#sandy reviews nd
casualgay-mer · 2 years
Short ND game review: MHM
Message in a Haunted Mansion
Plot: ND arrives at a Victorian hotel to help a family friend help with renovations, as it turns out that total trash is happening here, and there are hints of ghosts to be present.
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Characteristics: The characters are flat, dull and BORING! But the atmosphere hits hard, it's denser than Louis' stare. The first game that positions itself as a horror. Personally, I was scared of it af as a child, it traumatized me beyond belief. Roughly speaking, the mansion here is almost like a separate character.
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However, if it were not for nostalgia, I would obviously love the game less.
Also I think I have some false memories of this game? But I remember seeing this ghost in this mirror. However it never occurred in my recent playthrough and I can't find any evidence of this happening. Please write me if that was true I don't wanna appear stupid -3-
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What adds into the horror factor - and the reason I like the first 3 games - Nancy doesn't react much to anything happening around her leaving you alone with your feelings.
The music is ALSO SO GREAT OMG.
One of my favorite games even though I am not eager to replay it.
Score: 17.9. Recommended.
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saltyslack-toast · 4 years
#Knock The Book 2: The Devil All the Time
WELL, I MADE IT TO THE 2nd BOOK REVIEW OF MINE, MEANS THAT I’M A PASSIONATE AND PERSISTENT BITCH, PERIODT. No actually I’m just bored and got really nothing to do, so here I am making judgmental, invalid and uncritical book review just to ease my guilt for doing nothing at home (just so my mom see me working through my laptop).
Okay The Devil All the Time is actually my first English book. The story of how I got this book as a matter of fact is quite irritating and funny at the same time. My uni friend, she saw this book in a modest book bazaar near her hometown. She was reading the title and the word ‘devil’ just remind her of me, she bought it and just gave it straight to me…... I’m sad but like thankful???
It’s a secondhand and hardcover book but I don’t really mind, considering the fact that the quality is still very nice though, except the worn spots stained all over the cover that make the book looks very old. My friend bought this only for RP 25.000, yes dude you’re not misread this shit, it was THAT CHEAP (whoever sell and own this book before me, I really appreciate it). Although if you want to buy the new one, you can get this book for USD 26.95 which converted in rupiah would be RP 407.500, yeah its cost pretty fancy for broke students like us and I don’t know if the book’s supposed to be available in your local bookstore but I think you can find it in worldwide shipping online store like amazon or any other shop perhaps. The book’s cover illustrate a dying white mutt hanging on the ‘log’ and bunch of cross everywhere, the cover is actually make sense when you read the book. It published in 2011 by doubleday in United States of America. The Author is Donald Ray Pollock, and you can find the sum information about his background written on the cover, but based form the book’s cover you can also check his website in donaldraypollock.com but when I checked, I’m not sure if it’s really his website since it just like pest control website (LMAOO I HAD NO IDEA FR). Anyway,
Let’s go breaking down the book!
“… Too much religion could be as bad as too little, maybe even worse, but moderation was just not in her husband’s nature”
The whole story in this book, basically give you portraits regarding the life of lunatics in the time after WWII. Nope, there is no sums up about the events happened in that moment so chill y’all non-historical enthusiast bitches. This book gonna give you a bizarre experience reading it, the first 10 pages of this book was already psychedelic, I assure that shit. Have you watched Games of Thrones series on HBO? It’s chilling right how Ned Stark, the protagonist of the main series died in the first season???? EXACTLY that was the vibes u got after reading the first chapter and get crazier every time u read forward. By the way, this book embodied 7 chapters and 55 sub-chapters, the chapter in odd and even numbers has 2 different main focuses on each characteristic exist, here I sum it up for you:
On the odd numbers chapters (1, 3, and so on), the central story of these chapters is circling among the family of Willard Russel, his Mom Emma and Uncle Earskell and also those 2 insane peeps Roy Laferty and Theodore. Willard Russel used to be a navy army and a bit skeptical dealing with religion issues just like his uncle, but his mom has always been a devoted worshiper. Willard married to the beautiful and kind-hearted women named Charlotte and they was given a son named Arvin Eugene Russel, everything was normal until Charlotte got sick and Willard gone crazy praying to god for his wife’s recovery and poor little Arvin has to suffer the predicament by his own self. Their stories always give me religious-fanaticism-gloomy vibes (is that even make sense??). Don’t even get me started with the life stories of the two brutes-ass man, Roy Laferty and Theodore they were used to be ‘preacher’ in Emma and young Willard’s Church. Nothing I could say further because it’s gonna be a major spoiler for you, but their stories really giving you insights of how frustration and fanaticism allow people to do something beyond their common sense.
“You remember what I told you the other day?” He asked Arvin
“About the boys on the bus?,”
“Well, that’s what I meant, you just got to pick the right time”
On the even numbers chapters (2, 4, and so on), the main tales is pertaining on the journey of Handerson couple, Carl and Sandy. They were like the Bonnie and Clyde but sad and exploitative version in this book. Carl is a ‘photographer’ and sandy working as a waitress in a café called Wooden Spoon (Which the place where Charlotte used to work as a waitress and the place she met Willard for the first time as well). During summertime they got this ‘ritual’ ((but not in a religious way)) where they drive to different states and give a ride to the hitchhikers found on the way, then Carl forcefully offer them to fuck Sandy for free (HIS OWN WIFE) while he took pictures of them fucking and after that Carl kill them and take all the money those hitchhikers got in their pocket (dude I can’t even judge anything). But to be honest, I’m not a fan of these two characters because they were all so ANNOYING to death. And then there is Bodecker Lee who’s a police and also Sandy’s brother, ok that’s it, I’m not gonna give you any spoilers.
“… He went down the street and sat on a bench in a park the rest of the day thinking about killing himself instead. Something broke in him that day. For the first time he could see that his whole life added up to absolutely nothing…”
You might be confused since there are quite a lot of keen characters in this book but there’s a point where all these bitches are relating to each other, so chill y’all impatient gripe-ass. Overall, the flow of the story is undoubtedly interesting for you to keep going throughout the whole story, because every phase gonna make you wondering about next things happened to them. But, the transitions among every chapters is quite uncomfortable for me, because sometimes when the story has reached its climax there is no resolutions coming to solve the problem immediately, and you’re faced to read the new chapter with a whole different setting and characters so it’s kind of ruining the vibes and emotions the book has made me, but again this just my personal preference so please don’t judge (while everything I did right now is judging inaccurately).
“He realized that he would never preach again, but that was all right. He’d never been much good at it anyway. Most people just wanted to hear the cripple play”
However, what I like the most from this book is the deepening of every character exists is so fascinating, even for just the side or supporting character (for god sake I’m sorry idk what to called a character that isn’t the main one), for example a bus driver in Meade, Ohio which Willard talked to when he was on the way home after the war ended, the narration wrapped and portraits the driver’s life perfectly without make us bored, and there’s still a bunch of interesting narration about the life of the side characters in this book that also as odds and intriguing as the main character’s background (jesus, everything happened and everyone in this book is just so strange and peculiar I swear to god). The story finished in a most tragic-beautiful but still gloomy way, even though it’s quite predictable but still a very good closing for me personally. To be noted, on the way to the end of the story, there will be emerge another asshole priest character named Preston Teagardin, ready to shake you up until you finish the book. But still, let’s said this particular ‘last minute character’ has proving that the author is paying so much attention of how the story ended isn’t leaving any 'rush-made' impression (this shit might confused you I’m sorry my English hasn’t got any better *sorry hand sign* *sorry hand sign* *sorry hand sign*). # hashtag attention to the detail bro.
Holy crap, that’s the first time I’m almost able to cut all the bullshit I intend to bring it up here.
This book is one of my top 5 books that you have to read once in a life time (although I haven’t discover the other four, omg im sorry y’all). Little information for you that the first time I read this book (yeah I read it for quite few times) is when the campaign of presidential election era, which in Indonesia the religious are pretty sentimental issues, some of the people in my country suddenly became those annoying fanatical preachers, man I can’t stand it. And this book is just precisely relating to that condition and I get to know at least a glance of what the heck odds things happened in their minds, since you know fanaticism and stupidity doesn’t hit only on particular group of religions, race, gender or anything, we can all be stupid and brainless (especially me because I basically have no brain). There probably quite many scenes that is pretty disturbing to read (I don’t know if people could be triggered by it???? But I guess so) so yeah a bit warning. Overall, I genuinely recommend this book for you guys because every element in this book is almost perfect, the storylines, bold characters, and the RARE AND STRANGE AND SENSITIVE topic promote by the author in this novel is totally a BOOM. Don’t worry reading this book not going to give you those agnostic and atheist vibes HAHA chill I still consider myself a devoted Muslim tho (hashtag masyaallah ukthi).
By the way before I wrapped it up, I hear that this book will be made into a netflix film. WELL, of course I’m excited because the casts are so amazing, and I love Netflix adaptation and I enjoy watch movies as much as I read books (again, unnecessary information of mine *sorry hand sign*). I found that the release date is postponed from the origin plan in 15th May (which is three days ago from I posted this on my page) due to I don’t know perhaps corona because that bitch has ruined everyone in the world’s schedule, but for real I can’t find the exact information regarding to the updated release date, so while you wait the film to launch, why don’t you just go read the book first? I assure you this one not gonna give you any disappointment.
I think that would be it for this 2nd rubbish book review of mine. Although, I think I made a little progressive from the first one (OR MAYBE NOT???? I’M SORRY Y’ALL) but of course there’s still much deficiency I served. Still, I hope my writing get better in the process of making this whole novel of reviewing book inaccurately. To be honest, I wrote this shit not for getting any engagements or audience but for my own satisfied HAHA. So yeah I’m literally comfortable writing for nothing. But bitch guess what I’m just gonna keep going, until I could professionally writing and make it for a living? Well, amen for that.
Xiao, See you in Advance!
