#sam wilson x sibling!reader
gracescor3 · 6 months
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Hello, my name is Grace and I am a fanfiction writer. I am new to writing and I kind of enjoy it when I have time to do it.
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The Umbrella academy
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreeves (Platonic)
Five Hargreeves (NO SMUT)
Klaus x Dave
Alison Hargreeves (Platonic)
Ben Hargreeves (Any season)
Tony Stark’s daughter x Character
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson (Platonic)
Loki x Mobius (No smut)
Sam Wilson (Platonic)
Rebelde (Translated in English)
Andi Agosti
Rebelde x you
Other Characters I write for
Micheal Bryce (Ryan Reynolds)
Nolan Booth (Ryan Reynolds)
Adult!Adam Reed (Ryan Reynolds)
Courtland Gentry!Six (Ryan Gosling)
Lloyd Hansen (Chris Evans)
Steve Kemp (Sebastian Stan)
Jack Sparrow (Johnny depp) (NO SMUT)
Ledger!Joker (Heath Ledger)
AUs I write for (So far)
Secret Relationship!Any character listed
Secret admire!Any character listed
Tattoo Artist!Bucky/Steve
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Rape ; Underage Sex ; Piss ; Scat ; Being used as human bathroom ; Abusive Bucky/Steve/Any Character unless it’s past abuse from someone else; Pedophilia ; Pederast ; Blood Related Incest ; Suicide ; Self Harm ; (More may be added)
My request are open!
Please be 18+
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
♡ Pairing: tfatws!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Platonic!Sam Wilson x Fem!Reader
♡ Summary: Bucky is so in love with you it hurts, and he doesn’t know if he can keep his feelings locked away from you anymore.
♡ Warnings: light angst, hints to past suicide attempt, mentions of imprisonment, fluff, bucky being oblivious and adorable
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“You’re staring again… Kinda creepy.” Sam mutters to Bucky, snapping him from his thoughts. Which were all of you of course.
Bucky glanced to Sam, smiling with red cheeks at being caught gazing upon you. But he couldn’t help himself. He was so in love with you, it hurt. He was lovesick, his thoughts consumed longing for you. The lack of emotionally and physically connecting with you eating away at him.
Sam smirked at Bucky getting lost in his thoughts again, glancing from him to you with a knowing look. Bucky wasn’t one to express how he felt, but he’d confessed, and Sam knew he was falling apart.
You had come from a rough past, growing and adapting slower than most. You were kept trapped away from any human interaction for five years, which resulted in you becoming a whole different person.
Fact was you didn’t remember who you were before, you had remembered the basics, your name, parents. But that was about it. You felt like you had started over in life, but along with a fresh start you had issues that lingered.
You had been given a second chance at life some would say, but it was a life that would be tainted, haunted with ghosts from your previous one. So was it really a fresh start?
You didn’t know.
You met Sam and Bucky soon after you’d been freed of isolation. They were shocked to find out you had used to be a well respected agent, before everything happened. Feeling terrible that all your training, hard work was thrown away, now having to start all over again. Some was muscle memory, an instinct that never left you. But you found yourself re-training with the two. You found yourself healing slowly in the company of them. Of course you’d grown attached, and so did they. The three of you stuck together, a deep bond having formed.
While you and Sam had more of a sibling bond, there was something extensive about you and Bucky. He was able to empathize with you, knowing full well how badly you’d suffered, and that was something you’d grown to appreciate. Having someone able to relate, was reliving in a weird way, made you feel less alone.
Bucky had immediately liked you, admiring your strength, finding your kindness infectious. You were a rare pure soul, that didn’t deserve the suffering you’d endured. At first glance he was protective, his mother-like instinct kicking in at the sight of your skittish form.
Months had gone by, and you were doing much better. You were still a little slow, and you became overwhelmed quicker. You were to be treated with a little more care than most. Nevertheless, Sam and Bucky were proud of how far you’ve come.
“You should tell her.” Sam startled Bucky from his thoughts once again, looking over at him with a hesitant expression.
“I don’t know man… I don’t wanna pressure her. She’s been doing so well, I don’t wanna jump the gun and freak her out.” Bucky rambled on, anxiety clouding his mind.
“You aren’t going to freak her out, she loves you Buck. I can tell.” Sam assured him, no teasing tone lingering.
“You can’t know that. Have you talked to her?” Bucky wondered.
“No, but it’s hard not to think otherwise with the way she looks at you.” Sam pointed out.
“How— how does she look at me?” Bucky pushed, not believing he could be that oblivious.
Sam on the other hand, thought he was completely oblivious.
“Seriously Buck? Are you missing your eyes too?” Sam asked incredulously, “She looks at you like you’re her whole world.”
Bucky thought back to the days he’d caught you glancing at him and Sam.
“She looks at you like that too.” Bucky argued.
“It’s different… I’m like a big brother she’s never had,” Sam stated, “Then you… It’s different.”
Bucky took in Sam’s words, and he couldn’t deny that yes, you and Bucky had an amazing friendship. But he was afraid that’s all it was. His chest ached at the thought that you wouldn’t want to be something more with him.
Bucky was about to respond, when Sam interrupted him, grabbing him by his shoulder.
“Your girl is looking this way.” Sam told him, motioning his head to you.
Bucky glanced to you, his eyes meeting with yours. You were holding his gaze, your eyes warm and glowing. It’s like he had never seen it before, but now that he was gazing into your orbs, he felt like your eyes were saying a million words. It was giving him hope, that you might feel the same way.
Bucky excused himself from Sam, heading towards you. Getting closer he was careful not to interrupt the little girl talking with you, the sight making Bucky watch with fondness.
“My friend is being mean to me!” The little girl whined, crossing her arms with a huff.
“Oh, well that’s not okay. Where’s your friend?” You asked, ready to scold a kid for being rude to this sweet girl.
“She’s standing right next to you.” The little girl said as if it was obvious.
Your eyes widened slightly in horror, and glanced to either side of you, furrowing your brows in confusion when you saw no one.
“She is?” You asked her, receiving a nod, “Uh… I don’t see her.”
The little girl started laughing and you faked a smile, scratching the back of your neck.
“No one can see her, she’s invisible.” She told you with a wide grin.
You understood immediately what she was saying, and felt embarrassed that you hadn’t caught on. You weren’t used to hanging around kids, and you weren’t really good at talking to them.
“Of course, how could I forget?” You asked the girl playfully, trying to will your cheeks back to normal color.
Luckily for you, the little girl’s attention span had her running away to a group of kids, leaving you alone with your thoughts. Why did that interaction stress you out so much?
Bucky’s face hurt from how much he was smiling, but he couldn’t help it watching you talk with the little girl. Something about seeing you with kids had his stomach full of butterflies. You made him feel like a nervous school boy with a crush.
“Hey doll, making some friends?” Bucky teased you, and you met his gaze, smiling warmly at him.
“I think so, the kids are adorable.” You told him, the kids even though they were difficult sometimes, they were precious.
“You seem good with kids.” Bucky acknowledged.
“Oh not at all, I was actually very nervous. I feel like I talk to kids like they’re dumb sometimes… And I don’t mean it— Of course not, I just don’t have like any experience with kids.” You rambled on, while Bucky thought you were adorable.
“Well, don’t beat yourself up about it. You’re better with kids then I am.” He admitted, though the kids he’d seen today had taking a liking to him, which warmed his heart.
It was quiet for a moment, the two of you taking in each other’s company. Then you thought of a random question.
“Have you ever wanted kids of your own?” You asked him, your question taking him by surprise.
Bucky hadn’t always thought of the idea, but he found his mind wandering towards the idea more, ever since he’d gotten close with you. Though he assumed it was impossible, maybe back in the 40’s. But after everything that had happened with HYDRA, he wasn’t sure if his body was physically able to.
“Never really thought about it.” He lied, “You?”
“I’ve never really gave it much thought either, but it would be cool to have a mini-me running around.” You admitted, though the overall idea of kids terrified you.
Bucky smiled at the idea of a miniature you, the idea warming his heart.
“Uh, so actually… I wanted to talk to you doll.” Bucky started, scratching the back of his neck nervously.
“We are talking Buck.” You said with a giggle, the sound giving Bucky butterflies.
“No no,” He chuckled, “I mean about something kinda serious. Something that I need to get off my chest.”
Your eyebrows furrowed at the word serious, watching his playful expression slowly fade.
“Oh? Is everything okay?” You asked him, growing concerned.
“Don’t worry, everything’s fine. I just wanna talk.” He assured you, calming you with his genuine expression. "Come on, let's go on Sam's boat."
Bucky grabbed your hand, helping you stand. The two of you walked onto the boat.
You immediately started fiddling around with the helm of the boat, pretending to be at sea. Bucky watched with heart eyes, leaning against the doorway.
“You know…” He started, getting your attention, “I’m super proud of you. For how far you’ve come.”
You smiled at his praise.
“Wouldn’t be here without you.” You told him truthfully, he was your rock. Sam too of course. But Bucky was special.
“I’m always gonna be here to help ya, but you gotta give yourself some credit.” He stated.
“I do…” You started to argue.
“No I do,” You trailed off, getting serious all of a sudden, “But sometimes I think back when things were pretty bad and… Well you were there. I really do mean it— I wouldn’t be here without you.”
Bucky immediately knew what you were talking about, and he cursed his mind for remembering the haunting image so vividly. You had been at a very low point in your recovery, and you tried taking yourself out of this world. His world. His hands clinging onto your crimson covered wrists was an eye opener, that he didn’t want to live in a world where you didn’t exist. The very thought horrifying him to his core, his body frozen with dread.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to bring it up I just—”
“No no, don’t apologize doll,” His voice wavered, “Just hate that you ever felt that way is all.”
Despite rehashing over rough memories, you couldn’t help your chest from feeling warm, seeing Bucky care so much about you, had you feeling fuzzy. He had been so protective over you since that day, and some would call it overbearing, but you found yourself feeling safe. You knew Bucky would stop anyone from even blowing a breath of air your way if that meant you’d be in danger.
Bucky recognized that warm glow in your eyes again, as you gazed into his. He took a deep breath, seeing as this was his best chance.
“(Y/n), I like you… A lot.“ He rushed out, and you were still smiling, no shock shown on your face.
“I like you a lot too Buck.” You shot back, stepping away from the helm and closer to him.
“You— Really?” He wondered if this was all his imagination.
Sam was right? Psh, no way.
“Really Buck. I’m not good at expressing emotions— feelings, or any of that stuff. But I do know that I always want to be with you, I always want you around, even if we aren’t talking to each other. Just knowing you’re near is enough.” You confessed, hoping that what you said made sense.
By the look on Bucky’s face, you assumed you said just the right thing.
“Doll, I’m crazy about you. You’ve got me wrapped around your tiny little finger, I’m yours.” He told you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you to his chest.
“Buck?” You whispered, cupping his face with your small hands, feeling him lean into your touch.
“Yes doll?” He whispered back, looking at you like you were his entire world.
Well, because you were.
“I think I love you.” You told him shyly, your cheeks reddening.
Bucky’s heart nearly gave out at your words, but he couldn’t help the overwhelming rush of joy that your confession had given him.
“I think I love you too doll.”
A/N: my ideas come to me at the most random times, this one came to me a couple days ago while I was eating cereal 🥴🤷🏻‍♀️
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bvbygrl-writes · 6 months
What Do I Know?
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Pairing: Rich!Dilf!Sam Wilson x Black!College Student!Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: Your best friend ain’t tell ya her dad was a daddy.
A/N: This is a repost from my old blog since I haven't been able to write anything with how exhausting work is jtgktr enjoy! ♥
Warnings: Age gap, fingering, pussy eating, overstim, fucking
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to come home with you? This isn’t some small break like spring or that lil rinky dink one they give us in February.” (Y/n) asked, zipping the sides of her suitcase together. The long awaited summer break had come and after tiring, long hours of college classes all (Y/N) and Miyaki wanted to do was head home.
Well that was the original plot however it had clearly been lost. One phone call home and all of a sudden her mom and dad had magically ‘forgot’ to inform her that they had planned a trip for the two of them and the addition of her other three siblings (who somehow had been informed and never got left out..) to Europe. Although the girl was originally mad - rightfully so- she got over it really fast. So much so that she didn’t even bother letting her mom finish her little half assed excuse of how she thought she had texted her with the info and what not. This was her summer too and she was not going to start it off being upset over family drama.
However she still did feel bad about joining Miyaki on her trip home. The two girls had become fast friends during their few years at college and as the tall woman had said “We’ve been friends for years and ain’t been to each other’s houses once. You don’t think that’s a lil weird?” and she had to agree but it was one thing to spend the night at a friend’s house but to spend an entire summer? That was practically unheard of from where she came from! Nobody had that kind of money and food to be feeding an extra mouth for an entire three months.
“Yes girl, relax! I asked my dad today if it was chill for you to come and he agreed! Quit worrying and grab yo shit, the car is waiting out front.” The green eyed girl said, tossing her faux locs over her shoulders. Before (Y/n) could get in another worry or complaint she walked out of the dorm, slamming the door behind her.
“That girl has some serious attitude problems, I’ll tell ya that…” the girl muttered to herself, rolling her suitcase in tow. She eyed the dorm one last time, smiling at the nice memories they had made this year before exiting, leaving the key under the mat for the next students that’d come to stay.
The first sign that Miyaki came from a different living situation from her was the shiny black Rolls-Royce parked in front of the housing part of campus. There was an older gentleman in a chauffeur outfit who put their bags in the car. She’d given her friend a look who gave her a confused one back before hopping in the car with her. Was this really not out of the ordinary for her? If this was just her car what would her house look like?
(Y/n) let out an audible gasp as the big black gates opened.
“You live in a gated community?!” she exclaimed, turning to her roommate. Miyaki’s face scrunched up in confusion.
“Gated community? Sis….this is my house!” she let out a laugh as the (h/c) haired girl remained silent, looking at the large house in awe. How many people lived with Miyaki? To say she was stunned was an understatement. Miyaki was the most down to earth person she had met since going to college at Stonebrook. As the name suggested, it was a really prestigious and fancy school, tons of stuck up brats on daddy and mommy’s pay going to the school. (Y/n) had always been isolated by her peers since she was attending on a scholarship. They found it pathetic and pitied her which she despised. Why should she be looked down on for actually working to get into school?
Miyaki had never felt that way though. She treated (Y/n) as she treated everyone else…if not a little better (the girl had quite a mean streak) and was very quiet about her home life. But now as they walked up the quartz stairs and through the big marble columns, she could understand why.
“Dad, we’re home! Come meet my friend!” the girl’s voice echoed across the entire house causing her to snicker. ‘Does she ever use an inside voice?’
“I’ll be down in a sec, sweetheart!” a deep baritone voice called out. (Y/n) felt her heart race at the sound. The man’s voice went through her ears like silk. It was smooth but had a bit of a dark tinge to it, like a hint of cream in black coffee. She pulled out her phone, scrolling through her socials as she awaited the man’s presence. After what felt like forever a pair of footsteps came in their direction before parking in front of them. The woman almost dropped her phone at the sight in front of her.
