#sammy smee
chadtheroyalidiot · 2 months
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sammy smee, son of mr. smee
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CJ: How do you get away with murder?
Harry: Use an icicle to stab someone because it melts away.
Carlos: Get your car cleaned and then purposely dirty it again.
Jay: Buy a ticket to a show and tell as many people on social media so you have a believable alibi.
Evie: Contour your face and use colour contacts.
Freddie: Change your dialect or accent.
Celia: Layer up to make yourself look bigger.
Audrey: Wear heels or bigger shoes.
Sammy: I don't condone any of this.
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isleofdarkness · 14 days
On the Isle, all cecaelias (Ursula, Morganna, Uliana, etc) are in their fake human forms, they were forced into the transformation before being sealed there and they don't have the magic needed to change back into their natural form. Over the years, this unnatural form has put a lot of strain on their bodies, resulting in chronic pain. Even Uma and the Smees feel it, even though they never had access to their natural forms, because they're being forced to hold an unnatural form. It's very inhumane.
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houseofmouselove100 · 8 months
Here Aladdin's carpet puts on a flying show
Captain Hook was nervous when he saw the crocodiles
The carpet also crossed Phil's obstacles
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humaforever · 1 month
Harriet has never lived without Sammy in the same house as her. And at this point she doesn't care where she ends up living, she is bringing Sammy.
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tiredflowercrown · 3 months
Songs from Epic and their respective VKs
This may seem a lil clunky and I won't be linking the songs because I'm too tired rn sorry
Just a Man - Anthony Tremaine
Open Arms - Hunter de Vil (as Odysseus) and Meade Mim (as Polites)
Remember Them - Uma, Harriet Hook, Sammy Smee
My Goodbye - Madam Mim (as Athena) and Iolanthe Mim (as Odysseus)
Ruthlessness - Harriet Hook, Diego de Vil, Uma, Laura Rourke
Puppeteer - Whitney Skyes
Done For - Michelle Mim, Whitney Skyes
The Underworld - Freddie Facilier
No Longer You - Celia Facilier
Monster - Harriet Hook, Freddie Facilier, Laura Rourke, Diego de Vil
Suffering - Maddy Mim
Different Beast - Gene LeGume, Gustave LeGume, Diego de Vil
Scylla- The Mim grandchildren as a whole
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
More details about how the Isle kids cannot process or interpret emotions....
@tiredflowercrown tagged:
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@shellyseashell tagged:
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Yes to all of these.
Ginny doesn't even know what she's feeling.
Mal was raised to be a perfect copy of her mother. But she doesn't want to be her mother, she hates her mother, but she doesn't know what else she is besides a mini-Maleficent, so she hates herself too. Anything that's close to her, she pushes away, rejects, makes them as unlike her as possible. She did it with Maddy. She did it with Uma. She would have done it with Evie, eventually, if they hadn't gone to Auradon.
The only way Jay ever earned his father's approval was through stealing. Even years later, he'll habitually steal little trinkets to gift to Lonnie without even noticing.
Evie doesn't know how to have any relationship with anyone that isn't seducing a prince.
Sammy Smee was raised in an violent environment full of anger and shouting. Even once he was on Harriet's ship, well, Harriet also gets angry, and also shouts, because she was raised in that same environment. Sammy can't understand anything that isn't like that.
Freddie and Celia don't trust anything that's for free. Everything has to be for something. Everything is in exchange for something. No one is simply "friends" with anyone, they have to be getting something out of it. It's only a matter of figuring out what, and making sure you won't be left at a disadvantage. (And it can be inferred that Freddie and Celia had one of the better childhoods on the Isle, so if this is their view on relationships, imagine everyone else's!)
Squeaky and Squirmy trust Sammy to be their provider, their teacher, their caregiver, and no one else. They don't know how to relate to anyone who isn't him. They just sort of shut down. Not with their father, who loved them but never tried to protect them, not like Sammy did. At least Sammy tried. Not with the Hook siblings, who were always getting involved in various dangerous shenanigans and who scare them, just the tiniest bit, even though they also help them and take care of them. No one but Sammy.