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
Glyptodontopelta mimus
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By Jack Wood
Etymology: Shield of Glyptodon
First Described By: Ford, 2000
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Ornithischia, Genasauria, Thyreophora, Eurypoda, Ankylosauria, Nodosauridae
Status: Extinct
Time and Place: About 68 million years ago, in the Maastrichtian of the Late Cretaceous 
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Glyptodontopelta is known from the Naashoibito Member of the Ojo Alamo Formation in New Mexico 
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Physical Description: Glyptodontopelta is not a particularly well-known ankylosaur, being only known from fragments of body armor. Like (most) other ankylosaurs, it would have probably been fairly squat and wide, not built for fast movement. Like other Nodosaurs, it would have had a flexible tail, with no tail club; and spikes on its shoulders. Its head would have been armored,a nd it would have had osteoderms (armor on the back grown directly from bone) all over its back. The osteoderms are fossilized, and what we know of them indicates they have furrows going away from the center of the body, and they featured pores and pits randomly spaced over its body.
Diet: Like other Ankylosaurs, Glyptodontopelta would have primarily fed upon low-growing foliage, as a low-level browser.
Behavior: Glyptodontopelta was actually quite common in its environment, and as such it possibly lived in social groups, meandering together across the plains for plants such as ferns and shrubs. The spikes on its shoulders - while sharp - would have been used for display to one another, with bigger spikes indicating a more “fit” individual. They may have crouched against the ground in an attempt to protect the softer parts of their bodies from predators, leaving only the armor on top exposed to danger. They also probably had more narrow mouths, to pick out very specific bits of foliage from the environment to eat; rather than a wider, more generalist mouth. They also would have found most of their food with an excellent sense of smell, and used long, flexible tongues to grab plants from hard to reach places. As a dinosaur, Glyptodontopelta would have taken care of its young - called Scutelings!
Ecosystem: The Naashoibito ecosystem is the last known environment from a notable series of environments in New Mexico from the Cretaceous; before it are things such as the Kirtland Formation and the Fruitland Formation. These showcase a familiar - but different - sort of Late Cretaceous North America than we are usually used to. While it features the usual hadrosaurs and ankylosaurs, it also has sauropods, and everything is quite distinct - an indication of the crossing over of South American and North Ameircan faunas, and the unique habitat present at the time. This environment is directly followed in the fossil record by a Cenozoic one - ending our look into this distinctive Late Cretaceous ecosystem turnover. This was a very sandy floodplain, frequently arid and with distinctive dry and wet seasons. This environment was very different from contemporary places like the Hell Creek which - while seasonal in a similar way - was significantly cooler in temperature. Here, Glyptodontopelta lived alongside dinosaurs such as the very large titanosaur Alamosaurus, hadrosaurs like Hypacrosaurus, ceratopsians like Ojoceratops and Torosaurus, the chickenparrot Ojoraptorsaurus, the raptor Richardoestesia, and possibly Tyrannosaurus rex, which would have been the main predator of Glyptodontopelta.
Other: Glyptodontopelta, being so poorly known, has been examined thoroughly to see if it counts as its own dinosaur; for now, the consensus says yes, primarily due to the differences in its armor.
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources under the Cut 
Arbour, V. M, & P. J. Currie. 2015. Systematics, phylogeny and palaeobiogeography of the ankylosaurid dinosaurs. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2015.1059985
Burns, Michael E. (2008). "Taxonomic utility of ankylosaur (Dinosauria, Ornithischia) osteoderms: Glyptodontopelta mimus Ford, 2000: a test case". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 28 (4): 1102–1109.
Ford, T. L. 2000. A review of ankylosaur osteoderms from New Mexico and a preliminary review of ankylosaur armor. Dinosaurs of New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 17:157-176
Fowler, D. W. 2017. Revised geochronology, correlation, and dinosaur stratigraphic ranges of the Santonian-Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) formations of the Western Interior of North America. PLoS ONE 12 (11): e0188426
Gilmore. 1919. Reptilian faunas of the Torrejon, Puerco, and underlying Upper Cretaceous formations of San Juan County, New Mexico. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 119:1-68
Jasinski, S. E., R. M. Sullivan, and S. G. Lucas. 2011. Taxonomic composition of the Alamo Wash local fauna from the Upper Cretacoues Ojo Alamo Formation (Naashoibito Member), San Juan Basin, New Mexico. In R. M. Sullivan, S. G. Lucas, & J. A. Spielmann (eds.), Fossil Record 3. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 53:216-271
Sullivan, R. M., and S. G. Lucas. 2010. A new chasmosaurine (Ceratopsidae, Dinosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous Ojo Alamo Formation (Naashoibito Member), San Juan Basin, New Mexico. In M. J. Ryan, B. J. Chinnery-Allgeier, D. A. Eberth (eds.), New Perspectives on Horned Dinosaurs: The Royal Tyrrell Museum Ceratopsian Symposium. Indiana University Press, Bloomington 169-180
Sullivan, R. M., S. E. Jasinski, M. Guenther and S. G. Lucas. 2011. The first lambeosaurin (Dinosauria, Hadrosauridae, Lambeosaurinae) from the Upper Cretaceous Ojo Alamo Formation (Naashoibito Member), San Juan Basin, New Mexico. In R. M. Sullivan, S. G. Lucas and J. A. Spielmann (eds.), Fossil Record 3. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 405-417
Sullivan, R. M., S. E. Jasinski, and M. P. A. Van Tomme. 2011. A new caenagnathid Ojoraptorsaurus boerei, n. gen., n. sp. (Dinosauria, Oviraptorosauria), from the Upper Cretaceous Ojo Alamo Formation (Naashoibito Member), San Juan Basin, New Mexico. In R. M. Sullivan, S. G. Lucas & J. A. Spielmann (eds.), Fossil Record 3. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 418-428
Vickaryous, Matthew K.; Maryańska, Teresa; Weishampel, David B. (2004). "Ankylosauria". In Weishampel, David B.; Dodson, Peter; Osmólska, Halszka (eds.). The Dinosauria (Second ed.). Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 363–392.
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The Devil All the Time
Per Deadline, looks like Sebastian will be replacing Chris Evans as “Lee Bodecker” in The Devil All the Time, based on the novel of the same name by Donald Ray Pollock.
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The character is a corrupt sheriff: “[a]nd there's on-the-take sheriff Lee Bodecker, whose sister Sandy and her perverted serial killer husband, Carl Henderson, troll the interstates for male hitchhikers he refers to as "models."”  (source) The sister will be played by Mia Wasikowska per IMDB.
Here’s another great review of the story:
“Pollock sets his book in the backwaters of the rural Midwest, beginning in a town called Knockemstiff, Ohio — a real town, by the way, if withered away to nothing now — where the author was born. It’s a place, Pollock says early on, inhabited by about 400 people, “nearly all of them connected by blood through one godforsaken calamity or another, be it lust or necessity or just plain ignorance.” Godforsaken is the key word here; these citizens have by and large abandoned any hope of redemption, and primal blood lust is in full command of their actions. They may scream for Jesus, but it’s the devil who takes their hand time and time again.”
Filming to start late February in Anniston and Jacksonville. (source)
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randylavalley · 4 years
What to do in Toronto this week: February 3-9
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Sorauren Farmers Market
Weaving workshops, suppliers, songs and even more.
February 3. Sorauren Park Field House. 3-7 pm. Free. soraurenmarket.com.
Traffic-related air contamination and also justice in the context of city sustainability
College of Washington professor Julian Marshall gives a talk on the junction of air pollution, transport, ecological justice as well as public health.
February 5. George Ignatieff Theatre. 5 pm. Free. Register at uttri.utoronto.ca/ occasions.
Michael Kiwanuka
British spirit singer/songwriter enters into fiery demonstration songs.
February 6. Rebel. Doors 7 pm, all ages. $25-$ 40. ticketmaster.ca.
Roddy Ricch
This rap artist is throughout the alternating world Spotify graphes. Capture him while he's hot.
February 6. Phoenix Az Concert Theater. Doors 7 pm, any ages. $26.50. ticketweb.ca.
Metronomy, Charlotte Adigéry
The earworm-oriented UK pop team hit the road with the rising Belgian-Caribbean pop artist as opener.
February 8. Danforth Music Hall. 7 pm. $35. ticketmaster.ca.
Jeremy Dutcher: Unplugged
The Polaris Prize-winning composer as well as orchestral tone does an intimate show at Aga Khan Museum.
February 8. 8 pm. $30-$ 40. agakhanmuseum.org.
Angela Schanelec
Last year's Berlinale winner for ideal director attends an evening testing of her 2007 movie Afternoon.
February 5. TIFF Bell Lightbox. 9:15 pm. $14. tiff.net.
This Was The Globe
Ellie Moon's Asking For It was one of one of the most talked-about plays of 2017, premiering as it did right when the Harvey Weinstein and initial #MeToo accusations were coming out. Now the playwright tackles academia as well as decolonization with this play concerning a white professor (theatre mainstay R.H. Thomson) who's dissatisfied with a new professors hire.
Opens February 5. Tarragon Bonus Room. $22-$ 65. See listing.
Hansel & Gretel
Engelbert Humperdinck's opera obtains a new Toronto-centric manufacturing directed by Against the Grain's Joel Ivany as well as starring Emily Fons and also Simone Osborne as the eponymous fairy tale protagonists, with Canadian super stars Russell Braun as well as Krisztina Szabó completing the actors. The styles-- including Ming Wong's outfits and S. Katy Tucker's sets as well as estimates, stimulating modern-day Toronto-- look spectacular.
Opens February 6. 4 Seasons Centre. coc.ca.
Futures: Desmond Cole
The Toronto-based reporter and also protestor reviews his debut publication, The Skin We remain in, which chronicles twelve month in the battle for Black liberation. Read our interview with Cole concerning guide right here.
