#sarah and John b are better in season 2 and 3
I skipped all of season 1 of Outer Banks because I just despise John B dating someone Kaira had active beef with, like way to pick a girl over your friend.
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loveharlow · 1 month
my unpopular obx opinions that no one asked for (unfiltered and in detail)...
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Sarah cheating on John B was not unexpected. She ran into the arms of Topper Thornton whenever the opportunity presented itself which bring me to my next point...
Sarah does not like being a pogue. I believed she liked the initial freedom and adventure but when shit gets tough, she runs back to what reminds her of her old life (*cough cough* Topper). She has the luxury of being on the fence of Kook and Pogue sometimes.
Pope is technically the real main character of the show. On paper, yes, the show is about John B finishing the treasure hunt that his father started. BUT, after season 2, it was clear that the entire treasure itself revolved around Pope, a direct descendant of the man the treasure belonged to and I don't think we got enough of that.
Pope is a stronger character than he is presented to be. I think the show highlighted his self-defense capability in seasons 2 and 3 but it's widely ignored that this man has gone up against Rafe on multiple occassions and lowkey beat his ass. (Rafe beat his ass too but still).
Kiara will forever be wrong for how she did Pope. She treated him like SHIT. Like, if I was Pope, I genuinely could not be friends with her after like. P4L my ass. And then there are people who call him butthurt but if the roles were reversed...Hardcore Kie fans can defend her all they'd like but after a certain point, there was no excuse for her to be leading him on the way she did. She knew she didn't like him in that way and that's very clear from the start of season 2, but she proceeds to sleep with him and then tell him off.
Ward is a better father than Big John. Y'know, I pondered on this for a bit. And I am standing by it. Big John would break both of John B's legs and throw him onto a set of train tracks if it got him closer to finding the gold and excuse it by saying some shit like "But you didn't die, did ya, Bird?". Like that man was ALIVE for almost an entire year and made no attempt to contact his son. Ward is a criminal by all means but most of the time, at least what we saw as viewers, he was doing it for Rafe.
Cleo deserves more screen time and a better backstory. I know she's a new character and all but like WHAT'S HER LAST NAME?? Like does she not have one? Is she not real??
(edit) Kiara is very insensitive to the feelings of her friends and overall generally self-centered. She literally acts like her parents are the worst in the world. I get it, they don't like her friends and they are indeed hypocritical towards the pogues considering her father was one. But in season 2, she gets in the car and says "this shit would be so much easier without parents" next to JJ, aka the one with an abusive father. Not to mention, she's seen how John B fell apart after his father disappeared and how hard it's been for Sarah to go against her father.
Anyway, I did this out of boredom. I had to take a break from actual writing for a moment.
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biisexualemma · 1 year
sneak (one step forward pt.2). rafe cameron
word count: 2.1k
warnings: one swear word i think lol
requested: by me again soz
plot: rafe takes you home after a long night
a/n: who has watched the new season? 😗
part 1 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6
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the car journey was mostly quiet, you rested your head, eyes heavy as the hum of the car nearly lulled you to sleep. that was until you crossed the bridge over into the cut and rafe cleared his throat, catching your attention, your eyes cracking open again to look over at him. his sharp jawline accentuated from this angle despite the lack of light.
"so where'd you live?" he enquired, thinking he should probably know where he was dropping you off, instead of just driving around all night.
"just drop me at john b's," you didn't much feel like going home right now, crashing at john b's felt like the better option.
you watched rafe glance over at you for a split second, eyebrows pinching together very slightly. "it's ok if it's far, i don't mind. i said i'd take you home," he said sharply, his shoulders straightening out a little.
you shook your head, with a small sigh, "john b's is fine, i don't really feel like going home."
"but they're all at the bonfire, john b's is deserted."
"so?" you were getting a little impatient with all of his questions.
"so i don't think you should be alone right now," he said it without thinking.
you said with a slight yawn, "i'll be fine."
he shook his head slightly, his jaw clenched down as he battled with himself on what to do. he didn't like the idea of leaving you alone but he didn't know exactly what else to do with you. in a split second decision, he pulled into the next run in, glancing over his shoulder as he reversed, taking his car back in the direction they came.
"rafe," you said with caution, alarm bells were ringing. you sat up straight now, putting your hand over where his sat on the gear stick. "what're you doing?"
"i'm taking you home," he said shortly.
"you're going the wrong way--" you spoke with slight panic.
"my home," he clarified.
"stop saying my name like that, jesus," he snapped a little, rolling his eyes. "you've been to my house a thousand times with sarah, how is this any different?" he was losing his patience with you. you didn't seem to have any concern for your own safety, and that's all he was doing.
"i really don't want to argue with you again so can you just turn around please?" your hand moved up from his and onto his forearm. rafe thought that if he clenched his jaw down any tighter he might crack a tooth.
"then don't argue, we'll be there in no time. just go back to sleep, ok?" your hand slipped from his arm and you curled back into yourself.
"you have a reputation, rafe," you mumbled after a few minutes sitting in silence. you had caught his attention, he glanced over at you for a second out the corner of his eye. you tucked your hair behind your ear, your cheeks still flushed, eyes heavy, arms crossed over yourself.
"do i?" he spoke nonchalantly.
"don't act like you don't know," rafe sighed at your accusatory tone. he was getting sick of you attacking him when all he'd done tonight was help you.
"no, i don't know, y/n," he rolled his eyes. "mainly because i don't care," he glanced at you, you would hardly look at him. "why would i care what you and your little pogue friends think of me? you don't fucking know me."
he pulled into the drive leading up to tanyhill, and when he pulled up outside you both sat in silence for a minute.
"i haven't got any bad intentions despite what you think of me," he spoke softer now, he was just as tired as you were now. "i was just trying to help you out."
"why?" you were looking over at him now, glancing him up and down. he used the palm of his hand to flatten his hair down, before his eyes moved away from the dashboard and over to you.
"i already told you," he said halfheartedly.
"well, i didn't believe you," his eyes were boring into yours, wide and unpredictable, you couldn't make out what he was thinking.
"i was just trying to do the right thing," you eyelids fluttered with tire, listening to his voice that was soft and slow now. "you're not like the rest of them."
"i am exactly like them, rafe, don't kid yourself."
"you're not," he shook his head. he pulled his eyes away from yours, leaving the car and leaving you alone until he appeared outside the passenger door, opening it up for you. he held out his hand for you to take but you didn't, you climbed out the car and walked past him. he rolled his eyes before leading you up to the house.
never could you have predicted that this was how you'd be spending your night. it was still pretty early, the lights still on in the house.
"shit," he muttered under his breath when he peered through the glass of the door. you went to see for yourself but rafe panicked, quickly wrapping his arm around you and yanking you backwards so you were behind him. "they'll see you, come on," he nodded his head in the opposite direction, grabbing your hand without thinking and pulling you along with him.
you couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed, he didn't want his family to see him coming home with you, no matter how innocent it was.
"this way," he nudged you in front of him, in through the back door where the lights were off. you wandered in, struggling to see what was around you in the dark when rafe grabbed your hand again and pulled you along with him through several different rooms very carefully avoiding his family.
before you knew it you were up the stairs and you were trailing behind him down the hall to his bedroom. all the times you'd been in this house, you'd never once seen what was behind his door.
"rafe?" your head snapped around to behind you where the small voice had come from. wheezie. "y/n?" her eyes widened when you turned and she saw your face, eyes flickering between you and where rafe was still holding your hand. her mouth fell open a little.
you snatched your hand away from his, awkwardly holding yourself and giving wheezie a quick wave, unsure what else to do with yourself.
"what the fu—" her words were quickly cut short as rafe ran over to her, his hand clamping around her mouth in an effort to get her to shut up.
"watch your mouth— and keep it down," he warned, his eyes just as wide as hers, and for the first time you saw some similarity in them. "ew, wheeze," he pulled his hand off her mouth, his face screwing up in disgust as he wiped his hand down on his pants where you'd assumed she'd licked his hand.
