#sarah sisko
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"I hate the Prophets. They're so smug and vague, and what they did to Sisko's mom (and dad!) was basically a form of r*pe, and it's never called out."
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defconprime · 10 months
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Deborah Lacey as Sarah Sisko
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quasi-normalcy · 2 years
Sarah Sisko is the reason why Yvette's fate in Picard, season 2, is still only the *second* worst retcon related to a Star Trek captain's mother.
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creativecuquilu · 1 year
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Weird LoFi illustrations generated with DALLE.
I am pretty sure that after generating that salami sandwich prompt, I already ran out of ingredients for it. Anyway...
Hope you like them!
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this post really nailed something I've been thinking about for years about how awful DS9 is about women and their bodies especially re: pregnancy (and other sci-fi forms of... body multiplicity?). There's Kira's pregnancy plot, then Jadzia dies in the most infuriating way ever devised (during the quest to have a baby with Worf!), 'hubris' about her own self-determination for which she pays very dearly. Then after that, the reveal about Sarah Sisko, and how she was possessed in order to conceive Benjamin. Then immediately after that, it's revealed that the events leading to Ezri's joining are exactly the same circumstances that lead Kira to take on Keiko's baby. An emergency, a choice that's not really a choice for someone who cares about life in general, and whatever the (traumatic) consequences on themselves are a solitary responsibility of Ezri and Kira to deal with.
It's really a glaring track record.
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legok9 · 2 months
Friendship is Universal
Official Doctor Who x Star Trek poster by Dusty Abell
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Top: Yasmin Khan, Kira Nerys, Clara Oswald, Spock, Amy Pond, Data, Rose Tyler, La'an Noonien Singh, Sarah Jane Smith, Bill Potts, William Riker, Cleveland Booker, Donna Noble
Middle: Jonathan Archer with Porthos, War Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Sixth Doctor, the Guardian of Forever, the TARDIS, Fugitive Doctor, Eighth Doctor, First Doctor, Leonard McCoy, Beverly Crusher
Third Doctor with a tribble, Michael Burnham, Kathryn Janeway, James T. Kirk, Thirteenth Doctor, Christopher Pike, Philippa Georgiou, Fifth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Second Doctor, Benjamin Sisko, Twelfth Doctor
Fifteenth Doctor, K9, Jean-Luc Picard, Fourth Doctor
Bottom: Weeping Angel, Wirrn, Goblin, Khan Noonien Singh, Morbius, V5, Gorn, Beep the Meep, Cyberman, Maestro, Locutus of Borg, Vashta Nerada, Robot Yeti, Ood, Sil, Dalek, K1, Zygon, Kruge, Silent, Missy, Dukat, Ruk
The Seventh Doctor, Ninth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor are conspicuously absent. Also disappointed that Voyager's Doctor didn't make the cut!
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Bonus fact: Peter Capaldi auditioned to play Benjamin Sisko. Great to see them side by side.
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Sarah Sisko’s whole deal is so horrifying and messed up and DS9 just kinda. Glosses over it
#Imagine you are just a random Australian woman on Earth. Living your life minding your business#and then you get possessed by an alien force who have a Destiny they need to enact#And so controls you to go to New Orleans and hook up with a guy you’ve never met and you marry him and live with him for three years#And give birth to a son#And evidently that was what the alien wanted because once you have had a son the alien possession vacates your body#And you are in control of yourself again for the first time in three years#Married to a guy you didn’t seek out with a son you didn’t have a choice in#And the man is sweet and kind and in live with you! And thought you lived him! But you can’t bear it#So you leave him and leave the kid and hightail it back to Australia because what else can you do??#And eventually commit suicide because you can’t handle this. Your life was upended in an impossible horrifying way for three years#You disappeared from your life with no warning for three years and then showed up again to people who think you just left#It’s the Star Trek universe—‘I was mind controlled by an alien force’ is well known#But that’s not supposed to happen to you. You aren’t a starfleet adventurer you live on Earth. Why You?#I feel like. Sarah your life was so horrifying/tragic and it wasn’t even about you#And even DS9 just brings this up practically in passing and then never dwells on it ever#perpetual perpetual ladies night#Star Trek#Deep Space 9#ST:DS9
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foone · 2 years
Has anyone written an official star trek novel about Worf's bar mitzvah yet? (long post on Jewish Worf under the cut)
He was orphaned at age 6/7 and adopted by the Rozhenkos shortly after, so he would have come of age in a Jewish household. As for "would Worf have had a bar mitzvah?", have you met the man? He loves him some rituals!