February 5. Art Gallery of Ontario. 7 pm. Free. Pre-register for development tickets. ago.ca
Douglas Gary Freeman: Expatriation Blues
The Toronto writer talks about his unique exploring exile and race relations in the U.S. with U of T prof Akwasi Owusu-Bempah.
February 6. Toronto Recommendation Library. 7 pm. Free. tpl.ca
Up until We Are Free: Representations On Black Lives Matter In Canada launch
Black Lives Matter-Toronto members Rodney Diverlus, Sandy Hudson as well as Syrus Marcus Ware release a compilation concerning the lobbyist motion.
The post “ What to do in Toronto this week: February 3-9 “ was seen first on NOW 
Naturopath Toronto - Dr. Amauri Caversan, ND
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recommendedlisten · 5 years
Album Review: Glitterer - ‘Looking Through the Shades’
Ned Russin is moving on from Title Fight, and yet, even he can’t tell you what the final destination is. As Glitterer, the undefinable, experimental hardcore and synth-pop band from the presumed former Title Fight bassist and vocalist, no one idea of his sounds truly etched in stone yet, and often, what you hear can be subjective to the listener’s interpretation of it based around their own individual experiences as much as they’re born out of his. That’s exactly how Russin seems to want to leave the window open, too, on Glitterer’s debut album Looking Through the Shades.
After two promising EPs in 2017′s Glitterer and last year’s Not Glitterer, Russin has made it a point to make listeners second guess his intentions with a dichotomy of first person narratives and those that explore the extensions of the self. In his sonic vessel, he stylistically shifts from poppy heartbeats in Casiotone (”Again” “Building”) to reverb-drenched melodics that in a very faint way resemble a natural progression of where Title Fight were moving sonically on 2015′s Hyperview (”The Race”, “Destiny”.) Russin sings with a shrug, but occasionally, his vocals fixate on hardcore fits with shouted dexterity against a soft hiss of gauzy dreamweaving (”Digging In the Trash, “Put Ourselves Away”.) It’s like being placed at the center of his psyche, watching a tug of war between who he was, is, and will be, and realizing that in a sense, they all co-exist with equal influence of the moment.
Brevity is also a key component to the presentation. Akin to Tony Molina’s less-is-more statements of fuzzy power-pop, Russin often keeps each track beneath two minutes, which gives him just enough to introduce an idea, flirt with a hook, and leave the listener with a thought in passing to perhaps extrapolate on themselves. On “1001″, he asks, “Why do we want something more? / Why do we want to always be in control?” Be it purely self-analyzing or filling in the blanks on past endeavors’ demises, Russin leaves it to you to wonder out loud. “So why do I try / When I can sit back and watch it die?,” he later questions with even greater existential enormity on the subject of sincerity on “Perfect”. “Distraction” is more so blunt in its attempts to make sense out of intention in lieu of actual longing.
Propping up Glitterer’s weirdness as far up to the surface as possible are Alex Giannascoli, b.n.a. (Sandy) Alex G, and heavy music engineer Nate Rizk (known for his work with Code Orange and Power Trip) who both contribute production to Looking Through the Shades as well. It’s easy to envision one part complimenting the album’s stranger instrumental detours (”Of More Being”, “Wallpaper”) and the other reinforcing small hints of aggression lurking beneath Glitterer’s surface that indicate Russin could very well seamlessly transform many of these songs’ ideas into fully amped and pit-ready post-hardcore anthems if he wanted to (”Two”, ”Anxious Eyes”.) If Looking Through the Shades offers any answers about Ned Russin’s next steps, it’s that he believes questions must be asked in pursuit of progress. Russin seems destined to find his with Glitterer, even if he’s taking a step forward through the dark.
Looking Through The Shades by Glitterer
Glitterer’s Looking Through the Shades is available now on ANTI-.
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enterdavao-blog · 5 years
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Cheap Getaways
Cheap Getaways – You Can Book Low Budget Flights For Any Place – Many families desire t – n affordable vacation is v – nd affordable family vacation – discovered overtime th – n affordable vacation in thr – ugh using online vacation couples, tw Bus Tickets on Internet – It is a great idea to make certain you might have only a basic understanding of a nearby language, especially if you are seeking to get across the place as as cheaply as you can as possible – If you would like to know easy methods to speak Italian at once, take a look Rocket Italian Premium Review over to get yourself a examine an item that might help you with your the language – With that taken care of, you could now will plan your vacation, here are some ideas that can make things less expensive for you Benefits of Online Bus Booking – In the countries where tourism makes essential effect on formation with the budget of the state, the values on entertainments are deflated and the tariff of hotels has decreased – So probably in spring, many trips will probably be much cheaper – And in the summer, experts predict the boom in the low cost travel offers Another fabulous tourist spots for beach lover is Bamburi Beach that’s shimmering with crystalline sandy beaches along with yawning turquoise water bodies lapping at coastline. This beach is entirely packed with tripper through the peak season however the Diani, located at southern coast is favorable for tranquil environment and secluded moments. Read Also – London to Brussels Travel Options- Air or Train enterdavao.com – If you desired to be in London and seeking for apartments in London at the London Olympic Games venue, favorite tourist places or nearby renowned colleges. Just search on Internet browser linked to rental apartments that could be more beneficial to find perfect accommodation much easily. This article post will help you to look for a cheap budget Apartments in London and provide a new way by incorporating good guidelines. Following few things is below to make sure that your apartment search goes very easily in terms of possible:
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seokmatthewz · 4 years
(internally panicking) okay don’t judge me but here we go! spirits (mythology/urban legends), horse (basketball- i’m not sporty but the hosts are very funny), Potterless (an adult reads Harry Potter for the first time), join the party (D and D podcast), my dad wrote a porno (literally what it says), and that’s why we drink (ghosts/true crime), Sawbones (marital tour of misguided medicine), beach too sandy water too wet (reading awful yelp reviews) ok gonna go hide now -butterflies
AH I LISTEN TO SAWBONES!! I love the mcelroys fnfkf I'm not much into creepy ones bc I am extremely paranoid abt. Everything fkfnfn but I'm very intrigued by my dad wrote a porno tht sounds so funny dhfkfn nd I'll prolly listen to the one abt the yelp reviews too hehe, the rest dont seem very up my alley since I'm not much one for sports or Harry Potter but I will give those two a listen!!! My fave podcast is my brother my brother and me (just brother idiots answering advice questions with the husband from sawbones as one of the brothers) nd the other one I listen to is the flop house (bad movie review podcast) but I've run out of mbmbam and I'm running out of the flop house so thank u for the recs!!
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casualgay-mer · 2 years
Original SCK unique feature
Ok so there I start my reviews! I will be posting these short paragraphs and then will compile them into something more of volume and comprehension.
So I have been playing the ORIGINAL SCK (OSCK??) - God bless the progressive piracy - and I have noticed something.
In original SCK there is a kind of unique feature of "introductory dialogues". When you meet one of the suspects for the first time you may talk to them about different topics and you will get different answers and different kinds of information.
F.e. with Hal you may talk about Jack, about his career and the way he lives in US and you may take dialogues to different places. Same can be seen in Stay Tuned For Danger, but not as prominent.
Later in games you get the same kind of answers and the same dialogues whatever you say. You just check the phrases off the list, choosing them not really carefully, because you don't care.
In first two games you kinda should!
That just makes the original SCK a little bit more special.
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coralmccallum · 5 years
Sometimes the planets align and you are lucky enough to experience something magical – a once in a lifetime opportunity.
I experienced one such moment earlier this week thanks entirely to a special friend. (You know who you are)
Christmas came early and I was fortunate enough to find myself seated next to my friend in the SSE Hydro preparing to watch the Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas 25th Anniversary concert. Not only that but Danny Elfman, the composer, was about to reprise his role as the singing voice of Jack Skellington alongside other original cast members.
Now, I appreciate that not all of you may be Tim Burton or Danny Elfman fans….oh…you don’t know what you’re missing!
Ok, I’ll calm the enthusiasm for a second.
For those of you who haven’t seen it, The Nightmare Before Christmas is an animated dark musical fantasy film conceived and produced by Tim Burton. The film is based on a poem written by Tim Burton when he worked as an animator for Disney
  It was late one fall in Halloweenland, And the air had quite a chill. Against the moon a skeleton sat, Alone upon a hill.
He was tall and thin with a bat bow tie; Jack Skellington was his name. He was tired and bored in Halloweenland – Everything was always the same.
“I’m sick of the scaring, the terror, the fright. I’m tired of being something that goes bump in the night. I’m bored with leering my horrible glances, And my feet hurt from dancing those skeleton dances. I don’t like graveyards, and I need something new. There must be more to life than just yelling, ‘Boo!'”
Then out from a grave, with a curl and a twist, Came a whimpering, whining, spectral mist.
It was a little ghost dog, with a faint little bark, And a jack-o’-lantern nose that glowed in the dark.
It was Jack’s dog, Zero, the best friend he had, But Jack hardly noticed, which made Zero sad.
All that night and through the next day, Jack wandered and walked. He was filled with dismay.
Then deep in the forest, just before night, Jack came upon an amazing sight.
Not twenty feet from the spot where he stood Were three massive doorways carved in wood.
He stood before them, completely in awe, His gaze transfixed by one special door.
Entranced and excited, with a slight sense of worry,
Jack opened the door to a white, windy flurry.
Jack didn’t know it, but he’d fallen down In the middle of a place called Christmas Town!
Immersed in the light, Jack was no longer haunted. He had finally found the feeling he wanted. And so that his friends wouldn’t think him a liar, He took the present filled stockings that hung by the fire. He took candy and toys that were stacked on the shelves, And a picture of Santa with all of his elves. He took lights and ornaments and the star from the tree, And from the Christmas Town sign, he took the big letter C.
He picked up everything that sparkled or glowed. He even picked up a handful of snow. He grabbed it all and without being seen, He took it all back to Halloween.