"what the hell are you doing with her?" she'd lowered her voice, glancing behind rafe and over at you.
"she just needed a place to crash," he shrugged but she didn't look like she believed him. she knew more than she let on despite what her family thought.
she frowned at her brother, before looking at you again. you moved closer to her, eyes pleading with her. "wheezie," rafe's head snapped round to you when you spoke to his sister. "please, please don't mention this to sarah, ok?" you were begging her, rafe eyed you up and down.
"why would i do that?" she eyed you both up sceptically.
you went to speak again but rafe cut you off. "if you keep your mouth shut about this i'll drive you anywhere you want for a week," he looked a little annoyed as he said it but it seemed to peak her interest.
she hummed. "a month—"
"wheeze—" he groaned.
"a month or i'll call for dad right now," rafe rolled his eyes. if there was any doubt that she was a cameron, it was gone now.
he huffed, holding out his hand for her to shake which she quickly latched onto. "fine, deal. now go back to bed and i don't want to hear from you again tonight, alright?"
she traced her fingers across her lips, pretending to lock them with a key and throw it away. you couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as she turned back to her room.
"c'mon," he mumbled, heading back down the hall to his room. you followed behind him after hesitating for a moment.
you didn't know what you were expecting to find in rafe's room, but it felt fairly normal. you were careful as you closed the door behind you, watching as he picked up a couple things and moved them around, but mostly it was very clean.
"here," he held out a t-shirt and some shorts for you to change into, placing them in your arms when you held them out. "you can take the bed, i'm gonna go find some blankets."
you were in a bit of a daze, snapping out when rafe closed the door behind himself and you were left alone. you quickly pulled off the dress you'd been wearing and threw on the clothes he'd leant to you. they were slightly too big but you figured you'd only be sleeping in them so it was fine.
you sat yourself on the edge of his bed, crossing your legs over as your eyes started drooping closed. you jolted out of your daze again when there was a soft knock on the door.
"safe to come in?" you recognised his voice.
"yeah," you mumbled back and he poked his head around the door, with his hands full of blankets and cushions. he hesitated a little when he saw you sitting there in his clothes. he had to pry his eyes away and start making up his bed on the floor.
"go to sleep, you're tired," you just nodded, climbing under his sheets and moving around until you were comfy.
after a while he flicked the lights off and you lay there in silence mulling over everything that happened that night.
"how you feelin'?" he mumbled almost quiet enough that you didn't hear it.
"ok," you muttered, rolling onto your side where you could just make out the shadow where he was lying below you. "you?"
he just hummed in response, leaving the silence to take over again but your mind was wandering again.
"you and wheezie are pretty close, hm?" you voice was quiet, hesitant to ask him about his family. he didn't answer straight away which made you think you'd overstepped.
"she's my little sister," he mumbled after a while.
"yeah," you hummed, your mind was ticking even though you were tired. "but you're not like that with sarah," you added curiously.
"it's different."
"because sarah's the favourite?" you saw his head swivel towards you even though it was still dark. you couldn't see his eyes or his expression but you felt like maybe you'd said the wrong thing. "sorry," you muttered afterwards. "it was just an observation, i don't know," you backtracked.
he was quiet, "sarah has always been the golden child. wheeze and i are an afterthought."
you hummed, listening to every word he spoke carefully. it was interesting to see into his mind, know what he was thinking for once. "that's kind of a shitty way to treat your kids."
rafe let out a quiet humph, a small smile creeping onto his lips even though you couldn't see it. "yeah, well my dad can be a pretty shitty person when it suits him."
your eyebrows came together in a soft frown, sneaking your arm under you head as you listened intently. ward was a pretty respectable person in kildare, so to hear one of his kids talk about him like this was new. even if you always had a sneaky feeling that he was a little too nice.
"well, that's his problem," you mumbled, eyes drifting shut the longer you forced them to stay open. "if he can't see what's right in front of him."
your words were a little slurred which rafe had noticed. he sighed. "yeah, well, you should get some sleep," he offered. you only responded with a soft, noise of acknowledgement. "goodnight," he mumbled.
"g'night, rafe," you murmured, half asleep at this point, your words barely intelligible. "thanks," you sighed, rolling over so your back was facing him now. your mind still ticking over but the exhaustion from the rest of your body taking over.
he was quiet for a moment before he answered, when he was convinced you were asleep or at least too tired to care, "anytime."
you went to sleep that night confused and far too in your head about rafe cameron, unsure how you could wake up the next day and go back to normal.
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maybankswife · 4 months
Falling for him part 2
JJ Maybank x fem Kook Reader
You and Sarah have been best friends since you could walk, and now it has all started to change. and fast.
*This uses scenes from Obx Season 1, but modified to fit Y/N into the storyline.*
Mentions of weed, swearing, someone getting hurt, drama??, I think that's it let me know if there is anything else.
Hey guys, this is part 2! I'm pretty sure this will be a 3+ part story all around the 3k word mark. Please give me some suggestions or requests you would like to see in later fics!
Enjoy reading this!
Falling for him part 1
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“Okay, so what are supposed to do now?” you question, readjusting in your seat in hopes of getting JJ to move.
“Tomorrow night we are going to the Crane house to look for the gold in a well that we found underneath the house.” John B replies, you shoot Sarah a look as soon as you hear the word “Crane”
“Wait Crane? Like Mrs Crane, the one who killed her husband?” your question was more directed at Sarah than anyone else, but JJ responds,
“Yeah, it’s weird. D’know why it had to be there” JJ mumbled, standing up from the couch. You finally felt like you could breathe, you could feel the places where your skin had been stuck onto his. He pulled a blunt out of his pocket followed by a lighter, you stared at him as he lifted it up to his mouth and lit it. The smell of weed instantly became all you could smell and taste, your nose twitched at it.
“I don’t understand why we are getting her involved” Kiara responds, reminding you she still doesn’t like you.
“I have a name y’know” you crossed your arms, staring at her.
“Its fine Kie, we can trust her” John B fires out, he stands up grabbing Sarah by her hand and walking out to the jetty that’s outside John Bs home.
JJ walks back towards the couch, and Kiara stands up brushing past JJ and walking out of the Chateau quickly followed by Pope.
“Don’t worry, she had the same reaction with Sarah” JJ said, grunting as he sat down next to you again. You hated confrontation, it made you extremely anxious, so you sat there playing with the bracelets on your wrist and bouncing your leg up and down.
“I don’t understand why she’s mad, she is the one that walked out on our friend group” You could still smell the weed on JJ, it stunk. You leaned back into the couch, letting yourself breathe for a moment.
“I’ve always liked you anyways” JJ responds, turning around to look at you. you heart skipped a beat at that sentence, you searched his face for any further explanation of what he meant. Did he like you as a friend or did he like you as a love interest? He stood up again, walking out the chateau towards the jetty were Sarah and John B are, leaving you to think about what he said a thousand times over in your head.
The words spun around your head millions of times, you were zoned out in a place of pure confusion and hope. You could feel your heartbeat in your chest, pounding like a drum. Your palms feel sweaty, and your cheeks are burning up. You quickly snap out of it when you hear the screen door open. You blink your eyes out of the trance, seeing Sarah walking towards you.
“Hey, how are you feeling about all this?” she questions you, sitting down next to you on the couch. You scotched over, readjusting your seating position.
The question took you aback, you had to sit and think for a while before answering.
Is this really what I want?
Am I willing to sacrifice for this group?
Yes, I am.
“You know, I’m feeling okay. I would feel better if Kie wasn���t being such a bitch but I’m okay” you responded to Sarah, giving her a smile to reassure you that you were okay. She smiles back, excitement decorated on her face. Your glad this made her happy, besides you need to get out of the bubble wrap at some point, right?
“I’m so glad, thank you” her voice was sincere, you leaned in for a hug, and she wrapped her arms around the back of your neck swaying you both sideways before letting go and jumping up from the couch.
