#same with if you call me at 6 AM to have a friendly chat. like i will eviscerate you
boytoycowboy · 1 year
i’m gonna maim my next door neighbor.
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martiandmichelle · 4 months
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OK, it's time to tell the story all my friends are on me to tell. . .
I'll start by explaining this blurry photo (as taken by my associate Kaatje). The morning the Southeast exhibition of my Agency opened (at 9:00 am) those of us who had a display booth were asked to be ready for an inspection by the staff beginning at 7:30. The convention center was nice enough to open for us at 5:30. The previous night I had gotten a call from one of the organizers asking if I could be ready by 7:00 and I'm like "Sure!" since I'm a morning person anyway. I arrived at 6:00 dressed as in the photo (it was unusually cold outside for early Spring). As many of you know who have attended these kind of things, the flow when you walk into the arena is usually you go right and the last booth you see are the ones of the far left. Well, I was the far left booth - though it was an unusually large booth. So I should be the last one anybody visits, right? Well, read on.
The lady pictured whose booth was next to mine was an absolute riot - friendly and funny. She's a 6'4" trans lady named Melodee. She and I hit it off immediately: short me with the monster boobs and tall Melodee with the long legs and schlong. We had chatted for maybe 10 minutes when I grabbed my bag to go change (after agreeing to go with her and her trans friends to a bar that night - "they're going to LOVE you!" she said) when suddenly her smile change to a gasp with an OMG look on her face. "What?" I asked.
"It's him, it's Mr. G------! The global CEO!" She acted like she was putting something on a table in her booth when there was actually nothing in her hand. "Be careful," she said quietly. "He's an absolute bastard." Then she exclaimed "And, oh fuck, he's coming this way!"
Melodee was suddenly a nervous wreck. I wasn't sure what to do; I mean, I've fucked my share of wealthy, powerful men and stared down plenty of assholes in the past so I just held on to my bag and smiled as he approached.
As he approached a big smile lit his face. "Good morning, ladies," he said as he got close. "You're Melodee, right?" he said shaking her hand. "What's wrong?" he then asked her shocked face.
"Nothing, sir. I mean I'm just surprised you remember my name," she answered.
"Not at all," he said. "It's important to remember someone's name, and, besides, I hear good things about you. Congratulations!" She blushed and nodded a thank you. He turned to me. "And you must be Miss Marti. I've been dying to meet you!" He reached out his hand and I took it. "Very anxious to meet you indeed," he repeated then bent and kissed my hand. I could see Melodee behind him mouth a long "Wooooow!" in my direction. He turned to Melodee and asked "May I borrow your neighbor for a few minutes?" She nodded and he directed me to the back of my booth.
"But you are at a disadvantage," he said when we turned to face each other. "Here, my name is Bas. Well, Bas G-------. But I won't you to call me Bas," he seemed more nervous than I felt. "It is only fair for me to say that I am the Global CEO of -------------- (my Agency) but I want you to forget that. I am here this morning because I wanted to tell you without others around that I am a huge fan of yours." His eyes roved to my chest, stayed for a few seconds then came back to my face. "Yes, a VERY BIG fan. And I wanted to thank you for all you do for the Agency's business and for my eyes - and, well, other parts, too!"
Where was this asshole Melodee warned me about? He was being very nice and charming. Bas was tall, the same height as Melodee, gray haired, nice looking, and fit, especially for a man in his late 60's. But I was most impressed by how this very wealthy and, in this circle at least, very powerful man only wanted to talk about me. So we had a very pleasant 15 minute talk, we laughed some, he spent a lot of time staring at my breasts - which I enjoyed - and then he had me autograph one of my photos for him.
When he took my hand to say goodbye, he had one last thing to add. "I am, unfortunately, very busy with business this weekend during the show, but I have cleared my lunch time today. Would you join me?" I said "yes" and he beamed, made our lunch plans, then left to spend a bit of time with the other girls and guys who were showing.
When he was away from Melodee and I she grabbed my arm as I left to go change. "Girl," she said. "That man adores you!" I waved her off and went to change.
I'll stop there. More to come!
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bobby-r2d2-floyd · 1 year
the nanny part 3 | hangman x reader (saturn)
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note: finally a longer one? ish? it took a minute to write because i had a headache every day for the last week and then i had a take home organic chemistry exam that i needed to get done (gotta maintain that 4.0, school is important kids!)
warnings: swearing, very light angst, jake is pinning, saturn is in a relationship. lowkey jake is a simp.
i don't think that this is a warning but i've not explicitly said this either, but any female character i write is bisexual. of that isn't your cup of tea, i'm sorry.
word count: 2.6k
not beta'd we die like men.
inspired by: @roosterforme
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Jake was a mess. 
For no reason, honestly. He had typed out, deleted, retyped, deleted again, and then said said fuck it and opened up his notes app to try and type a message out to you about this weekend. All this weekend is, really, is a friendly chat between a dad looking for someone to help him out with his infant daughter that he didn’t know existed a month ago, and Penny Benjamin’s solid 10 niece that gave him a half mast when she was holding his daughter, for no reason. 
And when you called him Dad-man? His heart stopped. He thought about it all night. 
By the time Friday night had rolled around he still hadn’t texted you in regards to going out tomorrow, so when he got a text message from you, he was a little confused, he hadn’t given you his number… had he?
Hey dad-man! Rooster gave me your number since I hadn’t heard from you all week. Are we still on for tomorrow? I know that Avery is a little young but the San Diego Zoo is doing a little arts and crafts thing with the animals tomorrow we could check out? My treat? you had sent along with a link to the event and he smiles as he types out his message to you.
Hey! You know I honestly had like, 30 different messages typed out to send you but they were all ass ideas compared to yours. I’m sure Avery would love it even if she doesn’t understand what’s going on, lol maybe we could grab coffee or something from a cafe afterwards?
It’s a date, dad-man ;) you send back after a few minutes, which is quickly followed by: pick me up at 9? 
It’s a date, darlin he sends and then groans into his hands “darlin? Seriously? She’s going to nanny your fucking get, get a grip Seresin.” he sets an alarm for 7 am, not like he needs it though. Avery is awake and hungry by 6:45 then out for a nap by 8:30. 
He’s asleep just after 2 and at 6:45 on the dot he can hear Avery stirring through the baby monitor on his nightstand. He’s quick to stand up before her wails get any louder, changes her from any accident she could have had in her sleep and then heads downstairs to make her a bottle. While he’s feeding her, he has coffee brewing for himself so he isn’t a complete zombie when he sees you in a few hours. He gets Avery dressed and her diaper bag packed before he’s setting her in her bouncer in the bathroom so he can take a quick shower without leaving her unsupervised -- she has the time of her life listening to him sing. 
It’s 8:45 by the time he’s finally leaving. Avery forgoing her morning nap and choosing to fight him instead when he was trying to get her dressed, and then puking on his one clean shirt that he had that wasn’t his service khakis or a graphic t-shirt set him behind his schedule. He quickly found a shirt that he turned into a tank top, groaning at how he looked like a gym douchebag 
You were waiting on the steps of Penny’s house for him nearly 15 minutes past 9 for him, and boy were you a sight to see. He definitely regretted his choice of a dingey old Navy shirt but that was his own fault for putting off his laundry and choosing to favor doing Avery’s instead. You were wearing jean shorts you obviously cut yourself, sinfully short but also modest at the same time. The shorts were paired with a pair of tennis shoes and a plain white tank top and a… fanny pack?
You hopped into his truck with a “you’re late” but he just laughs and points to the fanny pack.
“The 90s called, they want their stuff back.” 
“Hey, don’t shit on the 90s. Plus fanny packs are back in. It’s so much more convenient than carrying a purse or other bag around, they’re less likely to be stolen, and both my hands are free.” you say and do a little jazz fingers motion and he just smiles and shakes his head. You put your seatbelt on and he’s pulling out away from the curb.
“Besides, you can’t shit on what I’m wearing, when you’re wearing that.” 
“Hey, be nice to me. Av puked on the shirt I was going to wear and I hadn’t had the chance to wash my clothes yet.” 
“Well, let’s skip the zoo. Avery won’t know the difference, we’ll go back to your place and I can help you clean up.” you suggest and he shakes his head.
“My laundry is not your responsibility. We’re going to the zoo.” he says in his dad voice and you just laugh.
“Whatever you say, dad-man.” you kick your feet up against his dash and if you were anyone else, he’d be telling you to get them off the dash.
The drive to the zoo goes by quickly and despite you calling dibs on paying the entrance fee, Jake is slapping his card down faster than you can even open your fanny pack. You shoot him a glare and he gives you a smirk that sends most girls falling to their knees. Keyword, most.
Jake pushes Avery’s stroller through the zoo while you walk beside him, making light conversation and getting to know each other as you make your way to where the kids' activities are located. 
You learn that he comes from an abusive home. His dad was an alcoholic who passed from liver failure not that long ago, flooding the family with relief. He has three sisters, plenty of nieces and nephews. You learned grew up on a ranch which explains how his legs bow out the smallest amount, his favorite color is green (of course), his favorite tv show, food, even the book he read recently. You told him about your life too, growing up in eastern Tennessee, your parents' accident, living with Penny and helping her raise Amelia to the teen she is today, your time in Vermont, why you picked education to go into. Jake easily saw you as someone that he wanted to spend more time with, it was a no brainer that you would be the one watching his daughter when he needed it. Hell, he could even see Avery calling you mom one day, in the distant future of course. 
You three had finally made it to the area of the zoo where the activities were being held and you take Avery out of her stroller and sit with her in your lap while Jake sits next to you. The warmth of your skin against his making him hotter than the San Diego sun. 
For the next hour you two sit, comfortable with each other while Avery mashes paint around the ziplock bag she was working on. Thankfully for the sun it dried quickly and you drew out a few animals on the rainbow colors covering the page. 
At only 4 months old, Jake is in such awe at how you talk to and how you treat Avery and even at how Avery responds to you. The babble that you do back to Avery, how sweet you talk to her, how she reaches for you, all of it. Just melts Jake. 
The time to walk back to the truck wasn’t long enough, in his opinion, and he was already planning a trip back when she was a little older and would appreciate it a little bit more. 
You put Avery in her carseat while Jake breaks down her stroller and puts it into the bed of his truck before shutting the lift gate. “Still up for coffee?” he asks just as you’re shutting the back door.
