chipper-smol · 2 years
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When no one is looking...
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
LMK Theory: Red Son has the Tightening Fillet/Circlet
This is a theory based on what we see of Red Son's backstory, and how those in attendance peformed the ritual.
What if the reason why Red Son isnt a more "hands on" fighter than his family and seems to suffer more from his physical injuries, is because he has the Tightening Circlet affixed to him?
Much like what Sun Wukong was given to keep him in line during the pilgrimage, in Journey to the West; the ritual preformed to extract the Samadhi fire from Red Boy involved affixing him with *five* separate fillets. Another thing that fuels this theory of mine is his design as a baby; with a similar ring around his neck. I believe thats one of the fillets used to hold him down during the ritual.
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And what proves this theory more to me is the fact that during the actual ritual;
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Wukong isn't wearing his. If the ritual takes place during the Journey to the West, then neither Tripitaka or Guanyin wouldn't have trusted Wukong enough by this point to "unleash" him unless it was absolutely required to perform the ritual. And according to Journey to the West; the fillet only came off when Wukong achieved full self-control at the end of the pilgrimage. And this is the Monkey King we're talking about here. Self-control really didn't stick for him. What I think most likely happened was that Wukong was wearing the circlet during the ritual, but it's presence is partially what caused him to fumble his part. To give them a boost, Guanyin shatters the fillet into the five rings used to hold Red Boy down. In canon there ended up being 4 Rings of Samadhi due to Ao Lie's intervention, but what if Wukong's circlet, broken into five pieces, caused a Fifth Ring to form?
Right around Red Son's neck.
The Samadhi Fire is cut into enough pieces that it protects Mei from losing her control on it.
With either a fresh circlet, or Tripitaka trusting him enough to go without it for the rest of the journey, Wukong just accepts that Red Boy now had a power limiter that Guanyin could use to dicipline him with under her tutelage. It does seem like a very good insurance policy after all.
Given that the easiest way to stop a flame is to suffocate it.
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imminent-danger-came · 9 months
But you don't GET it. SANDY AND PIGSY DIRECTLY SAID ONE FRIEND WASN'T WORTH THE PRICE OF THE WORLD. THEY. THEY SAID THAT. PLAIN AS DAY. But that's easy to say when it's Azure. BUT WHEN IT'S MK- *security pulls me off stage and shoves me into the back of a van*
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kingsragesqueal · 2 years
ummmm bitch i just finished catching up w/ lmk and uh all i can say is????? what the fuck,,,
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
I have seen many yandere parental figure so how about yandere offspring? Like Yandere mk/nezha/redson/mei to his parental figure? How would their parental figure to their child "strange" behavior?
Yandere Children:
Red Son and Ne Zha
(This is the first time I’ve written romantic yandere for Y/N. Not too surprised that it was for Bull King and Iron Fan.)
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I like to think of this particular Y/N as a demon born of ice, someone who owes a serious debt to Princess Iron Fan.
When she finally calls it in, you head immediately to her fortified residence, seeing the former celestial standing outside with her husband, a small bundle in his arms.
You expect the worst, and prepare accordingly. The favor you owe is great- no task is beyond her asking. Your blessing, or a fragment of your power. Your service as a guard or war companion. Your compliance in a murderous scheme. But Princess Iron Fan does not wish for any of that.
Instead, she wants a babysitter.
“We were hoping… that you might be a suitable caretaker for our son. It could be that your natural affinity for ice will help to neutralize Red Son’s wielding of the Samahdi Fire.”
So the little boiling bundle is pushed into your icy arms, steam hissing and filling the air on contact.
His temperature lowers as yours rises, the little baby cooing and laughing at the humid mist swirling around you.
“…I didn’t know you had a son,” you say, poking the plumpness of his little scarred cheek. “And what a big and healthy thing he is, too.”
“A worthy heir to my throne!” The Demon Bull King proudly announces, watching closely as you handle his cherished son. Gently, you press a kiss to his bindi. Pulling away slowly, your lips leave a glittering ice-blue mark upon it, reading simply: 凛.
This is the life you settle into, a mostly peaceful passing of days spent playing with the growing boy and helping to tame his deadly flames.
Any time they grow out of control (and it happens frequently) you quickly reapply your blessing to his forehead, chilling his internal temperature and forcing his body to redirect the fire to heat himself up.
His parents watch on in awe, seeing you so easily and calmly reign in something so deadly and uncontrollable. You quickly become more than a temporary babysitter, given a lavish room furnished with every luxury that a demon could desire.
(Let’s be honest, there’s some real poly energy with you’ve got going on with PIF and DBK. ‘Live-in babysitter’, my ass.)
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As the three of you grow closer, so swells your bond with Red Son, serving as primary caretaker and educator. He’s a prodigal learner, taking quickly to magic especially. You learn that the boy has a knack for putting things together, spot-welding any pieces of metal he can find. These little jagged creations are often gifted to you, and you have a shelf entirely dedicated to displaying them. Often will he reject his own bed to sleep beside you, finding comfort in the coldness of your skin.