“Come, everyone is sitting on the jetty” She reaches out her hand, and you grab hold of it and let her pull you up off the couch. You both walk to the screen door that leads outside, push it open, and walking down the wooden steps. You walk across the lush green grass, breathing in that familiar smell of the Outer Banks, one so nostalgic and homey. You continue walking down the jetty until you get to the end where the rest of the pogues are. Kiara is off to the side, sitting under the railing and up against a pillar next to Pope, JJ and John B are sitting on the only two chairs that are there. Sarah sits on the floor between John B's legs, you just decided to sit on the floor In front of everyone.
John B and JJ are talking about ways to get the gold out of the well, Kie and Pope are having a conversation but it’s too quiet to hear what exactly they are saying just muffled murmurs. Sarah looks exhausted and has her eyes closed, there is no one to talk to you. so instead you listen into what John B and JJ are saying.
“Okay so we need rope, so we can lower you down into the well” JJ adds, gesturing towards John B.
“I swear to god JJ, if you guys drop me, I’m going to kill you” John B responds with laughter, JJ cackles at his joke.
“Nah don’t worry bro, we gotchu” JJ replies, doing the Pogue handshake with John B. you watched as they do it the back of JJ’s hand hits John Bs palm, then John bs back hand hits JJs hand, followed by the outside of their hands hitting together and a snap. It simple and easy enough to remember, you start practicing it on yourself. JJ looks over and sees you doing the handshake with yourself,
“How are we going to transp-” John B was cut off by JJ
“Yo, hold that thought” JJ stood up from his chair walking over to you. You looked up as soon as you saw his feet in front of you.
“Let me help you” he insisted “here stand-up” you stood up, standing in front of him.
“Okay put your hand like that” you followed his directions, “yep, then like this and into the snap” he finished, watching your smile brighten your face up.
“See its easy” JJ cheered, looking into your eyes.
“Thank you!” you responded, laughing at his unseriousness. You couldn’t see it, but you could feel Kiara staring daggers into the side of your head, you could feel her negative mood fill the space around you.
She’s so pure, there is just something about Y/N that makes her so alluding. Her smile brightens her whole face, it's warm and big. Her big eyes are so gorgeous, I feel weak every time I’m under her gaze. She reminds me of the sun, Warm and fuzzy, Bright, and happy like long summer days. She is the definition of summer, if summer was a person, it would be her. Her sun-kissed cheeks and freckles sprinkled all over her body. Her laugh made me feel like I was on cloud nine, sure I’d noticed her at parties and drunkenly asked to hook up with her, Kook Princess. But now, I’m really noticing her, Y/N Palmer, Pogue, a ball of hope, joy, love, and care.
But what would an amazing person like her want to do with a low life like me? Nothing that’s what.
Why is she still here? she doesn’t belong. Why is John B happily letting her into my friend group? She is nothing like us, she doesn’t care about any of the things we do. Can she not read the room, she’s not wanted here, and why is JJ talking to her? He is usually so protective of his friends and doesn’t just let a random girl into the group,
he hates kooks.
She needs to leave.
You and JJ continue doing the handshake until you can do it without thinking about it, your laughter filling the air around you, casting a shadow over Kiaras negative mood.
“There ya go! You got it” JJ cheers out, high fiving you. your hand wraps around his unconsciously, and his hand seems to follow, the two of you are now holding hands and for a split second you could feel something, it was like a spark of electricity a warm tingle connecting the two of you together. As fast as you held hands you both let go. JJ’s gaze was on you and you only it’s like he felt it too, the connection. You look up at him through your lashes, your cheeks turning pink when you see the soft smile on his face. You tuck your hair behind your ear, and you spend a moment together, like no one else was with you.
“Thanks for the tutorial” you clear your throat, placing a hand on your hip.
“Well, you gotta know it, you’re a Pogue now” the words light like a feather, he says it with meaning and care. You cover your face with your hands, you feel embarrassed at how red your cheeks are right now.
You take your hands away from your face and turn to your left eyeing the empty chair JJ once sat on. Theres no way you’re sitting on the floor again, you turn back to JJ and flash a big smile, he looks at you confused but you let him figure out what your about to do. As soon as you see the smile on his face and the shake of his head you bolt towards the chair, JJ is fast behind you pulling at your arms. You manage to be the first in the chair, but JJ pulls you of it sitting down on it. You laugh as your body hits the floor, you pull at his legs trying to get him off the chair, but its no use he is too strong and holds himself onto the chair. You give up, crossing your arms and giving JJ a daring look.
You could feel everyone’s confused expressions on you, it’s understandable you and JJ are acting like you’ve known each other for years. And to you, it feels like you have. But the truth is you have barely spoken to him before, only given him the finger when he drunkenly asked you to have sex with him which you always refused to. So, you really don’t know him, and he doesn’t know you, but it feels like you do, it feels like you and him are soulmates, your hearts beat as one.
“JJ please, let me sit on the chair” you plead with him from the floor. He looks at you a smirk lines his lips.
“Or we can share” he proposes, tapping his lap. You look at him, stunned. Did he really just invite you to sit on his lap? Or are you just imagining this?
“No thanks” you respond, his smile drops, replaced by an offended look. You lie down on the planks beneath you, trying to gather your thoughts on what the hell just happened.
You are in the back of the twinkie, and John B pulls up to an old house. He starts going through a checklist of items,
“You guys got rope?” John B asks,
“Got it” pope calls out,
“Grappling hook?” John B continues,
“We don’t have a grappling hook, were not batman” Pope replies, to which everyone bursts out into laughter.   
“Dark clothes?”
“Got it”
“All right, good” John B finishes his list. “Were ready”
“let’s go” Kiara calls out.
“Let’s go get rich guys” JJ jokes, which makes you whip your head around to look at him.
“Yeah, hell yeah” You respond, slapping JJ with the back of your hand. John B gets out the twinkie, walking around the front and to the side of the van
“Let’s go boys… and girls” Kiara says, in a weird tone. John B slides the door open, everyone is about to get out before John B stops everyone.
“Wait, wait, wait.” He continues, “I wanna say thank you, guys. Seriously. It means a lot to me that you’re here tonight”
“Always” Kiara returns, looking around at everyone, but her eyes skip over yours. Your head starts spinning, you still don’t understand why she is acting so sour towards you. your anxiety starts to spike, making you feel nauseous and dizzy.
“Of course, man” Pope says to John B, doing the handshake you had learned before with JJ.
“My man” John B says,
“Alright, are we done with this circle jerk?” JJ interrupts the moment, “Can we go do this?” everyone rolls their eyes at him, but you can’t help but smile at his joke. Everyone hops out of the van, Pope, Kiara, Sarah, JJ and then you.
“Let’s go get the wheat out of this water” Pope says,
“Weed? I’m up for weed” JJ bounces off from pope,
“Wheat. I said wheat.” Pope replied, pronouncing his words.
The group made their way over to the stone wall that is out front of the Cranes house,
your heart is thumping in your chest.
First Sarah goes, you watch where she puts her foot and how she climbs up. Kie follows after her, doing the same thing Sarah did. John B and Pope go next, now it’s just you and JJ on the other side of the wall. You walk up to the wall, and asses it trying to find where the best spot is to put your foot. You find a nice place and stick your foot in it, pulling yourself up. But as you were doing so, it was almost like you blacked out for a second, your vision went blurry, and you couldn’t see what was in front of you. you let go of the wall and fell backwards, landing on the grass in front of the wall. Your head hit the ground pretty hard, you felt like the world around you was spinning.
“Oh shit! Guys she fell!” JJ called out, hoping the pogues hadn’t gone too far already. He rushed over to you, sliding down onto the floor next to you. He put his hand on your forehead and brushed your hair back off your face, his eyes checking over your body to see if you were badly hurt anywhere. His hand shakily hovers over your body. “Shit, I don’t know what to do! John B!” JJ yelled out again, his eyes frantic still trying to see if you had broken anything. “It’s okay, you’re okay I can’t see anything wrong” his head was hovering above yours, his hand cupping your cheek. You look at him, his face is drawn with worry.
