#sara x elias
shenaniganzz · 1 year
Sara had just finished putting her groceries in the back of her car, feeling her phone go off in her pocket. Taking it out, she looked down and rolled her eyes at her son’s very late response to her question of what he might have wanted at the store before placing it back in her pocket. Closing the trunk, she was almost thinking of not going back inside, but decided that she might as well take the quick trip inside. Maybe this was divine intervention telling her to grab that cake she was eyeing in the bakery section. Heading back inside the store and grabbing a small basket, she headed towards the aisle of snacks that Isaiah was requesting and when she found them, a man was standing there looking. She could only see the back side of him, and unfortunately for her it was a very nice back side. Despite the thoughts running through her head, she noticed that he was also taking a very long time to choose what he wanted. Not one to always be the most patient in these circumstances, Sara stepped up next to him. “Excuse me,” she said as she reached out to take a few different things in front of him. She glanced up to give the man a smile, but did a double take when she thought she recognized who it was. Standing straighter and placing her items in the hand basket as she couldn’t take her eyes off him, she felt like she was immediately brought back to her teenage self, seeing her oldest best friend for the first time in years. “It’s you,” she said softly, her smile growing.
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justinewt · 1 month
Pugna Inter Fratres - THOSE ABOUT TO DIE REWRITE Chapter Five
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter (08/30/2024)
Summary: Being reunited with her brothers was the best gift Aldea could have ever asked for. Some tensions here and there rose amongst them after things didn't turn the way they expected, especially between Elia and Fonsoa. They disagreed over the way to handle things after something happened to their horses and Andria and Aldea were kind of in the middle of it, but the latter would soon move on from that after that - though momentarily - after the arrival of two numidian women in her home.
Words: 6.9k
Warnings: title means "fight between brothers" // Those about to die spoilers (episode 2 "Trust None"), fluff
The moon was higher in the sky when they reached Aldea’s house. No one was standing outside the front door. Tenax must have dismissed Dacia and Noro already. She and Scorpus climbed a flight of stairs, his toga slightly slipping off his head as he began pounding on the door. Aldea joined her hand at her waist, looking around, waiting for Tenax to come open the door and they finally heard the lock slide open on the other side. They leaned back in surprise when they came to face with Tenax brandishing a butcher knife. He realized it was just Scorpus and Aldea and he lowered the blade, stepping away from the door.
“By the Gods. What are you doing?” The charioteer walked in, looking at his friend as the latter put away the knife. Aldea followed Scorpus inside. The door creaked as she pushed it behind her, and she quickly went in the bedroom to put her cloak away and combed through her hair with her fingers, proceeding to braid them for the night as she glanced at the two men.
“What do you want?” Scorpus pulled out something to show him and she heard a thud as he placed it on the table. Tenax shrugged. “What’s this?”
“One cotter pin, cut halfway through. My racing partner is dead, and I would be if I hadn’t switched rigs.” Tenax walked towards him, picking up the cotter pin to take a closer look. “Was this one of your fixes? Scorpus loses, you collect big. I break a few bones or my neck to make it look real.”
He frowned, putting down the pin, “No, of course it’s not. I told you; I have much bigger plans for the both of us than a few more rigged races.”
“Then find out who sabotaged my rig and kill them.” Tenax acquiesced, letting out a quiet sigh. Aldea slowly approached them upon hearing Scorpus pick up something else from the table, noting how it apparently looked a lot like his horse Incitatus with a chuckle. She saw her husband took a little gold horse figurine from the driver’s hands and dismissing him, telling him to take his winnings on his way out. “Aldea.” He gave her a nod and as he put one foot on the landing, he turned towards Tenax, pointing at him. “Don’t take me for granted.”
“I don’t.” He replied with a tight smile before locking the door and turning to Aldea, shooting up his eyebrows, spreading his arms open in despondence, urging her to explain herself and she knew he wanted to know where she had been and why she was coming home so late. And yet, she still asked a stupid question as if she hadn’t understood. She didn’t think before speaking. “Well?”
“Where have you been?”
“I told you. My brothers are in Rome, so Nica took me to them. We attended the race, and I spoke with them before Scorpus offered to walk me home.” She got closer to him and slid her fingers over the collar of his tunic, locking eyes with him. There was a bright smile stretching her lips. “I never thought I’d see them again, and they’re here, in Rome. I can see them everyday now.”
“That’s great, Aldea. I just want to make sure that you’re safe.” He placed a gentle hand on her stomach, and she put her hand on top.
“I am as safe with my brothers as with Dacia and Noro. And Gavros and Scorpus were there too. I'm alway well surrounded.” Their faces had gotten close to the point of being mere inches apart, the tip of their noses rubbed together. They shared a tender kiss, and she went to bed while he left the apartment, having to take care of Scorpus’ sabotaged-rig problem. She slept soundly that night, with no nightmare, dreaming of her youth. She was around 6, compelling a then 8-year-old Fonsoa to play mom and dad with toddler Elia. He had always been such a sweet, angel-looking boy, even more so then with his big eyes, staring at her and following her and Fonsoa everywhere. In the early years of her brother’s life, it was more of an innocent game for her, but she realized over time that ever since he was born, even though she was only 4 then, she had always taken her role very seriously and loved taking care of him. There were only two things she truly loved doing, caring for her baby brother and being with their horses. She was happy with living this life forever.
The memory she relieved in her dream changed, it was a few years later, Elia and she were laughing bubbly, rolling in the tall grass to go down the hill and she woke up. She felt as though she was on cloud nine as she took her time to get out bed and put on her stola and cloak. Those memories put her in a state of absolute peace of mind. She was so used to Tenax being gone the whole night that she didn’t even notice he still wasn’t home, and she left for the Circus Maximus, to meet with her brothers at the stable. It wasn’t the afternoon yet, she would have some more time to spend with the three of them before they had to show the horses to Scorpus later on, and she would be with them then too. She didn’t have to work today as there wasn’t any races or fights, and in any case, if she didn’t want to work one day, Tenax wouldn’t actually care. He only let her work because she wanted to keep herself busy. If she felt like spending the day at home or at the bath or the theatre, she could.
She arrived at the Circus during hora undecimal, about half an hour before noon and they walked together to Tenax’s tavern to eat together. They got quite a few glances as they exchanged in Spanish the whole time, speaking at a fast pace too, as they asked their sister about her life in Rome, how she came to know Tenax – whom they still had yet to meet – and she told them the whole story. She told them how she followed this young sailor she thought she was in love with and got stuck on a merchant’s ship and was sold as a slave upon arriving in Rome, bought by Tenax and made a freedwoman a couple months later. She said the merchant never returned to Rome, keeping it to herself that Tenax had the later killed because of what he had done to Aldea. They would get scared for her, knowing Tenax’s doing, and she would have to reveal details she wanted to keep secret. It wouldn’t do anyone any good to know that she was forced to have intercourse by and with the merchant for over a week and that he broke her collarbone because she tried to fight back. She wasn’t hiding the latter under a cloak for nothing.
“You were sold as a slave?” Elia reacted instantly when Aldea said it, raising his eyebrow in a mix of utter shock, worry and anger.
“It’s okay now, I’m free. Tenax lets me work and do basically anything I want. He only asks me to be careful where I go. Rome can be dangerous.” She took a sip of her wine, looking down at her plate. “But he has over a dozen men working for him, and I know that he asked them to keep an eye out for me so I’m safe anywhere I go.”
“He seems to be a good husband.” Andria noted while Elia squinted his eyes, slightly frowning. He still doubted that whoever was her husband was a good enough husband for his sister and it made her smile amusedly. She gave her older brother a nod. Tenax proved to be a good husband indeed. She went on to tell them about their time as a married couple and it was enough for Fonsoa and Andria to hear that she was happy and well treated, or they wouldn’t have let her go back to Tenax, maybe even dragging her back home to Baetica if she needed to be saved from her marriage, but there was no need, and they could see that. Even Elia understood she was happy in her relationship. And now she had her family with her. It felt as though life was smiling on her once again. Ever since she became her own woman again at the end of summer 75 CE, four years ago, almost only good things happened to her; she eventually got into a relationship with Tenax, they got married and now she was expecting a child, and she was reunited with her brothers. She let it slip, during the conversation, that she was pregnant and the shock on Elia's face, his eyebrows raised as high as possible and his wide eyes, made her burst out laughing. He let his cutlery fall on the table, clattering against the wood.
“What— estás realmente embarazada?” He exclaimed, asking her if she was actually pregnant, grabbing her arm. Fonsoa and Andria chuckled, proceeding to congratulate their sister. Fonsoa, sat next to her, giving her a broad, proud smile, putting his hand on her back.
“Your child will be blessed to have you as a mother.”
“You were a natural.” Andria added, a soft smile on his face.
“You see, Elia, we’ll become uncles. You need to grow up.” He teased him, stretching his arm behind Aldea to push his brother’s shoulder with a chuckle. Elia dodged his hand, leaning to the side and let out a groan, annoyed to het pushed around by his brother. Fonsoa gently squeezed Aldea’s shoulder, insisting that she will be a great mother, and they finished their meal. A few minutes later, during hora quartadecima, a couple hours after they started eating, they met with Gavros at the Blue faction’s stable and prepped the horses for the try out on the tracks. They geared up four of their dozen Andalusians, attaching them to a rig and Andria warmed them up, making them run for a round in the arena. Fonsoa leaned against the door, his arms crossed while Elia, his hands on his hips, was growing impatient and aggravated by Scorpus’ delay. He still wasn’t there, and they had been waiting for what felt like an eternity. Aldea looked at the sun, up in the sky, indicating it must have been hora sedecim, and if she wasn’t home by the next hour, she thought that Tenax was going to wonder what she was doing out there that was making her so busy that she was missing dinner.
