#sarah's 6 series
Misuse of the 6 typing in Modern Enneagram
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Welcome to my series about Type 6. The center of Perceptions. The virtues of Courage and Loyalty. The loss of Holy Faith. The vices of Envy and Doubt. The Reactive, Attachment Head Type. In this multi-post series we will delve into what all of this means.
Too often in modern enneagram, Type 6 is not treated like a distinctive point on the symbol with its own identity. It is treated like the dumping box for everyone we find annoying, argumentative and unpredictable, and can't be bothered properly analyzing.
Lots of 8s get put into the 6 category, especially since the nonsense idea of "counterphobic 6" [x] emerged. People have told me I'm a 6 many times before, and the irony is that they could be right... however, nobody who has typed me at 6 has had logical reasoning behind their stance. I have more reasons to explain why I'm a 6 than anyone who has said that I'm a 6 core.
The modern enneagram community doesn't respect or understand type 6 as a real archetype. These people who typed me as 6 because I argued with them were basically in a math exam, getting the right answer by fluke after doing all the wrong working. This has probably happened to countless other people reading this post... typing people as 6 because they dare to be opinionated is extremely common malpractice in every enneagram community.
In Type 6s, "Doubt" runs much deeper than disagreeing with what someone says. Showing basic critical thinking skills and asking questions is the fastest way to get yourself typed as 6 in modern enneagram groups, which is dumb dumb dumb. In truth, any enneatype can doubt what people say and even argue chronically. Argumentativeness is a trait too vague and too diverse in how it presents itself, to assign to any one type.
Please read my post about how Counterphobic 6 is not a real enneagram type category. If someone calls themselves a "counterphobic 6" or tells you you are a "counterphobic 6", you can be assured they don't know what they are talking about and move along.
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 16 days
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hellish-cruelty · 1 year
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Does it get easier?
Bojack Horseman Season 2, Episode 12: Out to Sea
Every day, it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day. That's the hard part. But it does get easier.
Lost in translation, Sofia Coppola (2003)
The more you know who you are and what you want, the less you let things upset you.
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brotherconstant · 2 years
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I'm threatening to destroy my father. However you want to put it. And you're happy with that? 
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acourtofthought · 8 months
I remember sjm saying something about choosing between 5 ships for the last spin-off book. Do you remember when that interview was? Do you think that now since sjm wrote acosf, she knows what ship she's doing after acotar5? (Gwynriel 👀)
I believe she said that on her Australia tour?
Where she knew who the first two books would be about but was deciding between 5 possible ships for the third, even considering a story which was to be set in the past.
As far as the book set in the past, I think she could have been referring to Miryam and Drakon for that considering:
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There is a very small part of me that does wonder if that's still her plan and everything else she's laying crumbs for, Gwynriel, the Valkyrie, time travel is what comes after Elucien and the book set in the past when you look at this interview:
We're all basing our arguments on there being two ACOTAR books remaining but what if that's not the case? SJM definitely seems to be adding onto this world in a major way and if the Valkyrie are truly meant to be re-formed, building up an entire unit of female warriors from scratch, whose strength lies in them working as a unit, that doesn't seem to be something that would happen in a year or two not to mention the Valkyrie don't seem connected to the current threats in their world (Beron, Koschei, Spring, the peace treaty).
Cassian tells Nesta battle training wouldn't happen for years:
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And some have speculated that SJM now decided to move forward with her "Twilight of the Gods" project that she had on Goodreads years ago and thats the new series her publisher spoke of. "Twilight" which could be referring to Dusk, the land of the Prison and once home of the Pegasus.
I'm kind of wondering if Feysand had the original trilogy......
Then Nesta and Elain were / will be given the two books after to close out the Archeron's arc which ends with peace across the courts, human lands, and the continent. With Beron stopped and Eris the HL of Autumn. With Koschei stopped and Elucien.... somewhere 😂. Day? Spring?
She then gives us a book set in the past to tell us of the Seraphim and how it's now led to them being the keepers of the Cauldron.
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And that will all spawn the next round of ACOTAR books, where the Valkyrie will be given a territory of their own and they will become the defenders of their world, protecting it from threats that exist in space that may have come about because of Merrills research of the Valkyrie and research into other worlds. Threats that may be looking to attack in order to obtain the Cauldron.
Regardless of order, I would bet Gwynriel is a sure thing.
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constantvariations · 1 year
You know, rwby could be so much worse
It could have sex scenes
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gameofthunder66 · 28 days
American Horror Story: Roanoke (2011- ) tv series
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-(started) watchin' Season 6- 8/23/2024- on Hulu (FX)
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andreai04 · 1 year
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“She had fallen in love with him well before he’d ever stood. She would love him no matter how he moved through the world.”