“Okay, I’m fine I just hit my head” JJ moves back, as you sit up. He is quick to be back by your side.
“Wait you hit your head?” He forcefully moves your head, so the back of it was towards him.
“JJ what the fuck is going on bro?” John B yelled from the other side of the wall.
“Dude, she fell! I’m Just making sure she’s okay!” he yelled back, his hands searched your head looking for any cuts on it, he was gentle, moving your hair out of the way, and carefully searching through it.  
“Hurry up!” John B called out again, sounding impatient.
Shit. You’re causing a scene and making everyone wait you can imagine Kiara and what she is probably thinking right now.
Your breath quickens.
“JJ I’m fine” you turned your head around to look at him, his hands still in front of him. You started to stand up, but JJ stood up before you could
“Wait are you sure? Let me help you” he grabbed your arm and pulled you up. When you were standing his hand fell down to you hand, his fingers intertwined with yours.
“J, I’m fine just help me up” you walk over to the wall, letting go of JJs hand and putting your foot in the same spot it was in before. Your arms and legs felt like jelly.
Your hands started shaking.
“Can I put my hands here?” JJ asked you, his hands hovering over your waist. You looked down to where his hands are, you pushed his hand into your waist
“Yeah, and then push me up” both his hands tightened around your waist, you hoisted yourself up with JJs help. You knew that you could have done that yourself but because you fell you were scared to. You were sitting on the wall, and then jumped down. JJ was quick behind you, he jumped down standing next to you. you looked up, your eyes met with Kiaras. Her face was twisted with anger, she rolled her eyes at you.
“You good?” John B asks, hitting your arm.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I just fell” You dusted the back of your shorts off, Kiara scoffed at you.
“Okay let’s go, operation liberation baby” JJ’s voice filled the air, you heart is still racing in your chest. Everyone went off into the heavy bush of the Crane house. You waited to go so you could follow everyone. JJ waited back with you, it felt like he knew something was up. You walked with him, your arms touching, in a way that kept you grounded and reminded you that you were safe. The group came to a stop near the house, but still a bit away from it. All of a sudden, a light switched on.
“Shit!” Pope and Kie called out,
Your heart was bouncing out of your chest.
“Flashlights! Flashlights!” Kie warned everyone.
You switched yours off.
“Shhh!” John b hushed everyone loudly. You all crouched down on the floor.
“Okay, so she has motion sensor lights” Pope whisper yells.
“We could uh… move really slowly, maybe?” JJ inquired,
“That’s not how it works” Pope replies
“Oh, shit. Let’s throw a rock at it” JJ continues in full confidence.
“What?” you said, looking at JJ.
“That’s a really good idea. Let the axe murderer know that were here” Kiara prods at JJ.
“Well do you guys have a better idea?” JJ questions the group.
“Literally anything but that” Sarah responds, you giggle at her.
Suddenly an idea popped up in your head. You question whether you should say it or not, but your mouth moves quicker than your thoughts.
“What about the breaker? In the circuit box on the porch” everyone’s eyes fall onto you.
“We used to play hide and seek here as kids remember?” you looked at Sarah, and she nods at you.   
“And if we were brave enough, we’d go all the way up to the porch” you pause, “I’ve seen it”  
“No, no. You’re not going in the house alone” JJ warns you.
“Crain chops people into pieces” John B contributed.
“If you believe that, but she like what, 85?” you respond
“Yeah, somethin’ like that” JJ replies
“She’s probably barely still kicking” you answer back at him
“Here. I’ll go with you” Sarah says to you.
“I’ll go to” Kiara seconds onto her.
“We’ll wait for your signal” Pope voiced.
“Okay, cool” Sarah whispers.
You go to stand up, but JJ grabs your hand, you turn to look at him. He gives you a worried look, but you shoot him a reassuring smile and continue standing up. No words were used but you knew exactly what he was trying to say. Before you could even make your way to the porch John B yelled out,
“Hey! Be safe” John b said,
“We will” Sarah replied, you walked in front of Sarah and Kiara and led them to the porch.
You continued walking through the overgrown grass, and trees.
“She must have a generator plugged into the main power supply” Sarah breathed out from behind you, dead leaves and sticks crunching underneath your feet as you walk. You found the front porch and started walking up the stairs.
“Shh…” Kiara hushed the two of you as you walked up. The stairs creaking underneath you. you shinned your flashlight onto the breaker. Sarah stood next to you as Kiara opened it as quietly as she could. When she opened it, you were met with a bunch of wires and electrical stuff.
Your breath shortened.
“Shit, where are the breakers” Sarah called out.  
“What is this?” Kiara questioned.
“No, no, no, no, no, no.” You panicked looking at what you thought was the breaker box.
“Shit” Kiara lifts her torches light, following a wire “It goes inside” she traced the wired up to the roof.
You walked over to the door and gently pulled the first door open. It was like a weird, barred door, like a jail cell. It screeched as you opened it, then the main door that leads into the house. You twisted the doorknob, and it sounded like the paint was causing it to stick as you shoved it open.
The three of you tiptoed inside, following the wire that was on the roof. The house smelled of dampness and dust, the walls have photos of a family, you assume its Mrs Cranes family. There are bookshelves everywhere, top to bottom filled with books. You wonder how does someone even manage to end up with so many, she practically has a library in her home.
You continue walking through the house, you walk into a sitting room, and a cat yowls at you before scurrying away. Kiara points her flashlight up at the roof,
“Hey” she whispers, her flashlight was on the wire you’ve been following.
“Yeah, yeah.” You whispered back. You walked into another room following the wire across the roof, and then down the wall to where the breaker box is. Once you found it there was shared gasps of relief and soft chuckles.
“All right” Kiara breathed out, she wrapped her finger around the switch, carefully pushing it over to one side, the light outside didn’t turn off, so she went to the next one and switched it to the other side. With a click, the light outside turned off. You, Sarah, and Kiara took a deep breath out you did it! Now all that the boys had to do was get the gold out of the well.
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a-aexotic · 1 year
just watched jj tv season 1 and 2 and i remembered how rudy played soccer and i need soccer player jj rn i think i might die
—cw: absolutely nothing but fluff and one mention of being sad
—a/n: bro my two fav things in one i’m about to die. omg. i’m gonna do headcanons hur i’d you want more soccer player!jj lmk… bc i’m willing to provide…
okay jj would always love soccer but he didn’t play until 7th grade bc he thought he just liked watching
turns out he has real skill AND it’s super fun for him!!
so he started playing for his school team and i can imagine him becoming known for being one of the best player
bro would def be a defender 🤩🤩🤩
also his number would be a one digit number like 3 or 6
you’re his number 1 supporter always
you always go to his games and he starts dedicating his goals to you 😘
i can imagine him playing overseas for like chelsea or dortmund 🤗🤗🤗
you and the pogues would go to every single one of his games
he would teach you how to play and during off-season, he would coach you 😭😭
jj, you, kie vs john b, sarah and pope
spoiler: you guys would win each time 😭
i feel like jj at some point during HS would start taking soccer super seriously, wanting to actually go pro
you always supported his dreams and you wanted him to succeed so he could leave the island and make a life for himself and you
he would be completely CRUSHED after losing games but you always made him feel so much better
jj would def go pro and become a famous player for chelsea and you would be the #1 WAG ever .
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meeeeeeri · 1 year
Things that really ANNOYED THE FUCK OUTTA ME while watching OUTER BANKS SEASON 3:
First things first: Big John AKA big old crazy dude
Let's just say that besides being a shitty father figure he also is selfish as fuck. He only decides to appear in John B's life whenever he needs him to do something treasure related, like ok big John, you love your son so much *cough cough*
In other hand, he also is willing to do ANTHING to find el Dorado, and by ANYTHING I mean killing people, tell me that's not what a psychopath would do.
