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x-i-l-verify · 1 year
I was watching The Chosen during Lent (only firth two seasons, because the third one didn't get Polish "lektor" yet), and I think that it does a good job in showcasing things that are often mentioned by priests and theologians about realities of those times, but people glance over them.
Matthew being a tax collector is a good example. We are often told (and can actually get from the Gospels here and there) that tax collectors were frowned upon but through Matthiew in The Chosen they show that it's not just because he's collecting taxes - he's collecting taxes for the Romans who occupy Israel. So he's basically a servant of the occupants and got rich on his brethren's suffering. The situation with Simon being forced to fish on Sabbat is the example of why people hated on Matthew so much.
Another thing - Samaritans. Every time when the story about the good Samaritan is brought up, the priest says: "Back in a day Samaritans were considered enemies by Jews, so a Samritan being the metaphorical good neighbor in Jesus' parable was a big deal.", but today the word "Samaritan" has a positive connotations. Here not only the disciples mention the bad things Samaritans did in the past, but also some Samaritans are disrespectful to Jesus. Moreover - in the episode where Jesus and his disciples stay with Samaritans, we wait for Jesus to tell the parable about the good Samaritan, but instead we are treated to a different story: a story in which a Samaritan was the one who mugged the Jew. A polar opposite of the parable.
haven't watched the series yet (should really get on that), but these are all really good points, and I'm glad they're spending time highlighting the cultural context in which the Gospels were written, because like you said, there’s so much there that a layperson living in the 21st century just wouldn’t get unless they had put in serious study. Another thing I really like that they highlighted is that the disciples were young. Probably all in their late teens-early 20s, and that really changes how you view them in the context of their respective stories.
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sasindi-mga2024mi5019 · 2 months
Small elements like saving life even its the nature of the dog to bite its the girls nature to help show compasssion through a buddhist story.
Bandage the dog when it's wonded is just like in the good samritan a story from bible.
Feeding a hungry dog, just like jesus feed 5000 people with 5breads and two fish.
Been greatful for the action she took the dog licked her wonds as magic it disapear just like when the squirrel helped the hanumas and rama to build the bridge, Rama was greatful a left the 3stripes in the back of squirral as a token of gratitude.
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nijjhar · 10 months
Luke 19v41-44:- The Chosen People loved Darkness to fleece the devotees ... Luke 19v41-44:- The Chosen People loved Darkness to fleece the devotees and so they were happy that John was dead and happily killed Jesus as well. https://youtu.be/ddw6khzNfuA Holy Gospel of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., delivered by the First Anointed Christ, which in Punjabi we call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim that dwells within His Most Beautiful Living Temple of God created by the greatest artist demiurge Potter, the Lord of the Nature Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. and it is called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” according to Saint Luke 19,41-44. As Jesus drew near Jerusalem, he saw the city and wept over it showing Agape Divine Love, saying, "If this day you only knew what makes for peace as it was with the Samritans, a Nation of Prophets looking forward to promotion to become Apostles that helped the Samaritan Woman at well – John 4 to become Apostle Saint Photina -- but now it is hidden from your eyes because you hated Prophet Elijah John, the Baptist and were very happy to see him beheaded. They killed Prophet Zakeriah in the Temple Compound and won’t let John, the Baptist Corner stone of the Temple to enter. That is why Christ Jesus faced them and exposed their hypocrisy but very Few listened to Him. His own loved Darkness and Foreigners like Simon who helped Jesus carry His Cross listened to Him. For the days are coming upon you when your enemies will raise a palisade against you; they will encircle you and hem you in on all sides. That was on 70 A.D. They will smash you to the ground and your children within you, and they will not leave one stone upon another within you because you did not recognize the time of your visitation. The Parable of the Winepress, the Jerusalem school of theology making the corrupted moral laws under the Cover of Darkness and hated the Light so much as to kill the First Anointed Christ for no fault that even the robbers testified. I can tell much more but hardly any customers. I can help you with documentaries and tell the filmmakers about me, please Brethren." Jews, Hamas or Fateh cannot build their covenant with Abraham of the Semitic race. They are Antisemitic. They call other people