#sanders shorts anxiety
softestpatton · 2 months
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They’re Brothers In My Mind. Twins Even
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Orange: Don’t you just love how mental disorders are just buy one get seven free?
Patton: I didn’t even really want the first one. My old boyfriend made me buy it.
Roman: Mine’s a family heirloom, passed down through generations.
Remus: Same.
Janus: I think mine was one of the things my dad threw at me as a child.
Logan: I’m pretty sure my parents gave it to me because they shoplifted it and didn’t want to go to jail.
Virgil & Andy: Ours came in a package deal: Being gay, homophobic parents, mental illness.
Remy: Bitch, you had parents?
Emilie: Mine was the last thing my parents gave me before they abandoned me in the middle of a Wendy’s parking lot.
Thomas: Jesus Christ, are you ok?!
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warnadudenexttime · 2 months
Kills me everytime
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Remus casually giving Remy advice on how to score a hot emo and Remy acting like he doesn't want it but secretly keeping it in mind.
At the same time Virgil listening to Andy bitching about this flippant little thot and that it sucks that he likes him. Virgil just nods and tells him flat out kill him. Andy pretends that's a vocal typo and breaks out the chapstick
Remus and Virgil meet up later for movies and cuddles and agree those two are hopeless.
Andy and Remy are somewhere aggressively making out
Dukexiety Matchmakers Inc. where you too can makeout with your crush without them even trying XD
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emoprincey · 2 months
"Prinxiety will be canon" "No analogical will be" WRONG! C!Thomas x Virgil
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notveryglittery · 2 months
REMILE ??? in a video TOGETHER ??? the year is 2024 and suddenly ANYTHING feels possible
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brandstifter-sys · 19 days
Remy would be one of the flirtiest thots in the world. He could charm and win over anyone he wanted. Except for one person, Andy.
It's not that he has no effect on Anxiety, far from it. Andy's knee-jerk reaction to any sort of compliment is to deny it. He gets so flustered (internally at least) that he can't stop himself from rejecting any advances. Unfortunately he sounds like he's just being a teasing flirt, though he always sounds like that around Remy.
It drives Remy nuts. He has made it his goal to make that edgelord go on 1 (one) date with him. But Remy is a queen bee, he doesn't do the asking. And Andy is too anxious to do it, or believe Remy actually wants him. So they keep up this little charade because they're both idiots in their own ways
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Round 1H Matchup 1
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May the most fuckable win!
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naminethewriter · 1 year
It's All Too Much
Day 3 of @loceitweek, even more rushed than the others so far. I really should be in bed right now. Oh well. Enjoy! 💛💙
Masterpost | Loceit Week 2023 Masterpost | Ao3
Summary: Logan doesn't understand his homework, Janus stops him from freaking out about it.
Content Warnings: Anxiety Spiral
Logan stared at the pages before him, holding back tears. This should be easy for him, it had always been easy so far, so why was he struggling so much? He wiped his eyes and tried to refocus on the start of the page again. Maybe if he read it one more time it would make sense.
It didn’t.
He couldn’t understand it.
He was going to fail.
First this course and then his degree, he knew it, he-
A firm voice pulled him out of his spiraling thoughts. He looked up to see Janus, a fellow student and acquaintance of his, standing next to him, watching him with concern in his eyes.
“I think you need a break, Logan.”
He shook his head. He needed to finish this, he had a schedule, he couldn’t-
“It can wait, Logan. This isn’t due until next week and you are clearly overworked. Let me treat you to a coffee and we will work on it together afterwards if you really want to get it done today.”
Logan hesitated. Coffee wasn’t part of his schedule. It wasn’t even healthy to drink at this hour.
“It can be something other than coffee. You just need to step away from this for a moment.”
Is Janus reading his mind? He’s not talking out loud, his mouth is too dry for him to say anything.
“You are so much easier to read than you think, darling,” Janus chuckled, placing a hand on his shoulder and using the other to close the textbook in front of him. “And I have good intuition, so I can guess what most people are thinking.”
That was plausible, he thought. But he still wasn’t sure about taking an unscheduled break.
“Logan, please.”
Why were those words so much more convincing than anything else Janus had said?
He nodded, closing the notebook that still laid in front of him. Then he reached for his water bottle and took a long drink. The cool liquid felt so refreshing, and he finally felt his words return to him.
“Thank you, Janus.”
“No problem. I want my future firm partner to be in best shape after all,” he joked, and Logan couldn’t help but smile. Yes, working together with Janus sounded like a promising future.
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januscorner · 2 months
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So that new video
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emo-nightmares · 1 year
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Sleepxiety Moodboard I made for my Friend!
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b3nnyrabb1t · 1 year
would like to say that the Fanders in any capacity rlly are VERY HORNY as shown by the SIXTY-THREE submissions (including duplicates) for Thomas Sanders Created and Played characters (this is including mine) on the @most-fuckable-character-showdown (these are also just the ones I know of, there may be more by the time any one person comes across this particular post abt it)
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Eddsworld au but it’s just Virgil and Remus doing dumb shit lol.
Or it’s Remus, Virgil, Remy and Andy lol
Y E S!!! An AU like that with those 4 would be utter C H A O S every single day XD I feel like Ree would be Tord, Vee is Tom, Remy is Matt, and Andy is Edd (Feel free to disagree if you do)
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sandersidesconcepts · 2 years
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Let’s take a second to appreciate these amazing costumes!!!
