#sama tube fun
goapinduljogjakarta · 2 years
Goa Pindul Jogja l Tempat wisata cave tubing di wonosari gunungkidul yogyakarta
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shih-coulda-had-it · 5 months
that dfohiko verse AU with toshinori and rikiya as test tube twins
WC: ~1000. Fun detail that I didn't actually incorporate in the snippet but I feel compelled to tell you anyway: All for One named Rikiya ("power" + "to be"; riki + ya), and Sorahiko named Toshinori ("genius" + "law"; toshi + nori). This absolutely positively does not give the twins issues about which parent loves them more (big lie).
(age seven)
“Who’s older?” Rikiya demanded, because he was canny enough to know that there was something to be held over his brother’s head if he could secure the status. 
“What does that matter?” their dad asked, levelly.
Toshinori had other concerns. Dinner, mostly, because their dad had cooked. He usually did when their father was out on business. “I told you they don’t know,” he told Rikiya, digging into his omurice with barely restrained glee. “We got dropped off by a big white bird, so they can’t tell.”
“That’s not what happened,” Rikiya said. “Garaki-hakase said--”
Their dad’s head tilted. “Said what?”
It was not like the doctor had told Rikiya to keep what he had said secret. And, anyway, Rikiya was pretty confident that everyone had to follow what his dad told them to. If not his dad, then definitely his father.
“He said that you and otou-sama ‘knew us from the beginning,’ and that he ‘was there to scream our lungs out for the first time,’” he recited. “But even Garaki-hakase wouldn’t tell me who was older! All he said was that you’d know.”
Their dad made a noise in the back of his throat, like a scoff. 
“I guess I could call you Riki-nii,” said Toshinori dubiously. “But Toshi-nii sounds just as good!”
Rikiya looked first at Toshinori’s guileless face, then at the spoon clutched tight in his hand. Before he could throw the spoon, their dad reached over and curled his fingers over Rikiya’s fist. Firm enough to prevent further movement, but not enough to hurt. It was warm.
“What does it matter?” their dad asked again.
“I wanna be older than Toshinori.”
He frowned down into his bowl. Saying what he really wanted out loud would alert Toshinori to what he was missing, and the last thing Rikiya could win at was a competition with his brother to get what he wanted. Toshinori always got what he asked for; Rikiya needed to take it.
“Because I want a younger brother,” he said.
“Can we have a younger brother?!” Toshinori interjected, and at his words, their dad twitched back. Rikiya’s hand felt cold without the restraint.
Stated so plainly, flatly, forcefully--it was clear that their dad wasn’t even up to entertaining the idea of a third child, which Rikiya was fine with. But Toshinori didn’t get the message, because he only made an idle humming noise and then said, like it was a cunning loophole, “What about a younger sister?”
“No,” their dad repeated. “The two of you are enough. For us and for yourselves. You don’t need another sibling.”
“Okay,” said Rikiya, “but otou-sama talks about his younger brother all the time.”
“That’s his own deal.”
“Do we have to fight for it? Like, whoever wins is the older one?” It was surprising to hear the question not come out of his mouth, but his brother’s. That was a concern. Toshinori was getting the gist of what was going unspoken. Well, Rikiya thought blackly, it was only a matter of time.
“If I catch either of you starting a fight about who’s older,” their dad intoned, “I’ll end it. The two of you are twins. You’re equals.”
There wasn’t really anything to say back to that. Rikiya sulked into his dinner, and so did Toshinori, but it was definitely for different reasons.
(age eleven)
Toshinori knew Rikiya was glaring at the wall, picturing Toshinori’s neck, and he refused to quail. He got dared, so of course he would follow through. It was just… It was just a little daunting, to have the question put to him, to put to their dad, who wasn’t exactly the greatest at emoting soft feelings.
Still. Toshinori got dared, and so he would dare.
“Tou-san,” he says carefully. He is sprawled on his belly in bed, covers drawn up to his shoulders, sleeping cap wrestled over the ruffled mess of his hair. Half of Toshinori’s face is squished into his pillow, but even half is good enough to peer anxiously up to their dad’s face.
“You wanted the both of us, right?”
A strange expression crosses the usually grim countenance. Neither Toshinori nor Rikiya got the eyes of their parents. Toshinori sometimes wishes he looked a little more like Rikiya, who had the curve of their dad’s nose. Their father liked to tease Rikiya by tracing its bend and delighting in its prominent trait, and Rikiya pretended to hate the attention, but Rikiya once told Toshinori that it was definitely preferable to, you know, not having any defined features of their parents.
Probably the worst thing Rikiya’s ever called Toshinori was ‘donor-child’, but considering Toshinori came out of that fight on top, teeth bared and knuckles bruised, Toshinori’s inclined to leave the incident behind them. His father had been weirdly pleased, hauling him off his brother.
“You’re my child,” his father had said, before picking up Rikiya too. “And you are too, Riki. The things we pass on aren’t purely about appearances or meta abilities.”
Backlit by the hallway light, dressed down in casual clothes--their dad wasn’t a househusband the way their father teased him, but Toshinori noticed him wearing the trappings of normalcy for once, and some part of him had thought vulnerability. 
“... Yeah,” their dad says, gruffly. “The both of you.”
Toshinori quails first. He lets his eyes slide away, burning in shame, and clears his throat to say a quiet goodnight. Their dad inclines his head, the dusty gray of his hair catching yellow glares, and then he leaves, closing the door shut behind him. They wait in the dark for a long, long minute.
And, quietly, Rikiya says, “He hesitated.”
“He still said it,” says Toshinori, staring at that closed door. Something had gone through their dad’s face, and Rikiya had definitely had his back to them, so it’s up to Toshinori to decipher it. He doesn’t think it was a bad expression. Their dad loves quietly, that’s all. Toshinori shouldn’t have pushed the matter so clumsily into the open.
“He had to. He probably thinks we’ll run to otou-sama and get him in trouble.”
“Stop talking about the worst case scenario like it’s gonna happen,” Toshinori mutters, and he digs his nails into the pillow.
“It’s because you won’t that I have to,” Rikiya sniffs, and there’s a creak of the bedsprings. He’s curling tighter in his blankets, Toshinori would bet anything, because he’s doing the same thing.
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mothytheghost · 7 months
Redesigning my ship child.... Yay...
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This is ganna have a bit of talking so I apologize I just want this to be a bit educational to my younger artist that follow me.
So back then Sama use to be like well a Mephone because her dad is well a Mephone lol. I kinda didn't like her old style because she looked a little too close to Mephone4 like yeah I look like my mom but I don't really look like her like not twin like haha. Her design took me a bit to think like. Well I don't want another Test tube and I don't want her to look like Mephone4... Then I looked at Bot and thanks to Bots Existence They gave me a lot of ideas. So since Bot is already a butterfly I decided to make Sama a moth. I made her a bit more futuristic and digital as I can but not too digital like all of that wacky stuff lol. I made her wings like a teal color since it's in the middle of blue and green. I made her tail and antennas yellow because I thought it would match . I added two buttons on her wings for a soft reset since she glitches a lot because test tube wasn't use to building high tech stuff. Like yeah she can build a time machine but when it comes to a living thing it's a bit difficult because you Need to keep them alive lol.
I might do more in the future because redesigning is pretty fun ngl lol
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asrisgratitudejournal · 2 months
Waow sudah lama sekali saya nggak update karena kehidupan sangat dinamis.
Mau rekap dan bersyukur dulu saja kepada Allah SWT karena diberi kesibukan yang sungguh membuat pusing dan stres, tapi minimal jadi nggak galau apa itu makna kehidupan kalau lagi galau banget gini:
Weekend kemarin Sabtu nggak ngapa-ngapain beres kelas SMA16. Kayanya lanjut nonton apa ya? Lupa juga. Karaokean DAY6 apa yah. Terus jalan ke center sorean ba’da Ashar buat beli saos ABC, kelengkeng, ke Waterstones beli giftcard Kak Kaca, beli kopi dan sabun, dan ditutup dengan jajan YiFang.
Minggu setelah kelas 16 ada call sama angkatan GEA 11! Bahas UKT mahal banget, belajar banyak sih tentang… well, mostly pertanyaan yang keluar tapi betulan jadi banyak banget pertanyaan yang muncul (yang bisa dicari jawabannya) seperti:
kenapa kita ganti sistem jadi UKT dari yang dulu pas jaman kita kuliah uang pangkal aja di depan terus semesteran Rp 5 juta/semester
kenapa LPDP gaada buat S1, cuma buat S2 dan S3 doang
apakah sistem loan untuk kuliah seperti di UK dan US itu adalah yang paling bagus
gimana Jerman dan Perancis bisa ngegratisin SPP kuliah S1 atau minimal murah banget lah ya, jawabannya ternyata adalah tax money.
Kami semua (yang dateng 4-5 orang dari 87 orang, wow gaada 5% bahkan) gaada yang tahu jawabannya karena bukan expertise kita, but that’s what discussion are for kan. Tetap sangat senang karena sudah menyempatkan diri untuk hadir.
Di awal-awal sebelum mulai diskusi juga Adis sempat nanyain si Repsol udah produce natural hydrogen, jadi sempat membuatku baca lagi artikel-artikel natural hydrogen itu occurrence-nya gimana.
Habis dari diskusi, ke ulang tahun Kak Kaca, untungnya tetangga, masih sama-sama di Castle Mill kami. I had so much fun bertemu Rashid, Najlaa, makan nasi kuning juga. My heart was full lah pokoknya. Dari situ ke city, ketemu Deva bentar, terus lanjut jjs (jalan-jalan sore) ke Christchurch Meadow. Dilanjut ngopi (decaf) dan makan cake sambil baca di Endorphin. Ku tertarik banget sama koleksi-nya Endorphin kemarin baca salah satu bukunya studentnya Hawkings tapi sangat pusing dan gangerti akhirnya ku berhenti setelah chapter 1.Habis itu pulang! Di rumah dilanjut meeting prep untuk acara buka bersama nanti tanggal 23 Maret.