Anti-Semitic. https://youtu.be/ZO5lQuwlAkA Jews outwardly themselves are Anti-Semitic by breaking their covenant with Abraham but they call others so. https://youtu.be/5n1qPV2bx14 Hi Brethren, Jesus told the characteristics of the Jews, especially of the Judah tribe in John 8v44:- You belong to your father, the super bastard fanatic devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Abraham was of the Semitic race which is related to our physical bodies. I am of Aryan race and in races are tribes. Jacob had 12 sons which form the tribes. The tribal people are born and the tribal people die and not Jew, Hindu, Muslim, etc., the spiritual or way of life selves. Thus, when the people of the Judah tribe became Jews outwardly, they broke their tribal or racial covenant with Abraham who was not a Jew otherwise the Arabs would have been Jews too. By breaking their covenant with Abraham, the Jews of their physical selves have broken their covenant with Abraham and they are Anti-Semitic Tares getting bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning through Atomic Bombs by the fake circumcision............. The Russian tribal sons of Man are going to win. Putin is Super Hitler and he will deal with the Blasphemers. https://youtu.be/49w7kwRbAp0 Hitler and the British killed the Antisemitic sinner Jews outwardly unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh whilst Super Hitler Putin will deal with Blasphemer sons of Satan who destroyed Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. https://youtu.be/GBbQAAj3l60 Playlist:- https://studio.youtube.com/playlist/PL0C8AFaJhsWymAj9iFlrqYLt8VAth4wVr/videos SOME FACTS WERE TWISTED BY THE JEWS. For the full article, please visit my website:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Twisted.htm Pilate was a just ruler and after finding the Truth about what type the Royal King of heart Jesus was, he told the Jews outwardly, the Tares, he is not guilty but the Jews shouted more vigorously to kill Jesus and release their own type the Baranabass Robber robbing people of money as the Temple Priests were doing in the Temple. No wonder the robbers were at large during the four years of the Great Siege. Pilate did ........... My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Private Bitter Gospel Truth videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/nobility.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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audreygcblog · 2 years
Origins of Judith
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Who is Judith?
For those of us who were not brought up in the Roman Catholic Church, Judith is a long forgotten book that has been excluded from biblical canon for hundreds of years. As someone brought up in a baptist church, I was always fascinated by the women in the Bible. Esther, Ruth, Mary Magdalene, etc.; these were the women that showed me that, despite the patriarchal world, women are still powerful and important. This is why I was so surprised to find out that I had no idea who Judith was even though she was a powerful woman in the Bible.
The Book of Judith is the story of Judith, a Jewish woman, who uses her virtue and beauty to infiltrate the camp of Holofernes. Holofernes is the commander of King Nebuchadnezzar's army which has laid seige on the Jewish people. He believes he is able to seduce Judith and leads her to his chamber whilst he gets very intoxicated. Once in a deep, drunken sleep, Holofernes is decapitated by his own sword at the hands of Judith. She returns to her city, Bethulia, carrying the head of her victim. Now, with the motivation provided by the death of their enemy's leader, the Jewish community defeated the Assyrian army.
It's a fantastic story! A woman kills a man by cutting off his head in his sleep and returns back to her people as a military heroine. Except, I have read this somewhere before. And not just anywhere, but in the same collection of stories.
Judith or Jael?
As previously mentioned, most protestant bibles and most biblical scholars consider the Book of Judith as not canon, but why? As the biblical scholar J. Edgar Bruns explains, "The most curious fact of all relative to the book of Judith is that it's compelling heroine would be completely unknown to us but for this book which bears her name....How is it possible that Jewish history has remained silent about her save for the deuterocanonical book which the Jews themselves do not accept?" (Bruns, 12). To answer this question, the most popular idea is that Judith is simply a tale inspired by the story of Jael in the Book of Judges.
Historically, the Canaanites, under King Jabin and his general Sisera, oppressed an apostate Isreal. When the Isrealites met that Canaanites near the Kishon River for open battle, a cloudburst caused the river to flood. General Sisera fled the battle and while searching for refuge, found a Kenite tent belonging to Jael. Jael, although she was not an Isrealite, supported them and invited Sisera inside her tent. She gave him milk, supposedly fermented, and he soon fell into a deep slumber. Grabbing a tent peg, Jael rammed through Sisera's head, and ended the threat of the Canaanites.