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Word: Jewels Challenge word: antidisestablishmentarianism
Title: I'll be the blood (If you'll be the bones) Summary: It has been a long, long while since he has felt anything. He has drifted through existence, brandishing his fangs and putting up pompous displays of his wealth and domination. Until one day, a thin silver blade presses against his throat. "I will kill you." 'Do you promise?' The vampire thinks, sardonically, desperately. Word-Count: 813 Warnings: Hinted Suicidal Ideation, Morally Grey Remy, Crying, Unresolved Conflict I found this two-thirds of the way completed in my drafts and decided to complete it. Have this short vignette into Remy's and Andy's shared past in the Howl verse.
Those untouched by the old gods' blessings, such as humans, were so perishable, so weak. Where vampires grew stronger with age, humans grew weaker the older they lived. It was remarkable, really, how the slightest inconvenience could end their existence in finality. A change in temperature, a steep fall, a minor illness.
The smell of decay, of imminent demise, followed their ever-waking existence. Their fates were ever-changeable, fluid and constant like a river.
It was laughable that such creatures believed they stood a chance against superior, blessed beings such as vampire-kind. They waved about their slivers of silver and unholy wooden stakes, not understanding it came down to a matter of reflexes. Even the fastest of humans would struggle to outrun the slowest of his kind.
Although, these days he preferred to avoid getting his hands filthy. All it took was a look and he could coax even the most stubborn human into complete servitude. Humans' minds were malleable and moldable into whatever he wished them to become.
It was entertaining, it was booooring. He held the world in the palm of his hand and yet, none of sated his soul. Maybe this was why the gods had abandoned them; they no longer found their playthings entertaining.
So for a long, long while--he felt nothing. He drifted through existence, brandishing his fangs and putting up pompous displays of his wealth and domination. Until one day a thin silver blade was pressed against his throat.
"I will kill you," A human said, shaking hands clasped around the sword.
'Do you promise?' The vampire thought sardonically, desperately.
The human is far from the first to declare such a thing. Although he was younger than most, barely old enough to be considered a knight. How he managed to transverse his way undetected this far into the vampire's territory was intriguing.
Still how fitting, how ironic would it be? If the vampire was to die by a human young's doing? What a way to be immortalized forever in human mythos.
"Then do it already, no need to waste your breath declaring so," The vampire said.
"I'm going to," The human insisted, tears running down his cheeks. The blade did not pierce the vampire's throat, "I--I will."
The vampire kept still, aching for the release of death. The human's blade dropped to the ground.
"I--I can't." The human sobbed, "I should--but I can't--"
"Do it," The vampire demanded, looking directly in the human's eyes. It was command, a wish, a desire. The human looked back, eyes gleaming with ferocity, "No."
The vampire stumbled back in shock. "No?"
"No," The human confirmed, "I won't, I can't."
The vampire had never been denied something from a human before. There was a putrid indignation threatened to spill out from him. A more fragrant amusement shoved it back down. A human capable of defying him? This was more precious than jewels to the vampire.
"What is your name?" The vampire asked. The human did not say it at first. In his eyes, laid a window to a mind locked in internal conflict. It was almost thrilling to the vampire; to know that he had no control as to whether the human chose to answer his question or not.
"It--it is Andrew. What is yours?" The human asked in return, fists curled up at his sides.
Despite his refusal to draw a blade upon the vampire, he looked almost ready to fist fight him to death. Humans never ceased to amaze him in their duality.
The vampire withdrew a pale hand out to the human; a human sign of showing no ill intent. The human did not flinch, he merely stared upon it before slowly, carefully, placing his hand within the vampire's clasp.
"It depends on who you ask," The vampire replied, shaking the human's hand, "but you may call me Rembrandt."
The vampire attempted to release his hand, but Andrew held onto his with all of his meager human strength.
"What do you want with me?" He asked. A command, a wish, a desire of his own. One that the vampire hardly felt no compulsion to answer. Regardless, an answer he shall labor to give.
"I already asked you of it--but you denied my request," The vampire said, moving his hand out of the human's grasp with ease, "considering you're the first human in centuries to do so, I find that fascinating."
Andrew swallowed, "Are you going to do something about that?"
"What, like kill you? Or turn you?" The vampire laughed, "that would ruin all my fun."
"Yes, F-U-N. Fun. As in, 'the most enjoyment I've had in a long while,'" The vampire drawled, "now be good and return to the safety of your human fortress. I have no need for humans who cannot serve me."
Scarcely remembering to pick up his blade, Andrew turned and fled the way he came. The vampire's lips curled slightly in dissatisfaction. He expected the human to pick more of a fight. Still, as he straightened his cape, he knew for certain the human would come back.
Above all else, humans' fatalistic curiosity always far outweighed their aspiration for survival.
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brandstifter-sys · 10 days
(I rewrote the ask lol)
Virgil:Grrr….i hate my bf…I need to send him hate mail…
*Virgil gets out some paper and a green pen*
Virgil:hmm…what can I make fun of him for…in his song he dressed like woody…he kind of looked demented…hehehe..
*Virgil starts writing*
*The note read*
“U are A Demented Woody
💚 your boyfriend
P.S. Go BAcK 2 ANDY’S Room U Prikk!!!”
Virgil:This is perfect
*Virgil leaves it under remus’s door*
*Remus finds it half an hour later and reads it*
*2 hours later*
*Remus in Andy’s room crying while Andy holds him*
Andy:Remus…it’s fine…it’s gonna be ok…I’m sure he didn’t mean it…
*Virgil manically laughing in his room*
I think we all know Remus would take it as the highest praise in the world. Plus Virgil remembered the little song number!! Remus put so much work into it! Happy tears!!
As soon as Andy says that Remus pauses and stares at him like he's crazy. And then he goes off telling Andy how awesome and sweet Virgil is and that he is the luckiest trash disaster in the world
Andy is confused and concerned
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