Dizzy....Dizzy has two examples: Anthony and Lady Tremaine. (Her mother never even pretended to love her. Her aunt was too beaten down to show it.) Anthony loves her, and everyone knows this. But Anthony was raised to be a lord on an Isle full of the dregs of society, an Isle where everyone ridicules those with pretenses to greatness. Yet his grandmother insisted, and he doesn't know how to show anything but his facade. He tells Dizzy he loves her, and he does, but he speaks coldly, strictly, harshly. He rarely, if ever, shows anger. No outbursts of emotion; hardly any emotion at all. No raising his voice. No playing games, no hugs, none of the things Dizzy would like to do. And Lady Tremaine....she really barely feels any emotion at all, not anymore. Of course she loves Dizzy, she says. She's her grandmother. What kind of grandmother wouldn't love her granddaughter? If only Dizzy would do her chores quicker, better, quieter. If only she would behave well. Then she would surely show Dizzy that she loved her, more than just saying "Of course I love you Dizzy" without even a smile and sending her off to the salon. Or so Dizzy believes, anyway. Anthony has inherited far more of his behavior and mannerisms from his grandmother than he would like to believe.
And Claudine. You see, Frollo usually does not lose his temper. He rarely shouts or rages. He prides himself on keeping perfect control on his emotions. And so Claudine doesn't associate loud noises or shouting with his anger. No, she associates frighteningly calm voices, in an even tone, with no expression, excoriating her with the harshest of words. And of course she thinks she should be hurt. Anyone who cares about her would hurt her as a punishment, so she should learn to do better. She doesn't like it, of course, but it's what has to be done, right? Right?
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leavethemtorot · 6 months
more than anything
Here is angst. Of course it where Harriet is. That's her spotlight.
Sammy sat alone in the cabin, double checking inventory counts and crew reports. The words ever so slightly swimming. It was going on 48 hours with no rest in sight for him. Not when Harriet had disappeared again.
She will be back, she always is. Her bloodshot blown out eyes, ever so slightly slurred words, and bruises marking her skin will always confirm to him where she was. As if Diego disappearing at the same time hadn’t already. He always followed her after all.
Until then he’ll pick up the slack. He always did. One day she’ll pay him back.
The door creaked open.
There she is. She looks like a wreck, hair mussed up, stains against her shirt, bruises scattered around her neck. She looked exactly as he thought she would.
“What the fuck are you doing, Sammy? Get away from my desk.” She sneered, stumbling towards him.
“I’m doing your job. Like I’m supposed to do. A first mate is supposed to step up when the captain can’t. That’s why you made me your first mate. Or are you too drunk and high to remember that?”
“Fuck You.” She spat, not having a good rebuttal for his accurate accusations.
He simply stared at her, unamused, before standing up. He is nothing compared to her, five foot three and wiry to her 5 '11 and pure muscle, yet he was just as much of a force of nature as she was. Turning, Sammy forced her into the chair, giving her a pointed glare before grabbing a waterskin.
“Drink. Lord knows you need it.”
“Oh please. There’s no god here that cares.”
All he did was look at her before forcing the waterskin into her hand and up to her mouth, wrestling her until he could tilt her head back and pinch her nose shut, forcing her to drink. When he was satisfied that she had drunk enough he relented, taking a step back to avoid the spitting and the swings coming for his face. She glared at him with all her might.
“Why you little-”
“Careful Harriet, you’re beginning to sound like your father.”
She stopped. Chest heaving. She froze, reevaluating her life. That was her worst fear and he knew it. Which is why she decided to hit back just as hard.
If he was gonna play dirty why couldn’t she?
“Like you’re much better. You’re in here, cleaning up my mess. Making everything to MY preference. When was the last time you did anything that wasn’t for me, huh Sammy? How’s Marya? Or your precious little brothers? How can you protect anyone if you are always here? Catering to. My. Every, Need.”
“That’s it. It’s time for bed Harriet.”