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elyangelofdeath · 1 year
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twowitchescottage · 1 year
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Road to Avonlea TV Series
Season 1, ep. 6
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acourtofquestions · 4 months
Elain Archeron deserves more credit as a character…
I know some people get frustrated by her whether it be blamed on her naivety, or abandonment of Feyre, or “doe-eyed-damsel” vibe — HOWEVER — might I also argue in favor of her other qualities & defense of these three… (I am not trying to invalidate anyone else’s opinions, just share my own)… especially as I tend to be someone who can see multiple facets to an argument & just enjoys enjoying characters & the fandom for the sake of why it exists & what it is; a chance to enjoy something & celebrate the voice it gives… I am also not claiming she is perfect; I would not claim ANY of the Archeron sisters (or any characters period) ARE perfect; at least not good ones (good heroes are flawed, good villains can be heroic… or at least they are my favorites). — Often I find good writing exists within flaws…
A big one for me off the bat as a whole series relies on the age of these characters: yes Elain is Feyre’s “big sister” but she was still a child. At the end of the day though her & Nesta could’ve done differently, the true job & responsibility (/failure) lies heaviest upon the adults; the parents, the village, etc. it’s not “removing blame” or “giving excuses” just there to say these things should never be any child’s “job”.
Another big one I think we need to address moving forward is that Elain Archeron is NO LONGER naive; perhaps she was at one point; but entering into ACOTAR (5/6/4.5? 5&1/2 idk lol) she is not. Recognizing characters where they are; not where they have been; occasionally where they are going; but right now REALLY where they ARE… and wherever that is for her, it has been given time & plot points to show; she & it have changed. … She is the one who first slayed Hybern! — He may have been evil, but taking a life is not without cost. … She is a character that has also experienced serious trauma (comparing them isn’t a fair game) & as she later states ‘everyone frequently makes HER trauma into THEIR effect’ ‘forgetting what she went through in the first place’… there is a sadness to it, to the lost innocence, but it needs to be acknowledged as that. … Another being that the job of being the “happy” one is not without its own burden. — As Feyre states (quoting incorrectly on lazy memory along the lines of); ‘there was something incredibly strong and terribly brave about remaining hopeful even amongst such horror’ — THAT is Elain. … While she may have experienced a different side of loss, it was STILL loss nonetheless; where Feyre never felt loved in the first place, and Nesta never experienced a non-transactional compassion; Elain felt loved, & consequently felt the loss of it. Elain remembers their mother where Feyre does not, Elain was adored by her mother unconditionally where Nesta was taught with cruelty; Elain was beloved. & Elain felt the loss of it; over, & over, & over again. Elain was given magic where as Nesta had to steal/stole it; yet despite the gift the cauldron still stole back; it stole Elain’s mind & humanity (for a time) nonetheless. — Elain had a life & dreams, & every piece of the life she had wished & come so close to grasping in forever was stolen… And she was sent splintered through time barely knowing herself anymore… — While she grew in Nesta’s shelter and Feyre’s provision, she also fractured; while they lost her, she was stolen in the dead of night; where Feyre witnessed a moment of Briar’s torment & saved her, Elain spent hours watching all the others die with no cursebreaking savior or power to save them let alone herself (like when Aelin says ‘how terrible & odd it must be to not have any defense or not know how’)… — Elain was not a spared innocent in the war; she lost her innocence to it; and there is something terribly heartbreaking about that, because there was a time before when she knew & was such things; something was lost.
Now on the earlier note of their childhood: Yes, Elain did not go into the woods with Feyre. When Tamlin came she cowered behind her sisters. She blissfully glimmered in the world. And she very well should/could have done more; they all could have been better to each other; but for those older siblings out there you probably have seen the blessed wide-eyed innocence that you cannot bear to break (it would be like kicking a puppy) you just cannot do it; Nesta & even Feyre felt that with Elain (they didn’t want to take that “innocence” from her) There are moments like Robin (yes, another Swift reference, sry not sry); “The secret we all vowed to keep it, from you, in sweetness”. And for you younger siblings you probably also know all you saw, learned not to do, & possibly relished in shelter (or later resented & felt hidden by) Nesta also gave her this (from a place of good heart of course). And for you out there; you know; As a middle child you / she got both. … She did not ask to be sheltered nor did she fight against it; but why would she, when she was given every reason NOT to do so? — Perhaps it was selfish, perhaps it was ignorant, but it is not all she ever was. … As Feyre also makes a point to mention (frustratingly “unknowing” as it may have felt at the time) Elain bought her paint, she did not understand the stress of the cost, but she still did (& once again Feyre didn’t tell her; because yes, she carried the burden. Because yes; it was kind, it was still kind. & while I am not arguing that it wasn’t damaging, Feyre should not have gone through what she did, I am saying it isn’t all Elain’s fault either) I state this because this piece of Elain is one of my favorites — Elain is extremely kind in the most genuine of ways that has not changed even after everything, Elain spends so much time watching & gathering detail; she notices even that which makes the shadows laugh, Elain can make the shadows brighter; the cabin colorful; her sister have 1 nice thing & memory; & Elain (even in all her innocence sees & the more) in all her light she does not cower. Not from shadow or venom or thorns. … Elain has the patience to tend to flowers & the grit to withstand thorns. Elain is a giver & a helper & a lover. These things are gifts not to be downplayed.