“Where is he?” Having to wait so much made Elia snappy. Gavros put his hand on his shoulder, assuring the driver was coming and he did a few seconds later. Scorpus appeared behind them as the chariot was approaching and Andria brought the horses to a halt.
“They’re small, your Andalusians.” He walked past Andria and stepped on the rig.
“It is not their size that makes horses fast. And no whip. They run better without it.” Scorpus still picked up his whip and Elia glared at him as the charioteer drove away. The horses went gradually faster and within seconds they were full on galloping. They saw Scorpus give a few snaps with the whip but eventually putting it away and instead only snapping the reins, his dark curls blown in the wind. Elia’s angry face gave way to a cheerful smile.
“They’re fast.” Gavros noted. After a full drive around the spina, Scorpus slowed down the horses and got off the rig, letting out a sigh of relief. He was clearly more than satisfied with the beasts and immidietaly made an offer to the brothers.
“Twenty thousand serteces for the ten. But… the three of you stay on as stable hands to get the most out of them.” Elia’s smile faded after getting excited at the price he had proposed. While Fonsoa and Andria agreed to it, he didn’t seem that excited anymore and looked upset.
“We agreed to go back!” Aldea’s head twitched. She didn’t know they were supposed to go home. They hadn’t told her yet.
“Elia. Look around. Do you really want to go back?” Andria asked.
“We’re in Circus Maximus, and this is Scorpus, he’s trying to buy your horses and hire us. And we got out sister back.” Fonsoa stepped towards his brother. Aldea held her arms, crossed over her chest and kind of looked around, seeing Fimbria watching them in the distance. He crossed her gaze as he was leaving and she squinted her eyes, wondering why he had been staring at them. Elia kept on arguin, insisting Scorpus wanted to trap them in Rome, which he called “a sewer of a city” and the high price offered to them for their horses didn’t seem to make him budge.
“I will take the money, but we agreed to come here, sell the horses, find our sister and go back! We found Aldea, we can go back.” She bit her lips, listening to him. She would have gone back with them in a heartbeat if she hadn’t met and fallen in love with Tenax, and she was married now, it wouldn’t feel right to simply ditch him after years together.
“We could really be someone here. Make a name for ourselves.” Andria tried to convince him to change his mind. Elia shook his head, briskly licking his lips. “Horses, as many as you want.”
“I have all the horses I want, back in Baetica.”
“Boys. Scorpus is waiting.” He rose his voice, drawing attention to him. Andria gave him a nod, briefly turning back to his brothers, proposing to vote on the matter. Fonsoa was in, of course but Elia, unable to stay put, restless, refused to vote and walked away, nudging Fonsoa as he left. The latter called out his name and took a few steps after him but stopped himself and turned back to Andria.
“I’ll go talk to him.” Fonsoa softly grabbed his sister’s arm.
“He’ll be fine. He’ll come around.”
“We have a deal.” Andria then declared to Scorpus. The latter extended his hand towards him.
“The little shit stays as well, yes?” Andria acquiesced, giving his hand a firm shake. As he was leaving, he looked over his shoulder at Aldea. He was going to see Tenax at their home and waited for her to decide whether she was coming with him. Fonsoa comfortingly rubbed her back, reassuring her about Elia. She gave her brothers a hug and walked back to the Suburra with Scorpus. He jumped up the stairs and pushed the front door open. It had been left unlocked and he directly went inside. Aldea closed the door behind them. He had basically run down the street and was out of breath.
“I have just driven… the fastest horses in my life.” Tenax glanced over at them, sitting in the kitchen at the dinner table while Claudia served him something to drink. He tilted his head, looking at Aldea as she made her way to the table and sat across from her husband before the plate set up for her. Claudia gave her some food.
“Are you sure?” Scorpus leaned on the table and sighed.
“They’re the horses of Aldea’s brothers… they fly with the wings of Pegasus. So, I bought them. Well, with your money.”
“So you’re in?”
“Of course, I’m in.” Aldea followed him with her eyes, not really knowing what they were talking about as Scorpus walked behind her and grabbed a piece of bread from a bowl. Tenax looked aside, leaning his elbow on the table, bringing his hand to his face, thoughtful. Scorpus eventually left, leaving the couple together to finish eating.
“You were with your brothers?”
“Yes. I spent the day with them. I’ll go see if they’re at their place after. I need to check on Elia. He wasn’t too happy about having to stay in Rome.”
“Elia, that’s your…”
“My little brother. I hope he’ll come around… I’ll try to convince him to stay. He doesn’t like Rome, to say the least.” She sighed through her nose, chewing on her food. Tenax didn’t say much else on the matter of her brother being unhappy in the city. She knew he didn’t want her to leave, but he loved her and no matter how reluctant he would be, he would let her go if she chose to go back, but put down her fork and held his hand, hopefully letting him know she wasn’t planning on leaving. She was set on convincing her brother to stay. She wasn’t about to let go of the boy she raised and watched grow into the handsome young man he was today. “What were you talking about, with Scorpus?”
“Come. I have something to show you.” He stood up, wrapping his fingers around her hand and slightly pulling her towards him. She got up in turn and he led her to the bedroom. After pressing on one of the tiles on the wall, he pushed the hidden door open with his shoulder and briefly let go of her hand to go fetch something in the criss-cross shelves at the back of the small, secret room where he kept all his most valuable items and property titles. There were hundreds of those in those shelves, but Aldea knew about all this and had known for a while so she was a little puzzled what he might have to show her. He grabbed a tube and turned to her with an excited smile.
“What’s this?” Unscrewing one of the ends, he showed a scroll inside.
“500 shares of the Blue Faction.”
“500—” She was shocked. they grabbed onto each other’s shoulder. “What? How did you get your hands on 500 shares of the Blue Faction?”
“Rufus made a round bet at yesterday's race, betting his wife's shares on Scorpus to win in the last to second round.”
“Oh, that’s why he pulled back in the middle of the race and stayed behind until the last round? I knew there was something like this going on but, well,” She chuckled in disebelief. “I didn’t know this was what was at stake. What will you do with it now?”
“I’ll sell it to the highest bidder, and with the money, Scorpus and I can start our own faction.”
“That’s great news.” She caressed his cheek, the tip of her finger brushing of his beard’s hair, and she softly pressed her lips on his. He then closed the secret door and they both left home. She headed for her brother’s place, a couple streets away, while he headed for the Esquiline Hill to go negotiate with Consul Marsus over the 500 shares. They weren’t the lead owners of the blue faction, and he knew they would want to have this advantage over the woman who he and his wife had lost the position to, Caltonia. By buying those shares, they could retrieve their position as lead owners and he was going to use this fact to get the consul to buy those shares, giving him enough money to fund his ambitions. He would still need to get approval from the Aedile Ludi, who was no other than the emperor’s youngest son, Domitian. She wasn’t too worried about it. Her husband could be cunning and had a certain way with words, he would probably get Domitian to approve a fifth faction by the time the next race came around.
Aldea went to see if her brothers could be found in the room, they were renting but the housekeeper apologizes to her and told her she hadn’t seen them come back yet. Aldea returned to her apartment and Tenax returned in the first hour of the night. She wasn’t going to wander around town, pregnant and on her own so she would wait for either of her brothers – she hoped it would be Elia – to come to her instead.
“So? How did it go?” She asked, as Tenax walked in the room. He went straight to grabbing her face and kissing her, letting her know it did go as well as hoped.
“I sold the shares to Consul Marsu, nine thousand serterces.”
“And Domitian? What did he say?” His fingers sipped into her hair, his thumb caressing her cheek.
“I piqued his curiosity. I told him he would have half ownership over the faction, in secret, and that a river of money awaits us.”
“Well, I’m sure he’ll approve your faction. He needs money. He’s been spending the empire’s fortune in every single betting tavern across town. With all the money he’d earn from this, he wouldn’t have to care about his debts anymore.”
“Yes.” He kissed her again, more strongly, as he was thrilled by the thought of finally being able to set his plan in motion and get his own faction. It would get them more money and allow him to sit next to his very own faction’s banner and be somewhat at the same level as the patricians that owned the other four. She didn’t share his ambitions, as she had no such ambitions to begin with, but she supported him in his endeavors and he needed and wanted this, to elevate himself socially, though he would probably not say it in so many words. After all he had been through at the hands of the powerful patricians of the roman empire, it felt, to me, as being a rightful revenge and she would be by his side throughout it. That was one reasons, if not the main one, as to why she couldn’t leave. It felt wrong to abandon and give up on him after the life they had built together, and all they had shared. And they were expecting a child. She couldn’t possibly deprive him of his child, and right to be a father.
She moved away from him, approaching the window as she heard quick steps outside their house. She saw the old woman who watched over Tenax’s property where her brothers were staying. The housekeeper was about to walk through the front door until Aldea called out to her, making her look up.
“You wanted to know when your brothers came home.” Aldea gave her a nod and left, after telling Tenax she wouldn’t be long. She walked to the other insula and as she entered, she could hear them argue in the distance. Because of how clear their voices sounded; she guessed their door was opened. She slowly walked up the stairs.
“Elia, how many times do I have to say it? It’s not forever. We’ll all go back together soon.” Andria tried to calm him down.
“When, exactly? A—After you’re grooms instead of stable hands? After you start driving?”
“Give it a chance. One fortnight, then decide.”
“No.” He was quick with his answer. His mind was still very much made up and he was dead set on leaving Rome. He felt betrayed and lied to, and he told them as much. “You’ve lied to me. Both of you. You never intended to go home. Did you? We said, we come here, sell our horses, find Aldea and go back home.”
“Elia…” She heard Fosnoa sigh. “We sold our horses, and found Aldea. You've been talking about finding her every hour of the day for years. We found her.”
“Yes, and I’m sure she wants to go home too.” She quietly sighed, her hand on the railing as she paused in her tracks.