But, in spite of all sweetness…
Red Son is still a demon, things that are horribly powerful and often violent or deceitful, if not outright murderous.
And he grows to see Y/N as being something that belongs to the Demon Bull Clan. And sure, with the nearly unpayable debt you owe to Iron Fan and your budding relationship with his parents, he’s not exactly wrong.
A caretaker, a maid, a teacher, a mentor, a friend. These are all things you have become in grateful service to this powerful family. And eventually, all those things bleed to what they really what:
A spouse and a parent.
It’s hard to tell exactly when the shift in their perspective occurs, because their obsession is a slow, drudging creep. But the shift in their actions once they realize their obsession is instead blindingly quick.
One day you’re sitting down with Red to teach him calligraphy, gently and reassuringly fixing his brushstroke and complimenting every line he gets right, all while he demands to sit in your lap.
Then night falls and it is made very clear to you what your new role in the family in, complete with a shift in sleeping area and clothing.
You’re pressed flush between Iron Fan and Bull King as they slumber, dressed in a red silk gown and bearing purple-jeweled rings across many of your fingers. Red Son sleeps on your chest, his grip immovably tight.
And this is the new life you must grow accustomed to, either to repay your debt or perhaps… because you have come to like it.
Loved isn’t the worst thing to be, after all.
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(Personal headcanon: befitting his status as the Third Lotus Prince, most offerings given to Ne Zha consist of foods containing lotus seeds, lotus root, and lotus paste. At this point, he’s grown somewhat sick of the sweet taste. He actually prefers meat and vegetables.)
“Ne Zha,” you call, exploring the halls of his palace. “Little one, it’s time for dinner!”
All that meets your words is the clanging of metal and the tearing of leather. He’s training again, as always.
You push aside a silk curtain embroidered with many lotuses, revealing a well-stocked armory lined with dozen of training dummies.
And in the middle is a very worn-out Ne Zha, the little prince dripping with sweat.
“Little one,” you say, causing the boy’s sash to stand to attention, startled upwards like the tail of a cat. “What did I say about training so late?”
“I, um… I’m not supposed to train… so I won’t want to sleep in late to, um, make up for lost energy.”
“That’s right, sweetpea. Come on, let’s get something in your stomach. And then you’ll need a bath.”
“I already took a bath today,” he huffs, slotting his dual-tipped spear face-down into a holding pot. “I don’t need another.”
Timed to the click of your tongue, you swipe a finger across the young boy’s forehead, dragging a line in the built-up sweat. “I think you do, Ne Zha.”
“…hmph,” he pouts, his little cheeks puffing out. Though the prince is much too polite to outright refuse or go so far as to throw a tantrum, he still shows his displeasure in a quiet and mild way.
It’s one of the things you cherish most about him. Ne Zha is well behaved and rather mature, to the point where you have to encourage him to play and take breaks. It feels a little unfair, really, that someone so young has been saddled with so much responsibility.
You ply the Third Lotus Prince with plushies and paints, allowing him to explore avenues of creativity and make-believe. It’s nourishing for both his mind and body, a period of well-earned rest to slowly recuperate from the constant training he’s so insist on enduring.
In turn, he’s viciously protective of you, and often asks for your explicit attention over any other maidservant in the Celestial Realm.
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Expect him to ward off any would-be suitors by challenging them to duels. It’s a lose-lose scenario . They either somehow win and beat the hell out of a little boy, or, more likely, get the hell beaten out of them by a little boy. Either way, it’s not exactly something that endears them to you, watching grown men and women raise their blades to your protective charge.
Kissing his wounds and fixing his hair, doting on the little lotus prince as your would-be suitors seethe, wishing that they were the ones receiving your attention.
Eventually, Ne Zha will properly dress himself (that’s a lie, he needed your help) for an audience with several important deities in the Celestial Realm, he asks for your permanent placement as his personal parent maidservant.
And what reason do they have to deny such a loyal warrior?
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menaceoffandoms · 1 month
LMK analysis rant: Mei
I said I was gonna do this and I'm keeping to my word! The only thing that may stop me is my procrastinating... and the fic I'm slowly writing but uhhhhh-
ANYWAY- We're here to talk about Mei, our favourite white horse dragon pepper girl!
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Mei stands out as the most different from her inspiration, something the writers perfectly portray in the yellow-robed demon episode of s4, which is likely to do with how little they had to go off of. Despite being one of the pilgrims in jttw, Ao Lie dose very little in the novel. His most notable chapters being when he's introduced and when the group faces the yellow-robed demon, which is why we met him in that memory in the scroll. Combined with my belief that Mei isn't a reincarnation of Ao Lie -- just his descendent -- means that Mei is one of the most unique characters in the entire show.