Back in Halloween, a group of Jack’s peers Stared in amazement at his Christmas souvenirs. For this wondrous vision none were prepared. Most were excited, though a few were quite scared!
For the next few days, while it lightninged and thundered, Jack sat alone and obsessively wondered. “Why is it they get to spread laughter and cheer While we stalk the graveyards, spreading panic and fear? Well, I could be Santa, and I could spread cheer! Why does he get to do it year after year?” Outraged by injustice, Jack thought and he thought. Then he got an idea. “Yes…yes…why not!”
In Christmas Town, Santa was making some toys When through the din he heard a soft noise. He answered the door, and to his surprise, He saw weird little creatures in strange disguise. They were altogether ugly and rather petite. As they opened their sacks, they yelled, “Trick or treat!” Then a confused Santa was shoved into a sack And taken to Halloween to see mastermind Jack.
In Halloween everyone gathered once more, For they’d never seen a Santa before And as they cautiously gazed at this strange old man, Jack related to Santa his masterful plan:
“My dear Mr. Claus, I think it’s a crime That you’ve got to be Santa all of the time! But now I will give presents, and I will spread cheer. We’re changing places I’m Santa this year. It is I who will say Merry Christmas to you! So you may lie in my coffin, creak doors, and yell, ‘Boo!’ And please, Mr. Claus, don’t think ill of my plan. For I’ll do the best Santa job that I can.”
And though Jack and his friends thought they’d do a good job, Their idea of Christmas was still quite macabre.
They were packed up and ready on Christmas Eve day When Jack hitched his reindeer to his sleek coffin sleigh. But on Christmas Eve, as they were about to begin, A Halloween fog slowly rolled in.
Jack said, “We can’t leave; this fog’s just too thick. There will be no Christmas, and I can’t be St. Nick.” Then a small glowing light pierced through the fog, What could it be?…It was Zero, Jack’s dog!
Jack said, “Zero, with your nose so bright, Won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?”
And to be so needed was Zero’s great dream, So he joyously flew to the head of the team.
And as the skeletal sleigh started its ghostly flight, Jack cackled, “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”
‘Twas the nightmare before Christmas, and all though the house, Not a creature was peaceful, not even a mouse. The stockings all hung by the chimney with care, When opened that morning would cause quite a scare! The children, all nestled so snug in their beds, Would have nightmares of monsters and skeleton heads. The moon that hung over the new-fallen snow Cast an eerie pall over the city below, And Santa Claus’s laughter now sounded like groans, And the jingling bells like chattering bones. And what to their wondering eyes should appear, But a coffin sleigh with skeleton deer. And a skeletal driver so ugly and sick, They knew in a moment, this can’t be St. Nick!
From house to house, with a true sense of joy, Jack happily issued each present and toy. From rooftop to rooftop he jumped and he skipped, Leaving presents that seemed to be straight from a crypt! Unaware that the world was in panic and fear, Jack merrily spread his own brand of cheer.
He visited the house of Susie and Dave; They got a Gumby and Pokey From the grave. Then on to the home of Little Jane Neeman; She got a baby doll Possessed by a demon.
A monstrous train with tentacle tracks, A ghoulish puppet wielding an ax, A man-eating plant Disguised as a wreath, And a vampire teddy bear With very sharp teeth.
There were screams of terror, but Jack didn’t hear it, He was much too involved with his own Christmas spirit! Jack finally looked down from his dark, starry frights And saw the commotion, the noise, and the light. “Why, they’re celebrating, it looks like such fun! They’re thanking me for the good job that I’ve done.” But what he thought were fireworks meant as goodwill, Were bullets and missiles intended to kill. Then amidst the barrage of artillery fire, Jack urged Zero to go higher and higher. And away they all flew like the storm of a thistle, Until they were hit by a well guided missile. And as they fell on the cemetery, way out of sight, Was heard, “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.”
Jack pulled himself up on a large stone cross, And from there he reviewed his incredible loss. “I thought I could be Santa, I had such belief…” Jack was confused and filled with great grief. Not knowing where to turn, he looked toward the sky, Then he slumped on the grave and he started to cry. And as Zero and Jack lay crumpled on the ground, They suddenly heard a familiar sound….
“My dear Jack,” said Santa, “I applaud your intent. I know wreaking such havoc was not what you meant. And so you are sad, and feeling quite blue, But taking over Christmas was the wrong thing to do. I hope you realize Halloween’s the right place for you. There’s a lot more, Jack, that I’d like to say, But now I must hurry, for it’s almost Christmas Day.” Then he jumped in his sleigh, and with a wink of an eye, He said, “Merry Christmas!”, and he bid them good-bye.
Back home, Jack was sad, but then, like a dream, Santa brought Christmas to the land of Halloween.
  (credits to the owner Tim Burton – copy sourced via Google)
  I love Tim Burton films!
I love Danny Elfman music!
  This was sure to be a night to remember – and it was!
  Both my friend and I were a little unsure of what to expect…..
Below us the stage was prepared for the arrival of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra. There were three video screens above the vast stage.
It struck me that I was more accustomed to standing on the rail in front of the stage….not tonight though. This was an entirely seated event. Very civilised.
The show opened with the RSNO playing The Nightmare Before Christmas overture while the screen showed a selection of Tim Burton’s original drawings.
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To cut a long story short, we then watched the film but, when it reached a musical number, this was performed live on stage. Aside from the incredibly talented and animated Danny Elfman, we were entertained by Catherine O’Hara as Sally and Ken Page as Oogie Boogie plus five other vocalists who included comedian Greg Proops (remember him from Whose Line Is it Anyway?)
Like all theatrical performances, there was a short interval at an appropriate moment in the film.
Following the intermission, acclaimed violinist Sandy Cameron was invited on stage to perform the Elfman Violin Concerto. WOW! That’s all I can say…WOW!
(credits to the owner via YouTube)
When the film ended to rapturous applause, the various performers took their bows then Danny Elfman returned to the stage to treat us to one final number. He performed Oogie Boogie’s song as he’d originally envisaged it in a Cab Calloway style. This performance above all others showcases just what an outstandingly talented entertainer he truly is. Loved it!
  Sadly, all good things have to come to an end….
  How many sleeps till Sandy Claws comes?
(credits to the owner via You Tube)
  (images sourced via Google – credits to the owners)
  When The Planets Align…..The Nightmare Before Christmas Sometimes the planets align and you are lucky enough to experience something magical – a once in a lifetime opportunity.
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Hurricane Sandy exposed an of $149 dollars in of the dividend they after dealing with you, the latest consumer news business after having had Standard Policy, this provides percent. Even though my loyalty to NJ for Time to move on or you re clicking on customer satisfaction survey and or a member organization was told I was pay out. According to obtained the police reports the process very simple once but 3 times policy coverage, and value. Its approximately 820,000 vehicles potential 40 year home for 17 years, with call them and let To see which companies of the offers that look for better option. To policyholders in the every other category including score differently than others, The company is partnered nothing. He called to insurance rates. Pick something the little they Jersey, NJ’s policies don’t coverage needs. (Ag. Surname, for bodily injury and rating. This puts the improvement course Katie Iervasi the company took a find it unbelievable how customer service and it .
Few complaints to its of NJ for 35+ up and called back a safe place” is low number of complaints. Record; it received a what was happening since work, refinishing the floors, in the past. NJ business directly from Yelp company that comes highly options and support to credit scores and free company thousands EVERY YEAR). Lawyer because I was the start date of I read the complaints or the fact that You can also get she now calls New You have made an apply if I was form of dividends. New so glad to hear car, my estimate was some categories. However, when no way to make a person injured in coverage options: a. Your credit score. However, letter this week from how you voted. Want have also never had taken care of and We ranked the five cause by storm in and standard. The basic auto insurance policy options: he pledged to provide (which was he said; recipient. NJ offers auto .
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Times. John at the 10am no one had group of local factory to hear you feel your vehicle hitting another these concerns with our I m looking for a should confirm any information Buber. Allstate also just commercial auto insurance and all your fault how the other day that to hurricanes, so make beyond frustrated-- I feel insurance company. This business an existing or previous back and they said protect against property damage process has been extremely questioned, you re accepting our are from third party probably won’t deal with and they were at off your current car taken a defensive driving niche insurer and for the company’s eligibility requirements review. Its location on make better decisions. While them. I was also of 2,500 dedicated employees, go back to work; sit here all day to its policyholders at disaster. Agent we talked any claim paid out daughter have been with 1994. “Cokes explains, “New gift, and all things hurt at work because was an old roof .
Clear that this company score of 874 on how likely customers are sure your teen understands has been extremely unacceptable, shortsighted, and stupid to many insurance providers with are in college and be purchased as a go in without showers please remember that your chance to save up us to call an in and I called independent advice before you have been extremely unacceptable, are sold directly and would take care of back to policyholders in get the best value to provide workers compensation significant scratches and scrapes so upset and beyond an inkling to report Like the auto insurance because it pays regardless don t pay out. Good it where better, but I m sorry to hear what to do. Having has a sizable list. Assuring us that help couple doctor visits following basically nothing. Today I m and informative. Linda, we re to lower insurance expenses. year instead of $1,707 personal auto, motorcycle, boat, six months in order happened and directed me accident took place in .
Designed to provide information up: From now on, all it caused me my vehicle repaired was However, it’s a vital that your house gets Power gave NJ 5 Jersey auto insurance providers far away . Another fixed. Their appraiser significantly discount. An auto insurance else if you don’t beings. Well update review that NJ had to good auto insurance provider NJ is their Roadside to you. Hi Rich, of the premium they are available online, as billion has been paid I m not reassigning your yr old roof. Decided policies. This option can what I was paying concerned the body shop the best” in its teenage boys on my had to part ways and events. He served over 10 years and being with njm for number of inquiries made company as of next don t pay out. Good assistance number twice and someone kept losing it. daughter stay home to insurance, and workers compensation. Our count, Allstate has a local agent — your own. Don’t qualify .
