sebastian (sdv) x gn reader
word count: 4.7k (oh my god)
content: mutual pining, ROMANTIC TENSION, aggressive pining on the reader’s part, do they kiss or do they not, social anxiety (can u TELL), embarrassing situations, comedy (maybe) (hopefully) (maybe you’ll get a little giggle out of this and swing your feet around), so much build up, the slowest burn you could possibly get in under 5k words
notes: oh HEY guys so i went crazy again and i don’t think i’ve ever written so much in one sitting. this is insane. look at what this game has done to me. 
part 1 part 2 (you are here) part 3
All you need to do is drop off these stupid eggs in Gus’s fridge. That’s it. In and out and then you can go home and pretend that you did not stare at Sebastian for almost an entire straight minute in the doorway of the saloon. 
He’s too busy playing pool, you think, and from the brief (many) glances you’ve taken at them, it looks like he’s pretty close to beating Sam. Your heart goes out to the blonde. One day, for sure, he’ll be able to get more than three balls in an entire game against Sebastian. 
The fridge door is open now. No one notices you except for Emily, who gives you a kind nod and a smile. You don’t know if you should be upset by the fact that no one really talks to you whenever you go to the saloon unless you talk first, or if you should be incredibly relieved. It’s leaning to the latter, because you don’t think you could handle being looked at right now especially by Sebastian because good god the jellyfish thing was so embarrassing and you really hope he’s forgotten about it because oh my god you actually almost puked all over his shoes and what is wrong with you and—
“Farmer!” Oh god. It’s a woman’s voice. It’s Abigail, and despite the fuzz in your mind you can tell by the timbre of her voice and the fact that the shout came from over by the pool table. You managed to get two eggs in the container in the fridge before being ousted. Good job. You hope Gus’ extreme ginormous 24-egg omelet is worth all of this. 
If you tried really hard, you could have played it off as if you didn't hear her at all. But then she’s walking over to you and you hear her footsteps and they’re light, friendly. Unfortunately, that does nothing to stop you from freezing up and feeling every individual cell in your body go taut.
Maybe she’s going to kill you, or something, because maybe you did actually puke all over Sebastian’s sneakers nights before this and your mind just blocked it out. Oh god. Well, this town was nice while it lasted. You hope they’ll bury you in a nice spot out of courtesy. 
Turning to face Abigail, you manage to give her a shaky sort of grin and wave. “Oh. Hey. I didn't know you were here.” You are such a liar. And a bad one, probably. 
“Yeah! Me and Sam and Sebastian.” You nod at that. A pause, and then, “Hey, are you busy tonight? We were wondering if you wanted to join us. We’re playing pool, but— um, it’s mainly just those two playing. They’ve got a rivalry going on.” 
She looks back at them and watches, amused, and you do the same for a moment. Sam is in the middle of making some big joke-y scene, throwing his head back and groaning and swatting at Sebastian while the other man just barely ducks away from his attacks. They’re laughing, and elbowing each other and you look away before either of them notice that you’re watching with the intensity of a wild deer. 
“Oh, I don’t know. Thank you. I don’t want to come if not everyone wants me to join.” 
“Everyone does,” Abigail tells you, and she’s really telling you. With purpose. There is something in her eyes. Something imploring and meaningful and her lips are quirking up in some pretty and teasing smile, and you’re wondering what’s so different about the way Pelican Town people are raised to make them carry so much weight in their eyes. So much weight that it makes you dizzy. And nauseous. And now maybe you’ll puke on Abigail’s shoes, instead.
“Okay.” It comes out as a whisper from your shaky mouth. She only smiles brighter at you. You register that you’re still behind Gus’s counter and there are drinks being shaken and poured just steps behind you. “Okay, I’ll be over in a second.” 
Great, she tells you, and then she’s turning around and walking away with a little jump and you might throw up because why did you agree to this? You did not plan on talking to people this evening. Not at all. And you’re wishing so hard that you had just dropped these eggs off in the morning. This is the type of stuff that happens when you don't just drop eggs off in the morning. Just your luck. 
You shake your head, as if maybe it’ll rattle your senses into being ready to spectate a pool game and talk with people for at least half an hour. And Sebastian. You don’t think you could handle the intensity of just sitting next to him. You might throw up again. All over the pool cues and the fuzzy cloth of the pool table. And maybe Sam’s shoes. Everyone’s shoes are getting thrown up on this week. 
Eventually, you make the walk out from the counter and consider just leaving through the door and telling Abigail later on that you just felt sick and needed to go home. It wouldn’t be a lie. You are a person of half-truths, most definitely. 
But you don’t, because you like Abigail and you want her to like you too. By the look of everything she’s done for you, you’re fairly certain that she does like you, or at least more-than-tolerates you, and you would like to keep it that way instead of burning down all of your Stardew Valley relationships in a slow, painful fire. (And okay, yes, maybe it’s a benefit that she’s friends with Sebastian. So what.) 
You blink. You’re in front of the three of them. Abigail and Sam are smiling at you and Sebastian is giving you a look. What is it with the people in this valley and their looks?! You have yet to be able to decode any of them. This is rough. So rough. You’re falling back into the uncomfortable feeling of otherness. Of just-barely-not-fitting. Like squeezing between a desk and a wall. Every other day you are walking through just fine, and the other days you are squeezing between this town and the people and everything you have yet to learn. 
You might puke. You’re not making it out of this saloon alive. 
“Hey, farmer!” Sam greets you, and your chest is struck with endearment over how everyone calls you farmer. Maybe it’s just because they forgot your name, but you can’t seem to mind it at all. “Are you joining us?” 
“Oh, just for a bit,” you tell him. You can’t help the smile that takes over your face, warmed and sheepish. “And then I should go. But I’m a big fan of watching you guys argue over pool. Really, it’s very captivating.” 
Abigail chortles, taking pleasure in the playful sarcasm you’ve adapted to. When Sam and Sebastian both follow suit in their own little laughs, your defensive habits slip away the slightest bit. And you can’t seem to find it in you to hold onto them. 
“Less of an argument and more of a…” Sebastian pauses with a teasing glance at his friend. Your heart stops for no reason other than you being stupid and in love, and it only chokes you up when he directs his stupid stupid pretty eyes right at you. “More of Sam being a sore loser. It’s an easy win on my part, really.” 
A snicker escapes you, undignified in how easily you let it out and how it threatens to reverberate against the walls of the game room. You’re holding onto yourself for dear life, trying to ground yourself in some attempt to maybe keep some of your dignity before it’s worn away through the course of the evening. 
But Sebastian has this prideful simper on his face and it’s like he’s happy to make you laugh. Maybe it’s the loving delusions running through your head. But you let yourself dream, just for a minute. 
Stupid boy. The urge to kiss him is slowly hurtling its way through your entire system, and it’s starting with your respiratory tract judging by the way you can’t seem to catch a breath. Stupid. Boy. 
“You can sit down, you know,” and he nods his head to the pair of chairs behind him. “Stay a while.” His eyes are filled with a stupid teasing glimmer and you might pull him aside just to kiss that expression right off his face. 
You won’t. Obviously. Because look at what happened last time you let your inhibitions run free. (Absolutely. Nothing.) 
Maybe I will, you want to say, stay a while. Maybe I’ll stay forever. 
You take a seat, and Sebastian is still leaning against the table with his pool cue in hand. He is looking at you, hesitant, with his mouth slightly open like he wants to say something. Before he can, Abigail interrupts. 
“Wait, let me take over for you!” She says, rushing forward to steal the cue from him. “I want to play! You guys, like, totally monopolize the table every time we’re here.” Abigail’s eyes flit to Sebastian, then to you, and she continues, “Next time, let’s just play the two of us. You and me, farmer.” 
There’s another big, stupid smile stretching your face taut and you hope none of them notice your cracked, drying lips. They’re peeling open from how much you’re grinning tonight and how much you’re not moisturizing them. “Of course.” 
Sebastian is left with nothing in his hands once Abigail turns to aim her cue and hit the white ball (poorly) in an attempt to keep up Sebastian’s winning streak. With her and Sam occupied, you are left with the black haired man standing aimless in front of you. Again. And his eyes are trailing you, with purpose and a goal to speak. Again. 
You throw his words back at him with, “Well, sit down. Stay a while.” And he does. And your stupid mind is wondering if maybe him following you so easily means something. Stupid stupid. 
“How’s, um. Your stomach,” he asks, stunted pauses littering his voice as he tries his best to look at you. You don’t know what he’s talking about, and it must show on your face because he’s clarifying, “From the ceremony last week. I haven't seen you since then so I figured you must’ve been sick.” 
Sebastian is prying. Not in his words, but in the way he’s looking at you. Really, really looking, and this feels like a repeat of last week and you are reliving a million and one things that you would rather never relive again. 
Your palms are suddenly cold and you’re avoiding his gaze, body stiff with guilt. You’d been avoiding him for a week and you honestly hadn’t even noticed. It was like a subconscious response to humiliating yourself in front of the pretty boy that you’ve liked for weeks now. You hope he doesn’t blame you for that, somehow. 
“Right. Um, I was fine. I’m fine now, I mean. I turned out fine. Sorry for all of that,” your feet are shuffling against the ground and you drag patterns into your pants to comfort yourself. “It was kind of embarrassing. To have you walk me home and then suddenly get sick. I really am sorry for that.” 
“Don’t even worry about it.” There’s a sureness in his voice. When you find the courage in your lungs to turn and look at him, you’re met with a furrowed brow and steady eyes. It’s overwhelming you with ten different feelings, many of which are yelling at you to KISS HIS STUPID FACE. “Seriously. It wasn’t embarrassing, either. Things happen. I’m just glad you’re okay, now.” 
Sebastian ends it with another one of his chest-aching, brain-melting, palm-sweating smiles and he’s doing that stupid thing with the corners of his mouth. He probably doesn’t even know he’s doing it, and that’s what frustrates you the most. Maybe you should tell him, but he would take it the wrong way and stop doing it and you wouldn’t survive without seeing that stupid smile. As much as it makes you want to tear your hair out if you look at it for too long. 
You give him a firm nod. The rest of the night is easy conversation. You have one drink. Really, you make sure of it, because you haven’t gotten intoxicated in months and you really don’t want to see what drunk-you does in Stardew Valley in front of the sweet townspeople and the stupid pretty man in front of you. Said stupid-pretty-man follows suit, only having a pale ale and indulging in shirley temples for the rest of the night. (You punch yourself for finding it endearing that he likes such a sweet drink. Urgh.) 
It feels like a parallel universe of the Moonlight Jellies celebration of last week. One where you are a much less awkward person (but, really, there’s just barely a difference between now and before), and where you offer to walk him home instead of the other way around. Your stupid infatuated heart skips a stupid beat when you ask him if you can walk him back, but it quells when he gives you an easy smile and agrees. You pointedly ignore the voice in your head telling you that he sounds almost enthusiastic.
Sam and Abigail wish you goodnight, and they’re both beaming at you in a silly way that makes you follow suit. Giggles bubble in your chest and you don’t even know why. You think they must just have those kinds of personalities, and you really couldn't be more happy to seep into it. 
You don’t hold Sebastian’s hand on the way back. Not at all. In fact, you don’t even feel the urge to. You totally, totally don’t look at his hand swaying between you and fight the instinct to grab it and trace your fingers across his palm lines and the dips of his knuckles and all the scars he’s collected in his youth. You. Do not. Feel that way at all. 
It’s easy conversation, yet again. It’s almost impressive how, even with how easily you seem to do the most mortifying, awkward things in front of Sebastian, you still slip into moments with him where you can talk like you’ve known each other forever. God. Something about this town. You can’t tell if you want to catch the next operable bus out of here or stay here forever. You feel that way often, actually. 
