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king-nyx · 5 months
Question to hellenstic polytheists, I'm writing a story about Artemis and Callisto and I want to give an epithet of Artemis (Hymnia) to Callisto
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medievalart · 9 months
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Roman / Late Hellenstic Bracelet
* 1st century BCE - 1st century CE
* Gold
* Medelhavsmuseet, Stockholm
Stockholm, November 2023
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jeannereames · 2 years
Hey! How are you! I am trying to do some reading on the period after Alexander's death, but my current source "Ghost on the throne" is rather limited. Do you have any preferred books on the Diadochi period?
Hi there! I am not, alas, that up on the Diadochs. That said, several of my colleagues who do Alexander also write on the Hellenistic era, incluing Elizabeth Carney, Edward Anson, Waldemar Heckel, Daniel Ogden. Pat Wheatley co-authored a great book on Demetrios Poliorketes, and Ed has a book on Eumenes. Beth has quite a few books on various Hellenistic Queens, Daniel has written on Seleukos, and Waldemar's encyclopedia of ATG's court was recently updated to include the Hellenistic era. Monica D'agostini was lead author on Beth Carney's festshcrift that had a lot of Hellenstic era chapters.
But a place you may want to look is Facebook's academic page on the Hellenistic world, where various new publications get announced, etc. https://www.facebook.com/groups/hellenisticgroup
Hope that helps a bit. Sorry I can't be of more assistance. I could probably tell you more about earlier Argeads.
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wolfstuffing · 4 months
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wolf - white - 23 yrs - he/they
bisexual - autistic - nonhuman - hellenstic pagan
THIS BLOG IS NOT SAFE FOR WORK. do not interact if you are a minor. i check every blog's age before i interact with them. additionally, dni you are a p3do, z0o, or related to those attractions. dni if you have a para that would be illegal to act on, this includes if you are no contact. i block liberally.
i am attracted to stuffed animals. i have a primary n5fw blog, but i felt i should have a seperate space for this. i consider myself a plushophile, but i am also attracted to humans and furries as well. basically, i have so much love to give that no one is safe!
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plush partners post HERE (wip)
plush wolfpack post HERE (wip)
thank you for stopping by! enjoy your stay!
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mythoscorner · 1 year
Reading into Dionysos cults today, just a bit.
He possessed numerous shrines and temples throughout Greece and was widely worshipped as a fertililty god. Phallic processions and contests held in his honour were quite common. 
I didn't know about him being a fertility god, and that seems to be pretty basic knowledge, though in my personal practice I come to him more for his chaotic side. -A/D
The oldest representations portray him as a mature, bearded god dressed in heavy robes and holding a thyrsos (pine-cone tipped staff). In the Classical and Hellenstic eras, on the other hand, he was usually depicted as a pretty, effeminate youth holding a bunch of grapes. Sometimes he was shown drunk, leaning heavily on a companion. Dionysos was also frequently portrayed him as an infant or child in the arms of Hermes or Seilenos.
Well hello there Hermes, fancy seeing you here as you were the other god I was going to research.
I believe the first depiction is more commonly known as Bacchus but Dionysos and Bacchus are the same as far as I'm aware.
I don't have much more time but this is a good read and you should check it out
Herodotus, Histories 2. 49 (trans. Godley) (Greek historian C5th B.C.) :
"Melampos [a mythical seer] was the one who taught the Greeks the name of Dionysos and the way of sacrificing to him and the phallic procession; he did not exactly unveil the subject taking all its details into consideration, for the teachers who came after him made a fuller revelation; but it was from him that the Greeks learned to bear the phallus along in honor of Dionysos, and they got their present practice from his teaching. I say, then, that Melampos acquired the prophetic art, being a discerning man, and that, besides many other things which he learned from Egypt, he also taught the Greeks things concerning Dionysos, altering few of them; for I will not say that what is done in Egypt in connection with the god [i.e. Osiris] and what is done among the Greeks originated independently: for they would then be of an Hellenic character and not recently introduced. Nor again will I say that the Egyptians took either this or any other custom from the Greeks. But I believe that Melampos learned the worship of Dionysos chiefly from Kadmos of Tyre and those who came with Kadmos from Phoinikia [modern Lebanon] to the land now called Boiotia."
Captivated me personally, I find Herodotus' writing to be very intresting, and I look forward to reading more of it when I have more time
I hope the time I've spent today was enough Dionysos. Blessed be -P/A
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cculdrons · 4 years
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Marble statue of Aphrodite, 2nd century B.C.
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if anyone knows anything about deities and connecting with them can you please help? Im very interested in connecting with one cause at this point in my life I feel like I need it. but I don't even know where to begin. maybe the power of tumblr can help?
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lightning-strucc · 7 years
Hellenic Gods as EDM songs
Zeus - The Man (Tommie Sunshine et al Clyde P remix) “I’m the muthafuckin MAN!”
