thebiggestmenace · 9 months
what a wild ride
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ouchie ouchie ouchie
is he already out of Purgatory??
what the fuck is this??
wait, isn't this the season where Sam has a dog?
it is!
Dean, you can't be this mad at him :( how was he supposed to know you were in Purgatory?
we finally got Squirrel!!! it's just been Moose for the longest time!
also I do remember this season?
"I think too much heart was always Castiel's problem" said only to Dean???? these bitches gay! good for them!
I love Amelia :( and tbh did the boys not agree to get on with normal lives if something happened to one of them? cause I could've sworn they did. and I know this was different cause Dean went to Purgatory, but how would Sam have known that?
is he hallucinating Cas??
so Cas sacrificed himself for Dean?
wait, isn't this the season where all the angels fall?
let's have a sleepover!!! I forgot about that line!
and now they're in the wannabe cartoon!
what did Naomi do to Cas????
Samadriel was tortured, Naomi. it's not like he revealed the tablet on purpose???
oh, Dean loves LARPing
oh, and Abaddon?
wait, isn't that the episode Jensen actually fell asleep?
omg the bunker!!!!! fucking love the bunker
Dean's absolute pride of having his own room :')
forgot how very brutal the trails are
I forgot Naomi made Cas kill Dean so many times, what the hell
Cas beating the shit out of Dean and Crowley killing Meg in the same episode??? ouchie ouchie ouchie
I have missed Bobby :(((
"in the words of a good friend - bite me" so true, fucking love that line
oh, and we have found Cas
and the parents are fighting, actually
omg are they about to find the dungeon thingy?!
THEY ARE!!!!! idk why this makes me so happy?????
also Dean has been calling Sam Sammy a lot more this season?
Cas, you don't need to threaten a man over pie 🤭
so this is the season all the angels fall, I assumed I just had them mixed up
also The Scene where Dean barges in right before Sam finishes the last trail was part of that one edit from s1? I think? the one where we see them as children
chat, this isn't fun anymore :(
"don't you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you" ouchieouchieouchieouchieouchie
and that's where it leaves off????? growling and barking. anyways!!! this was a wild fucking ride! I don't have words, but yaaaaaaaay another season down :( at what cost. at what freaking cost. I don't know what happens next season, but I am starting to remember them? like watching this season, I knew what happened to some extent, so I imagine it's gonna go like that until s11? I think that's where we stopped? I think I stopped the season we got Jack? not because of Jack, but I think that's where I stopped
s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15
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strawborzoi · 2 years
Does anyone have an old commission I've done for them? Thinking around 2017 and earlier. Feel free to reply/rb/submit one, would love to pick some to redraw in my free time (obviously include any character updates if needed x3)
Even old gift art would be neat to do if you don't have an old commission, especially if 2015 and earlier
I used to be known as sammpotato and later samadriel if that helps x3
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Watching season 8 of Supernatural be like:
The angel who became second God killed the cutest angel in Heaven, because Samantha Carter brainwashed him. Sam hit a dog and Dean has Twilight tendencies.
Like, wtf is this show?
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thekneesofthegods · 3 years
so im rewatching bugs and ive decided that after the episode ends, matt and his dad try to fix things but it never really works out and so matt moves away, starts going by his middle name, and he just picks up odd minimum wage jobs here and there, just enough to live on, and he continues being honest and kind and caring about the world and then well, one day, he meets this angel.
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anithasakura · 7 years
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Your song for me - Destiel - CAPÍTULO 5 "Sabor agridulce" (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/cSmDXSzWpD Pocos días le quedaban a Castiel para entregar los cuadros de su próxima exposición, la mejor de todas había asegurado. Pero el pelinegro no contó con que la inspiración lo abandonara de forma tan cruelmente que no podía pintar nada. Un lienzo blanco y la voz de cierto rubio ¿despertará por fin la inspiración y tal vez algo más en Castiel?