In front of her was the finest man she had ever seen. Brown skin that had that healthy glow, prominent cheekbones, and a bit of facial hair around the mouth region. He was only in jeans and a t- shirt but the way it fit him? The shirt clung to his torso perfectly, the muscles of his upper arms constricted by the cuffs, toned chest. This was her father? She could’ve never guessed by how fit he was! Thighs so thick that she had to stop herself from letting her thoughts drift (more so than they already were..). But when he smiled? Her legs turned to jello. His smile was bright and blinding and he had the most charming gap. It seemed as time had slown down when she was looking at him and from the looks of it he wasn’t disappointed at what he was seeing either. She didn’t miss the way his eyes lingered on her midriff for just a little too long or the slight whistle he let out before covering it up with a cough.
“I’m Sam Wilson, Miyaki’s father. You must be (Y/n).” he said, holding a hand out for her to take. She gladly accepted it, shaking it with one hand as she placed the other one on top of both of them in a gentle way. The girl smiled back at him offering him a nod.
“Indeed I am! It’s so Nice to meet you Mr.Wilson and can I just say how thankful I am for you and Mrs.Wilson allowing me to stay with you guys for the summer. Especially with Miyaki’s short notice and all.” out of the corner of her eye she could see Miyaki roll her eyes at her sudden over-politeness towards her father and the way she had completely thrown her under the bus. Her attention was brought fully back to the man in question as he tightened his grip around her hand some.
“Mrs.Wilson? I’m not surprised Miyaki didn’t give you the details. It’ll only be the three of us here for the summer so in other words, there is no Mrs.Wilson.” he looked to the side a bit before turning back to face her, a smirk present on his face. “Also you don’t gotta be so formal, just Sam will do.” Miyaki cleared her throat impatiently causing the two to look to the side before laughing together. “Well it looks like Yaki is getting impatient so if you girls need anything, I’ll be around. Dinner is at 6.” the older man gave her a once over before walking off to what she could only assume was the kitchen.
“Girlll and you been hiding him from me because??” (Y/n) asked, rubbing her hands together. Miyaki smacked her lips together, dragging the girl towards her room.
“You betta stop playing with me.” when her friend stayed quiet, the girl gasped, turning her head. “Wait you’re joking…you tryna get my dad to hit?! Oof.” she grunted as one of her pillows hit the back of her head. Turning she saw her friend on her bed, glaring at her.
“Don’t say it like that! All I said was he’s fine nothing more nothing less. That can’t be your first time hearing that, one of your other friends has had to say something.” She felt the girl thud down beside her on the bed. She hummed for a bit before flipping over to face her friend.
“I mean I can’t say I’m surprised really. You love you an older man. Remember when you switched to that one baking course just so you could flirt and make googly eyes with Mr.Garcia?”
“That’s not why I switched! I was simply interested in getting to know his favorite dessert!” (Y/n) exclaimed, turning her head the opposite way. “In hopes that maybe I could become his favorite dessert.” 
“Whateva. Anyways, you wanna watch a movie till dinner?”
Dinner had been amazing. Sam went all out, pulled out the grill, made dessert, it was all so lavish and delicious! He even had lobster which (Y/n) made sure to take full advantage of. He had said help yourself and who was she to go against his wishes in his home? 
It was now around three in the morning as she stumbled around the house curiously. She and Miyaki had gone to bed early, absolutely exhausted from the long car ride over and while it was easy for her friend to stay asleep when turning in early, she found it hard to. No matter what if she went to bed before twelve she’d always end up waking up during some odd hour of the night. 
A sound came from down the hallway catching her attention. It was a repeated thudding and while usually she wouldn’t go chasing after mysterious noises, she knew it couldn’t be anything too bad. Sam had the security on this house underlock and she had seen how beefy his security guards were. 
Once she reached the end she turned the knob from the room in which the sound was coming from. Gasping quietly, she opened the door a little wider trying to be as quiet as she could. The sight in front of her was absolutely heavenly. There was Sam, shirtless, in nothing but a pair of grey joggers beating the hell out of a punching bag. His jabs were sharp and powerful causing the chains to rattle with each blow to the sack. Goosebumps formed all over her skin at the sight of his power. If he could do that to a punching bag, what could he do with her? 
All the  what ifs invaded her mind causing her to rub her thighs together hungrily in thought. She hadn’t even noticed that Sam had moved until the door she was standing in closed, leaving the two of them in the room together. He offered her a smile, a yawn interrupting his incoming words. His arms flexed above his head giving her an even better view of his muscles. It was an even grander sight than she had imagined when she saw him clothed earlier.
“Can’t sleep?” she shook her head at his question, sitting on the bench in front of him. “ ‘S alright. Why don’t you help me train then? Try to get me to the ground. Come on, don’t be shy, didn’t seem like you were earlier.”
As expected, (Y/n) couldn’t get him to the ground at all! Time and time again he had managed to get her down but she couldn’t complain too much. Being this close to a hot and sweaty man? Having him touch and feel all over her body? She could get used to this.
“You know, for an old man you’re pretty strong!” (Y/n) was out of breath, sweat dripping down her chest. Letting out a deep breath she held a hand out for Sam to shake. He eyed it before taking it causing her to give him a devilish grin. Within a few seconds she had dragged him close, sweeping a foot under his leg. He fell like she intended but what she hadn’t done was calculating him keeping a hold on her wrist. The two both fell with a thud, Sam hitting the mat while the not so sneaky woman fell on top of him. She pushed herself up, hands flush against his chest as she straddled him, looking down at him. Her eyes widened at the feeling of two large hands gripping her ass, eyes trailing up to his.
“Didn’t you say you were having trouble sleeping? I think I got something that can put you right to sleep.” was this really happening? Was she hearing him correctly? That thought didn’t last long at the feeling of his dick poking at her through the fabric of his sweats. His dark eyes were practically black from how blown out his pupils were. Leaning forward, their lips connected. 
The kiss was slow and sensual like the vibes he gave off. His lips were soft, the taste of coffee mixed with his natural taste. As the kiss grew more heated, Sam flipped them over, laying the girl gently on the mat. He continued with a trail of kisses, from her neck, collarbone, his fingers massaging the flesh of her hips. His lips gave extra love to her chest, licking and sucking upon the brown sensitive buds. 
His open mouth trail of kisses slowly became sucking the further and further he got towards the center of her legs.
“C-careful. Don’t leave- don’t leave marks our else Miyaki might see.” she warned, causing him to pause momentarily. Lifting his head he chuckled some, brushing his thumb against the sensitive area of skin near her upper thigh. Whether or not it’d be visible in summer attire was something she wouldn’t know until she got dressed the next day. Massaging her legs, he leaned up near her face, softly caressing her cheek.
“You’re a smart girl, (Y/n). I’m sure you can figure it out.” she huffed but remained quiet, a pout prominent on her face. A large hand came to rest around her throat, squeezing lightly. “ I’d advise you to lose the attitude if you wanna go to bed satisfied.” She shuddered at his words but remained quiet, anxiously awaiting what he’d do next.
From the looks of it, he wasn’t sure where he was going to take it next. He was eager, lust clouding his brain and thoughts. Sam was now acting on primal instincts alone. He reached for her sleep shorts, peeling them off before tossing them to the side. Keeping the eye contact they had, he guided two of his fingers into the mess that was her cunt. Despite barely touching her, her pussy was beyond creamy, juices dripping out the further he stuck his fingers in. Long, thick digits made their way into her with ease.
He made sure their eyes were connected, his stern eyes in a narrow assertion of dominance while her own (e/c) ones were glossed over as she fought to keep them open and focused on him. It was an agreement that didn’t need to be spoken: her eyes were to be on him at all times. Every so often her eyes would jitter close as his fingers nudged against her spot but still she persisted, wanting to be good for him, to prove herself.
Sam removed his fingers, guiding them up to the girl’s lips. Her eyes widened, gagging around the digits as waiting tears finally fell. Once he was satisfied he removed them, positioning himself between her legs. Using his thumbs he spread apart her pussy lips, salivating. Her cunt was so plush, clit engorged and pulsating, just aching to be touched.
He wrapped his lips around her clit, sucking on it as he swirled his tongue. The girl reached instantly, hands clinging to his head the best that she could as her hips arched forward. This is something Sam usually wouldn’t fly with but he’d allow it this once. An airy moan fell from her lips as she continued to buck against his face, pelvis jerking rapidly at the feeling of his fingers lightly teasing her around her hole.
(Y/n) felt her entire body buzzing with pleasure. Her hands searched for anything to cling onto as her orgasm approached her, making its way to her faster and faster. An overstimulated whimper left her lips followed by her slick coating the older man’s face and mouth which he gladly accepted, the most sinful of noises leaving him as he cleaned her up. Her clench eyes relaxed as her body fell limp to the mat, chest heaving in heavy breaths.
“You tapping out already, princess?” she lifted her head from the ground, propping herself up onto her elbows as she gave him a glare. Kicking him onto his back, she climbed into his lap, aligning the tip of his cock with her entrance, bits of his precum mixing with the reminisce of her arousal. 
“Not even close old man.” they both shared a loud groan as she sunk down onto him in one swift movement. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she tried to gain a hold on him, wanting to get the upper hand. However Sam was just so…large. His girth stretched her out greatly, the head of his cock just barely kissing her cervix causing her to let out a pathetic whimper. Sam chuckled some, wrapping his hands around her waist, guiding her own to rest around his shoulders.
“It’s okay baby, I’ve got you. You gotta relax though or it’s gonna be a toughy for both of us.” she nodded lazily at his words, tightening her grip on his shoulders, head under his chin. He rubbed at her back gently, feeling as her muscle began to untense around him. “Better?”
“Y-yes just move. Wanna feel you.” he placed a kiss to the top of her head before beginning to thrust, letting out a small ‘fuck’ under his breath. Despite her being fully relaxed and prepped, she was still so tight around him. After a bit of trial and error, he had finally managed to find a good rhythm but even with as patient as he was he couldn’t hold back any longer.
Locking his arms around the base of her spine, he gripped her in his arms, trading out his slow and deep thrust for a series of fast and shallow ones. The sounds she was making for him only egged him on as she babbled and drooled on about how she couldn’t take it, how good it felt. 
“O-oh god! ‘M not gonna la-last any longer! Wanna cum with you! Wanna- can we, pl-please!” she cried out, tears mixing with the mess of drool on her face. 
“Yeah? Let’s cum together then.” he agreed, not having much left in him himself. With a few final powerful thrust, Sam came deep inside of her, (Y/n) following right along with him. The girl fell forward into his chest, the both of them panting, holding each other covered in sweat. She let out a soft chuckle, looking up at the man who was already staring down at her.
(Y/n) had originally thought it was gonna be a long summer, but this was way different from what she had in mind. She was fucked.
Metaphorically and Physically.
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tryingtograspctrl · 1 month
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SUMMARY - Your sister comes to visit you and turns the small world you managed to build outside of her upside down.
I decided to dabble into the invisible sister trope and let me just say mannnn this is gonna be long but i promise it’s not gonna be boring so stick with me please!
The two of you had been compared to each other since you were toddlers.
You were always the clumsy one, the one that cried too much, the one that didn't keep anyone entertained for long enough.
As you both grew into young adults it was obvious that you weren't as liked as your older sister. She was fun and outgoing, a party girl, someone that people could hold a conversation with, a favorite not only amongst friends but relatives too.
It really hurt when you began to notice that everyone ignored you and gravitated towards her, if you got the chance to talk to anybody all they'd care about was her.
Its not like you were super insecure, you knew you were pretty, you liked how you looked, you thought you were pretty funny and had a lot of interesting things to say but that didn't matter when you were next to your sister. You knew that if it came down to the two of you, you wouldn't exactly be first pick.
Your sister wasn't always the nicest to you either, neither were you to her but that's just the way the two of you were. Like every other sibling relationship sometimes you fought and didn't speak to each other, other times it was like the both of you against the world.
When other people were around it was a different story, obviously fueled by all the praise she'd treat you like shit, often using you as a stepping stone to boost her own ego, to attract more attention to herself.
Despite how rocky your relationship could be you two were attached at the hip, doing nearly everything together so it came as quite a shock when you packed up all your things and decided to leave your small home in Louisiana for New york.
"What the hell am i supposed to do on my own?!" She huffed throwing a tantrum like a child.
"What you always do, don't act like you can't survive without me. We both know you got a bit more pull in this town than me." You snorted.
"I'm serious y/n if you leave i'll jump off the roof of this house." She whined.
"Would you stop it?" You started to get annoyed.
"No you stop it! You can be so stupid sometimes you know that? Dropping everything and leaving your home, your family? You tremble like a scared puppy at the thought of going to the grocery store alone but you can move halfway across the country by yourself? Please you're probably gonna have one of your little anxiety attacks in the uber on the way to the airport.”
"You know i really thought for once you'd be supportive of a decision i decided to make on my own, but you never do change do you? All my life i've stuck beside you, going where you went, doing what you wanted to do being your fucking shadow. For once i want to take control of my own life, i want to go somewhere and start fresh, go somewhere where i could possibly be known by my own name, not just as your sister." You spat, hot angry tears streaming down your face.
"This was never about you missing me when I'm gone, it was about you hating the fact that you won't have your puppet with you wherever you go anymore." You grabbed your bags loading them up into your car.
Your sister never showed up to the airport to see you off, she didn't call you when you landed, and she hasn't spoken to you since that night at your home.
Three years had passed and you'd be lying if you said your move to New york was all sunshine and rainbows.
Your passion was cooking but you loved to make sweet treats so you always leaned towards those sorts of jobs and you had been through many in your first year in the big apple.
One shitty bakery job after another had you ready to eat your words and pack your bags to move back home but you'd never give your sister the satisfaction, not after everything she said.
So you stuck it out, bouncing around hoping that one day you'd land somewhere worthwhile and eventually you did in the most unexpected fashion.
It had been a long day at work, you were swamped the entire time because you were the only employee in the shop. Frank was a cheap son of a bitch that couldn't stand the idea of hiring more workers and having to pay them as-well so he insisted that you do the work of multiple people, you baked all the goods, took orders, cleaned the shop and pretty much everything else one person alone shouldn't be doing.
And to make matters worse everyone insisted on being an ass, you weren't sure if it was god punishing you or if there was just something in the air that morning but everyone decided to give you a hard time.
"Hey could you hurry the fuck up? I'm already 10 minutes late." A man yelled as you went to the back to grab another pan of donuts.
"Listen i'm doing the best i can here, i only have two hands and as you can see i'm the only one here." You sighed handing the man his pastry.
"Yeah what the hell ever." He snatched the bag and left.
"Morning sir what can i get for you?" You wiped the sweat off your forehead doing your best to smile.
"I'll take a dozen, and you'll be taking the rest of the day off. Sorry folks shop's closed!" The guy announced.
A bunch of curses and groans were thrown around but nonetheless they all cleared out.
"Sir you can't do that! My boss is gonna have my head." You frowned in protest.
"Considering the fact that i now own this place whatever i say goes and i say you have the rest of the day off. Mind taking a walk with me?" He took a bite out of one of his donuts.
You were a bit embarrassed to find out who you were talking to was the Tony Stark and you didn't even recognize him
right of the bat but he brushed it off.
Apparently he had been interested in purchasing the shop for quite some time, it was a childhood favorite of his and he felt pretty bad once he found out Frank suckered yet another young ambitious baker into his schemes, he knew then he had to take the place. Not surprising Frank practically threw the keys into Tony's hands once he made an offer. Money was everything to that man, apparently it meant way more to him than the little bake shop his grandfather built from the ground up and handed down to him.
