#sarah matthes
dk-thrive · 3 months
There is a word living inside the word “breathing,” like a caged bird covered by thick muslin. It’s smaller than the shape my mouth makes to say it— quicker, like pointing to the night sky, and saying only “never mind, you missed it.”
— Sarah Matthes, from “To Examine the Marks in Fishes,” Town Crier (Persea Books, 2021)
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whisperthatruns · 3 months
If I don't survive it, please remember the right things about me: The time I was caught singing among the violins. Perhaps I lost my bow, thought no one would notice the difference. Perhaps my voice came back and so I used my voice.
Sarah Matthes, from “A Preposition to Follow 'Live'," Town Crier (Persea Books, 2021)
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sadnymi · 2 months
"My Dreams Are Just Dreams... Until They're Not" modern Mattheo riddle × reader [chapter six-the end]
[previous chapter] [Epilogue]
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, childhood trauma ,abusing, cheating, angst, death, sexual harassment ( not the main characters)
Please understand that this chapter will delve into darker themes. I urge you to pay close attention to the trigger warnings provided.
words: 3,462
Reading Time : 12mins 35sec
Summery: A week at my best friend's beach house, surrounded by our friends as we meet her soon-to-be fiancé's companions, marks a turning point where the very fabric of my beliefs begins to unravel. It's during this week that I encounter the boy who incessantly appears in my dreams, blurring the distinction between the world of my subconscious and the tangible reality before me. Matthe Riddle emerges as the poison I willingly imbibe, a curse that feels akin to a dream,
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[ˈtaɪm] noun
the ongoing journey of existence and the unfolding of events across the continuum of the past, present, and future, regarded as a whole.
"Time is a circle." A relentless cycle where every act, past and future, repeats endlessly, casting a melancholic shadow over
Startled awake, I jolted upright, my heart racing in panicked cadence. The hand on my shoulder triggered a surge of adrenaline, and I frantically scanned my surroundings through bleary eyes.
It was Sarah's voice that sliced through the haze of my disorientation, her words shattering the fragile veil of sleep that had momentarily shielded me from the harshness of reality.
"Y/N, we've arrived," she announced, her tone bearing a weight I couldn't yet comprehend, sending shivers down my spine as I grappled with the dawning realization
I gazed down at the crimson hoodie, my eyes tracing its familiar contours, then shifted my gaze toward the house. A sudden realization struck me as I observed Sarah's attire, sending waves of confusion and panic through my senses.
"Why—why no, what's happening?" The words stumbled out of my trembling lips, uncertainty echoing in the air.
"Y/N," Sarah attempted to reach for my hand, but my reaction was visceral—a frantic rejection.
"No, no, no." I hastily exited the car, grappling with the disorienting feeling that something was fundamentally wrong. "We have done that before so many times."
Sarah stood frozen before me, and in my desperation, I demanded answers, scanning my surroundings. "Where's Mattheo? What have you done?"
"Oh my gosh." Her tears flowed like rivers. "You remember."
“What?" My own tears, hot and stinging, blurred my vision.
"I missed you so much," she cried, launching herself at me. Her arms wrapped around me with a desperate intensity. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I love you so much. You did it."
"Sarah, I don't understand." I uttered through sobs, shaken within her arms. "I'm dead—I'm dead. It was me all along. I'm the goddamn ghost."
Then, the truth struck me again—I'm dead. The memories flooded back, the pain, the dagger in my heart, every haunting detail.
Freaking out, I staggered back a few steps. "I shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be here. I'm dead.
"Hey, it's okay, let me explain–"
"Where's Mattheo? What have you done?"
With my body trembling uncontrollably, my legs propelled me forward, a primal need to escape the crushing weight of reality.
Dead. I was dead , that much I knew. I was the ghost, not him. Those dreams weren't just dreams.
Tears streamed down my face, blurring my vision, yet the crimson of the hoodie remained sharp, a constant reminder of the life I'd so tragically lost. With a strangled sob, I turned and fled.
I ran, not knowing where, not caring. All I knew was the chilling truth – I was the ghost, not him. The dreams, the whispers – they weren't dreams. They were the remnants of a life brutally stolen, a love forever unfulfilled.
A primal scream tore from my throat as two powerful arms encircled me, lifting me from the ground. My legs flailed, a desperate attempt to escape the terrifying disassociation of my body.
"It's me, love," mattheo whispered, his voice warm against my ear. "It's okay. I've got you."
"What have you done?" I choked out, a strangled plea amidst my hysterics. "mattheo, what have you done?"
He ignored my question, holding me tighter, his touch a desperate anchor in the storm that raged within me. Finally, my frantic kicks subsided, replaced by a shuddering sob as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"matt," I rasped, the words thick with the metallic tang of fear. "I'm dead—-I'm dead, aren't I?"
