#sap specialist
The Benefits of SAP Business One and How to Access SAP Support for a Smooth Business Process
SAP Business One is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software solution specifically designed for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). It provides a comprehensive set of features and functionalities to manage various aspects of business operations efficiently and effectively.
Key features of SAP Business One include:
Financial Management: SAP Business One enables businesses to manage their financial transactions and processes. It supports general ledger, accounts payable and receivable, cash flow management, budgeting, and financial reporting. This feature helps companies maintain accurate financial records, track expenses, and analyze financial performance.
Sales and Customer Relationship Management (CRM): This feature streamlines the entire sales process, from lead generation to customer management. It allows businesses to manage customer interactions, track sales opportunities, create price quotes and orders, and generate invoices. With built-in CRM capabilities, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, improve sales effectiveness, and build stronger customer relationships.
Purchasing and Inventory Control: SAP Business One provides tools to manage procurement processes efficiently. It facilitates functions such as purchase orders, vendor management, goods receipt, inventory tracking, and warehouse management. This feature helps optimize inventory levels, reduce costs, and ensure timely delivery of goods and services.
Manufacturing and Production Planning: For businesses involved in manufacturing, SAP Business One offers functionalities for production planning and control. It supports features like the bill of materials (BOM), production orders, capacity planning, and material requirements planning (MRP). These capabilities assist in streamlining production processes, managing resources effectively, and optimizing manufacturing operations.
Reporting and Analytics: SAP Business One includes robust reporting and analytics capabilities. It provides pre-built reports and dashboards to monitor and analyze key business metrics. Users can create customized reports, analyze data, and gain valuable insights into business performance. With real-time data visibility, businesses can make informed decisions and identify areas for improvement.
Business Intelligence: SAP Business One incorporates business intelligence tools that enable users to transform raw data into meaningful information. It supports data integration, data warehousing, and data visualization, allowing businesses to leverage data-driven insights for strategic decision-making.
Integration and Extensibility: SAP Business One can integrate with other systems and applications, enabling seamless data exchange and process automation. Additionally, it supports extensions and add-ons that cater to specific industry requirements, allowing businesses to customize and extend the software's functionality.
These features collectively empower SMBs to streamline their operations, improve productivity, enhance customer service, and drive growth. SAP Business One offers a scalable and integrated ERP solution that addresses small and medium-sized businesses' unique needs, helping them achieve operational excellence and stay competitive in their respective industries.
How SAP Business One Helps Optimize Your Business Processes
SAP Business One helps optimize your business processes by providing a centralized platform that integrates various functions and streamlines operations. Here are several ways in which SAP Business One supports process optimization:
Enhanced Efficiency 
Streamlined Workflows
Integrated Data
Improved Inventory Management
Efficient Financial Management
Effective Customer Relationship Management
Data-Driven Insights
By leveraging these features, SAP Business One enables businesses to optimize their processes, improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive overall growth. It provides the tools and insights necessary to make data-driven decisions and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving business landscape.
Accessing SAP Support for Your System to Ensure Its Efficiency
SAP provides both technical and non-technical support to assist customers in various aspects of their SAP software implementation and usage. Here's an overview of technical and non-technical support offered by SAP:
Technical Support:
Installation and Configuration: SAP offers technical guidance for the installation and configuration of SAP software solutions. This support includes assistance with system setup, hardware requirements, network connectivity, and database configuration.
System Administration: SAP provides support for system administration tasks, such as user management, authorization settings, system monitoring, and performance optimization. Technical support helps ensure the smooth operation of the SAP system and addresses issues related to system administration.
Performance and Troubleshooting: SAP assists in identifying and resolving performance-related issues in the SAP system. Technical support helps diagnose performance bottlenecks, optimize system performance, and troubleshoot system errors or failures.
Upgrades and Updates: SAP offers technical guidance for system upgrades, patch applications, and software updates. This support ensures that customers can leverage the latest features, bug fixes, and security enhancements provided by SAP.
Integration Support: SAP assists customers in integrating SAP software with other systems and applications. Technical support helps
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f7digital · 2 years
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theseocompany0 · 12 days
Connect with our SAP HANA Integration Specialist today to simplify your business processes! We deliver a range of SAP solutions that include Oracle OIG solutions, Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC), master data management, HANA analytics, Big data solutions master data, etc.
For more information, you can visit our website https://visionsoft.com/ and call us at +1 (732) 532-9164
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crevicedwelling · 2 years
are there any omnivore arthropods or are they exclusively carnivore or herbivore?
roaches, various beetles, and isopods are the first that come to mind, but there are many, many others!
roaches, for example, are primarily adapted for digesting plant matter with a long digestive tract (termites are just a specialized family of roaches!) but many species love meat. I’ve used my Suriname and B. dubia roaches to eat the flesh off of bones for preservation. in the wild, these roaches would take advantage of carrion and other dead insects—Suriname roaches belong to a genus often found in bat caves, and they’ll spring on any downed sickly bats or fallen pups and eat them alive.
same with isopods! they can be surprisingly predatory things, both cannibalistic and eagerly eating carrion and weakened live animals. this is why any isopod larger than 5mm is a bad choice for a cleanup crew with an arthropod pet—they will devour it as it molts. many aquatic crustaceans like crayfish and crabs also are highly generalist and will pretty much eat any old organic material they can get their claws on.
ground beetles, darkling beetles, and rove beetles span a range from generalists that eat anything to specialists on fungi, plants, or animals. caterpillars can be surprisingly cannibalistic, like corn earworms in which the largest in an ear of corn devours its smaller siblings.
there’s also a lot of bugs that are more specialist carnivores that readily eat fruit, like giant centipedes! Lucinda here loved her bananas. some spiders will eat pollen that gets blown into their webs, and there’s even a species of jumping spider that only eats little nutrient packages it steals from a tree which grew them to feed its personal ant army.
