#sanders sides celebrations
loganslowdown4 · 5 months
Thomas Sanders / Sanders Sides Lists!
I’ve made some updates to my anniversaries/birthdays list for Thomas Sanders Characters & Series! Check it out!
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I’ve also made a list of Sides name reveal dates and meanings!
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And finally I’ve made a big reference list of all current Sanders Sides episodes / asides / blooper videos in both calendar and chronological orders! I’ve included a link to the google doc do this too!
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Enjoy! Save & reblog!
(I’ve mostly made this for me but if anyone has ever needed to look dates/information up, I hope you can use this too :))
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halfhissandwich · 3 months
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@loceitweek Poor Logan got sick, but luckily Janus is really good at taking care of other sides!
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beauty-and-passion · 9 months
Two last words on the future of Sanders Sides
There is one last thing I wanted to talk about and I would like to do it in a separate post, so you can add your thoughts and we can talk about it here.
However, I also would like to avoid explaining the basics to children - i.e. why criticism is useful, that you can criticize something you love and that doesn’t mean you’re entitled, that constructive criticism is different from complaining, that criticism isn’t a personal attack on you/your loved ones and so on. I already explained these things in the past and I don’t want to repeat myself.
So if you’re old enough to understand all of this and accept to listen to some criticism, you’re welcome here. If you cannot bear it, just ignore this post. Don’t worry, I won’t get offended: we live in a free world, after all :)
We all know Mr. Sanders is taking a lot of time, before releasing the season 2 finale. And we also know he’s doing other stuff, posting other videos, working on other projects and doing things in his real life too.
And that’s perfectly good. He’s free to do whatever he wants, both in his life and his work.
There is only one thing I am asking for regarding Sanders Sides, something I think he owes his followers too: transparency. Honesty. Not content, not to work on Sanders Sides only, not to follow my headcanon. Just pure, simple, free-of-charge honesty about the project that gave him most of the popularity he has today.
It took Thomas three years to finish three parts of a four-part finale: that’s the last official information we got about the SaSi main storyline. And we got it not because Thomas talked about the creative process behind the series, but because he threw this information first in a tweet talking about finishing part 3, then in a cryptic Instagram post about finishing the draft of part 1. Chronological order? Never heard of her, apparently.
But let’s put the organization problem on the side, because that’s not a novelty coming from Mr. Sanders. And let’s ignore the 200th red flag of him not wanting to talk about Sanders Sides' finale and throwing info around instead. Let’s focus just on the information that, as a writer, I find the most concerning.
If Mr. Sanders needed three years to write three videos, that means he needs one year to write one video. So he will probably need another year to write part 4. And then he has to film/edit everything and that means he will probably need another year - or more.
Therefore, in the best-case scenario, that means we will get the first part of the season 2 finale in 2025. And that’s the best-case scenario.
Okay, you may say, that doesn’t sound too bad. I mean, we waited three years, we can wait more.
Sure we can, we can wait forever if we want to. But there are two big problems: one regarding the finale itself, the other regarding the future of the series.
1) The writing is taking too much time
From personal experience, I know that if writing something takes years, it’s not a good thing. And I’m talking about the specific writing part here, not the research or planning part: research/planning can take a very long time and that’s perfectly fine and normal, but the actual act of writing shouldn’t take this long. If that happens, then there’s something wrong. And usually, this shows in the final result, which is never worth the wait.
The thing is: the longer it takes to write something, the more time/memory problems will occur, i.e. inconsistencies, missed elements, personality swings etc. You know, like the ones we saw in the last Asides. And these problems become 10x bigger, without a clear outline to follow.
But hey, you may say, maybe everything is already planned! Maybe it’s taking this long, just because Thomas doesn’t have enough time to physically write!
Well, that opens another box of questions and (imho) bigger problems:
if he doesn’t have enough time, then why is he the only writer? Can’t he share his writing responsibilities with someone else?
if he’s not the only writer, then who is the other writer - or writers, if they exist? A competent expert or one of his friends? And if it’s one of his friends, then why can’t an influencer with his numbers hire an expert, who will be faster at writing, better than him and, most importantly, bias-free and not influenced by the fandom?
how does the writing process work in his team? Is there even a writing process or not?
how does his team actually work? What do they do? Is there at least one expert hired by Thomas or is the team made of just his friends?
seriously, why doesn’t he hire an expert? What did experts ever do to him? Is it so hard to find experts in the US?
