Wow, I remember four or five years ago I passed through this blog a lot to find good fics. And now, after all this time, when I return to the fanbase and look for fics, I find that this blog has continued to be alive and well! I'm very impressed. Thank you for what you do for the fanbase, myself and many others appreciate it. I hope all is well for you!
Hey Anon!
Thank you for paying my blog another visit after all this time :-) Even though I'm not as active as I used to be, I still try to update every now and then. I never left the fandom, and I'm happy to see there're still writers out there creating new Hetalia ed fanfics I can recommend here ^^ As for me, I'm currently lacking the time to focus on my writing due to work and my family life, but overall, I'm doing okay. I hope you're well, too! Take care! :)
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kiss the tears away
Title: kiss the tears away
Author: frankiocore
Main Character: Canada
Summary/Excerpt: Matthew sat on the bathroom floor and purged. Purged what felt like his guts were out too.
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Maturity does not equal age
Title: Maturity does not equal age
Author: WeirdLookingWolf
Main Character: America
Summary/Excerpt: America suffers in the long lasting aftermath of his childhood being ripped away too early.
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An utter lack of control
Title: An utter lack of control
Author: AsWeAreNow
Main Characters: America, England
Summary/Excerpt: America, already carefully balanced on the precipice of an eating disorder, relapses when he realizes that everyone in his life thinks he's lazy. He thinks just controlling himself a little will increase his discipline, and that in any case he can keep himself from spiraling. Clearly, he doesn't remember last time.
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Broken Leg
Title: Broken Leg
Author: StarthornFromScratch  
Main Character: America
Summary/Excerpt: He's exercising even on a broken leg, now.
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Title: Bored
Author: DumbLikeBreadxP  
Main Character: America
Summary/Excerpt: Life would be great if America weren't so bored.
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I've already got plans.
Title: I've already got plans.
Author: StarthornFromScratch  
Main Characters: America, England
Summary/Excerpt: England invites America on a trip, but he declines for one simple reason.
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Astronauts and Aliens
Title: Astronauts and Aliens
Author: DumbLikeBreadxP  
Main Characters: America, England
Summary/Excerpt: America and England have a talk in a restaurant. Which would probably be okay if America didn't engage in A+ self-sabotage strats.
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Sprained Ankle
Title: Sprained Ankle
Author: StarthornFromScratch
Main Character: America
Summary/Excerpt: His goal was three percent. Then, he would be acceptable- then he would fit in his own skin. He couldn't stop at an injury.
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Almost Too Late
Title: Almost Too Late
Author: Madaradaradara
Main Characters: England, America, France, Canada, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland
Summary/Excerpt: England has had enough. He doesn't think that he has anything left, so he attempts the unthinkable.
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Just a Bit of a Problem
Title: Just a Bit of a Problem
Author: orphan_account
Main Character: America
Summary/Excerpt: Alfred had a bit of a problem. Just a tiny, teeny-weeny problem.
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Looking Good
Title: Looking Good
Author: DumbLikeBreadxP  
Main Character: America
Summary/Excerpt: America wasn’t used to looking decent, so he struggled with how to feel.
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A Totally Great Time
Title: A Totally Great Time
Author: DumbLikeBreadxP
Main Character: America
Summary/Excerpt: America goes through his nice, simple morning routine. Which would probably make him feel better if he could just eat some food.
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Any rusame?
Hey Anon!
Yes, there are definitely some RusAme stories. I recommend you browse the Russia tag on my blog and check the summaries of the stories to find what you're looking for ;-) Take care!
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It’s been a while, but I finally managed to update my little Spamano story :)
Of Hide-and-Seeks
Title: Of Hide-and-Seeks
Link: AO3 / ff.net
Author: LindseyWells
Main Characters: Spain, South Italy/Romano
Summary/Excerpt: Spain’s smile speaks of an indestructible vitality, yet his eating habits tell a very different story. It takes Romano his whole life plus a 10-minute wait at a bus stop to figure this out.
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The Storm of Relapse
Title: The Storm of Relapse
Author: Anonymous
Main Characters: England, France
Summary/Excerpt: Gentle fingers stroking at his stomach transformed into clawing, nails digging harshly and unforgivingly into the disgustingly extended flesh that was saturated in fat underneath it. He wanted it off, wanted it ripped off of his once slimmer body.
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Hi! Do you know any fics that are (preferable long, but short works are also fine) about a character in highschool? With other hetalia characters as parents/guardians? I have no exact character preferences, just any fics wth this plot. Thank you in advance!
Hi Anon!
Thanks for your message! :-) I can't give you an exact recommendation for a story, but I guess there are plenty of High School AUs out there fitting your search criteria (most of which are probably FACE-family stories, I think). Since America is the character featured in most ed fics, I'd say you start your search by checking the America-tag on my blog. The story summaries usually state the character relationships and whether it's a High School AU or not ;-)
Also, everyone who reads this is welcome to leave fitting story recommendations for Anon in the comments. Thank you! ^^
I wish you all a lovely weekend! ♥
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