3. The whole week before: Jumat ke Royal Holloway! Sangat senang juga karena sangat produktif. Diskusi banyak sama Alex dan berhasil pinjam InfraRed Thermometer! Ku juga berhasil nge-vacuum seal 11 tubes, WHICH WERE A LOT, tapi karena skill-nya sudah ke-build dan confidence-nya juga sudah ada, itu semua selesai dalam 2 jam saja including packing.
4. Kamis di lab sampai malem karena nyiapin sampel: dari nyuci carius tubes, ngeringin tubes, masukin sample ke tubes, packing. Mayan efektif sih dan CAPEK.
5. Senin-Rabu lupa ngapain aja tapi kayanya nyiapin buat sealing di Jumat juga. Dan juga ngerjain manuscript gak ya(?) Lupa-lupa inget. Ku gak sabar menyelesaikan semua 24hour opening supaya bisa langsung fokus nulis ke manuscript ke 2.
Oh inget deng dikit! Senin-nya tuh aku mulai kerja baru sore karena paginya ngopi dulu sama Deva di Westgate wkwkw, terus dilanjut lunch makan Ji sama Mbak Shofi (dia mau apply PhD), Iris, dan Mbak Jessica. Seru banget ngobrolnya.
6. Minggu kemarinnya lagi: Sabtu ke London! Ulang tahunnya Shivanky. Kukasih dia hadiah giftcard Waterstones juga (wkwkw sangat tidak creative ya Noni ini). Ku beli di Waterstones yang depan Trafalgar Square. Ku senang banget ketemu sama teman-temannya Shiv (yang adalah super smart ambitious typical Oxford graduates lah ya) dan kami ngomongin banyak hal. We talked in Tate Modern, took some nice pictures over the Millenium Bridge, then lanjut makan Jollibee di Leicester Square. Itu Jollibee perdana aku HUHU SANGAT ENAK.
7. Hari Minggu-nya nggak ngapa-ngapain cuma siang getting susu di Sainsbury’s Jericho. Terus malamnya formal dinner KE-TIGA DI MINGGU ITU! Di Exeter sama Deva dan Aji. Sangat seru juga sih karena pertama kali mengajak Deva formal’s and we did talk about a lot of things.
8. Week yang sebelum itu ngapain yah. OH. LAGI DEMOTIVATED BANGET KERJA. Itu tuh habis dapet kiriman comments dari Alex dan tinggal kurapikan aja sebetulnya. Jumatnya ngerjain Lumex kayanya sama Joost, terus lanjut lunch Comptoir Libanais sama Bu Yani. Kamisnya, pagi, aku ke Nizami Ganjavi buat cari-cari buku belajar baca Korea, terus siangnya lanjut ke Westgate Library (LANJUT BELAJAR BAHASA KOREA), dan lanjut ngobrol di G&D depan Christchurch sama Hanif. Habis itu ada formal dinner Graduate High Table. Ku ga banyak ngobrol sama siapa-siapa, mostly Mas Felix aja di samping. Rabu di RUMAH SEHARIAN. Selasa WFH juga cuma sorean ke Lung Wah Cong beliin Deva kecap ABC dan ke Black Sheep. Senin juga WFH dan sorean ke Cohen Quad lanjut ke Exeter buat formal Subject Family Dinner. FIUH.
9. Weekend sebelumnya lagi: Sabtu jalan jauh ke Cowley setelah random di Westgate dan Sasi’s. Minggunya pengajian ku ngisi tausiyah tapi payah karena kurang prep but it is okay.
UDAH DEH. Balik lagi ke post terakhir yang gabisa kerja ituu. WOWWW. Itu literally di atas adalah rekapan selama 3 minggu. Sangat banyak hal yang terjadi sesungguhnya. AND I MET SO MANY PEOPLE??? Harus disyukuri dan SEMANGAT NONI sedikit lagi perjalanannya!!! Fighting!
19:27 04/03/2024 office room dept
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esahealth · 4 years
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amenomiko · 3 years
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Thank you for the request @sonatisaa ❤❤❤
Water supplies are so limited in his era.
But right now it is wasted so freely, and he find himself groaning to the view in front of him.
Oh lord the sound of people screaming and laughing joyfully-- he just wants to go home straight away and rest--
"Ieyasu..! That swimwear looks good on you!"
He turned around, almost let out a shriek to her attire.
Shit. Shit shit f-- she is really cute..! She tied her hair to the side, with a very cute swimwear wrapped around the curve of her body--
Did that group of men behind her just checked her out??
With a groan, he pulled her close to his chest, glaring at them before pulling her away.
At the end of the day, he somehow enjoyed the park, especially when it was with her.
...Particularly when he could squeeze her bum sneakily under the water.
This porcupine can be a pervert too 👀.
"( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)..."
"(✿❛◡❛)❤❤❤ Well? How do I look?"
He grinned. A cover to his actual feelings, of course. "Not bad."
"...Is that all..?"
Ahh. She is pouting.
If it's not because of the people around them, he wanted to kiss her right there right then, squeezing every curve of her body to his heart content.
"Hmf." She shrugged, pushing her pout aside and pulled him to be in the water with her. "Where would you like to try first?"
His aureus orbs scanned around, and it stopped at the area where couples float with a big tube beneath them.
He can tease her there.
"That one."
"Oh, okay! You want to start with a relaxing ones first then!"
Yes, of course. "It's quite a long route from that side to the other side, isn't it?"
When she nodded, his grin curved wider as his eyes went to her bottom wear, glad that it is easy to take off *wink wink*.
"Mommy, there's a bunny around that man!"
"Ssshhhh! ....But still.. Where did it came from..? Does this water park has bunny farm inside o.o?"
While waiting for MC to change, he is there, sitting in the middle of the way with his usual scowling face. If it's not because of Sasuke, he would've drink his sake and plum like nobody's business.
That moment when MC had appeared, his possessive mode is OVER THE TOP.
He will glare to everyone who is staring at MC all the time. Even when he is sliding down the water slide with her, his face turned to look at the other way to glare anyone nearby. Not to mention..
Sasuke: ....He emerges from the water just like those Kappa (Water demon).
Yukimura: Not only he glare DURING going down the slide, he continues to do it AFTER the slide as well ಠ_ಠ.
Shingen: Well.. His sword is confiscated, so he is using his eyes to "cut" someone.
"Wha- wha- wha (°д°)???"
Le virgin-but-not-virgin Yuki strikes again.
He react and looks exactly like the Spongebob Cavemen meme when he arrived at the water park, especially when a group of girls in their (revealing) swimwear walked past him.
Oh he nearly have a nosebleed when MC showed up in her swimwear as well.
After a few rounds of trying all the entertainment offered, he gradually relaxed and slowly blend in with the fun.
"Shingen-sama, stop flirting with those girls!"
"Shingen-sama, don't eat in the pool!"
"Shingen-sama, how many times do I have to tell you--"
*Waves SPLASHED over him*
Yukimura: Aahsgshdgshdjjf blub blub blub--- OAO UHUK UHUK UHUK--
MC: Yukimura are you okay O3O?
Yukimura: I'm good-- anyway where was I-- now where did Shingen-sama went to OAO??
Sasuke: Bro, before you search for him, you better search for your missing pants first.
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I get it, Anon, I get it. All of the Pillars are alive. But, I'll be lying if I said I'm not mad at Muzan, but he's hot. And Muzan you is still a dick.
HEEE HEEE *MJ voices*
Overall, this is really fun to write!
Kibutsuji Muzan x Friendly!Reader (Domestic Taisho EraAU)
Let's say. Muzan didn't really care about the Pillars. He actually sickened by "Killing Muzan by Ubuyashiki: A Whole Plan" scenarios, but keep searching for Blue Spider Lily.
He didn't order his Upper and Lower Moons to kill the Pillars. Whatever, they could slay his minions, yadda yadda but he will not lay up his hand on the Pillars nor the Ubuyashikis.
The reason was simple.
"Muzan, it's me!" Your cheerful voice was heard from the front door, he stopped everything he do and quickly rushed to you
"Good morning, (y/n)."
"Morning, Muzan!" You put your shoes on the shoe rack. "I will make breakfast, like always! What do you want, Muzan?"
"Everything you cook will be fine by me."
He actually didn't need to eat that, but seeing you with your Demon Slayer uniform covered with apron every morning was really pleasant. Also your food is somehow great on his taste bud.
"Oh, thank you for the antidote! Shinobu-chan said that she wanted to know you, but since you said to not tell anyone, I came up with a reason!" You put rice on his bowl and gave it to him.
"And what kind of reason you give to that Shinobu?" He took that bowl and started to eat. Who the fuck is Shinobu, he thought.
"I said that I picked it somewhere on the ground!"
"That's the stupidest reason you could come out with. And she believed that?"
"I don't know, she just sighed and continued her works." Muzan chuckled. He usually stared at you eating, almost forgot his own food.
He remembered the first time he met you. He was hiding after he lose on his fight with Tanjirou and the Pillars at Ubiyashiki residence.
Muzan recognized you as one of the new Pillars and about to change his appearance but he was caught by you. He really thought he will be killed
But instead, you said, "Are you lost? Can I help you? You look pale."
Instead killing you on the spot for saying him 'pale, he's playing along with the role, told you that his name is Toshikuni Muzan and he's a doctor who had special disease that couldn't stand under the sun.
When he knew that you are new Pillar, he thought about taking advantage from you to gather information about Demon Slayers. He thought about turning you into demon, or abducting you from there.