He grabbed her, his grip bruising on her arm, dragging her to her bedroom. Slamming the door open, not caring how loud he was. It’s not like anyone heard, and if they did they know better than to question the noises coming from Harriet’s quarters. He shoved her towards the bed, taking her sword off her in the same motion. It was easy considering just how much practice he’s had doing so.
She started stalking towards him before tripping on a loose board. Taking his chance, Sammy strong armed her into bed.
“Now sleep. I don’t want to have to break out the restraints again. I’m sure you wouldn’t like that either.”
Harriet gave one last glare before turning and curling into herself. She knew that he would, Sammy always stuck to his threats. Besides, she was feeling tired. She was doing this on her accord you see. Saammy could never force her to do anything she didn’t want to do, she lied to herself.
Sammy, seeing that she was going to listen for once, returned to the office. The reports are even messier than they were earlier. His work now was going to take even longer. It was going to be another all-nighter getting all of these finished. Pushing Harriet’s words out of his head, he returned to writing.
There was no room for emotion or doubt when he needed to create some form of stability for the crew.
He had work to do.
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cleverqueencommander · 11 months
Anthony: *exists*
Tumblr Descendants: asshffvjbdehvdgbdhydsvjydxjkbvsgnxcjb, a disaster, a pretty boy, quick! Somebody give that boy a hug! Let that mf wear nice clothes! He deserves nice things! Gay™️
Li’l Shang: *exists*
Tumblr Descendants: a precious boy, but he has the world’s shittiest name. He deserves better.
Diego de Vil: *exists*
Tumblr Descendants: *hugs him gently*
Aziz: *exists*
Tumblr Descendants: we want to see more of him.
Hadie: *exists*
Tumblr Descendants: that’s a baby right there! Our precious cinnamon roll deserves way better than what de la Cruz did to him.
Sammy Smee: *exists*
Tumblr Descendants: Gay™️
Herkie: *exists*
Tumblr Descendants: Herkie…..right. Herkie…
Descendants book boys in the Tumblr Descendants nutshell.
Y’all can add more about these boys if you want
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Summary: Being the ‘sensible’ one of the group isn't fun. 
Which is why these ‘sensible ones’ have what they like to call ‘bitching time’ together. Trigger Warnings: Underage drinking, swearing, implied violence, unhealthy coping mechanisms, etc.
Written by @hannahhook7744 and me ♥
Chapter 1:
Sammy sat at their usual table, desperately trying not to look around the establishment. They were late, of course they were.
Why would anyone ever be on time?
They looked into their almost empty glass. They were off-duty today and thus could drink, but they didn’t want to get too much into it in case anything happened. Force of habit, you see. They made a face into the glass and looked up when someone stopped at their table.
Jace Badun.
And a ragged looking Jace Badun at that. 
The not-so-gentle giant plopped down into his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose: looking bone tired as he did so. 
Well, it looked like the lateness wasn’t entirely voluntary, at least, which earned Jace a small insignificant plus.
“What happened?” asked Sammy like the occasionally well-mannered gentle-pirate they were.
Jace gave them a look that could mean only ‘I’m not drunk enough for whatever is happening’, and waved at the server. Sammy immediately took the small insignificant plus away.
“Fucking Harry got in a fight with your Harry about their stupid nickname AGAIN.”
“I don’t know why you stop them. It tires them out and they can’t bother you like that. It’s mutually beneficial.”
Look, Sammy had opinions about the Hook siblings. Mainly, they thought they were fucking feral. Secondly, only they were allowed to say that out loud.
They looked at Jace.
Jace shot back a shot of dubious quality that he snatched from a nearby table and deadpanned: “I fucking hate you.”
Sammy shrugged. “Mood. Wanna order now or are you stealing tonight?”
Sammy didn’t care either way. Harriet was giving them extra money for these nights. Jace grimaced again.
“Order now. Talk later.” Jace sighed, waving a server down. The girl, dressed in something that was barely considered classy twenty years ago, unenthusiastically walked over to them:
“What do you want?”
“Just a beer for now.”
She scribbled that down on her pad and turned to Sammy. “Great. Anything for you?”