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iamthewanderingbard · 5 years
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I bought this painted Suicune card from @samadriel-art a while back because Suicune is one of my favorite Pokémon and the pictures of it were so beautiful. And now I have it in my hands.
The colors in the original picture were gorgeous, and in person they’re even more vibrant. The whole card is truly a work of art, and I am so happy to have it. And the fact that it came in a nice and sturdy protective sleeve and with the thank you note was such a nice touch.
Thank you so much for this card, @samadriel-art! I am so happy to have it and I will certainly cherish it. And if anyone else out there wants a painted card of their favorite Pokémon, please check her out. I promise that you will love it.
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zenaquaria · 5 years
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Art Fight 2019!
Two of the arts I’ve made so far this year for Art Fight! A revenge and an attack. @samadriel-art || @art-of-astral
I’m trying to expand back out from my equinoids and ungulates! As much as I love our hooved friends, I need to reallocate skill points to other branches of my Animal Kingdom Art tree~
I’m Team Nightmare on ArtFight! Come at me!
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theshiningdiamond · 5 years
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Art Dump Part 3!
First Three were for @alexs-moon-garden/ @mindsintertwines
Last two were for @samadriel-art
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paradisecas · 2 years
adamandriel keeping up with the angels au... samandriel Is the baby of the family he is constantly infantilized but at the meet the adam dinner adam asks him to like pass the salt and that’s the extent of their interactions but people latch onto it, probably just because theyre both the youngest and of similar ages. 
tabloid articles like ‘another winchester with a shurley?’ and ‘sparks fly between the babies of the families!’ 
samandriel would love to be more than a child because come on hes like mid 20s and still treated like a middle schooler. so he asks chuck for a relationship with adam and chuck thinks it could make a great storyline, so he makes everyone talk about how cute adam and samandriel were together offscreen and how there could really be something there and adams like hello lawyers yeah ive got some more work for u. get my damn name out their mouths. 
but then after adam and michael get married samandriel is ofc shoved back to being a baby. chuck has everyone claim they only said that shit because samandriel had a crush and hes too young to know the ins and outs of secret and pr relationships and they didn’t wanna crush his feelings. never mind that adam and samandriel are the same goddamn age. samandriel didn’t necessarily want a fake relationship but he’s still pissed at adam for forcing him back into eternal childhood. 
after the show’s canceled samadriel immediately goes off the rails with parties and being a slut and doing grown up things and that’s a scandal in and of itself. michael is scandalized that his baby brother would be photographed dancing with a woman at a club and adam is like. my darling husband. you do realize. one he is older than me. (barely!!) two. we literally got drunk and got married after our first conversation together. and you’re gonna complain about him dancing? 
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xviruserrorx · 2 years
Title: "A Life With No Regrets"
For day one of @heaven-ecologist Angel appreciation week! (Yes I'm behind on the prompts I know) Happy birthday, I don't know when your birthday is op but have a lovely birthday week!
Angels Week 2022 - Tumblr | Ao3
Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt(s): "Vessel"
Relationship(s): Alfie(/&)Samandriel (can be read both ways)
Rating: Gen
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 2,919
"I have them; my family, the others… and you."
His chest tightened. "And me," he confirmed.
"In a way, it was you or my father." Samandriel furrowed his eyebrows, "I suppose I made my choice."
"Do you regret your choice?" The words left his mouth before he registered what had came out.
Continue reading below or over on Ao3
(Other Works) (Fic Requests)
The bag crumpled in Alfie's hand as he handed it off. "Thank you, come again."
He received a smile as the customer left. The bell rang and lingered in the silence of the empty restaurant. It had been a slow day, a few customers coming in every so often but never enough to get near to overwhelming him. 
Though, the smile he had greeted and said goodbye to the customer with, had stayed plastered on his face. He had woken up happier than ever and the feeling was a reminiscence of the day. Maybe it was because he had learned that the apocalypse—which was a possible factor that could happen to the world—was indeed not going to happen.