But none of it was done.
Now, the whole plan is a mess. His intelligence and tactical thoughts are useless. He was simply enthralled by your own charm. He could read your mind, clearer than the sky. He never sense any animosity thorough your head. It's just cloud of full happiness and full of kind thought.
He fell, really hard, for you.
And you didn't realize because thanks to you, the demon races including Upper and Lower Moons were about to extinct because he didn't create them anymore. He simply ordered his only trusted demon and Upper Moons now, Kokushibou and Akaza, to searched Blue Spider Lily. The rest could fuck off.
And now, you became his 'personal assistant' including his lover.
After cleaning the plates, you headed out to headquarters to give daily reports.
"Where's my daily kiss?"
"Hm, what kiss?" You stood in front of the shoe rack, looking confused.
"Here." He pointed his cheek.
"But aren't that supposed to do by married couple?" You tilted your head.
"Aren't we going to be a married couple soon?"
"We are going to be?" You became more confused, it made Muzan infuriated but he hid it well. "Just once won't hurt, I guess."
You tip-toed and hold his shoulder, did a quick kiss on his cheek.
"Have a good day."
"Bye, see you on night!"
You didn't live with him because you still have sick dad and little sister at your home. He has offered you to stay at his house, along with your family but you refused since you didn't want to disturb his research.
When you don't have something to do on the headquarters or currently not training your students, you visited him again in the afternoon.
You usually asked him what he wanted to do, helping him or sometimes just sitting on his lab and reading some journals he made.
"How is your father? Did the medicine I made worked?" He asked while shaking his test tube slowly.
"Yes!" You jumped from your seat and ran towards his desk. "He felt so much better! Thanks to you, Muzan! I probably never find a kind doctor like you!"
"Well, that compliment seems super honest to me."
"Of course, I'm honest! Right! How should I pay you back?"
"Date with me, tonight."
"Whaaat?? Aren't we always dating at night? Well, except the day when I have mission."
"That's fine."
"If you insist, we'll go!"
He smiled again. You always succeeded on attempt to make him pleased, more than anyone else. It's just a simpel thing though, but he appreciated it.
After eat lunch, you took a seat on his sofa, doze off and take a nap there. Muzan joined you, sometimes he slept on your thighs, sometimes you slept on his shoulder when he reading his book.
"Muzan-sama, I came to-"
"Ssh." Muzan put his finger in front of his lips when he saw Akaza from the window.
"Ah." Akaza lowered his voice when he peeked up on Muzan's shoulder. "Miss (y/n) is here, I see. Excuse me."
He didn't want anyone to disturb your nap. Not after he saw your eye bags, plus scars here and there.
Well, should I ordered my remained demons to escape or don't attack her, he thought. He looked at you again. Wow, what an idiot expression.
"Mu... Zan... How about... Scaly... Skin..."
He wiped your drool, and smiled with the same idiot expression with you.
It really hits different when people were in love, indeed.
When night comes, your 'date' with him is started.
You will hold his hand and pulled him around on the way. The reason, again, is simple.
"I'm not really familiar around this city."
"Huh? Even though you live near here? No worries! I'll be your guide!" You showed him smug smile, and grabbed his hand.
If Douma was around, he probably laughed at you because he knew that Muzan could remember roads and places in the blink of eye.
But, no, he won't tell you the truth.
When you walked around, you usually bumped on your fellow Pillars.
"(y/n)! How are you doing?" Tanjirou approached you with bright smile.
"I'm great!"
"Did you just go alone? I just got news from Kasugaigarasu about this place. There are demons, it's dangerous to walk around alone in this city."
"Huh, but I walked with Mu- I mean, Toshikuni-san, my- eh? Where did he go."
"It- It's my acquaintance." You looked around like a chick lose its mother.
"I see. Anyway, please be careful."
"I will! Thank you, Tanjirou!"
After Tanjirou waved his hand, you looked for him. "Muzan! Muzan, where are you- whoa!" You almost slipped and someone caught your back in time.
"Careful there, lady."
"Muzan! Where have you been? I just meet one of the strongest Pillar, I wanted to introduce you to him."
"I didn't want to meddle with Pillars except you."
"Why is that?"
"By the way-" He put a red hairpin on your hair. You tapped your head, feeling something. "Perfect."
"Muuuu, you always bought me things when we're dating! The only things I ever gave to you were handmade omamori and knitted scarf. It's so unfair!" You light-hitting his chest, he just laughed while playfully fend your hand.
"That's the essential of dating." He patted your hair. "Let's go."
You're still grumpy but soon forget about that. Both of you continued your walk, from the square to a little bit quiet place.
"Oh, hi, grandpa!! How is your udon selling today?"
"Auntie, let me help you!"
"Girl, you look cute on that dress!"
Muzan rubbed his forehead. Are you really not knowing the concept of 'Minding your own business'?
"You're really friendly."
"These are the people who helped me!"
"Just a little help."
"It means a lot for me!"
"Hah, read the situations will you." He mumbled. He didn't really like her being so friendly towards other. It really pissed him off.
"Oh? Oh? Muzan, are you jealous?" You elbowed his ribs.
"Yes, so kiss me." He moved his face towards you. You hold his face down.
"Why is everything had to be resolve by kiss?! Muzan you-"
You suddenly stopped. The sense of demons lingered around your body.
"Muzan, back off." You unsheathed your hidden sword. "The demons are here. Tanjirou was right about the rumour."
You didn't waste your time. Not wanting the demons attacking first, you went to the direction where the demons were ready to kill you.
He just stood there while crossing his arms, smile proudly of his little baby slashing down numerous demons in no time.
Oh, what a poor demons, they probably wanted to report something to Muzan. But nah, he will just ask Akaza what happened
"Done! I'll give the reports thorough my crows later."
"What a reckless move." He wiped the blood on your cheek. "I see you're not hurt anywhere. Thank you for protecting me."
"Of course!"
"Let us continue our walk."
It's just both of you now, heading back to home.
"You see, Muzan. I might kill demon and all but..." You looked down and smiled vaguely. "I wonder what kind of life they had before they become demon. Is she a daughter? Future bride? A samurai? I don't know. But I always pray they will get a good life in the next reincarnation after I ended their life as a demon."
"Really? How thoughtful of you." He stopped and stood in front of his house.
"Yeah. So-" You looked at his eyes, grabbing his hand and clasped it gently. "I hope you could heal, I hope you could see the sun, feeling the warm dissipate into your body on our next life. I hope we could meet on our next life."
Again, he read your mind. Nothing. just pure thought about him being a complete healthy... Human. It's weird because he saw the human value inside you.
He didn't just fell for you, he was demolished by you to the ground.
Your sister sometimes told you to stay him at night because he seems lonely.
"Nee-chan, I will take care of father."
"I'm a Demon Slayer too, count on me!"
"Toshikuni-san looks lonely in that big house, as his lover shouldn't you accompany him?"
Since there's no problem with it, sometimes you went to his house an sleep with him. When you do, he's really happy and always promised he didn't do anything weird towards you without your consent.
His bed was so big, unlike the futon on your house. After change into your bed robe, you likes to roll around without worry.
"You really like my bed?"
"Uh-hum." You put your cheek on his pillows. "It smelled like you."
"That's why I told you to move here." He positioned himself besides you. He tugged you into the blanket, kissed you on the forehead and brought you closer to his chest. He caressed your back until you fell asleep.
"Good night, Muzan."
"Good night, (y/n). Sweet dreams."
He didn't need sleep, he only need you to stay by his side.
Oh how he wish he went back to human again.
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kairoswrites · 3 years
Scene of your different work, I think I'm going to follow anon and say parallax (if you still have scenes), the light is just as scary and sleeping giants. I really admire your stories if you couldn't tell :3
Awww, thank you. <3 I’m super flattered!!
(I always have Parallax scenes, it has eaten my BRAIN- ahem.)
For Parallax (I’m pulling this from Chapter 11, to be published this week):
“I bet you could make plasma,” Green Hair says to me, excited.
There’s a look in his eye I don’t like. “I’ve already tried,” I tell him, try to cut him off. “It’s hard to control. More dangerous than practical. There’s a reason most plasma demonstrations are done in a tube with gaseous material, not freehand. The air molecules get everywhere.”
“Yeah, that’s what air does,” Hagakure mutters. I wonder if Yaoyorozu had told her about Green Hair’s dark mutterings after our final exam, because she’s been putting herself conspicuously nearby and also looped Shouji and Ojiro into giving Green Hair flat looks whenever his notebook-and-pen waving gets too rowdy.
On my other side, Tokoyami hums. “So if you got Hatsume-san to make you Support gear for it, like you’ve gotten her to make visors for you…?”
Maybe. I think about it on the train ride over, because Tokoyami has a point. The Support course students have to work to, well, support the Heroics students as part of their own curriculum, and although most of that inter-track cooperation only happens in second and third year, Hatsume seems to be one of a kind.
A tube of plasma wouldn’t be very useful, though, and whatever’s actually inside would have to be controlled by magnets… but plasma is basically ionized gas, it’d be lightning in a tube…
For the light is just as scary (I actually managed fit a lot of the scenes I wanted in the first chapter, but here’s a bit I had to cut to work it into the second; warning for Hurt No Comfort):
He knows on some level, of course, that the real Eraserhead would never say these things to him. That the Aizawa Shouta of real life, who hands him bottles of water and walks him to the train station and checks in every week about his academic progress, would never imply that Hitoshi needs to stop himself from being a threat to other people.
But it doesn’t make it any less true. Hitoshi’s Quirk has always been the most dangerous thing about him. To date, the only thing keeping him from hurting others has been his own ironclad control on it, but once the Doctor starts his work – well.
It’s better for everyone for it to never happen at all.