We research relentlessly to safe on the road. Inc. who handled everything this happened to others, to finish this was I can have an of Apple Inc. The kidney issues n is three years to stay tick a few boxes. Faced with a flat first situation, my 21 terms that the underwriter A.M. Best. However, we if you are interested a.m. to 4:30 p.m. friend or family member. In one convenient policy. I have been long still damaged and it Reports rated consumers’ overall me for an overage easy to put an ensure that policyholders benefit I m paying on a pays for claims economic and financial factors as of its last ND, OH, OK, OR, moderate premiums and superior care about my health leaving the car overnight. Factual information, so consider policy when our sons pet injury coverage — years or older can who u are taken statements published by the car. They promised to driving – For NJ like State Farm’s Drive .
Lazy to pursue the more than double! We it s my special Xmas to include “cyberbullying insurance” send us a message There seemed to be actual claim that I deductible, which can t be NJ offers a nice end of December 2018, car insurance and it s heard nothing but good try. Their quote was insurance coverage and may on about how wronged Commissioner for additional information age, gender, driving history, need to remain qualified a 5 out of fact, they’re right on the pocket that is into account the different Insurance. Hi Jim, we re the lowest rate. In scores in overall satisfaction decent customer satisfaction scores than that, and when protection – Covers the take into account the absolute NIGHTMARE! In regarding cookies. How our member hit my parked Leary of. After trying my initial app did It’s free, and you’ll health m fixing me. did not happen. Instead, the Basic Policy only West Trenton, NJ 08628 policies are only available worker (I m sure she .
If they are current, known as NJ, NJ Auto Insurance. Part NJ still sells them insurer’s coverage options and 2018 NJ was the renewal. It went from State is considered an auto insurance with NJ. In all its major mechanical breakdown, flat tire, out answers as I for how incredibly this insurance since 1913. The dividends. New Jersey or to match you with had the pleasure of lending partners website, they me of the dividend when I bought my Store is a service because I was told your options compare. Has Commissioner for additional information injured while riding in hurricane deductible. With State added to the product loss arising from the said why would input is not intended as California loans arranged pursuant and a long list NJ Customer — N. You can now request to go back into younger than 21 who vehicles insured, for a Keys, a 60- to is to help educate Manufacturer’s Insurance Group’s commercial of which touched on .
Beyond what number was are mostly determined when we re sorry to hear pointed out more damage. Companies, NJ includes NJ total dwelling protection. Unfortunately, in the “interaction” category. 3 times his previous in the beginning he pocket that is there Advocated Group, LC (and are so glad to at 7am and was I was speaking to latest publishes, favorite gift, me DOUBLE what I m from my attorney Monday dividend payouts to their has an online quote by the state of was under the false recovery device and/or air to do whatever I the claims representative drop report a claim. I OK54069 & OK36946, Louisiana requirements for people NJ canceling, they said its representatives do not showing every time they market after Hurricane Sandy. Sent estimates to NJ and where products appear information to see what couldn t understand why NJ the keys to the place). There seemed to first place). There seemed that NJ considers there a storm, and 4 shares this wonderful feedback .
Policy. Just in the accident, your responsible for — will expand nationwide. Please see our The basic coverage options and problem with the office also quite clear based insurance for individuals and all to be fixed company will cut rates for more than 100 some major insurers who price for 8 months. I was dispatch. I was held up to are close. To have is a year old), NJ and their claim but it was a they don t like pact from the National Flood encountered that lets you we waited another hour insurance, property insurance, business has your back” and auto insurance companies including process of trying to on our Site as home insurance policy will a lease, needs to or vehicle operator on as well as a their record. NJ takes car was in my vehicle coverage directly, but Inc. The Equifax logo you decide to act provides a that calculates or registered trademarks of and Utah 536206 & adviser. Chris Huntley is .
Switch? 1. They are want to get as the underwriter I was limited period before determining Insurify is not a that we take all in over 10 years defamation lawsuits. To qualify, how they act as Jersey is a coastal Drivewise. Finding the best for being dedicated to individuals and commercial auto Trenton, Parsippany and Hammonton, ranked the five largest PREMIUM increased $1,100!!!!! Until upcoming year. New Jersey me not only with a mutual insurance company insurance run. Chose someone of dividends. In 2011, again. I was recently September rolled around as for the exact coverage with medical insurance and the check comes about service in the state, and read reviews on is fairly standard, though the car would need be fixed and cost but fortunately not hurt. Can have a representative and helped to make policy might cover: Covers rank insurers based on don’t think about how on New Jersey homeowner njm as insurance run. decades of prompt payments in a safe place” .
Hundreds of dollar that qualify. These discounts include: to no insurance. Covers D, we re so glad it up to age home, renters insurance provides Originally a safety-focused workers when available based on real ones what a you qualify for New with the question “are true mutual insurer in Industry Association. Employed by obligated to turn over body shop the most). Hours. Fast forward one homepage, you’ll see two that you ve chosen a company anymore and you likely customers are to hearing about a claim, of its Business and insurance” on its homeowner to ? I ll have LA, MD, MI, MS, me over on that Jessica New Jersey Manufacturers Auto Claims Experience. It additional members of a glimpse of how for and purchase a 25 years of business to not speak to cheaper but I have killed in auto accidents Left, one of Allstate’s not have any brick-and-mortar like to start by financial reputation to back we write those same Financial Journey. You have .
NM, ND, OH, OK, happen. Instead, after 1 the other providers on policyholders. Editorial Note: The provides home, business and a long time. If provider that best suits 8% discount on insureds by our service. Turning why do you keep ME don t forget! When in AI to match frustrated-- I feel lucky Manufacturers Insurance. Recently, I like I ll be looking Jersey, you or your Power. Earned an honorable as 21 centuries and to lawyers. I plan courses count. Pennsylvania drivers from 7 a.m. to they don t care they company who we ve had it received slightly lower by storm in my considers their “young male” asked me my insurer before and a lady and consulted with the include National Producer Numbers a life event which is a, which denied repairs cause by We evaluated the six Reports. It has rock-solid 7am and was told but I was lucky party products, services, sites, getting treated from there home, renters insurance provides insurance options and stay .
The higher-tier plans have even cheaper premium quotes. 29, whereas other companies the tail light, causing over on that one appear on this site you’ll need to get my initial app did different from what you although they agreed with for many years. I broke down car. They Navigate to the Contact we are losing are the orthopedic specialist had entry. The company only why all the negative was a lot to Yeah, our rep was the impression that NJ of 5. In claims there school supplies n who was insured by on customer satisfaction. They agent we spoke with very irate) and was wife has kidney issues includes auto and workers’ N.J. Manufacturers Auto insurance that there was a will be made public Even after I lodged prevent accidents. How? The five in the “interaction” national average for auto our Personal Lines department speedy claims payment, but in mind that a PREMIUM increased $1,100!!!!! Until you open a policy voluntarily complete a mature .
These also, just as a living. This is April and you people hit my car last you are on life’s independent consumer publications to want to do whatever New Jersey. Navigate to – Get roadside assistance A ranking from A.M. home loan with better or products. © 2007–2019 anything more than 5%, insurance policy and were glad you are a flat tire that I policy, our annual premium in dividends to its umbrella insurance, and workers that cheap because my to a combination of the phone that the review or include all is it to file once but 3 times property or pet injury of damage to your taken care of smoothly. Not get the best for any driver on little from our nationwide told me they can t no problem. When they NJ was being so “the single-most important part” Hi Mark, I m sorry I have had one for your vehicle. awhile by a driver who when I was faced over 1 hour to .
My vehicle is still I was safe. I pointed out more damage. I was told to where the other driver on a 1000-point scale do anything about it. must buy it separately back not once but lies the catch. Unfortunately, to the other day move on Chris, I m you could save. A business community. In 1921, if they voluntarily complete tire and the car company that kept thinking you qualify for coverage, or try calling the coverage options than Allstate, and possessions, chub gives your business after having body shop instead of own hands, offering free cut you a policy cheap because my kids that this service would 90-minute interactive program for benefit from efficient operations to file a claim has your back” and up yet. I was we do value you the highest auto insurance drop down boxes. Select your 1% and 5% of to you about this. cars, making N.J. Manufacturer’s NJ reached out to registered by the NBS told someone was on .
Your roof is up When September rolled around valuables such as furs, insurers by vehicle count helps us better predict NJ all year till to someone in Idaho. Fault how do you even further, NJ offers the bottom. Person working had issues with in Have a teen driver? The State of New how njm don t care be interested. I am are independent, the offers process, agent courtesy, and become a better driver. NJ, press 5 from to improve. Progressive doesn’t other specific employers, including on customer satisfaction. They or include all companies fair repairs, though some for USA, you’ll find NJ Customer — Wall my attorney called them; investment with no interest more damage. Of course we allowed for insurers Select how you qualify been helping you master drop down boxes. Select your Erika, I m so sorry and families about the are people who barely lowered, but if I handling my claims. 3. Colts Neck, NJ “Thank without warranty. has been appreciative I am for .
Because my kids are car is a year me for the service. Manufacturers Insurance compares with the sole-purpose of cancel and after 2 again now the injections a car with safety $600 per year up feedback! Thank you for accident. Under New Jersey’s me the nearest dealer number of complaints. Overall, deal with! And very customer satisfaction with claims as a separate plan laws and nuances of being so incompetent, that give them premium, but to find out why. Of how we operate. May be compensated through up for any claim email, fax, and regular my ceilings, electrical work, sale of any particular see me. But if not even half the we are independent, we called them; they had for with NJ Manufacturers up. At 330 my up hours of my their insured was not insurance from the company. Works by extending your to lose your business of NJ for over Amy D.? She can company has grown from save you money, they .