Sammy looked at their glass and shook their head. “I’m all set for now. I’ll let you know when that changes.”
“I have no doubt you will,” she more growled under her breath than anything.
Sammy suddenly felt a wave of compassion towards her.
“Will anyone else be joining you today, gentlemen?” she asked, looking around.
“One more. He's start off with champagne.” Jace added, grumbling. Before looking back at the blonde. “Uma said she can't come: her mom's running her ragged again.”
Sammy ignored the server, who looked way too pleased hearing Anthony will come, and asked: “Evie?”
Jace shrugged: “Who knows? She and Carlos are running around now, trying to get themselves killed with Maleficent Junior.”
Sammy nodded empathetically. They had withstanded one too many rants about certain purple haired dragon-spawn from Harry. “Or maybe Anthony will know more. You know, Villain kids. They would live at the Salon if they could.”
Sammy also knew way too much about Tremaine salon, thank you for asking. With that thought, they considered asking for another drink.
Jace, on the other hand, just sipped on his own. Clutching the glass tightly in his fist. “I know. I've had to help Yzla practically drag Zevon from there.”
There was no ‘practically’ about it. 
They HAD had to drag him away from the establishment. Multiple times. 
Usually on the threat of death from a more than mildly annoyed Anthony who was running on less sleep than Jace himself was. 
And at least he didn't have to deal with CJ Hook of all people.
As both younger Hooks took it as their personal challenge to annoy their sister’s totally-not-a-boyfriend as much as humanly possible. Sammy didn’t try to stop this, as that meant more peace for him.
And anyway:
“Speak of the devil,” Sammy nodded towards the entrance, where a certain Tremaine lord was just posing for everyone to notice.
“Please, let’s not,” groaned Jace, „I am not drunk enough to talk about the de Vils yet.“
Sammy inclined their head towards the entrance more empathetically to make the point, as if the particularly stupid and/or desperate boys and girls suddenly fluttering towards the area didn’t do it for them.
“Anthony, get your ass over here. We don't have all day!” Jace was five minutes away from ripping his own hair out. Or Anthony's. 
Preferably Anthony’s.
That bastard would have it fixed by next morning anyway.
“You don’t have all day,” corrected Anthony with a bloody smirk, “I do. And I believe Sammy has as well. Something about your day off and strangling me if– …I might have stopped listening at that point.”
Of fucking course he did.
He turned at the nearest server: “Would you get me a glass of champagne, sweetheart? To that table over there, with the two gentlemen that try to pretend they don’t know me.”
Several of the employees giggled, probably hoping for tips.
Then Anthony sauntered over to the table.
“You know I hate you, right?“ Sammy asked.
“I am truly honoured by that.”
Jace cut them off: “I already ordered for you.”
He rested his chin in his hand. Looking both bored and done with both of them at the same time. 
“Oh, did you? That’s nice.”
“It just means you’re an alcoholic,” informed Sammy half-heartedly, definitely not thinking of Harriet and any other pirates.
Jace kicked them in the ankle. “Says the pirate.”
“I only drink when Harriet doesn’t!”
The brunette raised a brow. “Uh huh. Sure.”
“I thought we were supposed to be bitching about others and not at each other?” Anthony snarked, grabbing  his glass of champagne. Which he got delivered with astounding speed, because of course he did.
Because of course little Lord Tremendous couldn't wait for anything, now could he? 
The priss. 
“Then shut up and get started,” Jace snapped. “Before I decide to stop wasting my time and leave.”
Anthony gave him a look: “You won‘t leave. You want to complain about your idiots too much for that. Speaking of that: Guess why Evie isn‘t coming?”
Sammy did not want to guess. They waved down one of the servers still hanging around and finally got a new drink.
So Jace bit the bullet and asked again. “Jay got caught stealing again?”