He lowered me to the ground, his grip never faltering, turning me to face him. His eyes, usually so warm , blazed with an intensity that sent shivers down my non-existent spine.
"I told you, my love," he said, his voice a low growl. "I wouldn't allow it. I fixed it."
"But how?" I cried. "I died! It can't be undone!"
“ technically no you’re not died I mean not yet “
A cold dread coiled in my gut. "You… you played with time?"
The silence that followed was an answer in itself. I lurched back, fear morphing into a chilling realization. "The Council – that's forbidden!"
"Dead," he muttered, his voice devoid of emotion. "Every single one of them."
My breath hitched. "You… you killed them?"
"They knew," he said, his jaw clenched. "They knew what was coming. They agreed to it,Once you took control of your family's business, you would have uncovered the illegal activities they were doing with your stepfather. They didn't think it was worth the risk to wait and see your reaction, so they allowed it."
"And you killed them?" My voice was a broken whisper.
"Every. Single. One." His touch grazed my cheek, a feather-light caress that sent shivers through me. "A slow, agonizing death. They begged for mercy. Your name was the last word on their lips before I extinguished their pitiful existence,before I slit their throats "
"I brought them the war you were protecting them from."
“Then you stopped the time?"
"No, I did it after what happened with you in my arms. I didn't hesitate saying the words , then come time , And I manipulated it. I bent it to my will, I couldn't let you go. So I went back. I needed to go back further, to prevent your death entirely"
“ I don’t remember—-“
A flicker of pain crossed his face. "I know you don't remember. That's why we kept reliving this vacation. Going back in time wasn't enough. You had no memory , you needed to remember “ that’s why we were doing the whole vecation thing , going back in time wasn’t enough you remembered nothing “
“ The plan was to go back and kill him before it all happened. But then we realized…".
"It wouldn't be enough," he finished. "Your soul… it needed to recognize itself. Without your memories, your body would be a hollow shell."
He paused, his voice tinged with pain . "The first time you didn't remember anything. You panicked and we had to rewind Without your soul, your body would be a hollow shell. Alive, but empty. We brought you back, but the memories wouldn't stick,
Then came the dreams, fractured pieces of your past. and after that Sarah appeared, and your mind… it blocked it all out. We fabricated stories, some you believed. We triggered memories, hoping to jog your soul… Sarah, Lorenzo, even my Julie’s crush on me , or my tattoo —— even my touch, Sometimes, we thought we were making progress, only to have you panic, only to rewind again."
"Like the beach,when I saw him …"
"The worst," he confirmed, his voice cracking. "You freaked out and it was like losing you all over again."
A wave of nausea washed over me. "So… all this time? All these… vacations, resets… was it all a fabrication?"
"A necessary one," he said softly
“How long?" I choked out, fighting back a sob that threatened to shatter me.
"A year," he whispered, his voice thick with raw emotion.
"A year, Mattheo! No! You can't do this! You're destroying yourself. Please, you have to stop!"
He cupped my face in his hands, his eyes filled with a desperate, possessive light. "Never," he said fiercely. "Did you truly think I would let you go, my love?"
My heart ached with a love so fierce it threatened to consume me. "But this… this is too much. You can't keep manipulating time. What if I hadn't remembered? What if I was just… lost?"
"Then I would have kept searching," he said, his forehead resting against mine. "A year, a thousand years… for whatever it takes , I would rather be a haunting presence in your dreams than live in a world without you."
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry it took me that long to remember. I'm so sorry you had to endure all of that," I murmured, my voice weighted with guilt and regret.
"No, my love, you should never apologize," he replied softly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of pain and determination. "I promise you, I will dismantle this world, reduce it to ashes, and offer them to you for enduring all of that."
"You were so hurt that first night…"
“The first nights were always the hardest," he rasped, his voice thick with a pain that mirrored my own. "Seeing you look at me like a stranger…It fucking hurts “
The immensity of his love, the depth of his sacrifice, washed over me. In that moment, the world around us faded away. There was only him, only me, bound by a love that defied even the cruel hand of fate.
The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us, bound by a love that transcended even death itself.
Each footfall felt heavier than the last, the earth groaning under the weight of my spectral form. Yet, an unseen force propelled me forward, a celestial compass guiding me toward the man whose heart mirrored the rhythm of a dying star.
As I drew closer, the air crackled with a raw energy, a desperate yearning clinging to the very molecules around him. Closing my eyes, I felt the tremors of his heartbeat – a lone drum echoing in the vast emptiness that was my existence.
"Even in this spectral existence," I whispered, my voice a mere tremor in the wind, "my soul recognizes yours. Even with my memories a fading tapestry, my heart, though unmoored, remembers the language of your love. Even in death, I will wander the cosmos, etching your name on the moon's surface, whispering it to every twinkling star, a desperate plea to remember."