Samandriel had told him the news with nothing but utter excitement and content of words that his family was finally okay again. 
Yet despite the end of what the angel had originally asked his permission to take Alfie's body. He never left. Well… granted, he did have to leave for some periods of time to return to heaven with his siblings. He knew Samandriel didn't have to come back, nor did he expect him to, he was one of the protectors of the souls in heaven after all. And yet, Alfie found himself saying yes time and time again whenever he came back to earth.
He enjoyed his presence and that made him happy, maybe it made Samandriel just as happy too. But his smile that refused to leave his face as he worked his shift wasn't from all these thoughts. And while they did have an influence, they weren't the leading cause.
The cause was maybe half due to the fact that no one could see the angel spinning on a chair behind the counter. Alfie tried to say that it was the former reason, and yet, his smile only grew as he continued to watch his friend spin himself in dizzying circles.
The sight made it hard to talk and continue his job with a straight face so he didn't try to fight it. Taking the compliments he had received from the customers and co-workers about how happy he was. He couldn't exactly tell them that an angel of the lord named Samandriel was entertained with the spinning chair in the corner without sounding insane.
He cleared his throat through the silence hoping to grab Samadriel's attention, only the angel kept spinning. A part of him worried that he was going to make himself sick and throw up. Though he had seen the angel go through worse and decided not to worry too much.
An airy chuckle escaped his mouth as he shook his head and grabbed for a rag to clean the counters with. "Are you having fun?" He lightly teased.
Samandriel's eyes met his as he stopped spinning. His eyebrows furrowed down in thought before he nodded his head. "I believe so." 
Alfie opened his mouth but the sound of Samandriel's feet leaving the floor and the chair once again spinning interrupted what he was going to say. He chuckled. "An angel of the lord entertained by a spinning chair," he commented more to himself than Samandriel. "Who knew."
"My brothers say we are no longer my father's angels." 
"What, are you Charlie's angels now?" He joked.
Samandriel's spinning stopped as a confused look graced his face before he answered. "I am not related to Charlie Bradbury, although she is kind."
"That's… uh." He shook his head, he didn't have the heart.
The corner of Samandriel's lips twitched before he broke out into a wide grin. "I'm kidding."
He scoffed, "very funny."
"You seem to have a vast knowledge about those things, especially—"
"Okay! You can scooch on out of my brain now."
His grin just grew wider as Alfie felt his face grow warm. Sharing headspace with an angel was not ideal. He sighed, "So how does that whole no ruler of the universe thing work anyway?" He asked before Samandriel could start spinning again. He briefly peaked up from wiping the counter as a confused look was sent his way. 
"I mean no lord—god," he explained, "that can't be good, right?"
Samandriel shrugged his shoulders, swaying the chair lightly. "It has been this way for thousands of years, my older siblings always took charge. This universe was run by them, the demons in hell and other deities while my father played human," he supplied. "The only difference now is he's…"
Alfie grimaced. He had been there multiple times to witness first hand the dysfunctionality that was Samandriel's family. The small spats and sibling arguments that rivaled any he had ever seen. What little he could see of it was overwhelming, and yet he knew it was worse for Samandriel. Older brothers that squabbled constantly only for the rest to sit back, helpless and watch it all unravel.
"I'm sorry, Sammie," he softly muttered.
Samandriel raised his head with a gentle smile and shook his head. "I like this—now. Even if it means my father is gone. My siblings are finally together with love again, how it once was." His voice grew softer as his smile grew fonder. "I have them; my family, the others… and you."
His chest tightened. A gasp of breath in the new air and unwalked ground. The all too hopeful gaze directed towards him was held as a smile climbed on his face. "And me," he confirmed.
"In a way, it was you or my father." Samandriel furrowed his eyebrows, "I suppose I made my choice."