Tony had also took quite a liking to you and he insisted that you be the team's personal chef.
"You guys are superhero's when do you even have the time to sit down and have a meal?" You looked at him in disbelief.
"Never really, most things we take on the go which also seems impractical but it helps us feel grounded in a way." He shrugged.
"Plus i'm really tired of having to pretend to like Steve's cooking, it'd be nice to have someone that actually knows what they're doing in the kitchen." He shook his head.
"Wait ste- i mean Captain america cooks?" You laughed.
"Barley, he nearly burns down the kitchen every time he steps into it." He bumped your shoulder snorting.
"Okay." You spoke up after some time.
"Okay?" He raised a brow, knowing exactly what you meant but wanting you to say it.
"Okay i'll do it, i'll be your personal chef." You smiled brightly at him.
"Great, you can start tomorrow." He nodded handing you his card which also had the address to the tower on it.
That's how it began.
Part two coming soon....
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megamindsecretlair · 9 months
It Started With a Whisper - Chapter 7
Chapter 6 Chapter 8
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. Some sentences are intentional AAVE. Cursing, Angst, mentions of violence, medication for anxiety, guilt. Hurt/Comfort, some fluff. Sorry if I missed some!
Summary: You are the front desk clerk who started a few months ago and you have a major crush on Sam Wilson, the handsome and sweet trauma counselor. You witness some of the battle at the Triskelion and you fear for Sam's safety.
Word Count: 3,022k
A/N: Sam still makes me SICK!!!! He's so adorable. LOL. Likes are always awesome. Please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! I love hearing your thoughts!
Taglist: @multiversefanfics @chaos-4baby @leahnicole1219
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You didn’t know what you would do without Ariel. For the past two days, she had been by your side. The irony wasn’t lost on you. You needed supervision just like your mom did. You tried to be less needy, less worrisome, or less in general. You were no stranger to putting your needs on hold to make everyone around you feel better. 
“Stop it,” Ariel said. You were folding laundry while sitting on the couch. She had thrown on a trashy movie and you were half paying attention. 
“Hm?” You asked.
“You haven’t taken a proper breath since you spoke to Sam. It’s okay to miss him,” she said.
“I know. I’ve said I missed him,” you said. You didn’t know what she was on about.
She snatched the shirt out of your hands and pinned you with a glare. “You always disappear in your head when you’re feeling some type of way. Then you start piddling,” she told you. 
You opened your mouth to argue but no words came. She was right. You hated being a burden. You were the one who took care of others, not the other way around. Your mom was napping upstairs and despite your protests, your dad had gone off to work anyway. Your siblings were in school so the house was as quiet as it was going to get.
“I can’t help it. I feel useless just sitting here, waiting for news. I can’t ask him to update me every minute of the day just because I’m worried,” you admitted. You had facts to fall back on to combat your growing panic. They were trained soldiers. And you were just a lowly civilian who didn’t even know how to throw a punch. What could you possibly do to contribute? 
“No, but it’s okay to talk to me about it. You’re not alone,” Ariel said. You sighed. Per usual, she was right. Annoyingly so. You put the shirt into the laundry basket and placed it on the floor. You sat back on the couch and folded your arms. This felt so weird but you were determined to “relax”.
You made Ariel tell you about what’s going on in her life. It had been your show for the past few days and that wasn’t fair. She was an incredible friend. An amazing friend with the patience of a saint. 
She told you about the new woman she was seeing and she was hopeful that this one wasn’t crazy. You snorted with laughter. Ariel lived for the drama and that extended to her significant others as well. Male or female, Ariel attracted crazies like bees to flowers. 
Ariel took a call while you focused on the TV. “What?!” 
Ariel snatched the remote from the couch and flipped the channel to the news. There was shaky camera work pointed at…three enormous ships floating in the air. What kind of sci-fi shit was this? Aliens didn’t like the defeat in NY, so now they’re back? 
You prayed that your mom was still asleep. If she woke to this…there would be no calming her down. Your dad was the only one who managed it and it took its toll on him. 
The news was reporting a massive dump of information from SHIELD, a spy group used to protect the world from otherworldly threats. So much for that. They couldn’t even stop those aliens. 
They were reporting more news about Steve being a fugitive but already, they were mining information about his missions and how he was still a hero. Fancy that. The news were reluctant to say they were wrong. Clearly it was because they received false information from Hydra. Clearly. 
The camera was blurry as it tried to catch all of the action. You saw fighter jets flying and shooting at the ships, helicopters, and some kind of…bird thing flying around. 
“Shit! Girl, I think that’s Sam!” Ariel shoved her phone in your face. Some idiot on the internet close to the battle was live-streaming it and providing stupid dude-bro commentary. But, the bird-like thing looked like a man. Like a familiar Black man.
“He can fly now?” 
“Hell if I know!” You fought the urge to pace. You were not a pacer. You will not turn into your mom. Sam wouldn’t be in that thing if he didn’t know what he was doing. He had so much explaining to do when he made it back. And he will make it back. You believed it. 
“Are…we sure Sam is a good guy? Tangling with whatever this is?” Ariel asked softly. It had to be asked. But fire roiled in your chest. Sam was the epitome of good. He would not be part of a racist organization. You didn’t pay too much attention to the Steve exhibit when you went, but you knew Hydra was a splinter from the Nazis. The exhibit smacked of further good ole boy propaganda. 
You believed Steve really did those things. You believed he was a hero. But you also knew that there was more to the story. You were content to let everyone believe in the fantasy. But now that you sort of knew Steve, you wondered if he’d be open to questions. You just wanted them for yourself. You wouldn’t blast it to the internet. 
You watched out for Sam as much as you could but the guns on the ships started to turn. They were going to shoot? Shoot at what? The news was no help. They were too busy drooling over SHIELD private files. And the guerilla journalism of civilians on the street were rife with unconfirmed reporting, guessing, and some outright lying. The racist idiots were praising Hydra. Praising them. 
The guns started to fire on each other. Sam was still somewhere in there. Your throat went dry as you watched. Fires exploded on the ships. The screen cut to the news anchors who shuffled papers, looking solemn. They said it was too graphic to show on screen. 
You watched more from Ariel’s phone but debris started to rain down so people were starting to run for cover. You made a strangled noise in the back of your throat. Ariel idly rubbed your back. She told you that Sam was fine.
You sure as fuck hoped so. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He wasn’t supposed to get hurt. Help Steve and Natasha, sure. But not like this. Not endangering himself like this. Again, you were helpless watching and waiting. You hated this feeling. You wanted no parts of it. 
Did that mean you’d have to give up Sam? The thought alone made you sick. Physically ill. Your stomach churned and flipped. Your hands shook. In a short amount of time, Sam got under your skin. He consumed your thoughts. You didn’t want to give him up. But you didn’t know if you were strong enough to endure not knowing.
The news flipped back to the battle. The ships had fallen. The three sided building had collapsed. The death toll and casualty rates were starting to roll in. You didn’t want to see Sam’s name on it. You turned the channel and Ariel tried to distract you with more drama about her love life. 
You felt like you were out of your body. It felt wrong, like it fit wrong. You picked at your nails and your leg bounced. It was going to be a long fucking day.
Later in the evening, Ariel had to run out but promised she’d be back. You told her that she didn’t have to but she knew you. Your siblings were sent home due to the events that happened at SHIELD headquarters. The stupid teachers actually showed it on TV. How was that appropriate? They weren’t babies, they were nearly adults, but still. You were an adult and you barely stomached it.
Then again, the teachers turned on 9/11 for you as a kid. It wasn’t a smart decision but after everything that’s happened the past few years, you were worried what would happen to this generation. Would they be desensitized to the violence? It seemed like it was constant now. Was it any better to bury their heads in the sand? 
You didn’t have the time nor energy for philosophical debates at the moment. You got dinner started. Your dad came home and he was relieved that you managed to keep your mom from the news. It wasn’t hard. She passed out all day. On the off chance that she actually took her meds, they usually evened her out. Which meant she was finally ready to sleep. 
You lost yourself in the mundane task of taking care of your family. You listened to your siblings talk about their day, careful to avoid the huge battle. Poor kids. They shouldn’t have to protect their mom like this. It was supposed to be the other way around. 
Your phone rang and you looked at the caller ID. It was a hospital. 
“Hello?” You rushed to answer.
They confirmed your name. “Sam Wilson directed us to contact you. He’s stable and awake,” they said.
“Oh, god,” you said. You told your family that you were leaving. You had no time for thinking, just moving. You shoved on your shoes, grabbed a jacket, and headed out to your car. You texted Ariel that Sam was fine and you were going to see him.
You didn’t care about obeying traffic laws. The streets were a mess. Emergency vehicles were screaming down the street trying to deal with the aftermath of the battle. The dark streets felt like an omen. But you shook the thought. Fuck that. The hospital said he was awake and stable. And he asked for you.
You made it to the hospital. It was insane. There were emergency workers clogging up the place. A new ambulance rolled through every three minutes. The staff were harried as they directed everyone around like drill sergeants. 
You managed to get a nurse at the front desk to notice you. You told him you were there to see Sam. “Relation?” 
“I’m his…” You sighed. What were you to him? Friend seemed too small. Not after the incredible night you spent together. “I’m his girlfriend.” 
The nurse nodded and told you his room number. You took the elevator up and went to his room. The room was dark and you wondered if he fell asleep while you were on your way over.
“Hey gorgeous,” he said. His voice was strained. But he was there. In the flesh. Where you could reach out and hug him. 
You pushed into the room and half closed the door to block out the frantic chaos outside. You fought yourself, hard. You wanted to crush him. You wanted to slap him. You wanted to kiss him until your lips were swollen and numb.
You crossed the room and caressed his head, his cheek. He had darkening bruises on his face and a few nasty cuts. But he was here. You smiled at him and leaned down to hug him. “You bastard,” you said.
He chuckled and then groaned. “Oh, don’t make me laugh. God, I missed you.” His voice was muffled in the crook of your neck. You didn’t want to let him go. 
He must’ve sensed it because he scooted over in bed and patted it. “You’re joking,” you said. That little ass bed was not big enough for your big ass and Sam’s bulk. You folded your arms. You didn’t always want to call attention to your weight, but you were not some dainty flower that could scoot in anywhere you wanted. There were limits.
“Lay down with me. I’m hurtin’,” he said. He gave you puppy dog eyes. “You wouldn’t want to leave me hanging, would you?” 
“You can’t lay it on any thicker?” You asked and giggled.
“I could try if you really want me to,” he said and grinned. It only drew attention to the cuts on his face. 
You sighed and put your purse down on the nearest chair. You climbed into the bed with him and he scooted over to the other side to allow you more room. You still had to throw a leg over him. But he never grunted. He never complained. He just wrapped you in his arms and sighed. It was a deep sigh that communicated a thousand words. 
You breathed him in. He was still him underneath the faintly medicinal scent and cleaning products. You were on his right side, but you still dimly heard his heartbeat pumping away. Keeping him alive and in your arms.
“You scared the hell outta me, Sam,” you said.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I worried you,” he said. He kissed the top of your forehead. You closed your eyes. You pretended that you were back at his place, in his bed. That he had only left you long enough to get food from the delivery driver and he had slipped back into bed. You could almost picture it in your mind’s eye. The heart monitor was nothing more than his air conditioner. Right.
“I’m just glad you’re safe,” you said.
“Hey, I’m always coming home. Always.”
“You can’t make that promise,” you told him. 
“Yes, I can. If you’ll have me, I promise I’ll always come home to you. Hell or high water,” he said. 
If you’ll have him…that was the million dollar sentence. It took all of your willpower to not be a coward. To stay pressed against him. This was supposed to be casual but there was nothing casual about what you felt for Sam.
From the moment he whispered to you after your first few days at the VA. You had your back turned. In his soft, deep voice, he whispered so he didn’t startle you. It still startled you. You were so nervous, trying not to mess up badly. You had been having a shitty day. You couldn’t get the copier to work and it was spitting out weird ink streaks all over the paper. 
But that whisper. Ever since then, you wondered if your reluctance to go out with him had to do with you knowing on some level that this was bigger than just you two. You didn’t believe in that love at first sight crap. But you knew that he was important. You just didn’t realize how important until you thought he was gone. Ripped away from you forever.
“I’ll hold you to the hell or high water, Sam. Otherwise I’ll have to find you myself,” you said.
He sighed as if he were waiting on your answer. He chuckled and lifted your chin to look into your eyes. You stared into his warm brown eyes. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. Reverent. Like you were precious glass freshly cooled from the furnace. 
“I’ll be here. You won’t get rid of me that easy,” he said. 
“Good. You’re not getting rid of me that easy either,” you said. It may be a stupid decision on your part. You had a chance to end it right here and now. However, there was no other place you’d rather be. Being in his arms was the safest you’ve ever felt. Truly safe. Like nothing and no one could touch you. He wouldn’t let them.
You stayed in his bed for quite a while. No one came to bother you while you were there, talking and getting some clue as to what he’d been up to. He promised to tell the whole sordid affair when you had some privacy. Some things, he wasn’t comfortable sharing where anyone could hear. You understood that. Even though you were dying for answers. 
“How quickly do you think I could make you cum before another nurse checks on us?” Sam asked, after a lull in conversation. You tapped his chest and he grunted, but you got the feeling he faked it.
“Absolutely the fuck not! I’m not having sex with you while you’re lying in a hospital bed!” Did this man ever not have sex on the brain? Maybe he hit his head too badly during the battle. 
“Come on!” He groaned. “I missed tasting you. It wasn’t enough last time.” His voice dropped into a seductive whisper, tickling your ear. Your body instantly reacted to him. 
“No!” You said and giggled. 
He sighed. “You’re no fun.” 
You laughed and shook your head. “Why don’t you hurry and heal and then I can show you exactly how much I’m glad you’re okay,” you said.
Sam looked at you and grinned. “Where the nurse at? I’ve had a full recovery.” 
You snorted with ugly laughter as Sam moved as if he were going to stand up. You pushed him down and he playfully tried to get up again. You moved until you were practically laying on him. He peppered you with kisses. You were still worried about him and you were sure it showed on your face. 
“I’m fine, I promise. Just a little ass whuppin’,” he said.
“Yours or the other guys’?” You asked.
“His! I was winning that fight. ‘Till the damn helicarrier came crashing through the building,” he said. 
You squinted at him and he laughed. “I’m serious,” he said.
“I believe you,” You said in a tone that made it sound like you didn’t believe him. He tickled you until you relented and yelled out that you really believed him. Once settled, you took note of his furrowed brows, sweat, and his heart rate increasing.
“You in pain, baby?” You asked and caressed his head. It was on the tip of his tongue to deny it. You could tell because he smiled. But it was more of a grimace. He nodded. 
You moved to get up but his arms tightened on you. “I don’t want to let you go yet,” he whispered.
You kissed his forehead. “I’m not going anywhere, Sam. It’s you and me,” you said.
This time, he did smile for real. “I like the sound of that.”
You liked the sound of it too.
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Masterlist | Chapter 6 | Chapter 8
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ltbarnes · 11 months
I Still Worship the Flame
[Stark U #5]
Summary: Everyone but you are at the cinema watching dumb movie marathons. You lay home in a sea of tissues, drowning in schoolwork with a pathetic fever. But what they don’t know can’t hurt them, right?