A tear, a teardrop of stardust, traced a shimmering path down my cheek. "If oblivion claims my consciousness, if even my own name fades from the echoes of eternity, one truth will remain: I will never forget you, my love. You will never be a stranger to me "
The words hung heavy in the air, a spectral lament laced with a love that defied even the cruel hand of fate.
"Aw man, hate to break this moment," I spun around swiftly at the sound of a voice behind us, only to meet the gaze of our friend, Blaise.
he mumbled, a hint of worry lacing his usual cheerful tone. "Tried my best to eavesdrop, but their voices were practically inaudible. Y/N though!" His smile turned genuine, “There you are! I missed you like crazy, you have no idea! We were all so worried sick. I even had this whole big speech planned for your return, but…" He gestured theatrically to the grim scene around us, his facade crumbling a little. " I would have said it tears and all but we're attached, right now “
"Attached?" I whispered, the word barely audible against the storm of emotions churning inside me.
"Those vengeful witches," he muttered, his voice laced with regret. "They're not exactly thrilled with our little time-hopping adventure, or, you know, accidentally wiping out half their coven."
Gods above," I breathed, the weight of the situation crashing down upon me. My heart hammered a frantic rhythm against my ribs.
"Fear not, love," Matteo murmured, his hands seeking solace on my shoulders, a grounding anchor in the swirling vortex of emotions.
“I doubt that “blaise said
Blaise's comment hung heavy in the air, met by Matteo's silencing glare. Before Blaise could continue, Lorenzo materialized behind him, his voice a low rumble. "Enough, Zabini."
He ignored Blaise completely, pulling me into a warm embrace. "I missed you, smart girl l," he murmured. I squeezed him back, whispering a grateful "Thank you."
"We need to leave, Matt," Lorenzo said, his tone urgent. "This beast must be dealt with permanently."
Dread coiled in my stomach. I didn't need clarification on who "this beast" was.
"You kept him alive?" The question tumbled out before I could stop it.
A gentle smile touched mattheo's lips. "A life must be taken, my love. We can manipulate time, but not fate. And this fate won't be yours." He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. "Just one more step, darling. Just one."
Suddenly, Sarah was beside me, her arms wrapping tightly around me. "Y/N! Oh my god, are you alright?"
Stepping back for a moment, I offered a reassuring smile. But before I could respond, Penny enveloped me in a hug.
"We were terrified," Penny confessed, her voice thick with emotion. I hugged her back, finding solace in their familiar warmth.
" I promise I wasn’t trying to steal your man , you have no idea how embarrassing it was to bring my childhood crush into the table but anything for you my girl " Julie admitted sheepishly. Her words brought a laugh to my lips, and I embraced her too.
Pulling away, I offered a quick hug to Theodore, who remained stoic, then turned to Blaise. "We'll discuss your speech later," I promised, remembering my earlier agreement.
Blaise cleared his throat. "Alright, now about these lunatics old me. who want us dead..."
"Bring them on," Mattheo interrupted, a fierce glint in his eyes. " beat the dog before the lion."
Lorenzo chuckled. "English, brother, please."
"They'll have two options," Mattheo continued, "Submit to our authority or face the consequences."
"What about your father?" Theodore asked, his voice laced with suspicion. "Are you certain he’s in our side ?"
"Anyone foolish enough to trust my father is in for a rude awakening," Mattheo replied wryly. "He may indulge me as his heir, but his true allegiance lies with the victor. A change in leadership in the council wouldn't be unwelcome in his eyes, so we just have to become the damn victors."
A knot of confusion tightened in my stomach. "I'm afraid I don't quite understand," I confessed. "Are you planning to take control of the council?"
mattheo squeezed my hand reassuringly. . "We already have control, my love. Now, it's just a matter of making it official."
Blaise, ever impatient, declared, "Let's get moving then. We have a beast to slay."
I saw the flicker of concern in their eyes, their apprehension about me facing the creature again. I spoke quickly, determined. "I'm coming with you. I want to see it done."
Their faces mirrored a mix of worry and protectiveness. Finally, Mattheo spoke, his touch gentle as he stroked circles on my hand. "Are you absolutely certain, love?"
I met his gaze, unwavering. "Absolutely."
"Then nothing will stand in your way," he whispered, his voice filled with unwavering devotion.
The familiar curve of the coastal road leading to my beach house unfolded before me, a route etched into my memory despite the unsettling emptiness it now evoked. The flames that devoured the house seemed to have consumed the memories held within its walls as well. I couldn't help but wonder what life would have been like if fate hadn't intervened. A life where my father lived, a life where fear didn't dictate my mother's every move, a life where she didn't cling to the illusion of a man's protection.