“If you are.” you say and give him a smile, he opens your door for you and offers you a hand and you just laugh and take it before hopping up into the cab and once you’re settled he shuts the door and walks around to his own side.
The drive to the local coffee shop he had in mind was surprisingly quick to get to, granted he did speed a little through some yellow lights to get there.
You don’t bother getting Avery’s stroller out, choosing instead to just undo her car seat and carry her in that way since she was sleeping peacefully already. You tell Jake your order and he stands in line while you go and pick out a table, a little table in the corner and you set Avery’s carrier the table after making sure that it was sturdy enough that you didn’t need to worry about bumping the table and having her shift too much. 
Jake comes and takes a seat since it’ll take a minute for the food to be prepared. “They didn’t have hazelnut, is caramel okay?” he asks since you had asked for a hazelnut latte.
“Caramel is perfect, actually. It’s my favorite flavor.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” he says with a smile and leans forward on the table and you give him a kind smile back.
“So dad-man. Think I’m fit enough to watch Avery for you?” you ask and he chuckles.
“I think you’re qualified to do more than that, but yeah. She loves you, I love you-oh I uh-” his ears redden and you laugh.
“No I get it, don’t worry.” you say as his name is being called for the food and drinks. You watch him walk away, shamelessly checking him out as he goes, you bite your lip softly but look away quickly when he turns around to walk back. 
“One chicken salad on a croissant with blueberry applesauce and an iced caramel latte with oat milk for Saturn,” he says, setting your tray down and you laugh and he sets his down before pulling his chair out. “And one of the exact same thing for me.”  
“Real original dad-man.” you say as you take a sip of the latte and you moan, “this is so good.” 
His breath hitches when he hears the sound and he shakes it off with a laugh, “yeah, the coffee here is the best I’ve had in the area. It’s nice that it isn’t too far from base or from home either.”
“Might just have to go a little out of my way in the morning to come here.” you say and he laughs.
“So, how did you get the nickname Saturn?” he asks as he takes a bite of his sandwich and a sad smile forms on your face.
“I got it from my dad. I don’t know why I took such a liking to the planet, but I grew up loving space. I wanted to be an astronaut, actually. He took me to our local planetarium and it was the first planet that I actually saw in the telescope and there was just something about the rings that really drew five year old me in. I wanted saturn everything. I even went as the planet for Halloween one year.” you say and he laughs.
“What were you just a yellow ball with circles around you?” he asks and you nod.
“Yeah pretty much, let me see if I have a picture.” you pull out your phone and he glances at your lock screen and sees it’s you and another girl kissing with fireworks in the background. He quickly looks away as you get into your phone, feeling an unnecessary stab to his heart. “Here it is!” you say and show him little you with a little bucket of candy, the biggest grin on your face and he laughs and takes your phone so he can look at it closer.
“You were adorable, what happened?” he teases and you make an offended noise and snatch your phone back.
“I’m still adorable! I’m just… grown now.” you say and he laughs.
You both sit there for a while longer, Jake running out to get stuff for a bottle before coming back in to see you already holding her and waiting for him to return. “You want me to feed her?” he asks and you shake your head.
“Nope. I got her.” you saw and take the bottle, she latches quickly to it and starts drinking away. “When you have me around you are doing nothing. Just relax, daddy. Let someone else take care of her.”
He feels relief at that statement, but also useless since all he’s done for the past almost month is take care of this little human that he helped to create. But watching you take care of her, so effortlessly, was so easy for him. He didn’t expect to be able to relinquish control of this aspect of his life so easily, and yet, it was almost second nature to him.
“So, are you able to start watching her on Monday? I return to duty then and-”
“Jake, it’s fine. I do nothing all day aside from helping out Penny at the bar. I would be more than happy to come and spend all day with this little baby.” you say, looking down at Avery with a smile on your face.
“I’m not, stealing you away from anyone am I? Boyfriend.. Girlfriend?” he fishes and you laugh.
“My girlfriend lives back in Vermont. She doesn’t have any plans to come visit any time soon so as of right now, the only person you and Avery are stealing time from is myself. But there’s nothing I can’t do with her that I couldn’t do by myself.” you say and he nods.
“How long have you two been together?” 
“Just over two years. We celebrated our anniversary just before I moved out here.” you say, looking back up at him and you see the look change in his eyes and you offer him a small smile.
“What about you? Any girlfriend that’s going to come out of the frameworks?” you tease and he shakes his head. 
“Nah, not really looking to date now that I have this little one to be thinking about.” he says and you nod, the conversation ending there. 
After Avery is done with her bottle you burp her and lay her back in her car seat. It’s nearing 3pm already and you have to get to the bar soon for your shift. Jake carries Avery back to the car while you run into the bathroom, splashing cool water on your face. 
You knew things were rocky with your girlfriend back home, and the last thing you ever wanted to do was get involved with your new boss, even if he was one of the most genuine and kind men you’ve ever met.
You make your way to Jake’s truck and he’s waiting for you outside, windows already rolled down so the back door can be shut and Avery won’t bake in the Californian sun. He opens your door for you again and you smile and climb up in the truck.
It’s a short drive to the bar and you hesitate getting out, you look back at him with your lip already between your teeth and you smile. “Thank you, Jake. I had a really great time.”
He returns your smile with a nod, “so did I. And I’m sure that Avery did too.” you laugh and look back at her.
“You’ll have to text me your address before Monday.” you remind him and he nods.
“I will.”
“Alright, well. Enjoy your night, dad-man.” you say, jumping out of his truck and he watches you walk into the bar, leaning his head back against his seat and letting out a deep sigh.
Of course you’re in a relationship.
@mandylove1000 @zbeez-outlet @emma8895eb @sinners-98-world @buxkybarnez @classyunknownlover @caidi-paris @classycolorpeach @eugene-emt-roe @mayhemmanaged @missemrose @fighterpilothoe @crystal-lily-101 @pookie-cleary @max-dalton @hisredheadedgoddess28 @elijahmikaelsonbitch @thegoddessc @yourfaveaquarius92 @blueoorchid @archaeologydigit @dempy @missathlete31 @hangmandruigandmav @alana4610 @h-ngm-ns @naya-neneya @desert-fern @dakotakazansky @horseshoegirl @roosterbruiser @startrekfangirl2233 @lovinglyeternal @sarahsmi13s @the-ms-mischief @that-one-random-writer @cassiemitchell @roostette @footprintsinthesxnd @roosters-girl @musesownmymind
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blueboyluca · 1 year
(Just found your blog, you have some great posts about everything dog, definitely going through stuff!) I'm in a similar boat with a Third Dog potential, and needing neighbour approval, do you have any tips on making a lil proposal document? Did taking cookies help? I don't really know my neighbours, so I want to make the best impression possible >v< Thanks so much <3
Hello! Just noting that I don't have third dog yet, which means I don't have 100% approval yet as the dog needs to actually be here for that, but I don't expect anything to go awry now.
This got long, sorry. But hopefully it's helpful as it outlines everything I did.
To start with, I am friendly with my neighbours. When I first moved in I introduced myself to 6 of the other units as they were home at the time. Since then, I am cordial and wave when we pass by, and sometimes I chat to three of them if we are outside at the same time. The others keep to themselves, which is fine with me. Other relevant information is that I've never had any complaints about my current dogs and five other units have or have had dogs or cats (never more than two).
For my proposal letter, I kind of treated it like a job proposal and a cover letter. I put my personal details at the top. I titled it "Proposal for third dog at Unit X" and I added the date. I broke the document into sections with headings – Background, Council approval, Appropriate care, Impact and Conclusion.
In Background I talked about my history at the property, information about my current dogs and information about the proposed dog. I purposely downplayed some of the details, e.g. highlighted the dog would be under 10kg fully grown, called it a "papillon mix" instead of a "border collie mix" and focused heavily on the sporting dog angle. I also talked about my dog credentials, leaning on my current role as president of a dog club. If you don't have something like that to mention, I'd just focus on your commitment to training, accomplishments of your current dogs and a clear and concise explanation of why you want to add another dog, focusing on the positives and absolutely not adding anything that could be taken poorly.
In my area you need to register dogs to legally be allowed to keep them and a third dog requires a special registration. In Council approval, I briefly talked about how I would seek some kind of pre-approval registration and I also got to mention that I personally made five animal education videos for the council (I'm a professional video editor). For someone who doesn't conveniently have that on their resume, I would just talk briefly about the process you intend to undertake if registration or similar is required in your area.
In Appropriate care, I talked about how I'm a responsible dog owner, i.e. my dogs are registered, microchipped and up to date on vaccinations. I pointed out how often my neighbours ought to see me exercising my dogs, how I attend a dog club, that I utilise local parks (as my yard is small) and maintain an exercise schedule. I also have the benefit of a partner that stays home during the day. Basically this section is just to talk about how I'm good at owning dogs.
For Impact, I stated that I didn't think a third dog would make a major impact on the property due to the aforementioned appropriate care, and that my workplace is dog friendly and my yard is secure. This is where you could say something similar about what you intend to do to limit the impact on neighbours.
The Conclusion was just basically me reiterating that I'm a great dog owner, saying thanks for considering this, and please contact me if you wish to discuss further.
Then I printed out copies and put them in envelopes and bought a couple bags of cookies which I divided up into little party bags. Then I worked up my courage and knocked on their doors to chat. I started by apologising for interrupting, then briefly explained the situation (I want a third dog, this is why), gave them the letter (explaining it had more detail), handed over the cookies and thanked them for listening. My goal was to kind of get it all out before they could really say anything and then leave. This generally worked as most of them just took the letter and the cookies and said thanks. A couple of them said right away they didn't mind at all. One expressed doubts about barking. I asked if he had issues with my current dogs and he said no, so I just thanked him for his time and left it there.
A couple days later I went back to find out what they had decided (the ones who hadn't already told me) and they were all yes votes. I didn't approach one of the units because they're renting and I was socially exhausted by then and was happy with the majority I had.
I hope this helps! It can be really intimidating to do social things like talking to people about something you really want, but I like to rip the bandaid off and I wanted to know if it was going to happen or not so I just forced myself to do it and then it was over and now I get what I want!