Pairing: college!Steve Rogers x reader, college!Bucky Barnes x reader, college!Sam Wilson x reader, college!Natasha Romanoff x reader
Word count: 6.8k
Warnings: sickness? just a really bad cold really nothing graphic, Steve and Bucky being a little overbearing, schoolwork (the biggest warning), angry reader
A/N: haven’t posted any of my writing since March 🤠 forgive me please and enjoy!! I have another one-shot coming soon though so you’ll get a little more of me than usual
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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As the hundredth whine from your lips sounds out today, you are glad that no one else is home. You would be scolded for being more dramatic than Sam during that week after his concussion while simultaneously yelled at for doing too much when you should be resting.
The words have since long started to blur together and the pen is clutched tightly in your hand without even touching the paper for half an hour. You can't remember comprehending the change from afternoon sun to complete darkness outside of your window, but you do know that you have piled on three layers of clothes only to tear them off of your overheated body in the last hour.
Fucking fevers. It's incredible how you forget how absolutely horrible they are between each time, but battling this one seems especially miserable when you have a test in four days. Your roommates had begged you to come with them to this god awful long Lord of The Rings marathon at the local cinema, but you were stressed out about the test enough without losing a full day of studying.
You have gotten some things done. It's just that your room is drowning in tissues, and the pills you've taken haven't done shit and your back hurts from sitting for so long. What you really want to do is take your comforter out to the couch and open all the windows with the AC on full blast. No—what you actually want is to be rid of this fucking cold and sit lodged between Steve and Bucky at the cinema, warm hands on your thighs with an obscene amount of chocolate in your lap. You know that Bucky would whisper random facts about the movies in your ear during the entirety of it, and that Steve would give him angry glares for speaking in the theater.
God, if it weren't for your body's excessive temperature, you would kill for them to hold you. It would suck in reality, because both of them run hot and that is the last thing you need right now. But you miss them. You miss them all the time lately and it frustrates you, because six months ago things weren't like this. Steve and Bucky were two of your annoying, though very sweet, roommates who bickered like siblings constantly at ungodly hours in the morning and left dirty dishes out in the living room (thank fucking god Bucky has stopped doing that).
Now, you dream weird dreams about them at night and shiver everytime they touch you. Calling you by name has suddenly turned into 'sweetheart' and 'bug' (still can't quite figure that one out), while merely the sight of Steve unintentionally flexing his bicep and Bucky moving his metal fingers makes you want to escape into your room. It's hard, because they are pretty much doing that everyday.
Worst of all is your resentment towards Natasha—she caught on so quickly that you barely managed to slip out of Steve's room the night you slept over before she confronted you about your feelings. She very conveniently left out the bet she and Sam had set up, but Bucky found out about that two weeks later and pushed Sam into some bushes. The latter complained about how Bucky didn't cater to his 'bush-related trauma' for much too long after that.
But at the same time, she reinforces your delusions about them liking you back. They are very protective of you, sure, but so are Sam and Natasha. Actually, that might have something to do with your constant knack of getting into the trouble rather than harboring secret, unconditional love for you. Natasha says they look at you with puppy dog eyes, but you think they just always look like that. And the constant touching and pet names are just—it's just who they are. You think.
Another onslaught of heat crashes over your tired body, and you give up completely. There comes a point where even you can't force yourself to work anymore. It's too draining. Instead you gulp down another pill, turn off the lights and throw yourself onto your bed. You groan out of pleasure, but know that it will soon disappear only to be replaced by torturous discomfort.
Yeah, it's good that they aren't here. Gathering the energy to deal with a smug Sam and overbearing Natasha is not in your capacity.
Besides, facing them in this state feels embarrassing. You'll pull yourself together by the time they come home. Just a short nap, and you'll fix your hair. Just twenty minutes of sleep, and you'll put on something presentable. Just some rest, and you'll look good for them.
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"Ah, shit—why's it fucking pitch black in here?" Sam seethes as he now limps on his newly stubbed toe, reaching for the hallway light.
The living room is empty and so is the kitchen, they notice that pretty quickly. Usually when you're home alone you cook something elaborate with music blasting in the background, or rewatch that show for the thousandth time. Bucky always gives you a hard time for it, but he usually ends up watching it with you anyways.
"Y/n?" Steve calls out, taking off his jacket before hanging it up on the rack placed by the door.
"Hey, bug—we're home!" Bucky says, walking further into the apartment while searching with his eyes.
The lack of answer gives them anxiety, even though it's probably nothing. Might've gone out. It's Saturday night after all. But you don't really have many close friends outside of them. Unless you're on a date, which quite frantically makes Bucky want to throw up. Yeah, he chooses not to believe that for his own sake.
Natasha bites off another section of her snickers, the one she made everyone stop at the gas station for, while toeing off her shoes. Shoe-free household since you moved in, but exceptions are allowed in emergencies. If you knew that both Bucky and Steve have on theirs right now, you would be mad. But Natasha isn't about to nag about that—she's more focused on getting a huge glass of water for herself. She knows those idiots will take care of whatever's going on.
Steve knocks on your door, waits for too many seconds before calling out for you again.
"Y/n? You okay?" he asks, leaning against the wall.
And because Steve is a considerate man, he doesn't open the door without an answer. But the same can't be said for Bucky—he shoulders past the former and pushes down the door handle without even so much as a sound. He is met with resistance as soon as he steps over the threshold, but all of it comes from the guy behind him.
"Buck—no," Steve seethes through a whisper, trying to pull him back by his shirt unsuccessfully.
Your room is as dark as the rest of the apartment was. Warm and stuffy, rid of any fresh air from outside of the four walls. You've been in here for a long time.
The small strip of light coming into your room reveals your figure splayed out over the unruly covers, a sign of tossing and turning in your sleep.
"Let her sleep, Buck," Steve sighs, rubbing his forehead with the back of his hand while leaning against the doorway.
It would be near goddamn foolish to ever expect him to listen. Steve isn't surprised when Bucky steps towards your bed anyway. He lowers down into a crouch, reaching his right hand out for your face.
"Christ, she's burning up," Bucky sighs, pushing himself up to his feet again.
"Shit," Steve answers, passing the threshold into your room while forgetting the previous reservations he held. And as if Bucky's judgement isn't enough, he presses the back of his hand to your forehead. Steve's hand is normally warm, but your skin is a hot furnace against the lines and creases of his palm.
"Fuck, we just left her here all alone." Bucky shakes his head. "We watched fucking Lord of the Rings that we've seen a million fucking times and she laid here suffering with a fucking fever."
"Tone it down with the 'fucks', will you?" Steve tells him.
He turns on the small lamp standing on your bedside table, soft light revealing the dozen tissues spilling out of your trash can. There's not much doubt about your sickness now.
"What do we do? Oh god, what do we do?" The brunette starts pacing as if he has never been more stressed in his life.
"Calm down, Buck. It's a cold, not a heart attack." Steve raises his brows, turns around to glare at his friend. "You've taken care of me dozens of times when I was like this as a child. Go get a glass of water and a few Tylenols."
It seems like it takes a few seconds for Bucky to register Steve's words. Even then he looks anxious, as if he doesn't want to leave. This makes Steve nervous, because Bucky never acts like this, but then again he feels the same way. That's why he told his friend to get you medicine instead of himself.
But Steve could never deny Bucky anything, even if it costs him time watching over the girl he almost certainly cares for more than a friend should. He ignores that part though, and pushes himself up to a stand.
"I'll go," he sighs, gesturing for Bucky to replace him by your side.
The short trek towards the kitchen is filled with anxiety. Why does his heart beat so fast when it's probably just a cold? He just told Bucky to calm down despite feeling anything but calm himself. Just gotten very good at hiding it through the years, he supposes.
Steve has never been the caretaker. He so desperately wanted to be that person during his childhood—the fierce protector, the strong hero, the one bullies cowered away from instead of running towards. Maybe he has been overcompensating for his lack of heroism in his early years now with his friends. The guilt is always eating him up if even the slightest thing happens, because most of the time he can stop those things now. Steve is tall and muscular, fast too, and he's not afraid to speak up anymore.
But things like these—sicknesses—he cannot help except for pouring water down your throat and make sure you're comfortable. Because he wants you to be comfortable so badly, as the slightest sight of pain in any shape or form makes him as gloomy as Sam on days where his favorite football team loses. Steve has known for a while now that you—the girl living on the other end of the hallway who curls up at his side on movie nights and bakes him cookies after each test he's had—is much more than just a roommate. God, he waits by the door for you to come home like a puppy, for goodness's sake. Gets a hard on at least once a day no matter what you are wearing.
And Steve really likes this thing he and Bucky has going on with you. That caretaking thing that he never has gotten a chance to do is now so natural. He and Bucky has adapted this protector-role in your life that makes Steve feel so good. He likes making you happy, making sure you're safe. Like he has a purpose.
"She alright?" Sam speaks up as Steve passes by his room, changing out of his thick sweatshirt to a thinner t-shirt.
"Not really. She has a fever," Steve answers, both hands filled with water, pills and more tissues.
"Oh, shit. How bad? Dr. Wilson bad?"
"No." Steve rolls his eyes. One time Sam helped patch you up and now he has been calling himself Dr. Wilson ever since. "We're taking care of it. She hasn't woken up yet."
"Well, just call for me if she gets tired of your needy asses and wants some Sammy loving instead."
Steve raises his eyebrows, shakes his head like he always does, and moves on. He purposefully quiets his steps down while walking past the occupied bathroom—a fuzzing Natasha is not what you need right now. You already got two overbearing people in your room.
The door is shouldered open by Steve as he returns, realizing as soon as he steps inside that your eyes are open, tiredly nodding along to whatever recap Bucky is giving you of the movies. Steve stays silent, setting down his gifts beside you before crouching down. Soon enough you have him staring up at you, that ever present frown in between his brows.
"Now, will you tell us why in the goddamn hell you did not call or text any of us to say that you were sick?" Steve asks sternly, though his hand is gentle on your head. "Excuse the language."
You let a chuckle slip despite his lecture, because of course he needs to apologize for the very tame curse words inserted into his sentences. Of course Steve scolds you before even saying hello. Such a dad.
"You were at the cinema..." you croak out, glancing down at your intertwined fingers.
"So?" Bucky says with a look on his face that reveals he has no idea what you are talking about.
"I thought you wouldn't notice if I just—didn't think it would get this bad." You pout visibly. A bead of sweat has formed in your hairline, steadily making its trek down your forehead.
"Wait a minute, Y/n—you thought we just wouldn't notice you holing yourself up in your room for days until you were fine again?" Bucky raises his eyebrows, nearly rolling his eyes on you. It sounds dumb now that he says it out loud.
"For god's sake, bug." He lets his palms scrub over his face while Steve sighs, balancing on the scale between amused and concerned.
"I didn't want to bother you! Besides I'm—this is not my finest moment. Kind of disgusting right now," you say.
"Now, c'mon," Steve tells you with a pointed gaze. "You know we don't care about that."
"You look fucking adorable right now. Just a little shiny, that's all." Bucky pokes you in the forehead, earning an offended gasp from your lips.
"Hey! I have a fever, asshole. I can't help it." The expression on your face is offended, but inside it's all warm and fuzzy because he called you adorable. Bucky fucking called you adorable.
But the playful grin on your lips soon turns into rumbling coughs, hiding your face into your elbow to avoid spreading saliva all over the two men beside you.
"Hey, hey. Take some water, Y/n. Here." Steve's hand flies to your back, rubbing gently, while reaching out the glass towards your lips.
Your throat is all scratchy and sore, and coughing up half of your lungs does not help in the least. But gulping down the cold liquid soothes the pain for the moment, even though most of the water drops down your chin.
"Should I...uh—"
Bucky reaches his hand out towards the box of tissues on your nightstand. Calloused fingers brush over your skin as he rids it of the stray drops, a metal hand tilting your chin up.
It's entirely too silent as you sit and let your face be dried like a toddler. Steve puffs up the pillow behind you, readjusts it until your face is getting enough support.
You don't say anything. Nobody says anything. The two of them work in tandem as they usually do, and have done since they were little boys, while making sure you're as comfortable as you possibly can be.
Soon enough there is a fan dragged in from someone else's room (you think there might be an angry Samuel barging in here any minute to demand it back), three boxes of napkins on your bedside table (you did not know there were that many napkins in your apartment) and four blankets on your bed in case you start shivering again (you do not own four blankets).
You get up to go to the bathroom and end up being carried instead. Being left alone is something you have to literally beg for, because you might, in their words, "pass out". The door remains unlocked as a compromise.
It's sometime around 12 am that you switch off the lights, still feverish and so tired of the sickness already. Mostly you're tired of the babying. But you don't say anything about the fact that both Steve and Bucky remain in your room, sitting on the goddamn floor even though you've told them several times that you have a desk chair and a bean bag. Actually, they have their own beds right on the other side of the hallway. Stupid boys.
They fall asleep pretty quickly, if judging by their snores. Both of them will deny their obnoxious sounds in the morning when you tell them. It makes you happy in one way, because Bucky usually has trouble not staying awake for hours on end grumbling over everything under the sun. Steve is sometimes found in the kitchen at 3 am when you go up for a glass of water, staring blankly out of the window as if he has the entire world resting on his shoulders. On the other hand, you're now the only one awake with your misery and overthinking.
Steve and Bucky definitely cares about you. For you. That much is clear from the past few hours. But to which extent? Is this what they would do for any of their friends? You would like to think so. It feels self-centered to not believe that. But they have been so adamant on making sure you're safe and alright and comfortable today—telling funny stories to distract you and getting caught up in those meaningless, petty fights they know you enjoy so much. Stroking your cheek, calling you sweet names and constantly making you drink water. College boys don't act that way towards their friends, or anyone at all really. You don't know why they are like this.
At the same time, the sweet things have become almost too much. You didn't think it was possible. But it frustrates you that this has become a whole savior-situation for them. Maybe you should want that now. Many girls do—not having to lift a finger while two men come at your every beck and call, and you usually do too. But the thing is that they are not listening to you. They are deciding things for themselves about you.
There comes a point where being helpful and taking care of someone transcends into being condescending. You absolutely can dry away water from your chin yourself. You can go to the fucking bathroom by yourself too, and would actually prefer it that way if you had a say in it.
Maybe you're just sick to the point of extreme irritability. You're probably overreacting to their sweetness because of everything happening in your life right now—this comes at the worst possible time with your final exam for the year in just three days. The final grades for most of your classes come anytime now as well, and you're not sure you did so well in all of them. You haven't even gotten a job for the summer either because no one wants to hire you. It's all pretty shit at the moment.
Barely anything is in your control right now. Not even your own health and how you choose to deal with it, because there are two men hovering over you every second since they came home. This is the first breather you've gotten in way too many hours. You're actually surprised they fell asleep before making sure that you did too, but happy that they did.
Another hour passes before you give up. It's too hot in here, despite cracking the window open half an hour ago, and the fan doesn't do you any wonders. The air is too thick from the small space being occupied by two giants and a sick girl for hours on end, and your bed is too soft.
You silence your coughs as you sneak out of your room out onto the living room couch. It's colder out here. Quiet.
You fall asleep within two minutes.
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"Sweetheart, wake up."
"C'mon, Y/n."
"Let her sleep, you assholes."
"She's burning up, for fuck's sake! We gotta do something!"
"Throw cold water on her."
"What the fuck, Sam?"