Consuming fury burned hotter than the inferno that had reduced the house to ashes. Five figures in black suits materialized outside the charred remains, a stark contrast to the desolate landscape.
"Seeking an audience, gentlemen?" Mattheo addressed them, his voice laced with steely resolve.
"Mattheo ," one acknowledged with a curt nod. "Perhaps it's time to restore the balance."
A sardonic smile played on mattheo’s lips. "The balance seems perfectly settled at the moment, wouldn't you agree?"
"Listen, boy," the man continued, "you've caused significant damage. Our men are dead, our houses burned, and a forbidden spell - one with potentially apocalyptic consequences - has been unleashed. You've tampered with time itself. We understand your position as heir apparent demands respect and loyalty, but the same goes for the protectors of this legacy."
"Your concern for my 'achievements' is touching," mattheo retorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm . "However, I'm afraid pressing matters require my immediate attention."
The men exchanged uneasy glances.
gestured towards the ravaged house mattheo said . "Join us, please."
Stepping inside the house was akin to revisiting a personal hell. This was the very place where I had bled out in my lover's arms, This was where I had endured constant torment, a battleground etched with the scars of physical and emotional abuse. The fire that consumed the structure wasn't a metaphor for my rage; it paled in comparison to the inferno burning within me.
Ten minutes from this moment, I had met my demise. Ten minutes from now, vengeance would be mine.
As soon as the men entered, Theo disappeared into a room and emerged moments later with the man who had ended my life cradled in his hands.
tossing him to the ground, his wide, terrified eyes locked on mine. Rage, a primal beast, clawed its way up my throat, threatening to consume me. But before I could surrender to its fury, a gentle hand encircled my neck, a soft kiss brushing my cheek.
"Perhaps our esteemed guests require no introduction to our...pet, wouldn't you agree, my love?" mattheo’s voice, resonated throughout the room.
Emboldened by his touch, I met Jason's gaze. "No introductions are necessary," I said, my voice surprisingly steady. "I believe they're quite familiar with him. Jason Katz, the pathetic, conniving cur."
This is the first time I've uttered my monster's name aloud. He appears so diminutive, so feeble, as if he's always been this way, but I was too afraid to notice.
A cruel smile played on my lips as I stepped closer to the trembling wretch, mattheo’s hand a reassuring weight on mine. The once-powerful figure of Lord Leopold Celestia's murderer now resembled a cornered rat.
"Jason," I began, relishing the power in his flinch at my first word, "you stand accused of murdering my father, Lord Leopold Celestia. Do you deny it?"
His reply, a garbled mess choked back by fear, was barely audible. "Princess, please... it was an accident I never wanted to hurt yo—."
"Do. You. Deny. It?" I repeated, each word laced with ice.
A flicker of defiance sparked in his eyes, quickly extinguished by Theo's steely gaze. "No," he whimpered, the mask of bravado finally crumbling. "I... I wanted his title."
"And my mother, Seraphina Celestia?" I pressed further, the truth a bitter pill to swallow. "Did you not strangle her in her own home, a viper slithering into her good graces after taking her husband from her? Do you deny that act of depravity?"
He squeezed his eyes shut, a strangled sob escaping his lips. "No... I don't."
"And finally," I continued, my voice a mere whisper, "three minutes from this very moment, you murdered me. After a failed attempt at a vile assault, you unleashed forbidden magic and stabbed me in the back. Like a coward ,Do you deny these accusations?"
A broken whimper. "No, princess. I..."
Taking a shaky breath, I looked at mattheo . Understanding flickered in his eyes, and without a word he understood, like he always did
, he handed me a dagger, its cold gleam a stark contrast to the devastation surrounding us.
Kneeling before Jason, I met his gaze, no longer filled with fear . "I told you," I said softly, a ghost of a smile playing on my lips, "you would die either way."
My eyes drifted to mattheo, searching for the signal – the moment of my past demise, to send another soul of my place.
"Burn in hell," I whispered, and with a slow, deliberate movement, I slit his throat. Slowly, enjoying every second, A struggle, a spray of crimson, and then... silence. He was dead, the blood staining my hands a grim reminder of the past.
I rose to my feet, the terrified men standing before me and Theo, his hand a comforting weight on my shoulder.
"Now," mattheo said, his voice calm yet laced with an underlying threat, amusement dancing in his eyes as he toyed with a lock of my hair. "Kneel."
A smirk tugged at my lips as I watched the men comply, their arrogance replaced by abject fear.
This was a new beginning. A surge of power, a dangerous cocktail of emotions coursed through me. But above all, there was the sweet taste of vengeance and the comforting press of mattheo’s hand against mine. Alive, in his arms, surrounded by our friends , we faced whatever the future held, together. Be it death, or a world yet to be shaped, we were ready.