The similarities between the stories of Judith and Jael connot be ignored. Both stories are set during a time when the Isrealites are at war. Both women end the war by killing the general of the enemy's army by beheading or bashing in their heads. Seems like something unlikely to just be a coincidence.
Upon further research, I discovered that the story of Judith contains anachronisms like the fact that Holofernes is a Persian name which would have been too modern of a name for the setting that Judith is set. Other anachronisms include city names, calling the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar "king of the Assyrian", the absence of Samritans in the Samaritan city of Bethulia, and the mixture of Greek, Babylonian, and Persian names.
So, if Judith is not even a true story of the Jewish faith, why does the Book of Judith even exist?
A Motivation
Bruns notes in his scholarly writing about the origins of Judith that the Jewish community would have known heroic tales such as the story of Jael well. It is not hard to believe that someone or multiple people decided to apply the story of Jael to their current situation.
At the time that Judith was approximately written, a Jewish colony in Elephantine were being threatened by the growing hostility of their Egyptian neighbors. Perhaps Judith was written as encouragement or motivation for the Jewish community. The changing of the names would have due to the fact that Sisera was an Egyptian name and the Jewish did not want to make such an obvious proclamation of the enemy. The name Judith, obviously coming from the word Jew.
Due to all these reasons, Judith is commonly agreed among scholars to be a retelling of Jael that was shaped to fit the current political climate.
Why Does Judith Matter?
I cannot speak for everyone, but, as Christian woman, having representation of strong women in the Bible was and remains very important for me. Christianity is still is infested with the patriarchal system that controlled the religion for centuries.
As a little girl, I was always drawn to women like Esther and Mary Magdalene who showed God holds women as just as high of importance as men. I made it my personal mission to learn as much as I could about women in the Bible as I could, so the fact that I had only recently heard of Judith as shocking.
The speculation surrounding the truth of the story of Judith worries me. This is exactly the kind of situation in which men can and will take the opportunity to dismiss the story and say a woman could never win a war and save her people. However, I think it's important to acknowledge that Judith is, in fact, based on Jael who DID save the Isrealites and won a war.
Discussion of Judith is a great opportunity to bring up the achievements of Jael and even other women of the Bible who are frequently dismissed or overlooked in the church.
After reading about the history of the stories of Judith and Jael, I hope I encourage those of you reading this to do further research on the history of women in the Bible. Women winning wars, saving their people from certain doom, and becoming some of Jesus's closest companions is something extremely impactful for women and it's time they stop being overlooked.
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Bruns, J. Edgar. “JUDITH OR JAEL?” The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, vol. 16, no. 1, 1954, pp. 12–14. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/43720563. 
"Biblical literature." Britannica Academic, Encyclopædia Britannica, 26 Feb. 2021. academic-eb-com.libproxy.eku.edu/levels/collegiate/article/biblical-literature/110574#73272.toc.
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tomicscomics · 5 years
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It's been a while since I've cringed so hard reading my own comic.
Originally posted on 10/11/2019
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jeniffercheck · 7 years
greer sucks i hate him sm 
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essay-help-blogs · 3 years
Compare China health care system with American health care system
Compare China health care system with American health care system
Make a deep analysis such as any market failures( adverse election,moral hazard, poor information, positive externalities, negative externalities, paternalism, samritans dilemma), pros cons, what role of government involve in health care, and remedy measure. etc. U can look some materials in text book, Chapter 9. use some graph data to make a brief analysis. use easy word and sentence looks like…
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jeremykwan1969 · 5 years
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#positiveliving in #Malaysia likes to thanks God for a good samritan for the advise to disabled my external SD card that has been the culprit of causing lagging, hang and force stop of my Redmi Note 5 phone 📷.. but I am wondering does this mean my external SD card is corrupted or what, just wondering? Anyone can give an insight to my phone issues here.. Hugs #mylovelies #loverevolution2019 feels great that my phone camera is back to normal (at Rawang, Selangor) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Vt9k8HUy_/?igshid=1bh3bkkjzc271
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willmelon · 8 years
fuck you samritans why the fuck do i eevn otbhf
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stevekarma-blog · 6 years
John 4:1-26 A Samaritan Woman Meets Her Messiah
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You're Not a Good Samritan - Your This One
C - This section is preceded by the conversation with Nicodemus and the Pharisees about baptism and the spirit and is proceeded by the Samaritan revival. Historically the Samaritans and the Jews were religious and ethnic enemies who hated one another and this discussion takes place at the Jacob’s well.