"Do you regret your choice?" The words left his mouth before he registered what had slipped out.
Samandriel didn't answer quickly or appeared to be in deep thought. He blinked as the question that ghosted through the air, left to be like an annoying itch instead of something head-on.
Guilt started to claw at Alfie, he wanted to rip back his words as quickly as he said them. The somber expression on the angel's face made it all the worse as they both sat in silence. 
In a way, he wanted to know. That if Samandriel had another chance, would he choose humanity again or his father? The selfish manner or thought that was there lingered. He wanted confirmation for his own mind and heart that he—humanity would be chosen again. And yet, in the same breath, he didn't want to hear the truth if it wasn't that. He wanted a lie in its most concealing form and the truth to be hidden away no matter how bright it shined.
"Samandriel…" he interrupted before he could finish his thought on what he was to say. He couldn't hear it, he couldn't bear the thought of it.
The word left with one breath and he gasped for another as those same eyes met his. He watched him with intent and whole trust surrounded by a world with familiarity of puzzle pieces missing and growing unknown feelings just as peculiar.
He watched as Samandriel's expression changed, thought to a sudden worry as he cocked his head. A misunderstanding or confusion that Alfie could say was plausible. Be it the interruption and tone of his voice, or simply the use of the angel's full name that many—including himself—had deemed a mouthful. He too had his own confusions when it came to others and feelings.
He shifted as he directed his gaze anywhere but the angel. "You don't—"
He jumped at his boss's voice, fumbling with the rag in his hand as she walked in sporting a kind smile.
"How's everything going?"
"Oh, um… slow day." He smiled and gave a pointed look around the empty restaurant.
"It is," she acknowledged. "How much longer is your shift?"
"Umm…" he felt his clothes for his phone before remembering it was in the break room.
"Twenty-eight minutes and thirty-three seconds," Samandriel supplied.
"What he s—" he quickly faked a cough covering up his mistake of acknowledging the angel that no one else could see.
She shot him a confused look. "What?"
"Twenty-eight minutes! I said—Uh," he cleared his throat, "twenty-eight minutes."
"Right…" she said warily, "Why don't you take the rest of your shift off, I doubt any more people will be coming by anytime soon."
"Yes, uh, Thank you," he smiled as she turned and left. 
He let out a breath he was holding. "That was a close one." He walked past Samandriel and disposed of the rag, their previous conversation left unfinished. "We should get out of here before someone else thinks I'm talking to myself." 
The cap on his head was the first to go as he made his way to the break room. He grabbed his bag as he started to remove his uniform. Well… almost. His hands froze as he turned and came face to face with Samandriel. "Uh… Sammie?"
"What are you doing?"
"Waiting," he replied simply.
"I'm uh, y'know… gonna change."
Samandriel just blinked. 
He sighed. "Just…" he grabbed him and faced him towards the wall. "Stay like that till I say to turn around 'kay?"
His head bounced lightly from where he faced the wall. 
Alfie found himself with a fond smile on his face for the umpteenth time that day as he reached for his bag and grabbed the extra change of clothes he kept in there. "Us humans tend to enjoy our privacy," he commented, kicking off his shoes.
"We angels are private about things as well."
"Really?" His tone bordered on incredulous. "You guys aren't exactly embarrassed when it comes to nudity." He had learned that one the hard way.
"Our wings are rather private to us."
"I saw yours that once." And he would never forget the sight. At the end of everything when they were all at peace from the constant war and the angels finally were to return to heaven for the first time together. With one small snap, the wings they all had heard the fluttering of so many times before were visible.
He had gasped at the sight. The colours and sizes all varied from Michael's ash grey wings that triumphed over all his siblings, down to Samandriel's small soft cream coloured wings. It had taken everything in him to not reach out and touch.
Samandriel's head dropped as he shifted a bit in place. "It's a rare occasion for… certain people when we allow them to be visible to the human eye."