And before any of you say “but he doesn’t have money”… please. Please. I saw people with way fewer numbers, followers and influence making better decisions. And they always start by hiring experts, whether they are managers, editors, cameramen or creative team members.
Also, he lives in the US, not on an island in the middle of nowhere. He can find experts if he wants to.
2) The passage of time
In 2025, Mr. Sanders will be 36 years old. And if he needs even more time to release all four parts of the season 2 finale, he will easily reach 40 by the time the fourth part is out.
Age shouldn’t be a problem, everyone should be free to do anything whenever they want. But that doesn’t apply to Sanders Sides, because Sanders Sides isn’t animated: this series has real faces - Thomas’ face. And Thomas is getting too old for the roles he’s playing.
Sanders Sides’ main theme is knowing more about yourself. The theme is relatable for all ages, so the problem isn’t the theme per se. The problem is the type of characters, which cannot work for a man in his 40s.
One example: Virgil. He was still credible as an emo adolescent when he was 20 and he’s still more-or-less credible now that Thomas is 30. But will he still be credible, when Thomas is 40? Or will he look like a cringey grown-up playing the “I’m young!” part?
Sure, some men have that superpower of cutting their beard and looking immediately 10 years younger… but it cannot work forever. Thomas is growing up, he cannot revert the biological clock and look just like he was at 20.
And that’s perfectly fine, because everyone deserves to grow up, change and become more beautiful. But that also means getting too old to portray these characters and make them look credible.
So either Thomas ends the series before he reaches 40, or he shifts it into a much more mature direction, to keep up with his physical growth.
But doing that means a) losing his younger followers and b) switching from a more carefree approach to heavier episodes. And right now, I doubt this is the direction he wants to push his work to. He’s clearly more interested in small, low-effort videos and in pursuing carefree stuff like Roleslaying. And I completely understand why. Small videos don’t take a long time to make and he can talk about anything he wants, while Roleslaying has an already written story and Mr. Sanders doesn’t have to act it: he just listens to it and plays along with his friends. Also, Roleslaying has different, animated faces, so when Thomas is 40 or 50, Roman of Reston’s face will still be that of a 20yo guy. It’s much more convenient, compared to a series with a continuative plot he should keep up all by himself and heavy themes to discuss.
If I were him, I would close Sanders Sides' main storyline with the season 2 finale. Introduce Orange, wrap everything up the quickest/simplest way possible, solve all problems, the end: the series is done, you can move on/focus on the Asides.
If Thomas truly ends Sanders Sides' main storyline with the season 2 finale, I wouldn’t complain - and I highly doubt others will have much more to say. Sure, we can always complain about the abrupt end, the pitiful disorganization and the writing, but at least the main series will be over and no one will be left hanging around for eternity.
However, I don’t think Thomas will ever take this route either, because it would require enough self-awareness to realize he’s not able to handle this series and, most importantly, that he doesn’t love it as much as before. Oh, and let’s not forget that Sanders Sides is his golden goose and he clearly doesn’t want to give up the profit he makes from it.
That probably means he will never be transparent either. He will never sit down and make a video, to explain his feelings about this series. He will never clarify how the writing process works. He will never admit he doesn’t consider SaSi important anymore. He will never give proper answers. After all, he had multiple chances to do it and he never did. At this point, I doubt he will ever do it.
This is, deep down, the reason why I wanted to write my take on season 3. Because I know Mr. Sanders will never do anything of this. He will never talk about religion so openly, show something violent like a punch or normal like a kiss. I doubt he will ever address any mature topic at all. Or that he’ll be able to wrap up all the loose threads in a satisfying way, considering that, in the last Aside, he basically ditched them all.
So, I decided to write this. And by writing this, I proved myself a couple things:
That you can write something in less than 3 years. And no, that doesn’t prove I’m better than Thomas: it just proves I committed myself to this project until the end. And, in order to do that, I didn’t need to undergo 24-hour-long writing sessions either: I wrote a little bit every day, even just one single page. It was a daily effort, not a tour-de-force. And I focused on that project only, not on 20 at the time.