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contremineur · 3 months
He sees two lost fireflies alighting and darkening, rising and falling, and, at the arrival of a sweet, low sound in the distance, suddenly going out.
Sarah Matthes, final stanzas to Getting out of St. Paul
via here – thank you, whisperthatruns
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sedadadeespasmo · 2 years
There must be a song that birds use
to describe a form of clairvoyance
based on the motions
of our human commutes,
or the family tree
of a tree
drawn in the shape of a man
recycling himself underground.
There must be an angler fish
so deep in the squeeze
of the ocean's core
alighting its ancient leather face
like a nightmare in the nighlight in the night.
I love the Komodo dragon sleeping in the zoo,
his poison tongue locked in his jaw,
his breath bluing the glass for a moment like smoke.
I love the Loch Ness Monster
because I know she is a stick.
(Sarah Matthes)
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bostonpoetryslam · 3 years
In the subway car, a mystery of proximity: a yawn passing from mouth to mouth, across a line of seated strangers, in perfect order. I watched it moving like a secret through a row of children, washing toward me as each person opened their lips to swallow it up and then, in unbroken revolution, give it away. I thought this must be G-d: air moving through human bodies like a soft needle picking up stitches along pale cloth.
Sarah Matthes, “Transitory Mitzvah,” via Poetry Daily
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mortalpractice · 3 years
In the subway car, a mystery of proximity: a yawn passing from mouth to mouth across a line of seated strangers in perfect order. I watched it moving
like a secret through a row of children, washing toward me as each person opened their lips to swallow it up and then, in unbroken revolution, give it away.
I thought this must be G-d: air moving through human bodies like a soft needle picking up stitches along pale cloth.
— Sarah Matthes, from “Transitory Mitzvah,” published in BOAAT
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artmcsphere · 5 years
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���━┈ scooby-doo [monsters unleashed]: halloween icons edition. 
ㅤ♡ or © heavenlyghcst if you save/use.
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2bikes1dog · 3 years
Wir haben nach Wasser gefragt und wurden von Sarah prompt zum Kaffeetrinken eingeladen.
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Die Familie lebt in England aber besitzt ein Ferienhaus hier in Frankreich. Wir wurden von Matth & Sam herzlich begrüßt und durften warm duschen. Während es draußen munter weiter regnete saßen wir gemeinsam im Wohnzimmer. Sahara durfte mit auf die Couch und am Ende sind wir einfach gleich dort geblieben.
Wir wurden zum Abendessen eingeladen und haben bis Mitternacht geratscht.
Endlich konnten wir uns mal wieder richtig mit jemanden unterhalten und gleichzeitig unser Englisch üben.
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Wir hatten eine tolle Nacht im Garten in unserem Zelt und sind nach dem Frühstück, wohl riechend, weitergefahren.
Eine weitere total schöne Begegnung die uns heute durch den ganzen Tag getragen hat. Es macht Spaß sich vom Zufall leiten zu lassen und aufregende Bekanntschaften zu machen.
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Vielen Dank!
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dk-thrive · 3 years
and I prepared myself for the gift
In the subway car, a mystery of proximity: a yawn passing from mouth to mouth, across a line of seated strangers, in perfect order. I watched it moving like a secret through a row of children, washing toward me as each person opened their lips to swallow it up and then, in unbroken revolution, give it away. I thought this must be G-d: air moving through human bodies like a soft needle picking up stitches along pale cloth. And I felt my neighbor expand in her crest of breath, hand floating to her mouthlike wood rising in water, and I prepared myself for the gift—
— Sarah Matthes, from “Transitory Mitzvah” in Town Crier (Published by Persea Books April 2021.) (via Poetry Daily)
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whisperthatruns · 3 months
The barista I knew when I was young says Come, sit with me, and tells me how he doesn't believe in reality anymore. This chair, these teeth could be anything that isn't a chair, or teeth. I'm not interested in his latest endeavor, a drawing he shows me, naming it "Shame." A sketch of a man: such large hands over what kind of face. I have to go, or I say so, and sit on the street that erupts twice a year: once with white pear blossoms, once in bare wired branches---vibrations in the sky. At home my father watches the television muted, saying Who is this, and What are these fellows doing, and every few minutes he hears a sound that might be the ice box spawning, and on double canes he walks to the front door, like a paper puppet shaking in the light. I am going to stay on this bench a very long time, watching autumn's fingers paint salted lines around the spaces where the leaves have pressed their damp brown bodies to the ground, and I will try to find a way to carve the space around my body into quiet, or lift a spindle from my tongue to tighten these sounds into simply something else. When I finally go home, I am going to ask my father how his day was, and he'll say The egg is on top of the egg but he won't mean an egg and he won't mean an egg.