And if you're not sure if Worf's adoptive family is Jewish, two things: 1. His mother is played by Georgia Brown, a Jewish actress 2. HIS DAD IS LITERALLY TEVYE. THEY COULD HAVE NOT MADE IT ANY MORE OBVIOUS
His dad is played by Theodore Bikel, who got his start in acting by playing Tevye in "Tevye the Milkman", an adaptation of the stories that predates Fiddler on the Roof. In 1969 he started playing Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof, the role he played more than any other.
Anyway I want to get a story about a klingon girl being adopted by a Jewish family as a child, and having her coming-of-age ritual with her new family. Call it "My Bat'leth mitzvah"
You know it's been pointed out that Worf seems to be more invested in the history and culture of the Klingons than most of the raised-by-Klingons Klingons we meet in Star Trek.
There's lots of fan explanations for this (the Klingons have lost their way, and he believed their propaganda about themselves, so he's more Klingon than Klingons, or he's on the autism spectrum) But I want to see it brought up on trek itself.
Someone asks Worf why he's so invested in Klingon rituals, in their history, in their culture, when so many Klingons have forgotten the same, and let it slip away.
Worf explains that he got it from his father, who always emphasized the importance of... *Worf stands up and begins to sing at the top of his powerful klingon lungs* TRADITION!
Three decks away, a startled ensign drops a sample container. Within hours half the ship has mutated into kangaroos and Data has to save the ship yet again while Picard swordfights Shakespeare on the holodeck
I wonder if Worf ever mentioned to Sisko that he was Moses.
Sisko: What. Worf: You're a prophet to a people just out of slavery, one raised by another culture but secretly one of them. G-d spoke to you and told you of your divine mission. Because of your actions you were told you would not enter the promised land.
Worf: Remember when you entered the wormhole and spoke to the prophets to stop the Jem'Hadar invasion fleet? And they did? Well, what happened to the Pharaoh's army when they tried to follow the escaping Hebrews across the Red Sea?
Worf: Even your name! Benjamin, son of Joseph and Sarah. These are Hebrew names! You are Moses.
And how does DS9 end? (spoilers) Oh, Ben is taken into heaven on a chariot of fire. Like the prophet Elijah.
I imagine a young Worf coming to his father, excited to point out a connection to Klingon religion he found while reading the Torah. His dad is excited that his adoptive son has taken such an interest, and asks him to explain.
Young Worf explains that he was reading about Jacob, who met either G-d or an angel, and wrestled him until he was given a blessing. Jacob was from then on known as Israel, meaning "wrestles with G-d".
Worf points out that Klingons have no gods... Anymore. They were killed by Klingons in the distant past.
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Little Worf balls up his tiny fists. "Don't worry, father! I shall help you finish what Jacob started!" and runs out to practice Bat'leth in the back yard. Sergey covers his face with both hands, then looks upwards and whispers "he doesn't understand... Forgive him, please!"
He'll ask the rabbi for advice later, and they'll be a very unique conversation.
There are many difficulties with maintaining the faith and traditions in the atheist utopian future of Star Trek, but "my adoptive son read the Torah and now thinks it's his divine mission to kill G-d in his heaven and drink bloodwine over his corpse" is a new one.
little did Worf know that the job had already been done, years before he was born, and with Klingon assistance. Yes, I'm going to bring up Star Trek V...
"God" or at least a very powerful being claiming that title, is trying to kill Kirk on a planet named after the James Bond actor. Kirk reaches the top of a mountain (why is he climbing the mountain?) and he's out of options. BAM, Klingon Bird Of Prey, out of nowhere! DIE, GOD!