Hera - Jealousy (Disciples) “I know enough is enough but I can’t help feeling youre drinking with someone in some bouji club” 
Poseidon - Wheyl (Revolt) “Say it to my FUCKIN FACE”
Hades - Deja-Vu (Timmy Trumpet & Savage) “That creepy feeling that you just can’t ignore”
Athena - 1 Bad Bitch (Ten Ven, Ripley, Zebra Katz) “Eeny, meeny, myny, mo. One bad bitch still got to go” 
Aphrodite - Baby (Bakermat) “My heart is full of love and desire for you”
Artemis -  Consideration (Rihanna, SZA MK Remix) “I come riding in a white horse making you feel less fortunate”
Apollo - Upon Burning Skies (Sable Sheep) “come with me through burning skies in the morning sun”
Ares - Mataor (Marnik, Miami Blue ft Marano) “Brag it”
Hermes - Rub Anotha Dub (Walker and Royce & Green Velvet) “Rub-a-dub-dub three ravers in the club. Who do you think they be?”
Hephaestus - So Hot (Maximo) “I’m so hot”
Dionysus - Live tonight (W&W + Hardwell ft Lil Jon) “Free yourself and Live tonight”
Hestia - Fuego (Alok) “Soy el fuego que” [I am the fire that (burns the skin)]
Persephone - When the Funk Drops (Deorro) “When the ass drops//Ah-yeah baby”
Demeter - Leaves (Nick Leng) “ You walk through the woods, You're hearing distant calls”
Hekate - Mirage (Goldcap) {lyrics just out of focus to be understood}
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percabeth4life · 4 years
Could you tell us more about being a hellenistic polytheist please ? I'm very curious...
Yeah sure.
So basically I worship the Greek Gods. I specifically focus my worship on Apollo, Dionysus, and Hypnos, but I honor all the Gods.
Honoring and Worshipping mean different things. To honor Them is to give Them respect and belief and prayer and maybe the occasional offering action to honor Them (and maybe do things on days specifically devoted to Them). I honor all the Gods, even if I don't do much for most of Them (there are a lot of Gods). To worship is to do offerings, to do things in honor of Them, to pray to Them often (I try to pray to Them daily but it's fine to not manage it), to speak to and with Them.
I light candles for the Gods I worship. I set out offerings, pour out drinks, speak to Them, make poetry and art, and make food for Them.
And I can feel Their presence too. Apollo is the most clear to me, and Dionysus pretty clear too. Hypnos is subtle but He's very helpful and I do my best to give Him proper worship as one of my main Gods.
I also am attempting to follow the old Greek holidays (by the Athenian calendar as I have the most info there) (rather than the wiccan ones which are a bit of a mashed together combo of like six religions holidays (which is fine but it isn't quite what I wanna do)). So I'll be celebrating Heliogenna (on the winter solstice) and the other various holidays in the new year.
Lmk if you have any specific questions!
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wineauntsanji · 4 years
The PJO series got announced today so here are my quick thoughts on the godly parents of the Straw hats - and yes I do take criticism because my brain is dumb
Luffy - okay here me out, he spends most of his life unclaimed but ends up being the son of Poseidon 
Zoro - Son of Nemesis (I can’t even explain this one, it just popped into my head)
Nami - Daughter of Hermes babey, perhaps also being a legacy of Zeus
Usopp - Son of Apollo (marksmen + being able to weave interesting stories)
Sanji - my brain at first said “oh a son of Aphrodite that can’t find romantic love, that’d be something” but then I also remembered Hebe and how her children are known to enjoy feasts and parties, are highly sociable, and love to take care of people and now my mind is split
Chopper - Satyr (so like kind of a son of Pan) -- but if not a Satyr then Son of Apollo (medicine babeyyy)
Robin - Daughter of Hecate 
Franky - Son of Hephaestus
Brook - Once again a son of Apollo 
Jinbei - Again I’m split-- Half of me wants to say son of Neptune but another part says he’s a son of Athena 
Law - the scariest son of Apollo you have ever met. Yes he may be a skilled doctor but he will fuck you up. (Also Apollo is the God of plague so take that as you will
Vivi - daughter of Iris, but joined the hunters of Artemis 
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astro-lizz · 3 years
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Wir sind die Irritationen und unvorhergesehenen Planänderungen und Ereignisse der letzten Wochen durch. Merkur dominiert das Vollmondhoroskop. Er ist wieder direktläufig und am Abend in seinem Lieblingssternbild Jungfrau sichtbar. Querdenken und daran wachsen ist angesagt, Grenzen über- und voranschreiten. Venus steht hoch oben am Himmel im Skorpion im vedischen Mondhaus Jyestha. Da schenkt sie dir und deinen Gefühlen Klarheit und scharfen Verstand. Oktober-Vollmond 20.10.21, 16.56 MESZ
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king-smaurent · 7 years
The bane of my existence are Romans and their four fucking names
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rweiler69 · 3 years
Greek Theatre History
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Image from National Geographic Via 6gradeschool
Greece gave way to the birth of western theatre. There were influences from Minoan culture and Mycenaean culture.