“Elia, she has built a life here.” Andria said. “She’s married and happy, and she’s with child. You can’t expect her to leave it all behind? Don’t you want to stay here, be close to her?”
“You can’t say that’s not all you’ve wanted, ever since you were a child.”
“Take good care of Ferox.” Elia ignored Fonsoa, turning away from him as he finished packing his things, but he must have seen movement from the corner of his eyes because he turned his head and saw Aldea coming up the stairs. She saw him, mouthing her name and he looked down at his bag, almost shameful of the fact he was getting ready to leave.
“Elia.” She spoke softly, but he avoided looking directly at her, darting glances her way.
“You never intended to go home.” It almost sounded like an accusation. She sighed.
“I never expected I could go home one day. And I met people here, in Rome, that made me love my life here. Elia… please look at me.” She put her hand on his back, and he finally made eye contact with her.
“Do you know how much father’s missed you?” Fonsoa spoke his name, but it didn’t stop Elia from speaking. “First he lost… our mother, and then you. Do you know how much your disappearance destroyed him?”
“Elia. Enough.” Fonsoa rose his voice again, grasping his shoulder, and this time, Elia shut his mouth and went quiet, slightly flaring up his nostrils and shaking his head, freeing his shoulder from Fonsoa with an abrupt shrug. Aldea could see on his face that he felt awful for being mean to her but also that how much he felt hurt and let down by his siblings overshadowed the love he had for them, and especially for his sister.
“Please, Elia. Sleep on it. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He wouldn’t look at her and she couldn’t the hurt in her eyes before she turned on her heels and left. As she walked down the stairs, she locked eyes with Fonsoa, still standing in the middle of their room and his eyes told her he was sorry about this. She gave him a soft smile and went back to her home. Tenax opened. He had been waiting for her to go to bed. Seeing she looked down, he stared at her worriedly, caressing her cheek. She took his hand and kissed it. She just wanted to go sleep it off, hoping Elia would at least stay in Rome for the night, or even better, change his mind altogether. The day had started off well and did not end on a high note.
Tenax and Aldea woke up the next morning, got dressed, ate some breakfast quickly and then left, heading together for the Esquiline Hill, hoping to find Scorpus there. But he wasn’t home and so began a search of the neighborhood to find their friend. Aldea stayed on the other side of the street while Tenax went to check if he was in the brothel he frequented but again, he came out of there alone and shrugged, exchanging a glance with his wife. They kept looking and found him at a tailor’s shop, looking at colorful pieces of fabric. Tenax ordered the tailor to get out and he snatched the fabric away from Scorpus after he drapped himself with it and threw it back on the table at the center of the room. Aldea, her hands joined by her waist, waited right by the entrance and could hear them even though Tenax was careful to speak quietly.
“Is this what you call discreet?”
“Word will get out, once we get Domitian’s approval.
“If… we get approval. Come. He’s meeting us at the stables to look at the Andalusians.” Scorpus smirked at the news, patting his shoulder on his way out. As he walked past Aldea, he, as Scorpus does, gave her a flirty look and smile and she shook her head amusedly. Looking back at Tenax as he followed him, Aldea saw his eyes briefly widen in annoyance. They then heade towards the stables of the Circus Maximus and got there about a dozen minutes later. The Blue faction stables’ doors were opened ajar, and they were unpleasantly surprised by what they saw inside. Elia was crouched next to Ferox, Fonsoa and Andria standing nearby. In all the other stalls, the horses were lying on the straw, barely breathing and lethargic. Aldea looked at them in worry while Tenax swore through his gritted teeth.
“Gavros went to get a physician.” Elia told them.
“Why didn’t someone tell me?” They turned around upon hearing Felix’s voice behind them. The young boy came running towards them.
“Domitian, he’s here! Outside!”
Tenax sighed heavily, “As I said… Fuck!” He turned to the brothers. “All right. I’ll divert him. Aldea, I want you out of here.” She wasn’t going to argue with him. He had other other fish to fry – bigger fish. She followed him outside and walked to a piller against which she leaned, seeing him talk with Domitian from the corner of her eyes. He tried to slow him down, to give everyone in the stables, just a little more time to find a quick solution to keep up appearances. On her way out, she heard Scorpus tell everyone to close the stalls’ curtains so they would find a short-term solution. Domitian wasn’t buying whatever Tenax was telling him to keep him out of the stables and he walked inside. She saw Felix come out and Aldea approached but when Domitian turned back to left, she stepped aside, hiding behind the large door. Plebieans bowed as the emperor’s son walked past, followed by Tenax and Scorpus. Before he turned to the other two, all three had their back to her so she slipped inside to go to her brothers. Fonsoa held out his arm, placing his hand on her back, drawing her towards him. Gavros arrived with thr physician and the man with the white beard knelt near the horse, holding a small flame to his eye to take a closer look.
“Augendus, the best there is.” Gavros spoke. “He was once veterinaries for the Greens.”
“You were right, Gavros. Most definitely nightshade.”
“What can you do for them?”
“Bury them.” He shrugged, shaking his head and looked up at Tenax.
“I’m not in the mood for jokes.”
“There’s little you can do. A magnus might say put crows in their stalls for three nights… and use bells to call out the Orci spirits from their livers.” Tenax smirked in disbelief.
“I’m not gonna bet my life on that one. Do what you can.” He then took a step towards the Corsi brothers, glaring and poiting a threatening finger at them. Elia stood up. “No one has seen this. If you tell a single fucking person, you will die in ways you cannot imagine. Do you understand?” Aldea stayed silent as he addressed her brothers. It wasn’t her place to speak, even less to cut him off. She shouldn’t even be in there and was mainly allowed to be present because of her link to the six men inside. Even simpler than that, as his wife, she stayed out of his business, and this was business. The fact it involved her family didn’t matter. she wasn't going to undermine his credibility by speaking when she should remain quiet. “Don't believe my threats to be empty just because you are my wife's brothers. Remember… the only person you have to fear more than Domitian… is me.”
“We understand, sir. We have seen nothing here.” Andria acquiesced. She could tell he was intimidated and took Tenax’s words very seriously, and he was right to do so. A faint smile appeared on his face, like a ray of sunshine managing to break through the clouds momentarily. This was as much a friendly “nice to meet you” smile as it was a threatening “if something happened to Aldea, I’ll kill you” kind of smile. He then motioned for Scorpus and Gavros to follow him outside and left the Corsi in the stables. The poor horses groaned at their feet. Leading his sister along with him, Fonsoa called to his brothers to go talk in private in a stall a little further in the stable.
“All right, little brother, you win. This is getting too dangerous. I say we play along until dark and then slip out of the city.” Aldea frowned, slightly shaking her head. She held her arms, looking around. Elia took his eyes off the ground and glanced at his brother.
“To go where?” Andria asked.
“Anywhere other than here. Home?”
“I’m not gonna leave our horses to die.” Elia argued.
“Now he wants to stay?” Fonsoa smirked in disbelief.
“We have reared these horses since they were foals.” He insisted. “I love them. And I’m not going to leave them behind.”
“The Emperor’s son has seen us.” Andria added. “How far would we get if we run? We have no option. Fonsoa, you said it yourself last night… we can’t expect Aldea to leave the city either. She’s married and with child. I say, we throw in with Scorpus and Tenax.”
“It will be fine if you listen to what Tenax says, Fonsoa.” Aldea then spoke, following Andria as the later walked away. She looked over her shoulder when she heard something slam against wood. Elia was still in the stall, with Fonsoa following in his siblings’ footsteps. She sighed through her nose, quietly. He had been shoved by Fonsoa into the wall of the horse’s stall. She watched her brother walk past her and turned back, going straight to Elia.
“I’m fine.” He said under his breath as she grabbed his shoulder and made him look at her, putting her finger under his chin to lift his head. He softly pushed her hand away and she took a step back to give him some space and sighed before walking to the door where Andria was peeking out, looking at Scorpus, Tenax and Gavros. She arrived as Tenax pointed at her brother, ordering him to keep someone safe and since Scorpus led him away with him, pretending to go fetch some fresh horses, she understood he had sent Andria with Scorpus to go get something. She crossed eyes with her husband after he sent Gavros to get guards to stand.
“Where is my brother going with Scorpus?” Tenax looked around, bringing her towards the wall.
“We’ll talk about this later. Right now, I need to deal with this. I want you to go home.” She stared at him for a few seconds before nodding with a sigh. He saw she wasn’t really pleased to leave so he gave her a comforting look and she walked away. Before she even left the area of the circus, she glanced behind her, thinking of her two brothers and she was surprised to see Fonsoa, carrying a sack, leaving the stables. He didn’t notice her right away, staring into space angrily. She stopped in her tracks and waited for him to look at her which he eventually did as he came closer. He came to a halt.
“Where’s Elia?” At her question, he looked away with an annoyed snort and kept on walking. She called his name and walked with a brisk step to keep up with him. Seeing her struggle, he apologized and slowed down his pace. “Are you leaving?”
“Yes. I’m not spending another night in this city.”
“Fonsoa…” He turned to her, stopping suddenly and grabbed her shoulder.
“You’ve been living with this man for four years? We’ve been here for two days and it’s already getting dangerous. He threatened us.”
“I told you; everyone will be fine as long as you keep this situation to yourself. His threats weren’t empty, but he won’t harm you. He has to be like this. Life in Rome is quite unforgiving.” She tried to explain but he shook his head.
“No. I won't let this be my life, or yours, or my nephew's.”
“You can’t make me leave.” She argued with a scoff, leaning back, starign at him in incredulity.
“Aldea, this man is dangerous.”