There's just less source material for her to draw from, it let's the writers have more fun and do more things. It's not that they don't make the others characters unique -- they like to play very fast and loose with things over all -- but Mei feel like her own complete and original character. She's inspired by Ao Lie in the same way Mk is inspired by Monkie King basically and she all the better for it.
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Being the female lead (isn't it interesting how most of the female characters in this show are villans?), Mei is a refreshingly strong, confident girl who begins the show as the most powerful cast member. Being a descendent of the great dragon gives her amazing powers that no other cast members have, a birth right that leads to her being the most protective of her friends and the first to help out in any fight.
What she has in power, however, she lacks in experience. Mei has no mentor -- other than her parents, but I believe its safe to assume they weren't very focused on teaching her combat -- which leads her to trust her gut more, rush into things and learn through observation, like when she mimics what her great x1000 uncle did in s3.
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Overall Mei is an excitable, energetic and loving person with a "You only live once" kinda attitude, for lack of a better explanation. Even still, she has her own insecurities and flaws which make her all the more interesting. Due to the shows run time, Mei and many of the other main characters don't really get explored as much as Mk, however what we do see of these struggles and fears is incredibly interesting even on a surface level.
Her tendency to rush head first into danger without first examining the situation or creating a plan, truthfully, tends to work out for her, but it can't always. It's something shown perfectly in s4, when Mei is the only member of the group to not get a star from Master Subohdi, however what a lot of people seem to miss is how Mei actually did earn that star eventually.
When they leave the temple and head to the celestial realm to try and stop Azure, Mei leads them there with no plan at all. As such, they fail and need to be saved by Mk. Faced with proof of Subohdi's criticism, Mei makes the more important amendment to Mk's plan in the s4 special. I don't think we've even seen Mei make a serious plan until this point, which feeds back in to another one of her flaws: being unable to take things seriously.
This isn't something I see said about Mei often, but when watching her character I think it's externally obvious. Don't get me wrong, Mei can be serious, but usually only in moments of vulnerability or high stress. For example: when talking with her pearents, after she gained the Samahdi fire and whilst imprisoned by the Yellow-robed demon.
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I think this flaw is Mei's own version of Mk playing dumb. They both behave this way to lessen the emotional impact of serious things, to protect themselves and help those around them deal with trauma or difficult topics. Mei and Mk really are two sides of the same coin and I'd love for them to do more with that in the show.
Going back to Mei's parents, one of her biggest struggles is reconciling who she is with who she's meant to be. She is a noble dragon, a descendent of the great dragon of the West Sea and practically the successor to Ao Lie. It's a lot to live up to and -- evident in episode 3 of season 1; Welcome home -- she doesn't believe she dose.
Mei is confident in her abilities, she's sure of her strength and quick to help those around her, but in the face of her legacy she stands uncertain. It's another thing her and Mk have in common, though in vastly different flavours, and it's interesting how this legacy colours Mei as a character.
She wields the dragon blade, proving herself as a worthy part of her family and gaining the approval of her parents, however the stark difference between her and the rest of her clan is more blatant than ever. We see this perfectly in season 3 when they visit the great Dragon of the East Sea, Mei being put into fancy clothes she instantly ruins in order to have a place to hold her sword. She fights against her uncle, fights against her family, because she knows they'll never understand her. But even still, she knows she's still one of them and she's so proud to be.
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Becoming the vessel of the Samahdi fire is only more proof of Mei's legacy and connection to her family. It gives her a moment of pure vulnerability where she vents her frustrations and fears before rushing away, wanting nothing more than to protect the people she cares about.
When Red Son finds her she's still serious, but even with just a basic understanding of the fire within her Mei falls back to her normal nature; a silly excitable girl not taking things seriously. We see this after Red Son attacks her with the spears and when she's eating later on, but even if her attitude doesn't show it, she's still listening and taking the training seriously. She just needs to be silly so she won't freak out again.
Since we're on the topic of the Samahdi fire, I think most people can agree that the way it was handled post s3 was very poor. With only one mention of it in s4, by Master Subohdi no less, I assumed that the fire had been resealed, this time correctly. Something that dangerous should be locked up, even if a capable wielder is around. It would also prevent power creep and stop the show from having another Wukong predicament, by which I mean a character so powerful they need to find a way to prevent them from trivialising whatever threat they have to face in the plot. Wukong will get his own post soon don't you worry...
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Instead, we learn in s5 that Mei still has the fire, she just kinda forgot? She learned to fully master it when breaking out of LBDs mech, so since the fire was no longer a raging uncontrollable inferno she just didn't realise it was still there... for an entire season. Yeah it feels lazy and honestly is probably the worse written choice the show has even made. Even still, it dose lead to a very interesting and in character moment for Mei.
When attempting to seal the willow wisp with Red Son, Mei loses her confidence, believing that she lost the Samahdi fire and thinking she's lacking. Mk getting Monkie Kings powers was one thing, but the rest of her friends now having cool weapons and magic? If their all so strong and only getting stronger, then what's the point in Mei? She was the strongest but now she might be the weakest, and that terrifies her cause if she's weak she can't protect people. How can she act when she's powerless to do so?