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in insects that molt, there can be a switch from larva to adult! many solitary and social wasps are parasitoids or predators that as larvae feed on other insects caught for them by their mothers (solitary) or siblings (social). when they mature, they mostly drink nectar because most wasps can’t digest solid matter as adults. a similar shift is seen with many flies—mosquitoes are filter-feeding larvae that mature into nectarivorous adults in which females need to take blood to lay eggs, and houseflies or flesh flies that feed on dung or carrion as maggots primarily drink nectar as adults as well.
a fun example of a shift in diet is the click beetles I’ve tried to keep. they feed on rotten wood for the first few weeks of their lives, and after gaining some size start a predatory lifestyle hunting other wood-boring grubs with sickle-shaped mandibles. after they mature, the adult beetles feed on sweet fruits and sap.
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so yes, there’s no simple carnivorous/herbivorous split between arthropods. there are many omnivorous or detritivorous arthropods that typically eat a variety of foods, but more specialized predators or herbivores will also opportunistically meet their nutritional needs. and different lifestyles for larvae and adults mean that the same insect can use very different food sources throughout its lifespan!
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prof-peach · 2 years
So.. I have a Chespin. And while it is reassuring that even something like a truck can not inpenetrate his shell (I WONDER HOW THEY GOT THAT INFO THOUGH), is there any information if the shell were to be damaged? How would it heal? Not that my Chespin got in an accident or anything, I was simply curious
They got that info from seeing a number of Chespin take the same impact force as a truck from various data collected in battle. Many pokemon can put out that kind of power, and Chespin endure it with great composure, truly defence specialists.
The shell of course does have a breaking point, and also is suceptable to disease and rot too, they are not flawless. Should they become damaged the shell itself secreets a sap, the sap hardens like resin and makes way for regenerative tissues to grow and fill the damaged area. There will forever be scarring but the scars tend to be even tougher than original shell tissue.
While repairing however the shell of a Chespin will be easier to split further if targeted, so its best to allow them to rest and recover while this healing proceeds.
They tend to lose these scars upon evolving, and gain a new shell, unless that is of course, its a genetic or bacteiral infection based scar, in which case it could very well carry over through evolution.
The fleshy body however will not repair in this way, and should be protected more, if injury is sustained it's always worth going to a centre or lab to have a nurse check it over.
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scrumptiousstuffs · 6 months
Get to know me
Thank you @firstkanaphans for the tag!
Do you make your bed? Yes. I went to boarding school where it is a must to make your own bed (amongst many, many other rules). I have a love-hate relationship with my time in boarding school.
What's your favourite number? Hemmmm.....24 cause it's my birthday
What is your job? Respiratory (pulmonologist for those living in the States!) & Sleep Physician. I am a doctor who completed two/dual specialties. In simple terms, I deal with patients with lung-related medical illness and sleep disorders (think sleep apnoea, narcolepsy etc.)
If you could go back to school, would you? Yes, if I have the time, I want to complete a degree in history (I contemplated between a medical degree and Bachelor of Arts with History during university - but well, I chose the former).
Can you parallel park? Yes, but I loathe it with passion. I am always stress that I will inevitably hit someone's car (hasn't happened yet but urghhh, the anxiety whenever there is no choice but to parallel park!!!!)
A job you had that might surprise people? None. Medical school sapped all my time and energy. And once I graduated, it was straight to hospital doing shift work as a junior doctor before I spent a chunk of my 20s-30s basically qualifying and completing my specialist training.
Do you think aliens are real? Yes
Can you drive a manual car? I learnt to drive it cause it was compulsory (in my country) if I want to obtain a driver licence. However, I ditched it as soon as I can! And no, I will never drive one ever again.
What's your guilty pleasure? Buying expensive (sometimes niche!) perfumes, shower gels, body lotions and scented candles. And yes, I was absolutely giddy when I realised Khaotung (and First by default) have just as expensive taste in perfumes as I am! - MFK? I have several.....
Tattoos? Nope!
Favourite colour? Maroon and midnight blue
Favourite type of music? Pop (and K-pop)
Do you like puzzles? Yes. I just don't have time to complete them (usually!)
Favourite childhood sport? I'm not sporty. Sports day in my boarding school was the bane of my existence
Do you talk to yourself? Yes (and to my cat)
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What movies do you adore? Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Knives Out, Glass Onion (Knives Out sequel) (I'm seeing a pattern here....)
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
First thing you wanted to be growing up? You know, I can't remember...
I'm not sure who to tag as it seems a lot of my mutuals are already tagged for this game! But if you see this on your dashboard and want to be involved, please considered yourself tagged! I love to learn more about my tumblr friends
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ospreyeamon · 2 years
on the prevalence of bounty hunters in the gffa
I’m not sure George Lucas intended bounty hunters to become as prominent as they are in the Star Wars universe. It might just be a consequence of Boba Fett Armour Rad ✨, like the invention of the Mandalorians. However, thinking about  the Galactic Republic, it does make sense that there would be a lot of bounty hunters running around fulfilling a particular societal need.