“I’m the one living with him, Fonsoa. I know him. I get to say if he’s dangerous. Please, just trust me when I tell you that he’s not.”  She couldn’t believe she was having this conversation with him in the middle of the street and switched to Spanish mid-sentence. They argued all the way home until they stopped by the front door of Aldea’s insula. She looked desperate to convince her brother to change his mind and tired to fight with him.
He sighed, apologizing, “Lo siento, Aldea.”
“Please, reconsider.”
“I’ll see you later.” He gave her a kiss on her temple, and she watched him as he walked away and stood there until he disappeared from her sight, and only then did she enter the insula and get into the apartment where she got to cooking to keep herself busy while Tenax wasn’t home. Claudia came out of her room and proceeded to help her cook, cutting the foodstuffs together in the kitchen by the candlelight. Not long after, the two women stopped when the door suddenly opened, and a young Numidian woman was pushed into the room. Aldea looked at her, squinting her eyes in confusion. Tenax came in after her, closing the door behind her. He asked Claudia and Aldea to leave them and the Spaniard didn’t move for a couple seconds while the housekeeper went back in her room, but after a second look from Tenax, she walked past him and the young woman, glancing at her from the corner of her eyes and she closed the doors behind her, leaving them slightly ajar, peeking out. Tenax stretched out his hand towards the chair, asking the girl to sit but she glared at him, somehow reminding Aldea of herself when she first stepped in his home.
“I said sit.” He pointed at the chair again, with his index finger, the light making his signet ring shine.
“After you take me, sooner or later you will fall asleep, and when you do, I will slit your throat.”
“You’re going to still my throat?” He nodded his head, and she could feel him shoot up his eyebrows in skepticism. The girl gasped as he took a step towards her and grabbed her by the throat. Aldea carefully pushed the door, so as not to make any noise, though she wouldn’t have been punished if he saw she was listening – he expected she would and knew she was – and she approached her ear from the opening as Tenax lowered his voice, speaking closer to the girl.
“I own you. You are my slave.” Aldea frowned, not understanding why he would buy a slave, after not doing so ever since he bought her. He didn’t actually need a slave then; she didn’t know why he would need a slave now. “I can do whatever I want with you.” Someone started pounding on the door. The loud knocking interrupted him and Aldea grabbed the doors handles and opened them entirely, stepping outside of the bedroom as he pulled out his dagger before unlocking the front door and came face to face with another Numidian woman, standing on the landing. Tenax exhaled, seemingly exasperated. “You don’t give up.”
“I’m her mother.” He sighed, inviting her in with a gesture. She rushed towards her daughter, and they threw themselves into each other’s arms. Tenax glanced over his shoulder upon feeling Aldea come up from behind her. The look she gave him was asking for an explanation, but he responded with a wave of the hand, meaning he would deal with her later and he turned to the newcomer as he put away his blade.
“I already told you. She’s not for sale.”
“Everything is for sale. At the right price.”
“Not her.” She stood before her daughter, as if shielding her while Aldea watched Tenax from behind, puzzled by what was going on.
“Why did you buy her?”
“I need to know things about the person who bought your other daughter.” Aldea joined her hands at her waist, nodding to herself, now understanding why he bought a slave out of nowhere.
“I see. You seek to use this daughter as a go-between to my other daughter to spy on your enemy. I have an alternative.”
“I’m listening.”
“I will be your go-between.” She offered. Her daughter parted her lips, about to protest but her mother continued. “But you don’t touch her. And when this is over, whatever it is, you allow me to buy her… at your cost.”
Tenax scoffed, taking a few steps in the woman’s direction, “No. When all this is done, I will consider selling her to you for whatever price I like.”
“I need lodging.” He smiled, amused and chuckled, glancing over his shoulder at Aldea and showed the room at the back of the flat.
“You can stay with your daughter for a couple of nights.” He stressed the last few words and turned around, slipping his hand from Aldea’s shoulder to her back as he led her to bedroom with him. They would finally have some time to talk, just the two of them. Aldea had a lot of things to ask him to clarify the situation. The last thing they heard before he closed the doors behind them was the woman telling them her name, Cala.
[To be continued…]  
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter (SOON)
Published (08/20/2024) by Andrea
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supernaturalgirl20 · 2 years
The Viper & The Lamb
Pairings: Oberyn Martell x f!reader
Warnings: References to sex, kidnapping, arson, mention of death and murder, reader has dark hair, light eyes and is curvy.
Summary: Oberyn is one of the bosses of the Martell crime family and he’s out for revenge. Revenge for the murder of his beloved sister Elia and her family. He will stop at nothing to bring down the Lannisters, including kidnapping their precious daughter and using her as leverage. But you’re not who he was expecting, so when you completely flip his world upside down, he’s not prepared for the inevitable outcome. Falling madly in love with you.
A/N: just a short little piece to wet your tastebuds 😜 my migraine has been kicking my ass this week so I haven’t done any writing. Apologies if you’re waiting on requests to be answered. They are coming I promise 🥰
Series Masterlist
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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The air was thick and reeked of smoke and blood. The familiar smell filled his senses as he sat on his bike and looked behind him. A smile worked its way onto his face as his lips curled slightly at the corner of his mouth.
The Lannister crest fell to the ground as their club was engulfed in flames. Not his handiwork but his determination to see them ruined played a part.
The rev of engines roaring to life filtered out the muffled screams coming from Jarons bike. His eyes drift towards the sound and his face becomes serious again. You!
Another Lannister bitch. Not the one he was hoping for but he got what he came for all the same. Leverage.
“Ready to go, boss?” Trystane asked as he came up beside him on his bike.
His eyes flicker to you again briefly before he nods at his men. “Let’s head out before daddy dearest catches wind, and ruins all our plans. His time will come but not tonight.”
Oberyn stayed put a moment longer, watching as his men rode off, one by one. His eyes somehow found you once again and he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you were.
Dark hair falls over your shoulders, drawing his attention to the curve of your breasts. Beautiful and perky, barely contained in the black silk dress you wore, begging for his attention.
Your skin glistened with perspiration, no doubt from fear, and it somehow turned him on even more. His cock strained against the zipper of his jeans growing harder by the second as his mind conjured images of you writhing beneath him.
Something he would never acknowledge out loud. He would rather gouge out his eyes than ever admit to being attracted to a Lannister. The panic he saw in your light orbs stirred something within him.
Guilt twists in his gut as tears begin to stream down your face. A small part of him wants to set you free but the memory of his sister dying in his arms was enough to drown out those thoughts.
Everything he did was for her.
For his revenge on the man who took his sister.
Even if that meant condemning an innocent woman to death.
He was the Viper after all. And his venom was poisonous.
Part one
Everything: @maievdenoir @amneris21 @hnt-escape @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @jediknight122 @ayrusss @hayley-the-comet @sherala007 @alexxavicry @scorpio-marionette @donnaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @beskarprincessjenny @littlemisspascal @icanbeyourjedi @thatpinkshirt @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog @athalien @its--fandom--darling @sara-alonso @doommommy @browneyes-issac @trickstersp8 @nembees @kaitieskidmore1 @mswarriorbabe80 @allthe-ships @tintinn16 @hungrhay @rosie-posie08 @manuymesut @all-the-way-down-here @iccedays @tusk89 @graciexmarvel @pedrostories @musings-of-a-rose @untitledarea @your-voice-is-mellifluous @majestyjade @avengersfan
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natividadmoon · 1 year
It's going to be long but I wanted to give an opinion on the whole controversy of Jace's couples
I feel that it is much more complex to speak than just accuse of misogyny or homophobia
ironic because Sara Snow is a character with dubious reality but she is the one who started all this, lets go
I've been with Sara Snow's label since she started hinting at her name since the previous season and I've seen how it all escalates little by little
I don't know who was the first to mention it but I know that the first response was from the Baela x Jace chargers, at that time Cregan x Jace were not very active, it began to become popular with chapter 10
That he gets with the speech of humiliation and debasement of the black woman before a white one by Jace and Alyn (mrd's speech in my opinion because Baela will not stop being a white woman from a racist society no matter what complexion the actress interprets her, the infidelities were made as a white woman) ironic that those were fans of Daemyra (they even celebrated the beach scene) and I saw few complaints with the treatment of Laena, which was the true crime of the series
"That how they were going to take it from Jace" as if his were a prize, etc, etc. They seemed to be more people who didn't read the book yet or didn't remember that Baela was much more than two lines with Jace.
So as a woman and a fan of Elia it was easy to see what parameters were used to have compassion for a deceived and despised woman if she was not a Targaryen (Rhea Royce vs Rhaenyra is a clear example)
The irony that later en masse they grabbed that Sara Snow did not exist and it was Cregan with a wig. and Baela x Jace chargers who cried that if there was love, now they also seemed to live with the fact that HE WAS ALSO UNFAITHFUL with a man.
What I am going to say should be taken into account that she is being a woman, not a man. And it is that I feel that many times women fall into the fetishization and invalidation towards male couples, seeing as a fantasy or "minor relationship" towards a couple of two men, not a real relationship. This is a larger study, but this is in regards to women reacting to male partner history, as well as personal experience moving in different fandoms that include M/M shipping.
Fortunately @atopvisenyashill gave a very good point of the perspective of a gay man (or bi man too) before the Cregan x Jace couple and that opened my eyes a little. I mean, I'm not a man, but I certainly like how a lot of queer men take that pairing and pray it's canon (I even edited them myself because I'm not necessarily against it) bbut I feel like that applies to real ones, (hate that connotation), shippers of those couples that are far from the conflict Jace x Baela vs Jace x Sara
Regarding Sara Snow in the life of Jacaerys there are two points that will not change:
The relationship (more loving than friendly, although the latter can also work) does work to give Jace more nuances. I'm not saying he's a bad character, for me he was the best heir to the throne and my personal baby. But I feel that his character without errors works wonderfully in a historical book, and Jace is also going to be an important character in the series and when he is in a space of real time it will be noticed that he is not 100% like that (because that is what attracts us to characters of similar ages like Jon, Robb, Sam, etc) He feels the pressure of being heir to his mother, he feels the pressure of being a bastard in the series, even after winterfell he drives the dragon seeds. There is a reason that can be explained beautifully, if he gets to know a bastard.