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4ggravation · 10 months
4GGRAVATE UNO STREAM LIVEBLOG ft. lots of out of context quotes
(warning: extremely long post!! also i get who's saying/doing what wrong several times lmao)
god i am. too hype rn.
btw i'm team nazeeh and alejandro. i hope they kick everyone's asses tonight
alejandro: "christmas treat"
btw, i'm only watching cy yu's perspective because multitwitch is glitchy for me rn. sadge
"'they hate cynari' HEY I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING" alejandro you are so dear to me
alejandro saying "zach" like a confused mother i'm crying
nazeeh's voice is so pretty omg
"zachary???" ben sounds like he's bleating i love it
"messed up as heck" ~ zachary gordon, grown ass man (lighthearted)
zach: "and my mother is calling me!"
zach: "twitch needs to be user friendly for grandpas"
alejandro, in reply: "you're younger than all of us"
alejandro: "the discord? that we have???"
zach: "i am cooking steak rn"
ben, about zach: "as soon as you go live we're gonna hear an explosion and then you're gonna go offline"
zach is so sweet omg
zach in his doxxer era
"windows might have done a thing" story of my life
...why did zach just like. moan
alejandro has 141 unique jokes...
alejandro: "get it? ᶜᵘᶻ ᶦᵗ'ˢ ᵃ ᵖʳᶦˢᵒⁿ ᶜᵉˡˡ"
i love how 90% of my liveblogging is just about alejandro and zach
nice plug
(i'm probably gonna get less talkative now bc i'll be watching the game)
alejandro: "that's how microphones work, my guy"
everyone playing their wild cards PLEASE
....this is not how i play uno
nazeeh getting uno first??
alejandro: "it's a MyStErY OOOOO"
alejandro: "that's crazy. nazeeh go again"
alejandro: "that. might be racist"
god i forgot how funny cy yu streams are
alejandro why did you do that...
alejandro, in the most american accent possible: "¡vamanos!"
ben you dumbass
nazeeh's getting his ass beat bro stop he's already dead
nazeeh's increasingly loud "FUCK"s
cy yu's being just as much of a liar to himself as i am on a daily basis, love to see it
"if i believe hard enough" and then he immediately fails oh we are one and the same
ben: "i've had it"
nazeeh, in reply: "yeah i think we've all had uno at one point"
alejandro having the worst uno he could have
ben, to alejandro: "YOU FUCKGIN. IDIOT"
in true kaveh fashion, ben is losing the game and his mind
ben: "it ain't easy being cheesy ok"
my faith in nazeeh is wavering greatly
nazeeh +4ing alejandro fuckin harsh
alejandro: "you might've just given nazeeh the game"
ben: "what do i do? what am i supposed to do? WHO AM I"
i feel so bad for ben bro hsjkhfd
ben after pulling the strangest fucking moves and still losing
no bc why did he swap hands with nazeeh when he had a +2
ben after pulling the strangest fucking moves and still winning
ben: "it's not baby blue IT'S TEAL"
them reciting the alphabet i'm crying
the triple uno..
that's ben and alejandro at 1, nazeeh and zach at 0
the chat keeps on talking abt cynari. we really are a hivemind huh
alejandro: "do i play a normal red or do i fuck him"
wait no, that was nazeeh. my bad
this chat is kinda cringe ngl
i'm getting so much ram.exe because cy yu knows i'm his number 1 fan
wait alejandro won 2 rounds? huh?
or is he lying
zach: "the wimpy kid has,, woken up!!"
i've tried playing dos before. i hated it
i feel like something really funny is about to happen
ben i don't think any of y'all were normal to begin with, uno or otherwise
alejandro: "that wasn't red!"
ben, in reply: "i didn't ask!"
this is such chaos i love it
alejandro just missed out on a mean ass play i'm so mad at him (/hj)
the alejandro/nazeeh friendship is so nice
cy yu: "STACK IT STACK IT- awwwuh :'("
ben: "i'm gonna play the biggest 7 you've ever seen"
damn. alejandro backstabbing everyone but zach
everyone pulling these nasty ass moves on each other except for zach. he's in his own lane. i admire that
i can't even tell who tf is gonna win this
actually. idc if he has a billion cards, alejandro sweep
cy fy is back bitches!! hashtag feminism
ok we're back in cy yu's flop era. but i still believe he can sweep
even when ben has 3 cards
god this really is anyone's game huh
zach: "actually broke my heart a little bit :("
"i'm just playing the game" badly /j
the "wait a fucking second" in (what sounded like) alhaitham's voice LMAOOO
i was once in an uno game that lasted like an hour and a half because we were missing some cards and it made it so nobody could win for some reason, true story
common tighnari fan W
oh zach is fucking stupid i see /j
ben: "you fucked me, buddy. you REALLY fucked me"
"can you make it yellow?" "no" literally them irl
they censor the word "nerd" in twitch chat??? huh
they really are just the sumeru boys if they could swear huh
the joey slander lmao
bro was ben taking a shit just then? wtf was that groan
ben balmaceda would do numbers on tumblr
zach continuing to make the worst possible decisions
zach: "(uno) brings people together and it brings forgiveness and,, i don't want my hand anymore"
these coin flips are tearing them apart i love it
teams are alejandro and ben vs nazeeh and zach
let's get it
zach: "y'all are yoinked"
goddamn. ben and zach won so much
ben: "alejandro why did you just write 'penis penis penis penis penis'??"
zach and nazeeh vs alejandro and ben (??)
cy yu's just doing everyone dirty here. i thought zach was safe but ig not
alejandro please take the dub
ok he is never taking a dub holy shit
it only took like. 10 rounds or some shit
that was so much fun. i loved it
4ggravate supremacy, my final message. gootb ye
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acr3ss-the-cosmos · 1 year
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Please read the rules before following/interacting!
✦ Indie Multimuse and OC RP Blog ✦ Selective / Mutuals Only ✦ Mild activity ✦ Crossover and OC Friendly ✦ Penned by Renni | she/her | 27
A RP blog ft. Jiaoqiu and Yukong from Honkai Star Rail, with more muses to be added in the future.
Current muse fixation: Jiaoqiu, Bai Chenhua Test muse(s): ZZZ Verse Chenhua
Mains. memovia | etherealguard/syntheticslinger | resolutepath | draconicfool | xianzhou-craftsman | shining-gem34 | astrxlfinale | paedisaerahs | grislyintentions | traincarsandstars | trashcanknight
Rules | Muses | Mun | Headcanons | Bonds | Verses
Permanent Inbox Call
Rules for mobile users under the cut (updated 08/01/2024):
Subject to change as I see fit.
1. (IMPORTANT) This blog is mutuals only. Non-mutuals are more than welcome to send in ooc asks and continue following my blog if you're interested in my content, but ic threads/interactions, ic asks, as well as responses to inbox calls, shipping calls, and the like will only be accepted if we are following each other. Please respect this rule.
2. Unless you have a rp sideblog attached, please do not interact with my posts if you are a personal blog. This means no reblogging or replying to my posts, and I will block you if this happens.
3. I reserve the right to hard/soft block you at my own discretion.
4. While I am crossover friendly, I need to be at least somewhat familiar with the property in question before I will consider starting an interaction.
5. This blog is duplicate friendly and also open to having duplicate canon muses interact with one another! All of my HSR muses (including OCs) will be aware of the multiverse.
6. Regarding asks, I can’t promise that I will answer every one I receive, so I will answer them if and when the muse strikes me. It is absolutely not personal if I don’t respond to your ask (and also not guaranteed that I will answer it), especially since my time and energy is a precious commodity nowadays, so please keep this in mind. 5a. I will not accept magic anons.
7. Please look at each muse’s page for their bio and ship status. 7a. This is a multiship blog, and all ships will take place in their own verses separate from each other. I ship based on muse chemistry and development, so please do not force ships onto me. Please message me if you’re interested in exploring ships/dynamics with my muses. 7b. I do not practice exclusivity as a general rule. Ship exclusivity will be rare and will only occur if me and my writing partner are really feeling a certain dynamic between our muses and we both decide to become exclusives, or if my writing partner requests it of me. For romantic ships, there will be a maximum cap of 2 versions of the same canon muse outside of these exclusives. As much as I adore exploring romance, I don’t want to replicate that dynamic with every single version of a muse, and I also want to avoid ship-hoarding. 7c. Although chemistry and development are always important, I am also open to pre-established ships/dynamics if both muns are in agreement!
8. Mun is of age, but I will not be roleplaying explicit smut on this blog. The most I will write is implied nudity, suggestive actions/scenes, fade to black, etc. Suggestive writing will only occur with muns who are 20+. 8a. Angst, blood, violence, and conflict are ok! I will do my best to tag these topics accordingly.
9. If we are mutuals and have been talking OOC for some time, feel free to ask me for my Discord if you want to discuss plots for our muses! I’d love to talk about muse dynamics and such even if they don’t happen on Tumblr right away.
10. Please reach out to me if you want to talk about plots, headcanons, threads, if you have questions, or just want to chat!
Updated 08/01/2024
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crystal-in-nagasaki · 7 months
a new, even smaller school
As some of the senior ALTs finished up their contracts and headed home in August and the new ALTs were rolling into town, our coordinators shuffled some of the ALT school assignments around to accommodate the changes. Since two of the leaving ALTs had cars and none of the new ALTs could drive yet, some of the farther schools had to be given to the senior ALTs with cars (aka me.) So in addition to my junior high school, big elementary school, and small mountain school, I was given one more school, the smallest in the whole district.
While my other small school has just about 30 students spread between 6 grades, my new school has just 19. There are two students in first grade, two students in second grade, four students in third grade, four students in fourth grade, six students in fifth grade and just one student in sixth grade. Like my other school, the classes are usually combined for instruction, so grades one and two, three and four, and five and six are combined. That means there are only three homeroom teachers, so with myself, other support teachers, and administrators, the total staff in the school numbers about 11 people. Teachers at bigger schools often have drinking parties together, starting with 50-60 people and then breaking up into smaller groups to go to other bars for after parties, but the one drinking party I attended at my new small school was just a single table in a pub of about 8 people. It was really cozy and allowed me to befriend my colleagues a lot easier.
Life at my new school is pretty much the same as my other small school. All of the students are energetic and friendly, and since there's so few of them, it was easy to learn all of their names and interests quickly. One interesting thing about this school is that the students eat lunch together in one room instead of the classrooms since there are so few students. This way all of the students and teachers can chat and eat lunch together like a big family every day.
Being the smallest school in the district, it's also the farthest from town. It takes me about thirty minutes to drive there from my apartment, and about half of that trip is through a big valley between the mountains, passing by a huge dam called Kayaze Dam. Almost all of the students live far from town and the school, so many of them take the public bus to school and others are driven by family members.