And all the fricking screen time dedicated to the relationship between John B and his father???? Like we get that they need to bond again but DO WE HAVE TO WATCH ALL THE PROCESS?
No thank you Netflix, do better next time
I saw a tik tok that went something like this: Who said Ward is a bad person? Big John? cause if we wanna talk about someone BAD let's talk about Big John...
And yeah, that tik tok literally summes up my opinion about this individual.
Me roasting Big John with this post:
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2: Rafe and the girl named Sofia who came out of nowhere
Ok. Don't misunderstand me; the idea of introducing a new character who's gonna play the girlfriend or fuckbuddy of Rafe is super super interesting to me BUT
Can you elaborate more their relationship????? Give more CONTEXT????
They could even use her apparition and do a BOMB ASS side story like idk maybe her being more cruel than Rafe or her having some kind of business relationship with Singh and betraying him in the process... WHATEVER
But I'm just saying that that would have been more interesting than the parental issues between Big Dumbass John and John B
A video of me crying while scenes of John B and his dad appeared on my tv non stop:
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3: Sarah and Topper
Don't even get me started on this shit.
When I saw that Sarah went back to flirting with Topper I was like WHA- WHE- WHO
But I'm not gonna question her that much because they are supposed to be playing teenagers, and that's what teenagers and (also) some adults do:
And Topper... I really don't know how to feel about him.
He's like a shark who's ready to attack if he sniffs some blood (Sarah and John B breaking up or having relationship turbulences), but I can't even blame him that much because I feel like he really loves Sarah besides everything, and he really demonstrated it this season by helping the pogues out.
What Topper was replaying in his head when Sarah promised him that she would stay:
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4: Sarah's thoughts when she was left with no family, no money and nowhere to go (she was homeless for like a day and decided to cope with it by drinking beer from an abandoned beer tap, ok)
Um... When I say I was expecting her to say something philosophical and life changing and SHE DECIDED TO CONCLUDE HER SPEECH WITH: I really don't know if I'm a pogue or a kook...
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Girl I KNOW you are 17 but GROW THE FUCK UP.
You've been betrayed by your OWN FATHER and SHOT and nearly KILLED by your BROTHER and that's what you're thinking about???
Jesus Christ have mercy on me
All the build up story around pogues and kooks is really interesting (even tho it's like another form of saying rich and poor people) but when characters say shit like that it really makes no sense.
You have no home, no family, you argued with your bf and he left, and your friends are not there at the moment and YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT THAT IRRELEVANT SHIT? Damn
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Ok, I think I am done with most of the things I wanted to say. There are MORE for sure, but these are the most important ones.
I have to be honest with you, I still haven't watched the last episode bc I really got tired of their bullshit. I love the show and I really love the characters, but this season just wasn't it. I am gonna try and finish it today with hopes that they will end it in a decent way (I don't think so but whatever).
It's not a secret by the end of this post that I'm a spanish native speaker so, yeah, I tried my best to write down correctly the ideas that I had about the show, so PLEASE don't come at me.
I'm also writing a fanfiction about Rafe, but I'm doing it in spanish because I feel like if I wrote it in english I would fuck it up.
Maybe I will try and start uploading Rafe imagines or smth like that, bc they would be shorter and easier to write for me.
PLEASE if you have any thoughts or a comment that you wanna add after reading my rant, just do it, I'm for sure gonna be answering y'all because I love to talk about the show and the characters.
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sageandred · 7 months
Things I want from OBX4
Rafe villian arc..elevated villian arc
More Barry, because Rafe is more prominent
Pope and Cleo relationship content-the struggles of their different bgs (home life)/ stress of their differences & where they're going with their futures; maybe living together on their own
More Cleo on her own; Cleo with the girls
More Heyward/ Mama Heyward
Pogue (idc if they're rich, they'll always be pogues) fights and stress on individual friendships: Pope-John B, maybe JJ-John B (I promise this is not an attack on John B lol)- not anything that breaks them up at all or for the entire season, but strain & angst for no more than an ep (maybe 2) especially for the original 4, which leads to really heartfelt scenes
Silly, lighthearted friendship moments (they have more money now, they are sure to take a moment to enjoy it!)
Very heavy summer season?! (tbh, idk the timeline)
JJ's dad coming back for $
Jiara honeymoon period
Domestic Jiara; living together (maybe w/Sarah-John B) // Jiarah B shenanigans
Kiara & her parents plot climax-a resolution needs to be achieved (will she make up w/them or the strained relationship scenes as she removes herself from her blood)
Comfort Jiara-for both of their parents
Comfort Jarah-some kind of talk about losing their dads and the complicated feelings that they were not good parents
JJ angst-some kind of struggle with alcohol or emotional trauma (I want a heightened version of where I thought last season was going); I don't want a rehash of season 3, but something to not just erase his problems, though show him eventually dealing in a healthier way now with support from his friends (basically I want him to really reach some dark places, but solve it better than b4 to show his growth (does that make sense?).
Sarah-Wheezie- I kind of want Wheezie in her teenage angst & pain of losing her dad vs Sarah being at the death site and also seeing all the messed up things he did (being less angry about his death, but moreso sad)
JJ-Sarah Cambank "sibling" talk(s)
Dive deep into the history of Blackbeard
Open water/sailing scenes-season 1 vibes, but this time they'll be on a bigger boat (we really missed out 'cause of all the action and traveling to other countries the past 2 seasons)
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The Cameron Chronicles "March Madness" Return Line-Up
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Happy Valentine's Day for any who celebrate! For those who don't, happy February 14th!
Thank you SO much for everyone who has been so unbelivably patient and allowed me this break, while also sending in some delicious requests! I truly hope they do not disappoint!
However, I will be remaining odd of Tumblr until after I've seen the full season, so enjoy while I'm away! 🥰
If anybody cannot read the list for whatever reason, here is the line-up below:
March 1- Foster Part 1 (John B) / More Rafe Than Drew (Drew)
March 2- Nothing But Trouble (Topper/Reader/Rafe) / Happy Birthday (JJ)
March 3- Baby Daddy: Alimony (Rafe) / The Second Husband (JJ)
March 4- Foster Part 2 (John B) / Kinbaku (Pope)
March 5- For A Friend (JJ-Body Positive) / Extortion At Tannyhill (Rafe)
March 6- The Curator's Daughter (Trevor) / Sensational (JJ)
March 7- Foster Part 3 (John B) / Toxic (Rafe)
March 8- Blackmail Part 2 (JJ) / Treat You Better (Kiara)
March 9- Midnight (Rafe) / Poolside (JJ)
March 10- Foster Part 4 (John B) / The Way She Smiles (Sarah)
March 11- Brat (Ward) / Pistol (Barry)
March 12- Gullible Part 2 (Rafe) / Bet (JJ)
March 13- Foster Part 5 (John B) / In The Middle Of The Night (JJ)
March 14- Midsummer Games (Topper) / Raw (JJ)
March 15- Baby Daddy: Fever (Rafe) / Shark Tooth Necklace (JJ)
March 16- Foster Part 6 (John B) / Mastermind (Pope)
March 17- Trading Places (Rafe/Reader/Topper) / Savior (Trevor)
March 18- Hearts And Minds (JJ) / Drumsticks (Austin)
March 19 - Foster Part 7 (John B) / Retribution (Rafe)
March 20- The Newlywed (Rafe) / Between The Raindrops (JJ)
March 21- The Other Co-Star (Rudy) / Just The Way You Are (Pope-Body Positive)
March 22- Foster Part 8 (John B) / The Proposal (Rafe)
March 23- 2 A.M. (Kelce) / Tough Love (Topper-Body Positive)
March 24- From Afar (JJ) / Undercover (Rafe)
March 25- Foster Part 9 (John B) / Guy Code (Pope)
March 26- Summer in Lust (Rafe/Reader/JJ) / Lace Stockings (Ward)
March 27- Baby Daddy: The Fundraiser (Rafe) / About Last Night (JJ)
March 28- Foster Part 10-Finale (John B) / Bloodlust (Rafe)
March 29- Quality Over Quantity (Trevor) / Mosaic (Rafe)
March 30- Worth (JJ-Body Positive) / The Photoshoot (Madelyn)
March 31- Unexpected (Rafe) / Pina Coladas (Drew) / Rings (JJ)
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askcowboywarbler · 5 months
wait, is that TUCKER “TUCK” ATKINSON? they kinda look a lot like NICK ROBINSON, don’t they? i heard the TWENTY ONE year old is known as the THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN around mckinley. it seems like they auditioned to be in THE WARBLERS which is so lame? people at campus have said they’re RESPECTFUL, but don’t be fooled since they’re also BLUNT. rumor has it, you can find them at DALTON BASEBALL when they aren’t belting show tunes. their entire vibe revolves around WELL WORN COWBOY BOOTS, A FISH OUT OF WATER, COUNTRY MUSIC BLASTING FROM THE SPEAKERS IN A CAR WITH THE WINDOWS DOWN but no one pays attention to that here in ohio.