If he falls in love with Sara Snow in the book or series,it will be blamed on a boy who literally has all that on top of himself, and who finds how different a bastard's life is and what he could have been in another time, Could it be a step to later weave friendships more easily like the one possible with Nettles? possibly
I know many say but Sara Snow has no personality and she is only turning to Jace's narrative. well at that point those are many characters, mainly secondary or third. especially with Jace ending up young as a result of his tragic death. Not to mention Harwin Strong, it's not like much is known about his personality beyond possibly "comforting" Rhaenyra or being on the birthing bed (even being present in King's Landing and Dragonstone, we don't even know the name of his sisters or what happened with them) and yet we all love him in the series and even Martin plans to write a book.
I feel like the fight was never in the Cregan x Jace and Jace x Sara shippers. The conflict was always like the Baela x Jace shipper, and their reactions to those two 2 shipps
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istumpysk · 1 year
“sara x jace is undermining a brown woman 😡”
then they go around ship ratghar and ly@nna together and shit talk elia and then they go ship show!d@emrya while undermining leana??? also b3ala was originally WHITE in the books and thats were most jace x sara shipers come from, but then paint us as racist while using poc to uplift theyre valyrian slavers
My official and only stance on the Baela Targaryen, Jacaerys Velaryon, and Sara Snow discourse:
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It's too stupid for words, I can't take it seriously.
And watch, the writers will probably minimize the impact on Baela, just as they did with Laenor Velaryon. All this faux outrage, and for what?
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 9 months
Plot bunny: noi siamo leggenda
Give me my new children
My babies! Your babies! Our babies! (You have no idea how much makes me happy someone throwing in my inbox asks about some of my italian babies, you literally have no idea)
Okay so, we have 7 babies, one born after we talked about fcs btw (never had this many for a fiction Rai or generally for one of my italian fandoms lmao)
(Also, can do a little moodboard thing with every ship vibes... if you want to... 👀 I have an idea that I could do even with different couples so... 👀)
Officially meet...
Elia Amato!
Michelangelo's older brother; Nicola Ravenna's best friend; kind of a dick until it's about his brother; no seriously, he's ready to kill a man in a second to protect him. Actually, he's very white cis man vibes but I swear he gets better! Powerless baby (lmao loser) Ship TBD
FC: Lorenzo Zurzolo
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Michelangelo Amato!
Elia's baby brother; this boy's anxiety has anxiety; hates crowded places and loud noises and loves music aka he's always wearing headphones in public; a sweetheart with everybody but also the loner of the school; just wished to know what people thinks about him so he could finally fit in... honey, you've got a big storm coming Mind reader. But he struggles a lot with it bc he can't control it, he just hears everybody (the range depends on how much he panicks basically) thoughts all together, unless he's touching somebody, then he hears just that person. That's the main reason why he's always wearing headphones later on btw. Jean Liberati ship
FC: Domenico Cuomo (But could change bc some news says that he might be in it for season 2, so... we'll see)
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Ambra Mariano!
Shares class with Greta; from a rich family; actress daughter of actors parents; loves her parents but sometimes wishes they were a "normal" family; tiny closeted lesbian btw Illusions bc she feels like her life is a big one Lin Mei Sun ship (but might evolve in a Lin x Sara ship)
FC: Ellie Bamber
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Genevieve Liberati!
Jean's older sister (always complains that everyone thinks she's the younger one); the perfect daughter aka the favourite (hates when her father picks favourites bc Jean is her favourite person in the world); too smart for her own good; somehow always finds out everyone crushes even before them; also lowkey wants to set them all and is basically Cupid lmao Already excited for when in season 2 she'll find out that her father indirectly killed her girlfriend's mother but okay Powerless baby (she's already too much powerful she doesn't need them) Lara Petrescu ship
FC: Katherine Langford
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Melissa "Meli" Perez!
Marco, Massimo and Andrea bestie; form a big colombian-italian family; total sunshine girl; just wants to make her people happy Empathy through aura reading. Bc my baby totally has witchy vibes and is already the most empathetic person on Earth. Also she technically has emotions manipulation, but like, very very light. Massimo Bianchi & Marco Nenchi ship
FC: Rachel Zegler
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Sylvie Badeau!
Jean's childhood friend aka comes from a rich french family; trauma walking baby (you'll want to murder her parents trust me); the sweetie of the group; no really with her the found family trope is so strong, they all would die for her (Jean can't die so he would kill for her lmao) Invisibility. Bc my girl needs a way to escape her shitty familiar life and that's the fastest way. Marco Nenchi ship
FC: Flavie Delangle
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Filippo Monti!
Nicola Ravenna's best friend; highkey hates the others in his group but hangs with them bc it's "or you're one of the cool guys and an asshole oer you're bullied"; technically Nicola's age but failed one year so he's in class with all the others Clairevoyance. This is actually very tbd but I just know it fits okay. You have to trust me on this Andrea Ravenna ship
FC: Francesco Centorame
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jxrm · 6 days
book log - 2024 (so far)
diva by daisy goodwin
the heiress by rachel hawkins
only if you’re lucky by stacy willingham
the chateau by jaclyn goldis
just stay away by tony wirt
the other mothers by katherine faulker
middle of the night by riley sager
the disappearance of astrid bricard by natasha lester
every time i go in vacation, someone dies by catherine mack
the last caretaker by jessica strawser
just for the summer by abby jimenez
house of glass by sarah pekkanen
the mayor of maxwell street by avery cunningham
first lie wins by ashley elston
the phoenix crown by kate quinn
murder road by simone st. james
the fury by alex michaelides
happiness falls by angie kim
the house of last resort by christopher golden
run rose run by dolly parton
the chalice of the gods by rick riordan
there should have been right by nalini singh
the mysterious case of the alperton angels by janice hallet
darling girls by sally hepworth
the pieces around us by leigh fields
love, theoretically by ali hazelwood
the teacher by frieda mcfadden
x by jack croxell
iron flame by rebecca yarros
the only suspect by louise candlish
throwback by maurene goo
the housemaid is watching by frieda mcfadden
zara hossain is here by sabina khan
slice by angie caedis
the ways of the dead by neely tucker
orphan train by christina baker
a court of silver flames by sarah j. mass
come and get it by kiley reid
the drowning woman by robyn harding
when i bleed: poems about endometriosis by maggie bowyer
the house in the pines by ana reyes
only say good things by crystal hefner
the mother-in-law by sally hepworth
daughter of mine by megan miranda
lore olympus: volume four by rachel smythe
this time it’s real by ann liang
anna o by matthew blake
the girl with the louding voice by abi dare
where the forest meets the stars by glendy vanderah
a friend in the dark by samantha m. bailey
the wife app by carolyn mackler
howl’s moving castle by diana wynne jones
the spanish love deception by elena armas
divide by jessa russo
lies and weddings by kevin kwan
the foxhole victory tour by amy lynn green
dying to tell by keri beevis
my father, the panda killer by jamie jo hoang
the wedding party by l.r. jones
girl gone mad by avery bishop
starter wife by bethany lopez
the queens of new york by e.l. shen
theater lovers by ciara blume
once upon a broken heart by stephanie garber
the surrogate mother by frieda mcfadden
crying in h mart by michelle zauner
don’t forget to write by sara goldman confino
the next girl by carla kovach
the paradise problem by christina lauren
ivy league liars by grace costello
every summer after by carley fortune
the ballad of never after by stephanie garber
a curse of true love by stephanie garber
the devil’s storybooks by natalie babbit
expiration dates by rebecca serle
the murmur of bees by sofia segovia
growing up hadley by dana harp
the vacation by john marrs
rum punch regrets by anna kemp
the five-star weekend by elin hilderbrand
people to follow by olivia worley
the treasure hunters club by tom ryan
you shouldn’t be here by lauren thoman
trophy wife by bethany lopez
seven summers by paige toon
veridian sterling fakes it by jennifer gooch
the friendship club by robyn carr
women of good fortune by sophie wan
the smuggler’s apprentice of guatemala by lachlan page
this summer will be different by carley fortune
natural selection by elin hilderbrand
the passengers by john marrs
asap by axie oh
island of shadows by christopher kvintus
swan song by elin hilderbrand
lore olympus: volume five by rachel smythe
blue hawaiian by carla luna
the villain edit by laurie devore
hermione granger and the order of the phoenix by sara baines-miller
the hotel nantucket by elin hilderbrand
bummer camp by ann garvin
pink glass houses by asha elias
cut and thirst by margaret atwood
the exception to the rule by christina lauren
#crimetime by jeneva rose
incidents around the house by josh malerman
the mistress by valerie keogh
kiki’s delivery service by eiko kadono
when we were friends by jane green
the honey-don’t list by christina lauren
worst wingman ever by abby jimenez
the perfect couple by elin hilderbrand
home is where the bodies are by jeneva rose
the only good indians by stephen graham jones
roar by cecelia ahern
the wedding people by alison espach
look in the mirror by catherine steadman
fit to die by daniel kalla
uglies by scott westerfield
hideaway by nicole lundrigan
the fortune teller by natasha boydell
crazy rich asians by kevin kwan
the wish by nicholas sparks
how the penguins saved veronica by hazel prior
the plus one by s. c. lalli
the haters by robyn harding
china rich girlfriend by kevin kwan
rich people problems by kevin kwan
the haunting of moscow house by olesya salnikova gilmore
0 notes
bglq5-anth0197 · 1 year
Bauman, Zygmunt, and David Lyon. 2013. Liquid Surveillance: A Conversation. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Costa, Elisabetta, and Donya Alinejad. 2020. ‘Experiencing Homeland: Social Media and Transnational Communication Among Kurdish Migrants in Northern Italy’. Global Perspectives (Oakland, Calif.) 2020(1) (1). https://doi.org/10.1525/gp.2020.12783.