This dilemma is quickly resolved by Red Son telling her she's had the fire the whole time, amending it's use to Mei's lightning motif she's had since s1 -- I know fire benders in ATLA use lighting but come on -- and basically saying she's been using the fire the whole time. It takes away from Mei's whole struggle to be honest, but I do think there's potential for her to relearn this now tamed Samahdi fire so she can better use it. Just depends if the show wants to do that...
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Moving on from my thinly veiled complaints about season 5 (I like it I swear but it is the weakest seasons to me so far), let's talk about Mei's role in the group a bit. Aside from being the token girl, she's also Mk's best friend and the only other character his age and acts around the same age as the shows target audience. Mk's the main character and leader, Tang is the lazy historian smart guy, Sandy the loveable giant, Pigsy the cynical brute and Mei's youthful and silly power house.
I would love to go into some narrative tropes, specifically the 5 man band since jttw is one of the primary bases of the trope, but I've realised I have far too many thoughts about that to fit here. This is the 21sh paragraph and I'm sure at least some of this is a mess, but I hope I'm getting my point across! Overall, Mei is an extremely compelling character how often gets side-lined due to run time and other stuff, but is honestly one of my favourite characters in the show.
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clambuoyance · 1 year
How do you feel about Kai having the Samahdi Fire from Lego Monkie Kid?
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Someone asked me about it before i think and I’ve seen others do it too, its definitely a cool concept :)
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totallynotokguys · 29 days
Lego Monkie Kid Rewatch: Season 3
Episode 10, Samadhi Fire Part 1/2
Just a warning, I do talk about season 5 for a moment, but I'll try to keep it labeled and separate so you can easily skip over it without getting spoiled if you want.
Now that I know a bit of the Journey to the West, I have only just realised how impossible it would be for the pilgrims to be here helping baby Red Son.
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No way could this rage baby Red Son have thought up clever scheams to catch and eat Tang Sanzang the way JTTW Red Son did. Not to mention at the end JTTW Red Son ended up going to Guanyin's villain reform program.
On the other hand, I don't believe the sealing of Samadhi Fire would have happened before the journey. Wukong is clearly wearing his post-pilgrimage get up and the pilgrims all act like they know each other.
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All of this to say, just how many differences are there between the show's journey and the novel's.
Then again, the fact that Iron Fan and Bull King are still in love and married should have been the first tip off for me.
Season 5 Spoiler Talk
I am curious, are all of these differences a result to Nine-Headed Demon's interference? What the heck did the guy have to do to insure Red Son would be born late enough to be baby during Tang Sanzang's life time? Is the Nine-Headed Demon responsible for the Samahdi fire being so out of control in a young Red Son? In JTTW, Red Son still wields it and has great control over it.
"For the Samahdi fire to be split in three, you must harmonise you're energies!"
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These three? Harmonise? A hard headed demon king, a sentient rock monkey, and a duty bound celestial ex-mortal? Sanzang was basically asking for failure here.
Wukong: 'Psssh, this is easy.'
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Also Wukong:
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Ao Lie just took a blow for Sanzang!
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The notorious, lets everything go to chaos in a box around him while continues to be horse actually stepped up and took action. Now I know for sure this is post-pilgrimage! Character development!
Reprimands in sarcasm and bonks heads when annoyed.
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Brother coded, brother coded, brother coded, brother coded
"Alright, you win."
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In the last episode when Tang said this it was more from Macaque's perspective and thus Tang sounded desperate and hopeless. He really seemed like he'd given up.
Now, thanks to these three shots… everything feels different. Same lines, same delivery. But now I believe Tang isn't giving up. He's got a plan!
I have not talked enough about the sound design in this show! I love the sounds they use for magic. I'm pretty sure that each magic user plus each different power their unique chime/gong! Examples:
Tang's has a very clear and simple ring.
Ne Zha's sounds like fairy twinkle lights, all light, airy, and chimey.
Wukong main magic is like a bamboo thunking against a stone, or a a small stone creating ripples in a pond. Wish I knew what made this sound. I have been conditioned to be hyped every time I hear it.
Interestingly, MK's magic sounds the same. I believe this is what further fed into the belief that Wukong had gifted MK his magic instead of it coming from the kid. The shows own little misdirection!
But really, I think the reason for the similarity in their magic, both ability and sound, stems from them both being made by Nuwa as celestial stone monkeys.
The whole reason I thought to bring it up was this transition. We go from a third person perspective to looking through Wukong's eyes. and the first thing to clue us in that this is happening is the sound of Wukong's gold vision activating before suddenly the image blinks gold and we find ourselves zooming out of Wukong's eyes as he watches the scene from far away.
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The way they did this was such a cool transition as well as an awesome example of how the golden vision works! Superman, you wish you're eye powers were this cool!
"Let's hope my aim is as good as it used to be."