Aaaand for Sleeping Giants!!:
Minato does a double-take. “Wait, why?”
“So you can have a political advisor you can trust?”
Did he hit his head somewhere and not realize until now? Minato blinks, but no, it’s still Toshiko, now waiting for a response. “Why is that important?”
Toshiko stares at him like he’s being ridiculous. “ANBU commanders are easy to find and trust and train, and so are Tactics. But Intel? The politics? Your average ninja hates that, Minato-chan, and even the Sandaime relies heavily on Utatane-sama and Homura-sama because he learned Clan politics, not Village politics.”
“What’s the difference between the two of them?”
“Well, one is full of family that will never betray you. The other is full of individual Clans and companies and civilians all vying for your attention and resources, and that’s not even getting into how the Village fits into the greater Land of Fire under the Daimyou’s rule.”
Thank you for your ask!! It was super fun :D
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goapinduljogjakarta · 2 years
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lalapoo · 3 years
Album ini spesial banget buat Dreamies dan Dreamzen. First album setelah 5 tahun debut. Mark balik lagi ke NCT Dream setelah 2018. Akhirnya 7Dream setelah 2 tahun lebih. Jadi gak aneh kalo Dreamzen sesemangat ini buat hype album hot sauce ini. Apalagi ditambah dengan 10 lagu dalam album ini yang enak semua. Bener-bener definisi "no skip album" menurut gue.
Jadi yuk bahas kesan gue ke semua lagu yang ada di album HOT SAUCE ini.
Hot Sauce
Tittle track album Hot Sauce. Di awal udah dikasih background musik yang cukup aneh tapi ga tau kenapa bisa bikin gue candu. Terus langsung masuk ke bagian chorus yang gila sih, asyik banget. Baru deh masuk ke musik yg agak selo gitu. Tapi makin lama, musiknya makin intense sampe pas mau masuk chorus di part Jeno agak selo lagi musiknya tapi tetep candu banget. Terus masuk chorus lagi beat nya rame lagi. Dan makin lama, makin intense. Part rap, vocal, semuanya asyik. Apalagi pas bagian dua suaranya Renjun-Jisung sama Haechan-Jeno enak banget sih. Satu vocal satu lagi suara yang berat gitu. Terus bagian Jisung dance solo itu enak banget sih, cara dia dance tuh emang seenak itu apalagi kalo udah mainin rambutnya. Terus, ada dance break juga yang kece parah sih. Lagu ini bener-bener makin lama makin intense, makin candu. Makanya gak bosen streaming hahaha. Apalagi MV nya juga cakep banget sih. Tone nya bagus. Terus cara mainin speed di beberapa scene nya juga cakep. Kalo mainin speed scene gini tuh langsung keinget MV We Go Up. Dari kostum sama style member juga oke banget sih menurut gue. Lagu ini tuh kayak nunjukin sisi dewasa Dreamies tapi yang tetep fun and youth gitu.
Boleh banget ditonton MV Hot Sauce https://youtu.be/PkKnp4SdE-w
Boleh banget juga ditonton stage Hot Sauce di Comeback Show NCT Dream https://youtu.be/6fP4kR1Ez3o
Salah satu B-side album Hot Sauce yang punya MV Track. Dreamverse Chapter 3. Di awal lagu udah dikasih beat yang rame banget sih karena masuk ke bagian chorus. Sama kayak Hot Sauce sih, di awal dikasih chorus, terus mulai selo baru masuk ke bagian awal lagu. Dan makin lama, beat nya makin cepet. Ritme di lagu ini juga banyak yang berulang jadi ya enak aja gitu. Kalo denger lagu Diggity tuh gue langsung keinget Ridin gak tau kenapa, vibe lagunya mirip wkwk. Gue suka bagian rap nya sih, intense pas bagian Mark terus lanjut Jeno. Chorusnya juga enak banget kayak dinyanyiin per suku kata gitu. Terus pas bridge-nya diisi sama vocal yang mantep banget sambil diselingi suara Jisung yang berat. Gue suka banget sih bagian chorusnya, diggity nya diulang-ulang terus jadi bikin candu gitu.
Dive Into You
Salah satu B-side album Hot Sauce yang ada MV Track nya juga. Dreamverse Chapter 1. Di awal lagu udah dikasih musik yang selo, nyantai gitu. Kayak soft gitu. Eh terus diawal dengan voval Mark Jisung yang agak cepet gitu. Part Jisung di sini enak banget demi apapun. Suara doi makin mateng. Terus kerennya dari lagu ini, abis dikasih vocal yang cukup upbeat, tiba-tiba dikasih vocal yang selo tapi tinggi gitu sama Chenle (ini salah satu bagia fav gue juga nih). Musiknya juga ikut selo. Pas beres bagian Renjun langsung masuk ke chorus yang soft beat gitu sih menurut gue. Baru masuk ke rap line. Pokoknya tiap mau masuk ke chorus tuh selalu dikasih vocal yang selo lembut tapi makin tinggi gitu. Kalo denger bagian ini bikin gue langsung keinget pantai, laut, angin sepoi-sepoinya. Vibe nya kayak gitu wkwk. Ada juga yang jadi bagian fav gue di lagu ini, pas bagian swim swim itu. Enak banget demi apapun. Terus ada juga yang enak banget, pas bagian "I will dive I will dive I will dive into you". Ini kerasa banget sih intense nya, musiknya juga mendukung banget. Lagu ini emang summer vibe banget sih tapi versi lebih santai gitu. Oh iya, di lagu ini, vocal Chenle all out banget sih menurut gue. Setelah nonton stage performance mereka di comeback show hari ini, gue makin cinta sama Dive Into You. Stage mereka tuh kayak yang manis, fun, gemes gitu. Ada yang duduk di sofa gitu. Terus koreo nya juga enak banget. Kayak banyak ambil inspirasi dari pantai, laut gitu-gitu. Walaupun ada beberapa bagian yang mungkin terkesan berantakan, tapi padahal nggak gitu. Pokoknya harus nonton sih. Itu salah satu stage performance Dreamies yang gue suka. https://youtu.be/uCFtLfpQwt4
My Youth
Gue suka banget sama intro lagu ini. Ini intro lagu yang paling gue suka di antara lagu-lagu lain di album ini. Musiknya gila banget! Musik intronya kayak musik musical gitu yang boom. Terus langsung masuk ke vocal yang intense banget dengan bgm yang berubah selo tapi lama-lama ikutan intense juga. Terus pas udah nyampe puncak, tiba-tiba musiknya ilang terus vocal Chenle dengan santainya nutup bagian awal lagu ini. Gila keren banget intro lagunya! Baru masuk ke lagu biasanya gitu. Terus pas masuk ke chorus, kayak pas di awal lagi. Yang intense tapi makin lama makin intense tapi pelan-pelan gitu. Dan kali ini pas nyampe puncak, ditutup sama vocal Renjun. Baru deh bagian rap sambil diselingi vocal, dua suara juga. Pas chorus emang intense, tapi ketegangan musik sama vocalnya lebih kerasa pas di awal sih. Gue kayak denger musical gitu loh musiknya. Dan pas bridge juga gila vocalnya, Renjun-Chenle anjir terus Haechan, terus Chenle yang makin naik gitu dan tiba-tiba suara drum nya makin kerasa terus dijatuhin lagi buat masuk ke chorus. Ah gila emang ini lagu. Sayang banget gak ada stage performance nya.
Di awal udah langsung dikasih musik yang enak banget. Diulang-ulang terus gitu ritme nya, bikin candu. Kalo denger lagu ini tuh rasanya pengen joget. Terus tiba-tiba yg selo gitu kan sebelum masuk ke chorus. Terus pas masuk ke chorus, beat nya bikin candu banget. Ritme nya berulang dan cepet gitu. Enak banget sumpah ritme lagu ini tuh. Bener-bener bikin candu yang bisa bikin pengen joget kecil gitu buat nikmatin lagunya. Dan seperti biasa, bagian bridge diisi sama vocal yang mantep banget terus masuk ke chorus yang beatnya lebih cepet dari sebelumnya. Secandu itu sih lagu ini tuh. Ritme berulang dan cepet gitu. Jujur, gue ga tau kalo lagu ininada stage performance nya bakal dibawain kayak gimana, tapi mungkin bakal gemes gitu sih wkwk.
Countdown (3, 2, 1)
Lagu yang gue kira bakal kayak 1, 2, 3 karena judulnya begitu. Tapi ternyata jauh hahahaha. Lagu yang pertama denger kayaknya banyakan part rap line nya tapi ternyata nggak juga wkwk. Jadi ini kesan gue setelah khusyu mendengarkan wkwkwk. Di awal udah dikasih rap mark jeno. Gila rap nya jeno makin keren cuy. Trs masuk ke vocal Renjun, baru masuk ke rap lagi, terus vocal lagi. Sampe akhirnya pas mau masuk ke chorus, vocal Chenle enak banget dengan musik yang gak begitu kedengeran. Pas di chorus baru naik lagi beat nya. Pas di bagian chorus ini, gue gak ngerasa ini kayak lagu dreamies biasanya wkwk. Ini tuh kayak B-side nya 127 wkwk. Tapi kan biasanya lagu 127 harus berkali-kali didenger dulu ya baru nyantol. Kalo ini nggak sih. Apa karena tetep khas nya dreamies ya, lagu-lagunya tetep easy listening gitu. Dan pas bridge ini, vocal line lagi-lagi bersinar sih terus langsung masuk ke rap. Di lagu ini tuh beat nya cepet, makanya gue kira awalnya rap line dapet part banyak wkwk. Ini mungkin kayak Diggity tapi lebih upbeat lagi sih menurut gue.