You groan, stirring awake while your eyes reluctantly flutter open. It feels like they have been glued shut. The fever-aches hit you instantly, distracting you from the mumbled voices right beside you as they try to gain contact.
"She's alive, at least," Sam says right before leaving the room. You barely notice.
"Y/n, hey, can you hear us?" Bucky asks, on his knees in front of the couch.
"Yes," you croak out, rubbing your eye while squinting. It's still early judging by the dimmed morning light coming into the apartment. "Wha—“
"Why did you leave? You have a 103 degree fever, baby. We have to cool you down."
You simply shake your head, letting out a distant hum while sinking down into the pillow once more, letting your eyelids close.
"C'mon. Sit up," Steve tells you, sneaking his hands around your back to push you upwards before you even have a chance to react to his words.
There's too many sounds around you, too many voices and hands prying your body around. You want quiet, like how it was when you went out here a few hours ago. What you sought after from the beginning.
"I want to be alone."
"Well, we're not going to fucking leave you alone right now, Y/n," Bucky says, stress practically seeping out of his pores.
Steve returns from the kitchen. You didn't notice him leaving. He reaches a cold, wet rag out to Bucky who immediately presses it to your burning forehead.
"I can do that myself."
"Nonsense. Just rest," Steve tells you.
"I'm serious. Guys, it's fin—"
"Can you get me the pills on her nightstand?"
He turns his head over his shoulder, nodding for Natasha who disappears into your room without so much as a blink to confirm. Your frustration grows with each second—Steve just entirely ignored you to speak over your words. He doesn't usually do that.
Red hair comes into view again, at least as much as you can see of her from underneath the rag covering half of your eyesight. She tosses the bottle, and you're lucid enough to try and catch it. Bucky grabs it instead.
But when he pours out a pill and begins prodding at your lips you push him away. It's  too much.
"Bucky, stop!"
This is the thing with the two of them—you love being cared for like they watch over you, but right now it just feels demeaning. As if they believe you can't do anything by yourself, as if you will fall and break your bones each time you stand or confront someone who has done you wrong without bodyguards crowding your space. Their intentions are good, so good, but right now it feels like unnecessary babying.  You are a grown woman who just happens to have very bad luck, but that doesn't mean you can't handle yourself at all.
As your yelling echoes through the now quiet room, their expressions fall, even though they did not look too chipper to begin with. Bucky inches back just slightly. Your tone was harsh enough to know that something is wrong.
"I get that the two of you are trying to help me right now, but I can lift my own fucking fingers!" Your face is hidden beneath your hands, head tilted back with a groan.
You can almost feel how their faces change right in front of you, postures tense up. It's not what you wanted—that is their reaction when being confronted, and this is not a scolding. At least you didn't intend it to be from the beginning.
"I just want to sleep right now, okay? I'm not going to die." Your voice softens into a whisper, a large contrast from the previous yelling that has the room quiet as a mouse.
Another three seconds of silence pass after your statement. Now they won't say anything? Steve runs a hand over his mouth, looking away from your gaze. Nervous.
"Uh...okay." He nods, despite looking like he doesn't want to agree. "Just—just take the Tylenol. If it gets worse you'll tell us, right?"
You don't really answer in the way he wants you to, which is not at all. You can tell by the way he purses his lips. Bucky just looks scarily neutral, as if he's schooling his face with every ounce of willpower in his body.
"Alright, boys. Scatter," Natasha says, waving her hands towards their rooms like she's directing an airplane. You guess that's about the organization you need to coordinate the three of them.
Before you can catch Steve and Bucky's conflicted glances, and Sam's slightly shocked expression, you roll around to face the back of the couch. As peace falls over the room, so does sleep once again.
Steve and Bucky take turns tiptoeing into the living room to watch over you each hour.
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Natasha sits in the living room chair reading from her iPad when you wake up. It's dark outside—you've been asleep the entire day. She has a cup of tea and half a cookie left on her plate sitting on the table, and does not even stir when you speak up from out of nowhere. Damn her spy skills.
"What time is it?" you croak out, so unbelievably hoarse that you can't even believe words are coming out of your mouth. You kind of regret speaking at all.
"7:32," she tells you while pushing a glass of water your way. The glass is devoured immediately.
While drying away the stray drops of water from your skin, you put the back of your hand against your forehead to realize your fever has gone down significantly. Not gone entirely, you think, but so much better. The only thing worse is the lack of anyone else in this room besides you and Nat.
"Where is everyone?" you ask her, pushing yourself up slightly until you sit up in the couch.
Natasha must instantly clock your hesitant tone, the slight trace of regret in your voice that manages to seep out through your cold-affected throat. She turns your way, leaning forward slightly.
"Hiding in their rooms."
Your face soon gets buried in your hands, leaning back with a groan from your lips.
"I was too harsh on them, wasn't I?" you say suddenly, letting her decipher your muffled words. "Fuck, I upset them. I was too mean."
"No, no. Hey, no," Natasha interjects, clasping her hand around your wrist to reveal your face again. "Babe, you are allowed to have boundaries, and they're not allowed to be bitchy about that."
"But I—they were just trying to help and I went off on them," you whine. "They haven't even talked to me since this morning. I feel like shit about that, Nat."
"They didn't talk to you 'cause you've been fucking asleep, that's why," she says. "And just because their intentions are good doesn't mean they have the right to be around you."
Natasha raises her perfect eyebrow, glancing over her shoulder towards the empty apartment behind her. Her words hit you like a fucking truck no matter how cliche that sounds, regardless of the fact that you have never taken any sort of advice of this sort to heart before. They never used to apply to you earlier.
"You decide that. And I'm sorry that their egos were bruised, but they need to learn how to respect people's wishes even when they believe they are doing the right thing by disregarding them," she tells you.
"Yeah," you breathe out. "Yeah, you're right."
"Sure as fuck I am," Natasha agrees. "Now go tell them that."
"I don't want to," you whine.
"But you have to. They're not gonna learn if you ignore them. And I know they're dying to check up on you."
"They haven't been in here?" you ask, trying to sound more curious than disappointed. Why are you disappointed? You were the one who wanted space.
"I banished them after they kept checking your temperature as you slept seven times within an hour."
Your eyebrows shoot to the roof. Actually, that makes you annoyed. It's cute, but you were sleeping! You had just yelled at them for invading your space and privacy! Goddamn men who worry too fucking much!
She smirks as you struggle your way up from the couch, angrily making your way towards the end of the hallway to your best ability in this state. The knocks on their doors are loud. Both doors open almost at the same time.
"Get in Rogers' goddamn room, Barnes," you mutter, before shouldering your way past the blonde wall of muscle looking entirely too confused for your liking. He's way too cute like that, and you're supposed to be angry.
The two men follow you like obedient puppies, sitting down on Steve's bed when you gesture towards it. You sway slightly after closing the door, resulting in someone shooting up from their position, but quickly falls back when you shoot the brown-haired guy a glare.
For what must be at least five seconds, you stare at the two young men now sitting on Steve's bed, staring up at you nervously as if you are the principal and they've been called into the office for disobedience. It's kind of fun, but you tire quickly of the staring contest, and instead run the back of your hand across your forehead with a sigh.
"I do just fine by myself," you say all of a sudden. No warning, no explanation. "And yes, it's really sweet that you two want to help, but you've completely ignored me and what I want since I got sick. That's not okay."
What started off strong and confident has now turned into looking anywhere but their eyes as you speak. Why are they making you nervous?
"I have boundaries when I'm sick too, you know? And it doesn't exactly feel like you actually care about me when you just push and prod at me like I'm some doll instead of a person who told you repeatedly that I didn't want your help."
You can't really see their reactions, since you're...not looking at them. Instead you have your arms engulfing themselves, fingers picking on your skin and the hem of your shirt nervously. You're not used to confrontation. Almost no training in scolding people at all. Especially not when it comes to people you care about so deeply. But it has to be done, according to Natasha. And maybe you know that she's right.
"And I'm mad at you. But I know that your intentions are good, and this doesn't have to be a big thing...but I just wanted you to know how I felt."
Too many seconds of silence passes after your little speech is done. The only sound in the room is your collective breathing. You're still looking down to the floor, watching your toes wiggle as a distraction.
"You can speak now, if you want to," you add timidly after what must have been half a minute.
The sound of Bucky letting out a long pent up breath almost makes you laugh, but you school your expression as you finally look him in the eyes. He almost burst watching you so fidgety, refusing to look at either of them.
"I'm sorry, babe," Bucky says, volume nearing on a whisper. He didn't mean to say that last word. "I just—I get kind of panicky when people get sick. You know, Steve—"
"I know about Steve's sickness, Buck," you tell him.
"Yeah, but...sometimes when he was like this it would be a life or death situation. Y/n, I've been the one to call 911 several times when I didn't think Steve would make it."
"I didn't know that," you say. "That it was that bad."
"He would start off exactly like you." Bucky pauses for too many seconds, scrunching his nose before shaking his head. "This fucking cough that would never disappear, and then the high fever. But I guess you have a better set of lungs and heart than he did back then."
"Oh, I—I don't know..."
"You're not about to go into heart failure because of a stupid cold," he says, but you think it's more of a reminder for himself. Steve looks at him funnily, as if he's almost sad by Bucky's words. Maybe he didn't know how much his friend saw during their childhood.
"We're sorry we ignored you, Y/n," Steve speaks up. "Now after, I...I can see that we were too overbearing. And you're right, that's not okay. But I don't want you to think we don't view you as a person. That's not true."
His blue eyes do that soft, concerned thing only Steve can pull off. It kind of pisses you off. You're supposed to be mad, but it's hard. Okay, you actually forgave them before you even entered the room, but they don't know that yet.
"Well, it kind of felt like you didn't," you mutter, looking away.
"I know. You don't deserve that," he answers. "I'm really sorry, sweetheart. I promise I'll do better."
You can't help but let the tiniest of smiles grace your lips. They barely notice it, you think.
"Okay. I guess I accept your apologies. But, this doesn't mean that I don't want to be helped at all—it just means that it will happen on my own terms. No more extreme coddling and babying."
Bucky gives you an amused smirk, rubbing his chin with his fingers. God, he would fit in perfectly in a douchy frat house. Idiot.
"You're kinda cute when you're yelling at us, you know?" he tells you. You think both you and Steve share the exact same reaction—Bucky gets a slap to the back of his head from the latter while you just scowl at him.
"You're such a jerk. That is not what you should take with you from this situation," you seethe, even though heat is traveling to your cheeks in an almost unhealthy pace. Goddamn him and his charm. You blame it on the fever.
"Punk," Steve mutters, shaking his head in disapproval while Bucky just ducks away from any further violence. There's still that smug grin on his face though.
"Bucky is a lot more likeable when he's shy and quiet, don't you think?" You turn to Steve, ignoring the brown-haired man now pouting at you. You've already forgotten why you're in this room in the first place. And damn it, you're starting to feel that you're not exactly top condition right now, and you know you have to sit down soon.
"Uh-huh. Is a lot easier to keep in line, at least."
"Hey! I'm right fucking here, you know? Don't talk shit about—"
Bucky doesn't get to finish his sentence before your seemingly healthier state turns critical in just a few seconds. The standing up for too long with a fever and no source of energy for two whole days finally takes it toll, and the clear focus you had on your boys turns into a big blur. A thud sounds through the room as your side crashes into Steve's drawer, balance lost completely before you could even notice you were dizzy in the first place. Within a second you're on the floor with a throbbing pain in the back of your head.
"Fuck," Bucky breathes out as he gets to his feet with Steve right on his heel, crossing the few feet's distance between you. "I know you just said we shouldn't coddle you...but—"
"It's fine. I'll give you a pass," you manage to get out while rubbing the back of your head, a small chuckle escaping your lips.
Strong hands pull you up to your feet, embracing your unsteady body so your head rests against Bucky's chiseled chest. Steve has his palm on your back, searching for any kind of contact.
"What happened? Are you okay?" he asks while Bucky leads you to the bed, forcing you to lie down.
"I don't think it was such a good idea to stand for that long," you say with a tired smile.
"Well, I tried to tell—" Bucky stops himself in the middle of the sentence, catching himself doing exactly what he promised he wouldn't. You grin at him, patting his thigh the best you can from your position.
"Good boy. Already learning."
The man blushes like a grown man has not done ever. You don't notice though, of course you don't, and his momentary weakness remains harmless. Steve doesn't point it out, because he's too engrossed by looking at the now sore spot at the back of your head. But you never notice, and Steve almost begins to think you're avoiding the signs on purpose. You should have noticed by now. Sam and Natasha certainly have—they can't give either of them a break when it comes to teasing about you.
"Fuck, this is the last thing I needed," you groan, putting your hands up to cover your face while leaning back into what now feels like Steve's thighs. When did he move you?
"Know it sucks, bad timing and all that, but maybe a sign to take it easier?" Bucky says, though he has to clear his throat first to rid it of the thickness he gained from your little comment earlier.
"What d'ya mean?" you mumble, eyes closed.
Maybe you were overreacting earlier. Now, with their hands in your hair and stroking your legs soothingly, you feel great. As if they really do care about you. But it's different now, you guess.
"Sweetheart, you've been stressing yourself to death this past month. You have this irrational fear, which is completely wrong, that you will fail all of your classes when you absolutely are not going to," Steve tells you.
"Maybe..." you mutter.
"Yeah, lay it down, will you? 'M only taking it easy on you with the scolding now 'cause you're sick, but it's actually worrying. Don't know why you think so low of yourself when it comes to school. You've done great the entire time."
"I can't help it," you whisper. "But I really don't want to study anymore. I'm tired."
Steve chuckles at you, shaking his head. "You don't have to. If you're good to do the test in two days—and I really mean if—you're already perfectly prepared. Been studying for a month. God knows I ain't ever studied that long for an exam."
"I know..."
"But even without me and Steve...helping, I, uh—are you gonna be fine 'till then?" Bucky asks, a new concerned frown in between his eyebrows appearing.
"You are allowed to help me, Buck. I never said that you couldn't," you tell him. Your eyes are closed, deep breaths being taken to rid yourself of the nausea. Despite this, you notice his restlessness over the thought.
"Yeah. I guess. Just don't want you...don't want you to be sick anymore," he mutters under his breath, as if though he wishes you could not really hear it.
This is the Bucky you usually see. The one who's a little shy and has trouble expressing his feelings, except if it's anger. Then he has all the willpower in the world to act on it. The guy who cares very deeply about his friends and becomes closed off when he can't help them.
"Not super excited about this either, Barnes," you whisper, arm thrown over your face to shield you from the rest of the world.
"We're on last name basis now, huh?" Steve says. You can hear the smirk in his voice.
"Uh-huh." You nod to your best ability. "You deserve that."
"She's just practicing her future last name, Stevie," Bucky speaks up, wearing a grin that falls just as quickly as it appeared. A dreaded, wide-eyed expression dawns upon his face as he stares at the two of you. The realization is painful.
"What? What did you just say?" You lift your head up from Steve's lap, staring at Bucky who's now beet red.
"Oh, shit."
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sam wilson x teen!reader headcanons
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 634
request: yes / no
original request: omg hi!! i absolutely adore your writing 💕 would you be open to doing some headcanons for sam wilson and a teen!reader? have a wonderful day, love <;33
dynamic: sam wilson x teen!reader
characters: sam wilson, reader
a/n: heh inspiration struck so two in one day it is 😈😈 i LOVED writing this request omg. i'm totally obsessed w/ sam wilson so i was sooo happy this was requested!! ty anon :D
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
sam gives such older brother vibes to me
like no matter how old u are he’ll always treat you like a little sibling
well he and bucky both
at this point they’re a package deal
a lot of ur time is spent settling their argument
“hey, y/n. who pulls off this hat the best?”