Before you know it, you’ve cut through the city and ended up in the mountains and in front of his house. The lights are off. It must be super late, then, if everyone’s dead asleep like that. 
Crickets chirp and buzz in the air. You and Sebastian stop walking in the middle of the large dirt patch that takes up his front yard. Now, you’re looking at each other, and he’s giving you his awkward stupid gorgeous downward grin. You hope that you’re giving him something at least half as pretty, with the way you feel your lips stretch and crack again. You really need to get lip balm from Pierre’s. 
“It’s so late,” you mutter, because you don’t know what else to say and your heart is melting and slipping right out of your chest and onto the soil. “I guess I should go home.” 
You hope—cross-your-fingers-say-a-prayer type of hope—that he hears the hesitancy in your voice. That he realizes you don’t want to leave. That he sees the fondness in your eyes and how you’re trying to soften every defense mechanism you’ve ever learned in order to pry into him, now. And you hope. Cross your fingers and say a prayer. That he wants that, too. 
He hums a thoughtful, quiet sort of hum. Sebastian doesn’t move towards the door, or bid you a goodnight, or nod along and tell you he’ll see you another day. He waits. He is looking at you and prying you open and trying to gauge your reaction. To what, you don’t know, but there’s a static feeling in your head that tells you to wait and find out. 
“Right,” he says finally. His voice and his mouth curl carefully around the word, and it’s there again—the pauses, the hesitancy. You see your habits in him and you are aching with the need to find out what he means. What this all means. And you’re feeling stupid, and so you wait, too. 
“I think I feel bad leaving you to walk home,” Sebastian tells you. He’s speaking slowly, but not in a degrading way. It feels more like he wants the words to float to you and sink into the pores of your skin. And they do. They do, and it’s embarrassing, because now you’re sweating and hoping (again) that it doesn’t show on your face or your hands or the twisting of your fingers. “This is really far from the farm, you know.” 
“I think I would know,” you respond, teasing and lighthearted and acting like there isn’t a saturated yearning weighing down your body right now. “I can manage. I’ve been in the mines, you know. Seen all the monsters down there and everything.” 
He lets out a stupid breathy laugh and shakes his head. You hate how he acts so nonchalant, like it’s not obvious that you’re fighting the instinct to pick him up and shake him around like a bobblehead until his skull pops right off his neck. “Right, because there’s totally monsters down there.” 
“There are! You can come with me one day. I’ll prove it to you.” And it’s risky, to entertain that kind of thing, the concept of you two spending time together alone, where no one can see. Sebastian takes that as a challenge, apparently, because the diffident tilt of his lips turns smug and he’s saying,
“Then maybe you’ll sleep over one day.” 
Stttttupid boy. He’s stupid. The stupidest man you’ve ever met because now you’re really, really holding onto every last shred of your self-control. The thought of you in his house, with you both sleeping in the same twenty-foot-radius of space is making you heat up more than the valley’s summer sun. A frog croaks in a nearby bush. Nausea pools in your intestines. 
And you’re a terrible person, really, because even though you’re sweating and lightheaded from the heat you’re entertaining the thought of you both sleeping in the same bed. And it’s ridiculous. Really. You’re both adults who are perfectly capable of sleeping in the same bed without it meaning anything. Any particle of logic that enters your brain is vaporized by the heat of it. Your stomach is twisting and you swallow around the lump in your throat. 
He’s watching you. Still watching. Waiting for something to happen. The look he’s giving you is bordering on defensive, as if he’s anticipating a rejection. Stupid man. By now, he should realize you’re not prone to giving him rejections, of all people. 
“Maybe I will.” By some grace of whatever higher power is listening, you choke out the last puddles of your strength into a hopefully-confident tone of voice and the last words you have left in you for the night. It’s not a rejection. You hope he understands that. And he does. Oh, he has to understand what you mean by now, because he’s biting his lips and still. Looking at you. And waiting. All he does is wait. And you glance down and see his hands twitching at his sides. And you are going to do something. Something.
Oh, god. You’re thinking, Oh, okay, this is what this is, and he’s doing his stupid smile and the corners of his lips tuck in and you’re staring at them again. Really, really staring at them. You hope he notices. Your fingers are twitching now, too, almost aching with the need to hold something—to hold him and his twitching hands and spin them around in yours like a fingertrap. You want to get stuck and woven together, just for a moment. An aching, hurting, burning, devastating moment. 
It’s all you want. It’s all you’ve wanted for weeks now. And there’s a heat in your chest and your fingers and your head. Fingers twitching, eyes unblinking, and hands sweating; you wait. Wait for him to come closer. For him to do. Something. Soon. 
It’s an impossible task for you. You are not one for initiative. Never have been, not since you left your stupid office job and took up your place on this stupid farm and fell in love with this stupid man. Initiative is a daunting, horrifying, overwhelming concept, and all of your ambition has been drained from you ever since you planted your first parsnip in the ground. 
But but but. And this is how it always goes with you and Sebastian. But but but. There’s something about tonight. Something about tonight and the last week and the week before and the seasons before this that have carved this open wound into the middle of your diaphragm. Without even knowing it, Sebastian has clawed his way between your lungs and made an uneasy home in your heart. It’s disgusting, and maybe you’ll cough up all this adoration right on the doormat of his family’s house. 
How long has it been? How long have you both been standing here like idiots and waiting and breathing and staring? How long? You are asking yourself too many stupid questions. Initiative. You think of it again—and now your hands are on Sebastian’s shoulders and you don’t have half the mind to wonder when you stepped closer. 
You are not slow in your movements. Not at all. You are urgent and desperate and aching, but you give just enough time for him to pull away. In the back of your head, you wish that he’ll pull back and leave you empty and cold. But there is a warmth seeping through the cloth of his hoodie and tonight, you are stupid. 
You’re staring for just a moment before you close your eyes and surge forward slow enough for him to stop you, but fast enough that he won’t get the chance to look at your embarrassing, longing, yearning face before you kiss him. 
Because that’s it. You’re kissing him. You’re kissing him, with your hands gripping his shoulders with bruising strength, and with your feet planted into the ground to stop yourself from either floating or flinging yourself into the lake. You’re kissing him. And he’s not pulling away. And his hands reach to touch your elbows gently. For a moment, you think he’ll shove you down and run away, but his fingers are tapping along your arms, leaving a buzz in your bones and your head and your heart. 
You. Are kissing him. You are. You fucking. Did it. Joy floods your buzzing body and you hope he can’t hear how loud your skull is vibrating, how intensely your chest is rattling. Or how heavy your hands have become on his shoulders and how much you’re pushing back against him to get further, to pull him into you and you into him and pour in everything you’ve ever felt straight to his lungs. You’re kissing him. 
And he’s warm. So warm. Unexpectedly so, and you feel your entire body heat up in innocent adoration and you want his fingers to curl around your forearms and ground you. His hands shift, and for a minute you think he might pull away, but now he’s dragging his fingers in small paths up your arm, above your elbow and brushing your shoulders. Ggggggggod. God. You’re gonna scream into his mouth and slap him. Stupid man. 
In reality it lasts for a second, but the rush of feelings and thoughts and screams and cries that overwhelms your body makes it feel like it’s an hour. (At least ten minutes, maybe.) You wonder how he feels. You wonder if he’s trying to pour everything into you through this, too; or if maybe, he’s a normal fucking human being who is just kissing you to kiss you without all the grandeur and flourish and waxing poetic. Unbothered, you realize you won’t mind regardless of which it is. 
Your eyes are closed, and you hope his still are, too, because if he opens them and sees you you might throw up all over him. For the fortieth time this week. 
“Sebas— oh!” 
And. There’s a voice and a distressed exclamation. It’s Robin. Holy shit. It is his mother. 
The man you just spent an hour kissing (read: five seconds max) takes a moment to realize what just happened. You, on the other hand, have a ridiculous supercomputer in your head and you have long since figured out what just happened. You cannot believe this. This is embarrassing. A trip back to Zuzu City is well deserved now. 
“I’m— so sorry. Oh goodness.” Robin is being way too polite. You’d thought for sure she would’ve yelled at you and banned you from coming to the mountains ever again. You already kissed goodbye to both Sebastian (literally) and your mining career. And half your fishing career.
Sebastian’s face is flooded in color. It’s soaked in red and radiating heat that you can feel even with the ten-foot distance you had placed between yourselves. He’s not looking at you or his mother, eyes instead fixed on the patch of torn up dirt behind you. 
Finally, you process that Robin is the one apologizing to you, which is ridiculous and you wish she would’ve just pushed you into the river and screamed at you instead. You wish these people would’ve been a lot meaner to you already, and then maybe you would have never worked up the gall to kiss the man you’re stupidly in love with and cause this whole ordeal. 
“I’m so sorry,” and you’re the one saying it this time. You turn to look at Robin fully and resist the urge to fall to your knees and beg for her forgiveness. Tonight, you committed a mortal sin—giving her son a big fat heart-stopping kiss on the mouth right in front of their house—and you can only be forgiven by death, and death alone. 
There’s a confused look in her eyes, almost worried, and you think you might be actually shaking enough to launch yourself into the stratosphere like a space cannon. Instead, you channel the energy into completely turning yourself around and running away from the both of them. 
Disastrous. This night has been disastrous. You would’ve rather actually puked on everyone’s shoes instead of going through whatever the hell that was. You’re never going to catch a break in this stupid town with these stupid people and stupid Sebastian and his too-sweet-for-her-own-good mom. 
When you get home, you’re panting in exhaustion from sprinting across the valley, and your nerves and head are still buzzing and your lips are still warm from Sebastian’s being completely and willingly planted on them for about ten whole seconds. Your brain is too fried and melted to even consider the implications of everything you both just did, but you can’t seem to care. 
You’re embarrassed. Wholly and utterly humiliated, and for a moment you cross your fingers and pray to whoever will listen that you won’t be a topic of discussion during Robin and Sebastian’s family dinner with everyone else. 
You take a moment to catch your breath (an impossible thing) and finally collapse into your bed. You’re staring at your ceiling for what feels like hours, but you have a very poor sense of time and don’t trust that judgment at all. Everything settles in your head like mud shaken in a jar of water. And you smile. Dear god. Despite it all, you’re smiling and giddy and laughing to yourself, riding a high of schoolgirl-type-infatuation and post-kiss-adrenaline the weird, cruel excitement of the night. 
You kissed him. You kissed Sebastian. You. Fucking. Did it. 
The rest can be worried about tomorrow. Or maybe the day after that. Maybe even never, because you are absolutely going to avoid everyone and move in with the wizard instead, living in isolation for the rest of your life. But for now. You swing your feet and giggle like a twelve-year-old and replay the kiss in your head. Over and over. Like a sleep aid. You fucking did it.