Leggatt-Cook, Chez, and Kerry Chamberlain. 2012. ‘Blogging for Weight Loss: Personal Accountability, Writing Selves, and the Weight-Loss Blogosphere’. Sociology of Health & Illness 34 (7): 963–77. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9566.2011.01435.x.
Licoppe, Christian. 2004. ‘‘Connected Presence: The Emergence of a New Repertoire for Managing Social Relationships in a Changing Communication Technoscape’. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 22 (1): 135–56.
Madianou, Mirca. 2016. ‘Ambient Co-Presence: Transnational Family Practices in Polymedia Environments’. Global Networks 16 (2): 183–201. https://doi.org/10.1111/glob.12105.
Madianou, Mirca, and Daniel Miller. 2013. Migration and New Media: Transnational Families and Polymedia. Abingdon: Routledge.
Martin, Daniel D. 2000. ‘Organizational Approaches to Shame: Avowal, Management, and Contestation’. The Sociological Quarterly 41 (1): 125–50.
Morgan, David HJ. 1996. Family Connections: An Introduction to Family Studies. Polity. Cited in Madianou, Mirca. 2016. ‘Ambient Co-Presence: Transnational Family Practices in Polymedia Environments’. Global Networks 16 (2): 183–201. https://doi.org/10.1111/glob.12105.
Mota, Sara Pargana. 2016. ‘Today I Dressed like This’: Selling Clothes and Playing for Celebrity. Self-Representation and Consumption on Facebook’. Digital Photography and Everyday Life: Empirical Studies on Material Visual Practices, 35–51.
Petridou, Elia. 2001. “The Taste of Home.” In Home Possessions: Material Culture behind Closed Doors, edited by Daniel Miller, 87–104. London: Berg. Pitts, Victoria. 2004. ‘Illness and Internet Empowerment: Writing and Reading Breast Cancer in Cyberspace’. Health: 8 (1): 33–59.
0 notes
unfortunate-arrow · 3 years
🖼 + Sara & Barnaby and Brianna & Elias?
Elias keeps this picture of Brianna and it’s folded into a little square to be kept from anyone who happens to look through his stuff.
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Brianna keeps this photo of Elias because he looks so carefree.
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Sara keeps this photo of Barnaby, while Barnaby keeps this photo of her.
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Send 🖼 + a ship for what photo they keep of each other.
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thundersnowstorm · 6 years
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runaway hearts
First, they survive. After that, they will conquer.
Elia and Lyanna, one sunny afternoon in Lys.
day four of asoiafrarepairs week: silks/ furs - elia x lyanna
read on ao3
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butterflies-dragons · 2 years
what r the “canon” couples that are like jonsa or foreshadow jonsa ex: like jace and sara
Bael x Rose of Winterfell
Florian x Jonquil
Jaehaerys x Alysanne
Jacaerys x Sara
Aemon x Naerys
Dunk x Tanselle
Duncan x Jenny
Jonnel x Sansa
Ricard x Lyarra
Tywin x Joanna
Rhaegar x Lyanna
Ned x Cat
Mance x Dalla
Daemon Sand x Arianne Martell
Young Griff/Aegon son of Elia x Arianne Martell
And we can even count Jaime and Cersei as foils
Honorable mention:
Jaime x Brienne
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slytherbun · 3 years
character list
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note: i usually write as female reader but i’m now accepting male reader and gender neutral. <3
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↬ one chicago
─ jay halstead
─ adam ruzek
─ hailey upton
─ kevin atwater
─ kim burgess
— erin lindsay
— antonio dawson
─ kelly severide
─ matthew casey
─ leslie shay
─ sylvie brett
─ stella kid
─ violet mikami
─ evan hawkins
─ connor rhodes
─ ethan choi
↬ criminal minds
─ spencer reid
─ aaron hotchner
─ luke alvez
─ emily prentiss
─ jj jareau
─ derek morgan
─ penelope garcia
─ tyler green
─ elias volt
↬ prison break
─ michael scofield
─ lincoln burrows
─ fernando sucre
↬ wizarding world
─ draco malfoy
─ cedric diggory
─ theodore nott
─ remus lupin
─ sirius black
─ james potter
─ lily evans
─ sebastian sallow
↬ outer banks
─ jj maybank
─ rafe cameron
─ sarah cameron
─ pope heyward
─ john b
─ kiara carrera
↬ twilight
─ jasper hale
─ edward cullen
─ emmett cullen
─ charlie swan
↬ law & order - svu
─ rafael barba
─ sonny carisi
↬ 911 & 911 - lonestar
─ evan buckley
─ eddie diaz
─ tk strand
─ judson ryder
─ carlos reyes
─ owen strand
↬ stranger things
─ steve harrington
─ max mayfield
─ robin buckley
─ billy hargrove
─ eddie munson
─ jim hopper
─ mike wheeler
─ eleven/jane hopper
─ nancy wheeler
─ dustin henderson
─ lucas sinclair
─ will byers
↬ the rookie
─ tim bradford
─ lucy chen
─ angela lopez
─ wesley evers
─ john nolan
─ bailey nune
↬ the summer i turned pretty
─ jeremiah
─ conrad
─ steven
─ taylor
─ belly
↬ last of us part i & ii
─ joel miller
─ ellie williams
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─ matthew gray gubler
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poly with reader
warning: some ships can be mfm, fmf, ffm, mmf, fff, or mmm. please clarify when you request if you choose differently then my selection below.
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↬ one chicago poly
─ adam x kevin x reader
─ adam x kim x reader
─ jay x hailey x reader
─ jay x kim x reader
— jay x erin x reader
— kim x hailey x reader
─ kevin x kim x reader
— antonio x sylvie x reader
— jay x kelly x reader
─ matthew x kelly x reader
─ kelly x shay x reader
─ stella x kelly x reader
─ stella x sylvie x reader
─ violet x evan x reader
↬ criminal minds poly
─ spencer x aaron x reader
─ spencer x luke x reader
─ hotch x emily x reader
─ emily x jj x reader
─ penelope x luke x reader
─ spencer x aaron x luke x reader
─ penelope x tyler x reader
↬ prison break
─ michael x lincoln x reader
─ michael x sucre x reader
─ michael x sucre x lincoln x reader
─ michael x sara x reader
↬ wizarding world poly
─ draco x theo x reader
─ remus x sirius x reader
─ james x lily x reader
─ remus x sirius x james x reader
↬ outer banks poly
─ jj x rafe x reader
─ jj x pope x reader
─ jj x john b x reader
─ sarah x john b x reader
─ sarah x kiara x reader
─ jj x kiara x reader
↬ 911 & 911 - lonestar poly
─ evan x eddie x reader
─ tk x carlos x reader
─ judd x grace x reader
↬ stranger things poly
─ steve x robin x reader
─ steve x billy x reader
─ steve x eddie x reader
─ steve x nancy x reader
─ mike x eleven/jane x reader
─ nancy x robin x reader
─ max x eleven/jane x reader
─ max x lucas x reader
─ max x mike x reader
─ dustin x lucas x reader
─ will x mike x reader
↬ the rookie poly
─ tim x lucy x reader
─ angela x wesley x reader
─ john x bailey x reader
↬ the summer i turned pretty poly
─ jeremiah x conrad x reader
─ jeremiah x conrad x steven x reader
─ jeremiah x belly x reader
─ conrad x belly x reader
─ steven x taylor x reader
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coming soon
104 notes · View notes
skamtastic-tardis · 7 years
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The emotional rollercoaster masterpiece that was Håper du har Plass, Igjen
215 notes · View notes
doubleattitude · 3 years
Radix Dance Convention Nationals, Las Vegas 2021 Results
Core Performer:
(Top 3/4 in Bold)
Mini Female
Top 20:
Emily Jungmann
Isabella Kouznetsova
Skylar Wong
Madelyn Murphy
Carrigan Paylor
Kate Baldwin
Madison Carmody
Karyna Majeroni
Elizabeth Bilecki
Sasha Milstein
Diana Kouznetsova
Ellary Day Szyndlar
Tiara Sherman
Fiona Wu
Savannah Manzel
Camila Giraldo
Victoria Martinez
Georgia Beth Peters
Addison Price
Regan Gerena
Winner: Carrigan Paylor
Mini Male
Top 7:
Elias Elkind
Karson Koller
Santiago Sosa
Julian Aranda
Michael Cash Savio
Nico Dahl
Josh Lundy
Winner: Michael Cash Savio
Junior Female
Top 20:
Kendyl Fay
Daniela SanGiacomo
Kinley Andrews
Laci Stoico
Haileigh Brennan
Crystal Huang
Giselle Gandarilla
Kira Chan
Rylee Young
Kaili Kester
Taytum Ruckle
Maddie Ortega
Angelina Elliott
Anya Inger
Gracyn French
Aaliyah Dixon
Brinkley Pittman
Breanna Bieler
Alexis Mayer
Madison Ronquillo
Winner: Crystal Huang
Junior Male
Top 6:
Johnny Gray
Zachary Gibson
Haiden Neuville
Wyatt Brisson
Ayden Nguyen
Coltrane Vodicka
Winner: Coltrane Vodicka
Teen Female
Top 25:
Destanye Diaz
Izzy Howard
Kaitlyn Ortega
Jada Specht
Emily Madden
Harlow Ganz
Sabine Nehls
Dyllan Blackburn
Antonia Gonzalez
Brooklyn Law
Isabella Lynch
Avery Cashen
Charlie Kautzer
Valadie Cammack
Kiarra Waidelich
Isabel Joves
Olivia Magni
Rachel Loiselle
Mia Ibach
Cydney Heard
Madison Marshall
Kaylinn Rees
Hayden Frazier
Addison Middleton
Carly Thinfen
Winner: Kiarra Waidelich
Teen Male
Top 21:
Trent Grappe
Jack Brokaw
Luke Barrett
Nathan Scott
Antony Curley
Sam Fine
Louis Sloot
Rosendo Archiga
Harrison Robinson
Christian De Jesus
Xander Perone
Noah Ayden Grady
Jonah Daquigan
Samuel Sharp Jr
Jackson Koressel
Gavin Warfield
AJ Storey
Nicholas Bustos
Tucker Gokey
Ronnie Lewis
Sam Suro
Winner: Antony Curley
Senior Female
Top 22:
Camille Fehr
Rina Kanamaki
Elisabeth Pabich
Kayla Pereira
Sara Eberhardt
Ava La France
Selena Hamilton
Anna Miller
Skye Notary
Priscilla Tom
Mackenzie Jarrett
Libby Wiley
Makayla D’Ambrosio
Camryn Bridges
Maddie Thanos
Lola Coghill
Zoe Lemelman
Makenna Okamoto
Vanessa Valenzuela
Peyton Martineau
Erin Wienke
Izzy Burton
Winner: Erin Wienke
Senior Male
Top 13:
Wysdem Caesar
Garren Garcia
John Mays
Seth Gibson
Raiden King
Alec Brown