That you don’t need money to write. I didn’t spend one single cent to write FSS3. All I needed were a pen, some paper, a computer and willingness to commit. The computer might be a bit more expensive, but I can assure you the other things are all very cheap.
That an outline should always be the top priority. Sanders Sides has so many themes and loose threads, that closing them all without a proper plan would be insane. Heck, it was difficult for me even with an outline, just imagine without it!
But most importantly, I needed closure. After three years of nothing but empty promises, I wanted an ending. Or rather, a satisfying ending. An ending without loosened threads, an ending that wraps all these characters and gives them the growth they deserve.
And I know this probably wasn’t your perfect ending. You probably would change some things here and there - and that’s great, because you can do it. You can use FSS3 as a base from which you can start building your own ending. Now you know it’s possible to do it. Now you know you can do it, if you want.
So if you need closure, if you feel sad and angry or if you’re just full of ideas… do it. Write your own ending. Get your own closure. You deserve it.
While speaking of the canonical main series, I really REALLY hope to be proven wrong, but all Mr. Sanders is doing proves how much he doesn’t care about this series as before. He doesn’t even want to mention it anymore. Instead of acting like an adult, accepting his responsibilities and apologizing for taking this much time, he keeps showing the series under the rug and complaining every time someone lifts said rug and makes him watch what he left under it. And he does it in the most pathetic, childish, manipulative way possible.
That’s not what an adult does, let alone an adult who doesn’t feel guilty. And that proves he knows he’s not doing the right thing with SaSi. He knows he’s taking too much time and he's aware he doesn’t know how to handle the main series anymore.
So, instead of facing the truth, he ignores it, refers to the series only once in a while, uses it for jokes, flattens the plot and the characters’ personalities. Every anniversary, he talks about SaSi as if it’s something in the past. He doesn’t even mention it as part of his projects anymore. On the contrary: he started 2 whole new projects, instead of finishing the one most of his people want to see.
And that’s even more sad, considering how great the concept of SaSi is. This series has a ton of potential and wonderful characters. It can delve into deep, dark and mature discussions. It can explore relatable aspects of life and present themes people can discuss about. It’s perfect for a fandom.
But hey, if Mr. Sanders fell out of love and/or isn’t able to handle it, I do not blame him. Everyone can fall out of love with a project or not being able to handle it. No one is an expert on everything, after all.
The only thing I blame him for is the lack of transparency. It’s his inability to be open and honest with the public. It’s the lies and omissions, his hiding something and pretending it doesn’t exist anymore.
So, since Mr. Sanders seems unable to move on, I don’t want to get stuck waiting forever for him to grow up. I have other things I want to talk about, other stories I want to criticize and some I want to explore with you.
Starting from 2024, my blog won’t be just Sanders Sides-themed anymore. I will still follow this series and its fandom because I love them both (also, I might end up writing a new fiction in the future, because I love these characters too and want to give them a mature development), but I want to expand as well. I want to talk about a hilariously bad webcomic, a meaningful manga and explore a whole new series. And those are just the first three projects!
(And yes, I want to talk about the Book of Bill too, this summer. So... four projects)
If you’re a fan of Sanders Sides, don’t worry: I will still be around to talk about stuff, episodes and details of the series. And when the season 2 finale comes out, I will be there to analyze it and, if necessary, criticize it. Sure, it won’t be a full analysis nor a full critique, because I will need all four parts to do that, but I can give my two cents on each part. And I will do it even if I’m not invited, as always <3
If you do not care or do not want to follow me anymore, you're free to go. I do not want to keep you on a tight leash forever.
But if you're curious and still want to follow me, get ready: 2024 will be a busy year ;)
Thank you all for this beautiful year, thank you for your time, your appreciation and your nice words. I can't wait to meet you all in the next one.