"Oh…" he pulled his arms through his shirt and started working on the buttons. "Do they actually look how you showed them to me?"
"What you saw is the manifestation of my grace suitable to not burn your eyes out."
"Right, true form, not suitable for human eyes."
"Not suitable for earth in general," Samandriel stated. "My brothers told me that after the incident with the dinosaurs."
He stopped on the last button at the top as the comment sunk in. "Wait, wait, wait…" he grabbed Samandriel's shoulder and flipped the angel around to face him. "Your brothers killed the dinosaurs?!" 
"Michael says that it was our baby brother's fault but Gabriel always argued otherwise"
"What does he say happen to them?"
Samandriel shrugged, "never said."
He scoffed in disbelief. This is what his life had come to. "Can't ever have nice things huh?"
"With my many siblings?" He shook his head, "No."
"Well, come on." He bumped his shoulder and grabbed his bag. "At least we can have some nice things."
"What things?"
"A lot of things," he replied. "Or more importantly Ice cream."
"Ice cream?"
"Mhm," He hummed. "Best invention since pizza."
Samandriel smiled at him. "I've had neither."
"You can't be serious?"
"The times I've been on earth have all been for a reason. I mostly always stayed in heaven; guarded the souls."
Alfie grimaced. Every time the angel spoke about his purpose in the past, he only ever mentioned being the guardian of the souls. As if that was the one and only purpose he served. "Still," he argued, "I can't believe you've never had ice cream before?"
"I don't require food to live."
"Ice cream is not a requirement for life. Although some people would say otherwise—but forget that. Come on." He grabbed Samandriel's hand and dragged him out the door. 
The once bright sun was dimmed in a hued ombre of colours. He knew he was going to regret the baby blue button-up and shorts he had changed into very soon by the rate the sun was disappearing at.
"Where are we going?"
A slight tug on his hand had him stuttering in his steps. He halted and turned back around. "We have to show you the wonders of ice cream, Sammie." With another tug, the angel was steadily following him as he made his way around the corner and to a nearby ice cream vendor.
He dropped Samandriel's hand as he ordered and accepted the two vanilla cones before handing one to him.
"Cheers." He bumped the cones together before digging into his own.
Samandriel gave it a peculiar look before he too started to eat it.
"Do you like it?" He asked as he watched the angel's face for any indication.
"Most things taste like molecules."
"Are ice cream molecules any good at least?"
"They're… different." 
"Sweet," Samandriel repeated with a small nod, "like comfort."
"They call it comfort food for a reason."
"I can see why." He took another lick of the melting ice cream.
Alfie chuckled, "I'll take that as a yes then." Despite having something to concentrate on, he kept his gaze up. Time to pass that his eyes followed Samandriel's movements. The childish gleam as he lapped up the melting sugary treat. 
Alfie's own getting less attention and dripping to the napkin around the cone. He looked away from the still unsuspecting eyes as he licked the sticky sweetness from the edges of his fingers and the aftermath of the heat.
His heart beat heavily as he took a deep breath. The presence next to him demanded his attention and he could only ignore it for so long. A constant pain that left throbbing and bruising from where its impression first was. Something that only time would change and yet each second agony with a tied tongue.
A loud crunch brought his attention back to Samandriel. A small edge of the cone was gone from his ice cream, yet the evidence remained on the corner of his mouth.
Alfie lightly chuckled. "You have…" he gestured to the corner of his mouth.
Samandriel tilted his head.
"Here." He grabbed one of the clean napkins and closed the distance between them, wiping away the bit of ice cream on the corner of Samandriel's mouth.
"There you go…" his hand moved away but the rest of his body didn't. The small distance seemed to be almost smaller as he met Samandriel's eyes, dancing across his expression for something—anything to grasp onto. 
Samandriel quickly dropped his head from his gaze, staring down at the melting ice cream between them. "I don't; so you know," he said in nothing more than a whisper. "I don't regret my choice."