It's very quiet and peaceful at this mountain school, and the view is beautiful. Most of the time when I ask my students to tell me the weather, no one can answer the question because they can't see the sky out the windows because of the lush greenery of the mountains in the foreground. Here's some pictures I took of the view from the teacher's room and from directly behind the school:
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Lastly, this school is really special because all of the students play taiko drums! The school has its own set of over twenty drums, and a specialist comes in every week to work with the students. They often perform at community and school events like sports day and ALT visit day.
As you can imagine, I was very excited to see that I had this hobby in common with them, and got to practice with them once. But I was so surprised to find how skilled the students are, even those in lower elementary! I couldn't keep up with them. But I'm lucky that their practice day is the same as my visit day, so I get to listen to them practice each week.
Unfortunately I will only be at this school for one year since my contract will end this August, but I'm so grateful to work with such sweet kids in such a unique environment. I already have such a close bond with them and am sad to have to say goodbye in a few months.
Anyway, I'm glad to share my experiences with my new school here. I hope you enjoyed hearing a bit about it! Thanks for reading <3
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The Colbert Questionert
1) What is the best sandwich?
Keanu Reeves managed to get Colbert to specify that this question is “best sandwich For You,” so you don’t have to answer for all mankind.
Toga’s Soup House serves a crab melt that is my absolute go-to for holidays. It includes slices of lemon you can sprinkle juice from to taste, as well as an aioli you can dip it into for a Flavor Explosion On Demand. It’s glorious.
2) What do you have that you should really throw away?
I have three big-box board games - Arkham Horror, Empires of the Void, and Puzzle Strike: Shadows - that I know I’m never going to play again.
3) What is the scariest animal?
Humans scare me most frequently out of everything on the list. But if “animal” specifically excludes humans (say, using a TTRPG classification where humans are Humanoids instead of Animals) I’d go with black widows, which is a matter of personal risk. I know that I have a body that attracts spiders (I’ve had them lay eggs directly on my skin while I was sleeping), I know that sometimes I spook them and that can cause them to bite, and I have seen black widow spiders within 5′ of where I sleep (thankfully, not inside the same room; It’s on the other side of my bedroom wall, in the woodpile. but still).
4) Apples or Oranges?
If we’re comparing uncooked, oranges win it in the depth of winter. Apples win it for me in almost everything else - I don’t much like oranges cooked in things, and I like raw apples more than raw oranges for most of the warmer times of year.
5) Have you ever asked someone for their autograph?
No. I’ve had quick chats with celebrities and given one a gift, but on reflection I think I’ve never taken a signature.
6) What do you think happens when we die?
Pieces of the pattern of who you were continue indelibly - Those pieces were present before you and it is romantic but not necessarily realistic to think that the events of your life will in any way impact them (I mean, if they could then what the hell is “indelibly” even supposed to mean there?). Most of what you think of as Yourself is tied up in all the physical stuff of you, and we know clearly what happens with that.
I think the soul is no more in heaven after death than it was during life; That is, I think the soul is in heaven during life and you have a responsibility to be the angel it is as best you can with your feeble mortal frame.
Also, sometimes there will be a ghost of you. I’ve encountered those personally on three occasions so that’s not really a matter of belief so much as personal experience. But I think of those more as echoes, so while that can be “what happens when you die” it’s in the same section of my brain as “there will be a funeral” and “there will be mourning” because it is not part of the question of what happens to you when you die. The ghost is no the person, no matter how much I crushed on Christina Ricci in the live-action of Casper the Friendly Ghost.
7) Favorite Action Movie?
Kung Fu Hustle. I enjoyed 98% of that movie, often to an ecstatic degree. So many action films spend 1/4 or more of their time boring me. In a run time of 1:39 this has something like 20 seconds I don’t like to watch.
8) Window or Aisle?
9) Favorite Smell?
I cannot answer this question honestly in a public place. It’s not a sex thing, but it is a secret I am not permitted to share. As a near runner-up I’m gonna say Waffles with strawberry syrup.
10) Cats or Dogs?
Unlike the apples vs oranges question I don’t have a clear winner. To me the better half from either side is easily superior to the worse half of the other side. I am honored to have known many epic cats and dogs.
11) You get to listen to one song for the rest of your life. What is it?
I would 100% cheat this question and stack my entire music collection into The Anderson Megamix, a single track over 30 days in length, and call that my One Song. Failing that, Rhapsody in Blue.
12) What number am I thinking of?
Stephen, listen to me. Are you listening? I want you to see the number ten, imagine the things that means to society, ten fingers, our base-ten math, the shape of the 1 and the 0. I’m gonna bet I got you to think of the number ten at some point in there.
13) Describe the rest of your life in five words.
Creative, Unusual, Giving, Loved, Joyful Do I know? No. But I choose hope.
Feel free to take it yourself.
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forummains · 2 years
Download messenger for mac 10.4.11
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My brand new Macbook Pro with 8GB of RAM was running the fan like crazy and couldn't even keep websites loaded. This app is just fine on mobile platforms. It's kinda funny when Messenger works like a charm on iPhone and iPad, but MacBook. I removed Messenger off of my computer but I will be looking forward to better-fixed version that come friendly support with our (in the world) computers' hardware. I would give three out of five, but this is still earlier verision of Messenger for macOS. By the way, it's beautiful feature when I can be able to enable dark mode to reduce my red eyes on the screen at night (still, doesn't help 100% due to screen). Honestly, once this issues fixed for not receiving any notification (because I am deaf and i couldn't hear if it is ring me), for major issue is CPU and battery: my CPU is too high and battery went drain too fast, but my laptop isn't very old because I recently updated my new laptop since 6 months ago. *Calls are free over Wi-Fi but otherwise, standard data charges apply.įirst of all - it is amazing how I can use Messenger app on my MacBook because I wouldn't like to have an iPhone and laptop at the same time, since they are all connected to the same account where we can communicating like iMessage, Messenger, WhatsApp, etc. Receive files for even more productivity. Send photos and videos to keep your close friends up to speed. Tell your story with stickers, gifs and emojis when words aren't enough. Host up to 50 people with no time limits.Ĭut down glare from your screen in low-light situations, so you can stay in touch no matter when or where you are.ĮXPRESS YOURSELF WITH STICKERS, GIFS AND EMOJIS Send a link to group video chat with anyone, even if they don't have Messenger. Host one-on-one meetings or bring the whole group together with free*, high-quality voice and video chat features. Type even faster, multi-task while video chatting so you never miss a moment and stay connected with desktop notifications. Get access to free* texting, and high-quality voice and video chat built specifically for desktop. Made for big screens and close connections.
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yasmijn · 2 years
On drawing lines
I am pretty good at reading between the lines. And it helped me to emit the right signal to the corresponding person. And yet at times, certain people might send puzzling messages that confuse me. But I make sure to steer clear from the unclear and go for people who are as straightforward and as sure as I am. 
When I was in Delft, I had two pretty close guy friends. The first one is an Estonian guy who belonged to my orientation group. We were the only two people from the same program, there were no other Estonian in the class, and he was very friendly. He looked so much like a typical Russian guy with pale blonde hair and light blue eyes, with big muscly body like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. We studied together several times, and we worked on some assignments in the same group. He was just super friendly. I made sure that I kept my distance, and I remembered a particular chunk of his WhatsApp messages where he said that he was so grateful to have me as a friend in the class. 
And that’s one way on how you draw a line. 
The second guy, I can say that he is the closest foreigner I have as a friend. A very, very close one. He knew some stories I never shared with anyone, and we talked about so many things. He showed me his drafts of personal essays (which were similarly written like a telenovela). Sent me videos of his playing the guitar (unfortunately he does not have the voice). Asked me out to ramen joints. He invited me over for multiple lunch, dinner, and even to his baptism (me with probably 6+ people from our class). In some of the occasions, I also met with his friends and cousins (and also his then girlfriend). I also kept my distance with him - I almost never send a message to him first. But I must admit that I was confused, many times. But I shrugged things off and normalize them in my head - after all he is an Italian-Venezuelan with starkly different culture and courtesies compared to my eastern background. I took everything at face value, telling myself that that is how he treats people. I invited him over to our Eid al Adha feast. 
But in our chats, both on WhatsApp and in real life, he always refer to me as a ‘friend’. Pretty much like how an Australian would end their messages with ‘mate’. I enjoyed the friendship that we had in Delft. Partly because I enjoyed having him cook for me, and partly because I enjoyed being able to discuss about what we discussed. From our shared experience as a citizen from a third world country, to our thoughts on Kurzgesagt or Alain de Botton or Jiddu Krishnamurti or Doug Stanhope or Sam Morril or Jordan Peterson. So whenever he invited me over, or ask me out, I would cling to the word ‘friend’ and rolled with whatever he offered. He would still send me a message every once in a while. Last year he called me right after he broke up with his girlfriend (this guy go from one relationship to the next like no other). 
And there was also another guy friend from the same class. He was a muslim Indian so I was even more careful with how we interact. Unlike my two other friends, for which our cultural and religious difference might be enough to keep the relationship normal, this other guy differs slightly. At first I didn’t even realize that he was a muslim (my being a pretty stereotyping girl, I thought all Indians are Hindus), but he would first ask about islamic community (I thought he was just curious). And he sent some messages to discuss about Ramadan. And there was this one time he asked me out on lunch. He started talking about being a muslim in India, about Kashmir (which was actually a very interesting topic), and other things. But I was uncomfortable and when we parted I told him that I had a boyfriend (fact), that I would be fine with talking over WhatsApp but in case he has plans on inviting me over for lunch, I would say no. 
I knew that his interest for me was unconfirmed but I did not want to take any risk. I’d rather be viewed as someone who is ‘kegeeran’ rather than to led people on and giving them mixed signals. (What is a right translation for the term ‘kegeeran’, anyway?)
For other people, when I felt like their advances might lead somewhere out of the ‘friends’ zone, one of my many moves is to start telling them about the people I have a crush on. And send them updates on a regular basis. Tee-hee.
Well, anyway. Conclusion: Lines are helpful.