She is NOT a damsel. Even while being saved she helps save Briar. She does not cower. She first slays Hybern! She saves her sisters! Elain is NOT a damsel!!! — Nor do I think it fair to hate on her gentler traits for being too “old school feminine” or equal her as the sum of only them alone.
Largely I also love the traits she does share as a non-stereotype (rule-breaking) Archeron for instance her stubbornness; (though her treatment of Lucien is severely complicated & sad) there is an element of familiar familial humor to the fact she is not just “going along” with anything. She is also genuinely funny in her own nature that is often very laughter inducing: the scene where Nesta curses her out is absolute genius, her gift to Azriel is room-brightening in its levity & light. Elain is fiercely loyal (& Elain is not a dog either). Elain is the one there for Feyre with Nyx. And Elain does come for Nesta too. She comes back, she forgives (why can’t we?).
And yes their relationships are severely complicated but these things always are! Personally, I look forward to seeing more aspects of her character going forward… and the sisterhood it brings! … I guess my point is more about that going forward; regardless of right & wrong (in fictional morality)they have forgiven, they are trying to be apart of each others lives. Whether you agree they should or shouldn’t they did. Feyre is happy right now, as is Nesta, Elain deserves the same… So maybe we can take a moment & appreciate what there is.
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 1 month
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you let him domesticate you
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fandom · 10 months
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Huge congrats to The Iliad. It's only taken 3,000 years. This list is brought to you by Tor Publishing Group, which you're probably familiar with, given what tops the list this year.
The Locked Tomb series +3 by Tamsyn Muir
The Percy Jackson & the Olympians series -1 by Rick Riordan
The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
The Six of Crows duology +3 by Leigh Bardugo
Dracula -3 by Bram Stoker
The Warrior Cats series -1 by Erin Hunter
A Song of Ice and Fire -1 by George R. R. Martin
The All for the Game series by Nora Sakavic
The Discworld series +7 by Terry Pratchett
A Court of Thorns and Roses series +3 by Sarah J. Maas
The Silmarillion -1 by J. R. R. Tolkien
Pride And Prejudice -3 by Jane Austen
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
The Raven Cycle series +3 by Maggie Stiefvater
The Sun and the Star by Rick Riordan & Mark Oshiro
The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
Wings Of Fire +9 by Tui T. Sutherland
The Secret History -7 by Donna Tartt
The Trials of Apollo series -4 by Rick Riordan
The Iliad +10 by Homer
The Odyssey +24 by Homer
The Folk in the Air series -8 by Holly Black
The Animorphs series +5 by K. A. Applegate
The Stormlight Archive +8 by Brandon Sanderson
Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney
Moby Dick +24 by Herman Melville
1984 +6 by George Orwell
Fables by Bill Willingham
The Diaries of Franz Kafka by Franz Kafka
The Song of Achilles -10 by Madeline Miller
The Last Hours series by Cassandra Clare
The Simon Snow series -10 by Rainbow Rowell
The Throne of Glass series +13 by Sarah J. Maas
Nimona by ND Stevenson
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard +6 by Rick Riordan
The Bell Jar -15 by Sylvia Plath
The Dreamer trilogy +6 by Maggie Stiefvater
The Shadowhunter Chronicles -15 by Cassandra Clare
The Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone
Captive Prince -1 by C. S. Pacat
The Twilight Saga -7 by Stephanie Meyer
The Sandman by Neil Gaiman
The Deltora Quest series by Jennifer Rowe
Romeo and Juliet -8 by William Shakespeare
The Far Side by Gary Larson
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde +2 by Robert Lewis Stevenson
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson
The Picture of Dorian Gray -31 by Oscar Wilde
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
The number in italics indicates how many spots a title moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded titles weren’t on the list last year.