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🎤 auditioning with… revival by zach bryan
TW: Death, Car Accident
His Mom and Dad split when he was only 2 years old, the divorce was messy and though Tucker was originally going to be living with his Mom full-time she passed less than a two years later in a car accident. His Dad didn’t want custody of him so he moved in with his Grandma and Grandpa on his Mother’s side who raised him until this point. They gave him a wonderful childhood filling their home with love and hard work believing that if you wanted something bad enough and you worked hard for it, you could achieve it.
For his first year of college he was originally attending a small college in rural Tennessee on a baseball scholarship as a pitcher. But, the coach that he had agreed to play for received an offer to coach at Dalton instead when the season ended. Starting this new year fresh and moving far away from home he decided to follow the coach and play for Dalton hoping that the slightly larger school and the better competition would push him forward. Unbeknownst to him when he took the new scholarship, his grandparents just told him that his Dad (the one that left him when he was 2) is living just an hour away from his new school.
Tucker has always liked singing, his grandpa taught hims how to play guitar and he was even in a few musicals in middle and high school but he never thought he would have the opportunity to join a show choir like The Warblers until one of its members overheard him singing on campus one day and asked him to join. He’s one of the newest recruits in the group being that it’s his first year at Dalton and so-far he’s not completely sold on the Academy of all boys but is getting used to it.
FULL NAME: Tucker Kade Atkinson
NICKNAMES: Tuck, TK, Cowboy
GENDER: Cismale
SEXUALITY: Unfortunately Heterosexual
AGE: Twenty One
JOB: Student & Barista at The Lima Bean
GLEE CLUB: The Warblers
MAJOR: Hospitality
CHARACTER INSPO: Woody (Toy Story), Matt Saracen (Friday Night Lights), Sav Bhandari (Degrassi: The Next Generation), Flynn Rider (Tangled), Hawkeye (MCU), Finnick Odair (Hunger Games), John B (Outer Banks)
PLAYLIST: Sarah’s Place (Zach Bryan and Noah Kahan), Fast Cars and Freedom (Rascal Flatts), Just To See You Smile (Tim McGraw), Guitars and Tiki Bars (Kenny Chesney), Firecracker (Josh Turner), Twang (Mason Ramsey), Kinfolks (Sam Hunt), ‘98 Braves (Morgan Wallen), Stars Like Confetti (Dustin Lynch), Too Sweet (Hozier)
Wanted Connections
Hook Ups
Flirtationship- Madison McCarthy
Volunteer Buddies
Best Friends
Teammates (Baseball)
Childhood Friends- Nick Duval (attended the same baseball camp in tennessee)
Person who introduced him to The Warblers- Blaine Anderson (was the one that heard him singing on campus and helped him with his audition)
Show Choir Mentor
Frequent Customer at The Lima Bean- Dottie Kazatori
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lysteriaposts · 1 year
i wanted to make a review but um... it took me like a week to finish the whole thing.. which should say enough.. and honestly i don't really feel like rewatching the majority of the episodes lol. i'll just give my reasons for the tiers instead.
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this is probably my most unpopular one yet.
the only emotional journeys i connected with this season was topper, rafe and pope.
cleo could've been there if they actually focused more on her as a person rather than being thrown into a relationship and having that be the focus of her arc, same with kiara. still, i find cleo / pope duo way more watchable than jj / kiara. and she is a nice character.
i actually wished we'd seen kiara be kidnapped half of the season at singh's so that, a) the reunion actually feels more earned b) her and rafe's scenes were gold and probably the most interesting things for her character this season c) we could learn more about the "new, evil villain" and his motives. instead he felt out of place.
as for singh, he could cut it with the "you knows" ....
topper and kiara delivered on the comedy this season though, which is one reason they placed higher.
jj's whole "i don't want to be loved" thing felt half assed and he didn't crack me up the way he did s1-2... the humor felt kind of cartoonish (crabs 🫥). i still don't like how they dumb him down to an actual caricature, it was endearing and believable in s1 but it's just gotten worse each season for cheap slapstick. it's not funny.
i wanted more conflict between him and pope and their friendship
i didn't need jj / kiara to be honest... had no relevance to what was going on, and felt very dry. like they were trying to churn out something that just isn't there, and i didn't recognise the characters either.
rafe just elevates any scene he's in and any character he's with. i give props to drew 'cause even though the writing feels more serious for his character than the others, it probably wouldn't come across as good as it does without a good enough actor. luckily enough he's been spared from most of the corniness on this show.
the john b/sarah/topper thing is repetitive but i'm glad we got to see a story where topper isn't villainised (in the show, just by the pogues). he saved sarah's life, yet gets used and discarded. she keeps making the same mistakes, and the john b/big john stuff was just atrocious. he suddenly trusts the dad who abandoned him for years over his ride or die friends? the gf who sacrificed everything for him?? yeah ok dude.
the complete absence of rose but wheezie especially is unrealistic as hell. i don't understand why new, annoying characters are introduced (limbray.... singh... jb's dad) when they don't amount to anything in the end and there is no investment in them. we could've seen so many good family relationships and dynamics, how does the completely overlooked youngest sibling view everything? actually an episode from her POV would've been hilarious and also insanely interesting.
as much as i prefer ward over jb's dad and liked him as a villain... he didn't play a big enough part in this season to keep (he is also irredeemable). i think they could've killed him off in s2. and rafe could've dealt with the aftermath of that this season instead of s4.
the treasure thing felt contrived and way too much for one season. i don't really get the pacing, they don't need to find something new each season they can take a break once in a while and have like every other season be more obx / character focused. and the rest plot. that way when they do find something it feels much greater! what they did over the course of these three seasons could've easily been stretched to six seasons with better writing and giving the story room to breathe, develop a lot of other things etc... instead of making up "blackbeard" 💀
there's much more to say, and a lot of issues with the production and more nitpicky faults, but these are probably my biggest issues with the story. in the end it was a very disjointed season, probably my least favorite so far.