The Galactic Republic’s structure is difficult to pin down because it doesn’t have a clear real world parallel. While it’s usually the United Nations or USA that are brought up, I suggest that its closest structural equivalent is the European Union; single currency, open boarders, high degree of internal autonomy while members are still meant to be bound by the laws and rulings of the higher courts and legislature, multitude of languages and cultures, states have the right cede unilaterally without requiring permission from the central authority. There are still differences though, and the one relevant to this discussion is that we aren’t shown a Republic equivalent of Europol, or the better-known Interpol. During the prequels era there are the Republic Judicial Forces and Jedi Order, but both these organisations provide specialist and crisis assistance rather than dealing with the day-to-day dealings of local planetary and system law enforcement systems. Nobody is calling the Jedi because someone skipped off-planet rather than front-up to court after crashing their speeder through a sixth-story window. Even if local law enforcement were inclined to do such a thing it wouldn’t be permissible, because the number of Jedi and Judicials is tiny compared to the overall population of the Republic.
I think the Republic logically should have an equivalent of Interpol, which I call the Intersector Security Bureau so it can keep its acronym when it is transformed into the Imperial Security Bureau. Given how easy it appears for anybody who owns a private starship to planet-hop undetected, facilitating information exchange must be hugely important. Still, the fact that so far as I can recall the ISB is never mentioned before the Republic becomes the Empire suggests that its reach is limited before Palpatine starts beefing it up. The Jedi do a lot of investigating but mostly rely on their own resources or liaise with the local planetary authorities.
There are a few reasons why an early ISB space!Interpol equivalent might have less prominence and reach than RL!Interpol. One is that it is affected by the same resources sap as the Judicial Forces; losing work to the Jedi Order and funding to local planetary or sector law enforcement. Another is that the Republic’s diverse array of species and cultures creates a complicated environment for hashing out the cultural consensus necessary for the level of understanding and trust required for agreeing to carry out other agencies’ arrest warrants. For example, the Republic’s de facto age of majority – the minimum age at which a person can hold Republic public office, like a become a Senator – is sixteen. This is not an age of majority that member systems of the Republic are required to adhere to in any way; having species with wildly different lifespans and lifecycles like wookiees, trandoshans, and ruurians makes trying to enforce a single age of majority a terrible idea. But that means that you have a planet like Naboo, where Padme Amidala can be employed in the political office of Princess of Theed when she is nine, under the same government as Alderaan, where the heir to the throne doesn’t step up into their full public role until they come of age at sixteen. Other points of difference – attitudes to gambling, recreational drug usage, corporal punishment, reasonable person tests, etc. – create a plethora of friction points between legal jurisdictions.
Then there’s the issue that many of the planets in the Republic aren’t going to trust the governments of every other planet in the Republic. RL!Interpol is facing controversy regarding the accusation that some countries like China have been submitting warrants for arrest on people who are actually political dissidents. In the Republic that translates to, for example, corporate-controlled planets putting out warrants on whistle-blowers calling out the companies’ fraud, environmental regulation violations, debt slavery, etc.
So, if you can’t rely on intersector law enforcement cooperation to retrieve your dangerous driver before any more speeders become wedged through the windows of high-rise apartments, what do you do? You put a bounty on them.
This implies that mainstream socially respectable bounty hunting is quite different from the “I can bring you in hot or I can bring you in cold” business the Mandalorians engage in. Reputable law enforcement agencies will only want their bounties hot and minimally injured; the idea is to get criminals back so they can be tried and punished in accordance with your law. And what if a bounty hunter screws up the bounty you posted and grabs the wrong person? If they’re alive you can stick them on a shuttle back to the planet they were kidnapped from, but if they’re dead that’s a PR nightmare and now you need to chase after that bounty hunter to charge them for murder.
Looking back a couple of millennia from the Post-Ruusan Republic to the Old Republic, many of these forces are still in play. One example of a deficit in law enforcement cooperation that I found particularly memorable was Miel Muwn of the Sullustan Constable Brigade from the Smuggler class story, who personally travelled to Coruscant in pursuit of the stolen Murustavan Ruby where he deputised two Very Upstanding Lawful Citizens to aid him rather than collaborate with the Coruscanti authorities.
Additionally, the division of the galaxy between the Republic and the Sith Empire creates another reason for those governments to work through bounty hunters. Because the Republic and the Empire are either in a state of hot or cold war, they obviously aren’t cooperating on issues like intergalactic crime. If either power wants to arrest someone who has fled into the other’s territories, the most legal least likely to spark violent conflict option available to them is to hire a third party (it’s still not very legal or unlikely to end in violence). Hence, bounty hunters everywhere.
…there are so many ways that this dysfunctional excuse for a system would produce bad outcomes.
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quirkthieves · 4 months
ibara; origin,
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[yes, I'm entirely overhauling her backstory. don't look at me]
Ibara Shiozaki was born to Maria and Kanabo Shiozaki on September 8th, 2198. Her father was a retired hero, and her mother was a doctor who specialized in mitigating negative quirk impacts on the body of their users. This was born from her own quirk-- Manchineel, which, similar to Ibara's, replaced her hair with foliage-- but this foliage excreted a painful sap she had no natural defense to and required constant medical care and dosages of an herbicide that rendered the plant underdeveloped.
At the point in the pregnancy when they realized Ibara was going to share a similar mutation, Maria made the decision to stop taking the medication in order to avoid it spreading to the developing fetus. Ibara was born with a healthy seed coat, but Maria would die about six months later due to health complications from both her quirk and the lingering impact of a difficult pregnancy and birth.