Bronson Dahmer
Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl
Sam McWilliams
Levi Sherman
Konnor Kelly
Zach Buri
Thiago Pacheco
Winner: Sam McWilliams
High Scores by Age:
Cash Prizes:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
Rookie Solo
1st: Mila Renae-’Soldier’
2nd: Lucia Piedrahita-’Fields of Gold’
2nd: Aliya Yen-’Loyal, Brave and True’
3rd: Melina Biltz-’Welcome Home’
4th: Zoey Brooks-’My Boyfriend’s Back’
5th: Lexi Menjivar-’I Will Survive’
6th: Moriah Peralta-’Up, Up & Away’
7th: Kaiya Carrillo-’Love Shack’
8th: Kinsey Fitts-’Can You Imagine That’
8th: Shale Herrera-’Dream’
9th: Madison Skapyak-’Songbird’
10th: Eden Hernandez-’Chocolate Box’
Mini Solo
1st: Camila Giraldo-’Welcome to Miami’
2nd: Skylar Wong-’Lovefooll’
3rd: Carrigan Paylor-’Orange Colored Sky’
4th: Regan Gerena-’My Boyfriend’s Back’
4th: Michael Cash Savio-’Rhythm’
5th: Tiara Sherman-’Cielo’
6th: Isabella Kouznetsova-’Trouble’
6th: Emily Jungmann-’You Sleep On’
7th: Winter Eberts-’Hit The Road Jack’
7th: Esme Chou-’Unravel’
8th: Addison Price-’Je Te Laisserai Des Mots’
9th: Avery Maycunich-’Wild is the Wind’
10th: Abigail Pucylowski-’Menace’
Junior Solo
1st: Crystal Huang-’Moonlight Sonata’
2nd: Gracyn French-’A Character of Quiet’
3rd: Angelina Elliot-’Out’
4th: Aaliyah Dixon-’That’s Life’
4th: Alexis Mayer-’Vanished’
5th: Laci Stoico-’Mein Herr’
6th: Daniela SanGiacomo-’Restless’
7th: Lexi Godwin-’Debut’
7th: Brenna Bieler-’Moonlight Sonata’
8th: Naia Parker-’Lit’
9th: Vivienne Robillard-’Immigration’
9th: Zoe Zielinski-’Z’
10th: Maddie Ortega-’A Winged Victory’
10th: Zachary Gibson-’Unknown’
Teen Solo
1st: Sophia Cobo-’Do You Feel Real’
1st: Izzy Howard-’Mer de Velours’
1st: Cydney Heard-’Je T'aime’
1st: Kiarra Waidelich-’The Resemblance is Uncanny’
2nd: Angelika Edejer-’One Giant Leap’
3rd: Kaitlyn Ortega-’Ain’t No Sunshine’
3rd: Harlow Ganz-’Breaking the Surface’
3rd: Antonia Gonzalez-’Like The Wind’
4th: Xander Perone-’Elijah’
4th: Dyllan Blackburn-’Silver Screen’
5th: Charli Ortiz-Ringenbach-’Is This Love’
6th: Ava Greendwaldt-’Countdown’
6th: Sammi Chung-’Eight’
6th: Isabella Warfield-’Nicest Thing’
6th: Jadyn Saigusa-’Wonderlust’
7th: June Hurley-’Don’t Think Of Me Like That’
7th: Kenzie Jones-’Flightless Bird’
8th: Finley Williams-’We’ll See’
9th: Sarah Laskowski-’For You’
10th: Addison Middleton-’ERROR’
10th: Rosendo Arechiga-’Thanks for Asking’
Senior Solo
1st: Thiago Pacheco-’The Poet’
2nd: Selena Hamilton-’Black Car’
3rd: Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl-’Darkness’
4th: Maddie Nemeth-’Sycamore Tree’
5th: Olivya Sessing-’House on the Hill’
6th: Sheridan Naugle-’Irreplaceable’
6th: Mia Tassani-’Mam’
6th: Seth Gibson-’Mind Bugs’
7th: Makayla D’Ambrosio-’Consider’
8th: Leigha Agins-’Prerogative’
9th: Milan Furtado-’As We Appear’
9th: Georgi Carmack-’Creature’
9th: Minda Li-’On Her Shoulders’
9th: Britton Moore-’Radiator’
9th: Libby Wiley-’Running Up That Hill’
9th: Sara Eberhardt-’Sticks and stone’
10th: Yasmine Quintana-’Hate’
Rookie Duo/Trio
1st: Danceplex-’Stand By Me’
2nd: AVANTI Dance Company-’It Must Be Love’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Never Enough’
4th: Notion Dance Concepts-’MILK $’
5th: The Industry Dance Academy-’Don’t Go Without Me’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Yesterday’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Something’s Gotta Change’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Gracious’
4th: Studio X-’Vogue’
5th: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’Gonna Get Ya’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: AVANTI Dance Company-’Go Girl’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Everything Is In Line’
3rd: Elements Dance Space-’Separate’
4th: Danceplex-’This Is Me Trying’
5th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Wild Life’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Make Me High’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Last Light’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Hey’
4th: Evolution Dance Complex-’Before You Go’
5th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Crystalized’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Mather Dance Company-’Trust Me Again’
2nd: The Difference Dance Company-’3′
3rd: MVP Dance Elite-’Bitter
3rd: CanDance Studios-’Revolution’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’June 7th’
5th: Studio 413-’Black Flies’
Rookie Group
1st: Danceplex-’Little Wonders’
2nd: Danceplex-’Lets Hear It For the Boy’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Lullaby’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Girls Night Out’
5th: Notion Dance Concepts-’Firework’
Mini Group
1st: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Searching For...’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Don’t Give Up On Me’
4th: Evoke Dance Movement-’I Think I Love You’
5th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Queen Bees’
Junior Group
1st: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
2nd: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
2nd: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Wind It Up’
3rd: Prodigy Training Center-’School of Prodigy’
3rd: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Sing, Sing, Sing’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Un Momento Finale’
4th: Cypress Dance Project-’What Is Love?’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Wolves’
5th: The Difference Dance Company-’1977′
5th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Alright’
Teen Group
1st: Project 21-’Bring On the Men’
2nd: Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
3rd: The Difference Dance Company-’Cellophane’
3rd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Heavenly Bodies’
3rd: Mather Dance Company-’Overdose’
3rd: The Difference Dance Company-’Unchained’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’The Cuckoo’s Nest’
5th: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Boom POW’
Senior Group
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Prague’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’I Love America’
2nd: Mather Dance Company-’We The Soldiers’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Hard Voices’
4th: Impact Dance Studio-’Fame’
4th: The Industry Dance Academy-’When Dirt Meets Water’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’Wolves’
5th: Mather Dance Company-’For All We Know’
Rookie Line
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Innana’
2nd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Ooh La La’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Wash & Set’
4th: Cypress Dance Project-’Bat Dance’
Mini Line
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’6 Out of Six’
1st: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’Go Your Own Way’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’You Can’t Stop the Beat’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Always’
4th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Booty Swing’
5th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Distance’
Junior Line
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Derniere Danse’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’Mein Herr’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Whole Lotta Woman’
3rd: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
4th: Impact Dance Studio-’Hallelujah’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance-’All Good People’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’It Wasn’t Always Like This’
5th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Mahala’
Teen Line
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’New York New York’
2nd: Studio 413-’Hold On Tight’
3rd: Project 21-’Post That’
4th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Dream Girls’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’
Senior Line
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Here Comes the Rain’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’No Colors Anymore’
3rd: Mather Dance Company-’Voice of God’
4th: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’
5th: The Difference Dance Company-’Cody Banks’
Rookie Extended Line
1st: AVANTI Dance Company-’Brave’
2nd: The Industry Dance Academy-’Hard Knock Life’
Mini Extended Line
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Trouble’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Settle Down’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Choo Choo’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Boy Meets Girl’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Dream In Color’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Evoke Dance Movement-’Purse First’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Hold Your Own’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Better Than Ever’
4th: Studio 413-’Girl Boss’
5th: Studio 413-’Goodbye’
5th: Evoke Dance Movement-’Lose Control’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Euphoric’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Hush Up’
3rd: Project 21-’Desoleil’
4th: CanDance Studios-’Throw It Back’
5th: Evoke Dance Movement-’Adios’
5th: CanDance Studios-’The Colony’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’My House, My Rules’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’So What Now?’