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mmelionsblog · 3 months
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LIGHT SHOWER [sam golbach x reader]
a/n: this was requested by a special someone in my inbox (tysm for requesting and reading my work!!)
warnings: angst, cheating, mention of slight sex, cussing, fluff
it was another normal tuesday night with the two famous youtubers, sam and colby. you were invited to their house just to hang out with them and some of their other friends of course. though your boyfriend of the time, daniel, had called you for the past 20 minutes and had spammed your phone with too many messages to count.
you rolled your eyes at your phone, deciding to finally answer him. “yes, dan?” sam perked up at the mention of your boyfriend’s name. his eyes glared at nothing for a second, but quickly switched back to normal when a friend of his called him to set up a ping pong game. “please- hic- could you please come pick me up?” you clenched the bridge of your nose, annoyed that you had to leave early due to your douche of a boyfriend. “send me your address.” you heavily sighed.
you walked over to the coat racket, bringing your jacket and placing it on your body. “well. looks like i’m leaving early tonight guys,” you smiled sadly towards your friends. “no.., please don’t tell me it’s because of your douche-y boyfriend daniel?” devyn whined. “i’ll be the only girl here now.” you noticed sam snapped his head a bit rather quickly when you told them the information. “you’ll have tara arrive in a few, you’ll be fine dev.” you gave her a hug, waving to the others and walking to the door.
sam jogged slightly over to you, “are you sure you’re okay to drive? i’m sober and can easily take you home.” you waved him off, “i’m fine really. i only had a drink, barely. plus i’m out to go get daniel. that little piss of shit is already drunk and it isn’t even nine yet.”
sam huffed at that, “i seriously don’t know why you’re still with him.” your heart hammered at that. “we’re… high school sweethearts, sam. even if i ever wanted to leave him, we live in the same apartment.” sam chucked at that, “you can always stay at ours. i’m pretty sure colby wouldn’t mind, we both love you you know.”
you gave him a small smile. “and i really appreciate it, sam. i’ll text you when we arrive home safely. goodnight.” you gave him a side hug, and departed from the party. you walked to your car and put the destination into your phone and it was ten minutes away.
finally arriving there, it looked to be a sketchy apartment building. your face reeked of disgust by the way it looked, ‘must be a 2 star review. or maybe even lower..’ you shudder as you walked in.
your eyes locked to the lady at the front desk who gave you a weird look, “i’ve never seen you around this part of town. who are you here for?” she asked with a thick accent, you sighed. “my boyfriend.” you responded. she awe’d and went back to whatever the generation type of computer looking was on her desk.
you called daniel twice now, but he had declined. he finally sent you a message two minutes later with floor six and room number 665. you groaned, already knowing that it will smell of frat boys in the apartment and that you’ll have to drag daniel all the way down your car. thank goodness the front parking spot was not taken. as you reached the door, something felt odd.
there was no loud, banging music, and there wasn’t usual girls and guys making out in the corridor the party would be held at. you gulped, knocking on the door. you waited for a minute but no one seemed to be home— though you knew daniel was here since you saw his regular blazer out in the front laying dirty on the floor. ‘gross,’ you thought.
your heart hammered loudly enough for you to hear, and without even thinking you decided to slowly open the wooden brown old door in front of you and take a peek into the room. the hallway light was on and you then heard it. moans. daniel’s moans specifically, and a girls one at that too. it smelt disgusting as well with whatever was living in here. almost vomiting, you held it in together and walked towards the living room where the light was on and you could clearly see daniel getting fucked by two blonde complete naked women. and you snapped.
“what the FUCK,” you screamed. the three heads turn towards you, daniel’s mouth wide open as it was being used by a dildo toy from a women sticking it down his throat. “bb-baby,” he struggled to get out, his hand grabbing towards you. “do not EVER, call me baby. don’t even think for a second you can come back to me or the apartment either.”
you look at the two women who seemed to already be in their thirties, and you looked at them disgusted seeing how daniel was only 25. “we’re done. daniel, have a good life.” before you left, you looked around to see if he had the keys to the apartment and you spotted them scattered on the floor. you picked them up with your pinky, careful to try and not to touch it seeing as it was on the dirty nasty floor in the room with them.
as soon as you got into the lobby, the lady only looked at you and sighed. “i should’ve said it sooner baby, but this apartment is only used to for partners to cheat on their significant other’s and mostly— it’s usually threesomes that are in here.” she gave you a sympathetic look but you only looked at her in disgust, quickly leaving the place.
you got into your car, locking the doors seeing as it was now 10 a clock and you did not want any type of stranger trying to get into it. your eyes were blurry, and you didn’t even know if you could even drive back home let alone if you even wanted to go there.
then, you thought of sam. you bit your lip, contemplating if calling him up would be ruining the party for the others too. but you said ‘fuck it, i need him more than they need him.’ so you dialed in sam’s number, and after a second ring he answered. though you could barely hear him, seeing as the party got louder and music was blasting. “sam,” you hiccuped into the phone.
at the other end of the phone, sam’s eyes widen. he ignored the calls for his name, and rushed out to the window to where it was peaceful and quiet enough to hear you. “hey, hey are you okay? what happened? what did douche bag daniel do to you?” sam asked, bombarding you with questions.
you hiccuped even more, tears finally streaming down your face. “please pick me up, i don’t think i can drive right now at a time like this. i don’t feel safe here either.” you asked him, and even though he knew you didn’t see him, he nodded. “yes of course i’ll pick you up. i’ll get colby to drive his car and i’ll drive yours. where’s the address?” and you sent him the address as soon as he asked for it.
you sat there for a good ten minutes till you saw colby’s car pulling up. he parked next to you, and the two men got out. you were drenched in your own tears, shaking so little but they could still see you were a complete wreck. “i’m gonna fuck him up,” colby rolled his shoulder, walking up to the glass doors but sam immediately stopped him and signaled his head to you. “y-you don’t wanna go in there, trust me that place is nothing but filth.” you got out. your face not knowing what to chose, confusion, disgust, anger, sadness.
colby’s face held sympathy for you, giving you a big hug from the front. “alright. well tell me when you two go to your apartment—“ you cut him off there. “i was wondering if i could still attend the party? i don’t think i wanna go back..” you mumbled, your hand softly tugging on colby’s sleeve. he smiled, “of course you can come. and i’m gladly willingly to let you stay here too of course, in my room…” he wiggled his eyebrows, sam glared at him for that. “or sam’s! or sam’s… i guess.” he shrugged. he peaced the two of you out, getting into his car and driving back to their own apartment.
“i told you, colby wouldn’t have minded.” sam smiled at you. the two of you outside of the side door to your car. “thank you sam really, this means a lot to me.” you hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go. but a cough made you jump from it being so quiet outside at night. “the fuck are you doing with sam?” daniel slurred, staggering left and right. “i told you were done, daniel.” you glared at him. sam felt the tension and placed you behind him, his arm wrapped around your waist carefully. “please leave her alone.” sam spoke
daniel looked at him with wide eyes, “don’t tell me what to fucking do with my girlfriend,” he spat, another stagger towards sam. “get in the car,” he whispered into your ear. your eyes widen at when he told you that, but you listened nonetheless. “the fuck are you doing with her?!” daniel shouted, shoving sam. your eyes looked to daniel in horror when he tried to open your door, but sam of course sam pushed him back. “she’s not yours anymore, you fucked up.” sam shouted back, “and you known what? i’m glad you did. she never deserved you. you’re a fucking asshole!” sam shoved him all the way back to the doors and the last push had daniel flat to the floor.
“you’re a dead man when i get to you, samuel.” daniel sneered out, “you’ve done fucked up.” sam started off, “and i am so glad you did. now,” sam looked back at you who was looking through the windows down at them.
“i have her all to my self. and i will treat her so much more better than you ever have and ever will, she’s a queen and you and i both know that. but you fucked up.” sam pushed harshly onto daniel’s chest, his eyes glaring deep into daniel’s green ones. “she isn’t yours anymore.” sam sneered, walking away from the drunk man and getting into the car.
he huffed out, blowing his hair. “well tonight has been crazy.” you didn’t pay attention to him, more to daniel the way how he looked at sam as if he was the devil. you grinned slightly to sam, “what the hell did you say to him?” you laughed lightly.
sam side eyed you with a gaping smile, pulling out of the parking lot and driving back to his apartment “you don’t wanna know sweetheart.” at the mention of that nick name, your heart beat raced up and your cheeks were a bit red but you thanked it was late because if it wasn’t, sam definitely would’ve seen.
by the time you to got to sam and colby’s place, colby texted sam that he threw the party out for you. your heart ached, “you didn’t have to do that colby.” you said as you entered the kitchen where he was, already cleaning up the mess. “they’d be as confused to why you returned with tears down your face. i didn’t want them to bombared you with everything while you’re still trying to comprehend it all.” he smiled at you. you gave him a smile back, hugging him tightly.
“i don’t have any clothes to change to,” you spoke. you were in jeans and a silky sphageti silver top, so you felt uncomfortable in the outfit you picked tonight. “i got some clothes, go ahead and go take a shower if you want too,” sam ruffled your hair and you flipped him off, but thanked him and walked towards the shower.
after your nightly shower routine, you got out and called sam over. “i need underwear,” you breathed out awkwardly, embarrassment all over your face. sam’s face had reddened at that, “uh- uhm, well we don’t have any here… uh i can- hand you over some of my boxers?” he squeaked out. you chuckled nervously, “thanks sam. and a pair of tshirt and some basketball shorts maybe?” he nodded and left you, but came back a minute later. “here you go.” you thanked him once more and got dressed.
you walked out, dressed all in sam’s clothes and colby had spotted you. “wow, now look at that. sam is finally getting the girl,” your eyebrow raised. his face looked in horror as sam looked from behind him with a ‘she doesn’t know yet!’ look. “oh er— you know, kidding! kidding,” he laughed off. “i can help you clean,” you suggested. colby shrugged, “nah sam and i both got it. where are you sleeping by the way?” he asked you.
you totally forgot about that. “sam if you don’t mind…” you trailed off, your eyes towards his room. “of course! you can always use my room if you want. i’ll sleep in the living room.” your heart hammered. “oh! uhm, okay,” you gave him a small smile, then walked into his room.
colby looked at his best friend with a straight face. “dude. she clearly wanted you in there,” he spoke. sam looked at him, “it’s just—, i want to give her some time. as long as she needs. just because as soon as she’s off the market, doesn’t mean she probably wants to date just now.” he mumbled. “yeah but, you could at least comfort her more.” colby smirked. sam rolled his eyes at him, and flipped him off. “i’m gonna go talk to her,” sam spoke. “hey! you need to clean too.” sam waved him off once more.
he knocked slightly on his own white door, opening a crack. he saw you on his bed, comfy with your phone out. “sam,” you smiled. he smiled back. “hi,” he spoke. he closed the door behind him, and sat on his bed next to you. “you know you can sleep here too, it is your bed after all.” you said. sam’s eyes widen, “are you sure? i don’t wanna push you a bit overboard.” you giggled at that, “sam i’m inviting you too. this is YOUR bed.” and so he climbed, he was already in his pajamas and got comfy into the bed.
“i’m sorry about your ex.” he mumbled, playing with his thumbs. “it was bound to happen. he was getting rather annoying this past couple of months, and being such a dick to my friends, and especially to you more often. which i never got,” you scoffed. but you could feel the moment sam froze. “do you want to know what i said to him, when we were fighting?” he asked you.
you looked at him and nodded. “i’ve been thinking about that since we’ve got here.” sam took a deep breath and breathed. “we started fighting about you. i told him how he fucked up, you deserved better. that you are a queen, and he lost the only good queen he’d ever find in this life..” he mumbled, “and that i was glad he lost you.” you looked at him confused, and he looked at you right back.
“i was so glad to hear you finally had broken up with him, because ive liked you for too long.” sam breathed. your breathing came to a halt, shock was written all over your face. “it’s okay if you don’t wanna be a thing or a thing at this moment,” he reassured you. “or if you don’t even like me—“ he was cut off from you, when he felt lips on his.
his eyes widen at that, but soon closed softly. “we can take it slow.” you spoke after you broke the kiss, “please let’s take it both slow. daniel was my ever fist everything, seeing as he was my high school sweetheart. so sam, if you do wish to date me, i want to do it the right way with you.” sam nodded, his head softly placed on yours. “it’s okay if we cuddle though, tonight?” he asked sheepishly, you smiled brightly and giggled just a little bit, “i suppose it’s okay.”
and after a bit more talking, the two of you got into a cute night position. you as the little spoon, and sam as the big spoon, protecting you from anything that would happen.