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But it wasn't a Klingon at the weapon's console. It was Spock! (But he's Jewish too, so it was still someone who Wrestles-with-God)
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From then on Spock was known to the klingons as chotwI’Qun: God Killer.
(the grammar is probably wrong on that, but if you try to correct me on my Klingon (don't you mean tlhIngan Hol?) at the end of a post about how Worf is Jewish, I will simply call you a NERD)
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 5 months
siskarak: i would like to hear your thoughts about sisko as a father figure. does garak see him that way? does sisko see himself that way, or is this his escape from responsibility? how does sisko reconcile parts of himself? how does garak view sisko's parenting of jake? do you think one of palandine's kids is garak's, and if so, does his deadbeat-dadness matter in the siskarak dynamic? is there a parallel between tolan's gardening and joseph's restaurant? is there a parallel between mila as tain's servant and sarah as posessed by the prophets?
Oooh, fascinating ask, thank you!
I think Garak does see him a little bit as a father figure, but only in the most fucked up way. That is to say, he lowkey wants to make him his new version of Tain, his spymaster/authority figure/father figure. He’s eager to please Sisko and lowkey wants his approval. He’s willing to kill for him in their common causes. He wants someone powerful to get in good with. I made a post at some point comparing Tain’s line “I never had to order Garak to do anything. That’s what made him special.” to Garak anticipating what Sisko REALLY needed from him in ITPM. But it’s not a one-to-one substitution obvs. The sexual tension is a factor relevant to siskarak but not garak and tain, lol. And Garak doesn’t follow Sisko quite so loyally, he is more aware of where they don’t align ideologically, and I think this is what makes it healthier than Garak idolizing Tain..
I def think Garak is a way for Sisko to escape from responsibility and respectability. Sisko sees himself as a good dad most of the time, and he deserves a little time to occasionally blow off steam and sleep with someone whom it is very much a mistake to sleep with XD
I think Garak doesn’t quite understand Sisko’s parenting of Jake. Like he feels some type of way about it but that emotion is inaccessible to him. Garak thinks the Siskos have a nearly Cardassian familial bond (something garak only knows about through literature and cultural norms rather than experience), although he doesn’t get how Jake can sometimes seemingly disrespect his father’s wishes and then is further baffled that Sisko will not change how he feels about his son as a result. Garak doesn’t have a good model for any of this. So, I guess, maybe, he’s equal parts impressed and baffled by their good relationship.
Okay I don’t really have any ASIT thoughts, sorry… I read it one time 4 years ago and thought it was neat that Andy had written some unhinged Garak stories too, he’s just like us fr, lol, but I don’t really think about it like I think about canon… It’s fine if you want to explore it though!
Thanks again for letting me ramble about some of my headcanons! <3
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the-last-dillpickle · 5 months
Fuck, Marry, Kill:
Kai Winn
Female Changeling
Prophet Sarah Sisko
Reblog, reply, or anon your choices (and the logic behind it, if you'd like).
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isagrimorie · 9 months
I love Star Trek but sometimes they do storylines that even for their time was really terrible. Or done at cross purposes like Voyager’s “Retrospect” it ends up being a terrible “don’t believe the victims” type of storyline.
Lisa Klink, one of the writers of the episode tried to clarify that it was supposed to be about false and implanted memories that were infamous during the ‘90s. About a family accused of doing that and basically ruining their lives.
Unfortunately, Bryan Fuller revealed as noble the goal was, to his shock and horror, the moment Jeri Taylor and the other women in the writer’s room left the men in the room started sharing stories about “punishing bitches”. He was just a new writer back then and couldn’t do anything nor say anything.
TLDR— instead of being a story about implanted false memories it became a “don’t believe the victims” story. (The first mistake, I think was using Seven of Nine for this— if they used as Garret Want proposed, Harry or Tom instead, it would probably play differently. Or maybe even the Doctor).
In DS9, its the fact that Sisko was conceived from Sarah, a woman who was basically possessed by a Prophet and forced to conceive and give birth to Sisko.