A - Look at the significance of wells and divorce in the first century.
p - Most people see her as the adulterer and not the abused.
T - Chrst gives to us that which sustains us and quenches the thirst from our souls. Main image is water. 
O - Come to Christ for the life giving Spirit.
R - FCF Inner thirst an only be satisfied in Christ RHF Brings an end to the endless search for that which will never satisfy. For her it was a relationship and maybe kids.
Therefore, when the Lord knew 
   that the Pharisees had heard 
      that Jesus made 
         and baptized more disciples than John 
             2 (though Jesus Himself did not baptize, 
              but His disciples), 
                   3 He left Judea 
                  and departed again to Galilee. 
Jesus did not want to give the Pharisees the satisfaction of undermining His or John’s ministry by setting them up as rivals in the same way that two churches in the same city setting up an Alpha course on the same night and the same time may negatively effect both and undermine both in the eyes of others. The fact that Jesus ‘did not baptise,’ Paul will later say that he ‘did not come to baptise,’ was probably so that people would not place too much importance upon it and believe that spiritual rebirth (the biblical term that is often used is ‘regeneration’) came about through baptism.  It is an outward sign of public repentance, faith and entrance into the Church.
4 But He needed to go through Samaria.
Practically He did not need to ‘go through Samaria’ in fact, most law-abiding Jews would have noothing to do with the ethnic half-breeds and heretics that were the Samaritans. Nontheless, ‘He needed to go through Samaria’ as this would be the place of His encounter with the women at the well and would be the place of a religious revival.  
5 So He came to a city of Samaria 
   which is called Sychar, near the plot of ground 
      that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. 
          6 Now Jacob’s well was there. 
The well belongs to Jacob or Israel and was an ancestor that was claimed by both the Jews and the Samaritans the fact that it takes places near a watering hole is not biblical warrant to drop by the bar to pick up girls in the name of evangelism though (and I have heard this text used in this way).
           Jesus therefore, being wearied from His journey, sat thus by the well. It was about the sixth hour.
Here we are reminded of Jesus’ full humanity. Jesus did not appear to be human, He did not pretend to be human and He was not half human.  He was fully God and fully man in one person, this is like a glass that is full of oil and water.  The components are seperate but contained within the one container.  In the noon day sun Jesus, who was halfway through a 120 mile journey from the region of Judea in the South and the region of Galilee in the North, was exhausted. 
7A woman of Samaria came 
   to draw water. 
The reader is supposed to wonder why this woman was drawing water alone, since the women would draw water together and why this women was drawing water in the noon day sun, the hottest part of the day. 
Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.”
      8 For His disciples had gone away into the city 
        to buy food.
Jesus not only humbly served others but He humbly allowed Himself to be served by others.  In the missionary world this is sometimes called reverse hospitality which is when the missionary is not the one providing all of the food and health care and education but also a recipient.  This elevates the person providing hospitality like: Zaacheus, Mary/Marhta/Lazarus, Simon the Leper, Matthew Levi etc in the same way when the believer not only welcomes people to their home but allows them to bring something or help out with the dishes or will come to their home.  This can be difficult for proud people, like me, who like to give but do not like to feel indebted to anyone for anything.
9 Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” 
   For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.
Relgious Jews had nothing to do with women or Samaritans in fact Jews and Samaritans hated one another in the same way that Sunni and Shia Muslims or Catholics and Protestants in NIRE in the 70s and 80s or Jews and Nazis in the 30s and 40s might.
      10 Jesus answered and said to her, 
         “If you knew the gift of God, 
Jesus was not only God’s gift to the Jews but to the whole world.  That is that He was the long awaited Jewish Messiah but He was also the long awaited Samaritan Messiah and is the long awaited Messiah of all peoples.  He is the Oliver Cromwell, the William Wallace, the Che Guerra, the Nelson Mandela, the George Washington, the Christian Ronaldo, the Ussain Bolt, the Gandhi that we have all been waiting for.  In fact, the reason why their stories fascinate us is because they are mere shadows of something more significant that came through Him.
            and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, 
              and He would have given you living water.”