A/N: it has been MONTHSS since i’ve uploaded a fic, but here is one that was requested! thanks to the one and only anon! tysm :) (even if it took two months because i felt unmotivated and a bit busy at the time)
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Shifts In Perspective
Summary: No One Knows AU Part 19, Sam holds a Phantom protest.
“I just… I don’t understand it,” Valerie says.  “We’re enemies.  Right?  Like we actually are.  But I swear he took that hit for me.  There’s nothing else he could have been doing.”
Danny, for his part, has adopted his usual strategy when Valerie starts talking about Phantom: say as little as possible.  So instead, he just makes a small noise of acknowledgement.
“I just don’t know what to make of it, is all,” Valerie says.  “I mean, I don’t know.  Does it sound like him to you?”
Stopping you from getting hurt by one of my parents’ weapons?  Yeah, that sounds like me, Danny doesn’t say.  Instead, he adjusts the bandana that hides his hair over the sunglasses that hide his eyes and says, “I don’t know.  Not from what you’ve said of him before.”
“I know,” Valerie groans, turning so her board flies into the alleyway in between the buildings ahead.  Danny tightens his grip around her waist from behind so he doesn’t fly off.
“And he put himself in harm’s way too,” Valerie continues.  “I don’t understand it.”
“I don’t either,” Danny says.  And because he can’t help asking, “So uh, what are you gonna do about it?”
“Right now?  Nothing,” Valerie says, taking them up over the next building.  “But it was definitely weird.  I want to know more.  Maybe… maybe I’ll just pay closer attention, watch him for a little bit.”
Well, that doesn’t say anything about what he should do.  He really doesn’t want to manipulate Valerie’s feelings in regards to him, even if her no longer actively hunting him sounds nice.  But he can’t see any clear direction for ‘I’m going to watch to see what I can learn.’  Obviously he’s not going to suddenly start being nefarious.  But if he does more good deeds than usual, that’s manipulative, right?  But it’s not like he can just ignore it if people are in danger, and he can’t just stop fighting ghosts.
Honestly, there are times he wishes he hadn’t found out who Valerie is just because of the headache of trying to figure out how to act around her anymore.
“That sounds like an okay idea,” Danny says anyway, because he has to say something to that.  “Just be safe, okay?”
“Aww, are you worried about me?” Valerie asks, and Danny can hear the tease in her voice even through her mask.  “Don’t worry, Danny.  I’ll still kick some ghost butt.”
Danny smiles a little.  “I have no doubt about that.”
Valerie laughs, and flies them both down to an alleyway a little ways from the school.  Danny hops off, and after making sure no one’s around, takes off his sunglasses and bandana.
“Thanks for the ride to school,” he says.
“No problem,” Valerie says, retracting her suit into her backpack.  “Sure beats the bus, huh?”
Danny grins.  “You said it.”
They walk the rest of the route to school, holding hands until they reach the parking lot, at which point they let go.  Danny did manage to ignore his guilt at the idea long enough to tell Valerie he doesn’t want Sam and Tucker to know they’re dating.  Valerie asked no questions, which Danny appreciated.  But that means all their dates take place outside school, and inside, they act as they always have— or, as they always have since they became friends.
So as they part ways in the hallway, Valerie turns and gives him a bright smile, says “See you at lunch,” and that’s that.
Danny grabs his stuff from his locker and starts heading for his first class, when suddenly, as he’s walking past the janitor’s closet, he hears a very clear sob from the inside.
He startles and turns to face it.  He doesn’t hear another sob, but there’s some very obvious muffled breathing.
“Uh you okay?” Danny calls.  He knocks gently on the door, only for it to swing open, the person inside clearly not having shut it all the way.
The person inside whirls around, and Danny stares at her for a minute, stunned.
“S-Sam?” he asks, trying to process what he’s seeing.  “Are you alright?”
Sam pulls in a shaky, horrible sounding breath, and gives him a terrible attempt at a glare.
“Leave— leave me alone,” she gasps, but it ends with her pressing her hand over her mouth in another sob.
“Hey,” Danny says, his hands and concern both shooting up as he takes a step into the closet.  “Hey, what’s wrong, you—”
“I said leave me alone!” Sam screams, and reaches out and shoves him hard back into the shelves of the closet.  Danny wheezes, the wind knocked out of him, but Sam runs out past him before he can say anything else.  Danny runs out into the hall as soon as he gets his breath back, but Sam’s already gone.
After that, Danny doesn’t see Sam for the rest of the morning, which makes him even more concerned.  He looks for a chance to talk to Tucker about it, but doesn’t manage to find one before lunch.  So he meets up quickly with Valerie, tells her he’ll be right back, and heads quickly to the lunchroom to check on her.
Instead, he finds Tucker sitting alone at a lunch table.  He looks up as he sees Danny approach, and looks away quickly after, but Danny can still see the nerves on his face.
“I haven’t seen Sam all day,” Tucker says anyway.  “Do you think she’s sick?”
“She’s not,” Danny says, looking at Tucker until he draws his gaze.  Tucker looks at him for a whole half a second before looking back down at the table, which has to be a record for lately.
“Actually,” Danny says, sitting down across from him.  “I found her this morning crying in the janitor’s closet.”
Tucker’s head snaps up, and now he’s looking at Danny.  “What?”
But before Danny can explain the little he knows, a box slams down on the table next to them, startling them both.
“We’re having a protest about Phantom,” Sam announces, glaring down at them both from over the box.
Danny and Tucker both exchange a brief glance before turning back to Sam.  Her face hasn’t changed from the firm glare she’s wearing.
“Um, okay,” Danny says, carefully.  “Sure.”
He doesn’t want to ask why, because while he doesn’t see any traces of that morning’s breakdown in her face, the fact that he hasn’t seen her since then can’t be a coincidence.
“You’re joking, right?” Tucker asks, looking at Sam in a way Danny can’t read.
“Absolutely not,” Sam says, with a harsh glare right at Tucker.  “My permit’s in the box, we’re setting it up after school.”
“You and me?” Tucker asks.
“No, all three of us, obviously,” Sam says.  She still hasn’t sat down.  “I’m not just going to leave Danny out.”
Danny raises his eyebrows slightly but doesn’t say anything.  It doesn’t feel like it would go over well to say much.
Tucker, however, does not seem to get this memo.  “Sam—” he starts.
“Great,” Sam snaps instead of letting him finish.  “I’ll meet you out front after school.  Bye.”
With that, she picks up the box again and storms off again without sitting down.
“She’s joking, right?” Tucker says after she leaves, seeming to be directed more at the empty space than at Danny.  Danny responds anyway.
“I don’t think she is,” he says slowly.  “But really, she didn’t look great this morning.  I don’t know if…” he trails off, not exactly sure what he’s trying to say.
Because what he’s thinking is I don’t know if I should take this too personally.
But he can’t say that to Tucker.
He looks after Sam for a moment, but though he can feel Tucker looking at him, when he turns Tucker just drops his gaze back to the table.
But after a second, he nods.  “Okay,” he says.  “After school, then.”
Danny nods.  “Yeah,” he says.  And that’s that.
Sam really goes all out.  It isn’t that surprising, especially with how rich her family is, but it’s still rather impressive in the course of a single day.
There’s giant posters with his face— well, his face as Phantom— on them, inside a stereotypical red circle with a line through it.  Sam hangs up a list of major grievances right next to the stage that’s already set up.  There’s stuff like property damage, public disruptions, time taken to finish fights, and a list of every single person who’s ever gotten hurt during a ghost fight.  Admittedly, the last part stings the most.  Danny keeps away from the stage.
He personally is standing at the archway entrance, handing out rubber bracelets that read “Phantom Sucks,” which, well if anything he can laugh at the irony.
And for the most part, he’s succeeding in his “don’t take this personally” plan.  Sure, it doesn’t feel great that so many people show up, many of whom he recognizes.  There’s people who got caught in the line of fire and some whose cars got smashed or store windows got broken.
But for the most part, Danny’s able to keep his mind off it all.  In part because he’s put himself technically out of the actual event, and in part because he’s thinking more about Sam’s slightly manic energy as they helped put everything up.  This still feels like an aftereffect of the way he found her this morning.  Which just makes it more worrying that he doesn’t know what’s wrong.
He’s interrupted while watching Sam up on the stage, making a speech that, thankfully, he can’t quite hear.
“You are kidding me, right?”
Danny turns to see Jazz standing behind him with her arms crossed.
“Okay look let me explain,” Danny says, holding his hands up.
Jazz turns her head to the sky in exasperation.
“Jazz, seriously,” Danny says.
“Fine,” Jazz says, waving a hand at him.  “I’d love to hear it.”
“I found Sam having some kind of breakdown in the closet this morning,” Danny says, glancing briefly back at her.  “I don’t know what’s going on, but I don’t think this is really about me.”
“And that means you have to show up why, exactly?”
Danny crosses his arms.  “I’m worried,” he says.
“You can do that at home.”
“Yeah, okay Jazz, thanks,” he says, glaring at her a little bit.  “I’m just waiting until I can get a chance to ask her what’s wrong.  Then I’ll come home and you can lecture me.”
“Who said I was going to lecture you?” Jazz says.  “You’re free to make your own terrible choices.  Have a great time at the Danny Phantom protest.”
She turns and starts to walk away.
“I’m really not taking it personally,” Danny says before she’s too far away to hear.
Jazz glances back at him again.  She looks him up and down for a couple seconds, obviously scrutinizing, before her glare fades just a little.
“Okay,” she says.  “Good.”  And then she leaves.
Danny sighs and leans back against the cardboard archway, shortly before realizing that’s not a great idea when the flimsy cardboard collapses and he falls on top of it on the ground.
“Cardboard, it’s cardboard,” he mutters to himself as he pushes himself back up, and pulls the arch with him.
Danny squeezes his eyes shut.  Oh, great.
“Valerie, hey,” he says, turning to face her with the best smile he can muster.  “You here for the protest?”
Valerie, however, has a look of slight disgust on her face, which throws him off guard.
“Uh, no,” Valerie says, which doesn’t help in his confusion.  “Are you?”
“Oh, nah, I’m just helping Sam out,” Danny says with a glance back at the stage that hopefully just screams “casual.”
Valerie steps up next to him, and when Danny looks over he sees her looking at the stage.  He’s not sure how he feels about the look on her face.
Sam screams something about how dangerous Phantom is loud enough for the two of them to hear, and Valerie wrinkles her nose.
“Wow,” she mutters after a second.  “I hope I haven’t ever sounded like that.”
Danny blinks.  “Huh?”
Valerie turns to face him.  “Let’s get out of here,” she says.
“Uh, I was actually waiting to talk to Sam,” Danny says, looking back at the stage.  “She… I don’t think she’s alright.”
“Oh she’s definitely not,” Valerie says.  “Let’s get out of here anyway.”
“What?  I can’t just leave her if I know she’s not okay.”
“Sure you can,” Valerie says.  “She’s been awful to you.  I know that, and I don’t even know everything that’s happened between you guys.  She also hasn’t asked for your help.  You can’t be telling me you want to be here.  You don’t look like you want to be here.”
Danny crosses his arms.  “Of course I don’t want to be here,” he mutters.
“Then let’s go,” Valerie says.  “Come on, I’ve had a date idea I’ve been meaning to take us on for a while.”