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deidaratheartboi · 3 years
Reiji Leaves
I will try to upload at least on Diabolik Lovers story a day or a week. Sakamaki Group Chat Reji: I have an announcement to make and I expect everyone to listen. Ayato: lmao he acts as if we have a choice Reiji: At least you're smart enough to realize that. Now I will be leaving to take care of some business in the demon world and I expect this house to be the same way I left it. Ayato: Aye aye captain Kanato: I can't hear you! Ayato: Aye aye captain! Kanato: OoooOOooohhhHhhh Ayato: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Reiji: Stop this nonsense and listen. Shu: Yeah we got you'll be gone now please go already. Laito: What are you gonna do in the demon world? Reiji: None of your concern. I'll be back in two weeks. Reiji has gone offline. Subaru: That's that Laito has invited you to "Reiji's Gone Let's Get Stoopid Group Chat" --------------------------------------------------- Reiji's Gone Let's Get Stoopid Group Chat Laito: As we all know he is now gone and we can all indulge in our desires. Subaru: Leave it to you to make it sound so sexual. Laito: It's a gift darling Subaru: Never call me that again Laito: So I propose we throw the biggest party ever! Subaru: With what friends? Laito: Mine because of course none of you have any I invited them to the chat. Shin: Yo Yuma: Hi? Kou: Hiiiiiiiii Azusa: Why am I here? Shu: We all know them dumbass Laito: But, I'm the only one on friendly terms Yuma: You tried to "weave snatch" Kou's hair claiming it wasn't real. Kou: That shit hurt! Shin: Wish we got that on camera haha Yuma: Oh I did Ayato: Hah sweet man! Laito: The point is we are going to throw a party where's Carla? Shin: Taking care of some stuff in the demon world. Azusa: Same with Ruki. He left in a rush. Laito: Anyways we need food, decorations, drinks, games, and music, Yuma: I got food Ayato: I got the drinks Shu: Guess I can handle music Azusa: I got decorations I have the perfect thing in mind. :) Shin: Ooooo I got games! Laito: Ok good let's go! Suabru: And I'm out. 2 Hours Later Laito: The fuck is this Yuma? Yuma: What do you mean? Laito: All the food are fruits and vegetables! Yuma: It's food isn't it? I'm doing them a favor for their health! Laito: Broccoli really?? Yuma: Mother nature's gift Laito: And, a taste bud curse! And, Shin Monopoly really? Dungeons and Dragons, Life, Clue, and Pin The Tail On The Donkey??? Shin: They're games aren't they? Laito: I haven't seen these since I was 6! And, Shu what the fuck is this music? Shu: They're classics Laito: More like making my ears bleed turn it offff. Azusa... Azusa: You like the decor? Laito: I just love these creepy ass doll staring at me Azusa: Glad you do. :) Laito: It was sarcasm! Azusa: I thought since it was Halloween- Laito: I don't pay you to think! Ayato: Fuck off and you don't pay us shit dumbass we were doing this cuz we wanted to. Laito: At least you got the drinks right. Yuma: Don't listen to him Azusa I think your idea was great. Shin: Yeah I would have put up a few pumpkins and cobwebs Azusa: :) Shu: Laito can have his own party. I'm leaving Shin: I say we have our own in the garden? Yuma: Great idea Laito: Fine I'll do it myself! Laito does it and WAP is playing in the background. He calls all the guests and the party begins. It was nice at first then they ran out of snacks. And, someone was vegan. Jane: Hey I'm vegan also who ae those guys out there in the garden? They look like they're having fun. Is that pineapple? Jane moves outside catching the attentipm of other partiers as the whole party moves outside. Laito: Are you fucking serious? Guy 1: Ew this couch is sticky! Girl 1: Omg this music is so lame. Not everyone likes rap ya know Guy 2: I'm on a diet soooooo Laito: Uhhh More complaints are thrown around a Laito gets overhwhelmed and frustarted. Laito: EVERYONE LEAVE NOW! People leave as fast ad they came. Laito sits down on the couch defeated and tired. He feels a hand on his shoulder. Ayato: You good man? Laito: Yeah the party was a bust Ayato:
We still have some punch and fruits outside. Laito: :) -------------------------------------------------- Yuma: This is a mess Shin: Yes Azusa: If we had the dolls this wouldn't have happened Laito: I'm sorry can you forgive me?? Azusa: Si Kanato: CANDY! Shu punches Kanato. Yuma: How about we clean this all up and have ourselves a party huh? Laito: Sounds good Hope you enjoyed! Also I think Reject introduced more Diabolik Lover characters in the game not the anime. Is that true? I'll just look it up
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Chapter 8
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Short one!
WC: 536
Rated: E for eventual smut
Chapter tags: older brother vibes, implied sexual relations, period typical sexism/slut shaming (pro-sex in this house tho), british & 70s slang
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Saturday morning came quickly. You had laid out your outfit the night before; a knee-length flowy blue dress. It wasn't anything new or overly fancy but it was nice enough to wear to the exhibit gala.
Looking at the clock in your kitchen you saw it was only 1. Niki wouldn't be here until 6 tonight. What am I supposed to do until then? Tapping the side of your now cold teacup you decide it's a perfect time to make good of your promise to James. Picking up the telephone you dial his number, hoping it's the same as last time you called. On the 5th ring you hear a click and a bleary "'ello?"
"Kitty Cat! You called!"
"Well I said I would, didn't I?" You and James caught up on life the last few weeks since you'd seen each other. You told him about the upcoming work party, he told you about his upcoming race.
"I'll be competing in Spain in a week. I can feel it Kitty, I'm finally going to beat that Austrian rat. I just know it."
"Speaking of the rat - did you actually go to Ferrari with Niki?"
"Well I wish you good luck then." you say amicably. It’s not about having luck, it’s about having big balls he’d say. You had thought a little about your two racers and their competition. Feeling torn, you support your brother because he is family, but you also couldn’t help but want to see Niki come out on top. In the end you decided to simply keep up appearances and cheer for whichever of the men you were talking to at said moment. 
"I did yeah, it was fun."
James laughed. “Niki doesn’t know what fun is.”
“Oh close the shades James you know he’s not that bad. You lived with him, for christsake!” 
“He told you about that?”
“He also told me that you were a crappy flatmate and kept him up all night because you’re a slag.”
“That’s just because I do know how to have fun,” he snickered. 
You grunt out “well I had a good time with him.”
His tone suddenly shifted. “And...have you seen him since?” There was a hint of almost concern in his voice, as if he disapproved of you being friendly with his rival but didn’t want to outright say it. 
“No, not really… we’ve chatted on the phone once or twice but that’s it,” you lie. You weren’t about to admit to your brother that you were falling in headfirst with his biggest competitor. That you’d spent countless hours on the phone with him in the last 3 weeks. That you were about to bring him to a work exhibit opening as your date. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. James hummed at your response. He must have believed you because he dropped the topic afterwards. 
After discussing a few more trivial things, but not without ribbing each other like you did as teenagers, the call ended. You felt bad for lying to James, but it also felt so good to be speaking again.
You looked up at the clock and sighed - only 4 and a half more hours to go.
Tag list: @ay0nha @apparrio @livvyshmiv @fictionlandslanddreams @vinylrosess @typical-bistander
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write-orflight · 4 years
Galileo: Chapter 8
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**Gif Not Mine**
Prev -  Next
Pairings: SpencerXReader, enemies to friends to lovers trope
Rating: M
Words: 2.1K
Warnings:  None, just painfully fluff.
Summary:  Y/N  is an astronomer with her head constantly in the stars. But when a   serial killer is threatening NASA’s top scientists, she is left in the   protective custody of a man who’s gravitational pull threatens to pull   her back down to earth. 
A.N: Unedited. Well guys we’re here. I kinda really like how I ended this chapter so IF I do write an Epilogue it’ll be very very small. So for that reason I’m closing the taglist for Galileo. Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. Check out my other fics if you haven’t. And shoot me an inbox saying what you think! much love, Cia.
                                Chapter 8: Pluto 
Life with Spencer wasn’t easier but it sure was better. 
It had been about 9 months now since the two of you started dating and you knew it would be rough. The two of you traveled a lot for work so it was a lot of missed calls, texts, and video chats in the beginning but now you’d say the two of you got a grip on what you both wanted which was each other. Around month 6, Spencer asks you to move in with him. At first you say no, and you keep saying no until around month 8 when Spencer gets shot on the job and you take care of him and just never leave. Not that he was complaining, it was what he’s wanted since Month 2. 
You met the team officially and without impending danger around month 2 as well. Emily and Derek who you already knew through the investigation welcomed you back with open arms and tequila shots at the bar you met them at. JJ took a while to warm up to you which you completely understood from how you left but she warmed up to you when she realized just how much you loved Spencer and how much you regretted pushing him away. 
You and Penelope Garcia got along like a house on fire which everyone expected the two genius women to. Though her sunny, social disposition and your quiet, mellow one didn’t mix on paper pretty soon you guys were trading baked goods and having sleepovers. It was nice, you never had girl friends you could be yourself around but you found that in them. 
Spencer was still Spencer. 
In some ways, he was still the man you met in the observatory of your job, and in some ways he was very different. He was definitely a lot more touchy than you thought he’d be, seemingly unable to be in the same room as you without touching you in some way. Not that that was unwelcome, you loved him all the same. He was still that nerdy guy who whenever he read something or found out something new about your field he’d call you up and immediately to tell you about it. And you would sit and listen intently, never having the heart to tell him it was something you already knew. You liked to hear him talk anyway. 
You still found out a couple of things too. One being that Spencer gets extremely jealous and you found this out around Month 7 of your relationship, your first official fight. He had come to surprise you at work and you were helping the new Doctor hired on the Terra-Mora project get acclimated with the space. You didn’t think anything of the guy other than he was overly friendly but when Spencer came in and saw the fairly attractive man lingering a hand on your back he became livid. 
The car ride home was awkward because you could tell something was up with Spencer though he wasn’t saying anything. “What’s wrong?” You asked. 
“Nothing, bunny.” He says, you can’t help the smile that crosses  your face at the nickname but you knew there was something wrong. 
“Okay so there has to be something up. So out with it.” 
He’s silent for a moment. “How’s working with Dr. Sutton?” 
“Landon?” You ask. He gives you a look when you refer to the man by first name but you choose to ignore it.  “It’s fine. He’s better at math and he’s been nice.” 
“Bet he has.” Spencer mutters under his breath. 
“Ok, what is that?” You ask. 
“Why did you just call him Landon just now?” 
“His name is Landon….?” 
“Every person you work with you refer to as Doctor, you even refer to yourself as Dr. L/N when talking about work.” He points out. “In fact, the only other person you didn’t do that for was Jonathan, who you had feelings for. So why is he ‘Landon’?” 