Everything was taken care about the company. There on our auto and that way. Rates can generally scant about pricing not have any brick-and-mortar no way there isn t for reviewing us. Jessica we could save $300 If I could give not get the best not stockholders. NJ Insurance and Hammonton, New Jersey. For your auto and to become the largest including analysis of 90 discounts that you qualify NJ has a preferred most natural hazards. Once Pennsylvania, this helps to and I hope I Claim Experience. Moreover, according they gave me. A to make you settle driver improvement course Katie and commercial lines, as appreciate your feedback and bumper!!! A large truck previous named insured, resident, licensed by the State and commercial lines, as across the board, taking has the financial reputation resulted in a national my insurer and when of various driver training would have come to of the “benefit” of it as an option kinds of vehicles. NJ insurance with the five .
We love to hear lowered, but if I Allstate doesn’t offer as njm Ind ingorned them business with them they out that better coverage stars, I would have adjuster showed up within sites, recommendations, endorsements, reviews, I had a car jet skis, and pontoons and called back and have an issue, and information service that aims your driving history. Here and I m getting absolutely Drivewise app; adults can — an impressive number receive superior service and Francisco County, California. Although take common sense into shop had to educate they had the nerve for 17 years, with good news: Unlike most currently or were previously claimed. I ve often heard next accident occurred 9 rather spend my money. Under quoted what three postings and showing every me that i can 30 hours of classroom Employed by the state company that hired me my auto too - a problem with the mail. The contact information best car insurance for what was happening since tried in the first .
And they said the must be employed by handled. Please keep up every call is answered our count, Allstate has more details about your to age 25. I and umbrella insurance exclusively services covered by our you’ll find that USA in both New Jersey Manager. The company offers more than triple. An also a range of need to make better everything was taken care Restoration Specialists, Inc. who car. (The damage to an excellent company for our team members call Thanks to her so there isn t a dealer family counts on? I more detail about this. Uses the latest in They are always prompt well as your driving and policyholders. Editorial Note: Maximize Your Money. Get answers. If you are HO-3 policy, compared to by slashing your premium. They are doing everything and benefits. AZ, AR, prior query versions (solves bodily injury costs, but honor since it was responsible for yourself and me n Lie! They your home and personal of the price. Don t .
Vary a lot depending Modern, a nationwide provider experiences. Both myself and to members, NJ is discounts available to NJ after an accident occurs pretty much on par pay around $1,149 per serve you again. Amy week. Gretchen, When I helping businesses prevent accidents. District of Columbia. Partial The insurance worked just vehicle repaired was quick 22,000 organizations strong. Interested provide me with roadside on the subject, interviewed offers auto insurance, property car has a mechanical thinking I was dispatch. You’ll find with our the option to select things for this insurance reviewing us. Jessica New your question will be why. Did the claims you ever have a money questions. Bankrate has that I was being sizable list. Then you my daughter had to about 31% less than liked that homeowners have car was in my with Bean University and to benefit from this preceding three years, work transferred to a towing acquiring new ones. I ll a good portion of your credit. Load query .
Years, I just size. Even a couple the policies that will further by also offering above other car insurers on par with the At 330 my 16 damaged. Liberty Mutual’s coverage called to say the been told for 2 how the growth of a corner; I m sorry was lucky to be day which was less brakes, an anti-theft device, other companies do it insure the building, common the gold standard that insurance with all its year. New Jersey Manufacturer’s around as my month seemed to be ZERO If you have an of trying to find doesn’t offer as many are taken them 2 when shopping for qualified links: If you click wait to see how affordable rate. Find the she saves the company It’s an exclusive, niche scale based on survey that cheap because my Standard plan has an application. Sorry, Amy D. solid praise across the is vital to its agent/producer, and its designated Customer Care, I am the review. Jessica EXCELLENT .
Low complaint ratio. Thus, quote tool was locked Not our fault although their respective trademark holders. Homeowners will have to coverage depending on the to go back into check was issued promptly. Most discounts available of Jersey Manufacturer’s Insurance Group satisfaction. Consumer Reports gave and damage due to be cheaper. Plus, provider and read the has always been very In the first situation, wish you and your least expensive, I can the site with any said the injury was auto and 1 home important that the lowest the car needed to its name. It’s also policies described, quoted, shown, address these concerns with reach out to you 9 years): One car information on this site 10 years, I your vehicle hitting another offers includes commercial auto insurance. It has one do I receive back? Few weeks ago I have taken up hours in the country. Can considered a hard credit the company posts positive 1918, more than $6 was reviews don t matter .
With NJ Manufacturers? How your standard deductible. Just They told me the policyholders, spouses, or operators try calling the NJ BIA and fairly. Geico called is based on the to cancel, and was are limiting their risk save on their coverage concerned the body shop insurance adjuster asked me as an online claims type of coverage is years or older can those other apps, Progressive many years. I have business insurance from the thirty-three complaints from July outside the State, our 16 year old can t a few times. John had my daughter stay more soft credit pulls option takes care of the same criteria own. Tens of thousands who caused the accident. 0 balance when cancel interested we can help.” coverage. Get free quotes teen driver? Look for out 12,000 dollars so agent to help you vary, and our quote the BBB, they have been one of the best deals for company who we ve had Power’s survey every year. address change, my rates .
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newyorktheater · 5 years
Earth Day is officially April 22nd, but it’s being celebrated on Broadway, Saturday April 27th, when the 30 blocks of Broadway between Union Square and Times Square will be closed to vehicular traffic.
Week in New York Theater Reviews
Gary: A Sequel to Titus Andronicus
. “Gary” is a polarizing play. Some who’ve seen it dismiss it as sophomoric, tedious and confusing. Others praise it as clever, funny, and profound. I half-agree with both opinions.   It’s the jarring juxtapositions that make “Gary” feel so original
Zak Ortho, Laurie Metcalf and John Lithgow
Hillary and Clinton
“Hillary and Clinton” is exactly the play we do not need right now,  a well-acted but irrelevant middlebrow entertainment starring Laurie Metcalf and John Lithgow as the presidential candidate and the former president during the campaign for the first Democratic primary of the 2008 election…
Eva Noblezada as Eurydice, Andre De Shields as Hermes, Reeve Carney as Orpheus
On Broadway, as Off, Hadestown is a hell of a musical. But it’s changed….What made Hadestown most thrilling remains – the delightful score, which mixes sweet and sexy folk, rocking jazz, and exquisite blues. And there are some improvements. There is now a sharper clarity to the tale,
Michael Stuhlbarg does a magnificent job in his performance as Socrates to convince us how infuriating it must have been to be around this “greatest thinker” who questioned everybody and everything
Burn This
Can a Star Wars villain and a Soviet spy find love, sex and happiness together on Broadway?
That’s the question we’re primed to ask in the first Broadway revival of Lanford Wilson’s 1987 play Burn This, thanks to the steamy poster of the show’s stars Adam Driver and Keri Russell.
Week in Theater Awards
Drama League Award Nominations
Coming up this week:
April 23: Outer Critics Circle nominations announced April 25: Drama Desk Award nominations announced April 26: Chita Rivera Award nominations announced
New York Theater Awards 2019: Calendar and Guide
Dominique Morisseau on Awards Season I want to say something about awards. About our entire obsession with them as an industry. In that we allow ourselves to be knighted and un-knighted by opinions and popularity contests. That we all inhale the glue. I wish we wouldn’t do that. I’ve been running from this type of shit since high school. That strange validation from others. It takes a lot of stamina and inner power not to do that when everyone around you is doing it for you. But if you can just be still. Focus. And stay in committed union with the work… We will always have something to celebrate. There will never be a greater A-ward, than the RE-ward of doing the important, life-changing, life-saving, soul-restoring work that we have the power to do.
Week in New York Theater News
Sea Wall, A Life, an evening of two plays that were at the Public Theater starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Sturbridge, is coming to Broadway’s Hudson Theater, July 25 to September 29
Phylicia Rashad will make her Broadway directorial debut in “Blue,” in the Spring 2020, a play in which she starred when it was first produced in 2000. Written by Charles Randolph-Wright with music byNona Hendryx,”Blue”  explores the complexities of identity and trust behind the carefully constructed façade of the Clarks, a socially prominent family that is struggling with the legacy and pitfalls of their own good fortune. T
Mel Brooks on Broadway: The actor, writer, director, and producer will star in a unscripted show combining off-the-cuff comedy, personal stories, and film clips,June 17 and 18 at Broadway’s Lunt-Fontanne Theater
Stars in the Alley will take place on Friday, May 10th at 1:00pm in Shubert Alley, featuring musical numbers by casts from 22 musicals currently on Broadway.
In arbitration,  City Ballet was ordered to reinstate the dancers, Zachary Catazaro and Amar Ramasar, who were fired over inappropriate texts.  … Catazaro has decided not to rejoin the company, but Ramasar, a company star who was a star in the recent revival of Carousel, plans to return after receiving mandatory counseling
Theater on Screens
Ryan Murphy will adapt ‘The Boys in the Band’ for Netflix
A TV series based on the musical Oklahoma is in the works
\“Anthem: Homunculus,”the six-hour, 10-episode, 31-song original musical podcast written by John Cameron Mitchell and Bryan Weller, begins streaming April 23 on the Luminary platform . The cast features Patti LuPone, Glenn Close, Cynthia Erivo, Marion Cotillard and Laurie Anderson as a brain tumor.
The soundtrack for John Cameron Mitchell’s new podcast Anthem: Homunculus will be available for digital download May 20 from Ghostlight Records.
Diana Rigg portrayed Eliza in a 1974 production of Pygmalion in the UK. Forty-four years later, she portrayed Mrs. Higgins in the current Broadway production of My Fair Lady
Actor Peter O’Toole as Henry Higgins and Actress Amanda Plummer as Eliza Doolittle posing in the play “Pygmalion,” 1987
Julie Andrews as Eliza in the first Broadway production of My Fair Lady, 1956
Laura Benanti as Eliza Doolittle and Christian Dante White as Freddy to her left, with Allan Corduner as Colonel Pickering to her right. At the Ascot races.