John does something interesting here he uses the idea of dead water (meaning water from a stagnant source, the spring from this well had probably ceased or this well had always been a well that collected the rain from the rainy season) and living water (which is water from a spring or flowing water from a river).  He says that Jesus was comparing the dead water of life with the living water that comes from Him.
11 The woman said to Him, “Sir, You have nothing to draw with, 
   and the well is deep. Where then do You get that living water? 12 Are You greater than our father Jacob, 
     who gave us the well, 
        and drank from it himself, as well as his sons 
           and his livestock?”
Yet again we see that Jesus is misunderstood by those who are overly literalisitic with His words.  What if there were 2 ways to percieve the world, maybe that is too simplisitc too, but what if there was one way which was overly literlaisitic and one that was equally true but was more the langage of the poet or song writer and contained within it metaphor and word picture and symbol?  Well in Chrit these two ways or lens need to be alligned so that we might read His word not in a literalisitic sense but in a literal sense recognising shades of meaning and not dismiss it as ‘arty farty.’  Ultimately to understand the things that are revealed, revelation, we need the illuminating light of the Spirit - illumination.
13 Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again,
   14 but whoever drinks of the water 
      that I shall give him will never thirst. 
        But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”
‘We are all baptised by the one Spirit’ which means that Christ fills us with the same Holy Spirit that filled Him and the apostles which mean that the power that dwells in the youngest and weakest believer is unfathomable.  And that power is not just pragmatic, for the healing of the sick or so that one may be able to interpret dreams etc that power bubbles up in someone and becomes the source, or ‘fountain’ that leads to the life that is promised by Christ.  Abundant life in the here-and-now and everlasting life in the bye-and-bye.
15 The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, 
   that I may not thirst, nor come here to draw.”
This woman longs for this water as her shame and her string of failed relationships have never been able to satsify the inner thirst she has had she is like the gambler who thinks that the one big win or the drunk who will just have one more binge before giving up but no matter how much the one wins and loses and wins again and the other drinks and drinks and drinks nothing can satisfy the craving of their innermost being. Intectually, relationally, spiritually the thirst in our souls can only be fulfilled in Christ, when He and He alone is our single delight when if everything if stripped away would be nothing in comparison with His good pleasure.
  16 Jesus said to her, “Go, call your husband, 
      and come here.”
17 The woman answered and said, “I have no husband.”
Jesus said to her, “You have well said, ‘I have no husband,’ 
   18 for you have had five husbands, 
      and the one whom you now have is not your husband; in that you spoke truly.”
Although many preachers and commentaries would see this womn, in the words of Alister Begg as having had ‘5 husbands and a live in lover,’ I don’t think this is the case.  I say that because in this day a woman caught in adultery would be stoned to death and it was only men who were able to iniaite divorce I think we have a woman who was always a good looking girl the stunner from Sychar.  And not only was she physically attractive but she had a personality that made men like putty in her hands.  Maybe she married her childhood sweetheart and then he died, she is till young and still has her looks and her charm and maybe her second husband leaves her for another woman and the fourth because of the hard time his friends and family give him and the fith because she can bare him no children.  Until the final guy is happy to sleep with her or live with her but he is not marryng her. This is the young girl who served you at Boots, this is the one in your English lit lecturers, this is your cousin this could be you.  Not so much immoral, though that is maybe a art of it and Christ saves the immoral, but the lost and oppressed who have tried to fill the Christless void with actual or imaginary romantic relationships.
If I can only find me a Justin Bieber or Scarlett Johanson.
If only if I had a little girl who I could take to pilates or a little boy who I could take to the football.
If only I had genuine friends and a Church that loves me.
Look! It is not that I grudge you this, I want you to have this but you ask the people who wanted the same things and who got what they wanted and they will tell you honestly that although it was awesome, though for some the dream became a nightmare, it was unable quench the inner thirst within them.
19 The woman said to Him, “Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. 20 Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, 
   and you Jews say 
     that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship.”
This woman does what we often do when the spotlight of conviction comes upon us by the Spirit she makes excuses.  What she says here is the context of the conversation is stupid.  This is the I would follow Jesus but I need to first figure out if I should be a Pentecostal or a Preysbetarian or if I perfer Gospel choirs or worship bands.  