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pedgito · 3 months
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↝ FOR THE WORK (10k+ words) — Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: Using your neighbors address for deliveries doesn’t seem like the worst idea until you find yourself with a world of dilemmas and a burgeoning crush on the single dad who lives there. [Pre-Outbreak]
↝ PATROLS (17k+ words) — Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: A story of how things began, where they ended up, and where they might go. A collection of patrols over the course of several months is forcing you closer to Joel than you ever imagined, tense circumstances leading to hasty decisions and one bad choice after the next.[Set Post S1]
↝ SOFT & SWEET (5k+ words) — Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: Based around Work Song by Hozier. A comfort fic with lots of angst and fluffy goodness. Content Warnings: mentions of violence/blood/fighting (nothing graphic), joel being in a state of shock, sex for comfort/coping, no heavy sex warning it’s just v intimate, psuedo love confessions bc joel is bad with words
↝ MEET ME IN THE WOODS (50k words) | (Finished Series) — Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: Taking a much needed vacation for the holiday, you aren't aware your cabin has been double-booked until you're face to face with the other guest the night you arrive, left with a big decision to make and the possibility of a month with a man you know nothing about. But, through communication and isolation, you learn that you and him might not be that different after all. Consumed by your shared loneliness, you find company in the unlikeliest of place—a stranger named Joel, in the middle of the woods. [No Outbreak] (6 chapters)
↝ MET THE DEVIL LAST NIGHT (6k words) — (AU) Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: 18+ Demon!Joel, Virgin!Reader, this was little plot and mostly smut lol.
↝ THESE BOOTS WERE MADE FOR RIDING (3k words) — Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: Joel doesn't like gifts, you gift him new boots.
↝ HANDSOME, DIRTY, RICH (12k words) — BFD!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: The rich father of your bestfriend, Sarah — Joel Miller, was a mystery to you until one day he isn't and you quickly find that your interest in him isn't one-sided. ↝ RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW (2.7k words) Summary: joel is celebrating your one year anniversary with a few surprises.
↝ MILLER'S GIRL (24k+ words) | (Finished Series) — (AU) Professor!Joel Miller
Summary: A sudden infatuation with your professor yields strange, unnerving results and Joel Miller, in his first semester at a new job finds himself in an unlikely position with a student that hides their intentions behind innocence.
↝ MOONLIGHT (8k words) — No Outbreak!Joel Miller
Summary: a series of nights spent with a neighbor you find an unlikely connection with, sharing a similar interest to pass the time, it forms into something much more intense and suddenly, neither of you can deny it anymore.
↝ STICKY SWEET (3.2k words) — dbf!Joel Miller x reader
Summary: You're stranded, you need help—of course, Joel Miller is your savior.
↝ DIRTY LAUNDRY (5.6k words) — Joel Miller x reader
Summary: You've got an issue and joel's willing to solve it. After all, what are neighbors for?
↝ ANYWHERE BUT HERE (1.8k words) — Joel Miller x reader
Summary: A poor damsel in distress, saved by the most unlikely of man.
↝ ABSOLUTION (Ongoing Series, last updated 7/18) — Joel Miller x reader
Summary: Moving in with your soon-to-be stepfather under the roof of his brother, Joel, ends up being a turning point of change in your life.
REMORSE FOR REMEDY (Ongoing Series, last updated 8/21) — Joel Miller x reader
Summary: Alone, the Miller's brothers seem like your only hope. The outbreak is still fresh, weeks after the fall and all that matters is survival and the unlikely comfort that comes along with a man who wants nothing to do with you.
BONUS (+ other characters):
TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE (9k words) — Tommy x Reader x Joel
Summary: Both the Miller brothers have a thing for you and you have a thing for them. They give you an ultimatum and you don’t like that. So, instead of one, you choose both.
UPDATED: 8/23/2024
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jeonjcngkook · 1 year
a 7 part jjk drabble series based on the explicit version of ‘seven’.
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how it will work: each day of the week is assigned a different lyric from the single ‘seven’ by jjk. each drabble will feature its own environment & kink(s) that correspond to the associated lyric.
series masterlist:
1. monday: sęx in the workplace • read here - “got you skipping work and meetings”
2. tuesday: sęx in a car • coming soon - “its the way that you can ride”
3. wednesday: sęx outside • coming soon - “i kiss your waist and ease your mind”
4. thursday: sęx in a hot tub / bathtub • coming soon - “you know night after night, i’ll be fuckin' you right”
5. friday: sęx in a secret space • coming soon - “so break me off another time”
6. saturday: sęx while gaming • coming soon - “you wrap around me and you give me life”
7. sunday: sęx in the kitchen • coming soon - “wind it back, i’ll take it slow, leave you with that afterglow”
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pairing: seven!jungkook x f!reader (afab) genre(s)&au(s): non idol, slice of life, established relationship, smut, fluff, minor tiny angst warnings & smut warnings: all drabbles will come with their own warnings upon release w/c: all drabbles will come with their own word count upon release rating: 18+ banner: @caelesjjk
taglist [open]: - comment below! - ageless & empty blogs will not be included & minors will be blocked. update: AGELESS BLOGS WILL BE IGNORED
note1: this is something new that ive never tried before, so i do hope people will show it some love ♡ note2: thank you to my sarah for not just the banner but for also listening & sharing ideas over the last 2 days to create this series
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Scream 2 (1997)
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