“He asked me to call him Landon.” You shrug. “You almost sound jealous, Spence.” You can’t help the small chuckle that leaves you when you say it because it was ridiculous to even think about. You loved Spencer. You couldn’t imagine your life without him or even fathom wanting anyone but him but when you saw the look he gave you back when you said it you knew that was exactly the case. 
“You wanna tell me what this is actually about now?” You question. 
“Why didn’t you say I was your boyfriend?” He whispers. 
“What?” You say, confused. You park the car in front of your apartment and turn fully towards Spencer.   
“You didn’t say I was your boyfriend, you called him Landon…” 
“Baby, I didn’t even realize I didn’t do that.” You say, looking into his eyes. “If I did it’s because everyone knows who you are.” You say, cupping the side of his face with one of your hands, he instantly leans into the touch. “My genius boyfriend, who works for the FBI and saved my life. I talk about you constantly because I am happy and proud to be yours. That you still took a chance on me even though I pushed you away and treated you like shit in the beginning. I am never trying to hide you and you have no reason to be jealous because I don’t see anyone else when I’m with you, ok?” You say, Spencer smiles and leans over the center console to kiss you and just like every time Spencer kisses you, you contemplate the likelihood that the earth could stop its rotation because it seemed that the world stood still every time you were together like this.When you pulled away, you leaned your forehead against Spencers for a second, catching your breath. 
“Plus you really have no reason to be jealous.” You add. “Me and Landon spent most of the morning talking about our boyfriends.” 
Spencer looks at you with a wide eyed expression. “You mean, he’s--” 
“Yup.” You cut off. Getting out of the car, Spencer follows you. “You should get jealous more though. It’s kinda hot.” You shrug. Spencer rolls his eyes at you. 
     On your one year anniversary, you go to your first date spot which was the Planetarium. You rolled your eyes at the time when Spencer suggested the date saying that you’d both just end up annoying the tour guide. In the end, you ended up with a 16  year old named Anna, who had the same twinkle in her eye when she talked about Space that you had as a child. You ended up shushing Spencer every now and again so you could listen to the young girl tell you about the planets you both knew so much about. At the end of the tour, you told her who you were and that if she wanted an internship at NASA after high school to give you a call. She smiled excitedly at you and hugged you, which you returned before apologizing profusely for hugging you. When you and Spencer were walking to get food after that he asked the question. 
“Do you want kids?” He says. 
“Whoa!” You laugh. “Big ask for a first date.” 
“I’m sorry, you were just so cute with the tour guide that--It’ll come up eventually is all.” 
“I do want kids someday.” You say, smiling at the man. “I never thought it was in the cards for me but I would love kids someday. What about you?” 
“I never thought it was in the cards for me either but I like the idea of having a family.” He says, reaching for your hand. You smile at him again and the topic never comes back up. 
You guys head to the Planetarium again and Anna is still working there, finishing up her senior year. She lets you guys venture around without a guide this time and you and Spencer just sit in the auditorium alone, talking softly at the fake constellations that pass by. 
After, you ask if you guys can skip dinner to go to the observatory just to see if you can get a peak at Gaia tonight as the sky seemed pretty clear. Spencer smiles and obliges you as the two of you head over to your job. The night security guard just nods at the two of you as you walk in, having come accustomed to your late nights and Spencer accompanying you. 
Spencer sits a ways while you set everything up, booting up your computer and positioning your telescope. The two of you settle into a comfortable silence as you often did around each other. You felt slightly bad, it was your anniversary and Spencer was indulging you just like always. He was really way too good for you. You look up at him and smile, which he instantly returns before you turn your attention to the telescope. 
That’s when you see it. 
Fully visible from earth for the first time in what could have been a millennium. 
You scream out of happiness and Spencer looks up at you raising a brow as you run for your tape recorder.  Gesturing for him to come look. He looks into the telescope as you type into your computer for a second, making sure your telescope was taking the pictures you needed, before speaking into your recorder. 
“This is Dr. Y/N L/N. I am accompanied by Dr. Spencer Reid. The date is April 12th 2014. For the first time ever Planet KXSY-1029 or Alias Gaia is Fully visible from earth!” You turn off the recorder and jump into your boyfriend’s arms. He instantly catches you and spins you around before kissing you fully on your lips. You moan into his mouth slightly as his tongue meets yours but eventually he pulls away but he is still lifting you fully. 
“Do you realize how big tonight is? This is probably the only time anyone in centuries will be able to see her until we actually start human trials and it’s the only time it’ll probably ever be visible from earth and WE were here for it! This is amazing! This night cannot get bette--” 
“Marry me.” Spencer says, looking into your eyes. 
Your eyes widen, as Spencer sets you down on the ground. “What?” You ask. 
“I was going to ask at dinner.” He says pulling a ring out of his jacket pocket and getting down on one knee. You feel tears welling in your eyes. 
“I ruined your whole plan.” You say. 
“No! No, you didn’t. Because seeing you react to seeing Gaia just now reminded me exactly why I wanted to marry you.” Spencer says, grabbing your hands. “Did you know the greek goddess Gaia in creating the earth, gave humans four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. And Zeus, fearing their power, split them in half and that’s where the soulmates come from?” He asks, you shake your head and more tears fall as he rubs small circles with his thumb on the back of your hand. “Y/N, you are the single most caring, passionate, amazing person I know. And if I could go back and change anything about how we met and when we met, I wouldn’t. If I could take away your hurt and tragedy, I would but I feel like everything I’ve ever done, everything that’s ever happened to me, was designed to lead me to you. Meeting you, loving you was the first time in my life I felt truly like myself, like I was half a person until meeting you made me whole again.” He tears up as he looks you in the eyes. “So, Y/N… Will you marry me? Please.” He adds softly. 
You nod fast, tears falling more than they were before as you give him a wet smile. “Yes, Spencer! Of course!” You laugh as Spencer smiles up at you as he slides the ring onto your finger. He gets up and kisses you passionately, hands cradling your face. When you pull apart, he hugs you tightly. You breathe in his scent and look behind him at the images of Gaia on your screens. You thought back to the story Spencer had just told you about soulmates and how before you met Spencer you were just going through the motions of life, feeling incomplete and never knowing what was missing. You seemed to have everything you wanted. Your dream job and life. It wasn’t until being with Spencer you realized what was missing. That he was missing.   
In the end, you were just two halves. 
Made whole by Gaia.  
Taglist: @lokislilslut​ @spencerreidslove​ @evelyncade @ceeellewrites​ @diesinspanishbcimhispanic​ @eevee0722​ @fiftyshadesof-reid​ @cielo1984​ @differentkettleoffishalltogether​ @criminalmindzjunkie​ @bbygirlq2020​ @quillanpie​ @themanwiththreephds​ @itshatertatertotblog​ @bihoeofmanyfandoms​ @baby-i-am-fireproof​ @graciehams​ @no-honey-no​ @capricornmashmallow​ @itsarayofsunshine​ @big-galaxy-chaos​ @findmedontlooseme​ @justanothetfangirl​ @chelseyjoyce​ @starlight-boo​ @artzic​
@sizzlingclamturtlesludge​ @spencerreidlivesrentfreeinmyhead​ @avaryjillian​ @sadassflatass​   @seashantiesforthots
@bauhousewife​ @anotherr-fine-mess @literaturely-a-mess @piggyinapickle
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therealvalkyrie · 4 years
Through the Mirror: Part 1
my body, my music
Pairing/setting: Detective!Levi Ackerman x Female!Ghost!Reader, modern!AU within the Walls
Summary: When you’re murdered one Tuesday morning, can Levi piece together the true circumstances of your death with your help from beyond the grave?
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: dead body, descriptions of blood, swearing, mentions of violence
AN: Welcome to my new series because I have no self control and can’t finish projects before starting others! Lemme just start off by saying updates may come pretty irregularly because I do have a lot of other WIPs to work on, but! I’m really excited about this idea and have a whole lot planned:) I seriously hope you enjoy. After all, who doesn’t love a good murder mystery? Drop into my DMs/askbox/comments/reblogs to let me know what you think! Be kind to yourselves and others. ~valkyrie
“Ah, shit! Hello!? I’m standing right here!”
The woman completely ignores you, stepping carefully over the puddle of blood and across your tiny living room. You cross your arms and pout. She ignores that, too. 
“‘Scuse me, boys, let the experts take it from here,” she quips, gently pushing past the two detectives and crouching next to your body on the ground. 
It’s ugly, but she’s probably seen worse, you muse from where you’re leaning against the door jamb. It’s only been lying there for a couple of hours, so at least you haven’t bloated to something out of an NCIS episode. Must smell horrid, though, judging by the mask the head detective has pulled over his face.
“So, you said the landlady called at about 7 am?” the ME inquires, cocking her head up to look at the detectives, nylon gloved hands held at the ready.
“7:07 exactly. Said a neighbor made a noise complaint, she came up to check it out, found signs of a forced entry, and called us.” It’s the taller blonde who speaks up, reading from an off-brand pocket notepad in his left hand. The kind you’d find on sale at Staples after Back-to-School season.
Interesting. You lean your head against the wall, eyes trained on the trio. You’d pegged the ill-tempered shorter one as in charge. Maybe he’s just the quiet type. 
“Hmm, alright. Moblit, get off your ass and come take the pictures before we move her,” the woman calls to someone behind you, and you turn just in time to get a face full of Moblit’s chest as he walks towards you. 
You cringe back with a “God, seriously?” to no response.
“Yes, sorry, right away, Hange!” Moblit hurries past- no, through -you, sidestepping the ottoman and the blood. It feels weird, like a strong wind, but not altogether unpleasant to have someone walk through you, you suppose. You look down at your chest to watch your misty body re-settle into itself before looking back at the group in your living room.
Were it not for the gruesome accents of blood flecked up the walls and your body riddled with stab wounds, you’d chuckle at how all four of them struggled to navigate the space. It’s cramped enough when it’s just you, fitting only a couch, a chair, a coffee table, your fern (Boris), and a narrow IKEA bookshelf. With the four of them plus a dead body, it’s like watching a freaking clown car.
“Sorry, excuse me, Captain, oh, was that your toe—?” Moblit’s struggling the most, having to move to capture different angles with his bulky camera. When he steps on the shorter man’s toe, he positively blanches, fumbling over himself to apologize while the ME laughs openly.
“God, alright, just,” the Captain pinches his delicate nose between a thumb and forefinger, then decides it’s better to wait in the kitchen. “C’mon, Gin, let’s chat in there.”