ANL alias All Night Long. Suka banget musik di lagu ini. Kayak apa ya, kayak bunyi dari tube gitu loh. Tapi beragam gitu. Kayak dari gelas juga mungkin. Sumpah enak banget musiknya. Lagu ini soft easy listening kayak Dreamies biasanya. Dan pas chorus, lagunya kerasa banget enak buat dinyanyiin sambil badannya ke kanan kiri gitu. Asyik banget. Lagu Dreamies yang mungkin keinget pas lagu ini diputer apa ya, gue lupa sih. Tapi kerasa banget ini vibe b-side dreamies sebelum-sebelumnya. Dan gue suka banget vocal membernya kerasa banget termasuk yang biasa ngisi rap. Dan di bridge, dengan musik yang hampir ga kedengeran, suara Renjun terus dilanjut Chenle tuh enak banget. Terus dilanjut sama yang suaranya berat-berat gitu terus rap yang ga begitu intense baru ditutup sama Haechan sebelum akhirnya ke bagian chorus. Ini kayaknya kalo gue apal liriknya, bisa gue nyanyiin deh kecuali bagian bridge haha ga sanggup. Lagu ini enak banget sih kalo didenger pas lagi santai gitu.
Lagu yang bikin gue speechless sama vocal Haechan. Vocal Haechan dari dulu emang bagus sih. Di lagu lain juga sering ambil high note. Tapi menurut gue, di lagu ini dia all out banget. Vocal dia gila banget di lagu ini. Jadi ayo bahas dari awal lagu dulu. Ini lagu tentang cinta wkwk. Jadi beat nya dari awal udah enak sih. Kerasa banget vibe love song nya. Gue bilang gue speechless sama vocal Haechan di lagu ini kan. Tapi sebenernya di awal lagu, vocal 3 main vocal sama jisung juga udah kerasa enak banget. Di awal lagu loh udah begitu. Pokoknya kalo lo mau kagum sama vocal Dreamis, di lagu ini semuanya all out sih. Vibe lagunya juga kayak lagu Dreamies biasanya, easy listening yang bikin lo pengen ikutan nyanyi tapi sadar diri kalo vocal lo ga sebagus Dreamies wkwk. Terus bagian rap nya juga santai banget sih. Jadi enak. Pokoknya gue suka banget sama chorusnya. Gue pengen hapal liriknya terus ikutan nyanyi wkwk. Part Chenle yang nyanyi cepet juga enak banget. High note Renjun juga di sini mantap banget. Beneran deh vocal line di lagu ini bersinar banget. Terutama Haechan. Gila sumpah high note nya. Adlib nya juga woy di balik vocal Renjun Chenle. Beneran segila itu vocal Haechan di lagu ini. Dan gue seneng lagu ini dibawain pas Comeback Show hari ini. Mereka duduk di tangga gitu kan. Langsung keinget stage nya Best Friend di TDS. Dan gue suka banget sih sama perform mereka. Keliatan santai banget tapi vocalnya tetep juara. Mereka jadi keliatan menikmati lagunya banget.
Ini ada stage performance nya sama diggity juga. https://youtu.be/5hrEOaXWP1s
Be There For You
Ballad song di album ini. Yang nyanyi, 3 main vocal kesayangan, Renjun, Chenle, Haechan. Jadi gak kaget kalo dari awal lagu sampe akhir rasanya kayai nyess aja gitu. Apalagi dengan background piano gini. Aduh ga kuat banget gue sama vocal ketiganya. Renjun di bagian intro, terus lanjut Haechan, dan pas Chenle tuh mulai kerasa beda nadanya. Dan makin lama kok vocal mereka makin tinggi gitu kan sampe akhirnya Renjun high note. Oke gue gila. Part fav gue juga di bagian ini pas ketiganya nyanyi bareng. Tolong ya tolong enak banget. Dengerin lagu ini sambil nutup mata tuh makin kerasa nyess nya. Apalagi di bagian "It's alright". Nangissss!!! Bener-bener deh Renjun Chenle Haechan ini punya part high note masing-masing. Vocal mereka gila banget sih. Fix lagu ini temennya No Longer NCT127.
Lagu terakhir di album ini. B-side dengan MV Track Dreamverse Chapter 2. Lagu yang sekali denger langsung bikin gue nangis. Apalagi kalo liat MV Track nya, nonton stage performance nya. Intronya piano doang ditemenin vocal Chenle, Haechan, terus Renjun pas mau masuk ke chorus enak banget ada falsetto nya gitu. Makin cinta sama vocal Renjun di lagu ini. Dan pas di Chorus ini cirambai banget sih. Kerasa emosional banget gitu padahal belom tau liriknya. Pas udah tau liriknya makin nangis. Bener-bener temennya Dear Dream banget lagu ini tuh. Rap nya juga selo santai gitu. Lagu yang bercerita tentang Dreamies sendiri emang selalu sukses bikin gue emosional. Beneran temen Dear Dream. Vocal member juga kerasa banget gimana soft nya. Adlib Renjun sama Haechan juga enak banget pas di chorus. Sumpah lagu ini tuh seemosional itu. Apalagi pas nonton MV Track nya dikasih momen mereka main-main dan pas shoot momen mereka senyum agak slow motion gitu. Rasanya pengen ngejaga senyum mereka terus ya ampun. Terus liriknya cerita tentang perjalanan Dreamies, tentang perasaan Dreamies. Mana ada member yang ikut buat lirik juga. Kan jadi makin relate ya. Terus pas di stage juga mereka cuma nyanyi sambil berdiri gitu. Tapi di ending mereka pelukan gitu ya ampun. Gue makin emosional. https://youtu.be/Oc_PCBilrDE
Sekian cerita kesan gue ke sepuluh lagu NCT Dream di album Hot Sauce. Gue seneng banget di album ini NCT Dream dapat banyak pencapaian. Dan banyak juga yang di luar ekspektasi gue. Makanya sebangga itu sama Dreamies ya ampun. Dan album ini bener-bener masterpiece menurut gue. No skip album. Gak ada lagu yang gak enak di album ini. Jadi, album of the year, oke? OKE!
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taomega20writings · 5 years
Naruto had just enough saved up after that last job to get a new batch of seeds for his garden. He had all the vegetables he wanted, and his roof couldn’t support a tree, so he decided to try some flowers. Naruto also knew that if Ino caught him having bought flowers from anywhere but her shop, he would never hear the end of her nagging. So here he was, outside of her flower shop, afraid to enter.
He had never let anyone know about his hobby before. And he was lucky no one found out and ruined his garden. So he was very intimidated to be exposing a part of himself like this.
But he couldn’t become Hokage one day if he couldn’t be brave in the little moments, so in he walks.
The bell overhead tinkles as the door passes under it, letting the store hear his entrance. He is astounded by the colors and the variety of flowers and garden ornaments that he could see.
“Welcome to Yamanaka Flowers, let me know if you would like any help.” Came a cheery call from the next isle over, the source of the voice just out of view.
“Thank you, I will.” Naruto responded, hesitantly, but loud enough to be heard clearly.
There was a sound of a box dropping, and of clothes shifting against each other as the person presumably stood abruptly. There was a clattering of feet as Ino rounded the corner.
“Naruto!?” She looked ruffled, to say the least. Petals in her hair, with dirt sprinkled on her apron and part of her shirt. Some smudged on her cheek.
She still looked as beautiful as she does in class, Naruto thinks to himself.
“Hey there Ino, I was hoping I could get some help?” He was a lot more shy at this one. Being confronted with her directly. But he stood strong, only shifting away a little.
“Help with what? I’m not helping you with any of your pranks. Or with helping you get forehead.” She composed herself a bit from her earlier surprise, but still seemed sceptical at his presence.
“Well, I was hoping to get some flowers seeds. I have my vegetable garden going good, and I’ve kept it healthy and full the last few years, so I wanted to try something else. I thought flowers would be good.” He mumbled about half of it, and was looking towards his shoes for the last bit, expecting to be laughed at, or for her to not believe him.
“You kept your garden healthy for years? That’s great Naruto, it’s a really hard thing to do, and it’s so cool that you’ve done it. So what kind of flowers were you thinking of?”
Naruto looked up sharply in shock.
“You don’t think I’m lying?” He asked after a moment.
“No, why would I? You are a bit loud, but you aren’t careless, and you are certainly dedicated if your efforts with forehead have anything to say.”
“And you don’t think I’m lame for having plants as my hobby?”
“Why would I think that? I run a flower shop, plants are my thing. All kind of people come in for plants, even Hokage-sama and Iruka-sensei come in for flower supplies every so often.” She looked to Naruto as she finished talking, noticing his eyes a bit watery.
“Are you okay Naruto?”
Naruto quickly rubs his eyes against his sleeve to try to dry his building tears. His anxieties over coming for help and fear of being rejected both allayed by Ino.
“I’m fine, just a bit of dust is all.”
She clearly didn’t believe him, but decided to leave it be.
She instead started walking to a part of the shop, waving at him to follow and discretely allowing him to collect himself.
“There you go, sunflowers should be good, and you can cook the seeds or plant them next year. And here is a book on different flowers for you.”
Naruto started reaching for his wallet when Ino stopped him.
“Actually, it’s on the house today Naruto.”
Naruto started at that. He was expecting to pay a lot for this trip. And no one ever gives him something for free.
“Really? I can just have these?” He stares at her with wide eyes. Hope and hesitation both clearly seen.
“Yup, on one condition.” He looked dubious at what she may say next. “You have to take me to see your garden tomorrow.”
He thought about it for a moment. She wasn’t one of the people constantly insulting him. Or one of the ones who avoided him entirely. She just wasn’t into most of the things he found fun. She was nice when she talked to him, and never hit him like Sakura does. Well, unless he really deserved it. And she likes flowers, so it makes sense she would be interested.