“y/n!!! pancakes or waffles??”
“y/n tell bucky he’s wrong.”
theres a lot of that LMAO
anyways i feel like he would make u do stuff with him
like fun little adventures
y’all learned to crochet together
and u were pretty good ngl
but poor sam kept missing stiches
you made little frogs and his looked not rly like a frog
but u loved it anyway ofc
the two of you usually do grocery runs together
that’s like high time for ur gossip 😏
i mean guys this is sam wilson
he def knows a LOT of stuff
but he’s really engaged with like ur school & home life
he always makes sure ur ok
he is totally the type to text and call regularly
he would go to ur parent teacher conferences if u needed him to
and then he’d tell u all his thoughts about the teacher after 😭 
he’s rly perceptive with emotions
i mean he was a therapist like what do u expect
but whenever he senses ur down he’ll do something really nice
and like cook u something
bc sam can COOK
like COOK
and he’ll try to make you laugh
which always works because he’s actually hilarious
speaking of he’s so funny on missions too
he’s always talking on the earpieces and like he’ll just say the funniest stuff
and he swears like a sailor JUST SAYING 🤪
he’s so the type to swear in front of you all the time but then the moment u swear he’s like “what did you say 🤨🤨”
also he always is asking u fashion advice
“ok y/n. blue shirt red pants? or red shirt blue pants?”
“sam do you really want to look like one fish two fish red fish blue fish”
“yeah i guess you’re right 😞”
he always acts sad and then the moment you feel bad he’s like “GOTCHA 😜”
also whenever he’s away he’ll send you a ton of pictures
a lot of them are selfies of him and bucky and steve 
and they’re so funny
like he’s not trying to be funny but he literally is like a facebook minion meme mom
oh also no offense to him but he’s an AWFUL driver 😭 
like he goes way too fast and his music is so loud
but he lets u choose it so u don’t mind 🤩
it’s always kind of fun going in the car with him
you always text natasha a picture of u with him in the driver’s seat in the background and you say “if i die u know why”
and she just goes “have fun”
you and him go on runs together
and that’s rly fun
well ok ik running is hard
but as a runner its sooo much more fun suffering through it with someone else 🥳
whenever u run u do that like shareplay thing on spotify
and he always judges ur music like 😑
ok mr “i listen to the same album for like five months in a row”
oh he is so the type to take u on like one on one lunches and stuff
i think that’s smth the avengers would do with their younger members to make sure they’re alright
and he always does it with u bc ur best friends ofc ‼️
y’all are so petty to each other
but u do really think the world of him
and he thinks the world of you too 🫶
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sublimecatgalaxy · 1 year
♥️ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ♥️
This is strictly my Bucky Barnes Masterlist.
Before requesting, take a look at my Masterpost to gain more insight into my DNI and requesting guideline lists. Take a look at my Prompt List for some ideas regarding request too!
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Three Nights:
Summary/Request: "During a mission, Bucky and reader are forced to share a room that Sam not so subtly arranged for them."
Old Man:
Summary/Request: "Bucky Barnes x reader comforting him after a nightmare"
Summary/Request: "Bucky Barnes x reader where he’s away on a mission and she’s needy ifykyk"
Extremely Necessary:
Summary/Request: "Can you do a bucky x reader? With the 'I really don't like you.' - 'And I really don't believe you.' prompt? … Maybe some Enemies to Lovers?"
Won't Break:
Summary/Request: "Prompt: “Promise me you’ll still be here when I wake up.”"
Wait for Me:
Summary/Request: "Scenario: Enemies to lovers"
Listen to Tony:
Summary/Request: "hi baby <3 I’d love to see bucky taking care of reader whether it be emotional or physical, you can do whatever gives you the most comfort <3"
Drama Queen:
Summary/Request: "hi baby <3 just feeling really down today + I’d love to see some comfort with bucky or another character of your choice. Please do not rush to do this or feel obligated to do it at all, just figured I’d ask. Love you so much."
Summary/Request: "“You’re being mean” and “did I stutter” in an angst/fluff mix with my personal fav bucky barnes 💗 Ily!"
Puppy Dog Eyes:
Summary/Request: "I was wondering if I could please write a Bucky Barnes one-shot, that’s fluffy and these things from your prompt list"
Alone Together:
Summary/Request: "With Bucky Barnes 🥺 maybe they're trapped in a small space together during a mission that Bucky adamantly didn't want to pair up with the reader for because of a big ol' crush he has on them? 💚"
Almost A Century:
Summary/Request: ""You're being mean.";"Why are you such a tease?"
Summary/Request: "“You’re being mean” with bucky <3 angst/spice mix!! Ily :)
Summary/Request: "“Are you blushing” with bucky ❤️‍🔥"
Catch Up:
Summary/Request: "Hey! Could I please request a Bucky Barnes request with the trope mutual pining and prompt 13: "All I could think about was you.""
Summary/Request: "Bucky Barnes x assassin!reader? But current Bucky who's sort of retired and not killing people anymore but he's a target of hers and she's sort of flirty with him and after a conversation with him, she realizes that he doesn't deserve what her employer claims he deserves (cuz he's a changed man, duh)."
How Cute:
Summary/Request: "So I don't know a lot of other creators on here who actually write 'x sibling!reader' but I think you've done it a few times so I was wondering if you'd write a Bucky Barnes x wilson!reader?"
Your Time:
Summary/Request: "Hey can I request Bucky + prompts 2 and 21? 💞💞"
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crazyunsexycool · 6 months
A lil childhood friends to lovers prompt for a drabble?
'There was always that one place they would both run off to - to escape parents, annoying siblings and just the world in general. They haven’t had contact in a long time, but when things get rough, they both end up in their safe place again.'
Meet me at our spot
Sam Wilson x Reader
A/N: since there’s no specific pairing I chose Sam. Kind of a college AU.
It was hot but that was Louisiana still there was no where else you’d rather be. It would be better if your life long best friend would be here but it’s been a while since you’d talk to him and even longer since you’ve seen him in person. He had been the one to find the secluded lake, dock included. It was both of your safe haven. From school bullies to overbearing parents and annoying siblings. The lake and the dock was just for the two of you but recently it was only yours.
With your feet dangling over the edge of the dock and the sun beating down on you, you breathed a sigh of relief. You lay back and wonder why you’d bothered to come back home for the short school break. Your parents kept nagging you about the major you’d chosen. It was getting to be too much staying in the house so you’d gone to your spot.
After a few minutes you feel and hear footsteps on the short wooden dock and you tilt your head back. You’re surprised to see a military uniform and none other than your life long best friend Sam Wilson looking down at you amused.
“Sam?” You sit up and turn around to get a proper look at him. He looked great. Definitely much broader and sturdier than when he left for boot camp two and a half years ago.
“The one and only.”
You stood and closed the small gap between the two of you and threw your arms around his shoulders.
“I can’t believe you’re here. You look great.” You murmur.
“So do you.”
“So what brings you back home?” You ask once you pull away.
“I’m on leave. Just for a few days.”
You nod as you sit back down, Sam taking his usual spot beside you. The two of you catch up on what you’ve been up to for the last two years. You offer him a drink from the cooler you always brought out.
As the sunsets you both finally get up and start heading back.
“Why did you never reply to my letters?”
“I didn’t want to worry you.” Sam says as you both start walking toward the hidden trail.
You stop and look up at him. This was probably the only time you’d see him before you went back to college and him back to the Air Force.
“Don’t lie to me.”
Sam sighed and looked back toward the lake. You didn’t say anything while he worked through whatever it was that was going through his head.
“There’s something that I wanted to tell you for a really long time but every time I wanted to say it I got scared. Then we both went out separate ways and I thought that time apart would be good and I’d get over what I had to get over.” He says after looking at you. “Then I got your letters and I knew that I needed to tell you the truth but I thought that saying it over and over letter wasn’t the right thing to do either.”
By now your heart was beating wildly. Whatever he had to say could be anything. Maybe he didn’t want to be friends with you anymore. Or worse maybe he found someone and you never got a chance to tell him how you felt.
“The truth is that I’m in love with you. I thought that’s something you deserve to hear in person.”
“You what?” You stared at him wide eyed.
Sam laughs and shakes his head. He can’t help but take in how beautiful you look in the last few rays of the sun.
“I said I’m in love with you. I have been for a while. I don’t know if that will ruin the friendship but this time apart made me realize that it wasn’t just some dumb little crush. It’s ok if you don’t feel the same.”
“I do.” You nod excitedly before smiling. “I do I love you too. It’s why I was so hurt that you never replied. I thought I’d done something wrong.”
“Yeah, about that.”
Sam pulls out envelopes out of his pockets and presents them to you. There aren’t as many as you wrote him but each envelope was thick.
“Here is every single reply to your letters.”
Tears well in your eyes as you take them from him. You smile up at Sam and then throw your arms around his neck and your lips slot over his.
“I love you.” Sam murmurs in between kisses and pulling you closer to himself. “Go out with me.”
“I love you too.” You reply. “I’d love too.”
Some of the most important moments in your relationship with Sam happened at the lake it made sense that you confessed your love for each other in the place that watched it bloom. It was more than just a lake, it was your sanctuary, safe place, it was your spot.
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krypticcafe · 10 months
❧ Customer Service Policy
aka The Rules
As much as we love our beloved customers, this cafe is a one-man crew and to make sure the place doesn't burn down and ruin things for everyone, we have our own rules and regulations regarding special orders along with some guidance for the lost.
Many thanks, ✎ Kryptid
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❧ Before You Order:
I will do a max of 10 characters for headcanons or fics per request, but you may request more in another one. Depending on the request, I might take out characters or make a second part.
I specialize in masc, amab, dominant, and particularly gender neutral readers, but I'm open to all types.
Readers are automatically written gender-neutral unless requested otherwise.
I do character/reader and occasionally character/character fanfics.
Poly ships are more than welcome! Please state if it is poly, because I will assume you want them all separately.
I will not always accept requests. I write on my own schedule.
If you want a specific kind of reader, please directly state so, such as gender, assigned sex, and/or pronouns. For example,
May I have a transmasc reader with König?
Can I get Din Djarin smut with an amab reader with they/them pronouns?
Can you do Ghost x fem!reader?
I would love to request a könig/horangi/masc reader please!
Remember, it's better to be super specific than super vague for the best customer satisfaction.
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✅️Will Write✅️
Polyamory/Open Relationships
Smut (certain kinks and within reason)
Mild Dub-con (depends heavily on request)
Platonic Relationships
Sibling/Related Readers
Child/Younger Reader
Comfort/Trauma Fics
Readers of all genders, backgrounds, etc
Dark/Psychological Fics (within reason)
Dead Dove (depending)
Light A/B/O
❌️Won't Write❌️
Explicit or Graphic Non-con/R*pe Smut
Dark/Psychological fics glorifying actions
Certain Fetishes
Real People
A/B/O Mpreg
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❧ Flavors:
✎��Call of Duty
Simon "Ghost" Riley ('09 & '22)
John "Soap" MacTavish ('09 & '22)
Captain John Price ('09 & '22)
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick ('22)
Stray/Hound ('09 & '22)
Kim "Horangi" Hong-Jin
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Farah Karim
Alex Keller
Alejandro Vargas
Rodolfo Parra
Sebastian Krueger
Sobieslaw "Gromsko" Kościuszko
Keegan P. Russ
Logan Walker
David "Hesh" Walker
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✎﹏Slashers/Dead By Daylight
Ghostface (films)
Danny Johnson/Jed Olsen/DBD!Ghostface
Jason Voorhees
Harry Warden
Michael Myers (films, DBD)
Pyramid Head (games, DBD)
Bubba Sawyer (films, DBD)
Thomas Hewitt
Brahms Heelshire
Trapper/Evan MacMillan
Wraith/Philip Ojomo
Legion/Frank Morrison
Ji-Woon Hak/Trickster
Sally Smithson/Nurse
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✎﹏Star Wars
Poe Dameron
The Mandalorian/Din Djarin
Cassian Andor
Obi-Wan Kenobi
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Sam Wilson/Captain America/Falcon
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
T'Challa/Black Panther
Peter Quill/Star-Lord
Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley/Moon Knight
Matt Murdock/Daredevil
Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Eddie Brock/Venom
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✎﹏Marble Hornets/Slenderverse
Masky/Tim Wright
Hoodie/Brian Thomas
Jane the Killer
Eyeless Jack
Kate the Chaser
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all rights reserved © krypticcafe, all fanfiction belongs to me and should not be copied, edited, published, sold, or translated without permission. all characters belong to their respective fandoms and creators.
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sivyera · 2 years
Dating Bucky Barnes but being Sam Wilson's best friend
PAIRING: James Buchanan „Bucky“ Barnes x reader (romantic), Sam Wilson x reader (platonic)
WARNINGS: bad grammar, swearing, spoilers
SHOW: The Falcon and The Winter Soldier
SONG: Rasputin - Boney M.
gif isn't mine
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you and Sam were childhood best friends
you two were like siblings
so Sam was protecting you like his younger sibling
even you're the same age
when Sarah was born she immediately got two protectors
when you became older you move into NY
in NY you met Steve and became an avenger (you can choose If you have some powers or something, I imagine you to have chaos magic like Wanda or being Black Widow like Natasha and Yelena)
you and Sam were still in touch even If you were in NY
you give Sam an idea to come to NY and live here
you know get some money in NY to fix the boat Sam and Sarah have from their parents
you also introduce Sam to Steve
then Cap find Bucky
in this moment it was little confusing
Cap trying to hide Bucky from the police etc...
when it was all over you three know each other well (I mean after endgame..)
you started hang out with Bucky more
he was very happy that he have someone else besides Steve
but Sam wasn't that happy
he still though that Bucky is dangerous and that he still can turn into the winter soldier
he was just scared he really care about you
you always told Sam that you can protect yourself and that Bucky is not dangerous anymore
Sam left to visit his sister to help her
also Bucky move to your place
you inherited a house from your parents so it wasn't a problem
you and Buck spend so much time together
you two were watching some movies, doing skin care to help Bucky relax and show him something new
teaching Bucky how to use new technology
Bucky slowly started see you in different light
he looked at you with pure love in his eyes
and then it just happened
he kissed you
he would say apologise cuz he think that he cross the line but he didn't
then it was all unicorns and rainbows..
you are the best thing that ever happened to him
he would NEVER EVER do something bad to you like hit you or cheat on you. NEVER!
until you saw Sam in the TV giving Steve's shield away
you tried call Sam but you always end up in voicemail
you and Buck find were Sam is and go talk to him about the shield
when you guys were talking and have a conversation about THE BIG THREE you all agreed to take that shield back
but Sam looked suspicious or grumpy??
he didn't like how you and Buck were closed to each other
he didn't like how Bucky held your waist
so he decide to talk to you about it
he drag you away from Bucky to ,,private talk''
when you told him that you and Bucky are dating he couldn't believe
you told him that Bucky treat you like a queen and again that you will not let you to treat you badly
Sam is still little little unhappy with your guys relationship but he see how happy you are together
so he is happy for you
still If Bucky ever do something bad to you (even everyone know he won't EVER!) he would kick his ass
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waltermis · 2 years
Summary: Something goes wrong as Steve heads to return the stones.