Danny hesitates.  He looks up towards the stage one more time.
…He’s not getting Sam’s attention any time soon.  And he can always ask her what was up tomorrow.
Danny takes a deep breath, pushes his guilt to the side, and turns to Valerie.  “Okay,” he says.  “Let’s go.”
Valerie takes them both a ways away from the protest before she pulls out her board.  By the time she does, Danny’s been expecting it though, so he puts his bandana and sunglasses on and climbs on behind her.  Then he wraps his arms around her so he doesn’t fly off as she takes off.
He wouldn’t be in any danger if he did fly off, but she doesn’t know that, and that’s not really how he wants her to find out.
Valerie doesn’t go nearly as fast as he can, but she still likes to go fast, and Danny can appreciate the rush of wind in his face as they both head upwards.  For all the problems being half ghosts causes, he’ll never get sick of flying.
They both end up high in the air, high enough that Danny can see the clouds around them.
“Are you nervous being this far up?” Valerie asks as they stop.  “We can go lower if you are.”
Danny shakes his head.  “I trust you,” he says.  It’s only a partial lie.  He knows Valerie won’t let him fall.
Valerie smiles back at him, then hits a button on her board that locks it in place, and sits down, pulling her hood off.  Danny pulls off his bandana and sunglasses and sits down next to her.
“We’re gonna be up here a while,” she says, leaning back on the board.  “For the sunset for me, and then the stars for you.”
Danny grins.  “Awesome,” he says.  He doesn’t have to try too hard to get excitement in his voice.  Even though it may not be his first time stargazing this high up in the air, it never gets old for him.  And doing it with someone is new.  He’s glad it gets to be Valerie.
Valerie grins back at  him, and leans back on her board.  There’s just enough space there for her to lean on her hands, and Danny marvels a minute at how calm she looks.  She doesn’t have any natural abilities to rely on up here.  If something goes wrong with that board, as far as she knows, they’re both in trouble.  He wonders for a minute who she got it from.  She said they were anonymous, but she must trust them for some reason.
“So hey,” Valerie says, bringing an end to his thoughts and drawing his gaze to her.  “Can I ask you something?”
Danny nods.  “Sure.”
“When you talked before about someone who makes you feel like you’re just around to vent to.  Was that Sam?  And the thing she vents about all the time, was that Phantom?”
Danny looks away.  “Uh,” he says, “maybe.”
Valerie doesn’t say anything for a moment.  When she speaks again, it’s definitely not what he expects to hear.
“Danny, why didn’t you tell me to stop talking about Phantom all the time?”
Danny looks over at her in surprise.  “Huh?”
“You had to be sick of it.  And you had to have not wanted to hear me go on about him too.  Tell me to stop, dumbass.  I will.”
“But you were angry about him because he ruined your entire life,” Danny protests.  “It’s not fair of me to ask you to stop talking about all your problems.”
“Danny, that’s like, what our entire relationship is built on.  We don’t ask about things the other person doesn’t want to talk about.  Why shouldn’t that go the other way around too?”
“Because—” Danny starts, but he’s not sure where to go once he does.  Because our not talking about anything made it so I never realized you were the Red Huntress?  Because our not talking about anything means you still don’t know I’m Phantom?  Because maybe sometimes we actually should talk about these things?
“Danny, I don't want you to make yourself miserable for me,” Valerie says.
“I’m not miserable,” Danny mutters.
Valerie snorts.
“Well, come on.  I’m not blaming myself entirely.  But Danny.”
Danny looks down and starts fidgeting with his hands.  “You weren’t supposed to notice that,” he mutters.
“I like you,” Valerie says.  “We’re dating.  I’m supposed to pay attention, aren’t I?”
Danny doesn’t say anything.
Valerie reaches out and takes one of his hands and squeezes it.  “Hey,” she says.  “Tell me what Sam and Tucker do that bothers you so much.”
“It’s not their fault.”
“Did I ask whose fault it was?”
Danny moves their hands so their fingers are interlaced and looks out at the sky.  Partly because the sun is starting to set, and partly because it’s easier to talk when he’s not looking right at Valerie.
“We’ve been friends since we were little kids,” he says quietly.  “They’re two of my favorite people in the entire world.”
“But?” Valerie prompts.
“I hate being around them now,” Danny says, wiping at his eyes with his free hand.  “It’s never fun.  It never feels like I can just enjoy the time.  Sam is… angry.  Constantly.  And before, she— I mean she’s always been passionate about things, but this feels different.  And Tucker never looks at me anymore.  And he won’t tell me why or what’s wrong.  And every single conversation we ever have is about Phantom.  I mean, can’t they give the guy a break?  He’s not perfect!  And he shouldn’t have to be!  Why does everyone expect him to get everything right all the time?  It’s too much to put on one person— ghost, whatever,” he finishes with a mutter, stopping himself before he says something he shouldn’t.
Valerie’s quiet for a long moment, and Danny looks away and braces himself for some kind of comment about how he has to keep in mind that Phantom is dangerous, and it’s good that Sam and Tucker are wary of him, and god, he wants to go home and sleep.
Instead, however, Valerie turns him back to face her and pulls him into a tight hug.
“I’m sorry, Danny,” she murmurs.
Danny sniffs, and rests his head on her shoulder.  “For what?”
“Making it harder for you,” Valerie says.  “I mean, you still should have asked me to stop.  And I’m not kidding about wanting you to do that from now on.  But I am sorry.”
“You have a reason to be upset,” Danny manages.
“Yeah, I do,” Valerie agrees.  “But there are things I have in my life now that I didn’t have before.”  She squeezes Danny one more time and pulls back, smiling at him.  “I’m closer with my dad now.  And I wouldn’t trade that relationship for anything.  And I’ve got you, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything either.”
“Those didn’t happen because of Phantom,” Danny says weakly.  “You did that.”
“I know,” Valerie says.  “But I’m starting to think… my life doesn’t have to be about him.  I don’t have to define myself based on what happened with Phantom.  And I mean, seeing that protest today, I…” Valerie shakes her head.  “Maybe I’ve been a little hard on him.”
Danny sniffs, and wipes at his eyes again.  “Sorry,” he says before Valerie can say anything.  “I don’t know why I’m crying, ‘s stupid, I—”
“Oh shut up,” Valerie says.  She pulls him back in for another hug, and doesn’t seem to mind when Danny takes the chance to shake in her arms.
“Hey,” she says after a while, and Danny pulls back to see her looking up.  “The stars are out.”
He looks up and sees that she’s right.  He sniffs again and blinks quickly to stop his eyes from blurring.
Valerie wraps her arm around Danny and points up at them with her free hand.  “Which constellations can you find?”
Danny leans his head on her shoulder, and looks to find the stars that are visible.  So high up, there’s less light pollution, and more to see.
“Aquarius,” he croaks, and neither of them mention how terrible his voice sounds.  He points up at the constellation.  “That star there is the supergiant Sadalmelik, and you can follow it down to Sadalsuud.  But you can’t see the whole thing.  We’d have to go further out in the country.”
“Next date, got it,” Valerie says with a smile in her voice.
“And that over there is the square of Pegasus,” Danny says.  Valerie follows his point.  “See it?”
“I think so,” Valerie says.
Danny sniffs one last time and drops his hand.  “Sorry we talked all through the sunset,” he says.
“Oh yeah, I’m real pissed about it,” Valerie says in an obvious tease.  “We have no choice but to do this again so you can make it up to me.”
Danny’s smile fades, and he doesn’t say anything.  Valerie doesn’t say anything else, though, and for a long while they both sit there.
Rather than stargazing, Danny spends it trying to feel better about the decision he’s made.
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toournextadventure · 2 years
movie night
Summary: You finally convince Tara to have a short movie night while Sam is away at therapy.
Word Count: 2.4k Warnings: swearing, mention of scars, mention of trauma, murder jokes Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader (pt.i) (pt.ii) (pt.iii) (pt.iv) (pt.v) (pt.vi) (pt.vii) (pt.viii)
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“Come on, Tara,” you called as you chased after her once class had let out. “Just one movie.”
“We hooked up once,” Tara huffed, “that doesn’t mean I want to watch a movie with you.”
“Sure you do,” you said with a smile.
College kids milled around you both as Tara pulled to a stop and turned to look at you. You had no idea what she was thinking but she had that adorable crinkle between her brows. It was easy to forget how small she was until she was actually standing in front of you and nearly had to crane her head to meet your eyes.
“Sam hates you,” Tara said simply.
“Sam hates everyone,” you shrugged.
“Especially you,” she said again, turning around to continue her walk. But you weren’t going to let her get away that easily. Your dad had always told you to shoot your shot.
“Come on, T, one movie,” you said as you jogged to her side. “One shot.”
“When are you planning on this movie?” Tara asked with a sigh. Her side eye was fantastic. “Sam is always home.”
“She goes to therapy, right?” You asked. She hesitated for a moment, but nodded. “I’ll come over while she’s in therapy and then bail before she gets back.”
You couldn’t hear it thanks to the students still surrounding you, but you saw her shoulders sag as she sighed. Her hand brushed yours once and it was like a jolt of electricity going up your arm. It was nice and brought a smile to your face. The little downturn of her eyebrows indicated she was thinking.
“She leaves the apartment at 5:30 on Friday,” Tara said as she pulled to a stop once again and looked up at you.
“That’s right before the frat party,” you said. “I thought you wanted to go to that?”
“You can have either the party or a movie,” Tara said with a raised brow. “Don’t be greedy.”
“I’ll take the movie,” you said as you raised your hands in surrender. “If Sam leaves at 5:30, I’ll be there at 5:31.”
“Oh my god,” Tara mumbled before walking off. “Just don’t get caught.” She turned around for a second, walking backwards and pointing at you. “And you’re buying the snacks.”
You watched her walk off, a ridiculous smile on your lips as you turned around and started your own walk back to your apartment. Finally, a date with the elusive Tara Carpenter. Well, she hadn’t called it a date. But it was absolutely a date. All you had to do was bring snacks.
Shit, what snacks did she like?
Friday evening came around faster than you had been ready for. Not to get things wrong, you were beyond excited; but once you started the walk to Tara’s apartment, the nerves started to settle in. You had some cheap beer in your backpack and as many snacks as you could shove in there; jerky, candy, chips, even some popcorn.
You were about to walk up the steps to the apartment building doors when you saw Sam walking down.
“Shit,” you whispered to yourself, quickly slipping into the alley beside the building. 
You pulled your hood down over your head and leaned against the wall. Shit, you thought, you probably looked like some sort of creep just hanging around the alley. Had Sam seen you? Hopefully not, this was your one shot, Samantha Carpenter was not going to ruin it.
And she didn’t. She walked right by you without sparing a second glance. You let out the breath you had been holding and slowly poked your head out from the alley. She continued to walk away with her back to you, but you felt like she was watching you. Like she knew you were there, about to go up to her apartment and ravish her sister.
Okay, you weren’t actually going to ravish Tara, you were both sober this time and you very much respected her boundaries. Maybe next movie date.
Only once you were beyond positive that Sam was gone did you finally walk into the apartment building. The stairs taunted you; they knew you hated long walk ups. But Tara was up there, and that gave you a renewed strength to start the long trek. Until you were huffing and puffing near the door, and you had to lean against the wall for a second to catch your breath.
“Need my inhaler?”
You turned your head to see Tara standing in the now-open doorway, the smallest smile playing at her lips. She was holding up the inhaler in one hand and she was taunting you. And wouldn’t you know it, you weren’t even upset.
“Only if we shotgun it,” you said with a smirk.