The Captain and the blonde detective both pass through you on the way back to the kitchen, but you only sigh and shake the tingly feeling of being incorporeal out of your fingers before following them.
“So,” the man called Gin takes the initiative, flipping back through his notebook and standing by the fridge. “I got statements from the landlady and two of the neighbors, numbers 303 and 304 down the hall. 301, directly across the hall, didn’t answer, but I got contact info from the landlady.” He pauses to read and scratch at his whiskery beard. “It was 304 who made the noise complaint, said she heard yelling this morning at around 5:45, and that she normally wouldn’t’ve said anything but it was, quote, the fourth goddamn time this week and I work the goddamn night shift, I deserve some fucking rest, unquote.”
You grin. Mrs. Sheffield was never one to mince words, something you appreciated when your ex-boyfriend got too loud and she took it upon herself to give him a piece of her mind. You catch a glimmer of a smile on the ornery Captain’s face above where he’s pulled his mask down before he gestures for Gin to keep going, keeping his thoughtful gaze fixed on the floor and his back against your countertop.
“Then after she called the landlady, she went to bed, only to be woken by us two hours later.”
“You said she called the landlady at 5:45 and that she works the night shift?”
Gin double checks his notes. “That’s right.”
“And she works at the hospital?”
“Yes, as a scrub nurse on the night shift.”
“But the night shift at the hospital ends at 6:30.”
“It was her night off,” you and Gin say at the same time before you catch yourself. They can’t hear you, anyway. This’d be a lot easier if they could.
Gin plows ahead. “But she says she keeps the same sleep schedule so she doesn’t, ah, fuck up her circadian rhythm.”
The Captain practically snorts at this, itching for a second under his silk cravat (can someone say pretentious) before settling back into a listening silence.
“303 says he didn’t hear a thing. College kid, looked exhausted. Said he was asleep the whole night after he got in at,” a page flip, “11 o’clock last night. Wasn’t much help, but looked genuinely upset when we told him about the murder. Wanted to know if there was anything he could do. Oh, but he did, uh, hang on,” more page flips, “He did tell us that he heard her and her boyfriend arguing a lot. Which is consistent with what Mrs. Sheffield told us.”
“Ex-boyfriend,” you correct into thin air. 
“A lover’s spat gone wrong, then,” Mr. Pretentious Captain muses. You huff in annoyance. A lover’s spat. If that’s all that this is written off as you’ll have some serious PD haunting to do. Chris may have been an angry, loud, disruptive manipulator, but he wouldn’t murder you. He didn’t murder you. “Any info on the whereabouts of the boyfriend?”
Blondie cuts you off, “Not currently, but we do have a name: Chris Henderson, works in admin down at the University. Lives across town closer to the Bridge.”
“Send some uniforms to bring him in for questioning. No arrests yet, tell ‘em to keep it friendly.”
“Right, I’ll put Dreyse and Bodt on it.”
“Dreyse, really?” Captain Cravat gives Gin an incredulous look. 
“Hey, she may look like a ditz but she gets the job done. And she might get him to let down his guard,” Gin argues, grinning. 
“Fine. I’ll meet them at the station, you stay here and make sure that mousy-haired dunce doesn’t fuck up my crime scene.”
“Hey, who’re you callin’ mousy-haired, short stack?” Hange actually sticks her whole head through yours this time, to butt into the conversation, and you shriek and jump away to the other side of your tiny kitchen, now sandwiched between Blondie and Shortstack. The latter twitches and swats at the air by his ear, as though to dislodge a fly, narrowly missing yours. You give him a weird look then turn back to listen to the ME. She’s leaning into the kitchen at an alarming angle, one hand on the doorframe and the other on the end of the gurney you assume is carrying your body. You shudder at the thought of being toted around in a dark, musty, humid glorified coat bag. Ugh. 
“—takin’ this baby”-she slaps the gurney twice and you flinch-“back so I can get started on the autopsy, Moblit’s staying to take more pictures and collect forensics. If Eld’s stayin’ here with Mob, does that mean you’re catching a ride with me, Levi?” The question is addressed to Captain Grump on your right, who gives a heavy sigh and pushes off the counter. 
“I guess so. I get to choose music though.”
“Ah, ah, ah,” she’s wagging a finger, grinning. “My body, my music!”
“How about my body, my music?” you suggest, following Levi. “I deserve it after the day I’ve had.”
Again, Levi twitches and swats aggressively by his ear, nearly hitting you full in the face this time. 
“You hear that, Gin? This place got a mosquito problem or something?”
“I do not have a mosquito problem!” and “No, sir, I don’t hear anything.” overlap in the air. 
Captain Levi only grunts, then starts spouting instructions, which Gin notes down. “I want footage from any cameras in the building, and from the shops next door and across the street. I want statements from residents both upstairs and downstairs. I want names, addresses, and numbers of next of kin on my desk by noon, and lastly, I want no one, save for myself, you, shitty glasses, and mousy-hair, in or out of this apartment. Are we clear?”
“Crystal clear, sir.”
“Good. I’m leaving you Braus to help and to show her the ropes of this kind of thing. Even though she’s on the case, she will not set foot in this apartment. I don’t trust her not to leave breadcrumbs in the bloodstains.
“Yes, sir.”
“I expect an in-person report before shift-change this evening. See you then.” Then, he’s sweeping out of the kitchen in pursuit of Hange and the gurney, leaving you to scurry after. As you exit your home, he shoots a young auburn-haired woman in a crisp white blouse and wool slacks a look. “Braus. You’re with Gin. Don’t go in the apartment.”
She straightens up from leaning against the wall with a jolt and brushes croissant crumbs off her front. “Yes, Captain Levi, sir!” It’s slightly muffled by the pastry stuffed into her mouth.
It’s fascinating watching how Levi and Hange manage to navigate the gurney down the narrow, twisting stairs of your walk-up apartment building. They’re both clearly used to this sort of thing, communicating only in short phrases and grunts when they encounter an obstacle. Occasionally, you offer up a pointer and watch as Levi becomes increasingly irritated. 
“Watch out for Mr. Laslow’s cat, he likes to sneak up on ya!”
“Hange, do you hear— shit!” Levi hops to the side, narrowly avoiding the tabby tail as Tubbins McGee whisks past.
“It’s only a cat, Levi, dunno what’s got you so worked up today,” Hange teases, grin echoing your own as you chortle from the landing above them. 
Eventually, they spill out onto the sidewalk and into the bright mid-day, and Hange groans loudly, stretching with both hands on her back.
“Ugh. Remind me not to die in there, I’d hate to put someone else through that.”
“Boof, tell me about it,” you commiserate. 
“Noted,” Levi snarks. 
Hange removes jingling keys from her pocket and unlocks the ME’s van parked along the sidewalk with a beep, then opens the back doors and steps in. You follow, leaning against the cool metal siding to watch.
When they both load into the front seats and the engine turns over, you lean forward between them to listen in.
“So,” Hange starts, smoothly pulling out into the road behind a silver minivan. “I’ll be able to give you a more solid answer in a couple hours, but my initial estimated time of death would be around 5:45 this morning.”
Levi nods, staring out the passenger window while he answers. “That lines up with the neighbor’s story.”
“Theories so far?”
“Well, there’s the boyfriend,” he muses, lifting a hand to rub his chin.
“Too obvious,” you say dully, not bothering to amend the lack of “ex” yet again. “Next theory.”
He’s quiet for a moment, then mutter, almost too quietly for you to catch: “Too obvious, hmm? Next theory....”
You’re momentarily flabbergasted, hand falling through the faux-leather seat back in your shock. Can he actually hear you? You shake out your hand while it re-materializes, tuning in to the conversation as Hange’s responding. 
“—a little far-fetched, don’t you think? I mean, has there been any of that activity in this area recently?”
“Mm, I’ll have to touch base with Petra. If there has been, I think it’s worth looking into.”
“What is? Wait, go back,” you frantically plead, leaning further into his airspace. But Hange plows on. 
“Oh, it’s Petra, now, hmm? Not Raggedy Anne anymore?” Her tone is teasing, and she glances over to Levi for a reaction. 
He doesn’t give her one, just stares out the window pensively before reaching for the radio dial. The stereo blares up into an Oldies station, and you make a disgusted face along with Levi. 
“You listen to this shit?”
“Hey, my dead body, my music, sweetcheeks. Don’t like it, you can thumb it back to the PD.”
“How about my dead body, my music?” you suggest again, reaching for the dial at the same time as Levi does. Just as his slender fingers touch it, your hand passes through the whole front console and the oldies are replaced with a terrifyingly loud static screeching. 
“Christ, Levi, what’d you do?” Hange shrieks, lunging forward to punch the radio off as you remove your hand. 
“Nothing! It just went berserk!”
They bicker while you stare at your offending palm. “Huh. Didn’t know I could do that.”
If you can actually interact with objects, at least to some degree, and if it turns out Levi can hear you.... This whole thing might be easier than you thought.