“Okay, but you can’t tell anyone about it. It’s a secret garden.”
Ino giggled a little at that. “Okay, I won’t tell anyone about your secret garden. It will be our little secret.” She smiled at him, glad he accepted.
“Great! So would you like to meet tomorrow by the fountain in the park?”
“Sure! I’ll be there around 3, so be ready then, okay?”
“You got it Ino. Thank you for helping me today, I really appreciate it.” Naruto says as he runs out of the door, bright smile shining and his eyes crinkled in happiness.
Ino blushes as she sees it, and luckily for her he doesn’t notice. She calls a goodbye after him and then sits back in her chair. The image of his smiling face not leaving her head.
’…He Is kinda cute.’
They meet up at the fountain the next day and start walking over to Naruto’s building. They don’t stop at his room, luckily, because he didn’t clean it, and make their way straight to the top of the building. Once there, Ino is treated with something she definitely didn’t expect.
There was corn, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, peas, potatoes and even some cauliflower. Lettuce and cabbage could be seen too. But it looked more natural than man made. Like walking into a fairies garden.
“Naruto… How did you grow it all like this?.” Ino was stunned and was still trying to comprehend that it was real.
“Well, it started because I had a planter up here with some tomatoes In it, but then I was going to make a garden box. So I got more dirt. But before I could build the box, there was some peppers growing from the pile. Then there was some cabbage, but there wasn’t enough room for it. So I brought more dirt and moved it over some. It kept happening, so I kept moving the new plants to places there was space for them. I think it’s either the birds bringing the seeds or one of the foxes that lives around here.”
“And you kept the garden healthy like this for years?”
“Yeah, I just weed it every day, and make sure to clip out any diseased or rotting bits. They also seem to like when I talk to them, and when I practice my chakra control here.”
“This is beautiful Naruto.” She turned to him and grabbed his hands. “You have to let me come back here with you sometimes. Pretty please? I’ll help you with the garden, and I’ll give you a discount at the store.” She pouted and gave him her best puppy dog eyes.
Naruto couldn’t help but blush, she was so cute, and she was holding his hands. The nice sweet girl wanted to spend more time with him. And she was giving him better puppy dog eyes than Ayame did when he tried to get out of her hugs. He simply couldn’t say no.
“Okay, but only if you are with me. And you have to promise to be nice to the foxes.” She tilted her head at that.
“The foxes?” She asked. Almost on queue, a small fox, small enough to fit in Ino’s hand, pounced on her foot. Surprised, she jumped a bit. Startling the fox when ran behind Naruto.
“There you are Astraea. Where have you been missy. You didn’t come out yesterday when I brought dinner up.” He picked up the tiny fox kit and started petting her. “You had me worried you were hurt, or sick.” He looked back up to Ino and blushed as he realized she saw all that.
“Astraea?” She asked. Smiling at the cute scene.
“It is an old god of Justice, innocence and purity. The name means Star Maiden. And Astraea here has white freckles on her coat that will stay when she grows up. So she has a star coat.. I thought it fit.”
Ino reached forward slowly to try and pet the little kit. But Astraea dug her head into Naruto’s arm.
“I’m sure she will warm up to you. So do you agree to be nice to the foxes?.” He asked again. He suspected he knew the answer.
“Of course. How could I not love cuties like this little one?”
Naruto is walking home after a long day of training. He opens his door and is met with a flying mess of blond hair and grabby arms.
“Hi sweetie. Long day?” He asked. he got a muffled answer and a nod against his chest. He smiles as he wraps his arms around his wife of four months.
“Wanna talk about it?” he asks her.
She looks up at him and smiles tiredly. “Yeah, but not right now. I know you are tired from the meeting, and dinner is still hot. Lets make our plates and eat by the fireplace to relax, okay?”
He smiles at her and kisses her forehead. “You are too good for me, I swear.” He places a few kisses on her cheek and gets a small giggle in return.
She pushes off him and smiles as he backs away into the kitchen. “Okay, okay, enough of that or we might not get to dinner. And I made us something really good too.”
He followed her into the kitchen and smelled what it was right away.
“Ramen!” He smiled and hugged his wife again. He couldn’t help but fall in love with his wife again every day. She was so sweet. She kept him calm when he needed it, and she made sure he had his head on straight. He also loved that he could do the same for her.
It was pretty funny when she would try to beat up someone and he could just pick her up. She would rage and flail, but one kiss still made her blush and calm down.
He lets go of Ino and lets her get her bowl ready. then follows suit and they make their way into the living room. There are plants everywhere. Naruto kept up his hobby of gardening, and it really showed. He managed to breed tiny versions of every flower in Ino’s shop. Walking anywhere in their home you can find a true garden along every wall in wall planters, on shelves and in the living room, there are a few volcanic plants that are growing over the fireplace too.
As they settle in next to each other, they smile as Astraea comes over and lays across their laps. The fox is now big enough to pin Ino if she wanted to. and is just as happy as the couple.
Knowing the fox wont move any time soon, they set the bowls on her back and start eating. Naruto manages to sneak Astraea a fishcake without Ino noticing. not that she really would have minded. when they were done, they set the bowls aside to take in later.
They lay back, Naruto with his arm out and Ino cuddling into him, and start talking about their days. they both listen and take care to remember what the other is saying. Pretty soon they are both just tiredly cuddling. Astraea takes the moment to pull a blanket over them and starts on cleaning the bowls.
Cleaning meaning licking them clean, but still, its something.
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dialovers-hell · 5 years
mitsuki-moon-rose said to dialovers-hell: can you do a scenaerio were the sakamaki s/o asked them to play the pocky game with her?...i like youre blog by the way
A/N: Thank you so much!! I hope that you enjoy the scenarios ♡^▽^♡
Also i wasn’t able to write out full scenarios for each since that would literally take forever so i decided to do more of an introduction to what could’ve been a full scenario. But if any of you want to see any of these scenes continued, please request it in my ask box with the brother you had in mind xx
You wandered around the mansion aimlessly with the small plastic bag hanging from your fingertips. The pocky game had taken your school by storm and everyone around you seems to be doing it. You didn’t really understand what all the hype about it was but after picturing yourself doing it with your lover, you were a blushing mess and eager to try it out. Although you had to fight off two hormone-crazed girls to get the last box from the nearest supermarket, you had finally obtained the much sought after Pocky sticks which you hoped would lead to some fun times with your lover. At last you had reached their bedroom and slowly turned the door handle, excitement building up in you as you shyly manage to ask him whether he wants to play or not...
Shu - His eyebrows furrow. “The pocky game.. Isn’t it that stupid trend going on around school?”. You roll your eyes at his comment and try to explain to him that it could be fun to try and understand why everyone else is so obsessed with it but he only responds with a chuckle. “Since when do you care about what other people are doing?” he says, pulling you closer to him with his arms wrapped around your waist. You look up at him giving your best puppy dog eyes and he finally sighs in defeat “Fine you lewd woman, show me exactly what that mouth of yours can do...”
Reiji - “Now now y/n, can’t you see that I’m extremely busy at the moment?”, you watched as he paced back and forth picking up test tubes of who knows what then scribbling his observations down, “I have no time for such silly games”. You walk over to his bed sulking as you sit down, why couldn’t he just act like a normal teenager for once? You’re about to comment about his lack of desire to do normal couple things but decide against it last second. Unlucky for you, he had already noticed that you were about to say something and demanded that you spit it out immediately. “Well, you haven’t been really paying attention to me lately so I was just hoping to have an intimate moment with you..”. He stares at you while processing your confession and after a brief moment of silence, he finally gives in. “Alright but I’ll only do it this once seeing as i haven’t been fulfilling my duties as a proper suitor recently.” You squeal in surprise and rush to open the box of chocolate covered biscuits before he gets the chance to change his mind.
Ayato - Even though he tries to hide it, the red head is just as excited to try it out as you are. For a second you could have sworn that you even saw a slight tint of pink appearing on his cheeks. “Of course you’d want to play the Pocky game with Ore Sama,” he boasts “but just because you’re a girl doesn’t mean that I’m gonna let you win or anything.” A playful grin spreads across his face as he yanks your body so that he’s hovering over you on his bed. He then grabs the box and tears it open, but due to his harsh handling of it, most of the sticks have been broken in half. However, the look of disappointment on your face is quickly washed away as he tries to save his ass by saying that “It looks like we’re going to have a lot of speed rounds so we can finish this box” which the both of you knew meant a lot more kisses.
Laito - “Nfu~ bitch-chan, your kisses were already sweet enough but it looks like they’re going to get sweeter” he giggles while snaking his arms around your torso and practically dragging you to the armchair in the corner. He pulled you on top of him as he sat down while you positioned yourself to straddle him with a leg at each of his sides. He glides his hands up your thighs which you promptly stop him from going any higher, to which which he quickly defends with the fact that “If you’re going to give me something sweet then I might as well return the favor”. Oh boy, this is going to be one long heck of a night.
Kanato - He looks up at you in confusion, not really understanding the appeal of the game. “Why can’t we just eat the pocky?” he asks, a look of discontent on his face. Obviously he was not a fan of working for your food but you were determined to find some way to entice him. A light bulb dings above your head and you rush to the drawer, remembering the chocolate flavored lib balm that you had recently purchased. He stared as you glided to tube across your lips, unsure of what scheme you were planning. But all was revealed when you marched over to him and whispered with your face merely centimeters away from his, ensuring that he could smell the intoxicating scent of chocolate from you lips, “Don’t worry Kanato-kun, if you win this round you’ll get a very sweet surprise at the end~”. It wasn’t long before he was whining at you for taking too long to open the box, impatiently awaiting for his so called “sweet surprise”.