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AKA: "If I skewer you, it's totally because I missed and not because I'm still angry at you and taking petty revenge."
Red, blue, green. Long ago, the three Samadhi Fires were separated and the great destruction was extinguished.
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Only when the three colors are found again can they unite and create- PINK FIRE!
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Wai- what? That's not how color theory works. How did I never notice before? The full might of the Samadhi Fire is pink.
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Love the shattered chains, and the washing away of the blue aura to symbolize LBD's hold over him being broken.
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"Someone get some water!"
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I'm surprised he didn't throw snow at her. Its right there.
Anyone else think it's really cool that Wukong can just pull Macaque out of his shadows?
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Like, no one else has been able to do that!
Ah, so Tang didn't have a plan. He just did it because it felt right. shakes my head Oh Tang, and for a moment I thought you were competent.
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Seriously though, I am now forever scarred by the word destiny. I hate it.
"I hate to interrupt, but can someone explain what is going on!"
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No please interrupt. We need you MK! You're the only one who could possible salvage this situation. Everybody else just keeps making it worse!
Macaque- ignoring the child in fiery pain to celebrate his freedom.
Wukong- lashing out at the closest person marginally at fault (that isn't him).
Ne Zha- voice of doom declaring the girl and world as a lost cause.
Like, great job everyone. Way to solve your problems.
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The Hot Water Tea Incident
MK: Which one of you was gonna tell me tea tastes different if you put it in hot water?
Mei: You were putting in cold water...?
Redson: Noodle Boy, answer the question Noodle Boy
MK: Yeah, I thought for like five years people just put into hot water to speed up the "Tea-ification process" Didn't realize there was an actual reason.
Mei: You don't have patience to microwave water for 3 minutes?!
Redson: Why are you...Putting it in the microwave...To BOIL it?
Mei: Do you think I have patience to boil water on a stove?!
Redson: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat, and it boils in like two minutes. Less than that and you use a sauce pan.
Mei: You're putting the whole mug on the stove? At medium heat?! Your stove is enchanted.
Tang: Every single person in this shop is a fucking lunatic...
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centuryberry · 7 months
Shadowiceflower Adventures
Otherwise known as "Macaque's Extended Bachelor Party" or "What Happened While Wukong and Yue Were Away"
A Brief Summary: For once, Macaque doesn't just sit and wait for Wukong to come back home. Instead, he goes out with Shanzha and RinRin to make some memories and maybe leave a mark on the world.
Macaque, Shanzha, and RinRin last about one (1) week without Wukong and Yue before they break down and cry. They just miss them so much.
After a night of getting completely hammered together, RinRin gets the bright idea of going on an adventure - just the three of them. Macaque is reluctant to leave FFM but eventually agrees.
The three start small: They visit the Demon Bull Family first.
Everything is pretty chill until Red Son starts to lose control of his Samahdi Fire. Shanzha manages to ease the flames with her ice powers and buy Macaque and RinRin some time as they search for a specific flower known to help manage and repress demon powers.
Red Son is (temporarily) saved though the event makes PIF and DBK consider asking for celestial help since their son's abilities mostly come from the celestial side of the family.
The trio move on. They stop by a Demon Night Market so they can buy rare wares and trinkets for Yue and themselves.
RinRin meets an unpleasant Owl yaoguai and decides to steal their lantern so she can gift it to Macaque. This sets off a chain of events that gets the trio into trouble. They somehow get out of the ordeal intact and alive. Shanzha is upset at RinRin's riskiness but Macaque is moved by the gift.
From there, the trio decides to visit Macaque's homeland. The lands were ruined and ransacked and were a sad sight to see.
Macaque, Shanzha, and RinRin stay in the Macaque Spirit Clan's castle overnight and discover that it's haunted. Or, more like, RinRin is painfully aware that it's haunted while Macaque (part of the bloodline) and Shanzha (a shrine maiden) are oblivious until RinRin decides to deal with the ghosts.
Instead of putting them to rest, Macaque uses his new lantern to give the ghosts shadow forms. They now guard the lands, keeping outsiders out. They also acknowledge him as the current Macaque Spirit King.
Since the Spirit Macaque Clan territory is located between FFM and LoES, they use the land to gather all of the FFM soldiers and generals willing to throw down with some snow monkeys for sending a child bride.
Macaque, RinRin, and Shanzha enter the territory first to gather information and stir up some shit. RinRin and Shanzha give Macaque a makeover and sit back and laugh as LoES falls over themselves to impress and court Macaque.
Macaque gets the ego boost of his life. While he really doesn't have to do anything, he takes the initiative to learn from RinRin how to flirt and seduce. He also learns from Shanzha all the underhanded tricks that the residents of LoES might pull on him. He flourishes during his time there.
Though, in their information-gathering, the trio slowly realizes that there's a conspiracy afoot. They dig a bit too deep and are imprisoned by a clan leader who isn't as moved by Macaque's looks (unfortunately).