The moment Sarah came back to herself she ran away and when Ben’s dad contacted her she supposedly was in an accident before they got to meet again.
I completely forgot this happened until I rewatched again— and I was flabbergasted to find out up to this day there are many who don’t consider it rape and even excuse the Prophets.
(The writers were obviously trying to recreate the Immaculate Conception of Mary with Sisko’s mother. And yet, the 90s version is more horrific.)
Edited to add: What the Prophets did is akin to what the Goa’uld to people they possess, except the only good thing maybe is Sarah was not aware of what’s happening. It’s still terrible waking up months or even a year later married with a child she doesn’t remember having.
But in Stargate SG-1 this was why Goa’uld were considered villains…
And then what happened to Kurn, Worf’s brother— they basically mind wiped him. Instead of trying to convince Kurn to live and find a way back to honor, they just mind wipe him and pretend he was from another House.
And then, a season or two later, Worf is adopted into another House and restored honor. The very thing that Kurn yearned for, but Kurn would never have that because they wiped his mind.
I’m sure there are more egregious examples but those are the ones that come to mind.
I just wanted to write it down because it’s been on my mind lately. Star Trek has some of the best and high minded concepts, and a hopeful future but as a consequence of being written in their time or by people in our era…
Starfleet also has, in-universe, I think a problem addressing mental health of their traumatized people.
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defconprime · 2 years
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Prophet Sarah Sisko from Star Trek Timelines, 2019.
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Official DS9 Character Bracket
And here’s the final bracket! Round One will go live tomorrow, 4/13 at 10 am EST!
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Full List:
Round One:
Left Side:
Alexander Rozhenko vs. Keiko O’Brien: poll here
Mora Pol vs. Lwaxana Troi: poll here
Vedek Bareil vs. Captain Benjamin Sisko: poll here
Sirella vs. Molly O’Brien: poll here
Mirror! Garak vs. Gilora Rejal and Ulani Belor: poll here
Curzon Dax vs. Quark: poll here
Martok vs. Ishka: poll here
Brunt vs. Maihar’du: poll here
Kai Winn vs. Chief Miles O’Brien: poll here
Rom vs. Mila: poll here
Joseph Sisko vs. Joran Dax: poll here
The Klingon Chef vs. Mirror! Kira: poll here
Elim Garak vs. Jennifer Sisko: poll here
Goran’Agar vs. Weyoun: poll here
Enabran Tain vs. Shakaar: poll here
Sarah Sisko vs. Vic Fontaine: poll here
Right Side:
Leeta vs. Female Changeling: poll here
Solok vs. Dr. Julian Bashir: poll here
Natima Lang vs. Legate Damar: poll here
Grand Nagus Zek vs. Keevan: poll here
Sarina Douglas vs. Gul Dukat: poll here
Admiral William Ross vs. Lt. Commander Worf: poll here
Kasidy Yates vs. Pel: poll here
Nog vs. Morn: poll here
Michael Eddington vs. Tora Ziyal: poll here
Jack, Patrick and Lauren vs. Constable odo: poll here
Tekeny Ghemor vs. Lenara Kahn: poll here
Dr. Elizabeth Lense vs. Jake Sisko: poll here
Luther Sloan vs. Counselor Ezri Dax: poll here
Major Kira Nerys vs. Kor, Kang and Koloth: poll here
Mirror! Worf vs. Grilka: poll here
Baby Changeling vs. Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax: poll here
Round Two:
Left Side:
Keiko O’Brien vs. Lwaxana Troi: poll here
Captain Benjamin Sisko vs. Molly O’Brien: poll here
Mirror! Garak vs. Quark: poll here
Martok vs. Brunt: poll here
Chief Miles O’Brien vs. Rom: poll here
Joseph Sisko vs. Mirror! Kira: poll here
Elim Garak vs. Weyoun: poll here
Enabran Tain vs. Vic Fontaine: poll here
Right Side:
Leeta vs. Dr. Julian Bashir: poll here
Legate Damar vs. Grand Nagus Zek: poll here