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chadtheroyalidiot · 1 month
Descendants: book series villain kids full names [headcanon]
i made maddy's last name le fay because i headcanon madam mim to be a nickname given to morgana le fay from the villains in merlin academy
harriet → rhisiart aegea hook
↳ rhisiart → welsh → brave ruler
↳ aegea → greek → aegean sea
↳ hook → english → someone with a hooked/crooked nose or bent back
anthony → jean-antoine lathyn tremaine
↳ jean → french → yahweh is gracious
↳ antoine → french → highly praiseworthy; priceless one
↳ lathyn → american → a gift from god
↳ tremaine → celtic → town built with stone; stone settlement
ginny → geiona gothel
↳ geiona → german → a dove
↳ gothel → german → godmother
hermie → herminia bing
↳ herminia → greek/latin → great; potent; messenger; earthly
↳ bing → german/english → pot-shaped hollow
diego → diego leonard de vil
↳ diego → spanish → supplanter
↳ leonard → german → lion strength
↳ de vil → spanish/portuguese → from vileness; from villainy
yzla → marguerita ximena de la pēna
↳ marguerita → greek → pearl
↳ ximena → spanish → he has heard
↳ de la pēna → spanish → cliff; crag; rock
gaston jr → adonis legume
↳ adonis → greek → handsome lord
↳ legume → french → vegetable
gaston III → cassius legume
↳ cassius → latin → empty; vain; helmet; castle
↳ legume → french → vegetable
claudine → eveline atarah-grace frollo
↳ eveline → latin → source of life; little bird
↳ atarah → hebrew → crown
↳ grace → latin → favour; blessing
↳ frollo → ____ → ____
hadie → thaddeus
↳ thaddeus → aramaic → courageous heart
mad maddy → mawredd le fay
↳ mawredd → welsh → great chief
↳ le fay → french/latin → the fairy
sammy → sullivan matthew smiegel
↳ sullivan → gaelic → dark eyes
↳ matthew → hebrew → gift of god
↳ smiegel → polish → to move swiftly
rick → richard charles ratcliffe
↳ richard → german → strong in rule
↳ charles → english → free man
↳ ratcliffe → english → red cliff
clay → darren elliot clayton
↳ darren → irish → oak tree
↳ elliot → hebrew → the lord is my god
↳ clayton → english → clay settlement
lefou deux → remi ciel lefou
↳ remi → french/latin → oarsman
↳ ciel → french → from heaven
↳ lefou → french → fool
harry b. → harold jasper badun
↳ harold → english → army ruler
↳ jasper → persian → treasurer
↳ badun → german → one who bathes
jace → jason horace badun
↳ jason → greek → healer
↳ horace → latin → time; season
↳ badun → german → one who bathes
eddie → george edgar balthazar
↳ george → greek → farmer; earthworker
↳ edgar → english → wealthy spear
↳ balthazar → hebrew → god protect the king
jade → khadijah al-ṣādiq
↳ khadijah → arabic → early baby; trustworthy; respected
↳ al-ṣādiq → arabic → the truthful
sophie → sophie taran
↳ sophie → greek → wisdom
↳ taran → celtic → thunder
big murph → bastian murphy
↳ bastian → greek/latin → venerable; revered
↳ murphy → gaelic → sea warrior
reza → reza rachid
↳ reza → persian → contentment
↳ rachid → arabic → rightly guided
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Sammy: I don't want to tell you that this is a new low, because everytime I do, you take it as a personal challenge!
CJ & Harry:
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isleofdarkness · 26 days
Isle Council
Just like Auradon has an official council called together to discuss and vote on important issues, the Isle has a semi-official one. Regular meetings, happening every time the seasons change, are usually nothing of note. But when the council is called outside of these scheduled meetings? That has only happened twice. Both times were events the Isle, both adults and children, would never forget.