Enter: Nezha, who had been scouring everywhere to find the three so he could bring them up to Heaven. He breaks them out of jail and ends up getting tangled as the monkeys continue to unravel a concerning thread of thralls and followers of a Bone Demon.
Nezha was insistent that they come with him at first but then he saw the state of LoES firsthand and witnessed children's lives being threatened daily.
LoES child: "There's a God that Protects Children?"
Nezha: (devastated at their disbelief)
Nezha was onboard with helping after that. He was the one who would evacuate the children whenever the scheming trio upended a clan and dethroned its thralled leaders. Eventually, he was the one who led the charge against the Zodiac Monkey Clan when civil war broke out.
There's this one moment when Macaque enters the compound and finds the room Yue used to live in with Shanzha and RinRin. It was so small and bare and it broke his heart seeing it.
LBD's influence over the clan made it more hellish than it already was. Many of the clan members were all too happy to back Shanzha as the new heir and leader. Anything to escape LBD and Yishan's rule.
Shanzha and Yishan (the Thrall) engage in a one-on-one inheritance battle. Shanzha nearly takes his arm off with her arrows. Yishan nearly takes an eye out but scars her instead. The fight ends up as a draw because of Erlang Shen's entrance, forcing Yishan and LBD to flee.
Erlang Shen takes an exhausted Nezha and the Scheming Trio up to Heaven where they are reunited with Yue and Wukong.
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py-dreamer · 10 months
How some of our favourite legos sneeze ig
Weird thought but have you every thought of how certain characters sneeze?
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Firstly because of Wukong's association with clouds (some people draw him with fluffy hair)
So like what if he sneezes out little clouds?
Also like he does like a thing where he kinda shoots out like little glowing particles? Like a volcano shooting rocks in it's eruption (since Wukong'sca stone monkey) but with light instead?
Xiaotian is very similar cause the have the same powers but the glow particles are more clouds than rocks.
I've also seen the idea of baby mk turning into bebe monke when he sneezes so I've decided to thrown that in.
Similarly, Xiaojiao is a dragon and Ao guang has the horns & scales & stuff so she should be capable of that too so I applied the same logic to her as I did Xiaotian.
She doesn't sneeze out clouds but does poof into her semi-dragon form.
And instead of clouds we get...FIYAHHHHHHHH
(This girl is on FIREEEEEEEEEEEE)
I know eastern dragons spit water but Mei had the samahdi fire and made it green
I low-key made Mei look a bit like the Warden from minecraft XD cause the gradient on her horns.
Also gave a go at drawing mechanic wukong, I saw a piece where he had a ponytail and wanted to give it a shot...Needless to say it took some finessing
(Kinda looks like he's blowing out clouds though)
I might do Red Son, Mac and Nezha later
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
was thinking about SWK JTTW stone egged au and had some kinda angsty shadowpeach ideas! sorry for the long ask in advance, love you're ideas <3<3<3 no one in heaven realized that 5 phases could trigger the stone egg process, and neither did the monkeys, but Macaque coming around and giving Wukong company and food kept it from triggering. but then their falling out happens. without Macaque to keep the isolation+lack of food+being in the ground from triggering the stone egg creation process Wukong starts cooking up a kid.
when the time comes for the JTTW Wukong has only had an egg cooking for roughly 450 hundred years so the egg isn't done. Wukong knew his body was doing something but he didn't know what, he gets released to find himself with a slight baby bump and he and his new master are very confused. he ends up spending his journey pregnant, and is not the most happy with it at first but grows far too attached to his potential infant to risk losing the egg. this actually has the affect of making Wukong more determined to change, for the sake of giving his infant a better life. he also ends up keeping his stone egg as much a secret as possible due to the enemies he has that may try to take advantage of this.
his encounter with Macaque goes much the same as it does in the og JTTW/canon LMK, but in this version Wukong doesn't get the chance to tell him he's with child. Macaque unknowingly does/tries to do something that would ultimately harm if not kill the egg, Wukong panicks and unable to dodge in time attacks and hits Macaque just a little too hard in the side of the head. wukong is torn between feeling horrid for killing his best friend/mate, but knows that if he had let anything happen to his egg he'd never forgive himself for it. even if Macaque didn't know he's not sure he'd be able forgive him either if something happened to the egg.
due to being brought out of the ground early the remaining development for the stone egg happens slower over the next couple of centuries, meaning the pregnancy lasts well after the end of his journey. (when the samahdi fire splitting happens he's the only one wearing armor despite being the most immortal person present not to protect himself but in hopes it would protect the egg). this leads to time passing in a way that means he's on the verge of popping during the canon s1-s3 of lmk. the others find out pretty quickly why exactly Wukong was "retired", and much like his brothers from his journey keep him from doing anything too dangerous. there was much fussing over him after the spider queen's attack due to his power being drained like that. Wukong also has a lot of mixed emotions about Macaque returning in s1.