Gul Dukat vs. Lt. Commander Worf: poll here
Kasidy Yates vs. Nog: poll here
Tora Ziyal vs. Constable Odo: poll here
Lenara Kahn vs. Jake Sisko: poll here
Ezri Dax vs. Kira Nerys: poll here
Grilka vs. Jadzia Dax: poll here
Round Three:
Left Side:
Lwaxana Troi vs. Captain Benjamin Sisko: poll here
Quark vs. Martok: poll here
Chief Miles O’Brien vs. Mirror! Kira: poll here
Elim Garak vs. Vic Fontaine: poll here
Right Side:
Dr. Julian Bashir vs. Legate Damar: poll here
Lt. Commander Worf vs. Nog: poll here
Constable Odo vs. Jake Sisko: poll here
Kira Nerys vs. Jadzia Dax: poll here
Left Side:
Captain Benjamin Sisko vs. Quark: poll here
Chief Miles O’Brien vs. Elim Garak: poll here
Right Side:
Dr. Julian Bashir vs. Lt. Cmdr. Worf: poll here
Constable Odo vs. Jadzia Dax: poll here
Captain Benjamin Sisko vs. Elim Garak: poll here
Dr. Julian Bashir vs. Jadzia Dax: poll here
Captain Benjamin Sisko vs. Jadzia Dax: poll here
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thegeminisage · 2 months
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME I'M SO FUCKING BEHINDDD ok ok monday we did ds9's "trials and tribble-ations" and "let he who is without sin..." then tuesday we did voy's "future's end parts i & ii," and finally wednesday we did voy's "warlord" and ds9's "things past."
trials and tribble-ations (ds9):
ohhh i wish i'd had time to write about this when it was fresher on my mind. what a wonderful experience and episode. i feel like i got spoiled for the concept of it but it was still so amazing because i just genuinely COULD NOT BELIEVE they could do that. like, the entire thing felt like magic to me. it's not as if they could ask william shatner to reshoot - they could only used what they had from back then. and they made it work and they made it look SO GOD, like, not just for the 90s, but for today. the lighting, the resolution, the colors...everything was flawless. o'brien and bashir in that lineup??? like i wouldn't have known if i didn't know. jesus christ
did i spend a lot of time crying because i was so overwhelmed with my deep adoration for spock? yes. maybe i screamed aloud when he came on my screen. who can say. dax being a spock girlie is so fucking correct by the way i bet william shatner wanted to kermit when that aired. also good on her for bagging mccoy although i think it would have been funnier if she hadn't said which body she was in so we could have fun speculating about bones having sex with men <3
odo baby talking the tribbles. incredible. also, worf and the klingon head ridge lore which shall never be explained
and of course let's NOT forget kirk making the sex eyes at sisko. they took that footage from the mirrorverse ep when he was ogling our universe's version of marlena. KIRK CANONICALLY DTF SISKO. CANONICALLY INTO MEN. DIE MAD ABOUT IT. it was so cool and heartwarming but also INCREDIBLY fucking funny
also. ABSOLUTELY gratified they brought some back to ds9 and got away with it. sisko is so fucking cool i love when he rule breaks
just an absolutely magical experience. like, it really blew my mind because i didn't think it was something that could be done. one of the greatest examples of trek pushing the limits of possibility
let he who is without sin... (ds9):
man i wanna like worf in ds9 so bad but like...does he feel off to anyone else? from how he was in tng? don't get me wrong i love ds9 and hated tng and worf in ds9 is Fine the way he was also Fine in tng but i just cant see tng worf cooperating with extremists who are also doing a bit of light terrorism. he'd call them dishonorable and send them packing even if he did agree
also, like, he killed a kid in soccer? by headbutting him? that's tragic backstory but like also kind of ridiculous and funny? i can't believe they played that totally straight. he soccered a kid to death.
