#samwsie gamgee
hi! i was wondering if i could get romantic matchups for hobbit, lotr, disney (cartoon), gotham, stranger things, dc movies and x-man?
(i hope it's not too much (⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠) )
i'm 6'0 and have amber eyes, long gold blond curly hair and hourglass figure
i'm positive and upbeat person, i try to see the bright side in most situations
i'm friendly, energetic, confident, responsible, maybe a bit chaotic, cheerful and bubbly
i care about my friends and family a lot, and go out of my way to show it
i enjoy having fun and living life to the fullest
i really like puzzles, riddles and crosswords
i love making people smile
i have morbid, dark sense of humor
sometimes i randomly say a weird obscure fact in the middle of conversation
i'm demisexual panromantic
i can play on violin, cello, piano, guitar, saxophone, harp and drums, i'm currently learning how to play on trumpet
i like poetry and sometimes i write a poem or two, also i'm writing my book
i'm ballet dancer since i was a kid and i love performing
i'm working on my own cartoon
i never quite grew out of the fantasy phase, and i'm still enamored with tales of changelings and witches
i work as illustrator for fantasy books and books for kids
i'm kinda struggling with taking rest, doing nothing, because there is always something to do, something new to learn, etc.
i'm afraid of stagnation
i overuse this kind of emojis→(⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
i love: sunflowers, collecting things, colors yellow, maroon, blue and green, astronomy, tea, making and watching movies, photography, forests, making jewelry, cooking, baking, d&d, fantasy books, horrors, playing chess, animals, plants, dollmaking, dancing, gardening, traveling, drawing, painting, knitting, art, history, world mythologies, spirits, fantasy creatures, eldrich beings, folklore, sculpting, works of J.R.R Tolkien, linguistics, death, burial, beliefs about afterlife, learning new things, embroidery, cartoons, music, psychology, writing
sorry if it's too chaotic
thank you so much for even reading this!
i hope this isn't too much (⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠) but if it's too much, i understand!
i love your writing sm, btw! ❤️
Thank you so much for requesting a matchup! Sorry it's a bit late! <3333 And thank you so much for your kind words!
The Hobbit;
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🦌 You met Thranduil when you were captured by his guards in his Mirkwood forest, and instantly he was taken by you; even though Elves only love once, he felt his cold heart melt a little when his cool, blue eyes met yours
🦌 What surprised you was the fact that he didn't throw you into a cell, instead, he let you stay with him, asking you questions that slowly dwindled from questions about the Company to more about you; and actually you began to grow fond of the Elf King, he wasn't as mean and cruel as the other Dwarves had said, he actually was quite... Sweet
🦌 And sweet he was, before dinner, (which he asked you to join him, and you sat beside him as a special guest), he had learned that you loved playing instruments, and ordered one of his Elves to bring you one; Thranduil then gifted you a beautiful, crystal harp
🦌 When Bilbo had found a way to escape with the Dwarves, your heart was split, go with them and reclaim the mountain or stay with Thranduil; obviously after Thranduil gave you that deer-eyed look, you stayed, even thought you'd miss your new friends and wish them well, you wanted to live your life with Thranduil
🦌 And he was always there for you, making sure you had everything you ever need and wanted, Thranduil became super protective of you, making sure you were safe, (and making sure you don't die like his last wife...); together you are the 'it' pair, a powerful one at that, though you were able to thaw his cold heart, allowing Thranduil to rule Mirkwood with a much softer boot, and he has you to thank for that, (you changed him for the better)
Lord Of The Rings;
Samwise Gamgee:
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🥔 You met Sam when you joined the Fellowship, watching as he stood by his friend Frodo wish such confidence, his other two Hobbity friends joining in; you instantly felt drawn to him, thinking he was just simply adorable
🥔 During the journey, you got closer with the little gardener, and that was actually the first thing your found that you both had in common; from gardening, plants, sunflowers, and baking, that was just to name a few of the things you both spoke about with such fondness
🥔 And it was very upsetting when Sam left to follow Frodo, though before he left he made sure to say his goodbyes, which let to you both in tears; you watched as he ran off before going back to fighting stray orcs, and Sam sat in the boat with Frodo after he almost drowned, rubbing his cheek, the feeling of your chaste kiss still lingering
🥔 You only saw Sam again after the ring was destroyed, sitting with him, holding his hand as you waited for Frodo to wake up; while you both waited, you both caught up, along with sitting in the peaceful silence
🥔 Sam was enamored by you, your voice, your touch, the way you held him always gave him such comfort; and you loved Sam, the way he recited a small poem he wrote for you, or his promises of showing you his home, your lovestruck
Disney (Cartoon);
Milo Thatch:
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🔍 You met Milo when you were asked to join the crew on the trip to seek and search out Atlantis, you being a well-beloved and a professional at your craft, (you were an expert in world mythologies and folklore); you had to join, you loved the idea of finding the lost city, you loved learning new things and you hated stagnation, you needed to get out there and find that city
🔍 When you physically met Milo, you thought he was sort of awkward and dorky, and he on the other-hand, thought you were amazing, to say the least; he asked you what felt like a million questions, about you job, your likes and your possible theories, and that's when the rest of the group began to grow pretty irritated... Since neither of you stopped talking
🔍 Milo absolutely loves the way you joke around, your jokes always make him laugh and you think it's the most beautiful sound in the world, and Milo would say the same, whenever he gets a laugh out of you he feels like he's died and gone to heaven
🔍 After finding Atlantis, you earned the cash that was promised to you, but instead of spending it on jewels or fancy clothes, you started up your own business; Milo, the little gem that he is, bought you one of the books on changelings and witches that you have been looking for, (that earned him a cute date the following weekend)
🔍 Milo really thinks he's found someone who understands him, and you feel the same, finally you felt seen and heard; and everyday with Milo is an adventure, never do you get bored or anything, you both are always up to something ;)