 Some of you know enough by now to repent of your sins, place your faith in Christ, be baptised.  Some of you know that you should make covenant and serving in leadership.  And some of you should be training for the ministry, be setting up a Christian business, adopting or fostering or be on the mission field but you wont because you have excuses.
I heard of the American General Paton who was taking his men across a bridge while they being pursued by the enemy.  Something was holding up the men so the general got to the front of the bridge and found out that it was a donkey that was not allowing people to pass.  He took out his 9mm and blow the donkey’s brains out.  That’s what you do with excuses you destory them before they destroy you or God’s plan for you.
21 Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, 
   nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship,
      for salvation is of the Jews. 
          23 But the hour is coming, 
           and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit 
             and truth; 
                for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 
God cares nothing about beautiful and ornate and well functioning buildings - these are good things but not when they become more important than people.  So in some churches the philsophy is guard the church from young people and the local community or where the asethtics and the architecture becomes more important than the function.  This why the Puritans smashed the stained glass windows and tore out the statues because the good things had become god things.
But your car and your desk at work or the weight section of Lancaster House Hotel gym is just as sacred as this building.  Worship is nothing to do with the form but the person that you worship (God), the way that you worship (the spirit - one that is set ablaze by the Holy Spirit not bored and indifferent or mechanical) and the way that you worship (its true: it’s biblical, it is as revealed, it is the kind of worship that God delights in).
Not only are there some who do not worship God as the all-powerful all-loving God of the Bible but there are those that do not worship Him with their hearts abalze and their Bibles open.
You might be someone with a limited emotional spectrum.  Your steady Eddie, your cool, your controlled or your Spock your analytical and rational.  Well do the things that stir your affections.  Listen to the preachers, get the CDs of the songs be around the people who strangely warm your heart for the things of God.  Sit at the front so you do not have to put off by others, remember God looks on the outward appearance and God judges the heart and that Church is a place for people in all places in their spiritual journey and none.  In fact, let me deal with the flag waving issue.  Personally it is not my thing.  Unless we could make them look like they belong to an underground resistance movement or military unit but can I tell you something it moves the very heart of God so you wave those bad boys.
Or you might be someone who is content to have a shallow and superficial faith.  For goodness sake open your bible.  Learn, develop, grow, take notes, ask questions, read, watch listen, study.  The more you get to know of God the more your heart stretches and burns for Him.  Theology is not the enemy of passion but the enemy of ignorance, immaturity and ineffectiveness.  The more you love Him the more you will want to know Him.
24 God is Spirit, 
   and those who worship Him must worship in spirit 
      and truth.”
25 The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will tell us all things.”
26 Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He.” 
Not only where the Jews waiting for the Messiah but so where the Samaritans in the same way that Buddhists are searching from freedom from suffering (well Jesus gives life and life in its abundance), in the same way the philosophy student is looking for truth (He is the way, the truth and the life) and in the same way that the work-a-holic financial investor is looking for peace (He is the Prince of Peace) and He comes not only to her but to you but what will you do with His offer.  Will you tear it up and throw it in His face or will you sign on the dotted line?
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qingpineda · 6 years
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Xie xie Taiwan, you are a great country with so many good people. We were lost finding our stay on day 1 and having a hard time finding a person who speaks english but there is a good samritan, a taiwanese girl who helps us find our stay, she never left us until we found it. On day 2, we are having a hard time finding the bus going to Yehliu and one student pass us by and offer a help finding it. On day 3, I lost my phone in Chiang Kai-shek and a pregnant woman returned it to me, she said that she checked my photos so she will know who is the owner (glad my phone has no lock). Day 4 on our flight, theres a 6 staff travel on stand by (1 family with 4 and 2-with my friend) and have 5 available seats so one of us will not able to fly that day and need to rebook it to the next 2am flight. But since there are 3 no show passenger, even if it is not allowed the FAT staff did us a favor and checked us in so we managed to fly that day. From the bottom of my heart thank you to all the people who blessed us with their good heart! 💓 #taiwanderer #qingTravels #clozette (at 中正紀念堂 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp63iYWHMaK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dgrxrsx22unv
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dualsrecords · 6 years
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Government intervention instills the mentality that looking out for one another should be left to someone else because it takes the onus off of ourselves. We need more good Samritans and less government! #BigGovSucks #interventionism #samaritan #weareallwegot #lessgovernment #morehumanity #SpreadLove
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