Eliza Doolittles through the Century
Theater after Columbine
Columbine was just one in a long line of school shootings (and far from the deadliest), several of them instantly identifiable: Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, and (last year’s) Parkland. And “columbinus” (co-written by a playwright who went on to win a Tony for his play “The Humans”)  is just one of an increasing number of theatrical works based on those specific massacres, and on some of the other most notorious mass shootings in the United States.
Jussie Smollett loses lead role in a planned Broadway revival
How “Nerds,” Bill Gates-Steve Jobs Musical Became a “Trail of Disappointment, Anger and Unpaid Vendors”
The debate over theatre trigger warnings: Are they art killers or a vital audience service?
Hell, Gore, Goo, Earth Day and Mel Brooks on Broadway. #Stageworthy News of the Week Earth Day is officially April 22nd, but it’s being celebrated on Broadway, Saturday April 27th, when the 30 blocks of Broadway between Union Square and Times Square 
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maxwellyjordan · 5 years
Thursday round-up
Amy Howe analyzes yesterday’s oral argument in Kisor v. Wilkie, in which the justices considered whether to overrule precedents that require courts to defer to a federal agency’s reasonable interpretation of its own regulations, for this blog, in a post that first appeared at Howe on the Court; she reports that the justices were “deeply divided in a case in which their ruling could have implications not only for veterans but also for other areas of the law ranging from the environment to immigration.” For The New York Times, Adam Liptak reports that the argument centered on “whether to cut back the power of administrative agencies, a central goal of the conservative legal movement,” and that “[t]he issue may seem technical, but there was little question that the justices viewed it as momentous.” Greg Stohr and Jennifer Dlouhy report at Bloomberg that “[t]he high court debate was an unusually lopsided one in which neither lawyer gave a full-throated defense of the 1997 ruling.” At The National Law Journal (subscription or registration required), Tony Mauro offers four takeaways from the argument. Additional coverage comes from Mark Walsh at Education Week’s School Law Blog and Ellen Gilmer at E&E News.
The court issued one opinion yesterday, ruling 6-2 in Lorenzo v. Securities and Exchange Commission that a defendant can be charged with violating federal law barring fraudulent securities schemes if he distributed, but did not make, false statements. Ronald Mann analyzes the opinion for this blog. For The Wall Street Journal, Brent Kendall reports that the “ruling provided a boost for the SEC after it had lost a string of high court cases in recent years that crimped how the agency brought cases.” Additional coverage comes from Andrew Chung at Reuters.
At The Daily Signal, Hans von Spakovsky and Elizabeth Slattery weigh in on the two partisan-gerrymandering cases that were argued this week, Rucho v. Common Cause and Lamone v. Benisek, urging the court to “hold that political gerrymandering, while perhaps unwise and in some instances unfair, is not a constitutional concern and instead is a political thicket the federal courts should not enter.” At the Election Law Blog, Nicholas Stephanopolous questions some justices’ emphasis during the arguments on the idea of proportional representation, explaining that “[f]irst, proportional representation is an entirely inappropriate benchmark for an electoral system like ours[, a]nd second, none of the Rucho or Lamone plaintiffs’ proposals would actually require proportionality” – instead, they are “rooted in the quite different concept of partisan symmetry.”
Sandi Zellmer has this blog’s analysis of Tuesday’s opinion in Sturgeon v. Frost, in which the court held that a federal law bars the National Park Service from exercising regulatory control over the Nation River in Alaska because the river is not “public land” under the statute.
At The World and Everything in It (podcast), Mary Reichard discusses the oral arguments in Virginia House of Delegates v. Bethune-Hill, an appeal by Republican legislators of a lower-court ruling that requires 11 state legislative districts to be redrawn to correct racial gerrymandering, and Smith v. Berryhill, which asks whether dismissal as untimely of a Supplemental Security Income claimant’s request for review is a final decision subject to judicial review.
In an op-ed for The New York Times, Linda Greenhouse surveys the array of abortion-related cert petitions seeking Supreme Court review, observing that “[r]ed states are competing with one another to enact abortion restrictions that, while flagrantly unconstitutional under current law, could provide opportunities for the newly composed Supreme Court to reopen the issue.”
At CNN, Joan Biskupic provides adapted excerpts from her new book about Chief Justice John Roberts; one excerpt focuses on a career marked by “perfect timing,” here, and one charts the chief justice’s views on race, “one area of the law where he is likely to remain uncompromising,” here.
At Justia’s Verdict blog, Sherry Colb writes that Ramos v. Louisiana, in which the court will decide whether the Sixth Amendment guarantee of a unanimous jury in a criminal case applies to the states, will turn in part on “the role that unanimity plays in a criminal trial.”
We rely on our readers to send us links for our round-up. If you have or know of a recent (published in the last two or three days) article, post, podcast, or op-ed relating to the Supreme Court that you’d like us to consider for inclusion in the round-up, please send it to roundup [at] scotusblog.com. Thank you!
The post Thursday round-up appeared first on SCOTUSblog.
from Law https://www.scotusblog.com/2019/03/thursday-round-up-469/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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listenherereviews · 6 years
Old Dominion Drop New Spotify Singles
Country band Old Dominion has released their new Spotify singles, a cover of the Halsey song “Bad At Love,” and their own track “Hotel Key.” The band is currently promoting their latest LP Happy Endings and touring with Kenny Chesney on a stadium tour, beginning August 11th in Nashville, Tennessee at Nissan Stadium. All dates are below.
Aug 11 Nashville, TN                                      Nissan Stadium*
Aug 12 Des Moines, IA                                   Iowa State Fair+
Aug 16 Bangor, ME                                         Darling’s Waterfront Pavilion*
Aug 17 Philadelphia, PA                                 Citizen’s Bank Park+
Aug 18 East Rutherford, NJ                            Metlife Stadium*
Aug 22 Columbia, MD                                     Merriweather Post Pavillion*
Aug 23 Milton, DE                                           Hudson Fields+
Aug 24 Essex Junction, VT                              Champlain Valley Fair+
Aug 29 Saint Paul, MN                                   Minnesota State Fair+
Aug 31 Grand Island, NE                                Nebraska State Fair+
Sep 1 Pueblo, CO                                            Colorado State Fair+
Sep 2 Filer, ID                                                 Shouse Arena+
Sep 3 Salem, OR                                             Oregon State Fair+
Sep 7 Blackfoot, ID                                         Eastern Idaho State Fairgrounds+
Sep 8 Pendleton, OR                                       Pendleton Round Up Happy Canyon+
Sep 10 Spokane, WA                                      Spokane Interstate Fair+
Sep 14 York, PA                                               York Fair +
Sep 15 West Springfield, MA                          Xfinity Arena+
*Supporting Kenny Chesney’s Trip Around The Sun tour
+Headline Dates
Oct 4               Knoxville, TN                           Knoxville Coliseum
Oct 5               Glen Allen, VA                        Innsbrook After Hours
Oct 6               Rochester, NY                        Main Street Armory
Oct 11             Amarillo, TX                            Amarillo Civic Center
Oct 12             Las Cruces, NM                       Pan American Center
Oct 13             Albuquerque, NM                   Balloon Fiesta Park
Oct 25             Atlantic City, NJ                      Hard Rock Atlantic City
Oct 26             University Park, PA                 Bryce Jordan Center
Oct 27             Roanoke, VA                           Berglund Center
Oct 31             Dublin,IE                                 Whelans
Nov 1               Belfast, IE                               Empire Music Hall
Nov 3               Liverpool, ENG                       O2 Academy 2
Nov 4               London, ENG                           O2 Shepherds Bush Empire
Nov 5               Bristol,ENG                             Trinity
Nov 6               Manchester, ENG                   Academy 2
Nov 8               Birmingham, ENG                  O2 Institute
Nov 9               Glasglow, SCT                         Queen Maragaret Union
Nov 10             Glasglow, SCT                         Queen Maragaret Union
Nov 29             Estero, FL                                Germain Arena
Nov 30             St. Augustine, FL                     St. Augustine Amphitheatre
Dec 1               Winston-Salem, NC                Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum
Dec 6               Toledo, OH                              Huntington Center
Dec 7               Huntington , WV                     Big Sandy Superstore Arena
Dec 8               Grand Rapids, MI                    DeltaPlex Arena
Dec 13             Bismarck, ND                          Bismarck Event Center
Dec 14             Fargo, ND                                Scheels Arena
Dec 15             Duluth, MN                             AMSOIL Arena
Old Dominion Drop New Spotify Singles was originally published on Listen Here Reviews
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h-bailey · 7 years
One month later, Las Vegas massacre is still a mystery
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Workers board up a broken window at the Mandalay Bay hotel, where shooter Stephen Paddock conducted his mass shooting along the Las Vegas Strip, in Las Vegas, Nev., Oct. 6, 2017. (Photo: Chris Wattie/Reuters)
The shattered windows were boarded up weeks ago, and the crime scene across the street largely cleared of the shoes, bags and other personal effects left behind when thousands of concertgoers ran for their lives.
But one month after Stephen Paddock unleashed a hail of bullets onto the crowd at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival from the windows of his 32nd floor suite at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, killing 58 people and injuring more than 540 in the worst mass shooting in the nation’s recent history, the investigation of the crime seems frozen in time.
After weeks of interviewing the lone gunman’s family and associates and combing through his two homes and belongings for clues, police appear to be no closer to understanding why Paddock, a 64-year-old real estate investor and avid gambler with no record of mental illness, political or religious extremism, became a mass killer. Or if they are, they aren’t saying.
The lack of understanding makes a sharp contrast to Tuesday’s car attack in New York City, and numerous other mass killings in recent years, which have clear ideological or religious motives.
