#sam's live reaction
spinningspencer · 4 months
I'm currently watching 3x14 and my man really just saved his life by yapping for 13 minutes straight?!
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recny · 2 months
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what's the musical inspiration for the vampire lestat?
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theduckseeksduck · 3 months
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samaspic31 · 1 year
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Rewatched aotc today. This scene is so fucking gay
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samueltanders · 1 year
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more roti screencap edits! lotta ships/BROTPs in this one
(requested by @fraudulent-cheese)
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dyspraxicenby · 11 months
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Playing Alan Wake II
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vammppyre · 1 month
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pt. 3 of spn live reactions my best friend received
speedrunning this shit truly felt like a fever dream
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day-mark · 7 days
mole dream beloved
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bestbluebouquet · 2 months
I don’t know if I’ve seen anyone say this yet but the name that clown segment of make some noise is 10x funnier when you consider that, based on his reactions, I’m 90% sure Sam also has no idea what kind of clown is about to appear
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theduckseeksduck · 4 months
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One of my first interactions(?) with Supernatural was when falcon and the winter soldier came out and someone made a “ they’re canon in the Spanish dub” joke about sambucky.
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samaspic31 · 2 years
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So I rewatched esb yesterday. Gay ppl real
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youchangedmedestiel · 9 months
Cas offers gifts to Sam and Dean, and their reaction is really different
Cas knows humans celebrate Christmas every year on December 25th. So now that he is human, maybe he should try it. He also knows that Sam and Dean never do that, at least not as often as the average human as far as he can say, but he wants to offer them gifts anyway. Because they welcomed him at the bunker since the angels fall and that's the least he can do to thank them.
He thought about what he could give them. The brothers are really different from one and other so he must find something that they like, something different for each one of them. He found an idea for Sam when he heard the brothers bickered about their fetishes one day in the war room while he was digging into a book in the library. He discovered Dean’s fetish is cowboys and Sam’s serial killers. He doesn't know much about either of those, but what he do know is that Sam likes to read.
He asked Dean to drive him to the library on December 23th, Dean complained about it. He asked him questions, Cas answers he was searching for a book for himself, Dean still complained, talking about the internet and how Cas could easily order it there but drove him to the library anyway. Cas got out of the little store, happy, because he found what he wanted for Sam. Dean didn’t complain more on their drive back to the bunker after seeing Cas’s smile.
For Dean's gift, the difficult part was to find which to choose, because Dean likes a lot of things, like movies, music, books, porn, burgers, and pies. But the last one Cas knows how special it is for him. He saw it in his eyes multiple times when he talked about it. He could swear the green of them was even more intense when the word 'pie' was pronounced. So he decided to buy Dean a whole pie for him to eat.
On Christmas morning, Cas enters the library where Sam is already searching into the lore about angels falling, the Scribe of God, Abaddon, or any of their current issues. He wrapped the book as best as he could and hides it behind his back as he approaches where Sam is sitting. He clears his throat to get his attention.
"Sam," he calls.
"Hey Cas, I didn't hear you coming." Sam startles but relaxes as soon as he realizes it’s just Cas.
"Here, I have a gift for you." Cas says, handing the gift toward Sam who looks surprised.
"What's that for?" Sam asks, frowning but smiling as well.
"Merry Christmas, Sam - I wanted to thank you for letting me stay at the bunker with you." Sam is still surprised but stands up and grabs the gift anyway.
"Cas, that wasn't necessary, but - huh - thanks, man." Sam smiles and hugs Cas, manly patting him on his back. "I'm sorry I've nothing for you." Sam apologizes, and adds, "Merry Christmas I guess." He didn't actually realized today was December 25th until Cas told him merry Christmas.
"Open it." Cas says, impatient, waving his hand towards the gift. And Sam does, he reads the title. "Oh, thanks, man. I can't wait to read it once I'm done with the lore." Sam is smiling, patting the book’s cover.
"I could help you with the lore, like that you can take some time to read it." Cas is smiling back, happy that his gift is appreciated.
"Yeah," Sam answers and in a second Cas is leaving the library, heading toward the kitchen, where he knows Dean is, drinking his usual first coffee.
"Hello, Dean." Cas says as he enters the kitchen, his arms hidden behind his back.
"Morning, Cas." Dean answers, at the coffee machine, pouring coffee into his empty cup. He is wearing his grey robe like every morning.
"Did you eat yet?"
"No, why?" Dean asks, he turns around to face Cas and realizes he came closer and he is hiding something. "What's in your back?" Cas doesn't wait any longer, feeling too impatient to see Dean's reaction after his success with Sam. He hands the big pie to Dean.