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gwestcyfilms · 11 months
Outer banks opinions that I have thought throughout season 1 - 3
Season 1 will always be the best season out of the show the vibes were immaculate while watching it for the first time, season 2 is good it has a lot of action and plus some of the cast gave amazing performances season 3 just went on the bandwagon of the worst season ever
Rafe and kiara will not work considering kie is a teenager and rafe is older and plus why would kie want to be someone who has shot and drown one of her friends and who bet up someone who is really close with and who is literally a MURDER y’all are weird for shipping these two
John B is the worst main character like I’m sorry but he scenes are really boring to me I think season 3 made me dislike him more
Pope storyline deserves another season it’s the only storyline I liked out of the treasure hunt and plus Jonathan is such a really good actor and I like to see him shine more that scene with him and carlacia was such just excellent
Jj and kiara don’t work for me I think it’s because Rudy and Madison just ruined it for me there kiss reminds me off the stydia kiss in season 6 and not in a good way honestly there character who works better on there own and I would love to have a kie storyline that doesn’t involve her having a love interest
Speaking kie the hole pope and her storyline was so bad like the way she says “are you even pogue” or “your back to being boring” like I get she grieving but to take it out on pope who has lost his best friends as well it’s just weird and the writers messed her character up there with that storyline
The hole topper / John / sarah / story is getting annoying and boring like three seasons of this and we’re still in the way we know more about this storyline that pope character or Cleo character I kinda lost hope for sarah character this season along with John B because who says that kinda stuff to there girlfriend while knowing what she been through if this storyline happens again in season 4 I’m going to lose it
Pope and cleo <333 nothing bad about them love those together Jonathan and carlacia chemistry was better then Rudy and Madison like love every scene that Cleo and pope had in season 3
Outer banks Stan’s let me know about your thoughts through the seasons
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seriouslychloe · 1 year
spoilers ahead for outer banks season 3!!
lets talk season 3! so i personally really like the season! (besides big john, but we will get to that later) i loved the vibes it gave off! and we got jiara AND cleope!!! so lets start with what i loved, i really like the barbados scenes, which are like the first 2 episodes. i loved the rafe and kie scenes (im NOT a riara shipper but you do you boo) im really glad they stuck to them hating each other. also im glad that kie actually looked scared and acted scared bc she is kidnapped by a man who is threatening killing her if she doesn’t give him a diary???!!!? + she also kidnapped with her like sworn enemy who is also a killer and isnt aware of his next move. i also loved the island scenes and wish we got more :(. i loved episode 5! the train sequence was really interesting and i was laughing so hard when cleope tried to convince the police guy (so good at explaining ik ik) they were in love (but we all know they already were) and the motorcycle scenes were my favorite! the scene after jj crashed his motorcycle was also a great one! + im so glad sarah got a hug with jj rooting for cambank sibling. the “dont ever do that again” 😩✋✋😭 . i loved episode 7 too! the topper and kie interactions 💀 also the fight with jiara was AMAZING!!!! kie looked so defeated when he said it wasn’t gonna work 😭. i loved the music after the fight too (kinda random lol). for the things i wished were different…to start, big john. tbh i liked im better dead. he had WAY TO MUCH screen time! i just wanted clarification that he showered at some point this season his beard was giving me ickk. another thing, i wanted more angsty, emotional scenes. these kids have been through SO MUCH!! they showed a little bit of jj’s mental health but it was like 1/4. im glad they showed more of sarah’s as well! but i really wanted to see more of kiaras emotional side (i am kinda biased) but like she has almost drowned in the MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN holding her best friends dead weight in her arms for a LONG TIME after he got hit on the head most likely suffering from a concussion, she has almost drowned in a sewer, she has betrayed her parents trust but then again its as much their fault that it is hers, she lost 2 of her best friends only to find out they were alive again like a few months later, she has been shot at multiple times, she was kinda guilt tripped into a relationship with pope (no offense to pope, again it was both their faults), she has been abducted twice first by saving someones life then being strangled to go to this killers house, second by being strangled the same way with her parents sitting there watching her to be sent to this wilderness camp that was gonna put her on medication, also rafe said that he was gonna find her and get revenge on her-, she was rejected by the person she lovesss 😍😍 and kept on trying (but thats gotta hurt), she also was called a kook by her best friend, she knew he didn’t mean it but, she has always had trouble fitting in and wanted to be a pogue and rafe also called her “at least half kook” so thats also gotta hurt, and like so much more so I WANTED A BREAKDOWN SCENE >:( (preferably with jj comforting her ) reverse hot-tub scene anyone?? but i also wanted more scenes with all the pogues. this season felt like a constant high and i think there needed to be a break where everyone can just BE HAPPY!!! also like the 4 original pogues scenes pleasee :)! i HATED the stopper cheating scenes (their ship names stopper for a reason-) i just want jarah b to be happy and together for at least one season-, thats all i’m asking. i think overall we needed more pogues being there for each other and comforting each others. also i didn’t like the time jump-, although i’m glad the pogues got a win, i don’t want them to be separated next season. i have run out of space now and have been writing this for 45 minutes but what are your thoughts? id love to know! :)
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solfics · 1 year
ayi’s obx season 3 thoughts:
this is clearly a personal take on the season and these are my opinions, so *dips away*
shoo shoo there’s tons of spoilers here
when i tell you that pope heyward is my main man, i am bringing it with me to my grave.
emphasizing more about pope as this elaborative list goes on
poguelandia is heaven on earth, for real. but ngl i was deadass scared for them because
I CANNOT for the life of me SEE MY 17 YEAR OLD SELF survive in an island even with company around
not joking here, i am clearly amazed with how the pogues are able to live off in an island for about a month (well because it’s fictional) but realistically looking i just can’t pin my head around the idea of it (I DON’T HATE IT BTW)
we were robbed of the friendship scenes
i wish the first two episodes at least showcased the pogues’ life and the poguelandia lifestyle itself
coz that way i would’ve seen what happened to the other pogues when jj proclaimed that the island would be named poguelandia (like imagine how sarah or john b would say “what?” and then pope and kie would agree and be like “poguelandia, that’s it” and jj excitingly goes “pogue-fucking-glandia”) IDK JUST SPITBALLING HERE
haha get it! ok next
rafe did not shine in this season for me sadly
the buzz cut was alright btw
i feel like with singh around rafe clearly became a side character, even ward. like from the way i see it ward and rafe are the villains of the story from season 1-2 but with singh around it looked like rafe was just a side character
i was surprised with the kie and rafe storyline and i was actually expecting more but they gave us 1??? ep and poof that’s it
KIE PUSHING HIM OFF THE BOAT LMFAO i want to feel bad but homeboy strangled my darling THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO GO
back to singh,, he’s such a boring villain please is it just me?
rafe imo is the biggest villain of all.
he’d be a better villain than ward and singh combined idk i just like how drew portrayed rafe’s character !! (WE LOVE YOU DREW)
RAFE AND BARRY AGAIN YUH and i have to say barry looked good w the buzz cut too
i was so confused w rafe’s “love interest” i’m sorry i thought there was supposed to be a storyline between them ?? but ok they look gOOD THO OMYGAWSH
why the fuck is big john here ? why is he hogging the screen time
there is not one episode where i did not think of not wanting to slap the look on big john’s face
bring it home john b- SHUT UP?
idk he’s a bad parent ,, he left john b for HIS safety and justified is as keeping john b safe. not knowing that john b would come after his dad (right? season 1) and look where that got him. danger bestie ,, not so much of a thinker there big john 😕
he showed much more attention to the treasure than his kid PLEASE
the way john b felt so down and guilty and everything negative whenever big john convinced him that what they were doing (k!lling those ppl, stealing, breaking and entering etc) was for their own good because apparently it’ll lead them to the treasure COME ON NOW
did not like how big john treated sarah and the rest esp sarah
topper you need to move on bestie…
i thought we were better than this sarah :’( did not like how things went down w her and topper
i thought topper was gonna have a storyline where he gets to officially join the pogues but this is a long shot esp for topper’s character like ik we can all agree that he’d do anything for sarah but joining the pogues?? being one of them?? no right
i do understand how topper can’t move on from sarah but dude *snaps fingers* we gotta go bestie
topper “i’m so mature, i’m so mature” thorton like come on bestie the gasoline? the fire?
the chateau :((((
kie and jj’s chateau scene before the 💥 >>>>
did i mention how we were robbed of the friendship scenes?
i feel like if the scenes weren’t too focused on big john we’d get a whole lot more juice with jj and kiara’s story, the START of pope and cleo’s love story, cleo’s friendship with everyone
i also think that cleo is one of the best additions to the team. she’s got so much to offer and she had her spotlight in this season for real
pope and cleo’s bedroom scene (MY FUCKING HEART HURTS)
i freaking hate kie’s parents. period
sarah and john b aww
sarah has the heart of a pogue FOR SURE the gang wouldn’t be where they are if she didn’t understand the clue right away 😎
jj and kiara. that’s it
i was wondering why wouldn’t the school reconsider pope’s situation? he went missing… or maybe is it just the system? i’m not from the west so idk /gen
i will bring this on my grave: pope is a fucking legend.
pope deserves everything he has. i love him and his friends, his family, i love his mind and heart and soul.