Kanabo came out of retirement to support his new child. However, the reason for his early retirement (age 30) had been damage to his heart and lungs, which would lead to a more severe cardiac failure when Ibara was around five years old, rendering him unable to work and, as time would reveal, unable to take care of a young child, due to long-lasting neurological and functional issues. He would be placed in long-term hospital care, and Ibara would be placed with another relative-- her mother's sister, Mei Fujita, a quirk specialist doctor similar to her sister, although with a focus on clinical practice. They would live together for about three years before Mei realized she was in no position to take care of a child, emotionally or career-wise, often resulting in Ibara being left alone for long periods of time, a schedule too inconsistent to keep up with school, and undue stress on both of them.
At age 8, Ibara would be placed in a religious child care institution, in line with the wishes of her father, who wanted her to grow up with the faith. Her aunt, from then on, would remain as a frequent visitor (as frequent as she could be, anyways) and as a personal physician for Ibara, due to the nature of her quirk and worry that it may develop into something similar to Manchineel. Her father writes often, but the two rarely get to visit, due to the strict rules around leaving institution grounds for the both of them. That being said, Ibara loves them both very much.
The institution itself housed around 40 children at any given time, of varying ages, maintained by a convent of nuns and other clergy, and with an associated school. Staffing was stretched thin most of the time, and physical discipline was actively utilized in response to what was seen as poor behavior. Ibara threw herself into the faith intensely, which only made her the target of her peers.
Ibara loves her father and aunt very much. She knows, too, that they love her, and that she is very lucky to still have contact with them. But for most of her life, she has wondered if things would be different if she were a less difficult child, and if one day, she would be able to reunite with them if she just behaved well enough. Even her work to get into U.A. and become a hero is, in part, motivated by wanting to make them proud, and to prove that she is, in fact, a good person, to both them and herself.
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adish-agrawal · 2 months
Can the SAP BPP Course in Mumbai be the stepping stone for your Career Start?
Are you looking to advance your career with specialized skills in business process management? The SAP BPP Course in Mumbai is an excellent opportunity to achieve this goal. This course provides in-depth training on SAP Business Process Performance, a crucial tool for enhancing operational efficiency in businesses. By enrolling in this course, you can gain valuable skills that are in high demand across various industries.
Why Choose the SAP BPP Course in Mumbai?
The SAP BPP Course in Mumbai is renowned for its comprehensive curriculum and practical approach. This course covers essential SAP BPP tools and techniques that can help streamline business operations and improve performance metrics. Whether you're looking to start a career in business process management or enhance your existing skills, this course offers a solid foundation. The focus on real-world applications ensures that you are well-prepared to tackle complex business challenges.
In addition to the robust training, obtaining an SAP BPP Training Certificate in Mumbai adds a significant credential to your professional profile. This certification is highly valued by employers and can set you apart in a competitive job market. With MNCs in Mumbai and surrounding areas actively seeking professionals with expertise in SAP BPP, this certification can open doors to numerous career opportunities.
The Growing Demand for SAP BPP Professionals
The demand for skilled SAP BPP professionals is increasing, especially in dynamic cities like Mumbai. Companies are continually seeking individuals who can leverage SAP BPP tools to enhance business performance and efficiency. Completing an SAP BPP Course in Mumbai equips you with the skills necessary to meet this demand. The course not only provides theoretical knowledge but also offers practical insights that are crucial for applying SAP BPP principles effectively.
Job prospects for SAP BPP professionals are diverse and promising. With the skills gained from this course, you can explore various roles such as business analyst, process improvement specialist, and project manager. The certification helps validate your expertise, making you an attractive candidate for high-paying positions in Mumbai's thriving job market.
Local SAP BPP Course Options
For those considering the SAP BPP Course in Mumbai, there are several locations to choose from, including the SAP BPP Course in Vashi, SAP BPP Course in Dombivli, and SAP BPP Course in Bandra. Each of these locations offers quality training programs that are tailored to meet the needs of local professionals. Whether you are based in Vashi, Dombivli, or Bandra, you can find a course that suits your schedule and career aspirations.
These local options ensure that you have access to top-notch training without having to travel far. By choosing a course that is conveniently located, you can focus more on learning and less on logistics, making your educational journey smoother and more efficient.
Enrolling in an SAP BPP Course in Mumbai is a strategic move for anyone looking to advance their career in business process management. The course provides valuable skills and a recognized certification that can significantly boost your employability. With the increasing demand for SAP BPP professionals, completing this course can open up numerous high-paying job opportunities. Explore local options such as the SAP BPP Course in Vashi, Dombivli, or Bandra to find a program that fits your needs and start your journey toward a successful career in business process performance.
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noodyl-blasstal · 1 year
Aftermath - Blupjeans Week day 7
My @blupjeansweek prompts are part of a story and I'll be adding one more part to round it all off I think! Find the others here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 or on Ao3
“I think I’ll maybe do it after the bone church?”
“How romantic.” Said Taako, wryly. “Here’s a load of dead people whose bones they dug up and made a chandelier of, also, I’ve been in love with you for a bajillion years, wanna grab coffee?”
“I wasn’t going to say the last bit.” Barry huffed. It was already mortifying that he had to talk about this with Lup’s brother. Maybe he should have told Magnus instead, but Barry wasn’t convinced he could be counted on not to wave them off by shouting ‘good luck telling Lup how you feel about her’ or something equally mortifying. Taako, at least, was air tight.
“You aren’t going to tell her you love her?” Taako narrowed his eyes. “Barry, Barold, you are my best friend in the world and I will murder you to death if you do not do this. You have been promising for months. Months! I cannot live like this. It’s homophobic.”
“I’m your best friend?” Barry laid his hand to his chest. “Taako, I..”
“Shut up.” Taako hissed. “If you don’t tell her then I will.”