2nd: The Difference Dance Company-’The Ravens’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Terrified’
Junior Production
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’One More Time’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Eminence’
3rd: Studio 413-’Electricity’
Teen Production
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Fly Away’
1st: AVANTI Dance Company-’Gone Too Soon’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Rookie Jazz
1st: Danceplex-’Lets Hear It For the Boy’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Girls Night Out’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Ooh La La’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Wash & Set’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Spice Up Your Life’
5th: The Industry Dance Academy-’Material Girl’
Rookie Contemporary
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’Innana’
Rookie Lyrical
1st: Danceplex-’Little Wonders’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Lullaby’
3rd: Notion Dance Concepts-’Firework’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Brave’
Rookie Musical Theatre
1st: The Industry Dance Academy-’Hard Knock Life’
Rookie Specialty
1st: Cypress Dance Project-’Bat Dance’
Mini Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’You Can’t Stop the Beat’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Trouble’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’What Have You Done For Me Lately’
5th: Evoke Dance Movement-’Money Heist’
Mini Ballet
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe-’This Way’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Whistle A Happy Tune’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Rosamunde’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Cats’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’A Lovely Night’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Queen Bees’
2nd: Prodigy Training Center-’JR Prodigy’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Get Up’
4th: Prodigy Training Center-’Money’
5th: Heat Dance Studio-’Work It Out’
Mini Tap
1st: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’L.O.V.E’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Booty Swing’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Choo Choo’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Swing in the Mood’
4th: Studio 413-’Critical Level’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Charleston Charlie’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Aye Carumba’
Mini Contemporary
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’6 Out of Six’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Searching For...’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Distance’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’Lying’
5th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Glad It’s Raining’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Go Your Own Way’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Don’t Give Up On Me’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Always’
4th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Lego House’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Soon You’ll Get Better’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Dream In Color’
5th: Artistic Motion Dance-’What A Wonderful World’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Wedding Bells’
3rd: The Industry Dance Academy-’Revolting Children’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’I’ve Got Rhythm’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’All That Jazz’
Mini Specialty
1st: Evoke Dance Movement-’I Think I Love You’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Settle Down’
3rd: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’Come Little Children’
4th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Youth Strong’
5th: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’Child of Light’
Junior Jazz
1st: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Whole Lotta Woman’
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’One More Time’
2nd: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Purse First’
4th: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
4th: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Wind It Up’
4th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Mahala’
5th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Can You Dig It?’
Junior Ballet
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Combust’
2nd: The Industry Dance Academy-’Spring’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Bathers’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Prodigy Training Center-’School of Prodigy’
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Eminence’
2nd: Studio 413-’Girl Boss’
3rd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Lose Control’
4th: Cypress Dance Project-’Plain Jane’
5th: Heat Dance Studio-’Up’
Junior Tap
1st: Cypress Dance Project-’What Is Love?’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center-’I Love It’
3rd: Studio 413-’Into The Night’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Valerie’
5th: Cypress Dance Project-’Halftime’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’All Good People’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Hold Your Own’
2nd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’It Wasn’t Always Like This’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Un Momento Finale’
4th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Wasted Air’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Wolves’
5th: Studio 413-’Goodbye’
5th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Alright’
Junior Lyrical
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Hallelujah’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’You Are The Reason’
3rd: Stars Dance Studio-’Dawn of Love’
3rd: Impact Dance Studio-’Time After Time’
4th: To The Pointe Dance Centre-’It’s All Coming Back To Me’
5th: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’When I Look At You’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Mein Herr’
2nd: Cypress Dance Project-’Elle’s Big Day’
3rd: The Industry Dance Academy-’West Side Story’
Junior Specialty
1st Impact Dance Studio-’Derniere Danse’
2nd: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Sing, Sing, Sing’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Better Than Ever’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’You’re Mine’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’1977′
5th: Stars Dance Studio-’Spa’
Teen Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Bring On the Men’
2nd: Project 21-’Post That’
3rd: CanDance Studios-’Throw It Back’
4th: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Boom POW’
5th: Studio 413-’Social Media Overload’
Teen Ballet
1st: The Industry Dance Academy-’To The Pointe’
2nd: Cypress Dance Project-’Hunted’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Hush Up’
2nd: CanDance Studios-’Panaramic’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Runnin’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Clones’
5th: Studio 413-’Ready or Not’
5th: Studio 413-’Savage’
Teen Tap
1st: Studio 413-’No One’
2nd: Woodbury Dance Center-’I’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Go’
3rd: Summit Dance Shoppe-’25 Miles’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Studio 413-’Hold On Tight’
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Euphoric’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’
3rd: Project 21-’Desoleil’
4th: Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
5th: CanDance Studios-’Can I’
5th: The Difference Dance Company-’Unchained’
5th: The Difference Dance Company-’Cellophane’
5th: Stars Dance Studio-’Through our Strength’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance-’Heavenly Bodies’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Mather Dance Company-’Overdose’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Take Me’
3rd: Studio 19 Dance Complex-’Particles’
4th: Danceplex-’If I Say’
5th: Heat Dance Studio-’He Loves Me’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’New York New York’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Singular Sensation’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Almost Like Being In Love’
Teen Ballroom
1st: CanDance Studios-’I Got the Boom’
Teen Specialty
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Dream Girls’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’The Future Is Female’
3rd: AVANTI Dance Company-’Gone Too Soon’
4th: Heat Dance Studio-’Freedom’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’Pale’
5th: The Industry Dance Academy-’Flashing Lights’
Senior Jazz
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’My House, My Rules’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’Fame’
3rd: Mather Dance Company-’Prisoner’
4th: AVANTI Dance Company-’Need U Tonight’
5th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Cleopatrs in New York’
Senior Ballet
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Illumination’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’CrAzY’
Senior Tap
1st: Woodbury Dance Center-’Funkytown’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’No Colors Anymore’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’I Love America’
2nd: Mather Dance Company-’We The Soldiers’
3rd: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’
3rd: The Difference Dance Company-’Wolves’
3rd: The Industry Dance Academy-’When Dirt Meets Water’
4th: The Difference Dance Company-’The Ravens’
5th: The Difference Dance Company-’The First Time’
Senior Lyrical
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Prague’
2nd: Impact Dance Studio-’Here Comes the Rain’
3rd: Mather Dance Company-’Voice of God’
4th: Mather Dance Company-’For All We Know’
5th: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Wash’
Senior Specialty
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Hard Voices’
2nd: The Difference Dance Company-’Cody Banks’
3rd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’So What Now?’
4th: CanDance Studios-’I Won’t Complain’
5th: Cypress Dance Project-’To This Day’
Best of Radix:
The Rock Center for Dance-’Innana’
Danceplex-’Little Wonders’
1st: The Rock Center for Dance-’6 Out of Six’
2nd: Evoke Dance Movement-’Searching For...’
3rd: Project 21-’Dive In the Pool’
4th: Impact Dance Studio-’You Can’t Stop the Beat’
5th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Trouble’
6th: Woodbury Dance Center-’Don’t Give Up On Me’
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Derniere Danse’
2nd: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
3rd: Woodbury Dance Center-’Mahala’
4th: Summit Dance Shoppe-’Whole Lotta Woman’
5th: Evoke Dance Movement-’Purse First’
6th: The Rock Center for Dance-’All Good People’
7th: Orange County Performing Arts Academy-’Wind It Up’
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’New York New York’
2nd: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Euphoric’
3rd: Project 21-’Bring On the Men’
4th: Studio 413-’Hold On Tight’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance-’Hey!’
1st: Impact Dance Studio-’Here Comes the Rain’
1st: Nor Cal Dance Arts-’Prague’
2nd: Mather Dance Company-’Voice of God’
3rd: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’
3rd: The Difference Dance Company-’Wolves’
4th: The Industry Dance Academy-’When Dirt Meets Water’
Best in Show ($10 000):
Winner: Impact Dance Studio-’New York New York’
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sanaandthesun · 7 years
skam characters tag game
tag these names and let tumblr fill in from tags you have written in the past. either pick the first one or you favourite one. skip the name if you have none:
“Sana...” “Elias...” “Yousef...” Mutta, Adam, Mikael, Noora, Eva, Vilde, Chris, Isak, Even, Mahdi, Jonas, Magnus, Sara, Ingrid, Laila, Jamilla, Mari, Eskild, Linn, William (any version of his name)
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karmilleryn · 3 years
Okay so I just stayed up way too late to finally binge-watch Young Royals
And I totally agree with everyone that it’s Skam OG S3 x RWRB which of course was just *chef’s kiss*
And because of Skam, I actually preferred it in Swedish with subs as opposed to the English dub! And I didn’t realize Swedish was so similar to Norwegian (which makes sense, but still, I would never have the audacity to just assume that lol), but I was able to pick out many similar words! (still going strong on my Norwegian Duolingo 💁🏻‍♀️😂)
But I haven’t seen anyone point out my favorite similarities:
Ayub and Simon literally and figuratively keeping their heads down and shoveling pasta in their mouths trying to avoid the awkward tension between Sara and her and Simon’s mom, just like Isak and S1 Elias (not to be confused with S4 Elias lol) doing that when Eva and Jonas were fighting when they were at the cabin 😂😂
Wille and Simon having a Moment™ on the bikes (even if Ayub and Rosh were there too lol), just like Isak and Even 😂🥲
The Height Difference™ between Wille and Simon, and Wille (the blonder/royal one lol) being the taller one, just like Even with Isak and Henry with Alex 😂🥲
Simon being too young and therefore desperately trying to figure out how to buy booze other people were demanding of him, just like Isak 😬🙈 (I was just reminded of this one when I was looking something up on Skam’s IMDb page and saw the title of E2 lol)
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