The membership is as follows-
Harriet Jones, queen, representing the pirate crew of Far Shore
Maverick Mim, shows up for emergency meetings but usually doesn't come to the planned ones, representing the Mutants
Diego de Vil, representing the Devils of Barricade
Gineva Gothel, representing the Silver Cross
Shan Odgerel, representing Falcon Ridge and Sanctum
Uma Facilier, representing the pirate crew of Kraken Coast
Amara Olympian, representing Shadowland
Mal Briar, representing the Dragons of Villain's Keep
Mordred Mim, representing the Witches of the Badlands
Justice Olympian, representing the Exiled Gods of the Isle of Exile
Lydia Snoops, representing herself and Zevon
Jada Alraashid bint Cassim Jazira, representing Thieve's District
Aleksandr and Rosabella Hearts, representing the Underland District, formerly representing the Underland Gang
Ivy de Vil, representing Villain's Keep
Other membership includes
Tarzan D'Arque
Mischa Rasputin
Anthony Tremaine
Sammy Smee
Midnight Mim
Zachariah Darhk (later)
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houseofmouselove100 · 8 months
Here Peter Pan sings the song You Can't Fly in the House of Mouse version and teaches Donald to fly thanks to Tinker Bell's fairy dust
Guests were impressed
Donald was happy and after flying Tinkerbell kissed his cheek
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humaforever · 5 months
Do you have any headcannons about Harriet and Sammy?
Harriet and Sammy are the same age with Harriet being slightly older.
All the Hook siblings are close with Sammy, but no one closer than Harriet. To her Sam was her first sibling and the first person she truly loved.
Same goes for Sammy, Harriet was basically their only sibling for a long time before the twins were born.
Sam really gained a new kind of respect and understanding after the twins were born. They now truly understood why even if she was struggling, she would give up anything and everything for her younger siblings
Sammy is really keeping Harriet's ship afloat as first mate. Sometimes Harriet comes and talks to Sammy because she's trying to avoid her own work and in turn won't let them get anything done because she desperately wants to avoid her responsibilities
One time Sam dumped a bottle of Harriet's alcohol in the ocean because she was blacking out and hurting herself with how much she was drinking.
Harriet yelled and lashed out at them after that. And when it was all said and done she hated herself for it. As she replayed the moment in her mind all she could think of was her father. She must've looked just like him, sounded just like him. She doesn't want to treat her first mate like he does.
When it's Sammy and Harriet talking, just the two of them, that's one of the only times you can find that Harriet will actually smile.
Sammy is aromantic but Harriet has plenty of relationship drama to fill both of their shares.
Sammy is in charge of betting pools and well, cheating and fraud is fine when it's for Harriet. She spends a bit much on bets so they'll just take that money out of the pot at the end of the day and give it back to her.
Harriet often forgets that she sets stuff down and will just leave her stuff in random places. Sammy is aware of this habit and follows her around, picking up her stuff as they go.
Sammy's birthday is pretty much the only day that Harriet will acknowledge as a holiday and the only holiday that she will always absolutely make sure to throw a party for to celebrate
Harriet has a tendency to ignore or not notice how cold she is because of the alcohol intake, so Sammy is always looking for warm clothes and gloves for her.
Harriet has now made it a rule that whenever she has meetings with Uma on the Lost Revenge first mate's shall be included.
Why? Because Harry was always there anyway, right next to Uma and Harriet decided she could no longer suffer with their antics by herself. So she forced Sammy along so Harry and Uma could also torture them.
Sometimes a hug from each other is all they need to make the world not feel like it's completely falling apart.
Sammy will walk around the ship and know what cups or bottles Harriet drank out of because her lipstick is always coated on the rim.
They both know the old sea shanties, and lots of 'em. It has become a thing for them to start singing those songs when the other is feeling down because they know neither of them can resist singing along.
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tiredflowercrown · 1 year
Hi can we talk about the mental health of VKs for a second?
Cause they all at least have CPTSD and wouldn't be shocked if quite a few of them have personality disorders.
King Adam locked up a bunch of "villans," a good chunk of which probly have mental illness themselves, and never looked back.
Even if VKs didn't inherit any mental illness, they are most likely suffering from Failure to Thrive, which happens when babies or children aren't given enough food or touch.
I almost guarantee that every VKs has experienced a form of abuse or neglect, even those with good parents (i.e., Facilier sisters, the Smees, and arguably Tremaines) whether it be from resentment, weakness, or busyness.
Not a single one of these kids are okay and I can and will go into detail of the various mental illnesses they might have
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