“Oh my god, just shut up and get inside.”
She ushered you in, checking outside - probably for Sam - one more time before shutting the door behind the both of you. You had been in the Carpenter’s apartment once or twice before, but only in passing. Once when Mindy had snuck you in for a movie marathon and the one time you had to help Quinn with a project. It was a nice apartment, though you noticed it looked more like a temporary living space than a home.
Tara led you down the hallway, and you both stopped when you heard moaning from the other side of the wall.
“Get it, Quinn!” You called out, doubling over when Tara elbowed you in the side.
“Shut up,” she threatened, but the moans stopped and you both heard rustling. Tara sighed as you walked out of the hall just as Quinn opened the door.
“You getting lucky too?” Quinn asked Tara, who groaned and walked into what you assumed was her own room.
“Movie night,” you said with a shrug. “But if anyone asks, we absolutely fucked.”
“Unless it’s Sam?”
“Unless it’s Sam,” you confirmed.
“My lips are sealed,” Quinn said with a wink before closing her door, and you quickly made your way into Tara’s room.
It looked far more lived in than the rest of the apartment. Hell, it actually looked like a college kid lived there. The rest of the apartment was clearly Sam’s decorating (or lack thereof), but in her own space the real Tara came out. Colours, posters, character. It was nice.
And far cleaner than your own room back at your apartment.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re a prick?” Tara asked when you closed the door behind you.
“What did I do?” You shot back.
“You better not go telling everyone we hooked up,” she said.
“Oh please,” you huffed, setting your backpack down on her bed and letting her dig through everything. She quickly popped the tab on one of the beers. “I wouldn’t dare ruin Tara Carpenter’s perfect reputation.”
“I don’t need everyone knowing I associate with you,” she continued.
But you could see the shimmer in her eyes as she pulled out your laptop. You told her the password without hesitation so she could look at your movie collection. She skimmed and you got everything else out of your bag, setting it all up on her dresser. A hum and a pointed look had you throwing the pack of M&Ms onto the bed before you climbed up next to her.
“I’m not watching that,” you said when she went to start Hereditary.
“Excuse me?” She asked indignantly. “Why not?”
“It’s overplayed,” you said, gently pushing her hand aside to find something else. “And dare I say, overhyped.”
“I’ll kick you out of my apartment.”
“This is better.” You ignored her statement and exasperated look completely. “Trust me.”
“Annihilation?” She asked as she took a closer look. “I bet you only watch it for Natalie Portman.”
“Well yeah, I’m not blind,” you scoffed. “But it’s also a great movie. Phenomenal score.”
“Wow,” Tara said softly with a nod of her head. “That was so incredibly lame.”
“Shut up and drink your beer,” you huffed, pushing her gently with your shoulder as you popped the tab of your own drink.
Not even ten minutes into the movie, you were leaning against the headboard while Tara was leaning into your side. Her knees were pulled up to her chest but her head rested on your shoulder, and you could no longer focus on the movie. Not even Natalie Portman could distract you from the feel of Tara leaning into you, her breathing in sync with your own.
Midway through the movie, you felt her shift and sling her left arm around your waist. You tried your best to play it cool, to not show her how nervous and giddy it made you. Instead you just wrapped your own arm around her shoulder. You looked down at her hand, fiddling with the hem of your shirt and saw the scar on her hand.
It had made you sad at first when you had heard about all the hell she had gone through. Everyone else at Woodsboro too, of course, but especially her. The first one, not expecting anything to go wrong, caught alone and terrified. You had nearly cried when you found out.
But then it made you mad. Furious, even. Enraged that someone would go out of their way to hurt Tara. No, not someone, that her girlfriend had gone out of her way to hurt Tara simply to make a statement. Fucking clout chasers, the lot of them. It was a good thing Amber was dead, because you would have killed her yourself.
You hesitantly let your hand fall on top of hers. She stiffened against you, but slowly relaxed when you didn’t move to do anything further. Only once she settled a bit did you rub your thumb against her knuckles, gently over the scar. She sighed and leaned further into you as you massaged the sensitive skin.
Oh, she was playing you for a fool. And she was winning.
“Hang on, listen to this,” you said once the movie hit its climax. You leaned forward to turn the volume up on your laptop. “Listen to the swell of the music, how it steadily gets a little louder, a little more advanced.” You looked down to see Tara staring at you. “What?”
“You really pay attention to movie scores,” she said with the slightest uptick of the corner of her mouth. “Like, really pay attention.”
“It’s not that weird,” you said quietly. “You and Mindy geek out over your “elevated horror” or whatever you call it.”
“I’m not complaining,” Tara said defensively, finally sitting up and shifting so she was facing you. “It’s just… a different thing to focus on.”
“Different?” You asked. “It’s probably the most important part of a movie. Imagine The Babadook without any music.”
“It would still dominate,” she answered. “Your music only enhances the experience, it doesn’t create it.”
“It would be mediocre at best and you know it,” you said.
“Like you?” She asked, leaning forward until her face was right in front of yours.
“Oh sweetheart, you know I’m far better than that.” Your eyes fell to her lips; she was smirking at you. Taunting you again.
“I think I forgot,” she said. You could almost feel her lips brushing against yours. “You might need to remind me again.”
“Only if you say please,” you said. You wanted to taunt her back, but she had you wrapped around her little finger. You were hooked.
“In your dreams,” she whispered before leaning forward and pressing her lips against yours.
It didn’t take long before her hands were on your neck and you pulled her into your lap. The movie was long forgotten and you could hear the crinkle of snack wrappers underneath your legs, but you didn’t care. All you cared about was her lips on yours, her fingers brushing against your neck, how soft her hips were.
“I’m still not convinced,” Tara whispered into your ear. Your fingers dug into her hips.
“You’re a brat,” you told her, but you couldn’t help your smile. Especially when she laughed lightly, her breath fanning across your neck.
She pulled away just long enough for you to pull her shirt over her head before kissing you again. Your hands instantly found her waist, your fingers lightly crossing her skin, remembering everything from your hookup all those weeks ago. Each scar and freckle and ticklish spot. Her skin was warm and soft; you had missed it.
Her own fingers were playing with the hem of your own shirt when the door flung open, and you both flinched and turned to look. Sam was standing in the doorway, her mouth hanging open as her eyes flicked between both you and Tara. You could feel your cheeks and neck flush as embarrassment started to set it.
“Seriously?” Sam asked, now not even looking at you. “While I’m at therapy?”
“You didn’t want me going to the frat party,” Tara defended, “so I didn’t.”
“You couldn’t have picked someone better?” Sam asked, now looking at you with an unimpressed face.
“Hi Sam,” you said meekly.
“Tara, put your clothes back on,” Sam huffed without an ounce of hesitation or remorse. “And you, get out of my apartment.”
“Or what?” You asked with a nervous chuckle. “You’re gonna stab me?”
Everyone fell silent. Both Sam and Tara looked at you with faces that you had seen plenty of times before. It was fairly neutral, but with the slightest raise of a brow and a sigh of irritation. It was a look that said “please shut the fuck up.” Again, a look you knew very well.
“Get out,” Sam said again.
“Yes ma’am,” you mumbled instantly.
Sam watched you the whole time you packed things back up, slipping your laptop into your backpack and putting your shoes and jacket back on. You turned to tell Tara bye, but judging by the looks of both Carpenter sisters, you just shut your mouth, gave them a closed-mouth smile, and nodded once.
“See you in class, Tara!” You called out once you reached the door.
“Don’t come back!” Sam shouted in return.
You chuckled to yourself and closed the apartment door behind you, now the giddiness of Tara’s kiss coming back full force. Oh yeah. You were going to sneak in so much more.
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evilminji · 1 year
*Slams the door open!* Spooky Kooky EX AU! I AM A GENIUS! You're WELCOME INTERNET!
Pariah Dark. Tall, rougish, full head of hair and a cool scar. A man of Royal bearing. Dead! What self respecting Hot Young Witch could resist? Certainly not Grandmamá Addams. They...consorted, if you will.
Ah, but she was young and foolish. He was dictatorial and set about the destruction of all life. Her mother never approved. Military men, you know. Always away to do SOMETHING. Not proper lay abouts like dear young Gomez.
So... they broke up. It was ugly, of course. What man wouldn't lose his mind over the lose of such beauty? Terrible, terrible business. Lives were lost, cities burned, men went bald. Taxes filed! Why, they even put the man in a COMA!
Most fun she had in years.
So of course, you could imagine her dismay hearing he was suddenly pulled OUT of the coma she helped put him in. Armies of the dead, rising to invade the land of the living and slaughter them all. And her with no dress for the occasion? No stylish hat? Half a country away from the fun!?
She was heartbroken! And not even the fun kind!
That's why she wrangled her family, here, too the afterlife, to bring you a delightful belladonna berry pie! And aren't you just the most GHASTLY little thing? You know, her granddaughter has been about your age for the last 7 or so years, you two might get along! Cause some trouble together. Burn a few buildings down!
Mind if I show the family around the old place? It's been so long since I walked these halls... *wistful sigh*
And? Look. Sam is looking unhinged in her glee. Trying to get adopted. They might have to find a literal crowbar to pry her off. Tucker has chosen to glue himself Frostbite, who is also visiting. He tried Fight Knight but quickly realized they actually regard the poor guy as catnip. Frighty looks HARRASSED.
And Danny? There is a no joke, fairy tale Witch in his castle. He is gonna be POLITE AF. No today satan! He's got shit enough luck. He doesn't need to get cursed! Seriously! What the fuck is an Addam and HOW DID THEY GET INTO THE ZONE!?
@hdgnj @hypewinter @ailithnight @mutable-manifestation @the-witchhunter @nerdpoe
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This isn't Your Fault (Introductions)
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: “Mindy!” Tara screeched when the other girl ran off to grab the taser. When she came back, she at least looked apologetic as she handed Sam the taser. “Sam,” Tara said again.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3.6k
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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You made your way through the streets of New York, your earbuds in as you weaved in and out of the crowds. You had just gotten off the subway and were now walking to Tara’s apartment. It had been a few weeks since the Ghostface attack and you were healed up enough to be ready to officially meet Sam and the others. You had gotten your cast off a few days ago and were now set to wear a brace for a few more weeks.
Tara had barely left your side once you got discharged from the hospital. She went home with you and practically moved in for the last few weeks. The only time she wasn’t with you was when she had class and she had actually gotten out of going to class the first week but then no one would accept her excuses anymore. You hadn’t returned to class yet, you were set to return soon though but until then your professors had been understanding and since most of your assignments were online you were still able to do them and most of your classes had a friend in them who just took notes for you and the ones that didn’t have friends, your professors were kind enough to email you the important information.
Besides going back to the hospital for a checkup on your injuries, this was the first time you had been out of your house, not that you were complaining. You were enjoying the free time, even though you still couldn’t do big movements without being in pain, and you had to sleep sitting up slightly because of your ribs.
Tara had been reluctant to leave your side again today, but it seemed she was more nervous about you coming over, so she left you in the morning to go home and make sure everything went smoothly. You weren’t sure what needed to be prepared, you were just going over for dinner and as far as you knew they were just ordering pizza. Based on hundreds of texts you had been getting though it was clear Tara was panicking over you officially meeting Sam, with some panicking over your wellbeing sprinkled in. She’d send a text assuring you Sam wouldn’t be mean and then another asking to make sure you took your pain meds.