Wukong ends up finally having his egg between s3-s4, leaving his infant in MK's hands during the s4 debacle.
but Macaque only ends up finding out Wukong was in the process of having a kid during/after the s3 special. I'm currently thinking if it would be good for him to find out because MK warned him to be careful when fighting a possessed Wukong, not just for his own sake, but to be weary of hurting the stone egg so close to term. and macaque's just like, "the what" but doesn't have the chance to ask questions before the fight, and he has a lot of questions
Guess this makes the infant in the Stone Egg somehow bith older and younger than the main cast. Guess this makes it the "slow boiled stone egg au" XD
Macaque accidentally delaying the process by feeding and interacting with Wukong before their official breakup.
Wukong spending the Journey getting hit by all the symptoms of pregnancy during those 9-14 years. Many foes back off just by the tired firey glare in the King's eyes.
Wukong wanting to tell Macaque whats happening, but the current conflict being too dangerous. Macaque dying, whether by Wukong's hand or other, and being dragged away into Diyu by eerie blue chains...
Wukong never managed to tell Macaque about the Egg in that lifetime.
Wukong spending the next hundreds of years in isolation while his egg *slow-bakes*. He's convinced that the Egg's presence at the Samadhi Fire was what caused the Rings to Split and hit Ao Lie. He blames himself for centuries believing that his body subconciously draining life force of others is what ultimately killed his friends, even if the actual cause was from something like old age or battle.
By isolating himself, he accidentally causes his body to *turn down the heat* and extend the process even longer.
And ofc the whole debacle with MK getting created. The little Monkey Kid was super inconvienent for the king to care for - he geniunely believed that keeping MK whilst the Stone Egg was still draining life force could kill the cub. So SWK is forced to give the little toddler up to save his life.
When him and MK finally reunite, its a little awkward but MK immediately understands the reason for the Monkey King's retirement.
MK, meets SWK: "Whoa! The Monkey King!!! Why did you-" Wukong: *looks ready to pop. fur is a mess, is wearing pyjamas.* MK: "...OH!" Wukong: "Yeah." MK: "Um... congrats? Who's the other parent?" Wukong: "There isn't any. I'm making it on my own." MK, thinking its a bad breakup situation: "oh ok. I guess you're owed some long-overdue paternity leave, huh?" Wukong, gritted smile: "You have no idea."
MK only asks about the schematics on the Egg after Wukong makes a comment about being "like this longer than even Lao Tzu's mother". He returns to Pigsy's that evening silent with a horrifed look on his face.
New Years does not go smoothly. The Spider Queen can sense that theres a new life within the King, but she decides its an issue for after the takeover.
DBK frees himself, not only from the fear of losing his wife and his son, but also out of fury that Wukong had been hiding his condition for so long!! Any resentment surrounding the Bull's imprisonment is forgiven due to a certain offer...
DBK: "Don't be so relieved simian. The only reason you still breathe is because of your condition-" Wukong: "Hey, wanna be their godfather?" DBK: "I WOULD BE HONORED, DEAR XIANDI!"
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PIF demands a proper baby shower when she hears about it from her excited husband later.
Macaque has... suspicions when he and Wukong finally meet again in S1. He makes a comment about the king being "out of shape", but becomes concerned when his Sun refuses to fight in any way that leaves his stomach exposed.
"The Shadow Play" becomes more a plan to trap the Monkie Kid gang for answers. MK spills the beans. Macaque stares blankly for a minute before yelling in frustration. It's too much emotional baggage to process right now! Then ofc he gets kidnapped by the Mayor and is forced to work for LBD - now with the additional threat that she will harm the Stone Egg if Macaque fails her again...
Wukong still falls to LBD's possession. She tries to offer protection for the Stone Egg in exchange for the world - but Wukong refuses to answer and gets the drop on him.
Macaque breaks the King from his possession by casually placing a curious hand on his swollen stomach, smiling in a way Wukong hadn't seen in centuries. "I know," is all that is said as the two monkeys allow their foreheads to touch.
LBD is unexpectedly destroyed by the Stone Egg itself. She did not count upon the Egg recognising her as a yummy source of spirtual energy as she was possessing it's parent. LBD soul is literally devoured as the Stone Egg responds to Wukong and Macaque's reconcillation. MK is a little disturbed, but glad that the demoness is gone-gone.
Until the newly unpossessed Monkey King doubles over in pain and cries for the Bodhisattva to help him. Guanyin is on the scene in seconds, glaring at her little brother angrily. Half the gang stare jaws dropped at what is happening while the rest are panicking.
After many hours of painful labor with Macaque clutching his hand for support, Wukong *finally* greets his baby for the first time.
Her dark fur is hard to ignore. As well as the ice-blue eyes that stare between the two monkeys with wonder. And the little excited chirps she makes that sing the tune of Wukong's favorite songs. Everyone in the Monkie Kid gang, the Demon Bull family, and any present celestials are crying with joy.
Yuebei Xing is celebrated across the many Realms as the first Stone Monkey to be born from a Stone Egg in milennia. Gold Star comes down from Heaven in person to bless her arrival.