Edward Nygma:
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❓ You met Edward when you worked with Oswald... Well, you didn't work for him, you worked as a sort of... Partner in business, so to speak; you actually were extremely smart, in fact, you graduated from Harvard and MIT, working on perfecting your own... Special technology (as a somewhat good and bad guy, you called yourself a vigilante, you made your own tech that helped a lot of people, and one of those clients was Oswald)
❓ Anyway, you met Edward when he came to talk with Oswald, of course, you were there too; the conversation was slow, but once he gave you a riddle, it was like fireworks went off; you then surprised Edward by answering the riddle perfectly, and that's when Edward began to like you
❓ Now, Oswald, liking Edward, didn't really like you getting close to the Riddler, but you were closer to Oswald, and you knew that he wouldn't kill you, or try and have you killed, you could take care of yourself; so, with no one to really stop either of you, you and Edward began sort of 'dating'
❓ You knew being a vigilante and him being a villain, you'd both never had a normal relationship, no dinner dates out and about that's for sure; most dates consisted of you and him either quietly reading together, giving each other riddles to solve, or just doing crosswords together
❓ Even though Edward's mind is a bit... Warped? He, (and his Riddler persona) are mighty fond of you, and he was sure of himself that if you were ever in trouble, he'd be there for you; you felt entirely the same, you made sure to o out of your way to show Edward how much your cared for him, always there to make him smile
Stranger Things;
Eddie Munson:
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👹 You met Eddie when you worked with Steve and Robin at the Family Video, he'd come by to say hello to the two and that's when you met him; instantly, he felt some sort of connection, (he likes to say it was love at first sight), and after meeting you, he came to the Family Video almost twice a week
👹 And everytime he came around, you be at the front desk, you got a bit suspicious that Robin or Steve knew when he'd come over so they put your behind the front desk; but Eddie would lean against the counter, flirt a little, give you his charming smile, and believe it or not, you fell hard
👹 From there, it was like you both were dancing around each other, waiting for the other to make the big move to ask the other out, but during that time, Eddie pulled out all the stops; bringing you sunflowers, new notebooks to write in, stuffed animals, and even new maroon yarn for your knitting, (which you loved)
👹 You were practically being spoiled by the young man, and the moment he gifted you a new set of dice for D&D, you asked him out; and of course, he said yes, and the both of you went out to a nice diner for dinner before going to see Labyrinth in theaters (because he remembered how much you loved fantasy)
👹 Eddie is head over heels, smitten completely, and falls deeper in love whenever you play D&D with him, and he loves how chaotic you can get, (he gets them heart-eyes); you couldn't believe you had someone like Eddie, a brave young man who understood you and made you feel alive, it's ever a dull day when Eddie's around, that's for sure, (you can't get enough of him)
DC Movies;
Diana Prince:
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👑 You met Diana when she met Bruce, your boss? It was never really said for sure if he was your boss or not, you helped him out with paperwork, but you felt that you were more of a friend than an assistant; anyway, you met her when Bruce heard about her, (and yes, you knew that Bruce was Batsy), and you were immediately hypnotized
👑 Like why does she have to be walking around all gorgeous like? She is literally a Goddess, like what the hell... In short, you were in love, (she might as well have been aphrodite; Diana, thought you were mighty pretty too, she loves the blonde hair, (she wants to braid it), and it made her realize that she might have a thing for blondes
👑 Well, after a couple of weeks of flirting, lingering touches, and sneaky, (not really), glances, she asked you out on a cute like amusement park date; there, she won you a giant bear stuffed animal, (cause of course she can win those games), and you both shared a kiss on the ferris wheel
👑 Diana, though she knew that you could take care of yourself, always made sure that you were safe before she left to fight villains; you stayed at your shared home, reading your J.R.R. Tolkien and other fantasy books, knitting yourself a new scarf and a matching one for Diana, and even baked something new
👑 Even though Diana sometimes left to fight and save others, you always knew that she loved you, she was very expressive, and you knew she loved you since she loved hearing about your random facts when you conversed; you found her incredibly smart, talented, and felt like you were on Cloud 9 whenever she's near, ("you're whipped," Bruce had once said but that only made you smile)
Charles Xavier:
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🧠 You met Charles when you were sitting at a small diner, drinking some good tea and eating a small slice of cheesecake and then they walked through the door; Charles, and his friend Erik, sat across the booth with you and that's when they told you that you were a mutant, just like them
🧠 This surprised you, for one, huh? And two, who were these people, and lastly, why was the one just staring at you so intensely? All these questions had flown through your mind, and as if he had read it, Charles answered all of your questions; he was a mutant, he could read minds, you were a mutant too, and he would be willing to help train you
🧠 You thought about it for a moment, still a bit confused and slightly overwhelmed, you said yes, why wouldn't you? You got to be trained by a very handsome man who lived in a mansion; turns out that you were actually a mutant, you did feel like that was a fib, but you were one, (you could actually harness and manipulate sound and energy, levitate, create forcefields, use telekinesis, and exert major force with the energy, (the same as Vitkor from Umbrella Academy if you wanna see your powers in action))
🧠 You trained with Charles, using the violin, cello, and harp to help enhance your powers, and during this time, you grew close with Charles; Charles, as he taught you for a good couple of months, slowly fell for you, and he fell hard
🧠 By the next Spring, you both became an item, going on little walks, cooking together, reading by the fire together, and so much more; Charles is incredibly fond of how sweet and positive you are, you always brighten his day, and you feel the same, always amazed by the man before you, you both work so well together
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