Alfie swallowed, he knew the conversation would come back around. "You chose humanity?" He still couldn't comprehend why. It had been more than his brothers and sisters, it was more than the people they had met. More than humanity.
"I chose people who love and care about me rather than an absent father I'd never met." His tone didn't falter as his words spilled from his mouth like a command. "There are many things to regret when you've lived as long as I have, but this is not one of them." He raised his head and allowed their eyes to meet. "I'd make the same choice a thousand times more."
His words echoed on the edge of devotion. A choice of right and wrong that only played at the end of the story. If mistake was the aftertaste to choice, Alfie wondered how his words would change. 
Yet when all was said and done, Samandriel had already made his choice. And truth be told, Alfie has chosen his as well. All those yes's that he gave without a second thought could have very well been the opposite. No hesitation for the angel's wanted return despite all the situations he knew were inevitable. 
"Then," Alfie slightly raised his ice cream, "to no regrets?"
He smiled. "No regrets," he repeated.
Alfie hurriedly finished his ice cream, disposing of their napkins as they walked aimlessly. A chill coursed his body, making him shove his hands into the pockets of his shorts. "It's getting dark."
"Home," Samandriel said. It wasn't a question so much a statement from the angel.
"So I'm walking you to a sandbox?" He questioned. "Not exactly too romantic if I have to say, and I've been on some pretty bad dates."
Samandriel scoffed at him. "No… I mean home." He held out his hand, palm up as if waiting for it to be taken.
Alfie looked down at the gesture, fingers twitching for the warmth that had escaped too soon. A free invitation on a dare mixed with the unsaid truth they both knew laid dormant. An unacting tease as the question really was: how long?
He obliged. The vice grip from earlier melted into their shared warmth as he carefully laced their fingers together. 
"Home?" He asked for confirmation.
Samandriel smiled, "home."
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strawborzoi · 4 years
Art Fight!
Hey folks! I’m gonna be doing art fight once again this year (Sixth year now!) I’ve updated all my characters and references in preparation.
My profile is here, username updated to be “Samadriel” as I don’t use “potato” anymore x3
What is art fight? It’s an art trading game for all skill levels held once a year during July! You make art for others to get points for your team (and get art in return)! But you can read more about it here ^^
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Watching Supernatural made me stronger. I can sometimes predict what happens. Deaths of side characters hurt, but I know it'll happen sooner or later and I just go with it. But there is one thing I'll never be ready for.
Torture. I mean, I KNOW it's show about demons and you have to count with torturing and so on, but seeing it on screen always throws me into a pit of despair. I can't get it out of my head for days.
Don't get me wrong, beatings aren't the thing. I am talking about Alastair. About Dean torturing Alastair. About Crowley torturing, well, half of the world in search for Purgatory in season 6. About slicing Kevin's finger. About Samadriel. And about much more to come.
I just wanted to ask if I am alone in this or this is some common empathic stuff. I enjoy the show, but screwsdriver into brain hounts me for days now.
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daintydoilypon · 3 years
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My Vaporeon pokesona that was designed by @samadriel-art ! Finally had a chance to draw her, yeehaw!
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flame-shadow · 3 years
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last day attacks!
[ @driftstar13, Jendra82, @samadriel-art, Sallymander, Cinderdraco, @bai-zewarrior ]
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anithasakura · 7 years
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Your song for me - Destiel - CAPITULO 4 "Canta para mí" (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/ZKKwNqsT2C Pocos días le quedaban a Castiel para entregar los cuadros de su próxima exposición, la mejor de todas había asegurado. Pero el pelinegro no contó con que la inspiración lo abandonara de forma tan cruelmente que no podía pintar nada. Un lienzo blanco y la voz de cierto rubio ¿despertará por fin la inspiración y tal vez algo más en Castiel?
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penpeaches · 3 years
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Attack for @samadriel-art
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