Barry tried not to laugh at the deflection. Torturing Taako when he accidentally confessed that he had feelings was one of Barry’s favourite sports. It was a toothless threat too, if Taako was going to tell Lup then he would have done it already. He clocked how Barry felt almost as quickly as Barry did. “I’m going to tell her. I’m not going to ask her out for coffee after. Probably.”
“Fine. Fine! But you’d better tell her. Or else!” Taako mimed a series of tiny punches.
“No, please, Taako! Mercy! Mercy!!!”
– The conference was in a castle. It was hard to pretend that wasn’t at least 60% of the reason they were there, but their research was good too. The post-doc hunt had, thankfully, provided them both jobs. In the same University, of course, because it was unfathomable that they wouldn’t be together. The fact they would apply for jobs together and continue to live together wasn’t even discussed, it was just how it was going to be. The photo strings moved again, Barry’s book shelves stood in a slightly different configuration, and their coffee machine only fitted under one of the cupboards in the kitchen. They took their home apart at the seams and lovingly sewed it back together somewhere new.
It was inevitable that they’d end up researching together. They knew each others’ work inside out anyway, and one late night conversation about being able to sap energy from a storm cloud to heal someone led to a frantic few weekends in an empty evocation lab, which produced the paper that had taken them here. The applause faded and the moderator stood to ask for questions.
“It’s more of a comment than a question.” Said the dapper elf who had lazily raised his hand and immediately commanded attention. Of course that would be their first response. No one would want to drag things on after this. It was Barry’s least favourite phrase, but he tried not to roll his eyes and nodded politely instead. He felt Lup bristle beside him. “In my own research…” Barry fought not to tune him out. Maybe it would be relevant? Maybe the comment would even be helpful? “...instead of hiring an evocation specialist, which, even though I’m sure yours wasn’t too costly…” he gave Lup a once over which made Barry want to bite him. “...is still an unnecessary cost. You can just use volunteers. They have plenty of power for the taki…using. Voluntarily offered, of course.” He smiled a violently calm smile. There were murmurs around the room.
“What my colleague means to say…” Said the female elf next to him, Barry assumed his twin because they certainly looked the same, but people with these ethics might be experimenting with cloning for all Barry knew. “... is that our subjects are all there voluntarily and know exactly what they are taking part in.” Barry would like to see the ethics board they’d run that one by.
“...They volunteer to heal others?” Lup asked.
The pair shared an uneasy look. “We didn’t say our experiments were exactly the same, anyway, I’m sure lots more people have questions about your little project.” The female elf made a dismissive hand gesture.
“Which University are you from?” Lup continued before the moderator could take another question. “It would be wonderful to keep in touch as we obviously have similar research interests.”
The female elf’s mouth closed into a tight line and she glared, but her colleague… brother? Both? Answered before she could shush him “Felicity Wilde. It’s private.” He said smugly.
“Uh huh.” Answered Lup. Scribbling a note. “Great, and you are?”
“Edward and Lydia Vo-Gue. Remember it, you’ll see our publications soon enough.” Lydia elbowed him hard in the side.
“Cool, thanks.” Lup finished scribbling. “Anyone else actually have a question about this sweet sweet research?”
They did.
– “Are you actually going to contact them about their research?” Barry asked once they’d escaped from the conference dinner. The food was all strangely combined in the trying to be fancy but not actually fancy way and their table had been full of people who only wanted to talk about nothing but themselves. They fled as soon as the dancing started.
“Fuck no. I already emailed the Neverwinter ethics board. I imagine they’ll be shut down by the time they get home.”
– The bone church was their reward for surviving the schmoozing. The university had to pay for them to get to Goldcliff and back anyway, and the conference just so happened to finish on a Friday and it wasn’t any more expensive to travel back on a Sunday. They had meticulously planned the weekend and the ossuary was their first stop. They had a full morning to explore and they were going to use it. It was also where Barry was going to tell Lup how he felt. Definitely. It wasn’t going to be weird. It was going to be fine. Even if she didn’t feel the same it wouldn’t ruin everything, she already knew and she wasn’t angry. She wanted him to have as much time as he needed, but Barry was growing more sick of waiting and less worried about change with every passing day.
They stood together in front of the church, it looked completely ordinary from the outside, all weather-worn stone and too-modern-roof. “Ready?” He asked Lup?
She casually took his hand. “Cha’girl was born ready for this. Let’s go get our spook on!”
It was beautiful, macabre, but no one could deny the artistry, the dedication to shape and place as the old graves had to be emptied to make way for new corpses. There was an undeniable tenderness in the refusal to throw away the bones, the time spent cleaning and creating instead of destroying and forgetting. Their guide was taken aback by their endless questions, but was able to answer them. Lup and Barry absorbed as much as they could from them, and were eventually let loose while their guide tended to another tour.
“Is it okay if we check out the chandelier again before we go?” Lup asked. “I want to look at how they were connected again.”
“Sure.” Barry replied, his mouth dry. This was the place, and he was nearly out of time. Not that it mattered, but Lup would like it if it was here.
“Babe, you know your cool bird skulls?”
“Uh huh.”
“Think we could make them into cool miniature candle holders like those ones?” Lup pointed to the chandelier.
“I think we probably could.” Barry nodded. A skull and a candle should be easy enough to cobble together into something her spooky heart desired.
“I’m not sure we should try and create the full chandelier.”
“No, I think Taako would probably refuse to come over ever again if we had bones hanging from the ceiling. Kravitz too, for that matter. You know how he is about the sanctity of death.”