Minoan influences included agriculture and architecture. Mycenaean culture also had architecture, and the Mycenaeans were the first Greeks.
Athens became the center of the Greek world and was the place of the Theatre of Dionysius.
Festivals were used to honor the god of wine, fertility, and revelry, where a drama form called dithyramb originated.
A harpist and poet named Arion perfected dithyramb.
Dithyramb: A long hymn, sung and danced by a group of fifty men. Its format may have been similar to that of a modern-day choral presentation.
An actor named Thespis (where the phrase thespian originates from) is said to have transformed the dithyramb into tragedy. However, the Greek word for an actor was hypokrite which literally meant answerer.
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Image via pickyourtrails
The most important festival for the Greeks was called The City of Dionysia, which honored Dionysus.
It was held in Athens at the end of March around when spring arrived.
tragedy was incorporated in 534 BCE
comedy, and satire plays were added in 436 BCE
The festival lasted for several days and began with a Proagon, which was a preliminary presentation.
The Archon was a government official who chose the plays and then assigned a Choregoi to be the producer.
Parades and sacrifices honored Dionysus.
5 days were assigned to dithyrambs and plays
For 2 days, 10 dithyrambic choruses were presented.
1 day assigned to chorus made of men and another day assigned to choruses made of boys.
3 allotted days for tragedies and satyr plays
This made a tetralogy, which was 3 tragic plays and 1 satyr play
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Image via famous authors
lived from 525 to 456 BCE
He was the first to develop drama into a form separate from singing, dancing, or storytelling.
Founder of Greek Drama
Excelled in the tetralogy form of plays.
He utilized the chorus the most in his plays and added a second actor to the stage.
He also reduced the chorus number from 50 to 12.
He lived from 496 to 406 BCE.
He examined characters further and gave them more characteristics.
Acted in his own plays.
Defeated Aeschylus in the City of Dionysia contest in 468 BCE.
He introduced a third character to his plays, and some of his surviving plays are Oedipus the King, Antigone, and Oedipus at Colonus.
He lived from 480 to 406 BCE.
He is considered the most modern playwright.
He had a sympathetic portrayal of women and also used realism, tragedy, melodrama and a comedic mix.
Within his plays, he also had a skeptical treatment of gods and heroes. One of his surviving plays includes Medea.
The ampithetres could typically accommodate 15,000 to 17,000 spectators.
The theatres relied on natural lighting, and tended to be built into hillsides with good acoustics.
Theatron= the seating area
seating area had wooden benches that were replaced with stone during Hellenstic period.
Men and women also sat separately
Proedria(front row) was reserved for political and religious dignitaries
Orchestra was used for the actors, not seating or music.
Circular orchestra may have been a Hellenistic invention
Skene= scene building
Skene served as the basic settings for all plays
Pinake- a type of flat, which was a wooden frame covered with a stretched fabric
Periaktoi- a triangular stage device consisting of 3 painted flats hinged together, each show a difference scene
Rotating these flats revealed one new scene to the audience, while hiding the other two
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Image by Lauracomonias via Wikipedia
The mechane was a crane hidden behind the upper level of the skene.
Also called Deus ex machina, meaning "god from the machines."
This device was used as the entrance for gods or goddesses
Works Consulted:
Wilson, Edwin, and Alvin Goldfarb. Living Theatre: A History of Theatre. W.W. Norton & Company, 2018.
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birthdaylobotomy · 4 years
I’m like I wanna make this story for fun and then I make a key part of the story take place in Hellenistic Era Babylon... but get this- with a character from Japan. PLEASE GIVE ME HISTORY OF JAPAN FROM THE 200 BC’s PLS WHAT DID HELLENSTIC PEOPLE CALL JAPAN AT THAT TIME DID THEY KNOW IT EXISTED??? WHAT CLOTHES DID THEY WEAR IN BABYLON???? THIS WAS SUPPOSEDLY AFTER THE HANGING GARDENS WERE A THING BUT ONLY LIKE 60 YEARS AFTER BRBBRRBRBRBRBRB.....
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Dabbling in reading a book on Jungian typology.
Everyone has a little bit of each preference. And typing oneself is trickier than one thinks. Observation and experience goes into psychology in general, and typology is no exception.
According to Jung, Tertullian, an early Christian author as an example of a ti user, developing his own independent system of logic. Tertullian was known for including puns and sarcasm throughout his writing. 
 He played a big role in Latin shaping the Christian vocabulary. He enjoyed gathering facts to form his theories in his studies and writings. Christian, Jewish, Hellenstic, and Egyptian teachings were what he studied, but his philosophy was his alone. He would later be a great teacher. 
“The intellectuality of gnosis, the specifically rational stamp it gave to the stamp of the phenomena of the soul, must have been odious to him, for that was just what he had to forsake knowledge in order to acquire the principle of feeling. He himself grew up in the unique atmosphere of the East and the West mingled” (Jung, pg.14).
Early in life, we form ways of coping, adapting, which form our unique personalities. We develop ways of adapting throughout our life, but our core mode of being started from early on.
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