“the no love club,” “no chance *swaying w rizz*”
jimmy 👶
the season was ok but honestly i need more of it
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rudystree · 1 year
season 3 was actually my favorite season! everything about it was just really good. the pogues finally getting the gold. it was so amazing.
ward and big john dying?! that was shocking, but i kinda saw it coming. when we started to hear john b's narration of the situation and the camera shows ward, dead, and he says something to the affect of the villains becoming heros. in that moment, i didn't know if i still hated ward or if i kinda liked him for sacrificing his own life for sarah.
idk how to feel about big john though. he tried getting john b to keep secrets from the pogues even though they had every right to know what was going on. that lead to sarah and john b getting into a fight, which lead to sarah kissing topper, sarah telling jb and then finally jb beating up topper and now he's getting charged w it. the charges don't matter eventually, but still. it caused sm problems within the story.
popecleo was so freaking cute. i loved it sm. i just loved their chemistry. carlacia and jd did an amazing job on portraying it. seeing cleo comfort pope when he was about to shoot rafe was just so pure!! i really cannot wait to see how their relationship is in season 4.
jiara this season!! i actually never chose sides between the jjpope/jiara war, but jiara was actually so good. seeing something develop in season 1 that was completely unintentional to season 3, the characters getting together just shows how much the fandom's voice was being heard.
i don't really know why the writers keep planning sarah to go back to topper after fights she has with john b. it's just so unnecessary and not even shocking atp. there was many more other situations they could've done instead of sarah getting w topper.
jj's storyline w luke! i hate how they just forgot about that in mid season 2 and didn't care to look back at it. it was just completely unfair how they would do that to jj. i wanted the writers to dive deeper into jj's personal life and see the root causes to all of it.
anyways, i would love to hear your thoughts about season 3!!
omg i LOVE this review!!! tysm 🫶🏻
i tried to condense all my big thoughts in an earlier post because i actually agree with legit everything you wrote here. 🌟
ward had an interesting arc this season. i liked what they did with him. in the teaser / trailer i was super pissed that they were still trusting him with stuff (and yeah…it was dumb) but he did show redeeming qualities somehow. big john actually made him look like a better father 💀 i’m glad he’s dead now and i like the way he went with a little dignity left.
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i also never chose sides in the jiara / jjpope stuff. i only became a jiara shipper once i knew it would be canon for sure. and it was beautiful. i gotta say, i did miss jjpope scenes, platonically. it was sweet that they included their little talk about kie. but i needed a lot more. popecleo was so so cute and i would’ve liked a second lil bro talk about it. they also missed such a major opportunity with sarah and jj staying together — those two have so much to talk about, whether it’s kie/john b or the fact that they’re both parentless and homeless. but instead they wasted time driving her back to topper..again. it was a real shame.
every setback however was kind of redeemed by the fact that jj was looking like a whole 3 course meal ajshskshsk 😩 like …he ALWAYS looks good. but his S3 looks just had me floored the whole time. and the badass energy? that man is so damn fine. and to think ppl spent so much time worrying and complaining about his hair, body, etc during filming. if any plot line bothered me i just think about how gorgeous he is and i’m okay again lmao.
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now if we didn’t know that a S4 is coming i would’ve thought for sure this was the series finale. i am NOT a fan of the time jump. but now i’m just very intrigued as to how they are gonna keep the story going. and with a bit of luck S4 will be jj-centric and feature some much needed stories on his background 🤞🏻
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kierreras · 1 year
bestie, who's your favourite character this season? cause i can't decide they all are acting very different from who they were in first seasons
oh, i agree with you. this season they all are more mature, right? and the way every pogue had something to learn and accept this season was so great. like even with this whole treasure hunt thing being main focus of the season, writers were able to also focus on each individual growth it's really a tough question because for me this season really highlighted madelyn, madison and rudy acting so much. like these three characters and their journeys were amazing, but the way those three handled them... it's phenomenal. but if we are doing any ranking, i think that it goes this way for me: 1. kie 2. jj/sarah 3. pope 4. cleo 5. john b i really love softie!kie. i was not expecting to see her soft side, but this version of kie became my favourite. miss girl knows what she wants, she is not afraid to be vulnerable and she wears her heart on her sleeve. i am in love with this side of kiara because finally we are seeing her behind the surface. how she acts, how she feels. it's so beautiful and bailey did a great job at portraying it jj and sarah are on the second place together. because of cambank sibling supremacy! just kidding (or not?) so i know many people are annoyed with sarah, but this time her storyline seemed so organic for me. like she is not sure who she is, she has no family, nowhere to live. she sacrificed everything for love and when that love is pulling away she feels lost. so she of course goes to familiar face because let's be real she felt so much safer before she met john b. she is a girl that lost everything to be with a person she loves. so when in the end she makes a choice she fully commits. no hesitation, she jumps right in. i just love her so much. jj is just so much. he has so much emotions boiling in him, but he can't give them away because he thinks that we's nobody. the way he acts during his breakdowns, the way he tries to collect himself, to not get too emotional because his trauma tells him that emotions lead to conflict which leads to physical fight. and i want writers to go deeper with exploring jj's traumas, i really do. so let's hope that this will be a storyline for next season. pope is number three because he was actually okay. i was firstly upset that the writers went with jealousy thing for pope, but the way it was handled is really okay. better than if they didn't address pokie at all. also, there were moments where i liked pope so much. his breakdown is one of them. jd's acting was top tier. also, an accent scene? it was hilarious! cleo is forth because she was just present. i love this girl, but i was hoping that we get to know more about her. like her background, her personal stories, but she was just a supporting character for the most part. i just hope that we get more of her next season because she has great dynamic with whole gang. and special shout out to jj/cleo friendship duo! and john b is fifth. mainly because his storyline was always about treasure hunt and his father. like i loved jarah stuff this season, but other parts of jb's story were just meh . so like sarah said about john b's role in poguelandia - "he was there". that is exactly how i feel about him this season. like he was there, okay. well, that was a long answer! and if you ask me about the characters that i hated this season i'm going to write even longer answer
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whitetrashjj · 2 years
Honestly the whole John b Sarah and topper storyline is already old before season 3 is even out like they seriously can’t come up with something better than Topper trying to get back with Sarah and kissing her against her will at Kie’s parents anniversary party and then John B beating him up? Like been there done that at the bonfire in season 2 and they did a version where John B says to Sarah “once a cheater always a cheater Sarah Cameron” I think it’s just so dumb and over done now
God the Topper love triangle was done after s1. I’m so bored of this plot line. I think the thing is they want to keep Austin in the cast and to do that they need to keep Topper relevant.
I kinda like them revisiting the Sarah being a serial cheater plot line cause we just breezed past that with no follow up. But like yeah this whole her still being ‘just friends’ with Topper knowing the classiest things he says against her friends and knowing that Topper still wants to be with her. It puts a bad taste in my mouth and feels super disrespectful to John B. As someone who didn’t like Sarah in S1 but she grew on me in S2. I did understand why she leant on Topper during that time - but at this point. Girlie no, maybe the context changed things but I don’t like it.
And yeah basically the plot line is done to death and the fact that’s if they break up they will probably be back together by the finale cause they are sitting next to each other at the ceremony 🙄 like pick a lane and stick to it for real. It’s boring
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