Lup rolled her eyes. “Fine. We won’t make a cool spooky chandelier that we’d both love. We’ll just decide not to do a fun group project because of Taako getting all the squeamish genes and picking the least cool kind of Death-y boyfriend. That seems right and fair.”
“I’m in love with you.” Said Barry softly. It wasn’t what he meant to say, there was a speech, he’d written it down. Maybe he could show her later, then she’d know he’d tried. “Just so you know.” He added. “Although, I think you did already.”
Lup smiled and placed her head on his shoulder. “I’m in love with you too, Bear. Just so you know…”
Barry didn’t know what to say. Sure, he’d realised this was a likely possibility. It wasn’t like Lup had pulled back since she’d overheard the conversation, if anything, they were closer than ever. But to hear it. To know, wholly and fully? That was magic.
“Anyway, wanna grab some coffee?” Lup always knew the right thing to say.
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uchidachi · 2 months
8, 25!!!
8. What cleaning product do you swear by?
I’m a windex girlie, and as such I assume everyone else already uses it, so instead I’ll go with specialist cleaner Goo Gone. It’s specifically for getting anything sticky off of non-porous surfaces, so it doesn’t come into play often, but when you need it, it’s there for you. Sticker residue, pine sap, tar, unknown old food residue, gum on shoe… i sound like an ad now so i’ll stop.
25. Favorite old person activity?
Well I do cross stitch a LOT, and quilt, and I also like going to garage sales. Actually most of my activities are old person activities, lol
Ty for the ask!!
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ppnsolutions · 5 months
What is the SAP implementation process?
SAP Implementation Process: A Step-by-Step Guide (#SAPImplementation #SAPBusinessSolutions)
SAP implementation involves a series of phases to ensure a smooth transition to your new SAP Business Solution. Here's a simplified breakdown:
Project Preparation (#SAPProjectPrep):
Define project goals, scope, and timeline.
Assemble your implementation team with business and IT specialists.
Business Blueprinting (#SAPPlanning):
Analyze current business processes (as-is) to identify areas for improvement.
Design the future state (to-be) leveraging SAP functionalities to optimize workflows.
Realization (#SAPRealization):
Configure the SAP system based on the blueprint, potentially involving customization.
Develop and test interfaces for data migration from existing systems.
Train your team on how to use the new SAP system effectively.
Integration Testing (#SAPTesting):
Conduct thorough testing to ensure all functionalities work seamlessly within SAP and with external systems.
Identify and resolve any bugs or integration issues.
Final Preparation (#SAPGoLive):
Finalize data migration and system configuration.
Conduct user acceptance testing (UAT) with key users.
Go-Live & Support (#SAPGoLive #SAPSupport):
Launch the new SAP system and transition your business operations.
Provide ongoing support to address user issues and optimize system performance.
Remember: This is a general overview. The specific implementation process may vary depending on your unique business needs and chosen SAP modules.
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gunkreads · 7 months
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
Tagged by @highladyluck (sorry I'm late! had a hand injury!)
Rules: choose 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms -- no double dipping! Then tag 10 5 friends or mutuals to complete the game as well.
I'm not sure about this one! Kind of hard, honestly. I'm deliberately trying to mix it up a little bit from the previous "top 10 characters" thing I did, but a lot of these are repeats.
Kvothe/Denna synthesis, Kingkiller Chronicle. Not cheating! Hear me out. These two characters are fairly standard and, though I hate to admit it, not particularly remarkable on their own--but they synthesize into something completely different. Together, they have a dynamic that neither of them can possibly have with any other character, effectively both modifying themselves into half of a completely different character to become part of a unique and separate whole. Give them potara earrings and see what happens. So my answer isn't Kvothe or Denna, or even Kvothe and Denna, but the space between them. Sorry for being a fucking sap; it's in my blood.
Kurosaki Ichigo, Bleach. Not sorry for this one. He's my Goku, my Naruto, my Inigo Montoya. My special teenage obsession. Sometimes, you're 15 and everything means more than the world to you and the only thing that'll keep you going is watching your favorite cartoon guy stand back up after getting killed.
Murtagh, Inheritance Cycle. Sorry for this one. Inheritance shaped my understanding of fantasy from the age of 4 and, in some ways, I'm glad it did--learning a genre from such a derivative story is kind of nice because it prepares you to see those tropes executed better in other, better-told stories. Murtagh was the first character I ever read who was a legitimate rival to the protagonist, actively fighting against the good guys while holding a strong bond to the protagonist, and that's still one of my favorite character tropes.
Bayle Domon, Wheel of Time. Look... it's hard to pick a favorite WoT character, especially because there are so many characters I love that are widely hated (Gawyn, Thom, Faile, Perrin, etc), but Bayle is my BOY. He's my fucking GUY. He'd be the protagonist of a smaller story. He's just always fucking there, by a combination of ta'veren bullshit and his own baked-in need to trade/smuggle wherever the action is. A physically large, narratively small man who sets his elbows firm and keeps his space in the story. One of my all-time favorite "everyman" characters.
Cassius au Bellona, Red Rising. He's just Gawyn Trakand 2.0. Come on. You could've seen this coming. God's specialist little boy who doesn't know how to stop fucking up. Yeah, yeah, I'll watch Green Knight someday.
Jackie Welles, Cyberpunk 2077. Best friend a guy could ask for. Don't even talk to me about this. I've played through this game 3 times and it hit me just as hard in both replays.
Kaioh Retsu, Grappler Baki. Baddest motherfucker on the planet. Class out the ass. My favorite over-the-top "martial arts is the best thing ever" character, managing to beat out the rest of the cast of THE premier "martial arts is the best thing ever" manga.