Sarah Matthes, Town Crier (Persea Books, 2021)
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sadnymi · 2 months
"My Dreams Are Just Dreams... Until They're Not" modern Mattheo riddle × reader [ chapter four ]
[previous chapter] [Next chapter]
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language,childhood trauma ,abusing, cheating ( not the main characters)
Please understand that from this chapter onwards, the story will delve into darker themes. I urge you to pay close attention to the trigger warnings provided.
Reading Time : 8mins 30sec
Summery : A week at my best friend's beach house, surrounded by our friends as we meet her soon-to-be fiancé's companions, marks a turning point where the very fabric of my beliefs begins to unravel. It's during this week that I encounter the boy who incessantly appears in my dreams, blurring the distinction between the world of my subconscious and the tangible reality before me. Matthe Riddle emerges as the poison I willingly imbibe, a curse that feels akin to a dream, weaving its tendrils into the very essence of my being.
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[ Gif is not mine ]
That's the sinister aspect of ghosts
they whisper secrets from the shadows,
revealing truths that haunt your mind and pursue you relentlessly, leaving behind clues that lead you deeper into a forgotten past.
They shroud the present in darkness, obscuring your vision and dragging you down into a murky abyss of fear and uncertainty.
"I know what I saw. He was here, right there, looking at me," I assert, feeling the weight of their sympathetic gazes bearing down on me. What I despise most is that I'm beginning to doubt myself, to entertain the notion that my mind conjured him up again in the most horrifying way imaginable, solely to torment me
"I believe you, y/n. But perhaps you've been sleep-deprived and stressed lately, skipping meals and—"sarah tried to speak
"I'm fine, and I slept well. Just ask Mattheo."
"What does Mattheo have to do with any of this?" Julie inquires, her tone laced with confusion.
“ penny comes closer to me saying softly “ Okay... I mean, there's nothing here now, right?"places her hands on my shoulders, offering reassurance. "We should head out and not let that bastard ruin our night, right?" She nods at me, and I force myself to focus on her words, ignoring the sympathetic looks from the boys and, most importantly, Mattheo's piercing gaze.
"Yeah, you're right. Let's go," I reluctantly agree, mustering a feeble attempt at a smile as they all head towards the door, leaving me behind to cast one last glance at the closed door before turning to face Mattheo, who remained there, waiting for me.
"He was there—I'm not losing my mind," I assert, desperate for him to understand the turmoil raging within me.
I try to decipher the emotions etched across his face. Is it pain? Hurt? Or something else, something I'm weary of ignoring?
“I know, love," he responds, And once again, the familiarity of that damn word "love" echoes in the air, as if it's where it’s belong like I heard it before so so many times
"Come here, give me your hand," he offers, extending his hand towards me. I hesitate for a moment,
unsure of what to make of his gesture, before finally placing my hand in his. His grip is firm yet gentle, as if he's holding on for dear life, as if this moment is the culmination of a lifetime of waiting. His touch sends shivers down my spine .
"Come on, guys, what's taking you so long?" Lorenzo's voice breaks the tension, and I allow him to lead me towards the door, Mattheo's grasp on my hand never faltering.
Once we finally out of the door making our way to the beach we keep a few steps between us and our friends
"Do you... do you believe in ghosts?" I asked him in a hushed tone, ensuring none of our friends could overhear us.
"Not really," he replied softly.
"I think ghosts are souls that were meant to have more time, souls that linger here, waiting for something,or someone to free them cause they deserve much better " he explained his words carrying a weight of sorrow and uncertainty.
"What if the ghost belonged to someone bad, someone who did terrible things and harmed many people?" I questioned, the fear creeping into my voice.
"Is that someone the one you saw in this room?" he inquired gently.
I wrestled with the decision to confide in him. He was supposed to be a stranger, yet he felt like the only anchor in a sea of chaos.
"Who are you, Mattheo?" I whispered, my exhaustion seeping through every word. I felt like a ghost myself, a mere shadow of who I once was, still trapped in his life.
He gazed at me, a profound look that conveyed his pain. I shouldn't have been able to sense it, shouldn't have known something so intimate. Glancing at our friends, who were now more than ten steps away, I hesitated before placing my other hand – the one he wasn't holding – on his heart.
"You're in pain," I stated, and once again, that inexplicable feeling of something more, something precious and mysterious, enveloped us. His eyes shifted to my hand on his chest.
“Why are you in pain?" I asked, feeling the sting of tears threatening to escape. The two of us, entangled in our own pain, faced a darkness that seemed insurmountable.
He remained silent, as if articulating his feelings would intensify the pain. "Before I sleep, I heard you. You said you're going to fix everything. What does it mean?" I questioned, and he responded by placing his hands on mine, offering a soft smile. "You ask so many questions," he teased, a tactic I was keenly aware of and detested.