"Merry Christmas, Dean." He says, smiling.
Then, Dean doesn't know if it's because of the exhaustion from endless research, the alcohol from last night he drank to help him finish his lore book, the fact that it is too early for him to think, or his joy to have a whole pie given to him, but the fact is that he takes it from Cas's hands and pecs his lips with his own before walking to the kitchen table to taste his gift, leaving a frozen Cas standing near the kitchen counter.
Dean is settled at the table, his cup of coffee near the pie and a fork in his hand, which he grabbed on his way to the table, ready to dig into it when he realizes what he just did. The fork falls from his hand on the table with a loud, clattering noise, releasing Cas from his frozen state.
Dean turns around and their eyes meet, but they remain speechless. It could be easy to just pretend that it never happened. Cas could walk away and Dean would just enjoy his pie silently. But it's impossible, because it happened and it felt so natural that it took Dean at least 2 minutes to realize what he just did.
"Cas, I'm sor -" Dean starts.
"No" Cas cuts him. "Just don't, don't apologize, please." He walks closer to the table, where Dean is still sitting but turned around to face him. Dean is surprised by Cas's reaction, because he thought – well, he doesn't know what he thought, but not that for sure. He didn’t expect to hear that tone in his voice, because Cas almost sounded like he was begging. Dean looks up at him as he approaches. Cas walks towards him carefully, like he would try to approach a scared little kitten without making him run away.
"Cas," Dean says, not moving his eyes away from him, and Cas understands so much with his name spoken alone, judging by Dean's voice and his eyes. He stops in front of him, and the hunter doesn't seem to want to run away, because his gaze is locked on the man standing in front of him. Cas reaches out carefully with his hand, brushing Dean's jaw before cupping it. Dean leans into it, closing his eyes. He looks so beautiful and vulnerable like that, and this is only for Cas to see.
"Dean," he lets out, "I'd like to try that again." Dean opens his eyes widely. "Only if you want to." Cas reassures, not wanting to force him.
"Yes." Dean answers and gets up, only then he realizes how close they are standing, even closer than usual. "I - yes." Cas craddles his face again and leans his own head closer. Dean closes his eyes and the gap between them, their lips only brushing against each other at first, as if it was their first kiss. It's not, but it's the first intentional one at least.
It's tender as they stroke each other's lips, Dean's fist holding on Cas's collar, pulling him in. His other hand comes to rest on Cas’s waist, pressing their bodies together. Cas’s hands bury themselves into the hunter’s hair, holding on to them, tugging at them to angle his head as he wishes to. Their kiss turns into something more passionate and desperate, their tongues stroking each other, exploring each other’s mouth. When they part away, both breathless and panting, Dean smirks and declares, “Thank you for the pie, Cas.”
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sams-asks · 3 months
Really trying to take this Blog Seriously but I had the thought that your just Taking Selfies of how your feeling and importing them after every question. it’s like Hilarious to me.
Also I’m stealing them:P
that is a really funny thought. could you imagine how many photos of myself i'd have in my phone at that point?
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it'd be too many to count.
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dyed-red · 5 months
Also, Jess knew Dean was Sam’s brother (“your brother Dean?”) and wasn’t justifiably furious over him breaking into their place in the middle of the night like most people would be, Sam told her something about him. And she smiles when she realizes it’s Sam’s brother, so Sam was told her good things about Dean, enough that she’s happy to meet him. But like, Jess isn’t calling the police over the fact that her boyfriend is fighting someone at their place when Jess and Sam are the only ones supposed to be inside and nobody was in when they went to bed, she’s not demanding to know why Dean didn’t just knock on the door, Jess is perfectly content to start getting to know Sam’s brother in the middle of the night after Dean committed a crime. So Jess knew something of Dean to not be worried by this behavior and is probably a bit weird herself given that her reaction at her boyfriend’s brother breaking in is happiness.
i think there's a sort of sign of the times in that interaction as well though, and the precarity of youth. has anyone ever broken in to my place when i was a college student? no. have people shown up on my doorstep from across the country unexpectedly when i was a college student? yes, actually haha.
so i have always read jess's reaction more like "oh okay wow unexpected, hi hello nice to meet you, what's going on?". she does seem a bit taken aback but she's also letting sam lead and trusting his judgement of the situation and his brother and letting that guide her reactions as well. but her being happy overall that he's there, even if his mode of entry was reckless and bizarre, has never read all that odd to me. but then, maybe i'm odd as well haha.
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