Then S4 happens and puts some speed bumps in shadowpeach's makeup in raising the little newborn chaos monkey. Her eye lazers come in a little later than expected... singeing Azure Lion's fur as he goes to take the Jade Emperor's throne. All present, including members of the Brotherhood, laugh at the coincidence.
Yuebei's whole family are willing to *destroy* the divine animals if even dare touch a single hair on her little head.
The retrieve Yuebei after they enter the palace and see the three usurpers beaten to a pulp. The infant monkey rolling around on her butt as she giggles. Azure begs the crew to "please take her back".
Wukong and Macaque are so proud of their super-delayed baby girl. :3
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Me looking at the track record of things being sealed in this show, knowing there is a non-zero chance the seal on the Jade Emepror's power doesn't break, also knowing that Wukong has a habit of hurting himself when he feels he needs to ("Yeah well- you gotta crack a few eggs to make an omlete" "You know, and do you in the omlete story!" "Did you forget the part where I got super hurt?" *strangles 3x01 with my bear hands*):
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mysticcroissant · 4 months
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Screenshot redraw! Destiny swap au
I swapped Chang E as the one who guards the map to the ring of the Samahdi. Nezha went on with his life (still immortal) way more in touch with modern stuff than Chang E, but he isn't the nicest guy to be around. And constantly dodging responsibilities as well as anything that has to do with what he is or the celestial realm and junk like that.
(Note: The characters personalities are the same. (Except for LBD, Ink Demon, and Sqider Queen and her henchmen. They secretly try to help MK throughout the story) The character I didn't change at all is MK besides the fact he's being taught by Macaque.)
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cipherstuffs · 5 days
thinking about how many Samahdi fire au’s you could make. like the fire could’ve landed in anyone at the sealing
but it landed in ao lie!
like what if it was Wukong? Or nezha? Or even Tripitaka!
theirs a lot you could do
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smilesatdawnmain · 7 months
in your different AU‘s, will some characters have drastically different personalities?
I’m not sure if it’s necessarily “drastic” but there are definitely differences in their personalities.
I’ll write if there are any~
MK is very- untrusting, is the best way to put it. He trusts those he loves, but doesn’t trust a stranger at face value. He 100% believes everyone is lying until proven otherwise. He doesn’t trust anyone to keep their word- and infact is more on guard when someone “swears to do something/promises things”
While he is a very kind soul, he doesn’t often cry. Not to say his can’t be moved by emotions, but things don’t affect him at that deep of a level anymore. Even good things.
His abilities only really match to Wukong’s except his ability to dream of the future. This ability came from Macaque.
He’s far more similar to Nezha in how he dresses and fights. As well as his sense of honor. Things like cheating and breaking vows/promises is very upsetting to him.
Hesitant to cause any real injury to anyone.
The Day the World Eclipsed
MK : extremely trusting and loving- probably naively so. Grew up being able to trust everything around him, thus is far more susceptible to manipulation.
He has no reason to distrust anyone or feel concern they might be lying.
His fighting style takes off more of both Macaque and Wukong, as his powers take after both as well.
More playful fighting, not willing to cause any actual harm.
He’s the perfect little mix of both his parents. Bubbly and sweet, yet easily able to switch to a more conniving little trickster at the drop of a hat.
The Tragedy of Six (this is the Au with the biggest difference)
MK: while his playful nature and attitude towards his friends are the same as all the other MK’s, it is with enemies that MK might show the greatest change.
Far more quick to violent tendencies. Can cause harm, and isn’t against doing so if needed.
Very curious of the world, but grew up being told it is corrupt and beneath him, so sometimes that mindset shows in how he interacts with others.
He is very protective of his family- almost boarder-lining on possessive.
His fighting style does have a lot of Nezha’s influence, but it is Erlang that he learned the most from.
Red Son: while Red Son is the same in all my Au’s, this is where his personality differs. He’s far more cautious in this Au.
Feeling both responsible as the oldest, he also has a large sense of fear since he has had the Samahdi fire since birth.
He is calmer. Not to say his anger management issues are gone, but he works twice as hard to keep them under control.
He struggles with abandonment issues. Always assuming everyone is going to leave him- and for good reason. It’s just a matter of time, in his mind
Mei: in this Au, her general bubbly spirit and happy go lucky attitude is the same.
She is prone to more illegal shenanigans, impatient as she tends to be, yet she meditations far more frequently.
And influence from Nezha, you’d be surprise how often you find her meditating without someone prompting her to do so.
She’s claimed the other children and Nezha as her family, and she is not keen to share. And similar to Emerald, she often quietly wonders of her own heritage.
Worried that she isn’t enough as a “Dragon” since she doesn’t fully understand what it means to be one.
She really really doesn’t get along with Xiaoxiao~ (the siblings that are always fighting)
And that is all I can really think that is drastically different for the characters of each au. Most everyone’s personalities are the same except for the differences here :3
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