"I'm not falling for your trap. Using that smile to distract me won't work," I asserted, determined to resist his charms. However, his smirk persisted, and he remarked, "It seems like it's not working from here, love. I think you're blushing." I freed both my hands from his grasp.
"You're wrong. I'm frustrated. Don't you know the difference?" I retorted.
"Yeah, I think I know the difference," he smirked again, and I felt ensnared by his voice, his words, and those captivating eyes. Shaking my head, I began to walk away, distancing myself from the magnetic pull he exuded, and headed towards our friends.
The journey didn't take long before signs of the fire and the soothing sounds of the ocean reached my senses. I closed my eyes, allowing the scent of the sea to envelop me.
I endeavored to ignore him as much as possible, wrestling with myself not to glance in his direction, suppressing thoughts about whether he, too, might be casting his gaze upon me.
Seated on the sand, I forced a smile, trying to engage in the conversation with my friends. However, my mind was preoccupied with someone specific, and I struggled to suppress thoughts about his hands – their size compared to mine and their explorations across different parts of my body. I took a deep breath, attempting to calm myself, but memories of his touch lingered. Recollections of dreams, including an intimate one that wet dream wasn’t the first I had of him maybe the first if me whispered his name like a prayer, plagued my mind. I resented my thoughts and the unsettling sensations in my core, especially recalling a dream where he was intimately close, between my legs, and kissed me as if his life depended on it.
Hugging my knees tightly, I attempted to banish the sinister thoughts plaguing my mind, but to no avail. Not even the soothing sound of the ocean or the gentle breeze could calm the storm raging within me.
After taking a deep breath and closing my eyes in an attempt to calm myself, the raging fire inside me persisted. Excusing myself from the group, I navigated through the dancing and inebriated crowd towards the drinks table. Without hesitation, I grabbed a cup and quickly downed its contents, hoping it would extinguish the turmoil within me. Yet, despite my efforts, the flames continued to burn relentlessly
Then, I felt his presence behind me, his shadow consuming me. Closing my eyes, I sensed his hands on my waist, pulling me closer. "Is that also frustrating?" he whispered softly in my ear, and I hummed softly, hating how my body betrayed me.
"What is it, my love? Is something bothering you?" I tried to speak, but I couldn't trust my voice. Shaking my head, he asked again, biting my ear softly. , "No,"he whispered ones more and his grip tightened.
"Because whatever it is, I'm pretty sure it's not just frustrating right now." Stepping back, he left me angry and breathing heavily. I turned to him, angry and breathing heavily, unable to speak or control my body. He looked at me with a smirk, acknowledging the frustration evident in my eyes.
My eyes drifted to his arms and a specific tattoo, and he must have noticed because he grabbed my waist again, pulling me closer.
I touched his tattoo hastily, asking, "What does that mean?" Looking into my eyes, he smiled softly, answering, "Just a family
"Mattheo, I..." attempting to speak, but it felt as though I had lost the ability to, my body devoid of control. "I think... I think that—"
"What do you think, baby?" he interrupted.
"I think you might be the boy of my dreams," I uttered. His laughter washed over me, and suddenly, it hit me how my words really sounded and the embarrassment of it engulfed me. I attempted to pull away from his grasp, but his strong arms refused to release me.
"No... I mean literally, you always show up in my dreams. You were always there, every night, every day, every single dream. I know it's you, and I was sure of it after I—I said your name in one of them," I confessed.
"Did you?" he asked, his breath tracing my neck as he leaned in close.
"Yeah," I managed to say, feeling his presence enveloping me.
"What was I doing in that specific dream, love?" he asked, leading me to a more private corner. I didn't notice until my back hit a wall, and I found myself gazing into his eyes, feeling as though he could see right through my soul.
"You were...," I began, struggling to find my voice under his intense gaze and the pressure of his hands on my waist.
"What was I doing to you in that dream, baby?" he pressed, asking once more his dominance palpable. I felt compelled to answer, to do whatever he wanted me to do.
“ you were touching me “ I looked away from him
His hand on my face forced me to meet his intense gaze. "Where?" he pressed.
I hesitated, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment. "You know," I whispered shakily.
"No, I don't," he murmured, his lips almost brushing against mine.
“ down there “ I shakily replied. He smirked, his other hand making its way to the part I needed him the most. He started rubbing, and I couldn't help but moan. “ there ? “ he asked and I think I said yes or I wanted to
He started rubbing slow circles around the outside of my hole… gently flicking my clit back and forth without actually rubbing it “ was I doing that too? “ he teased, and I nodded, trying to hold back my moans and the tears in my eyes.