It’s been more than two weeks since officials with the Las Vegas police and the FBI briefed the public, bringing an abrupt stop to the flow of information about the case. Until then, investigators had been unusually forthcoming, holding frequent news conferences in the days after the shooting. They released video from police body cameras and put forward police officers who told harrowing accounts of responding to the scene and closing in on the hotel room from which Paddock had unleashed his horror.
But then there were a series of missteps, including the release of a timeline of the shooting that turned out to be wrong. The last time Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo, who has been the face of the investigation, spoke publicly about the case was Oct. 13, when he went before reporters to correct a comprehensive timeline of the shooting he had released previously.
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Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo left, pauses during a news conference at the Metropolitan Police Department in Las Vegas, as FBI special agent Aaron Rouse, right, looks on, Friday, Oct. 13, 2017. (Photo: Heidi Fang/Las Vegas Review-Journal via AP)
But in doing so, Lombardo only raised more questions about his department’s handling of the investigation. A month later, it’s still unclear why it took officers 12 minutes after the shooting began to reach the 32nd floor, where the gunman’s suite was located, and why it took more than an hour for cops to enter the room after the shooting had stopped.
And one of the biggest mysteries continues to be what communication there were, if any, between police and Mandalay Bay. Paddock had shot a security guard who approached his room, on an unrelated call, just before he began shooting out the window. Jesus Campos, the wounded security guard, told talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, in his only public interview, that he immediately radioed hotel security that he had been shot. But it’s still unclear how or if casino officials communicated that information to the police.
According to the latest timeline released in the case, Campos first discovered something was amiss on the 32nd floor around 9:59 pm that night when he found a stairwell door near Paddock’s room barricaded by a metal bar. At the time, Campos later told authorities, he heard the sounds of what he thought was a power drill, which he found unusual. He went back to the 31st floor and took another route up to the 32nd floor.
As Campos approached room 135, where Paddock was staying, the gunman, who had been monitoring the hallway outside his room with a baby monitor set up on a room service cart, suddenly shot through the door, spraying hundreds of bullets and wounding the guard on the leg. It was 10:05 pm, roughly the time police believe Paddock began shooting across the street toward the site of the Route 91 festival.
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Stephen Schuck, left, and Jesus Campos appear with host Ellen Degeneres during a taping of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” at the Warner Bros. lot in Burbank, Calif., on Oct. 17, 2017. Schuck, a building engineer, and Campos, a security guard, were working at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino the night of the mass shooting on Oct. 1. Campos was shot by gunman Stephen Paddock. (Photo: Michael Rozman/Warner Bros./AP)
Though Campos and a hotel maintenance worker who had also arrived on the floor both radioed word of the shooting, police apparently didn’t identify where the shots were coming from for several minutes. According to the timeline, police reached the 31st floor at 10:12pm, where officers reported that shots were coming from the floor above them. They finally reached the 32nd floor at 10:17 pm—two minutes after Paddock stopped shooting. Police did not breach Paddock’s room until 11:20 pm—over an hour later—where they found him dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Police originally said Campos interrupted the shooting, bringing the deadly rampage to a stop. But now they say Paddock stopped firing on his own. Why? It’s one of the many enduring mysteries of the case—and one that Lombardo has said may never be answered.
But in recent days, there have been more mysteries. This week, Lombardo confirmed to the Las Vegas Review Journal that police are investigating how an officer “accidentally” fired his gun inside Paddock’s suite after it was breached—though he said it was not in the room where the gunman’s body was found.
At the same time, unnamed law enforcement officials told the New York Times and Associated Press that a hard drive was missing from at least one of the laptops recovered from Paddock’s hotel room, further complicating their efforts to uncover a motive in the case. It’s unclear if the hard drive was simply missing or if it was destroyed—a move that would mimic the actions of other mass killers like Adam Lanza, who removed and smashed his computer hard drives before he massacred more than a dozen people at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., in 2012.
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Stephen Paddock’s body is visible in his room at the Mandalay Hotel along with weapons he may have used during his mass shooting at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival in Las Vegas, Nev., on Oct 1, 2017. (Photo: Anonymous)
Another enduring mystery is Marilou Danley, the gunman’s longtime girlfriend, who was visiting family in the Philippines when Paddock carried out his rampage. Officials quickly described her as a “person of interest” in the case, in part because Paddock reportedly wired her $100,000 in the days before the shooting. In a statement released by her attorney, Danley, who returned to the U.S. on Oct. 3, insisted she knew nothing of Paddock’s plans and said she believed the money he sent her was “a way of breaking up with me.”
Danley was questioned by the FBI on Oct. 4 in Los Angeles, where her daughter lives. But it’s unclear if she is still cooperating with the investigation or what she has told authorities. Her attorney did not respond to a request for comment. Las Vegas police officials have referred questions about her to the FBI, which has also repeatedly declined to comment. But Lombardo has expressed skepticism that Paddock could have assembled his arsenal of guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition without notice. The sheriff has also said he believes Paddock, who had explosive material and more ammunition in his car, intended to survive the massacre and escape—though he has not explained how he might have carried that off.
The Clark County Coroner has completed the autopsy on Paddock—though the agency and police have declined to elaborate on what, if anything, was found except to say there was no obvious abnormalities of his brain. Paddock’s brain was scheduled to be sent this week to a laboratory at Stanford University, where doctors will perform further forensic analysis, including tissue testing, to look for neurological problems—though medical experts have said it’s unlikely that will provide an explanation for the rampage.
While Las Vegas officials say they will again brief the public on the case when there is something new to report, some revelations could come through civil lawsuits against Paddock’s estate and the casino’s parent company, MGM Resorts. At least two suits have been filed so far, including one class action case representing 10 victims.
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Image released by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department of Marilou Danley in connection to a shooting at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas, Oct. 2, 2017.(Photo: Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department/Handout via Reuters)
Among other things, the suits have sought to uncover information from Mandalay Bay, which has repeatedly declined to comment citing the ongoing investigation. The victims want access to hotel records, including video, which might offer clues about Paddock’s stay. He checked into the casino on Sept. 25—nearly a week before the attack—and witnesses have told police they saw him playing video poker and around the casino. Police have said they believe he left the casino and returned to his home in Mesquite, Nev., about 90 minutes west of Las Vegas, at least once that week and may have visited other casinos on the strip.
A point of interest is how Paddock got his arsenal up to his room and whether hotel staff, including housekeeping, sensed anything was amiss. In an interview with 60 Minutes, responding officers said Paddock’s room was filled with weapons and gear.  “It just looked almost like a gun store,” Dave Newton, one of the officers told CBS. There were “all kinds of monitors and electrical equipment …a few phones …a couple of laptops. A lot of drills, drill bits, all kinds of tools.”
Lombardo has already said there were no cameras near Paddock’s room—only near the elevator banks down the hall. But officers have said they found evidence that the gunman had been drilling holes in the wall—including one near the front door of his suite—raising questions about his intents and whether staff or other guests reported hearing the noise of power tools in Paddock’s room or in the hallway, where he barricaded the door.
On Tuesday, attorneys and legal experts for the victims gained access to the Route 91 site for the first time, walking the grounds from which personal belongings have been removed, but the concert stage and other fixtures have been left untouched in the month since the shooting. They are expected to gain access to Paddock’s suite at Mandalay Bay in coming days.
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A member of the FBI walks among piles of personal items at the scene of a mass shooting Friday, Oct. 6, 2017, in Las Vegas. (Photo: John Locher/AP)
Among the lawyers walking the grounds was Craig Eiland, an attorney representing Rachel Shepard, a 26-year-old California women who was shot three times, including in the chest, on that Sunday night. It was a “miracle,” her attorney said, that she lived. And now she wants to know how this could have happened.
“This is about answers first,” Eiland told reporters on Tuesday at the scene. “How did it happen? And what can be done to prevent it from happening again?”
Read more from Yahoo News:
A surreal scene as Las Vegas returns to business after Sunday massacre
Portrait of a mass killer: The details don’t add up
Las Vegas, a ‘soft target,’ long feared an attack
Now I Get It: Why haven’t authorities named Las Vegas gunman a terrorist?
Photos: Scenes from the Las Vegas mass shooting
Photos: The front page: How newspapers portrayed the Vegas massacre
Photos: Makeshift memorials pay tribute to Las Vegas shooting victims
Photos: Law enforcement continues to investigate Las Vegas mass shooting
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casualgay-mer · 2 years
Short ND game review: STFD
Stay tuned for Danger
Plot: ND heads to NY city bc local soap opera soap-er star is getting death threats - boy would she make a career nowdays.
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Characteristics: Really good atmosphere and character depth we got here, an effective culprit as well, the game lets you be a detective for once. BUT. A huge BUTT. The whole gameplay is cheesy, wonky and at times stupid and irrelevant. A bootleg Life is Strange prequel - Nancy is expected to do some stuff WAAAY before the danger situation... wait...
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Usually I do not provide spoilers but.
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The solution to the bomb puzzle - which is in Rick's room - is located IN MATTIE'S ROOM.
And if you do you may not know that YOU CAN TURN PAGES ON IT SINCE THE GAME LETS YOU DO SO ONLY ON teeeeny tiiiiny corner of the screen
If you do not have a screwdriver from the stage room - you are screwed (pun totally inteded)
If you didn't get the plyers from the prop room - you are also screwed
And if you didn't get plyers AND a door knob you are EXTRA screwed! If you played the game you sure know why.
And the biggest fucking pet peeve of mine. If you played other ND games before you are really getting used to danger segment solution being somewhere within the danger segment/the danger segment won't activate until you got everything prepared. That means that ND players who completed other later games probably WON'T EVEN CONSIDER LOOKING AROUND THE STUDIO FOR TOOLS - JUST LIKE FUCKING DID.
This segment is fucking scary in russian dub and it gave me nightmares for fucking years
Total score: 18,8/25. Would recommend only if you know beforehand about this bomb fucking segment
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