Warnings: swearing, angst with unhappy ending, post-endgame
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader, Tony Stark x reader (siblings), Steve Rogers x reader (platonic), Bruce Banner x reader (platonic), Bucky Barnes x reader (platonic), Sam Wilson x reader (platonic)
You stood beside Bucky a quarter mile from the ruins of Avengers compound. Steve was about to bring the stones back to their original timeline and you were there to wish him luck. “Don’t do anything stupid till I get back,” Steve said.
Bucky chuckled, “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” They both shared a meaningful hug before Steve turned to you.
You had a solemn look on your face. Steve could see the dark circles under your eyes and how pale your skin was. The cuts and bruises on your face and arms still hadn’t healed yet, which worried him. “Are you sure you don’t need help bringing the stones back?” You asked, breaking the super soldier from his intense once over of your face.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back before you know it.” He attempted to reassure; Steve knew how hard the past couple days had been for you, how much pain you were hiding behind your nonchalant façade. 
“You better, or I’ll never forgive you and Wanda will replace you as my best friend,” You playfully threatened. “But seriously, be super careful!” You gave the super soldier a tight hug, hoping that the feeling in your chest was because of the grief you were dealing with and not your gut telling you something was wrong. You stepped away as Steve walked on the platform, the time machine whirring to life. He tapped a button and his clothes morphed into the quantum suit.
“How long is this gonna take?” Sam asked Bruce.
“For him, as long as he needs. For us, five seconds.” Bruce replied. “You ready, Cap?” Steve nodded. “All right, we’ll meet you back here, okay?”
“You bet,” The quantum suits helmet enveloped his head, protecting it.
“Going quantum. Three… two… one…” You held your breath as you watched him disappear. “And returning in five… four… three… two… one.” Bruce flipped a switch but nothing happened. The knot in your chest grew tighter as Bruce flipped another switch.
“Where is he?” Sam asked, worried.
“I don’t know, he should’ve re-appeared right here.” Bruce responded, panicking slightly.
“Well, bring him back!!” Sam yelled, growing frantic. 
“I’m trying!” Bruce said, pushing the button again. The sounds around you grew muffled as the knot in your chest grew increasingly tighter. 
‘This can’t be happening!’ You thought, as you watched Bruce hit random buttons and flicked switches but nothing changed. Steve still hadn’t appeared.
“Okay! Okay! Give me a couple minutes to figure out what went wrong.” Bruce cried out.
“What do you mean?” You tried to comprehend what Bruce had told you. It’s been three hours since Steve was supposed to come back after returning the stones and Bruce still hadn’t been able to figure out a way to bring him back.
“I mean, something must’ve happened to the machine when Thanos blew the compound.” Bruce tried to explain. He had pulled you aside after figuring out what had gone wrong. He had already informed Sam and Bucky and the two had left to give you and Bruce some space so he could break the news to you.
“So, you’re telling me that Steve is now stuck in the quantum realm?” You whispered. You couldn’t believe him, you wouldn’t.
“Well, bring him back!!” You screamed, tears welling up in your eyes.
“I can’t! It’s impossible!!!” Bruce said.
“Nothing in our line of work is impossible, Bruce. We’ve defeated aliens and been on different planets! For fucks sake, we’ve even met a talking raccoon! Nothing is ever impossible!”
“Well, this is. I’m sorry Y/N,”
“NO!” You screamed, shaking your head. “I will not accept defeat so easily! These past few days have been HELL for me! I watched the love of my life sacrifice her life to save half of the universe! I watched as she pushed herself off a 400 ft cliff all for some fucking stone! I watched Natasha Romanoff sacrifice everything she knew and loved for the soul stone! And that included me! I watched her fall and I couldn’t bear to close my eyes because I didn't want her to live the last moments of her life alone!” You were sobbing, tears were rolling down your face, blurring your vision but you didn’t care. 
“So I watched her fall and hit the ground! I watched as the impact broke her neck, and watched as my wife’s crimson blood poured out of her head and onto the rock below her! I watched the person I thought I would spend the rest of my life with die! And to make matters worse, my brother died the next day!” You screamed, everything was pouring out of you now. Like a waterfall you didn’t know how to stop.
“He snapped his fingers and defeated Thanos but he left behind a life with Pepper! A chance to see his 5 year old daughter ever again! A chance to spend more time with Peter! And he left me behind!! ME! HIS LITTLE SISTER!!! The person HE PROMISED TO NEVER LEAVE AFTER MOM AND DAD DIED! And he died IN MY ARMS! TOLD ME THAT I WOULD BE OKAY EVEN AS I BEGGED HIM NOT TO GO! I BEGGED HIM TO STAY WITH ME, TO HOLD ON A LITTLE LONGER. BUT HE DIDN’T! He was gone before I even got a chance to tell him how much I LOVED him. How much I ADMIRED HIM! HOW MUCH HE MEANT TO ME!” You were hysterical now, your vision was blurry, your nose was runny and your knees threatened to buckle but you held strong.
Bruce just stood there as you yelled at him, the guilt threatened to pull him under but he stood there and listened to you scream knowing how much pain you had hidden. “And now you’re telling me that one of our closest friends is stuck in the quantum realm and you can’t bring him back?!”
“I’m really sorry Y/N,” Bruce apologized. You knew he felt bad but you couldn’t help but scoff and walk away. “Where are you going?”
“To go find someone who gives a fuck!” You replied without turning back. You didn't know where you were headed but you knew you weren’t going to give up on Steve. You were going to do whatever it takes to get your best friend back. 
Whatever it takes.
1066 words
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Love Story - A Kai Parker One Shot
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*not my gif
Pairing: witch!Reader x siphon!Kai
Character Name: Rosalie Wilson
This IS a reader insert fic; I just don’t like writing with Y/N in the place of names. Use Rosalie/Rose as a placeholder for Y/N and Wilson as L/N :)
Requested?: No
Word Count: 3,269
Song Inspiration: Love Story - Sarah Cothran, sad version
This is a cover of 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift, but it's arranged in a minor key and some of the lyrics have been changed. The version with lyric changes cannot be found on Spotify. It is one of the most hauntingly beautiful things I've ever heard.
This piece is inspired by Romeo and Juliet.
Description: The Parkers and Wilsons had been feuding families in the Gemini Coven for centuries now. The constant battle for Coven leadership harmed them to this day, stealing lives and happiness...
Warnings: Angst/darker emotions, familial violence and abuse, suicidal thoughts/ideation, and mentions of death
Sections of italicized song lyrics signify scene changes (note: the lyrics aren't necessarily in order). The story begins after the break :)
We were both young when I first saw you I close my eyes, and the flashback starts I’m standing there… on a balcony in summer air.
A deep sigh rang out from within Rosalie’s chest. She stood on her balcony, closing her eyes as the cool evening breeze washed across her bare shoulders. As the daughter of the Wilsons, Rose knew she’d have to make her obligatory appearance soon enough, but she hated these stupid parties. They were full of obnoxious, stuffy people who couldn’t be bothered with her.
Being a Gemini witch meant nothing if you weren’t born a twin, no matter how powerful you were. Every year her parents threw these ridiculously lavish parties for her younger brother and sister, counting down until their 22nd birthday.
People were spinning around under the sunset, laughing and dancing in their gowns and tuxedos. “Yay for Sarah and Sam Wilson…” Rose muttered under her breath. It was all a technicality, anyhow.
The Parkers were to keep Coven leadership, but there was something up with their oldest twins – something they kept under wraps. Whatever it was opened the pathway for her younger siblings to merge and take over everything.
Swallowing softly, Rosalie turned around and headed inside. Her burgundy ballgown grazed the wooden floorboards despite the painful golden heels her feet struggled in. Gold detailing around her waist matched the lotus-shaped clip in her hair, keeping it swept away from her face.
The last element was a mask hiding her face, the most important aspect of her façade. It was time to join the party; time to put the mask of the supportive sister on once more.
See the lights, see the party, the ballgowns See you make your way through the crowd and say hello Little did I know…
Malachai couldn’t breathe for another moment in that house, despite all the warm and fuzzy memories associated with it: mom and dad calling him an abomination, annoying little siblings running around, and years upon years of being a pariah. Tonight was the annual birthday bash the Wilsons threw: the perfect distraction.
With so many suits and dresses and masks, it was easy for Kai to slip in unnoticed. His outfit was his camouflage with no flashy cravat and a sleek black mask hiding his face. He got himself a gin and tonic, watching the throngs of people weave between each other.
Minutes passed, and Kai didn’t look away from the crowd. The twins of honor were identifiable enough with their navy blue and silver attire. It seemed all of the Wilsons were in blue and silver. All except one.
Even if she was wearing a façade, Malachai recognized her. They’d met before, of course, at Coven meetings his father would let him attend and crowded high school classrooms. Rosalie wasn’t one for outbursts, but her silent protests were worth applause. A smirk came onto his face, and he made his way through the crowd
Discreetly coming up behind her, Kai leaned in, whispering into her ear. “Quite a colorful show of support for your siblings.” He was rewarded with a little jump of surprise, only making his smirk grow.
Rosalie recognized his voice, but she’d never imagined a Parker would have the guts to come here. The animosity between their families went back generations, and Malachai Parker did not belong here. “Quite the stunt you’re pulling on enemy ground.” Even so, when she turned to look at him, Rose couldn’t help but be intrigued by his bravado.
“What are you doing here?” Rosalie twirled around, facing Kai. He had this unique sparkle in his eyes, something she’d never known him to have. “Well, I’m here to celebrate the birthday of the future Gemini Coven Leader… pre-merge Coven Leader.” 
Wilsons are taught to hate all Parkers. Parkers are taught to hate all Wilsons. However, Malachai and Rose had a shared reality that bred respect between them. Both felt jilted, hurt by the Coven’s demands.
It was comforting to have someone who could understand them, even if the comfort came from fleeting glances or a handful of conversations in between classes. There had been a few flirtations, too, and the attraction finally came bubbling to the surface.
“And to get out of your house, I presume.” He placed a hand over his heart, feigning hurt. “You wound me. Is that what you think of me? I’m just here to congratulate your siblings on getting one year closer to taking the Coven Leadership that was supposed to be mine.” Rose pressed her lips together, muffling a snicker. “Am I wrong though?” Playfully defeated, Kai’s shoulders sank. “No, you’re not wrong.”
“I thought so.” Feeling rather pleased with herself, Rosalie took his drink from his hand and took a sip of it. “Um, that’s mine, drink thief." Despite his complaints, Kai wore a cheeky grin. A bubble seemed to have formed around them.
There was an exchange of smiles, a brush of fingertips as the cool glass changed hands. “Oh, I don’t think you really mind. You’re a gin guy, hmm?” 
Kai drained the last few drops and set the glass on the stone edge of a fountain. “Is there something wrong with that? I think gin gets a bad rap.” Before she could blink, Kai took her hand in his and twirled her into the middle of the dancing crowd. She yelped in surprise yet laughed when his hand rested on her waist, the other interlocking with her fingers. 
“You know the gentlemanly approach would be to ask a woman to dance.” Kai only shook his head, the smile never leaving his face, as he spun her out and pulled her back in. Rosalie’s back pressed against his chest, his heart racing. How had he been so close to her all this time without knowing this heady effect? It was better than the buzz from any alcohol in the world. 
“Lucky for me, I am no gentleman.” Even as he spoke, Kai led her through the dance seamlessly. With the song coming to a crescendo, they were face to face once more. Their bodies were close. Their gaze locked on the other. Suddenly, it seemed there was no one else. 
The party went on, and the music continued to play, but Malachai and Rosalie stood still. Their cheeky banter had subsided. Now, there was only them.
Feeling particularly brave – perhaps because of the gin, or maybe because of the wondrous turn of events – Kai let his instincts take the lead. Without another word, both leaned in to feel the other’s soft kiss.
People danced around them, yet they only held onto each other tighter. So enraptured by each other, the disdain of Rosalie’s father went unnoticed…
I sneak out to the garden to see you We keep quiet, ‘cuz we’re dead if they knew So close your eyes… escape this town for a little while
With her bedroom door locked from the inside, Rosalie opened her window with painful slowness. One creak and she’d be caught. She had no real belongings with her, which made maneuvering to the giant oak just a few feet away that much easier. Her heartbeat rang in her chest and drummed into her ear, serving as a ticking clock; each second brought her closer to Malachai.
With about as much stealth as a golden retriever, Rosalie somehow made it to the ground safely. The hard part was over. Now, she trekked to somewhere only they knew: the meadow. It was almost a sacred place, untarnished by warring families or harsh Coven rules.
Malachai was waiting for her. He gathered up some smooth pebbles from the ground, chucking them at the trunk of a tree. The moon was high up in the sky, and within just three days, it would reach its zenith.
Kai stared upwards, an unknown expression of peace on his face. He’d never known contentment, especially not within his own home, but he was adamant. Kai would no longer yield to his family or the ties binding him to the Gemini Coven. The only tie he wanted was the one that connected to her.
His daze made Kai all the more vulnerable to a sneak attack. Swallowing her giggle, Rosalie jumped forward. The surprise knocked them both to the ground, earning a groan from Kai. “Well, hello to you too.” Turning over to face her, Kai felt his heartbeat grow stronger when he gazed upon her smile. “I’m happy to see you.”
They lay side by side in the field of flowers, talking about everything and nothing. Their fingers were linked together, their bodies entangling for warmth. They’d found their other half, and the worries of the world no longer mattered.
 The night wore on, and the serenity of the meadow served as a sanctuary. It was a place they were safe and alone and happy and cherished… What else does one need?
You were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles And my Daddy said, stay away from Juliet I was crying on the staircase, begging you please don't go.
Weeks went by, and their secret romance continued. There was joy in their eyes, a spring in their step. Both were hopelessly and irretrievably in love with each other just as it should be. Of course, the world doesn’t care to let such happiness last for long.
In the early hours of morning, when Malachai came with Rosalie to bring her home, the porch lights turned on. The lighthearted feelings from just a moment ago vanished.
Rosalie’s father stepped out of the house, his arms crossed and his eyes hateful. Rose attempted to move away from him and go to her father before something went wrong, but her feet were frozen. With a strong, defiant arm around her, Kai didn’t dare let her go.
“Malachai Parker, has Joshua not taught you well enough to not trespass?” The corner of Kai’s lip twitched, unsure whether to frown or laugh.
“My dad doesn’t really care about me, and it’s not trespassing if I was invited.” Rosalie bit the inside of her cheek, already anticipating the storm this would create.
“I suggest you let go of her and leave before I make you.” He advanced forward, the threat transparent. Malachai was not unhinged; his hold on Rose only tightened. Rosalie bit the inside of her cheek, finding the strength to wrench herself from Kai’s grip and step in front of him to protect him.
The sound of her dad’s jaw snapping shut echoed into the fearfully quiet night. Without another word, a harsh hand encased Rosalie’s forearm, tugging her inside. Before Kai could move or even let a sound escape, they’d disappeared. He heard the door slam shut, and then everything was still again.
Behind the silent walls of the house, Rosalie’s father tossed her into her bedroom. Slamming into the ground with the force of his push, her head scraped against the floor. Warm droplets of blood seeped into her hairline, trailing down her cheek and falling to the floor. Her room was sealed with magic, and there was no way out.