The podcast you were listening to was just finishing up as you made it to the front of the apartment. You stared up at the tall building, you began bouncing your leg, realizing you were about to officially meet Sam. You had been comforting Tara and telling her not to be nervous and now here you were, shaky legs and sweaty hands at the idea of walking up the few steps and opening the door to officially step inside the apartment building. You gave your shoulders a good shake before quickly running up the steps and flinging the door open. You had nothing to be afraid of, you knew that Tara was going to be there and most likely holding your hand the entire time and Anika was also going to be there.
You made your way up all the stairs. You totally understood why Sam wanted an apartment on the top floor, but you were not a fan of stairs. When you finally reached the top floor, you slipped out your earbuds and put them in your pocket. You took a deep breath before raising your hand and giving the door three soft knocks. A few seconds later there was the sound of a scuffle on the other side of the door and what sounded like someone lightly running into the door.
“Behave!” Tara whisper shouted. You couldn’t help but silently chuckle. “No, Mindy!” came again. “Sit!” you continued to laugh as you pulled out your phone, shooting Tara a text saying you could hear everything. “Shit,” came a quiet whisper that told you Tara was the one standing right on the other side of the door.
The door was quickly ripped open and standing before you was Tara, smiling brightly. “Hi!” she said a little to cheerfully.
“Hey,” you said, staring at her as you tried to contain your laughter.
You stood there staring at her as she used her body to block the inside of the apartment. You raised your eyebrows, but she didn’t seem to take the hint that she needed to move for you to enter. “Yo, you gonna let her in or what?” came Chads voice.
“Shut up!” Tara snapped, turning around to glare at Chad. When she turned back to you, she quietly stepped aside, trying to hide her blush.
You quietly giggled as you stepped into the apartment. Before you could take in the entirety of the apartment and even before Tara could close the door you were hit with an abrupt force causing you to stumble back. You let out a groan of pain as you felt arms wrap around your neck.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Anika mumbled into your shoulder.
“Gentle, gentle,” you said, moving your body back slightly.
“Oh my god!” Anika cried, quickly letting go of you. “Did I hurt you? I thought you were healed. Did I hurt you? I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”
“I’m good,” you assured her. “It just takes a while for ribs to heal, they’re still a bit sensitive.”
“I’m so sorry! Let me make it up to you,” her eyes darted around the room as if she was looking for something to give you. “Oh! I can do our final audio project!”
“No!” you quickly shouted, holding up your hands. “Please, anything but that.” You looked at her with wide eyes. “I have a hundred in that class and would like to keep it. You can put your name on the project and present though.”
Anika’s arms fell as she began to pout. “Fine,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “I still want to make it up to you. Let me buy you a soundtrack!”
You rolled your eyes, letting you a soft sigh. “Fine, we can go to the record store tomorrow.”
“I thought we were hanging out tomorrow,” Tara pouted.
“I figured you were coming with,” you said, turning towards your girlfriend.
“Good,” she smiled and then quickly intertwined her hand with yours.
“You have a record player?” Mindy asked. She was standing across the room with her arms crossed but she seemed genuinely surprised, and her eyes were wide with curiosity.
“Yeah,” you said shyly. “You just get a better sound.”
“That’s cool,” Mindy nodded, uncrossing her arms. “Mind if I tag along?”
“Yay!” Anika said, clapping her hands. “It can be like a double date!”
Chad gasped in offense, raising his arms as everyone turned to look at him. “You can come too,” Anika said.
“Yeah, be the fifth wheel,” Mindy said. “Might as well get used to it.”
Chad crossed his arms, clenching his jaw as he glared at his sister.
“Oh, Sam!” Anika said, spinning around to face the only person who had yet to speak. “Why don’t you come to? We can make it a bonding experience!”
Sam looked at Anika with a blank face. You were still waking up when Sam had been at the hospital and you had only seen her from a distance so you weren’t sure what her reaction would be, you couldn’t tell if this was her happy face, her angry face, or just her face.
“How about we see how dinner goes first,” Sam said, smiling at Anika before turning back to you and Tara with narrowed eyes.
“Sam,” Tara warned, gripping your hand just a bit tighter.
She slowly walked up to the two of you, the others subtly clearing a path. She stopped in front of you, arms crossed, and eyes narrowed. You couldn’t help but gulp, you stared straight back into Sam’s eyes. You were trying to portray strength and confidence, even though you were sure that was most definitely not what was coming across to Sam.
“Mindy,” Sam said calmly. “Hand me the taser on the counter.”
Your eyes widened but you didn’t break your stare from Sam’s, not because you were confident, no, now you were afraid to look away. You would have backed away but there wasn’t anywhere to go with Tara gripping your hand and the wall right behind you.
“Mindy!” Tara screeched when the other girl ran off to grab the taser. When she came back, she at least looked apologetic as she handed Sam the taser. “Sam,” Tara said again.
Sam played with the small taser in her hands. She held the taser in front of your face as she clicked the button, making the apartment fill with the loud crackling sound. You couldn’t help but flinch, squeezing Tara’s hand in the process.
“Here you go,” Sam said, holding out the taser to you with a soft smile.
Everyone in the apartment remained frozen. You slowly let go of Tara’s hand to grab the taser. “Thanks,” you said hesitantly as you looked down at the taser before slipping it into your pocket.
“I assume you know how to use it considering you put up a decent fight against Ghostface,” Sam explained, scratching the back of her neck. “This is just an extra form of protection. It’s also a thank you for protecting my sister.”
“My pleasure,” you said softly, your body instantly relaxing. “Thank you.”
“I’m Sam, Tara’s older sister,” Sam introduced herself, holding out her hand.
“Y/N,” you took Sam’s hand, giving it a good shake. “Tara’s secret girlfriend.” At that everyone let out the breath they had been holding in and lightly chuckled.
“Oh, I expect to hear all about that.” Sam flicked a glare towards her sister “Over pizza, come on.” She nodded and made her way back into the dining room.
As everyone turned to follow her, you let out a relieved breath before looking at Tara. Tara was still staring forward at the now empty space; you gave her hand a light squeeze. Tara looked back at you with a small smile. She returned your hand squeeze before leading you into the dining room. You saw the gang left two chairs next to each other empty for you and Tara. When the two of you took your seats, Tara scooched her chair just a bit closer so even though she couldn’t hold your hand your knees were touching.
“So, I have to ask,” Chad said after a few minutes, a mouth full of pizza. “Where did you learn to fight?”
You chuckled. “I wouldn’t call what I did fighting,” you answered, making sure to swallow your food first.
“Come on!” he threw his head back. “You were on the phone with,” he gestured towards Tara. “And you still managed to hear Ghostface and fight him off for as long as you did.”
You shrugged. “I don’t know, I watch a lot of Criminal Minds?” you played with the crust of your pizza. “And true crime. I guess I just always wonder how those people don’t see someone standing right there behind them or right outside their window and it made me more aware of my surroundings.”
Chad nodded along, taking in everything you were saying as he shoved more pizza into his mouth. “And I’ve seen Tangled,” you added. “I know exactly how good of a weapon a frying pan can be.”
“Do you play baseball?” Mindy asked.
“No,” you said, wrinkling your nose in disgust at the idea of playing sports.
“Why’d you have a bat?”
“In case someone ever broke in,” you said as if it was obvious.
Everyone continued to chat and finish off the pizza. You weren’t sure how many pieces Chad downed; you wouldn’t be surprised if he ate one pizza all by himself. You were no longer questioning why Sam bought two large pizzas, bread sticks, and cheesy bread.
You tapped your phone, looking at the time, you let out a sigh seeing how late it was. “I should head out,” you said. Tara turned to you pouting. “I’d rather not walk home alone to late.” Tara continued to pout. “Weren’t you the one complaining earlier when I said I was taking the subway even though it was daylight?” Tara grumbled something incoherent before crossing her arms.
“You can stay here,” Sam said, making everyone snap their heads in her direction.
“Really?” you asked. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I don’t want you having to walk home alone when it’s this late.”
“Okay, thank you.”
“As long as it’s okay with your parents at least,” Sam added. “I’m surprised your mom let you leave the house alone after what happened.”
“That’s because they’re still out of town,” Tara said.
“Really?” Mindy asked. “They didn’t fly home the second they heard their daughter was attacked?” you could hear the bit of curiosity in her voice but mostly judgement.
Anika was distracted playing with her phone, not even looking up as she said, “That’s because they don’t know.” She let out a small laugh until she realized what she said. She slowly put down her phone and looked at you to see you already glaring at her. You reached over whacking her on the arm.
“They don’t know?” Tara whipped her head towards you with an accusatory glare.
You cleared your throat, opening and closing your mouth a few times as you tried to come up with an excuse. “I didn’t want her to worry,” you finally said.
“How did you keep this from your mom? Why did she think the security alarm was triggered so late?” Tara was gesturing wildly, shaking the table with each movement.
“I told her you fell out of the tree,” you said quietly, refusing to meet Tara’s gaze. “Again.”
Tara gasped. “And she believed you?” you glanced at her, seeing her hold a hand to her heart.
“I mean…” you shrugged. “Can you blame her?”
“It happened once!”
“That’s not the point!”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Chad said, waving his arms. “You fell out of a tree?” he asked Tara, trying to contain his laughter.
“I miss judged the distance from the branch to her window,” is all Tara said.
“And that’s how she met my mom,” you added.
Everyone broke out into a laugh after that. “Whatever,” Tara grumbled. “She loves me now.”
You shook your head laughing at her. You reached down, grabbing her hand and bringing it towards your mouth to give her fingers a quick kiss. The gesture made Tara’s cheeks turn red and though she tried to duck her head out of sight from everyone you could see the small smile on her face.
Everyone talked for a bit longer, getting to know each other a bit more. You heard stories about Tara growing up in Woodsboro and what she was like. You heard all about Chad’s football career and how he got the scholarship he did. Sam didn’t say much, she added small bits here and there when the topic had to do with Tara’s childhood but otherwise sat there silently, smiling, and laughing along with everyone else. Eventually it got late though, and the twins and Anika made their way home, denying Sam’s offer to spend the night as well.
“We’ll see you tomorrow for the record store,” Anika said, pulling you into a much more gentle hug than the one she had greeted you with.
“And we we’ll be by for breakfast before,” Chad added, looking at Sam with puppy dog eyes.
Sam rolled her eyes. “Whatever,” she said but nodded.
After the others left Tara led you to her room and began getting ready for bed. She was already under the covers as you slipped in right beside her. Tara took the extra pillows on her bed and helped place them so you could lay partially sitting up. Tara had an arm draped around your waist, snuggling as close to you as she could get, she was about to close her eyes when the door to her room creaked open. Tara propped herself up and you turned to see Sam standing in the doorway.
“Keep the door open,” Sam said. She narrowed her eyes, giving Tara a knowing look before walking off towards her room.
“She’s still injured Sam!” Tara said before dropping her head back down onto the mattress, grumbling about how Sam never lets her get away with anything as she snuggled back into your side.
You just smiled, shaking your head at seeing the sisters interact in person. You shifted, wiggling your body down until you were laying as much as you could without causing your ribs to much pain. The bruising was mostly gone but it still hurt to lay on your stomach or either side.
It felt like you had just closed your eyes before they snapped wide open. Your breathing heavy, you could feel your heart racing as you looked around the unfamiliar room until you felt something graze against your leg. You looked down, instantly relaxing at seeing Tara still sound asleep at your side. You closed your eyes, taking a few deep breaths, you were at Tara’s apartment, you had spent the night, you were safe.
You rubbed your eyes realizing you couldn’t just go back to sleep. You quietly slipped out of the bed, gently lifting Tara’s arm off of you. You waited a second, watching to make sure Tara didn’t wake up before tiptoeing out of her room and making your way into the family room. You glanced around at the dark apartment, catching sight of a clock, it was three in the morning. You sighed before easing yourself down on the couch.