Amos Burton, The Expanse. What's going on with this guy? Well, nothing. He already told you everything there is to know. It's your fault for trying to look for hidden meaning where there isn't any.
Tain Shir, The Masquerade. Come on, dude. Come on.
Camilla Hect, The Locked Tomb. Come on, dude. Come on.
I'll tag @pillowfriendly @briannysey @coffeefirst-thenspacepirates @iliiuan @ofdarklands
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alicehaven · 7 months
The Collaboration of Clinical Data Management and Biostatistics in Evidence-Based Medicine 
In the realm of clinical research, the seamless collaboration between clinical data management (CDM) and biostatistics is paramount for ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and integrity of study outcomes. This dynamic partnership plays a pivotal role in transforming raw data into meaningful insights that drive evidence-based medical decisions. In this blog post, we delve into the essential interactions between CDM and biostatistics, highlighting their respective contributions and synergies in the clinical research landscape.
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Data Collection and Database Design:
CDM professionals are responsible for designing robust data collection tools and establishing comprehensive data management plans.
Biostatisticians collaborate closely to ensure that data collection instruments capture relevant variables with precision, enabling accurate statistical analysis.
Joint efforts streamline the development of databases that adhere to regulatory standards and facilitate efficient data entry, validation, and cleaning processes.
Data Quality Assurance:
CDM specialists implement quality control measures to identify and address data discrepancies, inconsistencies, and errors.
Biostatisticians contribute expertise in data validation and verification, conducting thorough checks to maintain data integrity.
Continuous communication between CDM and biostatistics teams fosters proactive identification and resolution of data quality issues, enhancing the reliability of study findings.
Statistical Analysis Planning:
Biostatisticians from Biostatistics Services collaborate with CDM professionals to formulate robust statistical analysis plans (SAPs) tailored to study objectives and design.
CDM experts provide insights into data structure, collection processes, and potential biases, informing statistical modeling approaches and hypotheses testing strategies.
The synergy between CDM and biostatistics ensures that analytical methodologies align with data characteristics, maximizing the validity and interpretability of study results.
Data Interpretation and Reporting:
Biostatisticians play a pivotal role in analyzing study data, interpreting statistical findings, and deriving meaningful conclusions.
CDM specialists assist in contextualizing statistical results within the broader clinical framework, elucidating the implications for patient care and treatment strategies.
Collaborative review and refinement of study reports and publications ensure accurate representation of data insights and statistical significance.
Regulatory Compliance and Audits:
CDM professionals and biostatisticians collaborate to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards governing data management and statistical analysis.
Joint efforts facilitate preparation for regulatory inspections and audits, with comprehensive documentation and audit trails supporting data integrity and traceability.
Continuous monitoring and adherence to regulatory updates and guidelines mitigate risks and enhance the credibility of clinical research outcomes.
The intricate interplay between clinical data management services and biostatistics underscores the importance of collaborative synergy in advancing evidence-based medicine. By leveraging their respective expertise and working in tandem throughout the research lifecycle, CDM and biostatistics teams synergize efforts to uphold data quality, integrity, and regulatory compliance. Clinical data management services, such as those provided by Global Pharma Tek, play a crucial role in designing robust data collection tools, establishing comprehensive data management plans, and implementing quality control measures to ensure the accuracy and reliability of study data. This harmonious partnership not only drives scientific discovery and innovation but also contributes to improved patient outcomes and healthcare decision-making.
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I'm scared to recover because it kind of feels like who i am now, and I'm really scared of gaining weight because I'm already considered a healthy weight. Since i was about age 4, i was considered "unhealthy" by the bmi chart. And I'm so scared to get back to that. The mean comments get to me so much, and things online about foods being unhealthy and my unrestricted body being bad or unhealthy too. Do you have any advice or tips? I'm also autistic and I don't get hunger cues. Professional eating disorder treatments haven't helped me, and I want to be able to make my own choices (they never seem to understand my autism and say it's the ed when it's not.) , so if i tried recovery, it would be at home with my family.
Hello, my dear. This is actually an extremely common fear and one that I had too. Sometimes, it still crosses my mind. Your eating disorder is the least interesting thing about you. It doesn't define you, and it doesn't make you any better of a person. In fact, all it does is create suffering for a beautiful person who has so much life to share. You are good, and so much energy and life is sapped away from you by this disorder. You will be shocked by how much you can accomplish when you are no longer under the thumb of an eating disorder. Your energy, your happiness, everything is ten times better. Every pound you may gain comes with added health and joy for your life. The people worth keeping in your life, want you to be the healthiest and happiest you can be.
You can be considered a healthy weight, but that doesn't mean you are a healthy weight for you or that you are maintaining it healthily. If you have to starve to be that weight, it is not a healthy weight. We are so afraid of the idea of bodies, weight, and being fat that we tell ourselves it's better to suffer than change, and that is just not true. There is nothing wrong with gaining weight or being fat. When we say every body is a good body, we mean every body. Working on dismantling our engrained fatphobia and obsession with thinness is vital to recovery. I was considered healthy at the pinnacle of my ED, and trust me I was not. Your body has a healthy weight range it can happily and naturally live within, and you deserve to let it live.
Interjection, never ever ever ever ever ever (this goes on for several more days) EVER listen to the goddamn BMI again. I cannot even begin to explain the absolute bogus that BMI charts and scales are. They mean nothing. There are ways to measure health with health professionals, BMI is not one of them even if a professional tells you it is. Research points to many issues with such scales. I am so so sorry anyone ever even told you such a thing. No one should be measuring your worth by your body. Generally, work towards avoiding all such scales. Even if it was accurate, so what? If you have personal health concerns you can address them with a professional, but being fat doesn't equal being unhealthy either. No one gets to measure your worth.