Malachai stood in the dark driveway in front of Rosalie’s home for nearly an hour, wracked with a dilemma. Kai could tear down her front door and take her away with him, away from all of the Coven and their families, or he could walk away.
It wasn’t much of a choice. He couldn’t do anything right now, not without risking their safety. Silently, he promised to come back – knowing it was a promise he’d kill to keep.
‘Romeo, save me, they’re trying to tell me how to feel. ‘This love is difficult, but it’s real. ‘Don’t be afraid, we’ll make it out of this mess. ‘It’s a love story, baby just say yes…’
Malachai stared at the blank ceiling. His bedroom fan spun around once… twice… thrice… Time didn’t make much sense. He wasn’t sure if he’d been in his room for days or weeks. He hadn’t seen or heard from Rosalie in just as long. Joshua Parker heard of Kai’s actions through Josette, and his rage rivaled that of Rose’s father.
It was a miracle the Gemini Coven was still alive today. With the Parkers and Wilsons at each other’s throats, how this Coven hadn’t imploded was a mystery. It was ridiculous. No one knew why they hated each other, the feud going too far back to remember. How did the two of them falling in love hurt anyone? If anything, it had the power to fix this wretched fight.
He was under house arrest, hence the staring contest with his fan. The only one who could pass through his door was Josette – some twin loophole in Dad’s sealing spell – to bring him food. She knew nothing about how Rosalie was faring, just that she was also caged like him. They had no way of communicating, no way of knowing how the other was. It was more painful than the solitude.
His door burst open then, rebounding off the wall. Joshua Parker came in and uttered a few terse words. “You and Josette will complete the merging ceremony tomorrow. Afterward, when you have the knowledge given only to the leaders of the Coven, you’ll understand exactly why we stay separated.” Giving him no time to ask questions, Kai’s father left as soon as he came.
An unsettling feeling made its home in his stomach. Malachai knew his father and how much he despised him. He wouldn’t just hand Kai the Coven leadership, even if they’d planned to steal it from the Wilsons all along. Something was horribly wrong.
I got tired of waiting… Wondering if you were ever coming around. My faith in you was fading… When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said ‘Romeo, save me. I’ve been feeling so alone. ‘I keep waiting for you, but you never came.’
Seventeen miles away, Rosalie hugged her knees to her chest. Her whole being was empty, devoid of thought or feeling – devoid of hope. She’d lost faith in everyone and everything. The door opened, and the magical seal was removed. Her father stepped inside, not moving any closer.
Rose didn’t acknowledge his presence. His sigh rang throughout the room, the only sound to bounce from the walls in hours. “Rosalie, Kai is gone.” She blinked a few times, not registering what he was saying. Gone? What do you mean by gone?
"It's done. Malachai is gone. He is dead."
If she’d felt numb before, it was nothing compared to what happened then. Her senses gave way: she could no longer see anything but darkness or hear anything but faint ringing.
Rose sat this way, frozen as a corpse. Her father had long since left when the first sob escaped her lips. The first turned into many, the numbness turning into agonizing pain. Suddenly, she’d do anything to have the emotionlessness back. 
Rosalie’s hand clasped her throat, her windpipe not letting any air in. “Oh, make it stop, make it stop, make it stop!” Gasping for oxygen and trying to survive the sheer anguish, her body trembled with uncontrollable sobs. 
“I can’t – I won’t – I can’t…” Her grief-filled refrain chanted on and on. She couldn’t survive this. She wasn’t going to try.
~ Earlier that night ~
Kai’s father led him to a clearing, not too far from their special meadow. Other Coven members filtered in, forming a circle around him and Josette. They joined hands, and Josette smiled at him encouragingly. He wasn’t convinced. They weren’t saying anything, and no one began the merging ritual. 
“Why aren’t they saying anything?” Malachai’s question was an unanswered whisper in the night. Joshua Parker saw the confusion on his son’s face. He would’ve laughed had the situation not been so dire.
His father took something out of his pocket, and Kai flinched out of instinct when he came closer. It looked like a clock of sorts, with many different mechanical pieces moving together. “You asked why Parkers are taught to hate Wilsons? It’s because of someone like you.” 
The Coven members took a step inwards, shrinking the circle. Josette slinked back into the darkness until it was just him and his father. “What? I don’t…”
“A daughter and son, twins of soul and heart, come to life in winter and spring. Should these flames unite, the Coven burns with them.” Joshua spoke the prophecy known to all Coven Elders. “We have long known a daughter and son of our families could destroy everything. Our ancestors made the decision long ago to foster hatred between themselves, hoping it would be enough to stop the prophecy from coming true.
“You and Rosalie are the ones the prophecy speaks of, and we cannot allow you to be together.” Kai saw his father’s eyes soften then. It was the first sign of any genuine affection from him in years.
“I’m sorry, my son. But the Coven always comes first.” The chant began then, and the remorse vanished from Joshua’s eyes.
A scream wrenched itself out of Malachai’s chest. His father aimed the Ascendant at him under the light of the full moon, and it began to unravel, the metal clicking. His head throbbed, feeling like his brain was being seared. The Gemini Coven stood around silently, watching the show. The sky above tore in two, opening a dimension to a new realm. The last thing he saw before Kai was taken away was Rosalie’s father standing in the crowd… 
My dad said, ‘It’s done, you won’t bother me. ‘Your soul’s in the sky.’ I fall to your feet. They said, ‘Romeo’s gone now. Get up and go live your life. ‘Find a man, forget about him, you’ll be fine.’
The meadow felt strange. Surreal, as if someone had plucked it from a dream. Rosalie wasn’t even certain she was there. Kai was at the edge, hidden behind a few trees, but she could see him. Her mouth opened to call out to him, but no sound came out. It felt like she had just blinked, but he was now in front of her.
Something in his expression made Rosalie fearful. This no longer felt like a dream; it felt like a nightmare. “Kai…”
Malachai glared at her, his eyes filled with a loathing she'd never seen in him. He wasn’t truly there, of course. This was just some image her mind conjured up in her last moments… strange that it wasn’t a happy one. She’d never gotten the chance to tell him that she loved him.
Even in death, happy endings are awarded to a fair few.
I can’t go without you, it’s agonizing. If you’re not here, then I’m so done with trying…
Eighteen years later, Kai Parker stood in front of a grave. Everyone had hated him, tossed him in a prison of time. He still looked the same as he did all those years ago when he stood in the meadow with her. All Malachai could do now was sink to the ground and trace his fingers over the etching on her headstone.
Rosalie Wilson Beloved Daughter and Cherished Friend December 22, 1972 - May 11, 1994
The handle of a blade turned over in his other hand. Kai saw his reflection in the shining silver metal. A look of hurt and peace gleamed back from his eyes as a lone teardrop fell onto the weapon. He was out of the Prison World now, which meant he could escape the cell of his existence. 
Without much more aplomb, Kai thrust the knife into his heart.
This concludes my Malachai Parker Romeo-and-Juliet-inspired One Shot!
Romeo and Juliet is a tough act to follow, and I was grappling back and forth between originality versus inspiration. I hope I managed to do the story some justice.
Thank you so much for reading :) I welcome your thoughts, comments, constructive criticisms, or anything under the sun!
I've had this piece planned for months, but life didn't give me the chance or energy to write it. Nevertheless, I'm happy I was able to get it out of my head and typed out of my fingers now :)
If you enjoyed this piece, check out more of my Kai Parker stories from my Malachai Parker Masterlist. If you’d like to be added to my taglist, please send me a message or comment on this post.
Until next time, JustAThoughtfulAngel &lt;3
Master Taglist: @socio-kai-path1972, @bluelicious, @prettybitchfatwitch, @genevivetaylor, @kolsangel, @phasmatos-incendia
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inactiveuser374 · 2 years
request status; OPEN
I only write male readers
I only write x reader fics (no character x character unless it’s a poly relationship w/ the reader)
I write in second person only, sometimes third person if specifically requested
Anyone is allowed to read/follow but please don’t request fem readers
★ ★ ★
MARVEL; Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, Erik Killmonger, Eddie Brock
TLOU (game and/or show); Joel Miller, Tommy Miller,
COD MW2; König, Simon ‘ghost’ Riley, Mace, Kyle ‘gaz’ Garrick, John Price
MIA (simon riley x winter soldier!reader) 2 3 4
Star Wars; Din Djarin, Poe Dameron
DBH; Marcus, RK800 (Connor), RK900 (Nines), Gavin Reed
Gavin Reed GIF set
Other; David Loki (Prisoners, 2013), Officer K (Bladerunner 2049, 2017), TBA
additions to fics I’ve already written (if you want to request something that is based on a fic I’ve already written, I will keep the events that have happened and I won’t change the way the two interact)
fics inspired from given prompts or songs
characters that are not on the list BUT I know of (list is just the main ones)
sexual content (not PWP, it’s gotta have a story or plot of some sort) nothing past 3rd base
character and or reader deaths 
smoking/alcohol/drug use 
comfort (including potentially triggering topics like abuse, death, etc) - warnings will always be at the beginning
fetishizing or glorifying certain topics.
characters that I don’t know
female reader or anything besides male reader
I won’t write anything I’m uncomfortable with
real people
incest or anything close to that (no step siblings or parents either)
minor x adult (platonic or family is OK)
just ask first if you think your request might fall under something I won’t write, I’m pretty tolerant of most things, there’s just some boundaries I have
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Fics i have done!
Fandoms i write for!
Young justice
Megan morse/Miss martian
Connor kent/Superboy
Artemis crock/Tigress
Jaime reyes/Blue beetle
Cassie sandsmark/Wondergirl
Wally west/Kidflash
Barbara gordon/Batgirl
CSI Vegas
Sara sidle
Nick stokes
Mia dickerson
Greg sanders
Catherine willows
Warrick brown
Riley adams
Gil grissom
Benjamin hawkeye pierce
Margaret hot lips houlihan
B.J. hunnicutt
Margie cutler
Radar o'reilly
Kellye yamoto
John mulcahy
Stranger things
Nancy wheeler
Dustin henderson
Max mayfield
Jonathan byers
Robin buckley
Steve harrison
Jane hopper/el
Lucas Sinclair
Joyce byers
Mike wheeler
Barbara holland
Jim hopper
CSI Miami
Walter simmons
Yelena salazar
Ryan wolfe
Natalia boa vista
Eric delko
Calliegh duquesne
Horatio caine
Alexx woods
Jesse cardoza
Marisol delko
Kate bishop
Clint barton
Natasha romanoff
Cassandra lang
Sam wilson
Kamala khan
Bucky barnes
Bruce banner
Mortal kombat
Kung jin
Hanzo hasashi
Sonya blade
Kuai liang
Jaqui briggs
Johnny cage
Takeda takashi
Jax briggs
Cassie cage
Resident evil
Claire redfield
Carlos olivera
Sherry birkins
Leon kennedy
Jill valentine
Jake muller
Helena harper
Chris redfield
Chris laselle
Loretta wade
Sebastian lund
Hannah khoury
Patton plame
Sonja percy
Dwayne pride
Tammy gregario
Final destination
Clear rivers
Lewis romaro
Wendy christensen
Kevin horton
Carrie dryer
Kevin fischer
Kimberly corman
Thomas burke
Alex browning
The mighty ducks
Fulton reed
Julie gaffney
Adam banks
Charlie conway
Dean portman
Guy germaine
Dwayne robertson
Luiz mendoza
Connie monreau
Criminal minds
Emily prentiss
Spencer reid
Jennifer jareau
Aaron hotchner
Kate callahan
Derek morgan
Penelope garcia
Luke alvez
Tara lewis
Matt simmons
Trauma center
Derek stiles
Angie thompson
Gabriel cunningham
Elena salazar
Erhard miller
Naomi kimishima
Markus vaughn
Valerie blaylock
Susan lewis
Mark greene
Carol hathaway
Doug ross
Kerry weaver
Gregory pratt
Samantha taggart
John carter
Cate banfield
Luka kovac
Harry potter
Cedric diggory
Luna lovegood
Harry potter
Ginny weasley
Remus lupin
Narcissa malfoy
Ron weasley
Nymphodora tonks
Sirius black
Marlene mckinnon
Draco malfoy
Fleur declour
Blaise zabini
Hermione granger
Kingdom hearts
Charles xavier
Ororo munroe
Warren worthington
Kitty pryde
Kurt wagner
Illyana rasputin
Erik leshnerr
Raven darkholme
Marie d'ancanto
Peter maximoff
Pixie o'brien
Harland mckenna
Frank mccullen
Final fantasy
Cloud strife
Oerba dia vanille
Snow villers
Tifa lockhart
Hope esthiem
Oerba yun fang
Vincent valentine
Lighting farron
Zack fair
Aerith gainsborough
Lucy pevensie
Peter pevensie
Susan pevensie
Edmund pevensie
Mr tumnus
Prince caspian
Marty deeks
Shay mosley
Sam hanna
Kensi blye
G callen
Fatima nazami
Eric beale
Harley hidoko
Nell jones
Code lyoko
Aelita schaffer
Odd della robbia
Yumi ishiyama
Ulrich stern
Milly solovieff
William dunbar
Tamiya diop
Jeremy belpois
Triple frontier
Will "ironhead" miller
Frankie "catfish" morales
Benny miller
Santiago "pope" garcia
The night shift
Landry de la cruz
Joey chavez
Gwen gaskin
Kenny fornette
Jordan alexander
Michael ragosa
Drew allister
Shannon rivera
TC callahan
Ewan mcgregor characters
Catcher block
Dan torrance
Perry makepeace
Christopher robin
Rodney copperbottom
Robert lewis
Alex law
Edward bloom
Star wars
Cara dune
Luke skywalker
Aayla secura
Din djarin
Padme amidala
Cal kestis
Rey skywalker
Obi wan kenobi
Bo katan kryze
Qui gon jin
Ahsoka tano
Poe dameron
Leia organa
Iden versio
Del meeko
Misc 1
Jack mercer
Mason "mace" brown
Spike spiegel
Lu fox
Elizabeth martinson
Laney boggs
Max lewinsky
Flip zimmerman
Nani pelekai
Murphy macmanus
Lu fox
Samantha caine
Bill s prescott
Zack siler
David abbott
Jed eckhart
Tess finnegan
Ryan williams
Barbara novak
Ted logan
Eugene/vida boheme
Tris prior
Murtagh morzzansson
Stephanie speck
John wick
Viola eade
Jonathan levy
Evey hammond
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Casey jones
Elliot alderson
Misc 2
Chris chambers
Andie anderson
Michael perry
Beatrix "the bride" kiddo
Quinn fabray
Benjamin barry
Dani rojas
Daphne moon
Javi gutierrez
Allison reynolds
Hector villanueva
April o'neil
Ned tash
Don billingsley
Asami sato
Beau hutton
Monica long dutton
Joey coalter
Celine naville
Sam munroe
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redwingstan · 2 years
requesting rules!
What I Do:
-sfw - angst or fluff
-Headcannons (I LOVE DOING THESE)
-Requests that include a prompt/no prompt
-fem or gn reader
Tumblr media
What I don't do:
-extreme gore, suicide, verbal/physical assault, incest, etc
-character x character, character x oc, character x sibling!reader
Tumblr media
Who I write for:
Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Namor, Loki, Thor, Torres, Clint Barton, Kingo
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