Happy 2024
( Support me on Ko-fi )
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croftersforlife · 3 months
Wanderlust is 100% the person who only wakes up early on Christmas
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thefroggypond · 4 months
my friend watching One sanders sides video with me and immediately agreeing to theme our birthday fits around roman & remus
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pencilpat · 9 months
That Christmas video was so nice, sweet Nico & Thomas moment, shitfaced Janus, Remus being my beloved boy, Roman and Remus acting like Brothers with a capital B, canonical Remus calling Patton daddy moment, Roman and Janus rivalry continues homoerotically, analogical & moceit vibes, exploring the dark sides' relationships, canonical cold bloded Janus, I am HOLLERING ❤️🎄
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the-sprog · 2 months
I've been kinda getting back into MHA and I'm a slut for crossovers ok. So I really want to write one for Sanders Sides, but I'm stuck on why the FUCK someone like c!Thomas would go to a hero highschool in Japan. And not having a hero or provisional license would prevent any of them from using whatever power I come up with. Which is like. The whole point of these kinds of crossovers. So tourist moment is also not on the table.
I also do not remember what the law status of quirk usage in the usa is (been a good 5 years since I've last caught up w the manga).
Also, how would it go with the sides not technically legally being people? Would Thomas get in trouble if Roman got caught vigilante-ing?
It's a lot harder than a Marvel or DC crossover. Although Marvel is easier than DC because of their superior power origin categorization.
There IS the exchange student route, do a little bit of Pony copy moment. But it would still be a bit of "why is c!Thomas in a hero school in the usa?" although we did have that backstory little gem in "Moving on" where they talk about wanting to help the planet, hence the unused college degree.
I just also think that Virgil wouldn't be able to let Thomas do something so dangerous. Although it WOULD be a Thomas that at this point in history kinda mostly listens to his Morality, even though Virgil is scawy. We know that Virgil scared him in the moment, but that Thomas didn't used to let him in the driver's seat for long term decision making.
Ugh I'm here all "this has to make sense. LOGISTICALLY" about a guy who splits into 6 himselves and the anime where the answer to the question s"what kind of superpowers can people have?" is "yes"
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Or later today depending on timezones. Idk man it's 1 am. At some point today, I guess. I'm going to bed.
@frogsandsquids watch out bro he's coming soon to own on video and dvd
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pyxy-styx · 11 months
How am I supposed to properly appreciate a fictional characters birthday if I can't dress up and do makeup because I'm sick and can't breathe properly. This is a crime
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royalityweek · 1 year
Day 1: Celebration/Invitation
It’s finally here Travelers the week of the beloveds has officially begun!! Now to start it off Mod Duke and Mod Dreamer collabed together and made a little chat fic/drabble to celebrate the first prompt. We hope you enjoy and we’re excited to see your submissions! ❤️💙❤️  
Patton: Hey Sweetie? 
Roman: Yes Beloved? 
Patton: It's our anniversary next week... Did you want to do anything for it?
Roman: Well I did have something in mind but you probably wouldn't want to go...
Patton: Huh? Why wouldn't I want to? 
Roman: Because... the show day is the night of our anniversary and I thought you wouldn't want to just watch me perform and would like a candle lit dinner or a night picnic at the park instead.
Patton: Are you kidding?? You got the role?! Of course I want to watch it Sweetie! 
Roman: Wait y-you do? 
Patton: Why on Earth wouldn't I? You've been working so hard for this role. I always love watching you perform Ro... No matter what day it falls on, it will make our anniversary even more special. 
Roman: Alright Beloved if you're sure then I want you to come and we can celebrate more with dinner after? 
Patton: We celebrate everything together Sweetie... How abooout an early morning picnic watching the sunrise and then I'll come and see the show, followed by a late dinner?
Roman: That sounds perfect My Love.
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jaratedeguadalupe · 2 years
patton makes remus those candy bracelet and necklace thingys. he makes them in the shape of octopuses
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halfhissandwich · 5 months
Just realized that today is April 13th… happy anniversary, Lee + Mary Lee 🥳 sorry your buddy c!thomas has so much trauma relating to your wedding
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Happy 1 year Roman kiniversary to ✨me✨
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So i came back to lurk in a fandom i haven't been a part of for two and a half years and it turns out the guy we all thought was nice and talented just overworks, underpays, and steals from fans? what a time to be alive and check out what i missed
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dilfphoenixlover · 2 months
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Tumblr Banner/ head image!!! I’m super freaking proud of this piece, and I made it in celebration for the new Sanders Sides ep getting filmed! I’m so proud of Thomas and his work, he really is my favorite creator ❤️ @thatsthat24
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