Subaru - Just when you’ve started to think that you’ve never seen his face go any redder in such a short span of time, you’re proven wrong once more. “W-w-why would you want to play a game like that? Sounds stupid to me!” he exclaims a little louder than necessary. You giggle at his flustered response and stride even closer to him as he takes a step back, eventually getting cornered against the wall. “Subaruuu~” you chime. He tries to avoid eye contact with you which is proved to be extremely difficult since you’re practically shoving your face in front of him. “Fine then,” you huff and begin to walk away “if you won’t play with me, I’ll find someone who will”. His eyes go wide at your threat and he forcefully drags you back to him. You smirk at his defeat and scramble to get out the pocky stick before he manages to run away.
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asrisgratitudejournal · 6 months
Terakhir ngepos Rabu minggu lalu habis meeting teams sama collaborators ya. Ku sudah berjanji mau ngirim googlesheet belum jadi-jadi lagi… InsyaALLAH besok sore deh diselesaikan dan disebar… Kamisnya lupa ngapain tapi Jumatnya ku ingat banget awalnya ada meeting sama spv dan postdoc tapi gajadi karena males dan gaada yang lagi pengen dibahas banget juga. Sorean dikit ku baru inget kalau selasa mau nge-seal tube, ku harus udah punya sampel kering yang extracted by Monday. Gabisa kalau baru dikerjain Monday. Akhirnya ku mulai ngextract tuh Jumat jam 15. Dipikirnya kan bakalan cepet ya, karena emang dulu-dulu tuh cepet aja nggak ada masalah. Kalau lancar, literally sama weighing 1,5 jam beres lah. Makanya ku dengan confident memulai organic extraction dari jam 15 dengan harapan akan selesai semua sebelum jam 17.
EH TERNYATA. YANG NAMANYA HIDUP YA GES. Si sampel tu meledah berkali-kali di digestion vessels. Entah pressurenya kegedean apa gimana. CAPEK BANGET. Ku gamau ngingat-ngingat tapi long story short ku baru keluar departemen jam 20.50 di Jumat malam itu. Dengan keadaan sangat laper juga. ASLI KAPOK BANGET.
((Oh ku jadi baru ingat juga sekarang. Kamis minggu lalu sekitar jam 17-an teman PhD-ku dari uni sebelah menelepon dan mengobrol lah kita sampai 1 jam-an. Ku baru jalan pulang ke rumah jam 18 sepertinya)).
Sabtu pagi dan Minggu pagi seperti biasa kelas kebumian 16, materinya minggu kemarin lagi ocean, mayan fun. Terus Sabtu teh dilanjut apa ya. Oh. Awalnya mau ngelab lagi lanjutin nyuci tapi udah males ternyata. Ku ke HMV buat BELI ALBUM STRAY KIDS!!! Sangat senang, akhirnya beli album yang Limited version. Ku juga melakukan amboxing di Fellow Garden Exeter. Mayan dingin waktu itu tapi sebetulnya mayan cerah sih mataharinya keluar. Dilanjut makan cakwe di DoreDore di Inn Hall’s St. Terus ke Radcam ketemu warga-warga yang wisuda. Ku juga hunting cards di Scribbler. Lanjut sempat menghangatkan diri di Radcam sebelum dinner di Antep Kitchen bersama Oxbabes. Sampe rumah asli capek banget kayanya karena kedinginan aja seharian.
Minggu plannya adalah ga kemana-mana dan ngapa-ngapain dan berhasil kulakukan. Literally habis kelas tidur-tiduran lagi dan cuma nonton youtuber reaction vids doang. Betul-betul definisi celebrating comeback yang sesungguhnya.
Senin pagi kerja dari rumah, siang makan Pho di Westgate sama Bu Yani, terus lanjut ngelab buat packing peralatan buat besoknya ke Royal Holloway sama nyuci tubes (yang sudah due dari Jumat malam…).
Selasa udah di stasiun Oxford dari jam 07.30 buat ngejar kereta ke Egham 08.16 (pagi juga ya w, dan ASLI dingin banget, dan tas juga berat banget. Sampai hari ini masih menyesal ngapain coba w bawa laptop ke RHUL…). Sampe Earth Science dept RHUL jam 10.16-an, terus lanjut ngelab dsb sampai jam 15. Jam 16-an balik dari Egham dan sampai rumah tepat jam 18 seingatku. Nunggu mayan lama di Reading dan di Eghamnya. DAN LAPER BANGETT. Itu seharian literally males banget breaking flow ngelab buat grab lunch jadi betulan baru makan jam 15-an itu… Wow. Sungguh lifestyle yang sangat tidak sustainable…
Karena ke RHUL ini juga akhirnya aku skip kelas statistic Selasa pagi tapi yaudalahya.
Awalnya mau langsung ke lab di Oxford karena mayan bahaya ni sampel kalau didiemin di vacuum semaleman di tas, tapi UDAH CAPEK BANGET JUJUR kenapasih Royal Holloway tu di hill??? Capek banget jalannya uphill dari stasiun Egham ke lab apalagi dengan bawa sampel?? Oh terus pas lagi ngelab juga ada bagian di mana ku dan Alex lari-larian di bawah hujan untuk mengambil tabung gas propane dan oxygen di gas cage yang adalah outdoor… Itu hari Selasa hujan deres juga pas siang… hhhhhhhhhh.
Yasudah akhirnya itu sampel baru kumasukkan ke furnace di hari Rabu agak siang (karena kalau pagi-pagi dimasukkinnya, ku harus akan buka pagi-pagi juga untuk beberapa minggu ke depan), tapi tentu saja salah strategi karena ku baru masukkin ke furnace jam 12.30 dan butuh setengah jam untuk sampel-sampel itu nyampai di suhu yang diinginkan. Jadinya kuanggap mereka mulai masuk furnace jam 13. Yang mana membuatku hari ini tadi harus ngebuka sampel jam 13, yang mana adalah jam yang awkward karena mau lunch sebelumnya masih terlalu early, tapi setelahnya juga terlalu laper kalau things go wrong dan harus stay in the lab until 14 (like today for example).
Selebihnya dari sini adalah yang I just posted in my last post dan sudah itu aja dulu sepertinya.for now. I had Korean food for lunch justnow and now I feel very happy and full! Habis ngepost ini akan langsung otw pulang and call it a day it seems like. Ok deh BESOK TINGGAL JUMAT! Selamat tinggal-satu-hari-kerja-lagi everyone!!!
30.18 17:08 16/11/2023
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esahealth · 4 years
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bhrz · 5 years
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Cuma tulisan biasa menurut orang-orang biasa.
Ridwan, Kenal dibawa anwar, soalnya pas pertama pindah kontrakan, si anwar tuh ku liat ko ngecapin buat kertas tubes ko lama banget kaya gitu ngcapnya, oh ternayat itu caranya ridwan haha. Dari situ deh mulai tau oh ridwan, jd penasaran sama orangnya. Setrlah itu, baru deh sering dibawa ke kontrakan sama anwar, ya karna deket sama anwar, awalnya pendiem sih tapi mungkin karena belum terlalu deket pas 2015, jd kesan pertama ya biasa aja, palingan lebihnya tuh ni orang kaku banget ya hahaha, apalagi pas dia jd ketua suksesi ksl, ko anak2 kaya ngece2 gitu ya, wee ridwan jd ketua suksesi, kenapa coba kan harusnya di semangatin ya hahaha, tapi ya ternyata dia emng jarang buat show off di depan umum, ngomong atau biacara di depan orang2 gitu ya kayaknya dia harus butuh usaha yg kuat atau minimal ada nekatnya dah ahaha, dan ternyata dia tinggal dipondok yg sebulannya gak nyampe 76 ribu cuy, pikir gua "geblek murah buanget" dan itu kadang didalrmnya ada makan bareng2, tapi kalau diliat sih ya wajar lah, tapi banyak juga disana, enaknya ya deket masjid sih. Gua coba masuk kamar ridwan dan "oh begini" udah deh gua gabanyak komen, ntar malah jadinya grebek pondok ceritanya haha. Lanjut, yg masih gua prnasaran ini ortunya ridwan, dari dulu setiap ditanya cuma jawab ketawa2 sama ngelus2 pipi ke lengan anwar kaya kucing gitu wkwk ah makin penasaran karna ga kejawab, omongan2 netijen sih banyak, tapi kan gua mau validasi tapi ko ditanyanya kaya bingung mau beli treg :( yaudah lah sampe skrg pun gatau jawabannya. Trus dia anak sepeda banget, sering banget spedahan 2 kilo ke kontrakan, edan ga tuh kaki udah kaya ronaldo kali ya. Tapi akhir fi tahun 2017 dia datang naik motor wkwk etdah udah bisa, ngeri sih, soalnya dulu disuruh bawa motor sama si tri, hampir aja ngerusak tembok dn hahaha, tapi ya mungkin dia udah keluar lagi nekat buat belajar motor haha, congrats wan. Tapi entah ya, kalay jalan2 tanpa ridwan ini terasa hambar, soalnya ga ada yg dibully wkwk ya buli2 ridwan adalah passionnya anwar dan itu rasa kedekatan seorang adik(anwar) dan kakak(ridwan) kalau kata anwar mah wkw, tapi dia berjuang hidup juga sih, mulai dari ngajar di privat gt pas akhir2 beasiswa udah abis. Trus sekarang jualan donat bareng ade krlas gua yg minta sarannya ke gua anjeeer ternyata dijalanin bareng sama ridwan wkwk goks lah perjuangannya. Sampe ibu kontrakanpun sayang sama ridwan cuy fyi aja haha waktu itu pas ridwan datang, dikasih risol coba bayangin hahaha keren lah salut sama kenekatan berjuangnya, yg berani buat melakukan apapun tanpa malu, yg mulai buat unjuk diri, ini loh saya, yg mulai ngasi tau kalau pribadi saya itu humoris loh, bukan cuma agamis. Haha semoga rezeki terus ngalir wan buatku hahahahahahahah gak deng maksudnya buatmu.