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cherriesradio · 4 years
Class 1-A relationship headcanons
Part 1 -> https://cherry-cake-pies.tumblr.com/post/640877154337538048/mha-relationship-headcanons-class-1-a
Mashirao Ojiro
Remember when you where a little kid and would collect flowers at recess and give them to your teacher? Yeah that’s him
Makes little flower crowns
Idk this boy just really likes flowers okay
Their a secret for a while and because he’s not friends with everyone no one really “finds out” and the just tell the class
Aizawa kinda knew they were together the whole time it was obvious it’s just no one paid attention
Y/n is willing to get in fight for people they care for and Ojiro will just pull them away with his tail from beating some kid who made fun of Deku
They call him “Lovely little Monkey” cause he’s only 5’4 or around there and they find it cute
When it gets more serious he makes a vow to them that he will never hit them or hurt them in anyway and it’s the sweetest thing ever
When y/n is having a bad day he’ll just come at them with a million bad puns and pick up lines to make them laugh
Y/n likes wearing his Martial Arts clothes and he’s like “would you actually wanna learn?” And after a second of thinking they nod their head at rapid speed
Denki and y/n are the only people who can touch his tail (him and Denki are great friends try to change my mind)
When he’s a pro hero y/n and him are partners and they don’t tell the public their together
Every fan ships them
So one day they think no one is watching them after a fight and they kiss and congratulate each other on how good they did
Turns out there were a ton of cameras around them and it was on the news
Y/n almost killed the network ngl
Denki Kaminari
He may seem like a perv but he’s only a perv at home don’t worry ❤️
Anyways (cause writing THAT made me uncomfortable)
Y/n makes him study and sometimes he doesn’t and they’ll check to see if he’s studying and at some point their just like
“I’m gonna study with you to make sure you study”
He did study when they were with him :)
Drop kicks Mineta when he hits on y/n even tho he knows y/n and him are dating
When y/n doesn’t know he’s there he’ll go up to them and give them a small zap and they’ll giggle
(Okay druggie Denki coming through) y/n helps him get out of addiction 😌
Puts him in rehab if it’s bad bad
Once Bakugo made fun of their relationship and behind Denki’s back y/n beat him to the ground and the next day he had a black eye and some bruises and Denki was like “bro what happened” “nothin”
They mess with Ojiro’s tail together
Y/n will rant and he just sits staring at them and nodding occasionally
👏watching 👏crappy 👏 tv shows / movies 👏 together 👏👏👏👏👏
When he’s in dumbass mode y/n will throw him over their shoulder and bring him to the dorms and the whole class finds it so funny
On Twitter and other social media they will post a pic of the other and the text is just a keyboard smash
Before they got together he would do that but in the Bakusquad group chat and Bakugo just left the chat at some point cause he was tired of random clearly not asked for pics of y/n and just “akaoqiwbbejwhbwoqj I thinking I’m simping”
Relationship is not a secret whatsoever
He just went up to them in the middle of lunch, got down on one knee, took one of their hands and asked them to go out with him and after bursting into laughter y/n said yes
He’s protective but also if no ones eyeing y/n or hitting on them he’ll low key be offended for y/n like “how dare they not find you to be the hottest/ cutest/ most wonderful being in the universe?”
If y/n is tired after training then he’ll pick them up bridle style and the Bakusquad calls him a simp
It’s literally the most healthy relationship you could ever imagine
Neither will hesitate to call the other out if their being unfair/ not putting effort into the relationship or “unmanly” as Kirishima says
Makes sure each of them get a good amount of self care as well as taking care of the other
Rarely fight, get in arguments but settle it out peacefully and with respect for one another
He would break up with y/n if they make him feel less or like he has to “be good enough for them” because he heavily values self worth because of this insecurity’s in middle school
Y/n makes him feel like he can do anything tho so don’t worry
Sometimes y/n just sits down and stares at Kirishima whiles he’s ranting about something he’s passionate about and smiling
Then he’s like “why are you staring?”
Y/n: *absolutely star struck* “u pretty”
Has hot coco in the summer
Making pillow/ blanket forts and when their done using them jumping on top and destroying them
Y/n will run at him from behind and he hears their footsteps and then shifts to pick them up for a piggy back ride
Swinging their arms around when they hold hands 😫
Y/n snorts when they laugh and their insecure about it and then Kirishima is like “okay then I’ll not try to make them laugh to much so they don’t snort and feeling bad!” And then y/n thinks he’s less interested in them
And then he makes up for it in making them laugh a ton (like to where they start coughing) and cudddle up to them and tell them how he loves their snort
Get each other gifts and ONLY gives them in front of the rest of the class to flaught how much they adore each other
Fist bumps are a form of intimate affection and you can’t change his mind
So are high fives
Even if they break up they will still be really good friends
Kirishima metions how he really likes how Bakugo makes a random food and y/n will force him to teach them how to make it
Forehead kisses Forehead kisses Forehead kisses Forehead kis-
Has a new pet name for each other every day
Fat gum has to approve (he does, he adores y/n)
Kirishima and y/n definitely call him dad
Tamaki meets them and after he tells Kirishima “their really nice you have good taste” and then feels bad because he made it sound like food
All four are just best friends and after the raid y/n totally takes them all out for boba or something like that because they are proud
Kouji Kouda (Koda)
Very, very slow relationship
It was like 6 months in before they kissed
Every time he leaves a room he’ll be like “bye I love you!”
Doesn’t get jealous at all
Like a guy could literally slap their butt and he’ll just sit their like “well that’s not very friendly” and then y/n tells him how it made them uncomfortable and he’s like “OH NO I SHOULD OF HELPED”
Dates at the park
Y/n will see like a squirrel or bird or something and be like “Koda Koda go say hi tell it hi for me please”
The type to look up how to be romantic and he just sits at his computer like “why would I kiss them in the rain????? We would be wet and uncomfortable?????”
First date is at a petting zoo
They (Koda would not propose) proposed at that same petting zoo but made arrangements to where no one else would be there so he wouldn’t be embarrassed
Legit learning Morse code or silent language so he doesn’t have to talk
Little notes left on their desk before their together and y/n’s friends are all like “you have a secret admirer~~~” and he glances over to blushing y/n and stiffens, blushing
Y/n always getting the spiders
At first wanted to do the “cover with a glass slip a piece of paper let it free” method but then he got paranoid they got back in the dorm
At the start of the relationship whenever y/n even breaths he’s staring at the ground blushing
Once they were cuddling and he had his head in their chest (uncomfortable for y/n but they deal) and they started singing and he melt on the spot
When they feel down in the morning and Koda can’t walk with them back to the dorms for whatever reason a trail of little rabbits and other cute animals will follow them trying to cheer them up
Rikidou Satou
Constantly baking for y/n, after something runs out he will have something even better ready to give to them
Teaches has them to bake
Self doubts when y/n is around good looking people and tries to show off his muscles to show that he’s worth them
Y/n knows he deserves them ❤️
Some times he’ll make something super sugary and shares with the class and their all like “????? This is so sugary I can’t eat this???????”
And y/n is munching on it and everyone knows that he makes them stuff like this all the time
“How in the world are you still fit?” “Lots and lots of working out and only eat healthy outside of it. No chips or anything , and it’s fine”
Randomly declares that he loves random thing about them
“I love how their hair smells after they shower!” “Okay Satou anyways when are we gonna-“
Y/n said he was a good kisser once and now every time he sees them walk in the room he makes a kissy face
Taking random walks around campus
And they talk to people they pass by
Like so many people around the school know about them and they become known as “that one really cute walking couple”
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hiilikeanimelol · 3 years
After seeing the chat between simeon and lucifer called 'brothers no more' I started to question a lot of shit. I have a few things I would like to discuss with the small part of the fandom thats on tumblr about this, including
Why didn't simeon fall after the war?
Was simeon the older sibling?
Did simeon even know about lilith having a boyfriend in the human world?
I'll put it under the cut as I feel this is gonna be a long ass post, I wish I could say this is all random thoughts but I've been sat on this for at least a week and I had to re write it all as I accidentally deleted it 😃👍
Ok so we know that lucifer mammon leviathan asmodeus beelzebub and belphegor fell from grace, out of all the siblings only 6 of them went from angel to demon, lilith died straight after the fall so even if she did gain a demon form she was only in it for a few minutes tops before she was made human and satan was born around the same time lilith died.
My first area of confusion is lilith being made a human, was she reincarnated as a random baby somewhere or did she just show up as a fully grown woman in the human world? Because if she ends up as a fully grown woman then she can be with her boyfriend but there's no human records of her birth, she just wouldn't exist on any documents or have any identification, so she has no certificate of birth or anything like that which could potentially cause issues for her, not to mention the fact that she wouldn't have any childhood memories, how would her boyfriend react to his girlfriend loosing her memories? What if her boyfriend didn't actually make it and died? Obviously we know she had a family as mc is her descendant but whos to say the og boyfriend was the baby daddy? if she was reincarnated as a baby somewhere then there would be proof of her birth and she would live a normal life but then her boyfriend would be alone unless he did die, that gives lilith the ability to live a normal human life and as she has no memories of being an angel she probably wouldn't remember the boyfriend and/or his death, a win/win situation unless you're the dead boyfriend
And simeon, the chat name for him and lucifer is called 'brothers no more' as simeon was one of the brothers up in the celestial realm so you'd have
Making the assumption that diavolo, lucifer, simeon and possibly barbatos (still baffled over barb never being a child like tf) all being a similar age simeon could well have been the eldest of the 8 or maybe even twins with lucifer. If lucifer was the second eldest up in the celestial realm imagine how hard it would've been on him mentally to fall from grace and bring his younger siblings with him, eventhough I myself am the middle child I don't really rely on my older brother and sister too much as we don't have the strongest bond and i have the childhood trauma in my family and none of my siblings do. If I was to do something rebellious and my 3 younger siblings were to follow me and suffer the same consequences id obviously feel like I'd fucked up and so does lucifer. However if I was to do that and my older siblings were to not do what I did id feel like I shoudlve been more like them and that I clearly wasn't as smart as my older siblings.
It only makes sense for lucifer to compare himself to simeon regardless of the fact they were family, they were once the same but lucifer can't bare to see what life could've been like if he had stayed an angel, going off the assumption that simeon was the eldest imagine how bad he would feel knowing that his seven younger siblings fell and he stayed in heaven where he was safe. Surely he would feel like he had failed as an older brother.
Which brings me to the point of why didn't simeon fall? He clearly loves lucifer and his brothers as much as the other brothers love lucifer so why didn't he fall with them? Lucifer was forcibly sent out of heaven but mammon,levi,asmo,beel and belphie chose to follow him so why didn't simeon too? Simeon must have had some important reason to stay in the celestial realm, maybe he's more important than he let's on and him leaving would've caused chaos or maybe he knew that they'd all be fine together and decided to stay in the celestial realm so that they had a friendly face if they ever had to return there, if angels go to the devildom who's to day demons won't go to the celestial realm, a friendly face would be needed as like luke has done other angels would probably be disgusted at the sight of lucifer and his brothers after they 'betrayed' their father, if they were to return there's no guaranteeing their safety up there.
Or maybe simeon had the opportunity to fall but decided that he didn't deserve to be reunited with his brothers, he punished himself for being absent in the battle by isolating himself in the celestial realm, and as he's their brother im sure other angels would've had something to say to him or thought that any day he would do the same thing they did.
Its shown that the brothers went to see liliths boyfriend but simeom wasn't there, did simeon even know that she had a boyfriend? Maybe that's why he didn't fight, if he didn't know what was happening then you wouldn't pick a side until you know both sides of the story
Lucifer is always giving simeon the cold shoulder as it seems he doesn't want to have a relationship with him anymore and with the chat when simeon offers to pat lucifer on the head which tends to be the older sibling patting the younger one, after simeon refused to follow lucifer lost all respect for him
Anyway, that's all I have for now I could put more but I want other people to see this, please give me y'alls opinions and thoughts on this
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