"Don't hold back on me. Let me hear that beautiful voice," he urged. "Mattheo," I said his name like a prayer. I gasped, eyes rolling back as he rubbed at me, spreading my wetness all over. His fingers slipped teasingly between my sensitive folds, and I whined through his ministrations, begging for something I didn't fully understand.
"Shhh," he whispered, leaning forward until I felt surrounded by him. "It's okay, love. Tell me what else I did in your dream." I struggled to speak, my body overwhelmed by his touch. "All you have to do is tell me, love," he coaxed. I slowly nodded my head, wrapping my hand around his forearm. When I looked at him, he met me halfway for a kiss. It was sweet, but soon it escalated into more as he pinched my clit between his fingers.
"Spread your legs, baby," he commanded, and I complied, feeling a deep desire to fulfill his every wish. With his lips on my neck and my hands in his hair, I tried to open my eyes and control my moans.
In the midst of this intense moment, I felt a shiver race down my spine as I caught sight of the ghost once more. Its spectral form hovered nearby, its eyes boring into us with an eerie intensity. Despite my attempts to dismiss it as a trick of the light or a figment of my imagination, the ghost's presence felt undeniably real. A wave of fear washed over me as I struggled to comprehend what I was seeing.
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danielnavillus · 5 years
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$ pay 2 play $ written and performed by luxy banner and daniel sullivan live score by michael doucet in sarah matthes’ house
for fronterafest’s ‘mi casa es su teatro’
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“Look! Fruit!” in the new Bat City Review!
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Thrilled to receive my contributor copies of the new Bat City Review, which contains "Look! Fruit!" one of the collaborative prose poems I've been writing with Dustin Nightingale. There's so much literary awesomeness in this gorgeous issue! Massive thank yous to Luci Arbus-Scandiffio, Sarah Matthes, and the whole BCR crew!
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bostonpoetryslam · 3 years
There is a tree I love back home that once a year turns silky and white and shakes its petals down like hole punches raining onto a carpet. On that day a little dog in my chest raises its head suddenly toward the east. When I am missing that, what am I missing? Is it the bright, blinding pour of the soft, moving static? Is it the event, and how I got to be inside of it? What if instead of 'missing you' I called it averting my eyes—isn't that a way of seeing you more clearly, of holding you constantly in my mind's thick fog?
Sarah Matthes, “Averting My Eyes,” published in Midst
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pgvolleynewz-blog · 5 years
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ALSO SO SEHEN SIEGER AUS. "Feuer und Flamingo gewinnen Zinnowitz 2:0 Sieg im Finale der Techniker Beach Tour in Zinnowitz gegen das DVV Team von Leoni Körtzinger und Sarah Schneider. Wenn das jemand am Freitag gesagt hätte, der wäre sicherlich für verrückt erklärt worden. Anna verletzte sich gleich im ersten Gruppenspiel, klemmte sich einen Nerv ein und das Spiel ging verloren. Somit stand das Team Behlen/Krohn gleich zu Beginn von Tag 2 mit dem Rücken an der Wand. Aber was dann ablief, glich einem Traum. Sieg gegen Ottens/Ziemer im entscheidenen Gruppenspiel. Im 1/8 Finale gewann man mit 2:0 gegen die Finalistinnen von Fehmarn und an 3 gesetzte Team um Anna Hoya und Steffi Hüttermann. Im 1/4 Finale ging es dann gegen das an 1 gesetzte Team um Melanie Gernert (sie gewann mit ihrer Interimspartnerin das Turnier in Fehmarn) und Elena Kiesling. Und wieder hieß das Ergebnis 2:0. Im Halbfinale waren Anna und Anne dann die Favoriten, aber auch das Team Matthes/Rübesam wurde mit 2:1 besiegt. Im Finale ging es nun mit einigen Ibus und nem Flamingo gegen Annas Ex, mit Sarah gewann sie im vergangenen Jahr in Zinnowitz. Ein Rückstand im ersten Satz wurde weggelächet und Durchgang 1 deutlich mit 21:15 gewonnen. Auch im 2. Satz lief Team "Feuer und Flamingo" einem Rückstand hinterher, aber mit dem Zinnowitzer Publikum sollte nichts schief gegen. 26:24 und der Tuniersieg is daaaaaaaa. Herzlichen Glückwunsch Team "Feuer und Flamingo". #beachvolleyball #technikerbeachtour #aldinord #comdirect #nivea #zinnowitz #pgvolleynewz #winnerwinnerchickendinner Alle Fotos findet ihr auf Flickr, den Link dazu in meiner Bio. Über ein Abo würde ich mich freuen. (hier: Ostseestrand Zinnowitz, Insel Usedom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Bnf9sAzc8/?igshid=1jyvkecpicqnj
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