You were sitting there quietly in the dark staring at the empty wall before you when there was a small click and a light flicked on. You flinched, nearly jumping to your feet as you turned your whole body towards the sound.
“Sorry,” Sam whispered, stepping further into the family room.
“Sorry,” you croaked out, starting to stand up. “I didn’t mean to-”
“You’re fine,” Sam said softly, raising her hand for you to sit back down. You slowly lowered yourself back down as Sam made her way over, sitting in the chair across from the couch. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. “It’s just hard to get comfortable sometimes. Though the pain is mostly gone it’s still there a bit,” you said when you had calmed down enough. “The pain meds they gave me are meant to help me sleep but they kind of do the opposite,” you chuckled but it quickly fell flat.
The two of you sat there in silence for a moment. You stared down at your feet while Sam kept her eyes on you. The only light illuminating the room was the small one Sam flicked on when she entered.
“Nightmares?” Sam asked softly.
You nodded, refusing to lift your head and look at her. “I can usually sleep through the night when Tara’s there,” you whispered. “Most of the time at least.”
“Hey,” Sam said softly, making you finally look up at her, seeing her eyes held the same softness. “You have nothing to be ashamed of. You went through something terrible. We’ve all been through it. We definitely get it.” You nodded. “Have you talked to Tara about this at all?”
You shook your head. “I don’t want to burden her; she’s got enough to worry about.”
“She loves you. It wouldn’t be a burden to her.”
“Yeah, but-”
“Is it a burden to you when she talks about her problems? Or when she wakes up from a nightmare?”
“Of course not.” Sam raised her eyebrows but didn’t lose her softness. You let out a defeated sigh. “Yeah okay.”
“Talk to her,” she said before standing up. “When you’re ready to of course. You should also call your mom.”
You let out a small chuckle, rolling your eyes but nodded none the less.
“And…” she glanced around the room like she wasn’t used to this type of conversation. “I’m here to if you want to talk. If you’re comfortable of course.”
“Thank you,” you whispered. “You’re a great sister, Tara’s lucky to have you.”
Sam cleared her throat, trying to hide her blush, she was just like Tara in that way. “You should try and get some sleep, who knows where Anika will try and drag us after the record store.”
You nodded, pushing yourself back to your feet. You definitely knew how Anika got when she was out shopping and with everyone going you had no idea how long the trip to the record store would actually be. There were times you went out with Anika with the intent to go to one store and you ended up on the other side of the city hours later.
Sam flicked off the light and the two of you made your way back to bed. Sam gave you a small nod before she entered her room, gently closing the door behind her. You pushed Tara’s door open, still seeing her sound asleep. You pushed the door closed, leaving it a few inches open like Sam had requested before quietly slipping back under the covers.
You tried to be as subtle as possible to not disturb Tara. As soon as you were situated again, Tara curled into your side, wrapping her arm around your waist. You wrapped your arm around her as best as you could, pulling her closer into your side before closing your eyes and quickly drifting back off to sleep.
Taglist: @lilbitdepressed27 @fanboy7794 @noooodlessstuff @tatumrileyslover @alexkolax @canvascoloredin @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @youralphawolf72
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belovedwhore · 2 years
pretty boy pt 2
ethan landry x reader
warnings: little bit of plot, smut obv, fingering, “dry” humping, ethan lowkey sub
notes: here’s a part 2, it’s high key shit but imma post it anyways, this will prolly be a series of the reader basically hooking up with ethan since he’s all virgin and innocent etc so they’ll always be smut and sex eventually, just building up to it
as always lmk if you like it and if there’s anything else you’d like me to write abt ethan i am open to prompt suggestions
pt 1 , pt 2 , pt 3 , pt 4 , pt 5 , pt 6
after successfully sneaking out of the room and rejoining the others you all left the party. strolling on the sidewalk alongside chad and mindy you realized that sam, tara’s sister, had joined our group during some point in the night and her and tara were screaming at each other at this moment. the argument got cut short as a group of girls walked by sam, one throwing her drink on her along with a string of rude, degrading remarks regarding her theorized part in the woodsboro murders. time to go fucking home you thought. after what felt like forever you guys arrived to the apartment where you all decided to sleep. mindy and anika were sleeping on the couch together and sam was gonna room with their roommate quinn, leaving you and tara in her bedroom and chad and ethan in sam’s. as the two of you went into the room to change into comfier clothes you filled her in our the events of your nights.
“wait you’re telling me the whole time you were gone you were hooking up with ethan,” tara asked truly shocked.
“yes i’m just as surprised as you are,” you laughed pulling on the sleeveless white crop top to go with your pink pajama shorts.
“and i also have a favor to ask t.”
“oh god what is it,” she answered curiously.
“will you share a bed with chad so i can share one with ethan please please pleaseeee,” you begged playfully on your knees, “cmon i know you’ve liked chad for a while now now’s your chance.”
“oh yea like this is about me and not your desperate desire for dick.”
“hey the heart wants what it wants,” you shrugged.
“fine. go over to sams room and send chad over and please try not to be loud,” she gave in.
“thank you thank you thank youuuuu,” you exclaimed pulling your friend into a hug.
“yea yea get outta here sex demon,” she playfully shoved you off.
you left tara’s room and crossed the hall, letting yourself into sam’s room as you flung the door open to find the two boys sitting on the bed together.
“bye chad you’re sleeping in tara’s room,” you smiled waving goodbye.
“huh” he questioned.
ethan simply looked at you dumbfounded.
“you heard me the first time now love you bye,” you chirped as you held out the door for him.
“yea fuck you,” he chirped back leaving while flicking you off.
after he left you closed the door, locked it, and jumped into bed alongside ethan who was already bright red blushing.
“hey pretty boy.”
he was still nervous around you as if you didn’t cum all over his fingers and he didn’t cum all over your stomach.
“you don’t have to be so shaky you know, i think we’re past all that after tonight,” you said, “are you like this everytime you hookup with someone?”
“I’ve never hooked up with anyone before” he whispered almost to hide the fact.
“no way, you’re ripped and hot and your fingers work pretty good for someone who doesn’t get with other girls,” you inquired.
“tonight was my first type of anything, i’ve never had a,” he says hushed, “handjob before.”
“huh no wonder you came so much,” you spoke aloud.
“shhhh they might hear you,” he pleaded.
you climbed slightly on his chest, bringing your face to his now red with shyness, “you’re cute when you’re embarrassed, of course there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. i liked tonight.”
you kissed him passionately, slow while your lips molded together and this time his tongue parted your lips to enter into your mouth. you moaned into the kiss, for someone who’s never hooked up with anyone he was good. you felt ethan’s hands travel to the curve of your ass, massaging the skin as you could feel his growing member underneath your body. you traced his abs with your hand, running through the ridges and toying with his waistband. you felt his hips buck under your touch and the size of his dick was so enticing but you didn’t want to have sex with him now you wanted to show him other things.
you broke away from the kiss, looking at his big brown eyes licking your lips, “i wanna try something with you.”
you turned over so you were facing the wall and you could practically hear ethan’s confusion, not hearing his side of the bed shift.
“ethan c’mere right up behind me i’m sure you know how to cuddle someone,” you teased.
“oh yeah yeah i knew that,” he rambled while shifting closer to you in the center of the bed.
you felt him getting closer the closer until he stopped still an inch of two away. you backed up until your back was flushed against his own. you turned back and kissed him at the slightly awkward angle. as your lips were intertwined you brought his arm over your body and into your panties. you squirmed at the feeling of his fingers near you cunt once again as he shuddered from the feeling of touching your cunt again. breaking the kiss you looked down at the two hands massaging your mound,
“look ethan,” you whispered, “you gotta look.”
he obeyed your command as you felt his head next to yours as he assumed the same view as you. you guided his hand through your pussy, gliding through the folds as you grew wetter and around your clit as it grew swollen. wanting to leave him on his own you withdrew your hand and asked him, “do you wanna play with my pussy or should we just go to sleep.”
your dirty words really took a toll on his composure. he groaned in your ear hearing you words nodding against your skin.
“you have to say it ethan,” you turned breathless as he was still massaging your clit, “can’t hear you.”
“wanna-,” he whispered, “play with your pussy.”
“good-,” you began to speak but were interrupted by a gasp as his fingers entered your cunt suddenly.
he fingered you rapidly, his knuckles hitting the base of your cunt with his fingers curling to repeatedly press on your bundle of nerves. with every pound into your cunt you felt ethan’s length pressed against your ass, moved to the same rhythm as his fingers trying to relieve some pressure.
“slo-slow down, just a minute” you cooed into his ear.
“i can feel your dick rubbing against my ass,” you teased as you grinded on his strained length.
he grunted at the pressured contact finding him continuing the movements while you grinded on him.
“there you go, now you speed up, i speed up ok, at your pace.”
you felt him nod behind you, his head against your back as you helped him relieve pressure in his cock. you felt him beginning to work his fingers inside you again, slowly building up speed, so you picked up speed grinding harder and faster onto his dick. the two of you moaned and panted as the other pleasured you, fingers ramming into your cunt and your ass working his clothed cock in his boxers. you slightly lifted your leg allowing for ethan to hit a whole nother angle, slamming into your pussy at an unfathomed speed you froze and gasped as your climax quickly approached.
“oh my- ethan fuck-,” and just as the words left your mouth your orgasm completely ripped through you, shooting your release onto his fingers and inside your panties as you clenched around his fingers inside of you. you were breathless unable to let out a string of profanities only saying ethan’s name as you came shamelessly.
you turned over quickly kissing him passionately as you climbed onto his lap sitting right in top of his length, still sensitive from your orgasm you began to move forward and backwards on his crotch. his dick sat in between your fabric covered lips but it was enough for him to shake under your touch. he moaned as you ran over the length of his cock with your cunt, squirming above him as you were reaching another high of your own. you placed his hands on your hips, using them to guide your pace,
“use me pretty boy,” you urged, removing your hands from atop his own.
you felt his grip tighten on your hips and he began using his hands on your hips, moving you forwards and backwards. he grunted and bucked his hips up as your pussy worked his cock. seeing you on top of him, moaning as you aided him in his release and got yourself off was enough to make him cum right then and there. he started to move you faster on his lap, approaching his own orgasm. you could feel his dick twitching under you, sure to spill out a load very soon,
“i’m so close,” he grunted, now moving your hips fast over his cock, “i’m gonna-“
“wait,” you interrupted, “i-i’m almost there hold it, for me please.”
“i don’t- i can’t ,” he strained, eyes screwed shut.
you leaned down and pressed a quick, lingering kiss to his lips and moaned, “cmon pretty boy, for me.”
sitting back up he viciously nodded under you, his dick straining by the second as you worked for your own release. he whimpered under you, feeling the effects of withholding his orgasm. lucky for him you finally got closer and closer as your movements sloppied and you became a moaning mess.
“i’m- oh fuck,” you told him as you felt your second orgasm hit you like a truck.
“fuck me,” ethan nearly shouted, letting out a grunt as he came hard under you.
you squirmed on his lap as he convulsed beneath you, gripping your hips and holding you in place, continuing applied pressure to his cock while he orgasmed. he shook beneath you, eyes closed, forehead sweaty. after settling down he opened his eyes finally, still panting heavily after his intense orgasm. you climbed off his lap and lay beside him watching as he calmed down.
“you’re amazing,” he told you breathlessly, “just amazing.”
“and you’re still so pretty when you cum,” you smiled.
“shhh,” he shushed.
“oh please,” you scoffed as you hit him with a throw pillow.
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