anyway, everybody's outfits were very good. i loved dax's mermaid look
also SOOO glad leeta and julian are breaking up so she can get with ROM!!!!!!!! my best friend rom...he deserves so much happiness and i hope they stay together forever and ever amen
anyway like it was Fine im glad dax and worf are back on track but also what the hell...it was very baffling to me as well
future's end parts i & ii (voy):
this one was also Fine. like, the plot didn't make a bit of sense - i thought the 90s in trek were supposed to be some kind of hell hole but after watching space seed they may have just barely gotten by - the eugenics wars ended in 96. still, LA did not look like an area recently decimated by eugenics wars. i'm really interested in that era of trek history, where it veers off from our own history, but so much of it seems muddy and in conflict with itself, which is a bummer
that said, i did have fun watching janeway and chakotay have like a little earth date together. also good for the doc for getting to run around freely now, and sarah silverman was v fun even if she could totally do better than tom paris. everybody's outfits were extremely fun even though tuvok's was uh. well.
HOWEVER. the limited amount of fun i was having was kind of uhhh canceled out by the. random white supremacists??? especially wild choice considering the eugenics wars didn't involve white supremacy because their number one guy was KHAN like what the hell???
i wish i had more to say about it but it was just a genuinely baffling experience. mostly fun, but baffling. the plot was like swiss cheese
warlord (voy):
OKAY THIS ONE WAS FUN. we got off to an extremely rough start (neelix foot massage complete with sex noises) and there was that neelix and kes fight post possession that i hated because it sort of shouted out to my least favorite arc in all of voyager, but AFTER we got into man
man are you ever so tiny and helpless and nice and then you get to go ape shit. good for HER
like yeah fine she was possessed but she got to menace him herself in the end too
her body language was so incredible. she's like so tiny and yet she owned the entire room when she was strutting around like that. i loved her guy voice. i loved watching her murder people in cold blood. i loved whatever lgbt thing they almost did and then pussied out of doing
AND I LOVED. THE SCENE WITH TUVOK. man that dude can ACT. it was so tense and so good and technically he's kissed a man on screen now. i did go back and rewatch that several times because tuvok is my best friend and it was so evil and horrid >:)
anyway absolutely banger of an ep. could ahve stood less neelix but this is true of most voyager episodes
things past (ds9):
i really went into this thinking garak was gonna like Learn A Lesson about the occupation because he was gonna be in it without his status as a cardassian to protect him but instead we outed odo as a fuck-up. and you know? good for him
like i felt a little defensive about it at first because it almost seemed like we were just trying to knock odo down a peg when he's already Suffering but the more i think about it the more sense it makes. like, his desire for order is intrinsic to his species, but that desire for order led to something terrible happening, and then by the time he's met kira he has enough self doubt and worry about the consequences of false accusations that he LETS HER GO despite having actually found the correct murderer. it's so delicious
and then the scene at the end where she's like horrified. the way he was horrified when he found out she lied. AUGHGHGHG parallels i can't wait until 1000 years from now when they get together
also, hi, dukat??? like i knew he was a bad person but i thought he was a bad person in like a fun way. sisko's gay little friend who sent him fireworks for his road trip and sat on one of those little spines for kira. but he's like a bAD bad person. was that leeta dax was supposed to have been, in his office? leeta deserves to kill him actually. and like, WHTY is he so into bajoran women. i think we know. like sure siyal's mom was "in love with him" like ok dude. of course he tried to kill ziyal. of COURSE kira was like no she can stay on the station far away from you :)
idk it's like a great reminder that even people who are funny and seem nice and harmless are capable of absolutely unforgiveable acts and all people are layered. everyone is human and everyone has the capacity for being inhumane. etcetc. very good. every time dukat is on screen he gets more interesting
i do kind of wish we had gotten more from garak though...? it feels like he's just There some episodes. i miss when he had more content with bashir go back to queerbaiting us!!!
TONIGHT: voy's "q and the grey" (GROSS) and ds9's "the ascent," or possibly "first contact," or possibly star wars, who knows
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creativecuquilu · 1 year
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Random people I like doing things in Silent Hill, for no reason other than take a break from getting chased by nurses and Pyramid Head.
The Peter Davison using a blender here turned out so good, his smoothies brought a few people to the yard.
Hope you like them!
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