You will likely always see fatphobia and misinformation online, but it can be reduced. Unfollowing anyone who makes you feel lesser or increased ED issues is extremely important. And don't worry! There are so many amazing blogs to replace them with! Check out who I reblog from for some wonderful people who will remind you that you are worthy and loved in every form you take.
I can totally understand why conventional ED recovery specialists don't work for you. While you may be able to find someone who specifically works with autistic people or is autistic as well, you also may need to focus on what you can do for yourself. It is possible to recover without that standard treatment, but I still encourage speaking to a therapist in general. If hunger cues are an issue, you may find scheduling meals to be more helpful. You can play to eat with company to have support or to eat alone but have someone checking on how much you manage to eat. You can make a meal plan with a REGISTERED dietician (avoid plain nutritionists, as they often do not require a formal education) and follow along to get what your body needs. Whenever you do happen to sense hunger, follow it and eat! It can be rare, and maybe it doesn't happen at all. But if it does trust in it. Work on eating foods you are afraid of, small increments are still progress. Stock up on foods you love, and that you want to enjoy without shame.
Extra Tips:
I watch videos while I eat to reduce anxiety and shame. I love watching people who are food positive! Keith Eats the Menu helped me so much in recovery because I could see him and his friends all shamelessly enjoying their meals along with me.
I challenged myself to eat things that scared me once a week. Even if it is just a bite.
I recommend using a big Sharpie and hiding all the nutritional facts on food/drink packaging. You can also ask a friend! It feels like you will never forget those numbers, but trust me you do. It helps to also focus on all the good that is in it. Every food item holds nutrients and vital resources for us, every food item.
Keep affirming yourself, and as much as possible remove those who devalue you. It may not be completely possible, but even so keep adding the people into your life who treat you and your body with respect.
I know you can get through this. You are so much more than your disorder, and I can't wait to see how you grow.
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pkmn-spira · 8 months
Claudia Laurent
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The Countess of Drakehold Castle and its Gym Leader. Despite the regal disposition and presence, she's surprisingly approachable.
Age: 30
D.O.B: October 5
Height: 5'6"
Birthplace: Lumiose City, Kalos Region
Unlike the other Gym Leaders of the Spira Region, Claudia wasn't born here, but rather in Lumiose City of Kalos. In fact, she had spent more time there all throughout her childhood up to adulthood. However, the reason why she had moved from one region to another is due to the increase of Team Flare's activity in said region, and while such activity have been stopped and thwarted for some time now, she decided to stay in Spira for good, mainly being that she had found romance here, and eventually, a child. However, with Team Andromeda's actions two years ago, she would lose both the lover of her life, and her child. She would be distraught for a time, before eventually deciding to shoulder her grief, and eventually assist in thwarting the organization's plans.
As of today, she now hosts her battles as a Gym Leader in the restored Drakehold Castle, and while she grieves her lost from two years ago, she still does her best to not have it affect her today as much as it did back then.
Pokémon Team (Gym Leader)
On a normal Gym Battle Involving Rookie Trainers, Claudia uses the following Pokémon:
Held Item: Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Known Moves: Dragon Breath, Bug Buzz, Earth Power, Rock Tomb
Held Item: Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
Known Moves: Hone Claws, Dual Chop, Slash, Bulldoze
Held Item: Dragon Gem
Ability: Infiltrator
Known Moves: Super Fang, Dragon Rush, Air Slash, Air Cutter
Held Item: Mystic Water
Ability: Sap Sipper
Known Moves: Acid Spray, Dragon Pulse, Water Pulse, Acid Armor
Pokémon Team (Serious)
When battling stronger Trainers from other regions, or when situations get dire that puts the Spira Region at risk, Claudia uses the following Pokémon:
Held Item: Kommonium Z
Ability: Bulletproof
Known Moves: Poison Jab, Clanging Scales (Clangorous Soulblaze), Close Combat, Drain Punch
Held Item: White Herb
Ability: Infiltrator
Known Moves: Shadow Ball, Draco Meteor, Thunder, Flamethrower
Held Item: Rocky Helmet
Ability: Mold Breaker
Known Moves: Earthquake, Toxic, Dragon Tail, Outrage
Held Item: Lum Berry
Ability: Mold Breaker
Known Moves: Swords Dance, Poison Jab, Earthquake, Outrage
Held Item: Life Orb
Ability: Natural Cure
Known Moves: Dragon Dance, Aerial Ace, Play Rough, Draco Meteor
Held Item: Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze / Tough Claws (Mega)
Known Moves: Dragon Dance, Flare Blitz, Dragon Claw, Roost
Public vs Private Knowledge
-Bought Drakehold Castle, had it restored and renovated into a Gym upon becoming an official Gym Leader of the Spiran League
-Born in Lumiose City from Kalos
-Assisted during the crisis caused by Team Andromeda two years ago
-Widowed and lost her child two years ago during the same crisis
-Migrated from Kalos to Spira for good due to Team Flare's activity in Kalos
-The reason behind the migration, which was the discovery that several of the people she knew also began working for Team Flare. Hence she migrated to avoid association.
-Currently looking for someone she could settle with, like her lover back then so as to fully move on from the grief
-Had a fling with Estrella Lawrence, Gym Leader of Seafoam Town in Solus Isle, for quite some time
-Had a fling with Cleo Morrison, Normal Type specialist of the Elite Four, which lasted just a few months
-Written several stories of fantasy under a pen name
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