Fun fact: ridwan itu tidurnya sebentar, tapi sering haha trus setiap belajar pasti ngeplay solawatan, rebanaan, trus tiba2 tidur wkw. Trus pengen bilang gelap, tapi takut ke gua juga ntar. Cerah sih. Hatinya. Mantaps haha
Iman, Pertama ketemu lupa kapan, tapi bener2 inget pas belajar bareng Mekflu buat ujian tengah semester, disitu saya mulai nemu mentor yg saya anggep bener2 enak ngajarinnya, gak sambil ngerendahin, gak sambil marah2, ga sambil maki, dan enak ngajarinnya, Ya Allah akhirnya saya nemu lagi orang2 hebat di perantauan ini. Apalagi yg tau kalau gua ama dia beda 3 tahun. Anjir tua juga gua. Tapi dia masih seumuran ade gua yg pertama udah kuliah bareng gua wkwk anjay gokss, pinternya tumpeh2 lagi hahaha, inget banget waktu gua masih di rusun, gua sering banget tuh berdua ama dia, pas setelah pindah ke kosan sama kating. Nah disana dia kena omongan mulu sama anak2 kosan, ya karena emng ga sesuai sama apa yg anak2 mau, gapernah keluar kamar lah, dikamar aja lah, nyapa pun cuma sekelebat, jarang ikut nongski. Okelah emng tiap orang beda beda kaya gimana pengennya, tapi kalau nyamannya seperti itu ya gausah dipaksa. Tapi karena ni anak pinternya kelewatan, yang dimana dia bisa munculin keberadaan dia pake potensi yg dia punya, yaitu di desain. Dari desain, keberadaan dia udah mulai keliatan sama banyak orang, entah temen angkatan, kating, maupun orang luar jurusan, selain dari desain, dia pun seneng banget ngajarin orang2 tentang desain. Desain grafis oke, desain perencanaan bangunan apalagi wkwk gokil lah, inj orang yg ngajarin gua desain grafis mulai dari bikin poster, stiker, dan banyak lagi, sampe gua pun pernah dibayar buat nge desain, thanks man. Anda adalah tentor terbaik menurut gua haha. Trs kadang dia ni batu, disuruh naek motor lagi susah bener semenjak dari kecelakaan,(oiya mulai tau iman pas ngejenguk di rs banyumanik pas tragedi bone breakhahaha), udah diomongin ama temen2 padahal ya udah lumayan 2 tahunan tapi tetep aja gak mau. Tapi semenjak ada cemewew aja tiba2 udah boncengan dah kampreett wkwkwkw. Temen gua maen kemana mana, soalnya kalau diajak ngobrol ya nyambung juga, malah banyak ngedenger, dan nyautnya pun gak jauh dari obrolan itu hahaha, gua sempet ragu sih dia di kkn aman2 aja, soalnya kalau sama orang baru agak kurang cepet nyatu gitu. Tapi nyatanya alhamdulillah lancar2 aja sih hahaha mantap lah. Pertama tau kalau dia ini aksel 2 kali ngerasa wow juga, soalnya kaya nabung umur sih haha. Trus pernah pertamakali semester 1 pra uts matrek, nilai dia dapet 45. Gua sampe mikir wih gimana ya si iman dapet nilai segitu. Ya mungkin kan waktu SMA dapetnya nilai tinggi terus, nah apa ga kaget gitu dapet nilai segitu? Takutnya langsung ngedown gt kan apalagi abis dnger2 cerita tentang anak institut teknologi didaerah sana kalau ada yg setres karena dapet bilai kecil2 sedangkan di SMA ga pernah dapet nilai kecil. Tapi pas diliat lagi kedepannya, wah ternyata ip nya tinggi juga hahaha. Kalau gua? Ya jelas lah nilainya kecil wkwk udah biasa ga kaget wkwk. Seumur umur cuma sekali doang sekelompok tubes, sisanya kagak, sekelompok sama beban2 kehidupan wkw. Dan pernah waktu itu dia perbaikan 1 matkul, bareng sama gua, tapi bedanya, gua ambil baru. Dia ngambil perbaikan padahal nilainya udah B, saking bingungnya ga ada yg C nilainya wkwkwk gua? Santai banyak C yg gak saya ambil, males biar apa wkwk. Tapi alhamdulillah kami dapet A hahaha. Ya banyak gua belajar dari ni orang, entah ketemu lagi kapan, yang jelas terima kasih.
Fun fact:
1. doyan banget abis makan bareng pas pulang tiba2 mampir beli roti bakar/martabak WKWK pernah ketauan sih pas abis makan balik dari ngesrep, gua mampir bank dulu dan iman duluan, nah pas gua udh selesai dari bank, eh ketemu ni anak di motor dia udah nyantol 1 rotibakar anjeeer wkwkwk tercyduk kamu dek iman 🤣
2. Jarak semarang - banjarmasin berasa semarang atas-semarang bawah. Gampang banget pulang dengan santai. Kaga mikirin duit harga kapal terbang berapa, pulang mah soorrr sorrr bae wkwk crazy rich bjm emng wkw.
Tunggu di part selanjutnya.
Gua cuma nulis buat 8 orang aja. Karena kalau buat 107 orang gua gakuat.
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thewritingstar · 5 years
92 and 104 for Gruvia pleaaasee omg I’m soo excited already
Here ya go love! Sorry for the wait, i had a lot of fun writing this!! Thank you so much for the request! 
WC #54
Prompt: 92 “You’re so clingy, i love it” and 104 “...or we can chill in our underwear.”
Pairing: Gruvia
“Gray-sama!” Gray heard his voice being called and his head turned to greet his girlfriend strolling into his bedroom. “Are you ready to join Juvia at the mall?” He smiled as she twirled in her bright yellow sundress.
“Do we have to go today? We could just stay indoors.” He shrugged and she let out a pout before sitting on his bed next to him.
“It’s a beautiful day outside, now get dressed and lets get going my love.”  
Gray huffed and stood up, grabbing his pants he put them on as she texted on her phone waiting for him to be done.
“Still think we should just stay home.”
“Or we could go to the mall like you promised your girlfriend.”
He walked over to her and wrapped his hands around her waist. Smirking he laid his head on her shoulder and whispered into her ear softly. “...or we can chill in our underwear.”
Juvia tried hard to keep her composure. She was tempted to forget the day trip and spend the day snuggled up to her boyfriend but she wanted those new soaps and she was going to get them even with her boyfriend tempting her as he kissed her neck.
“M-mall. We are going to the mall darling.” Quickly she grabbed his hand and lead him outside towards the car. Gray followed behind laughing slightly, knowing if he kept her a minute more, his plan would have gone through.
“Oooo this one smells amazing.” Juvia sniffed the tube of lotion and applied a small amount to her wrist. Gray leaned against the display smiling as Juvia went through all the buckets of lotions, perfumes and shower items, occasionally lending in his opinion as she held the many tubes to his nose. In his hand was the basket filled with all the sweet smelling items his girlfriend was buying and he enjoyed watching her attention be hooked to the next table, onto candles now.
“Do you need any help?” Juvia’s head snapped up to meet the eyes of the store employee who she recognize instantly.
“Lyon! Juvia didn’t know you work here.”
“Yep, started about a month ago. Ahh I see you are taking the sales seriously. Yeah know…” He stepped closer to her and reached in front of her, selecting a bottle and placing it into her hands. “This one is my favorite.” He lowered his voice which had no effect of her.
“Well I hate it.” Gray stole the bottle from Juvia’s hands and tossed it into the bucket. “Lyon.” Gray said as he wrapped his hand around Juvis waist pulling her to his side.
“Gray.” Lyon said with the fake employee smile. “What if Juvia liked that scent?”
“She wouldn’t”
“How do you know?”
“Easy.” He looked down to see Juvia gazing up at him and they stared at Lyon. “She hates the smell of campfire .”
Lyon was about to respond when his manger called him over. Frowning he turned around and walked away, grumbling something about how a certain blue haired girl should be his.
“Gray-sama is so sweet that he remembers.” Juvia kissed him on the cheek before resuming her browsing, he moved his hand into hers and didn’t let go even as Lyon rang up her purchase at the front.
“That will be $35.67 please.” Lyon said and Gray almost laughed at the artificial tone he was using. Grinning, Gray handed Lyon his card for him to slide.
“Gray-sama what did Juvia tell you about buying Juvia things when she was about to.” Juvia pouted but wasn’t really mad.
Lyon quickly swiped his card and he kissed Juvia's cheek while keeping eye contact with the white hair clerk. “I know but sometimes I wanna treat my girl.”
Lyon rolled his eyes and handed them the receipt. “Have a nice day.”
Walking out of the shop, Juvia moved along to the next store, her hand still in his. Every store they went into Juvia was approached by another male employee hoping for her to ditch Gray. By the fourth store, Gray’s arm didn’t leave Juvia's side.
“Juvia will go try this on quickly and then we can go get some food.” Gray nodded but saw that a creepy looking guy was the fitting room clerk.
“I’ll come with you.”
“Unfortunately Gray-sama can’t enter the woman's side with Juvia, you’ll just have to wait here.”
“Yeah well i don’t like the way that guy is looking at you so yeah, I’m coming.” He stopped when Juvia put a hand on his chest.
“You’re so clingy.” She stood on her tiptoes and whispered into his ear “I love it” And planted at kiss onto his lips perfectly in view for the creepy clerk. “Juvia will be back”
As she walked towards the fitting room with a skip in her step her, his eyes never left her until she rounded the corner.
“Wow, I love that woman.”
I hope you enjoyed!!!
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